The Signal, 1907-7-18, Page 84 .
e T111'I191'AS, _ ._ i190',THE SIGNAL: GODERICH. ONTARIO
ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS. fnund711iton Air the ultl,unlN alrv•t•rm nr -- --�- . - -�- - - --��
The Soverei®n Bant �, 11. lM will•W1ay, the 9Ml ,bty le ad , IMll, l ---
--- 1 ht• ,rlUb, nUd w 1'ealthltlull u( ■yllliwtl(IV I IIW MrYur M lnN wild (ewe „boll al 'Ile
til IFN
Completion Of Examiners' Report for wag plucwl uti til,• wiuutvs, ) eumNll olwmber gar un, old l„�„ at In uelI
Int he fr>rouuuu to at,yutlll ,K•r,euv los rt W,u1 gal
Wert Huron. Two rick■ t usulillen plat IA- took the varsols K
of Canadaig
)alb' p Of-- II t and r[ the S O X F ORDS
tali In the LosUI'Iollllrlll lit IAald1N'• �LA\\• N(l. 14, li4rl. r4l,ul maNl,a$ het up gal Ibe ,ufv. Ly ll.n ,'INrk w.
A ,N. -(lull to( LIIY rill l'1111,'N Piallli tl• INII ,list Alibi rlll'1•t"I 111 Itllding :Illy' til' NKAU OFF10r TORONTO. ' behalf of the Joirw7.. Imism-led In rnJ Wu
wlltoel P1W111t$ in \\'ea Il Urull it, 1mlb fhr )ri'rr.. Aft Tanc !mW1elff or uplki4o ff Ihr , law "f Iht.b law
1•u1t1/t11tAT1UN uF TNt•:7YIN'N IIr /lulik. • m-lits•IJoel Y
Ilrhwl too la i 4 W 'rhr Ni pal Ihiv .lu.,l Thr (ifmlrl'irh r1uk• Niro lwlu ve caplr.A1 -. ,.4 1+.•00.0.0. )•
1 K It.
e Iltr•ur;flv. M'. 11. Ilto. .1. Hil'il. IX'1'6N'WokorIthrruu,u•ilufthor,.ukltowu AND
wN•k. Thr loll u111Nlrt' of 1161• filial, ain't l It. Ir. Hroiter s, 11lld W. I.JIUr, J, Neal WME MTaO: of Ihrderi,h -hall alwuil $I ba. .Ince In like
.alar Ito hood At A Imfr hour and i. (;ult. IIr. Illulfrr:uul F. I)n%i». 'III.. , A Hl'LAN"IV) L'AUANTKE CERTAIN l)F '""u h.11:.l h1„'dw.k,,, a.• ruieft en of Mon
rubli»hest fellow.
The rxnmdnrrK rind ADOLIet J.rvu. "., - - • 1► rRt) 1,1i Y, UUN Ad gar Tllf' MAI"I'LANU daY. the JNy of Auxu.i. IftK, fit.ele I the
1 the,xi, los Ultvn Allis nu N'nitig, „u1 Lwa>Lr■YacNUR A, u, aiey� i fakir Ili fY/I Itlll.. JAMITKI1. ""'.Iger of vullw bl"oat ul(nlu.a tho b)IN w. G I B S O N TIES
that tI1P hlg heel. tulnl tilafk in 111.111• ,lI1N excrpllull of All•. If Ili
.'N11. A- A. AIL&M, ling, - m n.Afm/raf IAuwl al the lwunrll I'll.,.,)., r of Ih•+toN'a$ of
r[fiY'11)rx tN WAN IIIIal1Y lav Iar1Y IiNis/`I. (i:llt, WII.1111'Y IN'llnllll lllg Ill t11k1• 11.11 t I Moe. D.•arc Yluaw 1111KRK Am 'f hr Mnllbtlal f(11'rr h eN'Ir' (,oil''
IleAt-rn, &.,joe,Ikls (lay of Juh', A. u. I to
of lhe/dilon, whfmm: tidal Is .)31. The in tike d"Iltolf•r. Acca. C♦UP&MLL, JLr. two A,uux'rl. Intend. w ,ne-i u t w dans , u Jl"41C1•11 Fa.l.luTT. M. u. JUN\`I.11)N,
highest uuuk in grv)gr+ythy im that toe ♦ X. Drrar, It.'aS�.r. areleIl,•rM.iu.rdmlr,", thee•• full, If Mayer. ('Mr». HERE'S NOTHING so comfort-
Hyl)ella Murtoark. PC). A Tie for that District. Mon. Yn■a s[ gra, (row tat -.1111 Iowa$ of u.d,re.l., la,tw,s.n Ih,• I T
I w, t. cu•Ooar, ..k/.!. luunrhip of Callan.", ,and ,hr IoNn.hlpr u( j
ARII YINLU („ddlllxud f. •file final] gnulrr in di»I1•icl H, lope .Lea. aeca, s.r. .c. (".1ell.-h. INNelrilwbtir.:Nti: i,ent to Jim- wild I '1'.1Kf: Nu'I'11'K able fora summer shoe as a light,
Iltd in►e (', 1.. A., leak pIu•r IaINY•rti ). OP/■rr■n, r - - (--,.t/f/•a•rn 'owl' of (.,'A"r"ch, (Or Ihr per, -iso of delelUp� 1 That ux, ale,,. I. a IruP ropy of x aro .m.,.et cool and dainty Nu, i)- -Met y IIu kelt.... :18i \1'hlglunu x"11 Uule1'ich, gal \VIm •how tow ,ower and applyluK w,uu• to "11 u»•. ,s below which h.a Mr ... y Canvas Oxford or Tie.
Mary H. Nixon,... 40M{ g 1. CAu■u, - - Aur Lm..r.l♦f.s•�. assay Lr ("gaud pNw,Urwbh•, lunlndlft de� hlK of Ib)l .hich Nill is Mouth
Intel. le ld melon
1,,1 \\'1•Ihll•mllxy Ur 11Wt week „1111 til —. tr%visi b)' ole l'ellol.,l Our assortment of these shoes await
Ritchie.... 413 I1h''r Ili 1" of AIN• Jon, I 'It ; and rl" u'u' of the inennil.dtry Un fb, .vela .f the ..vent $
ll.wh rich un \1'rd mewl„y ..r Chia week. •Sa s'13tlkbtpart>•t'f tfffl,l ,AN111 Uf IlW wIA ION oI of la -Jet
'f, I,- Ire II,” Irlet•tn.+ Wand oMu11Nd lllewtUi ithe•l your inspection. It includes m
11 \1„KKII• al .......:f15 t'hc gallant Willghnul Inst week 1'a$• ARLw11ERkw the .old TIN• Maillifud I:it,r aa$' .lonlh fnnu Illi rlr.l P any new
IA rt Itivrrm ...... 171 snhw) .i to a in f+a'ur of \1'iu how wad :�� nulalir«nen io ThP y
K I Tr looking amr�l game p■tdAssrMrly 1'Owrr l'un,µtuY, Lnrlted, h- rc.ju,-w1 lar t+ifflaal, the dale of wldeh nl*t pubitaotlou .a. styles In the different colors that will
( lit r A StothefN . 4i Iii tIle Intich here in the main*, NI•urt rr- .akl low11- tiw4,Nch waid lhrru In thoU'.uld � Thllr+dNy, Ih, IIIh,L,y of ,loll, urr, w„d thNl
IU_ tilt Hhrl wool..... 411 I deri,h Ifrne,c,, Isinit- akla•K by RWrn1n10l•iNIP los Ihr• ,thin, of 1M• vWw of she cleeim of the will nnma%I give V
Y*,I•..•/I. the gAlUr remUlt ing in x win A. 19iRTER. - AlurwrT"r :L(,,unr.ln princjyal Imvidn• mese., [)urr” a Iwllt)' 14, I., taken thrlrwu,.intik,,JNy ,old at
g you pleasure t0 see, and even
13 -IA -vi es Alton • .... 4W fol' the hostile Lenin Jay the M•u1e of 5 ill til,• lead, r debenture. los ba$ ,_mal by Cha• I
the hinl•, read plm.,e• InNrcul Axed. greater pleasure to wear.
Annie AIG)". . 4511 :i. Considering the IubnI feeling per•• -- - _ _ lid I•hr M,dtlald filter Power cominny,
16uulld, the total anenut of the "gond. gar At. U. JOHNSTON.d
Annie Rut hrr(ord• 4i% vailing lowtviree I Ihr Iwo tr.rum owing twit children, of 1'hlenito .Andre.' M. 11•wk 1.•1.•a$uln•.whe L.uwl by tike .wM ruild..1 l'INrk.
17 -Lloyd McWninney 44r_1 to the• Irlughnt•ma of the Maine 1, slicV. . fl ul'1".m.r. gad 'Nt n. C'. Ifewians.m, o/. Iw111K:iyb,UU, besides h„en..t. l _ BOWLING, TENNIS AND LACROSSE
U1e)•. AH . f Mr. And din. Iirw•kalNdK•. AND wuKRxAN it IN expeatient to grant the -- --_-
UxHI)HNK. - wrrk AL \1'ingh,uu, Ihr g,uu,• I11q'r INNt a.,,,,,,r,•,,:,,a,;,N.,,,,INA;,, 1bi. glruwnt n•uu oto ANI NIA ah,Ort Jo the erruw uuA ""edition. MAKE THE RAILWAY SIT UP. SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST
No, 1 -Carrie A. \lotr .., , ylNl ev,niug wow x renlurkxbly clean urr. ••-ilhlh exr,ptiun of our dauvinel \Ir,. J. P, 'am' '"d hereinafter t,
on -
Carrie H. Okr...... :1131
The e't•felee was Nur. Lmou'iliert. rdlbu' `'large. of I'msa dvint. 4 aluoruM, u, 1) wait un- STYLES.
will. to "/ale. Ttmmr.)nR. be it ,•ria -1„1. unJ It f. heroby
'1 -Anna Allisuu....... 4Ki of The Munnt Forest lite, Jm,;ItatiYr,----.-- euar,,d. by Ila. nwNrl sol nnueell of Ihr old ToUle EdIIorotTheftilrna),
Will. Monteith.... 4H3 who w'a A first ulna$ oBlrial gond Ever Inwn who recovers f)aln) fill townuf liwlNrlrh. A. folio.; - DICAK N)a, �
Y a. It .hall M, lawful for t"r Mayor And clerk 'our ,„ -Allow a Klufill space in R E P A I R I N G. -
Flto113 H Ywlwnln .. 374 shovertiof the that hr knew the Harr -lints illurNN likes In fell how If, gamed him in toeelmutonuAon M,hal(ofthrl.irpelxtlonur ( per GI tall the attention of the
:i -John BAllxnty nr.. 878 of the gaol., allowing uu roug� 111Ay town judgwrnt and drNwl I lie ,Iimtur'K the Joan ufuwl,rletl, mail ,nater it. ee,ponite xyur and council W the dimRraceful
Carrie L. Copeland 4.57 tilt KO unnitirrvt, and N•nalirhlg'inl- advice, ..AI.loNxw•uleand dell rr^,•theactanddead r"Ilditiun of the harbor hill. Any - - -
Alberta Doupe.... 471 pKrtially. Onlerich hoA the Wetter of ofIhemaidlvrpur.uon ulc.ratto,n or printed strap ve cOMil, in by Twat would •
rooriet -"\\'III You let lar ret your {rur.r"",a•ur Kuarmnu,n. "t the .,lid ,wr (urr- Downie •
lirrtie 1)onpP ..... 411 the pbfv in All but the m,cund quarter, bill?" \Ira _jlcl'avish -'•Orn• hill. t..... , umposi tceinK the dn,• WUulcnt el tbo thinkghe had mtruck a chur•chyat•d g M'aCV1CRT
Itxy L. Francis ... 419 whru \Cinghxin uutrhed thnr glwla. On. lay--\Vnlh wr ca' hint, but 1 ken nNurlT sl melt interest of ui, god. or 0 Wtlic lvith WmhrtAnlea on each ,aide, .rill too:
Milton McCurdy.. 4411 In the Hrvl. l;,Kirrich got tau goals, in what co nu•xn. H,''N n,i in the "Iola" I u n., l Th, w aitiml.ullit,eri, fit hi wer Utmelruly. fu"lpxth or sidewalk to walk un. Oh ! NOTrth side of Square, (iODEAI( I i.
Ahbir E. Shute, 4111 the srcloud liaferirh Nrolrl) our, in the 41.;i1,,ar.el, tone hundred :,ell Atf�KKy i uai thousand I. :the public rturrt tramp thtrnl h
M.`V.rtle Ntinaon.... 4111 thin) yuarU•r nrI[ht" texlti scored, I nunor., fur principal rep,yabte m thirty year. dirt to the lime-, Why 7 p Ili* 1 t(r
1 -Willie Mssery.. .. 371 whole in the last /(IIaI'It•1' lital*,rlCh (rem Ihr dry, of the 1.."a$ lla.mef, with in- (r, & G. It. mtl m WI, COP
Frank Ha)ke....... 384 bulged tilt- nets tN'Ire. making the; lbn•,I u,""'”" '"111)ea' it”' .Ate of ,(`'e Ilei fathers allow it. Y and our city
'eat up, Isar annum. lynhlr lull" Yemrl)' oto the
G-Ootdon Heywood. .14) flux( mcurr 3 to a. hau'Iv in the flnit pNncgwl tothe hokl'un, o/ the .old Iwnd. „r Now. Mr. Mayor and council, go �l Not Sustained. I entre was prevented in due forst, au„I
Willie Hillery..... 4131 quarter \V. Jlohuslnn fell form sprained hal el ov �{l n.. UKnom K'uuul gab' Jai the effect after thin rallway company end cont- I Itrv. J. JohnaWn. of Ywlrle wa,
0 -Verde Hrrryhill.... ZCi ilia knee, foaming his rrtilr•Inrut h'uIu IFIF
SUMMER )' the .' The n, The Presbytery of Ilurun met In y
Maitland liter Power ( onnany. 1.1 titlewdL, i„ j 1 it los cOlnplefe this work on the Willis church. (`linin”, un Turadny 'trrm•ul [roll, the Yreshytery Of Hrue.
Nettie Cltm ...... 'i7n the gang., 1a \\'ir penalties
ies going urr Lu, .,.I gar til, pdn1tent gar inlen•+t manund by I "”- You have the ewer -Ilse it, I der[ it. \otwithstandfrl
ff I IDorning hast. to consider a call from t" rl' / 6 Fir
Annie Klfon ...... :lilt to ecru a ). Thr iK nxltlem N,•rr 'rail I the wud Im,1uL+U1',IcIN•ntUro, u mm�edwx, or take no back elite. fn)ut the,"• Gtte n North H,veP „gad Ht. Andre > "tn)ng ml>twch, the pipe ncr end appeal
Mlles \Vashhutlr... 4001 Hlx,)cfnlvl, filial
1. f Niehnlso„ fur (In Wr uI .I .., ,•gar`(or,lliuo ul the town of determinist stand in the nlalter weld h (rev of Rru(P to els• 1 res- Of w 1„rgr deputation front HrucrHeld
uor1,•ril.h I. dl µ1y In Iht holder the &$annual w
K9: IC.L,RK.. lin derl•h and :1/N>,e (til' \\'ingluan• fn' ""I..... mal dra$wuJ. .ul.h to vuraltlx to I>c the ratepxyere will silty wish von. yj H F H
DS I H►vn•fleld. The call. whichHwait w I inclu. F Me,J. D. Bell. i G. Hary
,me lie will del ,oln,t4l I.ft 1.111,X1• 711 elhnel'N'1-' ,on Ileh fees. nal In ,tool•, 111 ,W h H.,'rrl•., ill IIF 1'11 ar�
Thus. Halman ett.... 4N (Tinton or Nexforlh next week gar the W1,,e•rir rsh!utonul Ima"i.o,•. lie c,,duh", ,w HTY YlCAHN very umulim"Or un M1nd ens Ni mrd a"11"' bran... J. 11ci)iarmld. John
/lldrrich,Jul 111, I,, 1,- a iMIli ecu gull (:. Mustard. led the
Annie Hi,wett............ 4�4 following week. ,•Iwll is- 4ppru%elf of b)' ItN• 'NMyor $last ,;Ifni. y lar, _, ir t��
ter fur thv town, pn.nd'r,, h.yw'Nvnr. thwl Y W..."amra and fifty-two adbeh rbytt•ry to ,efuee the tranelel'erlCe
Verbinw Boyle :i7I -._ nehprmewKv med/vmlirou• Io oto I -o has
HwrryCarlfng............4:10 PERSONAL MENTION. obllAnit.IiIfoftlfewtWtownlotstythe,uaounl --- --- _-
_ _ __ _-
li a ys ofd......,....... 471 _ __ We have everything m the Gents' w los Aefwuh, n,en druuu.t, n. &fonwdJ
Lrillt Oould............... 411/ Masm Sent U'Iteilly ii %i.itmir in HuffAlo. Furnishing line at extreme) mod- ru4', N""Or'O file ea•cntiex of the ,uhl Arabi.
Florence Neartlan......... ;AA) Fred Munro 1. home frig" Toronto for holi- y ,if- ce Power
m. Joel"',111 u -ill 'I
bwllM,J, ,,
da crate rices. p )
ango Heideman , 3 !•. P up,-+-NrY rpprorrl ^f IMdr idely hoider•, duly
Hegrr F. Johne. •....:. :fig Miw Margaret Alrr\'hurt i. bane from SI. nice" in "fuel inK r&114"1 fir IhW in rpas+, ex,
Mary., Here Is a list or some s .cull rola and delivtr W r' lrl,.l l%+ MINI .Mill be
Pearl Johne_. Will Elliott. of Thr Toronto Sew,, .peon, good hoes to be had at our store. Y 1i11""" )' °Kneed upnl Icy the .,ofd .•,Rep>N) COURT HOUSE
J7ertlea Jones ..... ........ 455 Sunda) 1” ruwn. .ed the eor,orauw, of Ihr town of toed,•. O PHONE NV
Itusredl Ma) .............. 4:M/ Aln..I. It. Shannon a nd danlghter.. Of Tri+ n'h n if Knffr open thrar Mud., build � �
re. Plaut. ewhluer fixture, pi,ftr S
(:rtbrrinrlllxkin$......... 4:iti eulo.ur„i.iriuKfntoN,L q • • )• users
ySu�t�rigs Kht. ,use eNa tent which olid uw.rt 0
Olive Wood ......:....... 421 IGy' IIrYdKr. ad Harr) Mel'nwW ore ,iris n Kane• ,INrll be r fln.t rhaaTge u, -Ki :JI much
KlIs. Wood .......... :1711 "Ing in [In- , e-Inny gar Leck"ow. - C1 m • pn,l,erf y iled mil♦11 c m m'. ll.r .-Luny« :wJ • _
MI+. A. Irnnen,iur, of I(idnelown. i. %biline• lel of Llun. ei.nwl in ueort/tafff,w, Khm b) eon,,. _
1 role. to w'•un• hunt, .••tllwl nuA a )mf"1 0( � _.____ - ..- _ - -
ZURICH f' ri(• INCL. her .cult. Air+. JAmw« 1'n)r*. 'I'hr�- 1.Ic:1w• tit.. Pit -324 N•t•II I y the s.„iPitor fur the .uA IuNn''' god ,h.II _ __ - -_. --- �—_ — _-.
Harold A�[p�pPl eib ......... 431 til e ( Ike J, of.loin-a o, i, .Irl - nm t lip placket. N,um and pro, klee tier the ,.,) "'put o(n11 prhs `
Eleanor I f" l............ 4:t( al Ihr (Asia le.idrnd M•r' • clpll howl intra+A mi such .heli Isco ..... ,ill.• at Four
Elgin J. Hexw.... ......... 447 Mn. John 1,eie. and here. ', of ebirNgo, ape goy t.lo oto the add leu l •- w Is• i..u•,1 by C l ea n m u '
viI(. N. "Mir r•Isli,.•. hem. Ihr Wu .".[-will -silt" Ihr repw melt w the Weeks"
Lee Hultman. ........... 411 R. S• Alr, rill. H, wawa of 1'rl rrleni, ha. Im•ru Outing ""Its -:till tr,rp>r-Ilan of r"1 molly. wlirh L,Ny Ia•
Hamar WPIC .............. 4u1 s,m•nd/nK A few dA,- in Inwn. ::;,all b) 11 In r .j rI f Anel urinrnlr,d M,Nd.
Kva Willianlm............ •flu Lv 1Ia .6th urr -mer Maxi. to be a«rmd a,.
'NIh Atlw,r 1'miu nod l.hlkl. if I: nrlph. nn 4r.aLcsm'd lq tit,- WIA eninjoney ,told .uvl uwrt
UppllANNov 1'1'nLll' W'p1mrt._ viIts- me we o auul , inaah y. .I n -f t h,• I ping rue I Ii• Ito( g,ygl. ,h+dl Irl her pin, kb• for I lie in.urwnr. by NUMBER 1 COMMENCING
Ato.. Mildred Mfr,. f Hm'Ii'1KIer,. 11"• 'rel'„ lines. fit :Jr 'it"-.-heels-ev.fthe�iA 1n.r(K:Yf.d drop, 1 SATURDAY, JULY 20th
Vita Hrn......... .... 42. Ku-1air.%!I" Mifulle.'NI.-Vufi.• art) in of the,let lru.l„•ill'd Ie�Iw
Anil i:ac. NUMBER 2 COMMENCING Magttlr Ui"............... I:rl J I- unborn" i.' "."dung the IAnu1,,,, :.appotllffbfIllI ill d1.,wn{mwir..,+.b:,tl C G SATURDAY JULY 2
Yel'w l)Il rllln .... ... ,..... 1'C.i ee.111.ff tuNrnauea Ih,. Nee k. M•applo,wl of b) Ihr v.un 1e.ttr"•, and lay tel.. 7t`
• . ,tie. ......fallen Ntief 1, It nu.'u a• Ihr n.ur1- I 1 , f)
Aliirl veru" .............. (tri 311lf F:elite N ii:K1n. IPe In•t .. , los a -i, • K:,Ife Pb,N a i( Arulana)wt IliIle +alA Irn.arr, NUMBER .3 COMMENCING
Allitll,'rls..... .... ..... 4t grin•,m,.ArlNtr„:7,l,l,lell,...,.,.,el.. oUtln J�11C1 ;;x�i [,or ala ,•e),.Ii„uw,e,r,f tl..l. ili.,ln.el.•r 1 SATURDAY, AUG. 3rd
I(")' Mrvld.... ........... 415 .,.her Kuinhl: u( `lmren,. 1r , Jeff Mr. K the rurre^cy e( 11 ... .n ad Ago, ad Ihr
Al... wale.. ri1,Nlxlrf' ",. (... -,. ,lee p1)......I, er nae Invention. tM•terK. NUMBER 4, COMMENCING M E N C I N
Yrnrl NrNAIIy:..........,74C IA•.i.\,,llnue,of011"..,f+%l.itinKatthe ,Il it• I. G SATURDAY, AUG. ,10th
lien. I (liver .......... ... 44:) "bi'nln bl, ,,,L.t-, :L A, Nrmahrlot,ofe"'olla,KrhPwidKuar-
Kuearlwnbuea"w furw fortnanht• ,I 1, 11, tar$l..Al. awee.11'.... ,Vox veil. of t he wilegar VNvlffr
IAmlie Prntlund.........., :fiat 'Ntr., Clwrl•, "stake ham rezoned to 10.1. ,.rin.._mI lemd.erd.•1m.1u, los tel Kpm-de E ARE GOING to take the next four weeks for a thorough clean-
( Npnnll.............. 41"11 anerm>i.0 with "•hour, near Alfalfa. I,vd to) ,arta. U( the. 1„Into, -hall M• geld to g
J'AIth Tn•Ir.van.......... 44H M', V. VPossums.,If l'1„'+."d.lvlMitloff,,I j� � 1 ih,,,Idlreiiier,ade ja.lallie%piAnuhl,oub'to WAlp of summer stocks. ean-
,I.• bill--.' of b. r father, Tho-. 1-,, . Reil �Y = �1'A IJ �[]C 1,.• • 1 rf,'en.lrlm.f r.K n^A rqut inK,ile -I,, I Every vestige of summer merchandise
IA s'( \l iggins....••••••• .. tit f,�IJ „1Cl 1 ,� . eek-'"'II.)Llx pNrha. ig,b,"r,,,,,., N ,,,, must be put out of the wa before we wind up the season. There
.Aaqun Sl ulAl. Unl-rich l"N n.hf ha, nik,n K
HA 1'FI NLU• $ ■wall,"-- u" ehe �,lven•lan ,l�'0K. and enw""o"'n r"r urrt ii^ the -to th rren.h. I }7
..Ib 111,• planee•d,"f Ah, vle or lestme or u,. iS n0 money for US carrying goods IF
Hilda King ............ . 4:43 Iful, I.. Jihe.tun. %%..Ierlee .In•,,, N.,- lift r 11.4 v, still a few „f Wiser Iendr r, In M• i. -..rel a. a nte.,.M. ,.til g s rom one season to another, and there
Ford King .. .... 4i'_' ,;.dinnfre-Iml.InKin'.Mue-la.f week• the... left, total tit I.lrlur•f•,1 -Iedl "1-11
111-u fly tile w, will be no half-hearted cutting of tic
> Mr«.IHr,.)hA.we, of Nand"n. i. %i.ifin ','erne-pr„gr,. ,.,.,nW:e1it Mr .Nth e1:,a of g prices in stocks that are marked for the
e-ARAT Pool .... 4 A :rill K p[;rp (I„•y' rniti,nt total bang. ; i,,.,r„lien. eglal,.e„-,rl unA pu.viw P. ,1n, ii "Clean-up” each week. Watch h
if. momidri.r 4M1 r, I"'rlould, Joel,drrrf. the papers as the
NKI'AHATN N/'IURrt., MT. /'.,HMF:1.• Mf•m IA•ilr7:e('ler.of Lal.kuuw, 'uunue1 rh-a In• sill thr•reoul raw•P, to ill
P P y come out. They will
ria like Mi-.... 1. the ff„P-1 , fe:.I ,f 11„ h...•.I,".,I.. [",Nn.".....”I tell you of the savings these four
MArjorte(Cuinan. .... ... 414) I:et.inferwee1114rufw,•ork.. We get the quality m.fe,. wlei,•n gine w I.• l.,n•d ter ;,i,n1n1-,I "Clean-up” weeks will have for
.'Ibldde' IIM h.,.f the Steri ineg flam4,.I,,It. , !rune tileell' lin, nig �xrr.rllnK le'Isents'r neem. of you.
r►Aw.,Numll• b,snrfwalNowmks',newtionwtl.i.tuweL ,he not of r,e„Ir-)ill e• citing Wp mud
• .haw fq' Ihr e`;"I'.•,r ,K .n•bu.r•1 x "”' , -_—
O. 1, Rep. w•h,Nd 'N1 r, wud AI n. ",uu tt'%.all &std blue d. "Klal,•r ff est-� We tet the .ICC in- "JLLanl"i le -_
Maa•Ite,lluulld....-. 4:t1-refheffurd.o('NIr,.T. W yatLril,.mlev'Irw,,_ 11 I••'' t l lie will. of k+gaud pn, radio ,afar., I ____
I). M.'."”" "t w ). .,,1d. ,n., lel I.Jnlue .hull Is• µ,id oil Duly FIRST
�� �-•\'
'�-Oillm Wil".1l.... :WK rn a•NI Kheltur neerTorom°e afterwards. an,r"aup-1111I e( rhr wtid work.. Auh M uI 1F-� ■■ "CLL�AN� �Pr' WEEK �1
In.t wr•,•it:u11•tdlnff ill, rnuerwlof Ilia nonlife, Ihr .auto.•.IuJI hx cr,nppli"1 perk. to the w.l _ ` W EEK
3- -F Agar........ 4'Li Ina J. I. Tunlbuh hAm n•lun)"I lcmternrill �� 1.,.n rue! it.,. ,,all r". ",hall bnrrop'rwtrd till.
lobo (Saulrtrnt..... 4:31 fpm, Ibe we•l. lir ropy'. to ""In I n fr,. id w;u rework. and ,1"r n,• liffhi +)•Ism 6n
Win Mnrntv..... :C4 .arks. — the
•Isoruflhinyd.),In w vdi.ri .1"ry lml, IT IS COATS, SKIRTS AND WAISTS
4-\\•nI. 11n1r1iti...... :A11 ""'-'('hurt-' f: Mek• will held hmne the 4i.1 mer.
Klizxlm•111 William ... 3W sill Ibitd Tn-inia ru .I 'I• are .A. -I, I. I'll,- add The M.duand Hever flower ('mu
"'"" Re Bl !many. the '111" far ser), HE LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT L
--Hnlydd Itlrtoinw,n..:GII Mr. And\tra.�\\',' S eek ne1'1e1 In I h, pun'Mtw• of land And pri,lh• RTMENT 1$ first In line
i1--Jainem Currie...... 4:r T. ud)h red-ilinimWr, n',' Tfor the midsummerblr,lhrr..I,n„ of 1 hi. • err• tl-illnK rel:, • uul the rnn'rnPlant M Ihr .well dao,, aux( Ibe"Clean-u
• Mary 11. h'.•I'gn.ton. 411 lien• fn Iowa. u„t alto lou of pl:uea egad mm•hin,r
),,,,s., IA. I P•" Saturday, July loth, we start It.
[� •.;^'' u1)Im.'end allay. ll., M. e( mel• Ire+t Not one spring or summer garment must be on the shelves or racks
Hirtlie Hntoprinern... :41) Mi-- Mabel t'ra.r•Nrl, of Toronto, I. %,riling TAILOR. LOR. n ober^ ten•
e I hall 41.1 ,,If )If nvV,ialr
Li (iuedun J iialt...... 434 h;t ".loll Mi « uertrudr Mn,,,,,;,,K- rn THE x,WiJu,r) at v""',1 r for Ihr, .1 le .e e( when fall selling starts. Everything must be new to show til
P •, eq,leof wrrk.. •tip d)'heK .0Mirul plower loth, +old los.,, M en. We
li I ltossy h'lliuit....., tilt A,;. V1.,"'lar "ai,leu,em) r t I haven't minced matters In cutting Ira Y,•.if1'Ibmoi., Jon, I".• n",•.' • prom•rl ow•ror, their weer g prices, and have made them low enough
lAltlrr \IPlnty're.... I_a of Mr. and .Mr.. Itel.l. Johu.fnu, ,1'al,•olao wdrl"•trie gM work., and ala,tu rurni-h g
Karl 11 Homan: 4:01 .1%,r•1. la( w"•k. 1.111.. IU all( I,I4rlgf$MllreI.IIUN' 111 the v,iA to make the clean-up thorough cpm
Union i- KI'llrNl Mcllwifill. 413 .'Ntr.,S, Viorfer,ofTomnfn.i• ,Lilfear a, til,. - 1"wn. "r ,1'ho nut)' hereafter Intense it...n•..,. g complete. Read what you can do In of her bare,,., mi. null .. Hru,, N'Mr,MJI regWn• IIn. _late. to I,„ extent ' .1 skirt and coat buying for the week
aT.,\I.NY (a11111111.IIm11)• �I„we, rip„tie+tl •rl. ) Cool off
ltittlrlol.0 pen,lr. rr.11I„• wt1.1 7'1 Mntl. commencing Saturday, July loth.
II/NI In1,'r )•UNIT 1'Nnnen)', Limit"t .hell ale I
No.:i-Fred Heid . ..... alit Mi+. M;,11ut Ib,bin ern Irff m. MouAmy for ker, hopes uw,nL.inlbcwfA .eek. In 35 SKIRTS AT $1.48
4 (uortltf Hoy Ilewar AA[l IIAuJlfou. where.-. hA« .upend flat lfrnend a,r,a$1 .I:ur of rnlrh•rxY dnnllR the ennrnr)
1'nrA Nirhuls(m...- 4•Yi blP,yII4l:aa nirw. tll-e wain 11 everihigs at "ltle+v.iJlend+wnlolwglL,nuitr,d &.+n(nre :I•i ,only ladies' elutll ,,kirt-, LADIES' SHORT COATS, $390
IG%. \,los. Al Sk neon. of til, Nn. sx it,. a dozrtl or
Nellie \Vatwm.... .i7u L,,11, more different Aty ref, Gulf•v Lwetrl. And plain of (..lower. f, n, Ian old home m ualerlrh .w T )•.aid 9'h, Mmilla W, ltiv,-r V' erI "m i1161ekN. A vlenn-' p of lin' 111a�tN,ld tit f('nlm
4 (rlmihl - pa Aim...... 4111 ha A (rat conn r , Aril l."• Tt (j lir ti idg, n' ell -3n.11
N, bl:H'k, J'Awn And
a■ `(ale Olympia agent 1 theI'l ,lwlt.^I er to Ila, a... earl.,.
Foal rd'Hei ., . .... Moll Al rr. It. ('efdtr, uiml d:.Nffh1,r, 1wvt:1. of T,N alien n/Ihr hsN'n f1(IL �rrieh and the +Jd rnn. a5•:l) to 76 . A1, e•hifirn• of 1IIr lug rollly blare I wrwla, A rlra n-11,1 lof $11.:)11 1 u a7.: 11 lltie•N.
IL IAr>nntrl itl•Id ...... 44 polo, mer Karst. ret Ib.•bnuu' of Mr. end Mr«. ,"elle"„"All take fnxn I he wlid "empany au nlonviuK Nntnrday. 1.48 I/m)w nr tight fitting. Alamo lndirr'tweed
IL II. .lobo+Jon, \1'$let•lalla $, re.•I. �o,.r lw,r til Ibe pN,e of 11117 -JAN, ps•r nnenm (`INtt s, 24 n[ 7•fl til fancy rhr•Cks, n rIPAn-
MArI \VanlrrN.... .. 415 ML. A V A Cafe
1-1)11"1,. half )',arty (ie the Auer. of thirty $3 75 TWEED SKIRTS,
OArnrt \\'AnlrNe... 4:!.i Also— Ilanilton, dalffhtl.r of Ifrv. Jw.. `,/ a Yn'm. tied fur whur•,.•r.Rain• $2,48 tip of IIOPn than Nolle AL ;1.fill Lu ((]]j��
Handiten..i, far I% lit r "fret' rn ilble.« of L,N'",plana.' 76!4.111..hole., Pura nlf•nring Vestanlay$3,e7�J
7--(iP(1. Htr1)IIY"Null... 4Ia ..,roil wrrk, of 1)Vhnid /e>,r, A1' to). r "" lailw ,.nN,•1' IN'lin, I,iPllllerxd, 1•, n111Y bid lea$' tivt•Yd Nkll'lN, muVLly nll'r
Herllert tepherlmon :SII lin F. Iflxir end two nil., Ihr town ulna n•. urr• at •hull ,ev L, rhe blindrN u(
ad .f- 111 "'' ) Meier. Wilfrid •otn1-mq' fallen the ImL-4 M )hr nrulaJ :u,ann7 KI'xy. .evrl^1 diffivrent "tyles, of
I'h0 COU1Pst $ )Int ill (iodericif• of Lower u. I. I n' .u,..l by ...cler, )h„ pleating. Nrnxitrle and .f tviceable gxrmrntm' RAINCOATS 10-Jemie Aikenherut.. 1,117 s.v 11.d:1 "n a tra , ,, the Wel. t OATS AT
Hhrn Houxtt.... _ .:A4) They N'flt AnIsonie
rima lw'e,• Or (011e week.. Electric falls and most rhurttr for whifh .hall In bawd lu,o^ Ih,• A elean-tip of $3.'Li rtild aa. 7:i lint-., $5.00
'N1 L. Mmir I n),.•r, of Electric town.bil,, ,•Mbar.. -el eel irrflu•,Mrd n•IeH of fhc H)'dn, ,'hosier Nntdlnlly .. $2.48
HAI' (n/l(tllionAl), rcnlrned bine 111.1 w, e: !role A %lilt with Mr, Alp -to -date every \Va ' Klo•frlr Power I onoob.-nn, r,•l,,,,aff 7n .purr ' • los or I5 rainrowti,, I•:.I doz. different rloths.
N(r tl Milani Haugh. ., 371 mud Mar, .t,Jihn.It,tn,i u'rrkln•unlu �• ``nwrrdrrelep"e'"' oto Lhe• MAfllanl River' LADIES' TWEED and nw numystyle+. grave and (xwnN, lung or
fol-Nellotl amplierlmr 4412 Alr,, .(;erfr dr. sa ,lad a M Annu,c lrpr tike __-. ____--___. - -1ht- aid At If. -u len or the Town of aodern.•h
Miw•. urr nulr•. SnAlr nr.d M&rr. w,l'r Kar+l. - ,boll M•gal Ills•NI to apply the w1h1 .un, SKIRTS, eh(lrt, A rle7ln•Ilp Of linen Lt1At .old AL ai.i111
11 �NYIIIP (•nlltplx lL .. 471 far leo• .r•krrol of Mr.. 1'. 1l' ONK nr THF: nf4.nnnnd all) hlrthrrvmu,6m luny bo,num• $�25
ChAw.Overholt ..... :171 +,feet. Yn,/. SIArh'y du.•too Ihr''erl•,n,ta,.. to Ile, _,nney up le Afxnttl.iof thimlot. !?very "".• $ th)m IO 16✓{.t1). choice, rvnnglenring
Willie Tnylnr 370 'NII uli,r 17nis•rtrnn h1+ n•tnrnnl d,arlN, SUTHERLAND SISTERS j�iu,ma.king ii:dltne.nuullit :•np•rytnnn"'• ream)n. All fancy tN•ee•(Im Anihthh' fur Nxtnnln
. .• •. Iw.vun•nl of Ih.•-.•u,i-an$annI 4n 1"Aluteel. ^f 1 sot),- y ............ 5.
from rig cru fond 1 1•inP+. (e",00
inlen•., due or nrerni•tRde, n ...... ........
aTRI'II1ty. lege for beer holf „ 11.7. Ill. tl' len Uu+ _id mer wear. tllrer tit• .flour different mLylPe and
ofrq s,m."Inflenl'd byY tier friend. Mi., I'drell,l M)nd,of deloento ••Kuar"nr,rd by flre,u. And nw ninny kinds lot material. A clean-up n(
No. 1 -Austin hnpl"n.... 4nl Mw hany. of Slr ttoM. nip hlNbrr .into Ibnf ,,.my Mrrouu Jae by Ihr f RAINCOATS AT $(r7 C
Ilirra'111 Mattoon 4111 Alr..ritranKrrntrnm Inch)' fnme hr• ,leis "rterullen t" Ib,• ,.,,Io a +b -II Is• pnywb,• $1."11 flo $1.:)II Ilnfe, chto1CP, rn1I1• rf'7.50
1f71rgery Hepblll•11. 1(►� TO•rrnlo. Nb, i, nl.l."mgmtni.d b)' tier 11nrh If by Ih,•r"e)ernlion to rb.. .old cum. mencing Natmd.y $3.25
to', MI- Haire. frirn New Vork, and M1.- +in'. Thr.nid,wwpnny .1411 le-Ini. cgnl , and II) otlly Indies' Af ylieh And Ill/-torain- '
Hartel illckm...... 1701 orae!e,Ans"Prnefoll•w.AnnistonMwwnon,so
nulfntalnatlhriro.'uex[-'nw'•n','ulAr•Illt.-ry' FINE TWEED SKIRTS, ,1 coat., vArions clothe, ant Its thiel ..Rein'.
Nitta MC(711nIy..... 411 .,life Andalt-m, r. tArn.d to town front I,ie Inrludfon until.., a• may lie furled n.r,e for) $4.25
tewr.l, when• he Not ,r i,h w('. V. It..urveying Igor the .fe Iteration of -t h, .artrr .and rlrrtHe IU til' IY btdiev' Iwerd skirt,,, light and KI vies. n clean-up of out• all) liars, Q`
rrhlr Hobinron...:A17 ,Art'.ort'NIunf., IIKbt.).true.uf tat .A Id rnl'aerntlW" In'ddl- flfil'k Inixtllt•re, h 1k 7.C5,o
�iIIIMI Rulrntsou. .:fin r,•n) bei) the foue.heg,gr dm) )leu t'., 10. pbull &, a. In u -e at rati le In (n,, raid trimtned. plentf•d Atyles, choice-, COmmpneing AAutnlwq.. W 5
lir k. lnnlp•K to Ink•• a poAltln" in to ,nllar a.1..inoof or Ills. br'law by the '.1)d lar -prat bon. n blean•uP of :5 tit' n linen, choice
Mlldir Hilae........ CAI work.
Josep h white..... Mia Jor,ph INII, of C,uiuw, a rr+nntll' 11. Th. .,dd'1'hc ,fall land Its ver 1'ower ('call 1'W1"lorncing Nalhnd:ty ....... $4,25 A FEW O
OrannnC. Willson.....offset 1,ff+tar ,ittf•. a. :gge. Ian "lo•»dlay or?;�;, lens.LpreLul•ian have the Town
w. rk for gat L'wa. Ie nitend Ih•. N.vrmb^, inff the pn•.e•nl plan) of the Towu of (lrxlrNrh
Beryl A. Hill...... 1711 firwl,, IAN} A. F. ,,,A A. K., ft, ft. 1'„ In "^ +") uxlllmry L, (heir proto.wl ,ewer 4•- \t rKlll ont•m in rltblacr And torted.
Olive KinF......... 4111 K' t.•ne. ifheuc, Pr life same .hall tri• nvJJmin•A for
.I 161.. their e,.. N'rek. that pnr,mwe. 1"rinK the cern•w-) of Ihr .Aid $4 -IS Theme .t't• the CINAtI•Ilp n( mar entire stock.
Clayton H)me.... .4111 ):, and Nn. rh,tnld riltberinthr rnn of M)od•.,m„Nd'd that Ilarvth,+addl.l,fna-u,y-.,i A few black, Prr,un t ....y lustre land ItiNI m. ),lir at(1 linea thAt We will not
)t -Harry TrirnnrI. . 41; ,'),"•ae Elle. Tneken."uW, with their . nn offer- nnNnK .n,le px•Nwl m,dnlmfn amt Sielliwn accordion plrwteu skirts, all now and keep any
CPIin Af. Fool, .. 1i0 -lilt Mr. Jell. end N' A tM• .,el.l.nd keep Inc ..lad ,tnxtlb-r) Miles In a rood And u,r-tlo dole gnrnlenlw, mode from goal gnxlity longer. They would Fx all right rut down for
.•CIL Mr. •.I AIIti, M, Kr), wr Fnth,i inxh,uu, Mll, iruf +tAlr of n•,wir. tied hall awn
4 -Nellie M. Array..... 411 I'Incr' n melba., any ,ea$ f .net, pipe, .hi,h nm), laxtt•riwlm, 4 or :i different Atyle&, a clean -u,, lof rhildren'm wear. or for dust coats in waro)
Rlhel M. Kemlh•. _. •041 M1,, H.,sl, of "t. 'I'benlam. 1 f l.I,ieff lu•r Is• hCi"nd or broken ,;nru,ff and lay Ibf•Ir whet- lines that "Old At $5 and $do ^}n/ICr, R'PN cher. ('he,ICP O( the lot. COID-
OlA(ly$ Ke,otle..... :41:: ,1,",Kht,,, 'NI1., \\, t: Tbomwdn. She Is a,. Atwn I .em,rand ,hull fflrtho .up dy' all fwd commencing HnUlnlxy
NvlelllA Mnrlcek .. 131 rmntalofI,d In 11:11.,111 )legal. Mt. MA mead,, I requirrf fair •urh op•rxllon, and nl.n all .ueh ' .. • • • • • • • • • $4.15
l.n:dnm.h,dlM,),,, ) nlrncinRVntulday ................... a 5x••
ref 1'nrkball. I� ales cl,iunff Mn'. Thou,•on, her e -In.. rn w,r$,.rf•+•mNNr/err I'lled t. • tilt' .Aid Town for
7. .. ,.\lnrgarPl. :fCKrI1xIP :♦<11 -•1" euro.., ..,... ret we•,•uwm• lbepur,ew•"f krepanK)q,•team an vonnv I Ina
15 -Mata Webb........ 3711 Re'. .1, A. Anderwn and MM (,jut -At.•I r •- ( �O'to'^sets, a Nlth I�.rfr •"id pLmt, WNNI tilt- add town
turned homyIer week nfteoint. Th to ok w,., I •I A.- At l"am"p In de when ,-"it ,,e. InnK A. Cleaning up the W
Weest i Huron reeulte and flAlwncr trrel ail like. cx+lrrn {wlm+. They Nrre 1:
hr • may deem nr,•.•.,ry durn,K rix. .nkl gist Stock
Of.\Vert Hnl011 tee page 4.1 „r,uupin,ld b) Mr. Anderwon'. nephew, I,rwl. I
I42.1.hln ala.• add In.,n m A11 .Iq,ply our nlxu
ell rells,l1, gar Int Inwn, who Iram M,rn abut Int to takese of the plant. At "One -Quarter �•r
hl$n•Ial,vr, hen•. If the -id so require," the n Quarter Oit'
HUMMER $PORTIt. . I*- i -i f1. fir IfrKOar. Is a, .Nn this wrrk .1 a town ,hell nnk,"'rllPauof Jo IAr ,Nye,,. A straight ”\/nP, (�Il .tel'" of}'the price of ever mualir. waist in
ml n , to ha+ del her. Ho Is AP"nn K1ni, d Inl"re of Ian lint hate of Untwrl^ for .pKm•Inl stock is the
h,' brim bride for"., it, Mtav R. l' at l t .tied lit Art i,dfdnt,.,K Nnd rn.ntnl this b)L,w• old way \\•e take to clear them all out before summer Belli is over. Th
Fr ed Dsas President. h5- it Jon. i. f:. it l % Mi- . www nurrl h Ir till ggr.r•r,N,nf•• nu,rtK-n,•+ and". ng -
Winelp•er ,,It the Vold of Mn) 1w t. Mi.,Ss ui.b "e In lx• fund, fle-render. )ren ideal that Tf ere 1s a splen -
At thea al c Ail v
"noel meP Minto Le , � 1 fN,l and ex 11 .to
ting oft \\'e Ar• 1-•n+em it &nA dn,.,,lrnta7 toAny ek of them here yet. Garments that have style and are macre from good
if •h, o/ ('harbGotn. n. I . b. 1..' 9ROWER
.urhnpplfPmrlon .hall hn: borne Andern ontarl0 Bowling Aeaoelatibn nein "'''e" ^f A'”'•''1'. Ilrown. J« ,Wtd'an here " I .outfitter. [-fill by IIle lnaterialb.1�r0 matter what the former price ens, whether $+1,00 or ;6.00 u n
t Pn•.rnt and Ke,c.. leek elle - Mr. ed MI•. I #AIR yoll
the city earl, London, on Monday H Mai In n I. now,pi-where mike Nils ;nil, her ol H, -h. i Nn. le of "1111 of the MIA town er hily ally one for exactly ,,()Ile (quarter” less than it )s mat '
evening, the irwt day of the Int Fee it
mother. John I. rmN n 14m, kat of re ,i ,ICY. milli, ,at Inrlhdwl "A s ill* to t"IA I(.e he } commencing �atnr-
tnurnwlarnt First Virr-YtrN/ulent I'1'1',i Mr. and Mem. Js., H,w kenrld lend. nr del enturem o tM MnIr61nJ Illvor da f Is a 9plelldid chance t0 get a stylish waist lit, a ,11l'Cldell saving.
R,• aur enter M t $10ft I'nwer ('nmtminy, I,Imlted.” 1. hrn•by nrKrtkd. y
Davie of Oalerirh, wan rlpctevt revel. tnlnlnR n,il tnlhrliz thl. week, ;m!ef Wllm't PreAcrl iN
f Ism RnM•rt fill"1'. �Ire,ken.Ate, wife ,,ad last/lh 9. Tiffs bylaw.hAli take lfreet on the dry of
dent for the emmjing year. The tit" ter 'Nine, of Nrw HAat'n fool : Jane. Mr Ithefir-I week In An,rn 11"11 wl•rkr. find will Ihr• final 1•1r+lnx then •of. "One Quarter Off" means that
ofti(x n/ are nn fulllowe Pnfron, I{, 1. N^nnht IHrrk"IrldK,. wile and +IRI \1'111, of :Jl.nnnntr:ur Ih,• ci\tor, .,f Ihr lin T)le ,oar of the whelp". of the +Aid town you can buy $ 1,00 Waists for 75c
Onnnell BlPnheila : hon. pnwiden t, I'hle•nno: Mr. and Mr, , Jam. Ndw rd. Jr., and too whir rh.hmit M• taken ,no 1111. fry low at the "One Quarter Otf" means that you
Moir ntn.rr, folluwl"t,fre... and pb o -vol, that 1. to wq ; rn can buy $1.50 Waist f c, 1
FJ. M. Daviivillelm. ideTourrch : pn•.idro'' -- SAtnrd.v Uerarl,tn,elf ,u ".l Aur
Fred 1)aviA, linllrrich : as tallep•
president, Peter llawdien. Ridgptown :
awa)nd vire-president, .l. (% \vad:lpll,
Petrolems : .retv!twry-tn•Amlrpr, ,1. N,
Tyt.ler, inndnn : audibnw. .1. S. Mr-
1lougall And C. B. FAA -Andra, iAmdon :
chaplain. itev. If. Irwin, Mxeter.
The following new eluba have lelen
taken into) the Aas(Iciation : Alvin
atone Fergus, Klorit, Hrwntferd
Heather Club and `Wtiford, and it
war rrportrd there were now fifty
Chalon in the Asaorintinn. The el•ere-
tary-trrsaurrr's report shows A hrl-
anCe on hand of $171.401. .1, N. Air
rlou all spoke with tonrhing rrfemnrr
In the "rent death of ('til. MaciK•th,
who wan the fll'rt pr•rrident lof the
AasrYriation, mind who had held that
"Wan for tome years, laying the
K - '''""'"1Oft'.
boat the hour irn,�ebe•k In file furr,N,wn mr,dI
ndlm1 Oil till.: O' hark In the afternoon M the
"One uarter ft" s or 5
Q O means that you can buy $2.00 Waists for $1.50
ltlPdAy.hy the following depot)' mlernlnffl
o"I".r, :
Quarter Off" means that you can bu
y y $3.00 Waists for $2.25
I'n11luff Na 1, til kern lemon l
IhI-nk wfxNt -lop, by No, 1. -1 T rnNAtw, ,
"One Quarter Off" means that you can buy $4,00 Waists for $3.00
,eI Clerk, and Ilewher. Aa„„fy n•,or„.
"'pp 111nor .
1't ler andbl C. No, a at T./J. \'IdewA'm
"One Quarter Off” means that you
y can buy $6.00 Waists for $4.50
-tens h 'I•. J. Vldr.n, inn .leek. .god r'haNwa
lour.,depo t y netCr,la.R ll,l,r. I
1'qInnK noxa 1
We have the best stock we have ever shown, and a lot of people are to
-Inn eri 9. A the ww,l b.,, j
by hen, Knox, toll .lark, anA W. A. H. ('Olt;
Arnott'y n•turulnt
going get
some waist bargains here on Saturday.
114111nff •mill%filen NfL 1, At X. ritntherm,
wandho'. by Nem. Mothers. Intel clerk, And I
Jeh” `' ►imff1
f ollinor .uML7.ion No. at Mm Walio,m
weer.. by 'NI. u. NlPhOlom, poll clerk. and I
U 110111 1 Htodiv deputy returning Job "Moet. I
mm Nov..A we
1m, Hro11.
\til, likely to 1)f• Any of th1/w` the to i%- laavnm Irf:, when our flrst. ^.leen-nil wrrk" i. oyer. We
rxnnnl get, any InnrE when ottee IhPT are mold. A 211e linen IAN•" fA mrllin�' fear 15c,
lawn for for,. Hath
h %'to,. To 1.
6y Neu. TAIL, poll Clerk, And I.
•"Lon, deMaty mlandnSoAlror.
And a 'roc linen
Are 49 in. wide. That is 1'2 in. wider than umuwl. Hatter lay, in w supply,
pulling'111.1I1'Ivinn Nn. ,. at Dennis, No Ille's
owl-. by Itntmn Taft,
Joel) Clark, am John W.
Cnlgle, deputy returning 000".