The Signal, 1907-7-11, Page 8ti -
a i
TnrinnAT, July 11, 190, -F•'rz
V P,otracted Discussion on maltMs. Power Hylaw Last Night.
r The 1Ltith/nd hive• l'ow'er C
I` patty byinaw wake till- lupin Iopiv of
causation at the tulj,Nuvwl lurrliup
the Iwwncouncil fan %1'evlmwInY it
and till- uuutie• wit, giant. into .fa tl
( uKl ly in ruunnitGrfal the whole I
it wait only Il%'e I"111ute. IN•ffare I
night when flat. (•ouuril room'.
-Thr bylaw which IIAN tarn puhlie
n file lo:al limiters fail- the I+sl it
weeks was, withdrawal, un nlutioi
0,11116111.1. Ili eked• and Delyaty He
ISllintt, and the diwe•nwli,1n was on
nowbylaw which illIreinK "ullfuitu
hl i1N plAve ,ilial which in publishes
Oils iNAUe of Th.. signal. The rea
for the within- awal of the other hyl
waI the dise,wery at it r•eceut meet
that sm the bylaw stool it would 1w
that the town would lie liable fup
--lent for the peak load as the Ilruu,'
of horliallmrr it would lot. reckol
as using fol• the r'ululing of the fall
rival wate•Anti light plant.
the company, however, is Willi
that any howler the town would
quire alive ter aNr hfalr;efawer
which it In tfa pay 07,I1IN1 Nlaould
Mid fur at so much per kilowatt, t
c"n"IfIn it at the rate Art out in t
hydro-l-lPrtrir couuuismiiin's terrN.
Io other "t the
the town wnuhl p
$7,111111 fill- the ordinary service it
for any extra Rervice ahovrf :1111) hoe
power oil Sat irday evenings lar oth
cecasfors would pay for Ihr INTI%
actually IIA(Yl. The hylaw is practic.
ly the sane n. the furuler one that h
Iten withdrawn with the excepti
of it clause ..laking provision for til
and another chttlmr W the effect th
the company provide electric plain
111. its Own expense, leaving the town
straits pumps intact.
The Hee•#- asked tilt- questin
whether the town hall ever aplaiutt
tin engineer to got over the pow,
proposition and report, "u ter lunaiul
of available power. He claiulyd til
should far dune. Thr rounril, floss
ever, considerevl it would lie a wool
of [none%-, as the Goverun,e•nt el-
Kinkier'0 report was inside illthe it
terewts of the municipalities concern!
and it nlotiorl by the Reeve and (%our.
cillor Macklin to have much It relwr
tuade wam lost.
Couneillorlltackliu thought the prig
for the power should fact, Ili- placed a
the fixed figure set out UI the hydro-rlec
tAc conuuixsiun'm report but shot
be at match It figure am the Cooimishi(II'
stay frau lime to final- lay down.It
answer to this 11t•. Moyes" stated lluu
the commission had the power to fix
rates In any event.
Councillor Reid thought that in tbt
event of diwulter overtaking the power
coinpalay the town's pbau. ah1)uld h•
ftreel (1.1)111 ;Illy enunl-l•liol wills lilt•
"01111 Luy w) flint it coald Ito operated
just AN at present. Mr. .NJ oyenmid he•
would IN- only taw Kixtl 1 to haven,
Clause to this elfes•t ill tilt- I,VIILw', its 11
would relieve tilt- ruDlllaly of Ihr pt.-
ceeHity of supph•iug tilt- town with
I powel• in that event.
Councillor Macklin :liked 'it the
town would IN• a"kel for,roy A,rsist-
aner to the electric railway lines
which naw pr•eljerbeii and Mr: Jluy,:
Answer waw ttwt their was not the•
.lighte"t intention lit ask tilt. tntvu for
any Assistance. •
In ennuuittee of tIll. wit. ole lla..Ila..
potty Relive 1lrcupi"I the chair.
Councillor HCckett muggeste'd :I
clause• to the effect flint the b%'L•u%%-
shrwld Ileinop-4.31 iv#- uulrm. (hl- ele•c-
trierailway li11er went ahl-ad, nm many
of thaw• who w ere in favorof ter Iwwer
scheme were in favor of it only ,1n tit..
• count of ilm•ufaking passible. Ill- I'llild-
ioK of lee• elw•U'ie ryilr.Ntds, Mr.
Jloyes udr it g11ilecle•:u• Inst irl the
byllkw I ( lot- voted o11 in (hl- tuw11-
shl ll- gait nule•e•ing the In,n.lm of Ill-
1',IifWAV .'unlPan)' carried IIN• road.
would IN- built, And Jarrell eulllldrul
that the• bVlaw. w,1111d r:urv, hut, he
Paid then• wd.N busint•.rr fol• ter power
rum`lan)• in rely Ihfa"gh it
would nut Is' as prothrol,b• A venture
in its early years if Iha• lailwnym (1141
not gal 4111.
%%'here Iha• ('6111*• fixing lilt- price
tilt tow'll IN til Iwo)' fall• IN,N'el. Wil"
reached of'monli.„i,1ul•r Ilost y nult-
inictel the folluwiuK 11gu1rsNhowiuK
the coot of /IIN•1'1tlinK des Ir)wn's plant I
fall' the )'PILI' front .111114- 1, RANI, Io Ma)•
31, JIM : I
('nnl............. 110.31S.741 i
Oil .............. 1:1:0111
Cs,ttun waste.... JOAN !
1,416114111' ..... ... ... 2,117,1111 I
Repltir•s, nu►inten- I
Alice. tell-......•. '1101,101 a
T. dna ........11tft.1r7f1.:111
Mr. Doty, said, "1 thick the town
would be making R gooKI 14L1'l(aill to 1
got that work done fill -$7.1091,' (
Colllnlimmiomer 11orti•V. howvo, e', )
act of It different initial and cAlinld 1
that the only item tilt' LOWII would
not have to pay for the panit,aslit pea• e
ent would lir flat. cont The 1lnyair I
felt eonfldelit there• would les R saving a
In weland Paintedopt that the mer.
vict• the town would IN• Wei would
lie it 11-hunr service, Romethini( for
which there would It n crying peel ,,
very shortly. Mr. Doty said if tiletown enutinnell to npe•rAte its plant as I,
at present it would helve til fACv it hiK
exprilditore in till- near future• which tl
w011ld saved aved by laking (rower trial,)
the company. it
Aft•. linty explained that it would I
M• neel-xallry t , put in entirely IIs•%v Irl
pinups, if the change were mule, lar if re
the rot PJIl[l 1-1)(14 %Vpre lnkru off the of
FrrPl 1't pump" anal Mt Pumpaa!lApte•d lotorth,• line of elertricilp the}• w•Ould "f
ter uneleav for the use 'of mt(•Anl and in
then in the event of Anything going "t
wrung the town w"tttd have no nocAos j"
of pumping ilk water "lap til•. in !"
view "f this a clo'14e to the e•tlert (lint of
much pumps lie pot. in h)• the rolnpanv, til
leaving the town's pre•"ent pumps as Is
they art, rat present, Was insrrtel in nt
the bylaw, •p
The bOnw• %VAN finally gi4ll its ."e'
"ecctnd reading, and nn the Reeve'"
motion was sulaylltted to the town y^
IaliciLor this morning Retort heirs
The vote taken place oil the. and of
Other `Inatierw dealt, with h)• the
council were rex foll,1w•.: I
On mntion of the DepolV Ijec%,p and Ki
Ceihnrillor Abwklin, it wit-' decided lot Oil
t,tkP nil Action with tererpnce to the ti"
repair of the fire engine thi" year•, h"
Mr. Doty relartPrl that It would e(r"t j")
Alwnt $W0l to put it in proper silo N•, �.
A new Nailer would have to I.- gctt floe
the engine.
Ther.. Hucketep rr)mplaintd of the 'I
condition of the sidewalk in flemt of
his pinre and a motion wita pnmxrd
to have it repaired. 11 R 1palsirs a Hills -
Star m"tiorl wait 1,.~,11 some thtre
year" Ago 1,111, siva.. not nete4l illall.
A petition fair a soevver ort Chnrel, I 11
stf*wt. wu 114Prn•d to the public I
works comnittre. I
The Kirl who says ..No,, when Ah,
meAn" "Yess" generally ends ht• *i)•ing
"Yen' when -he oh'rndd have (laid
111 onee knew a roan who untild
speask Aeven langnnl(es." .What did
he do Y" •'K('pt skill 1110"", tit the tion• I
and listened to )fix wife."
THERE'S NOTHING so comfort-
able for a summer shoe as a light,
cool and dainty Canvas Oxford or Tie.
Our assortment of these shoes awaits
your inspection. It includes many new
styles in the different colors that will
give you pleasure to see, and even
greater pleasure to wear.
R E PA 1 R 1 N G.
Downin & M ac Vi
g car
North side of S(lual-e, GODEIacu.
t As ems N►w11 Olid ""I.KIII tviltluu taraunmll, w)Able half )early oil Uw Hyl► -- --- - ---
, tet•e+"CIN,un is It ll ,allow
that ,vie Tke late of Ila• etudwr In -Dade v motel] y I1�)henlure" Ili,. but,
lo�n llIceif) Ile (4) the effect ' YI 0W The People'! Annual Holiday. Monday, $eptelnher 'Irld, Lltbol• Ila
)" and August will sh1)w alfll heavier e.tethee❑t•Ilrrm►wrllr•t11p1edramllr:afow uu1t111.;ndefaultlx•u4tutNdebythewfAThe+ ` ThrdaVRnfthe )
s Lt-AfHc. LLuple rWN toren. Longs the year teetans, Nimubua1 lister 1•uN-or t'u^l,amy. I'toliawl lot I �0ee Canadian Vxtio:lal TUeltiAy Eippterllhrr tied, Stark Btx•etl-
.ad talke oe cprreo► e.eAN aOd the 1x.1 000- l.'yuu•nl ill the priuelµd lar lulenr,t .oeuaF ky Air Card h.xhibitioll, Tor'"rdo, will IN, :-. ' ere' art Fru t Grower"' Day,
temporary IlM tal are tura., S%h d u.lgl, ika• wM Mmd. lar da•It,nluc^ u 1[uwnknlarxl w wednre(iay, 13epLelts tier 4th, 1''RPUIeI'A
n Algonquin to be Overhauled. Uterarr sell aoclal ea1•rla/am wL held 411 the ,,lar lar thrill. lbs tearyo ration of the town of 1101l�,aiy. Anguat dtlth, 1'reparatu/n I1d1
tl Collingw•'Nd..July 1. *['he Nlr. AI- waste. (".balrls,allI").lut eholderthemnlouut w Y I y
V koolluin. nor of the laar •e' chahm (If The school le opened every momi by u' drfmult• a Tuesdx
1. 1>t I"tldralan11..nch guNrwnlee W hr I um$ )', Auguef 27th. Opening 1)x�•, Thursday, tieptenitt•r5th, Ameri'•una
epttroerlaN nllt/out ea•, atNodaaaa **1 „'Iwrwix• in .4a•h halo and lot e,nlxfn .Oce Torilinesclµy, August 2tlth DR
t Nb•t•1 fn•IKIIh•t'x, Ir l-xpt•1.1Pd In Illi• ehurrh oa BetadskY• I. reouusd rt all ,IudonM, ••'err lar w111 "u"11 prociwnil Ia rondtthtl. a. , ch(N11 Chll- y
1." %vrf•k from hart 1\'illi,lm %%ills la c u the Nl•epoa of the ebureh help/ lets to W -eau Ix upprornl of DY til! .%iy lar alp( w,h.,t (Iren's hay. Friday.til-
nt wheat. %%'ileo the Knein i.+ ilia NreoN. ,.-If
town, ,n.udcu. h„Nc%er. U.,I , ti Thuradn , August $Nth, �1a11U(AClllr- atilt Ite•Vlew 1w lith, Association
V rhars;rd ter steuoer trill go , Ilse' Oolletfate and Preparatory atudlet, Manic, -u,.h lit. Its d Vulldil..,, not liui, t:�� 1t•Cial %'slue in full It
has Art, IIwnuoq Bualneo, Domyuc 8M- obllKatlun oft allot h-btu„/l ets A)'. • Y
dry d1)r k for sl/n)r rxtrnxiv" hull rt' taw. Moral said AstDeuc advaR toad 1oNo al, py' ter nluuu.,, Iwst card Friday, Anguat Moth, Press Day. tiatu}Jav)" Sr Ptenat,r lith. Citizens'
cases. •o 11,urrAUlt.olwAd mai .waft' -ml Alhnlns, rnnginK in prier 4111 t4 ay, An l
IlAim ''ret• atrnuler lifts received AN-%, wrlLt for Gaalttnt to Priadpal #aratT, = Ila iurleult, exerutlull orthe .ail
real INu1 hunyls At dilf,•Iwnt times, bot K Tasmae,Gari ...'cc..r Any of tcul I:.e .aid 'I he SIAIiIuNd nit follows : - Tnvrllrrx'Koa Ylrt. CokulnPl'cinl D4ondap. tirptemher f)th, Get•Awx�
Ila, rt. flower ('ole I Pioneers DAy.I Day.
nrvrr.ilfitri••nt to pal Iola nut of coo'- nit+•a•r+r Wny. Linottvt..hnll wish t1..
estimation. Nlaw that the opportnuit). ry.PVwvalu(Ihrir .harehoiler„• doll zSt, 3Se, SOc, 65c and _
uYI': lar ':'IIF' Kncnknul"•rtmKcalWli r"r that purtee,e, ex, 941•
u(felr+, the Aleanle• will lie Ihorougely .''u.• sold Arline ty It�ln,.tro who .b,_, he - - -- _-- ---
fa%er'ni1111P'l. It i4 Pxlt•el,vl that tee SUTHERLAND SISTERS w1al.11111y mirrnl.l Opal by Ih:e cid company
tout Ihr ,. rtrunllluA Irl til" town ,( b it . .% 1'F: ll-
repairs will Glkr two, if not tetra' nth A urortKWfr, u{1x1 their land., bm1A�
w#-ykx. W11A. BF:.\'l inK plllnl. uuaAliocry, nSt,,re., pri%Hook.,
nKIA. nail ea.rnwill.. which .sill roar!- EXTRA SPECIAL LINES
Another Bost for Georgian Bay. -E - $low-- .hill] he It nlNt 0wrge ulot, all .ueh
")unit, .duh• M,- Calindinn paltil-• prul"•ny Ault sMJ! Iwnt,lm the and at �r.00, ft 1
pl u, Wou. u.ual Al. asks terow . KL%'e-- by run, S $2.00 and $2.50
in alae (irot•gi:an IAr)' rl•giain eayr per- k1,n,w to .burr Mxld. .••tllnl Aad npproral of
rhamrd till- IaNN/'llgl•I' Nk P711111•I' 1 It of lay Ihr .uhr11ur for Ihr vtld town and .ball
(irand ItapidN. and have nntlltvl it •0avu.•und prurilr for the ,rlYnA nt u1x11 yriu A,% t„ ccs nor .tm'k of
Illy Wi1111,1n. It will 1.1111 IN•tw'e.'1, ,'h'.11 Nnd tntco+t chi, 1, Mall Mreolue'Jose m
wu)Gno•no Uc wkil lNnnl..0 to be I..ueol by NEW BACK COMBS
%%'INI'tnn alto) 11NIIIIfai11111 1•1:lnll m, _ Ito•'kidlNnnµrl)• Moil for ill,- nyayment loth,
Illi pll11a• r"off. lam that follfava- .l L, I I., lid •u1i«rrallun or nil 4a.ur)• welch I'Lly be '
pall d) n an r.+prrl "f -N.." l.'u.lrawrell ranging m price from 25c to j6.00
ill-fat(4i mleuuel' .Innl'r, %vliif•la " i mo ria:, w ith the eller I.,,, iu 1w i-oa d
with nal hn ods fat), lirfal'Ivia li' uta)' I:'.I .,f-Ke.1 h))'U,r wl ,.uutl•a n)-. .klld .ueh roan. __ __
m/•arai11. Tel• lil'l/144 Itallill. %%'Its pour. i it +-111 fu ether IA'", ids fur Iha•^er Jay Harassed "m IIIb frill"', a " by till pl. Will rhe :.ul ..,Mort lar Ihr.".I Iuurl K.4rrd y.up
call uf«%w'ofthrwull,I,eui In ,•,til-u(In_• Geo. Porter
Itrhl; air Vnrnin. of '111 unrl loll ora,. by fin• w 1 hU1i,R, l,, d (rat
.tem{sen it.. a• .b:all
held bt' ill'. I'u,'e.l 'INII'N initrolhal be.lppro,avl W i) Low "all lu.nm, and by WF
left" rounlini4K what 1. kill,. if m,o Ila" nwrl-
he)w. 11r iota nctw dip rl of her lfa 9AKe a•L1u.r" if deamnded by the .mitt Iru er,.-
Ihr liev/rgi:ill iAry ilro nski (,or Ihu ,'wlrinotaa+ of u,.b iO.ununo Telephone No. loo.
duriva Ila, curse ey- or Ill.. -lad t",I:M, .al- ,bn
Killed at De d�r,ayu,cnt of Ilan trnvunnu- IWtLot. Court douse Square, - Godericlt�
pot Harbor. I
I1wril Soolld. .lone• :01, serer lµaes w.r. r.f .o.usr..e..esr :t' A.m rondtlon W, e,-,rtlnKfloeFinialKlmr-
1'1•Nlrflbi)' era... „y sorer au ll,,e.1.).".,•1r"crd• of Ihr.aall 1
Ielj rl-ur(il f 1'
Lime Fruit Juice
The most refreshing drink for hot
\heat her.
Our now stock just received:
10c and 35c a bottle.
Bedford Block,
Ir a tt• M'xat Ul, noo.\or ns mi"ns 0of lh,'.,U,I IN,MI.1 OrP rdK" %,
rt. d,.l„ sit...... lot be gu,airur _ 1/
*•1•, Alli ,Itlieev- lar til,• Algfaor,\ straill. ,.v+t tit art lar of lei. ki 1..,,, .lu.11 M• Polfd tar
'hip ('nl.lpanl''. ,1,.;t nlrl' Iaaliki, wrrl- Ib,. v1)d ln.1e " 111.• appli,xble ally to
� the 'Nor .•. n.lrn!'Ih.11tc 1 r.lulp fnK law cid
blain, hl In hi. hnnu• hill-• from , "e"r work..und li t b",m"'t-r.r lar the YNrM., right. -
Haultln•. wll"ll lar %%:1. µ1111n+1 in. mode:1.I•"Iela.til"'$'.I.'II""Ihere-ilhpewrat.I
.LInIIV killed w'hih• IlinavIinK Ihr un- "It'd 111•• l'"N.'.•.I.of the -Al.• or .I.,Iic. of the
ulh.•rba enrd. ,,, lot Ix• i. -ural al- "lun•wid. And _
U:ollllg of 'rtes'! 1'.alfn front him r1e1111r1'. 6111 IN• pend out b)' Ihr wed lll.ler• .-J( :u he Ill- had r11 u', H• far a gal, 1)f Ilalinn", n•"',1v. pr,«fn+. , •Ilin.':ue. for nth rek.t of COURT HOUSE -
:LIIll thu11K11 Ilullr of (NL•,'1'r\\" NAW ter SISTE
,...n•lrurliuu, eplfpn•bl anal ,nn'r11Aw,:uN1 oto......i 11 .Ila.. M• ,mm 1 , r+•t'-eidr [ h •r net ,' . 'P
nl. Ila,•% r
c,•'r w I ONE N
I Allard (hal whip• asonatgflhe fm" - %1tueof-u,11 I the SQUARE. Loffi, O e�$ � U
rl mulling nn as, side of the h tichw•le)• pnx[m.. ern i. •
HAIR fila...!•., kri .•li c.r to IN• i,1 fur : r,.u111,t.
ilKa %'r may noel h#- tool- llltv.wn hark- GROWER hem Unlr lot afut0 nw,erc.w.linK lel {Orr run. .,f O/RSC /MPQ�rLoti�•
will"' fnlfa the huAl. spliLlinK hiA "ken ohee..I ,of .......,,,,,.tion. t•IPlhnucnt :n„1 pot,. I -
rbn..• b,• I hr rn ineer "I «n'hinrl .pq.,i"trrI bI Cam«CM•
rlrnn .III@• iknr,- t,. i fie• rlrr,•h(•ad Ile Il,.lic"If I e + 11, Nmrka And ,'ll, rill., .1• n(nn• I I - --- �-�--
wA. only lwe•ni %'-ttvo Veale of mgr Rod Wilson's Prescription Drug Store -mita, Ao'1 III" 11.11.11,,.r .emit 1«• -1.1 aim wdy �__ ". - --. _ __ --
+dlur lnugdeflulo of Ihr rid Nurk., ao11 after
Unna►rriwI Ike Dr.l Atiek in Auxiw call ,keek., ,kill, will 11 he I.;,%t•.npplanl " ler to the cid I nNn,.udlhr+w"I"'LlO•h alllmlr„I"'roated,he BIG SELLING
Lake L4;.. Rise. dernou.t r:r.• f lot• ,illlar..d I hr +lad w",erwork•endrl.+•tracItxbl.).hewfmr O
heir l:le,•r.r, 111.• -t""` Of "'Illy II,L). irk n VIIi+r.,ewry I.....1
Irl roil, ,Indy It. AN predicted by pari
he fulled titate. hake Nurvey. Ihr I. '1'hf- •Lid Tbl• MAill*,HI lti%'rr Ibwerl•oril.
.laver faf %valor oli the Krelt likes roar V.1u3, hlu.ilell. ao.11 rc,x•11:1 the .Inn ,of SID,.
1111'i119 .11111". 1.:Lke• Soperim- gaint.11 001.44. As. IIN• pots I'll- of Irma and prlrileff-.
Ive illell •s. total i. „till fall#- im-h :full rl tool Ihr I'm ,rnrll"t u( Ihr cid dant. 41uI Ihr
I//.rall.11 a„rt. 1'f pM111 „/NI Illl..b,1,of the he
fast en ye than Ihr uV4-1aini fr ter •nese Nhrn r^ell -,-, rd ovp M• oo Ila. ...11
N1.I urn )'1'illr+. 1111'111KRt1 llll.l 11111',11' 1O1OIrrn 1) Ile ll a .loo �Mn'" ,ill Ian• iNot rl., ll-
ill((%Y !k 111,'1111 1'1x1' Ill r11111• ,fIlal 11111•-Il:llr „1«,.lan•'ry ''1441 :,,pI1N IlIr'. file 111` „Ilrg"in .if
-u ppl) also( •lath, ire" 1.,Nrr w Ibr val town lot
111.111.44, lar xe%r11 inlist-, highl•r than I rn.d,ls•lh.vl. 1,, p...I-,ly ulN•r:lb• their wmler
he areage .or lift*
past len )'earn. :uulrlrrinr nKM Nork•. :1nA nL .l hl fnrnl.'a HE PAST
,",Her us -ll fl -:13 hhlranwr..-aliH lee,il,t WEEK has been big selling tie Ir)me fail(• alt per -hear inch#-« Suipirs nwH, .'1' NII.. r,,:., 1,r.,•turo flowI it... il. g of hot weather material at
,ailing till- 111,111111. Rod• fs flow reoren Nho-hall rrrluire I Is,•, if-theeNtenl f,1, this big store. Our stocks are excen/•111•" alive Iht, aoirlalge ,r'f 11M• latif lcN„! _-14,ha•,e 1„'Nrr.;lnd the .hist „ll- .Malt- exceptionally large and well assorted
Ii. 1, Urrrl'""•'r lsol-taluO e,,I,f..,.:m, I.. with strict! summer goods. They will be kept that ora right
l-1 )l-,tl«. Willi k11i" l-xrl-n#-IIt xllg" ARE THE GO Isiv i iver Vr vr4 ,uu1Any. Usual
Nark.., through Y Y g
11 Irlkrs 1llrhi lli arid, H l -Ile . at age AKINmI Aute of "Ili, lerwy AurtnK 1 h ,'nrrene) g the summer buying season. We have what
11/111111'IN' KINNtl/1 til#- bN'kA'lt the til-Nl, 'If floe a: ill'ball"Ir-11nIle swarmlhv..I :W mron• at you want just when
tir col1rr N•,•a1111•r' that
t hits r^'''• you want it. You will save time, and likely money too coming
lad Nigh w'ntet-v11 le lok Keir nonfilFes Sass. here dir-
•INNI drafty in 111" flatter liell•oit Itiver timeed lei ll but. now tont it era •k Theroid Thr \Leal land ►Herr I''nwer AuuA 1
arrived )'oil will have to titir,uvl .if $''''thee'• rfu,al.*. 'Jr.!,qn1e fart roe{.,r I ect for summer needs.
INI Lalkl- I'.1'II' 11:1 t•hnrr, Tilt. .tort fat NliuO Of. Ila.•,nNu of 1;.•lu,fh Milt rot• amid rur
1)ndilwn. pc4-r»il fan Ick" /hKnril,. lent muit you h+lyl• hrPn wearing • i.IrNlon.hull Ink -flvnl the .mid ..,,,,,,,App yr,
. _ cal xl)rinK for cul np•Gl dRlp IN,.r {{"owermt ter Prim t e ..1 peer ..,."^ill Cotton and Lisle
la.ynhl0 .1NIf ,rmrl4 for the rimae of Ilan,' Women's Summer
MADE-TO-ORDER )""^'' le for,,,,--k••rha•....,torr.o,rt. Nnd
Two;. Better Than One. :do. t ; i. .. lora!• p.e it 1 .. m• o)ni,µIt.. UnderVests
W s record ,''IwN Ilia)' he beyood for f^ll-^ lilal, n''lnln' it -h:W p;y" as the• Gloves
our rti. billr READY-MADE '^11wllY n{„rot Ibr hN of Ila.• nrutal nnurnrn
good COCOw'N ale not of ,Nlwrr IIV•d. ,,,,,,,,,,r+l lip ,peter'. rhr 1taDV (ilfff'Iwnt Atylem Rud IIUAIItIP". All• azeA ti IIPn/1111 R(IICiLN of theta. Lisle LhrrR.1 poll
,•1. for whf(h .I,:dl be Im.,,A u,. ". ,t,,, I front inflantri to extra large for About peOPIP. The, milk. Plain, Iru:e lar net, tae aha XV (tt o row IA w01'th IIIOre [A TWEED or 'hwrsn„.art uul in Ihr• tlnnl n•,xrrt of Ila.• Ilydrv, It•"t VAIIIP we have ever shown you 1' r CO white, Crean(, black And
091 than two o 11/1 per. oil
Amy. F;irotsic !•ower ('wnnn.•iuu. n•bu Int to %' ler 24 ��
HOMESPUN "'torr delcls„fill-in ill . • lor•A. lung or short and lilt si7.em.
:ItnblllrN !)alt)' P. -trust T1N• oDP will •,n rhr MAill+11--1 Itivrr, ' '
'be .n a enc„,,ml lou of the Town of aid -,,I.: - ..
Short Gloves, 25cr and ;mall
at aD.,ut SM worth of fait(! and return heel ld el l ormoti to ftloPlythe T the .;dal enol, I Lon GI
t1L. The two Put iGli wort-- Of teed Prices from $7.00 u lav a .Ilea- ...d Jim) fort herr(tOI Ihat Illy brelmuN I R t>♦et, 60C, , ; ,lS 41.So
p' 10011.Mhu. Ill thecor,„,itIJou to the coH11"uy lap , White and Tan '
ad rst.artl iN;. �,� Y1mk111K an :AI I hr .nm of �l.:.n p•rHnnunr. f �•�
m IaF ,II of the awfli nolu an„mit,llHrnt• of Women's Cotton Gowns
• • build.a dna• For n.•rndvRAOe• n{„n, [heem .Ned Summer
Joint Meetings Proposed. Outing Shirts f",uA.o.drlrutnn'•KUNeuP11eredbyLhmu.nud Hose it l9waetPoftlme w
any hlrthrr+n.0 Ihxl runt br•Wnle lac b) the make your own when
Tit.- f,1l tu)VI li. II'll#-1' 1184 IN•1'n x"Ila r'"',N,Iwllen to 111%, i' 111 ran rhmll 'M• %ChILP mod tILn *I1111ner It~ here ill Abend- garments "IICh Ra are here Can Ile ht►d at our
V. N. Lrwix. M. I'. a ' Y %"h'" r rieeA. Made from fine English cottnnn in
arm. lth by ule,'a Lny, on t^ rhr rNfA comp more. All xi7"•A. Meveral different slakes for the
YliA on, Jllne :5+. IA,-. in GMx, ePI'n rnN, hlau'A and w'hil,, 1111,-, The tAid rt o%%11 a •hall an.4a1. egll'{� nud t rlPItnl•AL and fleet factory in
�• I"'44'1.. ):rt., \LP.. flannel. An eawy „hist. xt h„l.. RinlminN(thr'af ON"nCS,IoM.'.,,el)fraehltl.•ry, ehfldreo lar• lalalie", Pilin, riblled or Inch r (Akrlll(11k Handsomely
bodrfirh. im ludhllf lillul , i. Iran). he f.,uod nc(a•swu'y 1'ffe•(r, pN•P pail" l:N•.
l C�/1C rinunPti with lace and embroidery. 1'2 styles
11. !!evil- !'if•. forestall file to""Urge.t t for the fell ulrvrtfle of the tooter AnA electric .N and" " "' • Jll la „0 ect from, laic p 3
I 11
• TSC t0 ;i.5� IIKM .)'„acro. of rhr •n1A aror _ a4Ch, to ..................
nt ill ter clan)i lag rlertinn rn nqu(iRn ,IOM tO alll'II plNnl 44.6 in ufe Ipi[ tatiol.he it) a irit.
%%'l-xl Iintain Ila.• pllbhc ln#-rtiuKN br P 111K of fill„ I'S Isy' by Iby .old ro Hose
of the
IdAk jfaint,fa11l-„, d,Ltea therefor,uui N. ThnNnldThr11 h,.,,c the rivilerr(buQ Some Saturday Sp ecials
Nee" of alerting to NN• U111tolill)' nr- • pAny- I,inited. „hill M.%c the per t o-Rcc of u.• -
ngel. ti1N•xkrr" to IN• linllte'd lot Ties n ,oKthe Vw.eut Plaid ,f ,he Toww of Oaterich
l•wr•h'l-"; 4-xcepl. that earls .etndbhate• 411 "tsH,Ary to flauir pro,"..d ,„ewer .,..' Some 1:1tl.11llg gOU(1 I111118URIinCr specials for Sat
ten,. wheue%erthe wlnle .hurl be r"ynin•d fat ]) urday
ell ha%'P f he privileav of holdini- t wen that purl„re, during the eulrency of the .AId selling. It IS stock -
:"I Styles h"All ppro"" dF'rh c01of It eiodmainta,ly,h,,, cleaning, tim8 with us, moll every week you Wlll find bargains worth while if you'
he• 'ohlic I114-l-fing. oitl V, nnVwherf• nl NII tJmvi A„rl at.u,., y
the ridihK, at. which h( rosy hnyr keep the s"i,l Nuxa,a"r Period manikin and come here. Here are some of them.
r plant In x It ,al And
V Npexken'Fi hr Ifkl-s. TKp sort of cMeleot .tate of n•,.lir. And .hail w.o te,,wir
'It owlet ing., printing and hall I,. We We rrtrry ,i large nAmi,rbnent or repiniv any {Nrrt ..f .ncKh plant whirl oily'
IN' dividevl egnnlly ; noel flint hn
of nil the hitext mt VleA in string" nine the•rl.v,f.-Irt^fH11.1u11I)fnrtlIliadlet by IJoel of"•'
her pghlic nmptings he hJd than rand f1)11r-in-hallw^"h,thte ties. required for.eleh o.•raflal, and .Ire nil .e11 ; i,
rmP "rl.nnged lirrnralltg to this pro- Yri(l•4 ore right. • soll"Asile be regnlrel b)- (be „slid 'fawn for A little Price for Good W
f he purls.c of keeping lap .tram io connection
Nihon. Timr 1111 -s -ed fill- "p -inking mitt, their wad pion,, which this raid town
xald rnPrting"• nod tilt- order of -limit Muat Ilherly to der wheal maid so Inns. a.
if You Need a i,rinal'Ai n toe:" 1ef•"a"r '' ^g 11'0 11'1 79c, instead Of $1.15 and 1.2'
,#khig. to Illi 11'l-al�(eNd 11etween oar r a $ S
A,! alit p .hall „u PPly enc 11141,
Alen. to take rare of the rm1A plant,
I'r'nAting tb"t (him Islay "feet with i Summer Vest 7. If tlie mid couopnnv"hA1l.0 rrgldrr,I the
lar favorable lippi'mal. -laid los',) -boll "'All,NIFf,hcation to the I,eKI.. ,L1
alon't,fail toset•ourrt""k. 'I'll! lilt I'm of the form ine,lat`nntarlo for m,il' 1lclem-up of w,fF for Saturday. Every
[.fill'. very t rely ynlltif. Art %Audmunitend confirming Ihi. hyla w, said 3
will plPa,P %our Iwrket and your roll
tt(IIIItHT HnLN}:x, eye. +ltrrenwnt.. morlR,4fr" and IrnflrAlltar" single one this se
- - -..---._-- I ) made or dol„, nowle thereunder. )tovideml that season's Style. half a dozen Or
1 all et.I mod exf) rki,kk. of And Inoi�canal to any
Kincardine Home WtMrins, -u If appllrntlon A01,11 he Iwrne And paid by the more designs, The cheapest was '$1,00
Reg Black µId COIn,M )). most
luring till' tve•k of Jul• ��-17, 1!1117, A Hylmw No. 1:1 of play, of tM walA town of
grArdine will hold an UJal nctyx' poll a UINInMeh, tetiluled "A bylaw toRaArAntee the 1VCPC $1.15 Or $1.25, All are on the bargain
Mynd. or de a•nlure,, ,bylaw
Maitland Wee,
(iirhi It"nnio11. 1lleat ulrpnr't- I•ower('onq"Iny.I,In''' tal)le,`aturday'morninv When OIl
n" hacP eePll amalr lot• N r'. u. Till„bylaw .hat (Ake tR cute me tiled repeated.
7 • Or y ean:have any
ne-going, kind one Week of solid en- Ili" finNl ,awing thernor. Otte Of the
nlent uuay 1«• expl•eted. ilrOnlisea ". The %rate of Ibr ele•totw M the sAIA Wan m for......... ,rye,.
--z A Uaxlor'Irh „hall hr hakes on thi. bylaw at the r • ' r C
__ - _. - f"11""InK tine" and 111nor., that i. l,, wty. . tin
j esu nsdAy. the 9,A any of .l ngo.t. ,,air poem!.
1 I Ing nt the hour of"n'rloek In that fMMeeOfal "nA '
(vrnlnOl . ell h of loorkfollowing
In the daftereputy
of the I Those Lawn
Sw� e I MtTMI!). by the fOlbwlnt AepntY rellrninK i s
ming and Bathing Season 1.. w .u1r1I%1.fmt i -1 Thmn,ronl
Her".' worm.. "hope by J H
-- -'
OF DISTRICT. The Sovereign Bank
- - --It
11. 1,11 !sol, fwla)•. lhn JlAl dao of July. 111117,
IM• Ma)''
- `---' i
r of IAe told Iowa .h«II «awed At Ilse
1«mr:.0,1t•IINII.IWre,,Ile w,,,,kkwm at III At the
I',dlark uMtflarann No. :t rot the town -lift
I by IA"" IF""",'"'" ierrk, and W. A. i(, t 41� I
Aelmt err prolog ,,Meer.
III IIN h,r•u11UU11 to wpyu1... 11e1+N,11. w aLWlld at
I'll,Various l.,Ifowk
pfw,v s Ntuw•uill
'rHl'HAII\\', July Ilth.. IIIIAD 0/►lGa,-TORONTO.
(iANUkN PANTY, Till- lawn
mod at alts
I, k
IK'YLAW NO. 14, RAG, , fiuld.u11u111ug up u lho%'av k) also, on
•• uY Tn► behalf of IIN+ p"rw,,. Inlrn•,.I wt in n^d `,too
wrial RMI.u•e )amvu. Bee., . . po,W N,
Incl Irt,titt ,u 1'41 1.11irl1waile. unitrr
UIWl'.gur.1,1 , i", the fru.. iuK of Ill„bylaw
' 11(19 )RATION OF IF Tuw'N U}• (ill(};. nr,apt"li,,Wy.
4rt. y. t;, )aerelertr,
lift. Au.pie " lift rap (boderirh TuWumbip "�" 6l- na{JYeago
RI('ll. I IY. The clerk of the eoun,.A of til" wad town
ItiHr mato N•iiving plrlvt1. a bag sierras, Dean a lt��l
'ahoul.:JN1 IN•inf( raim,•d. An intrlw„t-
,d ti,At"rich .hall "11rnd alt hl. umWr lot Iitl
A HYLA W I'u lil'ARANTkk clo.'HT.11N U)' I Wwu dn0 al to u'I:Iwek h, also fawwawa of Muu
1'H} '!'H}: F day.
I!I1ILION )Amen KW'. • . • p n d ,a
carried out
ing 1lti-L
IulN tai U}' 51A1'1'L.1N the So dry of AtlKwl, n►K. to apes lay also
Irl\'};It W )11'KR lx),. 1.1511'r. U. I number of rola fur wed lu.t
JFIA w,Lru Hacuoa•aD,.
,lull Uu,xt of the rv(•nla %\'(•1•e• 44'1.11 est„- agill rt. Yul►Aes.Jou
of tile evv'lr i w
the bylaw,
----- I)L"i a Ule /vi'll'a eh41uber of til•+ town
traded 'I'll'- lug-uf-war IN•hvre•11 till• M•.' i.I Yire Aaldeef
I (le.luri•h.:M• IINh day u, July. A. 11. lull-,.
"'HUNK.%%The Slaftl.lad filler flower ('wu-
11111 r1'Ie1 IIII•n t►1111 111l- sl IIK11• 111!1 1'w flux. D. Me MILLAX,
Mlly. huuitell, ,w'.truct a daul un JI)sKl'H EI,I,Il7•T. N. U. JUHNH7V1\,
the (tiro *Wool hurl,
.idled ill l%vo drawn flat- the .ilwIt. Alice. CaanreeLl. l4e,. aa.V,
usilo. avtsl+•rlY Hayur. ('lure.
troll, I he.:kill to Nil of(ioderi,'h, bvtwe•l, Ilan '
luell, last Hoole lot Illi• Illal•rleYl 1111.11 A. B. Dorsally, rate,. Ita,P.
Hum. rersa Mel,ease,
they dirt not hnvr a syuarr dealt
IVNy,•ily U( (•Wlwr"'. Ud INN. luw11.hlp 41 ---
(..411;cll, u1U.1. 11 911••Yod,ila'v^t to the will TAKkINUTI('):
fall oC W. K. yr,lxw,losr,
uU iic('nn11t air ter rtfawa) ttherin • i11 iM•, l[.!•/.
K' 1. ALax. AAI'r., Vie.,. _•�
WNu of Gwlerlch, fur the lour,,`"• of develop
V '1'hnl Ilse nlNace Its a Iron 1•opy of n Ilo„n1
Illg ,M, N'a'Y 41111 allph'I,IK •:1111! W NII 11x•. ,w
I'm) clam •. allid. as I lar%' I hink. lendillg - --
10)'Imw' whl,.rl IIN. blMl. 1,14,11 i111n 1•n11.1U"Mkeel
Int itin
INA) be toatud practle4l.k', i .eiudlnK tlri,bIK of „1111 Nh1rI1 M11. M1 Ado- t
( ' Ihmchukcry ill tial
.Illus +ulwirtaLnrt•. her thrJnusienl olid
literal-\' Savings Bank
by also l•Ull
N.airl'NUI'k. a1Nl cIOF a' of tills Ill"Didgkoftlity tin the!Yell( of Ilse marble
I' ht lana of lhewid tuwu ut UTAWrIa•b. luf
Im raw Capt. Lxithwxile•
1 K g"
%vita c•hn.en chait'IU+a" n11d raaldlwAae. Inlu ca u ,arty[ �t�
the ob."t"r. be"'if nblftbl,vl'thulvtulafter
A cls w,IINKAN the .lull 1'be'3tailhuld hiker I ale month (root, the fil„1 PublhwUon lot 7 he
1'uArI. Gout „rot)'. l,iu'at"I, hits n+lue-taAl rho S birml, Ihu 11,410 of
were given fly (Fiji. %'fanlaK ,flat m.Vel,11 u .Ie,s, :I !'ranch
w•hlch•arkii p,,bllcaliun wN.
nl„h'I,Iukiutoo� �'"i"rich lot ,ltd U1nw III Ibolr told I'rhurwtay, ","I'll, day l -f IV7,
fathetl, while uulNir was provid
I edMuullg.,,
,1111)'. and that
y I,wuwulreaog to the extoot of Idle vole. of til" rinv,,n, of ten wkl unndcl
u,44u,'s' nrwc Pel Is..ldu. iuww.t Ihelrwn
ter Porlrl's Hill nlrhr.tra.
Kr,11111da Were liglatld witll ell
Ih Iwllt' will M,
) t"kel then+,,-- last Iho d,,,• And at
uu• kkku& lar Aebeulun•• to be I-aed by the ole hour+mild place. thervill fi.ah
•4441 The )Ldtwid faller Pu Wer ('ump{1Anuy,
1+1-iekm µ11d eeslal• ":Ilulaltt%l•in cat
and prene•nted et y,•I% bright appear. COLLEGE
I.i slit -1. [Ito total auo„ot of the Maud. w. M. U. JOHNSTON,
dr bent to be I- king by Ila. wkt aww,Nlny ('llsrk.
'allaK jslk4411. Lw iA1. ,111rnNL
warner. D. D., principal.
Vx1, t%149HK.%w it L. ei,l,odlelt to grmat the - - - _._ -- __
toldmld.rnbwet to thetern. ,ust eunditiwml of H ei1e`
hewbmiter.a•t out. N gathering are in evidence, x.Ilt-
11q, 1,16 andVokPrincipal.
__ _. ... ■,e4enlld ScMol fel- 61r,e see Yers�
TuatKo-moo; be if emwlell, ,,.ad it I. lie funny haverignifled their Intention of
ewu'te,1, b)' Ihtl y 10.111 hfanle
27thopen. So 1. IOIk,
Soo Record Again Broken. ►
awulet "I ruum'if of Ilse weld K t or the fou. This it an
t. n�r uaderich. a» foll,w.: - rxerptionany fine
I)eh'llit, .Indy a. ,Ione t 1•.: fill-
Platte G) spend A
1. It •hall be lawful for the M100" mild clerk week 1)n the'' wl irstw of Lake Huron
in 111,• n.,lue
throw!! Ihr tidal ship canal hrnke :111
and on Iath'Of til the amt«Nrltiuu tit I
the tUsnU(Ulalalr111.40d unO,.r 11. eel And is oue of the prettiest towns in
n'e•rnllla mod bl'inge flu• „e•.1xfan'r tnl:(I
-'AI, lot cx.rnlr ,flat della rt. N. th0 +wet .,.ad decal Uutario. Railway rayl-! Are on the
•�! t1.0.,ild
Ila dNlr 1111 In 1 i.,Al'I,:11:1 tons. 1'h i" if. Rh
eorpurAUon Ihr Nnnun or printed convention piton and a gocxl pmgrarn
¢n..rinas•ur Kuarualt•. ,f Ule told +of
alightly under three milli•x1• KmAter ft
owlulw- mlwrtx for the entire Werk has !leen
pelt gw,1nutrt'Ing the due ,wYlnuu( o the
IloeIs int. ill,- .aunt. IMri.rl host year. i'
rrun•itrland,ALvro,•t ,f Ibe I,uud. or drMfn. arranged.
r w:1x ft,se i12 1f111M,
Inru.of rh: 5lsitl.,nd Riser J",wcr 1'o11unny,
I.uelted. up to floe
over ami liontori•
favrr x million GmA iurly mese nvrt- 11nv,
.u,,., +,i the •KgwK.ur, o.
i1.1, m tune hunA real ,Ind it thuuw, of -_
IIrAyV fr,ifil" wits nfatel in ore, 1(tnin
itnd real. Of •the tl,taal tannage 7,-
1u1lar., aur pnueipml 1. ;ar.:Iblo lot thirty ljiker.
frwn Ihr d..)' of the 1. 11. then•uf. .,tit
N• IMItlo
v it 1 Student Life 411 Alma
la•n•.t iu ten uie'ntiuu At the ,tole ut Rro ,aur T
THERE'S NOTHING so comfort-
able for a summer shoe as a light,
cool and dainty Canvas Oxford or Tie.
Our assortment of these shoes awaits
your inspection. It includes many new
styles in the different colors that will
give you pleasure to see, and even
greater pleasure to wear.
R E PA 1 R 1 N G.
Downin & M ac Vi
g car
North side of S(lual-e, GODEIacu.
t As ems N►w11 Olid ""I.KIII tviltluu taraunmll, w)Able half )early oil Uw Hyl► -- --- - ---
, tet•e+"CIN,un is It ll ,allow
that ,vie Tke late of Ila• etudwr In -Dade v motel] y I1�)henlure" Ili,. but,
lo�n llIceif) Ile (4) the effect ' YI 0W The People'! Annual Holiday. Monday, $eptelnher 'Irld, Lltbol• Ila
)" and August will sh1)w alfll heavier e.tethee❑t•Ilrrm►wrllr•t11p1edramllr:afow uu1t111.;ndefaultlx•u4tutNdebythewfAThe+ ` ThrdaVRnfthe )
s Lt-AfHc. LLuple rWN toren. Longs the year teetans, Nimubua1 lister 1•uN-or t'u^l,amy. I'toliawl lot I �0ee Canadian Vxtio:lal TUeltiAy Eippterllhrr tied, Stark Btx•etl-
.ad talke oe cprreo► e.eAN aOd the 1x.1 000- l.'yuu•nl ill the priuelµd lar lulenr,t .oeuaF ky Air Card h.xhibitioll, Tor'"rdo, will IN, :-. ' ere' art Fru t Grower"' Day,
temporary IlM tal are tura., S%h d u.lgl, ika• wM Mmd. lar da•It,nluc^ u 1[uwnknlarxl w wednre(iay, 13epLelts tier 4th, 1''RPUIeI'A
n Algonquin to be Overhauled. Uterarr sell aoclal ea1•rla/am wL held 411 the ,,lar lar thrill. lbs tearyo ration of the town of 1101l�,aiy. Anguat dtlth, 1'reparatu/n I1d1
tl Collingw•'Nd..July 1. *['he Nlr. AI- waste. (".balrls,allI").lut eholderthemnlouut w Y I y
V koolluin. nor of the laar •e' chahm (If The school le opened every momi by u' drfmult• a Tuesdx
1. 1>t I"tldralan11..nch guNrwnlee W hr I um$ )', Auguef 27th. Opening 1)x�•, Thursday, tieptenitt•r5th, Ameri'•una
epttroerlaN nllt/out ea•, atNodaaaa **1 „'Iwrwix• in .4a•h halo and lot e,nlxfn .Oce Torilinesclµy, August 2tlth DR
t Nb•t•1 fn•IKIIh•t'x, Ir l-xpt•1.1Pd In Illi• ehurrh oa BetadskY• I. reouusd rt all ,IudonM, ••'err lar w111 "u"11 prociwnil Ia rondtthtl. a. , ch(N11 Chll- y
1." %vrf•k from hart 1\'illi,lm %%ills la c u the Nl•epoa of the ebureh help/ lets to W -eau Ix upprornl of DY til! .%iy lar alp( w,h.,t (Iren's hay. Friday.til-
nt wheat. %%'ileo the Knein i.+ ilia NreoN. ,.-If
town, ,n.udcu. h„Nc%er. U.,I , ti Thuradn , August $Nth, �1a11U(AClllr- atilt Ite•Vlew 1w lith, Association
V rhars;rd ter steuoer trill go , Ilse' Oolletfate and Preparatory atudlet, Manic, -u,.h lit. Its d Vulldil..,, not liui, t:�� 1t•Cial %'slue in full It
has Art, IIwnuoq Bualneo, Domyuc 8M- obllKatlun oft allot h-btu„/l ets A)'. • Y
dry d1)r k for sl/n)r rxtrnxiv" hull rt' taw. Moral said AstDeuc advaR toad 1oNo al, py' ter nluuu.,, Iwst card Friday, Anguat Moth, Press Day. tiatu}Jav)" Sr Ptenat,r lith. Citizens'
cases. •o 11,urrAUlt.olwAd mai .waft' -ml Alhnlns, rnnginK in prier 4111 t4 ay, An l
IlAim ''ret• atrnuler lifts received AN-%, wrlLt for Gaalttnt to Priadpal #aratT, = Ila iurleult, exerutlull orthe .ail
real INu1 hunyls At dilf,•Iwnt times, bot K Tasmae,Gari ...'cc..r Any of tcul I:.e .aid 'I he SIAIiIuNd nit follows : - Tnvrllrrx'Koa Ylrt. CokulnPl'cinl D4ondap. tirptemher f)th, Get•Awx�
Ila, rt. flower ('ole I Pioneers DAy.I Day.
nrvrr.ilfitri••nt to pal Iola nut of coo'- nit+•a•r+r Wny. Linottvt..hnll wish t1..
estimation. Nlaw that the opportnuit). ry.PVwvalu(Ihrir .harehoiler„• doll zSt, 3Se, SOc, 65c and _
uYI': lar ':'IIF' Kncnknul"•rtmKcalWli r"r that purtee,e, ex, 941•
u(felr+, the Aleanle• will lie Ihorougely .''u.• sold Arline ty It�ln,.tro who .b,_, he - - -- _-- ---
fa%er'ni1111P'l. It i4 Pxlt•el,vl that tee SUTHERLAND SISTERS w1al.11111y mirrnl.l Opal by Ih:e cid company
tout Ihr ,. rtrunllluA Irl til" town ,( b it . .% 1'F: ll-
repairs will Glkr two, if not tetra' nth A urortKWfr, u{1x1 their land., bm1A�
w#-ykx. W11A. BF:.\'l inK plllnl. uuaAliocry, nSt,,re., pri%Hook.,
nKIA. nail ea.rnwill.. which .sill roar!- EXTRA SPECIAL LINES
Another Bost for Georgian Bay. -E - $low-- .hill] he It nlNt 0wrge ulot, all .ueh
")unit, .duh• M,- Calindinn paltil-• prul"•ny Ault sMJ! Iwnt,lm the and at �r.00, ft 1
pl u, Wou. u.ual Al. asks terow . KL%'e-- by run, S $2.00 and $2.50
in alae (irot•gi:an IAr)' rl•giain eayr per- k1,n,w to .burr Mxld. .••tllnl Aad npproral of
rhamrd till- IaNN/'llgl•I' Nk P711111•I' 1 It of lay Ihr .uhr11ur for Ihr vtld town and .ball
(irand ItapidN. and have nntlltvl it •0avu.•und prurilr for the ,rlYnA nt u1x11 yriu A,% t„ ccs nor .tm'k of
Illy Wi1111,1n. It will 1.1111 IN•tw'e.'1, ,'h'.11 Nnd tntco+t chi, 1, Mall Mreolue'Jose m
wu)Gno•no Uc wkil lNnnl..0 to be I..ueol by NEW BACK COMBS
%%'INI'tnn alto) 11NIIIIfai11111 1•1:lnll m, _ Ito•'kidlNnnµrl)• Moil for ill,- nyayment loth,
Illi pll11a• r"off. lam that follfava- .l L, I I., lid •u1i«rrallun or nil 4a.ur)• welch I'Lly be '
pall d) n an r.+prrl "f -N.." l.'u.lrawrell ranging m price from 25c to j6.00
ill-fat(4i mleuuel' .Innl'r, %vliif•la " i mo ria:, w ith the eller I.,,, iu 1w i-oa d
with nal hn ods fat), lirfal'Ivia li' uta)' I:'.I .,f-Ke.1 h))'U,r wl ,.uutl•a n)-. .klld .ueh roan. __ __
m/•arai11. Tel• lil'l/144 Itallill. %%'Its pour. i it +-111 fu ether IA'", ids fur Iha•^er Jay Harassed "m IIIb frill"', a " by till pl. Will rhe :.ul ..,Mort lar Ihr.".I Iuurl K.4rrd y.up
call uf«%w'ofthrwull,I,eui In ,•,til-u(In_• Geo. Porter
Itrhl; air Vnrnin. of '111 unrl loll ora,. by fin• w 1 hU1i,R, l,, d (rat
.tem{sen it.. a• .b:all
held bt' ill'. I'u,'e.l 'INII'N initrolhal be.lppro,avl W i) Low "all lu.nm, and by WF
left" rounlini4K what 1. kill,. if m,o Ila" nwrl-
he)w. 11r iota nctw dip rl of her lfa 9AKe a•L1u.r" if deamnded by the .mitt Iru er,.-
Ihr liev/rgi:ill iAry ilro nski (,or Ihu ,'wlrinotaa+ of u,.b iO.ununo Telephone No. loo.
duriva Ila, curse ey- or Ill.. -lad t",I:M, .al- ,bn
Killed at De d�r,ayu,cnt of Ilan trnvunnu- IWtLot. Court douse Square, - Godericlt�
pot Harbor. I
I1wril Soolld. .lone• :01, serer lµaes w.r. r.f .o.usr..e..esr :t' A.m rondtlon W, e,-,rtlnKfloeFinialKlmr-
1'1•Nlrflbi)' era... „y sorer au ll,,e.1.).".,•1r"crd• of Ihr.aall 1
Ielj rl-ur(il f 1'
Lime Fruit Juice
The most refreshing drink for hot
\heat her.
Our now stock just received:
10c and 35c a bottle.
Bedford Block,
Ir a tt• M'xat Ul, noo.\or ns mi"ns 0of lh,'.,U,I IN,MI.1 OrP rdK" %,
rt. d,.l„ sit...... lot be gu,airur _ 1/
*•1•, Alli ,Itlieev- lar til,• Algfaor,\ straill. ,.v+t tit art lar of lei. ki 1..,,, .lu.11 M• Polfd tar
'hip ('nl.lpanl''. ,1,.;t nlrl' Iaaliki, wrrl- Ib,. v1)d ln.1e " 111.• appli,xble ally to
� the 'Nor .•. n.lrn!'Ih.11tc 1 r.lulp fnK law cid
blain, hl In hi. hnnu• hill-• from , "e"r work..und li t b",m"'t-r.r lar the YNrM., right. -
Haultln•. wll"ll lar %%:1. µ1111n+1 in. mode:1.I•"Iela.til"'$'.I.'II""Ihere-ilhpewrat.I
.LInIIV killed w'hih• IlinavIinK Ihr un- "It'd 111•• l'"N.'.•.I.of the -Al.• or .I.,Iic. of the
ulh.•rba enrd. ,,, lot Ix• i. -ural al- "lun•wid. And _
U:ollllg of 'rtes'! 1'.alfn front him r1e1111r1'. 6111 IN• pend out b)' Ihr wed lll.ler• .-J( :u he Ill- had r11 u', H• far a gal, 1)f Ilalinn", n•"',1v. pr,«fn+. , •Ilin.':ue. for nth rek.t of COURT HOUSE -
:LIIll thu11K11 Ilullr of (NL•,'1'r\\" NAW ter SISTE
,...n•lrurliuu, eplfpn•bl anal ,nn'r11Aw,:uN1 oto......i 11 .Ila.. M• ,mm 1 , r+•t'-eidr [ h •r net ,' . 'P
nl. Ila,•% r
c,•'r w I ONE N
I Allard (hal whip• asonatgflhe fm" - %1tueof-u,11 I the SQUARE. Loffi, O e�$ � U
rl mulling nn as, side of the h tichw•le)• pnx[m.. ern i. •
HAIR fila...!•., kri .•li c.r to IN• i,1 fur : r,.u111,t.
ilKa %'r may noel h#- tool- llltv.wn hark- GROWER hem Unlr lot afut0 nw,erc.w.linK lel {Orr run. .,f O/RSC /MPQ�rLoti�•
will"' fnlfa the huAl. spliLlinK hiA "ken ohee..I ,of .......,,,,,.tion. t•IPlhnucnt :n„1 pot,. I -
rbn..• b,• I hr rn ineer "I «n'hinrl .pq.,i"trrI bI Cam«CM•
rlrnn .III@• iknr,- t,. i fie• rlrr,•h(•ad Ile Il,.lic"If I e + 11, Nmrka And ,'ll, rill., .1• n(nn• I I - --- �-�--
wA. only lwe•ni %'-ttvo Veale of mgr Rod Wilson's Prescription Drug Store -mita, Ao'1 III" 11.11.11,,.r .emit 1«• -1.1 aim wdy �__ ". - --. _ __ --
+dlur lnugdeflulo of Ihr rid Nurk., ao11 after
Unna►rriwI Ike Dr.l Atiek in Auxiw call ,keek., ,kill, will 11 he I.;,%t•.npplanl " ler to the cid I nNn,.udlhr+w"I"'LlO•h alllmlr„I"'roated,he BIG SELLING
Lake L4;.. Rise. dernou.t r:r.• f lot• ,illlar..d I hr +lad w",erwork•endrl.+•tracItxbl.).hewfmr O
heir l:le,•r.r, 111.• -t""` Of "'Illy II,L). irk n VIIi+r.,ewry I.....1
Irl roil, ,Indy It. AN predicted by pari
he fulled titate. hake Nurvey. Ihr I. '1'hf- •Lid Tbl• MAill*,HI lti%'rr Ibwerl•oril.
.laver faf %valor oli the Krelt likes roar V.1u3, hlu.ilell. ao.11 rc,x•11:1 the .Inn ,of SID,.
1111'i119 .11111". 1.:Lke• Soperim- gaint.11 001.44. As. IIN• pots I'll- of Irma and prlrileff-.
Ive illell •s. total i. „till fall#- im-h :full rl tool Ihr I'm ,rnrll"t u( Ihr cid dant. 41uI Ihr
I//.rall.11 a„rt. 1'f pM111 „/NI Illl..b,1,of the he
fast en ye than Ihr uV4-1aini fr ter •nese Nhrn r^ell -,-, rd ovp M• oo Ila. ...11
N1.I urn )'1'illr+. 1111'111KRt1 llll.l 11111',11' 1O1OIrrn 1) Ile ll a .loo �Mn'" ,ill Ian• iNot rl., ll-
ill((%Y !k 111,'1111 1'1x1' Ill r11111• ,fIlal 11111•-Il:llr „1«,.lan•'ry ''1441 :,,pI1N IlIr'. file 111` „Ilrg"in .if
-u ppl) also( •lath, ire" 1.,Nrr w Ibr val town lot
111.111.44, lar xe%r11 inlist-, highl•r than I rn.d,ls•lh.vl. 1,, p...I-,ly ulN•r:lb• their wmler
he areage .or lift*
past len )'earn. :uulrlrrinr nKM Nork•. :1nA nL .l hl fnrnl.'a HE PAST
,",Her us -ll fl -:13 hhlranwr..-aliH lee,il,t WEEK has been big selling tie Ir)me fail(• alt per -hear inch#-« Suipirs nwH, .'1' NII.. r,,:., 1,r.,•turo flowI it... il. g of hot weather material at
,ailing till- 111,111111. Rod• fs flow reoren Nho-hall rrrluire I Is,•, if-theeNtenl f,1, this big store. Our stocks are excen/•111•" alive Iht, aoirlalge ,r'f 11M• latif lcN„! _-14,ha•,e 1„'Nrr.;lnd the .hist „ll- .Malt- exceptionally large and well assorted
Ii. 1, Urrrl'""•'r lsol-taluO e,,I,f..,.:m, I.. with strict! summer goods. They will be kept that ora right
l-1 )l-,tl«. Willi k11i" l-xrl-n#-IIt xllg" ARE THE GO Isiv i iver Vr vr4 ,uu1Any. Usual
Nark.., through Y Y g
11 Irlkrs 1llrhi lli arid, H l -Ile . at age AKINmI Aute of "Ili, lerwy AurtnK 1 h ,'nrrene) g the summer buying season. We have what
11/111111'IN' KINNtl/1 til#- bN'kA'lt the til-Nl, 'If floe a: ill'ball"Ir-11nIle swarmlhv..I :W mron• at you want just when
tir col1rr N•,•a1111•r' that
t hits r^'''• you want it. You will save time, and likely money too coming
lad Nigh w'ntet-v11 le lok Keir nonfilFes Sass. here dir-
•INNI drafty in 111" flatter liell•oit Itiver timeed lei ll but. now tont it era •k Theroid Thr \Leal land ►Herr I''nwer AuuA 1
arrived )'oil will have to titir,uvl .if $''''thee'• rfu,al.*. 'Jr.!,qn1e fart roe{.,r I ect for summer needs.
INI Lalkl- I'.1'II' 11:1 t•hnrr, Tilt. .tort fat NliuO Of. Ila.•,nNu of 1;.•lu,fh Milt rot• amid rur
1)ndilwn. pc4-r»il fan Ick" /hKnril,. lent muit you h+lyl• hrPn wearing • i.IrNlon.hull Ink -flvnl the .mid ..,,,,,,,App yr,
. _ cal xl)rinK for cul np•Gl dRlp IN,.r {{"owermt ter Prim t e ..1 peer ..,."^ill Cotton and Lisle
la.ynhl0 .1NIf ,rmrl4 for the rimae of Ilan,' Women's Summer
MADE-TO-ORDER )""^'' le for,,,,--k••rha•....,torr.o,rt. Nnd
Two;. Better Than One. :do. t ; i. .. lora!• p.e it 1 .. m• o)ni,µIt.. UnderVests
W s record ,''IwN Ilia)' he beyood for f^ll-^ lilal, n''lnln' it -h:W p;y" as the• Gloves
our rti. billr READY-MADE '^11wllY n{„rot Ibr hN of Ila.• nrutal nnurnrn
good COCOw'N ale not of ,Nlwrr IIV•d. ,,,,,,,,,,r+l lip ,peter'. rhr 1taDV (ilfff'Iwnt Atylem Rud IIUAIItIP". All• azeA ti IIPn/1111 R(IICiLN of theta. Lisle LhrrR.1 poll
,•1. for whf(h .I,:dl be Im.,,A u,. ". ,t,,, I front inflantri to extra large for About peOPIP. The, milk. Plain, Iru:e lar net, tae aha XV (tt o row IA w01'th IIIOre [A TWEED or 'hwrsn„.art uul in Ihr• tlnnl n•,xrrt of Ila.• Ilydrv, It•"t VAIIIP we have ever shown you 1' r CO white, Crean(, black And
091 than two o 11/1 per. oil
Amy. F;irotsic !•ower ('wnnn.•iuu. n•bu Int to %' ler 24 ��
HOMESPUN "'torr delcls„fill-in ill . • lor•A. lung or short and lilt si7.em.
:ItnblllrN !)alt)' P. -trust T1N• oDP will •,n rhr MAill+11--1 Itivrr, ' '
'be .n a enc„,,ml lou of the Town of aid -,,I.: - ..
Short Gloves, 25cr and ;mall
at aD.,ut SM worth of fait(! and return heel ld el l ormoti to ftloPlythe T the .;dal enol, I Lon GI
t1L. The two Put iGli wort-- Of teed Prices from $7.00 u lav a .Ilea- ...d Jim) fort herr(tOI Ihat Illy brelmuN I R t>♦et, 60C, , ; ,lS 41.So
p' 10011.Mhu. Ill thecor,„,itIJou to the coH11"uy lap , White and Tan '
ad rst.artl iN;. �,� Y1mk111K an :AI I hr .nm of �l.:.n p•rHnnunr. f �•�
m IaF ,II of the awfli nolu an„mit,llHrnt• of Women's Cotton Gowns
• • build.a dna• For n.•rndvRAOe• n{„n, [heem .Ned Summer
Joint Meetings Proposed. Outing Shirts f",uA.o.drlrutnn'•KUNeuP11eredbyLhmu.nud Hose it l9waetPoftlme w
any hlrthrr+n.0 Ihxl runt br•Wnle lac b) the make your own when
Tit.- f,1l tu)VI li. II'll#-1' 1184 IN•1'n x"Ila r'"',N,Iwllen to 111%, i' 111 ran rhmll 'M• %ChILP mod tILn *I1111ner It~ here ill Abend- garments "IICh Ra are here Can Ile ht►d at our
V. N. Lrwix. M. I'. a ' Y %"h'" r rieeA. Made from fine English cottnnn in
arm. lth by ule,'a Lny, on t^ rhr rNfA comp more. All xi7"•A. Meveral different slakes for the
YliA on, Jllne :5+. IA,-. in GMx, ePI'n rnN, hlau'A and w'hil,, 1111,-, The tAid rt o%%11 a •hall an.4a1. egll'{� nud t rlPItnl•AL and fleet factory in
�• I"'44'1.. ):rt., \LP.. flannel. An eawy „hist. xt h„l.. RinlminN(thr'af ON"nCS,IoM.'.,,el)fraehltl.•ry, ehfldreo lar• lalalie", Pilin, riblled or Inch r (Akrlll(11k Handsomely
bodrfirh. im ludhllf lillul , i. Iran). he f.,uod nc(a•swu'y 1'ffe•(r, pN•P pail" l:N•.
l C�/1C rinunPti with lace and embroidery. 1'2 styles
11. !!evil- !'if•. forestall file to""Urge.t t for the fell ulrvrtfle of the tooter AnA electric .N and" " "' • Jll la „0 ect from, laic p 3
I 11
• TSC t0 ;i.5� IIKM .)'„acro. of rhr •n1A aror _ a4Ch, to ..................
nt ill ter clan)i lag rlertinn rn nqu(iRn ,IOM tO alll'II plNnl 44.6 in ufe Ipi[ tatiol.he it) a irit.
%%'l-xl Iintain Ila.• pllbhc ln#-rtiuKN br P 111K of fill„ I'S Isy' by Iby .old ro Hose
of the
IdAk jfaint,fa11l-„, d,Ltea therefor,uui N. ThnNnldThr11 h,.,,c the rivilerr(buQ Some Saturday Sp ecials
Nee" of alerting to NN• U111tolill)' nr- • pAny- I,inited. „hill M.%c the per t o-Rcc of u.• -
ngel. ti1N•xkrr" to IN• linllte'd lot Ties n ,oKthe Vw.eut Plaid ,f ,he Toww of Oaterich
l•wr•h'l-"; 4-xcepl. that earls .etndbhate• 411 "tsH,Ary to flauir pro,"..d ,„ewer .,..' Some 1:1tl.11llg gOU(1 I111118URIinCr specials for Sat
ten,. wheue%erthe wlnle .hurl be r"ynin•d fat ]) urday
ell ha%'P f he privileav of holdini- t wen that purl„re, during the eulrency of the .AId selling. It IS stock -
:"I Styles h"All ppro"" dF'rh c01of It eiodmainta,ly,h,,, cleaning, tim8 with us, moll every week you Wlll find bargains worth while if you'
he• 'ohlic I114-l-fing. oitl V, nnVwherf• nl NII tJmvi A„rl at.u,., y
the ridihK, at. which h( rosy hnyr keep the s"i,l Nuxa,a"r Period manikin and come here. Here are some of them.
r plant In x It ,al And
V Npexken'Fi hr Ifkl-s. TKp sort of cMeleot .tate of n•,.lir. And .hail w.o te,,wir
'It owlet ing., printing and hall I,. We We rrtrry ,i large nAmi,rbnent or repiniv any {Nrrt ..f .ncKh plant whirl oily'
IN' dividevl egnnlly ; noel flint hn
of nil the hitext mt VleA in string" nine the•rl.v,f.-Irt^fH11.1u11I)fnrtlIliadlet by IJoel of"•'
her pghlic nmptings he hJd than rand f1)11r-in-hallw^"h,thte ties. required for.eleh o.•raflal, and .Ire nil .e11 ; i,
rmP "rl.nnged lirrnralltg to this pro- Yri(l•4 ore right. • soll"Asile be regnlrel b)- (be „slid 'fawn for A little Price for Good W
f he purls.c of keeping lap .tram io connection
Nihon. Timr 1111 -s -ed fill- "p -inking mitt, their wad pion,, which this raid town
xald rnPrting"• nod tilt- order of -limit Muat Ilherly to der wheal maid so Inns. a.
if You Need a i,rinal'Ai n toe:" 1ef•"a"r '' ^g 11'0 11'1 79c, instead Of $1.15 and 1.2'
,#khig. to Illi 11'l-al�(eNd 11etween oar r a $ S
A,! alit p .hall „u PPly enc 11141,
Alen. to take rare of the rm1A plant,
I'r'nAting tb"t (him Islay "feet with i Summer Vest 7. If tlie mid couopnnv"hA1l.0 rrgldrr,I the
lar favorable lippi'mal. -laid los',) -boll "'All,NIFf,hcation to the I,eKI.. ,L1
alon't,fail toset•ourrt""k. 'I'll! lilt I'm of the form ine,lat`nntarlo for m,il' 1lclem-up of w,fF for Saturday. Every
[.fill'. very t rely ynlltif. Art %Audmunitend confirming Ihi. hyla w, said 3
will plPa,P %our Iwrket and your roll
tt(IIIItHT HnLN}:x, eye. +ltrrenwnt.. morlR,4fr" and IrnflrAlltar" single one this se
- - -..---._-- I ) made or dol„, nowle thereunder. )tovideml that season's Style. half a dozen Or
1 all et.I mod exf) rki,kk. of And Inoi�canal to any
Kincardine Home WtMrins, -u If appllrntlon A01,11 he Iwrne And paid by the more designs, The cheapest was '$1,00
Reg Black µId COIn,M )). most
luring till' tve•k of Jul• ��-17, 1!1117, A Hylmw No. 1:1 of play, of tM walA town of
grArdine will hold an UJal nctyx' poll a UINInMeh, tetiluled "A bylaw toRaArAntee the 1VCPC $1.15 Or $1.25, All are on the bargain
Mynd. or de a•nlure,, ,bylaw
Maitland Wee,
(iirhi It"nnio11. 1lleat ulrpnr't- I•ower('onq"Iny.I,In''' tal)le,`aturday'morninv When OIl
n" hacP eePll amalr lot• N r'. u. Till„bylaw .hat (Ake tR cute me tiled repeated.
7 • Or y ean:have any
ne-going, kind one Week of solid en- Ili" finNl ,awing thernor. Otte Of the
nlent uuay 1«• expl•eted. ilrOnlisea ". The %rate of Ibr ele•totw M the sAIA Wan m for......... ,rye,.
--z A Uaxlor'Irh „hall hr hakes on thi. bylaw at the r • ' r C
__ - _. - f"11""InK tine" and 111nor., that i. l,, wty. . tin
j esu nsdAy. the 9,A any of .l ngo.t. ,,air poem!.
1 I Ing nt the hour of"n'rloek In that fMMeeOfal "nA '
(vrnlnOl . ell h of loorkfollowing
In the daftereputy
of the I Those Lawn
Sw� e I MtTMI!). by the fOlbwlnt AepntY rellrninK i s
ming and Bathing Season 1.. w .u1r1I%1.fmt i -1 Thmn,ronl
Her".' worm.. "hope by J H
Ames Lr•keirfor. ,,
("ell !trek, Anrl }:. 1 , nelrla Asia,I-' ret nru•
"'g "M"'':
Ire, e,'. I
rr1109e LaW119 At 1JC and 1 tf care certainly
+, n•, Ix "I.VideA" ^' "I ", T..1. `''dila^'"
J. yiA,•An, ,.,II clerk, onto t'hmrleF
Ilmle& A"", )' n•tnrnlui, oAleer, i
the cheapest that, e%'er went out of the afore.
tinlAll.-N"dimn And 1-1ge. an
BATH AND TOILET �' �tf, ,,,
I',dlark uMtflarann No. :t rot the town -lift
I by IA"" IF""",'"'" ierrk, and W. A. i(, t 41� I
Aelmt err prolog ,,Meer.
Full 444 inches wide. Note that, l''Oc qualities
'mt.11%1.1011 No. Cat S. r
w,,, by tom. itw,hr,w, pnN shark And
Jnhn .b. I•", drptl,r ane
selling for 15c, and 2i)c r ualitiea for l Ac. '
1 When
Sea Salt, Talcum Powders, Foot Powders etc.
m(Ornine ofllror.
� 'rile'to '".""r'^^ No..1 atMn \vAltnn' I
.tun•, toy M. U. Nlrhol•+m.
they are lone, hg9111Vely 110 i)IOTO as gOOd for the
S. F. H/CA - - - w
f Centre/ Drug Store
poll clerk, ane(
/itxltom l', HIN,' It, drpul Y mtnrn(nlr oMe'er.
I10nlnllv,IMli%I.lonNo. wl Jtlha NrophrY'.
"to". f,Y N'a,,. Tal,,
same n1011ey, for We ('stn not possibly duplicat.A
unt/k11I111. mlVtil
rant Abet, and H. I.I
1%A�l.on.dep�1t( Ynil arnlnitoRlerr.
hones. R snMllri�N1 Nn, ,. At IMnnt, N vll .
toy krifwlrt pR11,
the order.
{toil! rlArk. Mato Jl n N','
,:IIRae, Aepuly reLpralllt officer.
Men's All Linen
2 for 25c
114: each is the real value of Ill
then). We brought the quantity
I,Pcaume the Prices wag low. They
arp full-sized pure linen handker-
chiefs, cart)tnic finished. While
they last w•A will sell these 2i)c
hnndkerchiefit fit ...... .... s for ssc I'
White Belts 2 for 2
Big xhipment of %visit,• waxh I)Plt.m.
nicely ernhmidered, gas(.] pat- 25c
terns, special, for•..
$5 and $6 Tweed
Skirts, $4.25
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