The Signal, 1907-7-11, Page 6I
I �1- , , rk,lhkajdr_%� �,N.� 2,4" i'�1107V,Xii_ �,,-.-��,�;,,.,,"t,444to,i�4L�A-5-
e TRDYDAY, Ju1T 11, 1907
Z_ � 1,
Kill ing bota;
PADS w:.�--
— SOLO aY —
IRMITg, tll"fll nae CENUM gTtgEf
rM, per p"lleAc •r s pwoMoa hr 2"
will lost a whole oowNn•
"Royal Crown"
Witch -Hazel
Toiled Soap
The name tells air
Cog-pertc,tion to mAkilIV
Vrdgh.-soothing, healing,re-
firshing, beauti!vlr.
SM --ciuniug .
A perfect con,piexion soal',
a perfect tui!!, s, ap, Inc, a
cake. j cakes ase. ,
At Dreggisis fveryukere.
a " 'r, I
why the business of J. H. WOR -
SELL ik SON li increasing so
rapidly this year. In fact there are
many good reasons, but among
them stsndo out prominently the
fact that we can give you hardware
at remarkably low prices. That
may sound like an old phrase but
it's a true one. We are giving our
customers the benefit of our fore-
sight in buying before the biK ad-
vances and we can now retail many
lines at less than they can be
bought at wholesale.
We have been buying hardware
for over so years and understand
that important feature of the busi-
ness. SELLING RiGHT can
only follow BUYING RIGHT.
W have dow-1 c of them, plain
`fancy, AII sire• and p'i'es.
Doom groin (pc or.
Hrtte\i acm Wtridows, fit any win-
dow. sec to 50
R If cno-,txk tis mlm,ul MARTiN-
SENOUR AINT th;,t e%. -IN
1"mly is lad tog nlmnll we 41.11.
tell you
There's Nothing -Lt iVA4
hal the'pureed orad, zinc. li1.-
Reed oil and eolc4iog tnaticr.
It's no secret how it'. owde, and
drrn't forKet, that it's too per cent.
pure. .
Have you seen our Oil, St1q•es ?
They're dandies \
If ynu n4141,1A Liwn hoover we
are the ;wind.• cull want Io ., , .
We have N4awers from $s not.
Make Yourself at Lorne"
RI call' %tote(F
. ar commuters ari'
no. friends And we Are nhv,k)•s
Kind to meet I111•14 lvhrttler they
Are haying K."ala fir riot.
Wholesale Hardware
W11.11. A0V.XT+ F'nit
Gold Medal Hinder Twine.
The Making of a
Successful Husband
Monsey Do"a,t Isaure Rappiaeas.
bat [bo Lack of N Is Soiwetisses
Fatal to Wal ■eo,sokeepiwg - Coo-
ing late Debt Is a Rasardows Fro-
codero F•r the Newly Married. ,J.
ICupyrbght, 1106, by C., S. YUSLl,
MY cl sed heck JOHN -1 wed the
Inclosed check with tathagled
feelings of pleasure and re-
gret -pleasure that I am in a
position to spare the moue)-,-legaet
that you should And It ¢octimary to
ask for It. You made no eapllm
untlf your need, but the fact that you did
need It worries me a little. You know,
my boy. that I have never Gera Inurb
of a ban3- ,)t
d to harp oil umweatters. I
have always bold that tJwre are Ob-
jects in life more Important than the
accumulation ad a fortune fur my bet=
to quarrel over. The tables whieb
show bow much a dollar at avlalpo(md
interest will amount to In a btan¢ted
yea= never appealed to me. I can use
the dollar to better advantage now
that somebody else can use the tom•
ent atter 1 um dead. The eloq¢eut fig -
or" which prove that If a Tuan seven
him cigar money rigidly he will in the
Course of a Ittedule acquire enough to
pay for a beautiful and most deedMbhy
situated lot in a laubdoneble clinuetery
never Interested Int, In the least As
a straight investment a good cigar L
worth all 1t costa. It will pay larger
dividends -than its egntvulent in cash
put away In a bank. It drawn upon In
od tion it makes a man a better
• aaSr'rl�
..IS GOOD,�mo''`h
1 1 k.
tr? 1'4d -.7y-3 r
rr i11
titt a pp fid 1't,
iv TEA
il'lvi� CA
Girls are neater, more careful, and more cleanly than boys, so they are
employed in the Red Rose factory to do all the packing and labelling•
It is a factory gals like to work in, and Red Rose Tea u •ty
a tea you will enjoy drinking. Ey t is done to ensure it - +
bein absolutel t&e apd clean. �'i
{4�ill you try d package? Ask your grocer for N all•s .t!lie
I" - .
a Inargin for emergencies when you I Keep an O Expense Rook.
Mrr iw
celpts. TSN. Street prig : HxUu crvaol
cry, Syic. Official prices ; Creamery,
are letting loose your Income.
Don't mate the n,latak,•, John, of tr.
coiarrlvn to extra. Ise to :: elate dated,
A Mighty Temptation.
Ing to Dandle everything yourself. It
cv,nmau, to feta y, tk l0 2M; rer"tvrlrA.
co,nm,r, to extra. 17c to =*si•': eastern
Whether you keep on the firm Ice or i isn't lair to you nor to Anna Jloy. It L
f,) -tory. Common to first. lie to Sac; west -
'etre out of
o to l
'teat' nrouud the e1Kr u[ the danger her Baty to lwlp you V
r nrr fir rix 2lc to ..
cru induction et u[ >.
(•heesr-ritrsdy w nem: recelva, ne:
bole, you're all right uuleas you full In. I debt. It la your duty to let her know
new Z_. 11wA cream. colored and white,
and then the Lord help you. l,ebt kt - where you stand, so she can act will,
amts. hest. 19,hc; fees.. 'cilli(•: fair a
tilt, emalest'hule In the world to het carte d ree of &ease. As I advised you
t•eeml, Ile to It+.e; Infrrivr, Sc w 1a•;
t0 d0 a0alu tlmr a yullr
lilt,) and the, hardest to get out of P go, make her
mum-. I to
I };ars-FYnn: rrcrlpt.. 1S.ISD; stale, Penn -
When your mother mud I were ,young I financial partner. Start ril.•bt and work
Anna May, we had 1 all thing*• my b,".
aylvanlu ,old neerby. fancy. selected.
white. 3riie' to '•1c;, 411oler, t•(• to 1e5µ':
otters like you and together and, above
p I pay as you go. I1o¢•t roes bI11R with tt"•
file Koine temptation to get outtllde our
brown and first. I-—, extra, Ise a erniy%:fiat
to extra drat, Gr cu ist,e; western *rets.
pasture and graze In the tall grass. Wo ,
Ide to IeS.r, ufflrial price, itr•; seconds•
ISA to IHYc.
JuWprd the frmr. Jest ¢/ Jou are d0- 4v l.c
115ri to 1"5t,': southrn.",
int, I'm afraid, mud struck- out � "
Joy- I
fully for -14""u field* beyond the swell- i X01
lug fioud." We bud a 4ra)• time for
Toronto Junction Live Stock.
u"illi', but It win" a n,IRbty hurt
while, and then we struck the locks. 1 c 1�T
Tt)KUNTO J['N(rI'1()N, July S. -Re -
We were head over heel In debt, No ,,,t�.'V
� er4pt,...I Iter .;tuck at the Union Stock
lSods torr' i7 'retrad*, aanf,ersei cal
deep that getting out aerated nn tin.
Yti�K cattle. 34 11"In'. Iib sheep amt
r p
1a111D", "1111 '2.i valve...
�6� `�
Vo �1
When You're
.� _
i wl
�¢r #�* �i Tired ances.lf_; M���a4ti,�,,
F,,I, Pi�{ J`%.Li 14,4 li 'l,I? ."t".1`S ?:'y if
,G of wearing out your souls ayd f,u
N your dressmaker, then come to us ,
�i and wish you'd done it in theh.
&' first place. �E:.
Because %e have the garments you
I !�.
r�, want --a fine assortment. ti.�,
Come in and look at them toceIi
day—any day- -and you'll never e
get tired of coming. Pleasing pric es. Polite attention. 8
5 JOHN STEAD, `' 6
0 =111111111111111111111 ...11 J
herd If you do. Don't torgst the bast
results an obiralued by feedlalg and
milking regularly. This has a great
deal to do with keeping up and ralatag
the standard at our dairy bwda-
Twentleth Century Yarmer•
Eatwllent For Dairy Cara
(bwpeas make an excellent food for
dairy cows when combined with other
grain and fodder In proper proportions.
They an highly concentrated and u4
that the perRon who made a glove so
hand to button an that deserved to he
••My clear." retorted her Mother
intpremniyely, "don't waste Any more
hof yovr time on younit Air. Jouw.
Phibidelphia IA -dicer.
Thr undersigned having been re
t ! wtoretl tar health by rfutple means, offer
In e= 1. .
hunbend, a better citizen, a better `ftp ? t { I F:xportrrs rams -sl from 3+.:+ to 86.3:1 Clean Milking. utlTrt ing for ,/corral years with A eeV•
Christian. But Den I res wandering 9 yid" ,G p'. peel cwt., with only line kind at the lllltl¢g slid wet hands 1/ a filthy Arc long Affection, cold that de"d
away right at the start. I always fly oi,i4,*bitter prier, the bulk selling at $5.8, to practice. The clean milker uses clean diwAae Comseepti". is Anxious Ur make
the track when I begin to taut about iC.I! 1-2 per cwt.; export bully, at 84•:ar hands and is sure before be begins that known tar him fellow sufferers the
smote, t ,�, t . t5 per cwt. the cove'/ udder is clean and that no ,tleans of cure. 7'o those who desire
To get ball to the Turks u[ the road HE,. I Butchers. tallies dirt can t Into the milk. L's
Vp, g get it, he will cheerfully ►end (free of
KE Frlme, pick,-,] 1.,t- odd cat 86.35 to $5.40:
I taevenfigured on making a mllfi(toalre �'" V1� �*w la lrd on the hands to Stake milking char A copy of the plrecription
k•ad■ of good. ilio; to 85.10; medium, g
1l i 31.:.0 to i4.m•: common, at it to 84__5; easy will aid In cooking hard milkers. llm%l which lhr) will fund a marc rurc
0 0 Allowed to believe Nkat a bO111014eae bar• cows, at 3-.:s, to 34 's) per cwt. It will also help to keep the cow's tests for :,easseptles, Astbma. Callwrb, Bre/•
• , THINK OF THIS I / I rd is readily arcesstblc. Milch Cows. very tender. Dampening the teats with cbltis and All tht•uat rind lung Malailks.
t, BEAUTIFUL altikers and gyring"r% wW at 833 to He holrea All aufferecs l� ill try ilia
v , o__wustt .,rr•� bod•ber, the baker or even the candle- milk also has the name effect. Iteulwty, As it in invalum lie. 't•hose
( , stick maker. Pa cash oil the 4t t for $L: each. Veal Calves. Milking Notes. de
J h po siring theeecription, which will
F'urturtt will rolrnly sic down upon you everything you buy. Then yyu can at teal calves mold at $4 to ilc3o per cwt, To keep up it* Goes o[ milk always coat them I' Ang, and may prove A c'
and to W skN• least be sure that no overgrown bills Sheep and Lambs. milk clean. bltsming, will please Address
�.'i3 tid, .. .' im,%rlLle JQb, and, IIle most iwople for will fly up and bump you�n the face Export "h."•p n l d At 84.75 per cw•t. Remember that milk will assimilate �fre�aly' .F.
t, . 1`v", -whoa, the foul killer l lewklug, we r the tlrat of the month. Til you Deed for ewes bums 33.:J, and lambs at $8. a foul odors about a% readily as a sponge • arAu A. wtwnq ifMt1J)R,N•i
�L , " have no fear of loesky collectors biding per cwt.
4 + :c^q�ltorulolwrd by going still deep''. 1 g Hogs. will aaalmllate water.
'. .I'ulk about trouble: Why. 1 wouldn't I In ambush at every corner. 'Ilse¢ you H. P. Kennedy quotes prices at $4.60 In milking tht/e essential things are
u through that experience r again fur a i ran walk stratgttt down the mala street for wit's-, and 86.35 for lights and fat., to be observed -regularity, ueatne"t'?
[ p. life seat In the United Statim senate. , with your Deed up like *thoroughbred,- Montreal Liv Stock. kindness. Be prompt In your milking, WANTED' ttk I
/� I
And if it hadn't been for your little and you can loot any man ulna= lu atl1NTRF:At.. July R.-rsp.clnl.,-Al tie but don't be hasty, t!4
gone your tile- Montreal atM k Yard
fffaa• mother 1 would have been walking I the eye nttd say. "Dog
here, lure, I don't o : list tarsi Market Be especially care[nl 1f you are milk- lilllltw,T CA14H PHII'R P.uu roll vA,mAr "I
down the alleys yet. "I.00kowe you n blmrd cent°' the r.reiptw stock for the week
•A"•• ddoun Sneed," she ray' to me In her ; I tell yes. John, no Mau know•k the Joy "nding July r w.rrcar lice ."tM cattle. -enc sleep lag incite=. The man who DAR ehnre• taro, ItHAriA, LKAO. Hring All you n
and lambs. 1991 hoe- and 964 calves, whlle of a cow dating her first lactation Im` have G)
must convincingtwrand of voice, --we've of Independence until he bats been tb, ufferinx- for Itm al consumption l••- rind has it In his power to make of
V$ I through the will of the Sochi t grind i1,ry. were 6W rattir, chin sheep nod lwnbe. TOE DIED Aff, ee•, Ur�,
Rut lD get out u[ debt." "I've leen sot) sole wad � ca vee. ttinr. this lay rain her for all future periods. Cenfle.
V"•rL kind o' feeling that way myself for ; smallest of all. Of Tom Je t•rson de- week a atronR.r feeltnx hue develop«[ to Old Foundry, East SL
• clred that all men are entitled to Ilfe, the mark's for *slur. and Ttrlre" chow Hees and PatllDee always pay. but they
'w a w.(r•, some time," says 1, "but bowr' "Well,' an advance for
tic per les , price in au. Are of oaramoa¢t lmoortance Mr• . - -- ---- -- - --- -- l
she says. "there'■ wt one way to De liberty and the pu=rls v[ happiness. _ _ - - _ _ _ _
Suelwq tapornwnly to pay lora beau j I ,an
to nor very IImItM n,Dply est )gene/etnnq )ElIIel'aI Water
Rin, and that's to quit making new I The man In debt Is permitted to live, really choice stock coming forward and
tirul lot in -.t fashionable comescry debts. We'll do business on a cash � but the rest I/ dealed him. flow in the the comparativHY small arrivals of an Wasting Time.
oat or myself, nor have I had any over- bods after this, and whatever we have name of Christopher Columbus can a crave during the past throe weeks; but. A sophisticated mother who felt re -
holds from thew fact, there I. n,,thinr: 1 TKH (Y).. manufsclur•n of '•Mrr~
weenl¢jr desiea to see your name In the left We'll pay on the Old accounts." I poor Incumberel critter pursue hatopl- In the situation to warrant higher prices• sla,nwihle for the futAireof her laugh• l„ng - are prepared to deliver to any part of
rating looks with seven figures after "All rigbt. folly,” says 1. "that goes. I Demo when he himself is being pursued The- as n o In nvnd cat r e Mi.atrers this tet" "Aid to one est' them : the town l+ela.t (linger Ate in Wnlm oral
Anna, what did young Mr. Jones tasri� aha std qu t,c). He In three "lar.
IL 1 have no -,objection to mltllonatree mnd, It doesn't matter what we need around the block and down the alley ther, hu -al huyrr- were AI"pnmCA to 0"' may to you List ni ht when he was l.:;; oln( a- qu.rl.d. Nehaor Water and
he overage up prep well with the K net
hods. l[h t anode ere nefor from
J T or what we'll want, we'll wait until I by a Nemesis with a bill?
lie can't do rut. more freely. and n tetrly active shah' botoning your gkovr ! 1 saw he esu I nwutrai ndnenl ester. wnA are thcMlorO ire.
rest o[ humtt3*}. lint I believe It you we hr�e the money to pap for ft before It and you can let your last nickel was done, which resulted fn "uppllen he= fro'„ "u inrouriric+ P. 1. �\ ALTiY)N, Mail
cook! pin 'em right down W the truW that luppl¢ess Is not gulnR to hunt him Ing cteartQ up eerller than cannel, euro Choice
slightly excited." otter. Photic 8d. -
we get It." it took us a long time to the higher figurer demandeA. Chske \\hy." answered Anna, hu Fa id
the majority of them would admit that get out of the woods, but Polly stock I IIP- She's a lady all right. and there- beere■ sold at ftir to k•. Rood at 5y,c• t., - _ — 4
the don't get am much real pleasure 5kc. fair at 5^ to fy,c. and lower Brads --
y to me like a Il[Ue man, and never since ' fore to be wooed, but no moo In debt - inBIO
ever yet got on her eligible lief. et stir m rp l.r m on a cable aAvlc.n
cant of life an some of u* who have to then have we borrowed a dollar from I from Liverpool. Twin ton and adhinl nn
F. -ramble trorour ham and eggs. And, anybody or had the value of a hair- Now. son. !t may be that I'Te goal- Saturday were firmer for Canadian b■- A KOY AUAMS i ;
Ann. and Inside pric." showed an advent" A. TRAcuga et, P1aro '�
est It In this way, I have never pin charge]. off half cocked In till matter, An i'll _ � �� _ __ _ i � tt.i
admit I often do. it m be that our of in to a per tot , an cmmpared with
tried to Instill listo your mind that moo- I give you this little chapter o[ an- g7 J tnetnC Of a week aRn, set was no I !ltndlo In ilank of MentAeal Block.
t,y getting +ud.rlroney keeping were the cleat blotto to *Dow oil I'm not ped- request for money Is based upon con• material chance- h the Intal ho/ m all. f , / /� _-_-_---_ _ - --_
history J thin h the tt. Th. punch• pan small. far A Good -fitting
Fillet end or ®a 1 have rather been citing Dot air. Ire not experience that I w•nlen the dr•runnA fn.m local Arol"res and �eQ1Cal,
hlctlnel to let your oak out your Goan- i want oil to avoid, and the only way ,,4 'ft:'� �'a A,,r psrkerR wen" aha c•tr to ahenrn, and n lair
Y. i r , trade wam door at nl -adiv pric... 11a1.a of I
I salvation alo¢I: yalr own lfneA, eR- to keep clear of the dev11 le to sial ;lf_a � select ,m- were mad. it 8T in sl.2a per Well I) EMMKiLYON a TURNBULL
pe, Inlly a% my TY •w % on till subject out of ills might. Just you and Anna fi •• s `L F:n cwt. weighed nut yarn. riupplir" est small A. T. KKuxwnx, M D.
ure not strictly orthodox. \In make up your minds that you'll 0 m"fie" were a mar, fowqurrty tredve W. H. Tee". I.
ill. R
Y wan quirt. Th. market
for res l'.w In much
A Different Proposition. keep on the near side of your salary. , "Iron Rer. and prlre% have been ■leaduv • r t n'g EE Trmm. nerson'. Street- !'hone IM
ndvanclnx. eptrctylly for Rood to chole+ Sint 71a.�y� 4 a Ire. lta,lrermons residence, fit. i)wrM'. street.
But the busine,sm.of piling up dollars and It you deta't lay up any treasures Or. f Csd., lk •lI� Opposite Victoria street charoh, 'phone 1st
kit-, for which til. demanA In sr at. Som" I,,. Tnrnhull'" remMe,ae, VAaon .greet
just for the plea%tree o[ looking at the in the back you'll Ice accumulating an t holt.. idr k sold this mornfnR •( its to
Nest rihr<w'm 4nn•, 'phrtno Ill.
pile and the task of securing enough almighty big pile of pence and content - B, its: Rase at Hes to 8t•-; fair et 86 to p. Overcoat �, I",
u[ the "nine dollalb to provide the rte• went, a property which Do man In debt Z .I A "Imm.ah town to C each. The des- r, p, "x''t,
p mond for sheep for .%port arrount Cori- v" I1K. A. 11. \L4(K I) "t M. O
cewmltles and some ■rf the luxuries for ever owns, but you'll have to take your , `L� u�i Ilnurp good at 4%c per Ih , and iambs are l 1'H 1'sN'IAN ANi, ril'1u11a,N
oneself stud one%% family, with a mar. wife Into your contldrn,m. `! selling at N to 016 ."ch. Special f"e and In ne, old
nkof anA
\Indy 10 your cant'' frnm new- Throws. (KTt7 and nto ),.ye.
oW Mankof Moo -
Kin for emergencie•r, are two
entirely Make Her Your Red partner. Ent Buli•lo Cattle Merkel. real. ^Ste iirNo. rMetTar, Nest cit., Oodene h.
l -%t '•loth" in nnalium unci li ht-
diRerrut ,!U )txillbost. A ma¢ Isn't ' p FART BUFFALO, Jn1y 3:-CAtil -Re- liglit- No. IRL. -- - -- ----
1 l You can't keep in the straigDl and l\ 'M, erupt, tan) head: active first tot to :,tr weight". Act
Much of a man who edoesn't look atter narrow path Of solvency without her t `y Wghrr, prim. steer.. I65n to !7 popping.
Lie own to the ver Lrst of his ability, hci o- not by n ugful. This Is one of "I it, Sr. :c to $6.N.: hutther", $4751^ K; DUNLOP'S i-egil
cud, mursfiae nes we will, tberes no ,hp places where tllr domc(itic Partner- , 84 to /6... ,-own. 1r.M to 3475. Inc In, 3371 -
KeltlnR aretmd the f.rt•that money ts 14to $4 mockers and feeders. $3.nto34.:,0. 1AlIBKON a KILWKAN, BAK•
FhIP plan appllr% with double fOrcM. It (' ., ptutk heifers, 8'1.7;, to 3360: fres,, cop,, RIRTKHM,.olicitmx .n,,rOdoe,
to a (vermin ex -tent t1sc- Duals of happi- oar partner stwilda all the other part- I r•"`� ,'"`' h`+' and npring•rm steady. its to 160. t nmlltonSL.third door from Mgaarv.Oodertop�
Dess in our ntnRe ot.ebfiisatlo¢. Tbo nrr nayrm and i Hnt" H«rlDt. i6,50n head. steady on CLOTHING EMPORIUM, (>n N u, (AMKHON, K.C. J. L Iri4
bliss of rt nod the joys O[ tuts I No neer own Wis irtU up nwd Man heavy,
Plow and a sonde low" on heavy: U AN. - _
f» J j more. what's the FmIll
�y p h.avr. >c In Is. n: 'nixed, 89-20 A t $6 40;
yua fn the. tan yurkers, I0.3n to M.T; PICA. 86..T. to $6 40; WEST STREET. uK(1L'UFOIYr, HAYS A BLAIR,
simple life are all ve.p well In poet" tiwe: .No, /Oil, 1
nud pblionphy, but wgsert you come t0 I roughs, 86 In I6.2•; stags. !4 to 34.50: barristers..nliellom non.rlespubHO pr• •-
Rhe must know I %iderntlons Prrfrrtlp proper: 111at yet dalrlr•". 86 to i4.31i. 7,M In the Mwriume Court eta 011lro, t,•.4 Adel
bitching 'end up to ptsedcal everyday just what theand your dear little girl• denr to ale Sheep and Lambs-Ree.lptR. 3200 1,084: 6ft!#69> 5 Sgnarw, next door C. A. 4alrn•. ir;"ry. Pel
Il re tbe7 won't work tanto Butt us. A situation in suitand your mother an well an to you, arc active; ah -p steady: lambs 21k- hlItheir 'I P ,ate fund. to lend nt krw-t rates d Internet.
dry aye sgneak% for DII, and vett' m u e t call su I trotting down the hIR road at Just tis lambs. N to ia21: a few. 31.50: yrarunR-, l' lit. VNYi. K. C. cit t'. HAYI! O. Y
PO p g M.y, to 86.75; wethers, 81,.60 to 3i..7-: ewer". 11.AIK.
,Inintead of Bing- even truce lit I pair, nud in Jnmt the direction we 34.25 to I4T,; sheep, mixed• 82.50 to 85.5.
'ting gladsome - - --- - D itl"T KON lt (iAKKOW, BAR.
.."`""",'v," 8 your dlrectiou. ` world have you R^• Still. what 1 parr Chicago Llvti Steele. IthfTF.ltri, attorneys, .aadloM, ere.,
. `EooundelayR, hot- she'll do It If "aid or tried to say wont do -)-out Itis c111CAe7O, July I. -C+,1111. --Receipts, Ooderich. Mone to lend atlowest rats. K.
' r :IeM fo[ hllp• she knows. Yon elmmt S.uW head. market steady to UR• I..DICK INSON.(r1 AHLXHOARROW,LLH,
hanit, and so 1 posh It oyer 10 yoli w•itl. aboohilich; Cut
to prlmr steers, 81.40) to
rtIWitt •-Wecan'tbebap- ,an't expert her P
I my Itive nod nay bh•rming. Vottn a. 17,25; cows. tt.' on u,.26. heifers, ht to Brantford 1II111ranCe.---
I ?,y unless we to It she doesn'L ever. .101IN SNEER. 16.Nk bulln, R1.31) to K,. , ores, 63 to 87.2r•' - _Loans. ate.
�� are comfort- Men are woBU stockers and ptm.feedR. gl to 86. _ _
J Hutn-H••r•.Ipt, aWtut comm; market,
able• and our to blame for ex- vim. _,Zr1 THE MARKETS _-« ' rhulve, Ittht. steady, nthrr" lower: great YOUNG k KORKRTSON• RBAL
Ideas Of COm- tl'uYagaUt woo- __-_ - to prim.. h.•avy, N,u, to L,46, mrrupm c�, Asphalt Rubber ik 1 Ywtwte and Inpntwnro Agents. ictal en•
fort ¢owadaJe res -the father KWP clear of tha devil. I to Rorml, heavy, 66,`., to Sr. $0; Autthern• ,�1. I tole for pale or to let. Properties hartdled In
s Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures weightp, y. R5 to K: goal to prime, ,N%«I, any part of the town and rx.Nnty. Fire and
are such that lm,m. lbly, in the first place, the husband I Close Lower -Live Stock Markets S.w to i•. w,; light, mixed. M to 190.: Ife insoranee, money to loan etc
A • n tithing bat lit the nrco¢(1. It no restraint Is pat I perklnR. ►. In Sr70: p,tp. 3660 to ir.u,: Roofing OHN W. (:KAlli1K, LIFK, FiRE
w J ion! will Pro- -The Latest Quotations. nelect.A, I6A1% to $917%; Hulk of .a Ms, i
] D ulxon a womnufs expenditures, If she is I V. 76 to 36-110. tl wad accident Insannve. Agent for 1•ditig
Mundnv. F:rrning, July tmat nal and stock eom len, Insurance In all
• ylde It. We ;illow•ed to lrelkve or encouraged to !re• Rheep nnJ T,nmb--Retelplp, nMtul pan
ter, I T.Iverrxr l whcao fuuurs Clue«f '411 10 len: market Plea Iy; ph0.p.83.7, to ie: your- ❑nem elie-led on best plans and at bwomtr•tem.
In 11 e t have IIC,e that a bottomle:m barrel Is read- r ,1 lower than "n :k.uodnv, and Korn 41 linin. $6 :0 In 8e ;K; lamb-, 16:u to r 75. , o,111 at afro+, c(erwr "'eat Street tai k. 000,
Plltt4g•up dollars for bread and but- fly accessible to the man who sapPHes I Mother. lead tIIC Dlal'ilet In their or wdAem.m J. W. cRAlullk uelderteh flat
the ¢eaoure of it. ter• and some her with Kota certificates, motto can Al ('nle,gn. July wheat tln"rA 1({t, low- British Cattle Markets fell, .hone 11
.r, July rorn Oce 1"wer. and Joly oats T.ONDON. July 8.-TAverrOot and I.nn• lint's. w.�
r higher. --xv; as'V6?:4:t'S�t;;;,.
(t•ue 1¢slt upon utak'. W must Blame her I[ pile tries her level best to ,. don cables fir. steady at I2c In tsi{C per � MCKILLOP M[JTVAI. FIRM 1 -
hawe good horbt-A urat4warm an and Iive up to her poxltdon? ]low 1s she to ,Winnip.e Oefiem, Ib, dressed weight; refrigerator beef to ''� ,fl NI!HANCV. Coo lrarasand isolated
pntAc•Otable clothes. ,We most havo know that It's all a sham -that the I e/oted at ec t0 cyte per Ib. -urelawproperlyr insured..IPalau of pert) In-
Fullow•Int fir. the tin"InR quutnllnnl Absolutely Fireproof "rest np to ]res. Its*, over t1B.1nI,rOt,. OI/osr*
Wol.v and newspapeva land cigars and looney "he blow% In 00 merrily and nn Wfnalrr•g gr:,ln nitore. to -day wheat. and director.: --J. R Mcl.wwn, pas..: T. Framer,
(hu•elate Kundur%, unit we've gut to- g, thunghtleesly reprelients the T July s=yt bid. opt pt -re hid. 4X -t. MY,c a1� vlcwr-prem.: Jam. Connolly. O. IMI", Mr. ches-
e'ry bid. (lots, Jnly 00.r bid• Aug. W*, Md, No Tar No Paper ney.J.Wall, Jam.KvKrw,J.O,Orieve,J.11enwe-
hav a money to Luy"em hm11 ft We can heart'n blood of the man who given It? tp t..".7ir nek.d:' � e_ I wen, dlMclnrm : T. F. Hays. Rssfo th,eerretwry-
Kt's the fellow to chrge It. I low• Iw Rhe to know that he baa toiled M I L r MAKING . treasurer 1""p�ctatr., vtllcc.nccarm"tdireor to Mw
The Visible Supple. H W, pol Hdmemrlile, anent roe scot tLl% brh,gw m(• aaa.and to the rarer"Ingl] to Ret 1t, has Dorrow(d !t Th. total rlsllA. pupvq' est what In 1t,- Ilrlces rigllt Oh your roof J. w. l•oleptlerlder" own pay a""eeAnente
Is alu !glint that I waw nr Push Into from that amiable frio--Tom, Dick and ' bse,oto hu•h.u, chin, 11.7111,000. and t»to. and get their ewtrd" ewafptM at Yr. (r,•a',
v.nir c6re•Im•Ilum. The,sraolnt you b,•- Ilarry--until his credit In exhausted- 1 6-o•0 Clinton (e at MOl.ear, IIItlA' Palau•'lethal
laeof4ls/ot Tiatcicer of the 11[Inaseota d8 Ilse'• tjad•rlOh'
r in to fgn,nd money •pea luiven't got I has plotted anti schemed to wre-t from I Loading Wheat Markets otos station says that teey have On hind at ---;------- -- -
or in lire rt
yuu rntrl' un the nor♦1 stn snrubM, and others, dishonestly or dlphonorably, the July. Sept. Dec. e� , k
...... 94% r14 1� nine cows 4hat produce a pound of i1C r ! 1 Z`,; marriage 1aoBnaes
Wit n blamed short dfrdumcc. to your dollnn she most have wlthdnt onsPect• Detroit I _----- _ _-- _--
T„l.An .. 114 Oil% batter for i cenls,.wblM eteela In 1h•
deatlDntlon. No mnttat-Vvtmt your In- Ing their soarer? '•Itulneil by Dl ex- ,•oduth .. 1001% l0: usSY ”
Saute herd and with the traaa t(sad, • `1L1ALTUAK K. KKi.1.Y.
come is, If IL'n rnou�llbttn corer the trncngnnt wife," they tiny when the "t. Lm11, .... ...... !::.. 10% 11716 psi 11
comefiraillois, I drdlnn oill ofAU, faintly c•rtsln end court%. they're wrong ile MlnnesMills .. .. 1(W -b 100% !inK care and management tIargs 14 and W R Pinder S ttUgHi('H. UNT, s,M
• •
Taente drain Markets. li waft per pound. This may beeall• N'atChmwker,Je Marriage
volt can live right up ,tdc,, the ruaged In rnlnerl by mistaken bre or mistaken ed a god object knoon. One who-�. tssner of Mwrrlaae LMenws.
Tnnity. Rhe would have done outer Ora
4dge o[ a tlefielt smdlntlflgeattle along 11 i
wipe had she known. wheat aprinR. is to t.... not Drhfosneed to try trbstlsr torn SO I'LUi1gP " (ii, LANK, igttiJKR OF 111ARRT•
UlrosRb lite rnnteaflbtd ssed happy. 5vneat. Intl. bush........... •tt eN I ill/asci by such t }Olde oargtf d W• A09 Hammon. (ledarb►.Oct
\f Ind you, I don't rectstrtueraI that kind There was little nilly Watson, who wheat. Knobs. hush........ a tw :::: TINSMITHING, I. t C , ---- - - —
of a flirtation with FtWtmw. You have had an of els on the some floor with me wheat, red, bush........... • M dllfarawee is ceetalnb a pnet>ty ntolld
hes doubt hearth that ahrob a.fickle jade, downtown. lie went to the, ,]evil try- I Penn. Down. .......::".•.... 111111 .... swri of m,shy Ick Atafi u fbsre are aIIetlOn�srinfi;
horsey, bitch... ...es1 promptly attended to. �-=-•--�-
and I know by ezperksrre that she U ing to pnpply Wit wife with all tM tin Oats, bush. ................. 6 e! �� et daLq beide tttutsde ee d teal/ P P y ►THOMAS OUN DRY. LIVESTOCK
not only Incooclstent, Mtt-ttle ty. Sha'i] phis conld• ppend and tried Ito Jump the , Torents D•Iry Motet. •••• at knobable-eoat It lave dOilleft a hulk . -a 1 and �r,nerwl aadtower. IP$k on Rswu
. throw you dawn ust.about the time game lip • clotbeallne. She Mwilltt Miller. Creamery hose...., e!l at knotrledge « �" ~ "Phone iSs. Slre(t, whet, he -0111 ye Mesa u..0 thses
•••• when riot Iryl *Ales Terra■ t•aserxtble aaA
I Ye- s t puffed up wlft the Idea
that him In tl et aid cat him down, hot I nutter. Autry, Ib. ro¢a....... a tt a is Pstesdsem v � �� 1tkory C00 d. �,d to rive you RaWaetOarr.
Fhe dkin' eat Mm cold." No, by gin' I Rutter, Lila err, .. .. • is a 1f
11 joaY! her 1,eett ixau, . /IQ /001ltiIDea. Mott.', creamery. w Felts.. eft a t1 ---__—. -- _ _—
not ssfi/fied 11th that, shelf tYfndy ger• phr k to him Ilke pealing wax ; F:Rfm, n.w-lath, down....... e U 0 dei/ lh 1a aaq aneage f1t✓ks�'1sw to KOROK BFA;KK'IT, ORNRRAI.
alt A(rv►n apse you Reduago to sleep to • pair of Sunday trottssts pulled l l`heew, largo, lh..............I11% ea imptsseciew deft Issslds. 114d imm NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS • wslno IWAMerroet,(kAorlek.
cheese, twin. III .............. a III% thrg ♦ll to � M 1>� vlThat we P.O. Mex 1 •Afi owing win rwetgre mpIt
T'v41 heard flat she hm#aufoudd ter him ont o[ the bole and made s real I Tfeery, w1b. fins ............. • 13 "tentles' wilt bay r enGM -tort ff
hlghba0x, and Oils• i[ tree, tutght et- man of him. she was all rif[bt all file I lion yr, le -lb. Ona ............. e u know and "sat we penal Bovis y Oopy of change of running advertise- W-11 etd good„ for tw.Iatd will men iron
Honey, per down eornks.... ! M ! A to iteemoY IW y ha,�ea.~ mgate must be left at fhle ofte by sloven, tsrnitere, secureness. els.
plain same of b*r vagarlis/; bat, how- time, but she was racing with blinders. I Moods 1100'1 fo ensure Insertion ebeas• t'wll � see wlat� M sw U
is tii l ever•tbst ma ile 1t worts (1e bo frost 1 New rack Dalry Market at tlnta nal 1� 1< rte LwMI/egtttr T ibr MB•, atlotlOtt s Ctitlatq
7 Rks didn't know. In issue dt same weak. wap aMwlsk
bar.!faed Wit slat imdtvolw fill We" js, {� a o a I Nlgw TOatt .fitly l-B.ttaargtfsa: !+• tL 1rs►tt big. �flg� A
._w"1b`6,.tl t+i.l ,+a,.-.-tk,w,ZN .f,..-..,PlilE Y17^. .L1r""''l - -. -t
'k�'a�;'� l�.:gfc.l.;,R� 1.:',s,l1 t,"t^c'! rx 4 iiv': 'k.'f :,�,t;' .:`_fli it „�, t Tr:�ai' b , ..ti'`: �? , ' T':i 1. n z - - - �' �' - -• -r - p .-yy- .1�
/ , I r. .
« i,. r