The Signal, 1907-7-11, Page 35 ,1-w ,, a!!'•.p,a iVmr,r,4.#sltlu!, Arm.... 1 ,' i, r z1 F lie,±..lr ,{' " -..,.w1- it, r! :..-..... _. .......,.,w 04,wO ,n;;.ta ,,.Arty i4:;YRy..i I + r ipb .k ii a€: auiR •.6Q .dlGlt9sea2.u".t .3bY''., .Iv 1,L dnta :c$,A. a ytt> wa» .(. 1,..'11 4....1, _Ila ` i4tl' ;.. . ' ,'i #'_imp V .v I THE SIGNAL: GODERIC11, ONTARIO : ' Notkere Montreal Weekly Herald., C. P. R.'S NEW CROSS•CONTIN- News of the Wistriet, Owl r u the s It"I rhAugr hNT FLYER. postal regulations twluil•tng lies Iouy- urent of one cent lkwlalge On ext•h '•Tran-Csttada" Makes Fastest Time papprer guui++ng to the LtlittA Nutem, the Avon America. The Hank of Hamilton has decided consult a specialist; but he Could du Flu ))I lei' Thr Muutreal Weekly to clues Its I tbel branch. nothing fur her. Herald have notified rulwcrilu•rr that The business of the country is grow - Dr. H. H. Ross has returned to des• On Wednesday, Y3th alt., ltirberl unless an adyance remittance it luade ing to such +cal exu•ut that the V. 11. H. forth aftry spending sevoral months Uavidstrn 11611d ,%I" Uortruds Hallen- to them to coyer the INwutge they will Muds It necessary to run rife 11 litiunal in Europe. beck. both of Grity township, were diseuntiuue' tate paper. This notice train betwt•en Montreal rut I All. A circle of the Canadian Order of united in wedlock by Rev. Mr. hie. will Affect sou)e who sulwerillrd 1,0 couver, making three trips it week Home Circles has been organised At Vicat• at lies Atwood wallow. The Herald to vonibinaliun with The during Jul' and August. 7 his train. Signal. The cuulhinAtiou utter aur which will, he known its Life •''Peron• Wingballt, Robert Nichol, 6th line of Morris, the Signal and The Montreal Weekly (';aruulA Liutitegl," will to ake the• fast - Miss Julia Hyan, of (wntislta. died has purchalled the Inlmdnd acres lieraitl ilea r nut one apply u, ruin ort liens of any Uuiu +u sure tier Aare - on the Wth ull, at the a of nearl alun side him owit farm front Jaurer age Y scriptiome from the United Stater. ican runti•eent. It will carry lengKAge wi htyfive tears I Petr e, of imid ofMedol., Alan., a it. in the K )' --- au, dining cat call p:rltcr slccping urighlalrhe04rl of $ .a(11) fur it. Mlrr WAlrond, who t wrght Dl The Horse Trade. cars only. of tier %-,-I. - ttr"L deNign the ttxotrr public school for ivl nundN•r Miss Mary McKay, of Tuckersmith. with fount meNlrru uppuintOlVIAN, And u o U '. of yt*m has resigned. diel r other NPet enly K ties hoer of 'elle rapid growth f vdelltxiied „rely Ills(-ria"r ns.t•ugets will Is• r,u- hrr brother, Peter McKlj ofthegth cities rued acarus, tier uupli4•wheuied He& It. will rave..Montival .)n the ll. House. of KxeWr, hew sold lir concession of that towur li ). un the "I'Alksion of busilles. coterprist., red , harnesTnakiupf busid lO Wor. 1 Iirmt trip July 'cad. • IA•rlhs can IN• N " .hell all. She airs size ears cat Age. (tie rash tui A ll44nrnt cat our new lieerw, also of :etre Y Y K lwwercel ill '1'orunhl far pas.+►gt. free (acro lauds, are all Gu'turs in the sou• Alex. Hergott, fl( Centralia. ter Norrie ILty 1,0 px.inl.4 we.1 of Winnipeg Mies ('Inyton nail Mlrx ('bidhuy. un tiuuwt drwand fol• work hui•re•s in Jf Jtrick Fl FlannFlannigan, o, 4tephtrr At which the ••'roues -ciao d,1, Linritedl Ire leaching staff of nlinu'n l'ullwginlr „p Patrick hlxnnigan, of Strphwl. Kreuter nu a him tare at any other stops. No lNaase•nxers will Ire eau stet Institute, have resigned. sited in tier Listury of lies country. erre wedded in Mou11k Caruu•1 shun h wee•. who ,caw fortlmate enough to fi•uw 'itu onto fur \Vinnipeg or pointe Mies Olive Cooper, of Clintou, hits un tile All If tilt. They will 1e"'de in N+est thertnrf, as Winnipeg passe4lger. } have hureeot to aril rut reaping n rich logien rngagwl to IuAel► a s(:h(xol rex Urutr»lin. ,o arrive only one hour later by lxkinK guiles from Toronto at 7111111 it year. harvest ; those, who have Ito buy are a e Mr. And Mrs. \Vf F. Stewart., well- paying very high prices fur tier tm:w,- tier Inyn4i:t Limited. Lia of slops, Oct). Alen 1►x4 lower ApepN rintPll chief known'( of Bnnsselr who ate full wrtirul 1-s need Werth remervatiunm K teuwt 111 en Duel /h, were pre "c" tonere they need, ,cul there is evet constable fit Win haml l0 sucCwd (.cul M. obGtinel at C. 11. It. hpcal tirl'et K 1 1 pruspel-t that toe ,"•live derrotrld .1,m office, or It ine I R. F...ter, D.P.A., Chief Vxnnurnan. who has resigned. by the Al ethslist congregation of stiff rices will runtinur fur warm to Thecongregestion of Willis Presby. Hnlemels with alidresrer accompanied coffee,, am in the present state of C. P. It., Torten to. terittn church. Clinton, is in itsuhilt•w toy farewell gift". affairsthere it nothingg in the retort• year, having tern establishod jn the Citizens of Walkerton illLVe formed .)f is 1NNrm, but the if. noand And the What Mary Said. year 1557. it beef ring on the same liner its those prices Are the le•gitilnate result of the A ..eitaill judge• cite•" it striking ex- Thomeas Biggin, of Summerhill, died tomcod in the rountry. They have conditions of u•+ule and the itim-P• a eiple of the sort of slxokr which the Ott Wednesday of last weed( After it ell Agod a hotelier to do their dressing idents of immigiatiun rued business trickster ran s o-reptitlou"ly insert in lingering illness. He was fifty-two And Are getting their beef at {I¢1-. it It. projects. There aro only two sources tilt- wheel" O( jumti,-,•. A witness u eaet•sti- yrs of age. The shops re chtorging Iiie. troin which the stock with which pro Ned in ,t recrnL ra"r that a person Tbes Clinutrt public school IpNarl has Thr 11111 -mere farm of Mrs. Me. muppl this demand way lie derived, mooed Mary wits present. when a par• appointed Mr. Moffatt. H. A., of Sea- Culluch, un tilt- 111th eoneession of nauu• y, breeding and raising the colts til-uiar ronvermstion tx,k, place, ,led forth, ae successor to Principal Lough, Csleorml, waw hold by ,ruction A few Is" I'ur farms car ilnleerr'ting tenon Other the question wits itsked, "What did who has retired. days ago, Thomas Clark, whit owns countries. The latter rour'mr is clw11'l' Alxsy say ?" This %%-,IS objr(-twl to, Mn. Louis K,t11Mei"ch, of/.oriel, it the farm on the ot1lNNritr ride of tilt+ hopntctical of accowplishmernt with Alxl after montes discll"siun (ht• judge lilind, Am A result of smallppox. She nuul• (wing the purchaserat t(i,t11111, profh, Nino pcicr.. rule quite as high 1-u 1-41 out the tiue,liun. An -;- went to 1/Illd.)o a few davA ago Ica Ila \1'IElnewlxy, dllth alt., Al ie" Ida and the demand i+ yuitr as gees in tion" u. this drri,ion wits iollfle,lt- Jrlt Huttiikknl, of Srxturtb, wAm near• the neighboring ruum(ry, need also iu seely taken and on appeal the higher --- - rine Io Fowl li, Smith, of \\'hire F:urulw. The only n4ourse, there •- .....11.1. revet'w41 Ow v.•Ieliet anti ordeled l'rerk, Iwrxnn. Thr a•rrflum) tuns fort•..)[Wit G' 1s AppeArN to Ile lilt' a ne•w trial Ott tilt- grr.und'thal tier oerforu)wl by !try, Neil Shaw x1, veto 1•nising cat lilt- "tuck to tiow•t tier re. que,tiun shOold t tye IA•eP answered. quiremeotN. And, with prement 11"04• At rte second IIi,aI Ile +:cue tn1 air mine of the bride's unser, John 114-- 1 )' Lt•nnnu, 0( Srurorlh. l><•(•lm, there i+ rwas,NuaL1e rpr.)nt',aKe•- w,s prolxuuadwl :mil vliritwl Ihr• in - 1 went to (lanndian farmerm t.) bretNI furwation that '•Afl11 ) said nothing" ! Itrv. A. C. 'Tiffin, who wam PnNG11• of still raise r.)bts of the clam.rs best IlipTrowbfidge Aletbodist rhutch for muited tee the market and likely to FATHER, MOTHER AND CHILD four )'tear"'and lugs flow been stxtione•d hrioK the liest priers. We have a FULL SUMMER SERVICE Trowbridge 1.oIIIWth, wan petse•nted by .his health) slim"1,r find can grow in --. - Trowbridge congregation prior to his abund:Incr tilt- oar•e.wu•y feted for this AA -Cured by Zam-Buk. LANE SUPERIOR DIVUUON.-Slososn removal with at farewell Address lac- cII•ts of ,Gook .It a olifli11lunr of cost of% uu-Hak is Ile he,t household leve Sarnia 330 Mwdry. Wednesday cotnluaniwt by a well -Heise purse. production. belief ever brmght into a honoe." asset Friday, for Stekke. Marie, Port Artier, Ott Wednesday. Wth tilt., Frank Whole tier demand awl,,, the market ;etch is tier Opinion cat :111-,. Satrah .%I(. - Fat WJliam and Dukrk-Friday, stoomr It:.ioGon, of H11,111, t.x)k to h11nselt x 'ri(.e•N at pl-emrnt. ,car K..od fill- both Uonnld. of Bila•. (Int. She• ,;11.4 : ,.N), daad throedk to Dadwh. wife, tit the peasou of Mins Hannrahwavy-draft find light. bosses. ,old wen liu.lr girl had it set;1•1.11 +col o11e.1in+et- GEORG1AN SAT AMACEMACDIV.- Hope. daughter of Mr. ,tuJ .11m Ed• who are competent iudK••" 'of tile Let- (•ash slit her skin I applied %4111 Hak SteomwelaaveCogiapvwd I.Vp.m.•owes wall Hope, ,of Alderslie (urvn"lyp• tear, And wil.m. facey rues in Owl ,i few times :11141 Ihr• .kill trouble, Sound 11.30 pa.. Tuesdays, Titursdaya and neaar Cheney. The welding 'Yk direction• l..t%P A I+n'Ke +Intl prolllable• wbich lend defied all tithe' aennwli.•.4. Saturdays its Ssult Ste. Marie sad way poets, pl:u•e n1, the residence of the bride's Held flit- their effort it pl4nbo•illK ',veal away like Inagiv. Soon after. WORTS SNORE DIV.-Fw Parry Sound, parent, thrid, the average farrn.•r is r.•l-tainl)' ward. 111y mother bmrnel her liugel. Byng Inlet cad French River. meaamsr haves On W"Itiewlay, June !1itb, a happy AAf" in bliretling ,wed rai.+ing the %x141 Hnk WAR fipplied, teed immed- CulleAdwoed 10.30p-as.Mon""Red Fridays. errfll took place at the I?gwlu4dville 11PAVY c1,•As, w•hicl Tonle into u.1- ,mil iAG•l• eased the pai11. My fAthet got PARRT SOUND A PEWETAWG DIV.- fllan.p. IN•ing the wedding of Krlorrr A lgofit rat fin earlier ,mgr• 'tied are lees arntched with h:u b wire. %:1111 -Hak r Sreaoer leaves Pepnatand daily 2.45 pm. fw Forsyth, yonnge•st dxughtt•r of tier `ikely to he disc.)noG•d in %-little 1,)• sensed the wound, prrvt•nrrl blood Parry some and way ports INtr James Forsyth, of Kgnimitiville•, slight 101rrlli"he" or Accidental injury, lNli.uu, a11d be;tlel the igjury io quirk Tieies end lalwmsYsa ~ ' alar And John 1'. Wised, e•Idest sun Of Ilse Rilue they n)ny, despite tile"' hWilli tune. 1 consider that f••1- skin dise•etses a~w Call", snake am workers. Into fful. Wood, of I'rlNornt•. Hrv, I and injuries %,1,m-Iltik is really sou- --- _ — - --_ - -_-- _ - Neil Shxw prrfor11rwl the cere111011y• The great hu•k in this coontt'y, how- d -rful." - A pretty June weidin wAN Cele,- ever. is the scarcity of suitable nlltle, For evzenim, itb,u,esw•,. smwmer skin q fI..... which to breed the class of troubles,' insect mtin r bsated on the Wile lilt. at the home• slf K., role feet, s s s heavy horses that cutitinated the 1w.I rhafrtl places, cuts• hflrom, bmi.4ps, J. F. Cteery Csj,rorne, hie sister• Ali," `1-r ire. F:11trc rrimin its 04p tees carr l LnvinA A. l'rrrry, being united to N. 1 l K etc., %Ane -link is as sure cone. Almt for •I O a•tnKing from (ite,t tritlio And nibs. :dl ceolm per box. Al "totes neid H Davis, of Saintsburv, Hiddulph f townshi e, Rev. tiers. W. R:u•t•... n1, other cuuntrirN, in con.iderxble' nuul- nu4liciue• yrnduls, car %:uu•Huk Co., t leers, voting shoes of t he needed (.Liss. Tol-unt... 11 Kitkton, was the officiating clergy which are Im•ing.will at it At the --7e-- Summer Tourist in:an. Over one hundred guestm were huvptw prices. and Are I.ring ow•orl-d Just One Little Letter. prevent. at Hgiovs not wench higher than good Resorts :111-,,. Graham, relict the Lite Rev. geldings bring in the mn"ket. These The following are some niuusiog 41 %% Minot, liraham• of Egmunelville•• should help to supply the laek of Kalil circurleNuurces ,of lite mimellief i' "sed AwA on Monde cat 1:ttt, week tcr.)nght by droppx 1 letters : Muskoka Lakes, Temagami, ►Ne Y Y hnx041 neAlem, while heavy -draft still- The conflict tuns dreadfol told flu• Lake of Bays, Kawartha Islands, tit her eightieth )•int•. The deceased lien. of gsNl breeding and ymality. in Georgian f Thousand 1111111111 s, w,s A 11attve of Svotlnnd and after mash larger nnmlerrs than iu f111'lllt•P elwinl,• WAS tepolsed with ro11Nide"able Algonquin dark, Quebec, Pdrt- coming to ('wnxdx ire part• life lived )•ens•., Arestalldin forservirr. find the 'Lueght.•r.' land and Old Orchard Me White a ginit and Later At Hr,•utturd. Her go,Nl, yaung, hoole bred uuu•rm r.)fltiitg Robert But n. was yrsll-rday husband died thirteen tars Ago. I,n)OKtt before the sitting AKi.lr.ate• Mountains. Y' K cat hltr4liug Axp, i[ judi..iau.ly floated. One daughter. Alts" H. Is:tleel Orahafll• will help, in the near future. to sup - on A rhmrgr Of having .leen up.•n All reached by the Grand Trunk .ur•vives• ply in large nu11)b-rs the rLtv4 of *c"" "' rat the lieu leyo.ew' pmbli,' Railway, the Tourist Route of bone, ' America" An interesting event took pence on work h.)rtleA saline far, see tient tier Friday. :Nth fill., fit the home A John pr(mspe •t i4 by no means diN/o11raging,In eonw•que•nce of the nnnlerlell. a - Direct connection with all boat Wfitanr. SAuble line. Stanley his but rather the opposite. --The Fat-ill-;11(eslosed by "rating .if, the So -l -- lines. dmugherr F:thrl becoming the bride of em's Advocate. .•mine. steles :u.• being sande to pill :. Tourist tickets on sale daily to W. M(willup, n well-to-do ytap' to 1,t. oung intoner -- t all resorts. Of the Nnrue line. rhe cavemony wit You Uan t Stop It. WhPre Miss 1.., late lst ('event (;:of --_-_—_- perforitit- by It, -v. T. A. Steadman, ,,. den. t'imitril tier He( 1. Nile 1,v:.. -- -- -- - tltnyfield, in the presence of n►Nput Port 1,.t Felix. Guyslooni Co.. N. S.. pohiely dlatt'if tip the shipi. .isle• b% For tickets and full information colt on offs x11PmlN. Ai-Ppresen (i happyp fol)• 11th. -- ISp eci ah.- The fallowing means of it 'hair.' F. F. LAWRENCE, couple drove to O,Nlrrich and toxok tell i. nuuthrr instance of lies excel- AI till- (ioildhall dinner none• of IIIc Town Anent. costa fur eastern t points on their well- lent work Doeld's Kidney Pills site Pooltty was eatable except lilt- •awls.' ding trip. conUnnnliy doing tad how friends, A gentleman wvs yewtenlay br.)nght tMReelaul+t-atalam.tomP.no. rel:ativrN :and nrighbOt reeotuturnd up on a -targe of h,oying solea' n J. STRAITON, Accident to Senforth Football Player. then) W l-arh other. hackney runrhnran for delli alalia_ iMtsx Ticket Anent. Fronk Sills, One of lies players on Air. Juaeph Dat•id WriteA : ••About melee than his Gal•, auul anotht.c an, the Se"/cell fexetlN(ol tram• her his four ). . two I ens completely eln•ed :11.1.11,441 of slaving stolen it small ,ox, J. Ir. McDonaM. nearest 1'as•. Agent• of kidney trouble liv DtNIPs Kidney urn of tar %nth ,,,;III. alsd lilt. st.,lrn Toronto. leg her.ken last week in x match At fills. 1 stent tut a xuptth' of I)s141` prnpretly nils foun•I in bis pockrl. 11 Dundas. The Intnk i. between tier Kidney fills fort friend of mine who 'I'll.- Itus.iaul llent•ral 1CaehlinoH'- kne• nail the ankle, coil will In -v Al r. wammntfering from kidney trouble and k(Iw•sky tons found elea.l, with :a long Sills top tor• st one wei•ks' 1 nm plrn.ed In say they proved jest 'w'alrl' sticking in his Ihruat. --- An Usborne Wedding. ms.or•f-essridAn in n1 ,,wit case. My THAT kill - The home Mr. and Mrs. Will. wife flit) leen Ihoerd with her kid- CIl1RE OF TME M. • flevN far a long time and bat (All w•rnr Uelbtidge•, of UsMprtte, wits the meteor• info a hospit4d where she wit treated I P Of a pleasalel event un Wwlm,alay, by the d,)ct(ns rorsnme line; but th.•y l ROOU*e Obtalriad by Kited Trend- a I lhh fill., when their daughter. Miss trailed tie do her any ggt"XI. Since site ==a. Read ' :i In kadie4 Alxry 1 lizxl04•lt, hrcxnu• 1,h.• brideof returned home cies hs commmocrd The.beelttaaa whole abouts DeRnameQ TO THE Millon HnN k, nlr.) of ('s►x1--ne. The Caking -Uoeld's Kidney Pillm nod is slowly. • /d never be harried COAS,L, t y Itev. ,I ..1. l air, its til on the Inw•o deriving great Ioe11efiL reran them -if _.t >y K. Slater In NarOmp t m by later. 11..1. Fair, in rte presence of melon over two hondrel guests. g'-_ — Ist. The crows doe ahoold Win ham Resident's Sudden Call. Johnny Bit. dther-beodmmL,or-chebm 2i&d> h7y Don't put it off again, go this summer g It, happencl in Sunday school. roan who bm leaned to btanxi a brie to sunny California, the wonderful north- On Thnrsda)• morning, June 2nth. None of the children hrul mtudied their 0000mD•tbEt-Jmo are fond of Ehmmd ern coast cities, British Columbia, and Mrm. Little, of Winghanl, PILONttl Away lessons apFarentlp, field Its focJuhnny, bhn come -around through the glorious Rockies. very suddenly. She. tome that morn• the new 1N)v he wa"n'1, snppra41 l.) bmm►lesmed•one,of the most V&bsab e BUMMER TOUR RATE8 iog Apparently in her omu,el hatlth, know niterh aisont it anyhow. tenons thatrIL-to poesmle for hlmsto but shorlh• after complained of feel- ..,Now,w'dlir•," said' the G4wher, lelaa Return tickets on sale all summer, $go ing unvrli. and in is fps minute. was "Who was it "wallowed .I.)nwh ?" is $Ito, going C.P.R. and returning Brad. Slip w•as the widow of the lift(- ••I dnnno," giggled Willie. Ukdoh7mun Al • through the States, or reverse. Stewart Little find leaves two daugh- "Bobbie, Celli you tell loop W1141 "nal wfftb eqe*s CONVENT/ON RATES term. Minesem Einnot need Lor)•. Mrm. lowed Jonah?" continnwl IIfe teaeht.r wse tbelr?bwd. 7be'emafectiom that Little was in her seventy-sixth year. "You can tlearch file." .-Hill Ihlbhie. pro Nbe As low as 471.75 return during July and Sudden Death at Clinton. "Toululy, who "wallowed .lollah i•' calif tor-tat=xaRCTrm promwtChettoado August. Ask agent for particulars and asked the teacher. A dual.- APVM-IV dates. An old and reNpectwd v"ident of A" time. Clheton pfioomed Away rather unex- -Please, ma'am." whiugx•led Tum)- hs ,P WiDE CHOICE OF ROUTES peett-4 Y on Tuesday nlmrning Uf bast my -it wasn't tile." LIBERAL STOP -OVERS week, in the person of Mrs. Fi,iall,•Well. i declare !" PjAcuLtwe 11 l thaC orv'ir' of have E.namewhich dict of the late Knianuel Finch. should.alem m•be- spoken'wbe en atin The deceased,h over seventy K althotiteacher. Then, "Johnny 1,O the new toy, she waked : "Johnny. who Pw approached. The kindly w•lxdm.Ep oioen Trans - Canada Limited yypa,m ('f ,age, walked hills town on lowt+llJonah Y" to a cow,. sagplenwated, by ki'n y Al0 idol y evening from the residence ••1'11 bite," said Johan)'. "Whnt'A treatment In ri want PA'TRST TRAIFi ACROSS AMERICA. of her daughter. Men. W. Steep.And the answer." -Harper'., Weekly. w•ondrful txsultw. 4 h Passengers lave Teronto t. 5 p.m. Nlren1, the early port Of the night tat every Tuesday, Thursday. and Saturday cies lit me of Robert. ('re•. n Non -in- Qusiness Training. Coupled with ties during during July andAorast. law, where she• passed Away. She limit the tow to regularity In feeMng and Fpwn muttering with asthma far some The remand for tirmt-chasm stenog. milking. sbrvrlll leaalrloehtottollben' PALACE SLBBPBRatOf/6Y. ra phers, bookkee ours And tele- minae. ShP Ipnd been x 1-rmident of I i feed and•w>ver and to be Ralltefl at Fail Isfnreaales ream Clinton Pince 1Kiu, when she cane Kraphera is rollmtnntly increasing with ,on each s.Ume. J(nu. [Int. TlekelAneat. oodertea, the great development of Caviall a, alta) a, ante c. t YINTRIt. D.P.A.. C.P.E., TOM%& from F:nKI+In41 with her huslpaod, since 1 contented ft shp IN not dbmWotnte& deepased. She in aurvivel h ta thorough trAining in any of these _ -------- -- --- -- ruins And sevendaughtere. Your branches is a valualle a,laet to the Ca efbl•ezpwsammis bore demeewtxst- _ -. — yoting man or woman. The meleer"m ed tbat•e viaryCommon.cow-wi l pro - DON'T Dlfi AT of the Centr•A1 liumint.m. College, To,.. duce quite a etwY • rlenits when IS• nnG,, to Htting fpraduntes for the very plbfnleLY eared for. A good -rafor '-THE -- -- lw%t, p'sitinnm in the- himinrms wrpid the dadrymmrto.follow is -to mtkc►ev- i wV Yr'' Core the Indigestion Which Is So commends it to the crensideralion of Liable to Lead to Apoplexy. guardians. pry aeon 1n ttte.bmsd do the best Mat 11 SUPERIOR pmtentn Anel diThis in A she b capable • of •doing, whethm• •she .pm which combines sulserior mer- be a common cow or a special dairy EXPRESSot People who alffer with headitehp, vice and aprrN'intosentm with reason- cow giddiness. pAlpitwtion, Intel taste in able rlatell. It really consist" of thove iCatertn 1-R dant ponds b not fit for I DAILY nkTWF.F:\ the mouth, drowsiness, distreps Atter achoo of under the Panne ref, And each eating, And Any of the other distress- school in under the mupe'rvinlon of A the and the page should he PORT ARTHUR Ing results of indige0iou. Are in Fieri- staff of (loti)ppetent tpAchrrs, igp•cially dR >nthat such eondbtl, ire not nus daflgpr. Their digestive organs g11wlifiel for their work. A Pix possible. if it M not+eenvmknt rr 1,b . cannot -Are for the fixed properly find nupnthoi cAutwe retain lose And thim free tbiae the•pohel should be fenced. Pate hence tile., coast# of the hb,n., vemsels in entitles the atudent to toilinn in all well water or running watter sboeld AN. WINNIPEG the brain get little nourishment, be- Nch(mlit. The mrhexd inolinteinA An pill- bi, e,"ned in the pawtrtev. Pleety o[ rnffee brittle sad finally yield to the ploynlent department which I(N1km I salt should also be provided. fierce blood prpasore rand one is then carefully After ex•Ptlldents who have' loaf-a M -be CONNECTING WITH said to have a ••chock•" fee paralyzed, completp(1 their-coutwPP, ItnbsO rowan• Tba' EOd O Nwthan Navigation Co. Steamers or die frlsm apoplexy. twins and conducts it ror resp ondpnee So' 1112 144 ,to 11elmof Canadian Pacific Stsasers In till-diaAanu eArN of digestion send - department through which A moolear ffx ukmd-of •tllo-mw m1 to Pl- tRition tier prescription plot es MI•o•mt of excellent coorsr•N• including chart- fre`b- ebubUn a PEWN dtainaRe Canadian Pantie Train haw proven itself of great valor. it in eml Acrnuntancy, i, Adrertiaing and 1e almeniteb°- necamurT- and do"Mor- LEAVES PORT ARTHUR, 9.so p.m. ^died npxm tetiay an a veitaintV cal illustrating• aregiven with the theist I am slippery led be ARRIVES WINNIPiG - relieve the worst troubles of indlges- sntinfetetory nsu is to thouannds OP$ ataleed Atomotforfm twand l' p m lino and make A cOmpktP care. eN►(1pnG Irhn cannot wtlend rollp (•. I tNlktvulloald he eo pdEwd u 1,b Connection for principal points In That M(-o-nA will cure the worst All who Are looking for the hest In the , hit. , mpumb wths&,Iufle fie!► Manitoba and the West. forms of stomach trouble, cancer ex- laraineme whnol liner Phould send for IMorwpllmsft cepted. and give gnick relief In Inde- cwtwlogtleN And information to W. H. Ira hal istormatbn q e1 tly to tteket gent., Kestion IP provan by the Ktarantow Shaw, principal. Yongr and Gerrard l` e1- wilts Jas. Wile" gives with every 1111 -cent PtrePts. Toreanto, Ont. Word = •'Weel. ikonald. i met, the (:e N. COOPER, WE. 1'Rna.rrso, Goo, W. *"Al, box to refund the more"' nit — p(1aaPPtar In 1.(mdon. He scents to tie ii A.OI.A , lien Ea.aee. Asa., teeAc Mdr., lliy na cures. A gumtrantee like f it alamt r wy to mbleve fool• her or by this chAnglo." ^Aare are Muslim T@RRRR, wirslpq aunt isom a OOElkliem& Is1Ms PA It b lia b! burn that, way. are 1,'e ! ' I / w! elf, cite 11 . t''+„i, s::: 'I":1, , (G, f.v 1-,f ,..,°.. '"_..x ala."L,,..5 ..+`I,.. -s. ty"'x7,,:ry ": "t.,'Auy '. -p`. •'3, k Yf' ,.l i ' > -` ?W4 S k;-. , r.',na4. °'1?..;,w sex ate _.. 1. . v ....- . -1-s as sroaaaa: <' le"j W':.; -,- { . . I I-, • I... 4” lt ,:,,:1,, k: A' tar^rr ,, a ' 1., 1-( ,.r k r r •„g. h \ 1 1, 1,t., , 1 + ly.; Ri / , 1.. I 11 !'.. , ..... . 1 . , .. L' a.. .c e. 1' _ Ili a p ''d I TYUWDAY, July 11 , 1907 3 I . s ",, 1 { 'PI0NE D. MILLAR CO. PHONE Hosiery Hosiery Hosiery BELOW we quote a few of our lading numbers an Hose, which have proved so popular since the season stated. LADIES' LISLE LACE HOSE L ulie•ei Black :and Tan Ince . in Black. Title :tad White. it diose, ulluvi•c INt el lim, lees( .'era,” runnfor•Gtble ,and . 4-10411 I , ualtty, limit- llet•fl)wlor'f mtitin- Home, fur uutluubt... v 11•- eRs .Iye. lit per pair 50c uutl':rble talus. cal, 254- . . per pair • - - - LADiES' HOSE S LADIES' WHITE COTTON HOSEI in 1'u)k, lieu,•, \,ttur•r] " "pastae, Joel' pair • - 15C I mal, etc., At per pair c LADIES' BLACK HOSE 1 CHILDREN'S HOSIERY If.•rflsdorf stninless d)•1-' I in N,ockN coil a••• klm¢m. splicwl 1144.1.4and tors, a "ple•fldid weaver. At, I I.Arge• a+11111-1,1111-111, to t..0 per pill- . - . . 25c lisle, I4shnn4e nod milk. LADIES' BLACK AND i LADIES' SUMMER VESTS TAN LISLE HOSE lace boot", tlne•+.t t11oc(.a, lift. i each in COtlon, Lisle And Silk elit INttein", especial. A Oc It( like. I'll% 1Jc.:Xic.'Lir, $1 per lait• • - • - `f I up to. each - . Children's and Infants' Millinery This is a leader with its. %%'l' have tier best aesorto!ent.at extremely Moderate prices. Iufaot"' lion11eta fro,,, Sit-. children's lints ill 11111mlin And milk frofll Imic. •' A few Paramolm left ,most lie cleau•ad within the next few days. The Store of Satisfaction is MILLAR'S SCOTCH STORE 'Phone 56 9=6■ e omoi• ' in her will Y' No, be s Ielt evsr C. J. HARPER ' „ ".\h! l thought he would not ft)r- Ark Brand Paint ; „ - I 1, I aF`OCEFR4" / me"■Vas 'I'll" If l:l 1111 tel l'l11 l'e'1's n1, tI1Pw• pe,d IIIN haveiu"I I I _ - -- -II I-1111110110(1 It IsiU•01111plant cat Toronto Junrtimi, which in itself it gflat•ant,pe a" y' I l A to thegaalities of tilt- Ark Brand of (sial. Pro SQAP• 1 HOUSE PLUMBING CLEANING a HEATING • WE HAVE EVERY REQUISITE; • •a • EAVESTROUGHING pm ens thorough and It. rRIIRt1 ELECTRIC WIRING task as possible. i REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS ' a at Lowest Prices. a 1 100 per ceM. Durability. - C. J. HARPER , em 611111111111111111111111111111111111116 me THE RECORD _ "Has your uncle left YOU, Anything a, IA in her will Y' No, be s Ielt evsr ; Ihing w see asylum for ilubecilee. „ ".\h! l thought he would not ft)r- +, get you altogether.'• - I 1, I aF`OCEFR4" / V, .,-! I I _ - -- -II -^ . 1`'I y' I l A y Pro SQAP• 1 HOUSE CLEANING a IS NOW ON. • WE HAVE EVERY REQUISITE; to make the hoose -cleaning pm ens thorough and It. . the amine time a• light a task as possible. i EVERYTHING IN GROCERIES ' pure and fresh. STURDY & COO The Souare - 'Phone 91 --------- — ____ 4 We R. PINDER, Selling Agent. Goderieh I Parrtell's Bread F.eery enc who has tried it will have 1-N, other. Has a nutty, palatable. wbule wheat Me, - that is petvliarly its own. Our name is labelled on every loaf. It to the •erTto -Moo as the Inferior Kind. P . T. DEA N YOUR POPULAR ORdCPm-'AnPNT GRAY BUGGIES T11 P' manufacturers Of (tray Bughries can give pointers to all cutlers in the building of an easy -running;, handsome and durable rig. ft is worth while to see some . of their latest models, and if you want to buy a Buggy you; cannot do -., betted than buy a Grafi'. n, \ • ' I can tillpply you with any style. AGENT FOR McCormick implements Melotte 3epafrst6ft McCormick Binder Twine Perrin Plows Brantford Windmills Fleury Plows 11 ", Robt, Wilson, HAMILTON ST. GODSRiCH aa e t,ok S 7. 'PHONE 15 4R 24 warahow.e` ('or, Nest Wheq yan want (and Youdm (.1tsmet&Rdl TitV :...I at uncle `square/ . COAL ' A.LL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND ReAll ( •Doll sop . iirA p on the market mlen, where yon ret ,.!.In Ib,, for a ton. WM. LEE. nnlrt„ b'ft all C. C. MCK5 Hardware Stare - ,• t,, ml,le tkmun.rr, I,rumutiv attended to. . UUNllRY BROS. Livery, Hack 'Bus Stables GOOD HOHSF.a CA ItRiAOE8 PHA KTONS —RTC., AT— REASONABLE --R A :',E 9- 1 \Ve•ll-Appointed Hawke and reli- ahle drivers in charge of fthp 'Homes, which will np•e•t all train s .and ste,unbOAts mmommonommmmdmmmmo ALi. CALLS ATTENDED TO PROMPTLY FROM HOTELS AND PRIVATE HOUSES GUNDRY BROS. QOVTH STitF:KT PTIONS F FTl . to 4 S A f G - _— i /f SYNOPSIS OF + I Canadian Northwest I Homestead Regulations. i 1 i Any even nnrnhered mertleNr ter Dominica f.nad• In Manitoba• rtankMrhew'an and Alberta, err" ,t1nK N Mme A1, nM remerval, may ho heals, tcewlt4l lir nor Im•rsnn who Is the wile he A e>< . ! fMnlly or any ihnie oyer IN year. of Rose, to the onto -lit of one-quarter section of Ilrl screa, n1en, , ' ,or low. F:nl fQ}TIst be""PdP yetasnally at the local e I ,,,, nTre ,,,,for the district In which the hand to { -I t nAte. t The hninemteMler Im eeealp111 to feel to, , term mtodltlons nneneo-tnt the"mith sender one of1 I he. following plana: lu At Maml mix mmnthm romldern4, upon and "lilt ltnUon of the land' In esch year hr three year*. 121 If the father am nNNhrr. If the father little. - tsNuaml ter ill,- h. neoc.l sd.r os -Ma" opal m hem In the t ldnity of Ili" lana-nteraNl for the 1-r• - 11 pdrenrents tee to fr.Menve may he satisfied by 4-"h lwf`••m remfdfnts with the father or oma M•rei Ili If the settler hots hes irrmanent 1Oak! "Ce alum fareing land ow nod by him In the Tlrla , I'll hem hofpeftemd, the ret"Immestw M 1. . ors =v may be initialled by es aillom ss epsa I the saM Ialnl. Aix ttront.hs' nMlre In wrina .WmM ars firm l , to thin ('rrmintioni e1- d tananbn Iwr)d, int 9 " (xlatta M Intention to apply ter patent. 1 I Ilepsly of Ibe Mlnl ew•e of Ike Interior. .4.lh-C• athrwtsdd peeAll Ion K tklf M i TWU@ meat Will (tot be ;=Ion a -.. t , 9 µ f f:..1-. lw r- - ­ i mm WE