The Signal, 1907-6-27, Page 6'llrt'USDA1, Juvr 27, P-07.
F LY one pisoket
h■,. ao\Pallally
as b
of 11114,11.
SOLD far -
104s per paok.t, or a packet. for silo
Will last a whole reason.
"It's simply nstuuishin}� the `Nav
St. George's
Baking PowdeBe
has taken hold of my customers "
They say it makes lighter,
ta,tier, finer -grained niscmts ami
lakes than any other they e%er
Send for our new
Cook- (look-- free.
7eatira at Fit— R chemical co.
to of Caaads, Lioited,
why the business of J. H. WOR.
SELL A SON is mcreatuug so
rapidly this year. In fact there are
rany good reasons. but among
them stands out prominently the
fact that we can give you hardware
at that low prices. Tilst
may sound like an old phrase but
It's a true one. We are giving our
Customers the benefit of our (Ole.
sight in buying before the baq ad
vances and we can now retail many
lines at less than they can be
bought at wholesale.
e have bezel Duv4u, laudwar•
for over 21 year, and u::dzrstiir}d
that important feature of the Dual
only follow BUYING RIGHT.
Was ave dozen. of filen', plain
Ut• ry, all .IIA•. Anal price..,
onsfrom goo: up.
Extension Windows, fit Any win.
dow. soc to 5oc. it
- _ 1
If TT -k li alkMART-iN
SE]otOPA t,v lking Abrrlll tY rn
tell 'no nn
There's Nothin4I• 1 It
bel rhe pIlrr.t ern Ira 1 zine. lin-
.red oil Arw1 color, `
it•. no•etcret how it Ing\ rnntt .1.
(1on't tot -got that 1m loa)q,•, 'ural
puna, r'4 Too per cent.
Havg 1•(Q yAm our Oil Stoves ?
Til'' to dandies:
If row ill's I it lawn 1te,w•er w,
cur the pro Ice You wall)!
WtbmR Mowers from $2 up. QOOUT19 tlkneo Fdooloill raterd datloothr�fourada•
of w.
wont be, fable to enjoy them quite so
well, I)ecanoto you have lost some of
yourc exHty for enjoyment, find yon
n N•tebP r excellence
ihr r egnnl sec (lents
because y 1 -haw• placed a halo around
the memo'. of marmm�'s pies. Your
mother fs a fg ill Rattail cook, t ph*
Incited a feral lot of being one Olen I
marrll4k Iyer uhf T rears ngo. and your
wlfe will ranee line gr -sand throuletl
.the sanf.•rmi11 1 Ip her along. No
matter 1ffthe hi', arc a little WWKT
or the strak.ovrnk"Ym) are young
yet and ea. attanor it y late, you
waft snake matters Witter by rom-
Thrwr hirer Ism, V as mfny
1 „trwa.broken,up.4ry'futteni tAleh=,y-hrlp-
I-will es their.luwe been flan >< nears
reeragrtin by-oralsy►. Yavrwife'may
I be is a kittg2retnelrs. op then rpalffL 1dSCarao
t Of a hoonadfe, twit T have xtl'htW
d(wrhtsoholttr-3xmM%bitfty toterurh her.
When fay Oe rhrt n Rola Rrrnlary grit
tlrarrtnd to little Mdtis Pante arm, he at
r"" M mighty aerie
Pnitt lar at. She was Jtst Out Of a
rnrrvwk'suit-dtMnl9rnOw avptltirrg het
PYelfrh, afttk fyne�
-work, IoM Rh am-
deresat:l+4flifteFftYr, t4ittftlabwplr�kell
The Making of a
Successful husband
Do NW Commit the Error of Cam,
parin/ Your Wife's Early Culinary
Efforts W ilk the Pertectiea Acquired
by Your Masher Aker a Lifetime of
Traininji--Be Complimentary. A
(copyright, lies,, by c. ti )'out I
MY DRAB JOIIN Your ltwth
requests we to 1nc'lase
recipe fur making
for which you asked her.
Is too tired to write touixttt, but in
connection she has made a few
marks, and, as you have i'('a>np
know, there's always ruore good
sense In what site ways than you
find In a dad's searMi through the wrl
Ings Of the llhilwlopla•rs, from I'lato
Tom I.awlan. I have a few thou
Of my own on the stb)tct, and I a
going to mfs thein up with those
Your another and send 'eua along t
)our edification -sort of an admoniW
utndwkh in which the meat IS
her and musts from your clad.
The joke aboet motheeto biscuits
00 old teat these scieatthc fellows w
"thane the paattag synrhle back
Noah's ark" have found traces of it
the rules o(: Nineveh, and it in apps
eat that It pad lust Its yo►dhful
nese even tbea. 13ir the fact that I
survives the cesift'fes proves that it
an Illustration of an Immortal crisis 1
famlly affairs. .Rife kmatetory sense 1
T11pr acletuAclItLIO ax Meat' 1Uaad Onaces
of it est slat ruin. of Sinew,
most acute Sn;youth. As boys our chief
` (•l111A ttrlatleAs an Internal and tump-
)reusable hunger. b:verything we put
Into our ilt2le lnaklex, from batter
cakes to lee (rearm Suds, glves•ur rte
,h,;: mint that lo animal In Its fetaidty.
Naturally the person wbo prorid" us
with the pkmsuremi,of the -table during
111:3 penial becuuxm the colioary ldeul
of our lives. YoW never taste such
laillre pies ns Inomer used to mate,
Ml Aber makl•A the oatrm,rpies "now.
Ilk• Same fuRrtdisnts and wtxe•s them
wRh the same e40"SMIImate Skill, but
they wouldn't g11s1• pear she supreme
e•atieifactle,u theyronc•eodid. Tie,trooble
141t`t with the 1,;m my, boy. It Is that
yule have chuttgerd.
Not a Parallel'case.
So for this tws,on and sumelothers
It is not fair 'to outugmre yura•wife'■
"nol'1ng with taatrupure which you fed
ill your growiagetlays. Jr. thrse,times
of really practivall IN,okintcwboolstlt In
1lossible to find young women whoican
Elva the most experiosced bousewboeg
a handJcap and beat 'em byte IesWh
T'nderstand m4, I sap It lstposnlble, but
)•011 would Pro bably have to eseatrh a
long time hot (Ree discovering,.such a
one. ('odkint schools, bowevef" excel-
lent, ure Jllty all other schools. They
InerPly Isy f be fowndstlonn of an\/du-
catlon that must be completed I>r the
lioatVrmdUW a university of prseiscal
experfencis , anal it U only Once In
nwhile tV A they tarn out a full .edged
souk. W Ip average young housewife
knouts I, little -no ualiy a very little-
at'outi "cooking, and yet the average
rap lnxperta her to have the cmlinary
R � r a 110,000 chef ret' of a woman
tv Ao 1 Ian been soperis temmng n kitchen
for at generation: What they ought to
ilo, wl let Yoe ought to dn, Is to forget
that g on ever had a motbon wbPn you
r0me• to the table, and, ff you can't
WP o unking compartsons, ,for beaveen's
kakv,4keep 'em to yourself. (:ire her a
rhn'sde. She'll )earn, and -with a little
enoputagement alwil moon he makinz
plet Jaffa good as mamma's best You
"Make Yourself at Heine'•
at ,.or store. (fur cn4tntnot'i,atim.
„tar friendm nwTjl ter Are nlwtov�
gl,ul G1 inert, tbeni whether til•}
ave inlying g"".In or not.
Wholesale hardware
901,11. A WNTA P(in I
Gold Medal Binder Twine.
It, pmellest education sbe made up 11
spunk, and Inside of two weeks ala
was back ut her uwoiter'a, And 1") will
down on his kneem asklug for forgive
nese. It was a case of genuine love
slid they fixed It up. Toalay she b out
enf the twat honeekoepers and one of
file most faith
ful and devotes
wives In Amer
Ica, but she
wouldn't hurt
been if lint
hadn't changed
his tactics. Ar
I have pointed
v out to you be.
fore, you Can't
break one of
our girls to bar-
er nese with an 01
her (toad. It you
blarntta drive her at all,
IiAO 11ua,J hes crises Zlkl It must be with
tail rcepW on the rack. a blind bridle
R. ,and a cluck suggestin f encouragement,
I but never font•- hold the reins if you
hoes roust but when you find It necessary
can h1 pull on them du it so gently that she
1- tcvu't suspect It. I used to have a filly
to that would take the bit Itt her teeth
�� and run away every time I cracked
m the wldp, but give her a lump of sugar,
of pat her un the back, and she would go
or ut Buy pace I wauteel. That's the way
y you've gut to treat a woman if you
'orae want to have a hoose where peace and
happinrAN prevail.
Lo Compliments Cost Nothing.
!to Compliments will accomplish inure
to lu a mouth than criticisms 1n a Ufe-
ln time. Lout you suppuse sbr knows an
t well as you when anything is wrung
fresh with the cooking, and do you ituagine
It that her morUfkatbn and disappoint -
>a ruent will be relieved by your measly
b LIelun? Not on your life! On the other
s haled. don't you suppose that she knows
you're lying when you praise the brat -
ter cakes you can hardly swallow? Of
(nurse she does, but nevertheless the
loud that you put In your Stomach you
lift from her heart, and she Inwardly
resolves to do better It she has to
break her arm stirring butter. She
realizes that you are a hypocrite, bat
She knows that you are a hero, and
she can't find fault with hypocrisy that
Im prompted by your love for her.
('arping criticism L just all useless In
:any other department of household af-
fairs. afau may be lord of creation,
but lie wants W hang bis crown and
scepter oft the hall rack- when be en
kers the home. That is woman's realm.
aId It In eminently right and proper
that there hr should play second fiddle.
Ile gets up In the tnurtling, swallows a
hasty breakfast and bustles off to hie
office. lie e•omem back home In the
eveuing, eats a heavy dinner, reads
nubile or gocw out ,o a club and then
goes to bed. (Tome Is to him simply a
Ile nada stabile.
place to eat and ele/lp. What laces be
know about the decal s of household
management? What does he know
about the thousand and one annoy -
line" and difncultles which confront
every good housewife, and, not know-
ing. h,rn enn he place a proper value
on rnsult.? The wife Ilves at Lome.
'rhe •a. enter port of her duties and re-
sl.,u..ihiliucs is bounded by Its four
walls. Bene she shook[ have full sway,
Icr Only Ilmitatious the size of ler hus-
band's purse and the condition of his
labor. BY hie advice and sympathy be
can do touch to relieve her troubles and
make her way more pleasant
Encourage Her Hairaw Instinet
The home Instinct is strung in nearly
all women, and the majority will do
everything possible to make home
idrasnnt If given pruper assistance and
en(vuragement. They well crake mis-
tnkes. of course. I have yet to see the
man who doesn't. Iiut in most cases
they can we them as quickly as the
creatures In trotwora who assume to
know it all and will do much more to
correct them than he can possibly ask
If they are let alone. There are times.
I will admit, when It becomes advtm-
ble-nay, absolutely necessary -for a
inan to call his wife'& attentlen to er-
rural she las overlooked or w tIfully
rnnde. ile should always reamember,
however, that, It iS his wlfp and lot his
offf(Nt Mry he Is dealing with and that
,llplomncy will do room with a woman
than a big stick, no matter how vigor-
ously used. Some men will toll Iron
that a hig stick in the proper weapon
for the inalntenanee of dlsctplhoe and
pence In the household, but I want to
Inform you with all tem• emphaals that
I ern put Into It that the one Impor-
tant thing to maintain in the borne Is
The most effective-InstrumeW forme
In a htsband'a hands, or a MAWS ei-
ther, for that matter, In compliment.
Yet It Is One that is less used than any
Other. The beauty IIrwt grnn•s that In
Aur courtship days drew forth the most
eitnwvagant pralse are suffered to pass
unnoticed or unmendoned fin later
years. The little attentions that once
mo delighted us become mere matters
„f daily routine. And we necept them
as our right And without comment
Yet All the time that ,tear little ,•,omal
httagers for flip recogulUcan that is
her dile, longs with the longing that
man cannot understand for the little
worth that expreaaen your rontlnu,Nl
admi atJon, for the little nein that are
proof of your utldlminiahed Affection.
for the evidences of your apprec'latlotl
of her efforts to nuke you comfortable
arkl happy. She huniters, but All ton I
often her love iS allowed to slowly
perish from etarvatlon. The heart � r
driest up from lack of nouriphment, and
the blind man wonolerm at the change. t
No matter how strong your love away J
bix no matter how much you appre-
claM her labor's and her prrstmAl nt-
tentfonA to ynu, all this has little %slue N
tO her nnkvul It in expressed In some J
form. Still waters run dee t
p, inn here t
hesrti, beat the tory uncertainty of Its
(Meth, the pratulMFitiea of dangerous f
nntip., m, nes, the tnnnatsn with which
the imaclrutlon rear nerfola IL make it
5 Cups of Tea l4.
Do you know that five cups of Red
Rose Tea (40c. grade) only cost one cent?
You can actually make 200 cups from
one pound.
It is easy to prove this. Buy a package and try it.
At your Grocers.
A Bargain Sale
commences off Saturday, 211th
' Traveller's Samples, Ladles' 45 Inch Outing
Coats. 50 Coats, no two alike.
Worth from $9.00 to $15.00.
All to go at one price,
.....�..�...1_ ...... J
murk less nttr'active than the babT)llwg
f you Ik
"vase(, R,.'Ae, 1"(ilio......... 0 f/ ....
brouk where clear waters conceal
N'li.., red• bu■h........... 0--
YeaA, bush
uvthiug, which pursues Its ehttirful
way between flower strewn banks.
. .................. 0 7-,
Harley, bush . ............. 0 St
Oats. bush . ................... 0 5S
New York Live stock
catcbing alai thmw�ing track the Iowa- I Toronto Dairy Market. .'.
SIM; steers In fair deanund and Atrady:
Rhine as it passes. The brook is jn..t Butt". creamery, Dnsee..... 0 "0 0 2t
bulls slow to ye luwrr• cows demorall.,1.
medlum and common cows :!Sc lower:
Hfeiff Kr,T CAnll Pool( F. V%ID FN)R ma'RAP
Ila constant as the ocean, and it hila Hutto', def Ib. ruffs..... 021
But tubs ........ 0 19 0 w
stern, t6.ti to 16.70; bulb, u to p:ae:
IRllly, RttAss, L.KAn. Aria All •Ou
R }
uv secrets. Hunter, creamery, I0. colla.. 0!1 0
Huttrr, cr lame,
tows' 81'31 to 14.10. Exports to-morri4
9W cattle and xN0 yilarters of beef.
have (Ar
' tub.......... 0 17 0 It
You Mud Entertain Her. 18%1•alyeellix
Mass. new -laid, ..erns....... ••••
However taclUlnl Iw• eT1ee■e,
t hal: Beals sac blather:
t111ttormll ks firm to ESI higher. Veals, 16
sJ W C
� I�F.J ��. CO., UNITED,
%vu Ala)' I, luras, ID .............. 0 1.1'y ....
0 I.N
cheese. .twin, It, ............... 01JSk
your otsce, Amp It tt�lru you e4rtlu• ••••
to Ti.76; trio chMce, 1<: throw -outs, 14:M
dr 84.7s, bunenullks, 83 to H.
Old Foundry, East St.
11 o in e. Lla)+ta A Iloney, dial -lb. -Ib. llns............. 0 11 ....
Iluney, to -ID. tins 0 12
Rherp and Lam bin-RearlM w, RCM; sheep
, ............. ....
your tnuane and 1 Now VCrk Dairy Morkot.
arm to 'Se higher: lambs full 11 higher;
common to socM snerp, 13.60 to 16; cults.
]�elltaet11II1; )�lIIelfal Whiter
Mn your eyes
M NRR' YORK. Juste 'A. -Rutter -Perm :
::.Ski to t<: lambs. V.� to $8.
- - -
Sre the fhiug. reselpts. Gyve rearm primp : Extra
creamer:•. '34iye to Official
floss•-Recelpts, WSJ!; market lower for
all weights: quoted at 1860 to $$.eo.
Ment plPasd• cine • r,c. prl%cs :
T of
TF:I; 1'11,, tlmUlU(+w'tUrer. of "llmrmt•
t reamerv. conxnon to extra. Ise to 24.•;
rnel tell her that state dairy, fancy, "k•;
-- - — — ---
twin.' an• pA 'steed to delher to stay pan or
I catenation to file In
talo;, pl.-ase You renovated, common to extra, tee to 30%k.;
What Johnny Had.
the town Be N-1 li lrurer Al. In pint.lid
quart-., alio Mineral Water In three br-
�^ If ahs lure pnf A western factory, common to areas, Ile to
IJc: woolorn Imitation creamery. firsts,
.Aa a Ivw•anl for x«ml behnior c
aplhm, ptnr. and quartsl, Rohner Wester and
1loublc!4Meme a. Thwoodm
1 . an- ade from
flower III 111•► I }k• to •'le.
Jolt illy was allowed to clnne to the
i natatorial min. -r.1 water. and are thrrefam fen.
gel halt, notice it 1 (Meilen•,-Perm: recAipts, Qtr now. state,
dinnelGnhit• wheel colo tAny wall rx•
tmm all iulporitiw. 1'. L tt ALTON• Man
1'hunu 1t.
' full creast. eolor d and white,
and any an. If '
wctr.l. Hr w•nnte/l lu n) ser bi
I I Pr K
(user. :
1!r•; d0., h,rse. ll%c; do.. large and finale,
AIM ails,111111nrd 1 fair to flood. aryl,• to Illis•; do.. Interior.
I.1, so IIs /'aline it low Phlalr w'hlell
I__ -
something neer to 5014--; do., skims, le to Sr.
h1v11 III just (I) the tollllonth hi4LU
K J p t
I••.aaa-Irrr•Ralar: rerripla• kris; state.
In d revs ..a Pennsylvania and nrurby. fancy, pelected.
the lA'le . but lie didn't Illind thin,
Ittwiwar it seas on it line with him
adornment tell I willies 3A•; dn., chnle4, sac to 1s•; do.,
her brown and ndxe,l. extra. Irk: to Ivy, ; flr.tsV
+owl hr ttvem not ion likelyUe dal an -
T[ACIIxk qY 1'IAmw
fh• yen I to extra firsts. (411X• to 17r; w•entrrn firsts,
thing while eating. fr til' raven-
Studio In Bank of Montrood Block.
like It, If You . 1S%c to 1•t,•: official price, firsts, Istis ;
ously of everything, havielK nothing
do: If, ysn dnn't, 1 Kentucky and Tennessee, lAvc l0 16c•.
to say to Ihr guests, as Ilia anotherwho.
compliment I
had fold him to renlenlller thxt glmal
h r r anyhow I 'CATTLE MARKETS.
children late a een• not hexa d. Fin•
+tlly, after dessert, when Ther,• was x
I rt. E $ALE, LD.$., D.D.S.
p res 11 ilrw 1 Cables steady -Hogs and Cattle Down
in11 ill the runvrveatiun, he exclaimed:
; West Street
(Ihh to tempi
on American Markets.
"'idly. P4 a. you can't guess what I've,
i\ext t'. P, R. odles.l
your Aa Ing
I.ONIN)N. June :4 -I.i � rpoul rand Iran-
Jon cables are easlsr at 17c t,, 138' peer Ib.,.
it lit Indrr Ihr twill'. !"
"No, guy son," said his fall her with
----- -- -----^-�—
anpctite, let her I
drooled weight; refr(geratur beef Is quo-
an indulgent ghtner, "What is it:'"
� -
d*A- know t it a t it ted at PC to slA1c per Ib.
I Ttwsnte
..Steoawtch ache !" shouted Johnny'
p e n w e w you. I
Che cirratmenord rrrr. Ptvlpe Iver cook-
Junction Llys Stock.glrrhdly.
TORONTO JITNI-rloN• June 24.-'
_ -
i/ A. T. Rrtlslulna. K. H.
ciaoing duly, ing. Praise her
Iteeeipts of live .Ns•k at the Union
Vanity or woman looks like at
W. R. TVkmal•LI. Y. IL
niers, Hmnolton Street. Thone lop
conomies, even If they are rather ere I
Stock Yank were 72 carloads• com-
plugged nickel when compitar d with
Dr. hnelnenmin'm resldomce. St. ilat ld'. .trei.
at fraise her house.
romtd Of 1424 cattle, 129 Sheer 7tf
I Sheep,
the coln•vit of men.
Oppadte V ietorla street church. nK
"pin erall
cep/ng generally. i`rafine ler look:[
calves and b horses.
The Ilan who really k11nwa w lot
Dr. Turnbull'„ ro4denoe,-NeLmn ,{rest
Next Show'. .toro,'ph,mm Itt.
Jany a woman becomes a slattern I..
Almout women it 11411x11)• Willing to
rause she feels that ler husband no
I'ticea ranged fr,m+, f:,.90 to 3t. :S per
rw•t the bulk
admit that he. knows nothing.
jJR. A. It. MACKi.IN. M. A. .
, selling around 3: p.•r cwt
>tiger takes an Interest II tier ap- Molls for ext -it -14 at from is to 8:..30
NO Pan' n1An has any business to
marry a woman w Sit w
tt ) has w u)xnlx fall-
xpet•lal Mtentlon to Eye. Bar. Now, and
Threw t HIhN++aal
a•nrance. Compliment her whenever
na•Iderlc , oM )tank of ?loo-
Picked Iota of prime hwchers' soid aI
nal wherever occasion Justifies and
1111tkinq nothing (put of morurlhing.
real. oplar.iM 1'tm,lomce, tt e.+t .r., Godenrh.
G,. I/TJ.
fr"m lIt. H1 t" V. v., t,nt there• were few ofTelephone
ometimell when It doeRn't and )au then, at these pri•rm. Best loads %,,),I at
F ern tyllen A trirnd urgently re.
W1 encourage her to efforts that will frwrl is tot .:n. fair to mr, ftifulp, 14.,to
c llrwtx gnu to prink out hisfaults doei't
N.kl: medium, mlxrf. $4 to to t1.n; cows,
Aerealle your happiness as well as her ft to WTS.
cin it value his friendship.
wn. Judicious prnhae. my boy, 1s Milch Cows.
mighty gore! thing :art}•wherp, but itA A fow milkw % and mprine"s sold at
E'Ve) Inxn night lotgnarry w too-
111.11 w 11 is a Rou d Inanngel., IN -cause
R18TKiit1 molleltor., n Aariett O ler,
lRbeat use IS In the borne. $P1 to tel each
few oven are My Kond unless they are
iltonelt-•tlllMdoorfrorn1 quaro•l3oderich,
Oat- O. CAMKRON, K. c. J. V
Veal Calves.
One of my old friends married a girl
pa,"Twrh rnanal
-M. KIL.
There isa. a gornt ],-,and for yeas
[ many accomplishments. but phis- ra►vell. And prtrrs were quoted at 14 -to
unattractive. Her features Said) (mer cwt. Prime new rellk-fed r,,Ives
- -- -
.hlly were are worth $ per rw-t.
i Mrr4 ten rollclton• nol+rirw uDlrc
D DR '
lain, her form far from the perfect I
1a1e1; her clothes Sheep and Lambs.
gage eyIcIPACC Of JI xMet sheep ludd at F to K :eT for 0 w_
Ick of taste as well as of that Slide- I DI'Y•ks, t2. v1 to III W; light butcher Ahe^n
e r i a 1
)main the Maritime ('ourt etc. Oince, cwt .Ire
8quwre, next door t'. A. �wlrn'm kielcery'. ITa
vete funds to lend at It ws,t rates of Interest,
W 1'ROCUFWT, K, t'. It. C. HAYS. (I. F
nable quality which women call style,
art, worth fraan 16� to tt per cwt:; lunlh=
Ie made It n point to compliment herI
sold � t p:.:A per rw4.
It her
her appearance. She began to sit
p find take notice, commn
eced ext'-
It. ra 1, .(noted Frills at
for arb•c1s and F' + , far if /and fits.1sT
Cafe d Lunch
" i ISTXHS, attorneyn, aoucitnr., eta
Ooderich. My to lend at lowest rwterw. K'
laing dally to fill out the hollow pinces Montreal Live stock.
1 her form, devoted hours to the treat. ; Nf()NTItF.AT,. June 24,-(apeelal.)--AI
lninrllwoer la0ans. efts.
rent of her hair and Complexion, I th,• Ntontreat stock yards, went end
tudied dress with much mare dill. j market, the roeelpts of live stock ror
the week encllnR Jtlne 22, were :i%of
Price than she find ever studied rattle, k7 phrep and lamps• 22ii) home,
1 lrNG and lnsu nce Aweless IRE
rownin�s poems, and, by George. If I And 1242 ralv". isaIle the offerings
twee fIWAle or to tet. Propertlem handled In
Int lltUe woman hasn't become tine i this nwrning were 12d1 rattle. W, sheep
any pact of the town and county. Etre said
Ih Insurance, money to Town ear.
r the handsomest, one of the most at. 1 and lamhe, 725 hn(rn and VIn ralvrit.
Owing to Cho mnro llhprol suppOPp rat
sctive women you could firkl In twee. I
cattle coming forward• of w'hlrh Ile
blocks! Do on she w I i 1
V and arcklrnt Insurnnro. Agent for lending
pilose ou 1 )u consisted of half finished grass
have done this if he had callett her at. stark, a weaker feeling developed In
tention to Mn. Jones' superior Ptylea. I the market and prices show a decline
Mrs. Smith's more beautiful complex. I ww I-4 cent per Via. mines this day
Ion or Mrs. Thomppon's more perfect There WAS some demand from ex-
figrrre? Not on your life! She would prrrters hero -thin, morning and a few
have grown uglier and dowdier erery srnall-lotsof choice steers were bought
day. at 6 cents and bulls at 5 1-4 cents.
I've Rot a loft. way from the biscult% "rad they bld 5 1-2 cents for grim)
steers• which holders refused, as they
I started out with, but the%'rr prole wanted 5 3.4 cents.
ably cold by this time, and therms s no There wax a fairly good domand
Ilse to go back to them. ilowever. the from local Jobbers and butchers, con.
principle's the p:,me fill the way sidering the extreme heat rind the
difficulty in It"ping stock in rnndltlon.
On ,the whole n fairly artive tratl,•
ntuo� MIY 15elSHE was done, and supplies were well
S'rt-tat JON A/EAlr1' cleaned up, choice Imevrn told at 6e
sr to 6 1-4c, gond At 6 1.2c to 5 3-4c.
Fair At tic to 5 1-4c, and lower Braden
wt :1 3-4c to '4 1-4c iter Ito.
L t, The bulk of the receipts to -day were
to fill contracts which were entitle lort
week, con"uplitly only n few small
A lots were on the market for Pale and
trade wan quiet. gPlectod lots sold
at 17.25 to 17.0. Heavy at ST per lab
fIJim . welghed raft carp And extra heat•y
loth were ofrered atr1116.54 and rofu 8,41.
..•� , i The market for sheep and lamlae was
^'•• quiet. Ow•Inx to the small nfferingn
the demand for sheep for export ar-
A enunt le Knoll, And all suitable stock
rominR forward meet with a ready
rc�` • �> �...A� pale at fs• per Ib Lambs are also In
- - O good demand for - Irw•al a ortsumptlon,
Callaher attention tU Afrs. Jona ru I and palps were made at i4 to 15 -orb.
pc- anpplies of calves continue fair for
rfur afl/tes• the season, f, which tar• demand Is
through. Don't Venter your wife about 1 goo`( at prices ranging from $4 to ilo
what your another or nnybody else each.
could do. Help her to find her own I East Buflalo Cattle Maskst.
way. glee her the Incentive to effort RAST' BUFFALO. June 24.-t•altlo-Re-
cMptw. 40) Vi Awl, Plow and 10, to 25e low -
In your expressed dellght In her itrad j er, prime nb•er., 3r.2s tO M.75: shippfn R.
hie nebirrenumts, And you will have a I Y iA to f:: butctrern', 415 t$n 15.7[: hriforst,
home that will 1.• a delight to every- to 184Nipntn, k►rphand Z. nrrHwl�e .b 83.ailip•50 1.
Immly. TOurs affeefionately 1460' nlork hrifrr. IA to 3360 freph rows
mutual itrat stock companies. framuninve In all
lines efreclod on bast. plan. And at lowest rate
('all at omow, corner Won Street and Hquare,
or addremm J. W URAIOIK, Goderich, (lot
role .hone tl
S U R A N C K CO. -Faun total Isolated
town property insured, Value of property in.
cured up to ]ion. 1It. over Skala oln, Ofdmrs
and dlrectia" :-J. McLean. pprers .:T. Framer.
,•Ice- : J!".,/('onnolly. O. lisle, Mr. ('he..
neY. watt, Jrbl F;van»,J.II.OHeye,J.Nenne-
wets, directors ; 7'. Y Ileym, Mmforah,mecretAry-
troamurer' Inmpxtorm, ri wr .t dlrr-etnr to loo•.
J. W. Shen, Hnlm,mirille, Agent for .Went
Huron. 11oliey-holden, cansty a..emenents
and get their canlm raiivlptai it, Mr. ('owtm',
(:Ilnton a at McLean Bros; Palace (,lothiag
Htoro (1oderich
]larrulte l.uselm"
_— --
Wstchnoltlier. Jeweller and (Vtician.
Issuer of Marriage Lilxnmem,
. A06 helium*. Ooderich. Ont. 4
and general anction"r. Itmcom on Howh
Hteeet, where he will be. found rat all tins"
whonnot ,eying salam. Terme rewsonwble and
eyary r?ori. used to
give yon asUAtwctlon.
I'hano 60.
l� w RrUloneer, sen Hamilton Atreet, Goderieh.
I'. O. box 111, All We. will raoelve special
Attention. I will bray 7onr entire stork of
honseholil good. for ,emah. and will sell you
stoves, furniture. mai.l.rettew. sprinlrm, eta,
cheap. Call end'mee what we can no for you in
this line. OROHON IRXCKKTT, Caria,ity
Shop. Ooderich
Inlpfoveleent of Stook.
- I — - hRASON OF 18(17. -
JOHN BLARED. toad eprinser■ slow anti >~ lower, t1S to
1 VoaW-Recelpts, 111011ahead; wcitvo and — - - i v
2:.• higher, t5 to 87 .it), ctoenor "itis,.
THE MARKETS. I1nRa-Rpeeirta, 14.&M head; artive and 0 G�OIlSUPTIYEn� '
4c In l6c lower; heavy, i16. 10 to Is Ir.; mer- a
Iveryool Wheat Futures Close High. I M11R1;1t, Yorkers.
eco 16.3r:
Y; pigs, SIX
$4 m N 7:; The undr."lRned having taeen re .
or-Chipage Lower -Live Stock dairies, tit 1n M sr. ptoried fit health by shnple mPana, After I
Markets—Latest Quatatione. j whoop and Lamhs-Recelpta. Info, head; pnfTei ing for mevri-Al yen ten with it art.
arffve; trellisK es steady; othara hilt'"' ere• inn afTertios, Said tlnet. tit -end
Monday rvpnlns. Jane 2/. Inman, "t1i to 8.1S ysartinits. IN to 86.:0; I
Llvprpl l w-he.i fnntree rlopod to•deY wethork 86.2E to •x1.71; 0101N.N. + to t4, diw•Ame Consumption, in Anxintl. fn rank,
id to 11,7 11orher thrill anturday. and I sh'en. trailed, wse to te. known to hie fPISOW .ulTeterit the
ern futures 11d 10 %it hlRher• mennp of ent•e. To Ilinne wan (le•sirp
At hlesllo, July wheat closed Xe 1Ower- - - it, be will cheerfully Lend Ifrer of
he T4nhrrday. JuIY corn We lower, and I -- Chnr p, ( 1
illy onto IV lower. r I wta�la g) n ren v of flip )re.cri )tion
• 1 lased. which Ihey twill find a Mnre rur�
Winn{t>.t Opt p foe• Coss"'n", AEON& Catarrh. srsR•'
FnllewI asp the NOnlin quotations t- I ` Chills and all Ihresof solid lung AlalaNfes, i
'IranitreR sraln filturcs Im•1av �yhMt- '.
gels 11'46' hid. Jill tpKe hld. Ory. 611ie He h,ttivA nil auRPrera will Ir,ev,, Iain THF HTANDARD-ARTIID TROT -
IA., O■tn--Jona 4! r• Md. July 41Xc Md. I Hem/vl y, nn it. in Iltnlwnble. Inetee'aw, TING aTA1,1duN T•�O11 RF;gD 113Jttw
rt Wit, Idd t 6 d.•nlrin the r•earri tion, which w1J1 y A. M. :'(1t.l.dtV, weft Aw1al
R fr P & Owl., • at his atw11J st Is onaterich.
Torlsnto Grain Markets. c1-1, them nothing, need may pn)ve a -loom is no i,atrer fired brown In aaa lee
{rain— ' • No ening, will plPmnr ndlilNes. In Ontarlw today, am if yen want to bread fee
p� '�` p cel I that will sell well. yen abo"M patrenlrr
Whr•p I, apiiln b hua11........ Ina to 1.•.. I �Y, At! A. pt4J11n. (Nsealys, Ir.i I7Y)M �gRrrlg�C■■RD. pp
R'hsoL tall, bah.........., a fl .... Ito 1011 POLd Of inntrwan'erkhos on a ufion