The Signal, 1907-6-27, Page 5THE SIGNAL: ("'ODERICH' O) TAHIO TD1111DAY, June 27, 1907
An Event to Which Former Students Are if Military Camp Is Removed from Municipal bushes Transacted at the -
Lookiag Forward Present Location at London. Last Meeting,� _`PRING ,
The fulluwing are extracts front The Agitation for the IVIDOy+d Of the
The wet•liug 1.,r town
some of the lettevoi Lrcelved Ly the militia client) from lundun to (lode• coutictl was held un Fri ;welling• ��
Goderioh Uullrgixlr ltivtltute reunion 'rich, which has already been unto- '!he muting rlarlel M�u bare.
Icommitter; tinned in there coluulus, has gained quornin, l later but the the• I, } is cnml• - --- --
Nn. 8. T. Bastedo, Toronto --"I was considerable headway. 'there it u John Ifiruie, K. U., (k,hingwloxl, I �`�11l�HACL
ghadtolearnof the proposed reunion great deal of diws+►tisfatction with the I�•IIE'RE; wit It it collltos the desire to east Oil those
In August and certainly intend to hr present locative), un various grounds, nrcreLary of the commission apponited
present. Their are few thingm that The ulen resent wannly•the c•riticiru, hY the Dumiuiuu liuvrruintent, to ill- ' gral'llivilts Which have (lone good sUl'VICU battling the
Ire greater plwuwr than to which has im•en directed against the vestigate the Hshertcw of the Georgi&u
make one of the gathering in hotlor ,,f canep by temlwranee workers -of Lou- H'ty &nit aidja,cent water, wrote Ntar- I - UNBREAKABLE FIRE -POT Wiufcr 9tt►1'111�. when y011 8UU 011l' chOwillr of dainty
Mr. HtlwnR, And 'toy one ,egret is that dull, who charge•. that too Much drink- ing that the coutitiwsiut would hold The lower portion of a fire -pot
nothing we can say or tit, will convey it Is allowed. 'rhe oHtceive (-loin, it re'exiou ill Goderich un 1'hurslla), p fe-pot is usually nearly �iN ltlr I' uotw(!Rr, yell Will Want a pail. Of slloUs to
w ilio, anyy auiexluate idea tit the plate that the c&uyt IN well conllC a ... July 11th, at 7::111 r; cluck ill tilt- even- t ,i or partly filled with dead ashes, leaving the live, ! i , „
Is iir our hexrW. Love and and is the numit D�ledy military client 1°g• arum ,eking that a meltable 1)1uce red-hot coals in the ul)per part. The result is that 11^IIIF tl 0)11 slid Illalie yr)11 t(iel m' Ire 111 harmony with
honor hint as we Ion alit do, tint our in U&nada, but civiiaas troru the fur the meeting Iw provided• the upper portion expands u'ucli snore• than the tilt• t,•(•tli Spring day'.
of um can meawtte al his influence and city freµ,ently (-unto in loaded with The council Ayrerl that the• tow• of Pl?e f� l
uainiug have been to its, or this shirr Burks *tilt glvu tyle e u u, p as the Council chartlN:r. should Ix• lower,
he hart in &ruling ties for the battle of has name. filen it' im wild that °Ketrel to the ruuutiNsiun for its nava• I •` This uneven expansion causes a strain
lift." discuuttrries to lt. pe the lAind ",)Idlers Ing. too great lutea one-piece fire -put to stand. ^ ���
J. T. Acheson, Morten, AIaIl., -' 1 ort the part OC the Ier(gdr of lwlndor' lr conrlt, water
a frau, the r(N:rr• I Sooner or later it will split, allowing precious all■ Footwear
cannot at this (late promise W Ile with often t1. Ceti•, and the lack tit "Douses tart' of filo wafter lid light clowu'ia' I heat r(e)d sickening gases to
you, but will do my best to tw there. meat and entertainment ala,, IN fell, tioIl asked th+tt, the council provide escape.
Thr ides is a noble one &tilt I trust you Added to this is the fact that tilt the soul Of $2 '"'to p+ y for the pl til J ,
will make the event n huge success." camFr it Los) xultill fur proiwr work. A Purchased last fall all for thl "T.Dr. But the fire -pot of the Sunshine \IZI'' I1� I �'I'� , 11r�v, i)11J I) fat' surpass An lIl
Itev. 1). M. Huchan*n, 1. A., pastor site weide the Inky, such as WNlerieh FFNN,er of building a se•diment►tioll u is constructer) to meet this con- y I anything IHamiu, enlarging and extending the I L '< r'►[R dition. it is in two sections. The ,
of Knox church, Jarvis, Ont.- -' i nm c#tu utter lit Ridgewlo d 1 ;}rk, ix it water intake, and uutkiu rxlruriuus flint I ill' +nil.', �i a ha1'u it well -selected stock t'ronl the hest
very much plemued with the prospect great attraction, and will, access b g x. w„ upper half expands, as -much as l
Y Of wetter std light m div. The pro- necessary, independently of the 111:ltllliiletllft-n-, and are !n a IMIsition to show you the
(if a reunion of the ex -students of the two railwaym, ns well nes b watts, the. (ifviv 1 expenditure ix divided ,Ila fol-. '� =' lower. 11'hen cool, it contracts
(i til rly tulle ixte Institute and r- trans wrtxtiuu Kf facilities
w,LA r�retrf Extension nsiun of iuttku........... ill,'L'k; � , 1p1�R ` to the lower haf perfectly. K \ l•'"•p S 1'
R and 111:51 w Footwear. liculurl au with the Ilu,vement that is the ,,est. back to its original size, fitting «
on foot to do honor t, the Dean who .'l'hr flollowi11
ilia [wen so long the eaLee•uned princi- laud at London apd war signed by 'Est elision at lust,.......... stool .. .�
pal of the school. Mr. Strang it ,t nearly every well tiding officer in 'Est elision watts wxius...... ,. - INNI �r And this strong, unbreakable,
snan I have always extee•med. I will the ramp: i1'atrrwurksertvicra.......... ',tlllt Ire -pot
and heat -tight, two-piece
endeavor t, lie present un Augnmt +'Nt-lirtR'. I(elsho•. Jn"c't7. ani. The Om Electric light extenmiunm....... 1,WIr Ire•pot is just one of the many °
_►end and 23rd." 5111 or the I.t and Ott ti,iawdos to the Hon. Maectric light plant (ItN)Ui {,iNNs Y superiorfeatucesoftheSunshine. R.1. Wme
\liet.turof ?1(Ilttu, Uttuisle 1'hr Ina[Lrt• wvlN rwtrrtwd t, the .. �,..Mtv(. b'rrnccw HieveClght Mauvlonald, SIX. . We the mrderwiatuwt osoxn of the Int If our Ilial dealer does not handle the
Toronto -"I Always have the warmest need hill brla,utw, ,ni111xrY tit«trlcl No. t, lee water anti light cueuutilIt•+•. '^
feeling in my heart for dear old Uo de. I.a1.doncr1.ot4..•1.11111.1. re«pertn,lly ulerpori The Ditty Engine \1'urkm L'u: rt-- "Sunshine," write direct to us for FREE r'
rich high school and ruy schocrlmatrw i„i wzu 1111wtWtlN�bucxlltNut �wir i�� tii� �u, �, poll that they had Inside a tevt and / BOOKLET. ���Rytfm,rrv,r�.,►-- t I
of 'auld tang Syne. " - tiiabl fur•.u1-h dl.o•i., be held Int the town of examination of the town Hlr engine
J. A. Melrlrn, a prominent whole- lloderieh, a. %e we) -liter ach,lnretit tntiulnN unit hell found it detective, there. Iw- .--
IrnmndwmrklInrrea.uliltmilitary -pint suit ing uAti•1e• blister ill ,lh,r tlrelm,X,
s de wcrch*tit of '1'oronlo, writes en- tinretiate re1•ruithlK in wilt wilinlry I l«alrt. Ntrce a largo n,,nll« r sif the sh:uv h•,Ll Ills fur sums weeks .tdrertised a
thusiastio-Ally of the rt+t�Ilion. conclude 7110 town of Uudcrieh se"ofrertd it mpleudid Caused pro sably by the t Ccuruulaliuil env+ tvitlt ltg(. II re) n t mill .- e"r
ing: "I hope that ,ltd reunion Ina • +tie of «ix hundn.I a. -n., rxlruemly Adapto.l . of stood Ili the water, mp,ua•. Tnry ad- anrs
I I Pr•' not ire tit the appointment of counsel.
fur udWnry tnduiva, sovermeo it netae lite vvedingm. Thr ]i,lnidotnr rrnlixwl th„t .'fen bays ago puunsel erre chosen.
Iw n grrxt /acetas, n,,d 1 rxppaN•L to Ile thotwnd yAldr, uuextwlled waver «uuph for viwvl that, the boiler should Iw either if it erre found I;t-ct-•s,D) to m1•rv.• :,ud lilt cxrioela matterm in itisppate
litre on the dal• Mentioned, raiz tit' drink, and Loathing. -lid enely ecce- qj I...t "Iewel Col. repaired, +w it %V ale of to tutu x ,+mull nit lit c""' i v til.• Ill,- ,ttr now varixbeforthew. The refety e
shins." aipd trait. unr in its prrsrnt Condition. INN) perwN,s intrrestrel, , t In• HxIN•I1ar I heel" appointed September 17th &s the
M. P. Gordon. Mayor of Katulotps, Tile nyder wits rrfelv'esl to the joint London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St. John, N.B. would Ile ver) hCaa y• ,u�d t l,1• li i a dait y on whish thew rnatten+ are to lw
H. C., regrets his inability to Iw pros- The Late E. F. Moore, Chicago. Coltlluittw+ on the deportment Color•- lion indefinitely del&del. Hr there- dAV n which
t. The liquidator tie (-��o-
cia owing b the es en • of his nfll. gxniz+U 11mW E s , Pe PA U L I N ' futr applied III K
Y The fthe l to nuttce re, uorese es. The N Local Agent
ci*1 work, but writes rucnuragingly of IoK•lal committee rerumn,r.,l- m � 1 P ''d to Ottnwn for Ir s- not aroeure an osier for the payment
iaul" of the late F. F. M/N,re, x furnace' tied that the u,emla,ship ter of this . hition +tad Huxley, in April lase of a dividend until the rights of the
movement. "Althu11gh 1 hove aril -known resident of Oodo.1-ich, w,L. d
Iwrn away from hone for a lung written by Wtr astir of the tinsel, cotporalion in the Union of Uansuliatl secured an arisen suint to the wind- Classes are finally determined. The
time," he e+►ye, ' 1 have never forgot. Park Avenue :Municipalities fur llofs (Sl'2) Ile INtid. ing-at) act whereby t h r ,cunt[ assets ars being gtadIIAlly realised
Methodist F pisco pal was authorized to nallie eorneel, for Moan to ndvantx a and when the Na -
ten Mr. Strong nor the splendid ex- Episcopal Adupttd. III the. Pnl And bark to lit-xdquartetvl which ,he 1)r(lcrms .of liyuidatio11 has the different ehwsrs, snit R
ample he has always In en to his sir Church le Chicago, , of which All.. Moore The Honore cowmitlrr re.umale,. ,or no othe land, Dud filter altrt'nx- xtvived. personal t1UON1 Trust (trill,*ny is In a position
Was ?I $ grantee to the Duni- lives which will probably yield then) Tile YOrk County .IA)+tn went into service was ltirjpenneel w[th. Lndel-Itdeclare a divrdrnd there will toe
dents." dei that 1be1ei the proa•islons of the act the lit uirla, etfHr,it•nt fundm ill hand.
Hugh McDonald, a (i. ('; 1. "old again seen- Sunday school and inion I)xy ,rrlenration committee for Partial aii,.ri Ants at tee,) rate. One liquidations in De-rtunfN•r, 1tNl5, and l
bov" who in now upholding the honor char h hax i een cilled upon tp suffer• Lhis year; need that no action be taken cannot Intel 'not a moss fascinating practically t.evrlve Densities waw taken
a etevelr lost, ort- Tuesday itiorn Ill -.- _
of his aluiw minter lit Fndetb H. (., W. ill the urNlter of Airs, Stahlrker's "ldpject fore ul41lisi I these, this Well- tip in gisUu•riuq in the hooks send to T -. - - - --
wends A r (Nst encouraging et June 1. our friend unit Erodes Ed- (-Ix'm. Adis, pled. tl&Il arlirI . of d"".. r• in the Intik• writin il p tilt. claims tit thOm. wh"
P aging Irttrr, in wxrvl 6'rvuuix ytuuCr waw tree, fi•uu, I K I �moun � �-���-__-r
the cnIlrlP of wiwch hr says: "I ane) l�hr public works cummitt a I'eronl- ing. neglw'L-1 to send their botokm L„ t h.•
pleased to hear of the tto towel re•. ell of hit;
pate) WWII entered into the nie•nded that the litiouuf V. J. Farr THic Jul.v %% pN.aN'x HuY1S Costs- 1 g the chows °,
► I 1 JOY of ilia Lsertl. - lir uid,unre. ,Ind entering ' Among the nod e
union and hope n pleasant tin,, Deny,Ind others fur x ceunent walk itiotg- Pa�i,r,--A uovr ha• .Anthnnv Ho1N• into sour thirty-twvl different. classes• g people le of thf
lalrwrly ai tv•sevel yes ago, 'In side the• separate rhe ri 7111. Uf 111Pmr /•lallllm Illllal !n+ dr- /' /� S
Ire snot by till whsi may Iw prwwnt October 21, 1X1,41, he wall burn in the j urate schoNd os gr:u,t•d. is :u' event in lite antis. 1'bt- three K
(annus Pav yet whrthrr I'll go t, it hotle tit a Alethodist itinerant and that a fukche. t crossing with olost N,p111ar• ori ws .If fietin" ill teruliued by it jodgmeut Of the Court town our FURNISHINGS
or not. giving to the distance, though Hve-tout npprsetu•Ilrs Iw put ae•russ Engles ,u•1. Hall ('+u u•, Jlario11 ('raw• Ir•fut•r a dia•i41rud can Iw pail are
K preacher in Chatauyus. N+ Y„ sen the. i 1. Last
I should like very much Ise lm- Inv sent Jxmrmlown circuit. The fa11 the '`orlh street tit St. Vince•ut street, fulvt :tied Anthony o ,and Inally DeerInlser tile liyuidatur ro'mullewl making On such an Occasion..... If a relaenn. north side ; that the eugint•er report .thousands of readerN lee, res„II ,"]'he w'itli counsel, mid was lid vised that it ing a strong
Nerved the char h fur several years in full' on tike would Iw • necessary to ,
able miter'' rate is lits ivrd at b)' the Ohio, but finally lust hie voice ars tilt! ) petition of Ur. '1'ayh+r 1 rimonee sif %A nd+i' a d "file 1)olh' I 1 + , "'n;tlly iIt
mpression. '
cnuunitttw in rhnrRe I Duty ron«ides result of ovrrex NINIIIet it the aren•uland Others for a walk un- Gloucester Dinloirues" Iwliev•••lha Hope is not _ p
lIhOot going. You wild no doubt l ,tied Caledonia Tern►rea; that the e -t- till• least of the triuuna•'r. Anthony I -
of stints• and tion that the rash• sir• iters and ch*iruuaIl of the public Hope's latest story. -Ht en's I ash," T R
nsitifv the students r•Rnrdi11¢ that K , ,
chit -riders were rnrnpelltd to fart. works cuntuittee report on the lu(:,t- begins serially in lilt- IVol an's House �� i �i\ � 9 S It's Our COIIstallt allll aII(I etlOrt LO please
i Rev braving the ministry, lie timek his
H.. John Hopguofrs. of y%ear I r, fauiih to (`xnwlx, where he wrut in- tion• kind unit rust of a seti'er to rt-• Companion for July. It Insist in- I )careful dressers and, our constantly increasing
Ont.. was r student of the year ItTN7, in-
to "usineba, and ushers tier iwty ];i1- lirve the. Bonding at Air. Mortlingstar's teresting, and thoroughly ole m use, COUGH DROPS LfadU proves Out 9uCCe83 t
and eXprwmmrR his intention of iwinp� ward glow into young nanhO(Ni &nit %]I-. Huchanxn'a; that ChP con- iuul 4.1 of all the deli ILful iso- Is'a "^^ ^•^^• ee„„rn n,.r ..
plvPrnt et the rnuninn. lir writes: lrxrtotsfat crment'tyxlks rt s•+mh,W-,r^
N'hrtt nineteen yeatR of ago F:d' hose) the Uowu e g gravel ttanrr of the %rnlla stories. h1. Jail• � 4��
r•h.r ftf ,tuhl .,,m„ha...kl....a
1 have always looked lutrk with ruse ward F. Moore left home and went to Pit on the H iron tiVofnxn's Home ('o,,yoantun is 11n- • Got- Us, kd,.l. til. ..y th'"
npPctful reu,embr*tics of the teachers n �r.,,. °11 nail,. �mm°1�,1 Il,° FRANK N. MAR
\eve Orleans, La., rntrrin into bumf- rotul at )tic. per Iwul, i[ textus lits a«uallystivmg in Hrtton,thrrr I leg,du .„„•r;,n1 en.r.amar°u".a.. MARTIN
Ili (irxlrrich high Rch,ol, en wciall g doubled the price .tee iw dot er addition fu the Anthony Hope •ri,,l, e T H E >Y WILL CURE
1 ) tie" there. When the Civil N\'lir Adoptee.
Mr. String .... 1 am the only priest' broke nut he rnlimtel in )ht- inuiaiana •bort stories by Owen Oliver, J lint
who paused through Goderich high Hoene Glaris, and when his tis imelt lel pursuInce of notice give", ('nun- Willoor TompkinN, Jean Welpste'. nit - -_- - - Tailor and furnisher
w,h,N,l and is now Irving. and I ROras g ciuur Mast-klin moved, seconded ley R-4wrt C. V. NI -ver". also lt two•p rt el>�
it would nut Iw justice to the school went into the (,On A�tu)' hr Uouncillor fiuldthorpe, that the Inn- story sty flrrd,ett U. N'+,nl. Dr. F. ' - Lea+f_t__._...__1t.__._.__at(I1>_tl_
became a Captain #trill served thorn h -
to have all professions represented but 1 g tion pasm(•d by the Council Alxy 17th. Hwle-writrmnn the plr.exutr of OuWrwp
out the war. Ntritngel)• enough. a
the priesthood." brvrther of Itis entered the U ioti IlAr7, mh,tll nut tw Laken to prevent the life in him noonthl• elitnrial page, and
Robert Heahorn, AI.D„ Of Detroit, council fl•(lm controlling the tins of the t'harlotte Perkins Gilman describes
Arm)•, and fought throe h the entire
Mich., wisher, the project success and AE(riculhnvd grounds sir other town the duruestiI- )rcl rems of w•nntl•11• t 1 a _ f_ri'r •;t h
atruRglr, neither brlothe cowing U,r iso rt )' ,s it Aux 1 K
hopes W he present August 22nd and other w•;w on the o opposite side oolil P Y sus lit. Cxrrird. Grace Margaret Gould, a fnretnst ` ,M . f
1rird. PPus T P joint voulluiltee on the aro- writer rpt fashion topica, contributrm
T. C. Wright,, Inan the war mins over. 1
R t. Mier of the Nord posted tier drparuue tit clutngt-a was ,N•vet'al {rages which unduobtedly will ' , N, M I 11 ;
heimer Piano end Mt1A1C Co.'s ,yon. After Iwiu mnstrred out, the I
autho'izrd to send the fire engine tat trove of drop irately+at to the feminine ( •�;
ural ofNce, writes : Bert assured 1 Young Captain went bark "(line to of town to have it tested and the cost rea de•s. ,, -- , r
l'xnadx, and very soon Is her who •
shall snake Pvery ,Kurt to Iw there, of repairing if +scertxinel. _� s _ - ; w'
,� P for Inner than for yeah tows to Iw The council adjourned lit un early .i1 i.Y ( ANADIAN MAGAZI.M. lilt ,'-ah;,
lt ho to have the leaxnre of him wife And the loving mother of hour, fnrtir•Ih,lrllilt•NFRa1•y of coofelrration 1 - < -t .....a,
OD' hnR many of my old *A"(xixtmi of seven children. On FebrOary dfi, IMM, -------- hits given tinieline•ms to mevesel ex .
out�high a canhr�odays. I feel with you Mism Mary Allen, of Goderich, Oft- WOMEN PAY MORE. lent srlirlem ;,f an histliriral nxtlnw - - -
all t at we cannot maks ton great an sarin, !ieca nse his bride. which ,appt-nr in Ill.. ,fill) numlwr of r
effort to honor Mr. Strang, who waw All the children were born it Cana- Why Insurance Compatues Discriminate The Canadian 31agazine. I'he• Ihv t For r-aby s Bath -
*0 met more than a teacher to um all, tin, but in hill:, the whole family cattle Against the Gentle Sex., Csintribution is ht• JOh n 1.1•wi., .••litsir• I a•^li mi- i+vee a Poap, i ime �e A
and w
kind) r
Int .era RN
L PI e
y ism L 1
n r: .N
t Chico r where , • . in•ch'e n � e h
1 ere f. t• , f f t• � C t clean .et-
X r t aenty- a• • TI n •lo � •t «
R n es T t ntO. kin
have tar. ,nal ' awl
I w et-
kl! ed sir all
throe • e .•
h Ill .
If one 'r v l 1
R yexcN they have tsre•n itirntiHed•w•ith , t believe the• mtdicul rx- •rnlitlwl ••The• Fathers ..f ('sinfr.b•ril- a_Kt.'..att•, thcjatelsr.fartuc tl Fintsbed
Wm. rine). Hxlcarres. Hank.: "1 thio rhurch. Dr. Martin F. ('ally. *miners, :the reason x woman pays ti011.- This aO•tirle avnm prsen,pr.vl I•v, I .:i a s:..,p ii` i .
cannot yet rev if I shall IN• "Ne to bis now presiding elder of the Chicago snore fur the privilege of life• inxuoa ore a aUuh' .d till• 1)ninDirtg Iq' Bsilwrt
present, but will he if jxe„miblP, and if is that mIIC IR 11111[11111/1tr couummly a Harris, it. C. A.. Of •'Thr Falherei sell atoya�l Rte: OVVTL" Floors
1 `,/I'tIIYI'tl l)Ibtl'ICI, w,4Y thl'll the joss -
may not he'\in hodily presence will victim Of indigestion and stuulach Vtoorelrt•ali.m." only lwO of whole) �/vs�1tC)fk+Lf �xCl , , e,I
be with you in\s frit esu Iwst." for. The Church corner
r that [ icP sit -
Y untvt un the corner of Michigan ,tpering R and the tall aihtentm til*t Infill'4urviat Sir('hiul+ Tnjrywc ani, Toilet 3Oa7�
Mims _lnnie (,lark writ••, frulrF1 ,►venue and .'Lind street. Finding that "Pring fmw thtsr Ca11PrR. SI•1110co • A. A. 3INwfmlald. A half•
Silence, Samenre wall : "It gives ole ter. 3loore lead bre•n x S11nday school It im Ypot til,• arule attacker of disPasr tont engraving (If the lmtintiug rl r Made �o
W I It . t•.. ,:'+asps
greet plPnAnre tt� know that im,uD' I NIIjwI'111tPlldellt for,et uunliwr tit verus that influence tilt- in"nrance ex,toI jN•,us sin tilt frnntispiert. and phsito- in .one --- t.,i1Lt �/ •
thing is wlNmt to Fid done to rxprrss to in Candn, Dr. Uwtiv appointed. .1 Diets alunr, but the constant feelings graphs of tilt two surv,csirs aur also nn.l m;dirsttd_
Mr. Strang in weme�plight dc•gtrr the M,w,re the teacher out the Bible (-lien «, "f tvrxkntmsI headache, indigestion reprwdnrcd. +Tilt t'tr,.r,•itl,.a of (,1rI_ f or tl!e price �of // alk On
love and rxtePm with which we, his I which position he, held for twenty- and stuttach trouble. Theme thingm, alta," in the till.• ref an arti,le,bv H. torr Only to(.
old pupils. trgard hill'. I hope•the- re- four years, except that otne ye,u• he physicians Rxy, kill more people that, V. He)". with- photographs need acakv. 3h'sr:5•-. L
union will Ips a grand moversm. I , acted ns superintendent of the Snndsy n ,;,,or of the PPrioum disenses. eek1•tc•hNs elf the• tine holies who have
read re p. �_-% 'r'Yr yr>,twrr. t The Sherwin Williains�Modem Method
greatly Bret that owing tie di.ta nce I school. I.0" Cu•,itivr power in all stomach he•n misti-f n•., tit lisp golwl'Inittil'INI Ir lie
shall not Ile little to Imp pu�mrnt on the trouble» nothing else. is NN safe yet rvmidenie. Ott;Iwn. sin, c,I'l l ,rep' Floor. Finishes are fimad
Mr. AfO„re won t nded a Afel 1 e I first of all t0 r walk
grand occasion. However,``I shall ipP ,list find ,dways attended cI41Rs meet• etfrrlire, nothingelet-ran b1.+ see ,hot• lino. .1, F. it. A(r('rrvely rtinhihntrm
present in spirit, and mei y ,)gain in Ing. prayer meeting and the• Sun(lay O°irldv relied ajw,n to relieve all Iron• ,an article reccnliog tilt ehanRrs in the- on -to stand hard foot we r
----- d 1 k 11 f
'maginstion the old friends, of (Joh' murni"g anrt Peening pr••xchi,,K se•t• I,Irc sit iudigt-stion. rs Mi -o nw. I[ in n1. thndm Mud Int) le•m or jseu•nahgni that -
kgiwtA days.with Alt.. Sir g the unlike ally teau•dy helwtofore known ; have taken
honored head of the his t ty fan,i vires, b'nr man stars ht iwrved its pines within tho•/Iitst forts
iI steward On the official boned *tilt for a it to not a "less digestive tablet ; it years, :old fish,, .A1cf.e.ln denlN w•itl
Mn. (Rev.) W. (i. fI*nMe, ,,tint long time III the treweirer of the mtre•ngthens Hold remtotrR ti-ntl'IAI "it"t 104's VOmsibilittem and Perils.'
Fniest: "It in with pkaisnre that
actin,, the stoilloieh mud howrlm ,Ind The nlnnlwr r•nniai,,m also w•veral it
spond to your invit atic, to partici to Deering the twat Uvehr pears he hod "'alit" a cuuiplett• curt- in even the Ili,, tr41 111.1 ivies nn (-inions nnhjtcts,
in the truninn of the old pupils tit t e been a Constant muBerer fl•onl dist• tt•ot-Re florin tit mtmons-h troubles.00d,tA well aaP n gewtd asmortrnent. of xhserl
shoUl endeavor
high oschool.forest
If possible bet". blot still attended to htR buai• doss. Wilsun•rellm Jli•o-nus in tit)•cent. stories, poetry and rnmment.
eh,ill endeAvor re) he prexent, because Iwtxem under n guarantee to refund lisp
PAs and church duties until thin
tit the pleb of nnernorie" awakened ring. On March 10 he taught his '""ntv sinless it dors till that it Y
and the dept ofg ratitudP i nor t, the clniux d fur. if. B LO U'D POISON THROUGH
school, es Ci&Ily Dr. !)hang, whom C to the last Lillie. Hin scholars
hitt Lhuught when he• went home STOCKING DYE.
we all held in Rurh high Psterm, The CURRENT LITERATURE.
reunion will afford the opt) mturity of that Hundny flat tilt(- w,,uld nrvtr
RCP he to that room again. Hut the• Carious Cafe at Kingston.
meetinjt ninny old friends."neaRe K TO THE Pros: n .vv AtnNHiP.---W;ul- g on.
than dinion protect id'"fatitti. Men- te• Welluutrl, tilt relphentel Arctic While attending to her bnseshold
-- than Lw months of awful xRn11S ('n- K
What Do We IW_ low? mtiNL ,lei the midst of it ids hP WAR explorer, hs n ±rrnnd pnpr•r in the dutirto \Ism, A. Har•rimun, I'h,re•dr-
"in May, 1 sonde-- II patient Hnd oil tninel hy. lee y Mc(!lure s o e the atirship trip Armes• Kingston (Ont.), struck hI•r
q, filA 1 w&R in a xttRe in constant pr et•. Never did Christian lir the t lois which hr experl.m to nexke• ankle ,tguinst, n prolectiou whir h in-
lhe Htxte of Georgia, riding frrnn in a numth. in this article. which he flicted x cut. She paid little titi....In
martyr sI ' truer faith in (irxd nes
Savennrh tO ADgnata," writes E(1• calls "\Vile she 'Auirric,i 1'Iv to the to the wonu41 nes the tinor, but in a f1•ta
greater thou tininess floe others in
ward Fverett Hale in the .July Wo- Pule Y' he deserilw+ bis u,nrerllsium Dir- (lis) w it bertinc swollen and ver u,in-
the npidst or' o Own aKOnv. Before Y t
man's Home Companion. "The drive '41111) '•Anneriva" And tells of dozens Of ill.' A Medical ,Dan was consultt-0
the Ptd clinic, hi. Id t-1 user whiajwrinR
. Pr woe going to torn tip An avenue for I ingeaionn iuve•nttsens en,lwwlied in it told it vets then found tb,H. tilt dye
xgwin and again P ,wind 'Amen."
"Passenger, mind 1 askwi him to Int It tram the pod of a ifs sif prayer noel that have never bee -fore Iwen unci by frnw her mtockinq lord got into the
me get out. While he waw Rorie f rut 41er- I n,tvig ttors, Stine idea or whet we
atnd mel u p hlnlnl jNrison. 'I'ht-n
faith. At M n clock o Tuewlny nun•,,-,
this nnit that Rhruh oC Hower which ing. .lane 4, the spit was Erre and 't gigantic,*hip the ••Anorrica" is l my began ;t Iryiug perind (If pain, which
were new to me. Ainvoig others 1 cut went home to Oexl. Iw gninwi from n few (if the many lad it Dol 'Iee•n for %Aim -Reek IniKjtht
softie splendid AfPmR of Adam's Need Ie, The funetvtl eervirP erre rrry IprojmortioeIm and flRurrR he given : "its not even yet bin's Iwl•n ondt-d. 11rs.
Yucca fllimentoRa the Hrvet 1 hod ever wimple and private and re held in ''119th t'4 i -Ki fret, and its greatest ibu'risonl mays: "Thr dsaor nrderd
seen, for you PPP this waR very tie*r diameter is i,2.G fret. Tim steel Cat. Crrtaill treainu-ol. which I followed
the home nn Prairie Ili nue. 1)t-.
the time of Nuah'a flood. In n.little Cady. who was the Hrst. ash r to wet- 11nderneath it in 11.5 frit long, and reset• "uL ,ht- tvsiund Kot, nsi INlter,
while tilt) stage Came bock and I got come Mr. Moore and his fkmily to front the IN,ttlltl (of alis ,•ar to the top and ro-fnsed to heal. It w;lm r,,,,Nt
in. i brAke off a large bunch of the 'If the grlR•rf•servoir tilt distance is fhi io"inful, mind sometimes 1 could "Arvd-
Uhic*go, atssi'4trl 111e present pastels,
blo"Oms. i distributed the others Mr. Rartrxll. The Wits Psalm and rt''t• Itie height of a foo -Dr -story house, v Im•ar to walk. i wits ,,Ili, t in
among the other pwa"PngerR and the last part of the fifteenth chotpte, 'rhe murrxce of the gas-remervoit• Or dr•xpnir when n friend a dvimed unr ill
threw the test of my prize away. ThP beillocen is 21,1111 Rrluare fe•t, on• morn trV VArn•Huk. it Acwm reduced fill.
of First ('orinthi#tnm erre rrtul ,Nod
'ltd Indy paR"enRrr whom we had than halt nn worn, and the weil(ht of Rwrlling and ihHamma inn; rtnd tilt
A era were offered. internu•bt i
picked up while I aasbnhtnizingg rrirlt truss Ili P ILL Rose Hill, where the tl't rntton. milk, and r11filwr a two lain se) acute. loo --got Tess 4111.1
Out that i beeKp�(ht not have thrown tens. .When elle m11, teeloot "lion PAs until the ankle was quite enmy.
them awn blhe world have been ROlenu' ritual tit our church want rnad.
y' M. C. H. Its vonagr it will ism ,rare mnrr t Inn Then the wound Iwgan to heal, ,tied a
glad to takes thea' to her daughter, -__-_ ___- twvrity thousand poundm . ten tins little inure rwr•s,•vernncr• tvmultel in to
who had never Rrrn nny Iwfore. 'that. of *tertwl x1141 cargo." Thesr air 'it complete etre."
IRtOawy, her"
was a bwautifnI plant BRONCHIAL TROUBLES: ere�1effour nese), twelve dogs with %aam-Bilk draee.•+ tilt pitin send file-
which grew within two hundred varels -- Plelg X. imi.runN•n(s of all Mortise. Blee)- poison front a would At tilt- mama
Of her front door and which Rhe had Readily Yield to Soothing, Healing ing wird rowelling gear. beat, overs, time. It hPa1.r nkrrv, rhxflng RserPs,
never Resin Treatment of Hyomei. skeeA, gNns, nnu11Dnition, Pte., which sore feet, find 1(•ar.4 Ittil vIttion,«e nicer". Now, f do not. nu•xn to have min) weigh n'orr tile)❑ w ton. Thrr(e are It enrele inspr; sl Inge., pee/� born, sling -
of the 'dearly beloved' who Hurd these I Bronchial trcenbleP ars purely local. nlwp in the cargo Inorp than a ton of Deeper rade.'I .111.1 ht:ptwpo it ; while- is I
words Iggnorwnf. o/ the Iwautiful rt-PA- I They Cannot he helpbrl by st»,,ach fit
and three tons of gaAoltnt. a etire rot• chronic wounds, rcxena
torus which grow within twenty miles I deleting. They are txuvprl by irrita• Ilow they (will nail when they •ami• prairie Itch, ting worm. Pealp sotvP, '
of them. Dear i r. Asa (fray liner I lion In the slit passes and Can be re- kentping in tough with the PALth bt• A and R(ltr,i dor to biond fission, it. IP
Raid tp me that i might drop hint any- ' lieved and rnrrrl ty mr•dicatM air trailing guide-r.gW' stnRed with x rP- a1MAI riPly without. eyusL All atbrPA
where in America from a balloon, noel I alone. I,, this lies t v .osemt 'of the Rewe meapply of toad, and anchor when and �rtiggista se•II at flft.y rent., nes
if lila nice peOplr, of the plantation Resent mucCpsm of Iiv-„•roti in the treat- thPq n'ust by mraus of ,t retarder roRtdt•sr fttm, the %wen•Bnk ('o„
wlon141 bring him one hnndtwl of Ihrip mpnt of hrnnrhinl trnuhlrr. which will f1. Ino red fume shP here- Toronto, for prier•
native plants hp would tela within The flat breath of Hy-o-mei's n,edi- I part of Ihr car, Wellman grwphiealh- ___ __ _
twlPtity miles of When illi wnm. 1 rntel sir R(Iot.hpR the InHNItIrtl0.tltill, ifellictR, H e tells set the Arctic a(lvan-
mean to have the readers aR well at-- stops the cough, and relief sons Ile- tAgen to air+hiF[ ) narlgatien, 044weuliar Winding Up of York Loan;
ryualreted with the twenty miles comes permanent and a erre results. Arctic diKlrolllieA And of the almost TI t ,stn 01,/".
around them an Doctor Gray WAR." Hy -o -mei has made many remark- incredible inventions "y whlrhtthPy, - The idnim• hit.. rvreiverl nnmertum
- able cures in the worst and moot hope to 6vistrome then)• of their InquirirA of late as to the. prpgrexR of
if yon have anything to my Lo A chronic forma of bronchial troubles chancaR for fair winds- worked no the N*lisin,ll 'I'rtlst (,ompany, li,leelilln
mule, any it tw him faro, and is sold by Jan. Wilmsen with the from scientific observations, -of the tots of the York Loan k H a•inR"('onl-
Rame Ruatvtntee All hp Rivan when husv life during their voVpwp whell pany, in fire, winding up of the.. aKahm �
11lacon--" a iin Nwrt Tewin written Hy -n -mei is pnrrh,up41 for cwtarrh, eacfe man of the CrYw must IN on duty Ili lh(• orgitniz,tti(.n. YPRtervlay n
all Ms etortiPR in hod•" FRbprt But that. is, to rpfund the money in enow eighteen hoosweach day, and of the slAtrmr•nt wAs obtained from Jur.
hP write" only an one, side of the sheet, the rernedy does rent give, satisfwction. I four strings to their howR, nes font Ilorne Sn1i1h Of the NANsinal 'frust
I suppose••' The complete outat costs hilt $1.01 plans of wetiom ;the flrn Iieitla to aril Cour
prop, setting forth the stage at
W I.
a Jan oo we or
the longest I time. The are made for finishing any floor,*
iold or new -in any style desired. A You 'can select an one f
them I• ) o
and by following our instructions obtain the best looking and
best wearing finish it's possible to get.4
Painted and varnished floors are rapidly taking the pace of dusty,
' germ collecting carpets, ai'I hey look better, are easier to keep cleat,
tie more healthful and more eronomieal. For these reasons finished
flours are it) general use in all classes of homes.
The Sherwin-WilliamFinish-i+ .Modern'
Modern'Method Floor Finialtes include: `
For Palated mida Floors-TIrE S.W. /RsroE FLOOR Punt. ,
Porch Floon-TNE 8-W. Poach FLOOR PAIRr.
For Varnished Flash-Natural-MAR•RO►,'a durable floor wemish.
Stained-FLOORLAC, stain and varnish combined
1 ' For Waxed Plefsh-TNE 8-W, FLoo& WAr.x
For Unsightly Cracks in Old Flops-TNE 8-W.1QRA0R AR08fAMFILLER.
.., .
lt/ as k/1 -you swore abof4! a4ft. Y"'_
We earr.v alar) :L fall lint (If
Shelf and Heavy Hardt& rare
Stoves and Tinware
given sl)ecial attention.
A i.AR(:F; HTOUK of
Store 'Phone 22 Flouse 'Phone Ill