The Signal, 1907-3-14, Page 6IT
/�'y �tj).. L r� ,� .
6 Tiltuhl-Alf, thatch 14, ('907 TIM, SIGNAL: GOI)1'il;ICH1., ONT,kitl�)
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Sege En Veil up Si: irl f • f—T�l�`!�,�•: !�!-",-, hate• tdto cpance" who crloNl' lufhly• I standing them as lilt* watched Ramos ��a,���,�� ��
:'::.::..�.. t,•••i% :• }. ,�.,-'.::-:;f•,.,:'• fiillting for their lives, her beautiful
during the flight because theft t�ladtier •`:''!>��:�:y7:i'`+!T w: �Y ' " f �` : ,;`<)`;:.O,,:: ;? &'dT; :. •:;i. _^•; :3�-' iters oto (ort. llawp:" silo wpl►pvn.1,
is oto iuAamol thrt it will rt`. :.ef�O.A38 If.;; �..}��='W%'•`i .% ... `•{ - �•ti y- b7 luvulugfurlly Creeping his arm. t I far* drulhllke 1n Its pallor. Kot a try
trot retain rfa•.- - �+ • •
' think 1 pearl' The mto euy one be i m'ishe her c1n ie the sword blades Great' -Sacrifice ice Sale
more than •a tablespoonful of pride, r -:•I%''' +x+ v swished and rinshM. She could hear
' ,G•; SJR: following us.' 1'he} stoppe,l nud IIs- flip dPP breathing of the combatsuts
bouts old Inco, especially, grigatr `- rye+'•I *: toned. It wan as still as a fomh. I P
Beverl of t�
I ' BARS Mi, - "it must IM the Naule old rat," he h+ that tomb -like passage.
twenty Ave tinncs a day, 7hear are the
encu alto aced llu-Ju-the Gentle Kid- x I 'I 7� �t �p i.,�• Rnodenl - `- "
nrr 1, Ill.
rhe fir t few ills �, : M W IlA1LUly, >-,�� aitewpr„1 Jokingly. iVhe war leo u0rv- I Y rpt- started nnA listened
p gave relief. i .. ;: a,.{:.. our for any plearautriett and, releasins; k(,enly. From behind her, bark there In of over two hundred
Acid urine ie neutrahzed-the delicate ' `- = Atala•r •f "fir+" • i+
rtnnhrane, filling the bladder, M soothed ' r,`.. t.;..;•;;� her hold on his arm, said thnldly the dnrknesil, hurled footsteps were
-and the µfoists r'., ,: �.. nmtlataknblY approaching. What she dollars'w'Urth OI
6rdUSIdrk } �� ..fitfetlhy." 1p
ys ore Ptreo thened and :4t-, i
pealed. hien' fall tical flu -Ju i Ave them tarwt*tt 111K r •e.11 ..'. -.*. "Am I to go In this uiatulpr. floors hml heard, then, tree not the scurrying
the only unitifcrrup:ed night's steep mw I�ae :;.-.. you no kind word for mp'! I loco you of a tilt. Some one war tMlowin9 them.
they had enjoyed in years, Soy. a lar„c ;:�.:,. R �,.;;.:;..:,.� rY • - a.,; :,;,,�:;..,:, :,;'7{:,' W tlrr Than my soul. It la of weep .\ rrrrible anguish selxed her. Louder `
box. uta or fen+ t :,{Lilt^t: y; �....... ace;'.': � :,c • r^L!.._l,t:.a n uece `��\ RAZORS
At druggists n The Clafliu :'fJ, I:, .�ti '�:.:• .......,, �.. ; i`y ,,y ,,�::.:, t seq h to you. I kuow•, but i and nearercatuothebeery stops. "Oh.
'•14:{'•'j u, �r::!t�!',r: i::.}.•..,rye_:r ••r•.'•: t. ( ,Fdg.1:�- •tea.,^;,
C temical Cu., Limited, \'. 11 .,.,r, Uut. 57 �^ .y«`i;�;'; ' . i4l:a?.•;., i :.;•:,..;! . cra,'r one forgiving word. It cony 6, Raldos.'" she screamed In terror. "Nu.
1 ` t ": ! s
the last." Its clan fed her hand, and vlher ds coming:" $2.00 Razor for $1_3i calsli.
- - • � �-al � � rte,* * 1 .
I 11 she did not withdraw it. iter Imps "Har* no fear, dear one!" he sung
none rho illi tgnnrnnt nil that lin• I fit- ;.t:,,prd Iter arm• urin�ea nPr to were trembling, but her eyes were out gayly. His voice was ludaitely After one S1',rek's trial, If it Is ilot satis-
OrSlocum's Great Toni^ lnrtifc. {s:, teolhnuti," .;lid "11'llh it t-1:n,d brace and obstinate. Suddenly she lint
• u ` more cheerful than he felt, for he real- fHCtor1', 1'Cllll'll It *lift ;c[ at1U! hPl' UI' 1Clt'C+
your lu•rutigdun •1 %hall rcithQra%e. I '•I lilt %,- , hau_ed my mhid." lie wh!+- down upon one' of flip r•hests. If he Ised only too well lite desperate sltila-
our tuone�' refanliel.
and Disease Destroyer '11 re 1% nothing to 1"• g:uined by tip- I r"'+''''I Ib•r aver. "lin you fhluh 1 will had nail told nor of the other woman• tion. Ile was penned fu and forced to
O lac." It Was such'a pahirlble nRmllt ' III:' :r,t••y and len%e you toshoulder "Forgive me instead, for nil that I meet nn attack from front nud rear.that Phe shrauk Within hrr;pir and fill• Idutue f"r nil this'! l,u flit- tullcouy have brought you to," Phe murnmreel. IIr fell upon his assailaut with relou• I lays 3' U 11 r , ortlel'S
could ha a tried,ue:rr your wladow Inn hour Ago 1 - "!t w•Aa nil my fault. 1 shall never bled ferry, ninon;: to finish him before early for• I � • Without nus,yerhhg, !ht- walked un•' "It ,Ihrsn't make aur diQernee,",Im forgot you or forgive myself. 1 -I nm I flip newcomer could give aid. I
steadily to the wludow and lokel out { nr>.•tled. -yell have to go. 1 w:uat you going hark to Wa"hln'fon hnutrllatel•". • },•rout out of the {;ham came a fiend. NATIONAL 0 .
(NaONOUrIC[U at KEtN) 111110 lilt- ulgbit. A mi.t (-little lilt,) her I to ::o• If yr,a knew Just how I f^el to- i can't bear to stay here flora'. Good. loth laugh. in,taully the dark figure of /'� � r
eyes. ['or utility nlitiutes she rrmnie,l I v%iril you you would go witlwut a by. nild God bless von. ho- do you a twin appeared, lik fare inmpletrly l CEMENT
Used in Thousands there, strivin4 in re�lu ,•ontrol of hrr, inurtur." think we, shall ever sea each olber h{dden b n Inond shruOh but and the s,/ E L T .
of Homes ilia Canada Pul-lions. All this little she knpw that ' •'Vort mean that you hate mc." he Again?' Unconsci usly Phe was cline- i
Inng cloak which enveloped him. A l�
he wits standing Juu:t where she, had ( groaned. • " Inc to his hand:. There were tears In s:n•dou{e voter hissed: "Trapped at Inst! and het 111 oil the 7
THOSE. WHO don't know whntl'sychine left film, liko a statue. nWalting her} "I a%oalhbl't Ir so unkind an to say the gray eyes that looked pathrtlenll• sly lady and her lover thought to e:a- ,
is and what it does are a -kin tooth flown there In the grewsome passage- 'cape. did they:" 1'be voice ,,am unfa- tole I)1'1CA. rill,
e command. At last she farad iiia avec•') flint," sbe nutl"n,l. "I don't know
THOSE WHO do know what I'eychine Iutely. who you nre. Coale, we can't deftly :t ;call with lhe,Alful rays of. flit- Iauterll Initial-, but the atmosphere seemed
In and what it deer artbe n=ilii it. The}• "You Will receive Inctructlons ns to whiffle. I ha%ie n key tit the gate at lighting her fnrie. Duly tit" strictest char •e1 With Alarl:unx. •'!Cilli him•
rejtani it as their beet physician an:l t IDEAL f'f.hL1NV
friend. your duties here from the guard at flip Other end of the p-m4tge, and i sef cowrol kept hhn from seizing her Zem•^ he shouted. "Don't let him es -
THOSE WHO use it are\ Tieing ggiekly the stain. When mriii hear the hall 1110„• where flip ae'ret patiPI I !oval- in his nuns, for snu+e:l:ing told film ,•a{s• ynu: I will take care of flip little at last Yeal''S prices fol- Gash only.
and permanently cured ill all farms ,d clock strike flip hour of _ du the morn- Ind. Bash! It dvesri't matter where I that she would hare surreoderd. witch, never fear:" lie clutched at the r- ,
throat, chest, )ung and otatlnrll tug go into flip chapel. but da not let g"t the key. •tie•! R„• how easy It I,"• "Thlot is flip cnd. t fear." he said. girl And trill to draw her to him. �,'e earrii- a full llllo of
troubles. It is a scient{Ec i ri-pa w euy one ace you or suspect. You know lie felt tier tense little finget•s in lilt- with ardm, she (-.flight her \I;u Lex! Ity all top gods:' elite
tion, d and'@ nK all diItI; germs in s h" where It Is. The door Will be un- darkness searching bur ills. Ther hauds hr0:+lh in hnlf a ani• Then she arose
blood tad eyatem It i3 n ,,,,,,,:, nu, I1:114na ft despair. lie had wounded his SHELF and HEAVY IIARDWARE.
tonic and is tent building n•rnrly, :::J lork.,1." mere f• y cold when the clasp came. To- n•anlufely, although tier I;urea teem• Itinu sc%eral times, though not serious -
is a certain cure f •r "Alit i lint to ace you again?" lin ask• gethrr they strand In a niche of flip wall b1e1 stwuipleasly. ly. Ito dared tint turn to Ileveily•s aid. Plumbing, Heatln i and Tinsmithing
ed, and ane -did not thiol- him propptly near Ili,• chwo-ol rail. it wins dark. and "Yell, then, 906th ;y." slip said very Tit(, scene war thrilling. guewsome, r ; ,
COi1GP3, Bronchial CoaChot, pruiolitll attend Il to, ;loft :111 110rµ
LA GH3,GRIP, BroncChills and Fever, depn•ssed• a cold �Iraf11 of Air 1,1,-w• arr„aa the' , Ptendlly. "Toil are free U. ;,;o where, Withla this nnrrew, dimly lighted tin-
'• she answered after a pause fares. lie could tint apt, lint there wits and to whom you Ilkv. Think Of me derground passage, with its musty fllllY l!