The Signal, 1907-2-28, Page 2,.-11 k l r }. t,f' i p� 4, 1 - MA N a ti '—` w sic. ••n,..�.`7 .. eP Cep.', r,.y .,,. tat•f`.g7,,q, I n t' * """'I r. e F. .) i rt° t r 1 r 1 [A�� @, } y,pt,, F Y �fl yC Grp 1 )* FP .q: ', n I4,1..>. !, S.a 'G,Sr k .i �, , t"'�, 1. l'l I T.I ' N °'In d"'Yai"I 11,l l.$' t i A6' al &ry5 t M4y' ,.4 ' 2 %, S nj , -. .red ,4' • ,t1„ .. THUkaDAY, Febrw.ry 28, 11101 sift'-siowl lauDr.R11 11. ONT'AI00. PUBLIHHKII EVERY THURSDAY My IVANATTER t ItUBCRTSON Telephone Call No. X ;Term. of Subscription : r.spot per Annetta In advance x mallhti W ; three tnulithe,. •tbe. subs ribers, who fail to meive Tier alaxat' ryrularly by malt will meter a favor by wi'- ouaint.ing u, of thefact ,it as early a dale a. as ..Able. When a chwnam of *Adr* i- desired, both the old wild the new weddromm,hau Id be get oil. Advertlung hates. 1 .laud other %anular udverll,emet 11: Inc I><'ach .pl"a•qr Ilav for n,,.l iu.erliou and tr torr lilt - for euent insertluu. %1ramortlA by u l;rupa le rile. twelve lilt- town l"•h. ,_ro.1%,• swots of .i: hors and uudcr, ll•+ Ir•t ye ter. Advrrti%utewnt- of l,a•:. round. `ttn,yrd. sit- u tlbnew Versant, Sduatie(Is Wault•.1. Hou +.:,. fur 841 ,x W Hent. Farm. for hale or to lt'III. Aetielea for Bale, rlc., not exmdlug eight Vessel. %k arch Inaertion ; III (us Newt n,mth, :ate If ear each-ub,W.ruent mouth. Larger ad%eilL,P m "Its In proportion. I"soomncenwnts In nnlluary reading to to len cents l.er line. No ueotiee le.. Ibeu •LSA. Anys W uutice. the obJ.r•t of wipe.), 1. lieu peoaniwl7 benefit of any hldivlduel or wt N ,- µimp, to In x r s:derrd an advertisement and L•1 are obeirsed a(r cersiatl)'. Rata% for display amt (-antrwt alverti�c• msata will be given on application. Addre sill uommltuleatkm, l0 vANAMIt t 11011KILMN', Tag NWxal. etnwerlch.(xa. _ --------- -= (wDICRICA. THUIt19DAY. lo -ML -214. ror. THE SCHOOL ACT. it is greatly tA' Ile regr•tled limit life Government lease IounRle] wl badly in ita Iegishistiun affecting rural ach(xda. The Signal, to common with other Litteral papers. hasalways given the Government credit for gexal inten- tions in this, re"Peet, but good lou,,- tiuns are filet all that is refllirtQ of legislators, and in this iu,tdace+ they not only Ara• 1weving :t way to perdi- tion for the SS"hitney Adbduiatra- tion !a circumetant•e which le&OWN toe no great distreesl but are doing a great injury to the cause of education in this province. In another column of thin paper we publish the report of a usNeting held to the township of Turnber•ry to protest against and to take definite action for the repeal rut the. classes.. of the new School Art li which are regarded tel tho rural sec- tions as unnrcesearily rtoereive or otherwise lohjectionabtr. This it lent an illustrAtion tot the feeling of hos- tility Lo the recent Iegialatiun which sPtnw to lie prevalent throughout the province. and, nu matter whether the objections to the Act Ise juntiflad for not, it wait asset the part of wisdom to arouse ,such a feeling throughout the c(nlntry and to create in it large see - tion of the people It suspicion tot educl- tional measures which will not Ire allayed for years land which will Ix• a serious handicap its future timn•ements fir educational advancement. - The Government's action was taken with- out Mature considoralinn, with. nut consultation with Lite people to he affected. and in an arbitrary. Irrespon- sible manner (if which the• cense= qusnces ►night easily have been fore- W*11* The manner in which the legislation wits received offered An exceptional opportunity to the Opposition to make trouble rot* the Govrl•nnent, bat it is c, -editable to the 1,nbw•1•al Party that rte made nil ;attempt to take advantage of the circurawtlnceul for pArty ends. le this, of course, the Liberal party was but true to itself. for L{IerNls leave always Mets in line will, educational have nodesire to ew progress and roes the Department jut Education with partisan hoetility. No one, indeed. could deny that the situation with which the- Department attempted to deal was it serious one, and it could he wished that the rural schrxol trustees in their objecltoua to the urea Lure of last session would give home surer indication that they real- ize the importance sof the interPsla which have been placed in their hands. If the trustees consume till their energy in protesting against lite Art. and have none left W devote lit the work of remedying the conditionh which tier Act sought t) inlocs-, %.hey are making it serious mitotake. We have (leen accustomed in Ontario to Ixwtwt 0f our excellent educational i,ystcm ; but the wort l moves, land while otht•rs are overtaking if, and getting ahead of its we arra- standing htill and talking abxnit things that are Past i- there tele nianificance in Lite fact that the Western Provincem by offering higher salaries arc attracting to their w hods many of the Ixeet of our toa'bees:• IN it not trials that the teaching ptofe,ssioll it, this Province offers little hlduceu)eN tit young people of ability:' Ilow long $'arc these 9,mdiUmos tae continue:' Ill it nut time We seriously tealixt•d the fact that we have not Ixw•n giving trinca- tion the placrt which it ahuuld have, that we have taken nu pains to hee that our schools am --ftlrienU•v e•Iluip- I.e) rued am in charge let toeachees of aitch ability wid of alich character am rhonld have the umrnlding Aad direc- (ionof the, young Mind$ of the country'' The (wanner Provitwe of tile l onitiion will filet long let- Lite banner Province if the caen%e of edort►- Lion Is notkept to the lorPfroht it,,,[ if the People- elf the Province. are first prepared to make tencriflce,, am did their fathers before them, feet- the inatrtlatiul. filled training of the timing getter ation. 'Me "ittwliuto Wleae•,,t.4 it dilly to 0411 clearer of the- cnnmi mity. Our IegiN• luno mhotdd pinrr the `4ehood Art nn it Irapis which will Rfoidp, rat her Ilan ,]rive. and crrlainl•v which will not good, the pxriple who flirt the hills. '%clxx/l trustees sholtld ditto their abillties tore the w,:nling elf the Im•at pewt- wihle e1114-Alilnal condition" lit thril mec•tton, I•AUIPI' than to t.he. krep(ag Z of rxpsenAls to the 1heeN1 Twitch . ��1.1! t'iM pelple ger.,•rnlly. in town and %a ' r eeuntr'y, should 11111111 1.1, tile' tru$tret. 1 f^ ^ Ili THE SRINAL : 'GODERICII' 11NTA R1O 11. SAP Yg1% ,'w-,. , i, •.'!'-.XJT' Y rt.:. rN)r .1 r -r�A11 u. , ., �, i �` .. ♦ $" ';i. rx .NM t t" �+, 10- #,•#n y xi;^ mud the Oleveruu►rnt in asay' well-.) eure►tice of elle Iall-ity of the gewds The Longfellow Centenary. islets or priv.tlp osivenlevrb. and their directed effort til iunprove the edur04• which he is Luying. Hearst %%ad.++.•rth I.,nultiiww ww.L„n1 site emnrelion with w•oueen, wine and Kraft* I tional stlandatdo of lilt. Province ; IEvelylarly knows, for cuulsa•, that , h•d uudn)•cure, tielffeb of February, isattour i they should give Whitt aid sial en- much of the nl:sille Nyrup and maple We yesterday. The followtelg Is - INrrt1. 1 of Matter Will Compo Up -Later. couragenlent thry can to the teachers stager• on the umarket it ndulteratd, eseothi.pN-NI-. ,a, t.a.: t,•.e/e'e. Ar(idir. . Nuw(ulneat seas nuldat liy nnyune On the (ioverneeietlt side until it day Ili - In their work, ittid they allruuld lake is ,,aid the oft-i,ti t/•Nts lll'atl• this ollt. Of Saint Augustine! will he%t tboa%ald two afta'warsla, whefe Me-. Biltirmasa, personal Intser e,t to tile achewd-train- 111 s:uuples of -yrap and sugar rut• 711A1 u( oust l lash we tau tnpaat whit IA jealous of t he dignity of Parlla- iug of their ch[Wr n. By Lbr. recug• lectel Inst ;:enc, linl� :[i sero found to A ladder, if wo, will bat trawl nlerlt. brought lilt+ rmatl ter 1111. Than Iwoth the Prrmla iiuJ the leuler let the union and cunlaetentlour d{aiclsatge of la• genuine. lienratIt our feet each deed yf ehwmr! ilinu #4 reed that the, three duties the present impeoulising There is N fent and unsatiafled K .lit cu,nwon this t.. rash day'. event., . % wiuu abuulJ n..t easel until the, chargra wt-ru should conditions nese lie out asldr and N tlew' y hluiegct• for the, M'u Wlo Plrl Islets &III IIIA; That with thu hour train and end. 111 \'Csllgal N(I. We have those, -tolllr its• era of pinRrsls inauglu'atett which will thoaawleo baro oust-- taatarl the lain Our pleasurem pond our dl./+unlenW, -tic rousts by whlrL we u,a),Ja.a•end• leresel in N,mma ter to lo.)k forward lit. K I g •ell :a ltd the la Iltot N party (few lie elf tenfold IN•Ilefit t0 this feature (rt thing. NII.. tike sllgat•-Illukrr” Of Ilnwlu c it. public will hNldly y1Pw it. in any this Province, stamtyhboftidInitials redoubled efforta The lungiooforiglaoWetiling%: w1liticalahpect. It is simply an in. this year• to help fli] the void• Thr•IHfefurlriulaphemprethuntulh; dh•fdual Matter. It thele ave metal. - - -- - - Tile h.mdeniteg of lho heart. Owt brigs 1wro tot I':U•lialueut whit late%•(- used A NOBLE WORK. -.,�_-`--' "alt+('• j hnaort,llarfor the,dr,petw-ofyouth" Iheir puhlie calulcky fur till• larder. EDITORIAL NOTES' All thour•htlufIll;all"ittru!, l ux•utfo[thrill=etersand thedetriulenl tot the atbli - ints•resl, it tt lilt 1'i hl I R 111', (11'l'llfCll of tell• Iribralur �I is- SVu toll feel wa uxn tilts• tin %. Tho 1 T1u11 have their ivols in ON.a fill. skf ill : \\ buret lit hluders est Iu.ls de. and the dilly let Illl•tlll N•1a to( (Ile Uph tales i- Agalll len N• li•eturing tulle. NYlessllr is a1hUllt-_ - . •t lel• net!OII of the 1,o) -eve Nall ; - po/11tt• Nillt- IU still%\' 11!elle IIP. If tilt ulle•git to Is Are ja,stillgtl (ire prn,tonp tblough Cithaila and lbs' foiled limovy Nptoke in Wts•t Middlesex in All llte-r must tint 1w tal,g•itdduN,. 4 g11tley fought to Iw tit lvefe out of jstiblic Stun. Lu stutter, uuuit;y [sir tile put- IN•half for ale puyeeniucfet rlun.lidale. . iienealh our five. I( we would gain life. It 6 riwtically certain that I U chase of reindeer for his a•u Ilo on that 1 No wtondrs liva w'1aa rlwael• hl :ha brieflat field. of (•.ir Is aeN'te � The,':Q:et of entioeat domain. lh,•y will. Labrada coast. AL praseut, frits ----- . An Important Labor Bill. NovvmIwr tel May. the only means of The prveeJings in the lias•fe.l• in- Wv IIAvc not wings. 111 41 sa•.Ir; The Wool. 11111• the mart imialrtaut 'u three ie by du •train, trimspwwAkt n lie e R vr-ligatinn at Ttolweta' #are• at ch/unit-rlt Heli N'C II'l\'e feet n! •.l;.e AIIII IIIIII, fly .iow drrreve,, by mora' "u•1 wit InVANllt•e let Lilo kind ever intsNluced in , the llwnndiau 1 urliameul, (onlinuMtc and, v:sept as workers, the dugs aliv utlure Al.r, Whitne) Ill"' Ir, ip„„ 'I he- clwldy.-uaarait. ,•tam ltWa` tux nil the malfelrile."of the Commooft. thele”, while they ,11r Nle flerce that pronlupe to) Like' tile lit -ell ad•nilllw- It has !well raid that Im111y 14Im)r asset; they sotyMilner turn on their matters tratiou "out of INditica.': r:mndint oil what too hent we, boo' un.,oPpwN.ad lit il. lion. Rodolpphe .fed Maim tot• even kill' them. Tfir rM Tile Ifensmll Ob$rrver Is nllAaken I %%'till ,.h tilde wheat ,%ndd.WnCA,; es tea• III.)'di•4erl. -.11 ee:l I,i(orr. Lett telex eb•nirs Ibis. ler Wavle I at mince till• Illtrieductil,ll of ell.• bill lie reindeer w'onl%1 be. equmlly ueefid tier in nayiug that "the g,mml Iru1d. bylaw' A t•a!hlohigherde.liuh•.. � as fouud ole,,I)"iliou h% . labor nlrn t'+m.pw)r(Il�tlnll p1111'paMls", and. Ilerlde•", of the elan lit collucil dlil'- ll..t :apply I Nnrd,v1111lW irrc%,a•..hlr 1'1ee, e• ,ept Irl steel lesrt -if liarrey Haiti, would ellreply milk #tied llraal t/ tlNe tel urluln utlnlicipaalitie%." 'A 17'Ndlllg Ar. M;IOI;y wA•WfI. NI1Vnr \'hill. Ill• 7.yst Mr. Hall hinsself at first sup• fort the bill blit for a furtnis{,,Iit a settlers. l It is fifteen yl•nrs Wince Dr. of the bylaw will show Ibn6 it applie•e Ir• li.rlton it• wr Alt., lei Li•t To.Jliactl,la.le "ohict. WI• att.41 .. wm line beelk oPlesk it. �1r, tS alsh, inK loconitltive uenrly isince r. t"all the ulunicilwditieN elf the cfoanty. - .- - repots the uugiueer, Grenfell, a young llxtoud hal Iw.en ,.tot f1Y1111 Te)Mn"I to ell pFFxl., foul n Jextbrr.[ uurlieifer, awilel to the \ r:aihv;ay to lladsna's Irty luny lyw THE OTTAWA LETTER the bill ars list(] hegg4li,ted Lohse Dim Labrador c,atNt t, sere what work tier• next gn+itt rlalifotud nudes taking. i•tor %i ... I... it amendments. Now hr had 11 in le g the hill there• wits fur.a mianiumilry :aluung the The p,wlide of the We -1 lwlie% ie _ Hall'sl i as that Jlr. Hall's algu arnt stem that it weinld darp sen flsherfelris of that land. He suint fortiish a gowwl outlet for their OLD AGE PENSIONS DISCUSSED ro-t the railway ern teal much to at Insisted that then• wast- rvl•ry(hiug tot Its grain, and !iii \S'ilfrid inurie r sttleJ BY THE MOUSE. tend lift in(litil;r and that long in. (Itself• and threw himself henl't. well) its Parliament Intel week lhat the- %illy- r Illly wolalal ellI1. IIIC company all tilt. tht ,anti body into the WOVIs. lie and tilt- erimicnt had the projet utider aeon• --- - r*ailw'ay felll t-,, wrre,I eco Coer(vlltivellwldy y hrllw•r. he h.ts gradually gatheld sitierution. _ .- -__ No Country in the World Where They and Atuod tot smiling their town differ. ILINAtt him are endeavoring, by the The Glulm• f.avfors a wide, franchise, Are Loss Needed -George W. encr". —_ _ -a- live. tbry lend, to commend Ibr (iva• but think,. that newcomrrsin (Crash Fowler Threatens to Do Things if ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. pct lit the fl-hCrdolk. They 'law as sleould I.eceive,roma relacatilme in ',flat- ,He Is Not Let Alone - Perhaps He _._-_ texts their pill, and plw ter-, artificial laws and literature geld fel•te.ai•nlative Will Have a Chance Before the _\ nuvi-I propelwll was eubexlied in I11,11W, c -cf,clative ntoret. leuspil.ds. inelitltiolis of ('nnadu" Iwfolf• Ix•ing Session Is Closer. ,t bill intl.lduced be The Ijli•Kisl:atoir Npinning whevls and ItrttilN, s•healN, nllowel W vote. Have wee any ..+sur- .. __ _ -' last weak by Nr. Preston Ilsast Dear. IlAv It Is lane] Nnythingalas that will ho'neflt the select. thatt the- n -it ive-INprei voterwe Could - pt.)punit 11 1'111 Where ivi ,InI'mI Inw•n•�/+tpN and vill+tge•s whirr ,In wrelchel p)elople and ,,sake life un'te leash ,an 1•xcuninatio,, in these ,nil- eP, nw oar ovine-nic,+oudcW.1- „We inn by Law's have lawn iwldNed Ixarxlrle for Ihrna. l)t. laenfrll is -As! " UUxwd, h'vb. - Penainne for aged to la,n•1• uulicenw d hotels by matttit ••murgrun, ulaatrr-nlariurr, a ntngiA• j. j" - - - Thr ('Linton Newa-Wrorl last w•r•a•k wit le i. a e sestioll that ret rte the, 1 P 1' K'tK attest ion tot practically ail coanf rites. of Nllllllal jfl'Ne(.. TII.' prolwPrl{ been. „s, r „est lest•iciel Io $g,t:r11► where the iso trate, nu agent u[ Lloyds in t7eau)j„g an age t had It line tti big tylw sterl"er the. It is a wimu•kable tribute to Ile• gls•at h,.liet%itiou is 5.401 sir new' ; $1.1101' down o wreck their ,e Is :ion Burly of the CanaJiaul pasiple that it Wile- Il.- ixe11rriatiun is 'Lb.tPxl ler oven', for the insurtancr. d IllAnager of a page : **Tile Conservative A,orocin:ion affrcLN them less than it de N•%• al)Y and °”, s) whew t1w pupnlation to lest %it ing of rte-ope•rat ive stol'e-. a gersecill of We.. t Hnrotl hast slot uaet full two other civiliydrl luttiom. islarly tot as (Auailial• Willi file set for and the ----- -- — oppxnt+vat of all [nand and oppression." aars. A merlin should too held Y R ,,,he Jiro m,svey, the pw)yrt•ty and the wrath And r�=� %Vhile he. shows all gentlrnewl ,Laid within the next Month.•' the rags of the point of the ei(irN, pAr- Ny111p atilt' towarels those who are w11 I. frrin for overb,,rdened, he has, file kid. Record .411011111 not stir IIP 11111 trleUl/era Among its friends in this farbion. Or lieularly let horoler. INltll (.it Lbs. (!(-,t tinent and in Great firitniu. The attar' Games for tle- el glut n•ligitoei for the unscrulralfo„s ill The News-Ilecorl among those Willi thing we, 1%rnadian soil s il Itile nwheat we return to tlltiulsl total:ah- treedrrr w'ho would rob the (oxer dei not want to forget certain things we nest of it. I:vru in big Montreal.pec)ple not only of the little they have that were, lively tiipies among \\'est whet we' genernll� Ili-enelwark, we but or all htopr of ever leaking A de- Huron Conservatives a year itgo. have to loo k tore find what eveywheu cent livelihood ; anti ''he has a roux- . met its in liutopeand in tier big cities The Signal hire advocated a urines of, lila+ Unilel btAtex. The Iswrest cular (lhrieliunity' %bat enables hire Lu tax for the benefit of the people of Canadian in nut sl p(r/r sir tLi• le knock down and drag out the hillsides of fury other comets The Cauadi,al) tx•iiet that comes into i:abrndAr to add the whole Province, who own the who bus meet been Aiduud has no Miners, and is pleaseu to see that 'Hots. conception u( wh.0 real puycrt the illicit whirke•y-leoltlr to ILA ulhec Ur. Ccehr,tne is bcifeging in such & metnm in lundurl, Gltaglow, Mall - w k,.,.rs of .uttering which tilt- inhabi• nle•Itsur•. As to whether the bill in ehPeter, Paris, Merlin or New Vork. ranla•hnye t) endure.” its detaila it, At good one or not' au Yet de•mpite this thea• e'xislu in In the fifteen yc'un., of work Dr.fo ) l rl without Cenada :t elms% of paxlple to w'houl the (:Irnfell and his helpx•Is leave erected Iinion cannot r• ex Preswstaata+ 11roLably towt-s hntillrLhing the further knowledge orf the measure. aged 11-ervilig pxN,r.Thequehtion three -mail b(IspitIL6. len orphanage but the principle its right ,old Lite Mits. %%'I-Llvught up in the H iaim- LIN% itself a Peter)(,]. they have arrested thole, inter of Lands. "FOresta and Nlines de- week tfe the, ferries (,fit rI•..dutio,, torr sands let eatiente, have made the paat•a_ Jnr. Pringle, of Cornwall, \%bit tiltoveol : f 1 serves credit tut• his evident desire W --That in the opinion of this Noun tilt- lyxed to walk, need cures•(] the blind. coueerve• the people's interests. allbject of improving Lite candition of They le.tvo introduced co-operative -------- the aged dav,ervinir lux)r, and of P1v- m1ulles to ftec the people from the A muting of this Ontario branch of riding fur shoat- elf thous who are- hells- oppreuleion elf the trAdcts, leave b ought the Dominion Alliance was; held at lrhs and intirtil. I- worthy of and &till rebuilt :i echtxmer to carry their Toronto last week, and discus -ion abound on,eive the earlyort turd tasteful attention of ll►e Goceruulcut and lot flesh to tile.. Imarkette, have erected rallied chiefly atoond lbs clatusr of Parliament.- lumber-usille lit ftlrui-h employment the local uption lits nrpliring is three- The Premiers View. for the Alen thrleugh lire h lg w•i,,trr fiflhn favorable vote to bring it hwttl Sir Wilfrid Iran ier tie :.scrilxrl the mouths. ,anti have- everyw est• and ,option bylaw into effect. , A large subject ter foul• that rogdge•d the hynl• always preached the chrint a d His delegation waited upon Lhe Guverti- patthy (of everybody. hast he wits too:. gerupsel of hula• tip the ulfierablc meet mint with & tequeNt that the clause he p1eFaatr'd to ugter vvilh this p,,optesitiun used women land the half -fel chil en nlrrli-hell, and were met by the Pre- as presented by .Nile. l'ring►c. 11 r. I pl•neaels of the Inn(], mint and Nr. Hann&. The Mi,,i�te n k charity. Ile witty rf Pringle ohjcretted lit Calling Ihr it extended Ar Dr. Grenfell amid in it recent adtlteha defended the thlve•fiftha vote pro, u right. The defect of :111% Plingle's r 1 e rest -Tient that he believed the uliaalonas y of the i$ion, and Nr. Whitney intimated proposition au. that h future would b^ tier husiue+Ps man, the til t eo chanpfe would Ix, made ie,_ the need not have codtributerl n Gusting. SVhen he reached sixty-five vesirs of engineer•, the tr:eler, who while rx- lits t ;.he presoent time. Inge he Way W b e -collo A ilt1oreatically trnding.a(IrgitinnAte husine)w+in new `— tile- recipient tof t!le natiun'x Ixltmty. Wadi wnsAd live uniting the people the Tllo Vhitnry Government ha+ not Thr. 1'riwe Jltuiatrr for his port would ('briar -life, and to lead tier people to been fu unatu in the bye -election• prefer a plan hared slit some contrihu- Lh,at have %ken place store it aNrum,.,l tion by lilt• revipient. It certainly dd{tY and tl accept (!hriletiAnity. w•oalct not Ix• wt -e to cot" the ester. Thee have been four such counts 1o,aNclbefelt•which would out Him work is yuilr buildoip any Par Y blow mins bring nut to build up Any par- aronusln, in Kin sten, North Toronto, involve,, such n conitibuUinl. !'here n e a lett )ore ' of ticulAr church. Inst te) uplift the per.ple 1'+Amt HAmilton fid SVret Middlesex. must Ix+ s ret state ass t < Tlec l.ibrl:tis lined -King"tem ; course, hill the plan Nhould not take tend make than bettrr and happier. the form tot insurance bussed upon the Tile work is ca'ttinly deserving of North Toronto rest 'tine! Cotesrrva• &Ir.111lit.latid in. . help, &fid aid will Ix• gladly received five ; Fit,t Hamilton defraud the Aa to the New 2wlLtnd Nyateul, the b • the Ulxdo l let- h An of the Conservative candidate fid rlvcted a Prime, Jlinislet said that his rending 5 R J Irllalr repreaehtAtive ; +tet hint week of the alork'iog tot that pyrtem war many avenues by which such aid that it but iuG•rh•rrd ggrnvely' with Nest Middlc@rx inrYeAse(1 t f.ibrernl thrift. lir baked 11 r. Prin Ir to wilit- tYllrplem hien. The MonUeal NVe•kl)' R SS'itueas h+ah long been intrsa•stril in nuajo'ily which IL gave, at tilt meal (]sire his Motion. electinu: It ill not a very el►ees II le- a SV. F. Marleati foetid the rculady in the mimslon and will forward any costs• cord fur a new Uovernmtnt. elate insurance anti annuities, which tribmUorl" sent ton*AA Dr. (irenfell"P ___ _ y world cart the statf• nothing. work. The ltown%hi) rlri k of Huller The que•�Unn is it hiq one, but n. one 1 day it will occupy the attention of '; -- - -- maks a goexi suggestiton i11rnnnertiun for IegtPlr<tas Perinualy it IIA. uePil of MAPLE bUGAR AND SYRUP. Willi the discuw.ion elf the Cuutit. I Rand ra eful conmirlemLiun by the I. I ret-. Long Winter Months All the pe?pular gn111C1% N1111•4 ula- tlun, Pit, Flinch, lrmst Heir, :imltunm, Author,, Peter /'ix!dle'a Visit 10 New York. DoIlLey Party, etc.. raugill¢ he Price from 5c up to 511•. ,'ole a full stock of Che -s, Checkrle,. Ihouin(x•►, ch.. Geo. Porter Telephone No. too. Court House Squarc, - Goderieh. TELEGRAPHY i� Ihr tint .te;I toN wlr Irs,iti,m- p,) -inn from Vunla� .•ikel lwl' ano'Ins 1 In relllws, s.frticr e n tN+-nme a good 011erwt.rr In ,+ix newshf h• Moll , f OI MINI' 1 1' IuThe onto yy ) I Telegraphy dile Iielleou .l `:rrrord -l. F.as4 ToronU). Tien nits(] %vhtx: in t'annda. Write for peticalser-. W. H. am•W, T J. JOHNSTON. Pl,u,Went I•rinclpie A FAMOUS SCHOOL. CENTRAL 'T1IATFORO, ONT. a f+ recognize -d to be, one of the, leading cunirn vcinl mishool. of Outaritl fewer panne• ore thx•mRh and practical. Earl deputm,•nt I. hl the hand. of ex. p•ricmwl lnslractan.. four I:raduaM. situ 1n Armand and Are, me•tina with wqev t -hors.. Many tradlnt Hn-iue- (W egh. emplay ear graduates ns teacher• %%rite fal (role catalogue. Yon ala; enter At any time. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, PrI llel lwl.. W. Acheson & Son Adsliipment of i i ',, MARTIN cio*ir S ria Re'w g Spring 'Dress Goods _ Just unpacked a select advanceshipment of this Spring'a Drees Novelties—Voiles, Khalitonas, Glorias, Embroidered Crepes, Scotch Tti{'eetls, And litany fine Silk and Wool AUX- tures, in all the faew shades. 0-1 New Prints Ladies' and Men's Furs V1111 newest Very newest and prrttiet►t of and Fur Coate the PattA+rn" of Prints. Mutation #tied other Wash Goode Ladies' Astarhaafe (.cats, lljltl try aare'uow in. We aallitme tour tulle of O(Wa and Ends Ill c' If AI, uow, lira to $3L Msn'm Wombat Coats, $aS. uowwr 1111%.out the store. Elsls Marked at . sacrifice priciest to Ori►1•. Table Linens -- Special Corset Sale Sale AVe have on wile'W dozen Cor•seit$ (If the very tweet makes -P. D., dtV "of Pure Irish Damask Cronllpton's. it let Grace. etc. I I Tabling. le,gtllar'fllkto$1.50per Regular $1, $1.25:foul 69C yard, on wee at oae,t♦uarter off $1.30 duality on rade at 1 regular prices. See our Windows as illustration. of our February Sale Prices. W. Acheson & Son ---,--.--.------ --------.--- than Y,WO The bylaw granting such base introduced at bill sopecif0ug the IwmmN must receive the .aa,a•fet of the respective deluutits which will be paid electors . of the muuicita►lity. The. in tv%lw.ct to nickel, cobalt, copper porlw)se of the ineas.ur is to envokir- &till •alsienic. Hon. Mr. Corbrane age the providing of glued it, Ae-iatatel that the Proviuce would dr- cunitwelintion for I+uablies where- Lite, rive morn than enough rt•venue frets licetimA htoVwm have Iw•eetvoted out. of the Lax un tuinea to offset the expwnd- exislrnce.iture in botm111es. Tier Government still adheres• ale its; Jlr Downey ha. it Lill to provide rule of allowing no changer in the as-' for the crrArifon let county illswx:i,atluna demenreut act until Lite Law ns:unetided tut• the t.e,atinent of w6par uluris anti it few y# -ars ago hart half a fair test* ,,or the ,,gistratinu of aumpiclon , or A bill was inh•odutwl dealtngtwith it►- confirmed camets of tuberculuaip. Rep- rnfelr exrnlptiuus, but the Plendvr ob- r,•-tyltatlot, freesia Ibr various ruuuici- jected that were the• In\v changed in palitier in the couuty is provided fur. this respect there wunld bell, flood lot and the "nociattfofe is to exercise it atuendulent(. The bill vvar accord general oversight of sell cases of tesher- inRly withdrawn. culosia within the county boundaries. The Government prullryreg tl eu- -— twurAge the leflning of nctAla in How much pain the evil, that have Ontario Ly the offer of hunu%es and never happened have cost tor. - r���m4���� a 1 'PHONE NO. We A. McKI M GODERICH. 1907 I�' E VV JACKETS 1907 Just GI hand. 1t fired mhipmcnt of nor its-%% ,1,,•'kt-11. fell. Spring. (7ormet styles, R.tixl material, well made and very nowierate prices. NEW DRESS GOODS We believe- we hAre tilt- Items. est c Dress l:txy,ls ill the Warket. We make it Ppee-belt y for tient prier. - ( ) in Amazon-. T w e e d 31 and LllslreN, in black ,Ind colons. English White Ot)tlons and Catnbrir% at 1(11• it) lye: Canadian said lmportel Ginghansrand Prints, from 0'.r to *211r: Muslim, newest of the new, Fr•.nce, England and,Arne•riva contributing to our @blow• - ins ; iw for lovely shyer mtiminsk sip to ilk! for our a a„-ial Ii yJa. wide. white, blmck, pink And blur - it is a .• Crepor .Elul•” -ah nice as silk for vvening wear or street. I ALL-OVER EMBROiDERV 7:wl Special at 60e to , latest patterns on eery sheer Nuslin. Col*e•t-cover Embtoidery at 25r to 40e -just plxca•Il in struck. IEmbroidery retmnants. Lineal reinnanta, At 1 McKIM'S BUSY STORE. Lim��r n Mayas ��elm 1. i i ',, MARTIN cio*ir ,,. > "�e Vailor E--4 and -�—� `ern skier 0-1 yy �1 , ,. -16 +x _V MARTIN 4`14 ,1 — � atm - _.- . toads improvement nor em1. uasele.l, I that the, draft bylaw he published in Mr. ' ler is Touchy. _- �*4za EXCLUSIVE The Ihrmitiion Drp,u'Unrnl of Agri- tilt Ipcdl patplers of the county for the' One of t, h r most rwtintLaMP �i.ry v -r �-vr yr -+r-�•-y' C;R;�4�> culture hits is-ned :1 lallletin on the p ll -A , A i n t It a histol y o [ information of tilt- iatepayer•ageneral- I { R' r alluring subje of "ylnplr Sugar and i the C'Ann 'an l aainntrnt oecurlwrl WHICH ly. The rounty cfoancll roselmittel. hast week liras n. I'thor dim-11AXiou AGENCIES. Syrup" and is duaimu cot tee cnrimK lilt I r - should ore that thls soggest{otl imartel was tell, D1 Cafe lion", the Liberal l cpm- n w,,.lv of "vo+1- Io nl no- names of all Nugar-makers, or px•rsons nig no- na this is prilctically aw, only luember for ale•CutiMw, H. C., Thal N bn4per.'. I, livalt, . I. ne-r•.su'p intrreated in Lh•• naanldactllr•, in trumpet Gm n . Fowler, thu Con- fur Ihr'u.ree- ll litre of young men nod h11'nna Ilf aeetll l'i leg -111•h a Ko11t-t'al die• R "people's). No le" .woblc pe.Iwm doahl. r otdrt• that n Isq)y of lilt bulletin may srrvulh'e uu•u111e fur Aing'a and a. tr, i.n nx..l 6N•t. 1 TiII✓ 1t1:A$O� W11� y011 Sl1011l(i jllij' y"ODI' Cnimmion of the project u.. w;ll rimblu Atlx•rt, alnNel. cefti'it t',ansnctionis, ill Fee sent In each. !( in to Ile• hopxd the The nen n - ' 0. holletin will have a ivide circulation,, the n1eu11r•e•- of the township counrilr �t:'ewler•n I:unln tent tinlllrr limit+. ,• Chi.: 9 c IIo:I the t inn ,per•tion Clothing and Men's F urnishiujs at this stoic is het;auso :old that it will Nlimalale the ntrlur• to a-i+rrtnin Use tawling of lbo tau• Themes whit foll(Iwed a lcstlmnny q'Meh s,lbKl•!" we have Exclusive e,1 CUCle9 for i110 very best �oOds 1P 1 fern hefolro the Inauran to He If {on be, pdyets Inlval•ala Lha, )chant. tion ,of the genuine article, for nature tiring the viammer wt remrmlrr "hntl try he- a ,.:hm,i is 1, re, continents our line that call be hRd. We would not bit satistie(i hull twV1.1'nl prolllillent lilichllls,-•'m,.• t r.a•Ileal mvlhod.. Ale full""! list. hardly prowled anything morn A Pyhtritiatic and persistent effort I `(hall It tit the bust colh-We m next base t , .monster Ulan AI.. I'uwla', w e called if We hadn't the best. delectable than the onaadtilur&txl pro- wa.4 tnAele by Ute l'+Inadieas Manufac- u m 1, • the•. e,nnulinaion to Iain It eo t • "nothing to not nnr new twea- dtiet to( the llntpile slight• Nash. and or b P I.y[ac: Inn•ly ask w,. to -cod fl lit Yale, toren+ Anraxiation to enlist this @Ilp• their pxlriticn ngmdiogccMnin P#tIs nddre— ,. ,•n.alloal the n,n-e stripe. I Intoyearti the "upply lutm fallengreatly in Nnrtllwert land". tired ha•iae.--Callearw In rhul.ab. We In Clothing Port of the fat ming rlenlont in the Thin r•felrnCr by Mr. Wells brokeff ' Irrlievc, It to bo the \ cry InI,,L g behind lb.adenlAud.a IAlnpsmigtn tot high pnrtvetion b. rp• nu rxpleessiou boas Me Towler. 11 Felarany tlmc. Indhldnal in-�rac- It ie inletestitig Ili learn (loin tits etas: t•are•nting 1haL Ihr farfemts neexla7l lepliel with two distinct thrrvga, tier 3)lh Ue•ntory Hrnnd is nr•knuwlelgrd to la, the prodfeCr. Department(] publication that Unndda #n,hy.tion on agricultural prodstests. The I1nst rmicPlmc d Mr. It+sN individ• I/M41A t li�SINIS� COLLEGE R R " ..f tier hi hest loiter rrnft in 1'anadn. 1'he 11 at volume of Aupplieh over Iblee-sevenths of the IL was n tranrplarl,fit device• and the Ihdly. •'Uo ahead," he olid, "we will edglllat411 Willi ('Itntotl Ihlrim . I buwinrss they do -#anti the- rlasa of people Willi wear their wtorld's ralttret of maple syrup itself "ho,w ynurconne•tion with Jim Hill." celllesvel Intek stat Orange tit fin m �eUng Inset Wheitt-ver this tomtit we were not clothing --tlf the Ix•at testillwAy tip the claw, of clothing ruga), ,,fed if her pew"Ibllieiea were in Werk mArlc an rm bntiC nonounce- G SPOTTON, prop eirlhm to the nuntix•r of m aploe p 1 told, fur y1r. Items,., d wens milt -tit tkirin the Priotipl• they turn ofel. mint Irptldi#ttiug Lite- 11anuUlcUnrfH 4ueAtlrn. Two IIN1'N nffrrwnrdn hr ---,,A.-.A..n..I,.� ttrxs in her pxemrermilo the yield collkl emtrnlion. Tim followinga diNclainlel any cunne•elion with J. J. — - -- - - e Irby the Hill hr •ond faaherin 1► )rivale ran. I n Hats e•ueily he loads flue or rix llnseN to 3 R 1 from tier ote ate It imi lO the 7l by the way bill connrctrd Willi the Hill iq• great ns It hat aha• pr•.enl time. The (irnnRe gree@ ate It to tier point : trrratP. r average annual output of CanAda els 5�•rAentiunrrtbew'holt--yttem of Mr. b'lew9e pnswsrdetd later to ad- I iltaduates (11 the POpn ar .The King" +E.nrliNlsl told lior,ahnn iltalunilists am the proximAtem 17,N)I.A: i prrnndo. of which mlh•gid protection leek agrirultnral Await A few lempe •ka to the 1AIN,ral tw•o mart pelPubar h,4l, in the trade teNlay- correct in Ntyl•. Q 1"bec.• prtRlorf•s i:l.nHl,xlte p,rtmldp, pnduCIA. In the initial. wl•ctllld pro- party In general. ••Altark tilt- ala r••RiRez, ELLIOTT I g.nrl to wear, and keep lhrit Color. (hltu•in ;t,!11•l,INO Implied". And the tl•etilefe against foreign barial products gAtda oily t/rivatp• operttiouN notside �,4ONT. in tleP Ganmdia,, market d"w•P met dead Ihip House,' ht- Mill in effect, "anti 1 V 2 SVe invite pelta tel e•cansine nor nthe•r Province- nnrNll ga.antilh'+. t will allack tem• private- dein r of mem•61W " cannot, ,old one ern% to the price of K• The laellefin drw. rilxm the meth" des ben; of tilt- I;aldnet and otherN," ••I similar ptsrlrn•Ir wild in ('unndA, and � of inaltufarturing the-yrupand Nagar, the pole object. he inllwiting it is to shall dis,'fesit theses without fear o i Spring Stock R1141 rtirh explain- tier elections of the hoodwink the• fArnlrrit into accepting favi..," he nddlrl. "I hliall calf N r :/Ally get pv {Ilona w atrnr,(frapl A syhlPnl Insider whit -ll they Nn' hit slit n�Md•- N al+nde•, and whe•11 I sigwnk of 14wlkke•e(a•n, Int•ol.re 1'Irrk-, e'om - _ Adahet-atio Act, having reference fn ''I,iI Too,,hcr.. �liottllaml Trarh•ew. - - . . lhett too%t Iw•neifiye nervi•, the pexeke6. life. indi-px.ail.ion of nn M.nutahle „t scarlet -Inns••. lw+/nnnd L• hull, their prirhlel.. All PfforL In bring I INestk, by w I,triff fife their cltotiling. Minister, which kre11N Itim not of Ili+ i+ -reef Ibsw.. unr •,,pill. -1nrb a d. Htoase, 1 Phall tell what it, in, And how 'notal does null ,aa•n, I.Issibl. I ... t n i. WALTER C. P R I D H A II Inside t) pmtert Il,,ne %% ho place the implallcastle :and vehicles. 111 a few Ino,. (hir.n rrlor work I- well kilo„p pare article nn the market, and a l'A'x's Mitch ase rarly imitate and reg,•• it wits lu'Might nlNmt. 1 PIra11 Fellow I:nlrr"nW. 4 ,11Alwil” free. tah,ea--when ag I•frultnrnl lmtdsection no Mean to nutke nn ettark len eta Ifut'm of WN119,nt)'' i" given for the ed, rharactpr without rotnrtin 1 Avail W J. ELLIOTT, Principal. The right plw(r to buy Men's ( lothm ant: Furnishin s. can IIs pmtrc t tier Aystan is wrong. R•. R R now (d the mamifact,,t•r•r itself vendor in that it adds to the ers,t rKAMh les of I d1xvilpA the- chnr04eler lit Ihr•lion. almost' l w. Ymlgc note .vbxAtNtrr w. who Nish to K&P Ile rousnna•r an As,- vital neve-sity togcsntl Ifvfng burr opposite, whether lhry lie Mill- ��—�___, ' ,+ vain., r$w.._o,:�ys t'.:, v;..:,k" Y ."•.... m ..,G..' -f9'1 . •ty, :.r,. d .,,^:;- .t, .i. 4 a++,:, v. r w . , .4 ,, s . � N" '� 44 i,l:.. „ _t . '. r ! f as rte �r .Cu ` 5,.', f�" .rti i l i .ulk�.� Y e ° av r:.° LLvSxl �'f , 42 "+`--"r 4'vtk . t ! '- - - -'� ..Y- , - ... a.. ^s.; -Isar.._ s: at;......aa,. - . J