The Signal, 1907-1-17, Page 8,r
, 'ti
-..1 , . .
A �rltll:NllA,', ]N►,114. ,;Ilii 1907 r}l}{}r; t,}CNAI:: (;UllF,11=11' OWARiO ,1.
tit risk,- plue• In Willis vlo11rh. Clin-
111`• III.t Ili,„1.1y 111 J1.1,t. ,Ir
Strength and Youth
1•.1'(in 1N.t p„docttno,
ph,;}1 ei flow k.
i - - 14.11
r, Nw•un-1 .t ".11nw.' -,olds,.
Annual Meeting Yeater�aIF 1937 Show 4� i l•'""r.".l, c "1`11 .' , 'At.'"' 1 ,•o 410.1.1.0.'
-A Safe Combination
joBeHeldSept ,a6 and a7. i 1' haul• fur I""I' ei,.......I
I ..
.1.-.• r,'idll.m I!,n 11.+1 Y .t";.,I. (,-
The. %•,•1')' ":It i,:ra,t4ir)- Hnflnrlal ikl-I-! 1•.{..,.11.1111. -11'- 4.11 .,,,',. .t.,
flui,lll Ag1'ivoll'n'al I-v,rU 11 wit h., I rtd,rvfP1'
Sinl - Ill,• met\',•111 ,11. 1111- -o .il I I1.•
11.1N1.s.,lw I.•.1 pL.ye1t� sell., 111.-11".,
In 4',' years .the Assets of The Sovereign Bank of
li,o1f of ile•'\\.•wl.
\.,sell•,\' tIH' IY'.uh of tile g,l-kil N'UI'k Y ..•Ines h••- fnuufult ,roe ayh"LI:.1iAi.
„41..'i./te I.NI,n. lipt loi, 41.1 11„1
Canada have increased 25
,or IN., yrat'N bad Il( direelol•, all's I `1••1 s"""'1.)' -41`11, C..•C.,.
J_,'1`11 AAW I..,.. IMYI's..."i .
,o( tilt' Nhow elf 1111ii %.fill,• rr.I, to 1,19 IhY`1,
aNYr ef (F:Ia .lits Ilii, 1••..,,•. ,,.IiV Ili.•
rtanll,i.fY: H.«I 411,• 1,•, 11 11 .,•.1• 1 N' the•
to over millions, and exceed
the liabilities to the by over 5 millions. Deposits
f h, .11t-cesw r.lh.' ph,',
jol,i .1• :10111.1'.,
see) discolor. ,e4low,cible,for like I111,o%',Illr ' 11.IvIm, Kra ler.% ".hw. ,d
I4114) g.""1 buenor sir 111''. •'I `,111th'' Fundilro Ala Are Stickel.
Godlrich M.lets with its First Defeat.
have increased to over 15 millions.
w6u attrndwl the 4hulud .1.1'. ley; I In 11)« lilt til dun4tinn: Ln IhY AIY�-
All/lr•:t Ho"pit,tl iv.1 In last %%eek .
The Ii1N1Y1'1rh hnrsry clue. I.hI�r.F its
Iii'"r t/•u'u Innlll.
Your account- large -is invited. I
1 f the Sive-ityeeitetd,t)• afterol.alll. I pethh,
1 ' 'I'Iltl-1'tI411I(P 111 IIIY 1'1. r( 11 Its L 1 "o-, SIL(11,11,IIIr 11,11 IIN111«II oil, field il:t\'1. 1'Yilll
I "wife J F.•1y(u4,"l, u.trl..w. $,.lot.
, 101111,• awily %visit
H,•N (I.r1 Is' 1111 't'l1Y.wI,IY night ,IIIA
I II N. h,Nttell Ili- Ill f.
or small
$ 1.00 opens an account in our Savings Dept. 1
whi.•h r I'e v e o t . Ihf j, linin; ..l
•'AI.11 NIx•/'sellter" 1.111,4 tYllll Ili.,
.4 .for/. oI -:
h111r 1111.P .I', ll'e witty :, •� 'flit•
lkorli:•tfl nt:d and Agrir111U11•HI .,4,11 .1
:{� Interest 4 times
11 reactions ill holding hese• tater iff,c.t• n44n1e• Jess,. 14'1' f111biirali„ll, hilt :IN i1
flef.•NI %%'A4 Uuf 11IIYxhw'tY/l. .I. 11rn
paid a year. �
( >ih leol voll411te1'all'r diesel lwAI-off , an's goar,llllee IIf gilled Will If Ile. Walter$ !
Jt,uloo. W'•1'e on lilt- It -ml". ('a,'1 -•Il."..
n vouuuitle', r, umi4ting of 1'rr.i.k.114 ! 1., have hi" leper puhli.hed in The i
-id Imalke Nalkl•lf(, Signal. I
I i- mid Whrginm ,will Iikriv Hgurtl un
the teulu which goo• Ill ('Itu1„u elf-
• f
The Sovereign Bank of Canada.
Clark. C. A. Heid a
:dung N'Iti: the .,•„Ietary, %%'A, aI. I A noolllt•1• I.( 1111Not.•I'4 of the,
no-orow night. A lecol,l crowd will
lobules hl confer N'ith the I.,ar,1 til - Ilun,n o!tt Movie A.r,wi.tti,.0 ill ,rill.-
go down to I, of the t/•eut to virl.ay.
ANDREW PORTER, f.farai %r. Grdrnitl fi,ench I
Ilit- Hortirnllurd S,wiety lower wh.0 , ,,,,t,. have (•.1111.41 a club, with retool.
Tecumaehs Look the Best.
fall lie 40414•, Illy gent -1,41 11.ejoig "I' al 1131. 1\1111( street we,it, whirl, I4
'I he lll'SL g4ule of h."•k Y)' Iwt%ve,•rl
_ ---
% t I"llll wm•ie•ties VIII`,I.1•lll l,' Iwillg 111 i known 41. Lilt- 11111'1111 ('1411).
j,niior le•:ltna in Got.1,00, thee w':1..111
i..u'ur of holding it joint .1)..N' .n herr•
ta,(UIr Ir 414' N'aY islet of Ihf d1H1''all The ;uuueNl winter. `how u(the Ilur•
hr real"Jed. Tile iutrnt of 111 lee�• i un i',I oil v, Pits. he `Jed lie S%vn Aw
I .."'illi .,n will I"• held in Ihf lu%vn hull, ling
w•,t. pl`vld .,n Tor.'luc night, Iwtwtwn
the 1'wwn"ebw ,anal .$filter Iram. .fly A.
in a win for the furu11 r Ir"nl by a
Hair and Combs
legislnlion i. evident 1% (., preveul i1).•
Se, tooth. oo Jlooday, '1'ur Inn \\'e•II•
1"•olY of i t.. 1. The Nrurr ,tl. Is.ilf•
l•%I.h•Ill',' of f \Y.1 wlll'1,'11', .IIII,IIy (, .1' 1114.1 Thlll'./lily'if next wef.k,
(111• elle pn'. M allAw'llllr Iwo me Atli.;
title-- w 1. a t 1 1, 'r ie g..,,,. waa in.
front rho• Governinvolt 1'ath.'1' th'to liw I C. McKIit note, well„haxIN-ell i 1rhargr
tike 6Ndball depart.
tell l Lllrtilli(11-.1% NIIII wee ail•
1/e•.,WI bv.1 fall' rYUN.I .d' sp.•rlNlni",
II'9411didn't ger :e new HAIR BRUSH A..:t CHRISTMAS' BOX.
of .-I,, "ir:tl nstd
ug of fhr thuds til lir l lun U 11. ; f
fur one rxhibiliu,,, i incus. til Ill• 1'linlnu 1',oIle•giusr lu.sit•
oily Ute•• lessen w`. N•ual'svtt fill'
turd \%,till ,r1.Y now, t,nne :tu,l se• Nhaf. wee hie%'.•, ,old we ran hA%ke Ihf
T'riedittr.of lisp nunuatl pshtbilioN.lule fur.,oIov v""UN I141% I'e.ignell to
ILu1ir Ligls
l-oughne.s, alt1womit the Wane,• lir
lisle. eras "Irenneu. and 114111.11 tfi •
prier suli.le'•tul). �\',• have 314.411 GOOD VALUES. rstxYlass)'
%% .Ie Hxel for \\'rduemhey, Thur•,1,,) atcrt-pl n ptisitiou ou the
illll� :411,1 .I.l.,ll elf 1V..1'•• In•11II1WI III.
Ill fill- BETTER GRADES, bond ;lave them 411 H11 oriel•" (row
I � t0
lull Fridav, Sepleullwr �Hh. Uritis all;, ! s''
11). 1-k"lfges desi,able io rule•. The lcg %lar ue4'ting,ot shoo llonlr
Colli. Vi.lealf refl-rrwl slor6ftctorily
fSoo. Harr Iiia -to in lilt l.iiru Nutt shnllem. long and .hurt brimtle..
And 1rg111ations of h'• .hot .,r in Ihrl ('Ill.[,.%cul lie held in Ihe'I'rultlrrnure
fur small le"nl.•
ha11dle4 of EBONY. .ROSE -WOOD, LiGt/T WOODS, OLIVE.
prize list item I •rt ill Lh • hamlw til 11),• i 111,11 011 Monday eveldllg•:1Nt ir,"t. Ar
Clinton, 4 ; Seaforth, I.
new Ito lli of lilt 'er Lor' Is', Ilmicie• need , lhly N'lll Ise llo• I11rYling 1.11• lilt ill -till-
Clinical. .1411. 11. -'I'll.. Hlleol gionleo(
Ftbrniu•y1he5th Weis,HxelIts the' (title !lalion off oflie'•r.all o1r,111wr•. :u1. re. h'mkeY Llwt I, 1111,0% l0 1.• witne.sed In COMBS, wt- he0%P it WELL BOUGHT STOCK rend eau suit
for tut• lust iorY•uug of trio' h, 141. , y11t-"tt41 lis IN• ptes/•nt. Im/':ulr.rn Illi. sea1N.1% Nas III, nn« of sill ideut t and pw'.P.. y. - - - - - - - - - "
The thn•e-tray show H. op�Nls.Yl to .1 !' 'fhr following fl,rue thick •County sur tonighf, N'here (Tinton ,elect Se"ro1111 Proof of the Onlitical pndJinq sic" In NOTICE/
two-tiAv "lu1N 1,4.,.ivtd the unanifootl. I Liking the `hiss% courAe :1t the• Ih,lari11 ''Amu• logelhe' in Iht- Il. If. A. inter- ---------
- - lhtl myw of penises
e,1'or,Yilioh of she n1e•tinK. Agricultuutl Cullrgr, glut-lph: 1:. nle'li:ltr "prix,, rr.ul'inw in a %icWry ' - ----- - To-
,} ' .Senittor, 1 "oppxlsse you w,onld
The selection elf prr,idl•lfl for till. •\roistlong, Ihusst•l,: John Elder, for ('1111rliu by a st-11r« or 1 to 1. At S. E. Hick - - - - Central Druf', Store ,F,„111 It ladle brilw with hauteur?"
)w,,• h„nght out rhe• reu000nali"" Uf Ilen4:d1 : J. 1). N. [A -VA -11. siVI,AXP1,11: 11,11f -time Ihf• N,eore wa0 a blank. And W A T E R T A K E R S
I)t.I'lark M' F. Hingham, theno11'h110- 114114. SMNu,t, llrnwdl. ill full tiro« it slo,r•1 nor All: the lie- GODERICh, ONTARIO. "JI)• INy, ,Ire v.41 looking fell- as'
' wa4 r K Stud): in luulleul•P„•
(inn of J. W. N,llkrltt k o W. r. \1111- G. \V. Thommou A tion made it wale I I ll.g it 11I H,'. mm Iell. eTilt N•A v,
lee :uul fhr uowination of 1L'. 11str resells ill 4N oboe.• .1"Ird. 1'be rola- - -- --' _ _--_ _-_- "YI•s, Sir."
.It phrenograph Supplies a fav day 4 ago Then you should see tin• in t he nrL ! All wafer rata are now due. 7 akers
my by Ii. M. Elliott. Mr. \Inluvy to nn Auburn Inas, whel,tattrd that h'• wHa sl,"1 work a of Ihi• %'INIIIIIg fY311U E'igutrN nrly not lir• but they :u l• It', .imprisiog hot• reflect of people ler s mrnin a Nnlall lessor." iAlutsvlllr 7418 for Igor donne the month of
withdrew Aujll 1,r Ht Id Hod Ili. did nut kh%otr ,och o NI, ivere to b • 1 Irn lid. twill t1)« N1,lw l ens N/ Ight not. a11vn. a hilt Ihf) appr:u to IN' you esus I r if ) o" sire ries' ,•ui"Igh Haar Courier -Jo u'nal: I �Anuary will be allowed to per cent. ties
Clark expres" his Nish to Iw i,•- .hal h re 11114,4 h••.'e%�th • Ilrnf'. al. in "rill mitating ability of tilt- hoose toato thank" to ►he cunning,of I'liluly and I'tunl theo,. \1.w j,"It, '1.•ss count. All persons m arrears for t9oly
lieyel of the dirties.of the ["wit ion bins won th••ue Ihf gallon, H.•A•ree ,1. Jlr- Ilre.snlallYl„• -- - must at once or water will be turned
was to 11*111itill. .. the \IgllHl. It. II'ly4 FII .N•f•IIII.1'pl'1,1"g• 'or , I When it o ull1'm 11noghl.•I• i4 ,•Ilgagell 1.a,rt.,'I'V%l,l ell tic. OMI 1, Wier. lNY
III• w,".Y ssevel�u fou In fat --or of Ile- The w,tallbotion of ufllrwN of 111. d Y x.11 ('linlo11. %til. yuife fit it. ill bis > Iltb-••`'hat i, an uptinlickt, int:'' I hr vmll gi, into Ihf p:uior 1•crn to If 41st n,Nl1v true. off.
--- - o tooW. my .,.it. is:t luaus hunt for Ili, old 1.i N•. 'Nese fork I I W. L. Horton
l'I"I k, N'ho Ncr.,rdingly e,•steuu'et tl11 vrrnes,/."u1p, NInIs urticotl:uul ,,slk I A- An i r pipe. I h.%,ul1,u1 :' 1'„L.hlii,`ia�bo'r NMrn,'
chair Anlid Ihf it l"ustl of tilt never- iling,v last Friday. View Chien A. 1►. VOTED AGAINST BACHELORS. who dol-sn't sl'u'e a hani( whist tut •p"•it, Ire."• 1 I collet. toe,
in((. J. W. Nelke 1 wa4 uhitllinrlhsly MCIA-111111 condnetlug the eetest„'miPA- Met long as it fbwuo'� ha efa•11 to ltiul. •_ 1 :dbolir aand,,nt. 3
chooken ISL viler- reridenl and Is. M. A eouuuilfte is sit work atl..m•lflgr f , Tothe FWitar,rf The Nlan,tl. - - _ - ---------- ----
P Thr tipiurt.•r -•'11)1 you think- lf., n
Elliott got flit- toovitiun of 'lid vice. ,ut,3u,gel11rnt" flit, "n rntertainloent. Ii UN•.%H Nfit, You %v.N,.1rI•elt)' 11Y"I"yI ,nil •wnown Peer g.•t Inn nid t„ -
pevsideut by aeclioualinn. Mr. 1114•- for Horn. annivei:wry ,ou Lh,• Hlr gill to your 1.nn11nents A,t week ten i nun•1:y !,, The I.u•h.'Im• • Not ut-rc. ��'��
my .and C. A. Held. -who '11.1. luny inst. Ili.. 11. 11h. ,if the AN6ileld elections, warily. Age thm -o t alwo.Irs hs' lli .
no llo ntlecl. withdrawing. Uirectnr4 'Che ploplielul1.of Thl• Signal have• 141 Ili"rr %vets Ifne point whi1.h you wiwloul." - N
were chnsvii its follows: For Uemlr• " boin Ire 1, IY•IIIYtllir•tld. L\' 411/'i1. "V llorkel. Uhf rause which con-
fr 1 It,ilmlfel fn the dr :•4t of Merest -s Jac• I (,f rouP,e it ick 11e-r.•Nsbory lot diw•o%''1 COURT HOUSE
rich township J. L. Aitkl•u, lira., ,.,I,,,na•d old h'irn,I, ,lohh IfurhAn:ell, I'PHONE NO.
lhtyle and McKenzie. 1.:uandalrs flit the \.,Illi Pole Nr and •rst4111d ll.11. O ��� �
laeil6wnit« Nod IN hIr Salkeld :for of l'.u'I., W, by ihr gift ef( ) e-ncr„1.l. L,,rcr Nod dl•lfi11v eceyr rrsl"rh vel v, Krill. tit &Iwsr,a .•Y•w jn.f light I„ S
(it"lee-irh town \\'.'C. Marney, C. A sauelilt-, (of she falfeau. • Q11d1•n Vie- felakr l.Iithful i:t roll N est a At I.0 QUARE. _ • I
iteid and J. H: \\'orwll -. for nnt•fh of fol'i3i' .horti.lrml auade nt. CiollNtelY1'. \:314 t1)•• (,ire IIu1l they "11. INrlb 1 K �. _ -J S
T.IlArhelors. The- Nolneo ..f AshHrl,l north ,., hr ,wu4.p,1 Ih.•u 1.:,t hint ...,IP! 'D/RcC /MPoarkaA 600SA/CN.
ofthe river Anglo 1Vrflark. . 1. It. ill Scut d, 111. The gift %f a nuft-h ,qty .it.- lra11fi) to put a' 4-1144.1% off t1)'• till, Noy bark. I'll. _
Iioldirtmon• rued .\-Lit a we \\ r io gi%.t.I:.fad, bath fur tLel( and tui• Lhe lef"feury Irl' List- never funk to, ieniail, it,
Itol"rtwm Nod \%'.J,anr item again gird. -
copF"rioteil auditors. C. A. Held And 1'. YorterHPll. who has metowl Am .i>.t- Ihi• .tnlr of .Ingle 1.14 4lut•NN f?, au11 m
Dr. ('lark w'rm "piruiutrll rrprrM•nit• 1 Hct-otdinKly they uswl Iht•ir v,lt..,.iu„I
nulmri• lit J11u'not.h, township of. I?"4t ilfllseu•4• u" this ocl-a,ii.o in ,o 1 N/si - 1 -* - •-
Uy,. tit the S.Nlrly In fhr +ulnuHl l N'HNannsli. for uJrt forty-Hvr 1."r., lion to III~ ton Alining 11 � IQCirI` %I��Urt-- JANUARY SALE
meeting in Toronto in Febrolty of h ti lights til _
he, iris 1%. Ihf• ttrsilion pod the elf• bis lu•I,oaYlnnO.� - -- - -
the FNlrs AswN•intion, lis JL Elliott ,
I rite has IwM•ke r1,9M41. JI1:' I ortel•rfl•I.1 1'.11l.liet,l=', ,or .flit full hohnr, 140.n''•of mon13'.,, N, IfnN „o
sued J. W. S,olkrlol bring Iuu11w1 :1. 111- h,lY N1M1 rP.l ro,11 111. NINA 11„1 NN low Il r:I.e t,'.'''r.ld t .1"hinall"'. FI,I'llr.,
Irrnates, their expenme. to In' pails I '' )-11••uld take- w.nNlin;; while it i4 yrs • r..'111.6cho'nt.Nn'I1111s.t'v,irldl,nl'- f
ship rterk tit E:n':t \\:Iwanosh• sell, i, linit•. U14.F:Itvklt. h"atsemg iI i..., dr. 1'..rt'-.. ., I
At. the nle•liw of tilt- new'll Ntrrre•ded by his ern, .Urs. Pillttr'liel.l � -
M. ll. Jn d 10. F.
Bi ghap,i bees ser. K , - I ZO Per Cent. D1yC(i.•t N Third Week
of Il•I ten,',•.
rrtary and F. h:. Uinghanl Urasures'. PERSONAL MENTION. --- I
,It the same IrhnwPralion A4last ye,u'. Tlw Ilwollic'nl elf 411^ 1i,o.1„ril'll 111-Allrh __ like nlrbl.l. • I Iu1.,1. ('•1. -
of \yV%t. fllnvu Wool'•11 , lo,tif nfe. \
The lhl'ef-tool report was am roller"': IrY. Nllfl,•I retlRlre!A 10 TIN,f1l/O I'e-r wN'k. . I Eltaric Wiring Ib Ns'
Gocirrich,,lull.Mile, Illi. "Lfill- spe-vi411ui,N•fifs';(heldu1)'CurMlay F',Mi. Italy 6mwwvof.
ittrtlttn4'.,Ilinawo'-I.I •-
"I'lernockl1. derided 11.11 to have an n)'' `W J. P.osler, aliclialwl. w. -In t,1.4S.'tur f11:.1n 1' .'Af,.
TO ,,1e Offiver. 1,111 \11•,,11"'„ of lit.- %%'1..l .t4•i•.topper. 6111 toe have it IWI 'And sl"'- d„)'.. • 1
IlbmnAgrlrulturiel* f•%sty. - I ROGFRS ELECTMIC Cpl.. 0 N Saturday, .January 19th,\ve enter the third week of our .January
1301 eveuiog roll lurhll"N•s avis h 111146.1 .1 F. L ,yilllaue• Irtorler.1 to Tor..ou Lt -t \1.l
Your INntni u( dinrtbl', for 11110 sir friend,at the hnla«,o(J11x.'I'11•tll.•%y '11"My. '(k.- ;7; 179 n,raAa.slreil II
su1)mittheir- IVIN,rt tell. tlie- y'Yu'. ev.ollThrlydayevening.•600'.11%31A. ' Alf.. aunld'• ha. rett11,1•d f,fsAl %fill tell I+.s•,.. oaor" Sale. It is a rofitablc sale for people who collie t0 this Big Store
They lwg to return their tl sinks to Tommo. \ (0011 p p V 1ti
All uum16•.l's :tie' vo„IIAliv illi, i,twt 1,o -
tht Fh"'iYl %' for the ronHdrnfy n•i.,wd C. 1'. Iw.' mndr A 114.,4 trfN to 1''•rvodo, I L
in them at the Inst Annelid nief•ling Nnl•n.1. 'pea N,•eryel 11,o1„ Ball lel), ,M.l N,Y::. to do their Ury Goods buying. In a couple of weeks we close our books
e; t-1 it. 1
and Nn• plrn4wl thin in rh1. conduct of It. J. Ml•K..% 1'•11 )'•-t,'nL,Y nu :, tits' f„
rile (ollow'ivi a %%,, .lipx. \
the :u,nuNl exhibition Ihcy isles with g hnu0lions 11• Ill. lin,- -�---� Need Wllld Up sell' hUSineSS for the year. �� c Want JUSt a5 IIttIC SIOCk AS
it. l.1wavknowlwig..d:,\tsttkeV..%hO
Alr.. Air un .i %isle l., �I
uark4d .IIr1Y•sN. and th,•v •hoiM for ,f >;I. }iarF'.- �, ..�
very innrh letter 1,•sult fur lhrir soot-.'k : 1 dn%,•tl soangr,• JIf%. ,raps., .h- Ilrlr,.mer:ngrtrn ml hprwt,r,r lei x,•„ ' 09 _%E '•, 1 do isible \\ hen entering day comes. That is why we are making .lanuary
1..41moll in iftli, NI1•phaid:" I --key. Jlr.. \\'tis I'r•u.e1- Yurk tell %,--it. i, ' .r '
'ITtr..tilt' of the Great Northwestern fold : iii Ltil, Mr. sihhitz, Sallfold : 1 I .Iron, J. IWtt'..ofrlfralfnnl.,%N.;It It... ul'I GGG y
APPJeIN 10 he see shr,lw•1.11111111L With it littler Ilovels Aod (:1141lion, Jll' . Well. IN'....• o%" sundic). ; 0i )/ Sale prices so inviting. Here are two sP ecials for the week which are
nice hLN1t 111"11 1116 the last veal''n Grmhani. Sheppaidiom: I table, MON. . Andrew M,•M.1n'h•: i.,lltm/din;r I:1, 1'.'11!,.,1 p .
work w:IS h 0cov i very evil-. atg.. I 41te .lordiul: fit I'll, finest. J11'N. Mr -i J .-whin. Hn-el,- .I `llekl%l'no,uto. ! r Ir+� J l'xcepl IOnaliy good value.
The lees lital I, very on-wh fel IIr4d of Mr,, %%. 1'. %%-e-,,lin e,( 1linne:.1n11.. I, %i,il A/
coir will 1"1. by the tnvamn•r'. u• Nn'l l �� �
1 Int Err mol bels.` r... {u 1. l u,,
Milken 411 IN• 1r"d lis )'.ell, LlNnkel., etc.. nmt any dnn:al fi,n. reel, V• . aJed Mr.. W. F:, Krll)' an- `NN)' oil is Ito I - ` A- I
The exhiloiliom ..f Ii19i %vs'.• in Ihf elect AL 1 he hospital will brK,•nt, holly w., k-' In;. In Tnt01W Alyd P.rnNr. IE!p
exhibit.., the ski 11.11d"n1.0•affect Ila• g'•11• , Iyl•eivel. C. A, Itrid .nil W. T. Alarie. ,mvlmI,l the N 20c Kimona Flannel 12!,c 35c Nose for 25c
1.1.11 eemoll4, lllo-r wltisfarlores" 'o yollt' •fila signal ext1.11114 its vollgratella. 1"allltly.huw ri Ailailorth I �.
ditw•tot, Anel-how•e1 n rn.h ImCiore lions a tot l le fe,Nrrle a ell .huues A. s1).. FAM14".1rord. ofowrn )+nand. i. , i -i1. . t)OZenS Ot '1tilernS
1 I K Ing 1N'r,..enl. Mr-. uenrir'. A.Nre-wo. p-:--- 111114.11*&, of pair, of theist, 1)f-41%)• riblmYl cmNl,-
toyourrre,lit of 30C1�' nllrr Jell debts 1'nyn« to Jlis: 1141"'1 Ehrl. Hent, %1- ellr"r.•r,l1.wrrt.for Ifunaun••r. i.,hfi,,.g �' - V"06i.'` `
,Intl llabillli1., w.'1y thiel. 41411whllet' ,If .11r. NIIII Jll'4. IMINI' N. hell •141•., Mr.. Anlln•N',, Nt 1'Ir,rl,n.1. ,o. �° Snhn,6n• nuo'nistg a•1. lint fill nn Auer oyer (kAl tovi •, in Chifdren's,end I.ulirs' site., .\ lie clwu•-
ITu• dimrlors in Ihrir jodgtln•nt sig- Hingha n, of Chirago. which Look Mr.. .Ito'%.. J.nwr 11.1.,11.3 I,.,- lel'onr'i d[�� � rifle. of rx1i:% line fln,alit% 1411341 FLwht-l. 'Phis in;( tut %rt got from the Jt'Iker'. Agent Jet a Nuh•
gristecl Ihf repayment tit a, Lu• N. pots- tip... 011 Ilie 211th lilt. '11 the bride:. (0-111 I, %i -o of.r%''rnl NW'k..t A%.Onbk. , `' i. oi1.rMrft 1)e-,tvy1.otlnu lltllnel.nitahlefor• vrst6t., „l,„ •• g
Q 11 r'elmrliun. IsY'tluw• he wHutwl -M) Nell theist
sihle Ihf debt ..r I1Nr!. nod the). did loon•. The, (%('rotnu ,. H ,nein..t, Signal Faanr n'.ssf. Irtr Von Maud:,)' fn. Tlet- .,bo.. , j �' I Wel"I'IA•1'S. 411-ing snrqur•s And kimnmis. The
not "teff do not ronshlrr thi. aN a IN411 troy, hill he 111'tl"rIP1I tilt -311 rf-%f" 1,•11• t11.,'llter, file sCn'ie.i of lit" f40,,,r,k,I, >�� IN•foll, he hook stook -k. They "ll, Orth at If•11At:ki1'
p IMnk. IN,Lh'rn„el,• Parties 11-1 gams. Htt&turn• Htr,ocrr a
Ili drew rx6ibilor.: they nu•t,•I)" dr• fire lend 1):1, mndr his may hr f1)•• NosI. .111nzen to select burn. The l uillity i, omt H1. asl IN's• Clair. Isdm (if stoW•N would Arlt thrill At till' -
sired t 1% N'6N N Y,1 ,o
1 Ln1r. if. NFKi--a-1 -a-lei.'
of I1,iii Iti%r' j ) K
I N 11 11 1. N risen n
I t t ndirl t n f l r4f n n n o r s r• h'
1 1At n 1. f file- 1 -
K i nese hi. ,�. :1m -. well[ n o • • .
1 Ice `. r \ . 1 I 1 II over of '
111 1'11 .first �M 1' %':1 , •, 1
11. If \Ve: yin I li ,.'
A,— rt feel- et I h l ,•
{"' In fat in sal a 111
deli ?1 •' t r and ttr
L of fhr N tel % select n• K p
U f t Illi, nu•• . w
( Putt 4l `,tare" freight: r-. \Ley his to n. L.1 w'o'rk. rnnn• he•r,• Snhtnbay ..r pr•rluyN, rates y next week help the -lit nn"ry Sale Along pal the whole list .,n
pxllll• fhr) npp,npri"lel w hal 11)0•v fell-u1.ces+ In u"vi alio l6r lf•at, likes O11 %%.IIOININV ,tAl(erinN'fntl 11 Iia ^r-tk'h".... I.... ' von 1.on lake your choice of ,over 1091 yards a( the -al • rL)nnnencin S of , o o'1. .
(lis• NIn•ipty roup AlTul,l, mlmrly, to 1"' nil Angor of Kon` fling
And uns lin > %Ines. ¢ 11 visit dr 1)1 I g al1 lay sit your t 1) t / tN a foul
1 i boufc In A,h"rM, vel y (Jew pri'l. ,of
Ilrt Genf. of the pure list, not suggest• In Ili" ventuRt,ul"ell fhr inatriuthnial 1 12 1•,2C per Vard Twenty-five Cents
1'1).-. Tgrnlmll. of th,• Bank n( I•omm�•U',
the at Ihat lhis sh,o1d.1 l in fnll of .1.i) r N,,, herr Jeer .lend.)'. Ili• If.. Len len cd ,
the liability. flit. enii. f, iiiiiii 1Ptt t hill( -- Iron. ill,- N'ialth,tb. hr,u.ib i. lir.nlfm,l
lfalL11:10( Ulf rood• nn h,u,d nA n bnl• LOOKII
fYHURCH NOTE•U.' 1.r%. ler. Mrh •:.n. it',. `71. .1a. %, :%ad,•r,'... YOU selljrht Ill i:Iy ►') a supply, before IEC\' are �Rlllc. (ler this Is a bargain Hee
finer h( Ihf• remiltr n( the exhibition elf "Iii It.•%'..I. Ibundton ftlendnl fhr ner.•f boR ler , \\-III 11,,1 tii%llll 111• ahll' Ft%
1fMN{. The Nnnday srh.,ol of North Att•w•f Ilir'kil Pt,„bylei.)' in Clint'm on lur.d..y dtlnl li:lI C.
It, N .I. W44 ell. Rnnc•rh o/ li."1o•rlrle. 1),n l
11 i4 yrry n"CN,wtry (oP IhI• snr• Mrfhlolt-Lrhmr.h1)"sagain contlibtet- I, It, .,'rlsl..nnnLlrnnul If n❑n0f•rr.l, in lhlap tial% elf
rellsful ennllur•t I.( an .•3fhihilion Nurh ell 1R'ti as a Chl klioas gift fo the Mirk which city he I.. "Jew reveals. I nn"toul..r.....t ,
ILA our% that we should have not only 'hildteri. �llos filal. Toronto. yll..r. th.h.r, slie ), OverCOats. .1k).tx) i +
i t .Leese, lih.rl ,;,Ia .e„1 ' Dont forget the Fors One-fifth off Fur Coats
the fw•illtiP. to hold the exhibition ,inn Itis. lonl:ul bArr nianu'd In 'lnnrnl.' ,dr.. p'
the exhibit.-, Inst the ,"olwill ;%m.1 The 111 litrt•uf ling f -p H. (illd1HI11 Y 1"'mllalr fhr .t'barl %.'"ion „1 fhclr.htmc, • `10.00, anti :� 12, 0'I I 27
K •e•lauons Jet \'irt,oria s1) ret JIr161yllist 1).•n•. I t il;ltt
moral lint] naterial 411 r "ores, ,if The- 1 g Pc:Jm'th F•%,in.itlrr: %1t. 11.•l:nw•, w., who I llere l,i it Jtl'al lit "one -i
I I I church next Nene. uy will it : 114.1 11,11 One-fifth Ott' t11C prices tit' the Fur
community'• rrddr.w'"1)lu•r 4,111 r lill'[l1C
The. i,voiosion I,l 's.linf : in -the even- ghl'•1. Mt,. Jinn'•. Are I.i
\ eabol ntUndnnrr is nsttereNsary In ,"dd.14.l.lo•r`-ono,l•ly illfor.,loselittle bot i. I off" 1IIU price (it' CVCPy I'IIC lfl stcnlC 1(11'
Ing.'I'hr('tty,of l►estructir"r nnwx„Neese' January. Not One reserved. (Oats. None I)Ut good garments In
ons4urero to tl161rI-it"nctfhrdulyI Ic 11119
of ingnnlinllc 1leridiug'Ut" Ielnti%,1 Hct. W. If. (ir"htteiflominch•1 IIIiN- %%nle'lIN'A V,N'll,if--t";n:, %•;.nine hl. n:,l I For$4.99S[OCk We (toner gee) an ,other kind.
tion a'v ennivvrsur • eervived in Wiox• htilay, I tarnndber. I,•n.'.•-011 31 µ'IM lea m- at' ront the•pried Of (�(;h rtf 11 Ihf cnUle. the ,In Iathe %%1..l. H'•In cad. 3111 lot., Ihf I llheli'll 1'F'dll 1(111 r
,nrril1. n the . Ilrw•., I y
pumpkins and the spensh, strict vol,,a 1.'1' 111.IhINli-I "ri Jerrh 4111 S11nday. ,; „i c.-,Xl. 1.1.,11'e -,.I %Ip N'J qN'.
Ile%. 1. H. (Merhlfllt, Jet \\lnxetrl'. %I r.nnd )1 r.. l -. = �__ RIM every title. Some real good Ob't� Now mer s(!ilin� season is about over,
IN`11,1 dl•Nll'/•1. LO Yf•1')' 1.I t•otlgh• suggest I Werant Pott., or Itlxt••, it.,,.. -
that, white theit%dutIes in. the soepleori t!)Ilk JI r. (il'ahalll Y work in Virl11ri„ 1.'a n few dine- %Lftn.a,it Mr. Putt. 111.1 left frolll I esti l)eSt Rt0(`k Of I Iles W(! Qwp• Illlt there sir(' 111011[1$ Of fur \YOat1CC
Jet Herrt,dhnr nil- rlrNnwl by statute, street Methoilki choruh, hnnrhrrr. fhrthrirr,'U,rwh.'• w,•t.... ,•oin
rnnh,lf lel' ML- %%-dli,nnlly 1'ou', a•hu 1.'s•, to NOW had illi mer etoro. liable lltlnk Isalmlla
their duty to Ih•• Nociety contt"•14 nI`iiw•eialesiangelistirwwvivrs,ue'now ootr.•furw ci,ir. v , ' ' ah'.'.ad vet. We have twelve coats in
cam fur Wseit, nru,y hiwuls w6n I:u, in pr.,ereSN in \ell 11) 1.Uet•t alelhali,t It t1.: it 'T.11 writes fl„m Npi1.sncbt. Ma--., Fox, all(, loco\� 11 1`'tal'tefl 111 all the I)opU
view the •' ",I-ely Agriculte11•al" .x• ! (.hutch. The 1114•1ing4 iu,ve IN•.'n w1.fl III— It: wall', 'II..! SigN"I...od .1:11.1. hi, Iv ~to(k and twelve people can get a Fur
hibits in Ili,) ,Hloly one hon, iuut desire' "lll•ledel. Asset %rIy Intetrmlilfw lit I Inns- I.' ••„h fhr boy,' A. 1t wonkt IM,jaile A IS -J if t: T I ,vt I : lilt' hhapes. ' FUr$ that will give you
'bmf Io on,e Ibc 1.,r•.sgr Irr..n„.11Y I., ,.if •IaC1tOL at a decided 9tlyln ► if the CUInB
e•nta•rtxinment and pnsti1,A• flu' the 1 helplol, and :u'v growing in init•resl. 'I ,."X'- 1,. la%e1,, %ke h.,Ioe 11e l..). WI'I rood t>'atlsfaction, and Call be depended h y
habinve of the (Inv, i Tilt- pollir sett rol,li"lfy hlvilyd. Thr ,•,''ev Ihi...•nAlrn4n d0lNrl). it) ret \'Jeer goods
lis Lhe opinion el( 93114 11.r:u,l the I nuN•ttug eft"•tt. rbo1.h evrtttnK wish A J....,.m1 bu,r...lall ".. who low's IA•on %bit. I 1111 if. every way. Bee the saving one- IICCe lluriu}j -January. You CRIT buy
intellwiruld ho,1-• In A4.fleld -bur 4k -r picked Jllt fill' a 7
purely Agrivollarnl featulr- of 11x' monis.ervire- set T.:it) 11i•I'"•k. 1.1.1. 11•rt ve-Irnl'ii1 un their return Ip Fit. r Il (Itlarter A means for',you. You Call
exhibition Ahnhld Ili- rockiest carefully The li:%ptimt chn,rh hehl its loolud ,sines-, :u.f.k,.. th,• Roltmr )1.D. I,AI,• ,1111•' Spring Suit. Wei IMV A $60 Fur, Lined Coat for $48
%ell IN Ua• gold run Ntry And e%1A••'1 to bwrrA.r
Held fully conteer•rcel, Irut they fY«I IhNe htWinrmti nu•rLn,g efn \VtY l.,.w iy even- Ihefrpilrrl"oldcr'`MY L•fa%f elle) rn010 Lack fall I11akC \'loll :1 $2'�,n(f l lees for 921 .(JCI
IL 1, not ons ,of fhr pinylnee elf n illgo ehrfloth ihs1. Ilrprlt'1. were I,•- 1••fe.b,riomipdo' ! A $5(1.OU Fur Jacket for $4(1
.oclelpp much A, sur•, to ,hpl,ly fi l,•a- I eeii-elO -hawing .. .III -re -0111 yv,or in ,,ekl'at rl-lfat, fn orcol,•rlrh were y t. Aod first-class S it i (,
w,nahte ,unnunt Jet PduratioA"I effect I the 111,oe-11.1lt Isbell em of the (.11111,•11 Mr,. t've fins', `•hao1.n`. 1s1.o( it. tw.,,N(eff). I �2�.U0 Furs for 1 S.n(t
%'fikon. M"........t lw -4!1%6 ,mfit .3. 1114 I latest \1�'II:, fnlnl 4 $40.00 Fur Jacket for $32
awu"ing enter treinment out..ide of Ilit• wnerk. 'I'hirlrrn ,,Anl1•s h: nee Ilw•n mem %n, NI . Ss' ronarm .rr%I,,,at fit Il .l•„ d $ e n
n•qul4r Nhlt11htry sehje lA of Ihf i luldwl to the nnNnlwr1.hip 411,11 Ihf• with hl. fertile- , i -,1,d ill. 1wft14 bond -,.ser •x•,11.5.00 fill, I 515.00 Furs for 51 1.2.5
t•l)ciet , And they 1.trongly',ulyi,t• that rhin-ch 114+ tlnldP .,Hering. ,11lerirlw Ihf• boon' 1.4'"'. l Ilmb.4 lei. new '11,11•• mt loose I
I '',efoo tit. Il.00n)' 1icml- wrlV gllf f. 'r $12.00 Furs for $ 9.00 A 535.00 Fur Jacket for $28
) our l irn•torr lei illrl .lie not lean• Nigllt ` )•rill' %I Ili, 1, ;Io,.,,, It tet t(t if,91. Irl I,•- IIh,11.1. 1111N..,1.•r 1.O 61.1" ..M. -- _
' i thefact that tire fNn fools' f, tet lllally 111.114.1141. is, all wal. In still in rhe rh1117ell A weAdingln Nhf.'1, mon)' Ih"I.rl1•If 1.'1.1, \
,t holiday which w1.Ah,oIdd assist i"IilfhlwoVr1301,101111.14 stilvatIv IwN, welllit•Inlrlr0fld1,s'kpinlrm.IhY,t:d.'r.]Ith Re Black SI0.00Fursfor5 7.50 � A "30.00 Fur Jacket for $24
I 4tmnN to enjoy t1) fhr uhm.,st. l t,•eelvC,l 1.,111 1eiPrldN .,,,1.1d„ the of
W".lan, the bred.• L•h'N MI.. lleirn:. F:.frlf . '
1'mn,. ,usurer` of Nnrl h .I ru,•t �Irll I
lour dir«ctsenr-1-1111uf•nd H three. t,rwo. Tile It„•nli Ms'', sir ties• refllgefgA• hist rhurc h. u'.1'.H. h. I'he lucky mAn win
1'my exhibition for 11117, that Ue•te'iAls itself till- looking f,ow'arli to the deli- r ..1. A. Winn, of N`rwlr' i. nm.f The e%1.1.1 I THE TAILOR. p 1111 first-class garments which Me 1 to hack with our guarantee
Jet s(rerd Ito' 8N heel\' 111.141 aN 311, rntiou Jet their rhumh building ht H w'^ '•+h•br.t.Yl .f too homer ler rbc beldc'- Itl -- - \\'Ileal th('y IeflVe the 9tOCe. eats
4llratttinn 4A the 1.r ❑IHUooasrf 11)'• father. Ih'nry ,I. 1'Iwrn, Jtr. bond Mr, NA.ou
T( few of eft If- willor t this year to Ire will rwddr ler Norwich.
Ihpiltrtmentelf Agricultl,n will Iwo'• sem• in N•hirh n LIi'ge work. will hr - .
it] ill "nilthatpour. post* Al,t':Imsnn" r Thei'11,--.-.-__-____- BIG SPECIALS IN MANTLks
in the wx%' of xl•mlrAlic. yy((ynmasli''• The 1'reshyfrrr of Huron nice in 1I --
lhemtrit-al, tecicntinr, u1rcl,anir,al• ler \\'little 4.11111,•1. i'linlon. ,ou 'I'oeotbi l - -
collie r /dncatory And ente,tAiuirfg nlorming. 1'reAc•ul, Ihf r
(l.att.rrN M• intrlNluce& "n& "','iII- I R,,-. (; Ftrlrheri M.A., Thatnf•N Mosoil. I COUGHS HS AND COLDS �� Every .tncket to ale sold Ix:foro .funnury is 0%
"','III- l'. Wo positively will not
'libtY( we far as p„u•ticilbl..; Hod Ihf%- sell a gooll nnntl"•1 of stlini-t,•r4 nod O C11,11'v (IIs Uver. After tilt best Affintle season we hfl'.
feel that there its iso m-nowin why thio ,•,deer,. lice. W. \INrtin. ILI), Jet ss )any 1'eC01'd of, WO aid (le -
cannot ick• client- without impairing the harlf•r, \cn4 apt . MA in.Irr,Uor. tin terniiiielrto clear every garn►ent before encoring stock
primary ,ohjlx t1. of the N.•irf I Pricom aro low enough for
tile throtlg Ni, 111.%.%, %, 111r 1e -111g that simple home remedies Von tit buy a •Jacket even if you had made np yulir mind ft) snake your old one (to
In cnnt-l11s-Im your tit-i"ty. roil- the of Ili ingh \ soos, Jlr. Flefrhe•r
gratidatr yon upon tile- ill el-Aw41 wits N r r,intel ors Irm. 1!nn,,niANp,,,,A this wlhtl'I'. You callnot inilke an mistake i11veatil►, tet full; \YIICII yUll Cali Stet It
ate Pr,ll,ell"'.. the AallN(al'l.,f nen, n.'i<,1 pt l have failed,to help, are al- y
Y of'n•ptr.unlltive elolel'A we". r,'reivel of Ilfll'F8 III((• 1111'slt.
if -lin n11d the eener"1 public 1.npi"n't front V,lrinu. "eY ionm in the Tress'%. W:fyS CUCCd by our
p retwi d.solThis t which they t"ry'. Thr tn,esol,•rs st"tenit•n•, WHA mantles at $4.90 Capes a) $2..'10
have rllrivwL This they fet•1 W re1x.ivelf• NhoevinK n p"llferice nn the (� k' (� R Q ('! ' j `(,
ample tetelrn Cot fhr Kenre,rl,s grant right Nidt•. mid t1)•• "uditor,'t,gN'rtnl BLACK "HI-t"\� v1�v�I� �����„^�� - f ttdiei Twrr4) 3tnd black Na'Hvrrm,u,tletk (Ade-1,othrapx•s, lolAin and hllrk rlothN,
approl liatet) I,v the (iovrrnntrio L select Nu• recounts rort'rrl. Augowntat.inu jester (Ix
the large ex1"•ndittn4. whil•h lows greenlet were rv%iw41, with tY4lortion is, every garn.ent. view Ihis fivas n. many differ. Regula' thing tot driving 1.n rinlgh wwarhlr.
of(illderi1.h1),atululefufhr�t,,e1)li,h• IT IS THE GUAiZANTEI:t) COUGH CUIZt: entstyleA• fill new 41nd op•todAle. 'Checker• for Jane I'erie•N Iver" I*:r t,o>♦ft, fie]
fhr g*011 s., I ivmn tion Ili (,- c. Ary SAI.• your rhni1.e..,
merit, and nlS cietynt-e of the gnnindr rnngrminln4ory ,.•.,oImti,ou in ronnrr- 25c n Bottle. ,ire the Inst flint We- h,eve left of one. Mantles Children'
nt"d1)y'�hr!Mxiet)• Itolf with Ihi• trtitlivornt of f1)'. that sold 441$.-)it,$N.:rliandalU.1N1. Not �Reefers $1.00
M.o.JuHNNTON, W. F.VLAIIK,'V 14. MrlArHn fmsti the- Hetive duties of the - - li nn-
Ho-.- 1"i"ident. millinery were, nn"nlin11oaly adopted. wr hatl in Mtork at these pricrs t•n"•rvef. 1.hildren s IY•lfer.. plain. Jea%)' and
_----'-- T'hm-evrascrn,ddermblerliticism,)fihe H. C. DUNLOP, CHEMIST Yollt•rholreoftllerna11for. .-i7`i.�7ll ( t%o14?dN mntltly temal� 4t LIN,. teelelnr
\Vikiyo; r t( Ii 6%Iwfo )lou have to rleltniti if Am i4y.provided her n ( JV 't" N&I it'l.:dl, rieltring for .leftist-
IstlllslylHftyfimfYll1.•/ourth«)'Nillg«t ronnuitlwe of ANrenlhly. Thr next,L BFDFnRD Ai til K GODPRiCtI. M7 bier. sitelrh .. 1.
or in the lnteruihK ? New York Pre s. alerting 11f 1'mityte,y wain V1ln;o ftWW I .... .
- 1 ,
it ♦ 0