The Signal, 1906-11-29, Page 7PEN AND SCISSORS.
Eateasave Scheme Whose - Promoters
Aft Said to He w Earnest
111 g.' N t l: •, l
Sweet are the 11 Khl.11W1 •hour of .uhlrh3 I'
The quiet .oi dt Ir 41''111.16 Lh,,, a ermine f 1. Lewis Tie .1110., 1'. I �„ 1.Irlllr81% of
$APet are 1hrallflu.1ae1h•Ir.S-18((111.1:"vN; the •tk•p:Uf1(41'1 of Plll/hei iVrififs
'1'h,. pour 4'.1:411• `'rorty. 3'ort lino', J11Kr4• •'
).11431 41,1i01 ruulrnt. •neb anode., rarh +torp
such b11.
1)w of 1e1ld4.1i, gave ;1 n1•lralvy,rr in-
terviewer the other day .4014.. in•
humiliation relating to the proposed
CDUnI w' lien he hopes 10 5).1• run•
Begun. injuy. whoa lathier, oil do tui., *afflicted art u.. the West Mat (111t:11•l0
peninsula Fr11u1 1 point .toll utile, 4./a
The huulsly honer,1hat lulrtniu :wan tr.): of
Sarnia. 1.11111..' filarial. In .U111'm•
Thr .0lige Ilu,I "tlortl.frpNdr •ae: 11((1i, o1 «IleEli... The 1104 4114.4. is wean.. that 'Kew. with euand4'ie moek
lift y'Mien the saving ley the nit -flit
'13,8 a 4.11 W,1't //(InIH 11 a1NI n11ldek km: 1.481 id (Orly
miles, and the entillltllel
/11roosertllte ...g4,Luwu n 1 1 1111111,11111oaa1,. ,
1'14• of blas,
A (antler ...totem both usuwnr and kingdom 1. Not Canhn's Scheme:
Robert (1)'rr(m 1171 y, 444llle 11111. : 1K.• the (11111111.'1' 141..: `I,
lo8•pb, 6.114., N. AI. (.m11 in.• 4111•
Slur '•'hank•gicing celebrates My
garnering of the harvest." said a
del g'.giii li, ••,h111 It 11110, 1418.314 fesli•
,vttl it is. Hut did it ever (gr4u' 114 1)n
how V1u•iuuK law the harvest times of
the different nations?
"January is the harvest 111,lnth of
the Chileans. ,of the Australians,' the
Argentine folks. and the New Zeal-
"February is 1341• harvest of India
Frbr34art' and a Wirt of March.
"The Egyptians, the Persians and
She Syrians harvest in April. ta1,11..
the ('hinew•, the Japanse, the Alm. -
14 weans x1111 the Algerians harvest iu,
'the h!'aniah. lire•L and handl;
harvest 111)11• is .lune: the Russian and
Austrian is July: the English, Ger.
main. 3)ntc13 and 1'nluwhi11 is Angu.t t
the. Scandinavian. Seottish and AVe1s34
is Sa•pten,Is•r : while the 'I he1'm-
tlowt harts of itussia, Norway and
Sweden do not gather their lul,rvea
till I etold•r."
A /tris of little children were be-
ing ynawtio(rd a few d,lys.ago 1115x)4
the visit 'of J,i'rph's beet1111.11 to hila
in Egypt. One (u1•st' was, "whi,h
of the brethren had to remain in
Egypt when 1110 others ort knell
I •3" One little Chap, with spark -
know. lemlber, it
Was (11111an34)n.
'.'his is nhu/alt worthy of n place in
that. ,tanking collect' of blunders
11144414 by Henry H. \\'heatley, F. S. it..
u 1
f louden. n. NI
1 .
In •N
K his hook:. 41411 .
, try Hlundera," hr (mutes several l'•
Nelms.' 11IyN. Monte of then an. par-
ticularly road. An Amerintia child
wrote of the I.rar•lilish prophet.
"Elijah wits 1a glad) 1111na who went tip
111 heaven without dying. and threw
down his chunk for queen Eli .•,4s•th
to step •%'.‚I'' Anul110' vhild, 3411.41-
31111'a1i11g the parable of the lils.l
Klumlu 131111, ((1/(..41, ••11'34)•34 1 41'11)1•
:twain I will repay j uu,'' . and added,
'"this hi• said kmowing that he would
see hi. Gu -r again 111 more. -
1.1 oianswer l ort• lu 11,'owe,' Fou
11x1 ' 1 .lows+.
h e• Il
1 Late . .
n.1I .e• y
1 r o
one • 1 1
t4' \ answered, ••He 418(11..'1 it out
f the camp," and d.feudel his:a'.-
t• by (holing. "And AI1)•e•et «.k the
rum+. anti pit111rd it w it limit the
one "x1111141 wotdrr 11:11 4.41.4,1
tI,• blunder. wh.'rl al 114:141 .0
8•hoaly as 1;11(1.14,11 W1141.
4'181. 111)1
the 14111ow•
In•at• upon
the heat of t
Daniel 4uule
tierce fur Igo
•land ill its viol
the P1i.t, vol. Lip;
Another .141414
111•,114 wit 11 111.5)'.
rotary 1he feeling. of
r,rnwl w'hl•n-they rend 1 an 3441'11111
of a fti.hinnubfe weldi/ ”She Wan
'ter prItliell In the alta- by 14011
bri411.8111aid,.- 1114111 ,mroul of a 5).'I-
"nlrlr to a famous 1)1•a1411•. le !•41111•
plwilor wet up : "The er"w',t 1)t the
air with their 811)113:." I11 .p 'king
of the visit n( It Fight reverend IIIc :Ito.
another paper said. "Ile Wll. 181 il,
pleased with w • eeele.i:4.1 teal 1 -'n lu hint...
Unit.• 114 3.113 5511. the I.Iuu.1,r of n
(304104111 lraljN•1', 54' la i, -h. referring to
Bismarck s 41111•:1vm1' 341 keep 1111 rood
(e'4.,,, with all the powers. was 4,344,4,
111•..1)', "I'rinrl• I1,.nrlr4k 14 te clog 114
keep tip honest and •t•mightfurwl11.4
11•lalion. with 4.!I the kirk. -
If p....ple mak.• such error. Fling
their own language. it i• 1101 to Ire
won41er141 4.1 that Iraush Ito, ,l nnh!
rdrnsiun:dl8 11(111• -. • tolietst,
1411rwl 111211, lie was undertaking a
project to buil,! as 4(11411 eminect Ing
points on Lake 111111111 and Lake Erie
(outlier wast than thus,• named. Aar.
Thomas state. IInd I,i, whom.. in
aho}Tethet dill,•1'.•n3 ,,,,I Ihne 11 is In
In. 11144.1.1443 1.y)` English capital, •
')'h••.. IA41414111 111111 1. funning the
11nrv4114:11.• 4414:/1 syndicate, in 11IJ.'r
Lo11u•ry 41111 tilt/ tvurk 111 pr,'iiwinany
surveys. They will seek .1 Dominion
charter, will• a wt ritll of *1:18,1331.
%Viten accilr431. 41:1164 Sun. lure, secured,
work 1111 m btrr441.•r place 5)111 ISI 1n-
: 11'glll',1t4Y1,
A 1•allal s4.he114,' illyoI'4jl4t .11 4.r•
Is•ndil1nr• .4 forty million &dims
Will Din t•rinnrtlt '-uh'i,l oil'11111411
4ipn1 J1 es, rant 13411.11Iv 1... 10111/031 a
.34)1111 lulderl:lkileg, It i. el: ' • 3,
however, that there is a frt. i,g1,t ton-
nage passing f lu;.0 h Ito• Soo 4111.1144
411111 Intl roil flit et, 11( over :r.!,I4MI,IM.I
loins yeau'ly• and ,le,ldily 11''tr.1.1/1u.
11111ts.'iug I lull fat 1mr 4r�r1 41( 1 hi•
went through 1b.• pr.gs1w43 1118•,4(3'.
thew w'o443,3 he, :ala 118,•.'414,111 toll,
d 1'1.1115" 1134.01134• ''l' Stli,;9ar,laal, Seel,
11'l8t'lulg 111.l,:,1I11,lea1•;1., the yearly' 1•N.
Penn.. .0l' "nee a l lull, 414..1'). ivo11111 le -
Main 411.'1101.400 41eau• .0,M -IV. .1 1'n.lii
.411'i, IN, 4•'111.. 1,14 Ihr int, -11111.141.
'Thi. i. the 5),y ..\I r. 'I'L11ne.1'. w of l„
Ihi matter ons oil 1l1ls•r. 114,58 it 85 1 I 1
a.'nk 11(1 ill 4,•6,1i1y 1'411l•t 111. 1" 1'1
Ile u34•t1,11. 1441,
Petroldi Capital In lt.,
The Ile lels of this lnujrrt point
m11011al ...Orli :a .31011 O'mila afford a
vast salving in nsrl transhipped from
ppJiuls un it4 route to Western 1►n-
Pel n
1 h,1/
l 511
1141 I5)• ,•
Inwn ketteliltMg sit eele•l.irely in
the 5):n• of it11r434•dial•• lehll'll., o. oil
from flier, is 11..1• p41nys•d Fn (ai•ni:l
for shipment. ' 1'e vulva capital 1.,
therefore itis ''1'111in4111..•.11 ill 1hr ell-
terp,iw•:.101141 IC1•r4 and J. s:. Font.
11. I3tlrr 1,. 1881111 ..f 11',111• pr.'i.
d. 4.l, Io•Ing tamed it. Ah. Y•I" n:
'I.... 1411es.
The 14,111,' of 1In• eamil !rola 1.381.,'
Ilinam hr .UdI,, .0,gh is only rotg31y
.ketches nut .1? 3414.8.411. h `iuynlvls
.mc,tuier lith, n11181e1r1, 1. th,• 411yer-
siun of Ihr• '1'�,.nu1s ao.1 `•1.14111,:1111
Is, hal it ',
I ellin34rl .
1 1.11 that bel l
II 1,
far e n
n uwh earl t4.: •1
1t .id the 111.1 p rnl
ring of three I 1'411 fret sail to. 1'1•
imyola'11 in 1 h 4 4))lill plait[. .\< 641
prew•1/L pr..jrel.'d, 111.• canal 311',1'1
pal.. throng.. 411 mar 1'.•tr11b•:1. 1111
S01ing., Ile ahwrll, Ito'boy and .%111 -
hell nigh. 11 . would • t.4.- 5:11 lolls
brnnl34,•. of the lirnn.l 'I'lmil. ahel
r w 1 also 1,14 1'an:4 141,, 144. ilio. sI 3 4g:in
'K "The lien.• light I 113 11'.1u1f-41, and I'er1• ALn'.ulttr tail
throat i. wnprtjoie. like Lwnv.
at fur •e iu which only
walk unsealh,el, lou
5'. how 3)1444+ it i•, to
it y." 1(0111nings 1,1'
e :'51.1
im this 1it11.. hook
I13N•1• 111mt1rr., pmprw. 'I'b,•r11rd 5'111 1I builthe
Al r. Thuu1l• 3" 411111.1 /'nuntli 4•11-
g411141•11'. 411,1 has Ind expeliMnre on the
\I Ir1e34•mtvi 4:ital. I1.. I,:, 3i.on'I.u.i
faith i( hi. 1'at...ili:oi1 .'nt.•rpri'.. .11111
414.0411•, 111.11 1341• 1. not n 4.41.4. of
1/1tlirlil .1 1.11a11e1. for 44 N•rm1nr'c,•
u pan'11e. roll. ,a vs,
slit's, 3h. ‘Vlinilley give, s inter-
esting examples of smelt blunders. A
Ereeteh translator. writing of Ah.
Han 14-'4 4411111.11i*4 t Milker.
gnu• if :. ''I,'ud..n /Iii Se pr1)118 11.'
.kanther translated the name of the
old (wlIe, "flit or Ali8s." Its • hrI1111H,
1111 Ma41rn111fse1le,'' •Ind 4131! another
changed "A Sti -k it Minister" into
"Le Minister Aew,.,inl:.-
1't'liballdy . of the ben of the col-
lection is the whist hoe's neeili1114..(
Nit Walter Raleigh ; '•H. intrldhuld
Inhaler.. into h:ngt1nd and while he
was smoking he exclaim...I. 'Allister
Ridley, we have this Ihry 14(111441 4111411
a (111. in 1•:ngl:u111 114 ..111111 pryer Is•
pal 11111,
1.;• l'a41„1,161. ' /'.. •,vl�Ir .
. 11rr father wawa InodiJnlr,
111- dn1141)1er 4:to 111y Incl• :
)Jrr herr .4.1. 111.e'nmg Walt In II
1l'r . , like slats 4410)5 e,
411�1 fol leer w4.. n rwrldidnlr:
Thl. much I. worth,- not,' -
She .nlue 111 ua•, all .mile., to -Ia.
'•I',t nerd. the gal Ing s, .•,'.
McMurchie v. Thompson. •
The ease of NIeNlo'1•hie v. Tholnp.o11,
88h,u,•h 5)'a. tried by lion"r:ll,l• Mr.
hwthl• :1i1411in a: lite 1418(1 -jury
li11e. oil the Iligh 1'onit for fhi. ram.•
ly 1 h ,art of chi: uo.nth, has
been disposed .•I, 111) Mg 1'11 • 1111 .11
1►.go011e 11.111 11•.1 894..1.. Thr rn.l•-i.
f h4.. 1.•porte11 :
.Indgn)1•nr in i11leVl1.•3ol4'1. 1,811e !lied
/ 11114,441 44 jmv'.t lira.•ru'I,, 111.• Ili
d•• 16.16 e• 54 1841181 n defend :oil. '1 prior
ye111 111-1' ,1 --sign.-•. oil' p1a11.t 113...111'
•41111 11 m...?hn1.•. (121 a Atte, should h.'
held e•
shame ,
tend 1211
J.mn1•• '1'181
11114.41 In '31,•' tua4eed- of the
111.• 118,-,' 1., .1 1111,4 111d of .1.•.
IttIor 111.• Well 4.r the late
(peon. who died Olt 1411
1 IN•1111e•.It1)141 lu Ills .all
Jame. the It Im.ban 1 Id IIrG'nll alt'
AIM to his wan. :.I5)':11'1 ;Ind K'i111.1111
in equal .11.11e. 1, i'••idn,' of hi. .
1113'•, sill/loll lit 1 1-lnntity In Ih •
'widow of $12 i, ' 1.• 1 C. / n1,r:, 1.'.
l;linr.l. nolle, the / feet in th.,
Will to mei.; this :Illi 1118, '1 soon of
moor>. in which, with ne4nnoll:ted
lu14•rv•st thereon, the 'ha ' 111 .lanae..
on the death 4.111,, her, alu11unU•11
to !R:.i) IS. This .0111l4'.. ..osis of
la, 111.•111 ill. 1.1....e
( as 1.'1141 in rrnnrl
In ,11,i,l, the eesoll of he 141111...De-
b.,. boo claimed the In'.I)4'5 laid ail
itibani d writ 11.11 a..i•rnnu•nl f 1.1•
ho.h:ln.l. I'laint383'- ,hinted a111.1 r
.1,1's.'yn,•nl a..i:;nnu•nt. 1..,• aaln4.
•1'll.• homiest jrnlge find.. or. tart. in
1.4.111• 41r ,I,-t,'u111111t, 111141 11.1114 11,:11
111, :w.ighlnetl 1,, her it :1 ganwl r.11rit-
rnh11• :1 .1,:anent . 'Im.Ig1134•ll0 'fur Il'.
tendo 1,3 ,.1118 41.x1.441 3•.11,';1111. of the
Ippli4:own 11!511• 11111Th it 5):l
Il„•41)41. I;. 1. I )irkii'nn (n,• tat.. 1V. 3'r,u11r"ole K. 3'.. for 11••
re«Idnt. - ..
Bluntness or What? .
"Hyder, I.:1111,••1un'maa441•
hnruilure ,tad 1'pholsty Journal :
The floating toter', 1.,t,. There are w • people who take
1'10r•-, yndltFee hon s.w.ethin, 11r.1 pride in 'Willi{ W11:11 1114.).1."m
T make fhi. voter flan
•lnwillinaMint him elpfrom ru111 "1)14)111." .1 11,1 11'1,1,.' Milli, ;less r'nls
And-pn•.wl 111- wtoe .In.1 InN•rI-:Ilw••' :tad inri111315 1'.•;till it
In ,. Might of sadden rests.? i. often 11ifl1111tlit determine, :Imt it
%Ahemlark. and li •1..tog.'
is just in this respect that Ihr oi'ditl-
7'heFoully tw.Illienl..Ii,--3w :try ".lark Mina" i. a ,11i.lulee. (1811'
I lean thlrwgh 4.0' nn1141,Nr. of 'Ilia Verde. tall into the 1'111.'
' And hltehnl it hit. and nn•hIY •ION'd :
"4b you would •4.11301.4 rote'" [hied 1110 other flay:ill out of Idea 1,
ll4r father wt.. n r n18114µ11. : 111, 111.1111 tittle 141 .we fhr' 1.1111 0 lar
W 5...141141 floater. hlld -- 11-341 V11113811 i111.1 spare. A. h4.! aw41
The .414.4,4 Ile. I 1...1;1''''4 ",h '
1 voted far her da ! \ to Mini his bald head and rel VP he
101 out 11 string of .01 j,e•f i w I In,i
SiV nhonf stopped the station Is•k if it
dill not slop the Irain, TlIrltillg
11 is Maid that when Rider Ilk wird IIINnt he saw n clerical -1m 'gig gentle
as n child a very old doll of Int led loan upon) whose vomit). One' 5)11, 1111 -
wad. hideously ugly, earns one of ''/" 1 0'1141 the hm1,1' 11111111 In nor
favorite playmate,. and nils) of thl' who.••righteous smil 'n. "vexed with
other ehilrlren in the tinnily. An old I the 1111I1y'..nt'etrmt 111 .4f the avirked. '
MINN. 12...11 to eall Ihi,. 41,11 "She" and I Ile inrtmslirteh• Is an an apology f1/r
in later yeanMthe ',fermi,'IN)I'rnw',•,llb,. Iris 4,1 Peng 11'111, s, 144111319d' , "Volt
name for the he7411,' of his tined bail- 1.141111 1 nm a HMO man and tun i'1 the
1111' hook, ha141t of rolling n spode a sp.lde."
'•Intbssl !" replied the clergyman sett•
v cif
tomtittasty. was Ie• the imples•
Ilion frrn3Ihe lune of your te5))111.s
that yn,l"tvoull call n staple n -
- --
If'Onto ibnlr11 by n loan
Mani. ied Iona.* a 1
Man 4-.\d. for Ott to do t ypew tit . 3 Nhnve. the. 11 m1i11 friend /1181! 1180
V11(l . e 1",I Wonta'mn toe in the sane 188.41 and if
Mn oto s • \type.,
Violet- far ty e.,tIter .Y„ end value your pester. of mind pm will
Marl. 1ft-Weak'..Jnr4for 1';N• 4ru1.r, Mon give them n With. berth. "1t fool titter -
Man h 111 Ro.r, for tyIslwMter.
l. 911 All.. s _. Sslnrr.... ... nen I et1I 411 his MUNI."
�1'n h 2l--iiontinn. for MILAN N--- . 315)
h Si-•'snd ' lar ;1118 slot cMMron.. 1I1,11
M'.1,I w millet, for ML. r --- 118.1 John buena' Wealth'
j - IlNlry• 8'quail.. i.-1161
M"t'•h 7t- TMlatet and upper (ii k41- 1 John Burns. Englund'.. labor l',abi-
tar." with IMis1....... .... . Mu"
M"4.'k SI-tharl.kln Mr wife zanaI n1t :SI iniater, waslimiter, 11y an A34n•ri-
114n•h an silk ds,1 low wlfo'4 no her. .Slur' t'an w•Ot/IA ll to contribute something
March JI -Ad, for mon to /111 IFP('' I (ober autograph ,album. Alt, Man.
writing. 1.3) kept the albino three flays and then
What 1 returned if with the following origi-
t a w..mlan like. about 111.4 nalstanua : -
h' omnirI being sick is how people "Soto in .Itt, Ole. erased In .trill -
°'•Rht to toy what. .1 devoted nurse l.*itatol en Illy Iff•,
IIM h t0 him. --:dew York Prism • My *III 11114C wleie.4
Illee• 4 with health : [16. hay wfiaak
Turlt+ At', \4..111'JAS. 1906 7
Num •� • •
Our Fall and H inter Stock o/
• is now Complete. •
Essentials of good bread .rrc juuuuuuuut three --common
sense, a good oven and Purity Flour. Produced
entirely from the choicest Western Canada
Hard Wheat. That's why Purity Flour makes
most delicious bread with least trouble.
Sold Everywhere in
The Great Dominion
Mans at W,nnlp•s, Coderleh and Brandon
To improve 111 Temper
1:1.1,1•• the p'l 1':11 sotto i11g of
orae. If,i'11.1', rton.• by the reliable
1'ul Unna',, I:o1f. !'al .:..slur, R.'w':re of
a id, tlI'.h•eatiug 8111,81it'les and in-
.i•t oft -1'111 :un.: il•.dhe mum:. .urr
and palllt•ss cure,
The Evolution of Man.
'floe 1•olluwiug paper. 884 it len I,y.1
.t11111•Ilt-' era -et -41 /121• the .'".ii,.: -rias.
Iuu-plv(o..' :11 eXaliiinati'•Il, ax•
111•.''•e11 hr. ide:w .111 •'y.i, 11 Cleo.
41rnphy." 5.1ys 4111 1•%4h:olg, ••t41•
11.1\'1• 14/:1%1111 h, believe 111:11 tile 111'.1
,nal1 .1. 8, .
.1 u4' •-
N Pr e,
II I being. •. ' •1
1. 11(1.41
hanging conditions 'h1• ndvaueed
.Ing• oftr1' stage iutu 11 ulnni;ey,
iug, lit ralher 14.11,141.413,. lenys•1:uoen!,
Ile wyne his loll oat sitting Ilnw'u too •
-sr-„--s s -- r 441,4 '
5),•r t.. 8)l14t.•r t,..rt". t:ap11rlrrr ctrl at ,4,14 -way of the.•:ulgr,'.1la 0� 1',.,
trout $4.:r. to i.1.:,.1 for Ih,••Inllk of ouenuyu; f 1411 411 bee p)...ple. �,'ay York '1'1111.'11.
84144' or ,I,8u )cada nay" have ..a.4 tar a 11118 - 14411118 3%440•• 1•:11'1 ('Veil lb) t 111•i1'
410re Inonri. Eupoll bulls wart ut :WNW !dittywatom. striking an ajliUule..
11:t.:u N. i4 yet 15) 1.
' Mu1rb•n. r Now \,r k Tillie'. The bul'ber,' cattle to•'I; -.,
were a tutted tut, few of alma.runlet 4.a - - -
clams•d 11. eholee 4.r ge.s1, '14:• nest ut
.then., and they were few' lar pulhlw•r, 5)Noth in1.1 g Relieved
at 114,36. to sisal per ant.: 1114.41141U1.111144'045)114 eon., 801'1 at /4::..-81 1.. 3.3.8.:41 rr'WWyn, HIS Kidneys
i_ -:4V 10 4.:l:/1; fatal✓r.., ?I to "
F'erdr .andStockers.Until He Tried
The boll, t of the al he
weighing treat
14.1;/1 t0 11:41 Ito,,, Mold at iron. 4.:•._J to 4.3.01
p -r'1811.; atm•kero. 02.:a, 1,. ea,
Ml telt, Cows..
A few medluul to gull vnava 5)41 at 4411
Veal 10 its each.
Vol •w I ill° ILTU .
ranged front !a Io FG pee cwt for
164411.'•og,.. m4. %:lar.
sheep sad l.alwbd, DlAllxttwsf, Ont., Dec.1, 1903
1111411: name fhi. hair id! Ili, l..o•k . ):gar[ shoo• 1 •sort
leaningagainst t at i�.:45 n H. t..: "I had suffc d trouble.
' K: t 1181• .11•)•4.. 01111 ;1•'- . Jho and. 4'n u1r ut i:: to i:f.:al yrr ew't,:
quit -ell the halal 41( 411.1.11 to •(111.3 - ''yon''' 4".4rllug 1nulb4 wad at *J. ". tor trouble. Could
Ihr• conditir•34 of finding fault with 111 ' bule6eraag parr ores.
,l: and "was unable
K•o'4•rnu11.14C Hoag. I to my frau. tins
Contrary t4." e=Is•. t,lttous 484.1 ton.* a
Jurt, upward,. lu tat.'••. 11, 1•. Al ..-r y re; f, 4',.t advertised, and after
Invaluable for ,Nursing Mothers. , fort. 5eleef. as being worth sl:,p1 ler .-5)r.,
\Yill1 nor.' nod light fat sat $l•.I:.,, new. at i4 b0 tie first few pills, felt
4.l;{ ,unll•s an unto-Isin;f + 4.i
.L'.lin on the .nn,ahe•r'• vitality.- '1'b'. p'1r cwt.: r1:'g•. 142.JIr 4 4..:.• 111.4 est.
reticent. After taking
1 d
1 i. syr fi10NT
Weakened. R
1. 1161 EAL
I \ • LIV
1 41411 EST
are ' OCK.
it box. x w'
to b
, able to
do a
I 11
[I'1/ �,
11 11 II 11.: 11 111 r1'aI
I u Nov.w ',kilo- n • 1':11'
f1' f e
I now day's '
L''r rtfuol •Ylol 1 m 1 .11 un 1. uadhtn .•attar , y s onto,. I know 0114.
...lidf'•Il t` i,l break Buten 1a1b fh1. sllnnr• 14 ere Weali nut trlu. show 111.441 nor de-
af Bulls y' saved me
lil'r11'e 11•.14'1 l4''• 111411 11111111118 .'111,4. 11( 11,. to le, N1341 ..:1 :'•.. at 11.� 144 111 4• .
i, au11re 111.10(111 1181111 1:01T1r1,110. 4.111 r11114•11,1,4 un- le 14!1,••1.. at :s• Io ,n� a' doctor bills
al nm . 41P111.1111 it hritig. 4 No 1111/041- k:xpr4rr. for the 1841 week were 49.411 radii.
N'h- ",j'A?tl•S AIISOTT."
t.,, nom rel' nerve 1 11111.' 111011•• NIt4.11t, 110 tt'''•Il'I4 to 111y W.rM1• t:... t•;11114•,' t: Im1•q I '
to.•.iil•iw- I. 1 1:81'5, h.1 rages. ,1:.,n s4rrp :old iau4u5':uld It c, tea only 3c a day to take "Bu.Ju
khutt , that -.1/ steadily 134C hue, s,
1.1 in;;. 1'. u'k the 1,11 11. 1 1;,•nf niul t Tor .t rrugt4 161,•4 a.'vrluy4•d to ..� 1 -the kidney 011 that never fails.
-pi, it that mot ilei s x4111 It's lie t., rkrt 16.4. 64444 u ".." "4" Da' brew hu y' A ' druggists have '• Bu Ju " or will
r.u1-e 1.'•,43 1441.1• II,'I3.111.4, IN•,'a11.1• it realulalu,•.I, and pr1.'e. 11.16 woroll,4( 4, ono ; ge them fur you.
nuut4.•r ,4,-;,,,,-,.,,-',,. per lop 1114., um4klni
8111.3.lie, the mate, lat. for rel.nihl Ing, a rt8e ,.3,.'•r the. 118„ w 4','k ,.3 11'4. l'a:11 I.4 112 r'"""
144.; 11i' .44'18 p,99na11.'b1 140011.140011.511,,, kir.“; t.•r•Ilug ill 11.,' l"*"."
1''4 1 14,40 :It•:s 111 114:dep.., eytrnt "1:44. to the •4.1e..'ar'4:I,, a'Il-I,'-s trot. 1 wtwesow, OMT.
•.._.--. European 7....r...... vet 4 1441011au, beeeo.
Markel F'nces Forl rune Years Aa /''Isle• an Saturday ;roar I.15el1'^.ul, Los -
Market o. dna lues tertstei . 4..wlnit J further 1.:
Hamilton "34.4•tatur: '1'111 .lore i. yaeoe of .r to l+, hot Tim .•4.,•1 rause t r
'11.11 11'1.1 that :, doll, t' INnlg1,l mere 3., 4414•:,11' I,,,,,, enavot • at ...a tor .
11:11, i.i..n. filly year, :ran than, ha ire •rnll"ui,11i114e1 .,,1't' .,, 4'c•. .11,• II' Nap 1,4'.
IJuit .11111 4114•. 11114. Ilrrv' i,4 The routing 4.rw11•, 64.7 12, s..e..'b ,.I Ian•
13:uniit11 111,11'1.,1 41•p, 11 4,r No\'1.111- All 11, 111'• 11 1 le .1.'. 41,.:,L t. 4,:,1, :111.. 5:1'1:.
1..1' 1,, Isii, Fust trll't% '111111• y1.111".-:1 Il of 4,14,14441b'!. 11 ,10. 1.4'.•.1:• :11 ,r.:.:41 .4 „114,.
per 11"1 II.,, l.•d 'I.R ears, bol the
1,0:1,, ad Iliigllt IN• well to 1.41111- pru4ps,•ts nue t1,141un M:.i:, 5)111. 110 t e ruling
II.; IV 11 1)1111,111 lee. t,.,t 111.8;111 110w• : [Fur.• I.•lur.• the• n -.4. I. nut. 1 e• ning44 h
\t 11.•:it, x:..• 441 ' 131.1• 1111.1,1.1 ; 1':(114•8 the her e... 11r ml.11 sl recta 1.1.11' n IIle 1•0,0--ialley are all
:df+•: 41:1!., her: pia., :a.' : II,411I +1,...•,:411 the d4.,,,- , prv•1'alarkrl :1171
the I t f,,„„;',1,1.1,1';,!;',1„1,..?", n q,lb.u•• ye: 1 all�e.
pet I. r,t•,'l : I"' ' ''e•. ,..' per hag: low. 1 rill I rev ....I.1 at / mil 4.-t,
"h4•1r. I In K,and >t< 1111 Ilk! Iv L.: nut,rnp, per 11. p111iy 1411..1 'slat•. ', 1 . .Each biscuit
.'(1111/101/..tor•L :n I "•". untl
Y•• 111:4. p,•4' ponn11-: pork. xi.a,r per lin '.'' to •• .. e 1•1:1 .111 light as if
11,111111.: Imll'11,1 prP Int. •••111, .11141 :14 1',.• h. 1•.l 11,: '11411
hal : old a4' f 441, • :Ca, 144 a.;: '--1,. o. 11:Sd by fair
api.1., i:.•• In oil 114: I4e.1,••I: " Cube. Bur! 4.t 7'16.- 1... '_ 1•,411- 1'11 hands, y
:±) I.•1' 14,1•111.1 g,•,•.,•, Its !'1' paii,•,at 1164. t '.,.' NI ''pI 'r I.' . ,0,
41(418 an. I.4' pill' : 1.11 -key.. AI ,''i1 ; 01.1 114 lamb•' at I, I .' 44• 1''r'I.. naked to a
''I1i,k''11., ;al,. !1.'1' 11114"1, llnite ...• per EAST BUFFALO ATTLE MARKET. guidcn russet
irmicl . e''.!'t• ism. .1..7.71. hat'. ttlJ . ,.
16t 11,117.4.,. r . ' 44i;. „11.
1,1 SI:, 14..71 '7 : lilrw'nn11,llt1 1,4 41.7.*. 189• 7,".1 l"'"'1,f 11 I ' ' „ t 174.7 bh.Wn.
real. t\ 1111 I he 0 's...11i0n or pooh r 8 4'r: priu .4.4.14. 1,. ., ,1, :
andLotter '14..1. ., 'a herr fal'lll 111,..,1 i,If,.,,,, NS. -:.111" I%,Leh; „ 4.1 1-.
4.:•r i. Intl nu1.'ll 18i�h'•r I 11411 tht•(n,d- Nulla. { 1' %1 4.. I I � �.
it 1.01).. in 1 11, - 1111. •.nal. darty 12.15) 31. 4.4; .•: a • 15), I . s_.: 7" :
.111.1 rt art• 4.1 -.3.01,1:. , 4,11184• iumght Tr.•.h „ow, 11,1 nprinc.•r., i',1 t.i e': Ivo 4'r.
1- tim61. lo• a. 111. . 1114111 fifty +14['r1a4hE.4 .
,m Mull grad; Wow net
Mead) nd, 4.2
:' 7,, <s,
nog. .I(.-.•elpr. .:t.810,1 Mee!: t 4.
118.• ;, d l'si, to 1:.•- lower: h „ es,.1 '. 1.
4.41 :a, 1. 342 .1, ,
3.144 r.
4.4 al 1., 4.•• I ' 1 f.. 11
SPIT 11144 1. p, I •.•1 ':1 I
,4•..14 11.418 I• 3;141 ' 1• ,. Ni.,,,
to 64:4. lower; lac t.. I '84(1,1::
4.11 t.. 144.,17,; wen 1
a:4',:516 M %b.,•. _ ,
fail:eta! 1:11111.4 . 11''., i .... •,.
with kidne
scarcely w
to atten
" BuJu '
Li. repeal Wheat Futures Close Lower,
Chi ir,,o Higher -Live Stock -
1.e Latest Quotations:
M:uud.,y 11,4(44., NOV. Inks
I :,'•I I•.o,l w hat (WM., 4144,111 1,141:411
I 4'r 144 1
r"4'n 4 I Wither than Saturday,
f1:11/r1.•• ,1d 14.
.1, C3,i-o,., I .r.•••n,b,•r •884rat .1114.41 tic
:11'1..4 III. a „•.:.yds), U„1•norrr roru ''4.0
1,1.111'4, :'1,1 i,4'-.,,o'.,m oat. 1,,.
.1t flu. 5811,1.3,.- of tI.'n I..:(1.1.1 h. deur
t'•• L.1:.:win_ oro,• I'.,.liu: 40,4,111411.;
` ,. 7.!•... , tor, 7, \Inc ii'
X121 Ui.'b :. \1,461.
'h•• •
11:114 t ;,k::.l""1 �N„'dn,1.1181
bnrIII V lar w •„k w'hralt in. reamed 2.2•A
ONO I'u•brt.. , cru Ila 1414' I 12111,"1 Irn,4'•Is,
and o 11 a I5) ,•,••.1 1. 11 l n". 1.1,..1 p.1.1. •
Sew 1'•.11. e•li •Il, ..
Ilet•nli• ses 77:8, r•" ..
•11114••1.. -
141. -lauds .
\line .y'oll.',
•, 8414 11
;24‘. otio4
c ,,r
1111 It prinr. 1,1....14.5 m to 140 01
1•'1411 ' 11' 114 11 111
'Wheat, ra'a. hotel to 7;3 11 . 1
W117•4 1, 11,1. 1.';blie s..-a 74
Itarre). b,t44.
1 1. Lush., new 11 :al 1 41
1.114/1.• a 7G
Pea., btl.h,•t 1.,., • ,
V, w 11144, No, _r:. I1n11.•,- Strong; re
voila.. 4167. Slr.;,•t price.1 Eatlu create
•'r,', .•l's.• to ;as•, 111114.131 .4144. • 1'reg?l•
el'y, r11bi11.41 111 4',11'.:•, i,3.• 11, ,l,: held.
...mond. to 1•111r4. . h. 24,': 54:110 doh c.
14•71111'1110111 f:111. ), .4:,- t.. 2.16; w'estses 1;..•
torp, rolnblon to 114,14 174 hr L911 a,'; wr.l
ern4ndtntl,u ,-rennmrj', 114•;..
211 In
rrinl.ne11, 'ommon f4 .•a k.., 116;4 b. L^r
1'18"1•14 Plot: re,.•Ipl., 2.•:4; 81.1.•. 21
(11,110. ,ne.111 nod 11r4r /1.11t., Taney, 14
411, 11.1. Ie -.4 1;4'^ d,:. 3"Ir mole, 3.1',.•
t.. 101,4 'b• , Intrrlor. Itt1/4,- In Mir; "1.1)114
a1 1..
F:k_a Sr.•i.1r: re,rlpt., v 1,44. Pen,,
'YlrnnU sad nearby, holey . 1 ted, wane.:as• to 418.;4111., r 1 :N1..,.:11,•: the, nna
to :tie: w •orrn II1'."-lo.1,
15.51 lam; official viol, first., 32, :undo
e ie -a.•,
Sables Strad? to F'Irsa--Carte a.,,
HORN Lower at t'Ilea•o.
LnnAnn Nor, 24. cenartl.1n reale In the
Rrlti,h •markets err gnntrd at IIre In
12',91• par in.; refrigerator brrf, N11.• to
fir per Ib.
Tnrpntn Jnnclinn, Nov. 24 - The rr-
ceipts of live stork at the Union Stork
lard. were 47 carloads, enmpnaed of
1394 es,, iv Sheep and lambs and
9 cancra.
'•TLSQ[-ell $ L1. LV1t-A4ICl tatei..SCI r,, IL
�rw' 1'1141. Vow :1 mors,. It, e•..nlir 1
4741:1: .I,.•rs Mott •,11,1 Ii.. to C.. b,.4'.• 11.' i
11:0i1:16'4fl h. 13.1,1 np;'I. :1,..1 I.:.. t.. "
1,101.6r; •.. a. .1.64 I '•T,, ,, 4 .,, .
no•1n16o.s64-1 t mp.:,i''7: e1,8t43nb: .e.II q1 '..-,1 \, 1la )4l w, 811 144 S.:.1 '14, 112',
0111 Rerr11-1. 1:. or Oval1raa to:.
40,8,11, ,.thrt, .1."; ii
.n„nM: 474.0).•16'.• .' ea,: ,Lal.. %4:-, t.
f. 7] , h,il," 4•.; '' 7l. .. iu 81 .4r: -'
4.z %1 lu 14:::: A4.. aro srnll
•o''••'•e and 1..,ml'. R.. -.'13434,+•r : 3 TELEGRAPHY
14, 1,10,,,r; 111.1e64881''-314,8.'. 1,'110". d 4, l I. I I. the II; .1 slip loa.n,l . pn.iru,,. X81) ing (lulu
I3,.,, I .41 r 5)h •e. %': to 4,1.11; few .'1. 8 -- I '' M In tura.. I4 r ....rim ill l'nilw"n, .,•4'v i4'..
4..1 7- I•1111.. 4. I.. 142.74 I: Iamb., 1 nn 11.I.,.Iu , g44,•1 111,1 Telegraphy
r lu .3x In
A ' 1 if )ua dbdy in The 1 ramal T'('44- phy Sehl4d.
•?4 :.,le„ tool 1rt-t, a 4.7.!!..' 1.. .:.!i I aneriard •L 1•:;164. Toronto. •I;,4' Itnrd .418((1
I' Ilecrt:a.. I,1.!tl; Inner hl 1'nndda. Ilii 1. /or part Jell In
at r1::;.0 h• I w. N, $N1,1N�
- 1'r1••hh'1'I• Vino lira
� 418 ®So„
� fpr1411
RfN Su treah,
dal and crisp, and
g0 tc•nlpting, that
' just opening the
box is teasing
the appetite.
And you
find a new
delight in every
one you eat.
Yon get perfection
when you get
4.yf s
Sodas ND
Reduced Prices at
Reduced P� ices
H. W. Thomsor's 1
Thomson's Iron Tonic Pills. .1 splendid tonic
for ;ttljc•.and };iris, regular price 25c, reduced to
20C I 'r box, (1r ,i hoxes\,ft',r - 50c
Almo ' Meal Cream. The hest preparation
made for )e skin and t'om tlexilln for this time 41f
the year, r.'alar 25ebot 1le'for
Emulsion o Cod Liver Oil. For building tip
tllr ,,'.tt'nl, ref, lar St.l o Mottle for
Balsam of Che
Inedy for rough., ani ands, ;i 2 c bot tIt f; r�20c4
W. Thoins'0
1 d' tkfttrrlll°':
• lour xto'k'\\as all 1/00.3.4•11t h.'It•r the ,It.lviln,:e 111
11414.'11, \\ 11 4,11 enable. US to ,triCt- \Y011 1001%X -eat at the.
[Old I'.''e8,
11'4. h:a\e the hes line, 11•,1111 the ht' t I MitillIla,r-0
Curers ant! eat' had: up the tluitlity and prick'', 01 slur
'lake advantage tge s' f the present' I'ri,.,' a I `, t o
1 1 10111'\',
d1B'AN/MwBa[' • C.IWI.Nnt11210 imomosom mei
1 H I.
sho411,3 1)•11,41,,1 1 - 1 318.,) 118.• l,,'* 1111,,' (o Mull -
1 motive tahi", -- rtn•Ihinq i';'t Ih1 I4•ginrli1V-.
Better 1.1k.. a bottle 4.t the 1 11111111•111.1.111..111. 1V,•
gle;11•;1111.',' it 111111 r1•fun,l 1181 ' 11) lam• •
mal sntisard.
25c. a Bottle.
HEDfiORD 1tl.00h,
,1 1 : 1"sou '1'11 \v, ( (34)I►t)
L -
give a th.n'I►urh, technical, (iescription 0f tlio
"Happy Thought" in this sur11l space. 1lowev
the means ht' which 0111' •I e
range is made 11tr1'ect are r
interesting to the purchaser as- the flet that L I t 1
�1'e are prepared to substantiate by tiny Manner
that the "Happy Thought" will Ito more
work with less fuel, in shorter • M . ( trot.
,111,1 time, 111 .:l 11101'
f1•.l('tOI' 111! 1113 el' than '
y 1111}' other
9 SO.
U> test
1:THE 4
Tr1A1T j 1
Hone Heater
Every user tells the satin story, that is that it
takes less Intl and giv('s more heat than any stove they
have ever x(•('11.
For Shelf and Heavy Hardware we can sup-
ply your every want.
Iii second hand Stoves w1' have several, ,
with or without oven. eaters
In cook ti(o\'t's we have the. following:.
1 Happy Thought Range
1 Imperial Oxford /4
1 Kitchen Witch
1 Cooks Friend
2 Wood Cooks
These are all in good repair and will
be sal
Heating by Ilot Air, trot Water or Steam.
Plumbing, Tinsmithing and Roofing,
.11111 speci'l1 attention. \II ".tort: t•4,ll
I'1,, c•, Sirlrt•
11--,.4 L
i 11�u,c I 1