The Signal, 1906-11-29, Page 5• , t, 1; • 1 1 , .16.• n , i 1 f d
TIII .Ay, Noventbur 29th, 19013
The causer of uudeiirable flavors and
odors lu cream are .as follows: (1)
('ream produced Crow abnurwul wlik
which has been drawn from dlreused
cows. (2) lay feetliug the euw wuldy
or partially decayed feed's. (3) By
leaping the aWmal lu Uneuwturtable
condition. which l.'uuses her to be-
come teverlrh ur excited. Of By wOk-
111g a cow In u filthy stable ur near
deeowpuslug material. (;,) 11y allow --
lug cows to wade around In tuna pud-
dles or cerepuuls uud Dieu milking
them without washlug their udders.
(a) By wliklug the euw with dirty
bauda or by wllklug un the fraud lu or-
der tu wet the taut. Curler all condi-
Mout milk the cute with at dry teat. It
the teat lr chafed or lore, use vameline
hatred of silk to rnuletea it. (7) By
oinking Into filthy palls ur pulls that
have not been scalded with but water.
In washing the milking utensils it la
advisable to use but water and some
washing powder, uud finally rinse with
bulling water or eteuw over u steam
Jrt. (.l) By ruunlug the milk through
an molest' reparatur.
The separator rhuuld be taken apart
and washed every day. If the sep-
arator la Used twice a duy It Is prefer-
able to take It apurt shad trash It both
time" but If thou does nut absolutely
permit tide at Ietiit live gallon.; of
nano water with suave washing pow-
der should be run through It, followed
by a gullou of bulling natter without
the washing powder. fa) By running
cream luto a tunny eau. Care should
be taken that cream should lP cwt Into
• clean milk can that has previously
been sealded and cooled. (10) By nut
cooling the cream to a proper terupera•
cure. After cream has been sl•]wrettsl
it should be cooled to nt least 00 de,
groes 1'. and lower It 'amiable. By
putting creast trout two nukings to-
gether care should be taken that the
cream added last is thoroughly cooled.
(11) By not properly coveting the
cream can with sone. cloth In the sum-
mer when drying long dtrtanees to the
station. (12) By letting cream sit
around at stance's fur it long period
of tlwe.-Profiasur Oscur Ert. .
Mettles ('owe.
We read of all sorts of devices to
cure kicking cuws. Like balky hones,
kicking cows are usually wade for b}•'
the peen who handle them. The beet
device we have ever seen, say's 11uar,I's
DEVICE Tu YagyaNT Al, kIM .
Dairyman, is tu put it ring in the floor
overhead, and, with a halter on the
cow, draw her head up pretty taut.
She cannot kick very well 1n this posi-
tion, and the beauty of It Is she doe*
nut know what It Is that pre•v,•ute her,
as she soon comes to know If u strap
11 buckled about her legs.
It Paid to study the Cows.
in the year 11109 we kept an exact
rec.Prd of the milk from our cuws and
gave them a uniform weal ration of
about eight puuudt u day of ridged
oats, brats, shorts and a little het of
meal. The oats, brae and shorts were
about equal parts and the oilmeal
about one•tenth of the other.. With
thes ration we were able to produce
fram an average herd of grade cows
about 6,100 pounds of milk per cow.
Next year we changed tilt and watch•
ed every cow and studied her likes and
dislikes, and the second year we were
able to brlug up the average of that
herd by L1(s) and some odd pounds
Just by studying the likes and dislikes.
Tu feed each of these cuws durlug 1899
cost us $85, uud during 19.411 It cost us
only $33-- that Is, we saved $2 by cater-
ing to the taste.. of the fudlvidnal
rows, by watching very carefully the
possibility of each euw',and by gettlug
the very test out of each caw that
there was In her, and It is Impossible
to do this without keeping n recoil of
the individual unlmnls.--1). Derbyshire,
Brockville, Ont.
Improving the herd.
if a man will take pains 1n selecting.
the standard will be gradually refried
each year. Weed out the pour ones
and breed only from the best. Do out
condemn a heifer with her first calf
If she Is a promising individual. But
If she continues to do poorly on wormed
lactation alae 01011111 he kept no longer.
We must net our atnndnrd high fur a
wool cow. By. keeping a milk record
of the individual cow for n semen and
by use of the tester to determine the
percentage of butter fat, 1t 14 quite
easy to find oat the rows thAt will
came up to the standard. 1'. B. Allen,
Hampden county, Mass.
Watch the Water supply•
Farmer% shouldbe can• earefnl eon -
/Netting the water aupply of their dairy
rotas. Centaminated water 14 11k.Iy to
gala acres. to the milk na a reanit of
the e(ean•ing of the dairy ntenalle or
sten used for,eooling the intik Ty-'
pbold fewr$and other eontaglons
eases are/nftenitraced to nn Impure
wtoinroungpty. fitly pure fresh water
abnnlAl<ba"tlse,Mn connertbnn:wlth the
Pork sad baser.
Fat pork Laked ht 11.nley tour a tattle
Ite coaferlwu :1141u1g the !oa'r's ILL the
Mayr of horse -
Thr Welsh.
The Welsh are believed to be the de
*cruduuts of ile "'ymry. The nutue
Welsh Is supported to be derived from
the Celt surd aiguifying.strutigers ur
foreigners. The welsh language and
!bat of Itriltnuy lure io nearly blew
'Beal that the Welsh regiments In the
Duke of '.V,iiiagten'a army found, to
their : slottianuol 1, that they euuW
understand tit. makes of Itrittuuy.
Hears at Bleep.
A physiological writer• us.erta that
up to twenty a youth needs Icicle hours
of sleep uud an.:4IUI1 N11011141 hare tlgtlt
or slue. 'ria• .:•gleet of Ih1. rule re.
sults In exhaustion, etellahilily and
physieul 11s11?lu.lellctliu1 disorders.
I.orusta are nail prolllie 111 1'ylos,
whereat many 114 silly too, of their
eggs are destroyed annually. About
117..0(1O,I1110 eggs weigh a ten.
The 'raraeolse.
The turplulgo derives its u:uae front
a wont meuitiug 'Iurkis,aaid Is 4)
called because the first turquoise.. were
fouls! In '1'ut`key. If pew 1lrthday
emitter Ill 1 k•..eurl er and \'1111 wear t1
turquoise, you feed meter be afraid of
falling off a high idiom. nue of the
puwe•rs of the !azure hued 41111 is to
preserve Its heart's fries) Dila catus-
1 tit Flowers:
Flower's,. will I.col. fresh )ouch lodger
If the'eads are dimwit' lu'Melted wax.
Candle elide may Is; ntlllzt.I for this
• erl.s,
The, (sand of Ceyluu Is the moist rw-
niarkahlc gee, depository lu that world.
.Brut ,e.'t►rnaih,
•11w111f Ines r•I 1 eV mitt are stronger
In the right urn: than in the left.. itt
thirty three ewes 1h,• left arm is the
Nl rol,g. r, ltd the I'. st ala• tun arllls are
equal. ._
Sekund Gardena.
It la at:ltlrl ttl:tt ie.irly M.1.01 scho,l•
gardens exist Itl A.1.trht, 11 .t Incln41tug
the sister 1:lutdnti of Il,lmgarv. They
are connected\dill INd1I or!) cm., and
piddle a,•ha.14 9n:d are nod f •r,..4tltr-
lN,.r. of praet lea! invtrtu•tinn l:, hot•
Marlton. red trw• grntvit,g Ip1,t often
eottin botanical nnl.imunl kind bet-
h i res. :
Si•inerc' Wen.
I:wull,b spider.' :, 1., •t.r mend the
world %voubl gel 'i half a Watt'!.
, 41 1', neew/h.
An onion br•:It!r u•ay be tut rid of
by %wallowing n meirthftl of,vine•gar
or drinking a half'cip of hal caster In
wiiclt a pinch of baking s.aI:t has leen
Rh, Th ro,s 4ntt.
'elle throwing of 'sire at t•,.•:I.liuv< la
probably the most iu.•i••'it 1•11.:./o/ nt
present itt tore. In its .•r). in;ll forth It
w:a tn11onbtclly the wish of the w;yl-
tllug gtle4ts that the 1'x11111 ('0111,1,'
Irdttht 111tyaye have t•INtng11 to eat.
\ftp cornea frau '•ut:tigia," a Pulite
won! \dch signlncd :t signal chili.
\ Tree Mystery.
!row a\tree 4:111 take sugar out. of
the gromet,nn n sine!e spot f.r tw•.m-
ty4l-e year+ wlth.nit exhausting either
ale ground ,.r itself H one of. I11.4P
tuy'sIs'rIer of nl:re that ,at ts' better
Mated Chun aural.
tledlrine wild IhrT',••1h.
The nee of itctiCili • nearly :hv.lys
wort., rat: m.•4 mem the teed!, •:mile
tinges destroying the 1. So III casee
of lung illuesr special ,are ire the nae
of• nuttseptl.w aid neut hlizer. should
I... enlldmc,sl. Can -alt t e attending
physieiaul about the matter rind In:i•t
upon the' Iruls'r'etlre.
%UL Insane.
In the ting• mf Fraueis i..IIk\t,:ow•11a
were forbidden t . all ladies Iselo v the
tank- of (ouutes., The wises of len
tlirrbaut= Iluulal:..1 Im evade 'the IIs
by Iris -tut wool.•'1 t:..w OR Ilu•d wit
bright col .r. d .ills
1 ol ton rind the .cols.
An ordinary r1 1' of ,Dann tnket
Prion the soil In- nn•• arse more than
talentr•sl14 1•mnnJs oC eheuiir:a1 salts,
114.414'2n Land 'Transfers.
The \Ic1lean gmerintent charges on
trausfers of land deeds ainemil to
from $4t) to $4.5 ale.\ie:an ou $L,uel
Tnlne. Amvoreling to the laws of the
eounlry, It Is necessary for foreigner"
to have their nationality mentioned In
the title; otherwise they become 'Mea-
l. ans.
The Allawlle Telraraph.
The Aft:ludic 114ocrap/I t•:as lint sitg-
molted by Professor Morse In I.1:1.
Pearl She11..
Pearl ahells need to grow three oe
four your•., but na the isttslble pearl
linea not depend n11 the age or Fi7.P of
the eh,•11 the ,mall one+ are nsnnlly at
ruthlessly opened as tInngh no Inn• on
the subject estated.
The Stretch.
The Scottish I ".Ile were the Scott,
the prehistoric invmler. of Ire►an11.
They are suplancl to have been either
Germano or Slavnnlnns, Ireland W:14
called Scotia from the fourth to the
tenth century. in the reign of Henry
11., 117.4, It iw'gan to be railed Ireland,
The Seotl also scttle:l Sentlnnd and
there retained there original denlglll•
The tulhawlug facts about, guernsey
cattle were reeeutly glen In llunrd'r
Ltthiryuman: 'there have been up to thls
date only about 211100 femuales null
about' 11,/00 males ever registered in
the Peltas! `lutes uud Canada. There
are but very few In England uud only
u fen» thousand un the 'aloud of 4ut'rti
Fey. (1( the total number registered in
North America It Is fair to any that at
least u third of thetp aro dead, No till!
--fur lefty years to cute there Is likely
to be but 11(11.'',io1l fltltluu between
breeders of these excellent cattle. 'flit)
demand for !herrn 13 great, as It Is fur
good spet'luieue of other dairy breeds.
TIiere ib a growln•e demand for well
brt'd dulry.'eattle. among the 8,01111,8101
furutera In the (''tit d States alel
l'amudta. No farmer need Hesitate
about engaging In the breeding of such.
cattle It lie well but comprehend what
he I:Itlst du to produce a strong .•
healthy, well bad class of 'dock.
The .sniJeet of the Illustration. Lae
rellu 11., Is It tine 4 .h'rusey uwne.l l.p
Trll me But la i, •nlcl uualn.•es
'ra work bag a. I.. i : . is u hips dread'
It thou dust Iost:sew thy almoners.
Nur hike tnuplc as they scam.
Life Ir real! 1.11• is earnest!
only W a sure thud trust.
Aust go to, to 411011,140M et:
Always be haul ,..r the dust.
Art Is long. nod time Is arenas.
And urt pays au , i, Iltels,
So %%auto time out u., its greetltag-
• rev it strictly f,•r rash ends...?
Lives of fakirs au r'u4ud us
We can live o,, It••rve aubllme
And. lout laden, lvay.• ta•httid us
tither people •'du1: g tune."
Let w then 1.e no ;tad dolls--
tk,h•g every one we ran.
We will have Itp•k .:a pursuing
"Doled' thus our fellow man!
--l:a!umore AmetiOs& I
Talk shoal Alnis . these.
L. 1.. Lo erg, Nelsonville, \\'Is. Fie
gave In six weeks. !WI: ening
2,1117 tluuuds of milk, testing 4.5 per
cent, all avenge of 15.S pounds of fat
per week.
Carla. For Separated Cream.
Im my opinion, t1,' best method le to
kt.sp all utensil. clean, stays a writer
'in Kimball's Dairy Farmer. ('Ic:Iull-
nese la oce of the fir't law. of nature,
and tot much of It cannot be applied
In handling cream to irring the highest
market talkie. By elcnaiug I mean nt
Mad, after the eau.; come from the
c:'eamerv, to 111.P theta with cold wa-
ter, wash :mil scald thein with hot w•:a-
ter thoroughly, NO as 10 destroy all tllc'
bncterla. When this Is dune place the
lana outdoor. In a rack t•. droit la the
141111411111.4, 11)4' Ir.•:un after it c e1114.
from the se•pal:atmr hien'•, he removed
as NOMI a. INPISIII11' to a el: am, es)! and
Well ventilated rnuw. t'reant 8baorlia
all kluds of Blom, and the butter mule
from glinted cream atilt not be up t
the standard. • .
.fter (oa,l:ng the creat, It) a e.111
water tank eerer to keep all pnrtlelts
of dust out. 19•, not 11114 newly sep-
arated cream with that whit is older,
as It will mase It b. e ,tr li a few
boars. In winter I keep It nt au even
temperature as early a% poseible. '111'
order to ublaiu the best results the
cream should b,' churned every other
any. If taken t, the creentery• It
should be dellver,s,I at least three
tithes a week In hot weather and twlee
In cold weather.
1'. -shalt Pas..
Test your cum'. and Nell the uupruiit▪ •'
able ones. iteewttly Professor Erf of
the Kansas Agrlenitural college C011-
chub el tests„ for a year of the college
cows. ito found that one env charged
89:_ c•nta .per pound for her butter,
wI)Ile another eLarges! 24 cents per
pound. The other t'ow's ranged lw'-
tween these helmet. He also found
that by ',snipe half the herd he e•uuld
Blake a hnu•I•ottre profit, while If he
kept thi•m all he could nut make a
Bent. 'ILous:uhla of vows are uow be.
lugtullk<tl In this P.inutry that are a
dead lett' fo tltelt owners. '1'.. owned
this condition the farmer should w•elgh
the milk from each ...or dally and
make a test for butter fat about once
every seven weeks. Ile should veu-
tllatt', lighten and cleanse his stable
and keep the COWS a'taroMable all the
tltme. Ile shield stilly the principlet
of se'vuti1lc feeding aid b:altnee his
feeds Into the best milk producing ra-
tion, and he shunit get a meet, pure
bred dairy lull and raise and train
hes heifers Into go 1.1 milk oohs.
Cole n Good Mate, .
f 1t Is your desire to impr'.; e your
he In dnlry I.erforoom.... breed 1 air
hest eo%vs to n male that will (e• able
to help y'onrnoir': along. 1'4e nothing
but the hest nt your cuilniaud. !lave
hint n goal Ine:lvidn:tl, with a gaol ped-
igree. iton't trust a promising Iuokine
grnde, for he may havee only IiherItcd
goal It...k, and not toad perful•umnee,
mays liiulhnll'n hairy Farmer. leilry
worth Is eoualdcrably ntot•P than akin
deep Diad In not In nue Instance In n
thousand nn fc•ident It 1s the result
of Inte11lg,'nt„-carefta brading, When
brecle•ra ndfult that among the Leat
Lre'.l ata'k wane Indlvidnalr nr' of tow
merle why experinu•::t w'1111 11•'grn,le
male? it's poor )w'h'ys
Pare Water For the ('nus.
A colt- re. rtlres
1 from eight to ten tnl-
innm of water d.lily If she 14 cnpnble of
giving nn nhandnure of milk. Water
14 the Inrgeet proportion of the milk.
nod the cow should have n anfllrlent
'mount to use to mnnufnehtring milk
as well na for sapplylig her bodily re-
quirements. 1f the caw least Renk wa-
ter In atone low, shallow place In the
'pnatnre she w•I11 he compelled to nae
thnt w'hle'h Is not pure, God pure W 1-
tere.hould be neemoti ,le to the tun's nt
nil times, for they have no regular time
for drinking. Lavery farm 'Mould have
plentiful supply of pure wnter tor tha
cows, says 11 ...tern Life, ns they elm
not yield their full gnola or good n'llk.
"1 vein to lawyer spinal rankle advice
on my plotless, uud he char -'d n,e $50
for fife minutes coot..rsati nl:'
'Gracbus! What extrt't•agaut Inn -
gulch he must use!" --Philadelphia
Press. -
sled laetr•ge:
"Bo you spurn me:" he cries In
wrathful war. -!tat I,Fhall bare my
"Ila. ha!" bit gh4 the beartleas
maiden. '
"Yon may laugh now, but Walt! In
the four years I have,I:uowrl you you
have given me Fix photographs of
yourself. I:aell one of these I shall
have' erlargal by the ,'heap crayon
pra•'s* and presented to your various
friends and relatives.". '
1.e:n'in,F the frightened girl In a
moon, the cruel awi4in deports with
the nttlalrarnatie treat ..f one who
will stop at nothing. sludge,
Rad Story.
• Ab. my poor man.!' said the kind
Imuscw'Ifl. "4. It really true that ,you
once had a position and ,.,st it because
yon wire tat touter hearted'!"
"%',«l}arum,' mighgt the tattered way-
farer na the brushed away- an Imng-
Mary tear. "l was cook in an eating
"And --nod why 11141 you leave?"
"lie:tow.'1 didn't Inv,' the heart t0
snottier a beefsteak, mum." -Detroit
Tribune. '
▪ flouter. Easy.
"1111a1.'4 the 11,aller:'" detnauded the
1.11,A.11111.1' us 11:0 tubnceuul.t Paauliued
Ids uh !;Ill, "That.cnis's all right."
"4III, It'II _pas., 1 guess," replied rho
fnbaecnul.l "blit It Ian't as gate! a. It
might be"
"Well, neither Is fila clgar,"-C,athu
lie Stand:int awl '1 files,
�'artu e:e Ruutrr..
"W..11, It'. Jn'.t Ibis way." said. the
9..11 =111:111. "'11:,' utas who enn go oaf
hu11tlt:� duy Alter day ❑tt.l not c:u
Whether' le0 mels n::ything or nut has
tea• riglit stuff i'1 Lim,"
"1'es." remark...1 Slntd,•kson, "cape-
:a:111y when he's hunting for work, ettr
-l'Itilad.•Iphia l're+x.
St. Catharines.
Mt• Clemens and
n t•r 1.nn...,,. \city not spll.]
'i (.. e, .L., . ,11 "111• of these point.?
:UI it :,Medan the11.1'.il. Ilulel
ser. n m 1 n: Neal inll IR good : l'it lf N
re•:1...4.: t 1 1.•,
Ontario Provincial Win-
ter Fair to Guelph
and Return
Ti,•kr. goo.! );Ding Dec. St h 1..
11111 1111 111,1%1% t•rtlid 10 relntn
1111111 Dee. 1 ilh. Penmen sleet 'i
for (!haw's leaves TurutllII daily
BEM p.m.
For tickets and full Information tell on
Town Agct,I,
(4(11 .' inn's- lis 31 A.M. 1.1
TI, k,•1 :t gent.
.1. D. McDonald. IH.trtct 1'ea Agent,
Three Great Offers
The Signal and Montreal Weekly Herald -
The Signal, Montreal Weekly Herald and Toronto Weekly Globe $I.30
The Signal and Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star - $I.So
The Sovereign Bank of Canada
Office of the 2nd Vice-Pr:Aiders
and General Manager.
To tae Shareholder,
Tlui Sovli.::1eN DANK Olt CANADA.
1 s os' statement of he hank's position as at the close of the fisc:.t
We haR• pleasure in enclosing herewitht ( it
half-year, main!;,•::1st October, together with comparative statistics fur the past five years. The figure.;
require no' spatial explanation, a►:<l tee feel sure the progress and stal:ility which they indicate wia
afford the proprietors and friends of the L'auk cnnplete satisfaction, -
Tile 13:ut"k's Alnetican and Foreign business has now attained considerable importance. Our
connections :broa•1, as well as our facilities at home, enable us to handle British, Continental and
- American train actions entrusted to us on a favorable basis. and ,the results so far have been satisfactory
.to all concerted. r••+lr; •
Our principal business is, of corlrse, confit:c¢ to Canada, and is eoncentratkd in the provinces of
Ontario and Quebec, which long experience has proven to be the safelt territor.3• in the Dominion for
the conduct of a general anal commercial banking business. It) these two provinces the Bank has 55
branches and 'j2 sub- offices, the latter being managed from ceutraI' pointe, and in some instances open
'only two or three da) s h w'cck. We have not yet opened,any !ranches in the North -Rest; as compe-
tition there seems to be unusually Leen, but with the undoubted progress which the'ctuntry is making,'
these cginlitious will pro!:al,1y r;;;ht themselves later on, and in tic meantime we have very satisfactory
banking arrang_ments i.. l•:., cot:I:act of our business throughout that territory. 1
The capital of the Bank ($1,(410,00(1) will be folly paid up in a few tuuntl . ,,and it is a source of
great satisfaction to know that our shareholders number nearly 1,200 and i ludo some of the most
powerful financial pc'.';1:c itt th _
'The Sovereign Bask is at present the eighth largest chartered bank i Canada in 'point of capital.
Its assets allottnt tel a_•.,:3.1 ;,4111, a large part of which are " i'ijuid," and the continued growth of
deposits testifies to the popularity of the institution throughout the country.
The Note Circulatien'shows an advance of 5::;" over last year, and potlt the Circulation ,and
Deposits have increased materially since the present statement was compiled.
The past half•year is the lest the Bank has ever had, -and 'we have every reason to think that the
current half-year will be at least as good.
Your obedient servant,
I). M
' It!uNTAI:AI„ lOtll November, 1JOC.
sTI;'tt':\ RT, (-'stem/ ,1/,n a.; er,
Half -Yearly Statement
31er OCTOBER. 1903
Capital Stock pail up . . .
Reserve Fund and l lBltvided i'rofit e '
Notes of the }lank in circulation
Deposits Payable on Demand
Irelwt,its Payable after Notu4 . '
Other Liabilities , . , . . . .r
'I.,;6 1 ,, 1 • 7.1
Gold and Silver Coin on halal $ 6334,9
Dominion Gov'ment Notes on hand 1,121,4 I. - r
Notes and Cheques of other Banks 1.155,34.1 °1
Balauces with rinkens . . . 1,1,11.11
. Cash Assell . . $3,:::. , • I J
Cash 1/etasitvrrwith Ikininion (o
errnment for Security of Note
Circulation h0,fk10,1)O
Provincial Government and other
Securities 1,m 12, 44:' 1.1 •'.
Call and Short Loans Secured by
Bonds, etc. . . . . . 4,414,047.00 $10,2223,740.73
Commercial Loans, (less rebate of
interest) - 14!i40.ntt1,40
(tank Premises, Real' Estate, Safe.,
etc, 4-::. s'7. J;
Other Assets 4,:'! 2. 1! 15,,119,li;n :; 1
. 1 .•,.t f 1
:-_: is ' I
15 M. STEWART, Crwsra! .11ang;,'r
Comparative Statistics
ik 1..•
k.-., .,e
Fuad au•I
Bank ;\til:s
ik its
$ 240,00o
$' ;7,9,995
' I9:1 -I
I,:t.,,ti 11
ii, to.
Cash on hand
al Wolters
% etc.
. I,erens at
I Nacodsb
i 1i14:;,1M1;
$ 4394,:ki3
. 1.'211.s2'.!
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1'utal A..rls
r -.,..r .d
•t•"I. over
No. of
In the N,r.Ii.
and -
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2:c:44.1,911 11
N,R.-This tank commenced
busi,,r#, let 51,e,, 1.102.
D. M. S'l'L:\t ART,
General Manager.
Datta Th r
Articles on the
Open Air Treatment
of Tuberculosis of
the Lungs
Attractively illustrated.
, y,1 NOV., 1906
y Inc. ropy
/ S�"xst`$a__ $1.00 year
Facsimile Cover Page (reduced in sire) new
Monthly Magazine of The National Sanitar-
ium Asrw•iation, lldl size of page to x 7.
Muskoka Free Hospital for
The National Sanitarium Association of Canada
has undertaken to publish a monthly magazine
devoted to the Outdoor Treatment of Tuber-
culosis, and the inculcation of Hygienic
Methods of Living for the people generally.
The first number was issued in November,
All profits from this magazine r from
subscriptions and advertising -trill go
to the maintenance of patients at the
Muskoka Free Hospital for Consump-
Any one contributing one dollar a year,
. or more, to the fundi of the Hospital
will become a subscriber to CANADIAN
OUT -DOOR LIME for one year.
No Father, No Mother, No Home
Worse Than a Prisoner
GASilil D P. scrt•, heat IN, ONT., Encto',ed pleat)
find doctor's certificate and examination papers. !tope
you nal secure me a place in your Sanatorium. Vnu'will
mother,no hice that ome-
-�worseI kat a
shard one ; no father, no
prisoner. Nobody want4
me on acc,lnt of my disease. !loping seat will have the
parity and consider my position, and give me a position
..1 once in voter Sanatorium,, 1 ever pray.
An Orphan, without Home or Means
DR. A. E. 11 ,'. t, I'rRT11: I have a patient here, a
young fellow in tt! c.2 i am greatly interested. 1!e hat
hthereulosie . , Y . .e pow young fellow, an orphan, out
of home, wit,_ ty nu•aut
s. If w 11(• him up would you
take him in aa* , the best you ( h? } tr.m? 1 know how
difficult it is to accommodate e rtt#'?quire treatment,
but this is a arterial lase.
It lconvenlence of those who In have notletter
me to wrtte, t et whn following blank maybe u ed �M at
Dear Sir,
J have Jilydsure in enclosing the suns of
..($ • ... . ), as a contribution to the main/mance
tf brie : i USA'OA':1 FR/:L' UaSP/TA/. FOR ('ONS(.',lf/'T/1'/:.S
Adaires t
How. er11 W. R. 1RrrrDITN, "t.. C,.!e•,'ta,ien, Vier rresrtnnt Nat. San. Assorwtlea,
Toronto, nr W..1. GAGE, 1.•1., Chairman Fiterarlve Committee, torunt2,
�fll m1nweed
arind uscingonedollr,ro'mees nnember le the Canadian (tdNnr Ufa
/ far nnr tsar.
FULLY AND ECONOMICALLY." Dr. R. W. Bruce -Smith, Government Inspwitor Itospltaisand Chnritlas.
Is a business motto of
this strenuous :Igc that
applies with tremendous
force when it is a gcn:d
act you should tis,
".1 child'. kiss set on thy sighing
bpa shall make Utt'r lad.
".'t sick man helped by thee %hall
make Ili•c.'1r ing.
"Thou shalt he a•rved thvsrlf in
every arm.. of service alto.11 111044