The Signal, 1906-11-22, Page 311 . 4, 1• ,, 1 1 4 ,fews of the Sistriet. The Bell Telephone 4)•'o. has opened a line from Wingbanl to Bello I anti lh•lrun•e. W. J. Paisley iN ntentionel as a p0ssitt lily for Mayor of Clinton fur next )ear. ltichu•d H,:etnll and daughter, Miss 141.td1, are removing from irsettr. din. W reside 11t Brantford. Its. John I'hi,hulul, son of Ili, ('hi141u11,, AI, l'., of *Vinhit. ,. located at Prince Alle•rt. Sask. • The trustees of N. N. No. 4, litaulev, hate engaged !hiss 1Vui I,., of 0,11.• 1 101 lowushlll, 1144 teacher, to emcee.( J. Cameron. Thr trustees of N. N. Nu. 1, \iui14., 11.,ve engaged he Nee%ices 'of Miss Iiula> \I, 66111'.4', wh..h o. Iwen cow M1•AI•ter, who is letu•hiug 114,11 id' 4111' ":I the I... 11. ,\ It. furscow Exeter, fur next ye41r. 11111, h:1'. 1,14'11 11,,11'1'•I Ird to Tor - A. P. U hey. the new pa iticipal 1 f unto, and i, sueered.•44 1,1 ''.Inductor l'liuton l:ollegint4• lost lime ham 1'u• liars foam.)). 110th %Vatter 111111 01iv..--110.1 IwwidcrI Constanci." thew she I'•ay.'4 hair 44114 .4 14.1' 411141 nix A 1411: y i+ 1111.1 of lieu, Vit• A4hv.l , I.ruthers: ales. \\'111. Uuiluelte, ..f Il14rshad, stleo lo•aesrd ill 1 4:.1,11111'1 Itwl Ileo', Alta., ; \11'44. \\'141. 441111.,.11• attar. A so:414, r u44rr ,uug4l 114. pe• of waskgda, Ulla. ; Mee.! \falter 1'4144• 161''41 upon hi. ,111111'11 their. 1i. 1); Hingham. 1f • Hu�1el1 : Nits. Atmel. Brant 55 Ill tvn11411 o11 the staff until. Riddell, �t hu haN I •en lit 44444 with dI- JlisN Cla,)•fun, 4(l T4(rla144, 444 ab:e to (4,1 ed:.1luurs, J"1141 lull Ilownld,,4 take lh..Io,.ition. 1 ••,.r -un, !aLul.: 1(1.11 14• in )'dol Mound, tai.: Het Twit, in Networku, and 'I'41ulllI•,4in Althorn. Death of Mrs. D. B. Geiger, Hay. Another' •4,f ow Itionert. u( 11.1y '1'11411:. hla'gu441n has 11111.013.'41 1Ii,' Iow'11.11141 j.i,11.41 4 44' silent )majority 1111 41(44 falut of I4,11w1t 11: , 141 the '19eirN.ht v, '41 ins'., i0 I'1'• 144•x441141 of 11.41heluee..lunu1'rurk,•r..luilh.414444114; ,1444• (5id14w 1 ,f 'I4,*' 4.Ite Iluli.•I It. for it 42,44).). The tarn, contains lilt) 4.i, ig°•r. Death was sodden. the 1.• -oft x1.11.14. of heart !adore. \1144. Geiger 11:444 1111. Nnd .Ir". R.uui. 4116 reuloriug Is1n s.'velly .•iuhl years ago in tier - front \1'iu) ll.un 111 Lnodu,, \L•. I'teu- twiny, but h 4d lived in Ihy Iow•n.11ip air 4141141,44 r. eeived a 10.0111.11 1011 1111 ("1 1(41 11alf (1 441) "II'. 1141' ha14141 1.1 lite (4, T. It. necessitating his 1.4.1 1) di4,i lt11u)4 Boi11,'e:t years ago rind slue to 111641 411'., hvn'e; 1 faltllily of six Not. 441141 flue dlulghler', nearly s.•ve(ty• grandchil- dren. Nnd :4 nunl)wr of grent•grand- chil.!ren. A Quiet Horse. 1f. C. Bat is & 111. have disl44lae1 of Heir 11a•11n11t411• 1,11s1114•N. at 1.41141'1 14( It. A. Thomson ac 1 4)4., wh,1 'i44 take '1"l44.'..m111 1)ea•1111wr la. T11001. 1.14.411 S1.61 Blood Tonic is a cure. lib, pleasant cure los aroma eahalldma, palpitation of the heart, ,.out•k appetite sour r4owa.'h and UJ,esduortleu eased by bad blood os overwork. Don't as`kc yourself. (]car the poison out v4 your bide by'r•as Mfrs Mood Teak. Every detail 01 Its manula.1ure is personally supervised by eapenenced chemrl,. Made horn the pure4 and beat usled,rou on the Trod elector. Iorsula alleged Ly modem science. Si •-Look. At drug -ewes -of from The Chemists' Co. of Cuda. hs,ted, Hamilton -Toronto. U'..1, •y,' . Judie, and t).w,r'ewt-a trio /or Anal*. The Nan Who Thinks He Must Pay [lig t'ric'e:; in order to eel satisfactory Underwear, h's never enjoyed the ease aril coudort of Stanfiel d " L'oshrinkable" Underwear It is trade by Canadians - for Canadians- in sires to f t all figures and weights to suit all Canadian climates. And d does not cot much, either. Joe ask your dealer to show you STAN) IELD'S the l!aderwear that soot shook. Every s.rmrN suusaleed a, "Royal Crown" Witch -Hazel Toilet Soap The name tell% Royal --qual ty Craws -pen:A non 141 malmg Wdtn-Iluel -soothing, healing, re- freshing, beautifying Seas -cleaning A perfect complexion sear, A perf.•ct 4114'1.• 144 p, 1 oc. a cake. 3 cakes 15c. AtersuIstls Fveryw...ere. WELL KNOWN IN JARVIS, ONT. ttaidimttad County Councillor tells how Psychine cured his Lung Troubles \V. I. Chi -holm, of lii1•':udhlr, is 4(114' 4((116• 14.,, pul.h• s, t„4,l i1.1w6• Iota who L.ne Ic'11 ,'l.•1.1'.I 111 11e A,1'i.ory 1'.,nn4 i1 lir Ili.• 1',part went of Ethical hob; John Jl,li l,, w ho has for a .1111.11!11.1• 11 ye:u•, l,ei•n. 111•10 nliih•r ria 1111• \Vingl,uu Boor milts, hu. fc4enlv.l 4, good positionxt Who hal, 31111 left 1.1.1 1,1. 11111 tools. \Ir, U 14.4144141, 4,f• \\\•i141om hats heels r(4Ilaged as 411 ill/1ip:11 "f I'.rhel 1.411,111 school :11 1 sal 14 ,,4 ., u. Miss I.1+44'1' a1•. of Collation ('utattl,. 4('114 h.• 14' i..: 4.44, :4)t 114:12-.. `. 44. N1.!. Stanley, 4:.w 41,ya•;111 Melt in Ir-, of Ihl ltd. a I..4, t,4.,.•, :' letrle lo, m, •.) %ear : :+,.d T. 4 \•. :1, 441111.'4. 4.u,• en_a:4'.i the-. 11••401 Armstrong, of the•1:ro11.111 hoe. E.I. 1'Io,, ,t omits 01' II',ll.•11 1111411.11411, 11 4. 1.411 e!e,'l.•d SII' :III of nnlht e .1, ,t \o t ,, : , t Illi 4,k l , is I 11 1 4'/•1•%.11 l rel I 1 a:4• ,Ili. buah••r Andrrll, w'bu 11414I Ili„ 0111-4 fol• trio Ier.0-. A 1.x44: 111 who ,lave his o u".• .4. .I oho 1',,11,01, 486.1 w 1,., 1'l: ' •.I I„ ),'•4, Crum U11. 11,1111 of England. was . 1 mit led to Ito• 01,11111) j141 f•.l' 1,i... ,t 171111+ Lt EX.•iI.1' Ili. ,41.11414•. wee). lir. 1:,..11.11.1 l., . I et on ve.1 I n, Ihne. •4.444 x114, , in.. (month-' 11il. I.. Il.. West. I1.• hound 1; tel )1 king' I,,st • 4 . no•hulillg teal estate hal 111. 111 114 11•111 14111 11 1•'1111\111,1 1.1 111x1 ,4!4414 4(1 111' t„14144.. Mi,. Ilrogliat I1 .. 1esi •w,1 by ix,.rlwn on he Ere; et .I:.."1 stall. tn1t1 Miss lase, of St. iI.0 4 441'4 int.,• '111.1.11131.1, 1111141111, 444'41' y 4'..l , 4th. 4 itr11.1tiro gn,v, tent. .;1 4'., i1. :sill take 1'b:u go oiedr ill 11144„ o1 144n' .4 l.'..• ,ns •f'1'ho44,lile.lhrtl.lioderiel.r.11.41',' iam •h:oel the stork of 1.4..41.. :•1.1 441161- rill 441,,,'1 O. • 1, •hllgtl't{ 111 14e• estalr ,f the '1..1.' 141.1'44•• .144,ll.rl d, 4 60,4,1, Alf. (ilelu,i;l got., t4, Clinton to "',4 by 441411).. Nr. Sl. ple•n•ln, aha 4• :111 , , •in_ to old 411.• 11,-1'. ra11 1.1:1 1 •.101 4' al 441'11, lias 11'41 .1141.1,11 t. 11' al the 4:. T. I1. 011'. 1'. 11. 11.., 4 Os 1x1111 4:1141:144 :,r1' "11,•:11 •y Kiln In shwentents. This i. one 1,-4,t1 1f 1:til .ray 1'11,11.•11111,1,. �Ir.:I,el \4.r.., 1'. S. ...•.1, .,f 11, u, .I,. hair 1.4.4 14,..i, -„ 1141,1 .4.1'1, 1',111.4 :141'..1,1, 1111:1 •1464 4 •.o 1'I:mad..)' 1:4.4. The 4.,4. 11'.,. 4141161'6 e. 11 11' age And 1)41,1 8601 Ler, in 141011 I,alttt 101 1•01s• a 411h1eg11 hr v:1' not ' "alit. 41 In loci). \, 1•'.'.).1, •'111 1f Jo11 F..-4.1. .1 1'14411"41. 44:1, iii1111111 ,al Ilir 1:111, 1. al Luno -Jen. Marl., 11 \44.44 :attire \I,'I'agsatI. .6 young lady Isar 111 ,.-.l-. \t. ata( 31rs.' i:4+ -ret v4114tr 4'4,416.' Apert. n11.'r. 111. Foster is in le; -tars-. Cast. 4'. !Limon ' 11.ts sold hi. farm .1 116 11th r11a.-.ion, Mr [idiots, 4 11,• 411'441 of \\” 414,,4, to 11..6.11 .1. I. tines. of 4,,•44111:1'4)'. The farm Piot ins 1'-'il new.. 4s in gr'0441 .haps, will. .I s4) class hni Loin: +. and 1114 41446', d was 47,f1;:', 441 lett is considered a '4;.I 4 n. 611 contracted a series of colds from the changing weather," says Mr. Bryce Allen, a well-known resident of Jarvis, Ont., and a member of Haldimand County Council for his district, "and gradually my lungs became affected. 1 tried medicine and doctor prescribed for me, but got 1 no relief. With lungs and stomach diseased, nervous, weak and wasted, 1 began to use I'sychine. With two month! treatment 1 regained my health. To -day 1 am et. sound as a bell, and give all tha credit to Pcychine.” - Thera is a proof of what Ps chins does. it not only cures Colds and kills the germs of I.aC.rippe, Pneumonia and Consumption, but 4t helps the stomach, makes pure, rich blood and spreads general health all over the body. you will never have Censump- , , lion if you use • PSYCHINE 50c. Per Bottle 4aalli•s Mose SI ser •f --rat ISI T. A. SANK WOW. Tresis. Mts. 1I. A. 1'. 4'.•1'. for uru6'• yr:n- II. r441the4.,1to. 1hpolitic school. • I.aeiIg (hal '.,o. n 1„ 46,44144• n4. 44)- 444. %'.1- ..0 414 4 4"• trot re it 110 44,•-growth11.:14.•'44'-t Hamel' and 4'.1. insole the ••' ;latent ,4f tll•e41'eu x6.611 al 4.'1141 (tat: n 111/11/37 of Un:. 1'00 i,s in 4h' cl:190i. TI1.1'. of 111•• s111d1'nls attendin4' '14'') o11 11.11''1 44 .1,,:1,1 I, 146 s1•e!1;'1•d •111111. for 414x: vt'at.. They are 44). .411'line'. 4,l1f k1lw. 11 111 4,:.< :earls;)) K I7a0 : N. Cow -ler. 11.11.11. 1'.4144x¢641 101' t1, N. No. 11. \Ir. :41 p, at fF1',,: tool \tis. Am1n1w. ''111 w 110 Mt. .ernrel a s, 11101 at al 4,:..i 111 411::1. ' ..1 4),541 wedding 4,ok ',he,: at the ,r:ah1r1 I1 1'4411) 4, n 4111 mans•• 11 ,1411. 1'r, 11111, of 4 •1 week. alter 1:11Tv 1'a111 h,uI; of 44,afr,r•th, 11111' 14•. 1,'•1141 Kitt m'. of•HrKMop, %%et( ,in,•.140 life p; tu•ra.ip, The 1.1.44' •10114' 11 AS pelf.. 4,.d l)' Rev. E. Ii ,:,'tin. SIr. and 4-.('41114411:111 writ' e44i.lr ,d :44'41(,'11.1'. Elccni: P.ailwTalk. Talk of :an electric 1''. I flout 44hn a 114 4.1 111 t• •'l'. A1,1 ,1 1'111 •1•' 1411V 44411 lin 1'. I'. 11. sil 1\'::41.',,, ,4,c 1144444 w has of 11:1 code' 1. '1lle 14,,,' wl'llllf 11• :IIN,11' 4411:1y wiles in length 811,1 5.41,111 111111,4 1'1:11 ./111111 V111111.."....1 11111 at 4 1.1.1'41ir'g1'' 44 ...dilly (aiming pieta •1 1,),11''•''( '4. :d 44,aft.i1h, Bro.. '.014* and )Patton, An Afflicted Family. %mailer 41,•al14 4n the \l;inkenwrde' uni4y, at 1)41,1,4'0.'1. 41. ,'t'i'nt '11 'his 14stu• 41 is the father. aloha \'h,k,nweJet•. 14111 has Icer 11ker. 14vn4'. Typhoid fetes fur• tined in t 44 on11 v and in 4a 14111,' 15'('1• n 11,m11, .1111 14,411 11.1 114' 11. ,11'6111('141 and 111(11 re 111'0 1'4111 ill of 111' di. ;ow Or, 1\'4nk.nw'r. o.1'. 14111.6 441' ••4.111.11•11 I•, 1111•.4111 11.1., 14':1, 14X1'. flee yt'nra of nge, `,11mon Townsh p Farrier Killed. (ilol44. Sot het Ito ,l, ;14,4141 resident of 11 0101) lo4'n41441', near 111141.y, was 411641(1n' a horse 41 his 'taller141'Il4)'.- lay of last 14014. 1111 1t'11, 0,0111to pt the 1,14.1)'• ,n 1 he 1101.1' 10101 11 ,v: • f1';gh'ru.•,I and crushed aril ramp! sl Nr.\Sotth,'II:old 10 41,'2411), 1'11• 14';19 a ureal .Mack 141 111' peopte•of 44nl1h11o. i init5.. oolong 4 hint 511.. wits highly esteemed. lie 'wa14 on. of the 1'48.1• lot. 111411 itl ill neo' ,'l ant y. Death of Mrs. David McSill. ,1'n 11'4 i4 ed. :•,..1 I .114401• 1, II'/l Ilse 1'. 1'. It. 4. 1.i, 1, Il(4e d. '. 1',•1'14Iy a 1111"6 wxs tnk.'n 111 (41.' 4,4a,k.n4411, shop of T. llellis. K4n,e t, 1., L.• shod. The animal 4(14'•,4"1 44.1) sltonuu/441v to the 1410.31 1..14 :,1411 11:,11 14111114)' „lo Le 1401111 /1141 11441 no the floor before Ih4• slap...114111141 h.' (tut on. T11044 31r. 31,111-. 44 it lo his lsu.11 skill, did the jolt quickly and „veal. Thos'• assistin4 were 4.1(1'411'1.411 that the animal sul- n,il seed .0 quiet I)' 14. 1114' owl (01'111111re, 4.111 the mystery 4t•t. soon 44,111'•1, for 'w1,"1 IIu•n' went 111•.11.1• 111' 111,..','Io 111141' sur'pl4 11 %V 1. 11,111. Thi. is the 441..1 141,1e 441 !,4. 14,11' y'ttt'$ rxply 4- ,•nre Ihat 5I1. 1!.114- las, shod a 11.111 D: Cantelo-i s Apple Business. 1) 4'antl•I011, ('111 on. 44la. has had a large stall td' norm pick, im)131111 parking mph, :all fa\I. h.4. runehnled 1111• trot of packing; and1,144x:11 he mai .'i!y.d hi. 441'41.44.•41.:•. '.1•4•414y 14H,•.I thee' , vel -.•I,. n�lt. 411 delve of 14444 4).t 01,•1-,.m Ir..4,14. 101 411!1144 4).l \\10411 an.l .1+14444'1 011„.f a I1101•a1I a, 111' 444.1 to; (',,I1;'1y. Not wit 4.l.ln.l- n_ 44: fart 111,,1 Nova 441',414, • n,.ot.• 1 „1141:.441,;. Pt•t4i10'''. \t'. 1',• 1411,-.1 4(l 4.1'414.1'.11' 1.1.:1 1.1r, rel. f,-1' 441. J1hn, N. It. 14y the end d t hr .4x441141 114' rx;wrt. 1.. lance hurdled .41111' 81,0') 4.11.111•, 01 4,1'c.i 24,41 ''.ti t x,11"4 'High Jinks at \Vangltam. 'rte t,etll ..f 1\'41411:141 hal. 11.11 111- ,tl,'r 1111.1 sl•n•ati.n,. 11411. 4141'.111 1,• •4n11y it n,ttnlwl'.•t pronlll, la( 4•'4141_ •144.11 1,•.41. a 1x4,1111 .Ynoie lid gain.. I :01 •elttrane' ht 1ne.tkinz in Ihr ,I.,:,.. 'Miss 11,-1.•.1, s 11 4)e11•1''•144141' 4t'nnlatl add 4; 141 41 11 it :11441 Oil llrins1:11..•;. 4441' i. UPI 411e,1 - y .4.'111041'11 14 :1 Laing of 344411144 1111.11. u') 111. 1 h4, lreusio l %vas 1,1.tr1rrd 11 aeet 111.'. ;Mark i1'al m:u:nrr 4101 L."ked for by the diaurlwis of the xr.4ro, .41st as 1110, 111.11 1',30114111he •nt/m4)ce ,4f Ihr 1.'nts4• 4)i, v w, 1'• 1141.4 x illi .a •h.4wr1• of cayenne lu•p;:e•. 1Lr leader 4 f the ',:,try 4):1. the 141.1 (.111. the '444.1111 11.4111 011'1 10111th 1.111:1 1,14'14011 114. 10.4141414'•:1. he 111- ,.•1111r.1 I:, 14'4111 4111' 40•11:11. 141 a .4,1, t Ihne all Ind 1 51 n (4414' l 6'1,14•. i., 1111and A01144*. a, slleas called. was no oste1' 1',f the situation. 1h.• ,1'4.41,• 44.1. ane that.. he 41.'11 1•:u'h.4t le-. , 4464 The root) was in t,t:a1 larknrs :Ind at first 1l. at Maio)! 11 imagined the woman tta- h1."44ug'•,uIntl .•:IrLI. 'Ihr stir. ••I' 111 hind " •'Loh. my eye. 1” "l'at'h. 161. "('hake the old h:,44." could 11• 6141 fol I loek+. Annie/14441441'41 men a• they atltiltpled 41•(:x4,11 h,•4)•. him% 4414 I4r• 46•4);•el•. at4 fresh .n1'. •'44,1. appeared ,1n the se'lle. 171141 she ,:.1 them ,4t her mercy. '14,4y'erb 1111wr,1 141• 11'411'1' the 11,1114.6 Ind w•rrt• ..rot ted 111 14) 41/x•111. by one of 1 heir eomr,i,I, WII01'lea/Prd 1116 0611':e. I1 %a,. 441116• time before lhcy regained 411144 444411. lttytIt was satin nes! to 41my1 of the widen pa+.in44 only of Mr.. ,1)411 id \ir(:ill 4n East 14 1w•nnoteh. Itel 'teerhall helm nick shunt n r eek wit an Mack of congestion of 1 h tangs a rt Aimed 5114`+1ls341( Ilw 1114 tlinight. n nal. in Rol - '.•4)l Imrnnhip, her maiden 4141411'6 161.44144 wa1)4 )11 A. Riddell. and she was mar- ,letl tov her now M'rrtt hual.tr.4 aiix- e I v(•11.4 I4 O. hm•ing their mar- When a 11,40 hi a Iired 1114144 enough tied life they Arent five years in Allis In a tint he kiwi is1 1x)4141 forw•n1 it,,, ,rid •rley(•n 71.1(61 in Kest '4Vawa0aab. pn'g y y a schoolboy dots Hy their union two children were to var'ation.—Newt York Press. The Azure Lake. N'..t!t',) amidst one of the 4441,1 f.,r- 'shelad cuotllle; and roggeo1 ravines ,f the Alto,. x1:41 partly sheltered 1,111 444" tlnaang111s 4.1 t111.411 441(1114x11• .4 billing 1,,,,',4.'.0nes \414,11 t•1n, 44x,6 1 1)1m• N41 4 4.41 down 00111. of 1 tt1'.,. Ding golyle. a1a:I-444.1ge .1 Mine 414.- 416., Iir. 41 p4 ,rid sheet 4(f water, 4414114 ;its, in the bonny of its sortound- D44., and i1 it; crystalline 'clearness am' Pnr4'y, with pr.hahly any lake in he w oo hl. 1141 Its .great attract lot is he 11. 1.p, 14,) a,1re of its waters, a vivid, eel Mean 1.!'u•. .1rp:w444u•{ Ili• Ill'l•11.:•:•t ,1%,11' of the .kie4, lit• 11441 44114141.1 lel 4,411en(r4 4,f lin' zea %hide is wane!' •44 oboe:red oaf 111,- 1141 It hr11411t eons). 1f At, les Amt Ihr 4', alt', of 11444 litany 446,-- the Line 114x- .r,ulsp:stent almost 'as Ili. ail itself. .lowing .1%1 I. its glassy sin face. lever) ,bjerl testing on )1.r hot loin is 1i' Nl 11':1111 Prrr•rP;oil1'% with startling di.. 1M'., x111„a:;;h I4,,. hake i, o: eon• .4,114n11. 4144111. : and n small ticket 4141 di' spt',4 into the 11:11.4' ran le' 1C110111•g downwards Mid 'horn • .5;1 Os tont 41 at length It I'l'l(l'lll''. 4),,' sot 111111.. And the laoepecl floor :ahoy) 1141' :,Ike 4, truly and'entrancingly attrac- tive. 111 the ba.kgr,.,md the .now .•lad ntounreh, of the 1\I; I heir peaks lel jagged pyt,n14d) 1, 44 4 1 44144 11 11 - A'a,d.1,1111e•ki1T: ill 1he M. Ill.!, di.- ' nth(''• Ili. 11:II k laser) of 41 4471:1? and, Iw•nr'lt h, 111. 141414, hour y.atrl It fleeting 111. srea1• 41.4 in :, 171114141, s,. v,tl'plltely That it i. 4nq,os+iblr to di. eel 11 U1' at point eller.. the water 1.1111'11e% 1111. roe k) 1 rink. Dot if I b. g4), 11 1104111 i1•41f wets. as '11114 parent as Ihis Alpine I..k, what p:•DeI0u11 wo11)1 141. 441.1.4.:..1 : 4411411 111.1.1`Y:11111 11r 44lerp•s 414 d.•- .1at ion. 01 an 11'. and oof'rltin wouhl 1, • wooled. Heti n 441)1141111 ship mink .111%4 o 44111. 110 1• 111111w1•w 04' 1 h 41.441, 11,•11. 1,111 there , IJ.a,•11 iz skeleton entanclr'I in iia 1'r• • in44, for it lint e'(ll) 41 ale' V411 3.11 114,,' 111,411147144 44(1"•, 4(l 111vl. s,vl, 'a1' n 1411111111 11 1411114M1411114Mt,ded 144(11, 4,7 ensures 441,4411.41 411,11 the brnvl• ti ea by Ovine savage 1.1)4.611- ,w•rs, 441,” in 111 11' enp4dn)' wri,:lle) 1h.it ship 4411111/ womb gold awl sit• vet, and paid Ilio' 1 ,lx 4y 1f 1ht'it• "w4, :161.,1. Ili• 1104 111 MI no of :) great naval h:into, seyrla 114,.1' of hallo .11441.:141.1 (iignles fu, 04 -L('Irloos, wnum.!411grwaidn441heit. vi :quoits, 4)- :4.44 prow,, .h i• 14,444111/1 .,,m. m'e1 lock.,) together as in 1)11.1:1 rnu,l..al : while the groDu41 4. 44tett n 411 li 414•, mal rciden."s of 1lie great .!, 4 . And there will all 1h,1se 14161 skeletons lie, nail. n1 the t -t4, rot the• Archangel, Ili. 1'.n 14411 kit(' )to her decal, Then will They all have . stand before the judgmmtt teat, to ('hri 1 In give 4111ottnl of 1!wit• lives. And to to 1114`. Oho have lived the life of the riptlitriat', 444)41 the p44ni•hn1'nt of w 17r* a ndwler,114 ham been Mat 116 L0 (heir Saviour, will IN• nd,h4Nsmd the glad W41'111111. : - "('tale, y. 1,11.1 -ed. Inherit the 14 insolent." 1111 to oth.,14, who Imre forgotten their tied and re- fused to flay hi. hell/Nis, 111(' (11('44,1 ,and terrible sentence will ha pro- not4nclnl-•'Ih'p,tr1 yh -- ! " 1111.144.11 10 111:16 1) , 4:1)11144 11e 41d11 1 t1., g*KIeontlu.•t 1,..1,;•'. and !32.5 in the! salving- (Rook. "1\'.•II, p{" 444411y," Nu id fir Anent. ".14.1 it )vv 44111a, this 11..11 year 411 144.• 44.1111*' mind you' 4.11x'1 , marry. 144 Ise. to 111e taral,%.' 1)1 11111 uuniverwu y the sold 1. r trllsa,4d 1• his 4)t tines', :Alia do you 1 t'.tl1v , alt, t• it . year, tvauj 11 1,111'rl' 4'r, sir, very "1rrhe44114 majnl,'lake Ilk 14U111' 61,1u 11. 1'644, you may marry 4 I stereo. relic% 441 there (('1141 4414 much 41/11111/1111'y 411 111:411 or mi./w141. Bight I:,re: gpo,•k Iu.ueh I" A. (L'1' anon kit Ills' 1'11..:1. 4411nulg'hi. head, 116'44x441, "Thank ..:1, .i1 : it isn't the bailie 4' Qeuhs Evan. Not a few of 11111.446 46: y ,w1•1113 make a 11114411e441' of "14elllu;; t'w'1." ('*4(44)4. got even 1111.11 hr baro4, 4a I.I,.),•t' u4) Mrs. --'s sl01I.1.4 with his .•ig,it•• el to by lo,king the hu,iurs" end Ihrlu44h n h':!', i.1 her peck •,t -I),4( 1114,11441'. 011. of• Ile -young l,onl(•I44 said : "1'm t'xpect.•.1 to dinner .11 \lt•s. NCI allll-14u N (,elle 1\ 111111.41:11 11,111 rim) next Al fay light. 1144 sl4*4u'd hear front me it she t m , 1 he doable linger lava I racket. 1 11.11 111y eat r) a 6114111 pair of lauds.._) w.41t 4)u, 444si11.1- torls 1144ug .4)t 4411• 1411111 1 sit d,w 11 teat. ' IIs totaol1' good h4, word. '111101, tvx, 111. usual 11,144,1 04 leo 11' 1% el go:sls, at, b 4'. 4, 4 44,t unlr-Imnu.tial' siamet to w'1. 4.141 serve.' 1411. )uang- '1(1. 1,4111143' ,,,,.,,l his knit es, forks and s) 0014) 111 the spiced w:uvr:11111 11 4.''4 1116144 w'1111 :, napkin. 11 86. ar.y. Lilt.,) (4,1. 1111111111, w1e, I1.11: h: ea the rill; ling.teek I.411.•''lo'', o:.•1' sitar.•. :•44) )souk ss. Till 1144 A1', Noveml er 42u'1, 1906 3 Foot', f-o::.l Ev_r'iwhere, It o, ',...'4 a loon-11,',Jy_ thing for ,1.411A-01 .4,1,, )1.4 4.14114,' We 1111.1, 11101 1111 11.'11 11',1.0111 I). 411111s=4611 f 4411-. 11 1•4(a •. 04,•,1 1415* 1.11 011 11., 11.141',;, (.4 t.. I. 446 11.,4 1 std in, 1,44bing rt•• ,I4.::1641 1,111 al 1 4.1 01 1,4/'nieg.. ••4 to ('01144*' (4 r 1 .411 t rut 1101t1w41.,' muttered. Mei .1.111,0 :.r, 44,1,1,1.•1 y t':."1. 4.'.,1:,41 t1 his feel.. •' i :. i n,: 14.• (:1, 4'•e 1111: meg, " Ile 1.1 4:41, in :1 1141-1• tel:'•' 111,11,:111 Li:.. 11'.' 1441. 111' 4:14411'61 .44. Ili•• 11.11 " 1.11, 1111.1 :110 .1 1111.4 of x :MIA 6 all t„ 11 lila 111 1,11 h4. 111'". "I het• :414 1 '4 m.'4 ..r' I'"4,:l.•rt1 of is! '1':16 I. t,u.h! he sot anti tr14?.1,.1 like a 4eaf 444th e\.'1141: I.,, :n t:• .'1•. In' 1.1. 11-h I: 's!.• I 1.1'.11 111 14,' b.:, 44..lw'. It %4 as spoil „ea'. 1a le,. 1 .:1 it, 14111111*'. we .al 1'.41'11 t' his..1.l, „ 1110kf,444t. 1.1.N1 1/.•11011• 111111, 11111 :U,. .174,4 1311th'(l a:id w'';,1 hystul4.;uly. A Query `rom Exeter. Ter rima u1 -:n•. .I., i;soars•. ' 4); 1. - Over 114,' ' I 41'41. 34.4.11 1.1 1'1111111`1' 1411:1' 11r :\ 11 111111,1iter1-.111 44. 111111 1f t thio 44,641 114:1, 1 4vn. ,initdv to 1.1'. .n "61.11:'s.•r" 01 the note. "Vow.' 111• note 441+ (411•.41111' I 1'. too • I 54 as a.k•,I In :•i;;0 111y motor- 1 slow I he maker', 14x410•. 44 1001 I .4i 1'. 1 414 41 n•..1 Limn 111,11 141.4 1111(' 11.01 not 1, •.:1 4.14;1 1,1141 rec. nilly. N1,11'11.4 y\4 :.0t t1 hotel m1 14:11'. as n .,j,.ult 1,-,4. I.'1. Ila',' 1 ,111) .114•'1:' 411 6,1,1• I 0111 •11'd :1,1,. The Nil:, .4,f Etr)tan,e Alt ...% Promis.;'1 y note m41y 144. made by two lir '1• Dlake's. ❑4111 , hey 44 id he liable t hereon joi:at Iy, 411 0.4111411y, according to 44.44 tenor." \\-14,•14 (4,elr 4. a joint anti several :4ability. end' of flit. debtor, is Italie (5x• the (1111 nnmllll ,tut 141 itis death his ffa4ility descends to his 1('441.1• .eut,tire... 1IIt where ane- 'f •4y, joint makers of „ nc,l' signs if for 1 h, drr1111:1111Nh1I1„I of the 11 her, their 11' 1;44411111', each „h,•1' is that of Win. 1p,l :Ind w44',1) . \Vhere a not,• re:1'44 •'1 1)1sn4)isr 1'' I c." :411.1 is ogled 1.y w.. or Imo.:" t»'1•'''- 11 4. 41,,•1111•,) 111 Iw their j14il1 and 441'141:,1 111,1.'. 4441• 111111 111 IE'xehaD44.• Act. r' 11n til. I!t the pa .0.4•11 1'.(o', it' rite 11,411' 114111', ••\V4' 111 1.1111-4. 1 i p.,y ".a• •'4ti• j04ntly nml .' p:.:mise 1.. pay.., . le. t'nyre..( 1116 t,,Ie, et 111.• 1111 1.011 11111i-.II'1,I.rofit,h,.,1 (4 1t to dr 161:41444 pay:matt fella isc 11 of 111, pet- .nns w hose 11,4mi'. ate 44141 ' 1 1.1 Ile' 11111' al. 111....''i s. ('rima facie, hot II (14) the paidles who have 4444416.1 the ns,'' are Jointnctk't". and any person Mk- in.z it has ,' richt 10 erpec) 16411 110111 1f the signets are j,111y and 441'' •a•,al:y 11,41111. Ii' 11,1' •loonnt. In Ili' hands of a Isola Bile holder for valise who is m,oking a 11rmanll upon you for 114, nmonnt 14f the nide, I think you eritl 4,,t be allowed 11 Net up n defence that you were merely 1111 e dlrs'1'1•, 411111 never reevired I1"I IrP ' f ,Ii.hnnnt•. A14 Ic(ween yonr$elf, and :\and If, yon hare a tight to chum hat you e1.11• 1111.4'1'11' 111 cndorsl r 11! ! lie note fur 1 he a, ronunod:11iln of A. If rnnnol collect the 41,,,,., 1111 111111/ 111 you. IIs knew Unit yon 1111e 1110 Ply - 111 11 0oly- :411 t ndlrsl•1• of Ihr• 1111,' : 11',4) if it has passed 41,1,, the hands of some -In- nocent leader for %nhu• without no. 14ce,' he 1:111 rof,r1-4. 1.44%'( lrnl.. One thing can lie said for 411' in:nr- :1111e 11)1114):Miles 111011•1h.. 11th 'est t;4'a- 44a)1 .n:unagenieni. They 1' 14' ,icily 4111x1 Not tees, 44u.n1'I Ville .1 „len 11. Granil Pdnthslllar" has an all -steel oven. Steel is' more unitorm in thickness and radiates heat more quickly than cast iron. ' For that reason most C1st iron ranges have steel over bottoms, 1n my,rc'. range -G RAN i) PI?NI NSU LAR —I have gunc farther and. made the \VHOLL OVEN—t5l),bottona and sides of S-I'EE1. )'LATE. .That is the reason the "Grand Peninsular" is such a quick, eVcn baker—and save'3 so Much filet. 1have perfected a perfect t system stem c f Ventilation,. . t011 All th^ ya or x414odor Of cooking are driven ca—ar.,l a c4) n,,,int. current 1.,f fresh, heated air fills the oven: 1 alto put a Th:rmotacter i:1 the oven door, so you can tell • the exact tCrDperaVure t4 the oven.' It docs away with all' emu work and insure, per!e.'t t .'.kit:g. , Thee zee a my of the helpr 4(l f.ateres that mate my new GRAND l'EN4.`il'L:\R,thc ideal rin a Ltr l'.InJ-liar homes. 41 CLARE BROS. & CO:, LIMITED - - PRESTON, ONT. CiODERICH AGENT : C. J. HARPER. Shape - Retaining Business Suits The "Plastic Form" fit and cut, which strikes a man the minute he notices a "Plastic- Form" Suit, is as en- during as it is exclusive. The snug fit of the collar and shoulders is built right into the coat—it's there to stay, no matter how strenuous the day's work. The sleeves and knees don't get baggy—the coat -skirts have always the straight, clean cut and the pockets adhere to the original horizontal. No matter how particular a man may be, he is certain to find the maternal, the cut, fit and work- manship that will suit him, in the "Plastic Form" Parlors. Suppose you drop in to sec some of our Autumn models. 17 Plastic Form Parlors, (ioderich Rei. ' Brack, Sole Agent 1 ;Maple ub L Sturdy's Groceries are always reliable ... (1, \VI' 11n1 wttisf11.14,1: 111 11e:tiiug Oa 4411•)1, fresh '44001144 to 14411• ettstonlers. The 44(4wl 4+ epei•iully well 11411A,rted for the slimmer trade, and the most p It ti,ul:u• wattle of out• 11►t•t11e will 11.14 0 P1101141] M'l'%i1e. Fresh 5eget►)les and fruits in ,.'Mall, Phone ,1 or,call. STURDY & CO. The Square, Gcdench. • IOrders 4arlully ■ll.,:0 (0 ■1 all Lana hour., ,.414411 or day 1 J. BROPHEY & SON 1 1 hal: Lt: ♦UINU - i -ulleral i)irectors and Embalmers rEBoToN Livery and flack Stables EAST STREET FINEST SERVICE iN TOWN. EVERYTHING UN -TO -DATE. The finest turnouts in town are supplied at these Weil -Imola Stables. Carriages - Tor every re- quirement a u (1 goo (1 liaises furnished. at rata • enable rates of 11 i re. Careful X11 ivers furnished When required. All calls pro:nptly attended to. Walker & Aupstiile. 'Phone 51. East st':'t Livery. " Ray : %?'.ple Lent Rabberi an.) keel) your feet dry and w Irrlesa from "the old Roman who lived 444 a atone." Mario cat tho hest Para gulp, cut to fit snugly and accurately, Dinpl4i Leaf Rubbers" present a thoroughly waterproof surface. Keep yon'. feet dry and warm in tho wettest kind of weather. ]tubber boot illustrated is thoroughly waterproof anti doubly atrongtheicd at points whom wear is greatest. NEW LIVERY KNOX BROS. here 11',464161 n livery stable in the stand 411I Newgate lama op- posite the l'olbotne 1I'teI and have filled it %yilh New and Up-to-date Rigs, New Harness, and Good, Reliable Horses. .111 1:tI141114 a4' ma11'e1 the )lest 1f w'rvi('r. Vont .patronage is soli. lied. Knox Bros. J Opposite Colborne House NEWGATE STREET - Telephone 47 — -) j GuNDRY BR(5 Livery, Hack 1 A N D 'Bus Stables (4001), 11011441x1 ('AIt1I1AOES 1'11A 1;T 4)N44 •-ET'.. AT--- REASONARLh: I1. A E 44-- . `Welton pp04n' 011 I134tk61 and IN lir .14,144 drivers in charge of the Rosa•61, w•hirh trill alert all train e and 111 II .14)14 s�sstttttt�s� slt� • \1.1. CALLS AT FENDED '1'O I'RO\I I'I'I,'' FROM 11(rrKIA AND PRIVATE HOUSES GUN DRY BROS. Rt)CTH S1Itt:ET