The Signal, 1906-11-22, Page 24i" •
THURSDAY, .November 22 IWO
THE SIGNAL: (>i(JUb;ltll;ll ONTARIO'
�h rrr� Sional
liOUkRICH, ONT•4K10:•
Telephone 1'.11 Nark
,Terms of Subscription :
. 1 per 010111111 ill 1141.,111,'•.
14i% 1110111 h., ;,r• : three 1110.111,., !C.•,
nllbw'rlbe•ns who bail to Ia•Ihe Ti,,.xal.
rerukorly by 111111 *111 touter .4 her or b1.1'e•
tea Mining u. of the tart at a. r.uiy a date or.
When a'ha tlge of address i. dorsi r el, lad h 'lie,
old and the la•w wtdnr.'.houkl be. gi. OIL
Advertising Rates :
I. 11.1 ,ua1 431tur .lu,lh•r inherit 4 •nwnlr., plc
1101. liar fol nr.t ill*rtiotl 411,1 4'• µ'r line fm
melt .uhvq.u•nt inaer1iuu, N,.toired 1y a
• •ml.ln•il vas twelve Maya to 4.}11 inch.
1Ieha•.• nu'1. of .lx lints and under, I', per
.4141'1'1 keine. 1. of I,,>" 1'o1111d, Slr11/1441. lilt. 1111. gllll,Ii,'. '1'14141 1.. .111111144111, 141
u !lune \'.u:,ul, 4itualions Wanted, Hww•.for i 1'IrYel:Uuh 11111. 1411411 het phase "11 Ilie
Sec r 111 (tent. Para, for Sale or to Kent,
%ellrle. for Sale. .l"., 10.4, rsee•siong righl matter when he 411Y, :
line., •.L• rush iuwrtiw• :111 (u: 111.1 1110u.h, .•
for moil .•ubv1lural 1001011. Larger *d yeti i.e.
1111.11. in {Impart ion.
A111101 IHi•lnelit• in 0nlln414 reading tyle leu
trent. per line. No uoae' le.. tlm11'L'w.
Any .prbd notice. the object of w 1nr11 1. Ila•
pecuniary twnrat of any individual or w•oar
*ton, 10 I0. ..011.i.101.011 111 a'.lr,,rt(,w•111r111 :41a1
Co be charged :u•ronli iagly.
11*?',. for 411.1day 01111 4411111.m l :111 cru r•
weal. will Ie glyru on application. '
Addrr.s n1I row nluul,ICaIloll. 10
\'ANA rI'iat k ft..1Il:11TSi.N,
I',,.. 544.4. 04 ,
11.441111 h.
rinerieler 1 hal ,1 great 41.11441 line he •14
I11literd in their halide 111 .111' 1114041 for
ni(t1101' 11111111. (111111 se•111'l lig Tulsa 1 •1
N+U'Ii:Uneul." -
'Iellis is an expression 4,1 111
W1111.11 .11,.11111 Ir 1111100 114 1144 111. No
elecler should ;,x11 his retires et alive
i1, Palliamet to summit a), OxlwuJi
Loire It 111.-1u rroin141 be ju:'lilhel ins the
Inroad gr1141nda of 11:111.10411 benefit.
N.404' 14111111114111 r. .1 pu111ie 4w11e'1*•
411114 Of psi6lie 411 int i4. have 1111 idea
that the 11114.6• O.14/4. i. .111 ..41 when
Ibey declare that private .m1144,4141)
het ler b.eals. 14 111311 4%ill work
harder anti II1111k 1111411• keenly in his
own inle t...e. than in Ihe. 11111rr•slw ,J
601►1:111/ 11. TH1RSI1.1v. \,IV•, '.111. I,4.
The 1) P111• '11l Hotel. 1,1
day, in neeonlanee with the plan 114
begin the .,rkaosis I,'i .'.i (4 1' i•, Nes eon
her a11141 111 ronr1u41,. 411.111 11 .foi.. 4 he
twitted trim of 111
1 . '1.1.1•
lath! will he rut the phial .1414.. 1a
of dim 1144' and 1 111 .4iselo.ur.•. 44-
14,,,' t1, • insatiate, • r• ..idyl Heil
1 h London ioellion 11''1'1.1;. 4s will
doubtless 110• 111311.1'd 4..1 4.i. el. delatte.
The Signal yt ill 114,... :4 .1 1 its 1,l'
weekly teller+ from 1111.,3.1 during
Ihe se:oh, Had read.•rs o' 111 hr 14141.1
0.1411 gn(or•,wJ of 1114' i111111.1 111111 111d. -
reeling. a1 the rnpi1:11.
A j • t •,11u,ife.1.1 1.f 1(14• IAluliuion
Grange. the F'.11'160•1s' Assoc ialiou of
Ontario, and the :Manilnl.l 4 i;. 43'
«I', l'lN' Asswiat' .its forth 4(4• of
til nee 1,1 organized ugh iru11 111•.• int'sn•
1141* un !hi. tantrum's! 1444).
It is (11,111101 D1111 that w'4) •n prig.r-
t ir111
thin 3'a s first *,lel for in 1 iiiiila 110•
farmers Wee ns.ured That what was.
Ihel requested would IM• t••yuirrd lad
a short lime i1, under 111 rill..* out
0u),fnelnril,K ind,1•Uie- to ...CM I. n
• fooling. The reelu.'si '0.
fel IIY the I1eetolf,. and )1.l.
the infants of that 1"'Inal
or the ,,,. 14111 , ono t l ll• of
lei to reit, spry. the ery is still
the IN'ei
(111' 111441 4',
F'ig 1 e.
l''Wiis - and'
'•1 4141 111.1 want ' •i(Ia l owner -
.hip f,1," itself. 114111 not fighting for
1,1„Ili••ip.l1 on 11..1'.111(11101411 114 wat'/• ,1
1i111.' 111••111.1• 414 41 •141414. Vuu gel
better ..41t ice• for 4.".'uo,ot) 1 y
civil 'monis die., tieing 1 .w 1-.,.l 111111
001111'5.111.'1 lay lie (MY14114' 111:111 tun (hiwith priYal1. eu111',a•ns.t.1
t1,,• heal kiln' of 11 1.1,1.011 for it., Hitt
411.11 1.0001 111.. re'..,.11 1 41111 for
(.•II col I 1131 oh. intlurn,•e
ill all l't11111111111111e4441 franchise seines.
of Slii,ossommi litio,lrs4,lsll in 1.1;te.
11".,I :Ifni as 14 in 1 h41.31, , 114,tie
are fin• King 1141 to. a gr.';/ psi/e. 1011.1
.41.(.. '1•h,•y eerrupl y11ur is,hl4, s :411a1
il0y deg' adr % • ''iii/•'u.hip, and
1111111) o1, 444 1111• 41'+11 , .114.1' ,1( 14111
„oy s •1,l nal of Illi• tryou will
.t.' good gore' 'ill.
\101'11.41/.11' A NI: 1, 611111
1 1111 11 11111.11 1Int% set. it-
11.1 %'url 1e:41i7.e, 4104r 1''•1.lev, 111111
1'111 4-1 11114• i. be.* 111.111 lire 0..'.•L'.
mil '4 11(1'1)1 Laurier 11.4. si\Iy (lye
ye., - 1441 011 'I'14ewdat'. .11.11.y 11:111.1
11,11 he1'. railway f'1.44. Nlerieh. T111.14
:40..811 heading for Ilse •1.:•.1 bill in
Uirru i'.. _
I'Le»• :1,r 1111. 4111)'' Wl1.•n 1111'
i•4111111.141',11111 euJ10•a nee \f 110' sailor
on the. lake. are Ir-leel t41.11n• 11111.
%V hal light 1111.,/ 111:14(.14:,4.• la. pick
nue oat• 111 111 1ron1 3 441 i•f min-
t I'aelil'1.11) i4' il144..1•44 311,1 -414. 11.4• 144111
1.11'( 11 .Colt 1' • 1, ••.I Heston
4'rem't.,Iile. 1'•eogoized that (Ilene is
440 1.311) 0414:1111.1;,• furJlbem in 1.„k-
isig 11p 111,1 disputes?
Tr sotto is eele•IH"11 ing 1he 'Memo of
Niag:140 Imo%or in the ribs, \Chen
)4r• 31' loo hate M.4414101 k4cir ll o'Or
for the 1•,•11,-iri,•. of Iitelm ieh?
\\',',' 1,1 rruulrk 111111 11111.1111114
,6011x•, will 11/111 10%14711 11 good
re git.•li 10.111,* 111:11 161' '.ppoutunities for •,..eking their par-
'ili.•. err Iwing build .Ip '.haves right here i1, 1helei.dl. Itend
14t the ex(N'l.r of the :Igriruhur*J'Jis-the ilteel i•..nlenl. ,14 41111' Irl 1.11,11111111iel.. 1n4lhl: 'i1, in len )enus 1lii;llla,n't'b1','•.ig•,rl. -
population demi ..eel le)• ,I% e•:1, (Mel
rent., 4111111' 114. In p opeil tion im
e'r,ay.l by Ni per 4, et. In Canada
n. :t Whole. 1hi• rural 111' 1••.1.1' 0.:e I1
per 1.,•111 .. Nl)i11' tri' inrt tare 111 til it+i
(M ,
towns nn, silln{;e. Nae :t4.'. 114.1. Celli.
Thr-agl(4andizeinicil of the 111.11.411 :11
the i•rlH'nse of the rural ...di,.u, i. an
.17ect of protection, aIle) allow.
11ulrnfnit 41,1'1s t11 eliargi• enha•,ewl
prir.... Cor 16rit' 1.0401. 144111,1,14 :011
iximpe11.31i11g a,v'Imane 141 1111,1,'I..
'1\•,' have 1.MIay a surplus "fame
1 heel and !weld t million .o(I:u. 1,f
• harm Produce: for export. That stir.
pin. i, 4,4141iH41,14)4 Met -easing, and 4.1.
Long as these rondilioes emit iniii the
foreign pi ice .1 1'01111,11 1 11 I
price 1,f f:11'111 1rt. wlll,•1s. %% idle a
prol.el 44e 1:u'ill ';1,l 41114 11144. lisilil
HIM 1011e111'irlg (1.N'e', it c: t 111141
1110.9 Idol 01111:111,,. (111. 4441,'e of solider.
w•ehat r 11,01.11..'
Thr p.,.ili..11 which 01 )(aniz,•d Nei i•
culture lakes at the present J •tore
is elrnrlc stated 14. fol),1w's :
•'11"r 4he.refnlr•tek. in 111011 11114iv re-
vision of the tariff, That 11114 wider-
tive principle lee Wholly e1' ' steel :
that the principle 1,f la tilt for rete
only, and that revenue based - on an
honest :lied w•anonlirnl expenditure 1,1
the pmhli' funds, be adopted.
n prof of ear since''ity, we will, if
this position is adopted) by- the (;o•-
seminetlt, gladly assent 1" the entire
al.dilion of the '11011' Inst of dolt ie• 011
agrieull1ral im o)rts.-
Addressing the Canadian i.'Inb of
Toronto,ot:undav, MI'...1. \I. t'onrl-
neY, ex•1►eputyMiniste•r of Finance at
4)11,1311, iirglrl the neessil y or ...oil i1,),
Ili regard (0 Canada. rapidly
ing rxpwudit(itr•. \\'bile• he believed
that the (aline would req ' • 'Yen
target. expansion in nnli,ii,1 expendi-
ture, m 14 nee/Osity .0 en4Tipx , •nt of The pt41gsrsed to has ,• he 4%.11e14'.111d
the steady •progress uhieh was in light depa111Mel" plI'l'I i,. Ihr (on'
prosper' for ('a•,3,1a, and while the Ito) of it eetnn,i.sinu i. nnr 11131
control "
t1. f expendituren
I. 1111,1 I0. fire•Ic Jisr11s+e h•
1 ,furelhe
firmly in the hands of I1,e twople in ., 11• is taken. N'1' shall 10. glitd
01,14,41,1 fl in any til her centit '', he 11:1.0 p•xpro 1'.14111. .f 001/1/111 4111 1114'
0.,e afraid (':ulnen was spending Iewl ,nhi.','1 (1.4.1,. 1,114,1,19 eith1.1' in fayl-m•
ranch. 1,f 01 iglieemed lie the chafers%
In his .pinion nn effort should Ile
1)13dr to say)• in this lime of abundant
revenue, in order IIIat the eudien:11 in.
7'.1. 1'1111 111. sial lie run -- 11nt1 i
p)l Vi.�n just new with Ihr 111:141 w'
is not quilt* stn.,' 0..11.140•,' hr wants
veal 111 the emitted bossed 'sully
eno114h In tisk Iwlllg turned Jowl
tit the .l.l•1..1•..
Nebo'ays Ihnl weinten "311nu1 run?
Iters'i1•It .101111el..n, 5.1 Toronto,
?dud• 114 111.1 in the 1113 ' g for the
(111.14)' .1.114M,1 l.aldle',' seals on the
A.Ivi.•.,rs. 1'oun'•i4, noel m•in•ly dis-
t:ulrwl her iu1tiN•I11.)1'+,
11 4.4 pr.(a1w.1 to '1,11.11 is 1 ,1 ,'111,11
from 44.ol'Ki1in Illy 1.. %hedge:i, ,14. to
1" unil'i`rlakiig, at :141 estimated
. est of $I2.1,1NNI,INsi. I1 is, not likely.
11'0 ft%ter, 11131 ,t .IIgN•111I1111N mite MI'
like 11114 W1111111111111111e1 is a Gully,
11 is I''1N,1•(14.1 that U11• Ontario Tiov-
ernmr•nt has 1., 'i, 411101e41 $I:I,,sa1,1Nx1
for Illy miylsig rights o,, n port tttt
4he dallies 1' 't ,al l'oh311. The p1.q)le
of (Willie have . properly up there
wile), ' is' Iiten- to yield a Large rr1•-
e11ne fait 11„• 1'11.1 ill' int treasury, if
Nell Iu:In3ged. -
.1..1111 A. 1'oo(H•e, a member 14 n
well known l'lii141n family, 11114 Ie•
4401141 OW of The 4'an,dhal
Magazin... and is .11r1•.Yr11•d 1141' Ni'w-
Inn .11:117•.1%1.)., Who also i. said to 110
:1 11,01111 01.1 Iwr)•, 11 ' gI. we h Isl. 110
1 111 1 0111 t ion 111 111 8 1111' 00E1 of 1 hr
r41nnt )- h1. ,'..1"1..', f
them 4),ilni•, 141411 holds the palm
r.'. shipbuilding.
N'4'' e• • 's
k '1 cruiser
fes the It.ssian I)o'e •1,t, which is
10.4inuiilg 1,1 Ircu•,sl)'uel its 11114')•
nam 11nu0•hel' at ane• of the English
shipyards, Russia would not pltrrl-
iz- Dril is)) i Jr ' 1 •s
h elle
1 If 't 1.n
1 I,•
the .111H• .rl•yi'r eIR1'Wh01r,
A hig rot 1"41 (,1,'11,,•1., 1••rv111144 $I,INNI,•
1141 and e.tl14l,14.i,,g Test hands, iN 1" 101
d..hlrine•s- Higld 40. met nto Hsi, 1t, ,•st;,blshe,l ' 111 I«lchine, 44e. An-
ti41tlnl credit kelt 1"t n high level. !other evidence that the 1',)11,111 in -
1114 regretted the Harrow (.1,11,14,4 '4,1'1u -11y is 11,1 in 1111. dreli pit emoil •
the acelage elr.•I,1r. 444111 N*, indiffer"'that high tariff ndented eswonit) try 1"
en1 *J) the Iintioru4l eff.r•1 "f Inrg4' ex- I make eM. A statement i0
pwndil1les so long as 1114. part Wider I,vele•ir•u•1. 141 this 11.'0.• fa,•lrn.c s
expenditure in which 11e WON inter' th:43 it Will l0. "aim"' 1"' "1111/4111.4
P•3141 was provided for.
I am not blaming this Govern-
4.i»'ern• Professor1Vring."f the' 1'nive•nily
mentor any Government, nor do 1 of Tnr/nto, hex 'wen 'telling the
Nellie all electoral districts, hut ss people of (treat Britain that l.otd Al -
long as the average voter consider. verrltonr.'courlle in the Alaska limit,•
that the great impersonal thing Called
Parliament is crested to find money dart dispute did more towards break•
to 1e spent in him own hew*lily, s) long ing'ip the British Empire than nn)••
will the present conditions eaglet. Hut thing rix. that has 1mp(w•ne.l in the
rent. feign*
o will of a change.nk1' I think te" last quarter of a renter y. .11r. Wrung
111011 hall!
1101144.1• manic .111,1 111,' r..l••uir
0041 +4. 1 he 31 4141 i,g,uf polder 114 Ila•
101 ler 1.. 414:14.1' 1111.11 111Y11 11vat f1.•, 1.
e Ii4.1.1)• 1,1 N. Ilir 14.1/111 111 .111'11
11f111,t)r11)' , a••111•r•lleee NN 111x• Al I •
.tune inei,11.111, -.
Mr. 4'uurleel, •'i4.'puly \Iini.Iet. of
F'illallre, fs the ,urlh1r 1,1 ail 1011'1
'sling Llg.udisig ('Nn.1J:1'.
p,r.lu1 111u11,W u1r11•r 1141,1111.44. 1'01'14 -
rr1y (110 1'sii1 (4 Mlalew p,ia1:11 a,llh..l-
ilie. lee! to remit 114 (':4.1:44114 1111 n.')
(44 Nivel Ili.; 141"1,',", 0.',1 1101110 by
1':medians Ir•s14lillg there. N.I3 ill.
Ircerw• ie 1114' ei,a•. Tu lirrtl 111 it
to the Me•alldhnN'i: it t. (1.11•., 1111 1 Io
Italy 31N11 large remittances 11a%4. 10
bk. carol 111 et1%411 •y 014114•. .rut
h • by people f144111 theme einint 'ie.
now winkling ling in 1 ':w:ala, This 111,431 0.
that 03113113 1,:t. 111.'141111' a rouulr4 of
The I►rl roil News-'11ibmie• i+:ol-
theril)' fur 111,• .101en1,•ul 11111 the
i1 . -
whitefish �f the lu•u•.It 1«Ile .1,r
passing a1.. rapidly Irian 1•x;4l.'l.'e .>
did the. 113113.11M 1,f hi.oll. 0.1111'11 al
one ti141*' swill•III,M1 the An14•rieut
plain 6•s, pod that with the 111.pwrlul.
if l'le' whilell•h industry 16e 4 11i1,el
K1:,114. Ii,1t,•,' 'pill.,'.,". 5.441' 1,(44,.
ulna remnul•t.ltive indosU'ira and alai
• of the tined Y:1111111111• (114444 pr./11-
lie!. on 111.• 111111 11.1.1. 11 i; .Ir'lugl)'
11rg4a tic,l s,nlir reineely 141' adopted
at into... A twin proulisielll• 'u I-
Ilr4t1.,l with ono of t'1.• Igiivert1111 •111
161111.1 441., 1411 1 is well informed
ate 110' slue tilt 1 of tt.h etlhlre• :4111
1"1.113/1111 1141. '.1:11,41 11) 7'1111 News,
111,11 1114' Mir and only .n1'rr..fu1 Ie111•
mel)' 14 114 promptly inct,:r,' the
y41110011 5.f Y31iu•,s hatrheri.•s. ..The
185.'.'1'' rut .hun1,1 be w 1111111.1 Io e\ -
tweet 11.0 times the : of money
'1 now Jew on the prop.IKat Oen of I he
whitefish.- .ai.l 1111. h t. l ..1 y 111 441,
••la....use Il hilefl.h i. the ''' '.l sal
41.4'1,' food) water 11.6lnow u, .Ind ,even
rxere.h the 4:11111' of vdtno11111510 Per
ton in 1)1. Iiaarrn w:,rlo1.. While
e14udi,le•1:1611• Moore i. IM,id 1/111 yeerly
for 1)1. Ir:e•itir ....met hab•11rri,•.. And
111.•1, (i'.." he 1'14111' 1, ••:i1;.MN1 Ill141e.
whitefish eggs 14:111 be handled in (11.•
":1,144' square taken Ly .01411''18 e•gg,, '
)4.y 4,.•.111 0.a- bt'a.), fur it• It 1".I bad leen
.tbu...I ilk Lindne-. on.wcn• 1 by fold anyog
so, turn,1g41lo• It from toy fellow torn.
one s1111nner Smith 11h day 1 •troll..11
Elie gown mound. .df Ihr c illagr 11111'1.11 r1.wr :
Won. 1.01.1. "ng bow 1411 1411111..11 114and
1'in.l one vat Ie., l : 0u.1 110.4..0011 or Lie.
W,00ge1 4111.1 wrw.g doer. n•rh nab nowt:
.10.4 euld II••1,.1, fotd.•d 144 er a .4111 la'., t, •
1'a ..the green 11krr:1.01,1.11our, gray..
11'IdH1r1 all 10.w•ICp. 1.141. who's.,' I,,,00
awed for no veli. and pit y 4 .g 0.y Parr,
1401' a 'le sarins. Met. milady 0.1144',
Swept aft ,Iy pr;dr away. ,14111 trembling 1
f.MK.14 e
John lin'11eaf N'hillicr.
Always. ,
Iloudo,, het.
"P*Iga, What isnn •m,ju.t decision 'r'•
••A dt',, •' ,1g*inst Ihr 1 • I esen,
A Rank Injustice.
Sit .0 ford Item on.
hello is 3 1111.= 1,f, '1141• 11114., 41
111x? t C10104111 4141111 ceiling. 11'),y
'.I111II 1 4 man lie IYIIIIIN•I(••II 3,. make n
14114401.Iw1 141.1.111wn 1,r • eandi-
d.des, n r one of 0.l h,• Isiln• ay -
4'r•.vr 1• hat w41,1bl lee m rank injle-
li'r se/Inglis would htr 5.411 weigh any-
thing Giles ,incl in the notification
"t elec.' . `\
Degra tion of Justice.
Str:d 4111 Ha, on.
The si..'.•t*ele w x witnessed 111 Tel. -
mite this week of a 'timber of leading
.44izen- of (hMle•iel Is•iug haled 111
('OI. Ih•11i44111'4 pudic,' roam 1,r mune
properly 1110tu-head co rt Insulin( . to
pall 1 11041 "adv. up agent st that of is
..I(-... 411fessei1 perjurer Tend 111111,11 box
.tnff,•r. The I'm MCI in ',slog x111'), is
mine a1' Pritchett to dies•relit. the teal i•
n1/n11' of decant til i7,4'ns gm 4101$1( Ire
114 11.•gra11.. )11.16.',' 1114111 I0 plrif)•
011.1.1 inns.
Duties of the citisen.'
St. Jahn Sun.
A man's pnblie. dory in n dem"er3e..
does net ,end with the marking "f his
Ballet in national and I'Ir,Yinei„ i and
Hntllilipnl e•lerli.ns. 11 is -his 'mei.
nese In .w' that he and his fellow's
have the rh31,ce 414 cute for the right
kind 111 111111 1 to stand for oflier h,tn-
wdf if he believes his ny.ices are
misled : I0 .14.4' (1131 (1111111' 1111•IIpHI('Ity
e1. 411.1 "stay is nuvon i -heti nhrleye•
blond, When lie fails he heemples all
nrromplile iwdure rind after the hart
in Whatever piddle 1'1' 's are r"m-
The Real Criminal.
Tomtits. Telegram.
Hailtrav r Nelms 1111• s131141e1'd
11)lH,3ae's. The sonans• is full of
(.1 Wes, who .title' at ()co-
pe 11' ho hely liekl•l re when they travel.
Thr 14ffer 1,1 a bribes In :t railway man
r1Y 31 t`II 1 it •1,h
1 f t t IIIc 1111 N'+
► r 4.y of i1.,.
1111' 'ondnet,.' of his honor,•
and "t the employment which is all he
has In 111 - for hie life work, ' Surh
offer i., an infinitely Itn':1lit• ('1411lr
than the purely artificial "ffe),ee of
trying 111 sell n tedlw 4.y ticket (hat 1 h
1 4.
1 Ides 1,n. 111nlght with his owl
muni)'. •
How to Treat the Thieves.
Id -towel Palaver.
'I'Id. 1116evingg is n wine -pre 111 1 4 it
tusw•a•J,ys, 'I'114.1• rill x..,'11, to h • , 1
it, (Inlln.i'r•, pwdilirinns, hnnk mm11-
nrel•, 141:11 r41Mpw"111•s, a lines of
lrndesMen, 4'11', : the p:l(wr4 nn• f111er1
With their exploits. Thl• let'ehtie.m
nue .hlwLi4gennngh.and at that it 1.,
(11•ul' 4..I.• only Ilse n,eidett+ll Ilse 11m1
r m 10 light, one 41111 111 n hundred.
The • this kind 4.f thing i- Yon
donee) the worse it gels. Mend It,,,,,
to jail every 1 • • they are c:olght,
matter whet their influenaror shoe!.
ing May I0. : that is aloud the lulls
m4,1%401011 there is for the flat ion. Moak
the Ids thieves no well as the little
thie Vet, NMI .14,Ik'heck hand,
A Pau N T.
'\'Ingham Times.
At the concert on Monday evening
the 'Imelda!), Durno, gut off A %kit,
Anel c
i*ting one of our well-known
.'itizens with George 11'sahingt41t, not
people mil 11p and think. and 1 10liey' ie right. However, the Empire is Dor being the only two (wtw,ms who would
the day is haat 11mining wh'14 lueulwr'. going t , In oak tip fog * while yet. A tai g1'1 41 ed. % In• :1 g that
14f lhe
will he sent to PArIlnnlent who will-reailiu'tnient of relations between the ref,•trYd to wasin the ball, turve t.
a friend 'width. Ilei nud asked, "Is BUY THE BEST COWS.
George 11'ashingtun hies.. tour'
Why, gleet ('•te.Nr," retorted 1111.
with cheap Aalw*la Yo• CMS /erH
friend, "Don't yon know who (1e) g
1%ashlnKton was 1' He was 1h•• eat at
MM 1,' 'lila tins I4WI1 levels 4. I • 1)1)
I.1. 411041 14104.0 Ilie 44114 jr•11in end,
11ul bas 4,'4r441111 11 111:111)' 14 goof)
I1111h• lit1hr mealtime Ilu•hn' /0.1'111
s:r 011 w'e't• iws(Mter4ible (.a' IC are
111 ilart111 brushing up 11'el knowl..11g
of Wet y.
Farmers and 1114 Tariff.
J' 40)111,) Saar. .
The f8►-uaer, of (.t *Id. to the
number et 1,1,410, h c4.• Iwril i41u d
against iuirlwawe in duly. 1 i+ .0111.'
times alleged that the f:u•tuelw are
protectionists al heart:11141, while they
would like free Irado I)44 the things
they buy'. they would imager prdt.etton
in regard W the things they welt. This
is rather n clever ggilw than 1111 1"l•ygf11-
m4•n1, Once eatublirh a protective
ryNteui, 111441 everyone will try to seize
as man)' of its advantages and avoid
as many of its hardens as possible.
It is a mere catch question to ask the
(..iner whether he ie ready for free
Inure oU the products id the fano.
The fair way i. to ark hill whether he
i. (wady for free 1rade' or a lower tariff
all round, whether he is 1r•adv to re-
linquish the tulrautages along with
1)14' draw b:u•ke, Farmer.; w110appentwl)
IN•fol•r the tariff c
'.414441 answered
(Ili. a 11.• in the affirmative, !14x1
said they wets. willing 114 .ell in a free
market, if they were 1111)441.1 40 tiny
in a free make!.
rads the Dairy Par.
4u 4, 'rrnalug 1111' herds or Iu reptile -
lug those that has 4. beeu culled out the
average produm heu.Yu le often kept
duwu by our strong inclination to buy
cheap cows Instead of good ones. For
example, a cow that will give, on an
average, a gallon of milk the year
around will cost, we will say, 130; one
that will give Due and one-half gallons
will cost $00, and one that will give
two gallons will cost 1100. Re know
that the expense of keeping each of
these three cows Is practically the
same, and for the purpose of illustrat-
ing this point we will say that It traits
$41.20 to keep each a year.
Para Lip..eee
We dud therefore that It tbestellk
tests 4.5 per cent butter felt the one
gallon cow will produce about 104.8
pounds of butter, which at 25 cents per
pound will brlog $41.90. The one gal-
ablon cow therefore pays expenses exact-
ly, but not a cent Interest on the In-
vestment. The one and a half gallon
cow, which cuets 180 to begin with,
makes a profit of 120.00 a year, while
the $W*) cow, giving two gallons per
day, makes a profit of 141.20 a year.
Therefore which would yuu prefer to
do, Invest 1100 In one cow that will
Produce a profit of $41.00 a year or In-
vest $90 In three cows all of which will
• uet produce a cent profit In the year?
WHY THEY WENT WEST. This le an Illustration of the exact con-
_ • dittos that exists In many of otlr herds
Further Discussion of th Mlgraboa today, and until we dispose of those
f thirty duller boarders we can never
make the dairy pay, 1,o matter how we
feed them.
Above all thlugr, keep behind your
herd with the milk scales and with the
milk sheets, and no dairyman should be
satisfied until his hint will produce at
least an average per cow or a pound
of butter or two gallons of milk fur ev-
ery day in the year.- B. II. Rawl, Unit
ed States Department of Agriculture.
from Huron and Bruce.
Toronto New•
Thee l'4'1•14104 suggeateil in 1114. col -
why 1lallilol*t was S.. Lir WAY
settle.) ti)'• f.' Huron and
Melee 111-.- 1101 111 1 11 111.101" :1411411101.1
lot' 1111• 110111110 111. I11,1.,• 1' ties,
certainly net that part 3 hi'11 seems
1 01 (110 .iar.411i1111' Id 'poo r
ttnel to the di.tnel. Mr. t'..1, Miekle,
•4 1'1,.•,14.y, elites':
• l'oeir Ihr•.e v of the exielits f Hruce
population Io the 1% est is out the .4u.- Fall. or Keeping Records.
.opted 5.111' bele, ('ertniuly it is ,,.it Wlien you keep u rt.•ord of your Wilk
Iwcaus.• lbs r.lnnly of Its.,, cold' )Nit us soon as. there Is an uuuutural
pminw iulfevur:td)' Wilk 110• Iwsl 00.s shrinkage you will notice It at outs,
141 enmities in lhta,oi in lei ilii Y. In and you will ask, Why did the amount
earl•'(ays the (cheat 1111111, of Bruce .1'f tullk drop oft, so badly just 140*'?
And you will try to find the cause, and
when you have found thut It is general-
ly easy to remove It or to apply a
)'ieldtd all average of (hire 1, to thirty -
live bushels (der sere,
"lite ranee is mairllt- this : The
etemil Y 1444burr in well le•,11'n1 than
ethers: the• pioneer spitil was alive
herr when it w'ns•simply a Ir;1liliun
elsewhere. The 4•(lyng turn of this
('11111117 were jun IM•g' ' K 111 look,
fin• locati•,ns for thr•,:else, whet the.
11'4'ster11 unwritten( 0.a• in it., in-
failrv. 'Thr young man Bent West
1,114 ' ,rlaliu•d Ilona•.' lire,•le)•.
'rile Run'd) pioneers Ishii
I)r•,ce• hewed out 1,l the primeval
forest a reelable hulloes 1.r 11e•),e
sett -.Y1, Imo 1111.7 had no money 1.. b•,)'
farms, then rapidly increasing in
Y31,1,', rot Ihrir ,•1 ins, 111,41 Iha• a,,,.,
who had Mho host the spirit of 1114',"-
pri4e which ,ttti0utw1 Iheir father:,
turned their far.'s toward. the 1 ' ley
West. •
o, the pioneer 1341s of ltrowe and
111111.11 belongs the (Trait of discover-
ing the pwrssihilitgw of ion- gr••nt na-
li11t.:41 heritage, awl by Ih,•il resit:irk-
11.1e .l)'re4R ups ' R a new 1101• 5.1
1111114• 111 Ihr 1 •-wwker. 01 Ihr
world. There are nu r Iles i0
OOtaa'in ahrn• yon will hens as •h
;deet the 11'4'.( as i•, 111Ili, and
!harm. I spent 111e r• 1.1' .4 1:1141
i•, Quehee, and 14110 of the• things
which struck m1. 44as 11131 11113•).•)','
wns 1 b West ,i lupi' of e,rnc,•11411 i,1111.
T1114 1113'n, of Hine.' Lutz with
ern new,. ne•w.. 'Th,• town .4 1';...-lev
Mil Les Jolly over $3111,)1 n wined)
44 goods ill he eemsomeel in the \Cera
alone. Hence is the titer 1'. 11011 v .1
the %Vest : if colonizes first an I then
trades with the 1',1tnlist.,"
111 ..x-I1•sident of Huron also 4,1,
.10.1. 111 1 11 infrr'ur' that the moil of
the county i• simile like that or p:1,l
of Mcsetl;old, and 1631 'him filmed ill.
boy•i imt into Ilse iv.11J, Ile point. I
41•,1 that thirty years 114,1 it woes Ih.•
e•,'I,A,1 for the voting men of ;limn,
In. awed the is ;liter lin ill., MichiganIn•,IIwr woods. 1(11.1 in the height of
their product it elie•••, TIn•.e 841,11''
visits f lintirad the young n11•rl
wills the up)Mrtnnitit•'• in the N'rste•rn
M1411es 111141 when Ihe Its kolas 111.1
1111'0.w,, ..114.11 these young 1114.1 Were
on hand to lake advantage of i111• 114
'.lot •1"t that 0.n, to foible-. Thai
they reaped 111e• adyaulingl's of *hal
d4'%'el,1b •1"1 i. x11110.11 by many facie
1 1,y this one inning I Item : Thiel
Itt nor t' • in the 41,kutl b,e•gisl*tnrr,
consisting of about forty member!,
four 1,t the menthe's. were 111404es of
Holr)n ' tyy. 1Vilh yi,tng inen
going tint to become 11,' IegislatOFR,
nu•teh3n(44, big f*rm'rr mid hanker•,
of these rapidly dev.'I., ilg prairie
cat lllll ituY', it 14 nut 111 1111 w herd
that ifondue& emulated those flt,t to
14 and tw'nte•flve or thirty sen
•1 n ses
it '441 the' rust for `a •whale
min141tnnily to make an excurshal to
the I,ke,s,t•t town to ••x'111 otT'' the
hand departing for the 11'e44t. When
\Llnit,it,:, was opened the people "f
theme e•ttnntie•s, thrungh their retai-
1 IVI•e,
e11alivrm, 3101' 11,' 111.4* to Ir• apprised of
if, and whit with thllme who mowed
northward ft' I)8ko(1 and those
whit went 11ieect from (lul,,rio, 111,•
pioneer., f,'o,u IIIn•un rend 'trove
11..rn14•d Iha• h'ntuework of the 4.3 07
-M ( learnt of )I,INtnha. - 111
in the Reie'tlon of t1, herd boar we
wl'h to Impress neon the buyer the
Importance are
po of earlsa e•
1 C
NOIL Go to,
the breeder and make personal eels'.
tion If possible. The boar should be
obtained at least two months before
he will be needed. Sele't a vlgerons,
bealthy, well developed pig with elpery
evidence of a good feeder and with the
proper markings of the breed repro.
Mated. Don't bay n boar )41st beenm-e
he has a fine heart glt'th or ,perhaps a
fine Aar, good bone or good hack or
fine hams, but bear In nand that It Is
a r'nmbinntlon of jhe'e good points
shat prodnees the pig we want. -1s. 4.
Henderson Before Iowa Swine Breed-
Canadian Woman Fellow of Mollie.
Din. 1','. ]. Morrow of Pete:b 1.)m, (in-
terim Canada, whir ha. been In London
for the last three months attending the
National College of Mule, has been
micrellIful In pamang the fellow Rhin
examination with distin'thrn. says
M. A. P. in addition. she la a !woreMor
of the Nation:el College --a position her
great abilities will enable her to well
fulfill. it IR rarely that *piety shcceeds
In paining the rellnw•Rhip "elimination,
for the tests are very Revere, but Mrs.
Morrow displayed knowledge and atoll.
Its seldom met with. Her many friends
and admirers In Teterboro' and else-
where In Canada and the Staten have
received the news of her success with
much pleasure, and a hearty teceptlna
*1,111s this lady on her return. Rile
has long held a high tosaltlnn In Ihs
musical wade both In Canada and t1,.
United States, and Is a Gold Medalist
The very melon's . t n form one..
tine retains its le -inures. -Euripides.
ingham Bisintss
In 111'61 O.I 111.1111 -1 i4111
N. . ae.111ra,
1 f.4. 111•.
L.G.t, as le 3.1.01. oiondarl
A:for 1 /slowl.•
1,141.118 L1, -ire.. pro' ice
U4iy' lowaol h,gg,,n
a1etr1631a1 :4nd1.,.-wed i1"R
1,1t•r•.aYI w ar.,14a
t• .t.1 „mw•.4.0.n
toiler 304 tittle
-. euulcnr. 1,14.003 4 poly
Sty moot h, 4 4,• t r4efi :•ts-
C Mauler. iter .04.11 •100111111110' •
Urnaftl.•„tal p•nnanebllr
L •.1111 Ielegrado
1.n•'rel is ••
x1'.11. -pt 1... 1,14,4 •
(1.101)1 •11 . -.,•+ v.. .11
14,t,.'"', 11%,
GEO. SPOTTON, - Priecipal.
1 h: I.;t lint; Cimmerci .1 '.ch 1: 1
11.4.lw.t 1'wtlr'
a001 1 ',
rh•, in one ie
1.'.1.. Volt rail .414.14 Judge a 11/// /1 111
1141. a'1.141..11 logo If secrete, '1'1,1. 1.14,,
.1,' Ye,1'1hed n1044'01100. frau, )Ire., in
•i1. Lay.• Noreen. 114 4.1100 rill 11101 Lu
tion• 00110 :Mil '-11 ie. of 1''.1:4.1,0 ba•I.NI
111V o-k44lea4., 44,1-1:. no floe 11'0.1 ,old
4•l,wn: I'. 1:. L ,n, 1111• FAA.
aur resonation .n.'•,,. n,la•h for 44.1r
gnat n:ur.. 1Yrilr for our eo141c4rwr,
Slate- Term 1►pet. J y 2nd.
litre ••r ewer el Ibe 144.043)4.age by Ill,
1)111 of the I:1 -t ". , .4.u. 1, •.
Mire, *r bac.• 1111„1 fifteen of Ihr pug.
lions. 44r had no one 1•I.1' trally In
vend. 11•e- h'..'(• adv, had t1._ "nil• for
b3.iue.. rape a Ie•neber.. 101 es..t,M
eat. of 01 her 1111.111.,0 4.11110K04 or .11011 •
bond aloe enrolled here dthing
1 be 141,4 t we. year.. 'We beheve we have
the best Commercial School in Canada,
111nrnughly "*1114 0nr .I1010109.
Write tal:a for I:at,h•Kar,
W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal.
I' or. Yong' rind Alexander Sts,
10wr err no edneatlon 41:4 'i11 Ilett
I and ••. 1
1 u •A'll oil I tar the pato
Herd dottier, of lift i• offered by tit,.
,1'1111.1. I oilier 1 'w nnt11Hg19nenf. '1111
41 01110. ,1 1.l uipmrnt 1.0.1 nue
laded v'hool i, the newr.t and nor of
44ritr for e;tsloelir d fire bndg.•1
M ' • Ila+ins. • Writing.
British American
Business College
1', DI. / A. I'nnl'lin4gQ'. now, nod
Mel 1111M... 1011411.,
T, M. WATSON, Principal
I 11r.
Berlin Business College
M. 1. ELLER, • Principal.
W. Acheson & Son
We will move this weak a magnificent lot of over $OO
)ares 0) )(Dort. ends ''t' d'drl►et. Brussels,►estry and Wo p1
ends of front :1 4'. 2,0 yards all I leis seasons bast sellers. Re‘'.
lllar 50c to $1.25, to clear at per yard from 30c to 75c.
Eider Flannels
,l inch F:W..• Fowl, rant, dot In Cardinal, Pink, prey, Sky,
White. Beautiful , ml.ty mid suitable for Barques or Dressing (+yl
1 iliWIIr hat per yard•
Dress Goodsect'
S al
1'. pieces of 511 inches wide Drees Merges, Rel. Given. Black. Brown
ala) holey Meote'h Tweeds, all pure walls _goods and suitable for
('oats, Hui s Or I)rsees, Regular 75C and IMOD qualities marked
for sails at iier yard ., . •PisIC
44* dozen pairs ribbed English ('a-.hou'r4'14).l', sizes 11 tlly{ Ilea vv
pure ('embitter• yarn and ells.' i', we:
'pwcial per pair ....
u r, •0411'1, Ill 4117444, 25c
Ladies' and Misses' Coats
Clearing prices 1111 1.•nn.iu,l.•r of out' s1.a•k of ('loth and 'Tweed
11 'oats nud J*ekrts, a 111111111441. of vl•ry band., • and high ch%.-
garmenls at surprising prices.
21. (4071'), F'r•H'h 1.1hlnn.•1 I114111'e. 111. N':lists, were Slim to 75c
IIC• 75 now
Scotch Linoleums
14 1,r I yards 4% 11 •, .1 Targe choke, itt tier square\jade
411 • *nil C
should n• ' 1 4.!1n that Ilse held 1 • le) cont
owner taking e• •I Wog is at the Iwgilfiing.
licit •r take * bottle al the i.1)nimene'mrnt. We
guarantee it .o,.I '1 '-1.,,..! the 113a,1•y 14, anyone
141,1 x01 isl(wi.
25c. u Bottle.
41'4'1'EMMu1t TO W. 1'. 00011.:,
%kwrWO 1 •
arc more papular to=day than ever before.
The manufacturers advanced the wholesale
price of Iron Leds 5 per cent. on November first,
1 was fortunate to have a large order placed be-
fore the rise in price, and wall puss them onto
you at the old prices whale they last. .
The finest collection to choose from 1 have ever
shown. No less than 18 distinct patterns and they
ranee in price from $3 011 to $47.00. . •
Be sure to see this fine collection of beds at the
old prices ll
No trouble to show good;.
It.•.idiot's% our.
\el.,,n .I. HMI
nmbrl anA-
'1'1tm,.• IIs
H. B. Beckett ph89one
Undertaker and Embalmer
N1(i(11' OR M('Ni)AC 4'A I, 1,4 A It E 11) i'Nl E
I Black Melto! Overcoats i
Made to Order $ ] 5
I This is the biggest snap for a real good over-
coat offered to theeo le of Goderich for a lot,
time. You talk about the advanced price of wool-
ens and wages -one would never believe it when
such values as these are offered. Black Meltons
are the most fashionable and hest wearing goods
Iyou can buy. Excuse our saying so, but we think
you very foolish if you do not investigate the offer
we are making it's a good one. The goods are
good, the trimmings are good, the work is good,
anti it's all good, except the price.
Our sales of this cloth have been large and
arc bound to be larger, because the value is there.
Black Melton Overcoat to order $15.00.
Walter C. Pridham
The proper *Cr to buy Men's Clothing nal Ptrshkbga.