The Signal, 1906-11-1, Page 44 Ti0ISD•Y, Nop ber let 1906
BY fANN!, M IAil HROP '`
Otte tames; l'4,., Now Ywd
The Salvation Ariny's American Leader.
The Salvation Army. nue of the m.,t remark:,L1e religious movements in the
world, is a great organized body going cut nit. the highway. and byways of bar
ruanity. !t seeL.. to bring •the church twins, people rather than merely to urge
the people to the church. It ha, mad.. rrhgtou a•yarn'. inspinne reality to thou-
sands; it has been practical, for it tow carried the .114 11m word t.. the poor. the .to-
ning, the sorrowing and the suffering, and with it 11,.. ear) .'tc11Jed the hand of
Meilen helpfulness, ,love and brotherhood. ' Its method.; nerd 4,u vlutheatiou;
the trahaformed lives due to its inductee. e. me iia living teueluUleuta.
Th• new leader of the Army in the 1'Itit,sl sitatee is a young woman. Pre Rooth,
the daughter of the venerable 1;.•n.•ral Keith_ of the organization. Tull,
slender. en.'rge•Iie. alert, with a sweet,'ul.11..w. far-reaching 4.i..•• .Iy strikingly
rew•nddes, her father, and went to Aal.•ri a afti•r her triumph:.d cru4visle in Canada
with tie reput341.114 of being our of tie beet W,'44,•44 erases, in the ye,oW. She. has a
strength. sine,nty and spiritual fervor that carry her audiences with her and sweep
them on 55'44%,•. of retigiuwl fervor to higher spirituality.
1e a chit 1. with her sweet fuer hid her- little jingling tambourine, She ven-
tured into the .hums, of I)arkest London :lid faced without n trenn.r. degradation
she eou'd not understand; but which the sunsbiue of the love -h.• radiate.' was at
last to pone•trate aril soften. For a time she -yeas rungs•Il..I to go disguised 4•u :1
Hower -girl. but after mattering terelrn:iI tiolrnr.• mere fluty a hundred times and
bravely Trading her people where the (44 die, melt 4.adur,l and sere allays u.•1dwl,
she finally, trinmph•J. and (',lay the nallle of Eva li.s,tli it held its reverence in
even the -worst s.etone of ',undue.
Through her pertw,nal- influence 0beoxioa4 laws regarding public religious
meetings in the 44trw•t4 of Englund have (wen repealed, and under her leadership
the Army in England relined the h'n•r of 'street limbs lils atnd ta11qui$hed their op
pxention. $h.• went to Cornwall. and talked to workers in the tin nriu*s; undaunted
she went into the nuns n),.l-r the 4.,a; wit1 the surf roaring ove•rhad.'to visit the
nick and dying; She 1'ar0.11 her ni's-age' to 1'(0• %'.:kers 11(th.• 1tidl'vi.hs. and brewed
her way tfirough all ditlirult.- to tight the battle ..f temper: lee and letter living.
She has held practically ,ycry rank in the Army. lull in Canada, where she was in
command, often traveled brav,•h'• through the pr.tin(es on snowshoes. preaching
to morn in the lumber emigre.' To -.lay she Is the. ruler of mune. 4 IMM) pard officers
and more than 125.IMMI of an organized burr,• that ministers day and uight,.unceas-
ingly, to the temporal and spiritual needs of three million people..
ee,aes,q w see .l Ir.. 1 .. , .,.s4. .1 t•.W,-le, ll) 44. yes. IPA by W. C. Mit, 4e IM Il 44.. ., a of •erkWture
M e Requests for Sewer. Extens.ons
d Electric Light Connection
Ca 't Find Place for Road to Saw-
mill $21,180.78 of 1906 Taxes
Paid ater and Light Commis-
sion Ihap rov.ment of Electric
System '
The re•gui
council w4. h
:4,.t with all the culler.
%VIIIi:WI Aldous, extfn
land cenl4.tety, wt.ytte,agai
- termer to an increase tet
his letter was referred to
e'llWiitt,t her report.
'4144414414 ' 1
at h from A.
Donald and l'li1illwth Elliott
for sewer r •etiou on St. Ila
street. 'This was referred to the 1144
lie works c4,!►ruitte. to report.
1). Millar wrote asking for electric
light 14,lneetion to his reeiden(e un
Nelson .trent. 'I9tt• engineer re-
ported the cost of .wiring to the
homer would Ie about $sats^ het said :1
t•emporiu,s wire could lie arranged a
little curet, and the matter Was Irfl in
him hand44.
Mr. Campbell reported $21.1tNe.;t101
or -
g 4,l the towel
''Ida)- evening
I the '111141.
with :ref
4•y :and
1MMM1 taxes already colleetel and pa
over to the treasurer, This woe ..1
tinkled a very good showing.
.1. Salida, chief of police, wrote Ask-
ing for overcoat for 1 ' self end See.,
grant. Murphy. This 4.roiight up the
question of the return'(the coals the
former policy had. The town had
asked for their return but the coat.
had not leen Sent in yet. The matter
was lett with the special 141111111d lee ll)
attend to.
Engineer Kelly was aathorrized to
11 1 1• X
ret Its smell r r(• r
I tri light .• • •9
p ght w 111,..
service wile, et'., 4(44 Were ne'elll•11.
A respired from B. C. Al gm lot•
electric light c'nneet' for hie 11'11.•
1141 Brock street W1414 granted.
A request pet• .ewer coInretiou
from Mrs. L. Elliott on 4I, 1)445141'11
*creel 'tartrd :4 (1is•ul,.inn 'n the
question of what plan 441 ,41141111 411.)1
reference to newer extensions Ill the
future. The council agreed that
line plan should le adopted, and that
the town should 1e Neely l' pmt in ex-
tensions el the Sanitary sewer eyeteeth
on whateverpin w,4s:ulnpted, wher-
ever asked f'1'•. M111111. of the c'n14111
thought that the local imprl%rment
Tplan wns the only proper method.
he original inst,llat ism of ' he syslrm
Of 1.4,ulwr. wn. 111ade 441 the 4.x11.•44.,' 'f
the loan. The cxtel'jnn on ;Miert
street was med.- on the local impr4,a.
'tient (1en, the prn(erty• neer. jeey
in the whole rant, with the a •e ,
R t
of x44 Mllow:4,u,• 444141', by Ne to r
� Ilrnl.
catch'hasius. etc.. While on•nr Iwo
ex1enahons have .j44.1 ree,•nt(4 been
authorized et the expense.
'f 1'h.• 1'55 11.
Mrs. Ellintfg returst was referrer to
the public works c0nnuitlee, 404th in-
structions Or make n nor 'relation
am to a pian 4,l' net' for the future.
A tel wits received from G. T. B.
Master Mechanic Kennedy in :n.wer
to the 441wn'S letter with reference 111
the building of ,1 water tank here.
Mr. Kennedy said the department, had
(leen to busy I11 get round In 1111.
'Work here yet 1111( w'(1IiI d' s4,
shortly. The intruttiter of the town'.
Inter was that, there sh'a'd 1,4 no MI..
undetetattding as to the rate the 41. T.
R. were to pay for the water tiny 11
erred. 11
A letter from W. T. Brownlee, 4411- h
erintendent of runslruetion for the 11, h
T. R., to whom the town ..leek had w•
written with reference to securing it el.
mad to the Lumber C.o.'s mill, staled
that he would be pletaaed to meet rep.
rineentatives of the town ear long and
see what could he done. A verbal r• -
port from the eheirmsn of the cont•
mittee of the council to whont the
question of a roadway to the mill had
(leen referred was to the effect that
be did not see where a mad could he
.4 lequeet.1seeni the lamilm•r ('u. for
p:u•fi:d exempt ii frhw laxation,
owing 1.. the mill not tiering ieen
, running for testi of the .ees11n, was
't11ri{wl :nil e'I,'i(1•1 I., the Ilrmme
otnlnitle,• Thi. is the year the
;1 0lIIpanc h 1. leen liable for .tile tax
but srho,,t 1'.u.
An :0•e4a1111 4,f'
tit:dl.!la fur damage
.11%1,1111141 to 1111. 104114 e•11•et4) light
41 In1 11'1.'..11 1111. foot of il:i•Isa•
hill'0 ilIg to some of the cables
halving to 1111•, railway emit Panel'
0,14111 l,% ing 199911 dragged over the
wile.. had been sent to 1(44• Guelph k
il'derich R44ile•ay Co., and 414:41lswrr
%vas recl•ivel, ierrnaiuK the town p'
i Ihr 4•'n factor. 1111 111.)1 ion of Mrssr..
Iilairand Mallon e. the clerk was in-
.t•tlrtel-1' send a ropy lir the railway
.9.11119111V'. leper to Al. A. )'igott R
1'0 4. asking for settlement of the :1i'
vomit. ann. if it was 114.1 paid at olive,
1' sur I 111• 111111 1,111-101. and railway
rural Illy.
An :n . ount for a pattern for man-
hole 1'51.41- t4:4 ot timed 111tid. Thr Idea
ie to hoar 111.•... 'icor. 4411.1•'mile.
111111 It
ties•• ns caul be dun.• ata (reac-
t ion ..1 I lie . ,.,1 0( ..'(ting then• 1111111
'111,1.11•.:1. 411 li'r.4111.
Thier 441 Puler .1. ri:uuls wr'te ask-
roll.i41,l'nli..I1 of the fail that he
n•rn enyfag«)1 y',(5 Ow, 611111,'
eine in the inepeetioll of the
idew,dk•.' ,1114.4.,. hi. 1•egldnr
11m14•., • 31e'-.1•. Bblir and 14'141-
1lnrp••411.' 1111at he 19..14(s, }Kill Fix -
1... 11,.• III. '11 55:1. 1110,.,,1 Wil 1111111
'1111-11100. 111," getie•r 1'I fowling !wing
11,,t t 11.• w•urk'r invert' had nrvrr
1„•n anrlr Mori. 11,nt'
The 11111,11,. w'rk- 144 1144,.' t•1 rr,ube
mended that \'i.•teriii street le graded
441 '11'.•:.111411 ,file be mitered at 'ole«
1'nr 11'44, lino .turf vnr•fn•, drain
lh:ll 1.1ie order-. new it flit. lily fnr 1he
.'Mirka ':1 Mill Candela dela road •a•wl•r9
lie 19 Mitt n'•'I. The report Wits
4)11 ND.. I•:Ilinit'.1 ism it wile de-
seil19l 1.1 .1.k the St:11 d:ll,l Loan
fu1 a -statement 1f th0• 1111,111'4. 4,11
po.l1 1he•1,•. with 90.1 Ail. .'l-dep4sil.
ole( 1.1tnu•I t,.
I 1 i0 I h, beginning of
111. 11.,1".
.\ ,..ipl• of matt •r• nentironel
»flet the tn.,'itlg ndj' nmod were ,t he
ptep.1l.It,l11 Of a bylaw creating n
i Ater mei light Kon 41,1..1. m to be
voted on in January, and the• question
'f what '''IH'nss %vin d be neee.s4ry
to put the •14,tti,• light system in
proper ...edit 1 1' 1/11111.1.S1 31111
1heengin:a %%111 teperi'Ottthe ter
2Urich Expects C. N. R. Connection,
Th, Zurich Herold says-: Zurich is
.4114 W.ith'nt its Imng-Iluked for rail-
way, bol it ,'some 5,44 likely that .It
tin akin!), time 1111' tem ,If the lliee-
111ot i%e will he b.•: 1.1 here. A branch
mf 1 hr 1', 1'. It, is 45(1.11 551• 55:4111 and
ae feel eel tare Mit it line emmecling
eft. %%eye mid (.'wlerich will Iwo Lunt
m n I',•1'%• 'ware. 11 :1 1 '. 1'. It. line
eonneel'Ing 'o� N 1u 1.11,•k and Mt. Al:ty'.
I. lejng 1'11st t'nct„i• amt a further "x•
leneio44 from 11'olwlslek to 144114)4 (1,141
will he heilt al "nee. It is luuJly
possible (11.11 the 1', P. 1t. conte•uli-
plaler t.m'rving the freight, ,14•., by
ave\• of (:rlrlpI and Toronto 1' enmity
ti,• ' Iltinlrle . '1 \\'e•.te•t-tl (llltill•Ilr,
mill it is nlsm known th,lt Ih, C. P. It.
intend. . piing with t1,' ti. T. 1t.
for the trade of (he (opulnll. portion
of 4Ilia Poo Mee. Therefor' it ie alto-
gether likely that Iiemlet-1,1h which i,
line• 41 the l4.t II1Irllilr. on Ill, Cana
Jinn side of Lake Iluenn. will le e'n-
n„te,l wish either St. Miley). or leen-
don, king n .1114.1 1.11114. t' the
nla11ufeettmtlg of %Vestern
Mario. 1'hr Jin, to Mt. Mary. i.4• the
re. 1 likely 1' be built and if an
1144..1 ,mid enitrl effort I, put 1'rth
y our sitir.:4). we feel ,retain that it
ill c nem' ,4 a5. Leet tae he rip and
Proved After Fifty Years.
The test of time. hits proved that
Mitt/Hill's Corn Extl'actor fete,
(nicker, With lees di fort and
more thoroughly. than Hnything elev.
Contains if' acids• 1* purely vegetahle
and sbeolut.l'Iy guaranteed. Insist on
"Putnamis" only -it's the lest.
THI4 SIGNAL! (:1J1)P;IIt('11 t IN'1'A
Canadian Author YV[abee to Secure In-
formation Regarding His.
11. 1. Strang, 11. A.:'h,iN. nanded us
the following letere•w)iich 111' received
foal* !fey. 1\'inkier %V ye eeinl .x441 St,
l ;41 h.4,-uws : t •
1I. L :llhatinee, (leis, 1111.4 24, I'•MMt.
H. I. Strang, Kay. •
Ile:.tA KIH, I have •:1 strong
feeling of s'e•.pect eit11'a good deal Y•'
.141 :1144,11 t,er elite hate '1'1 a. Ale-
tbieen, editor ,11 'the Sigteal, and 1
wish %inn ,mild 1,•11 111•something
nl,,ut 111,11 and ahem he 11 11 irlg., 441'•
11111 1110 441 (11111'11 111 .14,I,a111. N 110
1'11111. 11.' was 11 111.111. 1 -.Mudd judge,
who 445 'iId 11111/.1. 11111117 1.111.11/11,, ,11111
4/ le. would hate:.' good -many devoted
.411,1 11,111.4'fti ,.1'.: Auld 1 w:u,t ll)
rot14,1,1 touch with holm* of the 144111•,-.
I I! W.I.h) 1 11.411 :, rept 01 '111e of 111.
i,.i,•. 11 • •4e.1„e0, 141 1 ,'1ti,,t 111111
ails such, and .nn Caliiegie libt,uy'
lee.. ha. lea lame :t :111 of Ai. -
.144• 111e a , t 1. 110 540'1..411
\ra.444 0111 411 I, 1 wvtlder 11 lie wire:iy
1.11111111 14141 1110 Johnnie Mcl lore,
Ito 11.' doh iiiiie "
114. 11.+1 1, 1/11111144 pm Wrilt• s, •.
Ming in M.•.. .-,'i,. I l4/nrlller 1111'
last lin, lit vac /libel»' .4,1 1114 (11111
.•.1111.1 unauy years ago. now 1m stir
1I4•ouel, my 1.1o„1 -: "\\'ill (1.1144,1)'
write H leo song's .for (',u, -,da :•
1 aim. Your, very truly.
\Y1l1.1-%41 \\'v F;Ms111'11.
Mr. Strang desires that Ill. leiter
b" publi.hrJ .0
that ally of the pr.•.-
enl reader.. of Thr Migmll who 411•1y
14144'.'. 1'.'4, act(gaigce•11 with the 1a1-
enled eleepi.•,•u, or who tiiily have ins
1''111111 ion 111 Kuril',ul 1'eg:e1/I-
i11s(Item lune 111:i'etht•un.•Itr.i01•.au•
Illlllll.441 ion 45)4)) the 45111.•). 11.'5,
\%'illi:ill \1'c.• Mutil1. i • :4,l .17.1 4111•-
11311,1 111141 .141 .Author „I .. ' 11111,',
hating plo'well M tu11)1ue 11111„clow
1111(1 4.111',•), Ihr '" I'r.talllrlll 111 Braid
Sent.." 111• has .1 • .1'31110111e work
ill 111,•-(1'tlrlg reel/111N 4,l ...illy 1',,11:1•
111:111 ll)-loly'in various (1111,-. auel 1lie
'eller 441114,' published iu.le,(le• I�
he .'heli -b••• t b•• 14 4(04)1V 4111) of hr•111
ins; t•, Ija 1111 111. tin! wvrk.ofTh'a,.l-
Al.Aineett in !twit' pnpm•r 111Hc.• 111
I',i111di:n1 hist", )'. lYe heist 111:11
•'nh•• of out reale.'., will ler able to ae-
lir. Smith ill his Jr.ign.
O? -nine of G. & G. Railway Postponed
a Fortnight.
tiro Iph, Ucf. _ 4. (1n S:lturday. I'I,•
Sid./1t 1.•440419 1/1 the (ii.lph \ 4,.•41e-
ric11 Ilath%..s I'I,.idclit Win. 11.11 m1'
11,, I:!tellpb .1 'melba' I.. tush En.
r;inr, 1 1',•trrvai 141'41 Ontario Faeirlit
Ag,•nt Gelling, el the C. 1'. 11.. nla.k.
:1 11111 of i e.peelion 1,44.1. Ihr 44.',) 1.111•
wan I1 .nn (&...''1111 to NIi(ver11111. fh,•y
elt 1'J'' . 115 441.4,1 11 I;cl„•k, ill .U1,
iced..,, .1 , s(e1 ial 4•:n',
'1'114• t, (/vela) inn 1,14,1 leen Ihaf I lm•
Zine %timid Ie ready for it regular (.4411•
eelger .+'r% ice :IS far west 14s JIih-rrion
by lint nomX,, alld the ohjeet of Ihr
ins(944'1 ion was chiefly to with. Ibis
(oiut. 1A•y011d Linwlmsl (b, I1-ack i.
1104 Il:llll.te1111•nprl•It• HMI not
g!w,l shaj,l' .1+ 1Ile 4I);lIl I)4•»ul,nt w:int.
It to IN. s1' hen opened 4..11,,. of the
steU�t,s .lie• -tilt nnfinisle.1. For (11,.
Kelson Mr. Ie•ou.std deride' 1.4•
(.!oue "lir opening until, the 1.511, of
Note4tel. '
'I'h.• tails our now »'welt Iwelt.
biles tel 1 44 il'rl•ton, and I he w of 14
f ..illaSt Mg is folio%inglip as 1..1.01
I. eller of Condolence.
'I'h.• I...11.1%41g better 'f 'orl41ulrm e
ha. been sent by 4'01111 (1''•1,'11, Nn.
:r_•; U. 1'.. to A1,.. 1;'b,,, I�I,Ir.I11 :
I :, t ALU 1st M. 11.•, the officers
411,1 lurinla•r. 4,l 1'nllli. (boleti:'ll, No,
:111 1'. 11. F.. 41,.u•r toext01'a. our
heal.yMita lII) with you ,1'l flim
1'141)1• 114 7.,1110 4.111 iel•rayelnelt in the
lm., of your dear husband. \\-r are
m,4, nl um fifal slt.lugers to terravl'-
Ittw'I, and flu• unvu'13 of Lind word.
..p.lken in 4441 time of nerd ie very
t,gr:ult .1i11, ,nisi awakens the hope
111,44 tin. ,,,,eine:. e .d 44.41'1144 by 44.:44
.eery.• to lighten your burden by the
I11.11 j1 i. -hared at lea.1 in
sone' %Iigte.• by , 1111.1-.. 11 is Illy
eat ,1,••t ssi.h of Ilii - riling that Ih•
Iticui• flub I' WInt ha, .ren 111 In take
mor 1,1.• I,,.ther f1 you ma} ex-
tend 10 you all that grave and cum -
1.t that 50.1 nee,' in this 1 ' of
111,1, and we pray that you trill le.
united in the he,n',•nly vourte ,Hove,
whore there .111111 b•• no mere parting
.tn.l where (loll 55111 wile away ,411
Irmo !teen y.Hll• 4') 4•s. A.sur'ng y.111
of mus deepest .empathy, we 4l-nn/in,
»see,, In I.•half of 1' t li0,lrrirb.
:12, 1'. O. F.
INiggled 1 T114IM.4 Hu s, 4'. R.
\1'n,IltM Ai4L'uF:.%Tn. 11, 4,
Appeal Dismissed.
The 4444.• 4,l' 4'0ul,•11 V. 1'1111111'11,
5.11,1.11 4544. I l i,' here, 1:4111.' up
Gwent It ,Ir ().glH..le' 11,11 on appeal.
I'. 4; .1 low •.Ili.,lrrichl, for defendant..
a lu'ller.r plaint (1', ''('waled from
h, r/Ana l of the local Irl:listerlit 41.4le-
rich. trowel the ',umbers were not
paella, in a certain' brickyard 1444
nllcycJ by defendant. 1. I. ,'Iliac'
itioderielu. for plailtilf. cont.'. Ap-
peal di.mi.neJ and ,jn,lgnn'nt 'for the
pininlilr for $III, and ('omit)' ('duet
viols fn plaint 111 down) to 911,1 inrhld-
ing j4.IKnlent, and with right. In de-
fend:ill t' mel o1T 111. romlm down to
,judgment on the• High 1''nrt wale.
1'lli iI11! to 11444.,' three -quartet. of the
1.11.1- nl 1'efeti•rlrr. (rusts 1'f°culla•:11
1111,41 be paid by defendant 1111 the
High l''1111 .rate and of Ihr motion
for jndgmeni 411 the Comity ('curt
A Nome 1) teas
The Illnstl•:111'9 .4),'540. n tmrl'i, artis-
t!.• and In,yp,nslte notion for eos.•rinc
au 'melc1111y wail, The tapper part of
the w all should Hest bg ?tripped of Ica
existing 'covering, carefully cleaned
and whltewnehel or (11,0emprrel.
.About four feet from the door make a
malt dello M brow 11 paper. At the hose
lay linnets of A llglrt paper, and noon
thein 'nate trent designs cut from nod
aroma ref wall paler. 'rhe whole effect
%%hen tlnlshed I* Rotel and artistic• and,
the covering being effected In a ma
terial that can be obtained for so ltttle,
an economical scheme Is the result.
Record Grain Cargo.
Fort %Villi:tau, Oct. 21. The, Knew
Klee' este:uuvr 1Viltia11l Seeder d,•.
pwrl+d f' Fort \11111,41,, tonight
554111 :104,414) bushel• of wheel', the
1.0 -gest 4141)4.4 of giant 4•vri• (•1,,•Kiwi
,1.10..4 the Nese The rilyder, in ('411-
4141ian waters for the Hest time, is J:gl
feet Joug, ham .Ii -fuel heal,,, end her
elisplll•1•Illi•Ilt is 11,4411 tolls. The yes -
set will lake upon the trip 414 •11
trail) ae 444•414..', by rail at berth hurl
13'illi,nn and Port .Arthur ite 21 1
awl as mach 101 could be ru'ried
le•! •1'ng trains of ate ears each. The
rnyg11 i. 5501(11 141.1,• 11,111 :t yluu•(t'I of
it arid for t4•:il.11orti1rie i1. Ilie
veseel•11w tea's w'in receive $1),:11 NI. The
mtrnWrl• 4511. w.1uq)Il'Ir,( :tb11111 11 1111/111 h
aglt at tile• 11rl suit Engineering
The Record for Loading.
Port William. Uel. :.711 - The
,t,'a11lrr \\'. hl, AI•uthews and Ih,•
Empire Elevator 1'omp,u,y hold the
loading Perot'.) at the head of the
C. I,:n, lakes.. 'flli, morning the
Matthew's '1/,41'55' for the Northern
Elevator Co.. from Ilie Isul lire eleva-
tor, at Fidel \\'illi.n t. 2I' 0,4 111 bushels
or No. 1 northern N1m14 in two
t'hr• break. all 1/1.1•1' i. record.,
New Gram Carrier.
Tolvn,lu, flet., :in. The near grill)
mtrmurr F:douuluu, 551111'11 5544+ 1111111
101..1. ik J.'1'. A1atIhe'w. lit 111tbhutl-
en=Tyne, and Kiran' rr'41 11411, Ku,g-
I.hd, eighteeJn 11144 ::I::4,, rearht'.1 the
11arlsir 34.5I4.1-4)(%. 'I'IIe F:Juo4unn
was launched on .\1104.1 22 last. site
is ill;,huge•'( l'a1.1.4111 11. Maitland.
'I he Kehb11nlou's length 41.v4•i• Mn i.
Silt feel, with beats of 12.11, and depth
23 feel. she veal, beilf with wale-,
i,ilt and 1 We (,1111111.1,• steel (leek.
Thee.. all. six hatch,. to 4.414'11 .I.•• k.
Iwo extra lung for handling bulky
package freight, operated' 1, two
11111441 1.114(1*". with titre,. li%•44-1414
Wheel,., 111111 two twieten quick -acting
reset% ng eleck 1•I:ole•.. At a 1•,111:11
draft of t I feet, the .trainer will 11111•y
12.111141 bushels of wb,•.it, :old on the
11p(,•r lake•. tat full 111.111 her r:Ipal it y
will I.• ,II„111' 1111.11141,, The
E111nent'll i. ,•4 ramie 1' K. , t \\'illiuu,
for her -first ' II'g,,.t :0ai11.
Accident to Steamship Manitou.
411'14441 filter, tit„ Get, 27. The
steamer 31:411ittom of I h, Inked States
1)u,,..ui0u 'llal. iliWh in. l'0.,
w11il•t ',u 111.1. passa'g'e foul Blind
1114 et to l'Iw'kli m'n 1-1 nil, j11 backing
nut o1 4In' Government hniior 041
C1'rd41„d.1y 4fterl)l..ui broke bee Ilia --
der, :cod was 1,411 .4 .'Award )w4,
mild.. Owing to the likes -',c• it
5514. found Inl(o9oblr 4 -l' -o ' •.Ile
will the .Lure. and I lie ',.•.srl 111111 to
anchor '1 Thin -.1..4 afteru0011,
when tfle .t ig Alii.• \loiter 'f th.-
Faddy (' petty 14111• to her overlie
and towed her hack t' Riled Hirer,
whrr.• her, pa1s.e•nge1. w.• .• 1441111.1.
The• 31:usitou left 'n 1",1,1 4. Ill' the
Me,,, III iii m (IIs hiss 01 IIrI
rudJrr one of the lifeloals 5544. stove
Tb. Rev. irl R. Hicks 1907 Almanac,
'1'11,• Rey. Ili R. Ion k. 1,.,- leen ruw-
(irllell by the lamina' .h•uuunl to (t•
omit- the public:it1, ''i his w,ll-
knownand familial Alio mar for I'll:.
This splendid Aim.ise 1. now" Ie..Jt.
F,n• Slle h\• 110•w'SIleal ds. 14• ,.oil ossa
11:/111 f."' _:t ("Ras, h) \1'1/'41 :4,,d \1 of k-
Pnbli.hing 1' p:i,y, X11 I whet
street. 44. f iuim, Alo., publi.l0••1 'f
\\'oi d and \\'talk., one of Ihr 144•., J, d
1 01 Innntlth' iotiga%iii,. its :1,,,.•1 ,.
Gee :inulnie p'4..with e% .•1'y
script inns
A Hard, Case Overcome.
No longer ttl'eessary 1'0. - 4, c,,,
sink!. 4 h-f'11n111tsm. 1.:‘ et %
eau be• rm,•.1. Ne•lrn1un. i• ..nt:olinr.
as moved by lei%id .loin 1. 0, of it,
tuned. Old. "Ny wit• )):)• 11 .Ir':sJ
fill .offerer." he writ...-. "1•'"4• t,, o
ye•nr, she 4'0u1d .,:,,crit .1.,.1114 ,), l 4,.
tier k •kle'. :41441 joint. ,45,•111.1. nl.
ingtortute. 'Go get of. se .1..4% 11 -t.l
N .19
99 1
1111 a 1 1 ♦ 1 •
took She nn I...% ,4411
1111X of Fel•ru-'n.• 111111 104)1.•9 t lie .,.I.•
'Mires with Nersiline•. Inuit it%intent
.1/.111 ell and she 111.•11411,1 fast. 'es l v-
ishr is quite cure,' and %ye 4h-lul. 1..v-
1lzere- for her .0e•en44.1•4..'' N., reine.l,
111.11,• popular .with 'ha'u'l+. than F'.n_
rlr,,'lie ; it dies 411*', ale lel bmx at all
Wart al For Yuen, and Pretty
VC oven,
A famous I•'rench mon dresernnke•r,
one of those wouderful !remora gee who
decide the styles for the cowing seta
"alar, hos thls to say abort the w•im,r
"Young women and all beautiful w.,
men well wear the short sleeves. The
long sleeve will be left to thusw womee
whose pbysleil pecnllarities are snob
that It Ir )tut bre
oming or to elderly
women who. cannot stand the weather.
But all young women who aim :It
smartness will wear the elbow shove,
whiff will be much puffed et the shoul-
"We' are making our very new
sleeves puffed lit the shoulder In ex-
ce141Ifgly large pugs which extend el
most to the elbow. They are trimmed
at the elbow with lace In the form of
two on three nuttiest,
"There are long sleeves, but thes.,
'are of veru thin material rind are
crumpled from the elbow to tlle,wrlst.
Tbey are very full, and they are nulah-
ed at the wrist with a very little Jew -
sled trimming.
is the deadliest and most
painful malady to which
mankind is subject. Dodd's
Kidney Pills will cure any
case of Bright's Diseaae.
They have never failed in
one single cane. They are
the only remedy that ever
has cured it, and they are
the only remedy that can.
There are inutatiun, of
D.dd's. Kidney Pills -pill
hox and name -but imita-
tions are dangerous. The
original and only genuine
cure. for Bright's Disease is
Dedd', Kidney Pills are
fifty cents a box at all II
More Cheap Goods
After our big two days sale there is a lot of odd ends and articles
that must be cleared out at once, as they are only in our way, just left
overs, after the last two bargain days.
Ernie of 1►re.. Goods. end., of ('elating*, ends Of Waisting.. enough in each to ,,lake one Waist, elide
of ')'wee,' Seiting., ends 4,r PlemjeIrttene ends of 1Vrap(H'rett44, elide of Shillings, ends of factory
(1111 4a. of Men's, ladies', Huyshrnd (ilei* ler-Alirls and drawers, in nearly every rise there is ,,lade,
to ele
jui11'st, a few „r ally .4444.•, 1(1'. 4,t :44 4,r (NI altogether, all (all and winter weights, and all at reducer' prices
Stockings l
.11,HIt 1110 pail's Ilf od,I 4,wkings, in w.11 141141 ('asl •1'1•, s,4rm 4.1, 5, 5), 0, 64, 7, 74, ll, di, 9, 91, inches,
.pule mires only 2 4,r :t pairs. They 144•• to g4, at li very low figure.
All the above are un sale now.
Our prieem 44honld elenr t he whole I 'h i,1 one or two days.
Th.. very newest makes in routs, leaf% colored and black, tailor !mute, made (l f11 and made to wear,
f ,00l cloth, and you will Hud our pricer low for what We 1414' offering.
Corner Hamilton Street and Square (JODERICH,
better f o r
you -noth-
ing more
than a
meal of
Mooney's Perfection
Cream Sodas
Mooney's Biscuits are an evenly
balanced, wholesome, nourishing
food, equally good for young and
old. Made from Canada's finest
wheat flour. Kish cream and pure
butter • BakcJ by the Mooney
baker in the Mooney way
Moonc-,'s 'to your grocer.
5 per cent.
11:1. !wen declared 1)11 ;all
'tilt 1'14 41111i Ranges tl'0111
this date forward, hot
that splendid ran.('': 1144,
t. NE. ti
\1' I l I('h is ,'-',Intl :ill t('('1I 111
I•\ cry respect still re-
mains at the old price:
Jost think • of it in these
till'''s (ft' 'high ilrices a
lirst-(•lass six h1114' range
for 129.00. •
A full 1)111' '.t 11141sT
.1'11'l)rated (100(1 Cheer
Hauges 31111 Heaters aI-
\1';n's on'halo!. (';all and
see then).
Plnu1I)IIi', iteatlIl;' and
(4414-.31 Ilt'inan's.
W. R. Pinder
0olllnrn' St. near Bank of COM'.
Single Fare
kiting Oct.
o November
-'('' all polies in 'l'enlag,ln.i,
111. \ •
I .L,4•
1,11 1 4,
I I Port At -flint.
0!1 ,
I 11 Ste. 1. \
and Pert 1'f Al..� 1
Ihu4. ria Northern Nnv. Co.. to
Georgian Rey met Lake Super -Mt
''int,. via N. N. (No, it.. point,
on N. N. Co., 15(1.11 charge will
be tn1Je for meals :t11,1 berth.
rel dt•ni11gl. 1' cl•rl niii� (1 ue1«•r
fining Oct. 25111 10 November lath.
To l'.-nelnig• %Maori. InkeAeld"all
',Milt. .clear ,i North lay, trt► 'le f0
1'1 iia nkkt, to flh l'ig Harbin% 119111911
Inkn.. I.n 1,1 nl It.t ..,n4 yltgnrl„N 114
1444.• c.:,.4.
Retro Limit, ikcembcr
)'lir t it'k,1. :4,,d Gill {nlnrn.t,•'1n .,.11 .1
(Ifll e4• hone. -1'.1041.99. to a 1'. m.
I/rtsit Tlrket Agent
1 m. NI. 11nl.al4. l)l-trel 1'44,,.. ,Oren,
Give e
a man
comfort at
:41441 you iln•rl•aia' him earn-
ing (ower. A Ulan 14411'1
be t•11errind. 441(1 at hi:.
lest, 111 11 i')l.. roe.., himie.
A wife lunt I.• expected to
Ire.11way. gl,d natured i4,
abonle w ith ;. pointy aet-
ine, work -making stove.
Stoves and
aro the test Bak.•, ..
('.okers, Heater. and
fuel 1)154.1.9• all of
which tend. to make
happy humrs. 1Y.•
are sole agent..
71ar11war1' and Stove Store
Ilamilton St. Goderich.
When Taube & hon attend to your
ryes, you get. the benefit of over
thirty five years' experience. ('all and
emeoilt them lit l)ludup'a drug store,
nn M'uda)•. Moseley and Welnesday,
November :eh. Lith and 7th.
'PHONE 15 OR 24
When yon want \ and WareYard.) I, .:met ni
nnea r. 14
THS HEST at lock ',guar,
\\ e will pay the highest emelt {mire• ALL KINDS O F COAL
for live .41.1 hens. ako springrt chickens, A L W A Y 8 O N HAND
ducks and all kinds of poultl•y. Mrn-
ti11m tine paper. L►All 1.014, we 11.45 on 1'h/. marko. •rate-.
here '1
u 1
o et .. oil lbs f n t n.
y K or o
PRODUCE CO., Limited. 1 WM. LEE.
Orders left. at 1'. ('. 1•gk;'N Hardware Ate'-
(lnfNriu Ra01 side Square. promptly attend..' 1'u.
Fanning Mi/l, Pump and General
Water Supply.
Fanning MITI Department
The Lntrst Irnplmwl siva 'leaning told
'.,:.1411e441'Y)( Mile/II/1P a111 clean any .44111
11 er). kind of word. or groin known to the man
ll li? ,ren with the '6).491 of tiny fanning mill
of 1411111 sieving eappa1cit) Those who are liming
then) report rMnnI,ISI for market one 5,1-1,,1
per minute arid over.
k Mel , f grain It t ay he ift,Ma n1 lean nwhdr
Itvinlnit Gal lgtwnln• without blowing any M Lbs.Nhrl�h'ning them. 't .4., mnI,1 to rImn Ism
ml ht, clover; flax, eta, eqn• d to the high pureed
11 I. (mere the hest .fon'/9 tine. 111a1Infaet11rw1
for cleaning ontwill oats, mr•arrrl ..4A• wild
chetint( other 110x1(.. -grafi and opals
frau. 'tort/uteri they holy I le In.
'1'o.ate e, 1111.,• fo the fanner of using n
%hole 1,1:.Ing mill, this:machine I. marl,' to
hang ll) the .5,,e of x1,11,.1 any ordinary fan-
ing mill, hid will M• 44114 11 in with no extra
charge, wit hont injuring t he Knill ordlw4rrahg-
Ing It for the na. of its ow n 'ire es, Find gn4ran
bus! to work a, re:we.rola d n? 90 sale.
11 ram la• taken out of int 11 at any limn rilnen.t
ns qi4. 14, and ns ...wily w - n three 49inlb11w41
-M4r. The • Wua•hm, r. 4: le used In intim
Hum one mill If beer.wry.
of I he
lete with fit
teen inlet TwkrI.NI. V.m• tiered.
4tt.d In mill and guarani( ed.
Any 11,44.044 s ndinir kir own order will 444•
unwed one dollar oft' ova, , of machine. When
Hering nmchtne n.e1*Itl n make of fanning
yon wont machine it iernnta If 1.,sdhle.
w,dth of .her
Sieves and Screens for any Mill.
.t quantity or Khmer praltanlrr, or black
tiro •1/1111''.1 with a Il kine. of pipe tit
gs. uan?Ily Marrant Island half inch 1114•'
for vile. "entracte taker) for rifling. nttiug
and laying tam,,, A14 en., 44444a through mall
promptly retd4ad tn. Nf. .11 tilers carefully
ottendesi to.
ran ( Ipplr Mod leaner.
Pump and Water Supply
The n.ital n ply of %%mien 1',,11944• flit
Meek or house wells or cistern..
A large %arlely of err fine Imtl 1 'melt. from
leading manufacturer. rot drilled Or deg aril.
or 'I,?errl. for hand or power use.
The 4'hamplon envy working deep eel!
Pump. are very .t ping, well made.os1 07111
worked by women and rhlldn•n. The sin -k
55.11 , anuar
Ire sires Iargr doe of water. M
tined In one nod twit way styles for drilled or
dug well., for 11.11,11 or I1.1101'rl.
Sinks and Sink Pumps.
Thr long draught pumping marhlne. me
, pa•Inlly ,e119p14441 for den wing Nater from
spring,. or ,reek, slh,atrvl sl n dlstouo'
Iseteral hundred feet If nree.snry) from Ihr
plce .' herr the pumping machine Is Merited. 1 {Ing maehine doe. not oreupy notch
spa,' and can beJared In hone, .table lir
yard. Not only dm•. 151• machine Ash, or
water from the spout like the ordinary puml,
Ino by moving a -11dr the laur,e of the water
Is shungld and .ent to line other place required
through pipe. laid underground m nterh0rwd.
This nmrhlne ren be plaeml directly over well
If 4.wir,4, rt I. a -ell a.larited for hand ear. het
1411 be attached to finery It can be worked
by w•nnlr1) or eMMren rind has alt e•atwoity.
HYDRAULIC, RAMS. - Having hail
considerable exlw•Henee In placing 051' kind of
work we hate no he.itation in g,l,ranteeing
n ay job we will nnAertake for we ..111 nn,le•
n^1011 where we !hint the condition, not
favorable to ow...fully operate a ram. The
rapaldty of stream. testes and level. taken free
of charge for anypersemploying 0. to Mit
in their work if the
e system n he operated
Wr. supply all tistork for ins.
syl'HmN RYATF:M14. H\'(TION 1'I'MP`
rte. Hot anti rah wa4er systema for Awlllnv
houses. Water supply .7.trim, for stables and
y*rd.4 with alt n'•^essary pipes. betimes. lank.
tans, stork herb,;Moo., oe the meat. Improv.1
In the old stand. near corder of Nit leen and Vie -tone Streets• - GODERICH.