The Signal, 1906-10-4, Page 3•. 1
THF t4I1.NAI.: 1401)1.1)4'it iiN'!'t,►'11a
iti0YpAT, October 4th, 190
Xews of tke_istriet.
A poultry show will he beta at Hsu
forth January ltLh to 17th, 144147.
The Henault hona show un'rueluday
of hat week WAS a very $nceeseful
Master Clair Agnew, Mau 4,1 Joseph
Agnew, 1. unknow, had his arm broken
(,y (wing thrown (tonna limas. lie was
riding• 4)Z
Anglin McDullald has ismght ha1•k
his 01d hotel ImsiueN4 in Ludt now
tIou1 Thos. NInns, 111111 has taken
The Harter 41411141/1 board has rt -
gaged Miss. Stella liregory tai bake
charge of the room that will Ile
vacated by Mira Dorriogttml on No -
Fi:era E.Mph0... PvnpJcs are web owed
ihs .4.04) manse olio, 41 al 0. a !.loved by
OUmssl-1M sale sad ip--sdy remedy.
•51 ear t..wNd reeds 1/. h... P.1.. ^ U 1,
er w
wow rhod
•drr4. sow nM %Mruuh wowreveal!,
'•11' ,.d a111hr ...on and 1•11.1401 1 .v, .ara o
now / ...d Alec. t,,w/wrNl-owd olwasmosi swore
easy row .f Maw •/114. ot*,,. 1 raouwwrwd .r r
,J!• sod au 144444,4141011 '
each boa--6lw $2.50. Used with His
Blood Teas and Tablets wcana • 91.41:61 ale.
Ai y ler-e1' hem The c&,.. i Co. el
O -••'t•, tailed, Fl..ekoa T«oow-
Appetite comes with eating
and each square of crisp de-
liciousness seems but to make
room for more.
Mooney's Perfection
Cream Sodas
arc different from any other
cracker. Nothing heavy or
doughy about them but so light
and crisp that they are trans-
parent Mooney's biscuits will
be a regular dish on your table
you will try them
Say -Moos- to your grocer.
Newmarket Nether Is lend la kr
Praises of the Grat GIN
anapds o Preventative
vetuber let. The salary is to he $575.
Mr„,,And Sirs. 1. C. Itiehatsl:, well-
knowd t.+sidrnts of Bruis0s. I'wwutly
celebnaG 4.1 the twent)<4lfl6 lumina-r-
e/try of their welding.
Roy l'anbdon while working in the
Winggh*ul Nax mull got unr of his felt.
caught in it twit, with the result I hat
the ankle wax lastly broken.
D, L. l'1'anst1,11, w11111.•11141 ia•Il Ilmis-
tet' at 4 liulou 1'ollegiltle Institute, 11:1-44
aceepLed a position at 'Damien. lir is
succeeded by Mies • Ih•lulage, St.
The annual meeting .1 the East.
Huron Teachers. Aesuei4141,14 will Iw
held its the \1'inghamt public school on
Friday and Saturday, (►'tabor tell
and 24)h.
After ail 111144144 of right months
(barge AI'kleesHart, forilerly',oflirey
tuwllahip, died on Saturday, 2•2had alt„
at itis 150111r'in Mullett, near Clinton,
in the thirty-sixth year of his age.
Cons ptiml was the ailment. ' -
Misa Barbara May Itedleltson, thirst
daughter of Win. Rolwrt44n, fucnle•Iy
of Wiogluuu, w•uH into! led en \1'etl'
nrsday, September 12th, at the I
of her lather, near Little (Row.
Allwrt.a, to 11. F. Hendrickson.
The Ripley fall fair, held last week,
54.81, pr0111 41144ced the Iwai rtes held in
RipleyThe process& of the convert
am ed to $245 and the receipts at
the Lair Were $5411. The lwr .f
e1111'1es w•aI the largest in the history
of the (air.
The farm in 'billet l.'Ionging to the
estate of ihr late Jonathan M4Hrien
h.ts betel sold. Joseph Repso, gels
,lout tem uvea ad joining his own
place, and \1'.ahrr \1.1ir gel•( the bal-
ance. '1'11.• total prier is i11 the u4igh-
Iorho 44d of $1.3 4).
On Friday, Septeulla•r 21st. Mrs.
John Andrew, of a'ilr'athlnna. Alls•ch1,.
.lied in the hospital thele after a crib,
rel operation. The. husband and tet•.
children Hurrivr. The 4144' Was n
daughter .f Mr. and M.•-. John
1lnrti0, 14I.iInonnt.
1)r. J. A. Rollins, of Raymond.
Alta., 1 rtm.•rl1, 0( Exeter. 551144 44145"
tied 1,u the 24Nh ult. 10 Mies Nrllir
1)avidwm. daughter of 31r. and 51rs,
Win. Davidson of iw)nden, also for-
merly of Exete•, rhe event took
plae•e at. 314 -divine Hat, Sask.
On Wellrsellq', Septenlls'r 15)lh. at
the Presbyterian manse. 'S.•aforth,
Rev. F. 11. Larkin performed the 4'444-
7 uniting B. C. Gant .loll, 13th
concession of Grey. and Mims Jennie'
1/uncenwon, lith ronc(ssir,n of the
441111e todvrlship, am husf,jand and wife.
%V. J_Jehnstuu, jr., of Morris, met
with an accident a few days ago that
will lay I ' aside from work for some
Lillie. His h.r•RPs lean away 1111d as
they appto.o•hed it fetter, finding 1144
could not stop them. he jlnupeed ft
the wagon. The result was that his
leg WAS broken near the ankle.
51r. and Mrs. Laidlaw are searing
)eaforth 10 reside at Detroit. One
ea- ' g last week relm e•sentaalites df
the Presbyterian church vaned on
11,:. Laial./w aid 011 1wha11 .f the
r.ugr.•Kation presented her with
several handesnur gifts.. in recogni-
tion of her work in the church, .•s-
Ie-cially as a member of the choir.
Mr, and Mrs. 4., 1'. Wells, 51ra. Wells land sill and Mrs. 11'.
Allenby- left %Vingluun Inst week for
Mansfield. 4)hi.. when- then will
:lend n few weeks prior to lett iis for
lluridle, where they inl'nd hulking
their Notre 11.0.•. .11'. and Mrs.
Wells haul keen r.•siderlts 4.1 Wing.
sur Ihirty lour years. 111141 by
their 11' •al 110'toa4n lose, two of
its earliest set11,'I'.
My son Laurance was takpo down
with P.s.monia," says Mrs. A. O. /ielisr,
et Newmarket, Ont. •• Two doctors at-
tended him. He lay for three mantis
almaat like • dud child. His dings
boceme so swollen, his heart twos pressed
Over W the right aide. Altogether I this's
we paid $1 w to the doctors, sod all the
time he was jetting worse. Then we
commaaeed the Dr. Slocum treat.
The .fiat was wonderful. We taw a
dlgeresce in two days. Our boy was MOO
siren sad well"
Men is • Fealties roe( that Paydhlos
will ears Pseumosla• Out why wait di
Pewmdaia seems. It always starts with
a COL Core the Cold and the cow tell!
sower dlralop into Pneumonia, oar the
►swmsaia into Consumption. The sae
pre way to alar out Cold, root sad
as/ W saw up the body so that Hs C
west come hack is to ass
(Preseason" abassl
50c. Per Bottle
tmrner suss an .m as -tet( dr,'a$gteen
K T. A. SLUM Limited, Tonle
on 3
Your money returned
'5 Mol rUuid in every ray.
l e
6,1;1;S: -.x;".
4eraew the me"Carrbbo-td*w*1. 1
Mabe h omen
cull* .y. With
dinary4 careful
use. It rtlhold
es edge for
0.654 '2"
rata ,p"
Wiser Het • 0•••••• SIN
be 1'+.y be*b
•'G,b>Maan•'r" Flat
deCltNla above. 11.00.
'bimetallist Mimeo Sheen."
:For ..o.' by _
CHAS. C. LEE, - Goderieb
„wig �ae.nal..NMI5.•l ':itt
.M •.
pate_ .arae- ,wadMew hr - IN" H",1,
For oak by J. NICIIOLSON
(L" Two weeks ago while (wing
driven on the track 1,t Kalan hila,
Mich„ 44114' stumbled and fell. She
was tautly injured, but the vet.•riuir •
surgeon thought elle would 1w ail
right 11gade i11 a few months kind she
wits lioughl home •lo Luckn.w, hot
died tart week. The waw well
known on the rade track and had 14
10/41 mark.
Presentation to Seaforth Football Team.
The members of I114 11111'011 foul ball
team. who 441 signally distinguished
Ihrwsl'Ive•s in their g. • with the
Corinthians, the English ehl:uupions,
in August, have Iw'u presented by
the 'iliacus of Seaturt11 wit 11 is•111eu•
boo of the event, in the *Ii,pw of 1a
gold lueket and a picture of the team
for (;44,11 111r1u11e1•, The preaenlaliu1
was uuu11• publicly et Cuaslmo s hall on
Friday evening Host. comgr:at,uhattlry
addresses being given by the Mayor
Newspaper Man Wedded.
On Wednesday .f I Ist week Keith
Mels•an. MOO of M. '5'. Sleln'an. Sem-
fort h,
eloforth, amt 41 u.•ull4•r of the Expositor
stub, took to him .ell' a wife, the
yrluo;r lady of his ,hui'e tieing %fine
Elizabeth SI. 1'omng. daughter of 1 he
late Andrew young, '4'-. Ii'i 1). The
weddi1,K 5...k plata- in 511e a e-,'i ,', e,l
111,• brides titer, lilt. h'. I1. Larkin
ofl{,iating, They left, the same
11,N111 1111 14 11•i1) to Il,r;t.11 a11(1 other
point,. The gro0111 has the hest
Wishes o1 Many friends, inchlding the
newspaper ftaternity 01' the ...tint y,
in his 111:ur' :11 444nhne,
Former Resit4ent of McKillop.
News lav leen rl'livel ,at Seafiirth
of the death of 1A1u. Mellitus'', x fur -
111e• resident of 54'K111111) township.
whi• h tweiset•t4I at 4tunghtun. Sask.,
111 111.• boiuet tuf his son, John Melo-
tosll. He hail beet in a trip 144 the
Cost mud 1,u his w:1)• back to his
how.- at Rapid Pity. %bun., he visited
his sae. \\'bile Mere he took seal: i
aid died tiller all iIln-44 of Iw,. ail -
Thr d.•.e:1sr.L Wit, sial years ''l
,1;;1'. 11.' w4), pori in '1'u'ke144114l1.
Inti live.1 for Many y'ear's in SIcKillop.
;►lout a year ago he went 11, M4nitolua
to live with • of his daughters.
Wedding at Ripley.
A happy event took ph'ce at. Ripley
on 11'ednesday, September ifhb,. when
11 daughter . of
r 4) t
k t
\'ss ears A. Ja
.11 Laura
4. T. Jitek,on, ul:11ut)/'r 1,t t lie Ripley-
hrutrli of the Rank i,1 1kind-ton, :and
.Sohn D. Met'rnstie, 4,11 Billfi,111, were
united in aldrins..,,'. The wedding
took place at the home of t he bride',
father. Rev. h. J. M ix well, ,,f Brant -
bell, o i'i:atrd. lessi.ted by Rev. It.
McLeod. of Ripley. After the rte. -
to •y Testivitie•; Apr. and Mus, Mc-
'('Ivis(ie left 1,u their wes)ding trip,
after which they will make Iheirl •
at Bllff.l., where 1I r. McCrustie' is a
Death of George Spoiling, Seaforth,
After :a lung illness extending .5144•
n year, 41en'K.• Spilling Jird at, his
home at Seaforth Tuesday morning .f
last week, aged six tc-four years and
eight months: His illness w•:as the re-
sult of an alhvis of lit gtiltp' oyer 14
year talo. w•hi.•h I'ft I in lour
111.x116. 111-. SpRu•liug w:1'. a I1ai.•1 /1011
indeed thins 'it i%411 and was very
highly esteemed by all who korai-
biu1. He wits born at Trafalgar.
Toronto township, and 1:411,1' to sea -
forth 415o11l forty four years agoIle
is survived by his wife and 1: 'ly .f
14'11411BRx1111/WO danght.s- land also
by his fere.' mother.
Doer Had a Week's Run.
T Late John Decher, Zurich.
On ursllay, 41•pt.•udwr h. John
(Weller. ,f Zurich. sassed away :.Let•
a short illness. The )Ieavvw..I hal
readied the aye of seventy-four years
and was ,.n,', of the eau 1)• settlers of
Hay township. Menhir, his wife, he
Iota c,' unr 44411 111111 1 w. thought ers.
Blyth Nuptials.
A gni,•t weldin„look 'Lat, as the -
1 ttttt leo(
he.110,11•.( 11r. 11111 S et. S. H. (14,1let%
lily h. on Sepl.•mlter' Nh, when their
gerund daughter, Eflle was united in
marring,. to David Oodles. Aso of
Blyth. The 1•rrenn11,y w Is perf.rm1Pd
by Nev., S. Anderson. . and Mix
M Is left file following day for
their future holm. at Dunnville.
Damage Suit Postponed ,
Owing to the fret that Erato Huron
fall Lair is (wing held this w'dk, at
the tame time as 1 h Huron '•.rutty
amazes. trial of the suit for damage)'
of %Villgineon • vs. the East Hmvitt
Agrictiltural 4.riet y. which was 14
IN• • wN.t-
P n
.4) i'zFs. has; Num rm1,'upatfit 1
reined 1. Not•rnal'•r IfUI. Several of
the important witnPsww tire efticiats
of the fast Hllron hair.
G. T. R. Agent at Ethel Dead.
%urs h, :1 few days later, the deer
was ...4•n AI Arron\. Finmll)' 11r.
411.111114111 waw notified that i1 haul re
lurnel 1. distant Rend told hail
not a trinket, but the most necessary
article in the new home -- a bag of
Choicest Bread Flour in the world. Milled by
the latest improved process from the finest
Western Canada Hard Wheat
Makes Best Bread With
Least Trouble
Sold Evesywkere bo
The (ire•t Dominion
mins at Winnipeg, Ooderloh and Brandon
Writing of the .\yr:hire cow': Henry
E. Atvord, the dairy expert, has de-
clared that In obtaining subsisteuee
and doing well on a. wide range of
scanty pasture or in tbriliug and giv-
ing a dairy prutit upon the eoarw•st
of foral;e there I; 1,u euw which ex-
cels the Ayrshire unless It be the little
Irish Kerry.
The natural hardihood of coastltn-
tlou renders these cattle. admlrably
adapted to grazing u1, broken and rug-
ged pastures and In sterner weather
thou would be+eundur•iye to the well
being of COWS of other breeds.
Another authority says: Kerry cattle
came fruw Ireland. Only a few of
them are now iu the United States.
Particularly Correct is
the "Plastic Form"
Frock -Coat
Better nbne than a Frock -Coat with wrong lines.
The man who realises the importance of
hang those difficult lines -that cut which makes
rs the garment appreciates the perfect style
' of the Frock -Coats
he finds in the
"Plastic Form"
The curve at the
shoulder -the snug -
fitting collar the
hang of the coat -
skirt -are all that can
be desired. And
there is just enough
indentation at the
waist -line nothing
exaggerated the
whole marked by
good taste and em-
bodying the best
London style.
These Frock -Coats
indeed, triumphs
A d prices are
TMST 1'alxk aaaar elt'.L7*R. WALT(41 EVF-
li•..e ti H its alit, 01 London.nT w• •4 5. (Owned by Lady t)renall, Walton )tall.
1',•r {,Irk 1,l Grand Rend. Two •m' Warrington l •
1n••.• weeks 444414 a 1144,'1• WAX frightened I
.y a dog ,old' j pend over a seem- They are adapted to broken and scant
inot w'in+• fence. making . its ,senile pastures. The rows ure stuall. welgb-
rum the \•arms,,•,'. The deer was ad- 151 fruw 05) to 700 l.unuds, They give
r,•rli4r). And shortly' after Mr- n Targe quantity of will: of gaol q0al-
11t•anuul tv:1s nnlitlyd th,1t tlu• animal 1 Ity, b.'Iug not fur White' lluerusrys
sail beets seen in the neighlorhosa) o4) and Jerseys.
Mr 'Little Kerry cow.
Cusha, ru4ha, 1usha, my tittle harry row.
The king's own herds of rank' hold none
more kl than thou;
I the fence and was unr'• ;y.,nin
1 P''e (tut, pct one• nnu:'+ the. lylth de*Plte.
in t1.• park with its nultes,' The ani- And thou wilt knit and lost :m4) bile, •,
dual haul eluded lin pursuers for nw41•I" Nor ran on 1:044 thy wrong: w right,
a w•,4.k. :mol hail 111arsed .v.'1' My little t:'rry row.
hundred miles 4)51 '1144 trip. Cunha, CUMIN, cuvha, my little Kerry cow.
Sudden Death o( Hallett Farmer. 'rhos cud Is •w1' -t b.•twern thy teeth while
1 sit Ieanheg nu•-
• The death iof John Flynn. a highly My forehead •galnst thy rilll"n old •
11rpN,, 5•' I I'•sidelt of Ow 3111 r •1's- And looking with my f:etl.rr''. pride
slim .f 11 t,II.l 1, tt'hirh ..:purredon Al ,thy brown ''Ye" and night black hide,
Monday Nor ' K ••f Led week. was My 51111' l:..rry r.,w•,
entirely unexpected :and wow n. shriek ('ogle. cueha. ,•nsho, my little Kerry row.
10 his friend.. 011 the Friday pre- \yhos'ver gt..1 -.•,I to give her milk to a+.
cions the 414l''as(ad hail been in ('lin ' It was net thou.
4011, .111,1 on his 144141141 to. 1weHm• ill The kindest I.''lrt 'twist ('lay and C0111:.
and 0n Saturday :1 do,, wet;' rnit4.15 And 1'o 1 Mak, of thee this Prong.
•lest thou 'bu'ldst and tee milking Ions.
in. Hr meas then in ;a e1•nni-,•nn' My bole Rerry cow.
cions c Mita. 111111 :1itist'ent1y suffer-
ing 141'016'1)'. Thr xrrt•ives of t4. Rs■{far,( Mllk tam
eller doet,ir were pr,N•ur,. I, hat I The covered m111; pail is 1,.c sial<;,'
nothing ...old be 41 • f.1' the 14 )1 tent. i Peed a mer.relty in the produrllMl .'
who pas;'d nw•,ty early Mnmint n..rn•
sanitary • wIl
k or mrtllh;l calk. It
was 'n his forty.
uw, n
Mg. .
1'',r• order In h:1'.'.
Ileventh year. and (wine,
allied l n firer principle I that In rd r
Made his home wish 1114 1/1,11 her An-
dr'w, they working the 2')) merle Lamm
together. This is the farm- he w•:114
horn on. and where he ho.l always
, Smith, (i 'r. It. Rlnti.n agent
at Ethel. died .n Monday of Inst week
111 his flfl)•-Rixth year. He hail been
.u•icke'n with paralysis the Tmmrda)•
pies helm. The deceased wens for
many )'ears Tagg*gl'111111n :at the Wing -
ham O. 'I', H. 141145 1011 and on leaving
here 114,101 given 1 he 11KPnr)' at Ethel.
Nis. Smith end four children survive.
The rruiiaina were tak'n to fort. Elgin
fel' interment. -
Howick to Vote on Two-year Term,
At ihr 'event ,))'.'ling of H,wirk
ronncil it was derided to submit 10
the rater' vera of the township at the
next Hied elections 14 bylaw to
Authorize the extending of the term
111' rounellla'i from one to two pairs.
The legislation of last eessinn make.
Otis permissible, and HoWil•k is the
first mnniripality in this district, so
far Ilea we havP hpard, to makr'4l 11111v'-
ment in this,Ifn•et an.
Seaforth Collegiate Institute.
The 51 nit PPM .f 4P:44LIr1Il 4''•IIegiate
institute have found it Ilr'PRRaI'P hl
rearrange the eateries of the tem -has.
Mr. Rogers, the principal, h'Is been
given an ineremie of $75, slaking hie
salary $1,425: Mr. rolling. an in•
mosso of $114), making his Pillory
1,1141; Miss Kirkw."M1 an inrrenl4 of
$1(4), making her snlnry $1,114) end
Miae Doherty, an inereaee of $'2S,
king her salary $72i.
Newspaper Changes Hands.
Letter...1 111144)1)441)414111 1)344' been
granted the Exeter "'Imre Printing
Company, with n ..:.pita' of $10,1441•
Thim means that The Tinn•s. which hurl
hitherto h.l0ngwl to the White es-
tate, will peas tinder the control of a
jointgto,'k rampant' The
pro m ,ii -
ties are That the gee
of the paper will re•nl:lin in the Marne
hands that have cont rolled it for Nome
time, though it may heemne indepren-
dent. politically.
Valuable Racing Horse Dead.
7. F. Rain, .f Lncknnw, has 'of-
fered a were financial loa ' Ioam nthe
death of his feet pacing
clean milk Ihr• ruilking must Ie'.4.•n,•
Pilch n manlier that dirt cannot p'' i..
bfy got Into the pall. 7'1:Is .'oils' f
pall afwr•lally emietrl.•t.,1 for the y1,:••
Iived. He was a charter n4'Inls•t• •'f I, -„e, A writer hl AMP? ir in •'vll e r ,r
111.' 11. 11. A., in ,w'hiei. he• 4:11licd an
5. is deacrlh.'.1 the (iOrlrr i'e'- ,!
insnranee of 1114,1441.
Martin Thomson Wedding at Mitthell.
A very interesting wedding W..
eons nulnlAbel 0t 5itelwll
day of 1,u.5 week, *heti %Ilse 'Violet
"mr440c• Thomson, w'l' 1 aanghte•r
of %It. and Mrs. Walter Thomson.
'weenie the bilk of Willman 54,')1lle
Martin, 1). A , barrister. of Regina,
Sask. The r.ri•mmnv wits performed
in Knox t•hurrh by Rev. W. SI.
Martin. B. I)., Exeter, father .f the
40.10111,assisted 11)' Rev, .1. 11'. 111•
intrmh, S1. A. Alias Mah.'I 5'. Tln•nl
son was. the maid of 1 Mis-
Anna Martin. ssiter..f the gr. 041). and
Mks. Christine Th,meon wen• brides.
maids, and little Misr 4alsohe 'rhnm-
eon, niers. of the bride. wit; Hewer
girl. Alex. Martin, B. A., hr.ther 0f
the, oats "heat man." The
wedding march was played h)• C. A.
de• ,1,nIine and as the tegistcr was by the well known rairyivan of Ilei).
being /signed IIe'rhah Tend)'. .f To)'' name Im Illinois. Th writer ha,' 4)n .1
onto(. tang all apflt'l/pt'i:)te• w4)After that the pall was tie Is,d that toils
u eho1.1 wedding trip Mt. and 51rs5 i:lght be ubtathel am exempt from dirt
%Int -tin will g• to their home in
Regina. _- -
o-'or6» Parlors, t t rich
Rea. Block, Sok Acent
S t u r d-p's
are always
reliable .
\1't• find satisfact' in dealing en)
pure, flesh ;goods to our eustumarra.
The 4)145'11 1* specially well assorted for
the summer toads., a1141 the most
pnrtiruha w:11111 of our p311sn1e will
have pit llll ptservice.
Fresh vegetables and fruit, in
Phone 91 or call.
The Square, Godench.
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orden cartully ■11.1,44.4) to al all
hours, night or day
Livery and flack
The finest turnouts in
town ' are supplied at
these well-known stables.
l 'aii'iages for every re-
quirement _ and' good
1u14-setfurnished at reas
,cable rates of h i re.
Careful drivers furnished
when required.
VI rails promptly attended to..
Walker & Augustine.
'Phone g1. East street Livery.
have opened it livery stable in
the stand on Newgate street op-
posite the Colborne Hotel and
have fitted it with
New and Up-to-date Rigs, New
Harness, and Good,
Reliable Horses.
.511 patrons ars :moored the best
.f service. You!' patronage ie
Knox Bros.
Opposite Colborne House
Telephone 573
TRF (QRLail 5411.1 PAIL.
Men Rule by Force, Women by Charm
And yet because they live leas stren-
uously women n.'glert the early
evidences of failing vig.r. The wise
w n will not permit her charms to
he l'd'hel by ill.he*lth, When she
feels Appetite failing, nerves getting
on e1Rr•, color failing. she. takes F',•r•
marine. How it sharpens the ap-
petite ! Haw gni,kly rich blood 44)
available 40 restore ('1'1'o' t.11 the
cheeks, buoyancy to the step. Hotter
try Fermzntw. 'You'll feel like a n,•w
being, with new vigor and ability to
confront life's diffieultiee. You are
sure to Mewl the /lay you commence)
Ferrosnne. Sold everywhere in fi0e,
Hatred always hurts the hater matt
of 111.-ChicagnJm,rtaal.
Miller's Grip Powders curet: Por head The Mignala elubhing offers to
sale by Jaa. Wllsntt. new euhscr ihers (R► page 7.
es po*.Ibl'. NO OMP, to hilt knowledge.
WIN manefsrtnrtng the pa and It was
not A good I.4)• tingmilh
should b.• nide to make It for any
dairyman wonting It, end Its a ;t el 1.11
then would not be more than \,$_ or
An represtented In the plctnM,\the
cover la closely fitting, and into It is
fastened a layer of slams) 'nt rotten.
throigh which nil the intik pas0P' ,h. -
fore entering the pail. Al the milk Is
p011141 ant through the revered spout
the 'trainer le not removed from the
pall until An' milking In through. it is I
then deetrnyed (111(1 a new one prepared
to take em place for LISP next ulllklng.
The exp.nee of the cotton t' slight, and
along with rand cleanliness In all
other directions the pall heti never yet
failed to give complete sansfacUoo.
"tIecla" Furnace
has not a laull tram lop to bottom.
T (don't believe you can find fault with any pnrtof the 'Hecht.'
Waterpan-is placed so that it does just what is wanted -
that is, it evaporates the water and keeps the air
from getting dry.
DOOr -big enough to admit big chunks of Wood.' Lined,
to prevent escape of heat into the cellar. Patent
gravity catches keep the door shut.
Dust Fine -carries ALL the dust up the chimney.
Ash Pan -broad, deep, strong pan -big enough to hold the
daily fall of ashes.
-that absolutely prevent gas, smoke and dust
escaping into the house. F(''SI D JOINTS are
the only, possible way of having a clean house.
The "Ueda" is the only Furnace having Fuse}i. Joints.
seed mea rough drawing of your h,....e and 5 will tet y --n know Mot what It
w114 mat to laatall the sled " H.. is • P,irnare. I will also /And o,r new
o•il'.ln tree 01 156,11 Furnaces, and Penlnan a, %tore,' and Magee. All (tee
it you write t0 "pled. Furnace aullder,"are of
'Bus Stables
--RTE.. AT-
---R AT E S --
Well-nppui .ted
(lacks and reli-
able Ilei Pr. in
charge off the
'Mime, e, which will
meet all train it
and steambo at'
l55UTR STA MT rot 1\a. YI4TT4