The Signal, 1906-7-19, Page 88 ?utfaapAT, hay 19, 1904
leant lnued from, page I
1iGl b't
re+ { wee wee <:t I,itvem ' * i ,rl.1/
McNamara, waa taken tial to Elmira
today and w111 work to a pit 18110(11(4444'
tulle tweet of the town.
"Work on the O,meet oga river
bridge is going along witlsfartorily
and will Iw eompletrd in M few weeks.
•" The first sod wait tunnel on the
\'4 alkerton•Lueknow railway on Tues-
Monday's Guelph Memory any)e:
Thr city council, lio1r41 of 'Testi.'
and Ketail Merchants AMsor•iatiou ate
arranging for their exetirattin to El
mien on the llurlph k 11toderich
Railway on Thulwlay afternoon next.
The Irvin w111 Knot ,.t 2 ).clock.
A rel Orli fare of :011•. has Iain ;Wel red.
and the promoter. of lite rxcur.ioi
are desirous of the largest p10.Mihlr
turnout un this, lite firm op ao't oily
11uelpphrillrr)W will have had of n trip
to Elmira by direct railway line.
The city emitted will lw the introits
1)t the Board of Trude 441141 the retail
merchants for 1 1 nerd sun 4,11.1 will
turn out in fore."
Beattie Admits -Guilt.
On Monday William H. Beattie and
Ernest Mason w•i'ue before the poker
magistrate on t. he ehilrgt• tit Ihr• theft
of $7:5 from the till iq the 1.11•-r'1will of
the 199the Dunlop hotel. Ar4'(4rling to the
evidence, Beattie, %twill and Albert
Jardine were driving 4,111 to *rave
their uniforms, tie , with Capt. Var-
coe on ,1IIn.:int h. 441411 0411 4114' wily out
and also on their return slopped at
Wm. Glazier's hotel at Dunlop. They
had solo.' drinks 1 had their dinner
in romp11ly with Elmer 13e11. Mat-
thew Sproule 11(1(1 (it'll. W111411 11144.
Not finding the proprietor of the
hotel in the tau' Beattie went behind
* h.' har 141141 1144,k whetmoney from the
till. When Beat tit. came to pay- for the
dinner, for the six young mea and for
the drinks Glazier disruv.'lyd that the
money was guar and'i&d the boy's
of taking hl. At 11r•t Health. denied
having it but later ud1111*twl it and
took Mr. Glazier out to the .heir,
where $i* was found in the 1m100.
Beattie later pnldulvd the other *2.
MaMm, it oppwiare, e p tram the
south of the ;saint y and wap down 141
the London camp as a inetnler of the
(Ioderieh company. After renaming
with the other 'nen of the tlod.r•ieh
company here after the camp, he wase
putting in the 4imr'waiting for a train
to Exeter and went out with the salter
boys. who had gone to camp with the
Ihing44nnou c plat). to lease their
uniforms; with (',apt. \rattle. 11 will
be root Neild he sorrel It term in
jail herr at the hair time a. Beattie
Nome time ago. In his evidence hr
di.ownd any e1)uIIPrt(4n with the
theft at Obuer's oc slip c011nrc
%villa the thefts at F:serer in which
Heat tit was implicated. .1. I, Killului'
aetetd for %Ias„n, and. the frown at-
torney admitting that front the evi-
ddeni•r he didllot think hr co add ,swore
n ounlirt1(10 lei against Ma..til, the
magistrate tli.uttotd the .haige
'against hie, while wending Beattie tip
fur trial.
114' same morning Beall irnhd Wil-
fred \\'alter. wore lefole,lndge 1h)yle
cal the charge of the theft fl4)u1 A.
Broad; s, /'.'mead., on .1111V 4111 144.1. of
s silver width, a gold chitin. aI ionise, a
field ghee. and .111.411 in c:•+h. \\':liters
pleaded •'14(11 guild'" 'ai41 Heat tie
"guilty.... Theroid w•,asluljounted 1i11
next Sat oday 441 the 1 • of 11 11. 111.
w'IuM von have 411111 nlrn.l. trot,. 0111 of loon
with Nal •041 Mould not fail to will at It.. R.
Ss*k,w. tadrald111.g '1111110. 4'h.• the 11114111
'aut ifu It
,s. , iia e1 lel Mid l loin it whish
1114 et the 44 i 1. 8.f 146 .0 odes A d If 4044 wand .
Alt l nut to rang•'1uru1. 1.,111 he made fur alluu-t
.4441 111)10.
winner stttitti. 1:.,.;deet. ha. a very fall
4+(110lu'al of 4* seri- of sen, rulr hood•. (set
'thing to rrmiwl > eu of )our v 1.11 to Aloft..
eir11101,1.+our•. Al.0 1e0l1110 len ha Luu'1
work 411411 4814 .,.pdu•- d all vitt.. Picture
(..44444(4448.44,' 10 °tart 31141 ,, 1.11104 a•.oriaumt
of the W1 8141,4' ulwa)- 041 11000.
Gel 1 k h,,bh of ••.•..ring pninerh' n,a4r
rlrokIag and 5404 0111 I4x, .•1 be I1101c441 10 ser ar
4000) g.,rur.ul. swam. ,•44p•ciaH1 alms. 11)41
to r are the Prue :d 11110111104•11e•ITkll..(411
the tailor will .44 qa) Aim with the I.•.1 ,11411
1,4,4.1 At yi.h clahing 484'), what ran hale taa•I,
to) Ong ftil inferior 4'14101411ar rbc0 hr15.
The Dotty Engine %Lork• shipped N
carload 4'f M4chinet'y toTill ou111
.1. H. \l'orsell Ins received his Het
consignment of .loves for the emu -
.1111( .ra14,na . t end,•.
'I'he,ral. of the steamer Hritnnni.
last Friday well- e:lneelled 'alt Ihr
'Malt seaiiIIUMI 11.'1• Irg111.1e 1'1111 1111 Mlln-
11a y.
Jonathan Millar *1i1.5allelulvd the
1'.u•Iow hotel and intend,. r ing it.
lir has h.' property to 41.Mlcrirh for
'Cbr results of the high school rn-
tr,uter exaiii ilnations for • \Gest Huron
will pt:olsahly tae ready for pttl.1iration
next week.
, leant T. has been mounted on a
,'motel lave at V1..1O1141 Park and
fl To Get the General
Effect of Furniture
4t .bu1)pd 1e viewed after it i.
arranged Immo tnllusty, and
somewhat i1. It should look
in it 1151111. PiI,M1 together
i11 a store it i. not Ileal•Iy
wl h,rala11u1P. Vtetif yui
will take a, 100k al our
31.1isti(' 1i114' of real mnlyllgany
you will eonrrtle that they
7 are beautiful. Send thele to
your Motive and yea will talc)'
over them 4111(1 yutt Will, fin)'
the por•. eta ltnl'kably 1ow
for the .•Inss of gond.. We
will guarantee priers from 111 to 11 per milt. 'lower than the
hog city strrtes, for the sni1P g,Ma1s, nn(1 you will get letter work.
Splendid ~'II for Gardening.
Streets All Graded.
10 Per Cent. Cas}
10 Per Cent. in 30 Days, •
Balance;in Twelve3Lqual /est, l/nlenls,
Payable Monthly.
with a g.tnd sernhhing will look very
I4•.pMM't :aide.
The work of bricking up the
large addition to the rear of J. H.
\\'orwll's harlyvur .lure is plvgless-
ing tbi4 n;rwk.
A nulnieipoi 1141 w fixes H,M1rrieli'.
vicar holiday on the I1114 \\'eeltlr+day
in Augural.. Augu41 1st will therefor.
be the date this year.
W. J. As111isUr, of London, the
sidcvalk contractor, has arrived aid
ha. , wl walk wish
of tori 4111 1'uh.rrnr sl reet.
('hi , \\'011114, Of Clinton. hap nor-
chaswl f 4'odnu•ilhor 11. 1.. Salkelt(,
tit liotierich towii:hip, n tram of draft
horses, four -vein -tilde. for which he
laud the han,tua114 prier of 111'25.
II')1g14•MM111g 411 rouiiPenon
with the refitting of Chas. C. fry's
Iwo 51411'4. :\ new hoist i. (wing
1111411111141 and the opening connectieg
the stoles is also 'wing r pleted this
A special electing of the Daughters
of the Empire will he held in the law
library of the court house I lay
pest at 1:15 p. 111. - A full 1(1ten(dt11rae
of Ihr members is requested. 1Al.
('.451'4 F, Secretary.
Arany inquiries have been made its
!., 11ie dabs of 4.4111 til' 1114' steatite,
Huron :U this port. Tho management
batt• p141e141 a 4'4111 10 utir ,tidverlt+ing
4441,4,1114'. 1palge 1. which will give the
114'ee..a,a1.1' 'Illation.
Ott Monday evening \G. A. McKinl's
and ,L,.. I•,-itzley's dugs wet in el 11111141
on West surd. Mr. M,•Ktm made ai
attempt 1.1 part the combatants and
in doing s.i received it hit.' in the Ing
f4' nat./ley it dog. The w I *11414
10 lie cauterized.
hr.rph Hopsey. of hingsleidge. wits
in town for several days thi'. week
4048) left ye.terd44y to visit his dater a1
Chatham. (i4' ba• rec..% teed idatlo141
plrtely from. the injuries 1'I4' sus-
tained in the recent Irouble at King. -
bridge, mitt gh his arm is .1111 s
1111Ir sue14.
N:•w'. '04 received hese last week of
the midden death of Cherie,' G. Kelly.
one 114 H:Iwiltnd. suee'wful voting
bisine.n men. Mr. Kelly w,aM highly
ems -vim." 111 a wide rii•Iv, and his relit -
tit es and friends here. several of whom
haat ern him in health quite recent's'.
are greatly .hocked and grieved by
his ant' •ly death. Miss Harris,
Nl'Ivon At Feet. went dawn to attend
her etilu4itl'14 funeral; and is et ill in the
tit v.
Rev. C. Burl preached lest Sunday
:Horning in St. George's church.
Rev. Mr. Murray, of Illinois. will
punch on SIIMINy evening 119 North
etleet Met hod iMt rhumb.
The 1.1114.5' Aid of Knox (hovel will
hold their an 1 garden party on
Judge tin rrow's f,lroner property. Mon-
treal street, on Friday. Augi.t :Ad. Tea
will he' nerved f • cal to 7::911 o'r•lock
and the land will he in attendance in
the evening. Sale of fai'y work, etc.
Admission hb, or, including lea.
Rev. Jaw. A. Anderson, acr,unpuulied
by his wife and son Hugh. has left for
a month.. holiday, During his ab-
sence his pulpit will' he %imprliel as
follow.: On July 22nd by Rev. Dr. A.
B. Meldrum, of Cleveland : on July
4th and August 5111 by Ilea. 4)r. A.
l'. Mansim, of Chicago. and on August
12th by Rev. W. W. Mttlddart, .d
Fulton, ,Mo.
The lawn social ,on the gronntIN of
Airs. George ('..x. Britannia road, on
Friday evening wit. fairly "ell
4111em1e1 and the IM•rnpion was en-
joyed by those present. B1M1th. for
the male of candy. We 1.11.14111, fancy
work. etc., were well patronized, the
proreetle going lownrd. the Raid. of
4h.' Epworth League of North street
Methodist church, under whist aus-
pice. the ....'till was given. The :itrl
Regiment Band we. in attendance
and gave H gond program.
R. hot man ,Iullif., of Toronto, won
of Rev. '4V..1..Iollier.% of Clinton, Nang
:tt Knox rhumb on Smutty -morning
and .t North street Methodist cheer+
in the /evening. Hi..olo. were "Thr
Ninety ,81)41 Nine" (Campion; in the
morning and "('le Penitent"1Vander-
wate:l in the evening. Alr. .191114!.'
has ,I bard • voice of splendid 1111111- ih• and his singing govt• h pr•a.-
111 P. Mr. Jedli& is lernaking to
form a von'al claps in Goderi.h. He is
spending the N in Clinton and
those desirous of .andyiug tinder him
.hoard 4 ' err with hfm at
For particulars apply to •
TI -10S TILT, Tow
The ('o derirh lacrosse teem goes to
Clinton tonight jun• . 1'. 1.. A. nlntch.
Pr•p,u:ation. ale IM•ing made for the
howling ,'pili s t.m'nlnlent. Tlu-
opening dny will he ,londny. August
In the intr,nwdiate C. 1.. A. merle.
M4'44forth detested Clinton 119 Sratorth
un 'I9uusday last, it to 2 : on TueNday
Kin.audinedefented Seat ort hrat Kin-
cardine, 5 Io :i : and vrwtetdny, at
\Gingham. \1'ingh,tt11
blanked IhrMPa-
forth twelve, the seine being i t. II.
Mix rink. of howlers from Stretford
rn,ne 1)p nn the morning true yeeter-
d,ly and had a game with a corx•-
a}ponding Ion. of local rinks. On
the toned litNlerieh was twenty shots
ahead. The viailol•N 4111 1111 the early
nllernism train for 4'linton for a
Kineardine Hent Seeforth' nn Mon-
day 1)t Merriest- by a +core of 5 tie :t.•/'ieh hent Kincardine here last
week by n swore of 1:1 In 1. And yet
timle1•lell ca11'1. IM•,It Sea141(1 h. Either
the Incas o1 mn1henstit, are not very
stable or else it int', safe to let• on a
hlrr)'ne 'unfelt.
The leeriest twitch lest. Thursday
evening ietwe•n Kinrar•dine and
Olsterich at the 44grirnitlral grounda
here r'ndted in an easy win for the
home team. The locals kept piling up
a Amore steadily from the ,hart, white
Ihrir opponent. err• unable to 45(M)1e.
1(4444 a few minutes before time sees
('3111,441 (ialrrirh hail «worm" ilto thir-
teenth goal and Kincardine then N11e-
reed(d in landing the ball In the op-
posite goal net. meowing big only goal.
A fust nn() exciting genie of hnrhnll
wait pinyrrl lust, night in the Agf•pcwl-
towel fork letwlrn 1h.• 11ig Mlll and
the town lentil, w•hieh ended in a
victory far the Big Mill Senn, ti fo:k
.leohn end .1 Cm Wiggles, 1 Kneahsw
for the 'lig Mill. Tait :knit Lewitt, for
town, were the irnt(erten, The feat-
ures tpf the game were the sensational
fielding 1)f -Slimly and Tilt for the
town team. Tait heel the better of
the erg •nt in the 'sox : the Wig
gine 1m)thelw had the better support.
Snnlmwry : - Sacrifice' hits Sturdy,
\'id,nn. Two tar hit. Lewitt.
14n11hh, play. Algin to M4(•arthy.
Nichollein to Thompson. Mrlxnghlin.
Rtrock out by Tait. 8: by Jim Wig -
gine, 2: by John l\'iggins, 7. Brise un
IgtIM <rRTait, A: of Jim Wiggins, 1 :
nn Joan WWOna. A. Hit by pitcher
by Tait. Nielmfoon. Left nn Imre
tows teats, IlL Big Mill, fl. BM -owl
atm -Mill, !. ITinpite, ile. Maxwell.
O11+rriJJl Wino at Baseball.
Tall baseball match heat Saturday
between the O1)11erleh and Clinton
teases resulted in a win for Ooderieh,
by it scute of fifteen to two. The
visiting Isom wait expected to iw here
to snort the 11111(.11 1)t :*:11 in the atter-
noon but did not aria s ' in time, and
in rti14MM01411e4 the game did nut. C0111-
IIW I'(• 11 11 1 11 after 7 ,'chu•k and the
gale receipt. were somewhat inter -
feted with. Only five, jp hinge were
played. Ale Higginson .14.14441 as
referee and the teams were as fol-
lows :
l,U4lb,111r m. et 441414.
A1. L..igblhl a.+. W. Doherty
Algae I ' lid 4. H. Arson rung
H1'1t11lu+un yudl 4: N. Murat
Melianly r '" C. vacate
Lenin , e. 1,U+u
lbn .
Wiggle- a '
Elliott ' r. f., Kasai 11alIona
Tail let b;, ' Ale 4nutter 1
Maxwell 11.1''11,ulmn
Scow by innings
I:adelieb 1464 n -IS
Clinton , Dontit_-
U. F• 4n1•IVM,, of 141141un. 4. les town.
Mia+ A1w,8 Kidd b %Vaittng i, Toronto.
Ado.. \''0144 Johmt on he ri+aina i, Sarnia.
Thu.. wbalherald went to Kludra )vdrnlay.
Ii, Millar is away o11 0 Irlp *0 F:dnlonlwu.
Antos ('ox Is hope from ('hleogo on a holiday
vi -it.
Jo". Tat is home froau 10.4.10 rete a holiday
Her. Mather M,'Hs• tootle -n trip to London
Illi. week.
11'. K. SnyJer mode a trip 4.4 tarry Sonnet
4444. week.
Iter. 1'. Hurl left oa a trip to ArkvUle, N. 1'..
on Monday.
TIie 111au4. Dorman left yNe141.,• on a v441
to Alu.ku►0.
A. Iti.vt Thouleft leg week fur a trip to
At !antic 411).
Al,-. Eliza Elliott 1• hoot ' from Toronto tar a
Mi.. Annie ('aulpliell. of Toronto, la visiting
1)t her home here.
H.1. S1r..ryt. H. A., ret toyed 1.10 week frau
n trip to ruront O.
Attn. Sinclair and Mad 'r .%Ileo are stetting
relative. i,. ( tetras°.
Alla. Not. 1)'µ.41I'' 4- .pending a few week'
holiday. at Hudak..
Mho Nettle Towne 1. -pending *101 dl,a at
her hour near Myth.
Mr. and Atr.. ('ho-. AA elha. of (Tinton. were
In 104-1, laver `fundi,.
Ml.. Helen Thoruaa, of Chatham. la IN. guOest
of AIL-. K. U. lfeyuokf+.
H. K. Au.tin left on Tri•vtuy to mend holi
d+,. at Poston Sprllsg..
sem. Sharman returned trent hi+ trip lu
Yankton lag Tupaia) night.'
Lr, M. J: 1', Nane%and Mi.. Florence Nahet
left for Toronto on Monday.
M4-.. Edith Wiggin. 4. ri.11ing friend.. at
Exeter, (Mentor and Adelaide.
Mr... K. 14. John,.ton end rhlklren. waterloo
greet. ere visiting In Ali1higan.
Fred. `iekley left yr.terd., to .loin a [Arty
et Uratd fiend for a week'. outing.
Mi.- Krr14' Robin.on. of Ninga. Man.. Is
vidtiog her .inter, Mn. Ju-. Fritxley.
MI... Nora/. Seymour, of Detroit. 1. Visiting
at the maiden..,' of Mr. 1 Mr...1. Kidd.
Mn. R. K. Tupper and enfant, of London, err
the gucd. of Mr. and Mr .Andrew butt:
Mrs .4. 4'. Cameron. Of Ingersoll. 1. a Vint
0t the red..n•e ere.1114,14 and Mr.. Doyle.
44, Rennie. of Hen,all. father of Abs. K.' P.
Natio. -dwelt several da.- twee this work.
P. A. Peterson. of tthe linelph A Ualerleh
Kn41w0>-, len ytsaerdat uurmoue for El noire.
Mr. ail Mr'..4. M. Or ud, of Toronto.
are vldting itI the n•ald,•u, a of lino. Stewart.
Mtn. arr., Mearns end 4.nghler, Mime Louise
are .laving at the Melh,n.dd home, at. Lla,il'.
Ali« F:4* .kerfebrook left Ie.t week en a
Irlyot .tyre.! week. to Krock. Ole mat Gebel0l..
Mn. 1'. T. Hall+ and AL,der Rle leave to
day to visit relative. at. Hrenif •l raJ for aeveral
Mr-. Iloyd returned to Toronto on Tneul14
after a 11.0 141 the re -trimer of Mee.. J. H.
Itutl. bre of W. *MemoX lbs'.
left 1111+ wee (or Calgary. Alberta. and 111,1)
locate there.
MI-• None., of Leill•idle. Krntncky. la the
turd of Mr. and Mr.. J. Unurt 54.4Jreg), at
•• 1719(1'ot rage.'
Kunst Stewart i+ hone. from Winnipeg ter
vlit to hl. parent-. Mr. and Mr-. Jame. Stew
art. Art beer .t nil.
Ueor,• Toter, Joseph Heek. Ir Ualbw and
.114'x. 4uueg, 1'orlon. are In Too on •o .tlrndirg
the Moonie meeting.
The Mbne, S1,•11. and (4.rlyd). Habit.. of
Fort w'a,, Detroit. are slatting their aunt.
Mr, It. 1y. McKenzie.
Mr. and Mn. Wright and fatuity left OA their
July Specials
Copyright books. regular
and 11$ .511, 1'Waring at 75c 1401•11.
:\nrlug the ahoy*. will IN.
found the following hooky,
When It Was Dark.
The Work of Oar Hands, to
The Heart of the Ancient Wood.
by Holerr'.
The Bar Sinter. by itiehinl
Harding Davie.
Tom.1my.•ron1P.nd aCo., by Jerome K.
When Patty Went to College.
Old Gordon Graham, ht the
author of "Letters of a
Self made Merchant to his
Alen many others of the 1)e„
copyright honks,
Clearing halo nye .14 1,1,,• Ii11xe41
note paper• nml l .% 4•11,pr. 141
one-half off.
Hominess hour': x n,nl, to 41
11.111. •
Terms Strictly Cash.
Geo. Porter
Court House Square, GoderIch
Telephone No 100
Wont to Lo Anrgels+, ('al., 011 Monday. after a i
r11d1 at kidgewoud Perk.
Mr. den., W,11. 4441e 111.41 114'0 daughter-, of
1.w,dw1, are %Tattinit al the r,,.da•u,r of Mr..
and Ute Miaow ('wtsluld.
Mr. and Me.. Harry I*Touxel. el New York.
are ..paling hull414'. 4n lou o. (14e surd' of
Mr. and Mr"..4. 4'. Lw+'1'unzel.
Mr. and Mn. t'hu,. 11.'411,' 0101 .on. of New
York, and Joseph Heal... of Toronto, are v1.11
hag at the parental re.idencr.
MI.. VW. Hell and her friend. Alla liertrnde
Shirr, are 110110a.o,g at "('ante Nrueu>uuaha
Nu. 2." Unund 1,rnd. for week.
1.10)41 Allo., of Lurknow. who hal been
*hating 111 1h,• rrddener of lei. uncle, .1. 11.
M.dluugh. La+ ort 111114)1 halite.
.1. halt bus flees, tran.ferrd .from 1.911,1011 to
w'i.,lp eg by 11,e Hank of Montreal 1)1141 fence.
on Montle)' for hl. new 100111 100
Mr. oil Mrs. H. W'. Held and little daughter,
of Hrouhl)'o. N. y., are 4ldling Ales. '(rid •
parent+, Mr. and Mr. A. Farrow.
Ales. t'adie, of Halifax, w'hu had beau v4dh
leg at the resident* of Mr. and Mtn, A. F. J.
Natlel. left un her rel urge 011 Mosley.
Olio'tta Horton. >0ooge.t daughter of
Mr. and Mn. Horace f muton. smell isle.
Alarte. Ont.. 1. vl+long Offend. In *owe.
Ata.. Maggie itulwrlaon low lett to pend a
few w.rk. at the . •r house of Iwo brother,
Prof. J, 1'. Roberts,., un Ihr tteurglan tiny.
Ale.. w'. 14g.u,, of Basuto, 1. hi town, the
trots of her yam., Mr. and Mr.. Alex. Kldr
bride, and of her daugbl••r, Mn.. Kr d, Mousey.
ML,a•. May and Ella Howell. of 1)e., Moine.,
lona, arrived yr.terdal to .lend 114.0 south+
visiting their aunt, M,.. Harry Allured., 14>'al.
Ali. Nellie Metlillla•1d4 . of Te -Nilo. 1.
.lwrdillg a fortnight with frlcnd. i, town anti
will also tial* 44. Nrua,p•1+ lwfun, returning 10
Howse. ('larenee atoll AHawke-4c
:Arlington Hke-4c
sow of Sir. and Mn. 11. H. 14rkrtl. are visit-
ing with Iha•ir aunt. Air.. Al i.ner. 01 ('01151rre,
N11111 berland "until V.
Asn, wl,.. Ithyu*.+and NM. Jean and Ale to.
Kh) en. re1Urued wl Sal uld..y after n fortnight
4..r411 lu ru.tic,aiog at la>arh*. Mr. U.
Rhyme. left on her Marti lu 1lranl fuel o,
e.. N. Ise wi.. Al. 1'.. lu. 1.1,,rnrd ter town for
the l"lrli,amenlar> scrrw, He haa beet. knock-
ing'hoot the rvnuntri' a good deal, but he et).
he how not 'et.. n plates to equal Gatrrirh 04.. a
beautiful tuns'.
Alr. ('olrm.l,. the w•eaern Unlario
new. for Thr Lw11on Free lir+., was In town
Artie day during the pad w'M•k and rine column
write -.,J. of the low,. 'plraled In Tne•elay'.
i.a.ue. he day prr4 ion- the low,. of l Boise,
wean the+oblrel of a .41,114/1 n'rit'-up.
Al. 44. Howell returuwl Iwo wra•k frog, hi.
I r44,10 the tvr+t ,,1).l 111(4x(4 everrt lung brunt
4ig. Mr. Howie' however h.. dreWrd Ila tools
Ualerirh 141. house +till fur the prev.1. also
Ise. vw•wrd this management fur (t'4' -tern
Ontario of the Pitner lighting +y+1em.
Ze ri,h Herald : J... Alerner left for n trip
I hrough the w'a•+n•rt 1'ru, ince. 0111'ur+da. of
la -1. neck. Mr. Mrrn,•r will Ise moue 1,1511,1 a
mouth :1101 4' x pet 1 11 1010,1 111 more laud n h i le
out there. Air.. Mrnwr and cld(dn•n are
, i.itluld al the hour in llyderich during hl.
Thr l.eq ' gton New++ray. of a swung lady
14(11 kuowyl in Uoder,ch: 444=. Elizabeth .1.
K. V. AA 1I -n11 pa..ri 1,114 hw)1CC, at the exam
iuitk41)of Ihe.1a111axle Nurm,il 1'011agr. She
now hold •a ant -4'l:,.. yrufr..iuntt vertlna.ue.
she sea. One of ten to take honor. out of 11 104111
"•Mn.1'14Mo.I *4111 the Mise. 14..1'. Asen*e
Laurie *181 Uernldilw Brave.. ,N (',.rro. Texa.,
after an alewnie of I wo yeun. nrn.vd 411 low..
184 Friday, Ir third aolsn,er at Hotel
liurlerl.•h. They are anMoulan4..t 4. Mr.
err.. w Ito i. getting hl. ant imprew on. of
1',unulw'• pnMl1...1 (fawn, Hr i. greatly pleew'l
wale what M• ha. urn 141141 we+ 1w n•avM, w hY.
Willi 11141601 met a h,.•'Iooaliun like 111... ll dr
rush -Mosta 11.11 /re 1 , 11)' is a -hurl 1411,. Air.
Chocolate or Tan
Are the most serviceable summer footwear. There's
nothing so comfortable for a summer shoe as a light,
cool and dainty. Chocolate or Tan Oxford Tie.
Get Correct Colors
Some shades in these leathers are -not the proper
thing, and won't do at all. We are ready to shoe
you with the latest and most approved styles.
For those who prefer White Canvas
we are showing all the desirable lines
made on the newest lasts
Queen Quality
Walk -Over
Downsg & MacVicar
Abates takes, steamer at New York un w'ednr-
day foe Ualveaton, en route to hi. h, • in the
. The week'+arrival. at Hotel liodetlel. :Mo.
1. 1'Iifforl'1. A. urates, M4«s+ .\nu,r Laurie.
oeraldow 901 (4l' le May Un.,,'., 1.1410.
Tcxa.: Mn. Thu.. ('aiopphell. Prise,.,. canto.
1.•11 and parker 4 anlphell, Toledo. u1.. 1',x
ball. l'laledrliehbn: !Alward IIunr11>•. Mr. anal'
Mn. Alfred I,ueking. 1)e,a,. Lucking. 1'. F.1
Halbert, Uro. K. Hawley. Mr. situ* Mr.. Won.
viol)yke, Stew.,rt 1)wupe11). F'. S. 1194th.', J.
N1'. Mclhow. Ali,. 11. Seymour. H. A. rit•1'sour,
Ale.- sevluotir, Ih•Iml; : .. r.. Margaret A.
Fly nee. M..- A1. 11". Sutherl,ud, 1'ulmnbn..
1'. Hi'ta•u. I.Mduls : Ale H. w'. 1(1 .kr+lle. New
I)r*eNnl.t Mr. 011,1 lir.. Jas. s. v.,11 Matta.l
Ilei salt: Mr. anal A11, Uay. 11. 4 teem aim Miss
nbnllin,'ruledu: An•, *aura Lemon -11y. Mr. and
Mn.1'. K. 1.1on and MM. I.)w,. Il•I root.
The p(hlia1A'r+ of The Signal ate in
receipt of an invitation iron, the
Stratford Ohl Hoyt. A.vs•ial1.11 to
their first rrin1i011, 111 114' (11411 .0 Strat-
ford August 4114It. !Mh. An,allr,arlive
program hoar Iwen :u'1:'lug.•d for the
..e4' atinn and (here will duuhtlr... 118's
great gathering at the l'Igsaie Pity
during the Jays of the minion.
For it sal news read The Signal.
444.1,•,„ 1, , a... .n
iS ()UIt
W(' fully guarantee
our work
Jeweler and Optician
south sloe Square
Phone No.
THIS is the story in a nutshell of \the best" bargain in .cotton dress
materials we ever offered you. •Bright, fresh, crisp, new American
dress muslins. Every yard new this week, beautiful patterns, fine
quality, made to sell at 25c, 35c and 40c and worth the money. Part
of a big pnrchase of American muslins that we got away below their
regular price and real value, because the jobbers wanted them out of
the way before stock taking. Will make ideal summer dresses. Even
if you don't want one now, it would be good buying to get one and lay it
aside for evening wear next winter. They are all new, and they are all
one-half regular price, so it shouldn't take long to sell the lot. About
1,000 yards all told, dozens of patterns, so not very much of one design.
25 cent Muslins, 12it cents ,":
51111 yards Antpt•irnn organdies, beautiful (Insigne in pinks. blurs, nile green and
1110114e 1,11 white ground. Will wash well and do up nicely. Made to .ell lit1
'Lir. This clearing Int. on salt•Sot urdily Morning at your choice per y 0.44... 12'lC
35 cent and 40 cent Organdies, 19 cents
5101 yard. fine .in -grimly lips, handsome pattern., in mato es, pinks, blows. et".
on while ground. A pry choice goods, will slake handsome dresses, regular 19c
Me and Mr, choice ill Saturday c4'
50c, 60c and 65c Cotton Dress Goods for 38c
With the muslin. we pal on side the balance of nor Nenix al's snsk of higloehi(w
.Mtl,m ,IMs' materials. Organdies, venting., colored linen snttinge, in filet all (awnsl
materiel. lhnl sold 119 :Ak' (n'4'':.', I pwl in erne lotto clear. 411 • only enough for
waists, of ethers plenty for full dress. We positivelywill notentry a yard into next
s1.0414111 alnil part all this high-grade not ton 11rrss material., nn matter what the .2 Q,
former mire Wag, on sale ,11 )isle rimier Iwo yard C 7
Our Splendid Hosiery Values
Our splendid values in hosiery are bringing
more and more business to the hosiery counter
right along. Our best sto('li; is ,leo*' on , the
shelves and our counters. All reliable, (malities
and in mot cases brought 4I,, ect f'roni the makers.
Two pairs for 25c r
Ladles' Kirk eaHtonihosw, fall-f,whloned. srin,lrss
,,sed quotas' for everyday went, ,plrinl, tw„ 25e
I'Inin or rihhed enahmen' hrsrr, niee fine ottani y,
growl weight. 1411 Meas. `
I •OHM. fine Mork cotton hose with natnrnl wool 1)r
balbriggan fret
LAWN'25LAWN'flue Ince rotten hose in black. tan 1)r white.
* 44.' famous Blurk eat stnrkings for I.y. MA girls.
lc kris One riblw.41 cotton hoar, black or ten. NMmhtts
feel. four choice wt
Special, 29c
I.,,I4,•.' fine black eon,* bora.+, APrman make, Ilermsdorf
Ile. full fashioned, very fitter quality, at pi.'.' 2(>,
,.i. ............ .. X77
New Grey Tweed
!Ate designs in checks.
stripes and pain home -
spins, real stylish Kar -
month each
i $4.00 and $4.5(1
sale still on.
20c and 25c
sclllag a1
1 Sc
OOoi- *Ic
sale still on.
15c and tlic
selling at
Or ill