The Signal, 1906-7-19, Page 44 Teruaa!Av, jaly 19, 1906 THIC SIGNAL: GODICRIOH ONTARIO Ammie ar. sin Photo by earl area, rarest* MRs. LILLIAN MASSEY TREBLE A Life of ('on$ecratbn to Humanity. In Leigh Hunt's beautiful poem "Aiou 13.•n Adbriu " where the angst wrote on the tablet the nano•+ 01 the world's great ones. because Masi Ben Adbein loved his fellow -men, his nanw led all the rest len the tablet of the world's re surely high place lalongs to those who have con secrated their lives to b etter - moot of humanity, who erre great not for what they P'd but for what they gave. nut for what they alaorbed but for what they radiated, not foe what they became but for what they bclprd others to become. .Among the Canadian women who have Made philanthropy a living vital atmosphere of helpfulness rather than a u.en• theory of living, the aloe of Litton Ont.,the only sr. Born lar 1&i1 in Newcastle Massey 'treble deserves high ((.rni Hu t daughter of ttir late Hart A. Maeaey ut'foruuto, who war the in iration and im- petus to minor of the l)uuuuion'n most important industries and nstitutiors. from her earliest moment* she has lived in the atmosphere of weal . Her fine tnind was given additional strengthening and refining under the best instructors, and later in that test of ecbuoM-foreign travel --where obeervetion is the teacher, and the many new cities and countries but new ecboul-rooaur The heiress of great estates, she consecrated herself and her wealth to the good of the world. Her earliest work in the Fred \'fetor \lission in ooe sd oronto s neglected quar- terwuu cuntinced her that the primary source of good o[ evil in most instancy. t greatest nod to humanity must rbnit• front preventing evils, is the have; the the g g yPK g not from curing them, and from building tip higher ideals of life and living. The first step in this work of regeneration was ui the orpniratioo of domestic science classes in connection with tbe missions. Then name the demand for a higher grade of teachers, alive to their duties and their privileges; this led to the founding of the Lillian Massey School of Household Science and Art In this institution the nu - tical work of training women for the border so that they may make hums better for themselves and others, is the supreme airs of all the teaching. The education -literary, scientific, moral, practical -1s all centered in snaking woman more fitted for tbe responsibilities and privileges of woman's sphere. In 1897 Miss Niamey was married to John M Treble of Toronto. but this made no difference in the intensity of purpi* and helpfulnes of her philanthropic life, constantly broadening into wider channels of lawfulness tier work as trustee of the Fred Victor Mia.ion. honorary president of the Canadian Hoii*hold Economic Association, vice-president of the Nonlrn's Council of Toronto and an executrix of her father's estate are but a few phases of her busy career. Mune newsier ani or o• emaenad ei t'.erb 1. , b. yea Ise. by W. C. mai el tM hilyselmint a &Omits. CANTIN'S CANAL PROPOSITION. FROM LAKE HURON TO LAKE ERIE, FIFTY MILES LONG. The St. Joseph Man Talks of His Fifty - million -dollar Scheme Prehmin-t ary Survey This Summer Some Big Figures Involved in the Promo- tion of the Undertaking. 'Toronto sine. July tap N. M. fantin, the founder of Mt. Joseph. has at. Inst made n statement which covers the r+cops of his pro- jected renal arrow Vi'estern Ontario. He says that he has auMrvent capital allied with him tt flnaner the project, which will be before the House next aeleaion. In the meantime he will et mare go on with his preliminary snr- very. In brief, he s11nunariusa the features of his ptopwasl canal as fol- lows Length -From the eastern shore of hake Huron to the north shone of Lake Erie. fifty miles. Depth ---Thirty feel dear. Width -Pour hundred feel nt the water line. (`+st $:A1,Itt.,tgll. Locks -Only one, as the difference in level between the two lakes is last nine fret. Esti,nalerl yearly- trafle Over twenty thousand vitamin. Tonnage involved --Seventy milli tons of freight. Eodirnated not Of survey. to Iw un- dertaken this year #2',1100. As will he noted, Tlr. ('antin's state- ment deals in Large figures, "bet," says he. "the rut -orf rwcmuplishel by this canal and Ile mnsatidaclory wolves Iituidnl may he sawn by it glance of the map, and it is evident that the canal, utter opened. will af- ford great oppiirtimity fur all dosses of niannfaet ring inlrresl s,'. Shorten Route goo Miles. No 1111P 11'111 vrultire tocoot rndiet the Last of these statements, containing 1 it doe', an "if' Anile itt sntMara ory dimensions. lint Mr. 1'n11tin promises to stake genal. "The ental," said he today, "will shorten the toners, now tined by vessels plying between the Past and weal, f • lira 1., 111111 toll.'. Oil n r I trip, Ily n `:if,.and speedy channel to all vessel. plying helwern Chicago, Duluth, Fort William and other porta on Lakes Huron, Mirhigaa and Superior, a. well ns ports east of tam-elnnd nn lakes Erie, Ontario, end the St. Lawrence Hirer. It will wive about tine quarter of the time non mimed and Ovoid all do.Iiysfr fog and -heals in the St. ('Inir and 1)c•troit Havers, /111/1 all dangers frau .11imious in the narrow darn 141111.1e river., or from grounding 1011h, ahnnls or tints in the St. ('lair River surd Latke, mid at the Limekiln i'r.ssing in the Ih•lroil Hirer." ••A canal with only one leek is rm. t.her uniestinl, isn't it ir" asked The Star. "That is just the point," nnswerd the man from St..loseph. "Thr differ. moxa of level between (dike Huron and Lake Erie is but nine feet, which will he overcome hy a mingle li,ek. and utilised to develop power to take t'e.- eels through the rnon! by etartrie traction or otherwise at the .amu speed as w•If-prop•Iling irnff. 'lite route through which this mon! will para ptewnts no engineering difficult ties if e,iities whatever. Thr section is Irvel, the moil light, and the excavation of uniform eharerter. No that the cont of construction may be computed with almost absolute eoruracy at 11150. NN1,- (Ng1. The cost of eonstnlction will he less than that cd any other canal of the mama width and depth In the worts, not only by the character of the eo11, Fast itemiser It will have but one lock throughout its whole length." Wbsace the Reverses f "How will this itorurnse drat of iinstrlelion he paid 11tr7" asked tie nom.newspaper •• 1 hy," he said, with the easy cun- Ikl.•nrr which rh:uacterixes hien, ",u a 1.111 of 71, rents per ton for freight Startle on the trade between lake Huron and IAke 1?sir, wbieh would be the lowest freight rate in the world 11 would pay good return++ on Hie cost of r uisl1,elictn and u,ainten- anre, and enable to sec bate a sink - ng fund. might print nal," he misled, "that the freights paid nn the great takes for the wa..m of lflki hare ex- ceeded one hundred million th.11nrs. Over :41 per cent. of thnt total traffic would gladly have paid 7' cent', per tun to pass !Moog,' this canal, fur that fee would have rdneed the pis•..reit freight rates by Myrensii,g Ihr her of trips and :n'niding danger to vessel*, life and priper1)•, besides reducing the 'stem of merr- anee. The present nuns hvullfc het ween 1 he 11'eg. /1111111 Esme is set, 11u11 the ronot•nrtiot, of this ea nal is now a11 11nqueeliownble urcessit3' for water f ra nap, iota inn. 'elle ex is, fug IaWr isdanger,sum to vems•h life and l•n ppwrt y." Growth d Traffic. A question as to the actual traffic involved b • such it canal Ire he pro- pleats o- p ema•s Inveigh. a whirl of figures (rum Nr. (:ant in. "(teyotul a poison." IVa!, the rxp+•wi..n he mist 111 demerit*• the i' traordimlry gsintlh in 'ship- building and conitucrrr, nilh the steady increase of the p.pnlat' along the thousand's of miles of 1hr lake shores and in the tributary rnnnlry." 'num dune the figure., and he re- ferred lit lht. Wall Street S try its an authority. "Thr northern border rent it," he raid, ••inereased their ex- ports from lletit tieill tons in eleven months of 11111 to IINt,INaf,iNt1 tons in eleven 11111011111.1 .4 11101, distrilatte) among the tWent t -der leets nn Shegreat ' bikes and boundary line Iw- tween the 1'nitasl Stearn ,ind 4 isi,sdn, The vol • art freight carried Inst year on laike Huron totalled over itII,IIMI,Udl tans. This is font t' 's greater than the total freight pgainr through Ihr Karr, 1'anal. which is a worrid channel 111 n.Inrl,erce Is•tw•oen Europe and Agin and 'men et ,•ry tiny in the veer. The freight itaflle on !Ake Huron nlsl exceeds the combined entrnnecs and clear- nnces of Liverpool and 1,Imdnn. two of the worlds gristicsl .eapw-ts: N also doubles that of the wort of New Turk and Montreal, lh11ing the Wv1- st.11 of IiNti when, wag eau teal from Duluth t.. Raffish) fur 1 wo moon per bushel and iron ore for %evenly cents per ton. Millions of Mea. 'This htke'trafllc is of vital interest to millions of torn. Lying in general direction east and wed between the Ilst. and 47th parallels. it is entirely within the limits of the north temper• mer warty, nn t h.' .11(1.' of whirl popula- tion has moat freely move) westward, when• final wHtlement is most co11n pact, stud where climatic condi!' 111,11r• the largest returns to capital mud Inbor. "Chicngo, Milwaukee; Ihlhlth and Fort William, the principol receiving centre+ for the produce of the North- ern and N'ometern Ntale's an11 the l'rot•- inre., t.gether with the wheat -pro. dining territories of the great Cann Matt Northwest, priw11/t'Id. se per (love •est recunh, for export dur- ing uning onP year tl,rn,issl barrels of flour and 'l1),iINt,lIl, bushels of wheat and corn. Of This exp.r', vulAtne ,,860,1N0 barrels of Hour and 17'1,1111,(111 Inahels "f wheat nod corn were carried through Huffalo to the Allant.ie sea- boarl, while only MOM barrels of floor and :i11,lKN1,INN1 bushels of wheat and corn went. Ont by Montreal and the St.. IAwt'Pnee route." "And you are going on with your preliminary survey this' summer?" asked the reporter. "Yes," said the wizard of Lake Huron, "at an Immense cost-- 9'.- (1n1.' DUNGANNON'S BIG DAY. TWELFTH OF JULY CELEBRATION A GREAT SUCCESS. Eight Lodges Take Part in the Day's Proceedings Speeches in the Afternoon at Mallough's Park and a Concert in the Evening Notes of the Day. The *naive' sir)' of the Bottle of the Kayne was eelehnited with ,'nth11ai- apul at Ilang in" 'I'h'aridity last. Al an early 110111•11w village wail astir /with preparetii.tIs for the evenlu of the day, a of soon the people began to c • from the sons lulding country in all directions to lake' part in or to witnesg the proceerlings. SIX orales est evetgr ea spanned the streets ;Old muutt of the attire-frrlllts were gay with Hags and tainting. At about 0::10 o'clock the visiting lodges he'gan to arrive, and as ttu'y cattle they wets- dart by the Dungannon lodge and eacurlel to their quarters. Eight lodges took part in rbc eelebrat inn and in addition to the fife and druid corps ad the dif- fereut hdges the Lnekuow hen+s Ionil and the fife and dr kill/10r M: kitten Iowlge teollmemel were on hand anti tendered good service, At 2 o'clock the [sabres were uutr- s 'cur ural I' w'iet • 1. r A n hallwl the K ) gi 1., whenr'e they umpired up to alar village and through Ilse r-iuripal streets to \Lallungh's Park, where the proceedings of th • aftern. w.n Were 10 take pinus•, Alex. Our Past Master art Dun xuuo i I. who.. act et! as 1 marshal of the pnw•rsaion and per- formed his duties in a very rapisblt m'innrr. The order Of prtression waw :1+ lullnwa : Maraud. I.urknow liras- Heart 1.. 0. L. Na 4Yoi. bowknots -D. I'. Taylor. W. M. - \1- tL uU. 1 .Vn. 1144 Kbob n \h m Rr r). elapse Orme 1..u L. I N{. 7N W. . Nr UOntorrfW. N. Enniskillen I.mx No fa construe. welt Ffe and Dr H.uul Andrew %lillimn. W. M. 1.. U. I. No. set• .t uhuru - H. 11. dl nett, W. M. 1. U. L Nu. nal. K mm.t - Thu.. Henry, W. M. 1. 1). L. No. Iwo. Nile- Henry Horsey. W. 11. Lo. L. No. Y_{. Dungannon .1. K.:Ow Iw•, W. !w. Al. the conrinainn of the parade the s1rew'h•nmking corruelted. V. tut. Bailie. Reeve of West. \V'awanuah, Hetet' as elu.irlwn and was stir - rounded by a bugs represent►liotn of 1 he clergy of this dist Wt. Rev. J. W. Itol.inson, of Dungannon. weir red the visitors in a nest sprw'h, and ad- dressee were given also 1'y RC•C, 1', -M. Rutherford. Dungannon : Milly'aM, Rev. C. M. Sanderwand Rev. %l'. A. at h, Lncknow ; Rev. J. O. Ileal. e 1 ' a r u i rr • Rev. T. Hicks, &n 111 Dungannon, Hud Rev, \. J. C. Reid Nile. At the .conciusitin of 1he Pi' gram a vote of thanks w'at tendered lar the speakers un lion of Bro. l.rishuuin, of Hrlgrave, Deputy County Master of North Huron, sec- onded by Bro. Henry Homey, of Nile, County Secretory. 'the chairman *I- W, waw made the rr'.'Ipelit of a tote of thanks. A youthhd fife and dorm bond. consisting of Jack Wad, fifer; s11d Harry and Joe Ward, dnunmers - three hrot hers -played several turns in it 11annet that carpel hearty a ppplul W'. The prizes for the lest fife and dr curie were 'mot -deal ns tallows: I, Dnngnmutn lodge: 2, Kinluugh Lodge ; :t• Belfast bolo-, 7'h• Dim - moonlit' men were Rennie Armstrong. fifer. and Hank Bradford. if: •r. Rennie is a forulrr Wawanosh toy hot is now living in Stanley, anti when Dungannon Lodge wonted the lest fifer they could secure they knew where 111 find him. In the evening all, riltertnilllltent was given in the Agricuhurad Hall as the emichitling feature art the daj"iI events. The performers were \t ill McLeod, of Mentorth ; Miss Maude Till. of Ocslerieh, and the Messrs. Tyndall, of 1%trine% Mr. Melerwl's l' sele'1ioni were given in his usual darer style and e.retled 'h merriment. Mime Tilt's term were well res•rivel and her splendid voice was heard with great. apprerietion. The people of Ihingat55us will Ile glad 111 hear her again. The Tyndall brothers wing ...vend popular airs in genal style. Miss 'ryudall aeeoln- putiea them on Ihr piano. and A. Hoy Adams. of (,slerfrh, cyan arc' papist for the other performers. ;w vrk:m. There was gored acrununotation for all c err. The Dungannon people used the visilnrt well and everybody went 1 • well ph'nsal. 14 Nal order was maintained Ihim .11gI1- old the day and in the evening the quiet 111111 orderly :r11es1'iine' of the village wain especially noticeable. This Is .rdilalsle to all concerned. Enniskillen L.ndgr'm fife and drum bond is a enpnhlr' .wganitu+finn, 1)nngnnnon Lodge lot AM Rne. The new' warts lire jutst the right Thing. The naerchnnts are to Ie', compli- mented upon•Ihe way in which their stores were decorated. Seven', refreshment hw,fha did it glum) 1111sinrss. %Vaarn•' Lifthad one at the park, ('hon. Elliott had one next his storm., and at 4 t'ut*fnul'. corner there were two one stn by N'ul. Begley 111111 N'11rner Sprawl and the other by Warren 1.11 tie. Estimates' as to the nutnlwr of visitor* in town differed. A pretty safe Mtirtlate is 1,:411, although 110111P put it higher thnn that.. Alex. Dor- ton mays that when the lailwny come+ 'through Dtingonnun will ter trouis1 instead of i,t t►, Charlie Elliott and the Signal roan were trying to figure out the her of people in town on the basin of the number of bonen/is Budd by Mr. Elliott storing the shay. We bare forgotten just how the rair•nlntinu .ante 0551 there was wot1P uncertainty Its to whether the sterngc• rolls lit hill world be two or three Iwnnnas per hest. Anvw'ny, Charlie sold it lot. of hnunnns Incl In spank of other eatables., and there were is lot of people in town. Altogether it was a veru surressfnl day. and the Twelfth of July, Inlet, will long be remembered nm onP ii( nnngnnnon's Lig drys. Mrs. Wiggwsays', "1t ain't never no use puffin' up yer umbrsll' till it mina." A ynnng lady went into a well known tstablishulent a few days ago and Wald lin the flriitt'•walker : "Ike yyoo keep oast itnery Y" "No, mime," replied the man: "If I did i should Imre my Joh." Headlight. A LETTER FROM TM WEST. • • To ibis Editor of 'I'be sorest DRAM alta,- A few Un.. on nay Western trip may he of souse inteeeet to your lwsdsrs, This M the second trip 1 have made through 1hie couu- Ii-y. and the loupe. 1 stay in it and olswrve the climate, the advantages and the die dt'autiagr., and the pros- [wetisfor the future which it pre,:eills, the more conviuccil 1 ant that this pail of ('amuada is the twat place for the y g meal of energy and iu- dustoy. Threw is no doubt in tuy mind that farming is lbs best mune)•-waken in this country --f itskle of haudliug rent eetitle. I have met a lel• of tura who dote tf itde 4 great success of farming in the \feat. I said when 1 returned foram my plwviuus trip out here that. if 1 were an Ontario farmer, paying lent or interest on nearly the Whole valor of lay fano, 1 would pick up at once and either take up p home- e:rail riilt here 111• 1tit.-i•hawe t. mach hand ns 1 wished to it k. If a Own pur'hsaes be can get his land on easy Lerma and have it all plaid for in- side the allotted time, besides having a snug hank account. Miappoming a Ulan pays 911 to lila iwr acres fur land, Inside five years that land if cultivated will he worth nearer SM. 'ilio is 'amply a to petition Of what hss taken place in the drat 115e years whet,. laud today cannot 11e had fur team than 944) or $:i0 an acre. To get a good homestead new It umn has • to it a long way from any r•e111ra1 point, and the longer he waits Ihr farther he will have to go. I nm told that the gran( homesteads are pr:n'tirally all taken up for 140 miles southwest of Sas- katoon. 'lite United States people appwriate the ails antnges of this country 1.re re•alietthnn our On- tario -tarin Iti.ys, anal are coming in droves. Referring again to the homesteads. it should he reuueutlwred that thin country is fast het ' g is network of railways, olidpp brs today remote will t long wG e centres• Crus of dist l.,,u- t' Perhaps )•tris will think front the strain of this letter that I have an exit 10 grind in praising up this coun- try. Well, I have. 1 Imre so '1► confidence in this Western country that 1 have purchased *lout 2,1110 netts in one of the lest wild lands dist •irta that 1 have t'strutted over. 1 should like to give )•1111 the exper- ience of a practice! iVesle•n farmer -- n nutn who cauls m frim the city o f Toronto a few years ngIknowing nothing about ocforming at that time who at'laird it end made end t h has Once It ,t a111Y'l•1M. TINI11y he e..11tlla his wealth by the thousands, This maul (Mr. Fraser, of I,pu' Appelle, Nask.) ways that it man r1111 safely figure on it clear plait two-thirds of his entire crop ; that is, allowing for weed, sow- ing, cutting, threshing and inark.t- ing. 'Things 11111 here:" maid JI r. Friaser: ••Ore done on a much larger scaie than io :he Kant, anal with a little extra help --say twit men in har- vest and one in seeding --a Ulan ran work a section (5441 a eres1 as easily ria 1011 to 1511 acres in Ontario. 1 uu reliever in mixed farming for 0111 here. This is an age for slaciitliza- tion -I grow wheat and deal in hutees. The Own that gets his crop in first gets the 'wet Ir/ur•: day oftenmeans a week far harvest, which swans several cent• a bushel in the price of groin, as usually the Hr,t wheat marketed brings the 'est price." Mr. Framer is m frank, easily- npprcacbed man, and he fissured me thst if be could n1 any -time give a newcomer :any sssiatance he would triflingly do so. If 1 had time 1 Arndt' like to tell you how some homesteader' live! how a sod house is built ; of the ex- periences of a ride of one hundred miles by trail; of the size and doings of the uwsyuites, nod of many tither things that interested mr. Real estate in Winnipeg. Regina, Saskatwm, Prince Alpert, Edmonton, Calgary end a great many other aVestern towns has gone tip hy Imps end hounds, and money iwing mode rapidly by many who err dealing in it, There Is one urdenirable Pias‘ of settlers that has got it hold in the )West. 1 refer to the Mormons. They are doing well, developing with the country's prosperity, hot anyone who knows anything of their erred and taeties will see why they are etn- sitleted unwrlcutse neighbors. They are filing into southern Altwrta like Woman's Weakness A woman's reproductive organs are in the most in- tense and continuous sym- pathy with her kidneys. The slight eat disorder in the kidneys brings about a corresponding disease in the reproductive organs. Dodd's Kidney Pills, by re- storing the kidneys to their perfect condition, prevent and cure those fearful dis- orders peculiar to women. Pale young girls, worn-out mothers, suffering wives and women entering upon the Change of Life, your best friend is Dodd's Kidney Pills Warm Weather Goods MUSLINS A few pieces of colored dress muslins Frain 3 01 4 yards to r5 yards at clearing prices. All good pat- terns. COTTON SUITINGS Just a few ends left but enough in each 15e piece for a suit. a5c for ............ .. ... . WHITE MUSLINS and VESTINGS We have a table full of these goods to offer, soma of them at less than wholesale pores. They are good , fresh stock but they umst go at some price. COLLARS and BELTS • A new lot of collars and belts just in in the latest designs and makes, choice things and great value. WHITE WAISTS Juat 14 ladies' white waists, last aeassa's Intakes, from 97.75 to 91.75. Your_chaim fir• '4.' STOCKINGS Another shipment of these cheap black stockings, fast color and seamless at 2 pairs for asc. Sizes q, qi and to. This is the greatest stocking bargain you ever saw. We have sold already over goo pairs. MILL ENDS In factory cotton and flanitelettes, 2 yards to .5 yards, fully as per cent. less than web goods. TABLE LINENS A naw lot of tablings, the beat value this store has ever offered, from a5c up. J. H. COLBORNE Corner Hamilton `'street and .quare, OODF.RICH. bees. People at a distance have little idea of the way 'hey Ore managing things for their orae self-interest. I moat not Gorget to say something about the influence the churches and 1 the Salvation Army are hs►ing nu the Rest. Ord ham blessed thin country. Nod while it Im fresh and pulsating will1 he inrush of the fotri mer, send the fortune -seeker there is a' grand opportunity for thoNN• iu uhler l'snada to rally to the assistance , f these people and send enough men to hive the Gospel aegtIaiiIy lar 111'. Phis 15 nut (wing dune, hitt en the , whole the different denominations ate i teaching oot and covering large ,lis- . c 1 nee d' g a w kind ella anti at of good. Thele is room for n• great many "hoer to help in this work, :and a great deal of monry is needed. There leen are loyal fellows. Outside nfafew larger p1acesg they are very poorly paid. I.i\inK expenses' are consideentay hi1t b r for ilei a belt than in the Euusi, lilt they do out set as Wilt 11 as l he 111111 in Feel, el, a l.ol 1 think that most p eioile will admit that the tuiniater, considering him wutkanal hitt mialifientions, is one of 11,,' patist pelt of men. 1 hope 1 have not tired ymt and that 1 have been able to show some of the advantages of the W,'at for is,lh young Oren and young women. The killer are sorely- needed, ial'c.oue in Iowa' and country there seem to hr ahnit bilis. young men to oneoung woman. lining Indira; conte West ! There is not only the matrimonial side; Mot there is asst the fart that young wn1,1are nyeIeI for offices and other work atwhich they ale paid handsome s*latrirn ('OIuipnled with rho s. paid in the East, I alight lay that 1 du not intend n1 present to Ilwete in the West. as 1 have see ore 1 the maru'g.•nlrut of the 1'itner lighting ayeteut for a prat of 3a'rslern Ontario, with headquarters at either Ooderich or London. Sincerely vont*. • M. W. Howtrt.l.. Regina. July 3, 11110. 1111,000 Reward for a Case of In- curable Constipation. To person who can't he cured of constipation by Dr. Hemilton'e Pills, the above reward will let paid. NO cathartic medicine given snch lasting satisfaction or effects such marvellous cures as Dr. Heniihon'a Pills. Relief .diately follows for headache,'iil- inllsnesm and stotnaeh diso.rderw. No griping pains, no burning ,wneations, nothing but the moot pleasant relict attends the use of Dr. Hamilton's Pills -others not so good. Prier Mc. a tiox, at all dealers. Sunlight Soap is bettor than rarer soaps, tet is best when used is the Ssnhght way. Bay twilight Soap and tallow directions, Northern Navigation Co. DETROIT -KINCARDINE Division CHANGE OF TIME taking effect July l I th STEAMER BRITANNIC! will leave KINCARDINE, :CO t. nl. (401)h:RI('11, Il:lsi p. 111. lnndnys. Wedn,'sdayi 81111 Fridays, arriving at, DETROIT, ;:111 a. in. Mondays, Thursdays and 1atnruinys, For Irekrt- arid further Information null!) 10 Wel. LEE, (Alderkh 11 H. (Illdereleeve, Mar_ 101110lrurawl. C. el. Mlcaolw,, 'frim.• %ttrn. ',u Otos SUMMER TIME TIPS THINGS THAT WILL Make Men Comfortable IN HOT WEATHER. WASHABLE VESTS, NEW VEST ETT ES, CANVAS CAPS, EW OUTING SHIRTS, OUTING COLLARS. SUMMER TIES. FANCY HOSE, SUMMER UNDERWEAR, ETC., ETC. EVERYTHING IN MEN'S SMART WEAR REG. A Custom Tailor, 11.11 BLACK The Square. Goderirh uns Furria It does not require an Mort to clean out the flues of the " Sunshine " futnace- the only tool needed is a brush which is supplied with every furnace Clean -ort doors are platted easing, and the brush can easily 4• be inserted. This beater just bristles with exclusive features snob as 'antomatio gas dampers, large double feed -doors, steel dome, double shakers and steel radiator. If you want the best furnace roans sit time a• Sunshine." Bold by enterprising dealers everywhere. Boob s* AMC .mcW3ry5 . Tosomeo. Ifo rastL. CRY. ffmi00177Ra. Ou.lomb MssZLAc.. miit J. H. WORSELL, Sole Agent, ioderich THE SANITOL PREPARATIONS acted with A. Je A. Gregory & Company for the teeth are the Intent and twat anti tic preparatiMss on the mar- ket. Ve are agents for SANITOL PASTE, POWDER SANITOL LIQUID SANITOL TOOTH BRUSH Just try them. Special attention 144 American toilet artielee. •LYONS & GRAVES TOOTH POW- DERS, RUBIPOAM, TEABERRY, EUTHYMOL, POZZONI'S R TET. LOW'S owl other )ending flute powders, etc. Nice WHISKS for dusty days W. C. GOODE, - Chemist • Bedford Block, Goderich Local anea'y for Taunt! k !ort, eyedgrhl epetlatLdR Real estate and 1,1ei• news eh/wires in katchewnn. - Also ug.•: t 1an I1 - Union Trust Co's Lands No man i. 1•,, that he Cannot lou, Ihese lands. (.al1 and see lhr pl,, THE BIG MILL FLOUR The BIG LOAF Kind FIVE STAR PATENT AND THREE STAR PATENT FLOURS are recognized the world over as the standard of excellence. They are absolutely pure and do not require to be bleached, as they are of • fte, natural creamy white color, the color of pure flour. We give the natural goods of the highest quality which the best raw material, to- gether with the latest and most up-to-date milling devices. ran produce. tat NOT 1I.1.,iW \'OI't1-.ELF •f(1 HE MISLED HY AN OFFER OF S11METHINU Felt NnT111NU .YOU INVARIABLY DISE IN TM.: ENU. Quality and Absolute Purity are assured the consumer, first, last and always, and it is on this basis that we have built up our trade, commencing five years ago, until our present daily milling capacity is thirteen thousand, two hundred bags Buy Good Goods at Fair Prices without trashy premiums and accept nothing that is affirmed to be "nista' good." There is no flour just as good. quality and price con- sidered, as the "Five -Star" or the "Three -Star" brands of patent flours FOR SALE BY ALL FIRST-CLASS DEALERS THE WESTERN CANADA FLOUR MILLS COMPANY. Limited Mills at WINNIPEG _.-- BRANDON