The Signal, 1906-7-19, Page 2gi THURSDAY, Jelly 19, 1906
1141.0.11./t It '1i, ON T AKIU.
;Telephone 'all No. S.
Terms or astbacrinUrre :
Etat per willow in ad vane,
intletthe, ; threw months, tie.
lissiwortber• who WI to meets.. THY 44IGN•1
ragularly by mall will confer • favor try rie•
ululating 4. 01 lite fret to is. early a ilaie
When • change of adder8.., is desired. both I he
old sod the hew addre.. shoulti be gis en.
Adoyettstrug Rates
I.egal and other similar ads rri cinettl., 10e
per lino fue. 1141.1 1....enlion and le per 11114 tar
sari, stilssoutunit inwri ion. measlier' by a
nottpamil thetas.. I wttis• lines 40 1.0 filch. •
Business yards of sla anti tinder, 11.1 ten
Ad reel iseutriits of Too , Found. St rayed. Sit.
nation.. Vacant. tttt Wanted, 110414e. for
Male or to itrOl. rY11114 for Saki. thr to lien?.
•rt Kies for Sale, me., ma rigid
lines. V.I. rob inset -tit. :54 fur fir.' 'fie
for ONVil !Auger adverted.'
merits to pruirorl
Ann.) ttttt onlinary reading ty yr ten
oents per lino. No utility 41.5o. that. tir.
Alai special not iee, i he Ittoret of I. tier
poruuSery Lomita( of any lialisidual 4 t404011
1011. to b vo1014140re4 Oil MIVerlinentent anti
to be charged seyonlInirly.
Rotes for display mud coot r.i.•1 ad, eri isr
ments mitt be erg. en On application.
Addeo*. .4114,0 010441. to
01.11/141;11/1. Tlit•ItSIOAW, JUI.V ta MO&
In spite of vigorous oppowat and
01 prigs you! a 1111.11411111.111. which wotikl
have rendered the 1101.14.11114. compera-
lively 11,1•1e10,. t11,* Isord'a Day Act has
been panned in such it nhetpe4*'
constitute, Oil 411. flier'. Of it nt leant,
an effective prenvetion ef the day of
rest. Though 1.1.jeci ion has leen
made 111* ,114',484(41' 11, law."
and an itaringetne•nt of personal
raglan, wo. nee noohing in it r provisions
to justify such ere! Wintio. Parliament
apprews to have taken 4 he view that
the legitimate oohing of such legisla-
!lin) 14 to secure 141 every mem the
weekly reel. day. 141111 411+' 10111 sor 'meant
covers thin ohjeet very fail ly. The
proposed ehope to exempt Je'W/4 nd
144VY111h IMy Adventists from 011110.TV-:..
Pince of Sunday's:1 the day of TP41 14/11.14
rejected. and although it. Inny 44C4111 a
hardattip to these\ twnple it would
have endangered the whole effect of
the 'UAW if they Nut, been excluded
from It. operation.
Among the things that are pro.hil,-
deal on Sunday an. the, selling of
goodn or the parrying on by any 1111311
sof hin ordinary veiling. except Wfirk
necesmity and mercy ; public 1114111141
or emitentn for any prize or rewani, or
performative. for which an
fee is rharged : the running of St lay
excursion, ; shoot all{ %With fill -Arnim ill
NM+ 11 WS y an to dinturto other perw
in the oleadvattee of the day. Trains
and vessels in transit when Stingily
begin,. ate allowed to continue III their
domination, end passenger boat., neol
passenger trains are 'Mowed ts. 10,441
M041 unload euerchandise. at intermed-
iate points. %Venal lwfellre 11 11.1`104.1•
44. elo. and later M ...1•14.4•k 1.. too. in the
handling of car, 111 milway yards. is
Allowed : and :4(ter Sept 1.11161.1. 1 '114,
VeSisek carrying grain. 44.31 or
y 1,4,441 or miload before 7 o'clock
a. in. oor after et o'clock ill. ening
twelve • of the Act eosin. rilf4144 4.1
elnue11/411ey 431. of except ional eharael
iti whicll il remain' adv iFiA hie 1,, modify
the general tedium of the 1111411111re. On
the whole it is a law which in credit-
able to Parliament and to t mount ry.
Itemilton, Peterbort,'. Stratford and
North Hay nre 1114 places decided up-
on by the Gower/intern an the siting for
the. fietir IIPW normal rebook to be
entublimhed immediately. We an•
glad to. see St rat ford in t he list ; an we
stated bust week, /I *141.1.1 her.' will
serve thin (-Betray, in a fairly mite..
factory manner. The tinter gage
choice, however, was not dictated
solely by et dknitlf.rnt ion of the conven-
ience .1(the student.' who. will attend
the schools, or by other tearoom which
have anything to do with the (4114 4,4.(4.
ment',4 educational peoliey, if We itrp lo
belie ve The To worm, flew.. wheal b.
suppomed to fee to a great extent in
the eonfidetwe of the 4 hoverniewnt.
The N11W14 wink :
From about 211111 applieants four loca-
tions for the new Prtivincial Nor I
School.. Weer finally determined 1111011
et pewter& y afternoon'to aibinet.
meeting. Hamilton getm one a. an-
ticipated. 1.4.• (.antern sochool meas (44
Peterbort., till' wertern 141 S111141f0T41,
*41141(14.' northern to Newt!) Hay.
row Mat t era have caused ttttt re
difficulty, it is understood, within the
privacy of the Council chamber. At
no fewer than • deliberation+ 4o1
the Administ realm) hase the normal
school matter been 4 hr. -'.h, -'d out,
and adjourned. mod a &einem was,
only. (writ cd at in oh.. lent llllllll mon of
meeting. Nlans id the members of
the House, 44 conatil theories, in-
terested. have literally haunted the
Perliamein buildlingn and the Educa-
tion 1 terenn metit fon. day% furthering
the Heinen of their disetnetn, and tho.
tank of select boll Waft .1 very deliente
and difficult
Hamilton WA,ArIFOIrett the pl ,
it is genernlly understood thief the
there remaining ree melon ion.
which came from the 1 tepees mem to)
the Cabinet were Kimpston, Chatham
and Mettford.
Between K ingnt on and Peterbonso'
the fight wan long and hitter. It wets
alleged that Mr. Donald M. MeIntjin..
the defeated Connervative candidate.
had (secured (14.' pract ical premises of
this Institution for the. Limertono•
City. hence the I tepartment 'n re.g.
mendation. But. a majority of the
Ministers claimed Kingston houl its
fiell quota of (iovernment institutions.
Mr. Bradborn, t,he Government enetn.
her, who won Hon. Mr. fitratten'og old
constituency, arrived on the seen,.
and there wen. mom.' doing*. He
championed the claims of Paderborn'
In no in manner. claiming that
city h4 earned its reward, and. It is
singsorad. ev*n going so her as to inti-
, at haat 44.ontakilara. that he
retteso Mager willing to repeement 1.
onsetfteency whose claims Veer" 0411r.
looked In this matter.
After feeling the _pular (if his eel-
lettgursi. Hon. Mr. Hanna onneeded
the geographical impoweibility of Sae-
n in for the weet at the prenseentithate,
and CbaUberts, whitow claim* welt.* atel-
Yawed hy Mr, P. H. Bowyer, M. P. P.
for East Kent, and Hon. Adam Beek,
n ertirei the initial let dal ion.
Hut Chatham wont not reeeived
cordially hy the Cebinet. The Maple
City had, mince the incoming of the
new tioverninent. furnished it with
inure them ite slime (of worry and,
embarrassment, notehly 111lio•elime
usattene where it was necemeary to ap-
point three boarthe {st e
*4111,,. a year toobtain a working of the
professedly non-partisan keens,. policy
insisted upon hy tho' Premier, and in
unattens .4( 444.84 patronage, and it wept
held by the majority Chatham was
not entitled at the preen"* time to
preference over 4.t her equally favored
sites. St rat ford r4111144 111.' here and
stayed wi1 h the ntruggle to the end.
Throe times her deputation+ were
heard, end with her representative,
51r. John Torrance, they pulled off the
pi I.e. Souse of the Stratford civic re-
presentative* stayed in Toronto 40
the Ohl and left tor home rejoicing
last evening.
We haVes 110 reagent to disbelieve
The News.' 11('et/11111 of the affair,
whin' thrt owl, a strong light upon the
met hods of Mr lit•W and highly virtu-
ous Provitteial Clover lllll ent.
The Dreyfus affair in ono deck again
111 We thought that old dim
pine 11.0 itt 1108' 14. 1301 lllll nee loin 11141144'
wam nettled long ..go.
has retired from,
eig.tive eminent' I oork and building
.11.11.1101.14411411.1/1 441111 18,44.' 141 look eke -
where tor Iwyehole wield inspiration.
Reports (ruin the Eastern Provinces
indickte that Minister Emenerson in
doing thing. on *lee tisovernment rail-
wey grants. Here' hoping for your
MIlrelsan, Mr. Et lllll erste
len ntk ill Wind that II wis nobody
Komi. Tlw Nitr oidoint roan the
l'Iticatro pacling I men are ikt•ly to
result in the entahliehneent some
big parking jilants (Innada.
It is maid of the Michigan t'ent I
line in (lanada, front Mandwieh
Niagara. Falk, that it has never hatl a
powswasger killed freen4'4rain itecident
during the thirtv-one 7etir.1 iof its
operation. It is lielir'Vkl (11.14 no
other line in *1111111 14. Mender
length can present tmeh a record.
. \
Aeceeriling to an ()Id l'oeintry news-
'awe- there is increasing friction he -
tare., the French and the Englinh•
lepeaLing peormie in Canada. There in
a great .41 p its The Toronto Tele.-
eirculet ion among the habilalits
of tOoseliee. and Dr. Sproule hato
...swelled all lieeire ISSOirrirO41.01 411)(41144..
ment. tee midterm Orneige lodger. in
( ontatio. The I,'(1i.441 is strode.
The (belt Reporter snyto
Meth' 'Mosinee.' waren.. the heart of I
the hopeful Tory.- The Reporter in r.
Tory itself and its remark* luny be 1
taken an 11 outdid Pam/session of its I er
own:feelings. It in not troubled over
any minutemagetnent of the country's
affairs.- 1101 a bit tor it. It would he
delighted to,have 411 opportunity to
show "em-rupt ion- and get some
ail 1 11 lit age 11.1 itywit party from the
issinel..ingn ..f the I her fellows. Nod a
very lofty attitude. towards poditicel
Government as
Strong as Ever at End
of Session Sunday Rest Bill Runs
the Gauntlet Successfully A Mod-
erate Measure Will Find
General Acceptance Prorogation
Delayed by Whim of Senator Lan-
IMone4a1 COITIMpundenee of The Si(ma)
tettetwa, July 14,1,. After am unex-
pected blockade *1 114.' eleventh hour,
which delayed pruroga frau
Thurstley afternoons until lorklay
morning, Pailiantent hala C •Itided
ite labors for this , 441111 "Iiirbtn
001" 11iis 144/4411.1011 1111 ''*1' 11111." flu.
washout him lasted longer than was ex-
pected, but when wits this not the
(WV A large a ed of useful legio.-
ler has been placed upon (lie
statute hook : and the blovernineet
haw well wear • ni its reputation for
sound, progressive, husi uessa-1 i e met
owls. 11 444 perhaps an well to empha-
size thi* fact. for the thipemition has
followed a consiatent end persistent
course of insintuttion and petty fault-
finding, which is intended to convey
the Impression that crooked neethods
prevail in the administration' of the
country'. affairs. The net result ham
been remarkably toenail, fur all the
fuse tenet has been untde ; end to theme.
who 111141. carefully followed the pro-
ceedingsit alum he stpparent that
Canada has little to tear while the
prement tiovernment continues in r4/11-
1 1.01,
The Sabbath Observance Bill.
While the Sabbath getrwrvance hill
bad a lively time of it during the last
day or two of itte joint-inv. through
Parliament, the net reside is not its
any essential different from what was
foretold front time to time in these
lettt•rot. Many changes were made in
the original draft, all of which tended
,to modify the toomewhiot drownpro-
vision* of the measure, but there Mk
reldom heen 1111 (NV11.41011 when (Ile
principle of Provincial rights has had
better claim tee reengtittiern. or one
wher.• 4111 ig e.f• that principle
uotalel be more likely to lead Mani
trouble. It may meekly admitted
that Ontitrio, Manitoba, the two new
Piot inces, and those down by the nee,
woodel have gladly acontstell the re
est rict ive iinivisiiins of the first
aft, but 41 144,. entantire was to cover
th whole lioniinion it had to lee 11044144
Mee. 1131)1r to all ; there had to he a
gots cal of give am well an of tetke.
Later k/uebee awl British col •
Isia may a• ready to votteede further :
what Moo a, Mow se, far is ,44I-
4-5114-1', rade nd definite, am1 reieson-
able men wi recognize thin, and le.
Mr. Bonrassa's twat
lllll of the I "ewe ratite pape4-4
pralines to have disc 4(41994 .1 desire in
the Liberal 'rank'. 10 /111 Mr. Henri
Ii4111T3/11111 11111 of the pot , on accement
of his •" o4 end against
114*' tioverntneist varies" occanions.
No nem was 1.4141* 11104111 'Heel 1.1"
11011414t personnel 4141e411.1411111411e11 Irene) a
ponithni in the ranks of liahe
The !ratable its 111/11 the mender for
IwIle has, rightly (.r wrist) v.
Tented the ina !IMMO if 111 1 11411 1411n net 141 so
re too often impelletl by a desire Go
eersonal notoriety, rather than by a
e llll ine inability to agree with tlw
olley of hi. gnarly leader,. l'eider
111. myntessi govertinwnt, party
fidelity ix too important a eneette•r to
tw made the 'deviling of personal
venal.. Let the country I.•• natisfied
this' Nr, Houriansi, or any other n.
"ntrotight." end no government
would be able. P411111 i1,1 no detained.
to oetragaze I • in the Nee of the
public support ho. would receive.
Changes in Parhamentary Rules.'
Rev, Hulot. Johnston. t lie well-
known Presloyteriaell clergyman of
Montreal, mays in regard to Kir %%11 -
(rid Laurier'. 'mention respecting the
Sunday bill whir+ Mk been peeked at
Ot lawn :
"I know very sell that Sir Nrilfricl
laurier ham es:writtend the frien&hip
1)1 ,411114. of him lifelong aihnits•re, he -
,1111.4. 4.1 hios Monad on the bill. Vet I
'where that bin waition will be
parent/Ohtani, mot 'poly, in the 441wr
!invoices, Imo in lanetwe an well. It
is well lerstostill that the peonage of
the hill (.04'141 never have been secured
Moil it not been for hia broad-minded
and generous support of it. Per-mind-
ly, and I heliete I speak for a great
many, my elwens. 1.','vent ad ittieen
for Ilse Premier Issue been profoundly
inere(Ined. It in ....entailing few whieh
Canada should 1.e. thankful thott MIT
414144 willing even 11) 04)4)4(44*'
1 dell MK supporters, few the make ''1
plowing a bill dealing with a great
I 'pinwheel, whirl. he felt eg) be
dereirable for *I,' 111,11 11111PTIM1 of the
rionntry. queloose 4•1 naturally pilau!
of Premier lattrier, noo all 4 'amnia in
proud of him and him sineerity. and
him evident fairnessl rtionnwnik itself
to men of all parties. If I tindeistand
the feeling of the Province of Quebec
nt all, whim.% er nommen ion may hone
been oinetsteml by (his bill will pass,
and Sir Wilfrid's insition will be
(aren't, hen ed rat her t hart w en k enes I.
The Old Maid.
11.-, 1.• like toilet tools nre clear.
11.1. phaiti Mee 4. •..'.'I and fide
The fne.1 mom a 1 11.444,494 sear
ties ber hair
01111 hit • 1111 1111'11111n 111
k;st•hatigett hencoli all April nmon.
Nor 441t4.41e1..1 con> cr., 'neat 0 the hontelr.
114 rose -bright .1 .,
She Amer planned ber nedding gown.
Thin sore, em mom -florin` anti sem,
ter her life heiti na crown
*4? 11101 11,1 1111011.
Vet to he 411e11ut of her side
The little orphan children pie«. :
Ti Leos n ..he he fn r 11/111 wide
The nml
Tito prate 111111 oaltering Itn e her well,
sia•li read% '41144)144 414 %h.' •
Too. -,,,rrea burdened (met) 1.11
larr their tine.
4% 4111 fate -.he nes er s,hges strife
It mind be -4111e1, AnOwe
And .0 -he lit 1, bee 1114.
IllesAng 41111 1/110.
She Ares. the !horn) *4hIsith flowers
Anti rum. the Ant k nes. Into dai
And as we clasp her hand- in nthr.
We call blit say
Dear friend, so tit h in inh and truth.
M'ith large. warm heart and stendfma mina. fn. 11011111 that In root Tooth
The 1114.11 WPIT Mind
A rots.
Clark's Pork and amine.
Alwaym keenly enjoyed by ehIldren
and there's nothing better for them
Oat lark's and pat 44.4411e purest and
best. 5c. and 10... tinm.
Important changes were made i
the rules regulating the 1111.4..vdtin.
the Monne of n, in the clewing
day', of the ...rancor'The mewl ins -
!'"latent in that tvhich requires *5 mem-
oer to have the sseppeort of twenty
members when he -es the adjourn-
ment 4)1 441*' ii141111.4*. A motion to ad-
journ in frequently mottle to enable a
member in introduce n • matter to
(he Hooke which in ponsitely quite
irrelevant. and 11)4. direarosion VrhiA
in nuthing • nor les., than ot waste
of C Like many another npeirial
privilege, it has rotne to. he greatly
*bused, and the relining:writ thole in
redeem twenty easemlwrn shall art WI
niktreinorn, ari it were. ghouls' reline,
thin o object ionable prowl ice 40 14 nil ed-
Another change provide* t het
the Ilona*. !Mall elder' rine at, fl
o'clork on Wednewlay -1111 evening
noesion that night One local paper
irreverently suggests that "this, k to
give the meenlw•no the chance they
ve long &sired of et trailing preyer-
meeting. On thin (bey, however. the
Henke will meet at 1 o'elowk ineotisoull of
di .
Senator Landry's Attempted Hold-up.
1.111. will say else Senate Maud.;
for mailing. tater the wrformanee 4)1
Thursday bent. when one Senator "ell
I a his I sm ll ••• held up the beeminnen
and delayed proroget ion for a whole
(lay. The. matter -in (mention) Ines in
itself n trifling one: wlwt her the pen-
ned/11. to ex -Minister,, mhould le. rod off
at once, ott the clone of the flans! yenr
June or run another month.
The Oov..rnment hill cut them out
from the earlier (late, and no provision
hail been noade to pay them, hut
Senator lendry, for no that
was apparent, wanted the extra
month allowed. To pante the. measure
the unanimous common, of the Howie
wan needed, too that the one man
standing on4, blocked matters rites-.
lustily. However. the (lovernment
retuned to he hekl tip even to that PI -
tent, and Po the (inventor howl to he
notified to go hark home again, the
dear girls were gathering in all
their pretty gowns 141 11P0 the 'glum
were disappointed, the guard', of
honor and firing parties were given
the onler to "rightathont. fare," and
everything Wan chines.
Alt) gh the enti-pennion. bill hen
premed, rind ex-Ministarn are deprived
of their dot. after enjpying it for one
nhort rension, it in preamble tient •
arrangement will 1,.. arrived at in the
near flame lov vvhi..h the faithful ma-
vens, of old Crown Minirtern will be recognized And iewareled.
It in rt ticklirb matter to handle equit•
ably. but public opinion in more 60
fevor of a pension for these gentlemen
then of the increment hole lllll it y voted '
lent 'tension nnel not repealed.
May Visit Canada.
The ennonncement that Lord Elgin n
end Winston Churchill tarrr riait
Cannel* this 1.144 1'. interesting, but not i
very reliable. The country would be i
pleeked to welcome the flea Comedian. t
horn olonial Secretary, and P41.11 him
undereaudy termed receive hearty
bandsh.okr. though he ham not done
anything startling nine. Lakin," )1'P4-
144* prevent job.
What Has Been Accomplished on the"
Passing co the New Act Rev. J.
0. S IRevoews the Measure
and Describes It as On• That Will
Do Much Good.
An int erprViat i1 1 11 1 1 11. Lord's Day
ato piUMeti by the 1 /munition
Parlietment in furnished by itev. J. ti.
Shenirer, general ,111 tetitry of the
Lieed'ee Day Alliance, Her, Mr.
Shearer sayes :
In reeponse to many requests I
gladly furnish a statement indicating
itt popular terms 111,• scope and value
from the viewpoint of th,• Lord's Doty
Alliance '>1 (41*' flrat i'attoulian lprti
Day Act.
Already very different estimates
have appeound in the public press.
Stalle have said the act indeed, others
that it is tirades's, 011 NIP one hand :
end on the other, there are those who
comedy'. it the best borers Day Act on
the statute hooks of any country;
others that it is ita many ,particialeue
over stringeta. The truth lies be-,,
Invert the tvro esti eMen. NVe hitt e
not snared all we sought. The art
hsts been weakened in certain parties'.
Isirs, but on the whole 11 1. a Kona act.
14 is an illi11114.11.4. gain over what are
had before. It covers the points that
were left um -levered ill Oellr old Pro-
t metal i‘Clia Which still remain in
force. 14 is '111 inure sweeping
than pe•rtutpe atieny people recognize.
Gain Worth AU ths Effort.
In the first place, it in an immense
adventage that we have a Lord's Doty
act for the *bole k ion which
reemnisee the Lord's Lhty art it na-
tional institution, the Waked daY 01
rest and liberty, the churclin day of
glo,iou.. opportunity. This in itaelf
a gain worth all the effort.
111 the necond place thee new act
makes all Sunday trading unlawful
and all work for tensitneration ex-
cepting works that are tieehired la.
works of necessity iand mercy. It
prohibits all Sunday thenetres and pule
he games, sports anol sements for
gain 1Dr prize or. reward. It hanishyn
the Sunday new141111 per, home -pro -
dewed orforeign„ banking unlawful ite
publication or 'Napalm ion, itse sale or
distribution. These ere among the
worst tonna of oleserrott' oof the
learcrn Ihty in other esountrieta1115,4 10
110111Y extent they has.. been finding it
foothold in Canada. The new act will
prevent their contiminnee or develop-
ment. Thin, again, in weeith ell the
Gives a Just Penalty.
But in the third pl:tee the art ap-
plies to c plaint and corpowationn,
putting them under heavy penalting
for ••atithorizing, direoging and per-
mitting" any work, other than works.
of necemeity or mercy, (o) he done. in
inennection with their Nosiness M. ill -
&Wry. The old Prot Owlet acts made
the ;saw work 1111141 te8 their
peneltine. hut 'did nod apply to cot-
porat • or PIIIpluvers. In .414.. new
net tItereis a geminated ywnalt y. from
IIIIP (111 forty dolbon for a workman
wh., godly of a violation, front
twenty 10 11111. 11 111.11 1/4/118r1s for
them who ise an employer, and from
fifty to five hundred (toilers for it eor-
po le employer. This Kreitmand
pen ty will be reeognized as Peet, stud
contr eaten •h ;mike the act
11114..' mirth place. the new act sop -
phew to al .lasnen of pe+414411,4 1111 pnrt
ly. Many the old Provincial :lets
dull lien applv oe fannerm (e. lona-hers ow
1U I WI 41./114101101 *n. The lieW ttill ap-
plies tn *II. perm ting in 11410' walk elf
life only Umiak I are npecifleally
accepted am being deemed work,, of
neeensity or mercy. very persist-
ent effort wan made be we the select
eoennsittee of the Knew. C
hefore the H111.14*1 knelt, an twfore the:
Senate to have the en'A d other*
who ohm -rye some other dn • of the
week MA a rest day exempted 1 1 the
rtwinionm of the act, but hi th
mew. .4)14'. exemption wam edited
(hewn by very borge moijorit ier. It WM111
felt that no rowcial privileges nhould
tee given to any class, end that mu+
an exemption would make evasion of
the law easy, would give 311 11111/114'
advantiage to the exempted Mass 111
certain trades noleh aro baking and
newspaper pultlieat ion, and whilr
!some financial relief too Jewish
employees, would, on the other hand.
rad upon a 11 larger fl 1111)11*'?'
I Is rim Ian employees in Jewish-, w n I
factories, which under tbe exemption
would he cloned on Saturday., an
eginelly 'idiom financial ellealpility.
rend 0114 legleelatews felt that in it
($44411'11 bend thin would he unjusti-
Affects Transportation Companies.
In the fifth place, the. hew law ap-
them to the great transportation
ennies. No former act 41111 Apply :
they were free to emery on all forme;
of 4 ninsportat • nntl of eonntruction
and repair work. Under the new law
they are not free to ornery excurnitons.
They are not free to make up and
Mart out freight trains. They are hot
free to load nnd unload except in opt. -
lain CirellItlianaers. They 31.1. not
free to do conntrowtion work of anr
kind, nor generni repairs, hut only
much work ete cannon be done on other
days end is essential to the Rarefy of
the piddle. They are not free to work
their office staffs, which has MI 5111111v
roads helm compdatively common.
All thi* la a gain over prerent con-
--Another new (name of
the law is clause 4, which ',taken it
unlawful for anyone to. "revoke any
employee In telegraph, telephone or
transportation lines or in egonneetion
with Industrial prowenn('44 to) do the
usual work 4)1 1144 ordinary calling on
the Lord's Day unless.; he is allowed
(luring the next *ix days t wenty-fotir
Muerte *Klima labor." Thin will make
41. pomeible for emplorees to get oleliv.
Prance from ....yen (lays. in the week
work, tool rell will admit thee to have
men working ten or even twelve hour.'
in the obey. seven (herein the urek,
disograce to Chrion inn (aunt ry. and yet
these nre the home', of belled in retersel
Melina nal 111111 411110414 in venter!) Cnn-
iObject onable Amendments.
on the other linnol, l'arliatonsnt intro -
lowed into the law in the cloning deyn
tf t he mention pertain features of which
wo• cannot spenk no highly. One of
'he* in the imertion in clement 2, :1 and
of throw work. "exeept no. provided
n tiny Pmvineial act now or hereafter
n force." The avowed object of the
nnert ion of thin election tean to protect
he Provinete in whatever powers they
powwowed to legialete town this omen -
time, a not unworthy end in Itiself, but
the temilt teeny he a great &al of ex-
pensive litigation, and many legal
nothorities hold that if the Provinces
have the power these wed& were
tterelletw, mid if they have not the
power no actien on the part ed the
Ounoiniou gat) best otts it. It is probable
that in the not distant future. if Any of
the Province,. meek to legislate tipon
the embject append will have to 11.
taken to the Imperial Privy tkaincil
to settle nuoro• clearly and defluLtely
the question of the respective powers
oef the Dominion end the Provinces.
The Won okiectionable Amendment
of 4111 4V/01 put in by the Semite, making
proantition dependent upon the per-
tuinsion of the Attoreary•tieneral of
the Province. This with probably in-
tended 10 Make vexatious prosecution
with licious intent inipuesible.
But whatever the object, it is impos-
sible for anyone to Pottery making it
necessary to obtain the consent nf the
Attorney-Unieral lwfort. it he possible.
to take act" 1.0 close a corner ehop
that is doing Sunday trading,. or to
put, 14 stop toe e company ,f of Redeem
nerving et g construi•ti '11414 111 the
building of 11 111144 Mil way. It is
simply ridiculotse and teureesonable in
the last degree. However, we do not
Aare with some the opinion that the
Attorney-lietiends w ill be unwilling to
give their consent. Some critical in
Parliament laid Oita uwitest that the
act weleild be a dead letter. We have
n higher opinion of the Atttorney•
tienerala in the var. . Provinces.
and anticipate that since this' duty is
put upon them. they will accept the
responsibility and provide the most
convenient machinery for 11,.' carry-
ing out of the object 0( 014' law.
Some Trifling Weaknesses.
There are other moue trifling weak-
nesses. such as the permission given
to manufacture. simple sugar in the
grove on the Lord's 'Day, but these
are ridiculous rather than see ly
harmful. Such permission could otely
apply to one or two Sundays in the
yeer. end would only he taken ad-
vent -lye of in l' 'ted districts.
Au impreseioit has been given that
the effect of the new act is to legalize
games of hall, etc., •nd fishing and
hunting, inasmuch as it only pro-
hibits gamete for gein, prize or resent.
and ',hooting at a target. This, how.
ever. is e great mistake. The old Pro-
vincial laws remain in force, and in
Ontario lend the Maritime Preivinces
at least all noisy games and. fishing.
hunting end oshomoting, etc., are
alsoolutely prohibited iniernis of theme
laws. and in the mediae Provinces and
on the mainland of British Col bia
hurting and shooting itt gatow in pro-
hibited in terms of the mow or other
Wills. It is therefore only in Quebec
and certain parts of the B'etet when.
the prohibition .of tohooting is l' ' SNI
to target practiee, idol of games to
those for gain. prize 4.r reward.
Will Accomplesh Much Good.
All conetidered, therefore, the new
act im an immense gain, and will ;se
c p11841.11 good. Its very ex-
istenve will here a powerful deterrent
effect, and it can he improved an the
nhed 4,4 densontanited. Thiel is doubt -
Ink not the load time we shall be Mr
plying for le-Risk:ion at Ottawa. VI e
shall not ink needlessly: nor for any-
thing unreasonable, and the meweenis
alt Kling the nnent effort show . Met
nt ling in 411104)4141111 Ilie 411111 t 1 ttt sl
W he publie opi tt ion dein:Look.
1 desire for myself and for my nol-
'newer. Mr. H. I". McPherson, LL H.,
and for all the mentlwaso of the L. D.
A., to expressos our grateful apprecia-
tion of the passional Litedneseo renown,
end the practical aid given tee ley our
peddle men in op•neral at Ottawa.
Misapplies% wit 4 few exception, to) the
neembere of Parliament, and to many
members 4,1 4111. Senate on both Miles
of politien. I it applies especially to,
the members ,.(*41p ticovernment. With
'v114.1111131( serially and Iwo...snowily we hail
le re to do than will. leadere of
thetipposit. . It 1'. highly probable
that non+ a law 1.1 Milt 1101 1014'14 1.01.1/
parsed heel it 114.141 01 11rt 111.111 a 114.v•
eminent 1114.111.11re, and it is doubtful if
the tiovernment womb! Or 1,1111141 have
nue.cessfeally carried it thromgh Per -
lament lee any but a Ereetell-Ca•
median Premier, and thnt therefore
thine who appreciate the Lord's they
Are and the country in general. ere
put tender a booting debt of gratitude
to Sir Wilfrid Laurier.
11's all easy. matter to obtain peace :
all you have to do in to let the other
felltew have him way. Chicago) News.
NAVE. TON A BOSS ? or are you 141.1e -
pendent' If 405 501 mak tog moneyfor some one
elm, gunned make money tot yourselft;et out
of slavery anti be free Write t: MAIl1SII4LL &
Co, London They 401 shcAs, pot the wAy They
h•ve started thousands uu the road to freedom,
Seven dollars 11 day, every day in the year, is be-
ing made handling their good* Write now,
Time to. money
Fall Term opens Sept. 4
Tho -e lotere-tett In trii-itie-+ entleae
work si Id write for our 'mice ..alsi
Mane. Title is the Inege..t find 1,-1
ronititerelitt ,out hor1 hand ..•hgel
weetern 11111410o. We give it ;mug
training itirri asast our graduates to
memporatihie 110111 1041, Many of the
leading hicine.s. toilettes employ out
grorluotes. Write now (00 1* free rata
We teach
nt yoor lionie. I 'oil, our 11)11
lion (byre 1. tot e, pertinent ins( at
sooting of material. neat M1/111'y. V1111
1011011 to do Piety .14,1. .1 the work ytoir
Pelf. Sneer.. ornoronteett. 4 tor $14,..,
gold pelee 01te1e4t Noll. Writ.. tosle
Correspoomleme I ham rt mem .
A Great School
Student. front lititi+h olemhi,.,
Saskatehewnn end Menitotts on the
11e0t to New Hrun.wiek on the east ore
in attendants* this year, Dirdanee lono
5,40401.4401 (0 those who s to v.(
Issa. Our gratin/awl are slvenys siac•
cessful. (Mr hte1114.1e.. etre nnoirtakswi,
onintenes• non. NO V R.,01011. 4 oilers
open entire year. Magnitteent
lova. free.
W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal.
Yong. anti Alerroarter
W. Acheson & Son
with ('4)4 4011 warp in
shade 14 leinewnit;
greens, reds, fancy
effectri end 1)18111,
tegider15e. 28e and
grte at per yard 124c,
Tht• and
27-ineh wide, thir
seaminess patterna III
best% y pile carpete,
*lend or scroll Ilea -
terns, minced to
pee yntrd 40c 50c
‘Vhite NWirta lace
1.11111.14111, special
91.041 at per pair
1112.110. 441 padre of
Nottingham white
lace curtain.', 111
inches wide, s
yards long, scroll
and fern psttertis,
regular price per inisc
pair *LA% ou adroit
Handsomely em-
broidered. tri ed
and tucked.** great
variety All At re-
d la c e el
Regular SI .25.
slat and
Cleat ing at nick $.1
91.00 and
High -oinks summer
1. 4) r t finest
email! /teed of per -
filet workmanship.
NeweN t models,
every size 18 to Egt
et per pair special :MK
Clearing sale of
and 4 -yard wide
Scotch Itnolettrus 411
block, floral and
tile patterns, regu-
lar prier_ per yard
45c and (4)1'. July -IQ,
sale price per )'etist
Livery and
Hack Stables
The finest turnquts in town are supplied at these
well-known stables.
Carriages for every requirement and good horses
furnished at reasonable rates of hire.
Finest Hack service Everything up -
in town to -date
Careful drivers furnished when required
All calls promptly attended to
Walker & Augustine
Manufacturers' Overmakes
Men's Pants, Boys' Knickers
Ilere it is 100 pairs of boys' knickers in nice
dark grey tweed, double seats and knees, sizes ..)0 to
:33, made to sell at 75e. Yours for 50c.
50 pairs, sizes 213 to :33, made to sell at 90e and
$1.10. Sale price 69c.
cm pairs in the lot, made by the English Woollen
Mills Company, "The Trouser Kings". Every pair ts
L good, desirable pattern, will wear well and are made
(Atra good. Vonr money back if' not worth tlw
original price.
Made to sell at $1.5o, $1.75, $2.00, $2.5o, $3.50.
Sale price. $1.15, $1.35, $1.50, $1.75, $2.40.
The right place to buy
Men's Clothing, Furnishings, etc.
Dural; the last couple of weeks we have enlarged our show-
room for parlor and upholstered goods and are now better prepared
than ever to serve you. In these Imes we have a large array of up
holstered goods at prees that are right.
I only, 5 piece:parlor suite, hireh 411111
inehognity frames, upholstered with
ielotirs, plush hand. regular $18 50
$21.1111 for
1 only. 5-pieee parlor suite, birch and
malueopeny frames, upholstered with twat
velours, silk plush hands, npring edge.
beaten frono, regular.
t4n.01, for $28 00
1 only, 5-4)40*e parlor suite, extra !navy
mahogany frames, tephobetered with bent
milk. mitring edKe• butt" $51 50
front, regular 100" 101'...
' I only, it- !Sieve 7parlor nude, mahogany
flumes. twain dully finished, Upholstered
with hest s '.4111'.411111441
ilk. ritlig.'i $41 75
te tenuity, n•gialots. f$45 fel.
\ 11.011 .4. MO Phone
1: 1.411
„,..hri...i. H. B. Beckett 89
Undertaker and Embalmer
Livery and
Hack Stables
The finest turnquts in town are supplied at these
well-known stables.
Carriages for every requirement and good horses
furnished at reasonable rates of hire.
Finest Hack service Everything up -
in town to -date
Careful drivers furnished when required
All calls promptly attended to
Walker & Augustine
Manufacturers' Overmakes
Men's Pants, Boys' Knickers
Ilere it is 100 pairs of boys' knickers in nice
dark grey tweed, double seats and knees, sizes ..)0 to
:33, made to sell at 75e. Yours for 50c.
50 pairs, sizes 213 to :33, made to sell at 90e and
$1.10. Sale price 69c.
cm pairs in the lot, made by the English Woollen
Mills Company, "The Trouser Kings". Every pair ts
L good, desirable pattern, will wear well and are made
(Atra good. Vonr money back if' not worth tlw
original price.
Made to sell at $1.5o, $1.75, $2.00, $2.5o, $3.50.
Sale price. $1.15, $1.35, $1.50, $1.75, $2.40.
The right place to buy
Men's Clothing, Furnishings, etc.