The Signal, 1906-6-28, Page 82
8 THURMDAT, June 28 law fi
The Gentle
Kidney Cure.
Don't think that Bo-jti is Bot
effective because it does not
"tear things iu.we." The man.
who tails must, dues Nest.
Kidney remedies that purge -
and over stimulate the k Idueye
-upset the stourach_are going
to do you mighty little good.
goes about curing you gently,
mildly, correctly. You arose
know you are taking medicine
--excect that you begin to pt
better and keep um germ'
better Bu -Ju heals inflam-
mation iu the kidney. --takes
avrey that sharp pain to the
tack and the dullache thruugk
the hips -stops excessive urIa•
anon-aod enables the deem -
ted portions of the ktdoeyst0
beal and strengthen
Charlie IRM mu mat ism Too.
two•0 tit. • Wm Y.
are always
reliable ....
'sV* find sat i.file1in dealing on1
purr, fre'h goods In ,nor ens* e1'•.
The NIIN•k Is specially well xs'oii.d for
the !lade. +earl the 'met
Ialrlirubt• vei n14 of oar pa11urne will
have prompt inpt merely...
Fresh vegetables 3'31 friths in
Phase et or call.
The Square, Godericb.
Single Fare
Nere .. 111.,41 11 .1.
JUNE 29th, 30th,'
JULY 1st, and 2nd
until JULY 3rd.
For tieket sited full ir-
fotnaatiui ,•a on
Tr. rs
Office hotel: A:1 a. on. In
1(::11 p,111.
J. 1). Mrihmald, Ili.trir Pae-
eet1g11' Agent, Totrolit(
'PHONE 15 OR 2
Warehouse 4 4 r. Woof
W11011011 want (01141 Tari. (.141stord)
THIICI*I4T at nock Severe
1►KR soil weiget gh on the 1011.
timbres left at 1', l'. i.:: ' !lard. tr1• Stoic
resat side Malar., pommels utl,mdll to.
Canadian Northwest
Homestead Regulations.
AU even nmmtiered4Uon of IMm4nton
1ond. la Montt obit of the (int h -Nest I',ovin,e.-
execppttlnor s and 1(. not I, '1'41 ed- nnu 7w• bottle.
n•sulled Ar stn lea .on a' h. I, ;tie sole head of 0
0.mfly. or 014) turtle 44'1.4 Ii year. of 4i4p' l0 1hr
extent of unr-quant^ sect on of 1m nrar mote
or less.
Ent* nlnst' he mode prtwnnlly el the meal
land o111rs for the d1.1rk I in w hire Ihr Mod is
The honic•tender is required to perform) the
roam' Ions connected therewith under one of
I he fullnwing plan.'
In At IPA.( six months" residence upon and
4411114a..n nl the land in each ,year for 144,1,
eta If the father for mother if the father I. oh,
rra.Ptll of Ihr h»n1'-(mase 14-1111. 111100 0 farm
MOM. 44,4011r of the land entered fur th• m
hlirrnlrnt- A' 10 11.+1;1....... ten) h• ,011.11.T11'n '., 4, iter -o, red'ins with the father n,
411 1f the ref11,'r has hi• permanent ne.idrnrr
lion fatruit,a land owned In hon 111 the .0 44*
4?) of hi, hu.,w-trail. the requirement- n-. In
re.WPrtee ten) toe anti-ned Al n -14,11r4. mom
the sold anud. .
Sit Oman? h. not we In wilt Inn -honld he given
to ahs . ottotoI nor« of 111100100 1.011.1. at
!wt,twa of h.l,•ntinn ro Apply for pa tont.
tt•.)W. 1'1)R V.
Deputy of Ihr Mln4-tor of the Interior,
N. i1--Cnsuthorie.d h.hl(eat ion of chi. 1011-
vert4Mnsmt will not be paid for.
dpi of change of running advirtiN•
mint, mutt he left at this office by
Monday neon to enure insertlow
in Issue of same week.
C alesaka. 1904. by A S Bow.. & C.., PNB -
Lira I% F 1144 A.m.. tarn Tad.
Al ttrhr Ft.w eerl
44 ll1l411.DM f 44410 ti)
years more and uwh:ace yourself, an/
Mau. If I've gut any lutlurnce with the
cane -imamate from this district --foul
I sort of Where 1 have. secoutlhauded,
f' div tato-you ':au go to Auuaiev"s
end learn t0 be a navy omeer. That's
m,- ,ger. You've got a couple of
months to think it over In "
'lbs catboat swung about on ber dual
tack and stood W tut the Darrow,, the
ruute wblcb the cuptala bad spoken of
as the "short cut." From where Jo-
siah sat the way seemed choked with
tuns of rwrlug, frothing breakers that
nuthlog could approach and keep above
water. lint Captain NA steered the
Mary Ellen through them as easily as
a New York cab driver guides his ve-
hicle through a jam on Broadway, pick -
lug out the smooth places and avoid -
lug the rough ones until the Bust brie
was crossed sod the host entered the
sheltered waters of the bay.
"Ely gum'" exclaimed the enthusi-
astic 'able seaman." "That was
"That's part of wet 111 l'aru you to
the nest two mouths." said the captain.
"'Twou't do you any berm to know it
wbeu you're In the navy neither. Stand
by to IK go lowborn'
IT11 1446 C41\TINI'F: U...'
Excellent Showing Made by Western
Farmers'Weather Insurance Mutual
Iw.N441-to-k 4cr.l incl -111'4l0111..111111 1.11
"Steady advancement" ha- 14 els I he
history of the %Vest w'thil4111.1 Eats
14u•ro' 1\ PAtbrr 11141/13WY \141111141
l'onap11uy ricer ale 1"r"ri»,Iill iun 44.41114'
1141,•1• lnuuth. 11g11. 1h,:.ifze.l for
plod•rtinn 1111111 wind -1''4111.. it al-,
ready has upon i(» hook, ii•itl11lee lu
Ihr 111 pill41,411 I, 'And the
monthly Era 411110 1,f the ''n.• 1 1,141
1 41.111e 41f Ili.' r.1ullratly are slr4Jila' 1u-
eremoin11. 'rhe 4.,sotuul)• i. 31311314•111 -
ly baking a stroma hold°opi,n 111e• rI,,-
11ler. 04 41xforl and .Itrr1,141ldimg
The monthly meeting of the exicie
114,. was bell) in \\'e.Nl.tio•k.Thurso
d,1y, .1 • 11114,
Application. for in44iran ee received'
daring the I1*0l 111 unw11nlwl 111
*111,111). l hiring *4141 411 ter the nivel -
ing *Jditi I npplien 'for nearly
71 P1' 1.111, In.u4Iuel• were received. w11i(11
Will 11Pr113111111161.141 next meeting. Rx•
eellent wotk Hua% been d • by tire in.
dividu*l agents in this district. one
agent rending in applications aosouut-
iO,t to trims. 9.141,11sm) l4411,Iest.
\Vhile the c (any 111.111.44 against
41411u444,' f • win.( storm's. It sus-
tained little lora from the big storm
of Friday bum. Which 'Amami in nhluost
A circle 1111ruid their present d144114••t.
I'he euunlilw in which it WAS !IL its
worst w•1•M 131111111 011. Keir(. ha4ul,
Nor folk end Motif. 5111111. lo:m•, were
sustained. and All were paid promptly
yesterday aftrrmN441.
The operlati,4i. of the c pang will
11Y /41111111/441 to One dislike. As time
(1144w's they will la. extended 544:144 to
.111*41 ,,r,' .III el' 44,•s(rrl• nati
o. Ito
nn.' eN 11e 11rItlli plan. 'flue
...mummy insures farm building., wind
mills. ...mist ry w•b1N,I 1 sus and
churches against wild storms. It
31:1y1 1''14,»•k 44111411 by falling WWII'
111 11$4,4 11..1111 111g (141111 4111111
alarms. H.•...11ifion4 railing attention
to Ibis company. 1111,1.11' work have
Iwrn I,es.•+•I b)' Ile. lotiowfng 19111111
• "4.111.: I:Igim• Nortull, N'enl-
worlh, l.nlenlm, Oxford. Perth noel
1 0 44.
Th„a• present yesterday tarry :
111'Pa,s.. Kuhl, Auisiot(1mg, Weider,
Perth eiiiint ). p reei,,g11 ; lieu. 41,»'1%,
e.•illlrr\•' 1•'lles. township, 24111 (ter -
pi modest.: E. I. Not 11.4+11141. 1w•e1r•
111'4.11.w.1111'?. M:mbro; 1'. .1. Payton.
11114tlagillg .1ireet,'r, Cs1111ry i and
ells eci 4)4.44,1,.,, Ilon:dJm 411, ,'x•\\-4411411
1'eK11 e. v ; John Yining. ex -War-
d. n 4)x11111 r ty ; John 11a('idamn,
Reeve .,\Ilrniegln towel -Mir; tical.
\lclnlosh, r4.unly r ',mother 00
(mil vomit y ; /'''1, Ito, ex -count v
'•ail Alet• (1%f1,14 a ay , K. It.
44':dblrr, 1x•41':1111111 I)afold moot • ;
'. 0. Rolrwrn, .1. 1'., Mt. Marys.
ruth is a Stranger to Fiction.
Th mrvrlisl'4 44410111 10411 Valu:tele
No111h'- !Pelt INl•I1 insight (1/ j111srn,ent
for tell Ig n Ile. Itis wdn having diel
,1Way, h' sId for 1 '111110 in rflr•nl
t henght.
"1'a•" sa 1 11x, '•Ipsw 101! will it be
before 144141 gilliel' licked for letlin•
firs, 111' I10g111 1,1 gel pail for 'rib
til r you err?' 1111 L ppne'oll'r.
Chills rove Fatal 1
1f Waro1,h1 11(111 reulnti10 tire nol
promptly ie. -toted. 11111144 re.nh in
fatal preemie (ma. is nIleSOitafea
Keeping Net 4 iIii'.' 1,1) (1,1. '1'+144,•11 111
lea natio4.
1 -t h 1 ,444s lip n 1'1110 in two
minute.. lltnite.. 4 • '1 bol' ,
1 \ 1 1 111 freely Ilse'
f l t
Ito. h fhRulr a u c e.1' r'
1 1 h 1 -r 4 1'o ,.
t 411 1
1 1
luunr nl .1 11114, s••l •nrrr4linK.
• n waif* to kill pain and flmmmm.
?.,.*Iy fife)' years' re red has
Irivcd the value of Pn1'.,*t N.'rti•
line. You shtnlld get It bottle oday.
None Tharp.
"i hail it strange dream thea nth
nage(. .411 the major.
"What w':1. fl:" said the Voting
••I went 114 heaven, nod. as stn old
newspaperman. was interested in
their journal tip Howe. 11 was n
nli.erA 11' she(•, : nod A well' written
story in it. aril I told MI. Prier w)."
"What did he 4441)'
"111' said, 'lies not our fault. \VP
net ,•« get any goad repot t lets up here.' "
Hustler's Nngmeine.
The Source of Neuralgia.
It ran» hand in hand with ;ewe
blies, and weak nerves. Ileallh Hina
11ew•it, 04.4 0,•. g• 1 irritable, neuralgic
titillate follows. For the •nt ap-
p1ir,Hions miry relieve lett to thor-
oughly cure, the system must he
strengthened with nutritious blood.
What rats elitist Eerroemie:• Itin•
creases the appetite, forms abnndanle
of rich, life-giving blood, supplies nu-
triment and building mete' lid for
W0rwy441 . retro/ion. 4Otu•
Setely cures neuralgia. Every lent
and breech of the dieram' 11 kills.
Aheolute esker* in Party 1'u o'. Stop
suffering -fifty cent • i iv. F.nintone.
Fifty 01101r)Iated-1:INatwl 6NblPt. in a
bot at say drug store.
011wrvstioaa e1 Professor Loudon ofr Hicks Says Seismic and Electuc Du- Liverpool and Ch.uyo Wheat Futures
Toronto. , turbances Are Coming. I Close Lower' -Lie• Stock Marinette
New York, Jen.. Ilhh,- - The Herald 1,'8'. Irl It. (tick-, td Ht. Louis, has -The Latest Quotations.
@ aye editorially : 1. • !won. 00,44"( 41it ,lel 1114 weather 1,1140414411 for the( '44°" «:.cuing, Jul,. 25.
anthills ,4i t114' 4.l illratiuu'1 of 1.41441' 1i11 will of July, (amu which the fol- Liverpool wbra t 211 tures closed today
(11119411 I, P1 London of 'r•44" Sod to !yd lower (bun Saturday, and •uru
onto 1'uiverei(7 ,e»as to a1 • Heal lowing extracts ale ulhlr: rutin." %d tN 1.40 waver.
p At C4lcagu, July wheat closed lc lower
be haw made all interesting 'Recoveryl In■u 9rlurtho, July cure 3c Inset, 1.0411.041111 a 11.111' 11411.11, title In *hit large- limit's• July oat- Ilower
111 11•,11 wuI••r. 141 e•xn14,Ininfr the THE VI.IBLE SUPPLY.
carves ghosting 414'' 1 he peri.atiral 1w•iha•
A regular storm period 1s central on
• 11th, having for Ile slieturbing
catimee the eluimeoes of \'ulcus,, Mer-
cury, \ emis, Mata, Jupiter 1 Na.
(11111s of the ',etches, n .-.111'. 4,1. W1I1.•44 (uru, wit 11 ler 11140111 in 01111110111 11111. in
,4u 4 h In44."., hr room! 1 11.11.)11efr our• iwrigee and at exall•ilr wnllII deelit*'
line was generally regular. eepeei all)' lion, (bent X heal, iu terry
114 ('1111(1 ww111e•. 4'0411' d "ewe VA- piiiisilillity will wet le to the Wert the
(1.1)14 1,11,..111 Ibar 'here i4 A r•gul:4• ltret (lave of the lnuuth. This 11111111.
✓ ise and Lill of (111' water twits. a .hey. tion will 11creue in 44(•4+1 Ai11 inlen»ity
11.' ,(lost femmt tout IN,. 1w•illations as it mover earl w*4111, reaching ll (•1.1X11
'were have a Ie'r"'* of 1144114• I11.63 1,14414 the Alt to !Ire 7th. The metro -
foul bolus.noilic. cunditi,is. 4111 MOtouching
If further rt•wwt'•d1f•4 eou111'o1 Pro. 44.44Inewlsy, lite tilt, to KunJay, the
I.•.s1,r 1.44,111411 • t•ou,•lu,io' 11 111.4)' 61' Nth, indi'uta• disturbances .,l
of 4alloe in'4.1,1 .- int; • ' ob., err :111,1 i 11111 ordinary Vfoi,''rr. Terrific elre•
complex pli1,1r114..4 or,ulir• tricot disturbances, with heavy, tor-
tu.'w, 'l'ire vile... 14-. .11 44,nall was(',-., - nothe lot -414a over ('P414ral L.1 north -
called m•i1•h*». ol,w'1 41,1 ill tilt' L,/lr .4 westerly regions, will . be irerfeet4Y
Geneva were loop .app.• -..'to IN' tlu,• 11/41.111141. 11 Xevrlr 111141 44n1.1ilI 1111111-
10 .11,111144 441' 1.1.314")1, .•1 liar. nurl l... tier storms di nut relieve ter ,•I,'•I iir
pl4"'411.•. Zell 1fu•)' 4411. 1'• of 4411114i .4 141114 lla*gnetle .11.4111, aboutth4• 4114 to
(11111)• lN•1'111r•111'r, 41141 i 1111 fart 44414*• the 12211. the high lensperal:'r will to
g4 -.l. 11441 . ora Illy 1.e d' ' ere 1•1' 11 114lwnol14rl3d rr,ldlug+ :cud 1N'
t1.1.1 sv 411•• 11 I- 11.11 io•oll.'rfaabl•, toIL,w•r,l.. .141,111(.' 4(11,1 k111.1rr.l )1''
1het ef*re, Doll Lake ital./1i, (laving le (*i,'4'.4i''m4 ,451.1. 4.141 ,a54, n"I ,4Uiv
Law,4. 111 :).1 mile•. .nal a 1111 y111'1'''" of ler 1,1111x1.N.., , *ill'.
J. pI41 1.1 ,11'! 11 w. sboul.l 1X .ubjw.( 11 114415')' 11111, gait 0114I thunder sono•
rw.el. if not (''1)' 4-..14p1..'44411., Ildal •h4111111 •,Celli• (4.1olfthr tilt to the illi
uses••1,r•nl-. eerie' ailed chiefly Iii the and Iw.fullowad by nimnN 'Auer:ism'.
moon's 4(444 e11.,,,. - abl4,chr4hge 10 cooler.
---- ---_- A reactionary '•instil period, 14
H1:OMEI CURES central "n the Itkh• lith ,ld 12th.
The .a :-is of this 11/T1911 will (1111 on
_- soil lou'h114- flow -da)•.Ihr12th. Un
Its Healing Balsams Kill AU Catarrhal this dare tin• it":'u 144 ..w•. 1111, Crle'.-
There in no r r.'nn14in 111,e3=W
than catapult, and 1101w that i. 111..11•
&Hagman's. It weaken..uu1 deloti,.*1,•'
DI ..bole system mid i1 1(.44 ;snow.,1
to 11611 11,1.1. 141 ..•a ion, .114.1 1111,..
fatal complier(
Y" 4arager41u..b'41gs "a1' Luken into
the stomach when Hyotllei is towel.
Hlralhr41 through the small pock -' in-
haler 11).11 Ralik0 with, every Ity ei
outfit. its healing I,.al•:aw. ju'nrl..i(4'
In 1111. n.w"t Ir1.1,.te 4•..11. of the 1!sist,?,
un'l•aiul lungs, killing the grr'n*,4f
.•:.Lath. hw.4111141114' t1 111411tl .1114
vlrorl,lune. 444411 soaking 1 p1e14 and
hinting entree.
Thr .'o111luc14' 11s„'o'i "nt8t, eon.
:honor of Nu inhaler Ilya( run b4 car -
11..1 on the pals4• ,4t .1'., pocket, a
nsr.lieiur .leepp e1' 4141,1 a1 hot IIP of
11coiue•i, c.;.1" .u*lV a1. Thr inhalwr
Will 11141 a/ life •, 40111.• ex11•3 IX41IIt,
of 14111404 ran 11)• 0.+.'111VA w 111•111•3 1•1
nrwlwl for only all rents.
If yon r: ''t obtain llymitei 4,1
your,1raler. i1 will 1e' forwarded bw
mail. IXrange paid, l n receipt .1
prier. 1Vrite Hobs)' tar e11n:ilta-
1 ion blank that will entitle you
to cervices of ball' medical department
will t 1 barge. Thr H. T. li(wrth
'.uupany. Ity''ruri lluildiig, 11 hoot,
N. Y.
The Intercolonial.
Montreal Slot.
Iron. \lr. Etimire eon •1'X lent
the 1,ler:ul,4ni.,1 is to have as +.411'.111.0
thi» year, end that ht• will l'XI+N' the
riles 4111 dm Xrr'il,'X until it can show
this happy result umlu/lh•. N11 ony
readiz's more clew IJ• than Mr. Fau11r1•-
4mi, pl0ls11ly. that it 44)rph1. is badly
nestled in 1114. pNlitieal career 411 the
Intrtroh,nial this year.' Even faailhful
(Jovrr '111 journals 141111 P11rl1nill•t,-
tal films 1 hr 54'.',.L were IN'g' '
14 .eb e • .r he brae • land 1•t sin
t 1'.L t the > K
drain 1118111 tba 1cartI I.X the coun-
un -try ennwN by Inlers,lnninl deficits,
and to ask it, after o11. the nation had
not better alsntl11u the apparently
hoiwlP44a task of making aliovernn/reit
railway sell -.itpp rlfog.
It would Is• 4 nl'iol inr141'1im1,'
1 him f'•1 Canada in malty N,1v0 if tire
Int'•K'''luuiul 11e',• to 1w• 04, 11 up 11)'
111,' 4..1ver11to4111 ossa Ina relies. Niftier.
11 would paralyse Um ,1 genes -at h hat .411y
r•"r.14e''14s (.'ding 111 1.111 p•1,p1r' (114,1
111.•y 1111)4111. ler n reit Ohl n Nn,
of 4l(, % 14.111,.,,. 111.411)4' !hair Onto -
of railway n,.l jlla1.. 111. 1 set
alp In the Uatasl44al,al ion Irmofn4-.
Ihe'1•elcl••. 11 W..111• :1 -,.,.l. rna
Ihr 1.• 01111 Ty 41 Ike feet 414 Ihr ritilws)•
\\ h:tl such an ah.ur1.1nr11wo1 w.1141,1
toe in for the .\La4itene 1'..' 11140., ii
*44,1,1,1 I1• 410114.011 to ea1)•. Much
w„ila depend mem the hands into
wi.i,•i, Ion' 1111e of r il% would fall.
They digit he simply lead int of
14sr n, 041kt 1.1 Irui1.1 up kindlier liter
of nails: or they mithl 144' run at n
11mdens.nn.rol.. Cie it will pity
ateseei •m ..1 ;bee.11uiunity soy well 101
1110'Mardi 111" Provinces to turn the
la rrr,I,n1Al 411mn n 101111141 111111 111
4414IT, 111141 ti 1111ally e,nvfncr Ih,• e•.1in-
try 111.1 its (l ocern*H'lit ownership
41eil'I Is. glutei 41111441. To 14w/•11 this
Bearable result, the Maritime Prow.
1111•P )11.04/IP dkliti.'iatis les well nm 'es-
'41 l» tet I - 4. 111 W141 :1 al ,
11 1 t the 1 'll 11 IT I l l4,
coil»g11e w-flh any \Iini.I"r in a fair
adjustment of the rioter in order to
mut... Ilse (talar hear it.
1Vhefticr \11'. I: •r. 411 ail1 have
th1•. l'JIII.l44' 111 carr)' nal his program
r1•In:fire to 144• seen. 11,• 11114 1X•
14111141 14,11114 141 -jolly- 111e•
menthes'. into (1l44111l' K,'n"l'-
nll'*Mt imate•X on capital arr,tie nt. But
certainly 11011115 M11114u•r 11111.11 113re•the
I.hlrk 111 take up 1111.1 tlrire Ihrongli
Ins, this Iodi. s• If eke rout is to lie
sat sol tot floe .1.4-( or 4;41'e•1.11lI)*'llt ma.-
t1d which pow exists. HIM, should
this fail and ahnnl41 111111411.1'.1' ,rime
with sult,'i*nt st1'''ngll1 arid l.o•kl1rne
In natio' Ike line n 1,4 v, IAl.44141 .,
Irvine! m.491 nif es'er \ el he s4.1d under
P P 'n •a
hnmm r. There 1 Alan the ex-
periment e : •uru a ''-
,•rim m f In anal I L 1 1 r
1 t
su n 1,1 Ira. Ih"ll 41 1,4 elit
is making its ••Nen• Ontario- 1111,• pay
under a commission : ami there is no
1.1',I14 *11 why tib• 4.fie system night not
Irr "PPI''"* 144 the ul1111. 'MY!.
W4.011411114 h:s.,'(ievl•rnn,Nnl menet ship
:Ind per111.1nent competition with
private railway line» meatrrd ; and,
couple with Ihi., we would have
motor( fling very like priv44t,' r,4ugrall•
(Trent ion of the N.15l'rnnlenl road.
I4'444k, ,well-.'q(1ipiw•d nod well -sup -
p. 1111 hnb•iN•ndrnt r, -'»inn might
east!). 44urceed where Miii»len- -hang
pr•r• by "political 4•xigenr•iee" -- had
flNle y
What Causes Appendicitis.
The tom 4mist raise of npJX'ndir•i
tis 11 44314 1putio11, When you 'n•
.pure don't use 411149) drastic
frills get 111'. 11 '11(i1)'» fills which
"trrnglhrn the N11n,rich. rl•gnL11e the
bowel. 4411,1 prevent env tendency to
a g»"' '''lis. In 441)1' (LIN \'11/1'11 fee
(�r tremendous benefitof i)r. Hnmil
tnti'o Palle. H)• notifying the blots
and cleansing the %retell' they pre
vied hel,1aehes, lift depression and
drive away weininese. No medil'ine
s1 aucrelIfs,l as 1)r. llaniitnn's fills
sold everywhere in 26c. boxes with
yellow rover : get the. genuine.
The danger of study 11 it flight
...ill a greed college athlete. ---'New
York Frew.
St \ It.11X i)ance rnpklly Mired by
Miller's Como 1 Iron Pill». For
sale Ivy Jam. \\'Ilam).
tial equator, l'4 044*1442 11,1 timeni. This
'fart will Add to the )411.111bilities of
tory high tempera lore, low 11.11'4111•
0114r nod thundw' •t.'*1in nn Anil neat
Ill the Kith. The Venue period ex-
tl•uds up to idiot the 25th, w, til 41
the P*111.111r4 fonts .IllgllIt'I' hos! to
»uddwn rout Are Ii,,4,1e 141 characterize
the storms and treat changes *4t
all Jul)' storm irerio,np to that
A regular Morin period. d. rmrer` the
151It to the I1Hh, central all the 17th.
Not wit11..eii11,.g '•,Illvl,ody ('All safely '
wlir•t that 11 will be N,u'4„ jq' $rot*.+ Markets Lower--Cblcage
pi b
.144," we prelim that it will I. I drat tat 11/sber.
at -mane, • Ill m( • time. thall 0114,'1"•, Luoduu June 25 --Cattle are quoted at
*4111* t heal rho. ►rent hid the Irl h fn Pore to ill -ye per I4,; refrigerator beef. W:
will lead 14p 141 one of Jill'''.' (tic per 1� r Ib,; Mired. dressed, 13%c to
June 'G, uO _lupe 19.1:111.1004. 50,05
N'brut ..--0uta.X
4,e. u _. lul,uW 15,2011,41,143
('oru 4.tee..,uuU 4,440.00) •L,W.,uW
Oat, ti,111.. u14 7,44/2 0x0) 14,14154,14150.0111050,O
Darling the wee\ •'.u44411 de.reuoed 1,265,-
Olxl Loshels, veru lu. leased 24004.0`04111111010.
and volt decreased *47 tM14
Wheat. lipMas, bash 40 p to 1 -
Wheat, fall. blab 0 N - 0 M
Wbeat, red, lamb 0 M 0 01
Wheat, soon., blab.,,, 0 75 ...,
Barley, bush. 0 M
Oats, beak, 0 42% 0 41
Rye, busk , 0 m
Peas, busts. 0 72
Liverpool, Julie 15.--Wbest-Spot nom'.
ail. Futures steady; July lire 7344. Sept,
d 134,4, Dec. els ed.
Curia- $put era; ♦minas a*1W, old. Y
11ryd. Future• easy; July as Vied, Sept. 4*
N' soalsal. rotor's steady;
3047 es 74bd. sept. W visa, Dee, as WI.
Puri -Spot ern; as erk'aa alsed, old, 444
11ibd. Futures easy; July, 4. lad. :-•P4•
M Sib& -
New York. June :K -Butter -Quiet; rw
cellos, 7114 Street prlcei : Extra cream-
ery, 2V3 r to 2k. Official prices : Cream-
ery, centime t0 extra. 113: to 2104c: Ma'
sated, common to extra, 12c to lac; writ-
ers tactory, aroul0os to aria, 1:w' to 1114
weiteen Im11111014 creamery, extras, 11k;
amu, Ilk to 17c.
Chess.---Flra: receipts, 14014; new, state,
full cream, large fancy, Ill•: do., fair to
g ood, *0S4c to Luise; ,wall, fancy. lic; du.,
fair to good, UK to 1u31c: du., tgterk,r, 1431,,
40 054.4; skims, 1c to dike.
Eggs- - Firm; receipts, *3.546: stats, Peale
•vlvauta •ud nearby, farcy, selected, white,
23e; du., elute,. 21c to 'ac; do.. mixed, ex-
tra, 2e(• to 21c; western firsts. 100'4,1 to 17c;
do,. seconds, 15c to 1&'; rutberaa, 14c to
w,u•1urNlN•I 1011. Al are thorn er
shells nut?' 11ued "cl,sa,a'ur»tn are
pr0lt4l,1e Omit! the 17141 to 1ihh,
A \'rnu4 rrynl%iun lu '.411. raol udgb(I 47 carloads, composed of 14410 cattle, 04
be loudly exp'otwl Ii+uelYlihre and 2 esteem.
,afl.'uttlhr»4' (1 Irr Al (VMS. Intl for p
the fart (hill the new moon. a1 4 .14164•
.'1•lipw• 110111, fulk on the 2IN.
fart 4.41114 for itnrl,nged high t.rtuln•ra-
ttlre, low barometer and threatening
if tout '('111uy conditions Over the 21st to 44.40 per cwt. .
11d'iutto the !teal .1..r41 iwrirwl. •ateber..
A react i,,rlary .lural ilrriawl i4 ern- There wee not Puw1Yb goal to ,-bole*' bet-
rters' rattle, and wore %mild bate food
t•XI 4141 Ihr 'end +411,1 '21o1, in which r ready martrt ■t gwd prk•er, CLolve,
'1,44-4044 and m•i» ' • disttrlusie, , will plrkw lou of prime cattle Auld rt 85 W
he reported from wide .1(4 ('01111.44,14*,.' 35.15 per cwt.; loads mf ,mod rt ie.lar to
globe. Within sixty hent' of (1 45; fair 10 medium, 14.0) to Mee. magi
II r11X•k p. Iib on the 214, eat th.ltnikr f1W e1n1'•, 14.15 1. 14.40: m4 .d 1.0111 of
grant mottle carte *' l0 2 o per ewt,
and voleanir !Pert url.tLiuns Will reach Iban ter •bore• Qou
445Wtblng, .r,4 sic slerow•
Torunt.., June 25.-Recelpts of live
Mock at the r'nion Stock Yards wore
Prices for skipping trine ranged from
45 to 6.5,35, with, aur u1' two lots of cattle
at more money. The bull .01.1 at 45.125
to 41'2:, per cwt.; export balls sold at 43.'!•.
it iulxfn14un tend,•iry in most c41un-
ltie•s a 141 them. ('hinge to
tiring barometer and sine cooler will
follow these reactional y diet Hamner.
for 1 tau or
"'bd to' Lith
A register »tor
the :111th, 1
:Nth. High temper'
4144•)• to electrical
lure day 14 --ray floe the
pensively f)4)111 west t0
1 p•1iu1 Ione frrun
ing centrad on the
urns and tend-
s 4111' common
*044 to 75c per cwt, learn tba. Mal fed cows.
,beep a.4 Lambs.
Export ewes, 4110 ler vwt.: • etpurt
Lucke. 49,75 per rat.: spring lambs, 83.75
per c -wt.
None wore offered, but H. P. Kennedy
quotes prices ourhauged at 17."1. for Se -
bets and 47 for lights sad fats
\footrest. June r.- (Sp.aial.I ('m hies
from Urrrponl mud London reported Vane
1011 1 n N I• e1
1'n 1 touching doter ( Den Ihr• 1 1'44,41 Qan .RM .e1'. west •1'a o
1 • noted . der aP
d '
et c with row
tetm of
n +' o• •r i• K *Srr u t lle •
1 passing over the L Irwl' I equator. t. 10'y
1 K 1
Ilo•urr 4114 early n» the If h. the Inn( for Ocean freight rperc b.' )1 good
lllvelan .,.4, rs•4 mash ,-saltie
sfeMll prl'nNl 111 JIII)' will .hs, • dw•ide(i tilted tbrmsef.ea by rntagtng 111."1:11.1741
indications of Approsielullif• 1114141er the span 0a (be Warren rod 1•unrrd Soca
4014114, Dltring Friday, tier h, to out of Boston to Liverpool for Jnly, Angu.t
Mo',1ny. 1114' :14th, high t.•n11(r11a Irr, tad September .l 3:N.. Liverpool and Was
low 1144 • •ter and threa4ening 111
.11.1• Binds Will Iu104 ei.l N-:(nlly
01. •.t 1011 1» Of Ihr rn.urlry•.
INN spite,. from Oita port has been lo,.,1
nut for July at 4p, and London rt 32e to to
::n. The ant vessels to Mate—heater Inw
J l
bare been 1.1 at T's 0d. I'.port■ fur the
'eek were 3544 rattle, t.4 sheep, Hereon,
lay were 700 cattle, 50 much ,'own. 301
es, 140 sheep and iambs and *100 bogs,
A galore of the market was the renewed
1(1.1 b le bogs, and prices .hew an ad-
vance • lac to 25e per 11,1 lie. Receipts
Ills. li 111711• Il.av41rs. plain or with were to 11, for whlrh the drmaod from
chili or (''11161114 N111441 --AK nr311.4tr7,1- pncwerke torraad*'w g47ood.90 10
and 444 axperlesof s 1410 lbls.,w'twd weigohta
:N•. and PM. 1in.. ed Os ears,
('able advice% nn rauadlan Anrun wry
So Long.Steady from London and • trifle easier from
boy ' ••
Ohl tient : '•\\-ell, w cit, n) , , m oral., I *sorsa a dollars ■uJ • half
Clark's Pork and Deans
Is as lime forst for. children. MandeMande4',4111101 111.11111 nod s l '44lr. y
their app
1.1•erpe,l and Itrhaol,
F.v1'7 lb1oR was a1' and deny this
1 •
where do y11u be -long?" each for two Iambs, 00,1144 0.0 4••1
1.inky Youth. " 4Ybs, nal 'stye it'. then[," mem the state t of one of tier
1447 kegs, 'etisee 11" all tight .aettit' trading bnn•here aa be eft the mrrbet.
down."-JIII)' Llpii(►colLm Prime beetle *old at 571 to 1*a1' per Ib.
Pretty Road rattle, 454ee to 51,e, .nod 'the
common stock, tudatlug b sly of R
fml ...One, from 2%c le 43.'. Mlleb cows
O. K. told et 8e to 104 ea1•k, Cale .old st
Ina 11La0»:u•hlt4e•t la 1'n 41.50 to 4e es.•b. Sheep 4461.1 a 31,c to
mr'14ry their 434c per Ib., tied iambs at 43.50 to Ulla.
1. a 11.11111l,lll'Ili . erected to it large EAST S,IFFALO CATTLE MAR ET.
f: l• of 11 Krllrys. Now the 111(:11 East Buffalo, Jung 2 t'attle---Itesel
ley, Were too many for the *ruum• aloe settee and strong le 14¢ Willer:
went. 111,1 l.W.r1 the Ia.1 there wile 111 easier; prising "teens. 36.0. to 11; Wp-
i,4t Memo Pn gh for the intrn144111•,. plus. $4 to 45.5P; butchers, 44. W to $5.35.
S., Illi» is the way the Liter ''clues 'Jeff''', 19.75 to 64.35; VOWS, $3 to 8461;
were cul in : 44IHUtnI 11. 1\., .114141 O. blle, 43.75 to M..1 stockers and o 414:o;
K., M,t 0. K. —.1111) Liar uur11ll s, fresh to $4.15: stork heifers, 12.75 W $:lila•
M41:7I fresh cows and sprllagere dull sod 42 to 33
lower. $13' to 443.
Why She Couldn't Vo It.
Homo Morton,. 14.5410 bead; active; pigs
a shade blither; ethers steady; beery, mos
ed, yorker• and pigs, 40.7i to 44.40;'• few
144,324.' magas, 65.75 10 88: stage. 44. 4.5 t•
41.45: dairies, 40.115 to 18.75.
Sheet, and Latnh4 Receipts, .4(180 bead;
self•: %ethers 204- mud )earlings 25X• high-
e r: others steady. Iambs. 48 to le: year
hugs. 47 to 87 -5. %ether.. 46 to 48.46;
ewes, 15 to 45 25; sheep, amsed. 13 to 45.774, 1 tti!
New York, June 25.--Beeves-•Receipts, •
A little girl of never n1' 1•iglit '13.4141
.11 1111d 1,11,' (lay before ,( dosed gate.
A g*'ntlrm,n p444wg1 4410w1(. 'flit•
lilllr girl turned and said to 111111 :
"11111 yon pleas. open thin gat, for
1114' Y'
The gentleman did »o. Then he %aid
kindly :
•'\Ile)•, ray t•hfl11, runl,1o'1 yon omen
the gate for y self f"
"Derange," mold the 1i111r girl, "the
paint's not dry yet,"
Monsieur Leather,
A gentleman travelling ng in Enrope
engaged h «' • 1'r n 1' 'r .
t servires f urI r
Arriving At an inn in ,\"rtrin the
!et Yeller It -ked his eera:nt to enter
lair IU1111e in neeni'd,tnce with Or
'pane. regulations of that emintr •.
lhe Stan replied that he hid already
anticipated the °v�ier and trgistert'd
hies as an Atlrriivin gentleman of
mean'. "Rot how did you write my
mime?" risked this master. "I r,ln'I
rxncllN prnn11nnre if : Irut 1 copied it
carefully from your portmanteau, a1',"
"lint it 1% not there.' wan the reply.
"Bring me the hook." The l-PKi+ter
w1191/rought and revenll'11, insteadlit
very pain' English 4)0144*' I,f two
01164hles, the following illientong
entry : •'Mon•teir \4'4u•ranlyd Solid
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That
Contain Mercury,
n1' mercury will .nmh door°' ter .ruse of
-n..11 mol r ph•t'•la acmes.. the hole •) -ten,
when entl•rine it through the ,,,neon • -urface,,
sorb nrtlrleAonll neer he 11.11 e44r144 nn
Pre ..'444»1..,. fr.»,, Mpnlahle I.A.-Irlan•, a. 1 he
danrtgn Ihr) 041141ols tenfold In Ihr good tau
Pah 4400 4411)• der. a from them. Hall'. 1'Merril
1'ur••, man,fol null h) 9'. J. 1'hem ry k ('n„
Toledo. 1., contraw no mPn•ar", and Is token
Inge. nnll T . orient directly mom the Mond and
4,44. •nrf4re. of the system. In baying
Hans 4'nt firth t ore bemire 7011gal o,e1qP*'nnlnu,
It Is taken Intervally and Made in Toledo.1MIo
by 9'..4. Cheney et CO. Te.thnonMls for.
Weld 10 1lniggj�lsir.. l'M7
ke 'c per bottle,
Take Hall'. Vane)), 191144 for Cooties? 1141,
Net -owl -hand experience Is often as
gni 1 4)44 neer, 41141 It 001111 less.--l'hi-
Cagn N10'04.
MI11*'1''r l'11nlpn11nd iron Pills. only
26 rent. fo, :.•I dem*'». Nir woe by J»s,
Red Rose Tea costs no more
than other teas
EVERYONE agrees that the best in anything
is always the most economical even 1 if it
• u,li more. -
But when you can get the best in tea at the
same price, you pay for inferior teas,
—when you can get that "rich fruity flavor" of
Red Gose Tea,
—when you can get all the good qualities of
hath Indian
and Ceylon teas with none of lie r
—when, in short, you can get Red Rose 'Tea
lt the same price as other teas ; why not have it ?
R d Ros
is good Tea
T. H. Esta!)rc;r)li7
St.lohn, NB., Tuxcmtu, Kinrrp.t
I ecu tole the nimble palace,
cut ca wen 111 their-prlmet
lite w • rNu of the lure,.*
Fs before the scythe of Time.
But 111y n J t dntrucove easels
of ss, w. and heat anBdd scold,
Hare nn 1''. 4x a " Wire "
It Mata or yeas untold -.
costs lese than ordina shingles and lasts a
lifetime. it is rain, snow ' nal fire proof-iaanrr.
dry. comfortable quartets for live stuck and
poultry -and makes the ide 1 roof for bones,
barns, chicken houses, etc.
Sample and booklet free. 'rite for them.
IlardNare dealers eves 11170 have
1'.1TERSON'S " WIR E GE'• or
. r 44f )1'r,
The "Sunshine" furnace and ��A'
ueunnY ways are synonymous. ic.• •:d:
e +�
The cold, dreary winter days can
be made cheery and warm with spare,
healthful heat if you have a "Sunshine" furnace.
Is easier to operate, cleaner, uses less fuel and
"shines" in many other ways over common furnaces.
Two shakers are used to shake the heavy, triangular-
shaped grates. This just cuts the work of shaking -
down in half, besides being easier on the furnace than
the old one -shaker style.
w4 '
4410; steers active, arm to 10c higher; tat
buns ■114 Medium and tat cows ! eba0r
higher; bologna stuck Mew and weak; steers
14.70 to 85,45; bull., 42.75 to 44.41: cows,
4475 to 84.15. Etporta t0 -morrow, 1033
cattle and 40110 mss of beef .
Calmer -Receipts, 5431; reals opened
▪ d but slow tot topgrade.; loW bd ow for
Y Lr
o thers; «lord 26c os ■II around; butter-
milks Mc to 75X• 10001'; 41.11, 44.20 to R:
choke ear17 Ili31'to 87._5'[enrr1'l sales,
$6 to 4[.75; buttermilks, [3 to 83 50.
Sheep ao4 Lambe -Receipts, 15,041abate
steady; Iambs active, sad good stock arm:
medium and tumulus no more (Bao steady:
, beep, 43.50 to 3.50; few cbolee, 85.10;
culls, 52 to 63; lambs, 17.50 to INC PPM'
Mtge no longer quoted.
Hogs Receipts. 10,522: market 'tell
n eedy: state boss, *7 to 1'.10.
Perth. June 25, -There were 7200 belie
Of cheese boarded here today - ION white
and Out colored. •11 sold ■t 1154* Tao
Count• buyers were present
Kemptvllk, Olt., June 25,-240 *le
111.1- offend.
Mand Nattered. by Fin Creel:me
Ottawa. Jas4 f6. ---While cNrbretesg
Et. Jean Haptiett Lav, Outline P otdx.
aged 33, of Gatineau Point, had Ma
right tried shattered to pieces Ly u
explosion of rant Sre•crackars.
Coughers, Mawka's, Spotters I
Public expectoration In against the
common law• against the laws of benith
;Amos. \\'hrnfloe thnnt. tiek11.'. (haf.'m
the time you m»,' "(`»tnrrhrlsr•P" : it
soot hen away the irritation. reit out
the phlegm and bonenn the tight. fettl-
ing. You'll gtickl • cute that catarrh
and thnwit tremble with laatarrbn•
some. it p eitively prevents new at-
tacks and cures catarrh forever and
14a all time to come. Don't take Mlt
word for It, try Ctatarrhosone your-
self. ()nee used you'll he delighted
with iia pleasant and helpful itl*tten*P.
Ridicule in another name for the
argument of a tool.—O A:ego News.
Sold by enterprising deal-
ers everywhere,
Booklet free.
LONDON. Toaomro. 1100.1011.1,. w.laaQaS,
VArcovrta, b.. 3041, laaatneeaw.
N. WORSELL, Sole Agent,
Coal ! Coal !
Very Low Pikes
for Coal fon
Next Year's Supgy
For Cash
All orders filed by June 20th will ',C
filled for $6.50per t ---best coal.
'Phone 70
Good Pr'intin Aks and All Wats al Tie