The Signal, 1906-6-28, Page 5THE tiIl:NAI,: (:(Ii1EItIt'!I 11\ IUIO
TBUnanAV, June 28, 190G 5
a YVteerr vipers Who la worklm/
samosa lit. Puente sadisma.
Niko Joaephlue Fuurd of New York.
whom helium Cuwwisaluuer l.eupp ap-
pulutld to go to New Mexico and sr -
ponce the wurk of pottery waking
•snug tho Pueblo ludluus, to preserve
flair stork In its native excelleuce stud
to wake It at self supyurtlug ludustry,
I au experts to lbs busluear uud hue
sad considerable experience ■wuug thu
It was some six years ago that this
pottery work was first beguu as a pri-
vate euterprl°e. Miss Fours, wbu le a
prrrticrl putter, huviug takeu up that
study of the art fur her owu pleasure,
was theu asked by a number of libitum
Mown: people Interested In the Indian
pottery stud Its makers If she would
not go down to New Mexico and see
what help could be trivet' tbe uathe
petters to woke tbe test of their work.
Hr, lug drat studied We practical part
of wakiug kilns and everything It
would be uecessary to know lu a eouu-
Alts Jo:iaratxa P0001).
try wltb no experienced builders, obs
went. With ber own money and that
of the people who had lutereatd her In
the work *be built • large I:IM and
started to to make the pottery market-
As made' by the native workers. It
was seldom sumeleutly baked - It lack-
ed strength, and It was unglazed. From
experiments with tbe paluta and clays
and glazer Miss Foord found that the
pottery would take au inside glaze
where It was not painted and that the
clay with the points would stand •
thorough firing. This made the pot-
tery more serviceable for use. strong
enough to admit of transportation and
at the same time the native effective-
ness was retained. But life In New
\Iexl.•u is bard tor eastern people out-
side the large towns. It Is difficult to
obtain nourishing foods, and atter a
year Nlss Foord was dinged to come 1
away to regain her health.
lint she believed In the work multi-
rieutly to be willing to undertake it
again when she was sent for by Com-
missioner Jones after a long rest.
Again she went down. organised tbe
work and remained until It was found
that nothing more emld be done ret
that end of the Iles. The Indiana were
doing their work. the kiln w'us firing It
properly, but there was nut a sufficient
market. Again the potter mlarlouary
returned. bringiug with her as much of
the pottery as possible, and fur the,
next two years she traveled at her own
expense. telling of the work apd flud-
Ing places where the pottery may be
put on ante.
'Now Miss Foord Is again bard at
work among the Iudlans. and she Is
euuttdeut that alt will sueeeed In the
task u..dgu -d to her by the govern-
omit. Naw York Time..
Ilg•adlag Lary..
Lace mendiug has always been ons
Of the bugaboos of the wending basket.
But valeuuleuues lure cuu be wended
without betraying the fact If the torn
mesh Is filled In with the lace atltehes
uses in dolug the finer sort of remits -
move. The meat may be copied exact-
ly. For lace that 1s badly torn the only
satlufcetory way 1e to - Cnt the torn
plane entirely away and match tbe dct
stgu where It unites again, perhaps'ap-
pllqueing a separate motif on to the dl -
tiding Zine --a motif cut from one of
the torn bits you've cut away. Smooth
every little thread, or group of threads,
0i1t and wind them deftly with fine cot-
ton. )(envy (aces are always easier to
and than light oues, but light Oiler
maybe treated the same way If the
mesh Ilett In a ntrulgbt line and a fine
thread hinds the two plena; together.
A.11ag Feet.
Many women suffer from aching
Get. This 11 due to a congestion of
the blood vessels and ueed not neees-
'arlly tie attributed to tight shore.
The only cure for tlrel feet le rust.
Take advantage of se'ery opportunity
put the
rhsr or
Insir a bloat
order that you may get th
Ont of them. 1t you are employed dur-
11•t the day make it a point to take
four .hoes off the Instant you roma
Lnnu•. Ito not spend the evening w -ear -
Ing the Annie %hews yon have bad on
xinre 7 or 8 o',Io. k; In the morning.
rent on a comfortable ptllr of home
slippers and nit back nt case In a chair,
Ruth yonr feet on a tnsno•k or Idle of
cushions. Before retiring bathe the
fret In hot eater to draw oat the In-
flammation and wrap them In clothe
dipped In w•iteh hazel.
Ragageateat Rhnas.
An cngngau.1 ring 00111.1 never ie
rK•eded .s a woman's property till
'1b marriage service has been rests.
Ther° may he urgent reasons for break-
d0t engagements to marry, and the
'in Should then be returned to the
Ever. Rhould he oak thmt It he kept as
° Noire of friendship, it can be done
*Itllent offending goal taste very
tench, bat Such a thing rarely happens
Tile ring Is a money investment to n
lesng man: and, besides, there are
ev°r girls in the world, says Home
b*t Usually mea have tbe good Sens'
16 MIAS no fags ever a woman's greed -
kale. kat as occaatenal man want, not
WY his ring, bot all other premmrta he
41 ghsa retnrnad, and the law Say°
v 1u a
nail in Om etnintit t!r•
law Is asked to settle the Goober.
Ceaek.d states'.
Annus* figurer and busts in marble
and porcelain show little cracks ou the
surface, which In time becomes tilled
with duet t111 the figures have the op-
pearaavw of belug veined with tiny
black streaks. To remove those pre-
paM a bath consisting of altrlc aeld
and water In the proportion of ode
part of acid to five party of water. It
Mai article to be cleaned is swell it
may simply be left to soak is the
bath for • short time, when the cleans-
ing will be done and rinsing la cold
water will complete the operation. Tbs
article should be put to dry whom dust
cannot get upon It.
The Middle Axed Smelt.
'!'here is a thing known as We mid-
dle aged buck. The neck goer forward,
the buck rouuda uud a wad of fat
gathers aluug the 'boulder blades,
spulllug the outllue' uud making one
look -well, middle uged. There are
certain physical tricks, mauueriruta,
that belong especially to youth. There
sire others that b,•long especially to
age. Tbls is outs of them. The rem-
edy Is simple. Imitate the young fig-
ure. Throw your shoulders bark, hold
your neck straight up -not out and
tbenkup-and bate your noway made
to attentuats the effects you want to
TYlmapt asamtlbl sed Rpm/ax.
Whatever 1s beautiful Is refining.
Whether in nature or In art. the pres-
euce of the beautiful softens and puri-
ties. But let no young woman tall In-
to the bluuder of rupposiug that Duly
that w•hleb Is etpeuslve can be beauti-
ful. It Ie labor, rare, skill. au urtl+tie
eye and a relined tante that beautify.
Whether lu home ur In dress, lu spe.•.•li
or lu luanuers, money Is not the wuiu
thing which provides the beautiful.
The dawdy apparel of many a slattern
her cost more money by far thou the
neat and beautiful garb of her Indi-
gent but orderly neighbor.
Laundry Stare!.
Lauudry sturela is the despair of
'puny liumwwir,•s, who wonder why
the home washed sbirts sod rollers can
uer,•r have the required stlffuess and
gloss. Try mixing an ounce of white
wax with two uuut.•e of sprrwucc•tl,
welting theta together by gentle heat.
Then when you have made your regu-
lar starch add, to It a 1 p of mita)
wax and sperm:wel1 -alamt the sire of
a walnut *1f you have n large amount
of shalt111 and let this melt iu the tot
atureb; into' lie thoroughly. The recruit
will be stiffer %bloat uud a high gloss.,
Tie Refrigerator.
The refrigerator should be looked
over often, find food that will not be
need again should be removed at otter..
It should Is• .•Ie:nid thoroughly at
least olive a week with hot water and
soda and thea -clear cold water, wiped
'perfectly dry uud left open ofteu to
the air before replacing ice or food.
All fool plaeed lu the refrigerator
should be revered. as one fool Is ha-
lite to counteract the flavor of another,
as sliced cucumbers In the same com-
partment with -butter snodls the butter.
Camphor lee.
Camphor We which Is made with
olive olI Is an `old, tried remedy fur
rough hands and Is tery easily made.
Take three drama of e:onpbor. three of
white beeswax and. three of sperma-
ceti; add two oumrr' of sweet olive
oil. Put the mixture luto an earlLru
Jnr, get lu a saucepan of bolting water
stud let 1t melt luno a smooth mass. 1t
will be white and almost traurlue'nt
when cold. while Itis In • liquid form
pour into little jars.
sarlmped Watts.
There Is this advantage to burlap as
a wall eovering: 1t may be reeolond
when It fades without removal from
for walls. Either a dull or glazed fin-
ish may he given It. The first co'at of
burlap far Ptomain that of paper of
the rune general effect, but its wrnr-
lug qualities make It )est expeuslre In
the crud.
Ts 1.1401.. a Doll Fire.
Instead of hurrying at stow fire by
pouring on kerulwite. which le it very
daugerone remedy, try sprinkling utter
It bits of grease or pleees of fat pork.
and you will have • bright fire in a g
few mluites and with no danger of
A red nose calls for careful general
hygiene. Take a guiek bath evey
morning and keep out of duurs as intuit
as you can. No tight collars, sung cor-
sets or choking sleet tot fur a girl with
• crimson nose.
Never wash ebftnoia skins In hot wa-
ter. 1'.e cold water and avoid soap
If possible. The Allis clean .very eas-
ily as n matter of fact. Ther applies
also to charnels skin glottis.
Keep a tiny vial of 'powdered slip•
eery elm In your workbasket and
thrnet the needle Into It ocaslunelly.
It helps to make sewing • pleasure.
handsome towels mar be made by
Miffing insets of linen forehon above
the two meb bema In plain buckaback.
Got a Cheam D1a..r.
Verily Ole duchy of Baden possesses
a Solomon In the preen of one of her
magistrates. He fs the burgomaster
of a village In a street whereof a ey-
elht ran over and killed a goose. The
owner of the bird demanded 3 marks
damages. The cycllet thought 2 ample.
91N• ease carne before tbe chief mag-
istrate, who gave Ms Judgment PS
follows: 'Tbs. plaintiff declares that if
paid 3 marks be will make no claim
for the dead goose. The defendant,
who 1s willing to pay 2 marks. also
makes no shim for the body of the
goose. Defetdlent, band tae 2 marts,
and yon, plaintiff, hand me the Nome."
When both had obeyed the commends
he produced 1 mart out hie
and Anndnl all thew to the plaintiff.
The gee be kept for filmed( and
doubtless ate It with the good dlgeatinn
which ' me' from the knowledge of
having plenum] everybody.
Y.eaul the announcement hn:,ded : "A
Great Treed," in this week'. Signal.
Any roan can Ili'. hat it requires
constant predict. to do it snel'eaafully:
-New Virk Times.
'tin worm medicine nets en nieely as
\tiller's Worm Powders
I physic
required. For oar by Jos.
1st le MN sad Practical, mad Ary Mop
Cam **Le It.
Gist a quart sirup eau for your butler
(Fig. 1. A1, punch a sixteenth loch enols
iu the ltd of your holier outs mei one-
half hither from the edge of the eau.
Take a pieta of tin fi by ti laches and
curt out of each corner tau loris
square (N). Brod the tin Into the
shape of a llox. Punch a hole into the
top of Ma box for exhaust seam to
ea.•ape, also Wee in the exact renter
of the side* fur slant to pars through.
I;ut two pieces of tin 1% by % yf an
inch. Trlul the niers to look like
Fig. 3 (F. 1"). In the exalt center of
there pieces' cut out a place halfway
through, Juin wide enough for each
tau to lit in: Cut out of tin a balance
wheel (0') two inches In diameter.
Punch a bole In its exact center. For
141 /',i. -i r.4.1
;4111 ENID 111111111111MIII111111r■11■111 41E111•11111111•ammeas■mENDamb 41111111ND•
1 selling
Selling Out.
Having decided to dispose of my general business, I am making a
genuine clearing sale of my
the abaft (Di use sixteenth inch wire
three and one-quarter Inches long. On
one slid bruit It loop and solder it
against the, side of your wheel (Fig 2,
(a). Juin the funs together and plates
In the box. \lake two 11u washers to
tit over theahuft. one on Pi,•h side of
the' faun between the sides of the t.ux
out( the tuns. Itnu the shuft through
the box and the washers. 'Solder the
shaft to the fans near the venter. Al-
lots. the straight Pod of your shaft to
proJeet through one side of the box
about one -bull lush.
Solder the tet ou the Mt of the can
or holler open side down, no that a di-
rect stream of ekmul coming through
the hole to the top of the boiler will
strike the epds of the fan. Maake a`
hole (outside the box to the ltd of your
Zoller, If there is not Due alreudyl,
through which pour water in the boiler:
Ke.p corked (11,0 Keep your troller
one-third full of water.
For heating the boiler pee no or-
dinary alcohol lump or net It on the
atone, and it ran Ire -orad to work any
small mechanical device.
To make an engine of Rroeter power
cow a larger can, Wei -easing all mesa-.
memento proportiltuately. - Woman's
(Joule Companion.
A Jolly Peanut Game. -\
The Minaret' sit nrouud small tattIee,
four at each. A eupfal of peanuts is
plaeel In tile• middle. and a smell pale
of bonbon tongs IS provided for each
table. 'file chlldreu try lu torn to re-
move one peanut at a time without
stirring the other nuts. 1f • pinyer
succeeds be Is entitled to auotter
rhanee until he falls. when the turn
passes to the child on the left. At the
end of twenty whittles a bell Is rims.
The player at each table having the
most permits mists. The wiuuela at
the different tubus play another round
mail there la but uoe winner.
,Why 1s ■ historical eveut Ilk' a par-
cel nutted aud tied aguiu? BerauAP It
Is re -corded.
Why do doctors keep cow t bad uuy?
h worse people are the of -
Because l e 1 1
teuer'thcy visit them.
What posters are the easiest to break
lulu? The houses of bald people, I*-
cune• their tock', are few.
Why does an nehiug tooth Impose sic
lence out, tie sufferer? Because It
makes Ism hold his Jaw,
Waiting Ills Term.
One day lteorge's mother asked him
whether he wanted to go with her to
buy n pettieont.
tleorge answered with enthusiasm,
"Oh, yes!"
When hie mother got to the store she
asked for n white petticoat. When
George saw the skirt he asked:
-When are we going to get the pet
goet'i' Little Chronicle.
Silty mad Mt.
What Is the UM of our learning so much.
8. reps of dead Latin and wraps of high
Amo's "I hate you" and hab.n'^ "lo be"-
What does It matter to Billy me?
'cricked. old kings that are dead --serve
'em right--
P'Iltlnnl learn play, color', In light:
'e'llrao-. of n:utuurn or bona of a bee -
What does It matter to Hilly and me?
newt -retry s. of mordec•Imal point.,
'hissele of levers et shown In our Joints,
Height of the mountalns or depth "t the
What do .lo they matter to Billy and me?
tneehntl and lair., end ripe app 1.-s and
Trym we can clamber end 'tone, we can
Rwtmmtng, adventures, our dinner and
tee -
That le what Tatter° to 1(1117 and mel
Ballots and bullets.
It w-,10 the cllstolil of the hate Miss
!Susan 11. Anthony In torn sway
wrath rather then answer n Millie
questioner in kind. Hut O!le retort
which she gave to Hornee lireeley has
heroineLonons anion) her followers.
She bed addnw" d the New York
comiitationsl convention in Albany
in 114117. and offered to answer ques-
"''on the ballot and the bul-
let go together." dtwwim! Mr. Greeley.
"If you vote. are Von rem! to fight Y'
"Yes. Mt. (ll'e le elm replied.
"Jost 40 you fought in the late war -
at the end of a giatwwuplill."
FOR 6o DAYS, commencing TUESDAY, .JULY 3rrtd.
I would just say by way of introduction, that I am deter= ed
to make this sale the largest and best that has been in the village
Dungannon. My stock is practically new, well bought, carefull
selected„a,nd comprises the newest and most up-to-date goods that can
be found in any general store. I might also mention that each and
every line of goods I carry in stock will be sold at BARGAIN PRICES.
So if you are in want of goods for present or future use, it will be to
your advantage to call and see our stock before making your purchases
elsewhere. Below you will find a list of some of the lines we carry,
and trust you will read our advertisement over carefully and come out
to see us early and often.
Press Goods Department.
11'4 can place before You a Targe
and varied assort men tof 1)r, ss('7ootls.
Below we give you a list of of - part
of our stork.
a pieces, r,dorad I.n,au•„ to in., in IO•g• 14"l'.
b'e,Nht. green and cardinal 2.31: 1`1'r'
3 inert, ...loved - Lust's., au a.. -tat
...dors. 11 i11 2'n
:1 pieces (-dorm! shot Lustre, asirorIrvl
colors, 12 in ,... , 4.0 Lok
:i pieces 44,101e11•11e, ns:•nt•11•e1
colon-. ;l l in :4k :ills
:1 pines fitnrr t 'kirk Snit iug, assts rrl el
sailors. 71t in - i:o• :►w•
.i pieces fancy cheek Silk Adieu, Min. $1.111 77c
:t nieces light weight Yetethul, 42 in. 110• :31e
?1 pieces Venetian Suiting, ll in '.. . sale :1M
:1 pieces li';ht Tweed lob Mg. :ri in.. *1.::.i $1.10)
AIs.. it full range of black Dress 1.INNls,
which will lie found well +lssurte•11, at prices
teeming from Ilk• to $1.23 per rant, and many
other lima in coloral and errant dress fabrics
at the 1,41111: t rl'llpol•ti,1ltatle t'Idtet'
Laces, Insertions
and Silk Ribbons.
Our assortment in these lines is
unequalled, our .patterns and colors
dainty and our prices verb' tempting.
Embroideries and Insertions.
1Ve have over 2,000 yards of these
goods to stall and are. marking them
very low.
Iteg, rials
730 vat•ds, mired el patterns. :w• :I r
7311 yards.: assorted 'Nat tette.... Ilk• :11111 1 2',n 7 jl•
:4'11 yields, ;tweet •teal nail ereem ,...13.. and 111h 12'..
Kntbr.idaved hlulntring. regular pt'i.'/•, :GN',
:GN:, 13.. and :elle, for 111•. '1'a•, :Cc and Dir,
Lace Curtains and Muslins:
Nye can silos- you at \'Cr\- large
rank of 1hese good sat veii'vlow prices.
Iteg. Kah-
II pair. N Itingham laic. 3 yd 7:N' :cin,
1 hair. Nohtinghnnt Litre. A!, yds $1,101 7:w•
i pair. Nottingham 1.a01•, 3 yd. long,.
32 in...:':.'........ . ttae
II pair. Nottingham Enke, :9 yds. long,
32 in....... ..... .. 1.511$1.13
I palir.•Not tingh:tut'r,3' yds. long.
:il in. ... 2.111 I.:CI
It p:urs. S11104 141.0, .ids. long, 32 in. 2.341
bl pairs. Swiss Inc.', '(\v.1.. long. 31 in. 3.1x1
pair's. Swiss 1xo',', t Yds. Iong.31 ie. 3.73
2 p.i,'.. It lilted Ikrhlrinette i 73
2 pairs. Swiss Net - 0.111
Also \I:ulrns Curtain Muslin, regular
'-rw'. 33.'. arid INir,. fen' 1:N•. 1111•, •Lw• and 1-N•.
Muslins and Wash Goods. .,
We are showing a large assort -1
meat of these goods in plain and
fancy patterns.
65 40.
13 pie.•es, fancy entered Muslin, regn•
hu 17e• to ;kir per yd., your dude,. for Ile
:; piers. while tu.t•rerized 17e• 114.
:t pieces, while mercerized 211.• Ile
II pleees, Swiss. regnhu' 15e, :Ilk and 25•, for 1 Ir,
111• and 410•.
l nieces mercerized.,.. :Cs• -
apieees, lane) I)iek Snit ing 1:N• 11,
5 pietas..1.inen Suiting, neeprtesl rati-
terns, just Ibe gallols forchildre•n'e
wear•1 Ir
t o pieces Potter's best , English
Prints, all bought this spring. Good
choice patterns. Regular It 2!;c,
sale price tor.
White WearG oods.
Including Ladies' Lawn Waists,,
Skirts, Gowns, Corset Covers and
Knitted Vests, etc:; All of these
goods will be tnarketl at clearing sale
nes'. Sete
Women's Nark Potton thew, N. 9, 94 -h140- 71.4 1
Women's black Potton (lose, 111 94.. i3e 11,'
W. blank 1.04111n Ilow•,54, 9,.91 'talc 1:s•
W.au11•n'N bl:tn`k ('otlerll II.,,o, 111;.1•1111. '
dye' 25e10c\\'omen's black Potton hills.•, .rash -
Mere feet'Lw'Ilk•
1'.t11a 1leawy, Ilen•IIies humid, just 1he, line
f,.r 1.eyrs' wear, in sinew li ts, 94, regular Late and '
"'.. for 13• and 110'.
Women's 1'ashnueue 11ose, F!„ 1), 11!
\\', 1sien's l'nal •1.1• Hose, til, it, 114..,, ' :CN• 284
min'a's toshnlrte Dose,.lg. 9, 111...` :elk• alk•
Waist'dgs. s
Itcg. Wile
15 Waist 1 Igths, unsorted patterns, '
solid rola - :t;N. •rk•
25 \Valet Lena ts. fancy hair, as-
svn•ted pnmRe'u. 30.- :w
22 Waist. Lengtwrwd detains., 1411•
sorted patter :Ah air
Linen Depa e
Our stock in t ' 1.- line is well as-
sorted with staple .ods but it also
comprises some d. 'n v and useful
articles in fancy linen ►.ods, such as
5 o'clock Tea Coves, Sideboard
1)rapes:, Tray Covers, I sit 's, 'fable
Hats, etc. Prices right.
Ladies' Rain Coats.
5 \\'ate•rprl Nrf Coate. assorted Nirlw,
fast el )11111.1 1116.110 31:\,•15
allxboll grey, t'ravast'Lie 1.:4) i1.
11 Oxford greet', ('rnvatetle a'\ 111111 7.:e1-
3 dark •live, 1'1•a'an,tle, 111.111 7,:1,
2 only, fawn ('ravanetta'. 9.111 (1.25
0 barn l'r:irone le, lengths, just
.11-1.ived 1 - 1'2.101.11,:41
Staple Department.
The above department includes :
Sliirtin},rs, 1)uckings, plain and
fancy colored Tweeds, 'Towelling,
Shakers, white and grey Cottons,
Sheeting►s, Pillow Cottons, etc. All
at clearing sale prices.
Gents' Furnishing Department. -
Our stock in thisline is very
heavy and you can rest assured that
riC S will e ill he marked a'wa,y down:
Below. you will find some of them
Item. Mlle
Gents c •r Tweed Suits. ......,*0.111$1.71
Keats dark brown Tweed Sidle 3.411 :1.73
Dente' dark Tweed Snits .... .. 7.:41 5.151
Dents' dark 'Tweed Mi iis 111.15) 7.311
Yuutittuq' fancy Tweed Snits$ -0.34) 43.111
Youl0T.' fancy Tweed Snits...... • 5.15) 4.75
Y,,itha' f. y Tweed Suite ° (1.10) 4.311
'',111th.' fnnl'v Twin',I 51111,1 (1,:A)
'' • shouts of Inas 1151 Salts, int new and
up-toalme temente I style.. from $1.31) In
81:1.75. Ito pot fail to get y • boy a new Snit..
M. 11'N cohered 1►nrk Shirts :11e :Me
.11.•II'N 1.ehire•II, filtle't, Ihle•k Shirt75e r.,.,
Mons' black twilled Sateen Shirts41.15) 75e
1 11 (/1 O /
n w e 1 Inez
f•olry Mlle Mirk Suua•k 75e :.w'
1 extra hetti'y Irick Smock, lined '
with rubber cloth 811.:41 1.111.
Extra heavy,'Vitterpnirf Sennett... 2.111 1.33
3 differentlines. desnr•ted pattern... , ;40' ai lc
3 different 1 . e
d not Lorna.. Vie :4k•
N different line., ,Isso1.1e1 naltern41.110
2 IiITetenl. lines, assorted patterns1.225 i00•
:1 different nacre, melon -led not fermi. '41c :ger
:1 different lines, nssl)rlel patts.rns75e Sims
1 dilTrIfnt. line•.. Shirt. \\',Bats etre :4k'
2 diffen•nt Iint•n, Shirt Mousey i5r 3(0•
The above line i. all new g.wwls, Jute leit••
shawl for sprin1t t.l',ulr, and ernnpriwe the
newest and moat dainty pat erne.
:01 liana of Overall
with bib
31 pails of Overalls, with bill $
• S73e
:11 noire of III1 �1 nutty :MOO .:or'
9 fawn linin Coale, regal r iffi.(kl and
$3,511 r 31.9:1
3 dark Iixford Cray/melte in C.)11147.511 $5.101
t:dark Oxford \Vnter'nnutf Ita`in Coats 5.101 5.3i1
dark Oxfirml 4'nlveueltc Hai 1'.rttall.INI 7,:111
You will 111141 these lines n11 11.1'llayel ,1n
oar tables and marked sit !whys ) that you
will he Nitre 10 make a selection.
Boot and Shoe Departme ' t
This is :Mother Zine that we can-
not, with justice to ourselves or
satisfaction. to the public, descri
but you can rest assured you will I .
, able to pfocure good bargains. Our'
:stock is both large and well assorted.
Crockery and •
' Chinaware Department.
This is a line tine have always paid
particular attention to, both as to
quantity, quality and assortment.
Below we 9uote a few lines but we
have manly more -just as useful and
equally ar good value.
Ite•g. Sale
-pieta. Kinner Sees. neatly decorated
1 ward Ii'lialde ware .*7.15184.95
117- iota* Dinner Set. '.111r greengold 11.:41 7.54e
,Siepie • 1.intlrt• Set, olive green, gold
Nl.ii led 5,:/11. 11.15)
iG•pule. Iain w
white. with every ',Mer
gold s .• titled II
9,31)97-pie•re Dinerr Met, in blue rind gnwn,
every pit • gold stippled 11.151 111.311
Reg. Sale
-11)-piers. Tnih'I Set '•=4\assort.•d m4114rus
mguier .. $2.:41 and $2.73 $2.110
l0 -pieces, gold stipple aril *averted
colors, Iegular..... • .. $1.341 and :.10) 3.44
Have 25 different pat rns in this line,
ranging g g in ,price• from 7:or to ,:41, tial'n trice,
\\'e carry two lines, viz : ('love Leaf pat-
tern and decorated olive green Ilwtte . Both
tines are gold stippled.
Dinner 1'Infi•,, 5 +1
Hn•akfivst Plates, 7 in.
I,Ib \line
Ten Plate., 11 in.. ' 1.101
1 tesetert Plates, 6 in7fa• fl�h'
( up', rend Snurelw • 1.111 142..
All other growls in this department at Bann•
proportionate reduction. Groats will be marked
1n plain figures.
72 (Ibsen good Tumblers. regular :11e, for We.
Groceries and Provisions.
You will find just as good value in
this line as any that has been men-
tioned. Special value in Japan and
CeylonTeas. Prices as ollows :
Item. 1M1e
Japan Ten in 3.10. Iota. lit• ;1k
Japan Tea it' 3 -II). Tote... 'ifs: 'Lic
Ceylon 'reit in 51b. iota a '. GN
4''ylon'1'.re in 711,. lots.. aN' 'Lw•Ilk
I'.•ylotl Ten in 3-11,, lots fllr LNr'
I'cylnn Ten in 3-11. lots f41c :air
Now is the se'asorl 10 buy them. We
Itonght. these wants before the recent, advance
in mire, rnnntently am in a position to give
you good value.
rat r T,r asks Ilex. Wtb
quarto. .ap..', • • 1'170. k 0Mc3c
'Pine, 4 gale.... 4• $1.11) 5'!c
Imperial Qtart+i 1110, 7k
S sic. forbids meenumerating c at n anyother lines, esthe i
g assure you same reduction will be
found in this department as in any other I have mentioned. In conclusion let me ask all those whd1are
in want of good honest goods at Bargain prices 1.1 come and take a look through our stock and in
doing so we will endeavor to give one and all the same prompt attention and fair treatment as we
have tried to do in the past. Thanking you for past favors and trusting you will avail yourselves of
this golden opportunity, I remain, your obedient servant.
Cash or Produce.
S. J. ' YOUNG, Dungannon.
•_--•- SUN • CIAO •-•-• OEM -_ SID 1