The Signal, 1906-5-31, Page 66 Tur 'wear May 31 1 06 The Human Barometer 1s the urine. When there is a constant desire to tint. -when the urine is hot and scalding - it scans Mulder Irritation. If the urine is cloudy, highly colored, or ollessive-u indicates Lidos,' Trouble, Head the danger signals 'fake Bu-tJu THE GENTLE KIDNEY PILL "Ba-Ja" etimutatee and strengthens the weakened, clogged, overworked Kidneys to healthy action -sad heals and soothes the irritated bladder "1111 -Jt" cares, We inmates k and you can get your money back if " Iln-J i " disappoints, A11 druggists have " .o Ja " or will get thus for you. vas CLAPLIN COICSOCAL CO. LIMITED twMaee, este. We Can aIw'1lye rely 011 our 1.111.1011111.1/4. NatiSfae- tion with our Canned Goods because we handle only reliable brands that we know all about. Every house- keeper know% how much difference there is in these household necessities. And it is not always the price that in- sures the quality. 1V' are showing n line of canned goods that we an. sell- ing very low indeed, so low iri fact that you will IMI.urpriwd how go,l they ore when they app tier on y table. STURDY & CO. GRAND TRUNK SY's EM $I5.50 11 TO BOSTON filling flay 31st to Jon: Ilth it:traia until Jure 1&11 Thr only through c:i1 ..v rice route. Thr.wgh It ti 1 1 in .e n sleeve! 'Yor e:I t o to l t• 1st ou. 11nmeseekers' E xcu riI;,s $32.00 to $42.50 to points in Nlaniiii11.1. Alberta. i.kotchewmn. Via Nit UI Iia? .Inne'51II, Beth and July and au•1 1 7th. Via *Sarnia ,mil N. N. ('.,. 1 ,ne ith.:.,1.)111 11(1(1 .1111y 1111 and 1sth. Itetalrning within 110 i1ti•. For tickets Ned full in- formation call on F. F. LAWRENCE Town Agent. Office hours: 0:31 a. III. bo 11:311 p.111. .IOIINSTRAITON, ih;eit Agent .1. D. McI)nl:ld, !notelet PtN- se•nger Age•nl, '1'(11001 . 'PHONE 15 3R 24 w-nn•hnu.r 1 ... tt'e.t When von want ( and Yard-. ( .111.1. 111(4 TIlI HF.BT at Dock Square• COAL ALL KINDS 1'F COAL ALWAYS ON HAND ► Fr All Cool weighed on the market -e:de wh.•ro 4.011 gel polo 11,-. for a Inn. WM. LEE. o order+ left nt t'. (. I.t:4;s Il%rana n• 4tore a Ra.l .Me *more. Pn,e 0411 lilt 11.1 10. SYNOPSIS OF Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. Any .ten numbered enellnn of Dominion •NI. In Manitoba of t he North -wee, Prov Meng - excepting N and'!. not rr.r red. may bn home, at. med hr any Demon who 1'. the Nola head of e family. or any Intl! over Ie yeah of nge, to the extent of one-quarter aeruoa of 101 acre', loom er 11.E Kotry must be mole pemonally3 at the Meal land ollhe for the dlatrkt in which the head I. anomie. The homesteader is mgnlred In perform the condition. nnnerted therewith under one M the following plana: III At tenet aid month.' saddene upon and enitiv*tlon of the land In each year for three year*. It If the tether ter mother, if the tether Ido- emaeodl of the honesteeido► reside. nen or fano In the 'trinity M the land entered for the re enlrrment. ae to ro,tdenea mar be aatl.ted by much pontos reeding with the father or 1 mother. IA 1f the aet;ler ho. hla permanent reaidenoe upon farming Mad *weed by him In the thin - Icy M hie homoate.d. the rligdrwmret. Mtn residence mop be satisfied by mildew* spar the a.M land. Mx imitate settee In writing s)HOM be given to deer ('01nsita4aeer 01 Dominion Lama at. Ouwwa of letontlen to apply fns patent. • W w. ('DRY. Deputy M the Minister of the Interior. N. ia.-tlueuthwised puMtoathsn M t.hM at- itsrYw.wt Mil set be Pea Me. Toil' ii;NA 1.1►I)II I(`I1 ONTAItIt1 CAPtN EItI By JOSEPH C. LINCOLN Coprtght. 1101, by A. S. Barnes Co Co.. Publishers. 13a fifth Avenue. New York. Ail Rights Reserved .NOW IMM waq a +111.'.itut1 11I1111•.t•I0(e1 for. Ralph stammered and then colr- erably equivocated. iltere:Illy couldn't snv Just when the .optaiu would re - Weal. "(NI, dear:" said the young lady again. nen she seemed to be waiting for some further obe•rvatiou 011 the part of the gentleman at the door. None being forthcoming, she seemed to make up her uilud to art ou her OWn illIUalit'e. "1 think I will cone In nod waft." she said with decision. Aud come In she did, Mr. Hazeltine not knowing exactly what to do under the circum- stances. Now this was much more in keeping wltb the electrician's precoueeivert Ideas of a book agent's behavior. Nev- ertheless when he turned and found the yuuug lady standing in the middle of the floor he felt obliged to be at least decently polite. "Won't you take a chair?" he asked. "Thank you," said the caller and took oue. The situation was extremely awk- ward, but Ralph felt that loyalty to Captain Eri forbade his doiug any- thing that might urge the self 1'es- 1ew144d Mina Black to prolong her visit, w for a time be said nothing. ,The young lady looked out of the window, 11 1111 Mr. Hazeltine looked at her. Ile was wore than ever of the oplul0n that We "ullddliti " term should be cut out of bee description. He ratter liked her appearance, so he decided. Ile liked the way she wore her hair, so simple an arrangement, but to effetIlt•e. Also he liked her dress. It was the flrtlt tai- lor made w•alkIng suit he had seen since Ills arrival In Orham. Aud worn by a country iook ageut of all people!• Just then Miss Black turned and caught him Iutently gazing at her. the colored, apparently with displeasure, and looked out of the window' again. Mr. Hazeltine colored also and fidgeted with the book- ou the table. The situa- tion was eonfouudeelly embarrassing. Ile felt that be must say something D ow, so he wade the original observe- tiuu stmt It hail beau a pleuaaut day. To this the young lady agreed but there was no eutlwsiasen in her lone. 'They Ralph, nervoioly flshlug for au - other topic, thought of the bark in his hand. "I was Jnmt rendiug this." be said. "i roma 1t quite Interesting." ILr next moment he realized that be lead said what of all thing' was the most Impulitlr. It was nothing 1es4 than a hid for a "cuuvas8." and he fully expecte.! to Ire confronted with the uee- t'ssary under blanks: without delay. BM, straugely enough, the book lady made no such move. She looked at hitt, It Is true, with nn exIiression of surprise and what "teemed to lie amuse- ment nn her fte. 11. was eertatu that her Ills twitched ns Nile 1111 111 ralwly: "Did you'( 1 um (glad to hear It." This ,1igpassi,tiat.' remark was en- tirely un •xpecterl. and We electrician. us Captain Eri would have said, "lost hir•bearingr" cunlpl(•tely. "her--er yes," he stammered. "Very Interesting indeed. i -I suppose you must take a good nauy orders in the course of ll week." "A good many enders?", "Why, yes. Onleru for the book., I menu.. The Ned:. the 'I:reat Naval Llv,.s • -er-thew' books here." •'1 beg your pardon, but 'who do you think 1 and?" Aud it waq then that the perception of some treweuilolls blunder 1N`gan to seize upon Mr. IBIzeline. ile had been red before. Now he felt the red- ness creeping over his scalp under his hair. "Why -why -Slim Black, I suppose - that 1s, I" - Just here the door opened and Cap- tain Erl came In. IIe took off his cap and then, seeing the vltltor, remained standing. apparently waiting for nn introduction. Butt the young lady did not keep hint waiting long. "Are you ('aptnin Era !ledge?" she asked. "Yes'm," answered the captain. "Oh. I'm ao glad. Tour letter came this morning, and I hurried down on the first train. I'm Elizabeth Pres - toe." p ('IIAPTER iX. ERIIAPR, on the whole, 1t la not .urprl.ing that Captain Er! (idn't grasp the situation. Neither his two partnere nor 111111mel( had given ouch thought to the -4Inuddnmgltte•r of the nick man In the tipper r10)111. The captain knew that there was n granddaughter; belie, hie letter, But he had heard John Baxter speak of her nm (wing In reboot some - here Iu Boston and had 1111 along con- ceived of her ss n min. of sixteen or thereabout. No wonder that at first he looked at the stylishly gowned young woman, who stood before him with oma gloved hand extended, In a puzzled, uncomprehending way. "Excuse me, ma'am," he said slow- ly, mechanically swallowing hp the proffered howl In hie own mammoth fist, "but I don't know's 1 tent caught the name. Would ypu fnlnd aayln' It ag In?" "Elisabeth Preston," repeated the vis- itor. "Captain i'iitxter's granddaugh- ter. You wrote me that be was 111. you know, and I" - "What!" roared tbe captain, delight- e d amazement lighting up his face like a sunrise. "You don't mean to tell me you're '1.I2'beth Baxter's gal Elide! Well, well! 1 want to know! If this don't fest a11! bet down! Take your things right off: I'm mlghty glad to see you!" Captain Eri's halal, with Miss Pres- ton's hidden In It, was moving np and down, as if It worked by a clockwork arrangement- The young lady with- drew her fingers from the tap as soot as she Po0v0nl.ntly eouM, but It mlght have been noticed that ohs glanced at them when she had done ao, as It to make man that the Original shape rs- • 1e:111(1. "Thank you, Captain Iletlgo," rhe •.li.l "And now phrase sal me :I IMO:, grandfather. How 114 Ile? May 1 ser Illtu?' The captain's expresslou cawed to 0110 of concern. "Why, now, Miss Preston," lie said, "your grandpu 1.4 pretty sick. 011. I droit mean he's gaits' to die ri_!lt off or nuytldug like that," he 11(1(10.1 hastily. ' I wean hr's had u stroke of loots). or sowetblu', and he ain't gut au yit flint he sewees much of what guest ou. Now, 1 don't want to frighten you. you kuuw, but really there's a ehaue -u little mite of a chance -that he won't know you. Don't feel bad If he don't, now will you?" . "1 knew he must be very ill front your letter," said the girl ahuply. "I was afraid that he alight unit be living wheu 1 reacbgd here. They told safe at the station Wet be was at your house. and so 1 came. Ile has been very good to mel and 1" - Her voice broke a little, and she hesi- tated. Captain Eri was u picture of nervous distress. "Yes, yes; 1 know," he said hastily. "Don't you worry now. Ilea better. The doctor said he was con,ld'rably better today, didn't he. Mr. llazeltiue? 11'hy, what ani 1 thlnklu' of? Let Inc make you known to Mr. Hazeltine, next door neighbor of ours, right aerosr the rood." And he waved toward the buy. Ralph and Miss Preston shook hands. Th. electrioluu manages' to utter gout(' sort of formality. but he eonklu't have told what It wa4. Ile was glad `when the captain announced that if Mr. Ha- zeltine would a'xcuse (hens be gu,' o*l Mites 1'r"s1o10-aWI. he would seep up- st:lll's and nee! John. The yuuug lady took off her hat and Jacket, and Cal,- tuin Eri lighter) n lamp, for it was al- most dark by this tine. As its light sl • whorl the rioltor's face and hair the crimson Hugh before mentioned cir- cuwnuvislerl the ele.•trician's brad (u.•e more, laid his 1{unip of self es- teem reeely 1.l 0 llulshiug blew. That any 1111111,NIIpl8(ter1 to posses* two fair- ly good eyes :wd a workable brain ruulel have mistaken her for au Or'au Neel: book agent by the name of "' Gusty -'(lusty Meek!' Ileayems: ''I'll be down In a few Minutes, Mr. Hazeltine," maid the captain. "Set still. well's yeft BM Mr. Hazeltine wouldu't sit still. Ile nnuuuuctrl that It w:ls late and he wort be goi:.g. Aud go he dill in. spite of bis hunt's pruted:010ns. "Look out for We siairs," cantioneI the cupta11r, leading the tray with Ili.' lamp. "The teller tint built 'em .oust 11:1 VU 1(1104,81 that satin' distance leugtbeus out Ilfe. 4'ow0•to think of It. I wouldn't wonder If them stairs was the reason why 101. 111111 ,tery and P. - rex took this hum*. They reminded us so of the shroud+ 011 a three ander." Elsie Preston did her IH'st to smile as her erouq)auion rnttkil un In this faith - Mu, but both the smile and the cap- tain's chterfuluese were too pl:1114y ns- suwe.l to be cuu4iuring, noel they paused down the hall 111 ',Renee. At the 011,.1 door of the InekrOonl Captain Eri pauses'. "Ile'N asleet)," he whispered, "and, remember, if he wakes up and doesn't kuuw you you net•tlu't feel bud." Elsie slipped by olw and knelt by the bell, looking lute the white. old face on the 10110W. tiuebuw the harsh linea 1111d faded out of 1t,, awl It looked uuly old and pitiful. The captain watt -bid the'tableau for a moment or two and thea tiptoed Into the room and placed the lauik ou the bureau. "Now, I think likely:" he said, In a rather husky whisper, "that you'd'yike to stay with your grandpa fora little while, so 1'11 go downstairs and sell about supper. Nu, no, no," he added,\ holding up Lis hand am the girl spoke mule worths of protest, "yon aids guilt' nowhcres to mupper. You're gala' to mtny right here. If you want ale, Jest speak." And lie hurried downmtairo find Into the kitchen, 'lenriug his throat with vigor mud making a great to do over the scratching of a watch. Mrs. Snow returned n few minutes later, and to her the news of the nrrly- al wax told, an It w•am also to Pere.+, and Jerry when they tame. Mrs. Snow toll; Charge of the ampler arrangements. 11'hen the meal wan ready tike maid to ('a wain Erl: "Now I'll go upstairs and tell her to lane down. i'll stay with ('ap'n itaxter 1111 you're through, and then p'raper if one of you'll take my place 1'11 eat my !upper nd wamh the dishes. You needn't come np now. 111 Intro- duce myself." Some few minutest palmed before Mite; i'reston t•nnle down. When the did go her eyes were wet, but her man- ner was cheerful, and the unaffected wily in which she greeted Captain Pe- res and Captain ,ferry when theme two rather bamhful flint -lucre were Intro - duvet' by Eri won them nt otter. The sapper tram a great lucl'000. it was Saturday night, and a Saturday night supper to the overage New Eng- lander means baked leans. The eap- talns had long ago given up this be- loved dish became., allliottgli each had triad 1114 bund at preparing 1t, none had wholly snt•ePMId, and the cantle eritielmnia of the 'other two had pre- vented farther trials. Bnt Mrs. Snow's baked leans were a triumph. So also was the brown Iniad. ' As they tome from the table the young lady asked a question concerning the location of the hotel. The captain made no answer at the time, but after a abort eonsult*tlon with the remain- der of the triumvirate he came to her as rhe mined by the wlndnw sed, laying his hand .m her shonM.r, saM: "Naw, EIsl.--t hope yen don't rated my earns' yon F•Ials, lint 4've been chums with your grandpa so long seems It you mast be a .ort of relation of mine --1.I..(', yen nllt't guilt' to no 11.4.1-- that lo, uu!e.(s you're real set on It. Your grandpa's lien., tu1.1 we're here: awl there's roan euonth. 1 don't Y;,: nt to .011Y trx) (111941. but I'd Ilk,' to have yon li Ilev. that 1111. 111111 Peres an 1 Jerry want yuu to stay rit,'It In Ili'+ humor J/'ot as lung's• you stop In 01I1:'1.o. Now yolt will, won't yuu?" And so It w'an settled, and Capt flu Perez 111rutwserl Daulel Sud went to the 1.(1111011 fur the wink. 'I'h:at eveulug. Just before golag to bed the t:moduli stool by the door of the sit•kro nt tvatchiug Elsie and the lady from Nauturket me they sat be- side John Baxter's bed. Mrs. Soon' wits knitting nod Elsie was reading. Laker as l'aptatu Eri peered out of the flimiug rouul wiuduo to take a flu it look at the sky in order to get a nue on the weather be said slowly: "Fellers, do you know what 1 was think in',, wheu 1 sees thew two wuw0a In there with John? 1 was thluklu' that it must be a mighty plcogent thing to knew that 1f you're took sick somebody like that'll take cure of yuu." Perez molded. "1 think so, too," hu said. But If this was weaut to latlueueo the betrothed one It didn't auecevil, ap- parently, for NI Captain Jerry said was: "Humph! 'Twould take more thou that to make me hooker after a stroke of palsy." Aud with the coming ofElsie Preston and Mrs. Snow life in the little boost: by the ithore took ou a decided change. The Nantucket lady, having satisfied herself that John Barter's Illness was likely to be a long nue. wrote several letters to persons lir her native town, which letters, although she did not say so, were supposed by the captains to deal- with the care of her property while she was away. Having apparent- ly relieved her mind by this method and evidently considering the marriage question postponed for the present, she settled down to nurse the sick man and to keep house as In her opinion a house should be kept. The captains keen' nothing of her past history beyouu what they bad gathered from stray bits Of her conversation. 'She evldeutly did not consider It necessary to tell any- thing further, and, on the -other band, asked uo questions. In her care of Baxter she was more like u sister Watt a hired nurse. No wife could have beeu more teueler ter her ministrations or more devotedly anxious for the patient's welfare. In her care of (hie house she was neatness itself. She Bemired and swept and washed until the rooms were liter- ally spotless. Onler was heaven's Bret )::w, lit her Opinion, :111(1 -she expected every uue else to keep up to the stood - aril. Captain Perez and ('aptain lyri soon got uslrl to the ehauge and Murk 1 111 it, but to Captain Jerry it watt no altogether welcome. "•Oh, cat's toot!" he exclaimed one day after 'outing everywhere for his Sunday tie au(1 nt length finding It In his bureau drawer. "I can't frit used to this evet•Iastin' sprul•erl up bus'uess. Way it used- to be, Oda necktie w:11 likely to be most ouywheres round, and If 1 looked out ht the kitchen or under the reify 1 was Jest as Ilkelv to find it. But now everything's got a place and 0. In It." "Well, that's the way It ought to be, ain't IC:" said Eri. '•'J'hen all you've got to do Is look in the plate." "Yea, and that's jest It. I'm always foreittin' the place. My shoes 1. se.•h a place, my bauk.rebers to meal n phone, nay pipe is each a',Wee, my terbacker Is smother place. When 1 want my- pipe 1 go nail look where my 1.110•,4 is, n:1d when i want my shoes I go null look where i found my pipe. Ilow a teller's golu' to keep run of 'em IB what i can't see." "You was We oue that did most of the growliri when things was the old "Yew, but Jest 'cause a man (to4't want to live In n pigpen It ain't no sign he wants to be put under n glass 1.840." 1'11.1:•'+ influence upon the house and Ito inmates had become almost ns "1 cola'. 211 used to this rtx•rlaeti t' spruced tip bus',►ess." marked as Mrs. Snow's. The young lady was of an artistic bent, and the still ornaments in the shut up parlor and the wonderful oil paintings jarred upon her. Strange to say, even) the Was dipped wreath that hung In 1ts circular black frame over the whatnot did not appeal to her. The captalus considered that wreath --It had been the prinnlpnl floral offering nt the funeral of Captain 1'erelt s sinter,, nun there was a lack of her hair framed with It -the gem of the establlahnient. They could understand to a certain degree why Mims Preston objected to the prominence given the 'patter work "Got Bless Our !tome" motto, but her failure to enthuse over the wreath was Inexplicable. lint by .egreee they became noted tc fleeing the blinds open at the parka windows the week through, and Inn° cations like curtain, and vexes filled with bite w•11(1 flowers Mme to toe at Malt tolerated and then inked. "Elsie's notions," the captains called them. Ralph Hazeltine Palled on the after noon following Elsle'e arrival, and Cap- tain L'r1 Insisted on his staying to ten it might bare been noticed that tilt electriclaa Seemed a trill* embarrsa a•t 'ben Miss Proton name 1 the room, but as the young lady w ember - reseed In the least and h arently forgotten the mistaken Ity sec. dent 11s ttervousne.s soon wore off. But It came back again when Cap. Ws fill 1161d: "Oh, 1 uy, Mr. Haseltlne, 1 forgot to ask yuu did 'thrifty cane yesterday?' Ralph answered rather hurriedly that she did not. He uuduavured W tentage the subJeel, but the cuptalu wouldul let him. "Well, there," be exclaimed amused- ly, "1f '!lusty alu't broke her recon!! hist time aeuce Peres was took wltk tbe •Naval Commander' dlpeasethat she alai been on hand wheu the month war up to git her 42, Gut so we sort of reckoned by berllke au almanac. Kind of thought she was sure, like death and taxes. Aud now she has goue back ou us. Blessed It 1 ain't diaapp'Inted fn 'Gusty." "1%'ho Is she?" luqulred Mrs. Snow. "One of those book agent critters'(" "Well, If you called her that to her tare 1 expert there'd be squalls, but 1 collate she couldn't prove a alibi in court." Now, it may have been Mr. IIUeI• tine's fancy, but he could have sworn that there was just the suspicion of a twinkle in Miss Preston's eye as she asked Innocently enough: "Is she a young lady, Captain EH?" "%%'ell, she hopes she !s," was the de- llberate answer. "Why?" °Does she look like nie?" "Like you? 011, my soul and body: Walt till you see her. What made you ask that?" "Oh, nothing. 1 was a little curious. that's all. Have yon seen her, Mr. 1fa- seitine?" Ralph stammered somewhat confus- edly that he hadn't had the pleasure. The captain glanced from the electri- cian to Miss Trenton and back agent. Tien he suddenly realized the situa- tion. "110, ho!" he roared, slapping his knee and rocking backnud forth lu bis chair. "Don't for the land's sake tell Inc you took Elsie here fur 'Gusty Black! Don't now! Dou't!" " 11e asked we If 1 bud taken wavy orders," remarked the young lady de- murely. When the general hilarity had abated a little Ralph peuftently explained that it was dark, that Captain Eri had said Miss Black was young and that she carried a bag. "So I did, so I did," chuckled thu captain. "1 n'pooe'twas uat'ral enough, but, 011, dear, It's awful funny! Ni ,t•, Elute. you'd ought to feel nattered. Wait t111 you see 'Gusty'. 11:11, the. uue she gut up to Roston.'' "Ala I forgiven, Miss Preston?" ask- ed Hazeltine as he said good night. "Well, I don't know," was the rather noncommittal answer. "1 think 1 shall have to wait until I see '(lusty." Itut Mr. llazeltine apparently took his forgiveness fur granted, fur his cauls Inc:yue more and more frequent, until his dropping In after supper came to be a regular occurrence. Young people of the leper clasp are seatrce in Odium duriug the fall and winter mouths, and Ralph found fete emu - genial companion*. Ile liked the cap - :dna' II MI Mrs. Snow, and Eisie✓s sa- c e•ty wax a relief after u day with the et •raturs at the station. Mr. Langley Iv entirely absorbed In his business mud spout his evenings iu his room r.•:fdi K and swokbug. So •plewlx'r and October passed and N vclulx'r carne. School °peered lu Oetul'r, and the captains had II 11 - other 1 !Eder, for Jtstiah Bartlett, against hi wishes, gave up Wm posi- tion as stre driver and was deet to school again. Am the boy seas no longer employed at e livery stable, Captain Perez felt the •messily of having trim meter his eye, ud so Josiah lived at the house by 111mbore, n rot being set up in the pnrlor 'r his use. Ills COM - lug Made inure tt rk for Mrs. Su.::. but that energetic oily did not nlelll to mind and even 141 • assier! in getting the youngster to du a 'w' chores about the place, au n(hieye licit 11111) 41011 the everlasting admire ne of Captain Peres(, who had uo got piing lower whatever over the boy a ( d condoned the moat of ilia faults or .vide(' hint fechly for the other'. Jubu Baxter continued to 'aver be- tt4er'u this world and the next. Ile had intervals of Consciousness, in t• tic' he r.r•ognised tbe captains and Els , but these rational momenta were few and, although be talked a little, he n ver uleutioned recent events nor nitwits to the fire, The fire Itself became an old stor, and gossip took up other subjects. The "Cottle Outers" held- a jubilee service because of the destruction of the sa- loon, but, as Web soon began to re- build and repair, their jollification was short lived. As for Mr. Saunders, lie was the same unctuouo, mwillug per- sonage that lie had formerly boon. It was a curious fact and one that Cap- tain Eri noted that be never een1nl to Inquire after John Baxter's health and seemed honestly glad to hear of tae old man's Improvement. He asked $ good many questions about Elsie, too, but received little satisfaction from the captain on this subject. 11'11 11 it 111\TIN('EI1,1 HIS WIFE'S ADVICE. St. Malarhie, Quebec. Mn' •lltth.- (Mlwrhtl.)--Even the best ltclvire im slllll,'t i l loot wasted because it is Riven free, lint. Ah. envier Bernard, of thin place, is confident he owem 111* 111e to taking the advice his good wife gave hits when he war ill. "1 uoPrI 11, loafer for yearn from ter- riblr paiur in 111y hack,- sari Mr. Rer- nerl, "owing to my kidneys (wing of of order. I ern al II nam by 111441e and have n deal of equipping and lifting to do at my work which mite n great attain on the hock. lint at. beet 1 got mo weak I bad to give up work en- 1in•Iv. 1 tried everything 1 could think of but with t. ,*silt. At Inas my wife advised ale 1,1 try 'UAW. Kidney Pills and After taking one 'Nix i felt IN•ttea•. i kept 1111 with them nn11 now I run plotely cured, thank! to 1)1010'8 Kidney Pills." In telling a man of his failure* nee a long-dimtwnee telephone. --Chicago News. Miller's ('1 [mond iron Pills, only 'Lie. for 50 dose, For 'ale by Jas, Wilson. Too much of the charity that nh Id begin at home doesn't begin at all- (:IlirNgll Ne'w'x. Miller's Worm Powders ere lite teat laxative medicine for children : me nice ea tenger. For sale by Jas. Wilson. (Mme lura wsate all their energy Why Red Rose Tea is Economical RED Rose Tea has all the good points of two good teas and none of the weaknesses of any. You never drank a cup of straight Ceylon or Indian tea that could compare in strength, richness, delicacy and fragrance with the "rich fruity flavor" of Red Rose Tea. Yet Red Rose Tea }does further and costs no more than either Indian or Ceylon teas alone. Red Rose Tea is lktter than either Indian or Ceylon tea and is more economical because it goes - further. Red Roses T ais good Tea T. H. Eatabrook:; St. Sohn, N.B.. Toronto, Winnipeg We Are Very Particular quality' We always insist on -and always get first in cvefything, We are mighty hard people to emit, but the bawler it n tit suit u', the easier it is tO please you. The quality of the following goods im more to please : 13c ▪ I0c Davies' Horse Radish at, per bottle, Quaker Puffed Rice at, per package, Heinz Tomato Soup at, per can, Forest City Tomato Catsup at, per bottle, Try a e1 10 cent package of GUSTO the new foal. A toy for the children in every package. ▪ 25c 13c P. T. DEAN, The Grocer. 'PHONE too. COR. MONTREAL ST. AND SQUARE, GODERICH, ONT. Change in Business wE beg to announce that the livery bcuness heretofore conducted by Messrs. Miller & Walker, has been purchased by ua, and we repeet:ally Soli it iksharc of the !public patronage. As 1n tic past, tar. livery wit! be ke?t at the tc;+ notch of eMi'iercy and our eve:y effort will be to have THE BEST ALL CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Walker & Augustine 'PHON F.i1 EAST STREET 4..IVERY TM mother bird'. unnrrieg Deista eh. oho:ce.t •or..l' for leer young. The wise 110mall moodier foods 11.t babies oe Parnel1'a Pure Hsa diad. Bread it builds muscle, sharpens imt.11.et, 1.1• foeedation for vigorous msebood. P P. T Dh:A.V YOUR POPULAR GROCER, AOBNT 40A11N14* Oolmin utltlnMtbgftMtlrtlatti* **11/0/ It 1 E Ne ombe Piano 1 F 1 1 1 1 E E E 1 E AT CLINTON, ONTARIO fir: 3 3 3 For choice quality of tone, durable ac- tion and stylish cases' Winner of gold • medal at Paris World's air and other 3 great awards. Call on or write to i 3 • DISTRIBUTING CENTRE 3 P NOS Wile of the amous buying a piano consider the merits O. HOARE, County Wholesale and; Retail Manager unpthin�ltghutot iih the ;".''_'1'iha some- 41'TTTTT�tNf1+T iropim tTTTAtTTTTTTI� Times. _ Th. wotk, Muttering braid 1ee11ttws ` , - - �- *Dal poun Ind 1.¢Inlwr when Mi1Mr'e Carl•IGoodiAlwa s cad All Ways at The xwl iWi 1{illrr aro (wed. Mtttratle�ry Jas Wilamu, :a r mss: -,aasrr