The Signal, 1906-5-31, Page 22 TwTaw•ev May 31, 1106 0014:H11' 11. ONTARIO. 1. P17111.11411KI) EVERY THURIit)AY, et IVANATT):1l & H•)HKItTrsl\ ,Telephoto,. fall Nall. Terms of Subscription : flan per annwn 10 pavan'),. His newtl,-, Y.' : thew nlo.nh.. 4.Ib•o'rib,,r- w1114 fall to hNMfve Taal STINAL regularly Iry 111.111 .111 colder • fav or II)' ae- ouainting us of the fart at as early a date a. possible. When .. rhnnlre of address Is de+ind, hoth the old 01141 the new wtdrn.. 'hoard hu di, en. Advertising Rate 1. el and whirr .inlfiar wlver11,nw',t s, Illy per 11 •r for ar-t howl -test ,tad :k pyr line for math .11h•1•,t t In.rrtlwu. Nra.unrt by it twnpalril seal,•, 'wens IIMr, (elan melt. Hudne.. .sari44 of ds Itne. and tinder. Ss tier year. .44141.111-cons144s of 1.0-4, F044111. St 04•,41, Sit- uation. V. ant, Nit lou lm+ 51aut•d. Huusw for Sale or to 1:,'11t, Faille. nor Male ,.r lit hent, Articles for `k41r, rte., net exceeding eight Ib...•, 1.ir each Insertion ;St for first month, ku for each .ubs.luent ...moth. larger advertise. ' scent. in proportion. Loral 'sotto,. in parell type :le per line. No notice less than Bir. Announcement. In onlii,ary reading type one cent per word. No not ler re.. than 2,Se. An) special moire. theolyrt•t of which 144 the poenniar benefit of any Individual or a..oe- salon, to h- ...moldered an advert Leonetti and to be charged accordingly. Hates for display and root rart adserli-e: anenta will be given on application.;. Address all communications to VANS I'TI':I4 ft; It. olO:ttT44)N, Tai. Seisms N,.,rrlrh. to OODLRI('H. THURSDAY. M.51' al. Mal THE ELECTHIC RAILWAY PROJECT. Though interest in electric railway development hat. been dut'tnwnt in thin town and county (444 SOUP. time, the matter hat, not been forgotten hut has simply- been laid *nide until an oppor- tune rraw111 a) 1.1 arti44' to renew an active/)4141144 uti11 4,t the efforts t/) secure for this district the Intim of ele•trie transportation. At the recent 'session of 4 hi' l)nt:t•in Legislature the Act in(11rpolating the Ontario West Shone Electric R*ilwoly l'ongwny war revived and the time for e ment of the construction of the rail- way was extended 1.41 1e1 years. and the time of a pletion to. four Weals, After thin ante, 11aull'l4', to 191114 /11111 11)1)). remp'et.ively. The co ulpauly'N charter gives them )14)we' to build a line from Owen S. I to Sarnia. with mind brit ehes teaching various points ' •',1 11 1 r rot in the tf Int [ Huron. p y It is !woollens to dwell upon the advantages which would neerur to this town and vomit). anon the ei )- etructinn of electric bees cun11e•ting the b.lsllle,' ,'enter* of the .1i.lrlet. Electric railway drveto; rut in one of the most illlp1 ll'tl alt activities of the present day, and Huron comity sl not lag behind when other port impof the Provitne, not ow pt•,lirewsive in 91 Way.. 1111• ineretsillg their erial ince lwrity. by 110'1)4n of the greater Lusit,rs4,sclivily which fol- lows wherever the electric car travels. A line from (iawde•irh +lung the lake shore through Colborne and a.hfirld townships. sold atnnth.r to Dungan- non, would conh'r •119.• benefits upon every portion of the diMtt•ict served by these pines, and A paying tratHh in freight And psMrngers would, we believe, seam lie developed. The problem of entraner t, the .town (tom the north ronld doubtless 11e solved by the securing of running rights over the new ('. P. R. tine from a junction 'titbit in ('ollnrne town- ship. A useful I1ne also would be unr trlVeexi.ig the town between the G. T. R. And the 4'. P. It. /talionsWith the marked 10lvances which (l(wlerich 'X Ile 1 1 'tsl 1' t l•- 1 11 making 11 I 'pal 1 K velop11lent, it system of radial ele'- ,tsir lints w' lwen he A crying need, and it is 111 be hoped that 'atonal will soon be fnrthc ' g for the carrying out of the splendid !wheel*. outlined in the charter of the Ontario West Shore Coto ps n )-. Electric railway devet( opulent 5vould receive 1111 impetus f • the adoption of the Maitland Rive' power when.'. The two project e, would Iw 11)114uall)• helpful. The electric lines would have a ceonSrnient scoria. of power, 1 the surplus of power that would he ptrt- dueed by the Maitland ,liver s(•1,) lite at ((,went under eonsideralion (amid ate used in this planner. The won't. of 4hwb•rich, who, have ahendv 1•u- 'dorsel the electric railway ftroleet, Will receive with gratifl.-ation Iuq• in- dhattion of the fulfillment of their bop's in this direction. MPULSORY VOTING. The Impulwlry V1111n5 idol has *gait, ie I brought t.. the (runt by the theta of n I'llrli,nnentary r tai 1, npp11 ted to revise the el...limo lasev fav t' of t1,,' mooned it is claim41 that i will be M preventive bribe! b• . ,,• i .. of tt 448 1 f'sUn the d. 1 0 K K n f thus*' men 851111, waiting to he "in- duced," hold off oh polling d1))• until * party worker r along and !tribes them forest their IN/II t+ ; ,4).d, again, that 'it will put a stop n the ((radial( of 'tilting votes of On. 41141s1te side to 'stay at 1 It IN pal J.1MnN41 that the penalty for not att'n/ljng at the polite 114• dl.frnrhisemelt for ajx years. To novel the objltivlibn that.4 man should not he oblige) to vote f*t• Otte en'two or • candid/Iletome sof wwl2iltt►iM in his opinion worthy of a •c - tion, i1. in ivointed not that a him ballot might. In. asst. Another *'Maine, that is minds f111' Iotllpll4( lay 4))14.1141• /Ince at the twills in that it. would cure the indifference in regard to p liticel *(twine which is ehnwn at every elle• tion by the atstten)ion from voting of coneidernble number of qualified electors. To the hist contention the oh4io to rejoinder iN that it woo. ere Metter for the country that the indifferent voter ahnoM Hwy at home. A tnan who in formed to the. poll pal not likely to not anything but indifferent judgment in ealuting his ballot when be Kele there. And if the broody were not effective• if a man allowed hfn.*lf to 1w,-oule dis(ranchireI !.'c*nae of his Indifter• TTHE SIGNAL: GODIrItlell ONTARI(I enve at • election, the(pm,'Meity would 1e• Ii*t of rllurrting him, or ar111+in5 hilm to a rrm*r .11 1)44 .1111 h' in (04411e elect• . N. can it 114• seriously held that rompubeor)' voting would h:.*'' an)' 44,1,•1, 4Ife•t in 1 he pleremt 44111 elf mer0((. lion as 114( advocates rla1m.. The arts of the eorropli '..l are lop diverse, his inventive (*rulty is too fertile, to Ile defeated by no simple s device. If the proposal is adopted it 55-111 Ine1u only a change of method for the pro- fl41iulal party will ler who is willing to pay for votes. Indeed, the casting of x considerable ;wlermlage of Milk ballots thy conscientious voter. refine- inK 1.l en4101444 any of the candidates) would give the ballot -box o•anipnlxtor a better opp ortunity than he Ilam ever had of "11 zing" the elotetigi1. Further oppo•tm11111)' for 4444(4140di ouI111ul ti00 would he given in 11,,• making up of the voters' lista ter the pr')14 kre1 scheme. There would have to lir Nome allowance for aht,tent1 from voting by 1•,411k111 of Iieknesn. allarlle• from home and other Pile lances; and it 'is impossible to believe ,lint the tannery for adjusting thew excuses would apprikteh perfection. A 11(1. 5*') her, the ,uloptiun 4)i the proposal would po1N/b1)' work at Iea11t as mulch mischief as It Witold prevent, Ate other seri11114 r,1lmidrnl10n 111 1'1',11 ne•t hill with 1 111 p"ui"s„tl is well slated by '1'11e '1'uto4N a Star : "It is very doubtful l Whethe ah+ten• lion from, voting is to any grail ex tell a 1114441,1114* .ir illllil•attun l,1 cor- rnptiun, It may represent inJifier- eneetn ((1 111*' duty, in which rase it is hahlly n punisl •111 :41 (souped the indifferent p'rsm to 114• indifferent for moodier nix yl•,t :+. 11111 very ofl.n it mho444 dissali (•l tun with hot 11 Candi- 11a11. 111' Ilth Mlle., and in thin Way Is a 1st raua Ir indication''f 'tubbye opinion, There431' many voter,' who like to maintain \a 'sword of never having cast a l.i)*P411 4)r a t'onw•rv,r tier rule. an the (met. may 1w. They may 11:141• as poo11. 484)41441114 (41 the party ,candidate : they may think the pa/rly in on tlo' wrong track , 141 reoliiireN :1 ws(I.dew)ote warning. D1 t t1,.• wrench of voting for the rand late of the other part' is 1.111 •h of then, and if they are w•t1.ulde1 or o totellel • 11 ,• polls e5• W' 4'111) 11 ' t t the �I 111 will 1 15 K 1 voter b to the foto.' of 14.1 it and :ISN,M'I4t r,111. They slow their 41 (lis- faetio11 and exe•Icine their hidemi- enrr by staying at Ionise. An( his silent e 'wa 1 pr)Vail s really mine 1• l nth 1 1 5 u n 11 Live than g - g to the I'1li4 aril c: ing al vale 1111 the 141 her nide ; 110r•a11144 the candidate anal Ihr party know the some*'' from which the blow emnes... know the rh,,r:lrter of tin. man. and ran 1nr4911114 the Ione of the rebuke implied in` his Aloott•ntion. ('neler the new 114W, **itch is Vote!• might east a blank ballot ::and a l.ig MI.. sof such blanks might 11111vvy, in :1 5*'Iarn11 wily, the infonoitatitn that something was wrong. lint it would not Ise known with It candidate. 4)t• w'hieh part v was id llllsi'at. nor whit 4:,111 the blanks. The les al 444)1)111 1101 114' nearly an (heir as that con- veyed by the deep, though silent. disgust of .1,11)11 Smith. the stalwart Liberal, 41r John Brown. Are lifelong Cuntler'ati4who d1'rla res by hilt ,,)stomion that he cannot vote against' his part y, and will net vole for it on this ,141•:41,111.” EDITORIAL NOTES. Are w•e to have it 1)oulinion Day celebrl inn in f i,141.'t•ich 1' Cheer up! June And 14taw)14•rly s'411-tr•ake• will noon he here! Regina his been rhuwen AM the esp- ital of t1,( DPW Province of Saskatche- wan. by vote of the leegiilatute of the Province. In Weiner"' er"' Australia. an a mexsun• of econu4)q' in the fail. of as lleti-i(, 111e C linnet 3Iinislel's have reduced their own N1larien by $1,111111. The incident in notewinthv. Pamela's Hnnmnes 111e in much, good .114414 118114 11 r. H0414184'0 budget speech 4N4144e•N Ilhn, wt withu11t (11111• ment. Ilos' different if there hal leen a deficit to announce! What'.. this! New Ontario talking of .eredin4 front the old Province' And with a brand new N'hitnev Gav- e •11r 11)'Hower •. 4 • people don't. N )tx4'r te their 1 h win " • The town council will how(' the Imp- pot1 of the townspeople hl int,i41ing that 1114'a w I ' 1 til 1 ) 10 n'strurtiun work 1,t the 4):)1(14141)1' d • with the Zest pow Nil11e inconvenience 111 the public. Or. John Meath 1,:w been Appointed to the !mention of Superintendent of I'.Il11rntlal, ere/dial by an r1144tllletll rat the recent welt+inn of the Legis- lature. He is mmrcrrlle 1 144 11) 4)l1I't 4)4. of high 41.11144,111 by .1. E. \Vether•11, 'whelp"' of Strtlhroy Collegiate In- stitute. n•rotIt111r. _ �_-- In tnkin p. r 1) 51 r the rontl•nl 11f education, the shale hos taken over n 141mb11" • j)111h1o,. 'rhe 1'd11ealioo bill int111411)1111 by the new 1lrili-h 1lMint ry 1111m pr,14bu•ed a ti 1ec41orlil whish reminds ('an*lino!, of the Manitlhn school 1411edpon null the Northwest autonomy bills. Fr 111, London Fre Presto, of good Conservative journal, we learn that tin- 4)utnt•io Cabinet "ate said to Ire Monona at drawn da}furs" o4,•r the 4(4letio) 11f nppointonen144 to the new Ihovinrint railway board. Ilse hun- tire•al 14taunl•h 4(1gp)14m•terN 111 the Whitney (lover an are anxious to serve (heir country (4t w good salary. The Ma -eminent will hate W dente n few (mete lnnnnil1Nion4 to relieve•(he situation. T N'hitne5• Doverlllllenl'$ action in sit witting propositions for railway ►o)R,,e* to the, 41111111101 of over f]+11M1,• 11111 in the Inst 111111111 of the recent •/•,inion of the Legislature, especially in view of • Whitney's 'anti -election attitude of o(1(44*ition to railway hnnn4e4, 11x5 Itis•nditel the Govern- ment with 'nook of It. former Rep. portent. A new (iovet•nment is imp primer, to live ))p to its prnfrsnion4( foo at least. two or three srwboo. An eccentric chap named J. .1. Hill propos w build railway lineal in ,':111411 w•ItI l asking ,1 114 . e Hl'. vitriol,. • 11(41 h:t1. ato4)wd deep 14uspicic11111, and it 14 4u5Klstd that A railway builder whit doesn't know .• gra to de•4)u111d 11 big rash 14utwidy 4)r a Iain grant 14 a da)5.rour 111411 10 Iw al 1141•g*'. 11 he Kt)•4 further and utter. her traurpa•tat• fns p'aasen- grtsand freight the ata hinnies will surely h*v( to take hint in 4harge. The present 1l14)atl4n in Ruse," beats a s)rikirig riudlitull to that which pre- ceded the French Revolution. A weak 411(1 vneill10in5 1110mnrch i. eimfl•unted With ,a pat 'lament Insistent upon recognition an x neat governing IM141)'— x ppwrli. rut, nmo•epvt•r, with the people at its back i1) determined mop - port 111 its deluand.. One would think t It it Nicholas W,111111 1lnn(ul1N)rCharles the Firoot and Louis the Sixteenth and enol(( profit 1)y the lessons of history. But privilege dies hurl. Thr Oppleition at (lttaw. ran 1114411y expect the country 111 take 'ldouIly their insinuations of lion• eminent -ad w•t0Igdoing unless they are ((trepan'*, 10 do 111 the I.ilietids did when they were in upp,41t4.,.) - mike veil r charges end pledge their oats for Ow get nillenema of their indicl- to wnt5. The effect of 1111 the loose talk of O)•p'.it Illt•,ii)wrs is natio. ally lit aid the belief that there its nothing seriously wrong. Ti.*' main who in in earnest doesn't go un fis11•ing expeditions. Thr (1u.-Iph 1lrnory 'takes orf ex- crllent ,wgg*'ntion when it w4'4: "Nature 411141)' in a good thing; but it would be fa14•.Ilrtlrr if boys acrd girin left the wild H,IWe•1'• in their lou lVl• ellrlt)lllllt•11t ill the woods and parks. 1 did not lake !hem 1 f4) be itegIe•tel cull 1111'. 1'11,' w•INM!M ru1111(1 liuelph have been p,artil•xlly cleated out this tearing of their modest floral beauty With no benefit to (hose who 1,01111411 the W004114 of their 1110111111 8.I11rnmle4t. Older people. tin, ,re t1111night kits in this n•mpe.t. Leat.• the wild Hoovers where they Are. 4)4• all,.*' take only a very few. and (hone for the 11111 110111. of tem+planting. The Mouton, lia/A•tte says c 'alma' hi fitl1)etr are •' ph.inin5 that farm lil44)r i5 wv/ree. and that when it 4'411 he obtainer the wages lir*' so high an to iii'*'tir,lly aloyw•b All 1• 1 all -4 11 r a This s 1 t1, r Ht f the farm. 9 hr 1 I l ( ( • e farmer e' 111appreciate4' nu le t1, f o w l 11, 114.44111111) of he or, fail ma•ts.- 'chis is (,ml. When the runnfat•- ter is 1 ' '11141 Ile eLtuo,'s for a hrp• tariff w) (1111 he ,'.iii 111411161111 144.11 priers (,,r 111. 5114441. from, the I's and 1)1 her runs '1.s. 1f the c plains, and says that he• has bun 114 of 1114 (wn, he is asked to •appre•i:i4l the position of the Manu- facturers."' The fart is 11110 the farmer (anent "app 1r•iate the )1 wit ion of the m1nubu•ture " 144'x1111( he has 1101, like the ommllIf tuners, a enstiunM law to enable him tf MSM his burdens on til other people - must heist• them himself. The Woodsey Smell. ,rhe )wrfI4I,'-of far Araby .4e• +wem11, .o learned travel •r- tell • Hnl 4 here' -:1 perfume rant 1a• 1 t - The pleasant. homely, w.11dsyr,„Ills The 4.1,,11 h of usual. whist, .'reeled tifng, 85 here bud. of Hahn of Gilead '11.e1 The ,condom+ nitre M ally -prang Is perfumed M'i11, IIIc WIMMI.I'.)' Then•'', perfume in P1111, hazel +whet). There.- per( • 11 the 141411411)4144)411. And 1 run .111•11 the plg-nut+ rich Th11 -well the cheery chi. k+' cheek.. 1'1114, 1111. 1.44 the lichen- hunk. Before the hre•x.' 1.,,.h 1.all,•: nal 11 n )ue4111110 3 bit 01 1111111. I, burning incense to the g.141-. The dark brows. leaves are rank and deep, The bods lift Hp their Mate-( heads. The flower. are waking fn„n their +kr), .tont turning in their perfnnnd bed-. Ah, yam earl buy s henc'e'r you a ill A'sailed row het I know N l No cunning hand +hall e'er d)..111 1)r Imitate the et 1MMI.1•)' + 'II. If )1)o nlreld breath., that perfume sweet That sent. the trailing skirt. of spring. Fnrwke the nitlee ;and the atria.? And 1,1.• thee where the bluebirds sing. Thr prod)' Ito,,.•r that died last fall threes from the tomb benign and bravo. Andwith1,i+ lender nn er+anal i anion u Ile make. a .•rulle of hi. grit.•. His little blmlkel and his'her) .1 n• triuun,rl with face that'. all 41414141M: Theangel- 1101111.1111.1.1 f dr 4(11,1 'w'e•) Advil 'prayed thew with their Own perfume softO near and k It well. This 1ittlee? ranger In the sot., For In his tender breath you moll The far-off greenhouse of 1110 (ha1, The Khan. FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. Maclean Is Not the Issue. wlnniirg Trlegmm. 1n the 1(41114 11111 the members 3t Ottawa 444 have to eindent- nitt 11 5 l 1 11 1 11 I t •11- t itt 1111 1 1)115. 1,111.1111 (Ilei(' Ile•rlin. Till•' will Heol when they fare their 13 11040110.001 111111. thA% 1110001, exonerate t.hwln- 'ivrs by accusin; \1'. 1•'. 1Lt•Ie4n. Why Does Huron Lag Behind t %oriel ,Herald. Half of t1,.• count i". of Ontario have alread • entered into aro angemente with tIo Depart moan of 1111 11),' 1Vork.4 with 11 view to runt improvement. 1Vellinglon and Middlesex ern' the 1,141 1w'' eounti1's (o net. What Iw holding hawk the other 'nand.. of the• Province ? 114)41,11, for instance? A111 g1, we have splendid high- ways in our ronnty, Ih,•re 1. still h nem' for improvement. A New Plan of Senate Reform. nolssi) Bron independent. Senate reform in itp 115ain for discus- sion. A 14e•n:0e that is the key own -stick of the pat tit in power is no earthly use, better be ,1o)lietheel. 1f there 11111141 be a Senate, it shook] he non-pt•tisnn. A ten -Wear -tern) ds pine long enough for any representa- tive, and a tenth of the house might. he eles•tel pitch year. A certain nnm- Iwr might be elected by the news- paper editors ; all clergymen might vote for a certain her, i*wyerti the sante, and the eler•tionl hehl much the 'swine x11 the I1►wyerM now oder.) their llrnrhets. Any plan wlluld be better than the present. affair• which im nnth- 015 a Than N !!4.4444 •k -pit of pensinnet'w nn the politic (xilenw'. "Pick Out Your Job!.Boys." Stl nlfnet 14•.u•Ah. The Lsgi.l,,ture 111)14 created the foI- lowing new ofllcets with fat attlarI(', at - tallied ea 1 1 1 W111( It sI Id pick- ing. ing. far some of the1nu5•rt1nal1 gl•)• upltllre•- ..eketn the list i. front, The f11r1nto Telegram. • of the \Vhitney (10Y - ern mimes sypoll14a11t.: 1'1'41pw1,1e AP114nint11ment. salary. Chairman Railway- Domed . 41i,IMM1 Mining 4'11Ilrui414ione' .1,(Mkl Sulwrittl*ndenl of J3(Iuc:Oiu14, ,, :1,31111 li'Linaage Referee ,,,. '1:4141 Provincial A,saver.... Railway If1Nt1•tl e•lulww (2) I'r,vin'•ial (Ieodo5)144 31111in5 Inspeeture ISI Sluting Recorder (2: tieho.11 Book ( 'seism (3)..., LIMO Theme plunos cx)nMttlllr au *K5re• gale of 84l),IMMI. %Vlach Toronto grab 1114.111• -. ...__ • _ 2,5114) 2,111) 1,51111 1,:11111 1,:114) OUR OTTAWA LETTER. Mr. Fielding Continues Hui Pleasant Tale of Prosperity. The Budget Speech- Revenues Again Show an Increase, and Large $urplue Estimated for Current Year - Mt1d Criticism from /he Op, position tnaueanco Commission Taking It Leisurely Suggest on to Abolish the Duty on Soft Coal. -..--'-- 1414 -1.1 correspondence of The Sign it. 1)111440, May 211th. --Thi. 114 A broken week on -The 11111." the UW1111s•111 having yuit Work at (h1' half wee:: for the Virtorin Day holiday. Ilnw*'ver, tory entitled Ihr hulidxv b)' getting through with the budget d,Iwtti in one sitting, thereby Acknowledging that. in mint,. of all the criticisms sit liberally bestowed from the Opp sit ion IM•tic'r., the affairs 14 the • 11 y, financially :1t Any rate, are in Mighty good sh,145'. N',' have become w1 iteenitomeil to slll'pitlsest and all that wort of 11)111g since t1,( ((went (iovernaneel took over the n1:1te1grmlr11l of the busime,s 111x1 anything else would ben slu•prine; led no such t,ur((1ri14 WA, i11 sore this year, Ji r. Fie111ing, had the s • old slnly' of 1.1/111 111114.11 pio4p•41t)', had - r •5 t our,., r4((11114 - IIveluping Iww1111ees and wise ,1d11)i11i,t ration 1 hat has IN4'n his theme for the past ten years. Hr lepo'tet1 incenses in the e•u141om11, IM)st0Hlce 1 railer)•., with :a net Melrose All ,mind (4f$'ll2,1k)41; a1111. while (1,15 w,11.4 not so big an in- rl.Irlst• am 111 14e5•a•11l relent )'1411'N, Il WAN . Illy, an he :eptly let ti d it, the in- divotof x Alight breathing spell. before the milita')' goes fetwat'il lit yet • rapid expansion in tl •• hate future. Some Figures. 'The net Morphs for the year is 87. - sit 411)1 ! making theaggregate u I '- • f ,. 11 plow•,. for the ' year, 111 the pI1•w•n t adlll i Il imitation $111,:1444), heal. and for poi+ prenenl- year 11e• Minister figur4•,. 1111 1114 neat little oomph.. of SI 2,':o110.111111 The nus. of 115.111•. which is insert. Able from at budget x414.1.•11 111:4' not :tlways lone(' lunch 10 1lo' Average (eider. but there 1111e A few that 111a4 1w quoted with advantage. Y4) 1111!•11 iv alW.4)' w14 by critic: of Ihr (1uve•n 1114011 about thy vent growth of the public 4•x114 nditlie flint it is )uofitihle to compete it with 11 other 111- rr*'nses. For c. pie : Whitt• in the rest Ian years, the pnblir expeudithre has 1l,,r41wol 4431 per cent., the total Dad(' of the country haul inmate, 11141•, per cent., the eonwllidnle'd f 1 revenue IIMI!, per rent., the deposits in ellat•terd banks 1.113 per rent.. the 41114- (4.1111Ln to the puhlie banks 114 per rent.. and the height tonnage earl -hal by the railw•a)•N 1:Mi ;we rent. These are figut1•s that would Seen) 111 hintif5• the NIinister', contention That the increased expenditure has had s •- 1111115 to 110 With the great pr/gl•csv 111' the county. 111)4 (hitt it (1,1 (401y been keeping pace with the marvellous expanniun of the counter's resources. A Good Showing. Of (•1)1)1•x,' 1411 who follow at all close - Iv theili4cuwinn of public,IR.ias know that A favorite ehal•ge Is that the Gur- el'lllllmit has sought t•) 1.1141.1' op ex- 'i'v ive exp•nditulr• by chau•gin14 In c pltul ncemint that which should be p*• I out of current account, !het rby inereasing t h.. politic debt - hilt hereagain, the facts 111.4' 454111111 horn. 14114111 t1)1• pant decade, over -$1t7,4441,- 14N1has 1'n charged to capital account, but the I('1ir debt (4115 48.4.11 increased _1 1 u 4441. 1,l • in words. y $ .a 1 her nearly lj•l),INNI,INN)',chargeaable to capital ac- count hen )4,11 paid out of currant 1cvennr, 1lnrrnver. in node of tht. growth of noble- expenditure. he w1. (rapid' dl•Ilt-- ant that is the only fair c ()orison )w Dole, as e5•l14onr known Ilan been 'Ilucld from $.i11,)17 in ISai ti' $47.:$) in flti, an actual le - duction of $:l.22 per end of the (•Stir mated itiopuhttion, Opposition Criticism. These ale only a few ints in the budget e1 ee that strike a as par- ticularly not•wnt4hy. It oulrl pay weer v l'an:u • is 11 a who iN in t•• 'sled in the condition of him enmtry to. reality the 11((•11.11 in full and Stud • ver• w1, , 1, 4( 11 f e IL• ill. 1' xI11xl1rtin rra(�in n K T makee it. doubt so, the crit 1 m of hr Opposition .ho,ld ,also 1* read, nn/t i1 would then be realized to the full 1 • excellent iv the .11144'1115. 1'he• Npe•ch '.l Mr. Poster, Ilpp ninon financial critic, eau jn4( A rgletition 111 what hs+ IW1•n heard every year (hat he has been in the )bonne to criticize -the stereotyped lhjecti In to the growing. 1•xpendinnr, :1111 a lugubr' picture of whet i. g ' S to blooper' "some d1q•" when re•hlin lixhililiee mottos. and the 1'ouutry twill 11.18•,' to find the means to retire them his h ,s 11r- This rnleel IWfrww. the 5:11114' dark forebod- ings And the nanny prophecies of dis- aster, lint the '•.:limbo" ham 1• • Alll' gone And 1111 one has known anything ,,bolt it. Immigration Department. The Minister of the Int 441)4?)' ham in h••Alnced in important (normal(• in the Howe.. for the bet tercarrying out of the w,o'k of t.he Imnnigr:tion ilep;r•tnent. The present ltly was framed nuury aeons ago, and ,he (sunlit isms today have ler outgrown its provisions. The new Illr1Nltr• 11,14 IM en very care- fully drawn 1.4/Vere t ' 1uu1 1•ra•ry phase of a wmlew ala t 1,4)1 1l irlt el 11111(141141• 111111. It KikeM the W114.1.114 of the Ikl• plt•tIlle•nt greatly extender'bowleg*, and will serve to prnte'ct Canada from the incursion of all undr.i114blei inluli- grlantN, and (Well pro4'llrs fol• the de- port/it UM of lhnse wbo within a 4(114• of Iht•ir ardent ((11)41' n4)d4.it•able. It 11lllmover aeeke, to give lMlryuat( protect' to the homily antagainst the cupidity, or worse, of agents either on hoard 11r ashore, Alto - get her it 14huuld 111.1141. 21 ulleful and beneficial nevi: o1')'. The Insurance Conuniaaion. Some impatience in (wing shown at the slow 1/1.1.5l•1.r. of the insurance cuulueissinIl, 1,1141 1 I1,14rrnment is being urged to accelerate its ulore- 1111.I)(s. It i, of (•1)4)1.14*' l,MIr011144 that no time IIA los) in removing the feel- ing of noispiriun and unrest which un- doubtedly down exist in 11,1411)1 lIlindr-- and. it 181111.1 Is•,onfeseel, not without eels((, -and ,he 11ininte1 under w11,1t,e direction the tem airy is Ia•itg held may be depended IIp4m to ,/plow• 1111 1111.111•1' ielaya to incur in' reaching rr(Nm•l. Take Od the Duty on Coal. Incidentally, an inlpa'tin11 no tter 4 • upllht lotionafternt1nl, whet in 11.1' r •w' of ,a debate on the iroon and steel bouut ics ihr 511Kgention W,IN nutle 114:11 1Ile (11a.seut dotty of .13e. per tun (1u bitlmmue.its 11.:11 should Irr taken off. 'Phe•t• is no 11111y on h,u•d coal now, and there locule to 50011 and 4(11fHci,•nt tension why the indus- triesof 11,.1:14•111, prticula4.1y. *tumid (44141x4.11 in this way when the aline,. 1,1 NI'411, 411,1111 ,old the for \\'est do nn1 attempt to supply the ern sal 1'41,1011411 market to any n1,8.11414 14' extent, Freight• :4)e prohibitu evrm with the duly 110, 14/1 IIctt it ala well be taken 1111 and not hurt any 1): live industry, while benefit ling m1111)•, 3 NATE YOU A BOSS ? or ore you i0des ',wedeln • It you ale mak 1 g l . 1 e) for some One else, quit and make •11011ry tar yourself. Get out of slavery awl he free. write .;. MARSHALL & Co., London. They wi'I show you the way. They have started thousands on the road to freedom. Seven dollars a day. every day in the year. iv tie- ing nude handling their goods. Write now. Time is aaoaey. HEADACHE Neuralgia and Ner,.,u..a,... 1..l gtu.k v 1.4 AJAX AND NEUFAMEw1D CURE No heart Jrpre..,..n. (o-r:,lr.e core ever Take...,' 1.•...or anJ aye. Allde.der r .I,..l trod. Aoar114 & Cy Si,ncax, Un.. Wee,I....4. d not sati.f•:d. RUBBER STAMPS STENCILS, SEALS, ETC. PRICE MARKERS & WHITE ENAMEL LETTERS ZEST STANDARD. FAIREST PRICES C.W.MACK, 60 YDNGE ST. TORONTO TO THE PUBLIC 'f b• prig.'ofIwefc.111.•11,rnn;;houtIIN• 14,111-b &rewire 11110 dropped a Iaa"I• or t w,', and rons•q'sent ly' local IN'i.''a err down. 8%f•0•w 1104 .111111111.111a 1111 rats at lower prices. while the quality 1. us g•1.141, 1f not (wetter, than 4441'. 114. 1IEAT 1IAItKST handle. 1411 kinds of mem., poultry, Or.. and. while thanking the wadi' for their liberal patronage: or .4144)? a emminu.u•n• of the sone. McLEAN BROS., SI. :uul Swim, . 1.1.'.,. Isar rL•ts•+ aro 1111,. Ii „4.r t), 4)1 hi. N. ern• 1 )'.auNgo. 'Ito. 1.1bh.• 1011 1* Iraruei ,bat 11.1. i- the 4.•.t place in 1 h 1'1111me 1 l4 l obtnl; . 4.ommen La 'dura Una or-bmtb,u141 1rdnfng. SI Odell?. err entering en, h week. 511 erod4ate- get good (((.)tion+. Write now for catalogile. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, Pein4.1pwi- HAVE YOU A (' Amateur Photography a1 your hmne. Under unr Met r1,.' tion them ie no experimenting '11' 113411111 el t,mtrrhtls and •4'. You learn lo do •4 ere Asp of the work your Somal.. g4Il.rnn„ t1. Our 61141.1)1 In gold purr will Imere-t you. 8Vrite 1111, ('orale.' oi'donee Del art Ment. CENTRAL•USI+ILSS C>ll,I,rt%E, Toronto AGreat School TORONTO, ONT. Nnld.•ul• (1olt. 1411i -h r,dnmLi,n. `4 0,1011r3.13% 311 141111 111ni:o1., nn the o1..( to New I4rnns'. irk 11A Ihr 1.n.) w1. in of len,lnore thi- )her. IH'eaWI, 14 110 bot141ronr1• 411 44,'. "y wl+h to get IN. IN'rl. Ilnr Bunil..1,r, oar nlwn). .1,1•. ,ws4.,l. our Lu•ili: ir.:h+• nnenrp.,+-cd. 1'0411;1rue.. new. No * n, ,(? i, n. 1 '01leg,• open eon In, year. )Iioznlll,tol rel,,. loans, Inc. • W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. ('1,t Yonne nod Alexander SN. r Outing 5"IRT5 HATS SUMMER VESTS, WASHABLE TIES, SUMMER HOSE. ETC. PLASTIC FORM CLOTHING EVERYTHING NEW AND UP-TO-DATE HARD ANi) SOFT HATS iN AI -I. THE NEW STYLES LiGHT-WEIGHT HOMESPUNS FOR SUMMER SUiTS. FVERYTHING IN MEN'S SMART WEAR REG. BLACK ( 'sctnm 1 rune, 1 ' 1 hr ';gm:-., (,ndrnr h W. Acheson & Son SATURDAY and MONDAY SELLING Sort of hurry -up prices market( on dozens of lints throughout the store for these two day,. Only a few prices here. ('.nue add see the many others *narked and ticketed On out comae, g.. HOSIERY 11)) dozen Wutllrtl'n Nhtinles black cottow hos*', brilliant black and good wt•ight, even thread and double heels, sires 11, 91 and 25C 111, spend 2 pail's I'or, HANDKERCHIEFS SII (1,114.11 ladies' plain Finch heaustitch fine pine linen handker- chiefs, regular value 12.4c each, ole sale Saturday at 43 for `r](\0c„ WASH GOODS Fine 1mporled print., :32 and :I1 incllen wide% et dors warranted, ,,oft finish, Tight, Illeliuml x1111 dark grounds, w 1.11'1'1 value OC at per yard DRESS MUSLINS 1,14411 yards at American nod English dress line, light„ dark :tad medium coolant, warrtded tam colon -to, special I table at per 9C yard J CARPET CPTTING l'al'p M•t Ma111111 114 fast waning but Ale still well NIAN'kt•ol 1,1111 the of M)rtuuity is y011144 for these vat Iwo. S1 inchral wide hi..lvv I1'Vl tibl( union carpet at AI DC pee y 441 25e, 35e and .. `t • HEMP CARPETS yard w 1.' in splendid (colorings, special 5e•, 20e, 25,' 3 and oC WOOL CARPETS e valid wide, purr wool, reversible, In a score of color l•,1IIII,inati,n18, new amt Iwattiful, ats-s nn Per yard Me, 7:14', 410c And W BRUSSELS AND TAPESTRY CARPETS 27 11)cllen wide in a wide range of prices, colors and designs are of this year'.', ins4*t'LIuu invited, privet filk•, a1.%, 73e. tkk:, si 25 $1.10 and LINOLEUMS 2, :I and 1 )'lards wide i4) dotal, 1 I *k or the paatter)IN• English goods huught direct frown mla11u- (,Mt,itr'nl, Ulna Nat-Illg Wlmlehal,•t'a profit, at IMT )'l 1) 33.'. 10r, 55 ,sic and LADIES' VESTS Latina.' white Iis1 len* vests, all pixel”, regular 12,e each. for C thn•,ul sll.,.4r- nely finished, at :i ela CORSETS\ \\'hill• m +1M' Ir in 1111 sill's, IN•aldifully matte lit of latest cut and 11)1141e1 and warr uteil by 1114 and Crompton Corset I.4). gm pwrfeet titling and good seta ice at per pair, OC FRENCH ORGANDIE MUSL NS 1)reNs mmislins, Mhe•r IM•autYul creations direct from Fran e, pinks, blues, unitive.; and 5reyN 1 per yard. *pedal &'vial value, 211•, AO :kir and 'F C�a1.! C�al ! Ver Low Prices for oat for Next' Year s Supply For Cash ROBERT ELLIOTT 'Phone 70 dills® % WALTER a G� PRIDHAM THE PROPER PLACE FOR PROPER READY TAILORED CLOTHING Swell Grey Suits, $I0.00 Single and V double- breasted t11 . pncch owing suits, very stylish patterns, fit perfectly and carefully tailored. Elegant Black Serge Suits, $I0.00 ,' (r We cal'n Itto 1 v, din )O 1 the best vahtes in serge ill town, an excellent suit with 1o11g wear in it at a very low price. Fancy Worsted Suits, $I5.00 We advertised last week a repeat order of these suits, now we want to tell you a econd repeat order has been sent in. Da you see the reason ! The people are falling in love with these handsome goods. WALTER C. PRIDHAM KING HATS BORSALINO HATS