The Signal, 1906-5-24, Page 10kluequitariy show sero) good Judg Went I,y 1)0! aglglrMI'int (ill agw•Ilwurk •aLlet w(lists 01111P 111. - Cew' York Ple.s. TiFF, RTG1`rAT.: ('f ►Ili'n?(''ii ( ►N'I':1 I. f k Many Women have Kidney Trouble and don't know it. Th r at - *Amite their ill -health to Weak - arae" Dragging pious iu the kips, backache, uertou.nea., insanes, he,ulacbri_,are more often caused by sick k,dtlays. It your kidneys are not well, the other delicate organs are disturbed and inllam,d, bringing on the horrors of female weak- ness and the 4.eriuu: troubles often atttndiug pregnancy. THE GENTLE KIDNEY PILL M lana the, eases of " Female Weaktmaa" because they care irk Kidneys, They promptly sesame We Kidneys to health, Way iusanetation. take away the pis, and mute the deli - men organs well and strong. At drwaslsts, or dire em raalpt of price, pe. Teta Conic CHCMICAL CO. WWII. w/aeaea, eeT. We Can ales)•$ rely (111 4111 i1ntmmg'N'satisfac- tiun with tour Canned Goods M•rgn,e• we 11:41411eu111v,'1,:1141,• Lrand- that we k • all 81"Int. Every house. k,epe,- kmuw's hots II 41ifferenee there is in theme tans hotel ureesnities, And it is not always the price that hi - N111141 1114 wieldy. %Y.• are show'ihig n line of scanned gaol, that We are well: ing spry low indeed, so low- in Lo•1 that .you will be "llrJn'i4'rl how- good they 1411 when they 91P194:4 an your table.' STURDY & CO. GRAND TRUNKRalat' SINGLEII FARE FOR -- Victoria. Day Gang %lay 2.ied and 24111 Return Limit May 251h Bet Wee!' nAl, '.l , oleo ).• 1 111 , , ' Hixon, 11i,•h: Ni.',s''a'1'alPori 1 Buffalo, N. 1'. For tickets and full in- formal in call an F. F. LAWRENCE Town ..g.•ut. ORI'r. alloys: l::il,t. in. to 10.3.0 p.nl, JOHN MTRAITON.Ileas d %gem .l. D. McI►oual/1. II1.-I1, t Pits- -"mum r Awe'll. '1',',. 10, 'PHONE I5--,).4 24 /Wxtrhon..• I4'r. 11"4'.l (','t IIrreeIk, 4't1Yrt and) 1!' ,r, When ,,,n ..:'lit T11 : 11):-1 CO ALL KINUS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND t+.111,....1 WM. LEE. 1h'L,- 4 nt 1 I I I. k.,.1 111, ensu,. SYNOPSiS OF Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. A nt 1, en n'en11M•r,.l •4'l ion of Dominion L(a)s in Mani, oho or Ihr N,Irt h we., Province, ince, et.r ,thee , ned cw, not rr.,,r<rdhe , 1,. Med In en114,1,401.v114,1,401.who 1-, Ihe'.,,t • areal 111e, it fn lolly, Or any male over IM )ran of nae•, In the r silent of one -quartet. loom doh of 1111 neer., mote or lee. Entry ,met l e4' made Ite.onnlly of the Inial land offleu for the dist r,, I in which lite Ilia is situate. The bnn,e.le.der I. n.ndr411 to perform the ro'ml(tmr• rnnneetr,l therewith ander one of the following plan+: Iia At IeRet sly 1401,4 b✓ ee..id,s nicht anti cultivation of live 14011 in e4e1 year for three years. Irl if the father tar Mother. if the /AI her 1•de rr,wN1 of the hen .,lradeor (voids, 11(4.41? a fano! In the ,'vino' of the land entered for r6r re gnlrement, a- In resident.. m9y t14•ooPtholled l,y- rn'h I14.1.011 rw4Ming with the father or mrd hrr. I i If the settler has hl, 1R•nnanlnt reshlem.p 11(r1rlet 11)44,0 fnrniina land owner) by 1011 In the *L•Im Pr of hi. hn'n,.i end. the requirement n. n, retire.r••Idrm•r may Ins ,1 sat 101by re..irh•nc,, spud hrr a 1h` ., $4 Lund. an . 'iv mnrlt h.' nailer I•, a (Otos •hn,ld heqq ' her h In rhe Mmm,lstMner of Dominion Land, at on all th •Ftawa M Intention to oprly far Potent IIrran W. w'. r holt P. got t unn"hnrirea ruhlkallez of lithapot • of (he ifinioter of the. fro ti -1 h N. n'raptr• 1 v4n:.ea eat will not et paid foe. CAP'N EfYI By JOSEPH C. „ member auletlite sort of u seor•lil smell when 1 wile lumbo' up. t►11, 1411 1 Was mighty curry to hear 'lout Lupe IMuster grin' took, rick. !low's lie gi , tin' along?" Captain Erl brusquely refilled Wu h1s friend was ••'bout the some" sue asked if Mr. Sauuder.. Intruded to re i build. 11'x4 didu't know' Just yet. I1 C. LINCOLN I was a !door man. didn't carry Mitch lusuruupe, and su on. 'Thought Ilkel) he should pix up agulu 1f 1t didn't clue 1 too mtl,'11. Did the,l.,•tor May whether Copyright. 1904. by A.1. Bases (, Cu. Publishers, 110 Fifth Avenue. Captain Baxter would pull through ,Jr New York. All eights Reserved out: , ('iptalu Erl gave 1111 evasive answer eau(' turned uwu)•. Ile W114 M11rut fur some little titue, and when Ralph com- C11.11"fE1t Y11T. "If .J.•rr,r her:• Wa'i't so piyhc.t,l,rt I ui•dtet un Web's Overnight c11auge iIEROw1l a emcee on the doe,, all at tame hest nary her w'itlmtit of manner 11194 rejoinder was to the "t ('upt:,ln 1'rr.•s's s:'epiug i waffle' tuluthlf mhnue." 1 effect that "Ile w•as 1K/1111d to rise, but 44p94rtInput. Erl :Waded, i ••'%'hat'.. rly 1dee." ho that didn't mean there wa'n't dirt y •lealee Hedge." sold Mrs. mid emphatically. ( water underneath." On the way Ioa10 Scow-"('ap'44 11edg,, 1'11, Morn, hl But Caplan' .terry' was as obstinate he asked Hazeltine rouieruing the trou- w'aka you up, but its must lis u'elu,•!,-, as et ,.r. Ile simply would not consider I hie 11t the cable Mtatfoit and how lar. and"- 1nut/e1L•rte uhan•l4ge. In 1:1111 111,4 (colo• Langley had treated the matter. "%\'batt -Tee o'eluek! feelfrPy Roe tidies nrulndel him of the original I ltatph replied that .lir. Langley ba,l more Of 211 the 132y -I'll be tout in u '''Itr.pael And the fact that the vole war I maid nothing to him about It. It way Jiffy! Perez, turn out there! Tura two 1.) 14114' against him. Ile auuouuc•o.! his opinion that the old gentleman un - out, 1 tell you"' - that lie had el�:tugerl Ids mind, and that dlveto,l the affair pretty well mei Wus ('aptnla Erl bud fallen nal..0p In the+ 1het Was 1111 there Was about It. not disposed to blame 111111. As for the rocker else he had seated Mussel' up. "'1't•11 yea what wee might do." said I mea, they had (14e'u 114 d(It•11e us 1am1M, on his return from the fruitless hair,'. fermi: slowly. "11't. might exploits to 11 MI 11e thought the feeling toward blul- for the coat. Ile and had iso lutefltilll lose' Ilhut Jerry 410u't feel that 'twould [self was not as bitter as It had leen, of 11e•pin4, bort be Was tired after his be right to Wink of marr-lu' With I all of which his hialuhulon said he strenuous work at the Or' and hail ('11p'11 Baxter 80 slit its the house, mud Was glad to hear' dropped off in the midst of his worn•. 'hat if she'8 nilll ' ,'ll put It off till 11t 5 u' I mice a mouth to collect the 12 from y! Perez. It's Ler day now, and I told It Perez that Ilial was why he tusked t- off to Barry's. 1'011 Me', 'l iyIty'tt titter hlm to buy the history of Mrlbuseelah t lir euute uld critter, owl be don't like 1 to ser her. Sloes atter m4', too, but lent Weld she (hell git much encwu•- e ugrment." After they had talker) a little longer • the cuptulu seemed to remember mono.- * ehlug, fur he showed at him Watch mud said: "Mr. liuzelliue, 1 womb.. If 1 could git you to du me a (over? 1 really ought to go dowu and sere to m7 slimily. Alu't beeu there Renee day afore yesterday; dud there's so eau)• boys round I'm 'frill.] to leave it uu- lo'ktd much hags'. I thought some of the foika would 1e' Intel: '(oro 141s, but 11 you could stay here loug euotljh for mo to run down there a minute or two 1'd tie ewer so much obliged. I'll step up and seer flow John 18." He went upstairs and rcturued to report th41 the patient '45'44* quiet and seemed to be asleep. "If you bear him groan or anything," he said, "Jest come to the door and whistle. Whistle au75414y if you want me. AIu't nobody likely to come, 'leas It's '(lusty or the Itev, Pooley (;nue to ask- 'bout John. It it's a mlddllu' gaol l ooklu' yoiug W0111211 with a satchel, that's 'Gusty. Don't whistle. Tell her I'm out 1'11 be bark in a jiffy. but you needn't tell either of then! tea un - les. your conlcieu,o hurts -ydu too much." After the captain had gone Ralph took down a volume of the "Gnat ('ommanders" and sat down In n chair by the table to look It over. Ile was smiling over the gaudy Illustrations and flamboyant descripnous of but - ties when floe W118 11 NUT ou the walk outside and a knock at the door. "Welch Is 1t," 1,e thought, "'Gusty or the reverend?" Obviously It was %Ilia.. Black: She stool 011 the mien stub that turner! the Step Bud looked up lit him alt he smith:: the door open. She had a small Mather bag lis her haul. Just as the captain had Raid she nould have, but It MI 1411141 across 51r. ll:tzeltiutes n11ad that the rest .of the deeseripllun 44:14 nog n fair uu4'. She was certainly much more than "middlln' good lookin'!" "!s Captain Ilrlge In?" She asked. Now, from his friend's hints Ralph had cepe•tel to hear 'a rather sharp dud unpleasant voter-ecrtuiu di•iagr •- able remembrances of former etteonm ter.. with female look ageut8 hail help- ed to form the Impression, porrluaps- but Mists Black's voile Was mello'r, quiet and ranter pleasing than other. WISP. "No," Paid Mr. Hazeltine, obeying or- (lery with exuetitndc "('aptnln Hedge Is out lust 11,44)'." "'Gusty" -somehow• the, moue didn't 4(- n to tit -was .ua nlfestly dl.+appoeint• el. "Oh, dear" she Arid, rind then milled, "11'i11 h be back soon'•.. u w • „ ecparattrl at the gate, and the He sprung to his feet and tried to sep- arate hr airs or sits Letter. 3lruuliump we'll cnptuiu euterel the goose to fled Mrs. arenas from realities, pay her so mumu to stay here and I Spew wielding a broom and surround - "Laud of lore, Perez:" he eJaeulated. miss. 'Seems to me that's about the 1 (el by a cloud of dust. Perez was up - "dere you and me 'have been Sleeptu' "nl)' Wfly out or 11." 1 mtuirs with the patient. and Captain ha'f the forenoon. Wed ought to 14 • So they agreed to lay thin pr(' al Jerry, whose habits had been coaald- aahemrd of ourselves. Let's git dress- I44or• the Nauhlrket lady, Cap erably upset by the sweeping, was out 8d quleker'n chant lightnln'." Jerry rel(1,3:lnth• euuMmnting. '171 in the hunt. "Ilrexsd'4" queried !'errs. sitting up Captain Erl took up another subject: That evening the situation was ez- In ted, "I should think you wIM drew 3„hu itaxter, 1144 has been said, had tabid to Mrs. Snow by Captain Eri ctrl now, boots and all. What are your one relative, n grnnddnughter, IisIug accurlhul(r• with the tolk at the., talkie' 'lout?' somewhere near newton. Captain Eri The !fast tmLle, lady from Nan - The septals 49144311ed down at his felt that this granddaughter should 1'e •t understood and rests4etel Cap- ,•innaen and seemed as mimini'surprised 1101111141 of 111, 0141 mud'4 illness at cry's unwillingness to dispose as his Plead. ile manager! to pull mite: The difficulty was that none of !age question Williuhu Dux - himself together, However, and anat. ! them kuew the young lady's address Mott continued critical, 44041 o act as nurse and house - Idle at least for the sutra This prier Wall fixed on- ble discussion by the or Captain Er' was and Captain Jerry In lar tie talo the mater's eon lend: I '•er fust nabe me',. Elizath, same she nent "Hresxrd?i Oh, I'm dressed, of ! It 88 her 'r uotl's Was." said 1:r1, "and I keeper for a - ronrtii! It's yon I'm tryln' to git 804110, her dad's uauhe w:p.. Preston. They ; of all a week. life 1311,1."41411141 her Elsie. .101111 use! :to write ly after ('01)131 %'rII, why didn't you rill n feller I to her everyane.• in awhile. 1'raps I three mariners, 'ilea/ of gitttn' up and dres441n' all by 1 Maui would kuow where she live!." inclined to offer )'ourself. 1 aster see such a critter. I "Jest 'cause Saute postmaster," ob. but *4 Where's my socks?" To avoid further perplexing (meatl008 Captain Eel went Into the dining room. The table was set, renlly net, with a clean cloth and dishes that above. The knives and forks were arranged ap for e cap - said. struck tg like he *a- id the Pal to d the eight own - been ng0. t' tip or a trio' n 1,0 tool uiy used had that that "tit - loft as hl t hat lord b' - hat (or Uer!. as ted the he 'Id Id he of d by the plates, not piliIna he each mon to help himself. Th talo gasped. "Well, 1 swan to man!" he "Has Jerry had a fit or what's him? I ain't seen him do anythit this for i don't kuow warn.' "Oh. Cale n Burgess didn't fix t ble, If that's What you menu!" ss new nurse. "ratio Baxter prem he steeple' or in stupor like, an ct door when he route Bald I leave him long enough to nm d stain for it few 1)1in111,4s, so"- "The doctor:' Has the doctor here this Mtoruin'?" "Ye,; he come 'bout an hour Now, if you wouldn't mind got andstaYlu' with ('ap'n Baxter f row to while 1 Oasts gte• been breakfast. I've op and doe many tines In the last ha'f hoar i c 1.1101e111'111 sartlu whether !'m1 on head or my heels." The enptain went upstairs in a d Mate, As he passed through what been his rano he vaguely notieed hr btireau top was clean and met of the rubbish that had ornanl 1 It had dlaappearel. The Rick eau ley Just as he had Iia, his white face as colorless is clean pillowcase against elm. •std. Captain Er red 4' pillowcases in the 'pa elroont teed a little yellow the night re, possibly owing to for fart t the room had nut been occupied been they bad not bu cbnn r reasoned that the Improvement w other r one of« tl reforms l0stitu the lady froru Nlutn,•ket. le sat down in the rocker by 1 and thcngtlt, with a sll(•4'r, of t .sine coat. There were nine cbnn, t of hen that wbuever f"tmd it wog egnoiz4. It as belouging to the o one Outer" The contemn. of t •ket would IM alrllost eert,tu to I the secret if the runt itself did v 0 e h 11 r, th la fo 4144 111 an 1.7 1181 1111 011 pe, t(•8 served Peres, !it don't' roller' 1 roads the 1111111e uta every lett, I ►;acs oat idol remember,. 'rut I4•,, "11'ell, 19 he don't." said 4' Jerry decidedly, "\tory Isms,,,, bat he - -r that 1 11111ai0 b does. I a She reads everything, iwo..M,ls nu, . .Its Mar,' l:unu:e raho'u n• assistant at the postottIev mid wa Nessld of '11 well clecelo4Mrl (•u 1' 'ening (her pM")ple'a eorres 1'144'4' "11 iatllplt." exf 4111n4e1 ('apt:l,ill "that's Mo! 1V4'II write the letter. and I'll ask \Inry• 1:mum for the address when 1 go up to mall it." S•' 4'311111 ill f'('rn'z went upstairs to take Atria $t)ow'M I.I:I,e.-118horse while that 48,43- 'lomat its." ('apt1iu Jerry went into the kitchen to w-:wh the illAte94, Mid 1'npinlrl J:ri mat down to w" rile the note that should Inform 1:4srtbeth Preston of her grandfather's Illness,. It wag a very short note and merely stated the fact without further information. 'laving hail some ex- 114•rieu.4' lis Ihat lice, the captain pl:ieed very little reliauc« upon the help to lie expeled front relatl%es. 11r. Palmer had spread the new, as 144' went 111101 his rotund of visits that morning. and callers b•g.rla to drop In tit inquire niter the sick 11011. 11/1 11/11 I1a1'lliI•' conn' its n little lat- er and was intrhluerl to Mrs. Snow, that lady's nap having Leen but a short one. Ralph was (as'rably Ian - premed n•Ith the capable appearance of the new• nurap and go esprexsed himself to I'nptshl Erl n.. they walked together toward the Iorstuflle4'. "1 like her," he said Pt"phatlenlly. "She's toilet and Reuslble 111111 elie•rfnl besides, She looks am if trouble didn't trouble her very nitwit." Mils Cahoon retuenb•re] 1110 I'ree. Wil girl's address. It was c'andirldge, Kirkland street, but the number, she did declare, 114441 skipped her mind. The 'captain said hr would '-tame it without the Humbler, a0 the letter was /netted. Then, 5511h the eleetrielan, hr ytr.dlel over to Inspect the remains of the billiard salo,m, There Waw a ••amall crowd gathered about the 1,111lding, pr'ntiu•t1 aimam its weathers 194•ing the "drain rolnluit- tee,' who woo** evidently holding a 11'heu Ralph Ansett he nfteruoon of the fo Iluingjroom was so trio e seareely knew 1t. The p114'arel, the chronometer t 1 nil." eil till It Rhone, the table was as the 551114 a cloth that was Rn(Iw white, a i'04' and everything g monlble had th : np• r(oMity pearancc of Io•ing 111 lts praise. A fond- I gime. there was au evidence of ord that was almost startling, Captain 1:N came to the door In re - spouse to his knock and grinned ap- preciatively at his caller's look of won- der. "I don't wonder you're s'prlsed," he said, with n chuckle. "I nlu't begun to git over It t,•It myself, and Lorenzo'.. 80 shook, 11p Ino whet Iters in the bonne Rem•m breakfast nine. He's out in the Lars k(r•piu' Dan'% ('nate uy and wale 111' for the eu41 of the world to strike, 1 edetate." Ralph laughed. "Mrs. Snow?" he In- quired. "Mrs, Snow:" answered the captain. "it beats ell what a woman can do when she's that klad of11 woman. She's doue more iwahblrfine•kit and o'PThnulln' runulc' leggin' than a new ;mite on a clipper. The place i.. so all Orel ele•nu that I feel like brushlu' my- self every time 1 go to set down." "Ilow's Captain Baxter?" asked Ha- zeltine. .8 "S0411111 to be some better. He come to a little tale murnin' and a4Ptnel to know Solite of us, but he ain't sensed Mien- he Is ylt, nor 1 don't b'llese he will fur a spell. Bet down and keep 4' called late In 1n•lug day the formol Ilia t t had dia. s polish. covered 1t remained to he seen who the finder 1Va4 unul what' hi. would do. Meau- %lllle there 5.4444 nu use worrying. 1114y - Mg come to 11it., cuucluni"n, the 0111- 111 ill. With customrlr' phil'wophy, re - i.1 to think of nunm•tltiiig els", 511+. SHOW fill 11.11411 111111 111111011110411 t1111t Lr''akl'diat was ready and that tae mist go (Ilia 11 :t once 11,d eat It 5bi1e i1 woos hal. She, lotting breakfasted M"n„ 1,110 before, would Rtny with the patient until the moral was over. Cup - 1 tin I:ri at first flail)' lleelinel to iielen to my such a ern agement hit the ''1In1 lase:leiter or til' NaMlu'ket Realtor pte- vallel, as usual. The captain realized that the eapacily for "l'rsnilt' thhltgs," Ih.11 he 14:1d discerned In the letter, wait et eta More np(Mlr•nt 111 tale Indy herself, line thing he did insist igloo, how - '5,'r, oust this Isms that 5Irfa Snow :Ilollld "furl In" es 4.0(441 as breakfast 55,1,4 115er. }hie of the three would lake the watch in the sickroom while the other 150 %%limbed the Vista's. captain 1:1•i found his friends sealed of the table amt feasting on hot las- cults, eggs and clear, nplretiziig cof- fee. 'I'Ii•y greeted 111111 Joy1)114ly. "Iles, Ere!" bailed captain Pow. "Ain't ibis gay? Look at then) eggs' 1i'ilc,1 Jest to n 1'. Abet notch Ilk.' Jer- ty's hn'f raw kind." "illllllpll! 1',.11 needn't any tl(It11In', 4'.r,'1;" observe! Captain ,tery, hie. mouth full of biscuit. "When you we* emit: you niters li 11(41 '4'm so hard th0)'.1 dolt the !tout if you'd fired 'eon at It. !low's John, EN?" ('alptnlu 1:rl gave his mid the doetor'4 opinion of his friend's condition and then Raid: "Now, We've got to have some kind of it settlement on this Innr- ryite question. 1.9st night when 1 was 1141 In the room there It None 4erost 11141 n11 of n 41171d„n that .from what I'd (ram of tai, NnitJneket woman she'd h(' Jest the 4ort "f mors,' that John 1. So 1 skipped out while you was busy with the doctor. foundt the hotel, espialnel things to d got her to conte (limn TTia('R ere Is to that. I ain't made no gement with her, and 4omethln'a n he done. Whet do you think of when' by what you're seen?' stn Peres gave It ns ala opinlun 11(11. *,It be was "au Vatic' sod add,' It rit pRr 8•1al 8e44lon On this momentous oc- casion. The belay Squealer. n trifle euliteuel by tonne of Mr. Saunders' wet goods that had ('sensed the effortsof the tutmne•r salvage corps, hailed the new nrrh•als nn brother heroes. "11'el, fervid 0111 how the lire started ylt:•” luyulr.'l the captain, with ,,p- pareut unet o•ern. "No, he hniu't for sure. There wax,i lot of um thought old Baxter might have met It. but they tell hue it couldn't Ila we 114.011 111111, 'cense he wean took down Tannin to the fire. 11TH, beg /wet of Outmost 11194 true Mid (10111," 8'nl 1" think' anybody net it; thinks 1t cooler! Itself,., Mr. Snuudl'rs, I In smooth self again, with nil trnles of mental disturbance Run' from his face and all ruuglturs8 a from him' tongue, ell briskly up, smiling n4 If the burning of his place of business was but a 'trifling incl• dent, al 111t1e annoying. of course, but not worth fretting about. Ire thnuked theIAN/tin and Ilaselliu4' effusively for their ('rviee of the prevhns night and piled the Weight of hie obligations upon them until, am 4'IowaIn Erb 4ets1 afterward," "the sirup fairly dripped off 1,114 chin." The cnpt143n broke in nein the. sugary flow ns Soon as he ('olt,1. "How d'you think it etartiel, Peeler" he nuked. "Well," replied Mr. Saunders slow- ly. "1 kind of cnl'Inte mar startled her - melt. There was some of the boys In here moat of the evenin', and jest like's not n ,'Iger butt urn math or ROMP. th1n' dropper) Mulnlwlpr4', and got 10 smolderin' end 8ulold''reb along till him.by- puff!" An ('xpreseh-e wave of n fat hand flnt,hell the aeutence. 'Humph!" grunted the captain. "Changed your mind Bence last night. Seems to 1114' i heart you then swearlu' you knew 'twits eet and who set it." "Well, ye -es. I wan eoniiderable shook up !amt night, and maybe 1 maid thhrgm I bndn't ought to. You see, re41 the'4 140. a good deal of hard reta- in', toward me In town, and for ■ impel!f tboaght some feller 'd trled to burn me out. But I gut's. Bot --1 galeas Moro 1 think of It, mere 1 think . beat (tp (f. 1ar'ei i to m. I re- Ili e- me comp'ay. It'e my watch Jett now. Perez. hes over to Barry's..l.rry's up to the mehodhunse, and Mrs. Snow's mu up to the i leit"ther 10 mall a let- ter. John', asleep, 50 1 can stay ("wn- stairs a little while, long'.. the door',. Open. Whiten the n,'WM uptown? %%'eb e11augel bet mind ax In 'bout the Ore?" It apparel that Mr. Saunters had not (•banged hie mind, •t least so c•ur- reut gossip reported. Anil 11 may 114e retuarkel here that. eurionsly enough, the opinion that the lire "caught it+elf" cauls at last to he generally maxims/ 111 the village. For 10111« weeks 1'np- t01n 1:ri was troutdel with thoughts "nneerning the missing (ant. but nR tlni' 11aM401 and the Itemising garment did not turn up he male to believe that soar Loy' roust have found It mid that it had In all prulahility IMr•tl deetroy- el. There were of (coarse Monte 114.1.+111. W110 4ti11 411specte1 .Icahn linxter as the Incendiary, but the 1/111 mail'.. se•fon,, 111104444 and remorse for his former Rtnnding In the m"Inlnuntly kept these few (hent. The Baxter house had Item) locked up, and the ('1ptnin had the key. Hazeltine and his host chattel for a few minute.. on lotions toplc'. The "1 beg lour pardon, but who do tort think 1 unit" gilt titles on the Imposing "Lives of Great Naval Commnnd.rs" haying re- eelved their share of the general 4111149 - Ing now Rhone forth r14plendent, and the captain noticed Itnlph'R eye no it tneolantarlly turned townie) them. "Notirfn' our libray?" he ehn.kled. "Peres's property, filet 14. '!lusty Black talked him !Mtn huyln' 'Pm." Ralph laughed. "So you have hook agents, too?" be Bald. "Well, we've got 'Gusty," Ives the reply, "and sheet enough to keep. us Min'. Glts round reeler as clockwork / ugh (xrN•rlurt•:I,.I Sell ur Cold for 8). You merely a net stalli� ,t n do1L•ur hill to rune tin born sniffling cold' (its to any drngl(ill and get "Catarrhozon''" rind ;our 'old nil: bo- a thing of the lout. 'here le almost witchery in the swift 'ay l':ltarrha- mono kills radii". lint w' •m y,qi con- sider the(j'•Metrting. h ding acyl antiseptic qualitie0 of (':u: •rhuzor,e, perhaps it's out 941 wonder . ('t:" taint- there in no r'nxrl)• If -o prompt. for colds :1111 rt11111 •h 1• (',t- turrhuea/11 •. 11e11e' it substitute tid insist nil having( only "t'ahu'rhoz.n' " Her Perception. .1 director of one of t: he great t1:,1115- 00111411111111 M1111111114 w114 8111/1111 111{ II1M tlu''p•ymar-(d11 daughter Ih1'pica tiles in a work nn actual history. Pointing to a 140411.1• of a z,ht'n, he ,inked I he baby to tell I ' w1111 fl 1"•pl'.rnterl, 'tabs* aitsne,el ••('oily," fainting to 71 putties of al liver it. the sante Way, she answered "Kitt v." Then is lion, and she aneww•el "1laggy.•' Elated with her seeming quill. perception. he then 1 lend to Ihr plenum -of 71 Chi nith4lme lord Raid : "I1.1.1.y, What is thin; ,.Patten.,. The Chemists Company is an sunrianon of Ontario O.emiits, formed to make pure. safe, thoroughly tellable remedies. Fit, remedy is made irom carefully..elelted formula, on enetly r,ereiflc principles. _ fa ak;n iou3les and burn. their,ira Ointment is quick is cure. While Mira Tablets and iv P. Blood Tonic aren•rheo the nerves and cleans the bb, J. Ointment and Tables, each 50t - Mood Tunic, $1.(10. At druggists—or host The Chemiai Co. of Canada, Limited, Hamikoa-.- Toronto. / ook /.'r /he iraden,rrrk, Red Rose Tea Uniformity ATEA tl#tt is l;o.si to -day and poor tomorrow is un- reliable, 1 lave you ever noticed variations m the quality of the tea you tise? ()Ile package good, the next bitter, herby, perhaps weal: and insipid. A lark of expert knowledge by the tasters and blenders of that tat produced that result. There was a failure at a vital p•tin`, an ignorance of combining qual•ties in teas, po1r judgment in the blending ofiliat Ilia .r s teas, a weak- ness which invariably rives just such results as your poor tea. • 1 Every chest of Red Rose Tea is tested at the gardens, again by the Eastern Red lose shippers, then at the Red Role warehouse upon its arrival b:fore blending; after Olt an experimental blend Is tested,a—nil the final or actual blend is alsoso testedbefore being packed. Nothing is left to chance. That is welly that "richt fruity flavor" is always present 1n Red Rose Tea.. - Why Red Rose Tea is always uniform, why Rose is good Tea T. H. Estabrooks St. Sohn, N.B., Toronto, Winnipeg J Change in Business �/�IWE beg to announce that the livery business heretofore conducted by Mears. Miller & Walker, has been purchased by us, and we respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage. As In the oW the. livery will be kept of the top not h of efficiency and our every effort will be to have THE BEST ALL CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Walker Sc Augustine DID I\I::,I EAST STREET LIVERY rfmllt RI. Gab WILD. OOL 1 not prepared to buy 1111, Mpat4nn'.,' clip of Wool Mn ostia I. at BENMILLER WOOLLEN MILLS for highest cash 'wire, 01 ;ill exchange for mm1'1fa(411111 at Mies. i hat n large assortment of rIOIINESPUN CLOTf1 far ladle,' 1 lues..-,, and fortune., "r i,,• 1f dormer )dnr. nattier. me 1., 14'•' r41e11.1v44 • Into the nl.u'nfncl n4'.• lir this popular nrtkir of r•La hl ng, Your patronage re,pect fully Mo11( Pod. JESSE GLEDHILL Benmiller Woollen Mills TO THE PUBLIC I ' The price of be/ -f rattle IItnowhom the Ito Plod* Emilio.• ha, dropped n notch or Iw-0, 1,1141 consequently local pilot., Rn: down. w e nee 110w supplying all rale, Kona, lases park,. while the totality 1, nn rr not 1.o4 '.' If 1,010, I.'.11l ET handle. n11 kind, of meals, poultry, etc.. and while thanking the meant• for their and, patronage. we .011ett a continuance of the ,noes htc Corner has? LHAN stilton%oMlcrieh. RUBBER STAMPS STENCILS, SEALS, ETC. PRICE MARKERS kWHITE [NUM[L UTTERS BEST STANDARD FAIREST PRICES C. W. MAC K, 60 YONGE ST TORONTO 0- 0- 0- R O B T. ELLIO IUte1NNM1U111111U1�11l�JUN11�uiulu uM4 ttlIffirtt,MttrttttnrtttrttIMM ttttttttmttrmmmttrmr% COAL I AND RD WO0D3 . e�ataalm ALL _KINDS TRY MY ' RICES FOR CASH before ordering thl. eason's Wood and Coal. BEST QUALI OF. COAL -0 'Phone 70 :s �Ilithi,iiily�iib th utnh i1/ �,; iliilliilliil; ilii6 iW il,ilri�ril;iti irlilG • PIANOSr When buying a piano consider the merits �r Newcombe Piano! ▪ }'or choice (duality of tone, durable ac - • Lion and stylish cases' Winner of gold • niedal at Paris World's Fair and other great awards. gall on or write to 1 GE Comity Wholesale and', Retail Manager of the famous O. HOARE, -la DISTRIBUTING CENTRE AT CLINTON, ONTARIO F "mr.n!hqmmoifaMthehionilmm1lflmTTvI'!TTTt Good Pr'inting Always and All Ways at The Signal