The Signal, 1906-5-17, Page 5THE SIGNAL: (i.ODERICH ONT,\RU)
TDt/14DAr, May 17, 1906
"The Signal" to January 1st, 1907, for only 50 cents
Send in your name with amount at once, and secure the fu// benefit of this offer
President of the Hat Trimmers' Va.
los of Danbury.
Mrs. Ellen Foote, president of the
Hat Trimmers' union of Daubury,
Coon., Is the moving spirit of that pow-
erful organization, and it is largely
through her common sense methods
and managemeut that the unlou had
wou the name of being one of the must
lutelligently conducted trade organize.
Hous In the country. Through Its ef-
forts It has maintained a wage fur wu-
men which Is regarded by other manu-
facturlug populations as Tittle abort of
miraculous, and It has Insured a Pitui-
tary and hygienic condition of factory
and shop which Is a model of its kind.
It is a fact that In all the tweuty-oue
years of its existence tela wonderful
woman's.orgalzatlou has beeu directly
under the leadership of Its original or-
ganizer and Initial president, Mrs.
Foote. Not only does It presuppose au
extraordinary amount of diplomacy
and executive ability on the part of the
presiding omcer, but it speaks volumes
for the solidarity, pbyslcal, mental and
moral, of the Danbury working wo-
Mrs. F oote's Is an lutert'eting pereou-
altty, Interesting not only bkeause of
the miraculous record she bas establlsh-
ed for the woman trade's uuloulat, but
quite as much for the fact that elle L
eminently typical. socially and other-
wise, of a large percentage of the Wein-
bsrxbip of the union. A di4tlugulahed,
One looking woman. now passed fur into
middle life, Mrs. Foote Ie the most en-
thusiastic of ell trail.'Rtinfoil woweu In
Lanbury, despite the fact that Rhe Is,
■ 1111 bas been since a'•\very young wo-
man, the 'wife of out of Uanbuty's
leading cltlzeus.
Mrs. Foote has the love and esteem
Of all the workers of, her city, and she
hoe also the undivided respect of the
employers, among whom she la known
Ih "Queen Ellen:' -New Turk Herald.
Ciera and the Complexion.
The tint of the orange Is becoming to
the brunette with a fair complexion.
For We blond the delicate yellow of
ripe corn Is beautifying.
Bright green Is becoming to the pale,
but Clear, skin, but not to a high or
muddled complexion.
Violet is allowable only for faces
Quite free from yellow tints.
Blue Is remarkably bcoinlag to fair
n ine, but ouly the darkest shades are
favorable to bruuettee.
Creamy white Is ■Imost unlveranlly
beeoming, and the Introductiou of
cream lace makes an otherwise impos-
sible color wearable.
Black Is flattering to a blond, but It
P he he not fair enough to look well Iu
black an admixture of ler own special
color Is permissible.
Usually the soft toned grays look
well with yellow or brown hair.
Browns are becoming to the clear
akin crowned with golden or brown
Red Is beoming to either blond or
brunette, so that the skin be fair
enough or dark enough and provided
It Is just the right shade of the hue.
When a fy11011111 fun 14 pteeeribed by
a ave to
h hall s
physician or when It e
the proper thing in the emergency of
extreme Internal pales a named cloth
may be folded, wrung out of hot wa-
fer and applied directly to the skin.
Nevertheless It is letter after wring-
ing out the flannel as dry as desired to
fold It In a dry flannel sloth of one or
two thicknesses before applying it to
the patient. A little time 14' required
for the heat of the fomentation to pen-
etrate the dry flannel, and thus the
akin 1s allowed an opportunity to ae-
gnlre toleranee of the hent. and a
greater degree Of temperattre can be
borne than If the moist cloth 1s brought
directly In contact with the 'surface.
The outer fold of dry flannel will also
tierce (e keep the cloth wartn,by pre-
venting evaporation. A fomentation
is sometimes needed when no bot wa-
ter is et hand. Soak the flannel In
void water, wring ns dry as desired,
fold In newspaper and lay upon the
store or wrap 1t about the etoreptpe.
le a few minutes it will be as warm as
the patient can bear.
The Art et Itatartalalss•
The secret of being a good boeteee Is
In hiding the tact that you are making
In effort to please. The bowies to
"eh you like best to go are Shape
Rlissre you tel at liberty to lonk neer
hanks sad partfoyss, where the piano
hamL min sad then, an say chairs
without ehtbornte cuahlous. in prepar-
ing fur an evening party, If , •u expect
to buve games 1vIiIii lul di' real plug,
put -away delicate brie -a -brae t0 that
uo guest shall have tbu misfortune to
skull his evening uud yours by an acci-
dent. Scatter picture bots'ill hlugIe
views at the rides of the went fur the
beueflt of there unfortunates, the WaIJ•
flowers. There should always be a cor-
ner set apart fur those who du not
dance, nud this should be large euougb
for a table at which a genie may be
pbiyed cuutfortably. Look ufter the
shy girls and lays. That Is one of the
chief duties of the hostess. It Is bet-
ter to try to bring thew into the general
sport than to devote yourself to their
amuaetneIL •
Aa ],slaved Taatae.
Nothing la more alarming that a se-
vere injury to the tongue. It some-
tiww hapie,ia that In falling it little
child will bite its tongue cuwpletely
through, so that ttie teeth meet and
the mouth is tilled with blood. Such
en necld,ut is 1101 eii serious as It ap•
peen. The mouth h': ,s quietly, the
saliva fornfug a natural remedy bet-
ter than any which eau has luvented
or discovered],. But to usalst nature
and atop the tluw of blood Is certainly
• Illlportant. The simplest way to do
this Is by spriukllug finely sifted Hour
into the cut. A chit], eau be coazM
to submit to this treatrneut if the flour
be mixed with powdered sugar.
Along the nerve liner here are sows
little nerve facts. When you feel fidg-
ety don't try to talk., When you feel
overwrought keep stili. Whcu you are
blue don't make It ],curse by using up '
your nerve force. Keep still. Try to
Rehm. Remember that the popular
woman lu any society, In the home or
Mimed. is the Wolman who says little,
but who listens touch. It is NO the
world over. The leader Is not the one
who bsec's, but the one who Ilsteunto '
the utherm and says only a little.
D o•a Toys.
Mothers should carefully examine the
toys presented to their little ones. A
friend gave ley six -months -old baby a
little toy dog made of black woolly -
goods.. Ile was eery fond of the play -
Wing, but imagine' my horror Whelk oue
day a4' he eat playing with it 1 saw bite
pull out a long black headed pin. 'Upon
examination I found that the eyes and
collar button, which I ,upp.,se,l were
heads, were nothing more than black
pits with long,. ugly poluta.-Good
Mantas Hair Look Thicker.'
A Pimple 'way of waking the hair
look Mister and heavier Ir as follows:
After the sbanipoo. and when the hair
U perfectly dry. plait It Into two or
three braids. Ilave one strand 'small
and the other two large: braid loosely;
hold the little ■trand.t'gilt and push the
miler two up toward the head. This
will enure it to torn% large. natural
waves. Don't wear a rat. They are
unclean, keep the scalp too warm and
often Pause the hair to molt luxuri-
la the Ritches.
(fare nt few• nrticlee alotit the sink
ss possible, le, The sink brush. pan
scraper, dish 'mop and soap shaker
may be huug above it, and you will
*Ito Hud It convenient to have the po-
tato mneher and a large 4pN.10 at hand.
The latter, however, must be hung
high. out of mach of 011 splash. If pox -
!dile keep the salt but to the right of
the range and an near to It as the con-
struction of the kltelien will jerulit.
Potatoes (hambery.
Potatoes ebamlery are n novelty.
Shue and craip them preclaely as for
Saratoga potatoes. That Is, slice them
114 14111 us po%aible and drop them Into
Ice water afterward drying the slices
between folds of n towel.° Arrange the
.111 '. lit a well buttered biscuit tin
ith suit, Metper nikl bits of butter bee
tweet' the layers. Dake until well
Welled Paddlate.
When making any sort oCtolled pud-
ding lie over the basin grease proof pie
per, such ns the grocer wraps the but-
ter In. Boil in the equal moaner, but
take care that the waiter does nof umne
qp to the top of the basin. This Allan
Pare% trouble, for each pudding hns'm
fresh paper and the welshing of pad's
ding clothe Is done away with,
Marrlsseable Glam.
It I. very difficult to .nv what laws
regulate proposals -why 41111e girls nt-
tract ntte11tlon only, while others at-
tract "nttentlous." There are pretty
and popular Wonen to whom nobody
propose$; there are plainer ones with
wham every second man finds him -
eel( contemplating marrlage.-L11dy's
Weise Randa,
Motet hinds are ruhlous to light col-
ored gloves. A good remedy for the
tronhle Is to bathe them frequently
.•ills a mixture composed of two
°tines of cologne and one-qunrter
centers of tincture of belladonna. After
t104 14 robbed well Into the halide they
may be sprinkled with talcum powder.
A ton) hot oven 'maybe quickly cooled
by pineheg In It a basin of cold water.
The steam from the water will not In -
Jut nnythlug that may be cooking ex-
cept pnR pastry.
. A small hole In chine can ire perfect-
ly mended with planter of perk
very thin with water end drop into the
hole, Let It harden before Using.
it A glee IR desired on linen odd a
tpnepnnnful of salt to the starch when
Tn poor drop, from a bottle moisten
the edge. _ _ •
Aa Aedes* Trateler's Ostat.
A small "'1'r,:vt't, is 1;111114'," slated
17611, cuuta!ue u {;nod dell of advice as
to the 1st gage which should be curried.
"Take," says the book, "two auits of
clothe., one cullet• colonel 111111 one
blue; a c•he.t flamed, 0 pair of leather
breeches, u sleeping suit, three pairs of
stockings, two pairs of glovieetwo w•Iga,
sine hair Trig Co, t wo cups, two hats, Moo
pally Of eh0es, One pair oratippene *iz
'undershirts,' four'oven:birta:' six neck -
flea. ail collars, six handkerchiefs, tour
pairs of cuffs, three cravats, two poles
of cotton hoar, two pairs of socks."
Pout this Is not all, as is shown by the
following Moms: "Take a Bible, i
Imes of sermons. a 'Traveler's 1:uidt•;
two albums, a diary. a (uirr of white
paper, quills soul Ink, 1111 alumnae, a
mirror, n silver watch, n silver snuff•
box, a silver spoon, a pair of silver
oboe buckles, Miniver lie pin, three ell -
ver etude. a gold seal ring. a knife nud
fork with silver handles, a sewing
C•110, an uper:a glees, a eompa.4, a wag
Ifgbt and a Maier lax, a to1,thbrn4h, a
silver toothpick, a sword, u eller
Mounted caw', a padlock with which to
fasten your door at night amide. a
(-lathes brush, a lox of nlediciue."-
Pall Malt (azett0. °
"lobed That ('asset swim.
More than one dpeeies of fish f4 met
with whicb cannot omen, the most sin• '
gular of which perhaps is the nlnitha,
a Brazilian tlsh, whose organs of loco-
motion only enable It to crawl uv.. wall:
or hop after the nlnnner of a toad, to
which annual this fish to some extent
(mars a resemblance, and it is provided
with a leng upturned snout. The ante -
Her (pe'ctoral' tins of the manila, which
'are melte %mall. are not tapable ut act-
ing on the water. but esti only more
backward and forward. haeme tailor
the form of thin pews. ,Itoth these and
the ventral and anal flus are very dif-
ferent from the similar tins in other.
fishes •11d cuold net "serve for swim•
ming at all other examples of 11041.
'swimming li=hrsdrielud(' the sea hors,
another most peculiarly ehaptd hJInG
itaut of We Kea, whets resembles' the
knight in a set of .:'le$aul,ro, 444141 the
atarlish, of.whlr•h dere are many 44.00-
imrus.•whie•II mn fly walk and cruel
on the shore or ruck*, both bring un-
able to SWin1:
The African Ostrleb.
The ,1fr i.•:ul "oriel). f:•i:n which the
110s1 4':1 11 ' f011 Ili`R/1 :11.0 'obtained,
stands six or seien feet high and
weigh% from no to 1(sl p1,un11s. 1t4 egg
b apt .l
to Ulama t Iwo dnzi •n 111''' e¢gs. .
It. retailer). sell 11 .tfrle•a for about
retie- is potu.d at wholesale. While
walking .li'Irl(7 its step i a1N01t twen-
ty-six laches, but whet: 1!ie
stride Mereaw•s to a10011 • twelrl• feet,
anel at this gilt It "an run something
like twelmty-tire• u:ilcs nn Baur. When
permed it sometime% turns and. dealt
the pursuer a Moir with the font that
makes hien think of the kt.•k of a mete.
The African o.trieli I. the I:1rgeet binl
now esIstitig on earth. The American
ostrich le only about half the size of
the African nud has three teas, while
the African bird has only two.. The
pinmage ,of the American ostrich Is
The Dieeovery of Eleetr•a GIId Ing.
Thr experiments which 1011 to the
discovery of the method of ('(retro gild-
ing were made In a cell at the citadel
of Nardehurg, In wIilch place, on tie -
count of his participation 111 a duel,
young t3lrnlells was at the time a pris-
oner, the e•hewical4 a1N1 appMratue em-
ployed belle procured 01141 smuggled
into the fortress Iry a friendly disquiet
of We tows. iio-Abe aerulld place, It
was the sale of the pateut rights in
this iuv(•ntion in England which sup-
plied the brothers Werner and 1Villinm
with tbe necessary funds to rllrry on
their experiments and so leel:e:l to lay
the foundation of the inportent firms
of Sicmeue k 1Islske In l;ermnny and
Siemens !Mos. in Euglaud.
The Tyra, Doctor.
],Inman 1lntnre is beginning to revolt
at what it scans "that modern tyrant"
thsedo•tor. for it le a fact. and rather n
Rad one, that doctors have got the upper
hand of us in these days; that when we
044' 111 we go through meilicimll tor-
tures and when we are Well we endure
a preventive system 'lordly Icsa wenrl-
eolne and painful. The truth of it Is we
are all become faddists, and the doc-
tors are the very worst ones. --Lady
11'hlyllis In Louden Ity et:nl,.1.
Woman We lire In,
V3.•cauee woman has a smeller bralu
massif Ulan man it does 'hot by tiny
mean. follow that 011ie has nit Inferior
or snip 4'r Intellect. 1 smile the quiet
K ra
1ie mile ashen I
hear men de -
flare Ihatlponten have not egetnl Int.'l-
ligenee wit !tauten. It is n position that
rpm man c•:u1cserionely maiutnin.-Dr.
Emil Reich,
Dllerest' Medlrlae,
Mr. ('onrtury (fintteringlyl--1 lied the'
blues whom i (gale here tonight, Miss
1'ieher, but they are all ;;one now.
Von are as good 114 nledlehe. Miss
Fisher's Little Brother -Vex, father
himself says she'll b! n' drug Iu the
market If she doesn't catch on to some
fellow soon.
Msklag • Job sit tt.
The firemen continued fuels, clef.
tions nntll after 2 o'elnck, hy' which
hour all the damage that coned be done
was at an -end.-Newcastle (England)
hollered Min.
iTe (Indignantly) I beg yens pardon,
mhis, int 1 always keep my word. Sine
(eompinceRtly) - 1 eon easily believe
that, for no nn0 wnutd take It.
America's Wrply.
"We hive a new teary at our Memo."
"Wbat's hl% name?"
"1 don't know. Me didn't bring any
IluLlna Wreod 411th Sea Water.
1l a1le time . .. e. :eiel' '.a . 11%.4l 111
Bowe English n('. ,.,.• p.:,.•e : ('.1e•11 a:•a.-
lug bread. liven note t i11agc + 01014:1 110.
coast Mise of F1:111,0 milize It. Fresh
rails or spriug eater is uuly used for
the leaven, pure sea water being eseiu-
Nively employed fur 'the making and
tulxlug of the dough. By this method
uo wlueral or table salt requires to he
added, the natural salt water giving
the bread the 11 ..rosary degree of sa-
1WIty. But, though sea water do's 11d-
ullrubly for breadulakiug, when 'no-
telet to other eu!inary lemma., the
result is n disagreeable failure. The
wheaten bread produced by 9, how-
ever, 111 excellent hill of great hygienic
1.111110. The chloride of w:fru•siuni,
which Impart* the acrid• juste to sea
water, is decomposed in the heating
and therefore does nut eouvey its origi-
nal disagreeable taste to the breed,
wattle the C0111 111011 salt. of course, pel'-
nwn0utly retails all 1's characteristle
saltine properties. The Inhern4 sub-
utanies lett fu the baked tread are con-
sidered to be of the nature of very Nilld
regulating me,licincs,-Elmdon 111111.
The Tailor Wird.
The brilliantly plumed birds of the
trppleal forests are exposed to many
dangers, and if they were not gifted
with p 01111nr yet useful instincts they
would fall ready victims be their cues-
mle4. Chattering monkeys nud big
snakes steal and eat their eggs. while
their offspring :ire preyed upon by foes
on every side. Put it takes a sly mon-
key or snake to get ahead of the tailor
hied, a stnu11 1,8)t Indian -Pinging bird.
She bides her nes: so skillfully that her
rncmles cauuot Ilnd It, no matter how
]lard they try. This she does by using
her lout;, elcnd'r b1)1 As health. Wit i1
the tough fiber of a p:n•:oit!c plant
abundant to the Iroples, ,rte it thread
she 8011 a decal lent taken from the
end of a sleudiir and hanging branch,
and between these l4'144044 she builds
her nests, where neither monkey our
snake can ate r:,arb,- because the
branch will not hexer its we'Igl,l.
A Mln.atere Inland Oreo.
One of the q(ieri•est sheets of water
In New England or within* the limits of
the i'nited i(ail'i, or the world for
that mailer, le the celebrated "Snow's
wave' 117 the ate!. of Maine. When
calm it is to all ap;'e':erances an otvlinary
pond of no greet dimensions, but 1 b-
ae'rya17011a :and fnveetig:tlious wade
more than a eln;l:ry ago prove that the
little body of ineter le a veritable
oreau. It Is leca•c-1 in Orriuglou, 110ar
Bangor, abs it:. peculiarity is that. al-
though situated among Nome -high hills
swine dis(Attge Item wean or river. It
has tld(•4 .Mels rhe aryl fall ages -pear-
ly ns do those of the great Atlantic.
Many es Balled meletltifle examinations
of thio minietere mean's lea ;Ind sur-
rounding batiks Leve been made, hart
an far no tcnab'r rxi.l.lmuiou of the
phenomenon has ever leen given to the
(Labor 1■ 01d Times,
Twelve ho.u•s In winter and fourteen
In summer was a fair average day's
work, but in-I.yone in 1:171 the print-
ers worked from 2 s,,'hock in Ole morn -
lug till S or 9 In the evening. In other
trades the working hoar% were often
Demi 4 h1 the monnitg tin 9 at night
Of from f1 to 10. Workers lu the sante
metier getterally lived together In .the
name street, but the maitre artisan
bail his'own utnison.' The ground flour
WW1 bis shop or workshop: Above was
his bedroom. which was oleo the sit-
ting and eating room; n smell room ad-
joining nccotnwoe7ated 111S 'children, and
above was 8 garret wIMrf various
commodities were stored.- Brtsson's
"Work nud Workers."
The capsicum plant, from which the
different rarieties of pepper are pro -
indigenous to the tropical re-
gions of Europe, Asia, Africa and
America. It grows wild almost :is
well as under cuitirntrun In all these
eoutltrles, and hi each M need by 111e
natives ns a Pea*oning for food. Iia
cxlcneiee 0mploq•Ineut 11114 seggested to
raedlen7 theoriste'tt11e thought that it
roust be considered a% a natural tonic
fur the stomach in troptcul'cuuntrie4.
All the world over there are legends
about mermaids. The Chinese tell
stories not unlike others el.nnt the sea
woman of their southern gems. Man-
kind le taught on the meat excellent
evk1ence that n ulert'aid was enptnrcd
nt Bangor, on the shores of the Rel•
feat lough, "In Ole .ixth century, while
another cnnght nt 1•:dain In lire], vag
carried to Haarlem ami kept there for
Many years.
Wanted A11 That Wee In It.
Father (whose wife ha presented
hint with twins) -Tommy, you tray
May home from school Veiny and to
nlorrow tell the teacher that you have
two 110W brothers. Tommy -Wouldn't
It be letter to say that i have only one
new brother? '!'lien I eon stay home a
day next week for the other one,
Health C
The pnrgnut of Wealth, like the mot,
j.hin hetet or dnlnkennes., grove on
people till it really Iq'eemee n vire.
('ontinn°%4 thoucht and anxiety about
one's henl!b 14 extremely boil for the
eonstlt1111.n1 end undermines It quicker
then port wine.- London Queen.
Aare Thlms.
Teacher A miracle la ening united
the natural order of things. Are mirs-
eles performed tn.lny? Bright Boy -
1'es'm. Tnerher- Nni* ono. !nicht
Boy --Well, mamma tiny* that papa Is
nlw•4ys turuiog night into day. -Life.
None rnn tell where the diamond awe,
to In rmmhn'tlnn. When hurried It
leaves nn nett nud not a trace of the
mage brilliant *tomb
A Drldae of l7urudllee,
tluvek•r erit,e- of a p 111 uorth
wiede•11 ludic: '•'11:e great 'sight of
F:uuchl Is the sacred croe'odile pre-
serve at Magas I'ir, vette iris en w;lr1
ot7, 'There are hot si,riugs here 1‘ lin
tend a shallow tauk coulaluiug nearly
ta hundred crom,wllles. The story, usu-
ally thought to be fictitious, of the }:use
1lsbman who for a bet crossed the tank
1 by Jumping suecesslvely from the
I bucks of these crocodiles Is moved on
feet. The hero of this foolhardy feat
leas a certain Lieutenant lleresford, u
friend of Sir It. 1'. Burtuu. Wbc'u BW' -
tun and his companion were vlsiIug
the crocodiles' tante they noticed that
these reptile. and certain islets of reeds
huppcued to make an almost cuntluu-
ous bridge :ulnas the tank. '11174
prompted the etaslog subaltern to haz-
ard the feat of cr.ssluh by ho{.pi,:„:
(torn one crocodile to another. '1'o the
amageallnt of the spectators he suh•-
secdell In this apparently mad attempt.
Sir Diehard It'Irurt had already su'•-
ee.afully performed an equally darlug
feat. Ile managed to mumie a croco-
dile lis means of n lasso and then
jumped ou tbe reptile's back and en-
joyed n somewhat aigsng ride,"
Inside Your $maria.
People usually finagle° that lhc`r
bones are of solid miuersl construc-
tion, without any feeling in thein. As
a Matter of fact, tbert• are blood ves-
*01a and nerves inside the bones Just
as there are outside. During amputa-
tion of a hails innc•h more pain Is felt
when the lane Is attacked than when
the flesh Is beim; c•ut through. Through
the marrow which Is Inside the bone,
run the nerve and blood vemeli, en-
tering the bone's from the 10411 without
by little boles. Natate adapts the bony
atrueture u( various aninlals to their
habits in a very interesting manner.
Singalph creature?, `like.tle sloth, have
solid bones, wtr0rees the bourn of the
deer and the antelope are eompurntive-
Iy light, so that they may rim fast, and
the dem dunes of the earth are hollow.
Ton hill tind ht the bones of any skel-
eton the application of ',wehauivel
',nuclides which hare only be'ome
known to man through the processes
of laborious and long considered los
A Flasr► Pillory.
:The finger pillory is still preserved
carefully in the parish church of St.
llelen Ashby-de-la-Zouch 111141 Is thus
deeerita'd: "Au 8011001 and rather sin -
,;.;alar enrio4ily is n Sneer pillory. This
Instrument seems: to Have leen 104x1
for the punishment of disorderly per -
ions during dl:t11e service. It consists
of two upright posts about three feet
high, whirl' eupp0rt n benne of nearly
1114' ?ams leneth, in which are tiered
holes of various dimensions, cut first
horizotltaily, Then p:rpendf'niarly, in
order that the first joint of the tinter
may be limo -tell and the linger retained
111 an anrnlar form. The culprit IM then
ee(•ured by bringing down over the
holes another beau w•hilh le nit.ideal
by a hinge of the end to one of thh
posts and festt'ned at the other by a
leek." -London Aeademy,
Volition the elevate.
It 1s a physical Ilnpus,.ibility for a
man to kill himself by bolding his
breath. 111(114 kb.. 4, differ gr011tIr !41
the length of time they ('4411 110111 their
breath, and Moat practice and deter-
mined effort, combined with tmb,irnl
great lung capacity, can do In this ell-
r.c•tion is shown by tlt0 long pN'
for whish ehalopion divore can remain
ander writer. ii a roan succeeded h)
eontlnuing to hold his 1/11.11 111 111 ep:le
of the physical dhrom(ort In which he
la.1 placed hiplself the result weed
simply be 'to kidney a abate of ("n,.1.
When this 'state was relibe-i nature
would mamma her+elf, and the-bre.,th•
Ing func•lious wored ngafn resume frill
activity, pries -entire n fatal leave lu
spite of their owner'? desire.
Wine. se
Mme. Searrou, nr:etwaril the fanlnns
Mine. de Malnteuvn, the wife of
XIV., was in her girlh'lod remarkably
beautiful. She was.Jark, with piercing
Mark eyes end wavy hair. 111 middle
life ber grnl1ty of icouutenanre and of
deportment was runnider(,t 1711110 0x-
taordfn:lry In lent age of gsyety. (lu0
of her cout'mpurariek sail that she ell•!
not *mile cure n year, end yet she was
not gloomy, but only of a *(date habit
of mind.
A Mossier God Hoose.
In Alexiro arc found ruins of an-
cient Aztee ten.alhs, or "god houses,"
some of which are thousands of years
of r
J One of the%.e•
n ar CLAIM, Is in
the form of a trunented py'ram:.l.
Each Plde of the base of thla pyr;741.1
Is 1..12;1 feet, which Is (nice the length
of the greet pyramid of Egypt. The
height of (his Mexican wonder Is 177
fret, and IU base covers an area of
forty-four acres.
but There.
"Judge," Paid Mrs. Slarrem to the
magistrate who hail re(ently come to
board with Iirr', "I'm p.artfrnlerly ane•
lone to have you try this chicken stoup."
"1 have tried! It," replied the magis-
trate, "and my deviator Is that the
chicken has proved an alibi."
Found Mather- 1)n y°% think Haus'
lentil most like me or his pips! Nin'N0
- Like you, mum. lIr. Jenkins I+ s
tefghty handsome roan.
Advertisement: 11'141474' 1 - .1 compe-
tent and well mannered nurse.
Wife (wrnrilp) - 1Vmmnn's work Is
serer Anne! 11104111,1(1 (dtnlggling with
a buttonless Pltirt collar) -That's just
what i thnnght!
First any to ynnr*elf what yen woeid
le, then do what you have to do. -Epic -
Sloe Claims to Patroaage.
Wheu airs. Lumtslrci otiered to rec-
ommend Miss Saiipsou to her fri°tids
es a dr(alsulaker she was honest In her
wish to beep the little %volume but her
efforts bozo more evidence of honesty
than of tact.
"I wish you walk], try Dora Sirup -
sou," else said earnestly to three of her
frienda who were calling Upon her one
day. "8be's such a good little body
and so unfortunate! ],ler old customers
hare dropped off one by one till there's
scarcely a pewee) fu tbe neighborhood
who employs her now.
"As I often Ray to my husband," con -
tinted Mee. Lombard. with haste, as
P he saw slime of inquiry on the fare.,
of her friends. "suppose she doesn't St
very well. That doesn't alter the fact
that she has an invalid brother to sup-
port sad that she triad everything else.
from stenography to coolting, aad only
took up sewing as a last resort, aad
just hates every stitch she takes and
always has. Now. do try her. some of
you. She's been with me for the last
tour day* making a jacket for n►y Jim.
Dora is Jost es•patlent about it as can
be, tbough we've bad 1t all to pieces
three times."
The First Was Dressmaker.
The nest male celebrity wbe made
his nark as a dressmaker was
berg, (pie son of a Bavarian peasant
from tbe neighborhood of Mandeb. One
day b the month of Nay, 1730, a beuu-
tit'tl egWpuge was seen driving about
with an escutcheon in the shah:
ass! as Open oak el etissgm
Nile painted an the panel of
11nat Was ms's coat
nd,11 told its own Cale. fle
as In his way aad owed his
fly to Yds skill In disguise formittes and brtngiug out
tive charms of his lair
e rapidly made a fortune
au annual locome of
Defier the slat empire
and the re@satatyen Leroy supplied the
dreescs of the tithes of the const and
the higher aobileta from his splendid
no.nea)5 la the Rue Richelieu. An eta
fuatve encuseiata, was written upnl
hml by Auger, a member of the mead -
Falsaasate o1 Illaeewry.
A p.•eullarity of falzatoate of mer -
cum i4 that it produces a clock to
which all other satstances are sensl-
tive, and Its supreme vat as as ex-
plosive rests to this tact in the
known liability of an vas to he
detonated by more or lased nt ex-
.los o e
i n There is a current tlrre o
1 q
thetic inductee in these terrible cemen-
t teal n.tnpwsltbna that Is as tussis, as
It et dangerous. What is required to
produce explosion le the rapid genera -
lion of great beat slung wail large
quantities of seamen. In gunpowder,
for lustance, the nitrate nt Isola
(saltpeter), which Is the diet ],sae
(tient, 14' practienlly itnpriaca,ed oxygen.'
and when It is decomposed along with
charcoal an fmmruor beat 1* developed,
which causes the gases to expand nud•
denly; hence exploelm.-
of a
!n the
of Grina,
was a
success ch
Ing slight
the most
• customers.
-and left his b
70,004' francs.
They needed the Nwey.
A freight steamer ooce came Into
Marlopol, a port o0 tie sea of Azov,
which bad among It* cargo 100 perces
of machinery numbered "M." from 1 to
100. t.Vheu the pieces were unloaded
It was found that No, a was wring.
but two piers numbered Fe showed
that there had been as error, the 011,1
tally being correct. list the custom
officials dM not Lie this view of the
matter, the port being la Mad of funs.
so they fined the drip 000 rade' for
b•l41g short of cargo as per masl/est -
namcly, No. 87 --and 1.000 rubles for
Ptuuggling, having two pieces num-
bered RS when the manifest caned for
but one. ---(b oline Lockhart in I 1ppin-
cott's Magazine.
The Philosophy et Thaader.
Thunder Is cauatal by the lightning
spark beating the els In its path, caus-
ing sodden eraatm.:in and 'compression
all around, followed by as sadden a
rush of alr tato the partial vacuum
thus prodoeed. If fie spark be straight
and .hurt the clap will be abort and
@ harp; if Its path be • long and crook-
ed one a suc,.•eselun of sounds, one aft-
er the other, with a characteristic rat-
tail, will be beard, followed by the
selves from other clouds. The echoes
have a rolling and rumbling emend,
IR. Tendon Achilles,
Anatomists fauclfully call the beg,
tendon of the heel "tendon Artillles,"
after the Greek hero. l'he mytholnRlc-
al story goes that hi* mother, 'bed's,
bolding bita by the heel, dipped him in
the river Styx to snake him invulnera-
ble. Put Paris inflicted a wound that
proved total on the heel that had not
been immersed.
A De Practice.
A. -1s dying the hair as dangerous
as the doetlls .would make It appear?
It.-(yertalnly'{ You take my word for
1t. Only tat Dring as on, of mine
• dhis hair, `and In three .wake 110
was married to a widow with four
chi Wren.
Overdid It.
"So sorry not to have heard your
lecture last night," sold the lognnclou,
Indy. "I know i missal a treat. Every-
verybody Mys 1t was good."
"flow did they Clod out(' asked 11tr.
}'roc•kenet. 'The lecture, you know,
was postponed."
This Clever (Uri.
I)augltter-I don't want to marry
Just yet 1'd rather etey st school.
Mother-- Yon meat remember, dear,
men do not wish clever wives. Daugh-
ter -But all men ars not tike papa.
7asehia a Hat.
A trapped rat may eaelly le paned
by allowing no water Mat that offered
In a spoon, for the eratnr0 ansa learns
to renrigntse the band winch Wlppllee
tris all IWose_t Y@aaaq.
A Toy That Tasebes a Lesson la
iambi Assertion.
It I* possible at times to get more
than mere amusement out of -toys.
There are some toys that will instruct
as well as amuse, and, while the pima
tout pin may not be in the atrlet sense
of the word a toy, it will amuse and
Instruct you at the sante time, for it
will serve the purpose of giving you
a little lesson in the properties of the
-reflection of light. This Is the .way the
phantom pin Is managed:
Take a cork and cut it into the form
of a disk of about the thickness of an
lucb. In Its center stick the paint of
a pita This done, take a glaas about
three-quarters full of water nud place
the cork upon the velum of the liquid
with the pin below.
Now l( you will look at the cork
from aboveyou will not see the pin.
but If you will alter your pusltion and
titndulsh the sense of the sexual ray by
plating the eye un a parallel with the
table on which the glass rests you will
po)fcefve a pin above the cork.
A Game la Rhlrh the Players Must
.Think quickly.
A delightful hose gain° for children
is as follow*:
"f nee somethlug in this room that
begins with It," says the one to the
right of mamma.
Now, this person stay have ring, rug,
or rocker h1 his mind. immediately
We guessing will begin, "Itug," "rose,"
"rocker," and so en. Tho one guessing
correctly will have hls turn. If he se-
lect a compound word, as watch -chain,
he would give the initial letter of eacb
word, "I see eumething In this room
at begins with w -c."
When tired of this they can °bang*
it _ unrw'hat by saying:.
.'uw, let's furnish a house," "I do-
nate it carpet," says "It." The one 00
Ms le t Instantly takes It up, using the
last le er of carpet Si his Initial.
Ile w 1 perhaps say, "And 1 will fur-
ies!' a t' b1-," while the next will use
the Wet, "e," of table as the begin-
nloge let r of his furnishing, as
1 f one can sit Wink of anything be-
fore "It" cou:1a teu 11e must go foot
or pay a furfel
When tired o the house the window
will furnish cute . lnment of the same
sort. "I see rale,' cries one. "Nest,"
says the nest. " 'rush, • '•hill,' "lat-
tice" and "eeergr " will follow In
qulck succession.
This game Is capab of au almost
limitless number of v nations. The
children can plant trees r a vegetable
garden. They can hav the maple,
elm, Mulberry-, yew. They lay safely
place in the ground potato, •kra, aloe,
'egg plant and tomato, or they may deal
lu flowers In the souse manner,
A Carved 1aa11.
Many boys do not understand 'y d
ball may be made to curve In Its til ht
Here is the explanation: When a b 11
is throwu It 1s retarded in its forwa
Iotluu by tine resistance of the air,
which exerts a prreesure not only on
the face of the ball, but a resisting
force ou its sides by friction. It the
bell be eluply throwu forward the frlc-
tluw of the air will be equal on each
\aide of it, but if Ot.e side be made to
1a111ve taster than the other -that la, If
o ball be made to rotate on Its own
ex s au as to fnerease the lateral frlc-
tlu the natural result Is a curve In
the trectbon of the aide on which its
motion has been retarded. That is tbe
philusooby of L "curved ball."
Wli, a Dos Trot. sldewl.e,
It Is said that a dog trots Pidewise ea
that he hii>tl feet will not strike hie
fore ft -et. That Peeing to he n r0aone•
ble exlrinttntloit, for if he be immersed
to 11 Small wn 11, between *haft*, an
that lie cannot urn hie holy to one
side, his feet wilt'often come into col-
lision. When lie acetyl aidewlsee, how-
ever, one hind foot'goes between the
tore feet and the othdlt outside.
A Wesson.
Little Jerk by the seaside nda.
Watching tun setting Pun.
Iia rune to thn breeh et eventide.
For his day of play 1x done.
Itl4.father has gone to 1110 (Tina etas
For n rrufsr 4'.f a year and moti,
And little Jm k Is left behind
On the 011110 r;t Jona !stand shore.
He kisses his handles the Pon sinks down
And murmurs a message intr.
"When you shine on father tomnrrew
morn. (
Juan tell him Jack nays 'Hello."'
"Supper Is rehly'" the Meek nurse calla
Jack answers: "t can't come, fibia5,
The sun has a meanest+ to siva to deb
Ill watt 7117 be seta to China."
-St N7bal*