The Signal, 1906-5-17, Page 1THERE NEVER
when a house without The
Signal missed so much good,
wholewlne local reading as
now. Is it a weekly visitor
to your home ?
_- - _- _ _.----. - ---
Announcements, Weddulel
Cards, boxes, At I Honte
Cards, etc., printed: front
artistically-engrave.I e;t'ype
faces of approved d7.7
on correct styles of Wed-
ding Stationery at
'ANA7TKIt t Ito livit'I'SOX. I'vill.lanttM
FigDancial 1yWA�1 r1lUll�xJ, t6PStitndanlLosillCo,'moffice \urlh 1jj(Itth{ NhrNxM Intrri/•Il to lienuuwlhlrnt/il In Llrinwrl. Ili. Turuhulh NEW ADVERTI8EMENTB-MAY11dt,
MttwNt. and flit- V.luarv. lots Friday 'N•rwiiveti humbitlul, Ise.i4lem 014111) Mhe iegaides having the expo-rirm•N•gxinfNl t•�
\link uinuuc"t TIN• Chrwiutl l'6.......,... 11
Go to Camp June fifth.
4.vening. Mitt _ 191. lit 9 o l -back. 11)
apiNdllt flit' lil•leglltI'S ft -0111 1116 t0WI1.
lesive. A i:aUlily /lf MIx rhlhhrll ill
11111411'll 114.1• h,N-. Thl•M' ill'II Jlnew•m
IIY/W A {itl'ge IIIYu't!Cw lea' 1a•VPI•ILI yPAe'M.
IINM bull NII exteuoive pol-firilaIllutte
Sllllrle KI (Ur Vll'luria i►ay--Vt F, I&W- '
Theafed ifurule l4•gilelPfet will go Intel
_ .
The County Engineer.
\fury ailed Tillie. of New York : .M ,m,
cotavie let Nt11flV In tilt- lar let 111%-
rem•.• .. .. . _. .:.............. e
SlaehdPrict-In Hardware -J. H. Wiligoo :. i
(-awp,at lwindon un Junr 19th• iurle st
lenient, per cwt ....,-:. .'
"Mae Mr ton .
tJualwo) Jutlnnlou• of Sa111t Sic. Dtalit. :
pitalm (11 Furo{n• rand Aoseri •a. HP
ntlxt wroth.
of un Jime :)th, its formerly sulvi".
John An%IPS•. of Wiigl;tnt, who tot•
and tirorge. W. H. And Jauws. .Site
Alwit two yea•M in "ludo in Flertlw.
Just one 19wee Frank• Ii. Martin..........,, 4
Annual Liberal Convention.
twenty yea,! hit& filled the positi41n of
road bride r1) ialeer fur the
Ira,11M, snrvisr Ilit to ' (pile sister, four.
out- iu Felinbul it and 14nidote, affect
Meo glow' Mich J. 1L llaw•kln• .........•.... I
f'"""' llt„r, Nult►lur, Cie. -J. H. ('alknas.. s
The ritinuni meeting war till• \Vest
liked K K
casualty of Hill-oll, having teldPn,l his
lil•II, of [arca.
out- yen• iu IfPt•lin, lfrrulany, and
VientlA• the- better tnkillg 111)
'Phci'uptiur H o.lery Ston, -11. MiIW(le..... s
Homes Lilteral Aliso intioi Ivill lost
Iemi a ittiuu tit fill- Januar)' nn,N•tIn 41(
Buying Cattle for Grazing.
slw4dnlly diM+uM•s of wunlra And c114-
SvU01-Je"'e (;'Wit"' ......................... I
held (n the Agricultural 1!x11 at 1)nn•
the cognLy (-touneil, xpplicati41nM for
l►u" (-nttlr'glazie•IY+,ur uovy huyluK
drru find altdoitinal rulgrr). Ifo-
IVe Are Very I'tlrtieulter-P. T. lime...,,..., i
gninoi on Tuesdaty. May •lath, fit i::0
l6e {lusifion a,Y• being adverb -td fin•.
their %luck for placing leu their gnlMtl
sidee, he has ApPilt Millie ilelaltllm At.
>; wr.lal SnM - hl Clothing for8"tlf ay -w
I C. loridloaw
il. J'At•ll N)Iling s11b-diVlhi6ll is eu•
1 • 1
The• n i ationm will lst contlfdered rte
Interim tilt- the at el 1•t- hull-
dtffelMht linu•s xt11d)•hlg ile the hsls-
.. ........:.6
"' "" "
oust w1d11'nfour 9a1e -ulna. 1'IN•ter........1 t '
titl,d ill em•id thtlw t101Pgratrr, lend
Udo June- fll#-l-liug tot till- elnuu•il.
drel, laaki Friday .Itilin DiekWm. u(
litals of Chicago, New Yolk And in
liuiklins Lor, for Sale Mra.J. IL Wulhem.. 1
file-" alwinales. Thr Lilleralm of
Ulxlericlt will IACt-t in tier remain level'
DtasOlVing �Partnerihip,
1earorth, luought (null Th.1M. li:u•vey.
Ashfh•id, thit•ty•two luNld fol• l n!.tul-
�,Ihnm Ho Ikins Hot- ilal. lihitiluun•.
1 1
Ifs•.has taken teat•
The H1K IWt U-• Lbdwn»t -S. M Hick . .,..., a
lyeeu +ule]e{ Lo the nlblir libntry •,
� 1
:)," \VIII IN• Ma•11 h)' 11111' ild\'YI't Ih111K
lull'..11 lila lial'lir fa1'111 N( 1'lINt W11141111it,
tear F;(lllouilville. and Johll l',
-Turohlell Nn oMte
IN 11'al ily 111 LIIP dllrlw111x1/1 hlllck 'll h
Igwa,lhtial let l•artneallp--llockett t staua
lute .. ... .. ..... 1
- - "--" '----"---
dismolrinl; uuuu•1„hip thPprat 1K nd-x,
\lailin• of town, hail / uiti• a de;Irl'
,ai,lllw, (/pilo%nu fill! AI'1111g1U11 1141Lr�.
while him new office next to Neast-M.
11.11 �M. w. Howell .............. I
,t'p-ro,l,uc i twu Mower S hwrl,uller IA Por• '
_ , Muy 1.111,
ilonth. the will IN• con-
ducted after that date by Mi-. Ife'krlt
rt leetel from ditTenYlt •1•arls)rlia fair
hl, fxtolf 111. (il-fie, f:ll t.9
lforphy and Carthew's law office it-
Iwln fitted a 1.--�-iii%towel iinnner,
oingloll .... 1
Tierce -d Spa•ial. (et- F4a Hl •
F'Iall wheat, leer bush, new...... tM. i 1 tote• :•)
a -s Io o -3
Spring whwtt, per hu.h, stew.... •
id4111P, and Mr. N :llllltoll Will I/IOVr ter
titl l
lull, lei l'u1f1a•ne, lent a Ilse tut of
lir. Turnbu 1'M friuuda in (ialrrich.
- 11r
1 .
ire 1 Hr,lm,... ..... .. ,........ ... •
Byc p.r bush U 45 10 11 4i
eat. perbueh�:::.::,:. b l%to Dirt
tier e► 1, hew IIItPII[IUII IN•iOK all
lmatie let hduunlRln.�\i'r sb:vill Ina
%l,wkerm, c m fr'isin fot'l ' h1 iU . f1Y1111
{ K yy
Jami e- Feeley. of Amhtlelfl, which new
and th4•y lent ver ns)uq, well hr ghul
LO leVU'It I11m IU
SUmmcl' l'hmldug McLIf1a11 Ht'oet... ........... T
Uuth,g Shirts. ere. -Reg. Ithick....,..'..,..., (
IMtw, her bnwh., now ...., ,... 11:41 to ,N 11
l4,Am, hu+h U ai to II Ai
sUl'l'.V (111. %it- �I P. Niall tin! flVlll o11P
no%%. plaenl oil Lilt- .McC,lrvie floral, tett
III l eV'lai)ll l.0 ^111 I11
Ontestric. and eslle•iAlil' at A (dace Nati
Annual JIawlLtg-t'. liarn,w ......, �........ 1
"" •..
Barley, four hw h .........:. a 41 Io a IL
`en.e ' Id a1 1 tri In
Ulidat but Mhxll wish Itllll the IN•sf ( f
+nel:eam in him view IIN•ali on lit• will
tier Bt h eohcmwioil u[ U4111NIrlr. John
nrAr am IdNtowel. 1311th Ili•. rind MtYI.
Phanofurtlalu--J. H. l'ulberso................ 1
. ' i SPM l' Ik •k t
----- -r--
, --
,!Make- tier ton ....� ....
Flour, f,t11111y pet Cwt ..... ....
Y :il to
IY1111Jin Ile ll)wll 1111th the• Illiddle Ili
al,dlllet Ull. Ut (rI NINI'll'II fUwtltllll t. IM
.itw,l it lar' •t rllrcitaNwr fur III.. nlxill
). t K g
Ttirti111111 will le• witerslll welcome I
whenever f lav G(det'iel
ell un .a,. r N .. . ....... ..
-' j
.Innem,n/clnenl - J. 14 /1t- N')slilr. .. l
altIIttlong Yaoaat
lenient, per cwt ....,-:. .'
"Mae Mr ton .
Y m [o
1s .0
% tlln
u, lu
ntlxt wroth.
lands loved he %Ne11tYvI tutudrnnio tart
Visit . which
wP trust will ia• nil( II1flYN IlPlllt\':
�- 1
.Sopor re Iter rax M. f 1. Juhnolon.. ..... I a,
thrfr IS -1 IrMic linl kindly expne..fon, mf
-_ -
Shurls� per full : ::::
1"":aa W
s lat to
% to
Another Bad Aeeldent.
Prow W. Ji'nki11A nal other. it ('all.
' -
MeetingUalerlohlJbemis-N'.I.Heston..., t
Co of chane of runnin advertise-
Py i `
iH left
. _____-_
{k/ANTED. 1T UNl'F, A 111]41')
carton .
stood. per cord ..... .
14utWr, mar lb
s •n Io
Id to
N of
Lxmt l'ril4ty luotnin unuthrr INed
menta must at this optics by
11 girl for gcncrnl hon-1•Nork: lu/ wiwhlnt,
a conic. 1mr.1b ........ •....
0 IY to
11 Is
+it'1'idrut la•1'lu rttl, flim tine nu t.hN
New Books at the Mubllc Llbraryt.
- -
Another Expanding Business.
Monday noon to ensure insertion
A fob' to MI ,. IIKcKK'IT, Nelwu +tnwt.
•.. .
Fag-, fn -h, per dos ....,.......
11 13 to
o a
Ihudup hell, IwsuIU+IK lel Ald-x. 1 ou11K•
1')lr t4111owing nee• iNmlks hnre jurat
Portrait. that twit Ilk,- )ole at aur l,a-t ere
the khld that True want to Ket anr� 1)r.• the web'
The Addition recent► mule to J. H.
in isaW of same wieek,
1 ' s'
P19.nil + .. ...
t•au1e. o iu' •
rat )tocood,pet�wt.
U S, to
a.1) to
-1 '
tier hints it h..t#-I•krepw•, s11Ytatntng x
fractured skull. Mr. Young was drive
lyeeu +ule]e{ Lo the nlblir libntry •,
� 1
kind that ever Rea,. It. 11. IWliow.-tudiu.
AM-upplier, fatim. Ica'I•er.'
\Vurse.1i'o "titre give/ hie thirty Leet
-_.--- --- ----'
► 7 .lo IIIU+. Ihlt.l N'111Tk1.1', rt she"
ha11Ml'. TII. 1;l ggle 1 l ew"YYII,
['rale, ex)turt, par cwt.. r.......
H�'' u1e N'eiglllr pet' net....
1 YS to
i 1x11.1
i i
: 1x1
Illg IIII+I G(KI •1iCh. Wheat Ila• 11111'(-/• la••
. rbc.Ston>' ofaTn.{mror•
},•.N,Jt11111-n,ml I/Nin-t Pial I�l.1n1')'•
,1,•nlr•-, earson• frim n dwldeHng. enolxI
( tile'
more depth in him fr4ont stair• for the
display IIIM
-:-_ ,-_--.. _.-. -_-._.___ •
" _ - - -- "-- --
_-_, -��
S air $air Punts, . .................
:MCI',, mer Cwt
I t . ...............
t IN to
4Irl to
1 :+1
csinhe ft- hte•Ilel i,v atilt• ter tial eta inns
Alllttrican Mail »( la-ttc w• lrn lure
)Iell of Ieaer., LellglellYw'.
"•'d,doad'•nlNlaire-•-, higle ••Ito-furoilure. rue.,
rt- w' delle' snlill"..
./( glNxdX aeld the tele•
chitnicad die part areslt i% IY•moved 4
{ 1'-
!1 Tr.Aonaa M.%xo
`�ANTFIL_ A t+TF.\til' ISU1' 1:,
of-lH\Part,ortU,hel/,IY"9•hltle". ti
Hsu». re 11) r..::,"
N 1a t»
o Is
at work ole the l'. 1 . IL ctntmtrlµ•-
Slwr F'ra•.
Thr ink•+,Iml .held.. an• 1)L •,In the Inw of
Nlairm. Mr. \Norwell team long tern
y pfy
lu F« ('..\TTHILL Nitf
tweet, per Ili
131 to
lion, and tnrnin n and threw
g 1•
�I,iL I)r: IlnUtet•
lie tit'^, .age,.
lu \Iclnurhtln.
Ihrtr nalurn m dw,tity r are Jioni mf rrlYem
not- tier natty dn•w•r NuuNtq nlnukiud
4.1•Ilm a41 fur rano in tilt- die la ref hie
1 P Y
Studio in *ilk of Mentlwel MuLk.
- T
.. ...
Tatlow, per IA ....
o W w
o 1m
Wltl. wut11111onNd null
Ir. 1'mnl e,Ir ankrn to him ht•othd-r'M.
t 11'.tstd Nylhoul .e } •11111.
.Inw[ auA
i. oloa ylug t he I:IN d hi. nal un• in "over 1..
lege n1Alt•k, land thin change gives hint
.- -_T.-_.___.__.._
` ANTFre
Hide., rcwt
a .v. w
i yr
r .a
\Vol. F. lrnntgm, to UullNn•nN. 91 r,
The MyYler) Ut Junr I:kh.
anewl ."in tierweor. fur a nrN +uI fur .IN•irit
fwidt Nlorv• LLi deep and '3.) frim
the cl)UU
lila aahltw.. IYALTICH l', Pit111HA>I,
'turkey...... ,. ,.
C 13 Io
1110. to
a lu
y4,111l m inji8rie•m %Ville l•0111111r kiln flet•
R )
When It w'.. IMrk.
111)1) ga111101l rUr1Y•'lp011dene" ILITiVetl
i m ill
11 tV ld Nl. I[ is arrnngei N'ILh w(n-
.1.1\\'N 111 the "IdP ito allel\V Ut 4
=---"�--- D- : INO --
�f1'ANTFt. Uo
... ,.
N IOiMMe Il,arknlM al hllgl! :✓
n w# -Pk hee some tilts.' Alamt Ini/l4atlle-
while time. but ht- im nlakiU ax ra )rd
lN•bi,lltYl for.
FtI rn161NK rt'-.
IINI Isla tDl' 11111111'n(lon t111M \1'1•I'k'
Ntl alalq-.
darset ter li let.. atilt) behind
K Ihr front
-1•rlM.t. Apply' to Mets. w, PItUUIr-
- --------. _T __
\t 1)l au Flt l 11 •"
11 Intl all!.. \'1.1
a Ir it
ttnlbrrinP Loudenlnlc.
R#-uu•wIN•r •'Jerry fna11 KI•rry" lel
14Uore hr h,u, len a1110Ackhlg atom >MI
I'tiva1a taltion and clao.we
F. HARG(TT. Camb i,a Road ,
knnopinting.Itor 1; yla11, of age. fair
w'wlkat, A g,lal nlgtortnnity for 1, neigh!
boy'. Aindy THF. sl(INAh
at I/FFlf'F..
mini went toil Strike can T11eMlay m4wri-
((. E. SALE, LD.R.. D.D.S.
Cards of Thanks __ _
r---- -_
Miefwan'+ ler
RI k
1 --- -
illr. Tlrnbnll'Mold .tnl"1.1 I�
In Ilaiiar..,ml„ at•,dnwr+dwy afternoon•.
I N'i4a to I flank my court -alter -and friend- for
Luce -ML te.';.; e.r^•
thrfr IS -1 IrMic linl kindly expne..fon, mf
IY*1)•t that 1 Ione diq"Iwd let my
- - _ _ _ - --_ _ -_
1 rxpet is, Ira%P town Jim"• 'die and In Illi -
_ - -
IIII-riA w iu!ne at theell.INmi m. S,Irunb).
and �1119t:,)- name IMin If -49•h i1,.eek I"ad I
A. T. It"Netmm"", M. D.
hear!•. AII)' Aern out uw'ing +hn,lill lee .-Ithrl
eft her 1.) ,,,.II. UP, if I..a du.!. h) only ones's
15. N, Tumsti'a.t. M. it
at lilts', m'iariln/n) aNnY4l ulmMl N'hem g,mNi.
(M1e•, HandluNl Stn•t-1. 1'hMM 114'.
Nen• lakei-. The- .eliol, i. All.,dntel) nee.
Heridenvar'pllllne IY1.
Wt-, incl it I.t"11)•Iu,Im,11•,a,.Il,eedtlai.Y,.1.,•1•..e,t
7)H. A. H. :LIACKLI.N', M. 11.
N 111 nm l". prune a pro) I -Ault anon ran wait 11. .Ira•
„dbd 1)p",, A- I uulcb pcad'er definer u.)' oNl.
t 1'11YS11'IAN AND St'H 4.41FIN
„dler•1'nir. 41ther"i,e ill.-ce will loce.•,s-arily tN-
Sw4•ial attenlioq to kyr. F: r. N,we and
extra exIm-ti . M. INV. IIUN F.M.
Throttle. OM,r ialnt�l,-1,1-1 -. mill liank,tf Moo
i dnnl/d art tilt- wept 4.1141 of the lowu,
Rail, opimt,ite Pn=1'olh,e, WV t .1.,"UalPru+.
- ..-- _._ .
4 "�--
Telephone No. IR.
---- - - -- ----------- -- ...-_
a-.-------- _ -_ . - - -
V RINTIOW, ,eli('iUml . n,aari-. ear. (►(Ince,
IN•ro•Ild-er,• -111-1-Amer feetw'ce•n lbr I nder+iNmd
'I- fnrwNtftirr dml,•r. anti undettakent under the
i1 Ikon SG,thlyd a,wlrfroml'quare.Goderich,
anm nans•of Iieck.elt t Staunton. Rl lialerich.
Unl. M. U, l'AMICHUV, K. ( . J. L KIL.
ons., \rill 1wda.+.dre,l un few ftn•t di'v of .anus.
The humin•,. will b,-n•after Ire ran"toil on b) if.
pROITI►I,X1w0', HAYS h If1.A1H.l-.•tikdr•Ithhrin'rn-h
II, fleck,'![. .illall'I,rndinklIY,•ellnl• al„1,1 Ira-
or note b> limit dawor
ban i^tsim, w)li,eltam. nol(arfl•. plltllle ill, •
:samim the l,l.argins• f'oartt Pte, IMI,,•, a -lea
Ila•-�'' N i'l lN• ld,."t in IMM•r te:ill,l-f,-rl•IdI,%.Iioa.,
a. Mr, `il.inlllon I• h•Ilrtry� fur Alb.•,la,
() m•xt doer t'. A. •tainl•+gruaery. Prt
It. It. FWA,KF:n'.
vele (orals to lend at Inw amt rates of intere.l.
W. PROUDFIH►T, K. t'. H, t'. HAYS. U. F
Ilntd At Uaterieh. this Vote day of M a). 1911
- _ __
i�ANCRY, LOFrI lilt F., HAIt-t
Real tate Ior bile.
1L1 ILI,, at, Solicitor. notary. Ypa•hll ahem I
-- --_._ - - _ --_--- .--
. tion glren to INarinc ('0011 work. M-ey lu
" can. Dake: Kurth St. +hid Square, (kodcrlch.
IN11- rias
Ihrd, noir ). u
most d/ irnble lo•+lila! d • t 3111. J FI.
Ir• f
A .\ t 0 .
ff 11.►.I.IM,. 1 I y
G. a G. Railway [rotes.
n KIMji U[ ,!cel' thll'ty 11111a11N Wien
\ inrit.
old Iiotwou arA.mal.
\ Ictoriit Oia•ra Huns• t41ullerYlw 1 F A-
day) evenhlg.
feet in depth by .!t feet Wile. He is
gettirl i n x Ix 1 new stock Oaf hard-`
were entlduyel its lru•k-haying let ISI-
A I i-tor3 of Uurown Tfllmw
on wt- Feld or Calory.
J. 1.. Aitken had another hatch. of
tv,vo., jnrhldlll 1 )
K [tan • new• lines, land
mini went toil Strike can T11eMlay m4wri-
TIM 1.ieil IA%11-ne •.
chick ns toil Kxtut-tlty, getting IoW
0.111 lir IsetLcM Ahle than ever W meet
ing, heir grirvnnit- IN•iig lint inq to
'1'errmvaw Huuri.r.
T3Y alai,• l;t-kl',
chirkrnM [colo •_)1.1 .eggs,
rill the wishes of him Injury chstomete.
41el-p ilrtA•nt. during flit- night.
Thr tilt- C. 1'. It.
Luce -ML te.';.; e.r^•
lt. is huiN41 tier INuu) will gives A fra'
Frim present Murcenm ham !!Pell won by
strict attP11tital tit buminew and the
collAtt ction or
abut!! encs and 1ie'm in inakill w hi
1 K K
My Friend fit,- l•hanlfriar.
welling converts len till• Sol11arle before
gcaiuq ti, r;uup next" wealth.
wants ler him cnestinise'n, and in his en.
inrlead little the pile of gravel 11t Iter
Adjourned to Ma 22nd:
Thr ratlulithir sir Ira and n) Inrath
K { i I
lar el 1 ilii/ -i1 wt- wish hila an in-
gg { T`'
en•iI in tier NucceMx hr sal wail dle-
.'1111 (if oteblelt Mar•rt And A IniIIIN•r
of ti•aw+ its-*• lit work blooding Kravei
!')le art inn against..1nx�1Ni }3rind[''3'
til till, new North Street Moth( Nlimt
t.. replenish it. Thr exciti-niioie tilt
fur higo4,uq', Which (-rime tip fur trial
chnmh hail• in4Y1 past let thin week.
Ake notlre that the Court of f(evfAnn for
.1 htwiakN',lta'1• ()( l'1'IbWUI'li IM IN•IIIK
1111 ''1af111•rillY I:l"t In•f..lw JIIdg1• Ihl\'ll•
A large Illllllle•r Ili tl'lr" !lave been[
Corner Stone Laying,.
o rade 1111 the Attrlll Immic iL tile' 110111(
(fb'indlPj hiving IN•1•n vYlt u . fol• Inial
by "'-I" ' �l.l,istrall• iiuw
i dnnl/d art tilt- wept 4.1141 of the lowu,
Tire- corner mistotic of fit,- new' inn 1
Whee tilt• ('. P. It. track lesives the-
N•rh \vets
furlht.r ad "'"ll 41 dill •1'nem,hty, Alnv
, leludiBg a uwn11•r in Ilarloor Pitark.
Thi" inn o1N1 wove.
fiat 1.1111"•11 buide]ing will IN• laid on
hank. Till' I,IY4lk\\'i/11.1' N'lll IM• la•-
t Warn 3Nlnntf :Nal fret in Inn •l.11 colla IM
'• 11141, to allow ler the Ih•At M •m. HI.11141-
A n11mIN•r of ell ira•ns are considl-ring
Vi--Wrilo Dity, the 'lith inmt., by the
Me%•..\\'. FL Norton, Nle e•rintendent
Ire cogisar' tai Irlte:t the bwnk ni
> 1
Icy s .1"•1119 1411 ll"l-1 :941 itr :% wilnrw:.
TII,' 11
Ihr III r:h.". to( Still l 1111. ilk lots ,x111 t-'1'
tot Ikfpliif. hainu• wi14miois ii Ontieriu
Illat moult. It'..111 fill• actmn 101 lin•
1'a.1• \\'ill I,pe11 111 ,�1•I...I.
Itrinelle\•'. ilt'st 'Air,• \\'art 1•..1'111e•1'l'
Illi!' 1•x N -4'L til M4• I IIIN• it 11111111 t-•1• 11(
) 1 1
tllld /jllf•INr•, NI'v1'1'!d Ilt111Y• {{aplitlL
.p!'IU l f1Y•"IIPI-.
\!lets lanai l :ail, f1 who hr intsl
Ihr 111x1'1111119 6t- I,IN'U thin ysw('
tltheistcr" and Ihr resident nlinistrls
Ills1IliV. 1111 ANel'l) 11, f'til• SII.'M4.11tly
The loufennl s)vieti;gr ot. tilt' Evils!
tot the town Will IN• rewent' and tavike
Inn S 'Ihr hterr of
et. U
n din• us Ueln1it iu .en'A. in
lilal. F'lllilllg t41 Ill'1'11`.1•
11111Y111 Liberal Assom-iation will lar
hAd in- the town hall. Uruootelm, oo
1114,1'1 Ile IIII• KPI-It1(-1•M. Will be held
lit :t o'vhi1•k in tier nfternll,n. Tier u11 -
.\11•x. Me1),ell:ll/1, (iltolls'-•Mti•1' ti•1'1,11•.•,
aili M•I•Illw it Irl
I.,miel ell 1.. Inairry .Migis Fla11ellee
'I'liesday, Alit)• :Sit It. at I: NI 1i clawk,
lel• 3rP Vvey P..Idwll\• invileI IU lee poew.
v%h aha s•enP ..f a w Is N'ist. till
e'-111-11 N'
Fillih• Metal. Hriidlr went. will, hr,.
Thr review ler IhtvidM..11 vs: Ulendell-
vat. I'heIntlies,ofibeeh11rchandcon.
rte itis. he
111'111. Or ala 1)k \\•llhiitl VIII Intl. T)lP
brideIIF" 1)k
t+, 1►1•(t'Ult awl \vela NIrWe 111111'1'hYl
Ilial K• w(IiPh wtiM tulj4111rued fmm the
Kleg:viliun win MY•vd- mnprlrr in the hx-
hrilMnva� \lie Anmie MV1,IYmI, VulI ig-
hast Intonate. Ali.— Pinot Wits under
('ofrnly ('our[ till yes;er ay. hits fle#-n
tun• lYMrnl ter the imbli(- ilarary Rout a
v.t daugilt.v' of Mr. nota H1:., 1►,111iel
fourll•en year,, air ,tgc. It is clnin,.rl
further adjourol4l till N,vitnl•dtay,'J1th
Ao Mli1•II"•k. sued till• evr11ing will he
\inlet-!. 'elle• 1.1-idt" s 'eaitPnll, RIM) :1
Neill 1111• I�INIIIY•1• gt:llltel 111 I11.11'llll
Mie IIL In till l•rlll•1'lxltlllll•Ill le( ah in.
Ali.,. Allelee He1m4Nt, N•,1s llrld."Illitid
111x'^ Ilcat h()W g.m11 In Cal9u{lo.
Hrs. Nairn li;wl the IInl14fortiane• til
teresling rhlr anter. ltermidem a Innal.
:Ind tin' gfYN, venin tY11had IIII 1 nIn1er'
Essex Fusiliers May home.
fill[ tend dildlx•Afr 6l -r ,ttlkle one day
hast week. least wee are lensistil lei leach
nal Pr/grunk rendeYYl toy-Mtnie of the
latest. LN•ill (talent. HPv. K. J, Fttoblr j
tend I 1)d i"•1•-
I'leruurliy lee.. A. :\waw„alai
formIhr Itev.
tt,ahrirh way have +a cirri( Itis noun
thtit tau- ile ur•d menther in recover-
H. A., )I. I►.. the' chairuenn of the
I Ile parl)• ,lelJ„all'nrYl ill tilt• hotels.• of
Place' tarp!! flit. ESSex 1'11-1lierM, the
Windsor city regilei•ot. OtH.•Psx of
Ing newel '.
Miss Rufr•r vat" bike, with nn
lateral hotels• Initiation INmnl 11( the
Walkertiln A"Mm,iottion, will deliver
the br[d.''s.1{loot-lits, where slipper w',as
servc,f Nit the s)+hail fVMlivitiiw ile=
!h4. rd-gi I Pall ha -44 lit IIVI - tot .e.•
illIitl k of i1lnrMtl. nt tier Collegixtr
hi" lerp'aar la4 titre, \Yotklnr, Nhirk-
dulge,l in. Hr'. .Smith curs)*... ft"In
ullat ,ntvittlte ,taw this town to1TeY1 Elsa
Iu14tita1li• ole Alonday ello:•Ilitlg sold
Pr" avoid Jerker ." We can ananre the •
al -I los , t lit• line- hal. has been in towel
I"lint for n enntlltlel• ,LIN[ art it rt.-
inelllcfal xltendance waw fuelled ne41m_
viti1clim of (biderich of A llecture
leu' IMI`ol Vita" engaKed with the l'.
"'I, til.• Flisilierm \till probslill)• MiN•nd
Mary, Flier Wiu1+till#- to Ire 1)t he• pluY•
maique in itm hnulur, imatruclli7n and
P. It. 1).r e•nginvor,,
n w# -Pk hee some tilts.' Alamt Ini/l4atlle-
the raill"Wing ullm'feing,
entertainment. .
er 1,
1)t 'I w t,•:et•m lo u (-
Ili re i, ant
K K s)
"n .
F1 IJ Me1M•u uw • N ) r
t h,l w humeri
I o' H r
T le Aut .s a e.
\t 1)l au Flt l 11 •"
11 Intl all!.. \'1.1
a Ir it
YI )
f1 m 1 unc, \ r 4t-
t11 ,1 L, 1 ilii I tot M• d
1 t 1)h
M x
(!nude)• BrnS., 1)#-W lo11tolmobile ar-
was planned Io vixil. Itirhuonil• \Iia.
lilt 1)t IIIP r+n'ne of VArobr•iit 14NUI land
- --
• Aoltaflor. 1111111%) n' I ", IY 111111 aur. - - - ------ riv,rl in Inwn ..n 'I uentlay tifternl9at Rilla, but Ihr Pxeemsve (-IMt w'as (-can- Nelm..n mtre•t, payi11K *[.:MMI. The snit. ilawkith hardware Nature iN ree
etc. Mone• to Twin. a ke, aran.'r tlnmilw" IIUI.SF AN{) If Altl)FN TU - 1 I ) Ilene with adimplaylof hewutifill hap[•
atdtML A IewLaan+Mm lield,•1ioh, out._ aLu1u a ,ir6N k and wa14 lunch ad• huMrr•d lnYlhihilicr: 1 ;1 d. Mrlh•r null was b) nuc, ion I:a%t Snttinli , '1'huuwn
HENT. A larsec Ian.-. lit few Imr.rde.' 1110vka. The-
Dil'KINNUN A' (IAftltll\V, HAit- o", w,• -r stunt: npl...lte the Vark Hund•, will•"• lee Dealer nllrl•.1 :,, it went S rinnivigruund lona n. .)f Iter Fu9iliPr. wn9 h+Yw hl we4 k (sundry IN'hlq Lhf• louPliaine4•c. y art- erllfng rapidly at
ItISTKitti, .al.rn.yti aslletaar14, ata, all the work i- aurin. we. It ,Yue Ile rental --.-- - _ _ > -. 11. I.nnctly nn/I n roan (tum thli Gtr- 011 \Ylt9 Mhllw'll 1119/1/1 Ili+• Loa a by Lt.' 1':Ige hl Tied- Signal will !e found liargam prleea,
ell llvr In 1)x911+ M IIU• N'hnle hal+.•. Apy1P to ( _ K K t 1 Of N NV'ial interest. Ito lkir ain-PaPeke". Y
"erich. Money to lend ^I lowlvd rate.. R. Lell Hite ro w1)- nor'IaN Klnnea olow, 11Ap .eIgt , ,R U(iIF RR(►.4., buy 1)t \1•nikervillc iron ht lbr Pur 1'tol. Yuan and ,1 r wnrYl lir IN• wnr'f 1 K stn ial Huua(•hold Flour. \'ictM HeyK
L I)IcKiNboN.l HAH1.YAI:ARRuaV, Id -H, _ It k. MK►t(IIANTN, tai Imvei. Ntju•ling leu Shuilay :trial rue- lilea*ed with wheat. ht- M:taa', It it C , le•P h!u+ 1511),0111 avurlh of mtlm•k 1''i'i'rh rani kinds of the I"ent varietitw of
Ito ( SAI,F,. - NTU11: ('l17"1'A(.F: Ire .dAund dLIi1,•nd INv,mpuy in .IgaU 1)r rising hPlw'1'urwlay :Ifderno..n. 'l'h#-y 1artUy neenMlry Iu.,Ly that, fmm 161 ;41 dimlN"N• of and if yo11 w,ult ally. MYYI ell's. nlxilgPlie, t'i•nipm, carrots
JQ.. �\ ARI), l UNVFI AN( ISR, on Newsman +Ine4 AIM,Iy t0 MItY, q'. M!It�• 1Mm, \Ye nenkv n mlNelah)' of .eaw,h w1'1'P dela\PI( 1)L Ith•I1111'llll int M41a "timtoillt let till- prof ll- Itf lilNleta'If• thin 1)dYPtll,aY1 OII i:a 1 IN 1)t A. J. t'INn'MtH'N.
. Pits, nand eanmlydoner fur tnking Nnd • . RHYVAS. itw•I duel, Dube+. I.-Aseyonrlmlery at oMhw. Iln-f dolor tiwP 6v w•e•t Wevilher, when Ibry I. h P runtrw )hard visit /mnr t P K ! R' Y/'ll art- '
romieing rY+ugni,wn,em or Imell. n lacus .___ ___ _ i . I hum of a hargnin. 1 .a P •Ih coutxinm If ynu are tnnd)led with BuRnlo
w.•, -t n( )4 uane. Neal +Incl. Ire ist rt•hleore, i ff
or aMnaUorrr. depoxJII/nl.oroleumdnelarn wI1lLundm•LU.derl.le, gut t,o Itidg#-Newn N'rrr lu•Id up. 11ndrt• \\'i11dwr Mddlrrs would IN• a V4.r. furl- 14 ltu• Intetwnl rig mune'• hu in
tion la or rem-ernblg ,ul),N ttoil,,,nit ler tin) FrI1F liU1)FRICII HEAL F.tITATF: inSU'netionM h,wl lir mete• :et U11•n• (-Dune event, K" your lions•, gat w Mottle al
Tm.rctl,l4•:tl. UuBKR14'H.IINT. I mnr HnHxlo Hu Killer, ons
c,4dhlg In tier Ilfrh 1 nun of Ju+tiros•. itw AND INSI'It.t\aF: I.c. 'Y' heim, Ga' 1•ialife r witlN,il dim dnyill n I 1 ole aw •inviled tar titke len al. Ilea- $ y zee. at
Court of Al'p ial for elntano. or in ata) fount) Foe ,ails!{. - - ---- -. - 1 Rounded the Century. ittelton• 1,101 of (he public lihrar •, Il. W. THtoMMrN N I)I,Ig store.
1 1'1 1 I al 11 1 rl'/Y}f11
11 .,. + 1 Ina•. 1L. I let h t 1 1 1
• 'I t + r Y M r brh'k awl a uN 1)t I evmw4l dw,•ItinL 11 111
cr Idvi.lm a 11). AI t ) 1 ) 1
Nnd pnnn1,ler .•xtlL'uud. la.-id,enm• and P. (. Inar�Ce-lnbh•. n Ira-. F'1mb'-1lmaal PatrllC ROtICe i \'i(-lorin I lay, 'Jath in14t. The- Riau• - Iter•. F. 1. Ntular, jt-., lis A., H. U., the
wddre-.Remune»+lo s •lost. n» Kra , -Imes. noel, a •lmh. _ hrx16 nalieY+ fur n ,-arli r and hail a T11laxll,i of nivi wat-k tva" Ili/• on.•
yy ---- whIt- (Minbein will fnl•n114h w11slr 11•PtilY-r 7hnraalay rvewuq, theYlth
t.+Inn' btt,•k +Inn•. 4akrr'•, men nna plmin---.._-..._---- -- -- - -- lN•rnnr to bring tier r•;u• hnmr withati( bnndlwlt.h :unicrnwrytof ilii hirlh 411
_ -- '-- - _.-- Knoph g.dWr1. Siloalc,l m, Maio-Ir,el. ��,OTII!F. N, tier unwlN•r. wilirh hull not. yet :u•- Jnr.. RAIPItson. Who lives Willi ]Per while 1PN it- lN•iuq Martel Holl al!er Ulkr inmt.. ham is reluitttiun xm a pleaming
(IIauranee, LOans� etc. myth. s1,141i. AN rivell. Sn who'll l-xp6lnnlrunr WPm 4xu911ter, Mr". i'; \\ ylic- I,ighthon"/• Pru'I in the• progl'un.u/ till• enteetatin- and instructive "I"•nker. If yrnl wish
-- -- - - -_ -- -- - Irrge fail-. norn.•r 1 hton .Ind Mellinglon. 14 Imus' Nn. a, Ilan, of Ihr town of (iol"rivil Ult 1)t hull1 In till I \1 nlll
- -___-- �-- "Irrt.t, .tl'", iia Ixrlmlm w',t91N)rn llny K ti) rn)oy tier evrnmK of Victoria 1)sy,
Uf3!H W.• /1 U} LilAli. NIRF PrkY•,6:rca. riY•thi.. n•,pdr.•..nmol�(d otherrrKnlal,Q m -,flint on air InMld- 1hrV fortn•eYlel leu theft way.
MY Y-mMry' IMrk, lanmruad hm'-r ,uul a aenM 1)r b. lime nese tet .1t)) 1)r Mn). errs. tdl N. g-.nnu IN I:rt6, INist, in flit- Punnly of \VPxfm'd, T6P.St. Thunuae 1►,tily Tilors lute it-- p{an w IN let tier puhlic librnry lectuty
0, and Accident Iremn Agent forlaMt" land.amdun•hard. I'rire�•t.:.u, roetW.."A ,rad 1.'.•.1.-41 be the nn)•e or Ili,• Annual Meeting Musical Society. hwluNl. N6e W1104 nine• yl -:LIN of ,rgr 1411441 n InonMIRPr Indumtrinl \miller t•ustm and hear blue.
nlhtoal .east -tr"'k „nu {Pais in-" w mall •1 ser -I 11"rtcr,m•n• iM.• hrnr li. T. I:. +tulles. vo1I •sur of Iaxr•+, lied -hall wear it fail A= ,up bled that it x credit alike ter the ithlixhr•
I T)lt. atfrulnl IUPrting of Ibr Uoely- »9u•n \Yxlerluu WnNa fought :Mier
lifer" e1Fx�IrA leu 101 wird w[ loweML rwlo-. Ii-mlory' faun. huu-r. U n"mw, -il nAlrYl nn Idt.rl b�� the vollecLOL i fY• N(rrB•N.-- \\'ith flit- ptlrchasin Of
Mp #- 1 r I.
('xIl *t Dare, rnn'er WadM.aeMandS1111xftt, Pyelon dead, near l'olleghdc- lumtltnhp, Thr n• nor-urh n.lxgi-InollAu i-a'r, door (or 1•irh \Iunienl Nlw•i4.ty will h I l n x tY•itr•hwl wntnrity IN•fton• tier 1{raf null to the citta of NL. Thoma". IL :N. \V. Howell's etirr•k ( r arse u
or addtl•m. J. K'. (RAIWIC, Usider40h, lint. 61•.744 eneh dug "IIII IM's d,Illar' fol' em -h Wall., and MOtlax)• eveling,.11"t illhl., ill the 141WIl Ati•illa IIN'llllloti Vl• WN" built : nhP hIM It•P.. al 1•lelllprf•1L VI"IVw review ter the Ing A new met def (Nook tea{ pen,
ele a •tl Ilii- m ems ri " i -ler , RR
e 1)d all sic-
r '1101• I•ro.nmwl frame hml,e And :tut-, .I nK1e,Iv, 1 'Y• til if I d hex IINm h doK , r
hall. rlennnrnl3vi}� 1)t 9 tirlw k, - 'I'►u' Ifrr•:1 under tl:r M..v#-r(-ign.r u/ I:n•a. Irruling f4,ftivitler of til'I city' and im cuunftl ort the ole] Net of txwks w
do fur 1 hr r- !let h1e
d feel, tl,l+r4 Two IMork Int-. lilt e,m h. K, ) ❑' I!arL K 1{ru:un. \\ lien fhme yrnr" total Mrs. /all il1[1Ntratel ell In virwm awl por- Mettle) by .Ione ext. All n
Mcull. P blt?TUA1, F}RF IN- Iw/l nlmlfrnuw Mondry, 9ipxrl fronLtir,•un F'e-I Bl+um•of tier .!Nies of lbi•tnwn rnn,Inblr+ a1.11:aI bIWln1•""o(thl•;allllitl til+4•f 111 )•
M I Y- y 1 W, tore -f ill• re eivin ter re Nlt-l4, ,lull th1• Itllbel'tA4111 itht•ll llo•ntf•t' (.144.11 eremiNNl t17lItN. Ut mettlltd
dL'R N('K (•f1, -Farm and imnlnted-Inw[,nenrS,tann•,al!ro, tornhm•athin It law b' nYr-ucution+ - g 1 1 1)y that time will 11P hwnd
11 the "dlei• liv Ph•Ptiun ttif ofltrrr" fur flet- hrxl Vear - Ihr ocean witls )lite' Naent" to (Jan- 1V, (.rilhrun, cif ('finto who n• me- w a sol -
town pr'opert Inured. Value of Into!" tI in. 1/ -roomer! fr'AnNe dun• nn. Jwcllinx, In,7M,Ix(rb•, 1 Ki,trntc.
11In M, o. JI)11NSFUN, Tawn (' I ►►, ichor for rolleelfon. V. C. I,Re.
hoed! ley Lo , IM »ren 6;kua-,Inns U ccr. -is"al nnklKin nrrnuP. InlYomefronl bumf ti'rk. {
Rt, 1)r.-,., 6Rn nnnu.lh•, Ilpl"lnun4y kna•ks - --- 0.111 Ile tritn.,u•ti•d, L()grlhe• 011.1 i►n)' !lel+t. • Whru thirts•Pn yP,trN MY mgr ArhIM Ihl• Ifl•rlin IN•t•t'lugar fartut•y in - T
nand dlR4,torN: It. Mclean. {iter.: T. FrMmer. -�- AN 1. r•Tlr-1),\Tit 1,.\N'Y MOIMYH
vtoe-Qrem.: Jnm. 1 nedq, u. Indo, Mr. Chem- bra oma• 1)t ynurdoa. OTI('h:. A H h.FTI N(i 01'' TIiF - othrt uulfti•ra tont mloy 'll- 1•mug11l Mier won! Imo k Lu Inwblrnl, hilt. 14!- 111114 IiIsU'i(-1, rY4•#-{v4.d A 1/•lti`f fmm Lh'' NBA '
ney. J. Walt., J.m. •Aar., J. U. Grec)r, J. Senate- II-r.lory frame dwelling, mihmn Pd on Kra,. ` 1.11.Y•„i.,of I M•$,,wn of lbJerich will it-• forivaill ire the iuterrxt.+ nit flm So- fln•ited t0('dna-Lt lilt' Mune year, (area- wxniager lrlst wf4•k Atntifi th,e the 1)I B'HH•-U•I enningtun her fou of
wel., directmN : T. F Hn 9eafurth,Sr:reulr). .Ito.. of ht room!+, near Hlgh Sa•ien. held In tier nearm alNolo Ill.• Stmidanl I'minco.'. Y ins{ t41 le:lizalm•thtuwn, Ontario. At cimipan had contr cttd fur over ir,(aMl P;tll»NII - fnrit rho wannf turrf7 at
• rift ler O/ Uu' lira n laand, which im ftC
true"q rer • in.pecton-. maltreat dinrtor to los.. a,eY to almost..\ per ."l1) omen. eonler North w,neet "»d the •.wt+1��Ban•. un 1 lylllnllth, Ohio. sal "lite ^[" Lawn
J. IY, 1too, HolmC.%tuc. (gent for wo.l CARRY. t' ,e IL FIAMhINK. F'ri(iay h venins. !Nay 'Lille, under tier m,tuagrntent ler tilt. Nllriety. eight#-#-,, ve ar•m of ago. rhe wart marries ac1Y•s till" Menson and haul ni)pliaation" Mower Urinder which ani
Haroe Policy -holden n y Ia-+r+mit tit- Bank of olein rtY 1 Ig AI "o'cla k, for the p"rl".c of rhaemlnle .for- The rrsPuiller•.Y of the preftent exe•cutivo l0 1•,1wnni itolber•tmo;r fill() they lived fur it goosed many Inose, Inst hiul to p lase t° lie
and get thole nerd- tP.�ar Mr. ('slim, Ates to attend the annual incetfna or the Wnldd IlkP to Meat !t Iflt'Ke Attutidance of for forty )•einem set Fliyavilm•thlow'n, then tefume torn•. n INNIn to lhsrme• who require to have
Cilntop or wt Mclean B .' Romance (tithing Ij0(JNF AND'LOT I'40R 9ALhL--A E5't4t Nunre LIM•rnI Ammoldnuon. PitizPltm,lL Lh1Y IiPPIinK and is lively Iwmnvin to UtNlrrich. Mr. Hntlert- their Inowern Mhi►r{rened. The utower
Stole (loderlch' Il armed frnme .Inmy and a half dwelling, W, H. ItpHKItTSoN, N', 1,. HnHT1IV A suggestion lea. linters gamic that i" placed in the machlneand i" not re-
. ---__ qY -r of an ..I -r,• ler 1 ems •!nth•. K,..I we 1. W .h Ma•relary. ahnintl n. Interest inxnife"ted in the aff:tirm n( iron elle shout fifteen yelo•m "go• a little morn care on the part of town 111-cil until it iM thomu hl • ,and even.
�6��..�� Wa.wl•"-em'rM. I1• rrh,•n mnr u9,e. .tprly to -- - Ilio Inuut. F:seer}• cttiren Is wPlrunle ii/•MialPM right Phildr'Pn NnrvivinK..LhP K 3
1t�w.�e.� �� g / III•: ANNI'A1, i\II:F:TINIi UF' TIIF to n,len41 land lb hnvr kin len Ir•L "uh'r/•t. of Ilii, -brief mk#-trh 1x9 turf.}•• e4uplo)•ees in HIIinK in drains would ly Krouid, flys work being done
Unar " MILS..\LKSANU :It MrHAK, Klntnil, ifr•lr 3 ) pre%ent, tilt, insightly mouhda tient ao ultol•r P5•rnl)• than h
1ve,t Hurni Idlx•rnl A.I.It 111c i wu1 Me " R 3 K toften remmin for match A title#- when• ileth(Nt of filln aid r
ALTER M �1{LLY, + N FX('ki,1.hN'1' I' A f{ \i I• U R hPl.l 1)l rho Henan nit"rn1 HAII e, Ihr ) wile of thele Im• is fxkt Writout. KeulPrnffer tw(, l,ran(Ichildmn : twrut ft- r neat- K Y the old
W U091CRiCH, ONT. A SALK.--*wiM•mmin Wmi Wnwnmomh,two Ihmg,mrmnonTocmdaY,thrnfthdnyofMny.set the dale next Monday evening. gritXhildren find twit Krent-great. Water NerviveR, etc., have beten put In, enter), !!sate, Thin newtalinv with
edlvm that Anhnrn: +MI %cl"y lase,!, shout 1641 Lew, P let.. at which the ellr•tlon o(11ftice-n- (or grandchildren. Fole amen- allow tint. nventiOn
Watohmake►, Jewellsri�iwl l►q k.ontracts Let F I m akin I lie N of un rlPnsant fair traitor, will HII a Illi felt aired, at- it
• 4emer pf Marrlagv (Arenmoa, M•n•- tender rldtir"Nr"+ RINI :r, to M wemm lex e•nwnlutt �rxr ,ell) Ueke p1M•r uul for nex freight fee exi ectilll, \it-", Rrr N•)'t- K p i R
Ihnlx'r. A well Aad Iwo ,�whm(•, IN wailer, w nd•r.+IrY bo+ 1)r,+ will In• tnan+;9.1.41. F:u•h Citntraetm for Mir Itrick !IIIA 111:1%)11[' ' •art \Vf•II su unsightly in aplx•aranre. it- PN Ntldl' Ili rindiu .all the IAwn
Dlew frN11M rI N'CtllOr, . g�mN Marn, .:InbIP rued Ix1I1fnK maMllvbhm M rnLfaldl In mend IhRv 3 moil s h*.Aitl1 hilt- IN'rn /1't-hlP, Inst ah/r I fi K
Y.ANR, 1813UER Oar MAI( L work ileal fair tied- e:ai winter work in The puhlic are PArnestly iivitel ti uulwer14 in Um rri(-h without undue
drl%inR .11dl. Apply'tovio NU t RB►BKltr. deleetr:desam%thlrealtrnmtem. .it(till a!(cnd- 1 tetilinm her IIIPIItia fN1:111tIPR in fere•
• AGglkrwlsrl,Goderkb. (►1)G Sf►N tiltdorkh w»rci+ n•,tmslnl. c..sat#-rliun w'itle Nie• hew 1Atptisl. 11utrkable drgrcP fur our of het mgr, alarr,d n vf•ry special merting, w•hh:h dela)•. Mr. Ilenningtorl. who ham heal
_ IV.1•Itol'IIF(sibl., ('HAS.G:IRROII'• ch!n4•h hnvr• lieen let, flit-forii r ale will 1»• hPld in t.ha• Nalvation Army Mtveral )'Pani exprienve tlharpening
blletlOneer111� OIJNU k RU$FRTNON, RItAi, lotrrdllPat. Sernt(*Y' 1'.:\. Ib•id A 1'1), an1Ct6P IaLtid-r In Ihp To Bs Open September tst. Imrnu ks on Hag 11th, wt K 11. hl. The- Inwn nwwerll, httx it inatatlled at hi"
-�------__-_ --__ __r_ 1Gdato and Innrwnce .(cents, Ileal r.. ' Gemleri,-h I'laning MiIIN Vat-. The Work was ..tnrteil on Mofranv in CHIAlm b"AaA Mand will lN- in nitend. tw.+idence un Wil(ialn street, and by
THOMAN OITN1)RY, I,iVF, 11TUUK lee "'malcor to let. lImpertie,, handled In For-Ea:e Im[Idin \VI{I IIN VP,t /m111.N / o/ :,(r fret clearin nut the m11nd fur tier. 191x•• +►nce and almsl (,#tilt. Mettle•, the• Iran dropping as )stcard in the ponflofflcP
Any it of the town and county rare and _ K K' R K {'I
and general aectlonmr, low removed from Isfe n rase, money to loan. ctr. el a dl- h offs) fe t. It will be- of rvrl talent for.the flow don• to IN• ececteil fmm IA•IGa"t, Ilelwnsl. There will le• Punttnnrrs wynla will receicr. o,rtn t
flnmiltne Servet to sic.' ntiee.0n South Secret, NANO 1�OR HALE. -A (1001) x " INndid x•1'vire of :More { P
Irick, t ie tritest ()f Jlilton ptt-ssel fear Hnrlgetim Hairs. The Natrrtw will I K. e•naitl#-d, xttrhtican wathcaut rxtrw chw r. Mow -
where h. will Ira• round 1)t fell LImC+ when not OR ALF.-- FUCR TO\VN iaOTFI-O1e011el-h �:.d td"nn Mr mnM, In Mr.a-a•I"mm ht•irk• The• ,ludiurt•iluu iM dPnl feed to hxce a frnutx d- of sat fl. It in. nfrd the 1 R
L� ••G•ah of the Lumhet l'am 1." e•1) round mild clelaned for We Any
^ryluq awlCa. Trrola ronwmmoble Atm! Crery e6 r .tondoinn. m,lnnm make. era,[ AWt wM•n mew'. KK K re rt- tar iir41 will wla0 ile dtyp! at
oft, xMeaf to rive yon natlmfactlon 'shone 311. nn fear M Priori. Sloth of Mm Wse, 141 alb- It will be nM•nd reny cheap. A- I have no 1).e melt t.hrPe hhndlY4f termcon 4 The IN\se- rear trtiun Is•hind Pri n itiml, Ila s From flit- ruran re•n" lelie•N 1)l %fr. 1
ams'+ I/rolOOT �, Apply to lis N'. THUa�tNlit fM It. J. R, t' r'.li IiNK. f {'I Y Y p
Gl FoltciF HF(tKL"1'T, UFNFRA 1,►N tf _ �_ - - nlrnt will ie' n light, airy rrxrrn of IH x B1air'r I, Kal ofllr,N" w ill have w Nterla's (Ie hire, wt- copy the f()HoW- A aunt!! rhary(e.
Nutt1»neecr, tart Hamilton street. Usderich. IARM FOR :\LF--FIF'Cti' AURFR, feet height. The contra-ta for that width Of " ft. The depth will le• IN) inR freer11 Till• Alvinmtain Fier IlleMa :
1'. O, box ern. 5i +are. will rrrdl•e mpe,eltl _ wIkrn�At heiating (hot air)• Ple•tric lighting, ft. Ilien• will ►N• n lanafement, 7 ft. "The lecturr Was instructive And AUCTION SALES.
Atrrntlon, I win bmY y3ronr mule. mta•k of M•Ingnnrth h r»(them.[ 1,ar-1)f Ire No. - _--_ - _ __ met.allir ceilinq, rtc.. have nut. yet 11 in. high, tier gnoind flrlor will lee It through it all there. was a flow of wit
hmr.ehold art+ /1)r rMFI nand a'lll .dl oa onswee. on (, Mil Id: two vdlr we+t of
r y I 'ARN{S(.. :\N\ ONF�FO I' N ll !leen IPL. TI» r"tinlxfet 1lest of til#- ft. hi h turd tied- upix r story \will ha• 11 that kNPt the xudit.ncr la tier hlrat of `ITVul,%v, May Yin. Aw'il,ni .,tiv of 1'x1.
•tory, (urnit urn, nlAtjmmmom, mprinaa, etc.. ngwnnnn. 11,nmd halhting.: two Arm+ term w g y nahle, W n t"4T^My a."I hon•rhold fnneirnn•.
rhrap, (all an_l +I4e what wt- c.n de for yar in orchard: well a ml Ine,l: +fell cin • Iowa"'. INam-' K.,r rnrr) fn the Aon+ on Nn IwtildiiK im ll:r,:eNl, ThP Pnrnrr Mtune ft. Thr ►Na Resent will IM Ught141 by hfrtlhlr. Hcar Jl r. FtG11Nr on the nnr•Lly mew, altuNteed ural !b,• for
y rail, rl
thi- line. tikoim . ,4 K('KIt TT. ('arloaltY For reartioaMrc a Y uttARUlt )1.5 HItIS, iNart Ai rnr prnp•%t l• N•III IM nrl4tatvd .1)d ppraw• !tying will take pllee next ThfrrR161))', fllx(er primates in the pravenent, while evening of fisc 11th inat., w'hon he Work-, 91x- bill 1.111., fa:... Iii, I�n', r,,,.
vted. iSigmdt F. ('. and K. l'. ATTRILI, .Met%,:.lth, and t im hoped to lN• n•mty tilt- h•41ttt lef till• main 11."01' :tied upprr les•lfltes tear the Ih,lt belle in (irmlerich. 'I*Meer. _
Shop, G•.1Crloh, Uodnrh+h. (hIG .� r
- -- ------ --- ------- --'--- --- r fur the dedivntory PIPI'Vicl•s PArly he ,till•y Will be cif plate ghtam with heavier lender the auNplcem of the Ra tint --
i1\4'(► HI'(i011.., IINF 11'7Tklt P BORN.
l AVU A u/nllr LIu P M,\IN)N, tervnt.l • the• ,irtnnln. j)rfsms aINOve to rarry the light twit. church.
ImrehaSd frau M. N', Dwell fur user rhCAp, Phe front la,rtlnn cat the Ietselneht will - --- UI,I'Hl.Fat. It nerlln, nn Tnrmdny, Mnc ath,
T �e ((H Death of Mrs. Thor. Graham. CAS A MONEY SAVER. the wife Irl lie, A. D. Ill.+chimr, of,,,,.
�n t t g, �0� 1, i� (,� � (� 1 App171)1(-HAN. ('. hKICi Mniwalo ,Rate. tf IM l,,,,., ll Lil hPaa' V "f /Mkt-, mllPh art lin•
1 t-1 j.Jt Ef 1 F ` 1.•aMt !iunday rvrnin occurnrl the BKI,h. .al };drrN)nrom, A11rrtN, »n l��,ru Lith,
K nlrinn+, ()ilrlollea, Plr., Lhe ane{h IL NI" Ibc ,a'itr 11f .l. ►1, IM'll Ifornu•rly- NIM. local.
Rd�eota w 1laeooRaLn, Plea 1% M. STEW ART. AMI. MAR:
YOUR IDLE MONEY ran eatYl inte,t f►nd yet lee at-
much 1)t ymir c,111 as [fin pprate• lism•ket
or ergine father' fraw-cure plater. Vote can have the principell any
diy with intereat %1)r the Actual time it wits un deltw sit.
GodPrich Branch. - - Jolliwn Block.
.1. D. O'CONNE1•L, - - m MA%AUXIL
. To Bent
IIPAth, arty suddenly, ole MI-". Tills.
(Irnham at her le"idence, Tarek strret.
to xi-nerAl mtam'ks,,nil the lop story GI
cA,.lwlm, rlIrtninN, dn•"antaklrl
The Gentleman with Ready Money Cue
Save it Many Ways.
MM•wwr/•to,".mn. If
. .._ _ _..----_---- ...._ :-
here. lthtgewllnd
Vh1e waw lest in to li ht w bun r,
1 RO R R 1
when mile frit Illicit deal Sh t title]
depnrtrm•nt, Pit•, IMP Istek portions of
,,flit I"tarrllerlt IN• dd-Vaite)
11on• than oil- hw"iness Glllacy w•A"
AMITll McLKoh, on Mm"I"ye%pAIng,May
mill,• And at Park
arlu. Fur term+, ntn,�prely to THOMAS
JIIhLIAN,mtlMFarnr n"0. fRt4
1"4'll met•ican"ly its this spring And fair
t1I1t1' hl/l laYn
will to rt-•
crtivinK and n NgltnK K+mNls, lint nastier
$'hilrn frf hR ,u•rrptAlive when the
Nemi•n•+uly tsilcarin )roc/41 flint the
3l the rrddener of Alexander Mrt)on.
.Id, olimm-erter terrace, bI' IGet. JA.. A.
Amler+nn, H. A., Frank Wi
- -- --
NOtnr Lnnlfdt-li w'lah
her heart, Inst larval wplxarently quite
fllt'nAca-toll feel•nsionim. The tllmlrm
t•Pndydnr•httinif evil ah advance, till
Ilalo smith to
Inner, damrhler of lialllel Meleld.Allat
COIllt Ot Pe�ision
reartnere,l frnm her illne"n The
inn -ral took line#- on 1Vedr {w
will ile hilrlwnret And the
hNnwvnrnt and gnrnnfl fl.mnYl will IIP
the old c11slont-lailor inetMxl of sell•
Ing fmm tier cloth. The ra"h idrA
elefI, h.
,1'1101 1, MAsoN,-on IVntrlemdoe , MAYINh,
_ _:_.- _` _ _
-- •L
1 >f1Ae Y
/•Mdl'1{ tril111h1•tNllil' nN,flnK. .ler!Nair.,
was IIIIP /ain't 111, flMl, Y1111 Pali Ilny
"t the honor M the nrMe'. .{rater, Mn,•
101.HORNis, TOWNMHi P.
aRernlxm t.. Mnitlxnd rem#-te y, Itrv.
U, N. Hazen runflticting the x•l•vicem,
Ifnilgens lima, hula• to Ix• in their
new• by the lat of NPpterrllser
''Ifni•ready "nitA isle EIStMt r41un1 to
Ih"'rannun. AY ILC\', 1'. M,
Itl'n,rrrnnt, tAtw•. , ". h 1)r N'trt NM
walla h, to ML.•• \t„rgir
Ake notlre that the Court of f(evfAnn for
send tilt all-ilratern bring W- R.
nPxh Thr•
Pr allifs,tt Ill'AM) Irrrntwe Ot
!ht- town+hip »f 1 olMs•nC wilt hoM its Armt all-
the t w1
MaM^e.will h ld it, firs! Pit-
ROIx•rtM.rn; (inn. Acheson, J. H. Col•
new IOrentiM•s will KIv.
them aesen donit r the fla ill o;
()that" reasons. halt the cavats Na stent
hrlir •!time T1tP Krt win
� , DIED.
Uti -InUowl-if,
eq'hAri y)
elalr At to n'rMrk w. III., tett filo wuilxtM, Id hear
iinrne, F. 1Mtvnin R. .i. (. iM11hw'wltse,
arN1 Rnlx•rt ticl,enn. ars. Urahmm
their prN14en1 qunrterm,
ter on
WP"r- x fir-n()•trnrlY rant Or orercrltt.
, fThomo'.MAyL7t .
J""''• nrlo'Pd war,• 1)r TnrnnA. unlearn,
fug and rertlfytng all .,"mpl"fnt- Again -t. or
,,,, Il' the as+en-sent all of the pre.vnt
' a
wam it native of Ireland, lapin Ixrrn
a• J. L. Turnbull Loeatts al Listorrat,
{ mlld'ewmh for it. He gathered Pons. of
f lire IY)ul)rma of *,ifemoon. for he n•-
"vert m ylsrre-.
Mi NTIPSH. lin Wr.l WAN.nn.h, on Mov:dh,
)r"1) All ptrtle- Interests" ro
nwu FtPlGasl in ISd'. •tit,i her maiden
Ur. J. 1.. Turnbull, who solid his
Ilninf 1I N) himself him
f% .Nolnto,h. �arrd J~ vrAr-.
F'. w..1 B(1\,IoH.
' (!elk
naot-• wean i a n d- Kit khat. ick. Ilrr
IllUtlp'P died WIN•n mh1• was nine! yrtwrs
practice In UINIftrleb a Ahly t Blur AW)
with lite intrnfiOn'rt tun WPat•
Rand cattle "Mew
iliell Klax) ulcand- .,
yl{L(,gH, In Detnli, nn MAY Rah. Mr.. Ttrrr,,
/Anm•rt rat town.
Y rap.
of the +Aft MnnN•1{.dlty,
togriew, Mny nth, IMM
olll, And with he fillher she t!:lnle to
ern filly MLA rhwn . Ill mind ntN1 ala•
� T1/#- NPo)1•n•Ady \1'AI,1rnhP Ger ilia
tli"irivt iN 1)r"'mideil stet' ►,y.%Irmte,
t "� Nr yeah'•
t I'1.1ah. Ar IIs1lsoath rot, Trwfilta Kay
this country in I"11, settling near here.
clded to towels n Uga- a Isttd has
I -Pan Brest., G1111erich. OnL
Ltlh. Heker,w alyrn. rPlri mr 1)w Mta
U ►tRflla, nags! air r oar,, H'
. , .• :,