The Signal, 1906-5-10, Page 7THE SIGNAL: GODERICH ONTARIO
at* * 4449 749 gig 949 oinint info givot sic +914 citv +91444 + + 71-isinit9 + 41/4, +9491iteetsilei4;
The News of the District. •
Togingsv, May tith.
Quite it number of fish have been
caught in the mouth of the creeks
i,iIitttItg Into the lake this spring,
John Farrleh said Robert Bogie being
aniong the most successful anglers,
Toistiver, May Sth.
Arbor day WAS duly observed by the
teacher and scholars of the school
here on Friday of last week.
Antrum McLeod, of Sanford, is help-
ing Mr. !Shields in putting in his crop
on his farm neer Sheppardton.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Shields enjoyed
a pleasant opting this week, driving
to Dungannon to seetheir friends, Mr.
and Mee. Win. Mather..
Mine host of the Mxchange has
fully recovered Irmo his late illness of
over seven weeks and has returned to
his usual duties it. landlord.
Wm. E. Taylor, o ne of Loyal'm
mighty men. was in our burg last
week, itsaisting Chas. McNeil in plant-
ing an, avenue of shade trees from his
road entnwee to his house.
Last week Mr. and Mrs. D. Lawson,
with their two daughters, Misses
Annie and Grare, and RCM Edward, re. -
turned from Goderich to reside itt
Lorneside, after it six months' absence
from our midst.
Mostnav. May 7th.
Cittoten Nerrna. —Services at the
'Evangelieal church were very ably
conducted by Robt. Youtig, of Gude-
rich. lout tionelay. Rey. A. D.
Gischler and family moved to their
new ammantizient at Zurich last
week. The nutuy good wishes of his
people *mown/1y thew to their
new tonne. Attie nigh the people
were sorry thitt he should leave, yet
he had to go where the conference
stationed hitn. We are glad to nay
that be left both congregations in
good standing. rind the people would
have been much pleased to have him
stay another year, had the conference
decided that way. Mr. Gischler im it
man who always ham the welfare of hie
people at heart. anti he leaves a large
circle of friend'4. Rev. Mr. Domini,
who takes charge of tine appointment.
will he here the latter part of June
and ths appointinente will be supplied
until that time Next Sunday
evening the Rev. Mr. Wtqiner, P. E.,
of Berlin, will conduct the service.
All ere invited to attend quarterly
service st the Mullett appointment
next Sabbath tnorning.
Tricato Ilay Pith.
Wait. Turner, of Lis on, is visiting
at home. .
J. Ireland, .of pfinton. Inas been in
town for a few d)sp.4 doing bueinems.
mwtt's oho M a tem -
The Stet-yand use it AL*4r* hes leased J. W
Ti .
!weary offi
Hamel Brownlee, of Forest Ileum,
spent Saturday and iiiinday with his
sister, Mrs. Little.
Mime Alice Golpin itt learning the
art of dreremaking with our popular
dreeduaker. Mises P. Nett,
Chief McMurray is busy these days
watching the fishing operations. It is
not well to catch fish mot of steemon.
G. NV. Holman, of Egniontiville,
formerly public school teacher here,
and his son. William, were in town on
Rev. Jno. Ileiry, of Seafert h.
preached a nsitutionouy sermon on Sun-
day bust in Trinity ehtitcla in aid of
the M. te C. C.
The football mach sehedoiled for
Friday, the Iltli. is postponed and will
likely be played in Wingham nit
the 24th. The first home game will
be with Brussels on May' Beth on the
exhibition park here.
At home every day ezeept Thursday, New
tenuity for extracting teeth (Sontitaformi,
bettor than gaa. Crown and bridge work, it,,
Aluminum plates (non hre.(kahlei.
N. IL You ran always ha, your work much
better done In the dental °Mee -More time,
better facilities for doing (lie wort., more em0.
fortable for the patient.
flee 0114.10rczn.r. :thev14elyanAriet; acietkewt
ain receive orders tot:subscript . (Wraith,
Mg and fob work, and la authorised CO (IVO YR.
Mild. for ailments paid for the same.
Testsosv, May Sill,
Mr. Blake visited his h • in Clin-
ton over Monday.
C. A. 'related t preached at Nile last
Sunday lllll ruing.
Dr. Case is fixing up his lawn and it
is quite an improvement.
Mtn. A. "look. of Nohow°. io. •isiting
her sinter, 81ies..1. M. Roberts.
Mr. end Mrs. McClure. of Gimierich,
spent Friday with their friends. .
Mime McIlwain and Miss McDermott
spent Hundsy with frietulti At Nile.
Miss Lillie !Sanderson, of Cerlow, itt
it visitor at her brother's this work.
Dame Rumor enye we are tit have
two weddings in our village. very WM11.
Mini Clans Augustine, of Gotlet•ich,
in visiting her sister, Mrs. Ales, Petit -
Mrs. fleseltser, of Len:know. ix visit-
ing her daughter. MeNevin, this
J. G. 'Ward "is not recovering as
quickly as his many friende would like
t.0 Nee.
Mr. ()liver has part of his new hotew
finished and they ed into it on
Mr. J. M. Roberts its improving his
property by putting a new wire fence
from his lawn to the Orange I lall.
Miss Georgie /Sproul has returned
from London for it ehort time owing
to ill -health. We hope to hear of her
recovery soon.
Mrs. A. MeWhinney and daughter
have returned from Kintall. where
they were eoetoling it fo.w we'lts with
Mre. McWhinney'. daughter, Mrs.
TWICI.I711 (IF -
Ihingannon L. 0. L., No82*, hiss
hewn making preparai ions for the
holding id e celebration }wee on the
retning Twelfth of Jolly. The com-
mitt ee nptiti n Led toy the lodge reports
everything favorable so far and it is
expected that a goodly number of
lodges will he preeent. Good nolmil•
will he provided and gond speakers
will be in attendance, and nothing
will he spared to make this a nitwit
enjoyable day for thorms who visit
istngannon on this occoution.
If n man is made of rhea, I wonder
how cleat ever beemtne oynonym for
money. —New York Times,
Our miller. Mr. Squire, got it ear
load of hinnitoba wheat butt week.
There are 110 fewer than nine heeyy
entire homes coming intto the village ot
within a few miles of it this oteation.
The Londesborie creamery im being
put in good running otder this week
and the cream drawers will start out
for the eteuton's work on Monday next,
the Ilth inst.
Mrio. It. Cole. of London, is here at
present anti im hewing the crop put in
on her farm one and 414 quarter miles
west of the village. Having no barn
make% It incouveuient. She is in
hopes of renting the farm wheu the
crop Is put in.
May Sth.
, Harvey McDowell leaves this week
for Cobalt.
Rev. J. L. Small. of Auburn, is ex-
pected to give an address( at Donny-
brook on Tuesday evening, May latio.
J. H. McClinton has been in Mani -
totes the past week on busitiess, but is
expected h in it few days with it
carload of cattle.
Jobe DoW left on Saturday for
ftespeler, where she intends visiting
her smugfor it few weeks, after
which she intembt joining' her bus -
bund itt Coludt, where be has Ireen for
some tiuse.
Rev. Mr. Nett, of Goderich. assisted
Rev: Mr', Finns with the quarterly ner-
vier,' on 'Sabbath. This being the last
opserterly se-rvice of the yeat nod Me.
Fall's intending to leave for Regioa at
the end of June, the (official beard
tendered an invitation to the Rey. Mr.
Jonas, of Itelgrave.
Tuefrioxy, May 8th.
HANntiotte. Nita' BARN. - The ce-
ment foundation for Maiewl Motoring'm
new barn itt 110%e completed and the
framers will be at work to rinse the
staiwrstructiure in a few days. Sit-
uated as it will be on the rise id the
hill on the property Mr. Mohring has
lottely purchased hem' the Canada
Company, a portion of the old Ite-
PWYVe property, it will be quite an ad-
dition to the many buildings that dot
the lindscape of the picturesque vil-
Md..% liTY.el BRICK AND TII.F.
Vaunts.' -The /*mason's operottions Sit
the Beniiiiller brick and tile works hotve
commenced in good earnest and the
proprietor le rushing the work SO
1144 to have his kilns reside en. burning
in /dello two weeks. The imprece
dented denaittel.for those handsome red
briekm which ill* hP l 1 lll els ill evidence
its (1(mierich. end in fact almostevery-
where, hal, itubieed the proprieto or to
inereouse Ins eutff of workout -to to meet
the dernotiod (of the large number of
Dialers now on Ilk books. The pro.'
motets of the sleben* for obtaining
e!ectric power from the proposed dam
on the Maitland will no doubt be
pleesed to know that Mr. McLarty
will become a good climb eller, as be
good deal oof power on the
premises and iso +melons to see the
power oicheme go through.
• TIIK (aloes. - Seediug is well over
and the youing plants ale now showing
over the freehly tiorned noil A
larger area than that of ether years
has been sown with field peas, for our
fermi claion that there is no grain
that &moven; better for dock -raking,
and se the inuch dreaded pea weevil
has apparently disappeared they are
trying that 4i -op again. Theta. isnot
a very large ales planted with fall
wheat around here and the few nettle
preeent a somewhat petA•hy appear-
ance, caused no doubtby the severe
frosts during the balms part of the
pato month. Nothing can be staid as
yet about the fruit evils. for tht•
54)0 is very backward, and there is no
blo lllll out yet. but. if the prospects
testy he judged by the enormous show
for Mode on the trees of all voirieties,
this season prminees to •be itt rector('
year for our otehardistn. should the
period of bloom be favorable to the
development of the fruit.
Beeistusre Nottsr.ntes.—The spring
eeneoon'n delivery ef stock from tht•
John Stewart Estate nurseries is now
ovt.r and die proprietors report it
provers -onto Hellion. The nuniber of
orders to be filled this year was far in
excess of any Rea444411 since the nurseries
were started, which goes to prove that
the many customers ere satisfied that
the 1 • grown trete., shrubs and
evergreen's are better adapted to their
wents than the trees imperted (Mtn itt
distanee. Of lett( tilf• HMI 11/04 merited
met Lb/lough their Nile -omen into the
sinotht•rio township.; of Hay. Stanley
atel vicinity, end the large delivery in
the villages of Zurich and Hensel' last
week brought forth fir the eatistlea
el1141,0111P1/4 higlr praises of the superi-
ority of the ntock and the fresh con-
dition in which trees and shrubs were
delivered. In a week or two the firm
will be in the hill owing of their delivery
of flowers, t eta plants, hanging
baskets, etc., from) the ,glass houses.
That season of the vier induces matoy
to come here to 'select their betiding
plants, and a visit to this well -kept
mirotery im looked upon es one of the
mod pleasant outings of the year.
Tile Woota.xe Facrone.--Perhaps
thert• is no man better known in the
whole county than Jesse Gledhill,
the honest ohl woollen man of the
Benmiller woollen fotetory. From
smell beginnings some forty years
ago, he has, by tame attention to hum -
/lees end by studying the wants of his
clistotnere. established it troule which
in 0 r e pretentitlief
might. envy. When be tells you that
his manufactured goods are all of pure
wool you can rely upon it, for it is his
boast dont one tweind of shoddy hew
never entered hie mill During the
pant winter two new and. to the tin -
initiated, very complicated pieces of
hinery have been installed for the
finishing off of the ninny patterns of
cloth insole here, (anti Mr. Gledhill hoes
now a perfect mountain of toile. webet„.
or whatever else yeti may call them,
in reiulinees for his coisaniners when
they I. I.41 Sell their wool ditring
the ebeep-ehestring time. The Ben.
miller blanket/. are known ell over,
and many an ancient housewife will
t,ell you that the first blanket.; she
ever freight, after she was married
ever 80 many y care ago were
from Benntiller, and that they are
quite good yet Owing to the low
price that wool fuel been ruling at for
3, few years the farmers had alined
gone out of raising sheep. but of late
they have procured itt freah lot, of
Stetter tweeds, sinee the rim in (bit
price both of lambs and of wool has
made the raising of slte.ep ',tore profit -
table. and this year Mr. Gledhill expecte
to bp able to hs,reile itt lerge quantity
oi wool in exchange for his trianufec-
tures, or will buy for cash as usual.
TUMS1).1.1C, May
Miss McMillan was home from Let
bourn over Sunday.
Mr. Sehaeffer, of Wingliani, is her
visiting his relatives.
Mr. Schoenhalz recently puichiceet
a uew rubber -tired buggy.
The faruiers ito this vicinity hay
nearly finished their wetting.
Miss Edna Bennett spent last YI1.44
in MI.. lielento, the gued of her sistei
IMrs. J. I. auipbell.
Mrs. George Yellow is down fron
Sault Ste:Marie visitiug her Whet
in-law, W. T. Fellow.
Rev. Mr. Boyle, of Winghein.
preached a iniesionary sermon in the
English church here last Sunday
His Lordship the Bishop of Huron
will vita this pariah on Monday next,
the Itth Most. Confirmation will be
held in the English church, Dungan.
non, on Monday evening at 7:3U
Mosnaty, May 7th..
Miss Mary llu ghetto, of Port
Albert, its at meted visiting her sister.
Miss Leuetta Cunisinghaui, of 1411111S4
Most of the farniers in this vicinity
ff ished seeding. They 11114 *nx-
ious the fine wiuiu ditya tIitt start
e things growing.
A Paizn-wittalgn.--W. I.. Hackett,
k whis is taking a conorse in theology at
Wesleyan Cellege and a partial couree
in arta at McGill University, iitttpend.
ing it few drys with his parents.. We
areipleaused to note Gott lie has finished
his year with a very creditable stand-
ing, obtaining the nest year prize in
theology. We wieh hint contiuued
N AVMS: VS. AMT.— The debate of
lest Thursday evening in connection
with the League of Hackett'a churels
was very ably contetited on both sides,
The subject was, "Resolved, that the
works of nature are mote useful and
mote pleasing to the eye than the
works tof art." 'Noose on the affirma-
tive side were Miss leitha Alton (cap-
tain), Ernest Sherwood and Alm %Wil-
liam Irwin, and on the negative side
were Miss Cunningham MISR
May Reid and Mrs. W. J. Lane. The
negative won the decision, our pas-
tor, Rev. W. A. Smith, and Miss Lizzie
Blake and Cannon Stothers, both of
Mafeking, acting as judges
TuramaY, May 8tb.
Mrs. Thomption hat) treated her barn
to it new coat o f .shingiae. Joseph
Flynn did the work.
Mrs. Todd and Mrs. Allin, of St.
Helens, visited at the home of NViti.
McAllister lioa week.
Mr. and airs. McDcrnald. late of
Manitoba, spent last Sabbath at the
horne of the latter's eister.
Miss Betsy McAllister load a birth-
day party last Thursday. It took the
form of a quilting bee. Nothing like
a combination of pleasure end profit.
James Ferguson is busy making
preparation to raise his barn anti put
it stAttie foundation under i t. Mr.
Glen, of Dungannon, hits the e011-
traetvf building it. *
J.ast Saturday evening a gloom was
cast over our neighborhood when it
bac l • known that t h e atigel of
deeth had robbed Willi:tin McIntosh
of his partner in life. Deceased was a
daughter of the late Henry Boyle and
her life was.spent in this township.
A little over a year ego, with a pros-
peet of,a joyous future before her, she
became \ttit. helpmate of her now he -
ream' husband, who, a/iong with a
y4,1101(111 bad. 4Hily about a week old,
is left to MUM her departure. Her
remains tvte interne' in St. Augustine
Tr Nlay tit h.
John Mill has rented NV. Hill's term.
Robert II. Rutledge spent Sunday at
r. end Mrs. Sam Young spent !inn -
day at Saratoga.
R. J. Rutledge is now agent, for the
Frost wire fence.
W. Stephen Brown „vieited tit the
White House on Sunday.
Free' Moses is at pre/writ laid up. We
hope soon to hear of his recovery.,
:Seeding hi well *deemed and horses
of otll ages, tenni yearlings up, art. toeing
Mr. and Mrs. S. latutenslayt•r anti
tatonily visited airs. Windmill on Sim -
J. Washington and family visited
Mende sit the Woodlandti, Clinton,
Rev. J. W. Riibinson, of Diabiganson,
will conduct the set -vice at Eheneaer
on Sunday.
Navigation has not- opened op on tliet\
river 'Manhole', ow Captain C. Nfoore
has ed to
8. lAwlor, itt Nhotint Plo•ousant, has
improved the front of his farmtoy
putting up a wire fence.
The Dungannon creamery coin-
nienced too crollet•t last week and
reported a good supply of
Oscar Windmill met with a :onions
siceident while plowing Ind week,
which will fay him up for several
Mrs. J. Young end daughter. Olive,
are at prt•sent spending A week in
Goderieh, for the ...benefit of the
'1'1,xen.‘v, May Sit b.
A. E. Colitis, of the American Soo,
is visiting old friends and nequaint-
Mr. 'Wit:slam:in prestched in the
Piesbyterbin church • last Sabbath,
lies% Rutherford, of poutgantion.
anti Rev. J. L. Small exchanged pul-
pits lad Sabbath.
,It. and Mrs. Iaticfiaw. of Morris,
visited at the former home Ois the
latter boa Sithiath.
The bridge is the tasted resort to dis-
play the latent ideas its millinery
Ileeigne during tile quiet of the Sab-
bath aftei moons.
The Dobie property oh the 2nd con -
/session; lif East Witwannell wits sold
in the village last Saturday.
!haat. was the purchaser.
We are merry to hear that 11,Knox.
-eon of Mr. Knox, of this village, is
dill unable to come home, having to
oitiolergoo another operation.
The opted ion of the Ottawa salary
arab st lii le...pita vetailatioon. A
ttttttttt ent. a new ellen+ tI) 'Mild. Ow
ileVotpti IDA til of ladiee engaged
in miming means too decorate ohe build-
ing devoted to the worship of the
Deit y, agrictiltufal sowieties. and all
kindred Met Redline tlet•ce the reply -
'tenant lee. His only rt•scort ist a deepeo
mill on the public chest. The insti-
tutions get the pectiniery aid, the
'needier a surplus of goo(' workst.
Draw parisions soul the member
will compare favorably.
(From another sorreseenaenta
Ferrate, May tth.
Fred Jones has a fine colt,
Janne; Rome visited on the Bound-
ary lad week.
Tien Shield,. is away working with
0. Clark for the mummer.
Mrs. John Young lind son, Welter,
ere spending a few days in ettelerieh
with Coe former's+ sister, Mrs. II. A.
No Satisfaction in Eating.
Fend does pm nt gOINI. Y4111 ren't
digest emetequently yen 1111. Afraid to
eat; toilette im (Netted, mnuth waft
141.01114Ch JR bloated. Pretty noon
you'll he everetene by weakness and
er v is pet -learnt ion.
Best prescription for cone eondition
is Dr. Hamilton's l'illm of Mandrake
end flotternot. rot ilyspepeia and
indigestion it In si eibtful If a better
remedy will ever be devised. Them.
pills bring new strength and vitality
to the stomach and ingestive organ.'
they build up the genend health and
instill such vim and residing power In-
to the eyelets that sickness Is Ipor.
sibiss try Dr. tioruUtoo's
Resume of Procesdiegg at Brantford -
Dr. John Ross Moierator.
Brantford, May 3.—The meeting of
the Synod of Hamilton and London,
which closed its aessions yesterdity.
lets toren pronounced one of the best
in the history of that body. About
150 delegates were present, and the
whole proceedings were alive with in-
terest. The sermon of the retiring
moderator, Rev. "factor Currie, of
Thedferd. in the Sarnia Presbytery.
Wila eminently :scholarly and evangel-
Dr. John Ross, the new nexterator.
W1Lt4 for over twenty-six years minister
of Melville church, Brussels, and is now
pastor of the ((Moth at Port Dal-
housie. He is a gentleman of fine
presence and anade a dignified and
tactful moderator.
The lengthened devotional exercises
of the first day were very largely at-
tended . and most impressive. The
singing, with Rev. J. Thompson, of
Ayr, am organist, was inspiring to a
The augmentet ion report, presented
by Rev. A. Ifenderson, of London,
eonvener, was the most satistruotory in
the history of tie f I withito the
boonds, the contributions exceesling
last year's by $1,000, and the previous
year's by 51.401.
Rev. J. H. Edinison, of Cheltenham, I
gaveji line address its soupport (of the
fund. The prejudiee against it in
SOnle querters he declared to be un-
reasonable. Dr. Lyle, Dr. NIeCrae and
others spoke briefly on the splendid re -
dike, but ['ended mat that the rate of
giving Waif still very small on the part
of many of the members and oulherents
of the church.
Rev. J. W. Mactiounara, of Nelson,
presented the report on young people's
societies. Many of the societies have
suffered severely toy the reinoval of Ho
many young people to the West.
Some have ceased to exist for this
cause. Still a good year's work has
been accomplished, and there , is
reaeon for thankfulness' for the good
‘ The Sunday school report caused
the most lively discussion of the
se tone. It was presented by Reit.
E. 14. Horne, BD., of Watford, and
WON i very able document. Hill refer-
ence 10 bringing Sunday eebool teach-
ing intes closer harmony with modern
learning was taken by sonte to he too
advanced., and the recommendation
dealing with this part of the report
was struck out.
It was feltlhat Mr. Horne's splendid
report and t discussion on It will
have a good e ct in connection with
the Sunday schoen work of the synod.
The conference , on Tuesday after-
noon brought, behove the synod two
exceedingly able.papere, one on "The
Minimum Creed, by \Rev, R. Atkin-
son. of Chesley, *MI another on
"Evangelism and the Ministry," by
Rev. h. Dickie, the new minister of
Chalmers church, Woodwork, and
successor to thelete Dr. W. A. Mac-
i the
kay. Both papers were sch arly and
suiggestive. and were disci' tel hy
Rev. C. Fletcher, Kirkton,
Huron Presbytery. and Rey. .T. Crew -
ford, of Niagara Falls, and a htst7o• 1
number mm
of other ebers of hei
Rev. Dr. Mackay, of Toronto, gav
a stirring fUldeeMP on foreign work in
India and China.
The new general secretary of Sun.
day 'school work, Rev. J. C. Robert-
son, made it good impression On the
synod, His tuldrese %YRS earnedt and
An overture fmni the Perim Pretdry-
tery in respect to it change in the reg.
'Amiens of the whiniest' end orphana'
fund was inipported by Dr. McMullen,
and sent forwerd to the General Amt.'
Mr,)elleth'is overture to unite the
Women'r Hoene and Foreign Wad llll
Societies was stint on to the auisetubly,
without being adoptedThere Was A
general sentiment favorable to the
aim of the overture, Mit it war felt
that it would be very difficult to unite
three Mai organ iza t l , lla the Wont -
Fereign Society exalted hoe the
special purpose of helping, the women
dna children in foreign 'antis. It was
fenred that as there wait no dual work
in the I; field friction in regerd to
division sof hoodoo, etc., would be likely
to result.
Rev. Dr. Meerut.. of Weittinitistrr.
am the reprerentative of the General
Anienibly v committee 011 the aged
and lantern minieters' fund, preeented
the clothiss of that fund to libetil
The report on eltureli life and work
was given bv Rev. John Bailey, Of
Canditellie. The report was strongly
optimistic and showed progress in
every depotrtment of the chitrelo's
'lite synod commists of nine meaty -
tortes, and it Committee wes appointed
to seek to secure a hill ettterodance of
both ininietera and elders tit future
meetings. The next meeting is to be
held in the First Church. Chatham,
on the last Monday of April of next
year. the sessions to begin at 8 o'clock
in the evenitiv.
Some of the Synod's Strong Men:
In pets and ink sketches of Nome of
the leading turn of the Synod of Ham-
ilton end Ixondon 'a writer in The.
Brantford Expomitor oseys "Again
we find that the space is over -crowded
with such worthy inen as Patterson.
of Eutbro ; Grant. of St. Mare's,An-
derson, of Gocierich Perrie. of IVing-
loam MacBeth, of Paris, and others
shut out. We have kept at corner,
however, for the *lode o' pains' whome
lines have fallen unto them in pleas-
ant pieces; that is, have city pulpits.
Mr. Henry. of Hamilton, will ottways
hnve a crowd—he cool draw them.
Mr. Martin, of Stratford, will always
have one,, toe, and deserves it : he
does not need to draw them. Vhat a
useful purpose the toyned would serve
if it would listen to half-aalozen o'er -
mom this year from. say, McKinnon.
of Milverton : Whaley, of Brookoodiale ;
Lindsay, of Dresden : Nichol, of Car-
gill ; RoxIourgit, of Sinithville, and Mc-
Intosh, of Mitchell, anti eaeh Year a
new docket could published, until
ottich time as the eynod findm 'some-
thing to do.' Preaching its the right
hand of the noinistry, and every exer-
cise to increase its efficiency will toe
for the good of thr church. Do any-
thing that will give the firstsciams
country ministers ot chance."
Colborne's Assessme'nt,
According to the anemones returns
for Intri the total assessment of the
township of Colborne is $1,351.81n.
This amount is made up as follows :
Value of teal property, $1.005,8511;
vahrit af buildings, tiCt19.221; business
itssessment, $10,2-.41 ; taxable inc.
915.110. There sire :11.187 acres of land
in the townehip, of which 31.1173 are
cleared ; 1./457 are woodland, 71 are
oditeli and 1.182 are swamp land
There art• 4140 childreil betwt.en the
ages of :Lye and tiventyame ,years
3.M betw five And dotterel ; said 387
male persons.from tweuty-one to mix-
tv. The braid population is LINZ.
Number ef ilays statute labor, 1,1Cit.
The population returned last year
•was 1,683 ; sothat there has beets 4tt de -
emetic. of 714 in the year. The total
essessoinent best year was 011,:55O,K27...
sinttitAT. May 12th. male of a de.
nimble dwelling In the tovrn of Goderich, corner
of Nelson .treet and ('‘oribria road, lllll -
mewing at I o'clock :Marg. bus( 'AS Afel.gon,
proprietta. Tilos. s am neglect.,
ennlight soap is better than otter seam
bat is best when need in the thialigke way.
Bay Sunlight Soap and fallow dimities&
Boys' Clothing
cial values in
three-piece suite.
Newest Clothe
Wye' and youllia' two atilt
- Latest Designs
lus Firsishisgs
sw..11 new effects in
NV. G. and It. regatta
and neglige shit tos.
Must be seen to
be appreciated
SFr* Usderwear
in uttturatl Wool
n d Balbrisgsai.
Combination Suits
in Spring Underwear
Mnglish and American lkirbys, Fedoras and soft felt k Hoek
Gloves. Tisk Handkerchiefs, Collars, etc.
Everything for Men and goys
Art Tailors, Clothiers, Furnishers, Hatters, etc.
North side Court House Square, Goderich.
TREMENDOUS is the word to use
when speaking of our
Great Clearing
The store has been thronged with cus-
tomers and everyone went away better off
than they, came. They bought hardware
cheaper than they ever did before, and after
June Ist, 1906
they will never have such another opptr-
tunity to buy hardware at such RUINOUS
If you need any BUILDERS' HARD
WARE now is the time. We have lots of it
yet. Locks, Bolts, Hinges, Nails, Glass,
Putty,Barn-door Rollers and Track, Tar
Paper, Bnilding Paper, Ready Roofing,
Wood Fibre Plaster, White Rock Lime, etc.
F When -yo- oleo to • drug sterol
sod ask for Eloott's Emulsion
you know whet you want; the!
man knows you ought to have
It. Don't be surprised, though,
If you are offered something
*Ise. Wines, cordials, extracts, '
etc., of cod liver oll are Plenti-
ful but don't imagine you are
getting cod liver oil when you
take them. Every year for thirty
years we've been increasing I
the sales of Scott's Emulsion.
Why? Because It has always
been better than any substitute
for It.
Sand for free ammo*
Only 3 WHEEL-
Best Sii.00 13arrow
that you ever saw.
Away they go. at
Going to build a fence are you? This is a
golden opportunity for you. About 000 rods of
PAGE WIRE FENCE left. It won't last
long when fencing season commences. You can
buy it now at 23c per rod up. A tew tons of hest
Cleveland high carbon COIL SPRING WIRE
at $2.50 per 100 pounds.
SCOTT & SOWNE. Chemists
Toronto, Ont
0o. and OD. Alt drugOlate
Change in Business
WE beg to announce that the livery
business heretofore conducted by
Messrs. Miller & Walker, has
been purchased by us, and we respectfully
solicit a share of the public patronage. As
in the past, the livery will be kept at the
top notch of efficiency and our every effort
will be to have
Don't worry along with
that old Lawn Mower
when you can buy
made in Canada for $3.5o.
LAWN HOSE, 4 -ply,
best quality, 8c per loot.
Gaiden Rakes, Spades, Shovels, Hoes,
Poultry Netting, Machine Oil, Axle Grease,
Washing Machines, Churns, Bread Mixers,
Ice Cream Freezers, Fishing Tackle, Guns
and Ammunition, Razors, Strops, Hones,
White Lead, Oils, Varnishes, etc.
Ready --Mixed
are the het you can buy.
The price ts very low just now.
Men make fortunes by buying at the right
time. You can make money by- buying now.
Come in and be convinced.
No trouble to show goods. •Spot cash .only.
AU outstanding accounts must positively Is!
settled by June 1st, otherwise they will be handed
to solicitor for collection. Friends and acquaint-
ances will please accept this intimation.
Mr. E. P. Paulin, my successor,
possession June 1st.
• --- •9:...leitottana
Walker & Augustine
J. B. Hawkins
The Hardware Man