The Signal, 1906-5-10, Page 6IMMO ., 1 4 Ts, *, Way 10, 11106ti THE SiGNAL: GODERICH ONTARIO FROM TME STRICKEN CITY. ILetters from Former Residents of This Vicinity Describing the Scenes Following the Great San Francisco Earthquake. 1 _ The following graphiuf acecronl of the Sam Francisco disaster haus been written for The Signal by Miss Clam A. Tewsley, a former resident of Car - , which the seorehleg flames had OW' palwvl, leaving them unrecog- nizable. Gazing upon the ruins f that once. giillcont city you are •ht•riecl (rack low, now at Alameda, across the Bay I in your imagination to the times of front Saul Fraanciso; encieut history to amtiquiated and pic- a° story will ever be written that I tementew encs of ,utt lent Rorue, w tell the awfulness of the days fol- which One reaped her head in proud lowing the terrible- earthquake. No lsplendor, defiant of tiny power, until, uee pen of the newt powerful description 't14 b nndnfell, chal.olsave fu„ a few col - she the world ever'saw could ever piece owns and wallswhich lend to your on paper the impressions of any one of imaginative pi • beauty and. the hundreds of thousands who felt twaljty. the mighty :erudite. Na t en can eve: Hut this is n record the sutreringr of those whonot a Rome of hundreds of crumbed death buried 'theyears ago. It it a city of today builded rr were es to ext or ur in th faers, and within the y- ruine that rnconlpo._.I thaw to an in- icy ourft slant after 5:13 o'clock Wednesday •rix yeas" of her lifeti,,,.- harm e morning, April 18th, 19110. progress such as no other city SAO I''cool Slee r were aroused b • r u blin And thus Saranrisco, the met p- t•oaring and rocking ; the ground t - ohs of the Ouldrfi Starr, with her ing and falling like an ocean at ebb skyscaapuig piiwacles and towers, tide. Then cone the crash. C.'rarh has been brought on a level with her f crash resounded on all aides. uundntinns, and likewise the capital - after Screeches rent the air as terrified int with his millions has been brought humanity streamed out into the open to realize that he and his found»tion` in an Agony of despair. Affriehtacl twaiaa and the laborer—are but +aperishable y on an equal, horses dasheadlongtheir into t fesuin as oars made the aforetduie distinction, they raced away in their abject fear. Then came the lull. The moot terrible. was yet to come. Lir from Miss Jm W. Green. The first portion of that steel was just a build forerunner of what, was to IissJean W. Gown. daughter of Mr. follow. The pause in the action of and Mrs. Andrew Green. of t'ullsrne the earth's surface could tint have township, is at Oakland. California, been more than is fraction of a se L Then the street beds heaved in fright- there Owls engaged in the offices of the i• sMari-Owes. -Ian ht of the .Ixe .l sere. She earth rocked and tui fashion. The xr1. then tame the blow that wrecked has'Sent toher parents since the cart b - San Francisco from bey shore to quake some hoe' tine letter trim ocean beach and from the,Golden Gate which we have been allowed to make to the end of the peninsula. Then suddenly, as sharply and as abruptly some extracts. The first letter was *sit had begun, the end of the teem- written to.her mother on the 10th of Or came. April, the day following the great Ruin endeavored, it seemed, to out- do ruin. A world of structured work shock, and is in part as follows : found resting place on mother earth. "Have void heard of the awful Bent steel girders and huge blocks of calamity which befell us yesterday decorative stones made their sleeping No doubt yeti have if telegraphic con - place beside all this. 'wedelns are established between here From all directions issued inhah- and Toronto. I tried to televraph to itents of the horror-stricken city. you yesterday that i was uninjured Herds of huddled creatures, attired in and well, but the lines west• all out of next to nothing, otacupstd the Centre order. Later I found that the Postal of the streets, not knowing what lines had been repelled, but tin. think - would happen next or which way they ing the matter over again 1 deemed should turn for safety bast not te alarm you by a message in A number of slight tremors followed the hope that the awful news might the flrstsevenseriesofshocks. As each not teach you until lay letter with a came in turn fearful agony spread full explanation did. over the countenances of the afflicted "It seems mare than miraculous ones. Terror stamped its mark on that I am alive today to write you. every brow. At 5:13 we were awakened by the Then an unnatural light dimmed most violent and terrific earthquake the rising sun and the word went that has ever visited California - forth from every throat : From observations taken at •the "The city is ablaze. We will all be Chabot Observatory here in Oakland, burned. This must he the end of this it is said the quake lasted twenty - wicked world." eight seconds : but alt those who ex - From down south of Market the per•irnced the awful shock say it wits glare grew and grew. The flames even the longest five minutes t hey have shot heavenward and licked the sky. ever experiented. My room is on the it looked as if the end of the world third floor of our three-story boarding wan surely at hand. house. When I awoke the house was For an hour or more after that swaying from left to right and from terrible shock which shook the build- right to left and seemed to be twisting Ings of all San Francisco to the very and wrenching in every ismssible diem - foundations people wandered about lion. The pictures caul,' crashing in an insane fashion. There was no down f • the walls, bric-a-brac fly - attempt at concerted action to hold ing in all directions it sem ed. Thr the sufferers. People were stupifled. chandeliers shook so violently that And meanwhile the fire burned and the globes were shaken off and broken. burned, claiming victim after victim I Jumped out of bed shortly After I who had been pinned down by the awoke, but things were Hying .around crash of falling buildings. si lively that I decided'to get back in - All day long, and continuing into to bed and cover up to protect myself, the evening of the third day, A roar- expecting every second to bethrown ing, seething hell of flame swept its to the eat'th, for it seemed iwp osible way from the ferry station westward, that the house could stand. After and the magnificent fire department what seemed to beabout five minutes, of San Francisco. pitifully handicapped but which they say was only ' a few by lack of water and scarcity of seconds, the trembling of Mother dynamite, was forced tack to the Earth gradually grew less and less residence district, fighting every inch and the deafening rumble died away. of the way. Firemen dropped ex- ...Imagine with what thankful hearts hausted in the street, still clinging we 'leaked out into the hall, all unim- to the nozzles which they refused to jured and unharmed. desert. Buildings were dynamited to "Not a chimney was left standing stop the progress of the flames, but in Oakland. As moon as we could get all in vain were their efforts. dressed we walked down town to see Thousands tramped the streets the ruins. What met our eyes was those days and nights, dragging their almost too much for um. immense trunks behind them. A very few business buildings erected less than a favored ones had horses and wagons, year ago were levelled to the ground. but some of the horses dropped dead One tall eleven -story office building because of the lack of water. Numbers stood the shock pretty well, hut was moved all that remained of their badly ciracked and thrown out of earthly possessions several tinges to plumb. Oakland has been under mar - places of supposed safety, but that tial law dere yesterday at noon. Our great demon fire urged them still fur- office building is being guarded by A they, until, exhaustd, they left all, soldier, so that no one may enter until barely escaping with their lives. The the buildingh+as been thoroughly in - Mechanic Pavilion, where some 500 of spected. Te Empire theatre about the dying and dead had been con- eight or nine blocks from our house wad veyed, was totally gutted. shattered by the earthquake, and as we For miles through the Golden Gate stool there we Kew them carry out from Park. which escaped the havoc of the dwelling monis above the cot-pses of flanges. and along the beaches from husband and wife who have three Ingleside to\the sea-wall, the homeless children hack in New Jersey some are cantped\ in tents, makeshift's place. Only wane seven lives were rigged up frim a few sticks of wood lost in Oakland here, which is a city and a blanket or x sheet. When an of about 1311,IM11. After the awful officer proclaimed the declaration quake two or three! small fires started that the Government had arranged herr but were easily extinguished. for the use of several steamers "Now turtling out. face nct-nsa the to transport all those wishing to go Hay to San Francine°, let the nay that to the neighboring titles of the bay anything you read in the news - free of charge, a great tush was made papers cannot possibly tie overdrawn. for the ferry, over miles of debris and it is more than appalling. There Are fallen victims. Thuusanc luponthous. no words in our language to describe ands waited in line for their turn to thee awfulness of the situation. The leave the fallen city. whole city was bully shattered. The All cities of the bay are tinder con. tenement houmen in the poorer districts trol of martial law. The streets are fell. carrying thousands with them. patrolled by men in uniform. The I editt•l• fire broke out and the soldiers do excellent guard duty, whole husine:as section of San Fran - Many recalcitrants who refused to cisco has been reduced to ashes. What assist the fire-fighters were forced to the quake did not do the lire did. join the heroes at the point of the Half the residential section has now revolver ; to disobey meant instant been wiped nut and the Mayor ham death. A needier of thieve', were 'ordered everyone to flee for refuge shot and killed by the Federal troops. hole the city. 'Thousands are coining Alameda, Oakland rind- Berkeley have °e'er herr. to Oakland. Nora Park increased their population to alnust Isere hes been turned into a hospital. donhle the former numbers. The and the injured and feeble are being refugee,' are being admirably eared carried over in drays on the boats. fur by members of local benevolent People. ere not 'Mewed to mess from organizations. Church dome are thin side to San Fraanciesco, hut the thrown open. Tents are erected by houielesa and injured are being the hundreds for the accommodation of this way Oakland is perfectly the nnforthnate. Wooten in costly soft• although a (amine Is feared raiment And decked in rare ,jewels if help doss not come front' othier who buta few deyaaguwere pmes'mmeel blares, The [seeks are all burned in of their million* stand in thrlong bread San Francine° and theme in Oakland are line, and wait their turn for that •allcl/msed. Mary fear there will he a which sustaineth, with the pxneat of run on them tied ninny of them will the poor. no doubt cellepse financially The work of recovering bodies from "I hear the telegraph wires are all the mitts is proceeding slowly on tied up again, so there s nu chance of account of the difficult • in getting my sending you a mtoday. day. mind the city. No definite estimate "Malty rico men here in Oakland n he made of the number of people have lost their all in San Francisco ki it is stated by title authorities. real estate. Mell • are au•twelly p-nni- 400 bodies have been taken from less, many of thole who this time the toed district meth of Market Yesterday were millinttairey. Mew, street. In the districtmonth of Market M,nith, Mr. Smith And I slept on the street v little work ham !sem clone : porch last night afraid to go into the it Is esti ted that there will be at house- einem', for we all have such an least twi . the number of bodies uncanny feeling. taken from file mins. " Again, they, rest awanred that I am perfectly well and as happy as eon be expected. I think that everyone- in mor hoiese eves saved Without even a /wretch. while people 1-n every hand were injured and killed. Thomsen/1s are dead and injured in San Francisco This will the estimate of the deed up to at 1 t 1.200. There is no doubt that there she hundreds of people hurled in the ruins whose bodies will probably never be recovered. it was a ghastly sight to Nee the remains of human Icings drawn frem the debris tinder which they :tad been crushed until life was extinct, or the charred Writing to her father the following day, April 20th, Miss Green sayr : " I wrote mother y eeterlay and tried to tell her ae bast I could smue- thing of the situation here, although words fail -to give even a vague description of the awful horrors to &A- ileen MI every hind. San Francisco is in ruins and ashes. Three hundred thousand ars hutueless and Oaklu :d people ars succeeding in caring for them am beet" they can. tl'he city Is under inertial law and the very lest of order is being maintained. Thousands upon thousands of death Mee San F'rcn• (Arco people aur being housed and fell in Oakland. The churches have all been turned into hospitals and eating 1 ses. Over five hundred starving and famished people were fed yester- day afternoon at our Congregational. church alone. Millionaires as well we paupers Ore seeking food and drink wherever it can be had. The banks are all closed end only cold cash is worth anything until such time as they will lie open. Tourists ars panic- stricken and cannot get into any bank to get them necessary funds to leave the city. \Ion • eastern tourists have been killed, while others are safe) housed and eared for although penni- less enn -less and without garments to speak of. The weather keeps he,u tiftll and warns. so that people can lie in the parks and on the streets witl t a great deal of suffering. "Mr. 5— cattle 'over at noon today.' He has had no sleep for days, very little to eat and suffered for du -ink, n aged atleasttenyears in h and has mgr Out hist few days. His sister has slept in Gulden (late Park in San Francisco for the last -two nights and is being cared for by friends. He is to bring - her tu.Oakland tonight and she will occupy my room with me. lie has Milked dozens of miler the last few days and is almost exhausted The earth is still trembling but the shocks are very slight. I enjoys* a good night's lest last night. Oakland. usperfectly safe • ll danger of fire breaking out now. Anyway, we have plenty of water to ripe with the flumes, whereas in Sun Francisco the 'mains were broken and they had no water. "Thousands of weary -footed China- men have come to Oakland, camping below our house on Oak street. They are being cared for and fed... Soldiers guard us well, so there is absolutely m) danger from hoodlums. A famine was feared but will lo• avoided, it is now believed. Other cities are re- sponding very liberally to the call for :coney and provlsotla, "The scenes in the hospitals -slid other buildings temporarily used no hospitals are truly awful. I nal try- ing to Act on the General Relief Com- mittee as well as working here at the office by spells un our Maccab-e Re- lief Committee. When i went to the Methodist church at noontime an awful sight met my eyes. in the part used as a hospital the -poor. dear Souls who have been injured were lying on blankets on the floor, while doctors and nurses were gently caring for them. One dear old wan, I noticed in particular, was lying there suffering vary patiently with great lacerations in his face and herd. It is awful—one cannot describe it. Thousands are killed and injured. Men and women have lost their mind,' during the awful calamity. The fire reached the magnificent residence: portion of Son Francisco and wiped out homes which were palaces. "I am unusually well. father, tend am not in any more danger than if i were with you in dear old (',nada; so i would he very angry if you would allow yourself to worry a bit over rue. Our house is as safe as Gibraltar and we have plenty of provisions in ,'tore ENSNARING VICTIMS. Steps Should be Taken at Once to Pre- vent Further Trouble. Here in Goderich, as in other -cities and towns, dyspepsia or mtl,iamlch troubles are ensnaring victims in it most insidious. way. Nearly every mother's son of Is, and daughter, too, expects the, stom- ach to accustom itself to all manner of ill-treatment, but the time collies when we cannot abuse it with im- punity. How h better it would be to take steps at once to strengthen the stomach and prevent further trouble. Use Mi-o-na now and soothe the irritated walls of the mts,unitch. and strengthen the gastric follicles an that the -v will pour out their daily supply of digestive materials with regularity. Then the heaadachee, sleeplessness, specks before the eyes, poor appetite, 'turd feelings and nervousness will disappear. end you can eat what you want at any t' you like. Miry -ria is a aonbinatign of reme- dies, some of which are but little known in this country, and is a posi- tive guaranteed cure for all diseases of the stomach except cancer. Just one little tablet out of it 50 -cent box before meals, for it few day,', and you will scan regain perfect health and strength, and' have no fear of in- digestion or at web trembles. If you cannot obtain Mi-o-na of your atruggist, it will be sent by moil, on receipt of price. Write us for ad- vice on your cause from A lending at - ech spsc'iitllst which will be sent free. The K. T. Booth Company, Ithaca, N. Y. The Wingham Turf Associat' will hold a spring meeting this year on Wednesday and Tiilurslay, .flnie Nth and ith. A good pr,graml for the two days has been arranged. The first day there will be 2:511, 2:25 end 2:18 (-lesses. and the second day 2:211. 2:21 and 2:11 classes. Trotters will lie Al- lowed five enc Is. The entries will close on May :Nth mid horses eligible May Zird. The purse in each event is WOO. EART1 ISEASE . a atmptom of Kidney i)a'eaee. A well-known doctor has said, " i never yet madea post-mortemes- aminiat ion in a cane of death from ileart Disease with- out finding the kidneys wereat fault." The Kidney med. ine which was first on the market, most success - fid for Heart Disease and all Kidney Troubles, and most widely imitated is Dodd's Kidney Pills TO IMPROVE OUR TOWij Everyone Is Invited to Contribute to This Column. eusaselioets for Our Munecipal Aothoriees, se Other. Wino May Me Concerned An Opps. {unity for Anybody Who Has An,thina on Nis Mind to Oet neon. The efforts being Made by litany citizens to keep their Isanlevauvir in good condition are not ierlieeted )ly y • of the delivery Ismyr, who drive their wagons right up on the greets. I This should not be, and employers might do h good by warning their delivery boys to keep off the boule- vards. Another suggestion from a citizen is that during the amuuer time eleett•ic lights be placed in the Square so` that .people could see among the trees. The park is used a great deal OH suuatner evenings and should be better lighted. Get the water supply system in good condition, so that consumers would always be sure of clean water. Then the takers would Increase and the rates could he lowered without injury to the town's finances, . In the city , parks wire baskets or ainpar contrivances are set at con- venient points fur the use ofoi.- nickers, who place paper and other refuse in them instead of leaving them scattered around on theitrass. If such receptaiacle-s were placed in the Square and at the harbor park these places could be kept neat and tidy with tar less effort on the part of the caretaker. Of course they would have to be. chainedo t trees or poets, so that the boys could not toes them around. Love makes a man think almost as much of a girl as he does of himself. 'PHONE 86 •1 SPECIALTIES WHITE VESTINGS WHITE WAISTINGS WHiTE ORGANDIES WHITE INDIA LINENS WHITE LAWNS WHITE GRENADINE WHITE DRESS LINENS CREAM LUSTRES COLORED VESTINGS CASH OR PRODUCE COLORED WAISTINGS COLORED DRESS LINENS MERCERISED CHECK ZEPHYRS BLACK AND WHITE MERCERISED SUIT IIuGS BLACK COTTON GRENADINE STRIPES PLAIN BLACK MERCERISED SUIT- INGS PLAIN BLACK DRESS LAWNS COTTON HOSE l GLOVES 1 Hosiery and Gloves Never before were we in so good a position to offer cotton hose as we are now. A line of ladies' sines, 2 pairs for 95e. These are teal rumps as 2 pairs I for 25c Our 2 -button taffeta silk at 26 cents and 96 cents are 25c the pest we ever offered at these prices, Theme gloves go alt ""le. at and .35c J. H. COLBORNE Corner Hamilton Street and Square, ▪ OODERICH. "four arauamar I- had "said Mary one dry : "Von nay 'awn' for 'son' and you any 'saw' fur Now pnactl.e tospeak in the more correct way: You'll and it I. easy. Yoe nee what fwesim That error I. 1.0111111011. .40 practi.+, to .her lit Note how I .peak. It as, practice that done It." 'leve The Signal sent to absent folk. p /a W. Ce GOODE begs to announce that lie has been appointed local agent in Gt derich for The Union Trust Company's Northwestern Lands. The plan upon which these lands are sold is remarkably favorable and helpful. Small amount down. - Prices very moderate. Money loaned for buildings and seed. A great chance for the poor man. Call and talk it over anyway. Every possible "accommodation given. Easy Terms. I have also some excellent town properties in the Northwest to sell. Splendid Investments. Take the chance now. If these chances don't appeal to you, perhaps it's became? you newel 11 spring t ' . If so. there's none better than our Sassafras Blood and Stomach Bitters. It etimulatem the stomach. liver and kidneys' 1 will restore the fresbners and energy you lack. (contains no poisons. Composition is not secret. Price 30e Orb for $2.50. Get it now. WIf.\T ABOUT THOSE: OTHER SPRiNt; NEEDS? Disinfectants, Furniture Polish, Dyes, etc. i,et's try to snit you. W. C. GOODE The Red Cross Drug Store. (Red -cross quality ;s always the highest.: 't:pubre Yon. eyesight npeciallmt.. We Court Comparison THAT'S ALL Our pricey will decide whether we are entitled to business or not, besides you know the reputation of our clothes. Correct, Fast Sellers, and Money Makers. Keep :Skilled Workmen in Town by Ordering your Spring Suit Here. Frank IL Martin The Tailor WHEN YOU'RE GETTING, GET THE BEST i am still talking alsout buggies. and the lest thing in this line is trade by the %Vim GI ay k Sons Co., Limited. t'h,tth,n., Out. PHONE D. 56 I MILLAR CO. 'PHONE 56 THE LADIES' STORE Ladies' High-class Underwear tour ,a.. of nu,vit .f Ladies' sumuter underwear will be found very complete iu cve,•y drt,ul. Ladies' White Skirts, ' Two Leaders at a dollar No. 1 made of a good quality Isott with 8 -inch torchun lace anti insertion fiuunce and extras well - made. at Ni.. 2. Malde of a nice quality white bottom, 12 -inch flounce with :3 large tucks and finished with 5 -Inch Swiss embroidery, a nice skirt et the small price of.... No. 3. A very pretty skirt made of extra quality la,nadale with 18•inch lace and insertion flounce and finished with small tucks. Special price each Ladies' White Cotton Night Dresses No. I. 1,1diey white cotton night dress, very prettily t ' ed with Swiss embroidery and insertion, extra well:made. -Special price each No. 2. Miele of extra quality cotton and very prettily trimmed with 'mbroidery, new empire style, situ-cia price each Corset Covers in en less variety No. I. Ladies cotter' corset cover, very pret.tily- trim- med with lace and ribbon. Special price each........ No. 2 A very hands° a corset cover made of a nice fine cotton and extra w I trimmed with torchein lace Spewed price each and at all prices flout 20c o st.60 inch. LADIES' WHITE OOTTON DRA$1.WER50perS allie.. Gstyles at 40c. 50c, $1.00 lid We have at present a very large range\ of B. 4 C. CORSETS in all Un• latest sl vire, `sp'ci+al-litres in LADIES' PRINT WRAPPERS in a variety of styles at $1.00. $1.25 .end $1.86 each. PERRIN'S GLOVES PERRIN'S GLOVES PHS60NE Millar's Popular Store p56 NE $1.00 $1.00 $2.75 90c 25c 50c USE ommmessommummiwol Ramsay's Ready=Mixed Paints I IT'S PURE PAINT EVERY ATOM OF iT Paint should be more than pretty. If made right it insures against premature decay. Ramsay's Paints afford the best protection against rain or shine. Use Itamsay's Paints and we guarantee a perfect job or give you your money back. Use Ramsay's Paints on every- thing around the house except the trees and grass. White Lead, Oils, Turpentine, Varnish. tty, Brushes, Farmers and Builders' Hardware at Worsell'sheap Hardware and Stove Store Hamilton StrCet - - GODERICH a �1i#i1�i1lY1�11i#il�rlul�ll�1 1 Alb 40, l+llbl�lil�il�il�fl�ll�il�/1�llwlifl�lf � New Hardware Store THE GRAY BUGGY is the finished product of the beat principles of manufactmre applied by competent workmen in a splendidly -equipped factory to first -cress material. THE GRAY BUGGY is thorough --- every hit of it is good—and the man who owns one is better pleased with it the better he is acquainted with It. . . i supply .. , GRAY CARRIAGES in all styles. Call nt my warehouse, Hamilton street, and see what i rr.n do for you. L. W. LAVIS E E E IF E E I have opened out in the Dunlop block, E West street, at full line of E 1 HARDWARE c C.= including Farm and Garden Tools, Build- E ▪ ing Supplies, Paints and Oils, Shelf and .a Heavy Hardware, Graniteware, Tinware, 6- ▪ Vessel Supplies, etc., and solict a share E- 1 3 of the public patronage. -.E E. E • J. NICHOLSON TTTTWTTTTTTTTTTMuI►T Mul014 !T ewnesmoiseseeellIMMINIIIII Finest Commercial Printing done at The Signal.