The Signal, 1906-5-10, Page 4IL
8 TIIUit/DAT May 10 1904
Many a Woman is
Taking Headache
who ougbttobe taking Ru -Ju.
The ludoevs are snaking the
bead ache. They are nue doing
their work properly — not
purifying the Noud -Dot ridd-
ing the system of poieroas.
'These impurities stagnate the
biped ---irritate the nerve"—
and hung the headaches that
so unsay women sager with.
takes away the headaches
became they take away the
poisons in the kArley'. They
art directly on these vital
organs, strengthen and heal,
reduce the in amination -arid
atop the headaches because
they remove every trace of
Kidney Trouble. At druggists.
Tits CLASLIN CNtestCAL Co., Liun
walaoq Ow - - New YORe.
We Can
always rely on our vied re' tettisLu•-
tiun with our
Canned Goods
b eca me. we handle only iediable brands
that we know all about. Every homer -
keeper knows hots h ditferenre•
there is in there household Ie•essities.
And it is not always the price thnl in -
mutes the quality. 1We are• Ihowingsa
line of rentled gondm that we are 'ogl-
ing very low indeed. les low in fart that
you will be surprised how rowel they
ere when they appear in your table.
The season for brook trout
is open and Algonquin Park is
t he fishermen's paradise.
to all principal tourist resorts
.n sale daily. Tourist season is
opening early.
Through pllldtllan sleeper
leaves Toronto daily except
&►turdmy. running thrrugh to
Cobalt x11(1 New Liikenid.
For tickets and full in-
fortnation call on
Town Agent.
(Mee hours : 6:30a. ni. tar -
9:8i p.m.
J. D. McDonald, District Pen-
senger Agent, Toronto.
Warehouse ,'( 4'r. West
Whim yrwant (and Yards 1 deet and
THF: neer nI flock \&quare
terAll ('oat weighed on the market scalea
where yon get 2.0011 11,.. fora ton.
orders loft at C. t'. LF:F,'V Hardware Stott'
nest side Ronan% promptly attended to.
Canadian Northwest
Homestead Regulations.
.1ny even numbered seetlint of 'lmnlnlon
land. In Manitobans the North -s.-., Mosinee..
tie.•p{ather 5 and '34. not reserved. may he hoor.
stymied by any prr+m who I. the sole hemi of m
family, many male over 1s yeses of sate. to the
extent of one quarter sectio, of 1151 e"irv.,, Moro
e'r I..e..
Entry most be mode pm -smalls at the Ileal
)and nToe fur the dist Net In which the load Is
aft nate.
The homesteader i- minimal to perform the
condition. eonneeted therewith nosier one of
the following plane
11: At least stx month.' rr.ldeney upon and
coltlyauon of the land In mutt year for three
year.. mon
141 If the Pathe lot mother, 4? the lather is de.- Yon
reams( m of the hnn0temien resides u(pnnn a farm Mal
in the vicinity of lit land ,nt,r d Lir the r4'.
quiremoolr as to rt.ktrnne y lin satisand '1'I
by owe pawn molding with the father or the
470 1f tare sett ler has hi. permanent re.Idrmrt Cane
epos farming land owned by hits In the s hon- mon
Ity of Ida homr.lrwl. the requir,orntl, m. In
residents/ may he satisfied by reeskien,r, upon
the .aM land.
Copyright, 1904, by A. 5. Barnes (s Co.. Publishers, lad fifth Avenue,
New York. All Rights Reserved
11nq "V. 4,. 1. of .1111,41' t4':hair I prig of 1511111 :11111 lodging title wear
.terry. "tenet you do 11! limit you showed rip to her room. l'aptuin Eri
tell her that! laud of love, Peres, do i w'alk'ed hour, abe1Na51 h1 nuditetlop.
r 011 repose he will''" 1 \1'hatever ills thoughts were they were
•'1 don't know," lens the answer in out dlea rerveable. for be soiled tatlel
elisglawb.l lolly. ''Tio11111111'9 ought to 111100k Iris head more than onto. as If
have been sol plghewdlvl, .ferry." M1111 satlefal•Uon. As he passel John
captain Marl, with set teeth mud els'r's house he noticed Hunt the light
termination written iu ills filer, -wolk- ha the upller window- wee it111 burning.
e4 straight to the illnlnl roma door. Captain Perez was hull aslwp %lieu
4Ir:nelug n long breath, he opened It Erf opened the door of the shanty.
and stepped 01.1110. .\ wom nn 11.111 had rupiah' .fern', however, vr•1 very
been sitting in captain I'erez's rocker much :nc:lk,• 1111 deuuund,d to be told
rose as he entered. *hinge ra(,•ht away. Ill., friend briefly
The W01111111 1^111101 est the emelt'''. explained the situation.
and the enpb1111 Witted at her. She wait ••1 don't tare if she stays here t111
of Middle Hite. 111llneil t° etantuen5, doomsday," )Il4s,lay," enq'hntically declared the
with a pmir of kern eyes behind brass disgruntled one. "i shan't marry her.
rimmed Np eetacles, and %vas ilreswd 111 \\'hat's she, like anyhow?'
a black :dieter' gown that WO.' failed
n little 111 pines 8114 It:111 been neatly
mended In others. She st5,ke first.
"You're not Capin Burgess?" she
"No. ma'am," said the captain un-
easily. "My name is deice•. I'm a
aort of messulate of his. You're Mime
Snow :^"
"Mrs. Snow. I'm n widow."
They shook bands. Mrs. Snow calm-
ly expectant, the captahr very nerluus
and out knowing how to begin.
"I feel as If 1 knew you, ' 4'1'0u
Hedge;' said the willow 111 the captain
slid into his own rocker. ••-rhe Troy on
We depot wagon told'ule ulwtut yuu•aud
Cup'u Ryder and Cahn Burgese."
"1 rid, icy-:•" The caplutll Inwardly
vowed vengeau(e 1)u his clunes graud-
uephew•. "Hope he gave us a clean
"Well, be didn't suy uothim' against
you. If that's what you mean. 1f be
hail I don't think it would have wade
Much diff'reueo. I've nivel lung enough
to wuut to find out things for myeself
and not take folks' ally m0."
The lady tree ' to ex15vt some
sort of answer to this statement, cap-
tain Erb expresked 1115 opinion that, the
pilo of finding put things for ma •It
was n good "idea." Then, after n
other fidgety Mien he observed tis
it was a tine eveult . 'Mere beiug no
Impute un this polut, he endeayortl to
bink of something et to say. Mrs.
now, however, sure"' Ibtitu the trouble.
"(eaten !ledge," she said. "as I'm
ere on what you might cull n breenesa
mond, and am I've been welter' pretty
igh two hours tenuity, horsts we'd
setter talk about sotuethit' besides
ne evei,in':. I've got to Ile lierk411• up
hotel or boarlin' house or
*hetes to stay tonight, and I. can't
%•nit lunch lodger. I Jelge.yoti gut my
ttcr mud was expwertiu' me. Now, If
ain't esklu' too nnae•h, 1'd like .to
now wbere ('ap:n Burgess le and why
wa'n't at the depart to meet tile."
''hi,, was a lending question, mud -the
iptnln wws re ,'ulbnrrassell than
ler. However, he felt that something
Id to be done and that it wens wiee•rlt
get It over with as soon as possible.
"Well, interim" he said, "we. -we gut
rur letter 1111 right, and, to tell you
e truth, we was 11t the depot -Peres.
el Il le and Jerry."
'Yon was! Well, then, for the landgowluess, why didn't yon let me
sow it? Such a time as 1 had tryi11'
find out where you 14ve1 and all!"
The rummer maw hilt One plausible
planation, aid that was the plain
uth. Slowly he told the story' of the
loreil woman and the extension case.
4' wklow laughed until her spectacles
I off,
'Well. there!" she exclaimed. "It
est don't bent nil! I don't Lennie ('up'n
rgels a mite. Poor thing! i enema
have run, too. If I'd have seen that
rky. She wits 50ttin' rkght In thed
et seat to Inc. and she hada Aut-
.'.bag cons irrpbl. like mine, and
en 5111' got up to git out she took
ne by mistake. i wee a gond den'
t 010 about it, and 1 expect I talked.
her like a Dutch uncle when 1 caught
with her. Dear, dear! \Where Ie
ped Btlrgese''
Out op In n fish shanty down
road, and Ile'. so npsot that 1 111111-
m hell stir from there tonight. Jerre'
't 'prejudiced, int that darky was
much for him."
nil then they both laughed, the w•Id-
Ire•atttee of the ludicrous unturr of
affair and the captain because of
relief that the Indy•a acceptance
t sffordel hem mind.
Ire Snow was the flat to become
v4'. •'('np'n Ilelge," she said.
ere's one or two things I must say
1t here. 111 the first place, I ain't
the habit of nnswerin' advertise -
its from (once that wants to git
rried. I ain't no hard up for a marl
all that come,, to. Next thing, I
net come down here with my mind
le up to mnery Callen Burgess, not
10 menu.. 1 wanted to new him and
with ham and tell him Jest nil
ut how things WWI with 1110 and
out Omen him and then— Illy, If
rything was ehlpehupe, I might
ps think about"—
est so, ma'am, jest 90," broke In
companion. "'1'hnt'Is moot the way
felt. You nee, there's prob'ly a
story ((tl 110(11 51des, and if you'll
150 me i'Il go down to the shanty
wee if I can't got Jerry up here.
be a job, I'm afraid, hut"--
0, you shan't either. I''1 tell you
t we'll do. it's awful late now
i Valet be glttln' up to the tavern.\
me, 1f 'MID'[ too howls trouble, you
k up there with me and I''1 stay
re tonight, and tonlorrer i•11 come
11 here, 111111 well 811 have a e•om-
k -
of 1
by t
Ile wag surprised at the enthusiasm
u Captain Eri's answer.
" he's it (nighty gaol woman. There
whir 1 thluk she Is, and she'd make
a full class wife for any man. I hope
you'll ly so, too, when you see her
'there a n't nothin' hitytay about her
but she's of more common eels.. that
any w'onl8 1 ever saw. But there! )
shan't talk another hit nlrout her to
night Com on home and turn in."
('IL%I"I'Elt WI.
T.I.118 hinds on fleck: Turn out
there: Turn out:"
Captain Erg grunted and
mile' over in his bel. For
a Mouleut or two he funded himself
bark In the_.fu'castle of the Sea Mist.
the bark In whirh he heel made his
first voyage. Then, us he, grew wider
ale:oke, lie heard somewhere to the dis-
t:111(e. a 1x•11 riugiug furiuuaiy. t
"Turn out, all lianas! Turn out!"
captain Eri sat up. That rode.. wits
111 part of a dream. It Iw•lougel to
4'wptaan Jerry, and the tone of it Meant
business. '111e bell eoutluuel to ring.
"Aye, nye, ,berry!, \\•hat's the mat-
ter''" lo. shouted.
"i -'ire: ''hero's n big fire alp iu the
village. Look- out of the window and
you can .e•. 'They're ringing the
sehoulhouse 11011. Don't you bear it''"
'1111• r:lptwiu, wide awake enough by
'lis time. Jilitgwd out of 15%1 carrying
tl • blankets with him, and ran to the
%•i flow-. 4methig It, he thrust out Ilia
Ilea The wind had rhange4 to the
e:asty earl, mud It Wick fog had 'rume
iu lei 1 i. The huts,' watt surruu5leil
by a Wet. libo•k wall. but off to the
west a vl glow shone through It. now'
Is 'use bell
P1, exeiteu
rid now• fainter. The schew,I-
w:o turning somersaults in
ut. Whoever the ringer
! might In., lie walls ringing am though it
,was hie only belie for life. 1111,1 thin Is111
swum; hada and forth without pause.
The red glow in the fug brightened
�Ig:11u us tie (. 41441In gazed ;at it.
C11ptl01, Jerry enure tumbling up the
stairs, breathless :mel half dressed.
"Where du you utttke it out to be?"
Le ',Anted.
"Somewlhere's With \ the pustotbce.
"Iw,ks 'm If it might b� Werk,,' store.
\\Mores Perez:"
Captain Eri hail lighted lump and
was pulllllg on his 15out4 us be spoke.
"Ili re I le':" shouted the missing
uu•tnlo r of the trio from the dining
room below. "I'm all ready. flurry
up, Eri!"
Cnpmlu Eri jumped Into his trouser,,,
slimes! %into 11 f.u'eI pea jai eet`,rind
clattered ilowilslnlrs, followed by e
wildly ezeitel Jerry. -
"Gres' laud, Perez." be cried as
ea ate' into the dining round, "I thought
you said you sus all ready!"
Captain Perez paused In the vnln at-
tempt to mak,' s'npt11ln ,Terry's hat cov-
er his own cranium and replied Indig-
nantly, 'Well, I nm, nln't I?"
"Seems to 1111' 1'd put sotuethin' on
my feet besides then! strike If I was
you. You might eateh cold."
Perez glanced down at his blue yarn
extremities it blank astonishment.
"\{'4'11, now," he exclaimed, "if I hain't
forgot rip' looms!"
"Well, git 'em on, and be quick.
There,, your lint. Give?J4'r1•y Iris."
'IMe.exeItel i'erez \'anlehell tbrnugh
the door of his chamber, and Captain
Era glowed at the chronometer. The
time ens n quarter after i.
They ierriel out of the doer and
through the yard, primped the lily pond,
where the frog,' had long ranee ad-
journed their (vmcert nod gone to lied,
dodged through the yard of the tightly
shuttered mummer hotel and crime nut
at the turner of the road, hating saved
5on10 ilintnnce by the short cut.
"Thot ain't Weeks' store," declared
Captain Perez, who wan In the lend.
"It's Web Saunders' place. There what
It Is."
Captain Era panned and looked over
to the left In the direction of the Bax-
ter homestead. The light In the win-
dow wee still burning.
They turned Into the mnln raid at n
flog trot and became port of • erowd of
oddly drentic' people, ell running In the
same direction.
"Web's place, ain't It?" asked Er' of
Seth Wingate, who was lumbering
along with a wooden bucket In one
hnnd and the pitcher of lila wife's best
washstand set In the other.
"Yee" brrethlessly answered Mr.
Wllgette "and It's a goner, they tell
me. Every- man's got to do his part If
they're going to save 1t. i alien said
we ought to have n Are department In
this tnw11."
(bnrhdering tint Seth had for the
past eight yenrs persistently °merest!
metre talk. 1"raps by that time In town meeting any attempt to par-
r friend 'II have the derky woman chase It hand engine, this was n rather
n off his mind too." emrprIstng spereh, but no one paid any
ley walked up the road together, attention to It then.
The Are wall In the hlllinrrl saloon,
erre enough, and the hack portion of
the building was In a blaze when they
not Ile much nbout the sea and the reached it. Tnddrrs were placed
its and comings thereon no did ngninst the eaves, and a Ione of men
escort, and the coorerutlon was with buckets Kure llonring water nn
In the extreme. , the roof . The line extended to the
the Traveler's Rest Mrs. Knew' town pump. where two energetic
Introduced by the nn4lnshtng I;rl youths in their ehlrt eleeeea were
cousin from Pros Inertown, and working the handle with might and
r some e,•oUtrot-ersy concerning the main. The houses near at hand were
Rix Month. not ire 1.1 w Mina should he given
to ale 1.1wnmI..400.r of Dominion land. at
wawa el Intention In apply for patent.
M. t(', (silt\'.
Deputy of the Minister of the interior.
Pl. IF.- tlttanehotie,d p"Mhatem, of this ad
9111114 rsee*at will not be paid for.
•g a
truer ..... .
captain carrying til
They talked, but not of matte -
151 prneperta. Mrs. Snow knew
✓ —
brilliantly iditol luntet amu teen alto
woweu were bringing water from
thein In bu'kets, tin twilit, wash bollen
and even coal scuttles.
Iushle the anbrou another bustling
crowd woe busily worklug to "save"
Sir. Kaunders' property. A dozen of
the members had turned the blgg..dt
pool table over ou Its back and were
uuserewIng the legs, heedless of the
fact that to nttempt to get the table
through the front door wait au Itup ssl-
flillty and that, un the back doer was
In the thickest of the fire, it, too, was
out of the 'titration. A man appeared
at the open front- window of the ser -
i story with has arms tilled welt bot-
tles of vurluus liquids, "original pack-
ages" and othe•ra. These with fever-
!sh energy he threw Due• by 1)114' Into
the street, endangering the lives of ev-
ery oar in range and, of I'rtursc, ',reek-
ing every Crottle thrown. Soule um. of
the cooler beide redline bis nttt'utlon
to theme facts, 64' retired and carefully
packed all the empty bottles, the only
uses remaining. Into a teach basket
and tugged the latter dOw•netulrs and
to a sate place on n neighboring piazza.
Then he rested from his Indoors as one
who had done all that might rearm -
ably he expected.
Mr, &wilder* himself, lightly attireel
In a nightshirt tucked Into a pair of
trousers, was rushing Imre and there,
•ow loudly demanding 1:0 . water and
then stopping to swear at the bottle
thrower or some other enthuslnst.
Web's smoothness no all gone. and
the language he used was, as Abigail
Mullett saki afterward, "enough to
bring down a jad4uleut 0u anybody."
Captain EN caught him by the sleeve
as he was nmulug past and inquired,
"How'd It start, Web?"
"How'd It start? I kuow mighty
well bow It started, and 'fore I got
through I'1l know who started It.
Somebody '11 pea for this, now you
bear me! Hurry up with the water,
He tore rrauticnlly away to the
pump and the three 'aptnius joined
the crp_d et' volunteer firemen. Cap-
l:l •.L a C
Threw one by pees into the strut,
taitl Eri, running round to the back of
the lruildiug, took in the situation at
once. Back of the main portion of the
enloou was an ell and It was in this ell
that the fire had started. The e11 itself
was iu a bright blase, but the larger
building In front was only just begiu-
ning to buru. The captain climbed
one of the ladders to the root and
called to the men at work there,
"That abed's gone, Item," be said.
"Chuck your water on the amain part
here. Maybe if we bad some ropes
we might be able to pull the shed
clear and thea Kee could say* the rest."
"liow'd you fasten the ropes?" was
the panted reply. "She's all ahlese
and a rope would burn through In a
minute If you tied it anywberes."
"Olt some grapples and anchors out
of Itogers' shop. He's got n whale lot
of em. lieep on with the water
bur'ness. I'll git the other stuff."
He descended the ladder and ex.
plainer.) IIIc idea to the crowd below.
There Wfle a great shout and twenty
men and boys started on a nun after
rope's, while as many more stormed at
the door of Nathaniel Rogers' black-
smith shop. Itoger• was the 'creel
dealer In anchors and other marine
Irouwork. The door of the shop was
lacked, but he prolnced the key and
unlocked the door. in another min-
ute the greater portion of the Iron -
Work in the establishment was on its
way to the tire.
The rope seekers were just returning,
laden with everything from clothes-
lines to ca es. Half a dozen boat
`anchors andgrapnel were fastened
to as many ropes, and the crowd
pranced gayly shout the burning ell,
looking for a chance to make them fast.
Peptide Erb found a party with axes
endeavoring to cut a hole through the
side of the saloon In order to get out
the pool table. After some endeavor
he persuaded them to desist and they
came around t0 the rear and, taking
turns, ran in close to the shed and
shopped at 1t until We dre drove them
away. At last they made a bole close
to where it joined the main building,
Targe enough to attach the grappei.
Then with a "Yo brave ho!" every one
took bold of the rope and puttee. Of
course the grapnel pulled out with only
a hoard or two, hot they tried again,
and, this two getting it around a
beam, pulled a Inrge portion of the
sited to the ground.
Meanwhile another az party had at-
tached an anchor to the opposite side
and were making good progress. in
due time the shed yawned away from
the snloou, tottered and collapsed In a
shower of sparks. A deluge of water
soon extinguished these. Then every
one turned to the main building, and
as the Are had not yet taken a firm
hold of this they soon had It under con-
('aptnin Erb worked with the rest
until he saw that the worst was over.
Then he began the eenrch that had
been in his mind 14nee hes Arst saw the
blaze. He found Captain Jerry and
Captain Perez pereptringly passing
buckets of water from hand to hand in
the line, and. calling them to one side,
asked anxiously:
"Have either of you fellers seen John
Briefer tonight?"
Captain Peres Inked surprised, and
then some of the trouble diseornlhle hl
Era's face was apparent (n his own.
"Why, no," he replied slowly. "i
ain't seen him, now you speak of it.
Everybody In town's here too. Queer,
ain't It?"
"Reveal yon 504141 him, .lthr-, Jer-
captain Jerry enewerea with a
/hake of tba bend. "But then." he
said, "Peres and me nave beeu rignt
here by the pump ever arrive we rouse.
lie might be moat auywheres else mei
we woukIn't see him. Went we to risk
wme of the other fellers?"
"No!" .exclaimed his friend, Minced
fiercely. "Don't you uledtlol his name
to a soul, nor let 'ew know your,'
thought of him. If anybody nhoul4
ask. tell 'em you guess hoes right
around somewhere.. You two gid 10
work 'iglu. I11 let you know If 1
want you."
!Le pair took up their buckets, and
the captain walked on from group t
group, looking carefully at each person
The Rev. Mr. l'erley and some of ht
dock .were star elug by themselves o
a uelgbbortng stoop, and to them til
searcher turned eagerly.
There was the moat likely place, and
John Batter was nut there. 4'ertalnly
every citizen In Odium who was able
to crawl would be out this night, and
If the old Puritan hermit of the big
house WAS not present to exult over the
downfall of the wicked It would be be-
cause he was 111 or because— The
captain didn't like to tbink of the other
Mn. Web Sauuders, quietly weeping,
was seated on a knoll near the pump.
Three of the Saunders' hopefuls, also
weeping, but woe quietly, were seated
beside ber. Another, the youngest of
the family, was being rocked soothing-
ly In the arms of a stout female, who
was sluging to It as placidly tie though
tires were an every day or night oc-
currence. The captain peered down,
■0d the stout woman booked up.
"Why, Mrs. Snow!" exclaimed Cap-
tain ErL
The lady from Nantucket made no
Immedlate reply. She rose, bowever,
shook down the black alpaca skirt
which had been folded up to keep 1t
out of the dew, and, still humming
softly to the ch1M, walked off a ItUle
way, motioning with her bead for ire
captain to follow. When she had
reached a spot sudlcieatly remote from
Mrs. Saunders, she whispered:
"How d'ye do, Cesen Hedge? I
gums the wust is over now, Isn't it? I
saw you workin' with them ropey.
You must he awful tired."
"How long nave you been here?'
asked the captain, somewhat eteA-
lshed at her calmness.
-Oh, I come right down as soon as
I heard the bell. Sahli, dearte,' to the
baby. "'little, there, It's all right
Lay still^
'How'd you git acquainted with
her?' nodding toward the wife at abs
proprietor et the scorched saloon.
"Ol, I see the poor thing settln' there
with MI -them children and nobody
Wyta\moth attention to her, so 1
went weer and eked !f I couldn't belp
out I haven't got any children of my
own, but I was number three to •
rarely of folxrteaa, so I [mow bow It.
done. Oh, that husband or ben? He's
• nice one, he la! Would you Daley.
It, be come along and eh* spoke to
him, and be swore at ber somethin'
dreadful Thera why she's e17in'.
Poor critter, I guess by the looks she's
treed to rt. Well. I give Mm • piece of
my mind. He trent away ertth • flea
In his ear. I do despise • profane
man above all things. ?les, the baby's
all right, Mra. Hammier'. I'm ytomin'.
Good night, Calrea Hedge. I *'pose I
shall see you ell In the morntn'. You
ought to be careful and not stand still
much this damp night It's bad when
you're het up so."
She went back, still staging to the
baby, to where Mn. Sntalders sat, and
the captain looked after her In a kind
of amazed fashion.
"Ry mighty'•" he muttierd, and then
repeated It Then be resumed his
Ile remembered that here had beef
a 'limber of people on the side of the
burning shed opp(nite the on which
he Clad been employed and he deter-
mined to hare one look there before
going to the Flatter bom.drad. Al-
most the first man be stew an 11e ap-
pro:w•hed the dying ftre wen Ralph
Iiareltlne. The electrician's bands
and face were blackened by hoot and
the perspiration sparkled on his fore -
"Hello, captain!" he said, holding
nut his hand. "Lively ,for awhile.
wasn't it? They tell me you 'rere the
man who suggested pulling down the
shed. It saved the day, all right
enough. if you're going home I'll go
along oath you. 1 may as will be
getting down toward the station. The
excitement is abort over."
"I ain't goon' right home, Mr. Mize'.
tine. I've got en errand to do. Prlb'ly
I'll be gotn' pretty soon, though."
"Oh, all right! Iii waft bere awhile
longer, then. Bee you later pe14411 ."
ITu I4K 103'4'1\t' Ki),l
1s Your Catarrh Any Better?
I'robahly getting worse all the
time. 11'hy not give up that, mtraltt
and Mop &mitt; ?'our 1tomafh t
The one sear tnaitnu•nt is ''1 *t irrlbr-
zl)ne," mere to cuts. iecallme it gems
whets tyle dues.(' realise b. ('eresi)1
to 011041 in your rime 1,4'cause it i l:tee
leetoed tents of'th(lusande worse tl.san
you ale, (.ratat•rhnz, use 1* a 4 homxrml,(11
C11114 Is•cvallse it ilentroys the c111040. as
well as the effect?' of the tlinels0,
lir[ ie pr pt cute isquick with t his
tempt:MI remedy wheel is gunnant. d
to cure catarrh in any dse
art. of :he
none,' throat, b4' nchisl toles or Ion g.,
A Crown of Gold. '
"'I'h- hate Paul l.awrene•,• 14un1r a4',
the, negro pool," said an editor, "or 4''1•
adder -Need a Sunday Rehm,' in N ew
1'ietk. An esld incident happen lid,
though, at its end, an incident that
IMillet I., laughed et as heartily am
t he rest, of nm.
"Dumber. towards the clove of his
remarks, sit,d :
"'Aon, tlty little friends, if yon .lo
all these things some dny you will
W111111 a gold 1•w,wn•'
"A little . hap in the front row,
ontrhing the poet's friendly eye.
piled :
'My fouler weer* one now.'
"'No!' maid the mkt.
'• 'Yee, he does --rah his tout,' *Niel
the little chap."
RTATE. n4' (walla fret• oto T,I , I.
IA -1'4i e'01'510'.
[ .
Prank J. I lost'y makes oath thatbe Is seam
partner Id the Rin of P. J. e'hrr,y k ('n., do
Ing business In the ('Ity of Toledo. 0.,ymdy AWL
&tate aforesaid and that salt Mtn will ley the
mini of ONE ilt'N?IFLF:11 1m4Lt.AH,l(nr eat11 1
and every „awe of Catarrh that moon We embed
by the time of Hall's Catarrh Core.
sworn to before me amt snlws•rila.t in`my
premmeo, this lith day of IMember, A. D. Ivan,
&Meals A. II. liLk:A SON.
N,,TAav PI 111.4'';
Hell's( atarrh (nm Is taker, Internally, and
acts directly en the blood and mnoous ',orgasm's -
of Lhe'watren. Seal l for tcmrimnnlstl, free.
F'. J. ('HB NEI' k co., I nirdn. 14,
5044 by all dr tsarist',. 7.11-.
[WV. F• Fawn 1y fills for roost ['alien.
Red Rose Tea is Clean Tea
CLEANLINESS is as necessary to tea quality as to
any other food.
Tea rolled by hand, cured by hand, weighed, blended
and packed by hand 'nay or may not be clean.
Every operation o making'1d Rose Tea, on the
plantation and in the warehouse, is performed by machine,,
the rolling and curing, the blending and weighing are a I I
done by scrupulously clean automatic machinery.
Red Rose Tea is never touched by human hands from
the picking to your kitchen.
Red Rose Tea is always clean. It cannot be other-
wise, because it has no possib a chance of contamination.
Its "rich, fruity flavor " cannot be impaired by foreign
substance of any sort whatever.
ed aaaaans
is dTea
T. H. tabroolt3
Ialfy N•tlka T Winnipeg
Everything in our'oxtcnaivo grocery line is fresh, clean
and of the very best quality, and sold at close *glints, tug[
now canned vegetables are in the foreground. We hay oft
hand the'best brands of
Canned Tomatoes, Peas, Corn, Beans,
Succotash, Pumpkin and String Beans
All flint', fresh and reliable Trytht•nl
-• Try a to cent can of Dean's Star Brand Baking
Powder. 'Pili; hin'de'r is state to please you.
P. T. DEAN, The Grocer.
Parnell's Broad
k neadev 117 machinery. no sweaty
hal is a.wh it in man,dattur•
ion. 0 halted in perfectly
unetery surroundings.
That mean, more than stoat
l.rople think.
It cost; w more thee
the 1040 elranl4- Iced.
Try It.
P. T Dh:AN
before ordering this season's Wood and Coal.
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Newcombe Piano!
For choice quality of tone, durable ac-
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