The Signal, 1906-5-3, Page 3When the bread or cake or pastry comes from the oven light, crisp and appetising, you are wont to say you have had good luck with your baking. The "good luck" idea is a relic of the time when housekeepers pitted their competency against poor flour. To -day good baking isn't a matter of good luck in any home where Royal household Flour is intelligently wed. In the hands of competent house- wives it never fails because it is the whitest, lightest, purest and best baking flow to be had. If the goodncu of your baking is due to chance, your grocer is giving you the wrong kind of flour. Ask for Ogilvie's Royal Household. Ogilvie Flow Mills G., Led. maire"Ogilvie's Book for a Cook," con. tains ISO pages of excellent recipes, some never published before. \ our /rope can tell you bow to get it PRE1 . , 161 Stolen Pleasure The children will show you the merits of Mooney's biscuits If you give them the chance. Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas have made themselves famous all over Canada in a very short time. Crisp, inviting. tasty. Different from any other cracker you have ever eaten. Say "'Mooney's- to your grocer. CURED UER BON OF PNEUMONIA Newmarket Mother is loud in her Praises of the Great Con- sumption Preventative • " My son Laurence was taken down with Pneumonia," says Mrs. A. O. Fisher, of Newmarket, Ont. "Two doctors at- tended him. He lay tor three months almost like a dead child. His lungs became so swollen, his heart was pressed over to the right side. Altogether i think we paid $14o to the doctors, and all the time be was getting worse. Then we commenced the Dr. Slocum treatment. The effect was wonderful. We saw a difference in two days. Our boy was soon strong and well." Here is a positive proof that Psychine will cure Pneumonia. But why wait till Pneumonia comes. It always starts with a Cold. Cure the Cold and the Cold will • never develop into Pneumonia, nor the Pneumonia into Consumption. The one sure wayroot and branch to clear out Cold and to build up the body so that the Cold wont come back is to use PSYCHINE 50c. Per FBottle Mase •t and *2 all d,usglety OR T. A. SLOOUM, Limited, Toronto. Notigit=-- Your money returned it not a..nsfied in every way. ALWAYS READY FOR INSTANT USE Lessees the "Carta, -Mage tie •' .l., fractal!, tenrikered and 'hollow ground in its own neru ar way. with ordinaryareNI ose,ld u edge for rears with If rxIOL 14. oars,- spa V'en'u i will I ho e els° loaderPai"a.ds4+• et(' Dada* Camaro sjte treason at board/- "Garbo -Magnetic" F.l..- NC'' tie Cu.Mbn Strops. 11.00. ire booklet "Haw to Shaven. • • Fur wile 11/- vat y bt W HOWELL, Com -oriel 1 111.11MIRIP 1 lt'�,-La4111ri'se •�1 1 11♦1111e!♦taisi, ,a rasa • ii %t 1 INI�tiOBOht � uesess. _ '4 , I LLON jhlNaE-STAY FENCE! .iv.. The MaHMOS STAY P.144.1414 it b .n I•.t. nary In 1. hr.•II)) ppF•nlwd awl /4, PnMa are all Ri01y'jt��(�•�A� ti�l OJ, Ind and. fed lea ' n.nnya..,. t„ -Ma -1 e'atalan/a awe- Itra � Ftfa.L!► >�trt n J. NICHOLSON, - Agent THE $tt;NAI,: 1;(►11ir111t1I iIN'I'ARitl News of the $J.i.trkt. The. Sterling )tank is opening a branch at \varus. 1)r. Rollins, of Exeter, intends to leave shortly W locate in the North- west. Chess. F. Kent. a termer resident of \Vinghamt, dual on April Zild itt Douglas, 1lanitotta. Exeter ha,: a proposition on hand for the establishment of at canning factory in that village, According to the ' •ipal assess• went Kincardine's populistiunis 2,1170, an increase of 278 over last year. Colin Graham, ale o1,1 tywitleut of Kincardine, has died let She age of eighty-one years and four months. Seatthawpiou has it scheme fur utilizing the prover of the Su"geen River her the generation of electricity. John Dunn has disposed of his 150 - acre farm, two wiles north of Blake, to Henry Talbot. the consideration Ise- ing $7,000. The Canmdian Bank of Coutuyerve has opened its branch at Winghtuu, nicking the third ehartered battik in that town. • On the 18th ult.. Jaules Bind, of ('ianbr ok vicinity, and Miss Mary E. Uurnin, of Wltwunosh, were united in marriage. The West Bruer Tenehers A.sex•ilt- t' will hold its animal meeting at the Agricultural College, Guelph, on May 17th end 18th. . Henry ltlsseuterry' is erecting a floe new hotel at Grand Mend. it is three xtx,t•iert Itigh. of ceeue•hl, and will be finished in modern style.. The 1 , of John Sterling, on the i.rondon road near ("lintel', wit'. burned \Wednesday everting of I:ut week. The family were away from the house when it t eik tire.. J. H. Itutldell, 1,1. 1'. 1'.. of Murder). Matt, who dropisst tletul rt•(•entty while reading in hit dining -moon, was a men of George ltieldeli, of Hallett township, near 1.oudt thane). The lousiness in 'Seaforth belonging to the estate of the late Andrew YImog has been purch:se't1 by \V. it. Smith, who has been Meier salesnuut in the store for over twenty years. At. ElinlviIto oro Wednesday, lett) inst., Henry Deelbridge• mud \rias Helen Spires, dseighter of the late Hy:un Spicer, all of I•tlxlt'I11•, were 14tlited in wedlock by !tee. Hugh J. Fair. A new' pipe organ is shortly to he placket in t he I'reesbyteriate chervil at Stafthth, and in ronti('lion with this event :t recital will be given by A. S. Vogl. of •l'urttnW, assisted by either talent. t, : One of the pioneers of Ternlx•rry h. r( as utas 1 away 'n the esu o t ► n 1 f ti . 'o r e •rat u I w a • , r' hA II, t the age ( realty .even. He leaves three soon, Paul. T. K and James, all Lo Wing in I'nrtilerrv. A branch of the Sovereign Hank was opened last week at \\'alto') Ly .1. I) 1)(ttnieell. uo:wager let the (bele- rich branch. 1:,. N. Brown,. late •a,•- cuuntant tat the\ Milverton btiicle. will he in charge. \ Vuleititi. I:''e•tehef.•r, One or %ur- h's old t'side•nls, diet) on Monday of week, at the age of about .ixty- ight year.. Mr. h:ieenhnfer wit, n native ad H:.aria :end fought in the Franco-Prussian war. Mn. William Hall died at her home Id Ethel on 'ruewlat• til last wet•k. Belem retiring to Ethel the eleceised and leer husband wcta• for Horny years n'•idents (of the township of Grey. Mi. Itall survives. with three wens and four danghtera. Mr. avid Mrs. Baht. Webster have loomed into Leek mow (rens Pshfteld. 1'ret•ions to their removal from the toy-nthip they were waited upon by at large a puny of their friends and neighbors and ptesentcd with a, (err- wrll address, accompanied by appro. priatc gifts. The death of George Rtxoke, of the 4Wotiel ('1tttt't'N1lit eel of ['shortie town- ship. teeprivel oil Ticsd,ly, 21th tilt.• at the lige of fifty-eight years and nine outtalks. The dcccastI had teen' n n••ident Of t•.I.'ine since about twelve vents of age. Ile leaves 11 Widow nod six children. -- A Kincardine deputation visited Ot• taws recently ,Ind a• a result it is PS- gested that. the 1; , ,' nment esti- mates at the next se•s•iuW will inchele an appropriation, for .a uety psostttfllr.• building let Kinealnline. 'rh.• drpnlat riser ,dao ..truster th1. prnroui.. itf :tt aulditional grant for h:u-lxrr ingn(.ye- ItlPntm. , Heensall our 7 F d Sold. The Henwll fo ends v him been .earl to F. C. Hunt. of London, who will carry nn the husine.s mid go largely into t he. pl hers +lipid its trade. He has already taken possession of the premises. Walkerton Railway Station Burned. The Grand Trunk Medway mtebit111 and freight shed at 't%tiikerton horned down the evening last week. 1t wax an old w•o.xlen building and when the etre Ince got started it was impxts(ibk tit Wit it nut, i Fire in Morris. Jas. Cruikshank, of the rust line of Morris, Duct with at serious loss re- cently in having his re,idenle de- stroyed by fire. None of the household Deals upstairs was saved and the liinusr w'ats 114*Ily drstt'ayrd. 'rhe fire is sit op/itmod to hurts originated from the. chimney. industrial Proposition for Seaforth. Seaforth has tinder ccnsideratiun it proposition for the P.tlhlishntent of n shoe factory. to make a specialty of children's shoes and leggings. The head of the etn1 piny will be W. 11. Willis, of Seaforth, and the lousiness will be flnnnced by tread capita'. The town will he Asked fm' assistance by way of loan. Lucknow Wedding. ''On Wednesday of laid Neck, at he residence of the bride's mother in late -know, Miss Margaret ('anipbeil wen 1 iced in marriage to Thornier Wats() of the salve plait . Rev. 1). T. h• M erroll performed the erre• rnony, young couple left on the aftet•nrann t in for eastern points on their hotteymftol trip. Zurich, Nuptials. At the hone of the In id.•'s mother. Mrs. Tremnner, Zurich. on Saturday, April '2Ist, Miss Ka lr.•n Tretmner And Ixluis Prangt else of Zurich. were unites) in matPi' y Icy Rev. E. Siehx'Ike. After \ short honeymoon trip Mr. and Mrs. Prang will begin hensekeeping in th hare'. to home in ;Zurich purchase( stniP Bina ago by Mr. Prang. \ \ Sudden Death of Hen Resident.' Mrs. David Moltke, of ensnll. di on Satnrdsy, 21,4 tilt., in her sixty- seventh year. 9lhongh she had been in failing health for stmt' time her death was very sudden and unexpe'ct• ed and sync a great shock to her family. Mrs. Fitllick is sen't•iveel by her husband, two (heightens, Mrs. David Dew. of Henaall, and Mrs. Vail, of Martin. North, and eine son, George. Died at Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. \Vitt. McDougall, of hgmondville, mourn the death of their second daughter, Miss Margaret, which (weltered at. the hospital in Quebec city till Friday, April 011th, of appendicitis. The deceased went to l ueler l only x short time ago to take I K is position as milliner. The remains were bttntght house for interment. Deceased was thirty-three ;nears of age. Brucefield Spring Show, The 1111110'11, spring show Of entire xhek was hold at Iirucelield o11 'l'ues• day of last week, -under the auspices of the South Hurtu Agricultural Society. Thou was a splendid dis- plty of (horses and •It ititeivat was taken in the keen competition for MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. A•HPIYLU '1'ON'NMX11'. M.trt Xuev, April 1(tlt. Cituucil wet today, all the members prebuilt. Minutes of the Match lueet• lug were appruvid, -On umtlol of Metiers. Hunter lend Stiles. It wax decided that the lteeve arrange. with the Reeve of West %Vawanosh re rent of Driving Park Association Hull at Duoggannem for court room. Monett by Mistime. Staler and Kickley that iti the opinion of this council 11. Robe has no clout on the township for hem oof honer on February 20th. Moved in auieuelmgent by Mt'ssts. McKenzie awl Hunter that this council 'say II. Hose $4.i for loss of horse on Feyruary 'A)th. The amendment carried. A bylaw fixing the statute labor sealeati follows Was txtsretl : Aesessutent fritut 81181 to 81,1(10, two da)•s; asseiswent ft'.•lu 31,100 to $2,1100, tree days; each ad• ditioual 1111,1111111 assessment, one day. The following account.: a ere ordered paid : W. GMtlner, plank, 357.18; .1. Ifaekett., plank, 351.0); J. Hackett. repairing culvert. S. R. (1 and 111, Bleu; (deo. Hunter, piling. plank, $1.110; J. Murray, repairing culvert, 51b.; Little & Elliott, tile tit Dungannon, $17.00; J. Campbell, repairing (advert conceseions h )urns. In bulls 1itete was nut as 10 and 11, 81.:)11; \1'. Blake. ceuteet large a showing art usenet, but the pileconctasiutl'-U.*1..AJ;ThumasMaudy, Tquality of the exhibits was excellent. tile. *7."J); T, Todd, plink, 8117. L'r1; here was a good attendance of spec• It. J1rCharles, repairing two culverts titters. and printing 'entices, I1'1.;A); '1'. Sandy, tile on N. B.. $4.70; W. J. Treleaven. repairing safe and freight on twee, $12.1ti. Next meeting will be held May 211th. at 10 a.m., as 11 court of revision of assessment roll. Tilos. G. ALLEN, Clerk. Farmers Field Meetings. A Young Life Taken. The holt. of ',1r. and Mrs. 11. 1'cn- nitbake•r, ('Tinton, wet sadly bereaved tin Ssturd ay. April 2)st, when their thiid daughter, Annie, was called away It'theearlt• age tf sixteen y'ea's. She had ixen ill fur nearly eight menthe, but Was confined to bed for only a ft days. \liss I'ennahaker was borne in ('tilMorne township, near Sltepp:udtcm, whence the Gamily ed to Clinton in 1592. Though of x quiet disposition, She mule many friends and her death is deeply mourned by it wide circle. East Huron Licenses. The license v ' ' loners for East Huron have granted the following li- censes for the year : 5101m:worth. Re- gina Ser•havee : Brussels, McLennan A 1iru:ulflmt, Joseph Querelle.- Geo. Brown ; Walton, \Viii. Eutigh : (Sol- ite. Geo: J. Town. Geo. look ; J:u'e's- towtl, Thos. ; beer and wine ; !lehuon•, James Kir' by ; Bluevnle, J. C. Johnston ; Ethel, L. Lungewa •; Dublin, L. Wolff ; Igrave, J. H. SLr•tton ; 1'ranbrtotk, J+tcub- Long Fultlwieh, Henry- Otto A. A. hasty. and gen). Currie, 1Vro ler. muhjet't to (attain imlll•.Veiltentt. Death of Mr;. McGowan, Wawa - nosh. The low ee,hip of East. ',V lost title or its earlied settlers it day. Atllv inl 1 the death Waller AleGowwall. The der who hard reacheel the age of acne s•ycn 1 ye•.u. .. e it had e n u resident the. torah' y for over years,. rets. S . was .t w onl;tit greatly respected. as wit te,tilied bey -the Int'ge ler at leer funeral. She was a lifelong member of ltlytli Presbyterian church, and her death severs olio Of the few remaining \t links 1h:it hind the present to the Ste 1tian.t, The deceased ix survived by her husband. 1 (`111'1• Death of Seaforth Resident. wanted! Mon. ever. Neil,' The crest of lather in lighting weed. in- sect and fungus pests. which like the poor ale ever with ns, is one of the most serious problems' with which farmers have fro contend, The Seed Control Aet has had the effect of inet•easing the price paid tofarmers for their Imre seed and of redwing the price for their low-grade setst. An even great- er discriuttnation he priers is likely to follow. New weeds continue to be in- trlsluced. The trade in agricultural seeds haus hest' a fruitful means for spreading thyro. The shipment, for feeding purposes, of screenings from West•rmgrown wheat to points ill the Eatite1'n I'nlvinces ite another tiunrt•e• ' of immediate danger that should not be overlooked. 'rhe nox- ious nature id Dew weeds that are be- ing iteroth ct•d in various; ways is sel- dom well understood or their danger appreciated by farmers until they have lectins well established. 'l'ht• Ihxuiniot And Provincial De- part menu( tit Agriculture ate tb:an ever Alive to these dangers tvhit•h threaten to become a ser' t lass in er.p prAlncliun, :tad in the Enatern Primitive's Ilr the ro-u1elnli n again this year in holding field Meetings during the lh let Jute., she•{1 weeds, insects, fungi's diseaLtesi anti plant growth are tin evidence. Seventy of , these field meetings have Ix't•n arranged by Supt. G. A. Putnam, its 1`Unllt•(•1 itllt with the :u•Il1er,+ Institute system of Ontario. leser'iees of Prof. 1.lachile:el, of the Ibonitld Agricultural ('allege. at Anne de Bellevue, have leen se- ta conduct similar farmers' na- ture s led)• meetings in the three Mar- itime n1VInCl•.. Here s provided an opportunity for farmers it get. at first hated infortlta- C that C*hntt•Ie• given ordemnnu- sttntatesl in hall meetings during the wier. The Woon Walls of England. II a Ituake•r.. Ment• th,ul a thtiusatld .ears ago Alfred the Great, that victI>the( King of i'tigItnd, who laid the early foulest• Mimic of so much of her power. in- itiat4l that patentfatter in the motile to •nee both of the scout -wide Brit- ish Empire And also of the peace of the world -the British nary. In those early days, however. the vessels were WOW mega 1e•y-s, graudually, century After century, illel',':tsing In P17,1' and power until. in 1ht. ttuiggee of Henry V111., the first three-dee•ker was constructed. For Abortthree hundred years the type of ship remain.. I lintel jenny un- altered except that the Chine's' junk appearance of the rising poop was kttulealty abolished, until, in the glo- IIt11A days of Nelson, the rtdlninatiug lmint in the grace tend my U•y tit ine's of naval att•hitectnre•was trached, that redoubt/dile pride of the•SPAN. the relete•itlell half•-.tf'bittie• ship Vietory, the flagship u( the im- mortal hent, being A very "thing of beauty." though garnished with all the paimply id war. and bristling with tier 14111111 Uel' of C 11. Anil 111011 ill Vict(ritm dttys the knell of all these heart of oak vessels is sounded hs1 tit 1 thes nuIre f 1 white- ' 'Sailed •hue- 'sailed frigates and proud lice -of -b the siilos give place to the ttnhvt•1y steel and iron ulunstromities tf t.(Iny : those grim sleuth -1 otindm of the sea, huge cmiramsrd and mailed floating fortresses palpitating with machinery from stern to stern, and armed with mighty weapons capable of Throwing at projectile'• weighing mitre then the aggregate of an entire broieltide from the gene( of one of those old frigates of the past to R distance of eight milts ler more. And costing, with its twnmtuent. for it mingle battleship aa much mime ent ire fleet or former tinges. Hut, the naval Mnptwmtev of Oreit Britain was won in the (obeys of thea.. "wooden walls of Englund"; all down the centuries battle after battle has (leen won by that vnlimnt tare of fear - leas "sett•dtgt" of the past ; time after time the ninny jealous; enemies of Eng- land lmve attacked her on the high Acus, and time' after time they have Mien diewonlflteel: many of their cap- tured ships added to fleets, snd ninny more sunk to the bottom of the M(tl. And let ns hope that shntld the tee' - sin of war unhappily be. rinuuded, amu( the mighty fleet of Britain be. let Idose "pun the fa e•, the hong record of vie. tory may Telmalt'l unbroken. and yet. more triunlplts he inscribed on the nail of tarn.. lint with each +ncresedve war the earnest hope is more And nun•e intim- stifled that our Mwnnls will he turned into priming hooka and that. He who ire the Prince of Peace may abolish war and strife from the earth. '1'111 then would tient all, solely rely- ing neon the expiation Ile maule upon the erose for their Merrell salvation, would enlist, ler His banner and take upon t.heen N(s e„ey yoke. • Mille'r's %Vett' Powders make the children healthy. For tattle by Jlts. Willson. n %ir tiin Le t its gl'AeIPAt RtpPrt. I( neither monellior Ince than following reason. ( 'lei nese Proverb. %fell people-dn not worry. 'rake M(IIPr'm Cinq(nnd Iron fills and be well. 50 doses for * quarter. For Pale by hut. Wilson. A rook lima been going around * station in the south of India with the following “character," and itt POMP - what ntrprised he Is not engegsd : "Aided his leen may enok for three mnntM: I' seems h longer. Ha Iem•rae nn *rroet. of ill -health my III - health. -New York Tribune. Ian \%'etiths(lay of Laat week an old resident of Seaforth departed this life in the person of Joseph Herbert, at the age of eighty-nine year,. 'rhe de- ceased eves testi in England on the stint' shay a, the late lluceD %'ieto"a. He served in the bodyguard of her late :Majesty at thee eon nmat ion and n'- ceit•wl live bridges of hotttor during ,itis military life, which extended tti•er twenty -flys years, of service in the Birmingham 2')tlt regiment. Since ' g to Seiforh he followed the ot•cupation ttf painter and house der, orator until his health gave out. He leaves a widow and a family of two son, Anil four daughters. 'There are also thirty-one grandchildren ' nod fourteen great-grandchildren. STYLES FOR MEN. 46 antic Form Parlors" Show Many Novelties in Suits and Top Coats. Th man who wants to know just what i, new And rorttt•t for spring wear will find -everything that him !wen tientI oittl I,v Dame Fashion at tit., •' I'6( -t i.• Form Parlors." All the proper styles in suits and top rials are shown. in a great Variety of hnnd- mellle patterns. -Plastic Forel" clothing has A Min- ims reptant' for the ea) it .t•et,ei ns ill perfect lit and sh,ys•line•.•. This is dm not only ter) the splendid quality (if cloth linings but ase t rurx o•r t I tailoring. .11I the work it d • by experts, each lailot 'cunlplt'ting but • part of the work. All garments' to hand -finished .and hand -moulded. ' I'Inslit Form- clothing it mule in all sizes not only for the normal elan but for the extra large and extra small, the extra stunt. and extra slender. So that. A man knows ex- actly how he is going to bark in his clothe,, for he ares the complete (nit ler tip rust its a whole -nut a yard or two of cloth. LLTTLE POCKET PHYSICIAN. Hyotnei Inhaler that Never Fails to Cure Catarrh. Thousands who have• b•efl cured by Hyntuei, call .the inhaler that c 'M with every' outfit "the little, !socket • M ' is so small that It. ' physician,' it it I can le carried in the pocket or ptrsr, Pviur t.i the disroyert- of Hyonei. Mttl1.1it's slolwetl that at (east. 117 riot of every 100 permutes in this estate were mltfirring f10111 tatu•rah in sola forme. The relent kable result); fallowing the use 1Rf 1 1 y •i are shown by the smaller percentage today of people suffering from catarrh. • A complete flyoiiei north consists of -the little pocket physician," a medicine dropper, And at bottle of i1yntnei, and c(tset only 31, while tul- dtt' I buttes Of 11yintiel con be pro - menet for 111) rents, making it the most economical, A( well ,as the most re- liable treatment for the cure of ratm•rh. Do not delay Ionit.'r chi' 1110 or Hyomei, if you have r•ntarrh. This is a purely Leal disease, and IfyontPi gm's right to the spot where the ca- tarrhal germs are present., doe nays them, srmothem and hats all inflatema- tion, and slakes at permanent and lasting con•. If you mimed obtain Ily 'i of putt' (teeter. it will is• forwarded by nm11, postage paid, on ircriitt of price. Write 1tmlay for eommultwt.ion blenk that will entitle you to services of our medical department without rher•ge. The R. T. Iltuth Company, llymnei !Wilding, !thee*, N. Y. ••Why dt you teach your children to mite and ming ?".a, "Well." mnswered the. practice! wtttnttn, "there hue t1 IM none. way of starting people who POMP CO NIP you and forget. when it is time to got home." --Washington Star. 111 UNLIGHT OAP Clothes washed by Sunlight Soap are cleaner and whiter than if washed in any other way. Chemicals in soap may remove the dirt but always injure the fabric. Sunlight Soap will not injure tithe most dainty Ince or the J hands that use it. because it is absolutely pure and contains no injurious chemicals. Sunlight Soap should always be used as directed. No boding or hard rubbing is necessary. Sunlight Soap is better than other soap, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. 5cBuy it and follow c • directions. ✓ • 160 $5,000 RtWARD will be paid to any p.' -oo who proves that. Sunlicbt Neon contains any htiurtous chemicals or any form of adulteration, Lever Brothers limited, Toronto TUU••leav, May 3 1901) THE BISSELL 3 Dram Steel Land Roller They stand up against hand work and lots of it. Truss rods millets tae Frame, •Hew Yq steel plate In on the drums otiosely 6t,Med The.ush.nt and very strong. Sold by Irate n look ah aatu.,l.• rollerNone genuine without the Rasps "BIS.';ic,L" Manufactured by T. E. BISSELL, ELORA. ONT. Writn for booklet " 1:.'• PAGE FENCING THE BEST IS THeE CH $ PEST When you buy a knife for instance, you Besides th extra strength and superior consider the quality of the steel in the workmanship,AGI{ FENCES are dip-' blade. Th.' biggest and heaviest knife isnot ped in s spedfal white paint. whick on necessarily the best. Now there is just :tt top of the test o galvanizing, will lengthen much difference in the quality and strength the life of wire [e years. And, also. tlei7 of steel in fence wire as w its coating makes wires there is in a knife blade or m le more sightly. razor. The Page Co. use - wing to the great a high carbon steel sire th and elasticity of wire, which though it AG , fencing, one - costs you but little mare, third OM posh arc re; is fifty per cent. (%) yuired, hum reducing the f+ strop •er than wire in Mher cost of to fencing'. fences. The lightest PAGE As you get in PAGE fences. as strciegas the FENCES one-half heaviest of other makes. more fence strength. Notice the lock in PAGEgreater protection against "EMPIRE- FENCE. You THE LOCK IN PAGE rust, bettor workmanship, may have noticed also ihat -'EMPIRE•• FENCES. better appearance, use others are imitating lens posts, can you afford it. That is a good recommend for it. to use other fencct,even though you could Where we lead others follow. buy them for one-half the price of the Alt PAGE wire is "COILED.' not PAGE? But, really ours cost you crimped. little, if any more. • 40e Get priers before placing your coder fur Fence. Crates or Lawn Fence. Soid and erected by J B. HAVE' KINS, Goderich 3 DUNLOP'S TAILORED CLO Th1NG Pits Well Looks Well Wears Well THE ONLY KIND WE SELL AND ABOUT WHICH YOU'LL TELL YOUR NEIGHBOR Newest importations in medium and light -weight clothes for spring and sum- mer wear. .DUNLOP, the Tailor \Vest slcet•l. liodcci, h, Keep Your Old Iron Rags, Lead, Brass, Copper, Feathers, Skins, Wool Pickings, Rubbers, Bones, etc., until I cat! for theta. I ask Illy Old MutittIleas nut. to sell their truck to anyone teptes•nlitg himself as my agent, as theme x•rsonsa aur dealing for themselves and not for rue. Save your stun for me and 1 will pay the best prime( going. Leave Y • ureter at noy bona*' :toil 1 will call nail Take the ghats await'. Or 1 will pay HI pet reel. if the gixxis HIV brought to my place Highest Prices paid for 'HORSEHAIR. DAVID BROWN ,,•1 .vitt street, - Goderich. 1 It will be to your Interest to come and see reit:tiling that Iwo se you are gullet it t p, g t build. old. If it itt Ewe bat. been to suitall places and tln- 1 tices are right. ' For the BATH ROOM tt • Ravel everything tip -to -Ilan EAVETRO'UGHING, ROOF ING and all kind, of METAL WORK dine in first-class aryl. by good ttir,I:alir'. A good \.to'k id RANGES, GRANITEWARE And TIN- WARE to els\uome\from. COAL OiL and GASOLINE 1lways int 1 1 at W. R. Pinder's Soctessor to G. N. Dans ISN'T it worth something to know that Barns, Chicken Houses, Tool Sheds, etc., have fireproof roofs? Paterson's "Wire Edge" Ready Roofing is absolutely fireproof and waterproof -and practically wcarproof. It is cheaper than shil:gles and lasts a lifetime. We will send you a free sample. 'fest it yourself. We will also mail a copy of our i:lustrated booklet. Hardware stores everywhere hand's I'atcrsu0's ^Wire Fdge" or can get it for you. Insist on having it. PATERSON MFG. CO. LIMITED • ?dour Pr At .no TORONTO �A'e. r/ L•tera/ we. Frost Fences Are Strong All Around The rale,.ls of a "roar Pence sir 11101 Carbon No. '. Iran] steel Coiled Wire, thoroughly galvanised -that can't be broken until the strain reaches from gym 10 MO pound.. The stays are No. 7 nr this /tame No. y wire. And the two wires are locked with the ?oat lank,. That braces the fence in all direction• -up clown and diagonally, We are wo note that Frost emcee are the strongest and best that we guntestif to repair, free of charge, any fence that goes smug. That'• fair( isn't it? F,r,.t mil r Pence, are for .ale by J. J. MOORE, . Benmiller W. M. HOWELL, Goderich FRED. LEIBOLD, - Zurich W. H. STOGDILL. - Varna Sprung Suits for -. Particular People The new fabrics for '.teen's Clothing this season have never heen equalle•II. PLASTIC. FORM CLOTHING EVERYTHING NEW AND UP -TO -DA'i i New Ties, New Hosiery, New Shirts. EVERYTHING IN MEN'S SMART WEAR. HARD AND SOFT HATS iN ALL THE NEW STYLES REG. BLACK ( norm tailor. 1 11, .`.quare. rooftree h. Write E. H. AYtR. Agent, DETROIT, for particulars. J. BROPIIEY & SON l HE LEADING -- F=uneral Directors and Embalmers Orden carfully atlenesd to at du hours. night or day 1 GUNI)RY BROS. • y� lv r L e ilack --- AND - 'Bus Stables 11 GOOD IIOHSES CARRIAGES 1')!A ETON5 ---ETC., AT._.-- REA SONABLE --it AT KS-- . Well-appointed Hackie and tell• stile drivers in ehat•ge off the 'Httse'b, which will meet *'1 train se and ;den in Ivo. atm `sar_Weasoam ALL CALLS ATTENDED To I'ROMI'rl,\' FROM HOTEL AND I'itIVATE HOUSES GUNDRY BROS. �•.I Its -11;, IT il'Itn\1: F t('n 1