The Signal, 1906-4-26, Page 5THE SIGNAL : (>rt)I►!':I;IIa'11 ON'TA tilt l' PEN AND SCISSORS. Ike LVA, Stery, 1. Mc Is de .tory We lore ea we eh.; You climb tar de hilltop. 1km you roll down ogle! 11. Now It, de shedder. Then It's de sun ; One day you In clover, 'then you gut none! Ill. Hat's des du ,.tory - All you kin Noy Ito we ell sits ter glory 5ve71 hulllerr"Reps;!" it is strange how things go un about us and we never notice ahem until our attention is called by outsiders. Now, for instance, the Ganlois of Paris re- veals certain facts which are surpris- ing. It informs us that Mt. 1'alen- tine's Day, which some of us may even have forgotten the date of, "is celebrated with enthusiasm, not only in the United Kingdom, but also in South Africa, Australia, Canada and India. It is the occasion for engage- ments, for every family on that day invites its friends, and the young men and maidens join in a dance. On this day '15uglish cant' is laid on one side, and If a couple passers under the mistletoe, which hangs from the ceil- ing, the dancer has, and chains, the right to kiss his partner. Hut it be does so, It means that he is engaged t' her, and though the ups and downs of English life may separate the young couple they remain faithful to the Valentine's kiss' and always marry in the end." It is pointed nut m that not only custom but haw deeds with the subject, "The English law c courts are very severe in breaches of promise of marriage, and consider the a 'Valentine's kiss' as equivalent to n public announcement of betrothal," Now many of us have never noticed these things, hut it only goes to prove that the onlooker sees the most of the gaunt•. , THE GENERAL AND MARINE HOSPITAL To the Rdltor of Tim Sigma HEAR NHL- Will you give me space in your column* fur all earnest appeal in behalf of the General and Marine Hospital? Will your maulers walk down Mouth Street any day this week or next, and see what has been (Ionel by the hospital board ; let them in- spect the addition, operating room and all the sanitary arrangements that have Leen carried out under their supervieiDll, The brick work acrd' painting are now In pogteee, and tenders for the plumbing are to be called fur. The ladies with the co-operation of the board have done all this J ,*ow it de- fends uptni the c ty'at large to do the rest. The fut•nisling of several wards has been secured, Dile by Urs. Miner, of Chicago, a former Gederich resident; Mother furnished by the Maple Leaf Chapter of little girls ; an- other by the Florence Nightingale Chapter; they by Mr. TI sou, of Ih►kttl, brother of G. W. Thom- son, our townsman, linen has leen donated by Mrs. Peter Adamson, a fine range for the kitchen by the Huck Co. through the kind efforts of Mr. C. C. Lee. who also gives some bathroom furnishings. The tomtit:al men of town have not been asked for sub- seriptions, as it is understood they in- tend equipping the operatil:g room. Every day demonstralke the need of a hospital. Death prematurely takes its roll front our to mlle+t-s through lack of proper 'turret:Omkit and ap- I.lianceA for the sick, whic can only e found in an institution of he kind. I fear toe many people inn iue the huspilal is only for the leu and is entirely, a chat Ralik affair. It t noth- ug of the kind : a wart can be .cured and paid -for by the richest n the ounty and every comfort prnt'id Area bet- erroneous imopres.km broad, namely, that Geelrt•i,h is ng to get NOW great Ieneflt for it y the institution oT the hospi mere. (dertaimly the county, to t be the suitable place for th Runty hospital, as it is cui•(umtar) hrotgliDut the whole Province to reef it Gov.: We hear that Wing - am is laudably agitating /4 hospital ; f a smaller town like V. loghato feels he nteessi'ty of such all institution, ow much more (lottery!, :' Will our the peitple of Ihingannom, fayfleld, !(enmiller, Pott Albert and laces adjacent to G,aletich, as well e the larger centres throughout the malty, .help furw'ant the en sal w'or'k *gull by the ladies of G(sle•t•ich. With elf the new works opening, nd the wave'uf prosperity passing ver aur haul, Nerdy. people can spare Nought fur the indoor( nuuatc, and help he word:. The board will want moan ane)'. Everything is paid for as )vt' . on, but re funds r be birtlh- nuing if we- open the building -in lime as pisquinar1, arid wi-h to-si•cuie tmasc•mmatr.on from 'Tetanode by (hat toe. I have enough faith it. huuue0- y to believe that the actinic id the ty council in rescinding the grant $1; MMI sit generously vDted by their• edeeessors wits an act dime with, e reflection. mei I bat they will e eppto,te•hing Jum• session rest' e grant, the withdrawal. of wh it retard the success of this and ikieg. ON,-: of TIIE "e,fk Efts, We see fr one of the tamely pipers Wm. It. Belden, of Moles- worth, who is a large maker of maple syrup, intends to send a pailful to }tingg Edward. Mr. Belden should he careful. We are' reminded of the experience, of a Goile•rich open, none • other than the genial president of the Great Northwestern Exhibition, who -on a trip to the Old Country NOW years ago took over a sample of maple sugar that his friends over there might have a taste of one of Canaeda'as finest products. His Old (ount'y friends liked the sample all right, but when he tried to tell them that it Was made from the nap of a tree they utterly refused to believe F' , He persisted in trying to break down their scep- ticism, but it was no use, until finally he wan+ sorry he haul token the stuff over -he had only destroyed his reputation fur veracity. Of cour•w• 1 h c P h h p' N re x u Il) g, ti JI a ti ii of Is r•y- this wits quite a number of year:, /tiro, I'r and Illi C,nmt•y people k • r• eta Mead Canada now than they did then. Ih but still- .Mr. linden should be care- th ful. wi .4.5'.g of Sts.v. I took bi tweets off last week 'Sub folks Is sh... -they! bake be week - Aw-ellyn [Sob cautions wads mutt strip so ...ad. I tmk they're. crazy es a loud To sweet mood till dearly Jude A w the w l Hi wife declared 1'd retch a cold A writes ! (Iw•, what is wopta•r rail she bold A chews 1 deter felt side• t'r; lard liviaf - Ibw' this is dot lint -11111. I'd gi lb .t hely dery- I b MM shin' -rig • ,'i:;,'I Aw-,how , Ilett year 171 do the oda. agald That is If I'd doticold ad dead A chew.' If 1 Malt peas the church) ar,l Arch Ere ilex, year's budding of l he tach I'll take bi fsddels nM td tient) - Awthew' T '•if i house, contains six bureaus, eleven : tnuires, seven chiffonnieres, and fifty- ree miscellaneous drawers, how many . f 'emit is the husband en- titled Go, anbow many is the wife asked the you ' clubman, The secon clubman laughed harshly. - "You are youn; and have much to learn," he said. ' ou may as well understand first as set that if there were in your honsc a tile of hareems, three acres of armoi s, and 17,11(1!) drawers, all of these uld still be stuffed full of veils, ruchi ' a, hatpins, ribbons, silk stockings, etticoats. powder puffs and safety pin and the nest course for yon to pursue ould be to wrap your own things -yon shirts, uoderclt,thes, and se on -in a , ewe• paper and keen them under the 1." Of course he was exaggerat slightly. K 4 A dresaed-up man bounced into an office full of brokers the other after- noon, says a New York paper, anti pulled a pack of cards out of his pocket. Draw a card, please," he said, *e- lecting a victim. "Thank you, Now please ring up Harlem 12:l1.1J, Ask for Miss Brown. Request her to tell you what card you hold in your band," The victim, mumbling a protest about runners for mind readers, did as he was asked, "Gee, she told me the right card, all right," he announced, with anlne surprise. "Very wonderful; most mysterious," remarked the stranger, "You ace, the girl can be called up ander fifty-two names, all at the same number; of entire. in Harlem ; fifty-two cards, fifty -ten names. Mine Jones. the ace of heart,: Miss Smith, the ten of clubs; Mike Brown, the three of spades -that's the one you had. Allow me to present my business card. 1Ve make the hest fitting pants in these or any other United States. Thank yon. Good morning," 4 They do things differently in the land of the Shah. A traveller, speak'• ing of Nome of the oddities of Persian ctst,ms when viewed with Occidental eyes, said : • tit at Ire icl, er- South Huron Licenses. At a meeting of the Smith Huron license conaminsinner•s, held in Hrnsall ..n Thursday hast, the fu iecw'iog shop and hotel license. were granted in the at•veral wanicipwlitit's tor the ensuing livens'. yPor- : Se•,dortla : Ship Eilwar•d I)miww,n, H. C. Gilford. Hotels - J •s hick, INek House ; 1), '1'. -l'iukney, '!rival : %Viiliant Hct•Kalt, (itip Houser: Hen- derson A' Ih•14eey, I' nriatl: Jlrs. I'hristena St.•ve•ns. Queem;s, held over for fit tilte'consideration. Exeter : Shui, F. 1. Knight. Maids htrl,e's Shield( ick, Mannion House : W. '1'. Acheson, Central : Wlm. Harrows, l' 'rebel, granted if he makers Ott necessary improve- ments ; C. 1Vcudlaud, Metropolitan, held over fur future considen-aton. ' Stephen : Hotels 11'dlliatu Frits Grund Bend ; Wm. Ziminter. hash- wosel : Mit..an Deih•ich, Mt. Cannel : August Hill, Crediton; R. Cunning- ham, Khiva; John Mclsawc, Cc'editun : James Hannan, Shi ora, for three His to see if he will do letter t A. Moser. ('nrleett, three muntthe to dim - pow of stock ; Win. Moffat. Centra- lia. three rllntlthe to sell out or Make the home satisfactory to the brined. Hay : Hotels - R. R. Johnston. 1, I'. It.au, Zurich : Mrs. Nicholson, Blake', Stanley : Hotels If. A. ('cok, Var- na : H. Shaeffer. Kipper). • Tuckers ' h : Hotels -Geo. Strong, Strong s Hotel ; C. Wilton. Bruce. Held. t'shore, : 1.-.J, P. Ifdahon. Hayfield : , I►arrow. mercinl ; Mrs. 11. 111• p: Geo. Greenslade, liver Hotel, a e forsix months. Hennall: Hotels - .1. E. Blackall, Queen's ; Thos. Heffe•r•tnan, ('unnmie- vial, . The fees are according to the new se edule. Clintonlan Has a Discovery. Irrom Mall and Empire. J. R. V.,.Clintot, Ont.--Qat,-If i make a di. •ove'ry in a►stron •. which upsets the revinusly accepieel views nn any point in there any way where- by I cat pro cct my discovery? So that i can ave end secure com- pensittion or be •fit from it ? Ans. --I do not Yee why you should watt to "protect' Your discovery er what protection person can hope to Dake anything out of a discovery its a mummy. As- tronomical investignto s and re- searches are'' not presumed to be a money -making bueineow, , , person may, however, "publish" hi tt.trnn- ontrcal fes ',arches and discos' den In the form of a hook or pwunplile't. eel he can have that book or pian. u et on •'copyrighted," and (ithus ohm some rernmeration for his labors en expenditures, if any, by the sale of hie hook or pamphlet. - -on requite. No "C tIeRne word nolle enter Depending as we do upon illusion forme and scenic effects in one theatres, the their presentation of a Persian„ play by naive dative performers strikes the West. the ti erner las little short of ridirnlnus• the The I'' firem chem ((Pita place motor 1t int a a„oompli"htrl by the very motor simple expdieut. of drawing him up -Hr from the at►ge mid out of sight. with a hlnyk ami tackle. '1'h.• tackle is at- Mill I-u•h'd to hie felt by an attendant 'In Meet, plain vi-- "Chauffee a Misnomer. heuffer," said Col. Hemmen Mon - is an old provincial French and was originally applied to nitwho went• ahon t the country ing farm houses and torturing is to tell where they had hidden money. it was used as a de - appellation by the French tfi rivers of the fits), smoke wagons. Hench alert use it to le•ilgnte a an or stoker, emeriti English istry it denote., a smell stove for ng metals. ft is entirely out of when used for the driver of a car and he Afield he called a let or some'Lhing like that. tnklyn Eagle. - - me solemnity of all concerned making the appw'ai to hilarity all the stronger. iii tune of their favorite miracle playa the i'rophet is •nppo aetl 11 wend to heaven, and this dramatic aurbence. nowe'ver, istheImaginative power in the Oriental that many of the on• leekera will he ohaervrrl weeping openly." er's Compound and iron Pills, only t+ for :in dose.. Flo -air• by Jas. Wilson. 1Ve probably wnnhlo'I is• as happy as we are now if we gotall the things we think we want, hill must'or u, would like to try it and see. THE MARKETS. vrpool Wheat Futures Close Hiphes. Chicago Higher -Live Stook Mar- kets -The Latest Quotations. Moodily Eveulux, April 23. verpool wheat futures closed today t(1 -alar than Saturday, and cora tutu os to Id higher, At Chicago May wheat cloe'd 100 lower •4aa Saturday; Nay corn, Syo lower, and MU arts 34c lower. THE V1d1SLE SUPPLY. whast Aprll23. •esil Cees 4a.143,esal 11417,000 Oats 7,074000 .11,eu3,ase ]h, lu0,e190 14,871,01? Duda/the week wheat decrease.2,112,• 000 bushels, tuns decrcaeed 734,aye bush- els, and eats decreased 005,0(10 bushel,. LEADING WHEAT MARKETS. MinneapolisMay. July. lletrolt•a...•, YTy{, YI0 Nt. Lauds 70% 6s bu:sth 7*% Ts Teaede 87 50'e TORONTO PRODUCE MARKET. Grabs - Wheat, spring. bush ,..50 74 to 5.,.. wheat, fall, bush 0 77 0 79 Wheat, red bush ...:.., 0 77 0 79 Wheat, goose, busk 0 T3 Barats,ley,busk push 0 $1 .. o B 0 40ee, busk 0 Te •• Pees busk U 77 •••• Buckwheat, bush. 03.1 •••• LIVERPOOL GRAIN AND PRODUCE. Liverpool, April Lf. -Wheat, spot 11011111r• al; futures, steady; Hay, tis 014; July, W 73x4; Sept. the 7d. Cora, spot, Orin; ♦w- ereau In xrd new, 4* 554d; American mix- ed, old, es ifesa; futures, strong; May, 4ab4d:u ,4,* 'fid. Pork, prime mes* July, •unt.seady, 52s 44;lung clear middies light. heet steadily, 48e; loug clear mlddh-e, 'bear;, st ads, 40.; clear bellies, steady, 4as. Shoulders, square, steady, 42s, Lard, palms weeltru 111 tierce* nerdy. 44s; A can, te0ned to pall's, steady, 4M; cheese, Amerlcau Siest white steady, Pis O4. Tur- prutre spirits, steady, 47s 3d. Hops In l.tmoon, Pacific coast, Arm, L" Gs to 13 150 NEW YORK DAIRY MARKET, New York, April ±3. -Butter, Armee; re. flows. 4130street price extra creamery. 211- to 2134e. Otaetal prices cr'•smery, ecu moa to extra, 14e to 21c; dr.., held, 14', W 11.114e; reuovated, eommon a, extra IOs tl 15-; western factory, common to trite, 13e to 15%c., Cheese -Minn; receipt., 1910; state full maw, large mod small, colored awl white, hl cy, 14 y,r; 4.., seed to prime, I - %e to 4.-; common to fair, Iic to 13c; Mme, II to light, 2iye to 103ee, I'Eggs iisyn.:luI,. •and, nerrbv fan y selet. tet wL to s ; do.. choler 19c to 193j•; mi. •dla, extra, Ilk: western, Silts, 19e: W1!kx, ids, 17%e to 1734c: southern,, lac.t • CATTLE MARKETS. Calle. tee Firmer. -Cattle and Howe A Euler at t'h ease, 1..1111011, April al. -Cattle are quoted at Ile to rte per Ib.; refrigerator beef, N.' ,to ht,c Isar, h,;•cheep, dressed. 1Gc to 1 c per It; bon ,17c dressed weight, roRONTo UNCTION LIVE STACK. Toronto, A , r11 23. -Receipts of live Sock at the Mon Stock Yards were 04 car loads. c moose(' of 1294 cattle. 3 sheep, 1 hog; 3 calves and 1 hon*. Ea miters. 1'rlecg ranged fr m e4.60 to $5.2eu per with few et tb• latter price, as will Is• sten by quotation eaten below. "rho bulk of exporters so , at $4.151 to 5.5.10 per''wl, bolls soli ;ul $150 to $4, Witt a few of prime quullty at 4,25• ' •stelae There was a better sup ly of bucrhers', lout nut enough of the 1,. t kind. Prices for the Met butcher. held strong. selling as high an many exporters, several leads of wLlch were bought to go back to the reentry as abort -keep feeder. Picked I• is of bulcben' sold at $4.W to 5- ?or.ewt; mads of good at $4.00 to $4. - mediums, -$1.31 to $4.114; crows. :it 5x,35 to Feeders aaa4 Sneaker Two or three lords of light .e portiere were bought to go back to the entry as short keep,, weighing 1130 to • , at $4.63 to $4.70 per cwt. Veal Catena. oral calves sul,l :.t $L75 per cwt. Wows, H P. teemed,. reports prices mochas, at $7.15 fur selects mad $0,90 for lights and fats MONTREAL LIVE STOCK. Montreal, yr!! 23.--(Spe•cial.)-Cables rams 'prong from Liverpool and London os e'nurdt*u cattle and prices edsea'•'d %. M•r moped tie Ila', and sae cable from l.ateir- pool quoted at 12•4c. Exports from Port- land mad at. John last week were 1795 cattle. 1125 sheep. Receipts wore 12(0 cat• the, 50 muck rows 500 canoe, leo sheep and lambs, 1000 hog., The market fes bogs was stronger and prices adraoced 10 per Ifs) Ito Receipts were 1000, for weld* the demand was good and sates of tweet lore were may at $7.75 ii $7.06 ppeer cwt., weighed of cant Our ambiton Saturday Oct t. eneahau Nees woes ate Live ra prices advsaced le to Se Ngs. Leaded, Is to 2e, to bas to Ins sad s1s M to S to Otis. The trade ( snow, it cattle was fictive and prh es were steady under a peed demand. Extra rhnn beeves sold at 5144' to 534e; crolee, 44,' to Sc; good at 41.4e to 454e; fair. at 7%e to 4c; common, at Sc to :u 100; Intsr:er, at 2%e to 3c per Ih. anew cow* were stow of wale at from 896 to t each (Lmhnin nitres sold MS at $2 to $3 each, oaf gond s:. to $0 each. The sheep were nearly all shorn aid sold at 41te to re Per lb. Good spring lambs odd at $4 to U each, but some of the msaller tones at $a each. - EAST BUFFALO CATTLE MARKET. East Buffalo, April 211.-Cattle--Rec•'Ipte, 4310 head; fairly active, IQe lower; prime steers. $5.23 to $306; ahlpptng, $4tri• Co $3.15; butchers', $4.25 to $5; belfcra,I53.73 I. 63; cows, $3 to $4.50; culls, $3., to $4.75; stockers and feeders $8.31, to $4.50: stock heifers, $2,75 to $8.60; fresh cows en,l springers, Strong to 5771 higher; $'v) to 006. Vents --Receipts, 2200 Asad; active nal nen t;, $4.t0 to $S.t10. 11, rs--Reeelpts 15,500 hamar active and steady; heavy and mixed, $0.W yorkan, $.I-sil to 1[0.90; pigs, 54.76: rwghs, $6 to ste %, $425 to 5j4{,,75. sheep sell Iambs --Receipts, 2400 head; ratite; Cheep, ready; iambs, Sc hig`'ter; lambs, $6.25 to $7.36: starlings, 56.2 to $6.50; wethers, $s to 56.25; ewes 55.50 Ie $5.75; sheep. turd, $3 to $5.71[; clipped ROMA $6 to Pao NEW YORK LIVE STOCK. New York, April 25.-Derve.-Ree,tpts, 4:Ash steers, slow hut strong'; betty bulls, ltd, and easier; bologna bu11Ameady; rows, tinnily to Srtn; steers, $4.00 too 55,73; bulla, $155140 $4.00; cows, 52 to $3.II6. . Experts to•I,.rrow, *Sol rattle, 1110 siren and 4200 (mare re of beef. Calves- Receipts, 5433. Worker active, bot pores 7:k.' to $1 lower, veils, $4 to pa.:),; choice and extra, 53.60 to $6.75; sans, $3 t.. ahrpn gni Lambs -Receipts. x11,13; reheop. stet,ly; Iambs, opencil full stases, closed vetoer; sheep,clipped, $3 to RS; w,ell'd. Io. $4 to $.3e1: dipped Iambs, $511( to $3.70; wonted do. $7 to $7.73; tow spring land',, at $4 each. Imes-I(.e•elpte, 5937; market barely dy. State kegs, 56,90 to $7.10. Leg Amputated. Ram ton, April 24. -Yesterday after- noon the , . •tore found it necessary M amputate at below the knee the leg of Wllllam . Harris of Harris Bros., the Market • are bakers. The trouble started with a 're toe and developed Into gangrene. 11100 R . rd, $100., The readers Otitis pa will he plensetl to learn that them Is nt ,'ast •ne dreaded IP'nei n that ..fence hit" been able n cone In all Its stages, situ that I'('atarrh. i II' s('Merrbt'me Is the only positive cote no Mason to the reveille* fraternity. I'Monti I e a cnnstlt't- tlnnal laves, requires a I'uos•It linnet trent - ment. Halls I catarrh ('urn Is tele loternally, Wing dimity upon the blood it morons porkies ofIhesystem. (hereby dent Ina the foundation of the disease, end sly ,g the pat lent. .annul hhy building nor ( ho exmst s Inn and assisting nattier. In doing Ito, work. The prom icicles hate so touch filth In Its earth%a onset. that they offer tow Hundred Dollars fhe any case that II. falls to yore, Mend for fist of tr•mmnnlnl•. A4Mmes f ..t. CHIS\ E V a: CO.. Toledo, 0, tbM be An ih-t 1te, Take Rail. _ v SiamPill• fel can_ diraatlore. The Signal does good Job printing. =�3 Tuu.•euAY, April 26, 1906 W. A. McKIM �; \• • I, I -n, •- It, " I III r, 4.0.1 III MILLINERY legimi t„ t•urrpnrc with our • present showing. 'We claim your interest iu Si • of the smartest styles of the season, It' you have not seen • millinery you have'Memel the best tlieples- of the• kintl. NEW SAILORS. NEW FLOWERS, NEW TRIMMINGS and NEW TAILORED HATS. l'ourtee,us attention whether you comet •tu but- te. not and right prices all the time. t ' SS L AE0411t GREATER COMFORT Ltrta ,raonelal llsut5. Iososr, o.t ••••• no... w.,w es•.e raw • 11177•, tosws..... pawn es -r t _ Your Money Refunded L; th• d..r . , h,. Too buy . i,. ight Bos; ,t you And se cats• tort eompk.lnt. C�ifJ'.ANrl9 FERFECTLYPURf,GCNUINC,dr 0•uticontr ra O/IMmneu Punc,Aig itowir� TO A41051 ,155155 CAYSL ,011 CCHPLatat, -I. S'',srnli f;ht Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. 5c. Buy it and follow directions, $5,000 reward will b. Iwai toon) person le ho proves that Sunlohtfwap contains any injurious ch•tnte.ha er se; form N adulteration. 5c. Lahr Bf others Ltmitod. Toronto Kind Words. Wingham Advance : The Jimlerieh Signal has entered its f •th year ler its present management.. The Signal is a bright, uew•sy paper and deserves sacccss. N'.• wisIs its pt'c- pr•ietors continued posterity. Clinton New Era : The Goalerie Signal has premed its third »universal• tinder its present management ant has good veleta) for (reline proud os -c' it, growth and standing. in mato respects The Signal has improved Jur ing these three yeas, and it is a crdi to the county town. In local matte it is always abreast of every (teem rertce, while its edit,'tdal page is cleat and decider) in tune without Iain offensive.- ' insult. It is the right of everyone to ask for his stoney, and when he dies not get it tip keep on asking at inter - vale until he liars. -Exchange. Miller's Grip Powders cute. Fur sale by Jar. 11'ilseil. Lee is it thram, but ima•riage it an h ahlr'ltl clock. -New York Time , )' Miller's Worm Powder•, the meth- ' cine for children. For side by .has, • r Wilson. } Habit may he secnhd nature, but it t is s,•Iduut an inulnolvement on the• I • origiuul. - New life for t►• One Ont. Duns and Dunning. Just why anyone sd►(euld feel sins en :asked to settle an ace t i of those things no fellow can find tent tilt' faet ietlmnirns-that Lim aver, e. human !wring regarls•iver) requt'. mimic to him[, t'ithe's orally or written to settic a little hill, its a Blum. A duo i. •euurally looked orient to he either m rr nr iess 141.11sive. If you ow'e Imlut' lyuu might to pay it, end why people Intl Ludt when asked to pap- a just n td due see t is than we are it it' to undt'rataand. If it is incent•enden or yon cannot pay, it is up to you to •xplain the why and the wherefore. early everyone ex- pects to pity his 'ills re tittle or other, but man) at tail as prompt as they should be, or a. they would like others to be t' them, 11 is an eauooy 'natter to explain, and the dehtiir in- variably gets the arc° nu elation re- quested. It is an exaaspi 'toting thing to write letter otter letter u a debtor, receive no reply, atid,_hat every re- quest treated, with a e ot't of •lent eon- eutpt. It is generally mil •r such rircumsttnee•s that the (•rdi lr gets until and gives the account to 's sed. icitnr, with instrtetiorns to site, •hen the matter condi have leen antic bly settled. hon't look on 11 inn :Is 'alt a quarter. Miller's Comp"nod Iron fills, For eale by g Jaw. 1Vilsem. 11 Iran a main says his wife is hard to please it's a stile sign he (tied to j pests. her in his own way.- If there_ is at bumper whist elle) in s tilt' country the ,a t•erege man tries to I make opt that his brains had sena,- , thing Ludo with it. - New York Keep Your Old Iron Rags, Lead, Brass, Copper, Feathers, Skins, Wool Pickings, i Rubbers, Bones, etc., until I call for theta. I ask may ,ilei customer: not. to sell their truck to I allyeinc mepre•w•ntiug hiimetic /1h 1113 agent. as thew persons are dealing for themselves and not for ma•. SON(' your stuff for me and I will ply the lest prices going. Leave same oriel at my home and I will caul 'tlatd take the goads away. Or I will b,ay In ler eetlt. more if the goods are rought to my plate, Highest Prices paid for HORSEHAIR. DAVID BROWN Vie•tot•iat street, - - Goelerie•h. r li'e COLIrI Corn eirias:on A L THAT'S Out• prices will decide w'hetbe_. entitled to business or not, hes FRESH AND KEPT SO Everything in our extensive grocery line is fresh, clean and of the very best4quality,•afid sold at close figures, Just now canned vegetAlesiere in the foreground. We have on hand the best brands of Canned Tomatoes, Peas, Corn, Beans, Succotash, Pumpkin and String Beans All fiine, fresh and reliable •, Try them Try a 10 cent can of Dean's Star Brand Baking Powder. This powder is sure to please you. • P T DEAN The Grocer. 'PHONE tea COR. MONTREAL ST. AND SQUARE, GODERICH, ONT. Spring Suits f or Particular People - The new fabrics for Men's Clothing this season have never been equalled. AND UP-TO-DATE. EVERYTHING NEW I 11 HHAATRSD AND SOFT _IN ACL THE NEW STYLES PLASTIC FORM CLOTHING New Ties, New Hosiery, New Shirts. EVERYTHING IN MEN'S SMART WEAR REG. BLA-CK [tattiest' two -toned light material and colors and light on your pocket book. is it NMI McKIM'S BUSY STORE OM 411011#111010,11, 16 do 11i OW10,011140101 1 A DRIVE in FURNITURE .41 rode oar glad neon. See what it small purse smile all over with that will make , the thin t atm llllll t of money will Cie itecomplish just now. Iron and Brass Beds from -Ze.- 112.40 up. Kitchen Chairs, hardwood, ,rs press carved backs, double Ir rungs all around, 40c each. 6. Child's High Chairs, with 6. tray, 86e. Bedroom Suites. $112.00 'Parlor Suites, five pieces. i•C from $18 to $150. Closing out our genuine Ostermoor Mattresses for 1113.00. 19 tegulitt• prme $15.161, HS we' bast' the sole agency for the Mar -shall Mattress, the I -est and only ventilated mattress on tarth. It:has 4" 4111 nu rival in felt. !lair fig ally other litirmllre. We 11aVe n few ' Hercules guaranteed bed Springs, u•losing out at 113:00. Wo hotve a newer and better spi mg now. guaranteed to I give MUN- I ., fart' In lllll ney ,ref Ital. See mar new importial Furniture Il Coverings, Curtains, etc: they will he a surpriee and pleasure t.4) t "II, Willi her y011 luny or not. Upholstering a sph•gaIty end •.ali * work guaranteed. An elegant line of real mahogany chair a frames, divans, davenports, etr., in stock. Customers can see 1 inn.dlliletiw:lett their own covering lind have them upholetered to '4'4 SMITH'S FURNITURE and ART STORE t EAST STREET 6.: • What Fence Will I Fence My Farm With ? (ANS.) The fenee that it/ guaranteed bp- a merrhant who is itt business to stay, not here today and away t mow. you have not only tny guarantee but the guarantee of the etenpany thet makes LIM' fence. and they make the wire ft the iron ore- dp to emnpletion, so they' k now what they are guaranteeing. It is the American Field and Hog Fence nianufactored by The Canadian Steel A: Wire Co., of Hamilton. who are the Canadian brand' of the" American Steel and Wire Co., who make evet•y pound of win• that is tined in Outwit' and United States. We tarry this fetes. in 3 different styles of all No. 9 Wire different styles of No. 9 Laterals and No. 11 Stays 7 different styles of No. 9 top and bottom Laterals and rest No. 12 This gives you III .1i &rent styles tat choose from, all of which ,iv,1:11.111,eiregeeizteittzk. Thr proof of the popularity pf this fence in • No. 9 Coiled Spring Wire We have pist meek oil large commie:11,1..1d which et $2.5o per zoo lbs CEMENT. WI' have Pint, received 'a fresh carload of NATIONAL CEMENT lllll nufael ere! at Durham. Its quality is too well known to take up yule time telling you of it. Cap isle SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINTS The pemanrity of these manta is nhown by the large sides AHEAD THIS SPRING. 1% e have hail two how l •nts sr GENERAL HARDWARE We earl, everything that is te lie .,111 lip br-liatr Plumbing. Heating and Tinsmithing given ‘peeial attention, and all work guaranteed. Chas. C. Lee store Ilhorse