The Signal, 1906-4-26, Page 4Agriculture in Ontario. Present Conditions as Seen by Thomas McMillan, of Hullett. Farmers Do Not Sufficiently Study their Business -- The Man of Enthusiasm and Determination Wins No Need to Go West The Labor Prob- lem -Too Many Bachelors Farmers Want Jus- tice in Tariff Legislation. An interesting letter by Thom McMillan. of Hullett, in The Week Sun deals with agricultural condi tin in Ontario as seen by him during his recent tour as it Farmers' Institute lecturer. \Ir. MacMillan speaks fleet of the supreme value of the live stock industry; in aRutding the fanners of Ontario a firm foundation for sucrose in their business, and continues : "Although the pre-eininence of our live stuck lines is now fully recognized in the practical (Tema ions of a majority of our leading , a g r i- cultuistt", Vet there are still a min- ority of our people who do not sufficiently appreciate that fact. Al- though the Farmers' Institute in its present toms has now been in exist- ence for over twenty years, agricul- tural meetings and discussions have been brought to the door of almost every farmer in the land, the annual reports have been distributed to mem- bers of Institutes by the Department of Agriculture,ri c ul tutucontaining auainti the p nus t practical and ote-osit agriculture information obtained from any source. still the fact remains that not more than one out of every ten farmers con- tinue to avail themselves of these re- ports and a much smaller percentage study them. Not only so, but the dearth of a fund of staudanl agricul- tural literature to he found in too many of the homes of our agricultural people is strikingly apparent. This reveals the fact that along our own special lines, more particularly, we are not to A sufficient . extent a reading and studying people, Is this the reason why our fathers and grandfathers, largely sprung from the down -trodden of Older lands, entered the Wilderness, and in the short space of a single gen- eration transformed it into the girder' which we enjoy, while we, their de- scendants, are in tato many •instances marking time? If there is utile Girt more than another which toy wander- ings have impressed spun rue it is that too large a percentage of our slaw seem clothed with that spirit of su- preme indifference which allows thew simply to mark time rather than to endeavor t, work out the great pos- sibilities of the heritage we possess. The experience of life continually teaches that there are two clearer of men in the world—the passive and the active—the one bends to circum- stances and the other compels circum- stances to befl(l to theta, and in the end, while the one is homely able to mark time, the other meets with that shining degree of seeress which his energy and activity demand. 'theca of us who have howl the privilege of visiting our great West and really feeling the ,active pulse -beat of its people, know how that energetic life as so taken possession of them that many who, while here, lived a c iteratively passivr existence have upon going out there been so fired with the flame of activity, and rnnsegilent Nuc, rem, that their life's work no longer seems a burden to them. Experience teaches that if we only engage in the pursuit of life with that necessary de- gas' of actiyity and unflinching deter- mination, the enormity of the struggle vanishes, and thus the victory of material success is at once more then half won. The Man Who Is Always Ahead. as farther west in snitch of a more Iy i favored clime. ,Although in expres- ns'shin their verdict was that these sec- tions might ie well a gut in which t ke y, yet, with nue accord, while they w mull all hi' pleased to re- turn to ,old O,Rgr,h again. none Of them would se•settle in the \Vest. Without saying anything whatever disparaging of the gil,tt future of that portion of our c try, still, when we ruusider the drawbacks incident to load water, sectional blizzards. hail- storms, cyclones. And periodical sea- sons of frost and druugit, coupled with all illereasittg prevalence of nox- ious weeds and the great .1iftk•ulty of repleitiebi tee the soil Without' the agency of the clover plant, not to Mention time. drawbeu•ke to *dura- tion and social life, and knowing our (itemehle situation in this Province in theme respects, stone of which Con- dit' s luny be wonderfully improved by a more intensive system of farm- ing, one is led to marvel at the burn- irig desire orf our people Ge Caploit those tar-otf fields. Of the many agencies to financial success, cheap lend is the• only e in whicht ch the \ 'est.over•shtulows this Province, and the time will c •, and I would that we could s, enthuse Ontario agricul- turists in their retiuuhled efforts to hasten its Advent, when to a greater degree than she hods today Ontario will stand forth as Vie garden of agt•i- eulturalIlelds of this great Dom inion. The Labor Problem. ••Notlftng will more readily enahle us to realise this future than the suc- cetstul solution if the Isis r question. This is undoubtedly one of the great- est problems confronting the Ontario farmer. Pending its solution there are a few facts to which it is most de- sirable attention be drawn, Of these the most important is the resolution which too many have determined to clerry out, in striving, if pt,ssible, t. entir•h• dispense with continual hired help. If this decision is persistently observed, three diwlstuoils restilts follow. Fit-st a diminishing res ceipt from our farms, as condition al- ready quite noticeable in s • see - thaw, and earrvimug along with it the necessity of cunt' • physi.vil lather for the farmer and his f, 'I)•, day ill And day out, without any let-nt. what- ever. If we only use our -Ability all right we can certainly direct our term upvations in at way that will citable its to obtain an tuldiIional return at least equal to the extra cost of a single hired hand, rtner there is little doubt that in the emir.. of a fen• years this hproblem will, with the efforts now ying made by our inunigrtiun agencies. solve itself. To do without the help deeded on oto• fetus will in- volve w•riuue results, not only to our own personal happiness, but to the welfare of our c try. hired help upon the farm there is still another problem demanding attten- tion—a problem beastly none import-' ant, 1111(1. if the custom continues to grow-, carrying with it consequences, disastrous not only to the future 'veneer of the individuals thetmseives, but to the future of our country., refer tit the problem of enticing our all too numerics bachelor In•others ta secure helpmeets. Throwing all joke ,aside.. in a Lund like this. where in ability to obtain certainly eat mnut be pleaded, the increasing prevalence i such a hem -unit life is a lament/dolt fact. The practice not only tends ttil further to depopulate our euuntry nit:Will in the fullness of time bring lawn the solitary martyrs to their ate, in sorrow to the grave. Watching Tariff Legislation. "As we journey from one meeting - place to another, we find Rome omen uI glwost every neighborhood who are sufficiently impressed with the truth of this fact that from January to December their activity and en- thnsiatm displays itself in their taking time by the forelock at every turn, in not only planning;, hut performing, the varied operations in due seauson, that they are always ahead of their work, and thus full masters of the situation. These turn as a rule are tuospei-ing, which enables them to Mew the burden of life more I' 1 tl THR S1GNM.: GODERICH ONTARIO pretend place. The clerk was instru to write to the harbor uuastet• dr ling hit ettentiuu to the complaint. The question of a number of a lima) lights at the dock, which et be switched uu when passenger t *trivet! in th:• night and turned when nut ceedcJ, was referred to water and light committee with po to act, end the cleating up of the what( And removal of all obstructions was referred ti, the public works com- mittee with power. The clerk was iostl•ucteel to write to the \Vestern (',owls Flour Mills Co. iu auswet• to a► r uutplaint and any that steps were beteg taken to have the snubbing posts taut in order. The payment of the annual fee for nteitls•rshtip iu the Union of Canadian Municipalities was nuthurizerl, the council feeling the Union was doing a real dal of gess) in w•atel legis• cted I Mr.Blair brought up the matter of NW- the delay ole the work 011the 0. at O. ltailvav' et•e,ssing under Harbor streetddi• hill, and the engineer aid street M- edd Spector wear asked to overtire the sets I work and have It pushed ahead, and •ff the clerk was instructed to notify the the contractor nod the Railway Company wet pl that the crossing must be r atted, the bridge built and the i -tied nit iu proper shape before the' opt.' ig of laseeuger traffic h • beat. Dry Clark ,asked if the council had given up the ides of doing Anything this year to improve the town water supply and was told the matter was in abeyance at present, until the effect the C. P. li. plans might have en de -1 coding the [math tit a settling Istain, ur whatever Ihii alight he adopted.dId become plain. No answer had been receiver) from .an engineer in Watertown who haul been asked his fes• for a report on the water. Mr. \Vast was again appointed care- taker of the parks, ant it salary of $:i. u month. 1 Engineer Kelly mentioned the ur cident to his aseistult, J. H. Ward.and on motion of Me'easrs. Elliott and Blair the payment of his full salary for thetime he will be utf work meas mit hot•izel, hoThe ur. council adjourned at a late _ ratio affecting iwnicipalities. lig \\'. '1'. Tilt's application for renewal of billiard licens, was granted. The license casts $54.1. On hi'tlal( of the tt•ttsteea of Victoria street Met Menet church, G. M,' Elliott asked periitission to have three shade trees micas the chutrh metuoved. This was left in the hands of the street in- spector. 11. Roleribun, secretary of the Musical Society, menta asking for the usual Annual grant to the baud (now the Wed Regiment lumina( $:)NI, which was authorized on the saute conditions as to number of open air coucerts ui the :Siloam during the s • as bust year. The Vol greet is usedto pay the bandmaster's salary. An account of $14.51 for expenses in moving all electric -light pole nn harper hill was sent, to the ti. & O. Railway Co. for settlement. A petit' for a afoot granolithic sidewalk on the smith side of Elgin Avenue ft- Victoria street to Tin unto street. inside the trees, was referral to the street insts-t-U,r foto report, Mr. Sxlln ws. wrn'e ntp that the t tu- {arty-uwnets interested were in favor of having the proposed walk on Nelson street continued from the Ilauellou street crowing west to W'aterlo btt•ee•t and he thought the whole Walk should he built at once. This walk would lie outside the trees. The question u( what ptvpott' of the cost the town should pay in -the laying of gm-anulithic sidewalks then came tip and Councillor Elliott amid the clerk hal written to a mill o, her of )/lateen to see what Ilan was adopted. rut• answers, received, shoved that \\'inghauu amid Clinton did not pay anything except in case of corner puts, schen the titre paid for one side and in came of blit.-cornemeel lots it limper - telt' incteaserl anpoout; Khear- dine paid :NI per cent of the rust a Exeter, Iii per cent., 'met hey haul drily one main street; OWen So11ml,stip aii per vent.: Munroe paidthe whole cost bet foetid this watt not wig•: Sea- fiurth. Cule mug and Oahnw•a paid 1„ per cent.; Galt paid nothing: Strat- ford paid i, pact• cent., hitt pr i -iuy- hulde•r•s had to pay Sir last rent of the emit of the crossings, Mr. Elliott again brought fie -ward the motion he proposed .at the last meeting—that the U,wn pay .31 per cent. of the reset of all 6 -ft. walks, 2i per cent. of all .i -ft. walks, 21 per cent. of all i -ft. walk;., and so rune this to apply to all walks alr•taly laid butt no amounts to Ia• paid hack thnt-had been paid on assessments= anal auliled a clause to the effect thou the s,liei- tur's op' ' lo• asked as to the legal- ity of this auction. Mesa,.. Clark and Young snowed to defer• the matter until the wdicit,r'a opini.Ium had beeeti obtained as it, whether the town confit cnnrpel cer- tain residents on. Waterloo street to pay their stream in assessments, and to arrange a cinfer•ncu' with the gentlemen in arrears amp rept um. t at n special •meeting of the council to be- held nut later than Monday next. It ,appears certain fnrnedities were cegle•lel in serving entire of the ron- structiin if the Waterloo street side- walk amid that, taking Advantage of , this, the properly -leaders Ir• in'sent- s ing a sixth of the insps•rty 1mve re- fused to pay the asse•ssee'nts, on the ground that the street was a •It f travellpl one, Anel than the town • should pay a part of the cost, but they I are willing to pay if the town tt-ill ns-' sante a proportion if citat of the walk. "Although at the outset I expressed pleasure at the genet -el improvements in the financial condition rut our Agri- cultural people, yet after till it is a "Hiltgreat toe is the problem of striking fact that. cisiOaratively speaking, the tnargin of profit which enables the farmers to husband a onipetence to meet the wants of de, lining years is decidedly small -so melt Ito that unary of our forenmpst grieulturists, irresspuctit•i- of party etnings, are noting the informal ion re/tented before the taritT Col lllll on; anti impatiently awaiting the fleet it reay have upon our customs Relations, and are hound to repudi- te in no uncertain wily tiny further Arlen which may possibly Ie pieced p n them and the great contuuling mblic. Re mens Bring the narrow argin of profit utt the faaru, olserv- g the rush from feint b, town, and •alizing that the existence of the hole country depends upon a well- mriched fat•nt life, shell not the eat concern of tam legislators be to so direct legislation that those en- gaged in other inalustrial pursuits shall not ie allowed to sewn) in wealth obtelnel through an 'mime r•xnetion upon the great consuming classes of our land ?'' here in no reason why we should c move West and battle with all the m ifficulties, uncertainties, privations, a d inconveniences incident to pioneer li , in order to become ambo ted with p the kind of activity. It is at sad sight si tto n ', ice, in ahuont every section. e such miters of our people rushing to re the W seemingly oblivious to the a fact that hey are leaving one of the b fairest ste .rust delightful of sections it in which no only to live, but as well p to prosper, i e but direct our efforts In with that tic, sae intelligence which in they will cert -aim • require to display rt in their new ate w Or gr Difficulties t the West. -"During an extend, trip to the Pa - rifle coast, Wane two y rs ago, I met many Ontario people wh • had leftto meek their fortune+ in \ nitoha and the Northwest, and after ye ewe of ex- perience in that country I d gone THE TOWN COUNCI More Lights at Dock and Wharf to Be Cleaned Up. O. A Q Railway Crossing Must Be Pushed Ahead Another Wrestle with the Orano- fithic Walks Percentage Prettier,' Petitions for Walks, Water and Besets .Caretaker Watt Again Appointed 1e05 lanes Must Be Paid by June 1st. The regular tweeting of the town council Was postponed from Friday night until Tuesday. owing to the r lock of a quorum on the first evening. t All the councillors were present otp Tuesday evening and the seeesion 1 proved A long one, not larakitig up t till after 10::N) psis. The engineer reported that there n .honed be norharge for water nervier ft to M. A. Pigott for three horses and that Mr. Pigott said alhi,ugh tan nn baths were compel tel with the pipes only one was usrl. The council de- cided to allow a rebate on the first swore but none on the second, es the rule wen to charge onlets the pipes were dim-nnne('ted. The collector reported $1,1)19 Pi of i906 cups still unpaid, which he Raid emitting unpaid by June int should Foe leriel by distress. A. Farrow wrote r mlpinining of In• 1-11.31,141. of water tete for lean service. le said hr had uo hydrant and if the crease were insisted on he wound do lout lawn service entirely. On hair's notion the matter was ve- to the water And light coni- c§ confer with the engineer et reduction of rates for es mull not be nnude while •ing the regnlntions s ., to en the water may he from H. C. Mnn- (thot•p• for waiter tl r,0ei on Cambria he engineer for c en Mrs. S, ( Iso r•ferrecl wt 31r., feriae !spinet' and see lawn .cry strictly cel the hours w mise•d for lawns An applicetie nimet and I. 'r. ti stets ice to lots:11:i a mad was t-eferr(rl to aper). A similar mutest 'mites, Brock street, was o the engineer. lis C. Jlnnnings wilted ft n Brock acct, extending a Pt west from Alpert street, A he would do the digging if the own would furnish the Isle, Thie was re ferrel to the public works rirllrttittee with power to ort. 1. N. Nesbitt offered to unload coal with his steam hoist at the sane rate as last year and to stand demurrage claims. It was decide) to rusk for a tender from the 'faognhMienten's Un - n before reeking any contort. This hrucght spa discussion on the cation of Mr. Newbitt's hoist, Mr. r rornpleining that it, would inler- tr with passenger boattraffic in its The ante on the amendment hiss a tie. Messrs. their. (lark and Young voting for it and Mesoro. Elliott, Gold- thorpe and SAlluws against. The )favor voted) ft or the aunt' .hrurnt. which wens carried. Tenders fur young maple hear reeeivel from O. Ginn, BBennlill J. Sands and that tit' the lit nerepted. Councillor Elliott suggest.• pluutingofas second row of ti.• onsite to itis residence and the u wav'left in the hands of the star sfector• and the chairman of the lie works toutnlitt et•. The piddle works r 'dee r mended that tenders for the Ca. road granolithi,' walks te' ask once. the tenderer to have the the v nttel• t in- put)- atm - tele 1 at wiv- ilege of building the other work this We - year if satisfactory : that. it beae ter - walkthat all requests fit -road and ide- w•alk repairs be trade at once, eithtrt• in w'i•itltg or to the chairman 'iu-{the street inspector:' that the matte at of repair of sidewalks at prank of ( tnet•ce and northeast side if Colin hotel on Hnnlilton intent be taken by the ci,uncil, as they we in a genets condition. The report wasadopted, the Amt of the Cotten -tie tend Hamilton str walks being referred to the street Spector and the ehairmnn of the in lie, works citlunit tee. 'The waiter and light committee aided that tenders be !asked f Pain About the Hips. It is a c 'complaint with women. The right treatment is Ner- s•iline, which pellet rates' the went of the pain ituntediatel'. Netwiline warms and soot hes t he affected pat•ts, draws out the ii ritat.ion and pain, al- lows the patient ease after one rub - 'dna. No liniment so peon 'c:al and wife. Nearly fifty years in use, and the danimd imuuensely greater every day" Nerviline must be gessi. All Three Honored. An Emglishcian, Irish ;old Svotrhman weir walking together mhuough Princes street: Edinloltrgh, when the Scot tat-lainied---•'He)•, won, -e I was taken for the !)like of Ar- gyll." "\Veli," said the Englishman, "I've been taken for the Prince of Wades." Irl "nether " said tltheIlllnlrl "that's nothing, i Was walking through Sark ell I'• streel, 11u Moil, when a man ru -heel up and said, 'Holy Moses, is that you ? it Heals the Lungs. \\'heudhe net iseptic vapor of "Cat - :interzone" is inhaled it spreails tbroagl: the breathing organs, c•arry- ing haling and health to the sue spirts• Ah irritable throat •'('attrrho- zune'titres in five Old/Mites.. ivnnchitis It Soothes instantly, Weak lunge are fol mud rluiekl)' nourished bark to health. 'Ia tIe, five frau colds and coughs, to awuid e•atarrh and brim- abatis- use I'atat•rhisone; it is pre- %milsed Ity linnor-e than twenty thints. and physicians in Anlerien alone, and used by the people of nine cations. 'PHONE 86 J. H. COLBORNB C OR -- -- - �PR4DUCE Our Store News For This Week. e-raHIS advertisement is an invitation for you to visit our store and see the very attractive Spring Mercian- 'discwe have to offer you. Every department us well supplied with what is needed for sprung trade. In buying our NEW SPRING GOODS we have tried in every way pouuble to make it profitable for our patrons. Every yard of fabric, every garment and every article that us offered here us thoroughly good and the best to be had anywhere for the price we ask. We have confidence in ourromise we make. goods. We promise to sell rices d and youhigh have wedard kept on (ities at succeeding forht palmost ltwen y five ll yearsn the same old corner have we succeeded BECAUSE we lily- and sell gocxl BECAUSE BECAUSE goods at the right, price. we oto not )misrepresent BECAUSE nor allow it to be done. BECAUSE we sell to everyone at the BECAUSE same price and one price only. yr _ --- we, buy and sell for cash. a child can buy herr as safely as an expert, we refund stoney it goads are not right. He sure and look fit- - -tits'xlcruntMNYT Ire xt week and real every word in it. There will he 'thing in it tint will interest every one, lathy g and old. There will be lots of stoney in it for you, if you out on the information it will con lain. Conte in when passing and examine our new spring things, even if you do not want to buy. Wt• will task.. pleasure in showing what we have. J. I-I.COLBORNE Corner Hamilton Street and Square, - Address \Vrite for testimuninls. - GODERICH. I HONE D. MILLAR PHONE L L AR CO. W. ei i lo-• Neck making a special display in Mant s, Jackets and Cape! P e \ in all the latest novelties, Ladles' Ready-to-wear Wash Suits Thi, week we opt• ed up a shipment of pelota' react. to Dress'/'weeds An e•utitrly new -rapge f dress twerps ranging upward, front Dress Musilns We are ala ,1n.wing a very Is range of new dress lin, til .ti the bit, -t roloa Ings and designs. Ladies' W hitewear In our Lulu,',' whiteweardepxerttnent we re making a sptria'.dispLu- of all the newest ere•atiuns in lath it's untie •arnlents. NEW HOSIERY and GLOVES NEW BELTS and BUCKLE: NEW TRIMMINGS and NECK R For The Spring Cleaning Season Ili„' .tock of TAPESTRYS, CRETONNES, AR l[USLINS and plcle. wear wash wits all have thew ranging from per suit. Box 173 Goderich Ont. amomma Special WATCH SALE FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY Gents Watches Finely finisher lever \1',tche s, in both nickel and gum metal rases. Regular prier $t.:J) SALE PRICE $3.10 Finely finished fuq-jewelled lever \V,tt'ches, nickel eaters only. Reamer price 17..111, SALE PRICE-... $5.35 Finely finished and jewelled lever \\-,etches. nickel nn ., ,o ni in •JI-we,u• gold tilled eases. Regulate prime $12.1.,, SALE PRICE $8 40 7 -jewelled Elgin \Vetches, in ;31-t'ear gold -tiller' rases. Regular price 9110.110, SALE PRICE $ / 70 1.1-jewelheall nickel movement Waltham 1\'atcht•s, in 20 year go -tilled eases, Regular price $16.ihO, SALE PRIldCE $13.20 17 -jewelled Waltham adjusted Watches. 12 size, in gold - tilled rases, Regular price tr.f7.5O, SALE PRICE $22.40 Ladies' Vv'atches \Valthun. F:Igin ami tin,• Swiss Inoee•uue•nts• m Ilk. hooting 23 -veva guld•ftlkxl yeses, U size. Regalial. price $1'2.INt, SALE PRICE $915 in 1) size. Regular price $1o.INt, SALE $11. PRICE . 970 The above list dose not include our entire line, but will serve to show the indnrern.•nte we are offering. - Every Watch warranted one year did guaranteed eatiafactory in every p xtitular, Buy now and Sa ,e on. a,v,/ Sale nownowMang. H. PARK Jeweller and Optician SOUTH SiDE OF SQUARE _ 5110 mr WO tons of rim -of -mine a1 slack cont. to be in before May al the tenderer. to state earliest distr. . which they can deliver : that the net ntlttee have power to keep up 0 sgtply of coal l,v buying from lora dealers. or as necessary : that prici be asked from local dealers for it en each of run -of -mine coal snitch as tlia- proptc,c tendering for a cargo of, tui coral to be in before May Ist next. that five electric light meter. be per chased ; that Mrs. Douglas be granted electric light service, the engiieer r• forting the cost- to he aboitt $10: the, the tender of Helsel at If mnittell f', cement floor in coal shed at 7c. Iwo licit he Areept ed. This report was Adopted and th.- ,nrrhasr• of a carload of run•of-min,• 'nal ,at $a.Lb f. o, b, Goderich in pond wvats authorized from the W. I. ('lark 'oal Co.. the price being cinsider'l 'rt•yy goasl. The' rephleing of a deal tree in frost if Rev. J. Hamilton', property woo. referred ti the street. inspector. The l'r•k was instructed to notify the (I. . H. Co, hat their tacks at the dock reeled r•pbanking. The matter of a Ie drain in front of Mr. McDonald's property on Cambridge street was re- ferred to committee and the street in- spector meas authorized to see what an instrument for taking levels could be pivem•t-I for. The, tercet inspector and the chairman of the public works rll,ltmtilttee were given lower to make arrangements for the protection of traffic on the bridge hill, which was considered dangerous owing to the hack of n rash a r•Wer e lilt 1711 d .arid c T n ti was a much better showing than last I.) year. A list of delinquents was en- lc Hosted. After some disemetion a res- la (Action wits pusasgd that all taxes re- fe GODERICH $2,2. 50( SATEENS, CURTAINS and CARPETS will he trod very cum. WANTED A young Tardy clerk, Apply to D. MILLAR C usli,tii1100/1b11b1M1111/11i1b1i4 New Hardware Store -asaea� I have opened out in the Dunlop block, 3 West street, a full line of HARDWARE E• 1 including Farm and Garden Tools, Build- ing Supplies, Paints and Oils, Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Graniteware, Tinware, Vessel Supplies, etc., and solict a share of the public patronage. • J. NICHOLSON PHONE PHO :i 56 Millarts Popular Store 0 sur USE irminimmilmmeml Ramsay's Ready =Mixed PaintsN IT'S PURE PAINT ' EVERY ATOM OF IT Paint should be more than pretty. If made right it instires against premature decay. Ramsay's Paints afford the best protection against rain or shine. Use Ramsay's faint's and we guarantee a perfect job or give you your money back. Use Ramsay's Paints on every- thing around the house except the trees and grass. White Lead, Oils, Turpentine. Varnish, Putty, Brushes, Farmers' and Builders' Hardware at Worsell's Cheap Hardware and Stove Store Hamilton Street - - GODERICH voroutoid —I-- cvicicicciccivkiti,*******4,49******44, 4. i g Satisfy in Shoes 1: * 4 FOR MEN 4 is there anything an utterly unsatisfactory RA an unsatis- t' 4,4 factory shoe•? if it fails, to fit you will always feel it. if it 'l' in Innen shape yam will always ilei it. if it lacks in style it seethe 411, it constant reflection on your good taste. 7910 metre) JUST WRIGHT 5110E success is the satcf•u:tion of the w i(caret•, perfect satisfaction if, which !nemeses with every day's wear, 4 in every pair id JUST WRIGHT SHOES there's satisfying fit, style and oo,nifort and JUST WRtl(; H'I' QUALITY has net a 4 es neW'etandard for shoes.• 41444 , 4, Wm. Sharman 4444,444,4,444,44.4,4,46444+*g t ' Mph"11111 811"1%'11 Tf.N IVIVIVIPffit Gnu rroetiog Mays and All Ways at The Signal