The Signal, 1906-4-26, Page 3THE SIGNAL : GODERJt H ONTARIO
es of ttse face.
Uric Acid len in the blood
by disordered kidneys
lodges along the nerve
which branches from tie
eye over the foreheed,and
&mets the cheek to the
side of the nose. The
cans! It the same aa in all
Rheumatism - disordered
Kiderys. The cure is like-
wise the same-
(Ii4h ... Soda%
`' rCON[Y WWStlll%EC«NQY t_
From the
Ovens to You
We bridge distance
with our moisture -proof.
dust -proof packages Hali-
fax and Vancouver are
brought to the ovens'
doors. Farms and small
towns are put on the same
plane with the big cities.
Mooney's Perfection
Cream Sodas
ate packed in 1 L 3 1h ear-ngit
pokasra fres}. mart eleheaous-
wed react you in rhe same con-
demn. eo rraner where you het
Died of Consumptlon,but this Linden
lady used Psychine and Is
strong and well
"My mother, brother and sister died of
centum tion," says Ella M. Cove. of Lin-
den, N. ,"and 1 myself suffered for two
years from a distressing cough and weak
lungs 1 suppose 1 inherited a tendency
in thisi
d rection?
"But thank God 1 used P.ychine and it
buil; me right up. My lungs are now
4tteng. 1 enjoy splendid health, and I owe
It ail to Psyrhine.'
Cdesumpt ion, whetberitereditary or con-
tracted cannot stand before Psychine.
Plyrhir*, kills the germ, no matter bow it
arta, ks die lung.. Psyching builds up the
bodyand make
s it strong
and able to
resist disez.e. Psychine is an aid to
dige+rirn and a maker of pure, rich blood.
The greatest giver of general health is
Per Bottle
Large, maws el anal 147 -all drugglete.
IR. T. A. SLOCUM, Limited, Toronto.
We basad beldam geed eaten
Ploesha et elf kleh, Memwe. Rete/s.
Metier. Sarwde.. sewMere.
Whe.Ibe,,ewy Etc-. Ete.
.s,. pleated to ,sail you our ratalogur.
The Wilkinson Plough Co.
If you wish to test
one of these Razors
without RISK or
Your part, apply
to us for
details 1
Reset- Slss
Pair h
Lauber CasaWile Genre sue
tar Duey Runk
"(Who -Moyne Elnettn
Owsh(nw fitrnl*, $1.00
hes DiektA "Rl.,. N Meseta."
w t'ON7 Onderich
The only reason some women seem
1') prefer A career i' became+ the right
'Ilan hadn't triad to show them they
Xews of the Sistriet.
Mw. %Valdrun, relict of the tette
[mute Waldron, died iu Clinton up the
l'3Lh Inst.
Wm. Belden, of Molesworth, hat
twelve hundred maple trees Lappet
this year.
11rs. Jewett. relict of the late Lewin
Jewett, Blurvale, died on Monday
April lllth, aged eighty -live yeaus.
Mr. and lls
lilts. George Pattrrlwttl Intl
roneet...ion of Grey. e..lebrated their
golden wedding on Wednesday of las
Walter Mclean, ut Blyth, has
imitated his final examination fur the
utinistry and is now prepared to r,-
.eive a call.
One of the early settlers plumed away
in Gorvie ml the Ilth inst., in the Per-
son of Mrs. Adrift! Morrow. She wits
in her ,eightieth year. -
ilelgrave is to have it resident veter-
inary surgeon in the person of 11, F.
Kirkby, who has recently gr►duataed
fruit the Ontario Veterinary College.
J. Hoyte has bought from Charles
Joh Ireton the Mr Ilver•1 farm on the
11th eilIICeuiiort of Stanley. 'rhe farts
contains eighty acres and lithe pries
paid was $1,500.
Davit; Tiplady hew sold his splendid
property near Clinton, containing
twelve and it half aures, to J. Jleuryy,
of Guelph. for $::,1:711. Mr. Tipluly.
will Move into Clinton.
About twenty-five young ladies of
Myth al$ rehe \sing for it hock par-
liament whieli they intend to held in
industry Hall • Lime next nemth
in aid of the public library.
Junto H, Medd has Nought Int 17, on
the 11th c•unceseion of Hallett. from
George Render. of township, i
paying therefor the sunt of $:3,LU1).'I
rhe faros contains 1101 acmes.
Mrs, John Leslie, of Blake, diel sud-
denly on ht•id:ty, the Illi h lust. She
was in the .1 eighty
yens of age and death was due to
heart failure.. The remain.. %it•re in-
terred in Bayfield cemetery.
1Villi:un Henry Ml'rra. out of
('hart... 1lc(•rra, died in Saturday,
11th inst.1 itt the family I • in 13..1.
grate. fleceaMetl, who WAS Well
known in that part of, the country.
w.(4 in his thirty-third year.
On \Vedii,-shnv of hest week, atthe
le • of A. 1,eiteh. Hallett township,
Atria daughter, 11i.s Anode. was
oriel! to F. Brier Hedd, a psopIllar
o1 ng farnrr ut the same township.
Bev, A1 K. Birks performed d the cels• -
I try,
]I lee Ne•Ilie Kelly, who was • of
Clinton:s popular voting ladies. was.
married on Thursday. 12th instto
J,os,•ph ('hatsibers, of 1Viutigs•g. The
happy event took purr at the hart!' of
the bride's uncle, 1). McArthur, in Tor -
Alt otecident took place re/44111y
near Bellmore by which ayoutalg
J.,s. linrttin. 5•s.. severely insured.
He was nhoploite, a tree when it fell
and sU-nek.lnu,, breaking one id his
legs in two plaees and otherwise injur-
ing I ,
The death -of John Gamble. erne tot
the early settlers of Maim township,
price colony, Iw,itt•te,1 lit his holm
near Lung t,i on Monday of last week.
The dee.•.knell w:ai for many years
postmaster at 'Langan. Ile leavers 1a
widow, two daughters 1111,1 one son.
On \Vedn.o+aay of last week .Annie•
1•:., eldest slaughter of Mos. I'Ii„Inlf.
Clinton, eras united in rn;ut•iAge to
John C. Snell, of Exeter. Rev. II. M.
Manning pserfornling the (ereie:-my at
the. h • of the 1,11,1e's int th••r
and 31t-Snell w ill reside al Exeter.
Mrs. Win. Pybus, of
slaughter of Henna Pass ) o Theme..
Head. 1•511N•tie, diel suddenly on Sat-
urday, 11th inst. She *vas married to
her now bereaved husband alisit two
:utd•a half years ego, and evil+ only in
her thirty-first yellr. She leaves an
infant child.
Somebody has leen forging the
nasoe o f DT. M. f'.. to bank
cheques. 1k•began with one for
tent succee, has evidently matte 1 .
bolder. as the third and latest
:attempt was fur $2(51.. This last
chi. lie .t i* melted at ('1u•Is•try. The
ant lenitive are after the forger.`
The Myth Standard . s
ays l on -
trailer Pigott is getting everything
in shape to yeah the C. 1'. 1L work mm
this division. The, shovel wrest
of the village is being placed in shape
t •, work, and the one nn the chest of
is is being fitted up for nper,t 'on.
The cement wnrk at the arch un r
the G. T. H. is fininhld.
On Wetinesd ay evening of last week
the home of Benjamin Churchill, near
Clinton. w;t. tit• seen. of a happy
event. the marriage of Mr. ('hm•rhill's
,Isuttthtel- Jennie to George Harrison,
of (Tinton. Miss Itone's ('hllt'k•hill was
the bride*maid Anti the groom was
assistcsl by hie brother. tai -hard Har-
rison. Bev. 1'. It. Gonne ntHriatell..
The urta•ly-wedded couple will take up
residence in the vicinity of I3rucetleld.
Clinton Nuptials.
A pretty wedding took place in St.
P en's church, Clinton. on Tuesday of
las' week. when :Nies Lela. eldest.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. Bert -
tiff. 140n4Ine the wife of O. Wilson
Pinner, bookkeeper for the Clinton
Thresher Co. Rev. C. R, Gunne per-
formed the ceremony in the presence
of te large company.
Big Contract for Seaforth Firm.
,leatirs. (iu[teridgi' k Edge, of Sea -
fort h, have. secured the ...!deet. for
Al the stations +ind other buildings be-
tween lis,lton and Pao ry Simnel on the
new Toronto -t elleiry hrnnch i/f the
C. T'. R. This includes some twelve
station houses, tank!, section bourses,
etc.. and the rontrect will (eta) wnne-
thing about. $1101,iXMI. Welk will be
commenced on it tight away. The
tome firm heti a large contract on the
Guelph & Goderich Railway.
Hullett's Assessment,
The nuselsment of the township of
Nnllett for 1M51 gives the value Of MAI
property AR $1,179,155): valor. of httilrl-
ingK.. $.i(r1,1ki11 • value of property
liable for local imprsveutenti. only.
$24,1111); business asllessntent, $7.7110;
taxable heroine, $1.11775; value of norn-
rcsident lamb /AIM; total ataars.-
ment, $2.(l1t),:f2.i ; 1111111ber of children
between a and 21 years. 11.17; between
5 and 111, :1r2 : male persons between
21 and furl, (551: total population, 2,677.
A Wingham Wedding,
The hnrne of Mr, and Ml's. Geo. Mc-
kenzie, 1Vinghtti, was the 5eefle of a
happy matrimonial event on Wednes-
day of heat week, when their (laugh-
ter. Mia,. Rnrah Eleanor, heeane• the
bride of W. H. Spedding of Toronto.
The cerernonv WISP `ierformr'l by Rev.
1). Petrie. After the wedding inn -h•
eon Mr, and Mrs. )4 -welding lett for
Taranto. where they will textile. Mr.
Rp sdding was formerly bookkeeper
for the 1Vestern Foundry Co. at
Death of Tuckersinith Pioneer.
John Crich, of the west end of 'l'viek-
ersutith, died OH Tuesday of last sock
at the age of eighty-two years. A few
days before his death he woe stricken
with paralysis, from which lie did not
recover. The deceased WAS a native of
Nottinghuunehite. E,1glan41, and was
one of rix brothers who came to this
country sixtyy-nine years ago. Ile
took up the fsriii in 'fuckersulith un
which he residtd until his death. Ile
was the uldelt sut•vit•or of the NIS
brothers. but he leaves 1whiud his aged
partner, two sons and two daughter...
Fire at Exeter. -.
Thursday afternoon one of the grain
Wa1elemst•y owned by Levert & 1(0111814
at Exeter wan burned to the grit i.
There was .4411819 uutchinir•y ill the
building, which was taken out. - A
:spark loon la O. T. 1L engine is sup-
posed to halve Men the cause, The
fire engine *as on hand early, but the
station ,being an Gtr from the town
there was no water supply available,
and the fir.. N'de left to burn itself out.
Several houses in the vicinity were
ignited by the sparks, but they were
all extinguirlttxl without leaves. The
lows is ,Ostia $1,(051, partially covered
by insurance.
Death of Ethel Resident.
Mrs. Simpson, widow of the late
1Villixm (intpson, departed this life on
Thursday Inst at her home in Ethel.
Pneumonia was tit cantle of death
M1o. Simpson was born in Ireland
eixty-eight years ago andcanle (o Can-
ada with her parents when a chit('.
Ttie Gamily set(bol in Stanley town-
ship, where the deceased was married
110 the late 'SVillia111 Simpson about
forty-seven years ago. In JIl71$ they
located at Ethel, where 31r. Simpson
engaged in Mercantile life. He died
four years ap(o. Two d+auglte0M.
Lillian and Ne•ttn. 8orvive their
mother. The remains were interred
at Brussel.. on Saturday afternoon,
Old Resident of Menial! Dead.
John Scott, an old resident of lleti
sell, teletext away on Friday, April
1311,, after a short illuts8 of pleuro-
pneumonia. 11r. Scutt was native
bf Als•rde•enshire. Scotland, :and came
to Canada in MIL After spending
six yearn in the neighborhood of
Whit toy, he removed to the township
mf 'I', ekersudth, where ht' tiyt41 ou his
fauna until his removal to th • village
of Ilrnsall twenty-Il•e years ago. In
relig' he was 1a Presbyterian and in
politics a stained' Liberal. Ho haul
tilled the mutters of councillor 141141
reeve of the village• and was activl• iu
other matters relating to the wclfane
,of the cu11nnuomit 4 in which lie lived.
His death oc,urrtd at seventy -right
years.of age.
The Walkerton C. P. R"Branch.
The Walkerton 1'elese,,I . says : The
C. P 11, have. made another Mena,
which gives, us fresh came' aur 1141104'
Mg that the ro iquiny 1114:111* huswres
so far as the construction of their line
to 11',altertoi"fs, and that
it will mut lit. Ioilg tw.f'n,' the work of
construction shalt have Totten cum-
eseer.d. What we refer las is the
m,; •d the plan and profile, of the road
itt t 4e registry (Olivet -fiery. Thi+ vc.e.
dour 0110 d.iy last 541.114. nand wv41411
not. likely -have been done did .they
not folly intend to gn 458 with 1144
work. ('ill. Seta( tut•l the solicitor of
th• rnilglaly- in Gmelph.mrday twit
we•k, and 4044s As>un'1' t hat just as
gam as the lint' 10 Sudhmry- had befell
elmtplet011 work mn thin line would be
Death of Duncan McGregor. Winghun.
On N-edtn-.d es of I:L.t week 'Wing -
hum lost one 1.1 its Weil-kmnwu le+i•
dents 1 et e e the sr•s�n1 of h r
1 m.,w
Gt•rgnr, who eli.•11 at the age of lifty-
eight years. I)e,'d teas tenet at
til+Lsgow•, Seoul:and, and c, • Io(':n1:1-
da with his remota when he was tout
a Iasi, the family settling neat in
Lower \Vinghant, 4 ftor'Ie.ti ring the
took of miller the -dereased uioted to
flensail and engaged- there iii the
rl 1 •1 ) bl i e. -OW mIh a Is n tela s •!
1 e f. Later
l e wren o Ripley 1
1 went t 1311 by ,w 1 then after
some time rclmots! to \'4inghanl,
wherrLe engaged in the grain•chop-
ping hnainess. - In religion he was a
I'r ebyt•r•iae and in polities a i.ils•r•i1.
Resides his widow. three 8.111,4 ;11111 oar
daughter survival g 1 t him. The inter-
ment 5.11" made at Nrrl'all.
The Late Wm. Geddes, of Morris.
Still another of the pines i r. 111114 d1
parted from the scene of • earthly
activity. 0e Tl,,nsdav night, 12th
inst., William Geddes, one of the
earliest settlers tired 0. highly re-
spc('te'1 r'ridrnts of 1Lmri: township,
died at the, age of eighty-four years.
31r.,(4. doles wits 1h...oldest of a (51111)3-
(1? frau teen and WAS Is01t1 near Ghts-
Kow, Scotland, Whelk he wits* yoirto
!soy the family route, to this country
and s-ttle&hi 1,:uinrk comity. 1n 11451
Mr. Geddes and his wife r+uis 10
Morris township, to here 1 hey had sine..
resided continll,11sly. in his earlier
yells Mr. (iet's's.* took an netiye in•
tee -eat in public affairs. Besides Ili*
widow. +,•ten children aurviv1: 111ra.
Mary Mcl.enn, %Vinghltt)l: Mrs. .1. C.
Johnston, 13Ilu4 air : 11174. Smit. - toter,
ling, Meliti,, Man.: ll bre 'rot*, at
Daniel Geddes, V.M., l.nt•ktlbw, and
William and John on the hmnesLead.
Steps Should be Taken at Once to Pre-
, vent Further Trouble.
Herr in (hsleriell, as in other Cities
and towns, dyspcpaia or Mooted'
trouble' are ensnaring victims in ,1
most insidious way.
Nearly- every mlthr•1'M sem of us,
and daughter, tan. experts the 'torn -
act) to (00114141111 itself -to all manner
of ill-treatment, hit the time r •s
when we cannot ahn5et with im-
punity. How much better it would
be to take steps nt once to strengthen
the stomach and prevent further
Use 311 -n -nn new and nloothe the
irritated walls of the stir/fetch, and
strengthen the gastric follicles ger flat
they will pour nut their daily supply
of digestive- materials with regularity.
Then the he,ulacher, sleeplessness,
spe eks before the eyes, pont' appetite,
tins! ' feelings and ner•nu,.n1,.M will
disappear. 11111i yon elm eel whit yon
want at env tune you like.
Mi -o -ria Is 11 combination of reme-
dies, tinrnr of whit+ are but little
known in this country, and is a peed -
five guaranteed cure for all dise4as,s
of the'tnrned% exeeppl. 0ancrte.
,fox', one little tablet trot of a :d1-ront
box before meal*, for is few days, and
you will 5"o11 regain perfect, health
and 14tren„t h, amt have no fear of in-
digestion or stomach troubles.
If you cannot. ohtnin of
your rinuggist. it will be 8rnt by until,
on receipt of price. Write use for ad-
vice on your cane frim a leading 81 -
arh apeiielist, which will be sent. free
The R. '1'. Rooth Company, Ithaca, N.
Farmers and Slips.
Mr. Edward u,an iw•wI8, 1110111-
iwi of Isurliuuuflt f a Nest Huron, in
the author of ,. Jeremiad which nligli
41e entitled The, 11,plorable Staled
Canadian Shippiu, - In the Hous m
('tllle111t1,1ri' 1)1• Maki 1 �,nt (i1N(e \414!4 11
quNstion that utter,! d ttlt• (.bluer o
lulolnet rm,rl' th,ul •i,ippiug, al1houg)
one would urdii.u,4 , say that th
weather utrecLel 111.• tat•ller the Intislt
81111, in the• idiot.•; of weuthet• Ih
farmer must take the hod with tit.
gues1, and on the whole the weather i
his last friend. 1111. Lewis i, quit,
right in holding that the farmer. 1
much a iutule•vtell iu �hip`dg
thou upprats un the surfal•e, 1.144 114
not iu the least inl,•hptel 8uuucinlly,
however, in w•heth•'r the ships that
cowry his grain ,ase of Cau.ulien or
British register. Ilisonly interest iv
that his ptralurts shall lx• e,trt•ied
cheap to their dr.littxtiun, fur every
cell1 8145451 (('on, freight t•hurgev
is a cent iu hie pocket.
nitturall)' have• .•sperttd, froul Alr.
Lewis: imp.rtatioa of the htrmei
into the shipping question, that
uW ve t onn h
thheatwu!t is
hauw pF utectivee 0to sysstemow
which leas not only made our ton-
nage•, matt' the fifth largest in the.
world, gg ucgligiule quantity, but
which L,is also ie Teased the bunco
the farmer's ):rin has to pay in
transit. Its Moil:. purpose is to re-
duce the honieworl cargoes of all
ships plying 10 ,,.,r ports, and so to
lay 'Isere *lel. o.ore of the cllbt of
transit upe)11 the exported grain and
other produces 'if the tanto anal forst.
Great as is I 11 farmer's injury front
protection threitgll the enhanced price
of what he has to buy, far greater be
his injury through the 4nd toll
0o tvh,lt he' tit, t„ sell, Ooheaucrtray of
other he and the miner aulil the
lumbermen, the chief producers,
finally bear the burden of the taxa-
tion which ptvtected industries, car-
ried en at. ,1 1,.ae, impose on the
country. Except the shipbuilder, no
one has a grater interest in free
shipping than the farmer. Mr. Lewis
thee8 not,. howev er. propose to 11)SMi
matters by set ting our ocean-going
couone•ree• free. Ile 910ps154'5 to
create a ('ameretn merchant murine
by 114)8,1',. This. he`'1.5118 1114. would tie
irulaeisc ti.•neltt to the fertnt•r.
Clan he tell m4 however, who it is that
Won ld have las. pay these oldies for
runisi(g ata Io -s, if not the farmer
and the miner, Lhe lunlls•rulan and
the 11.1w/1/sato the country's per
timers ( .
After. ,1c•pluring the fate of the
I'nited Stale, whose shipping has de-
clined until ninety-two per cent, of
her fereigi trade is dune by foreign
14hip1M, 11 r. 1, 0,4 told how Canadian
ships pool wally carry nothing. It
was pr)tert ion which drove the
I Otitet) States Merchant marine G•ow
the Keil ,and •it was protectirh that
5.14(4x1 out the Uanediau cerryi.,g
trade. lint :411. Lewis has found a
lrnlettiy. It is Protection ! He 'drew
fair picture et Canadian ships built
by C,amuliau bllror, and uetnned by
Canadian *tithe.( carrying our name
easel fume into every port of the world.
Ile its,airtyl that such ships would
show great returns, ,and, moot rivably,
eonlpet• fiercely with tire,at Britain.
And :all the oldie (ire,( ilritain, we
suppose, is to he the gu:n•diatl 04 the
11114•1 4411114 11.1 One of - her nerve 1411114
4)01 lll'i (1,-; charge. Tht+st••
Rigs suetitle 10 arrive so soon as the
Guvl•rnou•n: , uuseeds to protect the
111,liut•.st t me of strips, 1114 touch as, bol
Mist lit (1)4•.,4mn 11114 11110r As, it pl•Ide415
11,.' tri: 41-1115' of everything else.
31r, lirn,leur gave 31r•. Lewis some
hope in reply. He recalled that rep
n•5enttioll+ were mottle to the tarot
etnumiMsiunev s during their itinerary.
in advototcy of a eyst'tu of bounties In
regard to shipbuilding, and he pniu•
ise51 that the matter would toe con.
si,li' tl by Itt,• IMsiuners and the
hereat, •nt. Such pro/Meet. /are gen-
erally Irt•aoocl to mesh not 1111414
hilt it is not dignified to pr •s/' e eon-
id•-; i
1 u ah n I.. o n ► e n `nosi 'h n h1
that t is
ohclot.sly absurd. `lir. Lewis t'vi-
h otly believes that bounty -fed strips
mild compete Against ship.. built and
loaded- under flet Grade condi1i4.11e,
butthe experience if the Unitett
States '
tl M w•Illa
to ch the h Government
better. The United States la'lieve, in
protection if any country dies. It has
never ceased to have this quest' of
Maintaining (1 (merchant marine by
bounty lichee it, and yet its shipping,
apart Inuit the coastwise trade, from
which other ships are excluded, i8
simply nil. It is free trade that gave
the world's business to the United
Kingdom.. and only free trade cern
compete with her. How bummed Ca -
shipping would help the
termer is a puzzle, end it is also a
puzzle to know where the "(•anruiians"
wuuhl come from to neon Mr. Lewis'
castles ill .14pein, I1n1e45 the bounty
11IT.84)151 them it great deal more pay
than other sailors. Canadians gen-
•0AHy fed- horny years to c • rate I
ikel )• t.. find mucam
h ore remunerative
rnnleryment on land than at sea
Councillor Lamont's Opinion,
Zurich Iferal t,
In 4h11ve•rsaation with 31r. tVilii+ttn
lauur.nt. one of the worthy county
comnrillor+t'epr•esenting thin district,
a few days ago, we asked hint his
opinion about the•mety county council
hill the Ontario Government will
likely pA811. Mr, faamont'n views
absent the hill are very pronounced*
and he has plenty of convincing amt.
ulents h, heck up his statements. He
says th it at the present time the
rmnnty council consists of sixteen
woodier, When the new net comes
into foe and the council will emnsitii.
of 1,•'•l „a. and deputy -newer, the
mouths, - slit b/e *hoot thirty. this fact
than tit iking the expense *hout, six or
seven hundred dollars more to the
county than the present My14t/'ell. lir
also I la oke it unfair that, under the
nrvv :let the township of Hay, with as
pe /ulna ion of about three 1
will have pale one vote in the cmmhril,
(4 oi,� 0.14 Hensall, with a• psop,1ll-
tion of +about nine hundred, nt•-of 11ay-
nald, a ith a much leas poplin( OM.
Those are 001[me of the train feat twee
that )Ir. Lamont dlaa proves of in the
nee ;'..w and we feel certain ;midis
opinion WIII bear hum out in thea(',
Do You Get Bilious?
No 1 'nle(1y roll(' he m011• prompt
And .i grecnhir than Dr. Hamilton's
Pills. Nm matte- where you go you'll
hear of the grand cubs they nlak.•.
ing from Ottawa Mrs. M. 1•:.
1A'ge'l • nays : "For people incliner) 1„
whet..newt and sick headache I don't
think there is any remedy to compere
with I)r. HAmiltort'5 Pile. 1 fnrtller•1)
had Whom at forks about "net•
IlI''hI ti -used 1)r. Hsmilton'a Ni)15 ant
uht . 11Pd grand rewllta. My monied
has tern put in good order and to
heelth greatly improved," No mai
eine heater far tnense�atomen and chi
diem. Try Dr, H11)11 on'' Pills, -2.w
pm. tela or five hoses lar SLIM at
Clark's Corned Beef,
One of thP'ni, It tasty of cold 111(•8
old alwa a ready t1 serer, ('lar
is the 001, 'r kind. tn geL Don't get a
TDOI SDN, April .' 6, 1 90t
TI 1 E success of pastry'
depends upon the
flour. Bread and pastry
Must he more than mere-
ly appetising; they must
be wholesome, digestible,
The flour depends
upon the wheat and the
way it is milled.
Royal !13: sehold Flour
is made from • spring
wheat only. It is milled
by the newest and best
machinery. It is purified,
by electricity.
Use it and you het
bread not only light, crisp
and appetising, but also
w holesome,digestible and
You will better your
baking by buying Ogil-
vie's Royal Household
Flour from your grocer.
Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., I*
"O"•llvie's honk for a Cook,"
contains 130 pages of excellent
ns•itwe. Drone' never published be-
fore. Your grocer rain tell you
how' to get it FREE.
Laclualvely used in
To ro me
Moulton Coli,gt te n
long enjoyed ditnno: -r
.1 ons of the not) of.
vanned ',easiest' when -
lions is CaaWa. - Ar.
A. S. Vert, Ow Nitrated
eonJatlor of the Men.
delsaoh. Cbelr,or(aunt
and choiraasfer Jarvis
Street Magnin Chsrce,
dad special eaawinnin
awssic, i4 tb. Artoor of
Masts in this ctilegr,
d Rat snot stt!"uaC
eve kis sea,/ .ave. of
th best kno t 1,10rs
and tette+.., ,. l.aha-
dine r. reins.
Oils t Van hewer
tach (ltd P,lb the
Ill.waob• , .�:4 (ft-
rtaene A 11 n 1444 ss,•,!
c srl,sirtl .1 H,1 rrrat
seat of wan •':IraramL.
Write u?�jor Fres Booklet "11" containing photos of leading
musical celebrities.
lana & Oran Co., Limited, Guelph, Ont.
The Bell
33Ygig S37Li1.
rises tar 4, 3,
sod w hones.
I+ a Randy Disk, Fraeae locks to the
Gauze will. a Simple half-tnrn, Scraper
helves combined with r'1 Rare keep
places free of all sods or I rn.h. Dail Rear.
tars. 4n anti fri,) o,, 391110 MA4n draught
y,•ry Itxht- !'Hes 1141,, 5'111101 furrows, or
fat uneven Cronml. Nair. the correct
shapqe. Inrne and pe.lrrrven I40 .1). Other
11t-ks sad cullival ,,. tented against the
•' ):Iy.4Et.(•" got a ,+nrpri.c. Yold by our
Agents. Manufu•tural by
Write for Booklet " h:."
Neuralgia gal Nt so outs cured aur1,y bys
Nn heart depreeson. Greatest cureerer din-oneed,
Take nc, ether, ...amiss, All dealers or ,Ioe.t from
AV.TIN t lt>, Siwe, out, Mosey back if est
Fits Well
Looks Well
Wears Well
l ul•ii NEIGHBOR
PWOSt importations 111
medium and light -weight
clothes for spring and sum- .
Iver weal'.
DUNLOP, the Tailor
\\'rsl sltert, lioderich,
0 ,
It will be
to your Interest
t` Cn1111•,11141 1af• regarding that
g CO 4111!1').
ht se you aur K
Tf t is a FURNACE wt. have
hent suit alt places and 11.
1,1 ices 're right.
For tl BATH ROOM w.•
h;tyt• eeeto thin), up-to-date.
ING and all inds of METAL
WORK dune i Illst-elasa style
by gad utchiut'es.
A Wool stock of R 4NG ES,
WARE to !house 115)l)1.
always on l , 1 at
W. R. Pinder's
.`i.n , essor t,• G. A. Davis
in 1
L1 slam �m ,/I�11
li; l t•
Write E. H. APER, Agent, DETROIT,
for particulars.
is the very cheapest and best you can
plot on a barn, tool shed or chicken
TIN rusts, cracks, leaks- and is
nsatisf actor .
SHINGLES won't 7.
St more than six years. Then more '..h.:
Ikon than shingles and with very little -attention
will last a lifetime. It has had a successful
Eecord in Canada for twenty years.
Hardware dealers most everywhere have it.
If yours does not, write for free sample and booklet
The Best in Current Literature
$2.50 PER YEAR ; 25 CTs. A COPY
ova :As/ to -buy mos* at NCES
Oar priers her Prot Pence er, Duly 8, notch as the
hen lent! In the world in hnnently worth. And we
nun., tl,, terms .0 refry that every farmer unit 41044
/tan ran hsk advagloge. 01 then.,.
Ilene+ 11, •.'0 wt -wit, let you hay at. th. (host
Pence' yon n.,4: -On thsrd e5ch on lellvery. One
11,1,,) l tear, .Itc Oct. set -et. On, .b(1d Ay note, due
Mart rst,
Five )x'r real. dismunl for rash If paid within 8.
der. f tate 01 invoice.
renietnher-s1 nuld Patter FPNCis go wrong, front
mechanical rltfects or workmanship in building,
they are repaired, free (f charge.
J. J. MOORE, - Benmiller
W. M. HOWELL, Goderich
W. H. STOGDILL, - Varna
7 M1: LEA 11
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
order* .Nlully alte,aacd to at dl1
hour*. ,�Isht or day mull
• •
GuNDRy-\ BIN),
Livery, Hack
'Bus Stables 1
For Want of a Horse '
it is saki, a kingdom wan once lost. The 11, dole att Onkel
is important itt the purmlit ef looney ;LA of
It's well worth while to
Give tier
Tonic Condition Powder
a pooled to each hote.., and yon will 1..• pti.a444.4 44.11
the result. itoptoveo tooth h. 111 long, h. epirit.
English Healing Oil
Ore..te,1 thing for linnling n11 'ills ntul sores.
Your inolo•:% look il it doesn't oleoied.
25 cents, 5 for a Six*
Dyes, Disinfectants, Furniture Polish
hill' Id
Toilet Soaps
(treat valet, al
Well- a pp" i 11 tool
Hacks and till-
able drivers in
I' hallo% off the
Hosea, which will
nowt n11 train .
25 cents it
Made rig,ht tip to' the
high stimtlard of the
toned News. y for IMO/. a SM. eye ..Ightupocktliiitii. MI ouiere,'repalni, eto., attended tO Rere'