The Signal, 1906-4-26, Page 2aswasteirsablErat TIOYDAT April 29, 1906 th £tont ODUkaRh'H, ONTARIO, PUHLI$HF:D EVERY THURSDAY •r It'ANATTER t RURERT$ON Telephone tall No. SS Terme el subscription 10.0n per snnuw lu advance. Ix months. Ste• ; three mouths. 114•. Subscriber, who fail to rewire Tue Sioss . regularly by mull will °order a favor by ac- quainting us of the fart at So early a date as poaalble. When • change of address, is desired, both the old and the new address should be (riven. Advertising Rates : Legal and ot her similar au vert I sutents, l(e per line for ars insertion and i' per lists for eveh subsequent insertion. Measured by • nonpareil scale. twelve dim+• to an inch. Bothe..• curds of six lines and under, $.S per )•ear. Ad vroruw•n.enls of 1.0..1. round. Strayed, Sit - uatiun. l'ae.0ut. nit W aou,o tsoled. lluurw (or Rale or to Item, Farms for Sole or to Iteral, Articles fur Side. etc., not exceeding eight liues, tie roach insert. ; I)1 fur first moat h. Stir fur each subsist nein month. Larger advertise. ments in prop it ton, Local notices In nonpareil type Sr per line. No notice le... than Zit'. - Announrement.• in ordinary reading type one cent per word. No mak-aria. than 34•, Any special notice, the object of which is the pecuniary benefit of any individual or aw,ori- atlon, to M considered an alvert{w•meul and t I be charged u,c,ntirtgl •. Rates for display and contract advertise; ments will be given on application._ 1 Address all eoinmunleatlaus to YANAfTEIt K ItOBERTI4ON, Tile $I6Nal. • Ii,.aerfeh. un OODERICtf. THURSDAY. APRIl. yl hart PUBLIC OWNERSHIP. Our gree) friend The Seaforth Ex- ,positor is sadly disturls•ti over the prospect of the de•veloptnent of the government ownership idea until "the Governments of the rountry own and control everything in sight and the people nothing." The iuuneliats cause of The Expositor's panic is the Ontario Government's declared in- tention of mining the Gillies l- 't. and the agitation regarding Niagara power. Under the system which it says is aimed at by many agitators in th a country "the people, who should be toasters, would become the ser- vants and serfs of the governing bodies as in Russia. and these govern- ing bodies would noon hiecome as des- potic, as corrupt and as extravagant as the rulers of the moat corrupt and despotic European cot tries." The comparison seems to he a little too far drawn, considering th t in' this country the governing Is lies are `elected by' the people, while in Russia we understand that the rulers rule by divine right or something of tint sort. Stone decades ago the principle unrestricted private enterprise Was upheld by those who were the kegl- ers of economic thought in those days. But the world moves, and it has ben found that conditions exist which au - not properly be met by the application of this principle. The Expositor sees thin\ when it advocates Governtnen t eon I of railways and other capital- istic cokcerna. It will not do to allow a few men to get holiLof the railways, of the Mineral lauds, of the water powers and of other great utilities, and allow these meet to a putt them just for their own benefit and at, their own pleasure. And it is nounie a violation of the principle of private entrerpriae for the people as a wholes ti assume the ownership and to con- duct the operation of these things than it is to say, for instance, to a railway company, You must run your trains in such and such a way, and, You must charge only such rates as we through our Government may see fit to dictate. This policy has mani- fest disadvantages. If the rates fixed are too high, the people are deprived of as certain measure of the benefits which should be theirs ; if they lure tot low, the private companies ore wronged and eventually would have to go nut of business. Mo that logical- ly the correct method of dealing with these utilities is public ownership and operation. Government, however. Is to sonic extent It matter of ex- periment, and if government control succeeds in meeting the conditions presented by monopolistic concerns the agitation for government owner- ship will not make much headway-. The Provincial Government's policy of mining the (sillies limit on the pub- lic ownership plan will he, in the meantime, an interesting experiment and can do nobody any harm. The Government is to les a led for its attempt to discover the hest means of conserving the intereats of the whole people. at least as regards this par- ticular piece of mining territory, and If the experiment proves to Is,, sueress- Ld the policy will doubtle•as he extend- ed to other districts. in regard to Niagara p yes •r, the• .nest• is more complicated. The power of Niagara is it Provincial as- set, and tho benefits of its develop- ment ahonld not acetate simply to Close Is'alities which acre situated in the neighborhood of Niagara. Some people advocate n Hat rate, making the price Of the power the sane In (:otlerich or Stratford as at. St. Cath- arines or Hamilton ; but this e•herne is economically unsound. Perhaps the bestwood 1 the •'o ' plan would l x th . s 1 II CII mit i of roof the tempt• to ponces within Venison. able distance of Niagara Fells at a roue s imewhat above cost. and the pilac• ing of the surplus profits in the Prto- sanelal treasury, to be employe) for the benefit of the whole Province. These surplus profits could be rel• lect.ed either in the shape of franchise fees levied upon the power companies, or, if there is to lie government own- ership, by diverting a percentage of the receipts from the sale of the power to the Provincial treasury. The (mention is a large one, and it will not be surprising if the Govern- ment r,•fume as to follow the Hon. Adnan Heck as far as he would like to go in the public ownership program. THE FRUIT DUTIES. The V' peg I'r'e) Press pr't a rets THE SiGNAL: GODF:RICH ONTARIO vigorously against any proposal to haciaww' the duties on fruits. "Few," it says, "of the tariff -raising proposi- t' more directly affect \\'esters l'nn,tdn than" this." "Geographically end climatically the• thee'. prairie Provinces are under serious disabilities in regard to the glowing of many fruits. Ontario's northern latitude oli•es•it partially under at ' 'tar disability, for the reason that the States are in it pot:l- ike' to ship fruits nine, earlier. This disathilily the Ontario goiwerf propose to offset, to nn gleet anextent aspNlasi Isle, hr reclining Aoie•riran ince la irtat i'tss through on incnaw• of the duty. All protectionism is ,t INltt-ouiu selfish, but few praect' protein'. 'Donn are wen• callously cold -bloc thsl, or have le'sa justifiradi.un, than this. IU its naked outlines, it proposes that the people of Western Canada shall have thecn.t of as nus•rssity of living greatly incn'asd, not for the advaii- Cage of the revenue. or to bolter a young and growing industry, but s,1 that the de I for that' necessity shall be reduces) mail Ontario is in at position to supply it. Fruit will al- ways lie, e'nlpsa'u ti t•el y speaking, high priced in the West. It has to be brought ft•twl the P:eath coast, or fr Ontario and (lite Southero States. The. Height and other charges will always be a serious addition to the lin ee at which it could uthe•rwiw• be sold, and the greater distance Auiet•f- val fruit hats to travel will always coustituIt' un insp rtant •ulvantage to the ,Ontario gnawer. \\'ith this m l- ventnge, and with the additional advantage of the pnx•se•nt tariff, lie should surely lie satisfied," The Free Press says that tipples from the United Slues cannot begin to compare ivitIi ,l'autaelian apples in quality. but they §ume tat the market i two months earlier. 'They do net in any way eoudpete with l'aauulian apples, and MINA imports align, •e• the Canadian armlet are to lie had. The tax upon them in the months when no Cana. (lieu apples are to he had is of no benefit to ,1 or ('a, um:uliait) industry. And why sl id a tax of s,( (•tuts per bushel and du per rent. std valorem he imposed npn tomatoes from noose the line at a mason of the -year when no part of Canada can supply us with t imatoes ? " It terlainly would lie a hardship for the people of the West to have to pay higher prices than at present for what The Free Piers correctly terms 'ng of the uecersxries of life, and when it is considered tat the West is largely peopled by our own odd friends and neighbors, our brothers and sisters and uncles and cousins, it seems espx•cially selfish and absurd fon' On- tario fruit -growers to ask for n tariff increase that will benefit theulse•Ivru fear less than it will injure their kins- ulen in the West. Ontario fruit - growers, instead of standing in with he intittsts which desire n higher t. iff. should seek justice to them - eel es in the lowering of the tariff un the 'any p•oitectd articles whir, they a • foxed to purchase, LUABLE TRADE. The tVerkl • Sun, discussing a 4"4 Joel which' 'she Id especially interest the people of this iwn, says: "Ontario posses •s one stance wealth the extent of which is t realized by our people and of whit gsuil Ileal mule Might made. is in her attractive plow r over noes t 'iats fnnu all par of th tine•ut. It hats been estinr n) head 'f the pasa.enger dopa the Canadian Pada(' Railway less than 3,11111 Americans lose con - )3r the Hent of that no sum - miter cottages in vitriol's parts o this Province, and that the cost of la ;(d- ing these cottages at•e•rtageal $1.1111 each, or $5,00,I110 all told. 11 is fu then entimateel that the annual ex- penditure in the Province by those occupying these cottages averages OK K or an aggregate of $'S,al'n,lss,t The benefit from this expenditure is not confined to the parte of (maria in which these sunittier residents iso. amen. Theft- purchases of hotter, eggs, fresh meats. vegetables. fruit and camp supplies in general quicken trade all over the Province." people, and he had the ability and the courage to make good use of them. Hut the strain was evidently too Kit'iiL _ I). Henderson, M. P. fur Halton,abolishwould abolish the l'anadinn'pndrreuce in Gator of Brent linittiu iudeflu the Mother ('uuntry abandons her free trade policy and gives Canada in tariff pri•fi•reu.e. ale. Henderson is one of thus'•pwegle who are patriotic for a consideration. _ San Francisco, yesterday the peer- less t'ahlte d city of EI Dorado, the proud guardian of the Gulden Gate, the beautiful house of n gay and cart.- lens people -today a ms atof charm d ruins, the a•ene of utter desdatiou and deiitituk' , What food for phil- ul.ophy ill the cuutenupltttion of such an ratest •ophe ! __ Just at this Hine of the year the merchant begins to concern himself with his spring stocks : the Gainer labors early and late with his seeding ; mechanic's start in with a tush at the .w seit)m's building operatietns, and the women think of nothing hat house• cleaning; while the children gn off to the woods and hunt for the first wild flowers. Motile of the "grown-ups" would willingly change pLu'es• with the childr'u. • The decision of the United States Government to close the Consulate at this point is sincerely regretted by the puple of (ioderieh. Not only teas the Consul welcome ns the representative of a neighboring 11,1111 friendly nition, but the incumbents of the• office from time to time have always Tutt them- selves in with the modal lif of "the town in a 'Inlet agreeable nn aver. it is to Ire hoped - that th growing Marine interests of this to n, tending to more intimate relati a with the United States, will befita long war- rant the restoration of t e (consulate here. -_ The Mitchell R:ronler, whine editor is a former 1 gh /whim' prin. cipal, questions Lb wisdom of the Government's pro - policy in re- gime to noruial scl tants. It sins : •'rhe budding school teachers in )hese normal ash oh. will have the ad- vantage of ins) action firm) more ex- herienced tette ern than they have al in the a idei action's. they will units LI • individual attention which could be given theta in the srnnli, c'Insse. of the tnuuhel schools. Many tear vers think that the ail- va ntagees i lar derived from the few rforut ul s tails in the larger rener will but Nir•ly compensate the stu- dents f r the individual nve•t•sight given 1 the uislel 1'h1Nil teacher's and t • ebetter rimes. 'f prartital a terhi afforded by )lie mole'! who( s. l' e Clio ii New Era says : while me one ran Moral to rural ss, cool teach having their walrarira vanceil to th highest print aittain- roe. that (Patti of the new edurat- io/n hill fixing a 1 ininrilmal salary for Nut them is in pr ciple. The side has n' right. whatet r to fix a stated salary for any kind t laIxn•. If an individual wishes to iron far malting, he has a right to do so." in a generalway we lieve the principle enunriatel by The w Era is right. but are there not, ex utiornal tire unlstances.'in the rare Tf the ach- ing profession 1' Long ago Mate ate assume) control of education, and, kw- ing in control, is it not ionail tit see that education is etHeient and, if it is not, to adopt Means to make it so? It might be argued, and it is virtual by sone, that the stats' has no ri lit to interfere between parents am heir children by enacting a tntm- pule0 • Murat law, but this view appeal to have very few syngaathiz• ere: As i iter of principle it is much Ices hje:tionable to provide for a minimum salary for teachers in c 0 la Goderieh doing as much of this trade as it might do if a re de- termined effort were toNide to secure n islet• to tissues prober instruction for he children whom the state has taken nder its guardianship in elncauiunnl tatters. the fall measure of the benefits who'h our favorable position and other aul- tantageR as it sntuwrt• resort should afford ? EDITORIAL NOTES. California its it tourist resort will drop a few pegs as the result of last week's diatarhances. From "England, 1802." lin Honor of AL George's Ihiyt April lJrd.l When I have borne in memory what has lanacl Great nations• how ennobling nhol"gbt. depart When men change 'wonlu for ledge' , and desert The st ndetn's bower for gold, some tents un- named Hereafter in nivel schools the I had, nes country' -ata Ito he blamed I (cache't's will lit' special emphasis up- Now• when I think of thee. and what thou att. on the mooring of the word "mini - verily. In the bottom of my heart, "shim)" as "the hast pxmaihle.' For Of those nnallnl fears I am ,tshamod. exatopie, minimum clary. Ftwdearly iuuii4 we prise thee: we who and ---- .. In thee a bulwark fur the cause of sten : And I by my nlcetinn wca. beguiled : What wonder if it poet now and then, A if the many movements of his mind. Felt for thin s+ at Inter or a child' Wordsworth. If King Edward is to tempt lir in- %Dation to visit Canada. lie should be twu-nt'tl against rnucing at the time of the Toronto) fall ahuw•, or lie will surely be adt•eeti'el as an "attrac- It is interesting to learn tlnttof the w'orld's output of maple syrup and sugar Canada ',ilpillies more than three-fifths. Of (;moult's production three -font •this , es from the Prov- ince of Quebec. Soo the money of which (sanw'y waw relieved by the investigation jrldges is to Iw employed /'r charitable ptsr- pls•s. And who is re,denerving of (-heel,y than 0 y's old friend, 1)r, Beattie Nesbitt? Hugh ('lark, M. P. I'. for Centre limits, has Iwen appoints) to the c mmnd of the :Vint ro'ginent. And now we y exert to hear of the Bruce ymmgaterri mut king up the fences with the invocation "Goll blew; the Kernel !" The Dominion Government's appro- priation of $l(llb,nsi for the assistance of the dist.reesed people of Man Fran• ciscn will be approved by Canadiatns everywhere. On suchoccaaiona pditi- c,tl isntndarie•s cannot stop t he appeal to humoanity. People all over the Province will re- gret the resignation of Lana it At- totttcy Curry of 'Toronto. He had spl'nlliol I 1piptt'till it lea to serene the FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. Human Nature Isn't Altogether Wrong. Tonna') Star, In (owns serosa the lay from Sall F't'ancine°, the master 'takers have met and fixed the pt•iee of ,rend ret five scents a Itaf, with the understand- ing that they will refits• to sell to re- tailers who attempt to charge famine prices. These i fe the things that per - serve one's faith in inn urn Hahne. Work for Hensall's Dogs. Henson (Observer. Now that dog power machines have Ineln hmrught to aueli perfection that it soon! dog ran run .a half•hon'e•p,wer it would lie a grast time to litilize the eight y odd dogs of which Hensel! limos, AN it.lt A forty-horsegso over driven by i•iglit.y dogs the could hay.. a system of waterworks at a very limited cost. 'rheru" a a pr•np osition for our city Gathers to figure nig. ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. In the I.•gisltutie kat week Mr. ‘Whitney annonnres the withdrawal of his hill to repeal the msnhuaal suf- frage tegistrat.ion aut. As there would be a genera measure of 'dist ion law ameuduu•tit next year, with no elec- tion« probable in the meantime, the Premier thought the matter might, Is. left 'vel- to next session. it Is, • oral that the Oppoaitiic was pre - paled to tlffrl• a strong ethicists of the Government's' proposed action, and M1, Whitney perhaps. was not melt xiuue for a fight over the question. The Gainey Fund. Another interesting annuunceuueuI Wall that of a bill dealing with "eta - tain twos of mu •y in the custsly of the accountant of the Supreme Court of Judicature." These moneys are the WAX) in cash and the marked uheople for 1111,314 which were im- pounded by theudges in the Gamey investi ation . Tin. looney is to iie handed over to the Lieutenant -Gov error in Council 'otherwise, the O11v- erutueut) to be expended for charit- able purposes. The University of Ontario. The new University. bill eullsadier the re• (tett iuna of the 1' nivru'sity vie utulissiuu report, but the Govern- ment dotes not commit itself to the measure as i stands. It has leen prime) and dbutrihnted so that the na'ullwrs may nc'quniId themselves with its provisions and may be sub- fta'tetl t u considerable amendment. One change is to name the P ro%iurlal University "the University of On- tario." instead of "the University of Toms tu." Close Corporations. llppisition is de've•lnpiig to certain bills which have the apupwaramce of fostering close corporations. One of there is a uieitaure lo prevent anyone but an lawyer fr doing conery- unciug. Another pr'iwides that at ma- jority of the directors of it joint stork e penny selling drugs mitt lie duly regist•t'ed chetsiists or druggists 't strap at the depal•tweit stones. Still another relates to an association of prudessiutunl mist's• w•itIi a uotsneiI of Hftee•n w'hic'h under the• net. if passel. would sosm•as rather arbitrary pow- ers. 'these bills will net patsy without n searching criticism and perhaps rad. ical amendment. Mr. Pens" s criticism of the alleged re•let ballot Inas ilnrllght forth fruit in a measure intrNluert by the Premier to do away entire,- with any her on the ballot. It will be neces- sary at a future session to adopt sonic spw cifie form of ballot for use in the elections Cr the Province. A Gallant Effort Defeated. . John Smith, urenthe!. for I'e•l. agein introdm•eil his bill to give widows and spinstelte the right to vole at elections to the luegislatute. This ted to a little aenuap Iwtwe't•n Premier Whitney nod Mr. Ross, the latter defending Mr. Smith from the Premier's e'hau'ge that he was bringing his bill forward for political purposes only, to stake the atetms of widows and spinsters a fcNrt- lull bet ween the two parties. The gallant member for Peel stack to his job and insisted on a division, with the result flint the bill was, howled out by :1 vote of lel to 0. An•lu. Ifuslop of East that in was one of the minority. The License Act • The new license bill eras under (lir- cussiun un Friday and at debate anew over the clause reuniting 11 three-flfttoo vote on horn' option bylaws. Several Opisseitiun tuetnlet's took a decide) stand against this raquinenlent Hon. G. \W. Ko'esS declaring that it was Cunhaa•y to the principles of fair play. The• Government, hutve•ver, stood by the clause. The term during which, utter a local option .by law has lawn vote) on, another t•..t• cauluut be taken waw fixe) at three year's. OUR Ol"TAWA LETTER. Parliament Attending to Rosiness After the Easter Holidays. Cudgel Speech Espected Soon, Mr. Fueld,ng Having Returned to the Mouse King Ed word Invited to Visit His Canadian Sub loci" -111O0,000 for the Stricken Cit, of the South -Members Frightened M Potwar Opposition to the Salary drab. (Special correspondence of The Misnnt. Ottawa. April 'lard. Every'thiug is lively again on Parliament Hill and the Co s, after its little holiday, is going theta with an air of husi:cess that augl(n well for prorogation with- in a seasonable period). Hon. W. S. Fielding. Minister of Finance, is in his place once more. Ile cause into the Hun,e on c-t•ntchc•u on Tuesday and wan warmly wel- rotned by loth friend and foe. The budget will be along now iu x week or ten days, the last duty for private hilly is passel, late sittings are Irec ' g more frequent and alt'tttdy the Gov- ernment is beginning to take private members days for Government busi- ness—all of which.nte indications that the session is working its course with reasonable speed towntd at finish. `- invitation to King Edward. The capital has Iwen living in an at• phere of royalty this last week. Not only has Prince Arthur tf Con- naught been n .ojuurner in her 1st. and apparently hexing a jolly good time, and the. Horse hes by mama rl,ous and enthusiastic vote Ado Neel an euldre•a to the King t•x• tending a ;loaf r•nnlkal Malt:aim' to Ilii. Jliejenty itnrl (jne'rn Ahero tiara, on behalf of the nation, fu tislt the Ik ' ion at oro fins' its ale neat• fume. In view of the extreme cor- diality with whish the proposal w'As taken rep on Ill lintels, Liberal ,and l'ons•rtvuite, English and Frenelu, 1•:,tst And West. it is not the most un- likely thing in the world that Ih'• invitilinn may Ie• nerepteul end this. the greatest of Ib-ittin'a vastprowl. shins beyond the seals, be given an opportunity 'f de strutting her tiffertiort and fealty to the person end crown of her Rnvet'rign. The debate on the alcove matter, in- troduced by Hon. Ex -Speaker Bel - coma. was not the only suhji•r•t of in- terr•stduring the Werk. Hon. H. It Eulnnersun's ritilw•a)' hill hes been tin- der considet'atiotc: but the part which is 1shat os of twist interest--t1Nt deal- inging with control of the telephone, —hits not been reischetl, Aid for San Francisco. The awful disaster which hes bNe- fallen Sinn Fr/Meissen by eorthgnake and fire with the added hot tor of fencing note threatening lute leen the all-aharbing topic of the week. nod of necesasiIy the echo thereof hes penetrated the walls of i'arli,unent. W i t h .'hsrao't•ristic pr pt nes and true Canadian generosity, the Goverrcnment hes prop. wed . and the Op socition with eiunl emphasis has endorsed. e proposal ravel, th p n petal t.hnf a nods of $1111,111) be made Is otanls the relief of the at.i:ken country. The routine of hnsinesu must lie nlmet'ved to acne ex• tent, of course, even in such matter., and the resolution has been referred to connntittee, het the feeling of ayrn- pafhy is unanimous and never has national aid to a sister nation in trouble and sorrow been more spm• funeorisly tendered. The city of Ottawa, too, will do her shots, She has notforgotten that San Frauciae'u wait one of the cities that generously slue to her aid six ' emit ago when It,I111.1 of her people were rendered huua•leaa by devas- tating Haines, ,and the up ,ortunity to return I hat gond office will not be ne- glected. Hedging on the Indemnity Question. The act' of I'ostuaster-Genet•- al Avlesworth in continuing to prac- tise his profession in the roods after his tteceptance of (cabinet office has once more )wen under criticism. O 1- puait' members stela to Ix, MO deeply concerned in this matter that they cannot ;wait the discussion) of the Irgialat.ion which I hr' Minister of Justice has ptupooad which will deal with and rectify this very difficulty ill all similar cases. .\mother matter which will not down is that popularly kuuw'u Its "the salary grab." Mehr lairs full ' r'nhxe now that the in- creases they granted Ille'mst•Ives last session are not popular on the side- lines, and nit astonishing nutula•r, especially on Mr. Speaker's left, ate busy figuring out how they can square them/wives with their constituents without letting the ninny Itself slip Hilt of their fingers, The ;love is it little 101 transpaaent. and Mr. Runlet' suggested to his friends when the sub- ject List muter up that it would he letter to await the t'unsldet'ntiun of the bill already introduced which per/ - tutees to deal whit the matter. 'W. F. Maclean, South Work, took the initiative at the beginning of the session. Hitt Nina fide waif" qui sI Iunrd in this col - 1111111 ret the Iiux', it is suallecte i in other q'uarter's uuw, for although numtoot's oplxirtunit ieu have been given him he has g • no further with his virtuous and imp wawa pro- test. A Questionable Contract The Government had a warts time of it the other day, is heti the tt•ewsac- tiins and contriieta in which the North Atlantis. Trading Co. tuns concerned were under nonsideeution. This Com- pany, of which the component parte are mysteriously unknown, huts an agreement extending 'ver souse tell }}axles under which n Is s of $.i per hr:ui is Ix•ing paid on ill •' 'giantsbranlght ill f various European countries. Under this arrangement hundreds of thousands of dollars have passed from the IAmuiniun treasury and the Opposition' (anima that the traulsaeti'n is fraudulent and detrim- ental to the country, and had been engineered for the personal benefit Whine of the. late \linister of the In- tel -tor and certain of his former sub- onlinateu. alit. Foster was iuore than usually cutting in his denunciation. he wits merciless kit lie of all men iu the House knows how to Iw. and his friends grew wild with enthusiasts" attd excitement. It was clear that the Government was uncomfortable nn• Jet. the castigation and that there was at least something substantial in thg oft -reiterated criticism of the vitriol - tongued member for North Toronto The Miuistet• of the Interior met the attack with a cool, well -considered explartat' , lint fr:uakly admitted that the arrangement haul not prove) as catithactory to the country as had liven expected. and that when this Is'• carne apparent the t' pally had been pr. emitly teaifed that the contract would Imo raauevllel. This took wnrh 'f the wind nut of the sails of the ('u iii - St't'i'uit it'd oratnt•um. The Sigel o1. s•. gussl kat printing. AT IT AGAIN. KEEP COOL. 1W. Acheson & Son An Important Shipment of Carpets and Linoleums We offer exceptional values in our importation of English, Brussels, velvets, Wiltons and tapestry carpets awl linoleums. Evet' so many beautiful patterns and color effects in carpets and rugs. Brussels Carpets Extra heavy quality in it large range of choice patterns suitable foe any ;nom, hall or stabs. special at 00 $�..� per yard 00 and $1.10 Wilton Carpets Extra heavy pile kind in deep, rich coloring and effects $1.35 new and tx•Autifitl, special at per yard English Tapestry Carpets 27 inches wide. Sill yards Mt special Kale in colors, reds, Lim•,, wood shades, greens, tert•ns, in a variety of new piettet'tms ;and ,uit- able fun• any snout or hall, extra heavy pile and recuul- mended for gaol hard wear and service, special cut price55c Tapestry, Brussels and Velvet Art Squares in a large Vatic ty of patterns stud all $4.00 $3O• sizes, ranging in price from to English Linoleums 'file lid Horn) designs and every yard our own direct import from me nu auteia. Scores of patterns to choose from:in 2, a and c. 40c itort 50c i y wide, ,at per ',gnarl. 35 yard 1• Japanese Mattings all rolls t' clear specially. rutlou warps. assorted de, as soc:rlt io)colorings, at per yau,i, 25c. 20c and 15c CURTAINS ! CURTAINS ! New aural beautiful sustains front Switzerland and England, beautiful Swiss and Hruss•Is net curtains, light mu) neat, thrices ornrans age. fit and very clalnq•aJ.(x(1) te• $ 2to $(7,00 ' a frow VV Nottingham Lace Curtains, full sire and our sts•k is fully^;a thousand0�., pairs, ranging in prier frond 5111 In $2.50 WHEN YOU'RE GTTING GETTHE HE BEST —t 1 nun still talking ,ablest huggiis, and the hest thing u. t1,, line is made ly- the Wim. Gray A Sings Cu., Limited, Vico ha", Ont. 1\'u' ;We agent iu the- I. a husinew end have at large and splendid stuck in stole and ready for a hot snmulrr. MAKE YOUR CONTRACTS NOW. All ilaleta left at the 'flirt 0n Went street will receive prompt and careful attention. Ice de- lls -els -di to all parts of the town. 'noire CRAIGIE BROS. TO THE PUBLIC The privy of beef rat t to t hrnughonu tile Unitish Fnddre has dropped it nntrde or Iwo, and consequently basil priers are down. Sie• arc now snooty ing all rola at lower prices, *Ink the quality I. ea gond, If not teeter. than ever. Me 1.KAN:S MK.1T MAltll►T handles all kinds of meat., Isinllry, etc.. nod. while thanking the punk, far their liberal pet nonage, ice ',Obeli a continuant... of the same. LMcLEAN BROS., r orncr East sat.:,red ',owl., . •,o, l,,;, L HAVE YOU A CAMERA We teach Amateur • \ Photography In your borne, 1' oder our instrue- Ikin there Is no experimenting or evastbrg of materiels and ',lone,, lean )tarn 1.I, do every .fop of the work your •ell. $,,uses. guaranteed. Our lintel In gold prior Will Interest you. Write today. (',ru'eiiponilema• Uepartnienf, CENTRAL BUANESi CPLLc.6L, AGreat Schon1 ELLIOTT TORONTO. ONT. Ml talent+ from Rrill,h I binnJoia. S:wkatehuwon and Mn alt o,o nn the noel to New Rronsw'ark on the twat ore In at tendon,•. flit. year. 1,i.1 it nee 1+ it,. hindrance to f how who wi-Iu to getthe hest. our Rradanlri+ ars, nlwat+ sm. ssf. rum tit lit hie Illt.lees aro mentors -rest. ' I b rats nen'. Not ovation. 'ollwe ripen entire year, MagnlMrnt rata- losrn° tree. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. tor. Songs and Alexander cgs. SPRING TERM Opens on April 2nd CENTRAL , ,L iiitJJ� it.0 STRArrORD, ONT. Why .,nodi t'mu content ynur,elf in Ihr ordinary walk. of life when ,yon unn better year condition by taking a emu., In Ilit- •hnnll W.• give a ;bxnngli, pra•ll. al ednusllme and e.wl.t our gra.huales In gond tnRdlimi, a imminence ynilrt•mtr.e tines. Write for /Iartlrohr,. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, I'rinrgsl. THE GRAY BUGGY la tin' lilllrhed pl. HIM tI ,d Ilie t.•,t plc uuai'i ll'+ .I( tnattlntal'tuuus' ae}gditd by competent workmen in as splendidly -eupllgoel factory to t h'at-class material. THE GRABUGGY is thorough rvrt•y hit of itis gess)---and thi• until Who 'wens one is better pleased with it flu' Ie'ttuI- he is acquainted with it. . . I sn{.ply .. . GRAY CARRIAGES in all htylea. /'all at my warehouse, II.uu,iltun ,t tett, and tttutt I ca:n do for you. L. W. LAVIS i BUY YOUR SPRING SUIT HERE where the good clothes come from. There are good reasons why you should in justice to y''ut•nelf hay your Rpt•ing suit at this store. Contumely' tell us they tore the hest we have eget• had : and WO they aur, \\'e have got together giants that sell Ilieniselves. They are correct in style. nobby Patterns. well made and trimmed and splendid Ht. SUITS TO SUIT EVERYBODY II poi' want it cuedinm lit hs• ,nit, you Will be snrpd i+,d ret tthnt We are selling ret $8.00, $ I0.00, $ I2.00 2Ith Century Brand is one high -dings grade— this r ' lcit is in a chow hY'fn. lf, rim anew 1 K only with Hrat• ekes tailoring. Aproof oftlar excellence of this make is in the (set flint the best diens- era all over this count t y are wearing 211th Century Brand. Wouldn't, you like to wear the very iieort, s 'thing that luta 'nap end style in it- then buy the N)th Century Brand. I't'uea $12.00 to $20.00 BUY THE KiNG AND BORSAI,INO HATS Walter C. Pridham CI.OTHIF:R FURNISHER HATTER so