The Signal, 1906-4-19, Page 7THE SIGNAL.: l;(,I►1;I;It'll ON'I'AIUO
41. The News of the District. 4
...4 4.+44444444 4 44,44, 444**+****** :*** 4.,Y 3 46
Win,KNm.t v. Apr. Doh.
John Arthur is making an addition
(W his [cure,
The t iuteri. ale beginning -sed'Ings
iThe hind is in good i iudition.
Fall wheat presents a goon appeal.
mice for this time of the year.
I W. T. Riddell has secured the mi-
vices of a new clerk to assist hilt in
the store.
Joseph Wilson vent part of this
(week in London, visiting his [mother,
Shearer Wilson.
Joseph Wilson, of Detroit. visited
friends in this neighborhood the le -
ginning of this week.
John Pierce and his sister attended
the funeral of the hate Mt•. McUree, of
Helgrave, last Tuesday.
J ,s Young started last Monday
to attend to t he wants of his rust
ers in the sawmill business.
Master William Jackson, *he has
leen attending the business eoliege at
Stratford wince New Years, is spend-
ing his Easter holidays visiting friends
in the village.
Charles Asquith, son of License In-
kpectir Asquith, who wields the peda-
gogic birch near Barris-, is spending
his Easter holidays under the parental
roof this week.
Our village merchants have con-
cluded to forego the luxury of eintrib-
utiug to the (Newty license fund,
therefore they will put no wagons un
the road this year.
Wi i r ill \ t r. a u .1 rt h is assisting
Tamen thisweek in supplying the
necessary obstruction in preventing
the encroachment of his neighiwes
frbna the public highway..
A public meeting was held in the
village fire hall' last. Monday evening.
The great question is a road to the
station. Have1
patience . wait
until the station is 'built, the road fin-
ished, and then the purchase of a
road will be in order. If no greater
speed is wade in the building of the
road between here and B1yth, it will
be in the sweet hue and bye before it
'nu fir Normo+. -The Epwart h
Lea nee held their first meeting on
Aip rr loth, when an address entitled,
"Be H eel with the Spirit." was siren
by W. Brown,being
an excellent
topic fo the it omutencement of the
new Leaigt ...The W •n's Auxiliary
celebrated tar silver ,anniversary on
Sunday. ire Mr. I''nllis speaking air
that subject . Mr. Roger's son,
Joseph Chart . was baptised in the
Presbyterian chi -ch on Sunday morn-
New Act Will Increase s heir Salaries
About $woo All AT • d.
We are intleht•d to Ins! . •tor Tom
for figures showing the effect he new
legislation respecting Nola 'es of
teachers in rural sch,itil sectio will
have in the West Huron inspect() •rte.
In 43 sections the winiwmn ma ry
will be $oils(; in 52 sections $alit% a
in one section $14E. In fuldition in
assistant teachers will receive at least
$30) each. Last year these 141 teach-
ers received salaries egglegaring $37,-
7111. Under the new law the iii ml -
1111011 will be $I, ,It11, averaging an in-
crease of nearly $111) for each teacher.
In Colborne under the new law two
sections t pay $711i each and
eight sections $Lail each, (making an
aggregate for the township of $t,liilll.
In 1(1).1 these ten sections paid $3,:11)
in salaries. The increase of $1,101
will average $1111 for each teacher.
In Nest Wawano eh four teachers
will receive at least $55'4) under the
n w law•, three will receive at least
$434) each. and nue at toast Vol,
'these will aggregate $3.750, (otimpered
with $2.774) paid bast year: The aver-
age ineteaee will thus be $1.35.
In Ushorne ten teachers last year
receives' $3,1411. Under. the new law
eine will receive at least $.jiN) each
and one, an assistant, $30), an Wm.
gate of $1,1141. Here the average in-
crease/ will he $•Y2 for each teacher.
These are examples whir[ show
that, while there is some variation.
the average results of the new legis-
lation will he an increase of somm'where about IIs) in the salary of each
rural school t •heriin West Huron.
MONDAY, April lath.
Earl Rivets, of Lucknow, spent Sun-
day at home.
Mrs. W. H. Johnston, of Kipper, is
visiting relatives here.
Elmer Phillips, of (itaderich Col-
legiate lmtitutaa, Ls h for the holi-
John Newton, of Lucknow, is visit-
ing friends and relatives in this
rev. W, A. Smith conducted Easter
services in Blake's church on Sunday
John and Morley Hall, of Clinton,
are spending Easter vacation with
friends here.
John Mallough went to Orderich on
Saturday. having secured to job on the
dredge there.
For the summer months the mail
will conte in in the evening Maimed of
in the morning.
S e of the farmers are doing at •
spring ploughing, but nu seeding has
yet been done.
Mrs. Thos. Alton I family, of
Lucknow, tare visiting at the home of
Mrs. Win. Blake.
Janie Stothers, of Dungannon, is
spending a few days at the home of
her aunt, Mrs. \Ver. Stothers.
The encgrtainnlent under the aus-
pices of the*W. M. S. on Friday night
was a success. The proceeds. amount-
ing to nearly $19, will he devotes' to
the cause of missions.
7hr t
o is at the league meeting
Mothers by
tuthers and the
Scripture lesson read by Isaac Crane -
ten. A collection was taken for the
Japanese ,famine fund,' *mounting
to $7 - -
Tt'tu+t Y
h. April 17th.
Miss ithetta Treleaven is spending
her holidays with her grandparents.
Mise Kate Quinn left on Tuesday to
ettehd the funeral of her brother in
Miss Cunningham left on Thursday
to spend her Laster holidays at her
home in Port Albert.
Mrs. A. M. Treleaven, of Ripley,
spent a few days here last week, at
the home of her father, James Lane.
The sad news reached here on Mon-
day of the sudden death of Frank
Quinn, of Chicago. Mrs. Quinn and
family have the sympathy of the c -
ity in this sad bereavement.
".\irs, William Ian., sr., passed away
oU Monday, April 9th, at the home of
her son, JittTies Lane. She was its her
ninety-first year. The funeral on
Wednesday was largely attended by
n•latives and friends.
&Hoot, Muslim -The following are
the marks obtained by the pupils of
S. S. No.10. Ashfield, at the Easter ex-
aminat' :IV.--Janiestiherwoxl,349;
Willie Reed, 741); Ewart Jauiivson,
3141; Minnie Sandy, 431: Ida Sher -
woks!, 120; Celina Johnston, :Cwt, III.
Viola Backer, 443: Rae Jamieson, I :
Eddie Dwyer. 'Lai ; May ('ainl. 21:t
II.-- Irene Stneltzer, 4111) ; \'ins Sher-
wood. 347: l.turra Johnston, :3)7 ;
Charlie Smmeltzer, 117. Part ll.
Rachel Alton1111: Charlie Sherwood,
1111): Joh ' • Scott, 137: Wilfred
Drennan, 1.27; Leslie Alton. IIS.
Lixcierr.t Ct'NNINoII AM. Teacher. 4„.
Trxso-ty, April 17th.
Miss Maggie McKay has gone on a
visit to Blyth. I
Miss Flo, Mclwss' is home for her
Easter vau•atiun.
Miss I.inklater, of Whtgham, is
visiting friends here.
Misses Lillie and Florence Mr1A•atl
are home for their Easter vara ' .
Misses Hanna and Irene Styles are
hone from the Golerich Collegiate.
Mrs. George Collinwin is visiting her
mother. Mrs. McWhinney, of Dun-
Misr Mary McLeod is spending a
few days with her sister, Mre. Allan.
of ('aunluchie•.
Mr. and Mrs. i). Knec•htel have gone
no Toronto, where the former under-
lient an operation.
Miss hello Mi-ILte, who has been in
Oislerii-h the past two months, ter
timed lupine last Friday.
We are sorry to learn of the death
Of Mem. Morgan Austin, of Lorain,
Ohio, formerly of this place.
GnssiT Whitty left on Tuesday
morning to fulfil his duties in the
Stratford Central Business College,
after spending a few days holidays
with him parents here. His many
friends wish him all kinds of success
next term.
%1ii 'isv,.April 10th.
John Mel.e'nnan, of Lnrkmow, spent
Sunday at home.
Alex. 'McLennan, of Golerich, is
visiting in thin neighlsu•hosl.
Miss Annie Hie -glass siwitt as few
(lays with her sister in Toronto.
Rod. Mete teacher at Das
returned home for his vocal i(11).
Miss ,Jennie McMmelt y returned
[erne after spending a few weeks in
Miss Jennie Johnston, of the Gole-
rich I'otle$iat' Institute, is I • for
her vacation.
\Villiam McGregor, teacher it Mt.
Helens. ill spending his Easter holi-
days at home.
\Villiam Johnston, we are sorry to
:tate, is not improving as rapidly as
WI' should like.
Miss Minnie Dmnin, teacher at.
Klntail, is spending her vacation at
her home in Dunganno .
Tu-RanAy, April 17.
Miss E. ltiehanlson is spending this
week in Brant ford.
Mr. Henry is spending the holisleys
with his parents at inmd.•slxiru'.
Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Trott. who
have leen hereon their Wedding trip,
the guests of Mr. end Mrs. John Ben-
nett, returned to their h • in Mount
Hrydges yesterday.
(len. Green, who piircha-seri floe
dwelling anise and lot belonging
the late Mrs- Randal (irsham, hes
begun improvement,. already. by
erecting a new fence around the pop. y.
Among those who are spending the
luster vacation in our midst. are :
\Liss ('iinningham• iron' lanes; Miss
McMillan, from Ieehurn; Miss ('raw-
(nrrl. from Loyal ; Walter B. Hawkins.
frnrn Huron ('allege, London: Alex.
and Hector McKenzie, from the (ifxl-
erfch Collearlate (natltut•, and Miss
(tray, 'row Nile.
in Dungannon tor The Signal I. in the of -
deo of J. 0. Ward, J.1'., c ynveyyancur. etc., who
will receive order. for .inaeurletlun«, a,lverlh.-
ing and Joh work, and I. authorized to also re -
mum. fur ,ulwuul, laid for the «sills-.
We regret vary •h to have to
rsord the very serious illness of Mr.
J. G. Ward, who has been The Mig-
nal's efficient cunrealoralent at Dun-
gannon for many years. Very many
readers of The Signal will join with us
in wishing for his speedy rerovery,
and in hoping that he may for many
muni seasons record the doings of
Dungannon and vicinity in the rol-
of this paler. Owing 1.0 (tis
Illness the usual budget from Dungan-
non is not at band this week. but
arrangements will be made to have
the news of the thriving village fully
(('resented in our next week's issue. --
Eu. SMMNAL -- -----
MiiND.tY, April lath.
Norman McLeod has moved itttu his
new I ' which was built last year.
School is closed for the Easter holi-
days and cul• teacher will spend her
holidays under the parental risit in
Wind Renes, fur cutting 'r
wood, have recently been held by
Councillor McManus, Arthur McNeil
and (leu. Fulford.
Mr. and Mrs. J/d•n Ryan were in
Gish -rich township last Thursday sou
ing Mr. and %h,. Andrew Bennett,
the hitter of ubom we regret tosay,
is ser' I • •
Edward I.awson, who is 1 from
Agricultural ('allege at (iuelpli, is
in Gtxlerich at present with the family
eircle,,; He was a visitor in Dunlop on
Friday of last week. •
Joseph Megraw, who for Noun
Its past h been eon [he Bare
taker • of
the Haunlink farm, has moved to Lee.
linen and engagedwvitl Michael Tobin
to work for some months. He r
mowed his thstie4 Weduu'stlay of last
Death again visited our ' est on
April 7th, and removed 'rrypheha
%%alters, the ieloved wife of our
Grantsmen Thomas Jewell. The de•
eeaaert was Mr. Jewell's second wife.
On Teesulay of last week the remains
Were laid to rest in Piueview ceme-
tery, Colborne, Rev. G. N. Hazen,
pastor of North *theta Metheetiutt
church, conducting the services. A
large n her of relatives and neigh-
Isurs•wer• pleseriL
After residing here for about a year,
R. H. McDonald went back to ile-
troit on Satuiday last. `While here
he raised a herr of pigeons, Ow
stack roving (rims Iletriii. and the
binds he raised, together with some
young pigeons hdtehesl nlsOlt six
weeks ago, he shipped adoral of his
g • g. !Wore leat•ing he received
word that only one of the young hint»
had died filo' the journey. His wife
tracts him in the city, having gene
there about it month ago, owing to
illness in a sister's family. Ma's. Mc-
Donald. sr.. will temaiu in Dunlop.
Tu'. Airril•1ith.
1'Y.ItsiIN.S 1. MRNTt11N.- -Mts. George
Morris. of Iiiderir•h, slant the butter
seestm at the hunk of her bristlier -in-
law. W. Ferguson Miss t' •Utes•.
teacher at No. 3, is spending the
Easter holidays nt het • I at Am-
Iserley, and Miss l'r.t.wfui•'. of Ni,. 1.
has gum. In het' home at Port Albert
fur the week.
FA ion xis Nitre:K.---Seeding has Niue
metals'. Tyndall Bros. Wet' the first
to start. commencing on Friday last.
The maple syrup harvest was a
good one this year Fal! wheat in
this locality (hies tett Itsrk ve•t•y pt•o-
nrising, (owing probably to the lack of
it • and the hart frosts in %att'e•h.
1 'heel many fields will likely have to
be plowed up. Clover is badly heaved
in many pla'- s.
SMITH'S H ILI. Cm:terII. -The ermine'
Hnaneial statement of Smith's Bill
Presiytet•iau church, which has just
been issued, shown total funds raised
by the eimgqregatiun ass follows •
For stipend - *MI III
For missions illi IMI
For Sick ('Iiildt•en's Hospital . 10 Ili
Fur miscellaneous „[null exp. 137 :AI
Sabbath school..... ... . 24 MI
W. F. M. S .......... .. .. I l 17
Y. 1'. S. C. 1:....... 17 'Si
Total $7111 111
GKNKR %L. „-We were pleasedto MVP
the "History of Colborne" in The
Signal last week. Mr. Robertson's
sketch was much ap teriatcd by the
people of this neighborhood. .. The
stores it week ago Senility) night blew
the wheel off S. l.auhtenslayer's wind-
mill .... The rubber tires were Hving
in great style Inst 'litnt•s I cy and Fri•
tiny. The bops of this neighborhood
are right apr1 to date. and nothing
is too gruuilfor the l'itt•lov young
'holies .. -- Tyndall Brits. hese rented
twenty acres of the old Tewsley place
frau Ates. ((lean. They are enter -
priming young tu'A, and we Imp'. to
see thews using the whole farm next
(. ea
enc •' ' eft ,2oil
.\111 -
there will Ise service in the Presby-
terian slue[ ever' all etnntt. Sabbath
evening, in addition to the weekly
eft 1•11)1)0111 service.
Tu $i-Itn)', AptilIlth.
Miss Josie Young is visiting her aunt
at Kippen.
Henry Hornet' is visiting friends in
Guelph this week.
Miss Mcllerorott, got Ihnigannnn,was'
a visitor at Nile on Sunday.
The rain on Sunday interfrn'el suite•
what with the E,st•r millinery open-
Our teacher, Miss (it•ay, is spending
the Easter holidays at her home- at
Miss Martie Girvin, of the (ialet•ich
Collegiate Institute, is spending the
holidays at home.
Rev..1. C. Reid is away this week
delivering a series of lectures at Cen-
tralia and other points.
Mettort. Heroin% The following is
the report of the Easter exatlinet.
held in S. S. No. 17, Ashfield end West
Wnwvtnosh : Sr. V. Elliot Girvin,
Doisy Ryan. Jr. V. Nellie Ryan,
Stella Kirke, Lulu Mtothers. Mr. IV.
\Wilfrid Elliott, Willie Nivins, Lulu
Dunkeld, Spray Bailie, Flossie Elliott.,
Laura McIntyre. Jr. IV. Karl Wil-
son, Leonard i)nnkeld. Charlie Nivins.
Norman Kit k. Sr. Iii. Ella Snail.
ers, Carrie Dunkeld. Calvin Bailie,
II. class Walter Nixon, Emma Nix-
on, Oliver Kirke. Part II. Edythe
Nixon, littlest Mr(iratten. Part. I. -
)ohn Sprott'. MAOKI. A. BAII.IN.
Reed "Capt, Eel" on paged.
\', April 111th,
Miss Bella McNevin has gone to
Stat ford,
John Fattish has lately built a large
esailhawat for Wtu. Chisholm and Jat'uh
%lies I.iuklater, teacher at Paisley,
Bruee „minty, is h • for Easter with
her family circle.
,John Farris[ will shortly mauve W
the lake harm which he Is eight from
Jas. Chisholm last ye•; l'.
Most/AY. April 10th,.
Miss E. Knot is spending Easter
holidays under the parentid root. -
1(1•, And Mrs. Edward Keeney. of
Sebriugvil'e, are visiting friends in
this tueightim•hiNNl.
The a I conference of Die Evun-
gelit•al Assuciitliuu is its sesslbn this
week at Bismlark, Ont.. Bishop Thus.
11. 11., ut Allentown, pre-
siding. As Rev. A. D. (list•hler is
attending this conference, tbele will
he no liteaellingservice next S lay,
but pro er-urt•etiug and .Sabbath
Schad will he conducted anile •n-
ASH FIELD.', April 17th.
Nsw 1'nmaltyTKitt,sN Ulf9tu'Il. -
Mutthesun tit It.diertrou, of Ripley,
have leen awarded the contract for
the new church for the Ashfield Pres-
byterian cu i 'o is
l t art n. The Work
of 1 1
t e league Ju 1.1 and to be
t June n t h h t
completed Irtrd
ov Novendser lat. The
building will lie of brick ' h art1r
cement luasement, and will have as
towu-u' and alcove. The rholch will be
heated by furnace and lighted with
acetylene gas. Messrs. Ma ln &
Rutlertsun'r contract doer nut \Include
the seating, lighting or R t< li htin 1 zin the
contract m e fo t lhxt1'at of r I r nor not
being let as yet.
Muxm.ty, April 10th.
Saul. Young has I •hased *splendid
span of drivers. '
Maple wap runs so fast that some had
two pails on a tree. •
Mr. and Mrs"nun
Yam 1 spent
Sunday at lie ''ler.
The high winds this week blew the
uruustnche off atone of the men.
1). Hamilton has si•r•utu'ul the services
of I). Hardy for the comings ttttt met.
Miss A. Courtney. of Amherley,
visited her sister on the boundary last
A traveller in the district- last wreak
mid the srent•ry put Rini in utind of
Switzerland, espee•ially the sheep with
the bells on them. -
'I'i• hsii.t v, April 17th. ,
The IA -Lowing r•pi'rt, taased on en -
Ha ien'•y in test exist uiulations hlelut
during February- and %larch. shawls
the standing of pli ails of S S No. II,
East Wawanesll : V. Marks obtain-
ablue, 7711 --Edna Hiekinglsttt , 5110;
John Ruehamui,:,7N; Jas. McClinton,
tsi. Senior 1\'- Marks obtainable,
1,219-- E 4'amplell, NIS: , Earl
\Vightmiuu. 1113: Maggie Rodget•s,
7112 : Ada Slackhuu-u•, 712: Clara
Bamford. .al): Dell Mclwut•ty, 271.
luniui• IV.- Marks obtainable. I0I--
Th,wruaaRo)gets, lit(;Alva Mr'Atw-
ell.:Ct1 : !tempi Woods, 257,, Frank
MuL sty, 't7; ('hrissy Armour, ;all ;
Cecil M„inrty. 1117. Second -,,Marks
oltainable, -2341Rohinsum,
155; Maggie Farrow, i fit ; \,\lay Cook.
I ; : Leslie Buchanan, 111: .Lennie
'rennet•, 1115 ; Maggie Turney, 7i1,
Part II. -('ilio Campbell. A\tepntt
of the Eaglet. and prsenntinu examine -
[inns a ill Is. given next wee*. (iost-
ta)N E. Wto9Tit.S. Teacher,
Taco-tv, April 17th.
Miss Kate Brophy is visiting friends
in Cuirass.
Several of the farmers have eotn-
Hu•,c•ed seeding,
Thos. Plowman spent Sunday at
Wal, McAllist•r's.
Robert Rutledge, of I•:Iu•Deze•r, spent
Sunday at Edward ('haunney's.
e/rrseplh Kinahan is having his luouse
remodelled. ,laeseph. Flynn is doing
the work,
,fames Craig left last Tnt•selay
ping to take a trip through the
(ins. McGuire was in Guli•rir•h last
Saturday pto•uring a license to peddle
this s •r.
John McCabe is busy buying hogs
at present. John thinks then' is more
money in hugs dm u in rattle.
Miss O'Leary, of Kingslsridgu, was
visiting her niece, Mrs. (ifsage
Brophy, ler a few days butt wcsk.
Misses Mary tend Nellie 'limy, of
\White•u•lu cels. are visiting their
grand thee, Mrs. Flynn. this week.
Mednctic, York Co., N. 1t., :\ptil
11011. .ISleeial %1•. Arlet Dieken-
snn, cif this plaee, is ;mother well-
known resident whip e(In,eS fllt•wat-ul
t" testify to the wonderful curative
hosiers of !hod.. Kidney fills. lint
e goes further: he not only proves
that Doll's Kidney I'ills cue lune
back, but that these cures are lasting
and per for he'ivrit•si :
•'It is • 1 • iine ago since I
wits emelt of had hark and kidney dis-
order by ihsld's Kidney fills anti I aur
still quite well. J suffered for three
year* and fried various renuslies but
nothing did the least ',peel but Ihdil's
Kidney 1 ills and they cured ore uncle
for all."
Opportunities to Visit Calitornia.
I) i riot let the rhauce go by. Vet•y
lows' rider; will be in effect. via Grand
Trunk Railway, gaol going Apt•il 2ItIi
to May 5th, returning until July 31st :
and gaol going .1 sine 21th to July 7th,
returning until September 15th.
Choirs. of any direct route going and
returning, and certain stopover prix•
il.•ges tel Call nn agents for
full particulars or nddrew% .f. D. Mc-
Donald, District P,ssen er Agent,
Rom :M1t, Inion Station, Toronto,
Vim will never he Am•ry for doing
your level heat, for being kind to the
poor; for hearing before judging, for
thinking•before speaking, for stand -
Ing by pint principles, for stopping
your ears to gissip, for being gener-
ous to an enemy. for being courteous
to all, for irking pardon when in
error, for 'wing ihonest in business
dealings. for giving an nnfnrtnnate
person a lift, for promptness in keep-
ing your promises, for putting the
hest meaning on the acts of others.
Yale -Scored.
Prof. Itis-htrele, of Yal.•, enjoys a
joke. Stich was the ease when one of
the students said to hitt' :
"Professor, wouldn't, you like a
goal retire. for retching rabbits ?"
"Why, yes," replied the professor,
"what is it?"
"Well, you r•rnuch down 'whind a
stone wall and Make it noise like a
Quick ;is a flash came the reply :
"Oh, at better way than that world
lw pad to any
evrson who proves eha
Sunlight Soap Contains any
juncoi chemicals or say
form on altar -ratios. •
is a perfect cleaner and will
not injure anything.
Best for alluse[
h o oldP ur-
Poses• unSli ht Soap's r -
g oa Ps super-
iority is most conspicuous in
the washing of clothes.
Common soaps destroy
the painted or varnished
surfaces of woodwork and
take the color out of clothes.
Even the
daintiest linen
or lace, or the most delicate
colors may be safely washed
with Sunlight Soap in the
Sunlight way (follow direc-
Your money refunded by the dealer
from whom you buy Sunlight Soap if you
bad.any aux for complaint.
Buy a and
C• follow directions 5c.
Laver 6rcthen Limited. Tomato
xe for you to go mend sit quietly in a
tett of caahbat:e heads and look
Ifa Cow gave
mankind would have to
invent milk. Milk Is Na-
ture's emulsion -butter
put In shape for diges-
tion. Cod liver oil is ex-
tremely nourishing, but
It has to be emulsified
before we can digest it.
Scott's Emulsion
combines the best oil
with the valuable hypo
phosphites so that it is
easy to digest and does
far more good than the
oil alone could. That
makes Scott's Emulsion
the most strengthening,
nourishing food - medi-
cine in the world.
Send for free sampls.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chomists ,
Toronto, Ont.
&Oc. and $1.00. All druggists
9 s1 sniam s nmlnal
Just About_Buggies
A buggy may be described ata "aa Isix on whirl,:" b'I a in
world never`think of applying sneh n deseriptinn to the cl.; -i it
tnrnonls manufactured by
% M. GRAY & SONS. Chatham,
for whom I inn the agent. in Gotha -it -h. Their carriages are t
acme of skilled workmanship and 'peel taste. with the Sonia
f lathe' of a long and telcceavful experience in the making of
high-grade vehicles.
Some Points in
" Gray " Carriages.
When you bey n "Grey " rut
I•iage you, ,are putting your tngon •v
into,* Hoe -clam investment. 'there
is nothing .(list. "Knott r gh" in a
"Gray" buggy : every part of it is the result of careful, honest
work, with special :Mention to
Their rnhler-tirvl and cushion -tired rigs are models for e;asy-
rVining quaint len and elegant style. As for price well, give nn
at chance to talk to you.
Besure you ride in a "Gray " carriage this year. I have all styles.
Runabouts, Road Wagons,
Phaetons, Mikados.
Call at my warehollme, Hamilton Street, (i•odericlr, if you
want to osee some nice haggles. A pleasure to show them.
Tu u su.ty, April 1 J, 1901i 7
Boys Clothing
Speri.d tallies in boys' and youths two and
three• suits,
Newest Cloths
Iltu's Furnisl10g3
Swell new etfet•t.a iu
W, (I. and R. regatta
end nee lige shifts.
Must be seen to
be -appreciated
Latest Designs
Spring Underwear
iu uatur:d \\'t, l
n d li:elhruggan.
Combination Suits
to Spring Underwear
Englishaad \met ic,ua Ikwhys, Fedoras and soft felt kiinek•
Gloves, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Collars, etre.
Everything for Men and Boys
Art Tailors, Clothiers, Furnishers, Hatters, etc.
:North side Court House Square, Goderieh.
Selling Out !
Selling Out !
Great sacrifice
of a magnificent
it wnuhi take a dead of time and •II valuable spay,•
to tell you here the ntunrruus teasllis fur this move inn my (tart.
For the present let it sufllcr• to sill.
This immense stook mina[ be sill and add quickly. We will
cul the pH( e• so often and so deeply that there will lie
Slaughter ! Slaughter
We will start the ball ;trolling Ly offering East rials ..t
Page Wire Fence and Page Gates
If yoti are going to eget it fence it will he worth. your while
t.; get tour pt•ieen.
High Carbon Cleveland Coiled Spring
Wire at
$2.50 per hundred lbs.
\\-,• hate a big ,lurk oil builders han•Itv,ur, including
Locks, Hinges, Bolts, Nails, Ready
Roofing, Glass, Putty, Paint, etc.
Spare wont lN'rmit ns In WHIN• you prices; on each article
here. I' a in and we will quote you prices that will oaplrtun•
your order.
Six only JACK SCREWS with (wars. regular price $7.110
tech. Wil will clear them out at $4.5o each.
tons left. Regular IMk• ler sack. '1'o clear ;at
47 cents per sack,
which is en it artfully cheaper than t-umm11on Iinu' and sand and
both ru,el nhd sir 1 grates. The range that is alwarlstuly guar-
anteed. h' -
;2I.50 up.
HEATERS. The best a tearing and int.t, pe•rfes•I. Wterlta ng
heater made. If you intent to get it heater next fall hay et'Iv
.Dad save at least 191 per cent. is your investment.
Prices fr
f l8.00 up.
A big u-utisig hit just received. Tots multi- heights to
emote prises Iter•, hal, if it is poultry nett ig you Wuaut, 1 Is•lievi•
we can sell it to yon when you hear our pr
\We golfer yon as gulden opportunity to purchase un at a rift )'
reasgotuthle prise,
$3.00 up.
Sale will commence when you Dead this and will eontisase
until the curare stark is sold.
J. B. Hawkins
The Hardware Man