The Signal, 1906-4-19, Page 3THI: SIGNAL: GODERIcH oNTAitio
If you have Backache you hays
Kidney Disease. If you neglect
Backache it will develop into
something worse -Bright • Due
ease or Diabetes". There is no
use rubbing and doctoring your
back. Cure the kidneys. There
Is only one kidney medicine bat
k area Backache every time -
'Tem of the Sistrkt.
Messes. spear,. & Pime, clothiers. -of time this month will iiiii ve his family
Seaforth, have assigned. . to that city. Mr. I Mew fa. a
W. D. Pringle has purchaud (nem Young, of IllyLb• will AceOliiimuY Mr.
W. J. Chapman She tannery property mid Mlle. 'Moan to Toronto and will
in Wingham. The consideration was continue their residence with them.
$2,500. - Mrs. ('brie. Zilliax. formerly of
The lensinewe of ti. M. Baldwin & Brussels, passed away at the Western
Co., Seaforth, has been purchased by hospital, Toronto, on Sunday. April
Richard Peck, a travelling salesman Nth, in her forty-thint year. She had
for the finn. recently endergone all operation,
The trustees of 8, S. No. :1, StePlwil, from the read°e of which she died.
have teurcbased a large bell. which The deeedeced was formerly Miss Mary
hey will h ve placed on the school- %%rocks, her parental home being near
house shortl . ,Heltikond. Besides her husband she is
George Walker, formerly of East I survived by two sons and two dough-
Wawanosh, has sold his livery barn, frrs'
horses and rig.: at Bruesele to hedge Writs have been served on W. li.
Robb for 1115.000. Kerr, itecretary-treastirer of the East
liuron and Grey Branch Agricultural
Societies, at the instonce of MI`S. W111.
Wilkinson, 4th line of Morris. ch •
lug $1,0110 d gee for an injury to
her knee by going through the floor
of the root department during the fall
fair at Mussels last year. The Grey
Branch directory, while denying any
liability, offered $150 to mettle, which
was declined. A defence has been put
Mem. Worthington, a former resi-
dent of Lucknow, died recently at
Guelph, where she had been in at-
tendance on her Mtn WhO wan ill.
Reeve J. G. Anderson Mu. purchased
(runt Miss Cathpbell the corner lot
next to the lanknow postoffice and
will erect thereon two large stores.
0. Smith, of the ‘12th concession
of %Vest NVetwanosh, had a bone in the
back of his right hand broken recently
Icy one of his horses tramping on it.
H. F. Kirkby, who has just com-
pleted is successful course at the
Ontario Vetet.inary College, Toronto,
ci intends practising his profession at
As'foion as the weather is suitable
work vs ill be les al din the work
at St. Joseph harbor. AInly mo• llllllll
crib has to be sunk and tilled to com-
plete. the eribwork.
The lonotere farm eel David and
%Valiant Slue's, me the 15th r •tateion
of Grey, has been purchased by John
l.aumee,et.son of the late Arch. Li-
t, of the 7th concession.
Appetite comes with eating
and each square of crisp de-
liciousness seems but to make
room for more.
Mooney's Perfection
Cream Sodas
are different from any other
cracker. Nothing heavy or
doughy about them but so light
and crisp that they are trans.
parent. Mooney's biscuits will
be a regular dish on your table
if you will try them.
Say -Mooney's"to your grocer.
Haldimand County Councillor tells
how Psychine cured his
Lung Troubles A
"1 emended a series of colds from the
changing weather," says Mr. Bryce Allen.
a well-known resident of Jarvis, Ont., and
11 member of tialdimand County Council
for his district, "and gradually my lungs
became affected. I tried medicine and
doctors prescribed for me, but got I no
relief. With lungs and stomach diseased,
nervous, weak and wasted. I began to sun
l'sychine. With two months' treatment I
regained my health. To -day I am as
sound as a bell, and give all the credit to
There is a proof of what Psychine does.
It not only cures Colds and kills the germs
of LaGrippe, Pneumonia and Consumption,
but it helps the stomach, makes pure, rich
blood and spreads general health all over
the body. You will never have Consump-
tion if you use
(Framarmaat &Ansa)
50c. Per Bottle
Lamer Mese et mai RS -ail struggeser
IL T. A. SLOCUM, Limited, Term&
Mr. Barr, of Brussels, an inmate of
the c ty hotter of refuge hint:et WM,
died 011 31ontbey tel last week, at the
age of •ty three v'ea es, coed was
interred at the I boiled gi I.
R. II. Saint has weld his draying
business in NVinghnin tee 'rhos: Sneak,
.ind Messrs. Beattie Brew., also of
Winglottn, have sold their di -eying.,
business tee Thor: Deans. Poaseseion
has iiirt•nely been given in each case.
It. S. Y g, it former Myth 110y.
yclut leas been eiteeetudeilly running
chug store in Sudbury for tieverid
years past, has opened it brawl' atom.
et Hitiley bury. a 'bong Penn on the
milkweed shore of Lake 'remiskaide-
The mandefacticre tel cheese will be
dropped this year in connection with
Brusaelsi ehrese factory and all the
Mut will be devoted to butter -making.
Lest year this depart:tweet -met with
great success and this year the pros-
pects rue tirst-elass.
The little seven-year.olel grandchild
or 1.11/11y it, Goderieh tcewlisliilc. Mel
Wall it peculiar accident recently.
While playing in the yard she fell 4111
A sharp stick, which entered her
month, awl cia her palette see SOVY1 ely
that the services ed a doctor were,nec-
J. 0. Anderson. Lucknow, has
closed his apple -shipping season, after
one of the ,i.licressluil years in the
Isceduess. lie has %blipped altogeiliel
over 111.1.11111oirlads. Orally Itil iii Wilitil
%eta to the' Old Country : cc few t hints.
and went to Manitoba mid Northern
On Wednesday of last week. Rev.
I). MeCree. of C.senter,s.k.
iciest .'i cuco.eieel bow le wren Hely Hast-
ings. late of aloe nitsertme, now of the
Corners cheese fa -tory. and
iiieds..Minnie May, third daughter of Mt.
and Mrs Viii lieettrey, 12th conces-
sion of (hey.
Tininess A. Smith, late dit Morris
townaleip, died at Siockatism, Sask..
on April 5th. The deceased had
leased his farm ite Mortis and it few
weeks ago went to the West, where
he intended residing. Ile leaves a
wblow but no children. Ile no..
forty-four years of age.
Henry Btettrey. a resident tel they
t.O.t1'nmilip for fort y•Nve years, passed
away revently at the h • of his
dam/liter, Mrs. John Snider. in
Vaughan township. in his eighty
eighth year. lir is survived by one
son. William. of the 12th conversion
of Grey. and there dittighteiti.
A quiet wedding took place at the
h • of Mee. Marshall. Clintoe. ien
Wednesday eve • g. April 11th. when
her daughter. Miss Stanth, beeame the
wife of Hobert If. Freeman, of the
2nd enneess. of !banal. Rev.
M. Manning perfortmel the. eel
Mr. and Mrs. Freeman will reside in
The Sentinel nays the indications
are that lairkhow will experience the
greatest building 'swim iii its !destiny
Miring the coming lllll Already
,everld !erg,- mov stores :we CI intern -
visited. which together with the new
town hall and Carne.gie. bindery will
make it a pretty busy newel for the
The dle-tth is annenineed of Mrs.
Halliday, relict of the late Thos. II
Halliday. at the I • of her tem
*mewl, in Binnehm, 3Ianitoba, on
March 24th. Thu e de.ceased was
seventy-one years of age. The late
Mr. Halliday was the first i•esident of
lirmeetels. Mrs. Halliday held lived in
the. "%Vest since 1SW.
Gilbert Horn, of (7itreiduff. Mask..
one of h:xeter's fernier well-known
voting men, and Miss Rosa Harris, of
Workmen, wets. recently united in
marringe at the Methodist paredonage.
Carrulieff, by the Rev. A. .1. Haw.
The happy temple will make their
home six miles south of Carnduff,
where Mr. Horn ham it fine farm.
A quiet wedding took place nt the
James street Methoiliat church parson-
age, Exeter, on Titiedley afternoon of
last week, the coatracting parties be-
ing Chester Stanlake. son of Silas
Stanlake, of Sodom, and Miss lAmise
Dearing, youngeat daughter dif Abra-
ham Dearing, of Stephen township.
The nuptial knot we" tied by Rev. A.
11. Going.
Mrs. Todd, widow of Ac lase Oscar
Todd. died in Kincardine. on Saturday
morning. April 7411. The deceased was
fifty-three years of age andl hail ;ip-
parently been in excellent health,
death being caused by a sudden heart
weakness. The deceased was hewn in
Woodstock but heel resided in Kin-
cardine mince ISIS. She is survived by
five children.
Dr. Alexander l'hompaon, a former
physician of Myth about thirty-five
years ago, plowed avedy recently at
his home in Strathedy. in his meven.
tieth year. Dr. Thompson lend
bred his pmfessinn in St rethroy since
1E71 and wee highly esteemed ley all
who knew him. He leaves it widow
and four cone three of whom are Mew
in the medico:I profession.
NV. NV. Moan. ref Cott France*, for-
merly of Myth. has been appointed
general timber agent foe the Marken -
tie & Mann syndicate. Ile will have
Me headquarters in Toronto and some
We bead basidlawei gettad vragon
Ploughs of en kinds. Berreneres, esews.
Wheelbarrows. M., Etc.
Ale s pleased to man yam our catalogue.
The Wilkinson Plough Co.
on 3
or money returned
et not taitaned in 'Terrier.
i Ireenlly to and
hollow around It, Ii. torn
tu,uliar way. With
ordinary ambit
ow. it will hold
it. edgy by,
Mute. tr•
Pun eel
Iambic awe •
Dyable Oars. ars
ta mem teem -
tir poshibr guns.. $LIM,
hes booklet "Mats to Sloven."
For toile by
W HOWELL. - Goderich
An Offer M Repurchase Plant.'
\V. H. Green, from whom the town
of Winghttiu purchased the electric
light plant for 1112.4,thli, has offered to
reptirchitae the plant for IPM.000.
To Submit Three Bylaw". in Kincardine.
Three bylaws are to be submitted to
the ratepayers of Kincardine Monday,
May ith, as follows : One for 95.1(11)
for the conatruction of a trunk tewer ;
oneltir CLOW for the construction of
it Storm sewer, and 'one for 1112,51111. for
park purposes.
Removing to 'returner. -
G. II. Glees, who has been the suc-
cessful choirmaster of the Presby-
terian church in lateknow for over is
year past, hits resigned to accept the
leadership of the Presbyterian church
choir in Tresweter. Joriepli Stalker
takes Mr. Glass' place as leader of the
Lneknow choir.
Hospital Project at Wurgbam..
Further steps have been taken in re-
nnet to the establishment of a hospital"
in NVinghain. • Stock lists have been
circulated about the town and a eon-
siderable sum of i •y has been Mal-
uegilteti. the intention tee form it
joint abed; company end purchase it
buildieg which could be converted in-
to a hospital.
Another New Bridge Needed.
Traffic over the bridge 'smith of Mt.
Jeweph has been'stopped. owing to the
suppen•t tinder the mirth side having
given way and eatteual the bridge to
sink, making it unsafe for travel.
This is a bridge kept tip by the
eounty. The pmsent bridge ia
wooden sttiwt (omelet NW, built about
twelve years ago.
not the innocent victim of other
eche kg villains that he would like
to make out, and that he in not now
at liberty is due entirely to the extra
vigilance of the jailer. The jailer's
innepicions were at first neoused last
Thursday by observing that is knife
supplied to Fletcher, along with him
di iiii er, had not 6%41 'returned. Thia
Iced hint to make KU exatilinaC of
FletchePrie Fell and the attached cor-
ridor, with the meth that he found
that Milne Of the wires which held iii
is screen window had been cut
through. This, however, did not
t to anything. as the burs of thee
window had met apparently keen
tampered with. Hut on further ex -
iii i i edition the jailer f I that two
short boards in the IltiOr of the corri-
dor had lwen loosened and OK lifting
them up he found that a twadage large
enough to permit the free passage Of
a man's' body had been excavated
finen this opening in the floor tel the
)ail wall, and partly under the wall.
Phis is what Fletcher had been doing
with the knife, the lid of the dinner
pail being need for the purpotie tel dip-
ping up the eat th after it had been
scooped out. It would only have
taken him a few ' tees moire to have
finished the joie, and as there was is
holder inside the jail well he would
have had no trouble in clinching over.
Tian MUT, April 11111, 1906 3
Nsarakria awl Nen/omens cured guini y be
141111111.111$111 NILADACNE_
Nehru . GreSeese cure ever diecoverenn
TAO art gat and ves:., Ail elv,iere or nowt hem
acute Sials.. „One,. blame/ barh eet
There cannot be different degrees
of purity any more than there can
be different degrees of honesty.
If a man be honest, that is all he
can be. There is no superlative.
One flour cannot be purer than
another. It can only be more
nearly puce.
In these times when all flour man.
ufacturers are claiming purity you
should remember these two things:
Actual purity in flour can only be
secured by the use of electricity.
Silver Wedding Celebration at Lucknow.
On Friday t•vening. April 114 Ii, Mr.
and Mrs. John Button, of laiekridiw,
celebrated the twenty-liftle anniver-
ed ei of their marriage. The evening,
was spent in ...vial games, alter which
a dainty luncheon was sei•ved. Rev.
elle is on the ground to superintend
Mr. Millyard then proposed the. health
operations. It is said to be due to her
business foresight that the mine is be-
ing worked anyway, for the property
luol been condemned as worthless and
ivies lying fallow, a combination of
dump pile and water, when Mrs. Mor-
gan saw its possibilities. She organ-
ized a company, purchased the engine,
punip and other necessary machinery.
employed the men, drained the mlne
and sunk the shaft deeper, and now is
rewarded by A rich yield of zinc ore.
Ways la Whirls The, may Be adt
Belo to Their Brothers.
A sister ran help to cure a brother of
a boy's natural awkwardness and blun-
dering liv Haying ail the pleasant things
she can of lam in his hearing.
She can do more for him by encour-
agement titan by rebuke. Boys flourish
best in a kindly atmosphere.
She can take an interest in his fads
and amusements and 'listen to himx
wheneVer he has agything to tell. In
this was she becomes his moat valua-
ble confidant and comrade.
She can make her brother's friends
her friends by being ready to entertain
them when they call. She should not
be continually finding flaws in them or
holding them up to ridicule.
She can teach them to be manly by
occasionally claiming his protection.
and lie will be quick to respond to such
a call.
She should any nothing to her broth-
er's disparagement before strangers.
Ilarsh treatment will only result In
hard heartedness.
Brothers stand in need of as much
aympathetic affection as girls, and sis-
ters should see that they get it.
In this way sisters can teach their
brothers to be as fond of home as they
are, mill a fondness for home will keep
any boy front straying from that path
which lea& to a noble inanhood.-Ex-
Fits. Well
Looks Well
Wears Well
Newest importatipns in
medium and light -weight
clothes for spring and sum-
The Sunbonnet Boss.
Mrs. W. E. Morgan of Missouri Is
boss of one of the richest zinc mines In
that state. To her employees she Is
known as the "Sunbonnet Boss," and
they are said to hike her and work well
under her directions. Garbed in rub-
ber skirt, coat, hat and boots, she goes
down lido a mine when necessary, and
of the host and lite which was
followed by 111,14(111ttilatory rental ka
Dr. Speller. .1. G. Murdoch,
.1telett Joynt and othera, which wete
responded to ley Mr. But „oil,
Death of Old Kincardine _Resident. '
NIrs. Nbeekendrick died on
Monday, April hit Ii, let the residence of
her win. George NI. Mackerel! ick. Kin-
cardine. in her Aids' y-tifth vear. She
was a native of Campbelltown. Ar-
gyle -shire. Scotland, Aral an old citi-
zen of Kincardine. having settled in
that town in the. year lM.Vi. lien hum -
band,. Matthew Mackendrick, prede-
ceased leer ahead, thirteen years. ,1111.1
Stile,' I bell Ph.* it Iti rtasidit'l I %%Rh her
Olell. George M. Mackendrick.
Death of Thos. Carbert, Hullett.
After suffering from tin afoot* Hop-
persell to Isesq • bell form • d 'Thud
tnnible. for two years, Thomas Car:
bell, of the Oth e Buliett.
passed A ay 1.111 Wednesday. April
lit h. in Walt oily -third year. The de-
mon -al wits a native of Iitillett and
wits hi -Id ii 4.1 y high esteette by theme
who knew him. He wan a member of
the Catholic Melted lk•nefit
(hill. He leaven ;1 wif.• and aix ehil-
di tot to et his demise IlatKIIIrtil
With made in the ft lllll Catholic
cemetery at Clinteen.
Death of Mrs. Townsend, Tuelteramith.
After a brief illness, Elizabeth Stan.
leery, millet of the late Jiweph Towns-
end, passed away at the licence ef her
.hotgliter. Mrs. Albert Turner. at Clin-
ton, ein Theireday evd.ning. April 5th.
deresit•erra husband was one of the
pioneers of Tuckeremith, tieing!' for a
number dif years a remittent of Clinton
lentil his death about Nix yenrs ago.
hue. ToWttart111 with a wimeate of great
intA•Iligence and was widely eateemed
by a large circle a friends. 'She wits
in her seventy-teixth year and is stir-
vivtel by Inter daughters -.Nies. Tur-
ner. Clinton ; Mrs. Itolwit Gibleings
and Mrs. T. Livingstone. Mullett, and
Mre. Ira Jolene. Tuckersmith.
Matthew Morrison, Walton, Passes
The. death occurred to' Friday. April
lith, of Matthew Morrison, one of the
oldest and hest -known residents tel
Walton. al the: age of eixty-nine
Trills. The deceased was born in Ire-
land and come to this country at the
age of fifteen. iii IMO he settled in
Grey. where he resided few a great
many years, but for the latit t wenty-
three years he had ligetil in \Valium
Ile was for tunny yearn an insurance
agent for the Howick Mutual In'
melt -mince Company. In 'Politics he was
a Conservative and for sixty years he
was us member of the Loyal Orange
order. lie is stirvived by two teens
and five daughter..
Death of Hrs. Timothy Givlin, Seaforth.
Many of our boo, hoar ties honk
Mificanowooli liko mobiles sprat strings.
DUNLOP, the Tailor
West street,
It will be qv
to your Interest
Royal Household Flour `!‘
is the only flour, made and sold in
Canada, that is purified by electricity.
You can get Ogilvie's Royal
Household Flour from your groc'er.
Ogilvie Hour Mills Co., Limited.
"Ogilvie's Bonk for a Cook." contains i30
pages of excellent recipes, %MOO e -ver before
published. Your grocer can cell you how to
got it FREE. 1
The Waxed Floor.
fere is an excellent method of re
a xed
on the
Into the
dered tale
moving grease spots from a
floor: Pour spirit* of turpenti
spot and give it time to son
wood. Then cover with po
to come and see regatsling that
homee you lire going to build.
If it Ian FURNACE wt. have
tliVIII let SUR all platees and the
prices are right.
For the BATH ROOM we
have everything up-to-date.
ING and /III kinds of METAL
WORK done in tired -class style
Icy good mechanics.
A good stock of RANGES,
WARE to elitiose from.
old press with a warm 1 er not very
het iron. The tide wit absorb the
grease. Brush off and fish the place
anew with wax.
Ms Draught Bracket siring low down
bitch and removing all neck weight. NM
✓ ressed meet needs of • owned shays In
e ll the Drums. Vise Large AMI-Irrielleill
B eller, used in Bearings. No °entre
hearing to rut, Kneel or grind. None
genuine without the name "BIBEILLIL."
Inquire of your Agent or address
Wrar. for Booklet
always on hand at
W. R. Pinder's
Successor to G. N. Davis
Cheaper than Shingles
Don't you want Barn anti Chicken Houses as dry as
your kitchen? Roof them with
Paterson's "Wire Edge"
A, Ready Roofing
Write E. H. AYkR, Agent, DETROIT,
for particulars.
It is cheaper than shingles and you can put it on yourself.
With each roll if "Wire Edge" are nails, caps and cement. Yon
need only a hammer and you can make all the buildings raiu-proof,
snow -proof and fire -proof.
Our booklet tells about the roofing that
ever leaks and lasts a lifetime. Let us
nd you a free copy and samples of
Sold by hardware dealers
Toronto and Montreal
An Errant anderer.
live, tanker.
Amongst the east brilliant relestial
speetaelea .whi • i lucre, been wititeseed
fon. g iterations, in. teem -haps
even. Pidgi g from history. which
have r•Ver I n 141.4.111 fr0111 this earth,
the great iemet of 04614 takee It fore-
most plac At first lint it mere pt -ii -
ell of ght far away.. amongst the
stars, ght 'Owl. night it inerearied in
size ci I brilliance. New the nucleus
is ph nly s isible, about the apparent
size lid I •ty of it star of the
sec nd or third magnitude ; now it is as
ler gilt as Sirius or Jupiter : and now
exceeds any star or planet in appar-
ent nize the long train tote continuing
to increase in length and in vivid
lust re'.
Still apprnaching nearer tend nearer
to the earth with an alarming rapid-
ity. eatinetted at nearly it million
mike an hi nit, in it few weeks t he
head has attained a site approaching
that. of the moon, shining too with it
somewhat Minitel. light, while the
brilliant 11 llll inn's. train, unletilitted tam
he nearly two hundred millien miles
in length, extend', far across the
weetern hentimphere.
The spectacle in now beyond tiew•rip-
Hon sublime and magnificent. A few
degrees fr the nucleus mighty Arc-
turus shines in All his glory. Beneath.
coy and beautiful Spies' in the conetel-
!ration of the Virgin, the star around
which so much Eastern myth and
strange romance has clustered, recintil-
Wes with softer fire: while scattered
in the star-speingled canopy of the
heavens are ever varying Algol in
Perseum, magnificent Capella. °envy-
ing all her neighbore in glowiner
lustre. the beautiful azure double star
In the Serpent, and many another
gem of the nkies flatehing in all its
glory. And, werpadesing them all in
grandeur and majeaty, the great
comet hanging there as thought hrent-
ening this earth of ours with utter
Hot at length the errent wanderer,
contin • g its headlong coense, speeds
away and moon plunges deeper and
deeper into the depths of the illimit-
able abyss of the infinite, where prob-
ably it will continue for !rims Innen
mons to career ',Midst I ler universes
lentil perhaps itself resolved into ciii -
other lemming stellar orb.
And Ile; Who created that serried
array of Atoning spheres, tend Who
eetablished the len table laws which
govern them all, is Ils once a %%andel, t
here ten earth, hoitieleas and ignored.
weltering -contumely and contempt,
creel idneerging, and an agonizing
deeth. And all In order that Ife
might, by heisting Ihe punishineto
due to el., open the gates of heaven to
all throughout the uniVerste who will
ree to Him for etermel life. And whom-
ever willlimy avail himieelf of the
benefits of that wondrous love.
Mrs. Timothy Givlin, one of the
early settlers of McKillop, died very
suddenly at her home in Seaforth
Sunday lllll rning of. 14qt mirk. Al-
though Mrs. Givlin lead not been in
the bred of health for some time, it
was not coneddered that she was ut-
tering fr lllll any particular (hornet.
rather the weering mot of the nynten
of ,rne Well advanced yenrs. Mhe
had retired to bed appnrently in her
usual 'health, Nit in the morning
when Mies Givlin went into her
tiedither's room Mc Was shucked in
And her dead. Sonic years ago Mr.
and Mrs. retired from their
farm in McKillop to Menforth and
alma n year ago 11r. Oirlin died. A
family 'if six 010114 and five danghters
survive. The decensed was seventy.
sIx yeat ft of alga'.
Tried to Break jail.
Walketton Telescope: ft (1 g p
Fletcher, the mart Who WAS 44.11tOtteOti
in two yearn in the Central prinon for
Ineendiarisoi and theft, la evioently
The Best in Current Literature
12 CCNIP. ETC INovedas
$2.50 PEN '(YAR 25 CTN. A COPY
EV CRY KUM gin COMPLETE Ile mit te
woe to 1914-F0si40
j A1
k azolitt0''
i imp 0?-' ' FROST FENCE
• is
• ! is the cheapest you
A. 1,
can buy
soe To lose-roittO
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers'
The first cost May I* nit:we-Ma the fired emit it the only Mit.
Belmont one fence cutla see, and lantn,aay. for 11 yearn. Teat fence costs yen a veer.
anoint,* the name length of Foist Fence Conte ens. Rut the Prost Pence -made of
High Carbon Steel Wire and locked with the Frost Loth -last. fnr ay yeen-.t • coot
of only St a year.
teal the Frost the chnapent rot ren bay? Front Fences are for nate by
J. J. MOOR.E, _ Benmiller
W. M. HOWELL, Goderich
W. H. STOGDILL„ - Varna.
Orders [wittily •ttettond to •t all
houm. Hight or day
'Bus Stables
When you buy a knife for instance, you Resides the extra atrongili and superior
consider the quality of the steel in the workmanship, PAGE FENCES are dip -
blade. The biggest and heaviest knife, isnot pod in t.. special wilt to paint. which on
necessarily the best. Now there in just an top of the hest ef galvarri,zing, will lengthen
much difference in the quality and strength the life of wire for year* And, also, this
of steel in fence wire as whiter eating makes wire
there is in a knife blade or • much s neve sightly.
razor. The Page Co. use Owl ng to the great
a high carbon stool strene ah and elasticity of
wire, which though it P AG It fencing, on. -
thin 1 tons posts are re
costs you but little more,
quire ti, thus reducing the
stronger than wire in other cost of the fencing.
fence is As strong as the
2.1 FE NICKS on• -half
A s you get in PAGE
fences. The lighte•it PAtiE
i tm I I) ,r1 411 ft Pti 1:r.nnr tCv.e7o1 ric strength.iknmas irs hi nips t,
heaviest of other makes.
Notice the lock in PAGE
may have noticed also that -emoting.. FENCES, b. 4ter appearance, use
others are Imitating
ir 4
It. That is a good I eenmmend for B. to use other fence141,*Y711111; ranOttgyo
it you l actrdid
Where we lead others follow.
All PAGF. wire in " cou..Em." nof i:LtEhe?"1 forBut. c". Lb aiy l f hepricecoltottinsof ytohtte i
crimped. ilitil.. If an, more. 4011 I
--RTc., AT--
—RATES -7 -
Weil -appoint ed
Hacks and reit.
able drivers in
charge off the
Mutes, which will
meet all trains
and steamboats
Get prices before placing yonr enkr for Fence Cu tel or Lawn Fence.
ISiouTit tds:s:T krit0,4s 1. WEN'
Sold and erected by J. B. LIAM ;INS, 6oderich -