The Signal, 1906-4-19, Page 22 THURSDAY April 19, 1%6
Telephone tall No.Si.
•Terms of Wbecrlpllon
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Ix months, Sun ; throe' 'maths, 2..,
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reful•rl- to wail will confer a favor by w •
eoaint.e on of the fact at as early a date ate
WhenWhen • change of address ia desired, both the
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Advertising Rates
Ls aland'otherdmilaradventaewent., lee
per line for rant insertion and 3c per line for
each subsequent insertion. Sle a,unvl by a
nonpareil wale, twelve lbws to an Inch.
Finable,. cants of six linea and under. $.i per
Advertisements of lost. round, Nln.yed, Sit-
uations Va.vuat, Situation.. wanted, Houses fur
Hole or to Rent. Farm.•. for Sale tar to Heol
.Articles for sale, etc., not exceeding eight
lona., Sac each insertion ; II for first month, .50e
for each subsequent month. Larger advertise.
anenu In proportion.
Local nutioes in nonpareil type Sc per line.
No notice less than ;Se.
Aunoue)ema'nn• in ordinary readings type one
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Any nivel/it noire, the object of which is the
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Hates for display and cool mel ad, erti.e;
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Address all communications to
VAN.tITklt & littHy:ItTsaIN,
Tale: SIGNAL.,
H.s.erich. a ha
OoDglticfl. THURSDAY. APRIL is, use.
The Ontario Government deserves
credit for its effort to raise the status
of the teaching profession by the
provision of a minimum mtlary for
rural school teachers, which will
indirectly affect also the salaries of
teachers in the lower grades of the
town schools. It has been a ser'
complaint for years that the educa-
tional opportunities provided for the
children of the Province are being
seriously impaired by the low salaries
offered to teachers in very many
school sections, the result being that ai
vast amount of intellect and enthusi-
asm which might have been retained
in the't•anks of the teachers hats been
diverted to other pursuits in which
the rewards are greater. Whether
the fixing of minimum salaries in the
tnsnner now proposed by the Govern-
ment will do all that may be expected
of it is a matter for the futures to
determine ; but at the least it cannot
but have a beneficial effect.)
The prospect would be lance hollefrll
if the Government's plans regarding
the model schools were of a different
character. Persons of practical ex-
perience declare that the county,.
model schools give results that are
vastly more satisfactory than those of
the normal schools, and that to abol-
ish the model schools will be to do
away with the most efficient and
practical means for the training of
teachers. The scheme of establishing
additional normal schools at a few
points in the Province, to take the
place of the model scheole, will make
it much more difficult for young men
and women who do not live in the im-
mediate vicinity ad these schools to
qualify for teaching. and at the sane
time will reduce the standard of prac-
tical capability, which is most readily
developed by the present model
schools. It will be unfortunate if
such results follow the Government's
policy and if we have, instead of the
imuprovement to he looked for front
the increase in salaries, a decrease in
teaching ability through the flooding
of the country with poorly -trained
The question of Niagara Mower is
agitating a portion of the Province at
the present time, but there seems to
lie no reason why any town in the dis-
trict west, or north of Stratford should
concern itself about the matter, a x•
cept in a general way as it affects the
interests of the Province as a whole.
The estimates of the cost of the dis-
tribution of power prepared by the
Provincial hydro -electric power com-
mission indicate that Niagatn power
caudal mit be profitably employed here,
For Stratford the cost in estimated at
$20.411 to $24.114 pet' horsepower, the
figures varying according to the
amount of power used. For St.
Marys, twelve miles west of Strat-
given are $'L;,IN1 1
$34,'JI. To bring the power to Gode-
rich would evidently Bost not less then
from $fu to $40 per hors'power. Hot
theme figures are only for the trans-
mission of the lower en bloc ; by the
time it reaches the individual con -
Nuttier there is an additiomtl cost of
from $.i to CO per horsepower, and it
Is tante to estimate that the pries of
Niagara power for G,Nderirh menu-
facturers would lie not less than from
APO to $,ill, a figure equalling or ex-
eeeding the cost of power developed
trona coal,
The rural school teachers think
Pyne is pretty good timber.
"The People's Joe" hits a achene•
tinder his hat which he thinks will
discount Niagara power in this neck
o' the woods. _
While the mi ' salary prat -
vision in the new education hill
applies only to rural Reboots, It will
affect town s•hodd also by raising the
"price" of teachers all around.
The Globe is authority for the state-
ment.. which may be interesting to
old settlers in this Seamy, that the
Canada Company still amain 110,7 fi
acne of land in Ontsrio, 70,Ia4 of
whkh is vacant and the remainder
under made.
Mr. Foster thinks the lhrtninion
Cabinet In its personnel is on the
clown grade: he can now PPP very fe-v
big men am the Ministeti'd benches,
There may be 'thing in it 1 and
then, again, it clay las there is some-
thing wrong with Mr. Foster's eye-
Somme bald -head looking for comfort
pretends to have discovered that
there are eanperatively few halal
criminals or bald lunatics. It may
is• true enough, but just t he
sample you couldn't find a bald-headed
men between here and Moscow who
wouldn't giYe his bast dollar for a
ge ' • hair cultivator and take the
risk of being put in the Cr' ' I or
the atasmt-minded clans,
The table of exports of ('i Iia!
pnoluets for the past nine months
give nab a tough idea of the relative
impAnnce of the tariouN branches
of Canadian industry. (If the prod-
ucts of the mine there wad exported.
in round figures, $23,1101,0110 worth ; of
the products of the fisheries, *13,t100, -
nen; of forest pr ducts, $28,011,•
1 N K1 ; of animate And their produce and
agricultural pet dlaats, $114,i$10,(1K); and
of tn,anufa.•tutes, $17,0iNI,IhUI. The farm
is the touudat' of Coned/ea indus-
trial and eumemercial life.
President Roosevelt made as speech a
few days ago which aerials to have
had A'S -rather startling effect in certain
circles. Ile tulvucatetl the taxing of
large estate's by the state in under to
prevent abnormally large fortunes
from passing frau the owner, either
at death or during life, tat any other
single individual : something in the
line of the inherit n e tax in this
Province, with the difference that in
Ontario the object of the tax is to in-
crease the Provincial revepue, while
President Roosevelt's design is to
break up fortunes which have grown
Venn excessive amount. The pollen
of the proper distribution of wealth is
one that may call for drastic treat -
went in the not very distant future ;
hut it would se•ui t1 he the re sens-
ible plan tat try to prevent such un-
natural accuumlationn as President
Roosevelt has in mind theta to fit-•
tempt to break then) up when once
former. An ounce of prevention is
still worth at pound of cure. In the
tariff laws and the laws affecting land
tenure in the United States, and in
Canada as well, bay be found the
canoes of a large ptoplartion of the ab-
normal and unjust conditions which
give 'nae roan immeasurable wealth
and ane ter man desperate poverty. .
The Tort to News at tempts to snake
a point oat of the fact that of the
seven Lihera from the :torthweet
Territories in the Hous.` of l' fid
at Ottawa. all of whom suppn•ted the
autonomy legislation of last secs' ,
"Mr, Frank Oliver hes bee Min•
isler, of the Interior, Mr. Walter
Scott Premier of Saskatchewan, Mr.
J. II. Lamont Attorney. -General of
Saskatchewan, and Mr. Peter Talbot
has just received at life Senatorship."
It broadly suggests that the support
of throne men was purchased by
promises of office. There is nothing
remarkable in the fact that such men
as Mesuare. Oliver, Scott and Lamont,
prominent in the councils of their
party in the Northwest, should be in
the position which they now occupy
as a naturff condealuence of the gen-
eral shuffle occasioned by the estab-
lishing of two new Provincial Cab-
inets. But it is remarkable that The
News should forget that Mr. Scott is
Premier, and Mr. Ion t is Attorney
General, of Saskatchewan, n o t
through the favor of anyissly gat
Ottawa, but because they possess the
confidence of the people of Saskatch-
ewan, The News still seems tet have
the idea that the people of the West
are inenpalrle of doing their own
The Brook.
I mane from haunts of root and hem.
I makes' sudden) Wil-, - -
Arad startle out among the fern,
To bicker down a , alley,
fly thirty hills I hurry down.
Or slip between the ridges,
By twenty thorns, n little town,
And half a hundred bridges.
Till Inst by Philips furor I flow
To Jolla the brimming riser.
For men may rattan and fawn raw)' go.
But I go on forever.
I chatter over stony nas-,
In little sharp+ and trebles,
I bubblea cad) into 11 big bays
I bubble on the el III/11...
Vit I, many a suns my banks I fret
II> anmmy it field ate! fallow',
many a fair)foreland sat
With Wilton -creed nod uaallnw.
I ,- butler. rattlers I flow
To join the brlenming rh a•r.
Fur then may Come and amu may go.
but I goon fore%er.
I a 1114 molt, well ill Mel ,ant s
With here a blossom sailing.
And lien,and Men, n kW) menial,
And here nod then a minting.
And bele and I herr a hsrmy flake
I Iron enc. an. I tnavrl
With many n .11v1-ry walerhR•ak
Above the golden gen, el.
And al tw a I tartar all along and Sow
To join the In llllaog rim "r,
For men tray room and men may go.
Mit I go on forcer.
I steal by lawn., anti grass) ,Hots,
I slide by b,va'1 Sneers ;
I moven the sweet forget -mc-note
That grow for happy lot em.
I slip, I slide. Igleam, I glance.
Among ttar sl. MiT ring swallow•- :
I make the netted eanab•anr. (1gnea,
Against my sandy shallow••
I mnnuar anter moon and slur -
In hrambl wilderne+,tC :
i linger by nay shingly hen.
II loiter round m) r reswe.
And out again I mete oval flow
To loin the brimming rh cr.
For men may Mine anal men ma)' go.
lint I go on forever.
Wood Appetite
awaits you in every tin of ('lark's
Ready Lunch Veal Loaf. More tasty.
wholesome and digestible than plain
veal. Get a tin front your dealer.
You can't buy sut'asw set the hat -
gain ouster.—New York Thema.
Tho Capital Busy Entertaining Prince
Arthur of Connaught.
Ti,. Young Scion of Royalty Crests. • Favor
able Impression With the Ottawans Not
Much Doing in Parliament Opposition
Trying to Bring About • Repetition of the,
18011896 "Scandal fern,' Are the Farmers
Responsible for lM Condition of the Maple
Sugar Market ? .
(Special correspondence of The Signal.)
Ottawa, April 11th. The beetle has
changed, Haul. from watching the pro-
ceedings on Parliament Hill, the citi-
zens of the capital have turned their
attention to entertaining royalty.
Parliament Ias you know hos ad-
journed for Eaasta•r. For four or Hve
nights no beacon light will blase from
the great tower overlooking the
Ottawa River, but Ottawa is bus
larking after young Arthur of ('on -
naught, and alt gh he has brought
the wet weltther with him trauma the
West he is welcome, and the glimpse
obtained of hint this alternates as he
drove from the station to Rideau Ball
in the teeming main has created a very
favorable impression. He lacks like at
jolly, good-natured, unaffected young
Briton who is enjoying the incidents
of his trip with a healthy interest and
is content tet put up with the eternal
Iuutd+lutking and introductions and
the vacuous addresses which confront
him at every stage of the gauze, be-
cause that is one of the uuavoiaable
coedit' of the holiday, end he is
ready with the Hritisher's devotion to
duty to pray the price and•Ioed, as if lie
liked it.
Opposition Hunting Scandals.
But to return to Parliament Hill,
The House did not break up fair the
holidays in the hest humor: indeed,
it wits it lucky thing perhaps that va-
cation intervened jest when it did.
that everyone (night have a chance to
recover his gas) temper. One would
alma+t think that sonic of the, old
Ataget a—George Eiden Foster, ,ei,d
others --had been looking beck to the
old sandal days. and comparing
then., discontentedly, with, the lest
ten years ; and, remembering what
the final mute • of those sandals
was ton J • 21, Itekil,tilead concluded
to try to get history tat repeat itself.
Two or three times in the Feast ten
days, a quasi -sandal debate has been
precipitated upon the House. and al-
though it has developed little but hard
napes and ebullitions of Incl temper
it has not ivaprovel the feeling all
Are the Farmers to Burse ?
Afparttrent this, the week, or the
half of it that Parliament gat, With
barren fit anything of interest. A
console of hunts one evening w'ad' de-
voted to diseus/ling the tadnitenttion of
magpie syrup. and while both sides
held up hands in holy lu)rew at the
terrible extent t) which this ton,nacr-
ei:al trine wits rani pant. it Apptvanrl
filen the statement of Mr. (filbert
Gnnomg, of Charlotte, N. 1i., the
widely -known candy -maker. that the
farmers ihe'uiaselt'es sale largely to
blame. By reason of the slovenly way
they put the syrup and the sugar on
the Market. the confectioners I
others handling the goods have to
ndulteraete it to !lake it lmu•ketable.
in color. flavor anti general appear-
ance. It wttnld npp•nt•, thetefcre.
Diet if the Government undertaken to
remedy the evil coualaleinei of in the
matter of adulteration it t tackle
the farmer first and intake hie} turn
outa presentable 'article.
Mr. Smith's Grievance,
E. D. Smith, of 's'cntttartha, had a
grievance with a big •'G" which he
lead tat ventilate -in the Hous•, it
appeals that be shipped s • rippler
to England incorrectly inaukeed, a
complaint had been registered Icy the
buyer in Himmingham. and, as a
w•nrning apparently to the trade. the
Iett'I' teas published in one of the
departmental teethe in.s. This was
resented by 31!.. Smith. who thought
he had been singled out, above all
others, because he Suras at Political
opponent of the Minister of Agricul-
tute, Sir Wilfrid ' Laurier good -
naturally 'stinted out that es one of
the numerous family of Smiths he
was not likely tat be identified by the
agent in England, while Mr. Fisher
demonstrated that the hon. gentle-
man was w'natlg in snppanin(( that his
was a Ione PAW ; s•verAh other% w
qluote) offluami and the records wain e
slew many mune.
Proposed Legislation Justified.
The wisdom of the legislation pro-
posal by the Minister of Justice
which looks to the preventibg of
Members of Parliament who are also
rtu'iuilwts of the legal profession from
acting paafeinionelly for those who
may have business with the House or
any of the depaartmetits was well
exenlpliHal in the course elf A debate
brought an lay Mr,, Ratter, imp which
he elutrgqed that it certain concession
in the Yukon load been improperly
revived attheinstance U t e ' o•
t 1tu f h sell
menthe!. for Ottawa, Hon. N. A. Ilel-
coml. acting fur the conccssiuners,
and that Mr. Bele •t., Hon haul re-
ceive(' in acknowledgment of their:
iramrt•ices 'e tinge bla k "f stork in the
aonppeny tva•king the emuession,
Tluid Iailakel bed, lad Mr. Ik4ram•t'a
explaanal' wad finite teglsaaualde and
(Itself Ned no amnioma Ula his pint ins
palible with his duty either fid u
1111'111NT of Parliament, nr As Inw•yer,
Will. the dist•ossiatn Showed !OM' Pithily
the hest intentions and the most
upright netiame alight be iniscon-
et.t•uel, and it was made nhlnatt.ntly
evident that it would lie nmcl better
for everybody if nartnlatys of l'arlin-
ment left legal Madness al • wbish
involve' dealings with the Govern -
anent or the depart merits.
Labor Department Doing Good Work.
An enquiry as tat the action of the
Department of Labor with reference
to the plaatetrna of 'Winnipeg elicited
some interesting information one
Afternoon. It appears a complaint
reached the Department, that some
men engaged Al A Ooverntnent urn•
tract were not getting the wages set
forth in -the fair -wage thnase of the
emit rect. 'I'he contrarian el were
warned front Ottawa to keep to the
terms of their contract. and within a
week of the original a plaint reach-
ing 11Pxt1g11Artera the men had se-
knowledged receipt of the hal Ince of
pay due them. Many CRAM ere mim-
ing all the time in which this Depart-
ment is doing excellent work between
enapluver And employed. The crea-
tion of this branch of the service has
Iw'•tl justified malty times over.
The South Africa tbntingents.
The question of the equipment of
the Smith African contingents was
enquittd into once, again this week.
One would have supposed eaeryatne
knew by this time who paid the pipet,
but if members of Perliaanlent diet not
pobeltly many privets• chiselss do
tet rithe'r. The cost of contingents
One and Two was borne entirely lay
Canada, of Three and Four by the
Imperial uoverument, and of the
Skrathcona Hors) lay lead St•uthe
Canada's cash pavuaeut was nearly
$2,t$)O,011) anal the high Uouitmiasioner
laid out over $1,(111,1(111,
The new salutation hills were sub-
mitted to the House last week by
Hon. Dr. Pyne. A g the principal
features of these measures are the
provisions for the appointment of A
dnlwrintendent of education ,and of an
advisory council. The sulMerintend-
eut of education will have the general
supervision I direction of all
clammed of Provincial high, public and
septuple wchewls, the professional
training, schadN, aand examinations
for teachers of such selasols; the art
schoo1N, the public libraries aand the
inspectors of these schalr end li-
braries. The advisory council will t•on-
sbt of seventeen meualaet's, fifteen of
tlaetu being elected by the various
br •hes of the educational system of
the Province, and two !the provident
of the University of Toronto and the
superintendent of eau Adam) (wing
ex -officio.
MinimuRn Salary for Rural Teachers.
Provision is tinkle (or increased
grants for education. sued a ntiuiuiuul
glary is fixed for the teachers in rural
school set'tions. In schatols with Due,
noun the minIugmu salary hereafter
will lot Vaal, and in schools with re
than one r'atlu each assistant teacher
is to receive 110111) as the uaimaium:,s,
The pres•nL average salary imp rural
s•haofs, according to the latest avail-
able reports, is $37.2 for male and
$U for female teachers,
How the Mosey Will Be Raised.
The ctmnclof every county will he
required to Iervy and collect by assess-
ment of the supporters of rural
schools throughout the county a
equivalent to all epeeist grants made
by the Legislature to the rural public
schools of time county, and this
shall be payable to the trustees in the
tisane prryortion As the Legislative
grants. The township levy of $1311
fair each of its public scht orb is raised
to $'Lin, and an additional sung of $hill
is to be levied for every assistant
teacher. These soars ane to he
Applied exclusively tat teachers' sala-
ries. It is further provided that, in
tuldition lig the Num provided by the
township council fowarla each teach-
er's salary, the trustees of e4•ery rural
shall se•tiun shall pay annually to
the teacher where there is only one
and to the bead teacher where there
are more thigh one tat least the
hereinafter mentioned.
(al $'Sill where the assessed value of
the taxable property of the public
sellout supporters in the section is at
least $10 0.11110 ;
(Ill $5I when such assessed value
is -al least $INI,INN) but less than $i(i0,-
Irl dl:i0 where such 'assessed value is
at tenet $USISNI but less them $811,tN$);
(all $Irl where such assessed value is
At least *S),I0) but less al an $411.(N1) :
lel $.ill where such assessed value is
lens than $Mt,(1Ni:
and $1311 to every assistant teaacher,
whatever such ,assessed value may be.
In providing the foregoing sumer the
see ' 's twined will, of course, use the
r ty and legislative gratt:s :as well
As any other means of hook, besides
a section tax.
'rhe . s•hrure of minimum aiaiatries
will not cone into operation until
next year, bait the c ty grains And
the additional township grants will
be payable this year. With these
Nanus. and the additional Legislative
grants it is expected that school sec-
tion hoards will im•teatse their equip-
ment and improve their ace ht -
tions in preparation for the new basis
of distribution which will come into
force in 1017.
If a teacher agrees to accept a_
smaller salary than the minimum,
fixed the inspect etr shall forthwith
suspend his certificate• subject to the
action of the Minister of Education. •
Model and Normal Schools,
The Minister of Education also out-
lined the scheme for the reorganizaa
tint, of the model and norlaal school
aysteuas. This involves the Abolition
of the present county and city model
schools and the establishment by
September. 1(117, of additional normal
nchtiasln, NO Na tai protide Pilch year for
the training of abut ;MD students, the
terra to hr a year. No more third -
clam certi icaats trill le issued. and
the products of the mil schools
will hold interim second-class certifl-
rettea, which will h(u' permanent
after a suitable period of probation.
An additional feature of the preposeel
sachem(' will be the 1' 'l.ation of the
lowers greaten of certificates to certain
(geese* of schools. The number and
location of the, new normal schools
has nitt yet leen decided.
it is also the intention to organise
the continuation classes on a stronger
financial and edncatieual basis.
Patent Medicines.
Mr. Pratt's mill to regulate proprie-
tary and patedt melicines wits ails-
entessl NMI sent to c 'tta•, Mr.
(ira ha In OMR/Pe•tl the wh'alr•sale con-
demnation of Fnatent tnedirines.
of which 'hhethine
NotrtWaal anal he
thought it would lie- unfair to coining
the ow -net• of a formula, the value fit
which he had sle•nt, thou. ods of dol- lay sasses ibis• , f .oar Home study t onr•ses.
tare to establish. In pis plash anal thus It rosea setatittle. m) only rrnaln'. ynor
!make its ownership taalueles.•sainti. saint time. at
rite today for partrnlnn,.
bill respectinti, local said fie ry l a vv AC HESON
hems, Hon. obs.ject
itBecki said the hill i di SO /k ,
had for its ob'ect a o ulxt•, taluex ' V
telephone syslres which v few neigh-
bors may. through their icipality,
obtain permisalon to ewtablish under
a simple scheme. 'Choy will make
known their wisher by A Intitiou to
the council; the ls+titiouetw may
themselves erect a line, and may
maintain it on the co-ult•t•,tive prin-
ciple, or, it any of theist prefer it, the
1 may erect it and asst's the
cast against the masses +old collect the
tate theefom along with the other
ordinary taxes. In time the smaller
systeuls establisheal in this manner
might grow into one great system
covering the whole Province.
He Can Look in the Pocket for the
Label that Spells Certayuty«
Fifty Meu,i-ready stores, nearly all
established within the past few years,
is a potential proof of the rapidity
with which at really great idea Is ac-
cepted in Coned,.. Every store has
been successful beyond the expecte
time of the founders, The Semi -ready
trademark anal one wire 'wisteria the
buyer 1 the price
against the
cheating of those what lout meals. the
clothing husinemi a bye -word. Semi-
r'ady labels are the hall -mark of 'salt
style and merit.
L. pets reversible and in a variety of patients
Women's Raincoats
A very large and stylish showing of new styles ill
women's three -,quarter and full length cravonette and
covert, cravt'llette lustre coats, pleated skirts, fitted
backs and shoulders lined with sateen— $
specially rooted cravenette special at `i�
I YP p
Ladies' Silk Capes
'Very handsome imported silk capes, 12 only and
no two alike. Beautiful chiffon or braid trimmed and
suitable for present and early Bummer wear, ranging
in price from each.... . I $12.00
$7.5 t(o
Special Carpet Values
Our carpet department is complete and crowded
with the year's new goods. Wiltons, velvet, Brussels,
tapestry, wool and union carpets.
550 yards English tapestry carpet, 27 inches wide
and heavy pile, in a variety of new pat-
Regular value 70c a yard, at
$00 yards) of 30 inch extra heavy pure wool car -
We are Again in the lee bneitless
anal have a large and splendid stack
Irl ktnbe Land ready fair a hot
All orders left at the office on
'sVest street will receive prompt
And careful nttaentiou. Ice de-
livered to all parts of the town.
ARE YGU MAKING $2,003.22 A
YEAR ? It a. being done with our goods.
'•. �+ pleasant, permanent and profitable.
e.00ds used in every house, every -day. No fake,
and no need en create the demand. Legitimate.
repeatable business. You can start without a cent
of capital. write w day. C Maasgatt. t Co..
Wholesale Teas, and Coffees. Landon. Out
The prier cf beef can le (hoomg:tone tic
IIuII British Empire has droppe't n nob I, or
Is,o, and eoa.^goently !oval prices are
II.:own. Wit are now supplying all rail.
.,t lower prices, while the quality I- as
a a
good, if not Dater, than tsar. SI.
LEAN n MEAT MARKET handles all
kinds of unualw, puultr>•, etc.. and, w hnr
thanking the public for tla,ir liberal
taatmnaxe, we solicit a continuance of
the ,tante.
I, orner Fart Bt. and Square. (ialerirl
A Great School
Students from littlish t oluabia,
llasketrbew•an and Mammal. on the
west 10 New -tiro nsw ack on the east ate
in attendance this year. I natante is no
hindrance to these who wi-h to get the
best. Our gratitude., are •tlwnys +uc-
ee..fnl. Una faacilities, arc unsarpn.sed.
net two now. Nu s -station. t'ollege
open entire year. , Magnificent eats-
lodue five.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
cur. Venire and Alexander lits,
OpeasCIla April 2111d
Why should you •ontent yourself in the
ordinary walks of life when gnu ran better
your rendition by taking a a,nrne in this
hoot I ave• give a ehormtgh, practical
erne -edam and assist our grad Imt., to good
positions. (' • •e your cola r-, new.
Write for partlraatsr+.
Petra ipsl-
Start for a Good Salary
Local Telephone Systems. (',•rn'wpaordcnre Deist
(Claret tillable,- I ,,:;Drees Toronto.
In -ing the aerial(' reading tat lin
W. H. Alit W. Prim natl.
at pea' yard . •7 5
Floor Coverings -
Scotch liuuleunls in a groat variety of new scroul,
block and large tile patterns, in 2 yard, 3 yard and
4 yard widths. Colors to match any room! at per
yarn hoc' 50C, 40C and 35C
120 pairs Nottingham lace curtains, :3', yards long•
(30 inches wide, neat patterns and tam- 1.00
bood edges, regular $1.35, at per pair_ $
Court Comparison
Our pricey will decide whether we are
entitle) to business or not, besides you
know the reputation of mar clothes.
Correct. Fast Sellers,
and Money Makers.
Keep Skilled Workmen an Town by
Ordering your Spring Suit Here.
Frank H. Martin
The Tailor
As usual I jlaye a full stock of the most popular shapes
and trimmings for ladies' headwear for the coming seasons.
The latest fancies and shades
Trimmed and untrimmed hats
IIam`ilton street,
Gm( lel I
where the good clothes come from.
New Hardware
• West street, a full line of
I have opened out in the Dunlop block, E. -
▪ including Farm and Garden Tools, Build-
• ing Supplies, Paints and Oils, Shelf and
Heavy Hardware, Graniteware, Tinware,
1 Vessel Supplies, etc., and solict a share
of the public patronage.
TTopTTiTTTTfPTTipituf +TMTMfii
There are good reasons
why yea shaulel in justice to
yourself bey your a sin
at this stole. Uunt)Inet•s tell
we they tire the beret we, have
ever had : and so they ate,
We have got together gaKxls
that sell thelmet vett. They
are eorreet Nn style. nobby
patterns, well made and
trimmed anal splendid fit,
If yon want a medium price
snit, you will be surprised at
whatwe are soiling at
$8.00, $Ib.00, $12.00
29th Centary Brand
is our high-class grade—thin
olothing as Irea class by itself,
e paring only with first-
class tailaoring. A proof of the
exapllence of this make is in
the fact that the hest draw-
ees all over this country are
wearing 20th Century Brand.
Wouldn't you like to wear
the very hest., something that
hes snap end style in it then
buy the 10,h ,Century Brand.
Pt ices
$I2.00 tO $20.00
Walter C. Pridham