The Signal, 1906-4-12, Page 88 TYOammr, April 1!, 19C$ THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. • Ii. N. hallow. will kohl his annual "baby des .. thle year on Monday. April Sikh. Sables under eighteen month- will be taken free. Keeler orl Sunday next an0 May okay Just Iwo week. off wean It Ia time for spring and - early .miaow, tau ntinug. r. .1. Iridhaw ran supply o , lr run with the nettle -4 rlolldeg to he had. Huuesclwuhrf Uma I. the ane to renew your matt m...e.,, old loutytr., rte., etc. Wilmer Smith'. I. iteade ureter. for upholstering. Manahan .anitar) maitre., bran amid, endue', bedstead.. picture (naming, etc. We are sorry biota' ethat St. George Price is laid up with an attack of typhoid. - John -Yule has installed a power air p } and two tanks at his w';teem omis on Kingston street. Residents of the lake Shore caul should gut their eyes on the Kin- cardine and (i.aI rich stage this week. It'a a datay all right. "A Royal Slave,' a play dramatized from Lew 11'allace's book 'The Fair God," it to be presented in lioalrrich May pith by Gordon & Bennett. Roy Thomann has purchased the schooner Julia Larson from Mcssn+. Strong A Caitlin, of Port Elgin. and left for Port Elgin Wednesday •w- ing to fit her out. J. W. Broderick, of the t ialerich Bargain Store, has purchased a bank- rupt stock of (sots and shoes in Woodstock and a bankrupt stock of groceries at Aylmer. The death of Matthew Shackleton, for years postmaster at l'rewe, having causer, a vacancy, Miss M. J. Shackle- ton. daughter of the lite postmaster, has been appointed to the position. The McIntosh Brick Machine Co. have shipped one of their complete cement brick plants to he installed for Walter Little, Mooswjaw, Sask. An- other machine is being gut ready for installation at Ottawa. The annual meeting of the Curling and Skating Association was held last Monday, when the old 'directors and ofcers were reappointed, with the exception that D. Caintelun takes the place of A. Mel). Allan. At the risk of being accused of -but- ting in," The Signal would suggest the . necessity of a granolithic sidewalk un Colborne street along beside the Hank of Commerce building. The old board walk has seen better days. Don't mist' the opening ministers of "Cap'n Eri," the story connutened ion The Signal this week. Cap.') Eri in a gentleman w h o improves opoti acquaintance xnd[ the h reader willfol- low 1 low him through some interesting ex- ploits. A fully -developed white butterfly made its appearance in the office of Proudfoot, Hays A Blair yesterday. it isn't the usual thing for the first evidences of spring to show them- selves in a law office. but the poor! little huttrt•Aydidn'tknow any Platter. Wingham Advance : C. I'. It. sur- pe veyors were looking over the ground as sound Gospel preacher. Them' is to between Blyth and Wingllam res growing interest in these meetings. cently. This- looks like an extension I Thiry• will continue all nest week. of the C. P. H. to connect with the Uuelph-Voderich line, and s shorter route. ere long, from 11'ingham to tile county town, thau away round by Clinton. Ht. Won Bao. Lewis H. Dickson. of Exeter, D. D. O. M. of Huron i)ietcict No. 1. A. F. and A. M., visited Mait- land landge, No. ;ti, at their meeting nn Tuesday evening. There was a large attendance if members and the I). 0. G. \I. gave to long and interest- ing address on the principles of Mxsmm•y. The Iwgulat• monthly meeting of the Collegiate Institute board was held last Thursday, when it was dew•idevl to advertise for a math Ural spe- cialist to take the position left vacant by Il. N. Merritl:s resignation, the initial salary to be $0510, The follow- ing account, were ordered paid • W. Arbason & Sun, altt,Ki ; J. M. Field, 7111+.15 ; The Signal, 157.'11 ; Bart h Riddell, $7.2.1. Inadvertently The Signal made some emits hast week in its, paragraph 11•gatding the change in what is now the Sovereign hank corner. This is the corner of the Square and ('nllot•ne street. nut of the Square and Montreal street +as stated. The man who built the store is not ''I he bite" William Savage : s, far its is known here he in still in the Hersh and is living at Buf- falo. I., course of time he will, of r•uurse, bid farewellto mundane affairs, and when he does lie will have a splendid nu,unme'nt here in the building on the corner in question. Persons who are acquteiutcel with the wanner of its c()nslt•uetion state that it is the most s ,idly-1mill structure on the Square, the very best of material and the best of workmanship having been put into it by ,Mr. Savage. CHURCH NOTES. Rev. T. Hicks, of the parish of Dun- gannon aunt Port Albert, gave an in- teresting and iustrtu•tiye talk on the subject of "Missions" at the meeting of St. George's A. V. P. A. on Tues- day evening. Mins Martha Wells gave a solo and 11. Kemp a tracitatiou. At Victoria street Methodist church last Sunday evening the pastor. Rev. W. it. Grahaut, preached a sermon especially for young teen and was heard by as large and ink rested con- gregation., The sermon was x plain and practical outline of the principles which should guide the young man in his life's journey. Hobt. Mclitarly, the well-known evangelist, of Toronto, is at present conducting evangelistic services each evening texcept Saturday) in North street Methodist church, beginning with t i it song g ewrvice t t 7:15 p m. Music is a special feature at all the meetings. A large chorus choir leads the singing and appropriate solos are tendered from night to night. Mr. Melbusly is an attractive s •%ker and TOILET SOAP VALUES! We have some of the best values to nice TOILET SOAPS we have ever seen. A lot of new lines in lately, including - Field Violet, Heather Honey, Elder Flower, Oatmeal and Glycerine, Almond Cream, 3 Cakes in a most of thhandsoemem the box box, and for 25c. c. Our Olive and 6lycerine (3 Cakes for ioc.) Splendid Carbolic at loc., 3 for 25c. Sweetheart, Infant's Delight, Pears', etc. is remarkably good value. S. E. HICK - Central Drug Store Goderich, Ont. Spring Furniture Opening We have been Ling a good deal of unpacking lately ; it i-; swat lv ,all over now and the goods are on exhibition and we are sure that you will like ttittm. We realize that you have other things to buy at this season of the year and have put the prices at the lowest figures the greats will allow. Seasonable Specials Springs from $2.25 to $4.00 Mattresses from $3.00 to $15.00 Sideboards from $10.00 to $55.00 Iron and Brass Beds from $2.75 to $35.00 Y1",• eq,eruolly r.,,unubentl our gunranta'mmi Hercules Spring and Ostermoor Mattress There is none better. You are cordially invited to call and inspect these goods. All calls receive careful attention. 'Phone les BECKETT & STAUNTON Undertakers and Embalmers 1ti'-'dcnr. ti.,nnn•. u�sl' \o4ao sl. and 11/4$7:1111. I'sushi fa med. You Have Decided if not do so at what the fanner Actual facts show that up to date this year there has been more Ideal fencing sold and de- livered than all the others sold locally combined. to build nllthiug ,nut IDEAL FENCING. once because IDEAL has proved to be of fence builder has been looking for. I DEAL HOWELL'S HARDWARE A strong fence. A durable fence. Once up al- ways up. The fence that has stood t h e test of severe win- ters. Think of it, a fence of all large size hard steel extra heavily galvanized WIRE for • 32 cents per rod. No man can afford to spend time on any other fence but Ideal Next Sunday being Earter the pastor will preach an Easter sermon in the impelling and Evangelist McIlardy will preach and conduct the service in the evening. There will he is meeting for prayer and Christian fellowship in the lecture room Sunda) morning at 1(1 o'clock. Everyone is cordially wel • at to all these serv- ices. Easter at St. George's. 1906. II rut.. Matins and Holy Communion. Uls'ning Hymn, 134 Jesus ('lurid is Peen 'rainy N'urriF[tate Easter Anthem. . .... .... yariou. Proper Ihsalm (1. Hmlay lull F tr,t er " " 0x1............ .Trent 'In Iseult.. Sullivan Jubilate Deo Sullivan AnthemShin ! S y The hat e taken away tat Lord, and I tknow not ahem' they hate laid Him. \1'ontau, why wcelr'a thou I Whom[ wrkest le ou I air, if thou ,nate borne Him Serrata tell ma+ w tare thou heat laid Him. Mary' Jba to• O lkwth. where i- thy sting I t Grave, white is thy victory I ]Teaks he to tial, Who gavel h us the *10,01% through our Lord Jesus l hetet. Alleluia. Auden. Kyrie Klelson,. .. . _Sullivam lilgrla Tibi . - . Htown Hymn 155. The Strife I. O'er Victory Sermon by the Hector. Hymn 315. Bread of (leaven \iarlxj assn Sst.ruus . Rn,,cu n U lorla in f:xoelsl.. \If7.0 Sevenfold Amen...... . ... ..... taerrphlrManner 7 p.m., Evensong. Opening Hymn, 153: ,Ici:us ('heist ie Iti.eh To- daY ... N'orYan Precis..7.111. Proper Pettus relit Frrltle hill " eine ........ ....Ancient British " cxvlll,' ('botch Magnalicat - Marks Nnoc Diu,iUls Mark. Anthem Ft'eY Christ being raised front the dead, dieth no more. beatI. bath no more dominion over Him. Hymn Ill. Jesus Lives.. ..Oauntletl Sermon by the lteetor. Hymn 31. Saviour Again Lykes Sevenfold Amen . .Stainer -CONCEIVEH7 E VARIETY. How the New Semi -Ready Tailorey in- sures a Correct Fit Seven distinct physical types of manhood, showing thirty•five varia- tions of the types, and in nuuiy cases fifteen sizes of each variation, gives the t'etuler a faint idea of the basic measurements available in a Semi - Ready store. The ordinary clothier makes his clothes from one distinct type. In a Semi -Ready store the clerk can show you a chart where over tit) sizes and types of throve are represented, and as these are shown in many e patterns. is better con- ception of the certainty of a a+atiafaac- tory fit in the Semi -Ready store may be had. PERSONALt MENTION. Mrs. Colin Campbell I. visiting in Detroit. Miss Jennie Manson is visiting at London. Y1'u1. Johnston left yesterday for Cleveland. his week.Mr.. Edward made in trip to Clinton t Miss Helen Shephard is home (low whom,' for Easter. Mrs. Harry 'I'. Eulwarl Is ep ending E utter at Ihired. Mr-. Carrie is spen,ing the Eater season In Toronto. Miss Iaura Furrow • is spending Faster In Toronto: Mrs. and Mi.l'ampaigne left to .a.,• on a vjslt to piton.. .Y. MN:aw 1es1tr. this afternoon MI it trip to K'innila'g. W. I.. McLaren is home front Chicago for holiday *f -it. \Piss limoie Meg aw' is home front Toronto for 1:aster holidays. Mn'.' Isobel Proudfoot is home front Tpronto for the holldal s, 1:. J. Me'gnw ht.. returned from a business rap to t\'•nuipeg. Mi. Rita Jordan Is hone frau Toronto for the Kanter t aealiat. MI+. Mind la. Elliott I. home front Toronto to spend it few week.. Conductor Wellington i mnt(h Is spending it holiday In Brantford. Frank McGaw and Oliver Buchanan left yes- tenlay on a trip to Chita go. Ed. Itobioson left this morning for Thorold to take kms boat for the season. Miss Lilian McDonald is home from !laver - gal Collier. Toronto, fur Easter. Alex. S. McIver leaves thl- afternoon for Toledo to, loin his boat for the season. Joe (Tait left Jlnmbuy for Midland. ,o tat., his position out the steamer Fairmount. 0 John McIver left this morning fur Buffalo I commence Ids sca.uty. work on the lakes. IA. Craig left Wcdnewlay for Buffalo, whet he will take hi. boat for the owning spasm,. Ther. Babb, left yc-terday morning for Mil wauktre to take hi.+ position 1 n the n r. We let, Mr.. Hoskin [mid Miss Kate lineken ar spewing/ Easter with relatives in Toronto. Mrs, Witt. Young and daughter are spending the Faster .esson with relativpt tit H Ilton. Mi.Ka(ltk,en ('lark, of St. Catharine.. 1. a guest at the residents' of Mr. and Mr:. V. 31. Roberts. W. Rutledge; of w'. Acheson dt Sam's, is at work again after being laid off with an attack of quinsy.. Mi+s Ethel Boyer, of New York, ,arrived in town yJeeter ay and ii a guest at the re.idenee of O. F. Carey. Stratford Ileaeon. Tuesday : Mr. W. Proud foot. K.I'., of I)tsdoricb, is attesting court in the city today. Miss Annie Io•w.on ha. returned from Gnavenhur.t and i. much hupro%al in health a. n result of her sisit_ w'nt. (Basler. proprietor of the Dunlop hotel. who has (wen ill fur several weeks, Is .till no n 'cry serious condition. Capt. Shephard left oaf Motsla> for ('hb•ago to start the sesso,t on the lakes. and,'apt. ,'arson left for the saute piece yestctday. John McKinnon. Murdoch M,Lead, John Robert. and P. Me.( artily left ye+tetdiy for Iluffalo, to n•.umc their work on the lake-. Mr. and Mr.. Jackson Wight matt hate r, umval to town from w'e.l Meld and hate taken up their residents• in the ho,+e on Keay. street wMrh they recently purchased. Arthur Clement. formerly with Hodgen - Bros.. was in town lest lerklay, He In now Ira%elllntt It, Western (interim) for the drygood. Mm of John Macdonald t ('o., Toronto, Mia,. Maude Tilt hoe been home from the Tor onto I'unet•rvntoryr of Mock the taunt week and ret tires on Saturda • in order to take part In the on ccert at Massey Mall on Monday evening. Min, Lillie Jawline. daughter of Dam Id Jai line. t 'ambridln• street, left w'erinesday morn. ing of this week for Infiniti Hetet Sask., to [oaks a lengthy *Lot with her sister. Mot. T. M. Hewett. D. Ornhant Salkeld rel erns taint' from the A. t '. . Guelph. accompanied by Norman J. S. Shoplatd. of North Kaanich, 11. ('., who haaal.o toren attending the G. A.0'. Mr. Shopland intend+ working with hi. uncle. J. W. Sea keld. lint II the fall term opens. Joseph (Int -rick is here for a s I -it of a few weeks. nor• ponied by Ills wife, having been [married In Montreal last summer. Mr. liar t irk ha+ been engagaxl will the Hell Telephone I 'ompany for the `oa.t few year, hut ha• not definitely decided whether he will return to Montreal or not. S. It. McMath returned home lest week from \ylnnlpr. . where he had Seen for the past t w'n yearn. He brought with him from Toronto t w o Gond horses for working hi- Nee, on the ft I, cow -emotion of litab•,irh Ina nshl p. to which he will now giem' hi it tent inn. Yyh ile out Wad he bought a COOir farm, in the )'nmevan diet riot. hilt for the present at least hr pas rl'osea to r(•ma bo In old Ontario. linhert nightt frontl.Menitnhn'rThis home sedn',"hisMIsencenond tri , to the West this •n -on. but he was home only a day or two after Ills return from the former one. He took nnl a carload of honsee each time. w'hlle he disposed of them all right, he asys Iho nmrko, not there doe. not. ,*arrant the pricer that are being pale far knew. in Ontario. Mr. M,•Lean war In Win. el peg at the time of the street railway strike ass& dim -Tibet thing•• there as Ming rather IIvu' TUXEDOS AND FULL DRESS. Release of Men From Extravagant Prices, A silk-Imed full dress suit In the soft finished vicuna cloth conte a lot of money ---if yon order just one. Semi - Ready Tailoring has revolutionised the dress suit (mention, and it is now no longer an exU'av+yfante to own ra full dress suit. Tuxedo dress+ snits for teem formal affair's are also made and mold in every Semi-Rn*aly store et fern, Slit to $15 n suit leas than the average tailor charges. And then the Se'mi-Ite•ady fit is sup^rior. ROBERT McHARDY, Evangelist, of Toronto, woo is conducting special services this week and next in North street Methodist church. BAYFIELD. WgItsh neva Apr. Ilth. Misorraxt.Cus, tn/'r. .A grand strep concert under the auspices of the Lakeside Football flub will be held in Hayfield Opera Hotter on the evening of `Vcrtueslay, Apt it 18th, consisting of nodal solos, conn moongw sketches, Mall songs and ske'tciues, hauju solos, etc., and n performance by Mons. Alexis Loraine. magician and hypnotist. Adluiasion ''Bk' and DROWNED AT CLINTON. Six -Year -Old Boy Playing on Mill Dam Tumbles In. Clinton, April 11.-A drowning ac- cident occurred here today whereby a boy flautist Henry Nelson. aged six years, lost his life. With a companion he wee playing at tin unassl milldam). and they were running back and forth on a lug stretched a/soss, when Nel- son slipper, int() ten feet Of water and was drowned before he could ie rescued. - SUMMER SPORTS. Lacrosse Club Organises. .One of the best and most successful lacrosse meetings ever held in the town was the annual meeting. held at the Bedford hotel on Fridaynight ugh last, about fifty persons being resent, Prospects hook very favorable for God- erich it leaving is very fast team this year. and the public can look for clean lacrosse, asthe management and coin• mittee declare- that they will not stand for any roughness on the field. The officers elected are: liouoru•y presi- dent. Mayor Tilt honorary vice-presi- dent. J. B. Hawkins: president, `V. S. Turnbull, M.D.; vice-president, Jack 'fait; manager. Dr. Charles Sale: sec- retary, Norval Davis: treasurer. H. W. Thomson ; captain. Klu. Blackford ; executive committee, I)r. Turnbull. Norval Davis, Dr. Sale. Wm. Black- ford. W. Hutchison. The co 'ttee waited un the council and got per- mission to use the agricultural grounds and to arrange club Home in the pavil- ion. Arrangements are being matte to have the club represented at the animal ('. L. A. meeting at Toronto on Good Friday. ' Bowlers Hold Annual Meeting. The lawn bowling club held Be an- nual meeting on Matitrlay evening and reorganized tot' the corning sea- son. The president. W. Proudfoot. K. C., occupied the chair. The ttemu,- urer'a statement showed total receipts of $317.IB and expenditures of $211).- n7 and•it was decided t(r levy an• a s- sessutent of 51.00 on each member to make up the deficit. The election of officers resulted as follows : „ Honor- ary president, His Honor Judge Holt : hon. vice-president, S. A. McGtiw; president, J. I). O'Connell : vice-presi- i i GODERICH 1 ELE4RAPHY SCHOOL Ono small foe learns telegraphy, nall- w ty, expre.., telegraph and ticket accounting. 'The new and complete avatetn'which 1 teach gives a thorough k ,owlodgn in bookkeeping. Iodic+ recete sal and more per month. A. E. MATHESON, Principal. IFF9('1. (:. W', Thomson S $o:i's df tits Store, ou the Square. el THE SIRDAR A splendid full ;jewelled watch in a jointed nickel case for only $7.50 Money refunded if not satisfactory. H. PARK Jeweller and Optican eo.1•1•111aas Special Offer for April To New Subscribers IRE SIGNAL and THE TORONTO WEEKLY GLOBE will be sent for the ;balance of ISM for $1.00 Send your dollar at once to Vanatter & Robertson The Signal, Gowleri'-h. Ont. dent, E. L , ickirlsttn ; secretary- traaurer, Whit.Lane; chaplain, Rev. Jos. Elliott ; committee. Ih•. Hunt- er. Sited. Davis and 11, W. Thom- son. It wits decided to hold the annual tournament this year. and it i, expected that e that will1 1 eth u d•• an b notable nerds' in the somata of the club during the •outing hummer, dur- ing the visit las Canada of a distin- guished party of bullae from the Old Country. Provided that suitable ar- ralnl;lelalertta can fore Ilitule, an lllvita- ‘11•111=1$11 -- EASTER GIFTS Many things both use- ful and appropriate The %cry tostr.,t ill EASTER CARDS The very latest pro- tium'[ • in Swiss black and " white Easter Postal Carrs Prices range from 3c up Watch this space for WALL PAPER ANNOUCEMENT next week GEO. PORTER THE "Walk=Over" SHOE for MEN The shoe that is distinct- ly in advance of all Others. Around it are focused all those elemental qualities that make the highest tyle of men's shoe. Even style alone differen- tiates the "Walk -Over" shoe from all others, while the character of the materi- al, fit and workmanship gives comfort and permanency to that advanced style. DOWNING & MAVVICAR L SOLE AGENTS FOR GODERICH t ion will be extended to this party to i visit (.odet•ich during their tour. and President O'Connell, with Secretary Lane an alternate, seas appointed as the club's representative on the com- mittee of the \Vestern Ontario Howl- ing ,Association which has in charge the reception of the Old Country bowlers. last season the club te- I ceived frosts H. S. Williams, who was then on a visit to England, a very handsome trophy for the autumn its al tournament. H. W. Thomson aro presented a prize for this tournament, and the club passel a very hearty vote of thanks to these gentletu•0. The appointment of skips for the ars• son was left with the executive com- mittee, and the membership fee was again placed at 51.I0. I Phone No. 25 f THE HODGENS STORE I CourSt uare House q MO'E NEW JACKETS More new jackets just in this week. The famous Northway gar- ments, unexcelled in Canada today for their distinctive style. Perfect in fit and shape, retaining them to the end. Cut by experts and man -tailored throughout. The ever popular fawn coverts. The new biscuit shade and plain blacks. Seven dollars nd fifty cents and ten dollars EASTER GLOVES New gloves for Easter are here. Fresh from the factories of Trefousse & Co. and Fred Roullion, France's greatest glove makers. All our standard makes that we have built up a big glove business on. All sizes, the newest shades, every pair guaranteed. THE PEERLESS Real French kid gloves, male from fine soft skins, greys, browns and blacks, all size's, every pair guaranteed, at pin pair $1.00 THE GREYLOCK Made from choice selected real kid skins, soft and pliable, two or three domes, new stitch- ing, gloves of quality. all sizes, greys, tans and blacks, per pair - $1.26 THE SHELBOURNE Made from very fine real kid skins, extra quality. pique sewn, pearl clasps, the best glove we carry, every pair gnarant eetl, greys, fawns and light shades, special per pair .$1.60 APPRENTICES WANTED in dr•esntaking department. Apply at once to MiSS CONLiI1J Some Rare Handkerchief Values We s ved money on these handkerchiefs. If you want handkerchiefs any time within the 'next I; months yon will save money by buying then) now. Import direct from the makers in Ireland. Prices are to r by a good third than usual. Nearly one hund d dozen to go OIl sale Saturday. You call depend o the quality of every line. It's good. Note the say' g. Pure Linen Handkeerchiefs, 3 for 25c Ladies' real Irish linen hen titcherl handkerchiefs, nice fine quality, narrow and medium ems. special at etu-h 10c or three for . 26c Linen Handkerchiefs, 2 or 25c Ladies' tine quality- real Irish linen'tetnatitched handket•- chiefs, medium and wide heats, tegulrtr\value would at leas be lair!. Commencing Saturday you can buy then) here at 2 for 26c Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, 3 for 10c Ladies' hernstitched cambric handkerchiefs. just the thing for ordinary Ilse, regular size, fine quality, very special vatite• at 3 for 10c Extra Fine Handkerchiefs, 25c Ladies' extra fine pure Irish linen hetnstitched harldker- chiefs, narrow and medium hems, tine sheer linen, as good as we sell ordinarily at aur, special while this lot lasts each... 26c lien's Handkerchiefs, 5c. v Fine cambric handkerchiefs for men or boys, good \\ quality, fine finish, htt•ge size, extra special value at each Men's Handkerchiefs, 2 for 25c Men's fine cambric hantil'erchiefs, hemstitched, very flue quality, special 2 for 26c Fancy Handkerchiefs, 10c 15 dozen ladies' swiss embroidered handkerchiefs, dozens of patterns to select from, regular price 15r, special with the Irish linen, each 10c Fancy Handkerchiefs, each 15c Ladies' extra fine Swiss embroidered handkmr.hiefn. &(wens of patterns to select from, regular price 'ilk: and 2.5c. 15 dozen to sell commencing Saturday sat each. 16c Ready for House -Cleaning Carpet and curtain departments are ready for house-cleaning time, with the best and largest stock we have ever opened a season with. Carpets, curtains, linoleums bought direct from ('anada's best makers or imported by 'ourselves direct from the British m irkets.• By far the greatest collection we 1t ave ever shown. When you want carpets and curtains come and see us. We KN OW the assortment is large, patterns now and qualities good. We THINK save you money. Come and see. Union Carpets, 30c to 50c. Wool Carpets, 75c to $i.00. Tapestry Carpets, 5oc to 75c. JAW w W0 can Scotch Linoleums, all widths . Brussels Carpets, $i.00 to $1 .15. Lace Curtains, 5oc to $8.00 pt= 'r pair. D/RiCT IMPORTERS GODERICH. i