The Signal, 1906-4-12, Page 66
TMUII$DAY April 12 19( 6
Rest and Comfort
For the Kidneys.
If your kidneys are all Whew
med-al there we sheep, shoot-
ing pours in the mall of the
back and dull ache through
the hips --if there u a constant
desire to urinate d the urine
u hot and old ng -d the
head aches and specks flat
Celine the eyes - yott can't
insegtne what relief there is
for you in
These wonderful little pine
soothe and heal kidneys and
bladder --take away all pain --
clear the urtne-enable one to
go through the night without
arising - and relieve every
trace of your kidney trouble.
Cures Rheumatism Too.
THE CLAFUN CeioMl-ltd. LiMrreck
wwaoa,. Owe. • - New Tota*.
We Can
Always rely on our custouler*'sat isfac-
tion with our
Canned Goods
because we handle only reliable i.i iitds
that we know all clout. Every house-
keeper knows how muchdifference
there in in these t sehold oeet•asitier.
And it is not always the price that in-
sures the quality? We are showing a
tine cf canned goeals that we are well -
ng very low indeed, so low in fact
hat you will iw surprised how gelid
hey are when they appear on your
APRIL 12, 13, 14, 15
and 16th,
APRIL 17th,
between all stations in Canada.
also to Buffalo. Niagara Falls,
N. Y., Detroit and Pt. Huron.
itodneed fares also in effect I.
ST. PAUL and
For tickets and full in-
formation call on
Tnwn Agent.
ce bourn: fleet a. m, to
HAiTON. Depot qgt nt
Mtdald, District I'ae-
Agent, Toronto, "
n•h°se) (( r,
r. West , I
When you wont (and arc..i wet and
We )
THF;HEST nt Dock situate
recall Cool weighed on the market *gale*,
...Isere you get l est lie. fur a tat. '
tinier,. left at t'. (•. i.F:Ft's Hardware store
F:•*t aide Issuer, t.rntnptlf attended to.
Canadian Northwest
Homestead Regulations.
Any even numbered sesame of Ihenlnion
trends In Manhole( et the Nun Ir west Prov liters
excepting n and lit not reser( .-l. tatty be home.
ateaded by any person who I. the sole head of a
flintily, or any stale over Is 1 -ears of ng,., to the
extent. of onmgnnrter net Ion of IN, ncnw, store
or lea'.
Entry may he mail, personally et the heal
land office for the district In which the land is
nitwit++, or if the homesteader de+lre., he mat•,
on application to the Minister of the Interior.
(Slaw,. the ('nnmdssioner of Immigration,
Winnipeg, or the local agent receive authority
for some one to make entry for tint.
The homesteader Is minim! to perform the
conditions e,nneetel therewith tinder one of
the following plans:
III At least six month.' rewMenee upon and
enit,itM(on of the land in each year for three
1!1 if the father for mother. If the father led,
e ineedt of the honteioewder melitis upon a fAnn
In the r ielnity of the land entered f -,r the re•
quirements as to ',widener- may Iw• twelsaert
by Koch pemso rodding with the father or
(D If the settler hae his permanent residence
upon farming land owned by him In the (hitt
It, of his homestead. the regoirenenb• as to
raeklenee nifty be satisfied by residents, apron
eke Add lanes.
ale month.' entire in writing shmrki hrgiven
to the e'rnnmls.fmier of Dominion lands.. at
Ottawa of intention to apply for patrol.
!faintly of the Minister of the interior.
N. B. re...waned pnbtleetiott of fhb ad-
vsttleealert will not be paid for
Copyright, INC by A. S. Barnes Ca Co.. Publishers, ISI ttfth Avenue,
Sr.. York. All Rights Reserved
ERF.Z," observed Captain Eri
cheerfully, "I'm tryiu' to
average up with the mis-
takes of Providence."
Thr captain was seated by the open
d.ti'r of the dining realm in the rocker
esfstli the patched cane seat. Ile was
apparently very busy doing something
with a piece of hall line and a pair of
lung legged rubber boots. ('aptain
Perez, awluglug back and forth In the
parlor rocker with the patchwork cush-
ion, was puffing deli'.eratcly at a
wooden pipe, the bowl a which was
carved tato the likeness ul a very
rakish damsel with a sailor's cap set
upou me sloe of tier once min.!' aced.
In response to lila companion's remark
be lazily turned his sunburned face to-
ward the cane seated rocker and lu-
"What on alrth are you dein' with
them loots?"
captain Erl tied a knot with his fin-
ger's and teeth and then held the boots
out at arm's length.
"Why, Perez," he said, "I'm aver-
agim' up, same as I told you. Provi-
dence made me a two legged ere ter. and
n two legged critter needs two boots.
I've always leen able to find one of
these bracts right off whenever. I want-
ed It, but it's took me so piaguy long
to find the other one that whatever
wet there was dried up afore I got out
of the house. That's why I'm splicire
'OM together this way. I don't want
16 promise nothin' rash, but I'm In
hope's that even Jerry cpn't lose 'em
"Humph!" grunted Captain Perez.
"I don't think much of that plan.
'Stead of login' one you'll lose both of
"Yes, but then I shan't care. If
there ain't no boots In sight i'll go
barefoot or stay at hone. It's the
kind of responsibleness that goes with
havite one boot that's wearin' me out.
Where is Jerry?"
"Ile went out to feed Lorenzo. I
beard him callin' a minute ago. That
cat,ain't been home aence noon, and
Jerry's worried."
A stentorian shout of "Puss! Puss
('orae, kitty, kitty, kitty!" cam
from somewhere outside. captain Er
"1'iu 'fraid Lorenzo'* gittin' dissipat
est ill his old age," be otaervtd. The
us a fat gray cat shot past the door
'There he is! lteg lar prodigal son
Comex home when the fatted ca'f'
A moment later Captain Jerry ap
peered, milk pitcher In hand. IIe en
tared the dining room and, putting the
pitcher down ou the table, pulled for
,nand the armchair with the painted
'outset on the back, produced his own
delle and proceeded to' bunt through
,me pocket after the other with a trou-
bled expression of countenance.
"Where in tunket is my terbacker?"
he asked after finishing the round of
pockets and preparing to begin all over
"I see it on the top of the clock a
spell ago," said ('aptalu I'erez.
"Was that yours, Jerry?" exclaimed
Captain Erl. "Well, that's too bad! 1
see it there and thought '(was mine.
Here 'tis, or what's left of it."
('aptain Jerry took the remnant of a
plug from his friend and said in an
aggrieved tone:
I sweeping. Incidentally tee supper ta-
i We had not been cleared. Each one of
the three noted these things, and each
sighed. Then ('aptain Eri said, as If
to change the subject. though no one
bad spoken:
"What started you talkie' about the
grave, I'erez? Was it them clam frit-
ters of Jerry's?"
"leo," simmered the ex -skipper of the
Flying Duck, pulling at We grizzled
scrap of throat whisker and looking
There Imp a general, lav�h.
rather shamefaced. "You see, MI'lissy
Busteed dropped In a few minutes this
murniu' while you fellers was out,
. Both Captain Eri and Captain Jerry
set up a hilarious shout.
"Haw, haw!" roared the former, ship-
ping his knee. "I wouldn't lie so fasci•
natio' as you be for no money,' Penn.
She'll have you yit; you can't git away!
But, say-, I don't wonder you got to
thinkiu' 'lout the grave. Ten minutes
of allies). gibs me tltinkin' of things
'nay ['other side of that!"
'Aw, belay' there, Erl:" protested,
e Captuiu Perez testily. "'Twan't tDy
i fault. I didn't see her tomtit' or I'd
hate got out of sight."
"What was It this time?" asked Cap -
o fain Jerry. -
"Oh, a little of everything. She be-
. gun about the 'beautiful' sermon that
s Mr. l'erley preached at the lust 'Come
Outers" !needle. That was what start-
- ail we thiukiu' about the grate, I guess.
Then she pitched into Seth Wiugate's
wife for barit' u new bunuit this sea -
"That's jest like you, Eri! Never
have a place for nothin' and help your-
self to anything you happen to want,
don't make no odds whose 'tis. Why
don't you take care of your terbacker,
same's I do of mine?"
"Now, see here, Jerry, I ain't so sure
that Is yours. Let me see If. Humph:
I thought so! Tills is 'Nary Plug,' and
you always smoke 'Sailor's Sweet-
heart.' Talk about Navin' a place for
"That's my terbncker. If you want to
know," observed Captain Perez. "I've
got yours, Erl, Here 'tis."
"Well, then, where le mine?" said
Captain Jerry somewhat snappishly.
"Bet a dollar you've got It in your
pocket," said Captain Eri.
"Bet $10 I ain't! I ain't quite a
fool y'It, Erl Hedge. I guess I know.
Well. I scum! i forgot that upper vest
pocket," And from the pocket men-
tioned Captain Jerry produced the
missing tobacco.
There was a general laugh, In which
Captain Jerry was obliged to join, and
the trio smoked in enemas for a time,
while the expanse of water to the east-
ward darketitd rind the rioter beach be-
came but a dusky streak separating the
wenn from the inner hay. At length
('aptain i'erez rose and, knocking the
ashes from his pipe, announce) that he
was going to "show n grim."
"Yes, go ahead, ,perry!" said ('aptain
Eri. ''it's gittin' dark."
"it's darker In the grave," observed
Captain Perez, with lugubrious philos-
'Theis. for the land's sake, let's have
It light while we cr,! Here, ,terry,
them matches is burnt ,tt,eo! Try this.
'Twnn't be so dnrnaglie to the morals."
Ca ph, in Jerry took the proffered match
and lit the two bracket lumps fastened
to the walls of the dining none. The
room, seen by the lamplight, was ship -
like, but as decidedly not shlpehape.
The chronometer on the mantel was
obscured by a thick layer of dust. The
three gorgeous oil paintings from the
brush of the meal sign painter-re-
sgeer•tively representing the coasting
packet Isennah M.. En Hedge master,
and the fishing schooners Georgie Ba-
ker, Jeremiah Bergen master, and the
11. lying Duck, Perez Ityder master,
were shrouded in a very realistic fog
of the same dust. Even the imposing
gilt lettered set of "Lives of Great Na-
val ('ommanders," purchased by Cap-
tain Peres some months before and be-
ing slowly paid for on an apparently
never ending installment plan, was
clerked with it The heap of newspa
peers shored tinder the roach to get
them nut of the way peeped forth in a
telltale manner. The windows were
not trio clean- Sin the floor needed
sun When the old one can't hal wore
out. She talked for ten minutes or so
on that, and then she begun about Par-
ker beim' let go over at the cable sta-
tion and about alae new feller that's
beets signed to take his place. She's
all for Parker. Says be was a 'per-
fectly lovely' mate and that 'twas out-
rageous the way he was treated, and
all that sort of thing."
"She ain't the only one that thinks
so," observed ('aptalu Jerry. "There's
a heap of folks in this town that think
l'anker was a mighty fine feller."
"Yes," said ('aptain Erl, "and It's
worth while 'Joliette who they be.
I'erei s friend \i'Ifssy thinks so, and
Squealer Wixom and his gang think
so, and Web Saunders thinks so, and
■ lot more like 'em. Parker was too
good a feller, that's what was the mat-
ter with him. Ilia talk always remind-
ed me of wash day at the poorhouse -
lots of soft soap with plenty of lye in
"Weil, M'lissy says that the men over
to the station -all except Langley, of
Course -are mad as all git-out because
Parker was let go, and she says some-
body told somebody eine, and somebody
else told somebody else, and somebody
else told her -she says it come reel
straight -that the men are goin' to
make It hot for the new feller when he
cooter. She says his name's Hazeltine,
or sometime like that, and that he's
gob,' to get here tomorrer or next day."
"Well," said Captain Erl, "it's a mon-
ey M'li,sy found it out. If that man
should git here and she not know it
nfotehnnd '(would kill her sure as fate,
nod think what a blow that would be
to von, Perez!"
iie took lila old fashioned watch from
lila pocket and glanced at the dial.
"i mustn't be settee round here
uncia longer," he added. "John Bax-
ter's goin' to have that little patch of
cranberry swamp of his picked to-
'norrer and he's expectln' some barrels
down on tonight's train. John asked
me to git ?meth Cahoon to cart 'em
down for him, hut 1 ain't got nothln'
special to do tonight, so i thought I'd
hitch up and g t and git 'cm myself.
You and Jerry can match cents to see
who does the dishes. I did 'mm last
night, so it's my watch below."
"Well, I shan't do 'em," declared
Captain Perez, "Blessed If I'd do the
durn filings tonight if the president of
the United States asked me to."
"Humph!" sputtered ('aptain Jerry.
"I s'pose you fellers think i'll do 'em
all the time. If you do you're mistook,
that's nil. 'Twan't last night you done
'em, Erl; 'twee the night afore. I
done 'em last night and I'm ready to
take my chances nq in if we match,
but I'm jiggered if i let you shove the
whole thing off on to me. i didn't
ship for cook no more'n the rest of
Neither of the others saw fit to an•
ewer this declaration of independence
and there was a patue In the conversa-
tion. Then Captain Jerry said mood-
"It ain't no use. it don't work."
"What don't work?" asked Captain
"Why, this plan of nun. i thought
when ne feller give np goin' to sea
teg'b,r and ,ettlesi (Inn It here to keep
honer mlrselvew and the e'ottomieal
and ell that, that 'twas goin' to be
finei thought 1 n•nnldn't mind dMn'
niy share of the work n bit, thought
'twoald be -kind of fun to swab decks
and all that Well, 'twat for a
but 'tain't now. I'm so sick of it
I don't know what to du. And
sick of thin' In a pigpen too. I
,at theism deadliglita! 'They're so
• that when I turn nut In the ,,to
artd go to look through '4.11 I can't
whether it's foul weather or fair."
Captain Erl looked at the wind
toward which his friend pointed
signed assent.
"There's no use taikln'," he obser
"we've got to have a steward a
this craft."
"Yee," said Captain Perez etnp
peony, "a steward of a woman.
of us 'II have to get 'flurried. til
"Married!" roared the two in oho
That's what I said, married,
take the others to board in Ibis Ito
Look here, now! \\'heu a shipwrec•
crew's starviu' one of 'em has to
sacrificed for the good of the rest,
that's what we've gut to do. One o
has got to git married for the ben
of the other two."
Captain Eri shouted bilariou
"Good boy, Perez!" be cried. "Goin
be the first offeriu'?"
"Not tslleas it's my luck, iter. W
all three match for it, s:,wo as we
'bout waxbill' the dishes."
"Where are you goin' to dud a wit
asked Captain Jerry.
"Now, that's jest what I'm guilt'
show you. I see how things was go
and I've been thiukin' this over fo
considerable spell. Hold on a min
till I overhaul say kit."
',lie went Into the front bedroom, a
through the open door they could
him turning over the contents of
chest with P. It. in brass nails on the
',lid. lie' scattered about An fish lines,
)looks, lead for sinkers, oilcloth jackets,
ales' teeth and various other artl-
cic , and at length came back bearing
a m ch entmpled sheet Of printed pa-
per. 4
"'ILe : There she is: 'The Nup-U-al
Chime. A Journal of Matriniouy.' 1
see a pi a about it In the Herald the
other day ud seat a dime for a nu
pie copy. 's chock full of advent
meats from women that wants h
Captain Enl p t ou his spectacles a
hitched bit+ chair p to the table. Aft
giving the pages f the Nuptial Chime
a hurried Iuspec•tir be remarked:
"Theme seems to a strong ruuuiti
to 'et -ea -el -our; brittle ter' and 'blonde
with tender anti ro 'nine disposi-
"Oh, hush up, Eri! 'Ta 't likely I'd
want to write to any of u in there.
The thing for us to do would be to
write out a advertisement of 'ur own,
tell what sort of woman we S lit and
then set back' :uud wait for a _ tears.
Now, what do you say?"
('aptain Erl looked at the adv•
of matrimony for :t moment with
speaking. Then he said, "Du you real
mean it, Perez?"
"Sartin 1 do." •
"What do you think of It, Jerr "
. "Think it's a good idea," . d that
ancient mariner decisively. " O'TP got
to do sone -tabu'. and this le,ks like the
only sensible thing."
"Then Eri's got to
Captain Perez do
sl" 11• lousily inquired Bluey Batchelder. Mn,
that Batchelder is called "Bluey" for the
Fin blame reason that Mr. Wixom is called
,sok "Squealer," and that reason has leen
llrty forgotten for years.
ruin' ('uptuli' Erl obligingly produced a
tell ! black plug of smoking tobacco, sad Mr.
llatcheldor bit off two-thirds and re-
els turned the balance. After adjusting
and the morsel so that it might interfere in
the least degree with his vocal Wa-
chinery he drawled:
"I c•a1'late you ain't heard the news,
hat Eri. Web Saunders has got his orlg-
lnal package license. It come on the
One noon mail."
tit's The captain turned sharply toward
the speaker. "Is that a fact?" lie
rus. I asked. "Who told you?"
"See it myself, leo did Squealer and
use. a whole lot more. Web was ■bowie' it
I d
and "We was wonderin'," said Jnbes
f us Smalley, a member of the committee
crit I whose standing was somewhat Impair-
ed, inasmuch as he went fishing occa-
sir sionally and was therefore obliged to
.Ol miss some of the meetings, "what kind
of n fit John Baxter would have now.
ell I lie's been pretty nigh distracted ever
do reuse Web started his billiard room,
calltn' it a 'ha'ut of sin' and a whole
lot more names. There ain't been a
'Conte Outers' meetin' ' sent* 1 don't
to know when that he nhl't pitched into
that saloon. Now, when he hear* that
r u Web's goin' to sell runs he'll bust a
ate teller sure."
The committee received this proph-
ud ecy with a hilarious shout of approv-
scee I al, and each Member began to talk.
the I Captain En took advantage of this si-
multaneous expression of opinion to
walk away.
From the clump of blackness that in-
dicated the beginning of the West Or -
barn woods Caine a long drawn, disni:,l
"toot," then two shorter ones. The
committee sprang to its feet and look-
ed interested. Sam Hardy came out of
his ticket office. The mage driver, a
sharp looking boy of about fourteen,
with a disagreeable air of cheap smart -
news sticking out all over him, left
us- seat in the shadow of Mr.'s
manly torn. tossed a cigarette stump
nil away and loafed over to the vicinity
er of the depot wagou, nittoh wargback•-
ed up against the platform. Captain
Eri knocked the ashes from his pipe
and put that service stained veteran
in his pocket. The train was really
"conning in" at last
If this had been nn August evening
instead of a September one, lath train
end platform would have !ween erased -
ed. BM the butterfly ewnnuer mahlen
hail flitted, nu,l. ns Is Ills wont. the
mourner, m,ut Iris] flitted after her, so
the pemiengers who alighted from the
two roaches that, with the freight car,
e up the Orham brawl' train were
Pe' In nunile'r and homely in flavor.
There was n slim, not to say gawky,
Individual with a chin bents and rub-
ber boats, whorq the committee lin lied
a Andy and welcomed to its bosom.
ere were two yomie drummers'
et lently, who fielded to hardy and
seemed very tl)n•h at home. Also,
flare was another young men, aniMNh
shaven and egnare uhouldore,l, who
deposited n snit case on the platform
and looked about him with the air of
being very far from lomt'.ludeed
The drummers got into the stage.
The young roan with the suit case
picked up the latter and walked to-
ward the same vehicle. ile nceosted
the sharp boy,, who had lighted an-
other cigarette.
"('an you direct me to the cable sta-
tion?" he asked.
"Sure thing!" said the youth, and
there was -no ('ape rod twist to his
accent. "Cit nboanl."
"I didn't intend to ride," said the
"What was you goin' to do? Walk?"
"Yes, if it's not far."
The boy grinned, and the members of
the eommittee, who had leen stlrriit :
with all their might, grinned also. The
young man's mention of the cable sta.
non seemed to have caused consider-
able Cxcitempsst:
Oh.\ it ain't too far!" said the stage
driver. \ Then he added, "Say, you're
the newlectriclan, ain't you?"
The yod ig mon hesitated for a m o-
nleut. limn be said, "Yes," and mug -
seem!, "I a. 'cd the way."
"Two blot -k to the right. That'* the
main road. peep on that fur four
blocks, then t to the left, and if
you keep on at ' Ight ahead you'll get
to the station."
"Blocks?" The .trauger smiled. "i
think you roust be em Nen- York"
"Do you?" inqui I the youthful
prodigy, climbing to he wngou seat.
"Don't forget to keep straight ahead
after you turn off the u iu road. Git
dapl So long, feller*!"
The square shouldered •toting tintu
looked after the equipage th an odd
expression of comttenauce. Then be
shrugged his shoulders, pick up the
suit case and walked off the tform
Into the darkness.
o Ill" asserted
intically. -We
agreed to stick together, and two to
one's a vote. ('ome on now, Erl, we'll
('aptain En hesitated,
"Come on, Eri:" ordered Captain Jer-
ry. "Ain't goin' to mutiny, are you?'
"All right," said t'aptalu Eri. "I'll
stir•k to the ship. Only," he added,
with a quizzical glance at his com-
panions, "it's got to be settled that the
feller that's stuck can pick his wife and
don't have to marry unless he finds one
that suits him."
The others agreed to this stipulptio
and Captain Perez, drawing a long
breath, took a coin from his pocket
dipped It in the air and covered it as I
fell on the table with a big, hairy hand,
Captain Erl did likewise; so did Cap-
tain Jerry. Then ('aptain Erl lifted
his hand and showed the coin be-
neath. It was a head. Captain Jerry's
was a tall. Under Captain I'erei s
hand lurked the hidden fate. The cap-
tain's lips closeefi in a grim line. With
a desperate glance at the others, he
jerked his hand away.
The penny lay bead uppermost. Cap-
tain Jerry was "stuck."
('aptaln Eri rose, glanced at his
watch, and, taking his hat from the
elicit where the dishes should have
been, opened the door. Before he went
out, however, he turned and said:
"Perez, you and ,terry can be thin'
up the advertisement while I'm gone.
You can let me see it when I conte
back. I say, Jerry," he added to the
"eacriliee," who sat gazing nt the pen-
nies ou the table in a sort of trance,
"don't feel bad about It. Why, when
you come to think of it, it's a provi-
dence ft turner out that way. Me ntul
I'erez are bachelors, trod we'd be jest
green hands. But you're a able son-
tnnn. You know what it Is to menage
a wife•.
"Yes, I do," groaned ('aptain Jerry
lugubriously "Duni it, that'll jest it!"
Captain Eri was chuckling as, lan-
tern in hand, he passed around the
corner of the little white house an the
wry to the barn. ile chuckled all
through the harnessing of Daniel, the
venerable white borne. He was still
chuckling ns, perched on Ilse sent of the
"truck wagon," he rattler snot shook
out of the pint and turned into the
sandy road that lel up to the village.
IIERE is In Ottani a pelf ap-
pointed committee whose
duty It Is to see the train
come In, The committeemen
receive no salary for their services.
The sole compensation is the pleasure
derived from the sense of duty done.
Mr. Squealer W'Ixon, a lifelong
member of this committee, was the
first to sight Captain En as the latter
strolled nr'ross the trucks Into the ctr-
e.le of light from the station lamps.
Tt,e captain hail moored Daniel to a
picket In the fence over by the freight
house. Ile had heard the clock in the
belfry of the Methodist church strike
S as he drove I.y that edits•, but he
Weird no whistle from the direction of
the West Orham woods, PO he knew
that the down train would arrive ,it
its usual time -that Is, from fifteen to
t'.enty minutes behind Its acweduie.
"Rey!" shouted Mr. Wilton, with en-
thusbtsm. "here's ('ap'n 13x1: Well,
cap, how's she !marlin'?"
"'Rout no'thesst by meth," was the
raft reply. "Rennet' fair, but with
lookout for wind *hand "
"itain't got a spare chew nowberes
about sou. bave set:. cen'n?" anz•
Follow Them and Health, Happiness and
Prosperity Will be Yours.
If one would be healthy, happy and
pr'ttspersme. Hallow these four simple
rules. (1I Keep the iowels open every
day, t`li (!hely your f,wal slowly and
thoroughly. Gil Avoid indigestible
foesls, III If there are any symptoms
of stomach trochlea, take Mi-o-ne lire_.
fore each Meal until sural.
No uutlt,'r how ninny yenta. • you
may have suffered with 'stothssh
troubles, or haw worried by sleepless
new,. nervineowee, loss of appetite.
furred tongue, speecks before the eyes,
headache's, indigestion or other ills
that are causal by a weak stnmiw•h,
pot can Iie, cured by the faithful use
of Mi -o -ma.
Take one of the little tablets before
each rowel with the fixed determina-
tion to get the Most benefit out of it.
Mi•o-na is not a fanciful experiment,
it is not a patent medicine, it is not a
cure-all. It is a scientific remedy te-
conunendedd hitt for one trouble, -
wetkness of the digestive organ..
When Mi-o•n,t buts been used for a
few dieys, the digestive system will ie
wr greatly improver that all the food
eaten is routverted into nutrition, so
that nn1111mb ant and health ate giv-
en to the whole system end there is a
rapid increepe in weight, strength end
It gnu cannot obtain Mi•o-na of
your druggist, it will be sent by meal,
post-paid, on receipt of prier. 'Write
its for advice en ynnr mew from a lead-
ing at tch specialist, which will be
sent. freeThe It. T. lks,th l'nmp any,
Ithaca, N.
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