The Signal, 1906-4-12, Page 22 THVestte April 12 19(6
UUllliltl('H. GN't'ARrm.
Telephone Call No. 5.1,
Terms of wbecrlpuon : folks. - Toronto (Rohe,
moue chance for people to mote
mistakes, and to learn by experience,
and to earnest. gumption, without
being pestered at eyes) turn by legis-
lative interferences. 1 rotection 3r legis-
enough in the large matters of trade,
but when it comes down to the every-
day details of life It lite •r an in
petrel:able renitence. The Legislature
had Letter adjourn, when its chief
business it playing pater to grown
ILul per annum In sot ants,.
Ix months, ya•. ; throe a oath, _.L..
todwertbers who fail to rwtreil a THE ews•1.
regularly by mail .111 confer a (*4441 by ars•
asainl1ag ue of the fact at as early a date as
When 0 change of addrem (+desired. toth the
old and the new addnms should be get eu.
Advertising Rates
1.egal and ut her similar ads rrtruu•nts. bur
per line fur 44,.t Insertion and 3e per line for
web •uhwgnent insertion. Mex ural by a
rooparcil scale. twelve lines to an inch.
HUNilie ei cards of .Iz linea and wader. 111 per
Ad vertism,euta of Lord, Found, eatrwyed.
ttatlone. Vacant. Situations %Vantrd, Hon.n.fol
Sale or to 0010. Farms tor (talc or to (tent.
AMic1e. for Sale, etc., not ecoeustiug eight
lanes, "10 each Insertion : $l for anal month, Mx
for each atibsr•quent month. Larger advertise-
ments in prop,,rt ion.
local 001(4e.. in nonpareil type )c per lira•.
No notice Inas tMu L:a:.
Announcements In ordinary reeding type one
vent per word. No notice less than Vac.
Any special res. 11u• obierl of which is the
pecuniary bennitl of any individual or *1NKi-
alton, to be ronaidered An a dvertieement and
to be charged rururdllytt)•.
Rates for di,.play and contract ads erti-c
menta will be given wn a pphuation.
Addrea• all cowmunicotiow. to
Tar A1oau.
rr,rericb. (hr
The church has never done a tetter
thing than to take 4ossr'!siwl of the-
heancient springtime feat and change
it to the Christian-E;tattll. The flameof the heathen goddess is'wlmost the
only mark remaining of th heathen
festival ; the spirit of the o. the
thoughts it suggests, are a ttlally
Christian and spiritual.
Eastertide typifies to us especc\i)tlly
the resurrection. At the season when
the buried seeds of the lastyear and
the seemingly dead roots spring into
new life, and clothe the earth with
verdure, we commemorate the resur-
rection of the entombed Christ and
the revival and reinvigoration of the
apparently dead hopes of His disciples.
The freshness of the seasonnd the
belief in the final overthrow of death
renew hope and courage in every de-
vout hlart, and we gladly join in the
song of Pippa :
The year's at the spring. morn And day's at the n:
Morning. at «even :
'fhe hill -side's dew -pearled:
The lark's on the wing,
The snail son the thorn :
God'. in His heaven—
All'. right with the world.
Rut to the Christian world Eastermeans more than this. - It means that
men imprisoned in the tombs their
own sins have hollowed, fettered in
chains of their own forging, have a
share in the fruits of Christ's victory.
Phillips Brooks expresses the thought
"The devils of discontent, despair,
selfishness, sensuality, how they are
scattered Iwforc that voice, really
heard, of the risen and everlasting
Christ ! He stands before the door of
His tomb and speaks, and these dark
forms that have enchained the souls
and fettered the activities of men fall
on their faces like the Roman soldiers.
who in the gray dawn of the morning
saw Him come forth from the tomb of
the Arimathean, and trembled with
fright and knew their day was over.
and that the prisoner they thought
was ?lead WAR indeed too strong for
them to keep." -
The world, gross and Materialistic
an it seems, would part with many
things before it would give rap the
hope which the Easter seawm brings,
of victory, not only overdeath, tett
over the powers of evil.
To have his mini delivered ,it his
door, as is done in the cities. would
• be an immense loon to the fanner ;
but such an undertaking will be be-
yond the capacity of the Canadian
Poetoflice Department for many ycan'
to e . The experience of the
United fltetem in regard to rural
postal delivery is far from satisfac-
tory, and with the denser population of
the United States conditions are re
favorable in that country for the suc-
cessful carrying nut of such A scheme
than they are. in Camellia in 1004
there were in operation in the United
States 21,:603 free rural delivery
routes. The total cost IVAN $12,1121,710)
and the receipts iu stamps were $2,-
601,815, showing a loss of over ten mil-
lion dollars. in other wool., it cant
nearly five t' •a nm 'much to lay for
the services am; was received from it.
Two officiate of the ('14nadian Post -
office Department have leen inves-
tigating the operation of the systems
in the States, and.the conclusion they
reach is that rural free delivery i, too
expensive A luxury for CAniulL al the
present time. There are other re-
forms to he eAtrirvl mit in the Cana-
dian postal service• before we neral to
think seriously of nivel fee deliver).
One is the establishment of a daily
mail in places where the service s.,
now only once In two or three days.
A combine of lawyers to keep u.
from getting oar wills drawn by lion•
est men who are not lewycr.: a com-
bine of doctors to keep us from taking
pills or syrups nr plantenl peppered for
the exomnlon hent 4 a rombin0 of drug-
gists to keep ns away from the drug
cxatnters of the departmental 'stores ;
a combine of 11111040' to alum away all
unr•egi'tered angel* of mercy ; a com-
bine of undertakers to lay us 0110 in
regulation rnffna at regulation
charge, ; a r bine of parsons to
make the proper prayer over what re-
main"' of us after all Maher rain braes
have had their horn ! That is what.
we are (coming 1., And 001 w• ler.
if We under mach condition* is worth
while. Surely Parliament will lave
In fatney's eye picture the Hon: E.
N. Lewis its Minister of Marine in the
next Conservative gtludnistratioe.
'1Vhat a proud day for Nest Heron
when E. N. Lewis, M. 1'., olls his
bundle of blue paper and pio(•errts to
address the House o[ (' .
Now that the,l)emorat% are win-
ning in time Itussian clectionla, we
wonder what Slay ' • nave conceals
the identity of Grover Cleveland.
The downfall of i)owie is• just an-
other incident in the hb0lory of one of
those fancy religions which have such
n vogue among our neighbors across
the line.
The trouble in the soft coal fields in
practically settled, but thele in atilt
the paasihility of it strike of the:ul-
thracite miners. We nerd not worry
gleet that. though, until along about
next October.
The sunsets at Naples are said to
rival thoseon Lake Ilmruu at Gale -
rich. But, since old \'e'su4ilIS has
been acting up Godet•id, ham a dis-
tinct lead over the Italian city as a
The first division in the Saskatche-
wan Legislature resulted 1:1 to 7 in
favor of the Liberal Government.
Ontario !Attends can takethis as an
antidote to the recent votes in the
Ontario House, -
The Czar wants the question of dis-
armament excluded from the delibera-
tions of the next Hague conference.
Mint•t his little experience with the
Jails.-t1',icholae thinks that Russia has
no need''of disarmament.
The relied of "the salary grab"
mambawould redse sufficient funds to pro-
vide for an increase in the remunera-
tion of rural postmasters, whose
claims are perhaps slightly superior
to those of the members of Parlia-
They say that E. N. Lewin: recital of
the stirring verses. •'A Wet Sheet and
a Flowing Sea," in the rcairse. of his
nautical speech at Ottawa {gat week,
brought tears to the_ eyes of those old
salts H. B. Gunn and A. H. /Lvles-
worth. M. P.'s.
When protection for *hip -build?
is talked of, the fact 'rust not he fo
gotten that the policy ot protection
has pretty nearly wiped out the
United States' ocean-going merchant
marine, 10 is not merely accident
that has given Great Britain the carry-
ing trade of the world. •
Though E. N. Lewin Mpeech in the
House last week wad strong on
"Nee," it was adorned with nib erous
literary' allusions, of which none was
more apt than tine beautiful lines of
Lewis Carroll's :
"T Nat. brillig, erne the smithy Loves
Intl gyre and nimble In the wabe
A11 tninisy were the braegoves,
And the nlomc rethsontgrtabe."
The result of the discussion of the
cattle eulltatgo in the British House
of ('otuulons should give pause to
those Canadian., who want the
another country to adopt a policy of
protection. Once* Ulan gets on the
'sheltered side. of a restrictive law he
begins to believe he cannot get along
without it, and the Old Country
farmer in evidently no re anxious
to compete with Canada than with
any other country. Let hint once get
a taste of protection and he will riot
be seti'Herl until Canadian wheat is
placed under the mine ban as tesemian
rat•: United Stater wheat.
It is difficult to see just what in to
be gained by the abolition of the
registration of nianhowil 'suffrage
voters. It iN a 1 complaint.
that many of 1 he registered voters AM
peculiarly eruncl•ptible to finaticial ton.
skl•rrttions, but if they ire to be
placed on the municipally -prepared
voter.(' list they will dill preMent the
name difficulty. And the abolition of
the present system will take ,away the
n1'Iortnnity ot exe'ri ining their frau.
rhise which the privilege of registra-
tion Aiwa) es gives to a considerable
number of citizens who have recently
moved film one municipality to an-
other. However. It cannot Be denied
that there is it very general feeling
against the registration system.
The Provincial Government has
been taking credit to itself for iner'as-
ing the proportion of the liquor
license fees which goes into the funds
of the nnmicipalities ; hot instead of
benefiting their funds the new bat.
perpetrates. a fraud upon the i/•i-
palities, according to The I.iatowel
Banner. l'nder the law nt present in
force the municipalities have the right
to Increase the fee• the increase up to
a certain limit. going wholly to the
municipality. Under the new Lew the
increase will be divided equally with
the Province. Mo that although the
statutory fete are Increased the neini-
cipelitlea In many cases will get
actually leas than they do at present,
while the Province will get more.
Another ite•nl that increase, the shear
of the Province Is that relating to
transfers and fines. The present law
gives two -thuds of all flies+ to the
municipality, the new lows divide,
them equally between the Pr,vin•'e
and the iuunieip)lity, The Banner
deeler•n that the ''iialitles ere
being "slaked" under the new Act and
that a lig kick should be registered
before the measure he es law.
The Doenil ' lord's I)ay hill in
criticised on the ground that it is an
attempt to • pal the religious ole
etn•Vlnc(' of the weekly he?liday. If
this were the object of the bill, it
would tail, and it would deserve tea
Lail. Less than ever in this twentieth
century can men be forced in 'ratters
pertaining to religion. Religious in-
fluences may be largely responsible
for the demand which hos Iwwn urges
fur leginlition to protect the weekly
test day ; but the bill now before(
Parliament may be fully justified
upon physiological and hutuanitarlau
grounds. The need of a weekly day
of test does not require demonstra-
tion ; it it recognized as being in the
very nature of things. l'ho object of
legislation, aro we view the matter. is
not to provide for the olleervsnee of
the day so •l as to protect men in
their right of (sheaving the day.
C'nnec•Pasery trains ars stopped that
railway men nuiy not be pelted to
give up their fret day at the tie nutnd
of a armllees corporation : shops are
(lotted that weary clerks and factory
man may, withl►ut fear of trouble
with their employees. have a respite
froiii,,ihe daily grind ; and without
mule interference with any eau's
rights `etch provision might be made.
if it isnot made by this enactment, as
would mute e day of quietness and
peace for\the enjoyment of every-
one, 11 iv tit it hill to take away a
mans lihert ; it is a hill to guarantee
his liberty.
The a ter Song.
hearken to the bluebird's rdee!
phi Ute budding1f ugh he sings :
Xpringtide rapteAe''1u lits note,
Heaven'.: own azures In his wings.
'fte•u the word+ 1 hekr hint sty:
"Christ the Lord is Aram today.-
Hearken to the springti breeze!
what sweet Message milkit tell
In creation's lofty strain
Ian Its gentle murmurs.? 11.
Hark : the soft breeze seemso say:
•'Ohr dear Lord is risen tole
Hearken to the triumph song
Sung by alhthe waking earth!
Let all living enact tires join's
in its tenderer).and mit tit.
'Earth and all her voices say:
"Christ the lord N bider.- day.- \
Certainly ; Make Them Use Their Forks.
Toronto Globe.
The foreigners who are Beginning
to use knives in the Cobalt mining
district sh.Md be subject to punish-
ment oevere`.enough to serve as a ole-
terrent, \
Fact`yersus Theory.
81n,e0, Reformer.
Cobalt enjoys the high privilege of
living under ••prohibitory" .enact.- 1 p
nlentm. Intheory `.it is "dry." Itesi-
flents and visitors report it to be, in
Ific't, sloppily drunken.
OUR OTTAWA LETTER 1» very rich in silver, is to be retained
• by the Province and mined for the
twurtit of the people of the Province.
Then the mineral deposal* on a section
of the right of way of the 1'eulirkuut-
iug K Northern Outario Railway. in
the Cobalt area. are to to (Reposed of
in this manner : Tenders will he asked
for, with the conditions that the suc-
ks cearful tenderer is to pay u cash bonus
of not less than $50,1511, an annual
tic. rental of $3101 for the ground requited
blr for necessary Building, and a percent-
age on the ore mined. the percentage
increasing according to the value ,of
the ore per tau.
1'1 gh Mr. Whitney did not may so,
it is undertttra(j 1 haat the liuvetnnlenfe
of pi.Itey'lay include the establishment
be W ,a Guyer •11t -Owned reduction
plant for the treating of the rarer of
he Northern Ontario, the greater portion
ay of which have leen going to New Jer-
an soy smelters.
se Municipal Telephone Systems.
The Commons Somewhat of a Bear
Garden Last Week.
Members Lose Their Tempers and Indulge
Personalities and Recrimination• C
wrsebum, Charge Carelessness in Constr
tion of Public Works Another Row Or
Wester, Lands Administration An Eahi
tion of ChildashMsa,
t mpeetal correspondence of The Silvial.
Ottawa, 1pril 7.—The feature
this week in I'arliltuleot has heel' t
(•itteruess of the tone adopted by t
speakers in debate. Scarcely it d
her teemed that has not o ltttt•«et•d
Itcriuumious discu0wiuu in the Hou
in the course of which pernoualitl
have been Hung act'exui the rhaIle
chAr•ge( and counter -charges have bee
hurled (noun ride to side, :and M
Speaker has been AS busy As a villa
schoolmarm Making the nuuglty 10
b.Iiiive themselves.
And how like a lot of toys .the
how -makers i( mire are rat time
They t t each other with every
finement of aggravation they gel
ane jeer, they jolly and tam le, and tl
only 'lemon -they don't call HA'M'S ar
'11 each other, Apparently, is th
it is not "parliamentary" and the
would have to sit up and say the
were sorry aid wouldn't do it again
Hut they sail just as Chow to the win
no they dare.
Bad Work and Bad Temper.
Possibly the most. desperate tongue-
slashing- fur it was little better --.of
the w'ee'k, at any rate the nowt
vicious and prolonged, ears in the de-
bate op Friday afternoon and eve-
ning, a hen the accident to the tower
in the Wert Block was di•Allastd.
The incident iteelfrtho collapse of a
large section of it $l00,4100 extension in
('nurse of eeunstruction right on Par-
liament Hill and so close to the Com-
e chatuiwt• that had the House
been milting it would have been start-
led by the erush—and the almost air
acinous escape from death of six o
eight workmen who. had to j p f(
their lives when they felt thejiuildin
crack end tremble -all this formed a
incident of sufficient national intend'
to warrant the attention of Parliameu
being called to it ; but in additio
the attempt was trade to establis
therefr charges of criminal care
lesaness in construction and laxity o
sutwrvimion. which it was claimed
were typical of the manner in whit
public works were being carried on
all over the: country. That 'lune
es Hon. Mr. Berk intri.d..evl a bill pro-
viding for the establishment of level
'municipal telephone systems. It en-
ables twenty or more sulacrilwns to
scute for tbeutsulven all the advant-
ages ot as telephone eveteut upon
ys petitioning any municipality for 'Laud
et:tting their intentions an to to ati
and eau forth. The 11u
1tlicip Pity 111*
"a' thea pal weed totatalhst' bitch !1 rystl'nl
N. at the saunas• of thesubeac•rila•rs. The
l't'- whole cost of the system would be
borne by the *uhterllM•rs Alone, and
Id any default would le levied on them,
at Anti -treating Bill Discussed. .
y There was 1111 interesting discussion
y upon Mr. eleNxugllt's hill to prohibit
1. the custom of treating t, alcoholic
d liquors, '1'lle mover pointed out the
greeqt evils of the treating habit, which
he (labium' was responsible for three-
[out•t.lot of the drunkenness in (0l111da.
and several uu•111lers ex prettied curlial
nynmpalhy with the object of the Meas.
uie. Thu difficulty of eldorcement.
w'us pointed oat, etas, the object of the
11arvet having leen reached in the die-
cussi.m of .the question. the bill was
air•. Lucas had a hill which WAS cal-
culated to do away with the custont of
getting fermis who are purchasing
implements t
sign a nnto or
document containing igenernlly with-
out the know•tedgl' of the signer. or al
-, any rate wit hunt the attaching of any
✓ iulport:in a to it 1 11 stipule, ion that :my
u' action At Inw regarding the wile shall
g he trier) ata stated place, usually the
place at. which h rhes implement Irmo
{ rat is nL•tnu-
t w
t is
lectured. The Attorncv-General
t thought the hill interfered with the
n right of contract. 1t was sett to the
11 legal committee.'
The Opposition's motion of censure
f in connection with the Notation Of the
Provincial Fond issue was defeated by
h -a vote'[ 64 W 24.
Registration Law to be. Repealed.
Manhood eulir•age registration is to
y be done away withi by it bill which has
ell been introduced by the Premier
l'nder the presentlaw a registration
of manho.Ml suffrage voters take; place
e in cities and county towns before an
n election. This will be 'Iiscontinued,
e and the list of manhood suffrage voters
will Iw made up along with the regular
municipal lista as in former years lie-
fot•e'the passing of the registration act.
enough was being paid for these
works to ensure nothing hut. the ver
best is admitted. and as it was alleg
anything last the heat was being ml'
plied the obvious inference w•am the
there met 11 leak somewhere Arid th
country With Iwing defrauded ; i
other words, diet there was a larg
graft. ur series of grafts, bin
worked. Thin Was the text and the
sermon was outspoken And emphatic.
Whether it wa., well applied under
the circulustanees is another question.
Opposition Makes Sweeping Charges.
The criticism of the particular nage
n point was( that poor Material had
been used, the supplest rules of con-
struction ignored, and therefore that
the oficinls entrusted with super-
vision had leen culpably lax in the
performance of their duty. to may
nothing of the :silky ofd the con-
t r•actWel part of the transaction.
From this mletnlwrs branched amt in
every direction. A pier et St. J(Mwph
on (sake Huron, a breakwater at
Grind Bend, an armory at Wood -
/stock, N. 4., a public building at Sus-
sex, in the same Province, and 111110y
Other ('144044 were cited no alleged ex-
amples' of incompetence and negli-
gence on the Iairt of departmental
ofcialM, and in each case the accusing
member declared while friend of the
Government was alleged to have
raked in a snug little slatgin which
`was assured by fraudulent @camping
cif contrnet specifications. Warming
nit to their subject, Opposition meM-
1wr4i proceeded to implicate members
Hotel Mens. e.
Toronto Stet,
'l'he hotel men should charge a prof-
itable price for their 'teals as meals,
and the 'ren who eat these 'teals
sl Id willingly pay for them. it is
quite unf it to the patroe mf the
-bar," as r is objectionable' to the
tetnperunce an, to tusk the foiyuei• to
"chip in" toward the hotel expensees of
the latter. \
A Fair Ctomplarison,
:Riot font Beacon.
The New York . carnal of Cos\
tnetee tabulates the Weges of twelve
of the (commonest trades in Germany
end Great Brit aia and MhowM that wages
in free .rade Hrittitl are 46 per ceht.
higher than in protected Gerulany.
\Vhen the x prote(•tion takes
from the German wnrknotn ie de-
ducted from his wage the, showing is
far worse.
Why the Temperance People Grumble.
$tr.l for 1 Ile icon.
On Friday of la t week the town-
ship of Mountain n the constituency
represented by ton. air. Whitney,
carried n local option Bylaw by ,t Ma-
jority of 13(1. The figures Wert.: For
bylaw, 431; against bylaw. 21ki; ma-
jority for bylaw, lap. Yet under the
An per cent- provision of the new li.
cense bill, now before the Legislature.
the bylaw would be counted beaten
Icy four votes.
Solving a Difficulty.
Toronto Globe.
It is gratifying to hewn that many
of the fin:mere of Ontario are potting
up cottages for the ns' Of-hit•erl 'len
with families. end are attaching to
each cottage a plot of land for garden
/IIrpMIM/'M. This is Hite way of attract-
ing and retaining the better dime of
rem laborers from Britain. The Ca-
nadian farmer who sloes this, and
trent. his hired hands fairly in other
respects. is not likely to be left short-
! led in titue'nf need.
Temperance Conference.
A einferenre of temperance work•
ors fur the felinity of Huron was held
in the Methodist t•hlurh, t,Vinghanl,
on Monday, April Ilth. A ler of
pts ,lllillellt teltlperanre workers were
present, and mutters in general nRect•
into the welfare of the eo,,nty were
discussed. more particularly with re-
gard to the proposed nnll'ndmt'ntn to
the licence how now before the
Legislature. It was decides) to com-
municate with the Provincial Secre-
tary, stating the deem of the conven-
tion on what it considered the nnfeir-
nens of the dl per cent. elninwe. it wan
elan renolv,'l to petition the lam/an-
ion Government with regard to a hill
in the interests of letter Sabbath rile
eervence•. A county organization was
effected with O. M. Elliott, of (lode -
rich. AM preaident : Rev. .1. L. Small,
Auburn, vice-ple'sident. ; P. Ruehnn-
An, Wingha11n, secretaryy: W. B.
Towler. M.D., treasurer. The follow-
ing vice• president, together with the
iMeers above mentioned, compose the
executive: 1 M Robertson. (loderich
W. I'ickert., HohuPort'i1M; .1. W,
Moore. Clinton ; .1. Tim,,, Nile :.1. Mc-
Kenzie, Lochalsh : Geo. Well, Mt.
Helens : W. G. Halter, Past Wawa -
nosh : F. Metcalf, Blyth ; J. H. Hopper,
1k'Igrwve : T. Stretched Hrn,@ele : Rev,
Mr. Perrin, Wroxeter ; W. Wetter,,
Fortlwleh : J. Hutton, T11rnlerry : A.
('peens, Wingham, and 'V. H. Kerr,
He that well and rightly cnndidereth
his own works will find little ram+e to
judge hardly of another. Thinnest iL
f 1 arlinulent, with their wives, their
istees, their 0ou«inm rind their Runt«,
mil the H. got wildly excited and
very lwwly won calling •sorrier" and
tiding to the disorder.
illy Bennett's Nasty Tongue.
W. 11. Bennett. of End 41uiee, has
he re putnt ill of being one of this
tastiest--ot• perhaps •'waspikh" would
e A
better description-- debates in
he Home and he juntifled his repetit-
ion this day. He ie as lightweight
yen with his own Aide and certainly
m never pearl of (Weide his nave con-
titse•ncv, but he ie utterly unnerupie
,nm in debate and tikes advantage of
very little quibble in order to annoy-,
nd when he can with impunity in-
ult, hie opponent«. Ire (ll' the hide
f A rhinoceros and none of the finer
istinf•ts of a gentlemen and it will le
vitality undefeated thus nurh it 11180
AB it In his {power to be pine ohjec-
onnhle at time«. What hitis remota-
inn may he among gentlemen in an-
ther thing, but, that doesn't trouble
It may be imagined that tete 'h
pace has been given to this matter.
tit it is well that the people should
prep IM•hind the myrtles sometimes and
et, their members tie they appear
viewed f the gallery, when oar
mended M'1' (-11a s'al't prizes another a, "one
of the most artful dodgers ever
known," and i they says n speech
just delivered in ••Vililleilliun and politic
cal blackgloatdi*nt," while the same
honorable and gallant geatlpntan -
neve the stark! - exprenmee wonder ata
to how many vacant seats there tvrnild
►pe in the Government IM•nrhes if the
nulawhll acts of their (eeupu ses were
investigated and everybody wnm in
penitentiary that ought to be.
Another Row.
A racket --nut n dignified, but a t-nl•-
f•eetly descriptive terns -on notnewhat
similar linen, though not quite sir vin-
dictive, occurred a temple of (lay@
earlier in the week. when the land
polies of the Government in the
Northwest was under dinciiesiOn. At
lent two members from the West
were charged with trafficking in pule
lie laude, with partieipsting, in feet,
in ba •efnc'Pd graft., and they were nem-
p'lI04'to meek 'the protection of the
ehnit• before this tirade stopped.
As an uff*et, to all thin the House
ham dise,a.wid the Lord's 1)ay.Oh@pr-
van(p Act and given 'tome attention to
other influent, including the estimates
of 'several Departments. Altogether
thing. are livening ap,
Feeling Against Automobiles.
'There is considerable feeling in the
Legislature on the smatter lel ter
vehicle regulation. It is claimed that
under the present law 14110' hilists
ride ever the country at their own
sweet will, frightening' horses and
causing serious accidents, end some of
the members want to se severe re-
strictions place(l upon the lose of the
"devil wagons." One proposed is to
have separate roads for the use of
autumrlbilimtm; another is that the
running of motor vehicles on roads in
the ?-ural sections after sunset be pro-
hibited ; while Mr. Preston, of Hrant,
suggests that chauffeurs be licensed.
thus giving therm an added twine of
responsibility. Smile member. ate of
the. opinion that hots strict en-
forcement of the present law would
he more. useful than the passing of
further restrictions that would not be
NAVE YOB A BOSS? ,,thou Inde-
peadenl11 yon sire motley for %Uric u:ie
else, quit and make money fur yourself. /:et out
of slavery and be free. IA rites MARSHALL 44
Co., London. They wi'1 Allow you the way, They
have started thoumucl•on th_ road to freedom.
seven dollars a day, every day in the year. 1s be-
ing mule handling their goods. write now.
Time is money.
Neuralgia and Ncrvou.ra,a rur..I qp,,.k v 1,
AND N4tpr:._•-ee CURS
No heart depression. Greattsa Clire ever Jc..
Take nr ether, yr anJ sy-. All dealer, or J.,.i from
AUSTIN it GO Simrw, OnL Money back if not
Opus on April 2ed
L [cit i •
fiTRA rrti. .
t1'hv-henlrl you content yourself In the
ordinary walks of Ilfe when you can tatter
your condition by taking a Mors- lel chi.
"1,,.,)l We gi.e o :.borough. pearl kid
rJnrsulm, and it -slat our irmrlaale, to gw«sl
l«a'a inn•. 1' •nen your course now.
Write for lanklulars.
1 'ri nein ,l.
. Acheson & Son
Easter Kid Gloves.
All ib • lent ,Make's, correct (•0101,
and styles. Perrins, jatuluet's,
Realism's, glace, swede, «Ashkid.
Prices range rt.(10 59C, 75e, $h.00,
$/.a5 to j1.5o.
Spring Coats.
leadied' «hoot and d length spring
Coats, very graceful and smart.
Tight fitting and beIse fitting say lee
at j5.00, j7.5o, jlo.00 aid Sia.00.
Spring and SummS Dress Goods.
Newest And most popular weaves
French twetel Muitiugs in fa*hion•
able greys and shadow checks in
beautiful (•Beets,
Bleached, plain its: twill. Over
?1001 yards in 2 and 2j yaids wide,
ell grades out sale special.
Bargains in Floor Coverings,
No other store (0111010 our special
quotations, quality conhiduted, it,
Liuuletens, Neotcll '.muleter,
exult, o uality, 4 yard, wide, in
block, (Herat or meroll pattern. All
imported direct ft'ow wanufactltr-
els. Regular Elk and 00c a yard et
per equates yard 40 colts
Table Cloths and Napkins,
In this department we have
found our stock to be far too heavy
and have Marked very "uhrtautial
reductions for sale bargains ideate:
week. lu all qualities,
Art Rugs.
Our showing in Brussels, velvet.
tapestry and wool RU s, sixes 3x3,
3x3i, 3x4, 3{x4, :33x4 , is letter
than we have ever shown in any
former reason.
'B'utterick Patterns for April all in stock.
W. Acheson & Son
Easter Ties, Hats, Gloves,
Fancy Hose, etc.
Custom Tailor,
The Square, Godench.
As usual I have a full stuck of the most popular shapes
trimmings for ladies' headwrar for the coming season.
The latest fancies and shades
Trimmed and untrimmed hats
Hamilton street,
Easter Flats Easter Suits
Easter Neckwear
We nr:• ends
agent., for
t he a)11,ye
''greatly de-
German and
Swiss Silks
very rich
very hand -
M11111' and -
Spring Term opens
-(bawd +Gold•• today be torn the
pubii'- with n rlcan eat record for work
done and surc01.• ae•hlcrwl. Ithas '111 -
erected all previous records bo attend
anrn, ``daring grarinates In positions
and doing gn,,t work. Enter now and'
be ready to accept * gno'l ;roall Ion le the
fall. College open entire year. eh,r
elrrulers gee free.
W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal.
Cor. Von1M end .%leveed,•' Si..
Men's and Boys' Suits
if you fail to net, our spacing stuck of clothing, you will mime, Mewing
.-,4,1114. of the nohbiemt, eliehtng ever Mhown in Ooxdet•irlt. Our clothing
1+ reliable -it Het well, is merle and trimmed well, look. well and
will give to the wearer petifiande pride in himself.
Our prices arc easy
$8.00, $10.00 and $12.00
1,11y4 an exeellcnt. NII 11.
$12.00, $15.00 and $18.00
buys a 211th Century Ilr•;uul suit well you rnumt see them to appreciate
their grMMlnetiM. If you want what is correct in 'len'n wear visit thio
Start for a Good Salary
An important anno.anr4'n1Pnt was
made boy Premier Whitney last week,
being no lees than the ntatPmpnt of the
Government's intention to ndnpt a
policy of poblic ownership in regard to
retain alining lends in Northern On•
carbo. The mines -el -hewing portion of
the Oillie. limit, which is believed to
Walter C. Pridham
14y taking mac of our home r+tndy l'onr•ee
11 rn.,' 1ni1 n trifleend only and11nire-. your
stare time. w'rtte t.N1ny for MrtMuln,a
t ler eaermdenre Deer
1 ridrml Hn.lne'., ( nitrite. Toronto.
W. 14. !DIAN', 1`rl"clpsl.
Printing Atays and All Ways at The Signal