The Signal, 1906-3-15, Page 1TWO PAPERS
FOR ONLY $i.00.
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of individuals firtns and corporations
Interest allowed at the rate of
FOUR PER CENT. per annum.
Money can be withdrawn) at any
tiine. .
BE E Si.
sl. wufat. 1.1.1I K a rll•fena rind F:yerlghl
8 M,mci.IJ tx will bac al
I'll F: 111t1T1811 )IOTKL. U(1DF:ItICH.
11'wlneselay. Thn(wbay. Friday,
March 14th, 15th and ltkh.
uu4 will be plus.'( to have all there,
rouble) with DI.FKeTIVFl I:V4:•
a(4 IIT tall and rol.uit chow.
'I.11cr has e been wttabll.hee.t if. Torou
r 1471. stmt during )het time Mr,.
tar. have help .ucrc4-full>.
n1t.s1 by them.
e Ole advantage they have over Daher.
O. the fact that they &triad their own
ten c- and by w doing pmve'nt nay
error in the prom.. of len. noki,af,
If your eye. bother you 111 any way or
• he las w. you now wear ale not 141111-
011,-able don't nWd.el t lie. °ppmt un lay
..f lu,viug your eye. properb• attended
t u.
The new Elect rte.( 1rit hal nem caw
led 141 rnakhat all exaluinatlons.
All week abialutely guaranteed.
SI Ot1Ce
• • •-Iatedng or carmine ore -struts 4a any
r y WU. and IB berrL.t(wood ,end nawe
TKA.'Itia 111.' PIANO
1,444In Hank of Montreal Stork.
TIt(•an11AT.far e
On, Saturday tool n full carload of beef cutter
we+.. .bjppxl 10 Toronto by J. F'. Andrew.,
manllwri if 1 weeny .ix head. 4I) did not hear
the figure they were blight for but. undcr-
- Wnll it w t+ abut N•tn, per. bemired. The
, -he- a
I 1 'peen. were Jame. t t e McI ('u. , 1.
{ Irl
.I: 4'hlsl Im, oot4sl bnvdrr. of (bllerur
township[. .0 I Geo. Tebbutt, of Goderich
1 hl,
The h. ( rl
urket Wil. y-onomt
k on
Friday, 9th inst. Ninety -ono manual.
. hipped by 1. F. Andrew's, the prioe. ruling at
*Oki per hundred. Itoht. Hean and Arch.
Horton. of Colborne. with (len. Wt. -flake. 51'.
Clots e, .lame., glower and Tho.. 3lcnonly, of
Stenley town -hip. were the prineipel .hipper.
.1161 her .hl,,nlent we+. node on Monday.
Fail wheat, per bush. new... . en 73 Co $ 0 73
4prink wheat. per bush, new... .n 7:3 to 0 73
it).•, laer bush n 1.. to 0 4'.
'lurk wheat. per bu.h 11 44 ne 0 44
4 Mt.., per hash.. ties .... Il 31 to - 0 31
fess. per bush 0 73 to 0 73
Marley, per ilei . .. 0 41 to o 11
Screeningm, per ton 18 At to 18 en
Flour, family, percwt 2 .L, to 2 :er
Fleur, latent, per cwt 2 a, to 2 lel
Hewn, per toll Is 011 to 18 U)
Shona. per toll .. - 80 Ian to 311 44,
Hey, per ton .Soto 7 U1
w. , ',, per road _ ... S •D ld . set
Hiltte•r. per lb 1e to 0 a,'
1lbw•-,•, p'i' Ib...... 0 12 to a It
Fng., fr•.h, per doe ' .. n 13 to 0 1:4
(4(444,-... 0 I4 to li
Tattle, one ln'y to goal, per cwt. 311, to 1444
Cattle, export. Oct. cwt I •4i 40 4 73
H live weight, per cwt 41 a, Io s ter
S ,ri1.K 1441111.. :,ill to •5 air
'hoop. per eat ...............3 50 to 3 75
1 ut, per I •• . ., lel to 0 111
fYron.per lb 043 to 0141
Lard. per Ib ... ... 121 to 41yy
Tallow. per 1b ...... .. ... n 111 (0 t tai
Hides, Ier.•wta :n4,) 7 Ju
Sheco Ykins _ _ ... 5
so to ' 7
Turkey'. - m 13 to il la
('bickew. n (N to a 111
11)ulsidc tnatket. al (4444(0 K'
TIFIC.1TK Trinity ('allege, Lelen, 'ANTED, --TO RENT, ,i Ill{ 114
.. . urgani+l send ser of .ler n( Knox
„+. acre. of well cultivated Land. .liftable
I a8Mai L411 ths(•ber of tache, ,1 N1CI,.. Ger arantrnha(. Give 10•a1M1n a,14 tortes. Ad
M'x+tm th.. 41y4 Ltd' horn 14.0 hnldlo rt wed11:
dlrs, 4'.... r., of S (1N. 1. DEFT
Mel)onaM, tRl. IMv{{dd .tneC, t wo door. west 1 1 F 1
of Victoria 't reset churl". 73-31.TO 1Lent
Fine Arta
(111. AND WATKIt tO1A)It.
Private tuition end clause,.
UFA). F'. NAI(WTT, l:am►wir Road
Nloldthe pe'e tow..
C. E. SALE, L.i).S..
, McLean. Hln.•k
1h. Turnbull'. old
1 A. T. Kcricluarx. M. D.
W. S. TCRxntU_ M. 11.
Other.. Flsnllllon !Street. ''hone et.
Ittedden.e 'phone 121.
111i..1. 11. MACKI.IN, M. l3.
Foccial attention to Eye, Kar. Noes ,old
Throat. OMee and reaidenee, old tanked Mon -
real, oppoeite I'ostonlce. We.l d., liodeneh.
Telephone No. lel.
KISTEIl$ wllcltor.. notation. etc. Office.
Hamilton SL, third doorfron A4uare, Uoderlch,
ant. M. O. CAMERON, K. (. J. 1. KIL-
tarrbttera, 4ollcltor+, notaries. publle pr. ••
'moan the Maritime Court, etc. (Mee, e..t side
Square, next door C. A. alrn'8 grocery. Pel
vete funds to lend ed kwelt mem of Internet.
VV. 1'ROU16'I$Yr. K. C. It. ('. HAYS. U. F
11,AIIL .,
1)AN(1KY, 141111 afS K, HAit-
KIAT'KK, ,ollcitor. notary. Special atten-
tion given M Marine ('our, work. Money to
can. Mee : North St. 8131 Square. Onderlch.
e solicitor, con iniewioner, etc. Murry 40
.an. 01141on, corner Hamilton sad St. Andrew's
Street., Uaferleh, (Int.
RINTKIt$. attorney., aoliel1Ar4, etc.,
(inderlih. Money to lend at lowest rate.. K.
akin and
. etc., nmt.4loncr ter taking end con
receiving rorognisaueea of tatll, aM,lwcit.
nr amrnlatlon,, deposition. or sohlmn dechre-
tion. In or concerning any action,suit or pm -
reading In the High (ourt of jostle°. the
('Dort of Appeal for Ontario, or In any ('ollety
• r Division Court. All trnneectlon, carefully
:and promptly executed. 1Leei404100 and P. O.
Insurance. Loans. etc.
three year, Mr. 14,...,114.1 MC)Luh'. farm.
MI 144, rnn.t.e.ion 1, Ooden,b tow ...lilt.. eon.
taiming w) Here , Apply to THr)M.11. lUS•
hitt, ur to WILLIAM M. 51 ATM
Seal Estate for bale. -
l' lot Inert of the lair Tom. east((. fronting
o4. Ka -1 start : one of the rholce.d lot. In (iodr.
lith. .Apply to owner. F. .1.. STAHLKKKK.
Leta street. mkt f
1OHN W. (;RAIUlii', LiFE, FiRE
el and accident ineumnoe. Agent for leadeng
mutual end Mack competitive. lmmranee in ell
line. effected on beet. elms and at lowest Woos.
fall 0 once, corner w ost Street and Senate,
or addle.. J. W. ('RAIOIE, Uodorich. Ont..
• rete .hone 24
660,000 for Goderich.
The eatiuuttes subulittell, W the
Howe- of Cot ...uons thin week contain
an appropriation of $511.188) fur Gude-
rich hurley. There is $$18) for repaint
and (hedging at Hayfield:; and $1,501
for siu,iIi,' purposes at Kincardine.
G. C. 1. Literary Society.
The Collegiate Institute Literary
Society held au interesting meeting
on Friday evening last. Thera was a
debate (4n the subject, -Resolved, that
the negro has received more abuse at
the handaof the white Inas than hive
the Illllf/m:' the deluders being llow-
nld Smith and Bement Long fel' the
afiil•lllalive, and Nellie+ Fallis nod Hee:
toe McKenzie for the negative. It
was the first ,at tempt for each of the
speakers, but they made a creditable
success of their Maiden effort and
maintained their respective positions
with vigor. Will Taylor ae•ted ms
judge and gave his decision in favor of
the ,tttlrmativc. In addition to the
debate the pl1'gt•aul included ',t vomit
t . C. I.
11 y ll 'Sutherland he (;
1 A.
h • it' W. J.
J0101131, re,ul the editor. y
,. •1 question
tiwyth : it boys' chorus is : the
drawer, by Mr. Strang ; impcoulptit
speeches by Preston Strang and Alex.
1 e critics I'etuarks
Mclennan • »n the ,
a (1.
by Will l'antelou.
DidinIowa. -
Marshalltown (Iowa) papers record
the death, on February lard. of 1)avid
I). ('lark. a resident of that city for
thirty years+ or The d(44tetasel,
was a brother of W. R. Clark. of town,
131141 Aft uncle of Dr. W. 10. Clark. our
popular veterinary surgeon. The de -
crassest luul heen suffering for a year
with paralysis. lie was seventy years
of age, and n native of Canada, the
youngest son of David Clark, and a
nephew of Mir James Clark. who for
many years was physician to Her
Majesty the bate Queen Victoria. Mr.
('lurk Wan a widower and is survived
by one brother, \'t'. S. ('lark, Of WWII,
who was with his brother at the time
of hi. death. The !outwit' (wear -el on
the -following Sunday afternoon, in-
terment being In Riverside cemetery
be the side of the deceased's' wife.
Ow Masonic longe being in rhafge.
'Ir. Clark wars formerly in' the meat
bltslneas at 31at•(ItJtIIWw'n and nubu•-
quently wan engaged in cattle -buying.
Death of Mrs. Thos. McLean.
We Iegr't. to have this week to
chronicle the death in Colorado of
a former Gooierich resident. 'Its„
Thuulm. McLean. She. had been
'affected tc ith lung trouble for wane( ime
:old in July. (Mt, the f, 'ly went by
Colorado i.•r the benefit 44 her Beall b.
r. and lir•. Me bean were here hod
)•tolier in isrnnertilan with the sale of
their 1i•aidenve herr. ,old since return-
ing to Comrade \Its. 'Icl.ran'tawniest
gradually to become hors'. The de-
ceased was a daughter of the late
Foe 4(rsT:
Nine -!named frame dwdliug. large lot. dilated
on South stns.'. Item. 8e+ per 111011th.
21..tor8 brick end cement loreomrddwelling.
Large stable. a bow. Finely .IUwt(d
on Kt•,.)'..4!'rest. a:t.,eu, n .11)141.
1 lot and ..table, .it uuist on Light bun-. .I m•1.
2 -story brick .ton', baker'. oven and pha..-
graph gallery. Situated on Main steel,
>tU th. $1,..11111.
Hous'. cue lot and .look on Light lactose .)ret.
s Gr r roams, BNn.
lena,re farts. Finely atiot.4. Good buildings.'
!quit. (food .apply of water. 2 mile. from
town. Stern.
2010•-1041.1ce ru:re lot. near 0. T. IL station.
13•040ry frame. house. 11 nem, .IUatd
Pieta' drecl. near ('oll,4(lsle. Institute.
,erre. of land on bunk of luk,•. levo( 101 Mid
timed, tine dt nation foru,arket ganIemereel
Mone)' to loan, .5 per cent,
l'Altpa'. HAy1LI N K•
(tank of Commerce Itldg.__
rl good frame story and a belt dwelling.
carter of an acre of land. ,.Gaol,-, gond well.
tau be given anv time. Apply to
MI414. AI.bX,ANI)F:1t M. 1(:1E. Kneen. datf
S U It A'N C K ('O. -Farm and Notated
town property In.nted. Valne of property In-
sured up to Jan. 11414, over 83,011000. omcer.
and director"' :-J. B. McLean. pre.. • T. Envier,
vire-ppaws.: Jag, Connolly, O. Dole,' Mr. (;hes-
ner, J Watt, Jae. Evnnn..1. (J. Grieve, J. Benno.
wcl,, director.: T. E. Hay., Seaforth, eecretery-
lreaenrer' inemeter., nearest director t0 lora..
J. W. Yen Holmnsvllle, agent, for Watt
Heron, Policy holder. ranay ewoemmente.
and get, their card. r,oelptod wt Mr. Coate'.
'limon, or at Mclean Hro..' Paine,. 1 lothing
Store Ooderioh•
Anotioneeriwng _
1 and neeereal auctioneer, he, removed from
ryhhereHamilton emeriti
be found at to new wl Omen whernnnnnott
044. neeeg d Week
y nt►u cUon reasonable Phone M.
`T 8net4oneer, 1181 Hamilton of ..4. (ioderleh.
1'. O. box IRt All note' w111 receive peetal
n(lantlnn, 4 will buy y'our entero oto4k of
homeeho)4 gone. for e..h1, end will mill you
Maven, forettnrr, ninttrntem, spring•, etc.
cheap Call and ,Roe what we ran do for ye+, In
this line, UIOORUk RICCKKTT, ('nrtodt.y
Shop, Uoderfoh,
Y M'ItP: 14)T FOR SALE. -With Haute
able. The Norden 1+ one of the Ie+l In the
dl.lrletfor tHn growing of .n.all fret.. For
tern. and conditions ,.pity to WM. Piffle,
AN EXCELI.EN1' 10AItM 10() It
S,1 I.E.-"Jen acre. ltl )lest )V1.w.nosh. t wo
(tales from Auburn : eon a slat• lo,...,. abaft lin
scrim under rnitivetion and :14 to 44) acne.
timber. A well nod Iwo ring" of water a
new frame dwelling.:. gg 10d barn, cable and
driving hod. Apply to Yt1'NU &ItUHEItT-
SON (ioderlch
1 have for Kale 'several new house, each con.
taining hell. parlor, dining rom, kitchen,
pantry. W101throonl, three bedroom. ,and cher
has it good cellar extending under the
,v hole house.
'Te..' Mohr. have ell leen recently Mildest
and pllrchw-ern *111 find them thoroughly eel,
If you are 6tenant you •hnnld come and sec
me; 1t Is cheaper to buy n home than to pay
_61_ D
tf J. T. G01.THORPE.
Hetet° and lneumnee Agent.. Real (*-
tate for wile or to Ionl'roprtle+ handled In
Key tart of Use town and (aunty.. Fire and
life Ineurene°, money to keen, etc.
A eon.frtwbin frame dwelling. 1, F:.sstx .4 met,
with modern mew...Weer, .1 aside and
driving boas.
A comne>111Au) frame dx'dlin4 on South and
)Teton mt het, wit la -.table, etc.
A frame dwelling on Keay. Oriel,.
Vacant lot.. on liruce +treer on K.a•x .Deet.
on Montreal .trect, nn leitennie rood.
on Moron rad. on ( oder .t met.
Farm.1 wo rolls. ham ('*4)0*, do acre,, .upw'r
for building•. good water .Imply. °reboot
and timber Int.
Fern, In sem. .lvw,eano.h,within three mile of
Auburn. de acro.. Good huildinea and
Farm In Colborne. iAkr Shpt.,. four mhos from
I toderi01l. len acre..
Farm on Heynrld r nod, four miles from (lode
deb. tat were.,
Farm of Huron road, one ndlr from (ialerich,
For further lnfnrmat on 41plto
Vol NO & tfl' IHERTSON.
1tea1 Kelete and in,utanee Agent., Onderirh.
I111cw.: Next door to hell Telephone 4> ce,
the Nnuere, (ln4erlch.
MI Raynebd mod, eolith of Mr. t('ept1 Olb-
sows property. Apply to (1. w. TH4M11)Y
Nf )N.
T being nnelh half of the roe half of Mt No.
n, enneeeeion. 4. A,hneld; two mil.. westof
pDhngennme (ince' Mcm
Minding.; tun r
ay loecti.
For ptrtleihir11aMwell dyrto Urdt IE IMAi RIS.
Uodoriolk )fit.
Lost or Found —
1' MAN'S glove. nearly' new, Smithey after
moon. - Omenet run hots Nnlie by' rallioy e+4
4.4 M. LKTSON, East .trice(, stet pro)infe Prot. -
..41Y •
(4ly. •
11, 11 I wo.nsoun .•old rnlIfe pup• dark
Mows. end white. 411.0) reward. )nfornlatIon
let at THE SIUN.iL Alec.
Situations Vacant
OI'N(3 1:1141 WANTED. 1'O
1 look after ehildre, and .10 14ah. I
work. Apply to NI Ito. H. It. Hk1'KF:I-r,
Cambria street. .
man of g4,w1 address.. amd habit+In n•p-
re+cml the Nunlheitner Piano ( u. In the Huron
411.11let. Thi. is a eplctd id tippet unity for the
rilI(fht man.
Add res.- nottiwad,.n. to GEO. F.
EMERSON, ,. the Nonlheilner Pianoll'o..
Archibald Saudi, of (',Ilan•ue, and is choir of the church. Tickets, in/•lud-
survived by .two brothels, %Vfll• Iiug lath moppet and enu'rtxiunlunt,
Salida, of Danville, \Vaal., and .101111 *l'.+51k• t ehild'ren under twelve ears.
Mauls, of town, and by three. !sisters, 25c. The following Sunday, March
Mrs. (Rev.) \Vilaou, or Toronto. Mrs. Zith, the opening Neeele6l4 will be
41)r.) Herrety. of New York, And Mra. cunt haled. 1{et•. Jasper Wilson.
Huch,tn,tn, lit ('ollan'ne, Besides her M. A., (•hmirnaul of the Windsor e1f+-
imerroWing hush.uld she leaves also h•iet and a former pastor of the North
two suns. Colin and, Hugh. Sly. Mr- street cougregat• , will preach tooth
Lean accompanied the remains to morning and evening. 'l'he Sunday
town and the funeral takes place this school opening will take place of the
aftcrnOn from the residence otrl0hn slum' day at ;1 p. 111. Rev. \V. E.
S,ulds, Gloucester terrace, , Rev. J. Kerr, of Clinton, and [tee. J. C. Reid,
Hamilton conducting the services. H. A., B. D., of Nile. will give addrenses
Rev. Jas, and Mrs. \Vilsun, of Toronto, and a program of special music will be
are here for the funet:d. rendered by the olehesar,l 4(41(3
Her Classmates Say Good -Bye, members of the Sunday school.
Special music will be provided at 11))
On Monday evening. , .31arch the the upx'nitng services by the choir of
1'2th, Miss E. Mc{):1well ialtertllined the church, under the leadership of A.
her Sunday school (lass at her home, Roy Adams. Offerings and snl)scriF)-
1.akeviety, the extension being it false• tions in aid of the building fund will
well to One of their last who is I. taken at Jill the aervirest.
leaving fur the Northwest shortly in
the person of Miss Lucy \•dung. The LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF.
scWr'sa was read by Mies Florence __
4V(aptte,l and the presentation le a .rouge and ee Ariel collar and ....lea are no
by Mies Lily Ramsey. The addt•ess is doubt 4 hi eurrect thing i1. an 0,x14(0 lodge.
as folhlwa : but fur the coon»O . it teen the ,•o'reet thing
htc.tR 1.0..,‘,._ it Is wllh fuer,,•-,sorrow and in clotbing. I- found at l'ridham, the tailor'.,
regret that we have learned of your intended when• tore.. you gel .t)'lish clothe. at lea..enable
1'04 and the (l null Lodge ere
.Tic High Ira
wr h v • e c( sera
retinue,. !award uu H a :a..r ubl 1 1
w N' •l. and It. 1't. • NI
having their -IainI(. the . k.
IM ' 8, V, ml• omen way the
[h ePruing to haw rl ) lox• Is lrndy to glue sitting+ x11)' (MY lu the
mate. , which you are held by your els.,. week fur Suephotograph work, .1 line .el.•e-
V01 has eoa ways. l with the ur petlh.c,4 4 tion u(( ri0N•'al . ion Imnd nt hi+ studio,
1'uu bare .4 1)1 , beM 111'lour pbea•,1nd al wnler l,4.4.?real .trawl and $,lmtre, '
any. x'illiug r) help ►u m,yl bog 6414 nlaed nr
you, (4e1 .hall mis. you (cry mush Nnd euu14 Tho f:ahiunnblc color In town Ills work I+
wiwh you Nvnld mmol,, wit 11 us. Hewerer .re orange. .1t Wilmer 14.nIth'a they .hoN all the
nuts! say Kuod-b>'e. Hut before we du we wish fashionable adoring. In coverings for 1phol-
. . armoire, and thedo the work 1, 1141
uu t er • t hl 1,1w11 token. a jewel raw .Icn41 far Il 1
well to accept
wl.hee and pray thin Utd', to the be.t to Ie had anywhere. Have your
richest blessing. may follow you through life old lounge Made am gourd as new at half the
slut finally when called home licit we all In ty ro+t of a new one.
moot youSiged 1 on behmlt of me elu1+, H,the+•y 1'•u•kf is making preparationsK. Mclk)wk1.1_ to erecta two-story brick residence on
F1.oarxc, w•esrr1ul. Mouth street,
STELLA CLANK. soon old11 SI. Patrick'. 41x3• still Ie here.• A Sudden Math.\When we'll all wear the 1rl.hman's token :
The death of Thomas L. Salisbury Thin we hope to whistle and .iug- with gexl
Iasi Saturday 'min Waa a sudden 04,040,
Y K • '('nose the bleklwne of whiter i. broken.
one, heat! failure ).sing the 11,wae. The regular meeting of the Daugh-
ters Salisbury ban been nut to '1 r. ut the Empire will be held in the
Lacey's in (italerich township the pre- law library of the court house ou
v a
day apparently in his usual a next at f lv p
.eeond conk. hlghlei sr,t(t .•., .1 ed . Al
once at the HIIITISII F:X'H.1\.'(uK 11OTKL.
1) leant printing. 1401 1.5 year. of age. fair
education. .1 ¢!41.1 opportunity for 1 bright
boy. Apply et TIIF: SHl114.%I. o4. 4.44 F:.
removal f our mW.t. and Ines ed Ly our
All accoutite oN ind the ...tate of Ow bete
tame. ('rnlftie are lay able e1 the omee of .. w',
('salol.', w r.( Inst. 1',n'hlent I. requested
1e -fore Aprilith, n. all account. not laid at
that date will be bu,dld In for collection. ,
Ale) e11 panic. having claim. egkimd the
...tate me molested to `resrmt them Immed-
iete))'. a. no notice Call he taken, of accounts
not pmo'ntod by the *booc-mention.vl date.
.1. VV. ('ItA1014
Tenders Wanted
health but in 'dart lug to rise the next Monday
morning he feu Loak and passed nieny We are pleased to note the .(11(04.41
shortly ufter'w,arls. He had been nf- of two 6.xlerich girls, Misses' Maud A.
Hirted with asthma for yeas. Mr, Sharman ,utd Lucy G. Brown, who.
Salisbury was born at Toronto sixty- were members of the sixteenth
three yea Is 1180 but lett there w11011 it graduating ('lass of (trace Hospital
boy of fourteen. going to Son)bt•a, training school, Detroit.
\Viten he was (carried .110 moved to When Taube & Non es -amine y
Goderich and had been a resident of eyes you get the benefit °loverthirty-
towu ever since. Ile was twice mar- five yearn experience and that counts
ried and leaves besides his widow two for it great deal. At the British hotel
children of the second family, a \Vevineselny. Thurtelny and Friday.
daughter. Mrs. William H. Brindley, 'Larch 140.1, lath and 14)th.
of-('olla)rne. and a son, living "at haute., G. W. Thom./m A Son 11o0e x(1,1,441
The funeral took place on Monday td their collect' of souvenir postal
afternoon from the deceased.» date 4•,11.(3., the new North aur:et Methodist.
residence, Intern,ltfnnl (coin, to (.hur•h. They expect to place in stock
Maitland Veil/el-1'r)% H*'v, \\ . H. shortly a complete line of (itelerich
tenth,ttu conducting the.,•rviees• The views to replenish their present 'tuck.
mil-iaxlrers were %\'m. 'Tighe. 1). J.
Huron Lastige,No. 0241. O. O. F'., 4146
Neville. John H(KNI:Oud WM. Iirindley. Iuol(linK a social gathering in their
Accident 'at G. T. R. Bridge. lodge rams On Tuesday evening,
will he received up to the GRh day of
April, at 'loon, laei, for the ere. (ion and conn
plrtion of a brisk dowels with cement lfonnda-
tlon, for Ashfield I're+hytl•rlon 'mlgrc gnll on.
according to plan. and .o•dIeat Inn- prepared
I,)' A. P. .tesert, of Lu,'know, to to ,awn on
and after the 2111, day of Man•h nt F'. 11, M,
1.10.N N'S, Lo,'hnlsh, Seeretery of the Build
Ing Committee. 41.34
— . Public Notice - r -
TAKE NOTICE: that an Npplicnt lo.' will Ix'
trade to the I.cgl+lat ire .Assembly of the Pros
Ince of ()Merle et 1t. next ewec4nn for nn art
extending the time for the enmpplctlon of The
Ontario Wtet Shore Electric Railway I'onnpany
end to enable It to lixprepriet•• whenever lend
map be necheory for its purpis ek and fur such
other amendment. to the power of the Kald
('otnpetny e. relay he deemed nem/war •.
Dated at Ualerich t Ms nth day of February,
Solicitor, for Anplleant..
Un '1'114:.4 bay afternoon as Haul auei- March LI OIL for 11401114eree of the frit -
dent (weltered at the bridge over the Gerrity ;and ladies, (Refreshments, old -
G. T. It. trackm on the town side of time dLttlres+ and others xmuaetuenLs
the Maitland bridge. Rev. A. D. and are promised.
11rs. (iischler and Miss Mohring, The Se•aforth News was two years
of Ile 'Iles•. were driving into town old hast week. It ise a precocious
when a train pmssr(1 down the hill Youngster, quite smart and lively for
kat as they wer'_ on the bridge. The its age. It is a e,1 that J. W.
pulse Hecxulr frightened and turned. Duncan has sold his interest in the
Mr. (ifs hler jumped out and at- paper to L. M. Appleford. and Apple -
tempted too hold the. hors• but was fonr Bros. are now the proprietors.
unable 10 d0 .11.. the animal breaking \Ve wish them success.
away ,and going on de'a'n the 1'111 after 'Veteran J. J. Wright put tin his
dragging Mr: (iis hler a short distance Fenian raid medal on Friday. the tor-
n' the mud. Mr. Gis:hler's nose was tieth 11nnivel•sary of that Match day
badly broken. When the buggy ('*P- on which the G(alerieh volunteers heft
.1.1,1•(3 the ladies were unable to free" for the front, and hunted up some of
themselves front it and were also his old a •cedes of that stirring time.
dragged some distance. Miss Mohring All he could find were John Hro ohe•y,
sustained a severe eat over the eye John Mitchell ,and Wilmot" Salkeld.
II application w114 he made by the Huron te
Ontarin Kell way (btnpeny to the I'arliemcnt
of Canada at the next. so.,,lon thereof for an
act to emend the ( 'otutany Art of Inrorpnre
4 Ion by giving farther and M411(00el power to
I,.oe bona,. and to extend branches of +aid
railway In the County of Ontario from
Port ferry to a point on !Ake (enteric) el or
t( w O
near Whitby or Mia w and frau oderieh
u Y
tows( mouth through the emmnllm of Rmmn.
Mlddlr..ex. Lemhtnn, Kent and F'w.ex to the
city of w' and loan of earnie, tnnrhing
81 Parkhill a,yl Strethroy. and for other par
pewee. entld M Toronto this Nth day of Februery,
A. D. Ma
SK 1.:.% NS,
eolleitore for Applicant.
Marriage Licenses
OOpKKI( o. O\T.
%V44. •hmakor, .(ewrller end Optician.
err of Marriage Lle,
, . AOk Iloeue+m, Uodorlch, Ont..
Si to Detroit -White Star - Lino .... ......... 41
Spring Terul Opertm,-Kiliol t !Mane.. College,
Move Found, --Wu'.. leet*on
To the Publie--Woreell'IChcap Haldwareatld
:hove Store 3
Semd'reudy Lonely Sale -McLean first 7
New tiering Novelties! -D, Millar Co.... 4
Linen Sale -W, A. McKim b
Annamloemont-ll. W. Thorson & Sou 1
Spring Fencing -J. H. Hawkins 7
"mutatneeme It --J. 11. Hawkins, 1
Or.ud Opening --W. Ache.ou & 5011. Y
To lie Well hrea.eet -w•. 1'. l'ridoam Y
Now Style.. fur Spr4ag- I owning& MseVicar 8
The Orongemon Are With C. -S, F:. Hick..., l
Notice to Creditor.. and Debtor. ---J. W
Fencing -{'. C. Lees...... ... . .. . .. ...:.8
1lon0141We Mr. Justice '11,y((44( is Yard -wide l'rinW--Hodgcn.lime . . .........8
holding the jury sittings of the High Farm toItent--Wm. McMath... _... ,.,_1
('onrt here this week, The \slew nue Local --.R. it. Salim,: . .. .. . . ..... 1
,as follow•e+ : • Lut for Valu --F. 1.. Stahlcker_ 1
N,u'grie vs. Cunha,•—M. (i. C'aln'ron, Tenders Wanted--F.I),Meehat n. Lochalsh, (0
K.C:, for plaintiff. W. Proudfoot. K.
C., for defendant. Counsel runta•nting
Itis Lordship directed that the trial of
thisaction'Ioe adjourned till the next
non -jury sittings the
Highh Cort
M,1v 7411.
Pigott et IIL vs. The Imperial ('e-
luent Co.. Ltd. -M. G. l' won, K.('.,
for plaintiff., Messrs. McKay, Samp-
son and Telford for defendants. Trial
of this action With x1.(1 adjourned till
the next non -jury sitting.. by consent.
Hamilton vs. St etton.--Action for
medical w'rvieee and 4lttendances \V.
1'r ndf(.t K.C., for plaintiff. E. I,
Dickinson for defendant. Mr. Dickin-
son moved to postpone trial on account
of illness of defendant'. wife 1 the
absence of a material wituesa. This
being an action for debt and His Lord-
ship being satisfies! that this case may
properly be tried in theCounty Court
Ills Lordship ordered that it it tried
in the. County Court at the next sit-
tings, Jufe 13th next, costs pf this ad•
jour•ument to be costs in the cause.
The defendant is -.a hotel -keeper in
Morris and the action is for undir,l
attendance on bin wife, the charges for
which he thinks excessive.
Township of McKillop vs, Pigeon et
al. -Action for damages for the non -
construction of a drain through the
township. 'W.'Proudfoot, K. C., and
I{, M. Hays for plaintiff4. J. C. Mak-
inn for defendants. 'L'. Pioudfoot
moved to strike out the jury notice
and His Lordship' directed that the
jury he, dispensed with. There were
fourteen witnelsea,utd the triad of the
rase lasted from the opening of the
collet at 2:3) p. in. on Tuesday till lost
night, when His Lordship reserved
(iolerirh Engine and Bicycle Co.,
lad.. vs. Menzie. Action for the prier
4 11 1111 engine for a steam yacht. W.
1'1•oudfuot, J. t':. fur plaintiffs.
Mtnachan Johnston for defendant. His
Lordship dieipensd with the jury.
David Thouism wars examined this
morning and the trial is being con-
tinued this afternoon
The (mews yet to ixe disposed of are
as follow.: •
Draper vs. Willis. -Action for dam-
agem for seduction. The parties are
residents of Ashfield. Proudfoot,
Hays & Blair for plaintiff. Dickinson
fi Oar•ow for defendant.
Sturgeon vs. Port Burwell Fish Co.,
Ltd. -The plaintiff is a laborer and
resides at Hayfield and is the father
of the late Georgi Sturgeon. who was
u of he defendant c
in the employ 1
pony andplo> t him life on November
11th, 1105, en Lake Et•ie, through, sae
the plaintiff claims. the negligence
anti cauelessne s of those in charge of
the vessel. $1,4881 (tonnage. are ,!eked.
Prmdfoot, Hays & Blair for plaintiff.
Arnoldi & Nisbet for defendant.
Jan Wieehniek vs. M. A. Pigott &
('n, -An maim) for $1,54(4 damages to
the plaintiff. ((who, on October 27th,
Ii05, had his right hand severely in- \V,[N•rl(u.—fill eases eggs and a ton
Fired at the reruent work going on at of butter weekly. also raw furs and
the 'Maitland river. Dickinson -k 10,0141 raw skins. Gm. E. Kist:,
Gavrow for plaintiff. Proudfrot, Wingh,uu.
Hays & Hlair for defendant.
John Hutehineor vs. thettrindTrunk
Railway Cr.. -An action for damages,
sustain'•! in the accident neat. the
6.xlerich Lumber Company's mill beet
October 501, in which the plaintifTs
bones was killed by ,1 O. T. R. engine.
He x'ks $1.1881 damages for personal
injuries, $114( for death of hiii horse
and E damage to harness. The
plaintiff is a resident of Port Albert.
Prnttdfunt, Hays It Blair for plain-
tiff. W. 11. Biggar' for defendant. II We
understand that thin rase has isn'n
settled out of court.1
John It. Bruce vs, The i►ominion
Fish Co. -'rhe plahnifT was hired by
the defendants 141 May, 10811. and wenn
sent to Month Bay to fish from that
point,. Ile alleges that the lodging
ouse provided by the company War4
infested wish vermin and that Jut a
commute: e - he became afflicted with
insnunia and was put to considerable
me(li(ab and other expense, and asks
$1,(881 damage's. Ptoudfoot. Hays &
Blair for plaintiff. A. D. ('reasor for
Mary Afen4M) vs, William Lnnds-
borough.--The parties are residents of
'I'u,kerlrnith and the action in for
$I,(00, the principal of it pr•oynismory
note, and interest. 11. J. D. Cooke
for plaintiff. Cameron & Killoran for
John H. Armstrong (Ottawa) vs.
ElizaWin. Inglis and in. W. Inglis
(St. Charles, Missemi•il,and John hen-
ry and Annie Cole (Wing! ). Ae
Don for the pommessisn of certain
hinds. There is also a (-minter claim.
W. .1, Code for plaintiff. It. Van-
stone for defendants,
' TI U
PORT ALBERT. w'',.'.v. March 2444. -Auction seeks of
Non lark et- lot I4, c0nues.lon et, (lodeklch
tnwn.h(p, ,r)mm.•m'In4( at ):311 o'deek 'sharp.
HF.RVAN11 WI 1.00i4. proprietor. TIIoMA. (8l•x•
1,NY , a11etieneer.
M arch 18th, 14881.
sporting ng Editor Signal.
The Goderich H4wkey Club wish to
4 pliluent you on the excellence of
the photo of the team in last week's
issue of The Signal. They also wish
l8 thank the public of (ioderieh and
viciuily for their generous patronage
the past season. A. Mt 1vii,
Seery 6,31.4'.
Twelve Cases Down for Trial -Three
Adjourned Trial of One
,and !yen. (iischler gut a )awl shaking Some have moved away from tote ti,
up and complained of pain in the ,1nd tunny 111M14 hat',' gone to (ir rity
back. Dr. Taylor attended to the in- of the dead.
jural one.. Internal' injury' was
(eared in the 1111x' of Mrs. Gisehler CHURCH NOTES.
and she and Miss Mottling were kept
in town ((A' teentuc•nl. Those who It i. expieteil that Rev. l'. R.
were near the sero( of the ,accident (inane, nt Clinton, will preach at text
at the time say they heard neither bell Wednesday evening's service at St.
nor whistle ,and no Mr. Gischler had (ie(' ., e's church.
no warning of the approach of the Rev. Wm. Lowe, of London East.
train. Latemt reports are that ,ill the who was in town as Grand Chaplain
injured are doing well. ' of the Orange Ass)ciatiou, c lucte•d
Real Estate Changes. the services at Ml, (ieorgei. church
Alex. Young, of Carlow, and Miss Iasi eight.
Lizzie Buchanan, of town, have jointly Next Sunday ltev. Canon Craig, of
purchased the property on Nelson p etrolea, will preach both otos g
street belonging to the estate of the and evening at St. George's chmrh,
late D. ('. Mat•kay. Mis. Hoehnnan the rector, Rev. 'i. Turnbull, exchang-
wi11 continue toieside in the dwelling. fog p'lpfts with him -
The property includes two lots, and The regular Sunday aftet•nopnGospel
Mr. young may build on one of them' temperance meeting will not he held
in Course• of time.
next Sunday, owing to the open -
.John Gibson has sold his house and ing services in North street Methodist
lot on the Huron toad to Miss 'I. .1. iliut•ch. Rev. .1. A. Andersen ,td -
Doyle, of Mullett township. 51 ism dewed Inst Sunday's meeting and
Doyle and her niece are coming to there'was a good attendance.
town to occupy the property, Rev. Jas. A. Andt'rson left this
H. S. Uoruell's house ,and two lois week for Montreal to attend the !W-
on South sleet were sold at auction nu,tl meeting of the board of French
on Saturday to Roht. Thompson, of evangelizittinn. His pulpit next Sob -
the Huron road, Goderich township. hath morning will le orcupie(1 by Itev.
The' price ons $1,1NN1. J. L. Smell, B. A., of Auburn. The
M. Sullitman's house 111)4 101 011 the evening service has leen withdrawn
Huron road were sold at auction to to allow the congregation to attend
John 'I'hompon for $:'4N): the opening service, of the North
Young A Robertson, rent estate street Methodist church.
agents, report. the following : The meeting of St. George's branch
Men. A. J. Moore has purchase(' the of the A. Y. P. A. on Tuesday eve • 44
lot at the weithivest point of the old WW1 a specially interesting one, the
(farrow Meek, ,and will build on it. ' evening being devoted to 11 study of
Clarence Pennington has pnlrch8UI(•'1 "S' of our Canadian writers.
O. Sutton's; house and tut un Brxx'k I's) 141 dealing with the life and work
street, paying $1,3:ie therefor. of four authors were given its follows :
> McLean,
Rev, i r.of Blyth, hasOn Parker, Miss E. Shephard: on
purchased n vacant lot on Hrnlce i,arnpnutn, Miss M. \\rolls: on IGr1)•
street, and i4 building ,1 two'story .•,'ts, Miss'.. 1Valton : and on Drum -
brick dwelling. • 1,,'mel. Walter Nat tel. Recitations'
Lt. -Col. Young has purchased from w.l,n, given by Minnie Taneotl. and
itobt. Doak a house and two lots on Alcoa sturdy, the former Inking a
Keays street : and fron, ,Judge Holt a' verse selection frons (i4Adwin Mouth's
vacant lot. on E'. ex street.
Pwritings 4(41(3 the.latter one of 'tub -
Church Dedication. cos' poems. Miss Westhead gave a
West -
That dedicatory M n ire' in connec-
tion with the h,tndsou,e new ,North he,ul a .filet in a yell' p1e1181 Ag manner.
street Metholf,t chisel. will take the singers teceivitlg warm aplilnose.
place next Sunday. The Rev. Albert. The :nutted service for sailors and
Carman. D. 1)., general emperint('nd- fi53lrrt1Mn was held in Knnx church
eat of the Methexlist church of ('an- on Sunday evening Inst. This writs nn
Rd*, will preach at 11 •a. tn. and 7 earlier date th,u, metal, but ,1s an
p. tn. and will conduct the dedicatory early opening of navigation is ex -
service, part in the ,norning and part ppx,eete'fl Rome of the sailors wi11 sem
in the everting. Rae. .1 morph Philp, Hs' Heaving town. There was ,t Loge
R. 1)., president of the London confer. eongreg,aion, an evidence of the in -
once, will preach nt :3 p. on. and will Nissl that Is felt by our townspeople
nsslnt in the service of dedication in the men who follow the '1•e+. '1(he
morning and evening. On Monday pontos, Rev. J. A. Anderson, spllke
evening next a hot super and enter- from the twenty-seventh chapter
tltinmenl will be given in the church. of Acle+, end gave a sternum whic).
Supper will Is• served from, H to a will be helpful to .n(nv who heard
p. tn. and the program, rlms{sftlig of him as they pursue their vocation
vocal and inaltmental le, tel- through the coming se,(snn. The
demean', ete., will commence at N:1,i ,lltlairal'el•vice was appropriate, and
41. m. Rev. Joseph Philp, Rev. H. M. included n duet by Miss McVlttfe and
Manning, chairman of ( rich din- Mre'Egener.
triet. and hien' elergyoulh wlllr Is'
present, and the musical pr, (h wilt Clack's Quick Meals.
be given b Miss McVftti H. I.
Carson, C Humber, F. T. e e
xr n, .. 1.H g tt t.
It. N. Merr , A. Motherland, l'lo en(s•
Penningtofr(:ornet soloist) and the
4.Vnl. 1h*vi. las gale 10 %%10011004.
h Elliott
is 011 a visit to Ottawa.
G0, . J Ixw
+ vi.itln friend. 111
i K
Mho Claire Reynolds
('hal ham.
MI.. J. A. Fowler l., in Toronto for medical
t real moot.
li. 4'. Dunlop, of Toronto. .punt Sunday at
the Ohl huu,e.
(1. II, Mooney. of The Ripley F:xproo.. gave
call oda'-
rn,l a t
u. a (rats 3
D. Ilu)'d 4'. pending two week+ with 1.L, q,
on the old homestead et Atnberley.
Mi.. Victoria Blackstone left yesterday
morning on a month'. v1+it to Sarnia.
Mr. and Mr. A.11ton leave next week for
Strasburg, li.u,k., where they will make their
Miss 1.oul.A \\'alter+, of London, 11w+ bee•u
visit iug friend. and relative: to WWII and
Herbert (*umpteen, of Exeter. formerly of the
(i, 1', 1., emelt Saturday at FL Mclkewell'., Kb'
gin avenue.
Jaw. Addi.on, of Meant .Forest. a former
lio erich boy, 4. ono of the delegate. to the
Orange Grand Lodge.
Rur', M. Turnbull was at w'(wrl.toek this
week giving an mtdr,'- al the meet big of the
Young l'ooplo'. Society'.
Mr.. M. w'. Howell and children are visiting
at Onondaga. Mr. Howell .pent a taw day. at
tile old home them during the week.
John J. Hunter, of The Kincardine Retorter.
1. among the Orange delegate. in town and
gave rhe Signal a fraternal visit.
Mr. and Mr.. Liman and family. Elgin ave.,
have remove.' to the house formerly occupied •
by t he tate Mr. and Mr. Ouo. Campbell. .
Dr. 11,14,x0 i. attending the annual coerce,
lion of the Ontario (ental Sur•Iet'y at Toronto.
and ha. been t•le.•tol one of the district repro,
sentatircs of the Sol•lel y.
Mr. Wm. Robinson left on Tuesday (morning
on the return trip to her home In Itoiesevaln.
Man. after 'lending three months vlsit.fng
members of her family in Ouderich.
1)r. M. J. (', Naftel. who bah ben practising
at Sudbury during the winter, arrived In town
on Saturday for a week'. *Omit before going to
Toronto to .tend some time in the howpltal..
10... It. MacDonald. Dunlop. left title morning
for Detroit. and Mr. Mnwlbnald w111 follow In a
few week.. They will ,,'side In Detroit for the
,ommer and may again take up their perma-
nent ro'Munce there.
Mr, end Mrx Jabez like and family )ell on
their return to Iio1m••eveln. Men., 041 Tuesday.
after visiting Mrs. like's parent., Mr. and Mrs,
Treble. They took with thein a piano supplied
by ti, t5'. Thomson & !Ion.
J. D. Murdoch left on Tne.tlay morning for
Wnwota. See.k., on a preepeeting trip in th,•
Weer We .Mould like M have Mr. Murdoch a.
a pormauent readont. of tloder4ch, but if he
decide' to mill° In the West our best wlshee
go with hint.
J. H. Wur..•ll left on Mondaymorning,lor•
Petcrboro. ass representative. fm Oolerlch
Circle, Ipi, to the annual meeting of the
Supreme l irele of the (leder of I:anedinn Homo
Circle.. which convened there Tueeday and• '
Mtn. K. (4r.tre Tolley left on Tueu.dav to join
a {any of friend. b, Chicago on n trip to the
('elle l'.a.t. M1.. Polley will friend.
In Nut te. Montana, Minneapo)i. end Chicago
on her homeward way, and In Chicago will
awed .+cele• lime its (110 further sandy of art
Cons. -Have 1,188) humiliate of good
American corn for male. N. nlK nIc1t
& Kos:.
The Black Diamond Razor gives x
411(4.0' shave, without (liecoulfort,
roughening the skin, irritation or loan
of time. Sold tinder absolute guaran-
tee. J. 13. Il.1wKINs, the hardware
Ileadaches ars the' result of eye
strain : pr.p r-Htting gilt -seem will give
permanent relief. If you are troubled
that way consult Taal. At Son at the
British hotel, (ilalerich, on Wednes-
day', Thu1'sbly and Friday, March
I lth, 15th and 18th.
As next week will be red-letter
wtx'k for the Foot! friends of North
street Methodist (hutch, we would
like to help you adorn the interior of
your lsautt(nl edifice by supplying
you with new hymn bucks and Bibles,
of which we have a large at$nortment.
G. W. Tt10MSos & 1l0N, popular music ,
Tvesap,v, March Oah.-Auction Yale of farm
properly, farm .tock and implement.. at the
preml.+e••, (not half of the wee( hell of lot 11.
roncee.ion 3, )%',vd Weewanes.h, eommmencing at.
1 0irkN•k .harp, tone )IA.Ty, proprietor,
Time.,-. lil'xtr-,' a(lstk,leC r. '
1V)- lie xsn'T, March 21+t.-- Auction ...lo of
farm 'tock, implement.. hoi,.ehold furniture
nut a .P)ncre form, at Int 111, concemdon 1, ('ole
horse. Everything wh'ertieed nova he da. -
e0.4.41 of.... the hone farm hoe been sold and
family ora' going Wad. Mea. MAR14AR*T .MA 1:
IIn'. proprietor, TIIOMa4- UCsmgT, OW,
Fiona.', March of inn,
farm .tock and Implement• at lot tt ('once. -
don 3, west Wawan°.h. Marritew YOUNG,
proprietor. TImo AN Ut'x Otte. alu•tloneer.
TcKrsn,v, Mnrrh 47th.-Anctlon eel.. of term
mtiork and implement., at lot I1. 1. it., W. l'011 -
Troll Mile eolith of Shel,pnrdtom, conn
meneing at 1 o'clock 'harp. Wm. Itiote',
prophet.),. Teem. 1' *tote, a11etlOneer.
1\ltnNEsll (Y, March 1llh.
Rev. 1'. {licks IN visiting in the vil-
lage today.
Mr. find Mrs, 11. 11. Hawkins are.
visiting relatives' in Kincardine.
.John Richardson returned to Chicago
l:(t week, after visiting his relatives
Miss Lorisa McGee is visiting her, Motth.. Eherh*it, in the vicinity
• .
Mr. and Mrs. ('nok and Oliver Cook,
of lANeburn, visited Mr, and Niro Jam.
M(•\Vhfnnev butt week.
The r•oncert in the Presbyterian
church Last Friday evening Wars n Rue•
(e4,1, The proceeds amonntevl to over
Mr. (fray returned fr Oxfonl
Centre' nn $atnnlay, where he hall
hewn attending the funeral of his
Tasty. nnatriahing and enjoyable lout,). i
mewls can be served wit ,1 ('lark's --
Canned Meat*. The quality i. ,!rioted M. \V, Howell unloaded a car 1 11
by "Cla('k'e lapel." I Ideal fencing yesterday.
Eton.,!', Merril 311th. Auction male of pun. -
bred rcgl.tcreet shorthorn and grade rattle at
lot •SL e(m(em.Ion 1, lioderich township. J,*.
1', proprietor, TIIOMA41 fiWMORT,
('t'LRF:RT. -in Mheppinllan, on Tuesday,
Marsh 13th. to Mr. and Mn.. Thoma. Cul-
lx'rt. a mom.
LEK. -In Uo(hdch, on Mondey. March 12th. to
Mn andLee..1 mon,
1,11L1,4)R1), In Dunlop, an Tnawby. March
nth, the wife of (leo. 1,11(0 d, of a +on,
SALIRhl-Irl'.- 1n (>alerlch, on Sot li rl*,,
March 11Nh, Thane. 1.. Sellebnry, aged ice
LEE. - In (lolerieh on Tnw,.Oar. Marr 13th,
the Infant. mon nt Mt. and Mr. l', ('. kine.
HitJ(. -Ill Sunday, Mareh 11th, at 78 LucasMt..
Toronto, of heart failure aw4Men1 11 alter
Warne, infant .on ref Ernest Hiek, end
grandams of Frank S. Hlek.aged /month,..
Mt (Kad
AN. • In l'nlnrn ("It y. I !.)mac0
e. o
(}(May, Man -h Ala. Marlon, wife+ of 'rhou to
Mel eau, (iale/141114.