The Signal, 1906-2-15, Page 66 TitleNDAT, ,Feb. 15, 19i 6 GRAND TRUNK R s EM WinterlResorts in February t slifornia, Ale1(it•o, Florida, ('ulsi otter a1(liotions'edifilenit to Nuri in any either part 14 the world. 1►eiightful, rest fill. heal th-lrstoring climate, hsxur ious hotel. Round trip tourist tickets are on sale daily to all southern resorts. The Mount Clemens Mineral Nath. and Sl. Catharines Min- ergI Springs, f onuttel 1111 11111' direct line. are celelit'atei fen curative waters. Try it. For tickets and full infonuus- tinn 11111a F. I'. LAWRENCE Town Agc11;. lithe,. bouts : (1::(11 at, un. to A::11 p.m. JOHN STRAITON, Depot Sgcnt J. 1). Mellon/0d, District t', - seuger Agent, "oronte. READ VWESTER' CANADA" and "BRIT'S COLUMSIA',,aud acquaint your.elf atilt th t1tteeeeaat resoufee+ and possibilities of our 'mown tt'eat. Agriculture. ?being. Fore -ti -y. fisher. its, Ranching. •. "RSMINO end SHOOTING." accompanied bye 'SPORTSMAN'S MAP." will tell you where the greatest game re.ort. et this He► minion ate located and how to get there. "'CHALLENGE ei ted ROCKIES" ;files cxoeU/nt and interesting Information concern- ing the rugged grandeur of the "Switzerland of America.' The "NEW MIOMWAY to the ORIENT out- lines plest est and tducatlse tour. to the far, famed Es+t. Ideal trip. for the winter months. "MONTRtAL" SailQUEBEC.- beautifully illaat,sted booklet., descriptive of the cutn- merbial metropoli.. of Canada and historic scenes of earlier days, Any of the above nubilea ' . free on appll- eatlon to your nearest Canadian d'sei3r Agent, of write V. H. Foster, I). Y. A.. Toronto. !JOSEPH KIDD C. P. R. Agent u„ele•ricb 'PHONE 15 °R 24 When you want THE HEST Warehou.c t • %% est (and Yards).( .Inset and at Dock Square/ COAL ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND 1` t?All / o1.1 weighed on 1ho market wales, whore you gel volt Ib.. fur n ton. WM. LEE. "Orders left at e'. e . Hardware -Store East side Square. Promptly attended to. Coal, Wood and KINDLING FIRST QUALITY Hard Coal, Egg, Stove and Chestnut No. 1 Red Jacket, Do- mestic Lump, Best Soft Goal in the mar- ket. HEMLOCK and CEDAR SLABS - FOR SUMMER USE Aly amount of hardwood, hest Maple and Beech, cut and split, ready for the stove. McEwan's '":« t. SYNOPSIS OF Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. Any even numbered .Alan of l huufnion hands In Manitoba n, the North n -.t,l'mtin,,•. excepting a and 55, not re.e•r, I d. mar lore house, .tended by any pa•rw'n w hn I- 1:t, mole he,ul of a family. or any male Darr la )warn of age., In Ute 'extent of one-ip:arter .11.C11011 of In' ace•-, mors or leas. Entry non' Ion mad.: pe•r.nunlly nt the local Mod office for lire dl-trlet in ohl.h the Lund 1. situate, or If the hpmr.lrnder drelrn., hr max. nn appllrat ton to the Mlni.ter of the Into for. Ottawa, the Isomtnb•,lonrr of Inunlgrat inn• Winnipeg. or the local agent recetsc ant.hoHty M aortae ono to snake entry for him. The homesteader it, IYghlnd to iterfnrm the eondition• rnnnreted therewith under one of the following plans 111 At least slx months' teetdene•o Upon and enittvation of the land in each year for the.•.' year.. (ft 1f the father tar mother. If the'ht het f+de rraaod) of the hn»,, .1cnder »+Mews eon a burn 1n the vicinity of the land entered for the n•, anointment. as 1n r•oiden,e may he satisfied by mach person residing with the father or mother. WI If the settler ha. hl+ permanent rnsidenec upon farming land owned by bpm In the stele's By of Ma hmneatmad. the requirement. aw to rsaideneel may he motioned by re.klrrtge aeon the maid sand. til saontl,a' notlete In writing •honld be given to am ('ommlrs.iot,or of Dominion Land+ at Ottawa et Intention to apply for potent. W. W. ('ORY, TII1 KIGNAL: GODEUICH ONTAitI(>t It waa a terrified crowd that quickly gathered in the main rabic', Ant it Way a brave one. There were' no cruse and few teen, They expected a'sythlyg and were ready for the worst. but they would not show the white feather. It was Mrs. Dau who broke the tenslou. 'I made sure of my pearls," sbe said. "I thought they would be appreciated at the bottom of the sea." Brewster came in upon their laugh- ter. "I like your nerve, people:" he es: claimed. "You are all right. It won't be oro bad now. The wind has drop- ped... Long afterward who they talked the matter over DeMlIIe claimed that the only thing that bothe ed hien that night was the effort to dee de whether the club of which he and outy were members WouId put In the ain hall- way two black bordered ea le, hack bearing a name, or only one w L both names. - Mr. Valentine regret( I that he had gone on for years payin life ltauranee preminins when unw his nip relatives were on the boat and would die with him. The captain, looking pretty rocky after Ilia twenty hour vigil, summoned hi. chief: "We're In a had hole, Mr. Brewster," be said whoa they were Ione, "and no mistake. A broken ft and this weather make a pretty combination." s there tic; chance of makiug n por • for repairs?" "1 on't see it, sir. It looks like u long • ult." , "We . re way off otir course, I mute pose." . ud Monty's coolness sou (':yt• tarn Per 's admiration. ,"! Can't tell Just how much until 1 get the an , but this wind is bad. 1 'suspect we' e driftel pretty litre" "Powe 3531 get sonic ceetee. captaiu. While 'the at in taste the ouly thing to do is to 1.11 r up the -women and trust to luck." Yon are the •ervleet nude I ever ablpped with. Mr. . rewster." And the captain's hand gr1 tient Moutrs'-1» a way that useaut t- lugs. It was a tribute he apprehiat During the.day Mo ty devoted him- self to his guest,., end t the first sign of p euaiyetesa Le was ady with a jest or a story. But are a 'el It all with a tact that Inspired the\ 'rowel a* a whole With hope, an.l no 0 lsuspeetel that he htwaelf weer north fol. For Peggy Gray fluers was n tip 'al ten- derness, and he wade up his Iniad that 1f things should go WroIsg he se*ul.l tell her that he loved Ler. "It could do uu harm," Le tLJuglat to himself, "and I want her to know-." Toward night the worst was over. The sea had gone 'down nod the hatches were opened for awhile to ad- mit air, though It was still too rough to venture out. Theuext morning war bright aid clear. When the rowpauy gathered on deck the havoc created by the storm WWI apparent. Two of the boats had Keen completely carried away. and the !nutlet' was rendered itsehsA lir a large hole in the stere. "You don't mento to say that we wills drift about until the repairs eau be made:'" asked Mn, Dun In alarm. "We are 300 miles off the course al" ready," explained Monty, "and it will be pretty slow traveling under sail-" it wain decided to snake for the ('angry Jslanda, where repair. could be made and the voyage resumed. But where the wlud had raged a few days before It had now disappeared alto- gether. and for a Weak the Flitter toss- ed about ab.olntely tumble to make headway-. The 1st of August Lad ar- rived and Monty Minitel( waa begin- ning to be nervous. With - the fatal day not quite two mouth. away things began to look Perkins. Over *100,01(1 would remain after he hall settled the expenses of the crulie, and he was helplessly drifting In mtdocean. Even if the necessary repairs could be made promptly. It would take the Flitter fourteen days to sell from the Canaries to New York. Figure as hard as be could, he maw no way out of the unfor- tuunte reituatlou. Two days more elapsed and still no sign nf•a breeze. He made Pure that Sept. 21 would And ltim'atill drifting and .flit In ponaession of 1)10.00ri superfluous dollen. At the end of ten days the yacht hail progren.ed but 200 intim!, and Monty wan beginning to'p1An the reat of him existence on a enpltal of $100.000- He had gives up 1111 hope of the Redgwlek legacy nod was trying to be resigned to his fate wben a tramp steamer was suddenly flighted. Rriwaler ordered the man on watch to Ay a flag of dig - tress. They be reported to the captain and told what he had lone. With a hound the captain rushed on (leek and tore the flag from the eniMr' a band, "That oats my order," maid Monty, nettled at the c•ptnin'•'nguner. "You want them to get a line ea us and claim enivage, do your" "What do you mernir "If they get a line on us In respen.e to that flag they will claim the en;,ro • Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. ' 'e+• N.B.-tlnau?hnrtzed pnbticalleni of this ad ft " MIllkestoaat will net he paid for. Paw A/e$byed the hay trtuwlAsanHy, value of the ship as salvage. Tota .want to spend another $200,000 ou this bort?" "I didn't understand," Pahl Monty sheepishly. "Rut fix it up somehow. ('an't they tow ss? I'll pay for it." Communication was slow, but' after an apparently endless auluuut of sig- naling the enptaln finally announced that the freight steamer wax bound for Southern/sloe and would tow the Flit- ter to that point for n prler- "Rack to-Southalnpton'." groaned Monty. "That means months before we prat back to New York-" "He raja he can get us to Southamp- ton In ten days," interrupted the cap - "Lean do It' I can do it." he cried, to the consternation. of his gue.ta, who wondered if Ills mind was affected. "It belt land net iu Senthnmpton by the lith 1'11 pay hfw up to $100,(10):" ('nAPTER XXiX. 1•TF+1t what stewed no age to Monty, the Flitter. In tow of the freighter Glenete, arrived at Southampton. The cap- tain of the freight'boalt was a thrifty teotehuou. whose ship) w•::s traveling with a light cargo, tj,1d he was not therefore event, to taking on t tOW. But iho thought of 'mirage had ranged ltltu to ask a high price for the art cite, and Monty, after a filtile attempt at bargaining. Lail agreed. The prier wits IF:al;taal, and the young naso believed more than ever that ever'thiug was ruled by a wise Providence, Who 1(13,1 1101' demer1nd Lim, .1 Ifs guests were heartsick when they heard the figure, but Were as Lsq)py' as Monty at the prospect t of reaching laud again. 11h• Gleueoe uladee several stops be- fore Southamp(uu Was tonally- reached on the 2etk of August, but when the English const Was sighted ei-ery one was tiro eager to go ashore to l.e- grtfilge the extra day, Dan ln')lille asked the entire party to become his guests for a week's shooting trip In $euthind, hut Mout)• vetoed the plan. )u the most decided manner. "We nail for N.•w York 011 the fast- est boat." said Monty and huffiest off to learn the sallinge null hook lila-par- ly. The tired float War to soil on the SOth, and he meld only secure aueom- uu,lationq for twelve of his- guests. The rest were obliged to follow n work later- This was r.mtily agreed) to. and Bragelou was left t0 see to the net'is s:u•y repairs on the Flitter ,dud ar-. rang.' for her homeward voyage: Mon- ty gave Brayton .15,00) fur till. pur- �Nae• and extrae-t.d a Rolemu promise that the entire nulteuut wonld be meet "But it won't rust half of this," pro- te.te'1 Brewton. "You will have to give theme people a good time during the week, and -welt, you have ptotrdsell thnt I shall never tee nnothet'.'pedny of it dome day you'll know wtiy, I do thin_" And Mon- ty felt easier when his friend agreed to abide by his wialne*. 'Ile dieteharged the Flitter's crew, With five months' pay and the reward promised on the 'tight of Peggy's res- cue, escue, which was productive of touching emotions. ('aptalu l'erry and his offi- cers newer forgot the farewell of the prodigal, nor route' they hide till re- gret that marked their weather beaten :res. Plitt* to dispose of hie household reels and the balance of his cash In the abort time dont .1111d he left after he ne'tt'ed in New York occupied Mon- ty's etteetlop, and moat men would hove given up the scheme ns hopeless. But he dill not despair. lie was mull gone, and he prepared for the final plunge with grim detm'minatlon. . "Tbefe ahnnlei hive been n clause In Jones' condition% abut 'weather per- mitting.'" he maid to himself. "A ship- wrecked minden should not Io exp eet- ed to spend a million dollars." The division of tho party for the two melliux%' was Ia'•tfully arranged by .Mfr- Deltale. The Valentines chap - premed the "second table," it. Subway Smith untied those who were to file the later boat, and she, herself looked after the first Int. Peggy Gray and Monty Brewster Were In the 1)eMiile pnrty.'The three days In England were marked by unparnll.lel extravagance nu Monty'. part. One of the Meal ho - tela ware nubsidixel for n week, al- though rb,e party only stayed for Innrti- eon, and the ('aril In Landon ons a gainer by severe! thousand dollen for tlae brief atop there. It Was a care- worn Ilttle band that took Monty's ape- rinl train for Southampton and em- barked two days lnter,,T'he "teat cure" that followed was weleome to ell of them, And Brewster was 'arterially glad that his retie wire nlmoet run. Swiftly and steadily the liner soft down the leagues that noparat.d her frn'n New Yoe:. Fair weather and fnir cheer marked her course, and the soft, balmy nights were like seasons of falr'lend. Monty was cherishing la 1,14 heart the hope Inspired by Pnggy'e, action on the night of the storm. Some- how It brought n email my of light to his Omitted understanding, and he found joy in keeping the Milne neve re- ligiously If nnmewhnt doubtfully. nos eyes followed her cnn.tantly, weereb- Ing for the enenuragement that the very hihttlnems of love had hidden from him, forever tormenting himapif with tenni and hopes and rearm •gnln. Her bappinean and vivclM,r punted hlm. Ile wnn often annoyed; hs was now anti then serlonsly my.Ifled. Four day, oat tam New York, then Horse day, then two dsYs, And then Brewster began to feelstbe beginning' of the final whirlwind In pro(lgaey Mewling hitt oppr. sslvely, onelnofuly, unkindly. Down In his stateroom he drew new e.tlmatea, new caleuiatlose and tried to hntanee the old ones el that they appeared In the light most favorable to his design.. (Ioing over the •tatIN(te..arefnity, he estimated that the mew.. int -hiding the repaint ata the retsyrn of the yaeht M New YOrt, Rootlet eAst him *210010 Is mad amiss. On. hundred and thlrtl• 1 airy.' ('aym matted the length elf the voyage when nrkuuel by tittle,'tut i. as incur ns he mold pg ut It. the ex• pleume had averaged i1'.111 a day. Ac- cording to the contract. he was to PoY for the yacht, exclusive of the cuisine' and personal service, And he hall Nand It simple enough to spend the remain- ing $1.0880, There were days, of course, Whorl fully $5.tI5) disappeared, and there were others on witch he spent much less than $1.000, but the average was secure. Taking everything Into eonalderntion, Brewster found that hie fortune had dwindled to a few paltry thousands lei addition to the proceeds which would come to him from the sale of his furniture. On the whole he was satisfied. 'the landing in New York and the separation which followed were not en- tirely merry. Every diseamfort. was ' forgotten, and the travelers only knew that the most wonderful cruise since that of the ark bat! come to an end. There was not one who would not have btu glad to begin It agnln the next day. Immediately after the lauding Brew• iter and Lardner were bury with the details of settlement. After clearing 11 all of the I •! s p oil gatlnna . u (. ing front the cruise they felt the np;'repriate- atw of a season of redeetion. It was a 'daflcult minima -a moment when un- delivered reliru;.fa were in the air. But Gardner st'emel much the more 1110811- e1101)' of the two. Piles of newspapers lay scattered about the floor or the room In which •tile)' salt. Everyone of thew vontaitled se•nsatlow I atoele. of the presligai's, trip. nvith pictures, incidents nudyers divtions. Monty was pained, humili- ated and resentful, but he was hottest enough to admit the justilii•utiou of much that.was said of him. 11e read bits of It Isere and there and then threw the papers aside Lopeleesly. In a few week's they would tell another story null quite as emphatically. ,"The worst of It, Monty, is that you are the next thing to being a poer num," groaned Gardner. "I've dune 111y fleet to economise far you here :0 house, as you'll See by these figures, but nothing could possibly b:tlauce the extravagances of this voyage. They are simply appulling." • \VIth the condemn: 0M14ot his friends ringing lei hie troubled brain, with the sneers of acquaintances to distress hie pride, with the gibes of the eumir pet, per. to torture him remorselessly, Brewster Wan fast bee•oming the most miserable man in New York. Friends of former days gave him the cut di- rect, clubmen Ignored Liut or scorned hint opieuly, woolen ('1111le1 him with 11e k'irjess of unspoken reproof, and ail the world was hung with shad- ows, 'rhe doggedueen of despair kept him up. but the attain that pulled down on hint was, no releutle's that the strugge was lasing its eynnlitv.. Ile pad ,,ot expected such a hemi. cum - Ing. Compared with hie former self Mon- ty was now almost a physical wreck, haggard, thin and deliaut, a shadow of the ouce debonair young New York- er, au object of pity and scorn. Asham- ed and despalring, be had almost -lack- ed Atte courage to face Mrs. 1:ray. The 'your/elation he once gained through her he now' dented hien e:f, and his eafrer- ing, peculiar as It wan, was very real. In abaolnte recklessness he gave din -e ner atter dinner, party after party, all on a most lavish scale, many of his .on laughing at him openly while they enjoyed his hospitality. The real friends remonstrated, pleaded, did everything within their power to check hla nwfnl rush to poverty, but without $uceems. 13e was not to be stopped. At last the furniture began to go, then the plate, then all the prleeteer bric- a-bra.•. Piece by piece It disappeared until the apartments were empty and he had squandered almost 011 of the *40X0 arising from the sales. The servants were paid off, the apartments relluqulabed, and he was beginning to know what 'it meant to be "un his tippers-" At the banks he ascertained that the interest on his moneys cemented to $10,140.40. A week be- fore the 2.3(1 of Septeiuber the whole million wan gone, including the amounts won In Lumber and Fuel and other inekle(ta enterprises. Ile still haat about 517,000 of him inteirest money fn the bank.. but he had a bil- lion pang. In his heart -the Interest on his improvidence, Ile found sonse-deilght In the diae•ov- Pry that the servants had robbed Lilo of not less than itzwin) worth of his belongings', Including the ('hrl.tmn' present% that he In honor could not have sold. Ills only Pae•ourngetnent came front Grant IL Ripley, the law- yers, They Inspired confidence lc' his lagging larnlu by urging hltn on to the end, promising brightnean thereafter. Rwoarengen Jones wax as mule as the mountains in which he tired. There Was no word from him. There was no assurance that he would approve of what bad been done to obliterate Ed- win Peter Rr.watrr'a legacy, Dan ' )eMille and hes wife implored Monty to 'mite with them to the moue- tninm before his suhstence ons gone completely. The former offered him money, employment, rest and security if he clattft trhgndon the course he was punning. 113 In Fortieth atrept Peggy e:rev WA. grieving her heart out, and he knew it. Two or three of theme wham he bed cnnnldered friends re- framed to recognize him In the street in this haat trying week, and it did not even interest him to learn that Mlle 'Torben! Drew Was to become a duch- ess before the winter wax genes. Yet he found some asti.feetion in the re- port that one Hampton of Chicago had long eine@ been dropped nut of the rice. One tiny he implored the faithful Brngdnn to meal the Boston terriers, He could not and world not mall them, And he dared not give them ewny. Brayton dejectedly Appropriated the doge, and Brewster annonnrot that some day he would offer n reward for their return and 'hoe 'attentions asked." ire took a anit of rooms in n email hotel and was feverishly planning the overthrow of the last torturing thou- *anils. Brandon 113581 with him, and the Little Sens of Ibe ltfr•h atotat toy= ally ready to help hien when he nt- tend the first cry of want. But even this eitabnahment had to be abandon- ed nt The old rooms in Fortieth street fire MIR open to him, and, thenti ha quailed at the thought of making them it refine, he faced an osteal in the spirit of a martyr. (to aR coatroom.] 11esa11183l4lgttal for nil the local news. a Yrtel ♦spa'renat- ('ut six apples luto quarters, take the core out, peel tad cut thew In slices. Put to the suu"lpan au ounce of but- ter, tbeu throw 3%er tho apples about two ounces of Mute powdered sugar and two tablespu-Urula of water, 1'ut the saucepan 011 b0 tire, let It stew qulc•►1y; toss thew up or stir with a spoon. A few minuet' will do them. When tender cut toy or three dices of bread half an inch Dick, Put In a fry - lug pun two omen; et batter, put int a tire. When the butte* welted put 1n your bread, which fry Ip,a nice yellow- ish color. WLeu ulce and ertap take them thew out, plate theot a dish, a little white sugar over the Vier about au Inch thick. Serve hot. Dea't Expect Tee •eb, h to yexa ooug and happyItyou adoptwisns youbeor p!si pikle in Ilte uet'er to expect toe much people. A large amount of worry trouble arises from our too great pectatlol of others. We expect too U1(,3 of our children. Tbef must be gala,beauti- ful, obedient, little conmeneltdas of all the virtues, and if they ure nuphf- we think bitter things and Reiw lylnkles and gray hairs for ourselves. ;7 'o ex. pect too much of our friends, pd 111 nature is the result of the dila tut. meats encountered. The house ,axe levelop a RIM a domestic peasiulis esu does not thud the orderliness and , u lines which elle expects. Table Deceratlose. Flowers are no longer mnseed in Coeur of the table. A few cLoice hl soros are used, distributed in a dein way abut the table surrounding th central cluster. which, compared to what we have leen accustomed to. is meager. This sparse use of floral dec- orations erorations requires a new set of vases or dower holders, and specially made for the purpose are crystal stands banded with silver. For the table cen- ter le a circle in two halves, to be used separately If one wishes. To go with It bre small aluglo vases for the cor- ner.. ♦ Wrlakled Forehead. A draatie method of amoothiug a wrinkled forehead is to make a little slit at the roots of the hair, 'pull the skin up smooth and secure It there. A titled American woman had such an operation performed, says the Pilgrim, and only a slight sear, which the hair covered, remained to show what bad been done- Iler forehead was as sulooth as that of a debutante. "But," said the specialist, "if you frow•u or think hard the wrlukles will come back again." Seale Hale "Doa'ta." The woahan who asks about caring for her hair will have gained some knowledge If she remembers a few don'ts. Don't break your hair or ir- ritate the scalp by using too many or too hAvy hairpins. Don't use an iron on your hair any Oftener than Is nec- essary. Don't use too fine a comb up- on your hair. It breaks It, snared It and -is absolutely fatal to It. Don't one :10da upon your hair- It dries it, coars- ens It and makes 1t split. Dyspepsia — This disease from which so many suffer gives the avrr.,ge phy- sician a great deal of trouble. The best medical men have endorsed " PsrCHINa," and recommended it in scores of the most obstinate cages. It has never failed in a .ingle instance to give Prompt relief, and a permanent cure When directions have been followed. The system of cure is entirely dilrrr,nt from any of the old fogevjsills, powders or tablets. A few doses Will remove the tightness and weight on stomach. Taken regularly it positively cores general distress, flatulency, nervousness, coated tongue, heartburn and palpitation. If you have never used "P.YCn»NR" don't hesitate a moment longer. Ask your nearest druggist. ORIATUT OF ALL TOMS- (PRONOUNCED ON - Zhe Ji4c11 piano Built to Last a Lifetime. MR. W. NORMAN ANDREWS Principal of the Brantford Conserve - to ,' of Music, writes, "Alto*. mi to cna,raldate roe Iron fht eteeltrcl merit of the tlh{, Pla.ur. Marta, s,ad Ihr a bit*, G.s eervnlwr r f i4 past (wive muni lt, I speak vnh sen,:ae,,as el I :0 :u -.rler rorkmassh,p, Pesch, menus, Ua fen. tone an} whet auahlin afore ale ,.,..flet to a first-class lastesescat. ' y r a /v„n.. Principal Brandon, C ((»•.tory d Music , C.edsnor Islamics! Soca., , 40,.... and Q,,m Mases (race Church, Tucber d hum Playing. Caap.ie.a, et.. Write us for Free Booklet "TI" contain. trig photos of lending musical celebrities. The Dell Fiona 6 Oran Co., limited. G'iri a••••,elvaau•pgse • ' 25¢ That Cough which ordinary remedies have notreached, will quickly yield to CRAY'S SYRUP OF RED SPRUCE GUM 25 ft It cure. those heavy, dert.sea'rd coughs-- takes away the soreness- heals the root -strengthens the Inert. None thele., c!rctire h -e e.e i t is pteasa 1'.t to take. Jago try one hottte and • bow qufcl:'y you get rid of 133.1 cough. At your druggist*. Sac. bottle. WINTER FOOTWEAR MUST GO For Use neat ten days we are going to clear our entire stock of felt ootwear at 20 per cent. discount. The following list contains some of the good things we have to offer Men's Felt Shoes. Men's Felt Boots. mgol+i fox„el With leather ( and 10•,•1' lei all size. (ob t .i 1: 111 11. '' n 11111'113 awd you will la• wise 1 to .ec ate :i pair. Women's Slippers. 1 Women's Pelt Shoes. tt r"Illaiutler .? nut' stsick sf 1111'x. fancy house slippery \ eiVt1't• Laocr ,t I:utte , light and nu•nt t g„ hese• goodIs,1 h ligs; heady weight. Men'. Felt Shoes. Misses' and Children's h heavy felt soles owl felt slippers suet '.burs are Just the thing to wear nteo on this. lint, and 'Include a a pair of • ovetslns•., Vit Clef 5 of iet'Oes- 1 )f lite best !make and lent he:.. V,' have• n genal so- com 'early and you will lave money on shoes that will add to your WMe Lot. Fat St. and Square SHARMAN Godench, Ont. ■ 1 II Our Gianite and Tinware are A1' ays on Top. Th teaks, too al last the cheapen worth a Rrasnsky ware that we handle is it German iranteel for five years, and although it coats e money (haul other ,,lakes it. Will 0ut- tgood! tlnttly,ti00',, (R'er; therefore it is the o the long run. Also the guaranty. is 'at deal '7,...„......: C • f 'IY Gt .e.%.-. �Ve a1'. 1101 e , on tnti with o11r granite n,,d tiu- wane blit with 11 y Thought Hangiea, Radiant Home Heaters, lieneral irdware Plumbing Heating Tin- smithing, CHAS. C. LEE THE SQUARE - . GODERiCH. (PRONOUNCED 3I=KEEN) ALL 00000373 ONE DOUR TRIAL FREE DR. T. A. ahOOUas, Walled ors king tib N. TevMsa, Oaa.y PIANOS When buying a pihtlto consider the merits of the famous Newcombe Piano ! For choice (duality of tone, durab tion and stylish cases' Winner `of medal at Paris World's Fair atoll great awards, Call on or write u) ac - gold then O. HOARE, ('math \\'11toII'sal(+ and lirlail Maedi;( r DISTRIBUTING CENTRE AT CLINTON, ONTARIO f- *TTi.W. T!nTTTTmTTTTTTo.tuT,V0.1 ! Brewster's M]Ilions -t- (opre.abt• I%4' By GEORGE BARR M'CUTCHEON by Nerbsri S. stew. a Company (RICHARD GREAVES) Y • . It waa a terrified crowd that quickly gathered in the main rabic', Ant it Way a brave one. There were' no cruse and few teen, They expected a'sythlyg and were ready for the worst. but they would not show the white feather. It was Mrs. Dau who broke the tenslou. 'I made sure of my pearls," sbe said. "I thought they would be appreciated at the bottom of the sea." Brewster came in upon their laugh- ter. "I like your nerve, people:" he es: claimed. "You are all right. It won't be oro bad now. The wind has drop- ped... Long afterward who they talked the matter over DeMlIIe claimed that the only thing that bothe ed hien that night was the effort to dee de whether the club of which he and outy were members WouId put In the ain hall- way two black bordered ea le, hack bearing a name, or only one w L both names. - Mr. Valentine regret( I that he had gone on for years payin life ltauranee preminins when unw his nip relatives were on the boat and would die with him. The captain, looking pretty rocky after Ilia twenty hour vigil, summoned hi. chief: "We're In a had hole, Mr. Brewster," be said whoa they were Ione, "and no mistake. A broken ft and this weather make a pretty combination." s there tic; chance of makiug n por • for repairs?" "1 on't see it, sir. It looks like u long • ult." , "We . re way off otir course, I mute pose." . ud Monty's coolness sou (':yt• tarn Per 's admiration. ,"! Can't tell Just how much until 1 get the an , but this wind is bad. 1 'suspect we' e driftel pretty litre" "Powe 3531 get sonic ceetee. captaiu. While 'the at in taste the ouly thing to do is to 1.11 r up the -women and trust to luck." Yon are the •ervleet nude I ever ablpped with. Mr. . rewster." And the captain's hand gr1 tient Moutrs'-1» a way that useaut t- lugs. It was a tribute he apprehiat During the.day Mo ty devoted him- self to his guest,., end t the first sign of p euaiyetesa Le was ady with a jest or a story. But are a 'el It all with a tact that Inspired the\ 'rowel a* a whole With hope, an.l no 0 lsuspeetel that he htwaelf weer north fol. For Peggy Gray fluers was n tip 'al ten- derness, and he wade up his Iniad that 1f things should go WroIsg he se*ul.l tell her that he loved Ler. "It could do uu harm," Le tLJuglat to himself, "and I want her to know-." Toward night the worst was over. The sea had gone 'down nod the hatches were opened for awhile to ad- mit air, though It was still too rough to venture out. Theuext morning war bright aid clear. When the rowpauy gathered on deck the havoc created by the storm WWI apparent. Two of the boats had Keen completely carried away. and the !nutlet' was rendered itsehsA lir a large hole in the stere. "You don't mento to say that we wills drift about until the repairs eau be made:'" asked Mn, Dun In alarm. "We are 300 miles off the course al" ready," explained Monty, "and it will be pretty slow traveling under sail-" it wain decided to snake for the ('angry Jslanda, where repair. could be made and the voyage resumed. But where the wlud had raged a few days before It had now disappeared alto- gether. and for a Weak the Flitter toss- ed about ab.olntely tumble to make headway-. The 1st of August Lad ar- rived and Monty Minitel( waa begin- ning to be nervous. With - the fatal day not quite two mouth. away things began to look Perkins. Over *100,01(1 would remain after he hall settled the expenses of the crulie, and he was helplessly drifting In mtdocean. Even if the necessary repairs could be made promptly. It would take the Flitter fourteen days to sell from the Canaries to New York. Figure as hard as be could, he maw no way out of the unfor- tuunte reituatlou. Two days more elapsed and still no sign nf•a breeze. He made Pure that Sept. 21 would And ltim'atill drifting and .flit In ponaession of 1)10.00ri superfluous dollen. At the end of ten days the yacht hail progren.ed but 200 intim!, and Monty wan beginning to'p1An the reat of him existence on a enpltal of $100.000- He had gives up 1111 hope of the Redgwlek legacy nod was trying to be resigned to his fate wben a tramp steamer was suddenly flighted. Rriwaler ordered the man on watch to Ay a flag of dig - tress. They be reported to the captain and told what he had lone. With a hound the captain rushed on (leek and tore the flag from the eniMr' a band, "That oats my order," maid Monty, nettled at the c•ptnin'•'nguner. "You want them to get a line ea us and claim enivage, do your" "What do you mernir "If they get a line on us In respen.e to that flag they will claim the en;,ro • Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. ' 'e+• N.B.-tlnau?hnrtzed pnbticalleni of this ad ft " MIllkestoaat will net he paid for. Paw A/e$byed the hay trtuwlAsanHy, value of the ship as salvage. Tota .want to spend another $200,000 ou this bort?" "I didn't understand," Pahl Monty sheepishly. "Rut fix it up somehow. ('an't they tow ss? I'll pay for it." Communication was slow, but' after an apparently endless auluuut of sig- naling the enptaln finally announced that the freight steamer wax bound for Southern/sloe and would tow the Flit- ter to that point for n prler- "Rack to-Southalnpton'." groaned Monty. "That means months before we prat back to New York-" "He raja he can get us to Southamp- ton In ten days," interrupted the cap - "Lean do It' I can do it." he cried, to the consternation. of his gue.ta, who wondered if Ills mind was affected. "It belt land net iu Senthnmpton by the lith 1'11 pay hfw up to $100,(10):" ('nAPTER XXiX. 1•TF+1t what stewed no age to Monty, the Flitter. In tow of the freighter Glenete, arrived at Southampton. The cap- tain of the freight'boalt was a thrifty teotehuou. whose ship) w•::s traveling with a light cargo, tj,1d he was not therefore event, to taking on t tOW. But iho thought of 'mirage had ranged ltltu to ask a high price for the art cite, and Monty, after a filtile attempt at bargaining. Lail agreed. The prier wits IF:al;taal, and the young naso believed more than ever that ever'thiug was ruled by a wise Providence, Who 1(13,1 1101' demer1nd Lim, .1 Ifs guests were heartsick when they heard the figure, but Were as Lsq)py' as Monty at the prospect t of reaching laud again. 11h• Gleueoe uladee several stops be- fore Southamp(uu Was tonally- reached on the 2etk of August, but when the English const Was sighted ei-ery one was tiro eager to go ashore to l.e- grtfilge the extra day, Dan ln')lille asked the entire party to become his guests for a week's shooting trip In $euthind, hut Mout)• vetoed the plan. )u the most decided manner. "We nail for N.•w York 011 the fast- est boat." said Monty and huffiest off to learn the sallinge null hook lila-par- ly. The tired float War to soil on the SOth, and he meld only secure aueom- uu,lationq for twelve of his- guests. The rest were obliged to follow n work later- This was r.mtily agreed) to. and Bragelou was left t0 see to the net'is s:u•y repairs on the Flitter ,dud ar-. rang.' for her homeward voyage: Mon- ty gave Brayton .15,00) fur till. pur- �Nae• and extrae-t.d a Rolemu promise that the entire nulteuut wonld be meet "But it won't rust half of this," pro- te.te'1 Brewton. "You will have to give theme people a good time during the week, and -welt, you have ptotrdsell thnt I shall never tee nnothet'.'pedny of it dome day you'll know wtiy, I do thin_" And Mon- ty felt easier when his friend agreed to abide by his wialne*. 'Ile dieteharged the Flitter's crew, With five months' pay and the reward promised on the 'tight of Peggy's res- cue, escue, which was productive of touching emotions. ('aptalu l'erry and his offi- cers newer forgot the farewell of the prodigal, nor route' they hide till re- gret that marked their weather beaten :res. Plitt* to dispose of hie household reels and the balance of his cash In the abort time dont .1111d he left after he ne'tt'ed in New York occupied Mon- ty's etteetlop, and moat men would hove given up the scheme ns hopeless. But he dill not despair. lie was mull gone, and he prepared for the final plunge with grim detm'minatlon. . "Tbefe ahnnlei hive been n clause In Jones' condition% abut 'weather per- mitting.'" he maid to himself. "A ship- wrecked minden should not Io exp eet- ed to spend a million dollars." The division of tho party for the two melliux%' was Ia'•tfully arranged by .Mfr- Deltale. The Valentines chap - premed the "second table," it. Subway Smith untied those who were to file the later boat, and she, herself looked after the first Int. Peggy Gray and Monty Brewster Were In the 1)eMiile pnrty.'The three days In England were marked by unparnll.lel extravagance nu Monty'. part. One of the Meal ho - tela ware nubsidixel for n week, al- though rb,e party only stayed for Innrti- eon, and the ('aril In Landon ons a gainer by severe! thousand dollen for tlae brief atop there. It Was a care- worn Ilttle band that took Monty's ape- rinl train for Southampton and em- barked two days lnter,,T'he "teat cure" that followed was weleome to ell of them, And Brewster was 'arterially glad that his retie wire nlmoet run. Swiftly and steadily the liner soft down the leagues that noparat.d her frn'n New Yoe:. Fair weather and fnir cheer marked her course, and the soft, balmy nights were like seasons of falr'lend. Monty was cherishing la 1,14 heart the hope Inspired by Pnggy'e, action on the night of the storm. Some- how It brought n email my of light to his Omitted understanding, and he found joy in keeping the Milne neve re- ligiously If nnmewhnt doubtfully. nos eyes followed her cnn.tantly, weereb- Ing for the enenuragement that the very hihttlnems of love had hidden from him, forever tormenting himapif with tenni and hopes and rearm •gnln. Her bappinean and vivclM,r punted hlm. Ile wnn often annoyed; hs was now anti then serlonsly my.Ifled. Four day, oat tam New York, then Horse day, then two dsYs, And then Brewster began to feelstbe beginning' of the final whirlwind In pro(lgaey Mewling hitt oppr. sslvely, onelnofuly, unkindly. Down In his stateroom he drew new e.tlmatea, new caleuiatlose and tried to hntanee the old ones el that they appeared In the light most favorable to his design.. (Ioing over the •tatIN(te..arefnity, he estimated that the mew.. int -hiding the repaint ata the retsyrn of the yaeht M New YOrt, Rootlet eAst him *210010 Is mad amiss. On. hundred and thlrtl• 1 airy.' ('aym matted the length elf the voyage when nrkuuel by tittle,'tut i. as incur ns he mold pg ut It. the ex• pleume had averaged i1'.111 a day. Ac- cording to the contract. he was to PoY for the yacht, exclusive of the cuisine' and personal service, And he hall Nand It simple enough to spend the remain- ing $1.0880, There were days, of course, Whorl fully $5.tI5) disappeared, and there were others on witch he spent much less than $1.000, but the average was secure. Taking everything Into eonalderntion, Brewster found that hie fortune had dwindled to a few paltry thousands lei addition to the proceeds which would come to him from the sale of his furniture. On the whole he was satisfied. 'the landing in New York and the separation which followed were not en- tirely merry. Every diseamfort. was ' forgotten, and the travelers only knew that the most wonderful cruise since that of the ark bat! come to an end. There was not one who would not have btu glad to begin It agnln the next day. Immediately after the lauding Brew• iter and Lardner were bury with the details of settlement. After clearing 11 all of the I •! s p oil gatlnna . u (. ing front the cruise they felt the np;'repriate- atw of a season of redeetion. It was a 'daflcult minima -a moment when un- delivered reliru;.fa were in the air. But Gardner st'emel much the more 1110811- e1101)' of the two. Piles of newspapers lay scattered about the floor or the room In which •tile)' salt. Everyone of thew vontaitled se•nsatlow I atoele. of the presligai's, trip. nvith pictures, incidents nudyers divtions. Monty was pained, humili- ated and resentful, but he was hottest enough to admit the justilii•utiou of much that.was said of him. 11e read bits of It Isere and there and then threw the papers aside Lopeleesly. In a few week's they would tell another story null quite as emphatically. ,"The worst of It, Monty, is that you are the next thing to being a poer num," groaned Gardner. "I've dune 111y fleet to economise far you here :0 house, as you'll See by these figures, but nothing could possibly b:tlauce the extravagances of this voyage. They are simply appulling." • \VIth the condemn: 0M14ot his friends ringing lei hie troubled brain, with the sneers of acquaintances to distress hie pride, with the gibes of the eumir pet, per. to torture him remorselessly, Brewster Wan fast bee•oming the most miserable man in New York. Friends of former days gave him the cut di- rect, clubmen Ignored Liut or scorned hint opieuly, woolen ('1111le1 him with 11e k'irjess of unspoken reproof, and ail the world was hung with shad- ows, 'rhe doggedueen of despair kept him up. but the attain that pulled down on hint was, no releutle's that the strugge was lasing its eynnlitv.. Ile pad ,,ot expected such a hemi. cum - Ing. Compared with hie former self Mon- ty was now almost a physical wreck, haggard, thin and deliaut, a shadow of the ouce debonair young New York- er, au object of pity and scorn. Asham- ed and despalring, be had almost -lack- ed Atte courage to face Mrs. 1:ray. The 'your/elation he once gained through her he now' dented hien e:f, and his eafrer- ing, peculiar as It wan, was very real. In abaolnte recklessness he gave din -e ner atter dinner, party after party, all on a most lavish scale, many of his .on laughing at him openly while they enjoyed his hospitality. The real friends remonstrated, pleaded, did everything within their power to check hla nwfnl rush to poverty, but without $uceems. 13e was not to be stopped. At last the furniture began to go, then the plate, then all the prleeteer bric- a-bra.•. Piece by piece It disappeared until the apartments were empty and he had squandered almost 011 of the *40X0 arising from the sales. The servants were paid off, the apartments relluqulabed, and he was beginning to know what 'it meant to be "un his tippers-" At the banks he ascertained that the interest on his moneys cemented to $10,140.40. A week be- fore the 2.3(1 of Septeiuber the whole million wan gone, including the amounts won In Lumber and Fuel and other inekle(ta enterprises. Ile still haat about 517,000 of him inteirest money fn the bank.. but he had a bil- lion pang. In his heart -the Interest on his improvidence, Ile found sonse-deilght In the diae•ov- Pry that the servants had robbed Lilo of not less than itzwin) worth of his belongings', Including the ('hrl.tmn' present% that he In honor could not have sold. Ills only Pae•ourngetnent came front Grant IL Ripley, the law- yers, They Inspired confidence lc' his lagging larnlu by urging hltn on to the end, promising brightnean thereafter. Rwoarengen Jones wax as mule as the mountains in which he tired. There Was no word from him. There was no assurance that he would approve of what bad been done to obliterate Ed- win Peter Rr.watrr'a legacy, Dan ' )eMille and hes wife implored Monty to 'mite with them to the moue- tninm before his suhstence ons gone completely. The former offered him money, employment, rest and security if he clattft trhgndon the course he was punning. 113 In Fortieth atrept Peggy e:rev WA. grieving her heart out, and he knew it. Two or three of theme wham he bed cnnnldered friends re- framed to recognize him In the street in this haat trying week, and it did not even interest him to learn that Mlle 'Torben! Drew Was to become a duch- ess before the winter wax genes. Yet he found some asti.feetion in the re- port that one Hampton of Chicago had long eine@ been dropped nut of the rice. One tiny he implored the faithful Brngdnn to meal the Boston terriers, He could not and world not mall them, And he dared not give them ewny. Brayton dejectedly Appropriated the doge, and Brewster annonnrot that some day he would offer n reward for their return and 'hoe 'attentions asked." ire took a anit of rooms in n email hotel and was feverishly planning the overthrow of the last torturing thou- *anils. Brandon 113581 with him, and the Little Sens of Ibe ltfr•h atotat toy= ally ready to help hien when he nt- tend the first cry of want. But even this eitabnahment had to be abandon- ed nt The old rooms in Fortieth street fire MIR open to him, and, thenti ha quailed at the thought of making them it refine, he faced an osteal in the spirit of a martyr. (to aR coatroom.] 11esa11183l4lgttal for nil the local news. a Yrtel ♦spa'renat- ('ut six apples luto quarters, take the core out, peel tad cut thew In slices. Put to the suu"lpan au ounce of but- ter, tbeu throw 3%er tho apples about two ounces of Mute powdered sugar and two tablespu-Urula of water, 1'ut the saucepan 011 b0 tire, let It stew qulc•►1y; toss thew up or stir with a spoon. A few minuet' will do them. When tender cut toy or three dices of bread half an inch Dick, Put In a fry - lug pun two omen; et batter, put int a tire. When the butte* welted put 1n your bread, which fry Ip,a nice yellow- ish color. WLeu ulce and ertap take them thew out, plate theot a dish, a little white sugar over the Vier about au Inch thick. Serve hot. Dea't Expect Tee •eb, h to yexa ooug and happyItyou adoptwisns youbeor p!si pikle in Ilte uet'er to expect toe much people. A large amount of worry trouble arises from our too great pectatlol of others. We expect too U1(,3 of our children. Tbef must be gala,beauti- ful, obedient, little conmeneltdas of all the virtues, and if they ure nuphf- we think bitter things and Reiw lylnkles and gray hairs for ourselves. ;7 'o ex. pect too much of our friends, pd 111 nature is the result of the dila tut. meats encountered. The house ,axe levelop a RIM a domestic peasiulis esu does not thud the orderliness and , u lines which elle expects. Table Deceratlose. Flowers are no longer mnseed in Coeur of the table. A few cLoice hl soros are used, distributed in a dein way abut the table surrounding th central cluster. which, compared to what we have leen accustomed to. is meager. This sparse use of floral dec- orations erorations requires a new set of vases or dower holders, and specially made for the purpose are crystal stands banded with silver. For the table cen- ter le a circle in two halves, to be used separately If one wishes. To go with It bre small aluglo vases for the cor- ner.. ♦ Wrlakled Forehead. A draatie method of amoothiug a wrinkled forehead is to make a little slit at the roots of the hair, 'pull the skin up smooth and secure It there. A titled American woman had such an operation performed, says the Pilgrim, and only a slight sear, which the hair covered, remained to show what bad been done- Iler forehead was as sulooth as that of a debutante. "But," said the specialist, "if you frow•u or think hard the wrlukles will come back again." Seale Hale "Doa'ta." The woahan who asks about caring for her hair will have gained some knowledge If she remembers a few don'ts. Don't break your hair or ir- ritate the scalp by using too many or too hAvy hairpins. Don't use an iron on your hair any Oftener than Is nec- essary. Don't use too fine a comb up- on your hair. It breaks It, snared It and -is absolutely fatal to It. Don't one :10da upon your hair- It dries it, coars- ens It and makes 1t split. Dyspepsia — This disease from which so many suffer gives the avrr.,ge phy- sician a great deal of trouble. The best medical men have endorsed " PsrCHINa," and recommended it in scores of the most obstinate cages. It has never failed in a .ingle instance to give Prompt relief, and a permanent cure When directions have been followed. The system of cure is entirely dilrrr,nt from any of the old fogevjsills, powders or tablets. A few doses Will remove the tightness and weight on stomach. Taken regularly it positively cores general distress, flatulency, nervousness, coated tongue, heartburn and palpitation. If you have never used "P.YCn»NR" don't hesitate a moment longer. Ask your nearest druggist. ORIATUT OF ALL TOMS- (PRONOUNCED ON - Zhe Ji4c11 piano Built to Last a Lifetime. MR. W. NORMAN ANDREWS Principal of the Brantford Conserve - to ,' of Music, writes, "Alto*. mi to cna,raldate roe Iron fht eteeltrcl merit of the tlh{, Pla.ur. Marta, s,ad Ihr a bit*, G.s eervnlwr r f i4 past (wive muni lt, I speak vnh sen,:ae,,as el I :0 :u -.rler rorkmassh,p, Pesch, menus, Ua fen. tone an} whet auahlin afore ale ,.,..flet to a first-class lastesescat. ' y r a /v„n.. Principal Brandon, C ((»•.tory d Music , C.edsnor Islamics! Soca., , 40,.... and Q,,m Mases (race Church, Tucber d hum Playing. Caap.ie.a, et.. Write us for Free Booklet "TI" contain. trig photos of lending musical celebrities. The Dell Fiona 6 Oran Co., limited. G'iri a••••,elvaau•pgse • ' 25¢ That Cough which ordinary remedies have notreached, will quickly yield to CRAY'S SYRUP OF RED SPRUCE GUM 25 ft It cure. those heavy, dert.sea'rd coughs-- takes away the soreness- heals the root -strengthens the Inert. None thele., c!rctire h -e e.e i t is pteasa 1'.t to take. Jago try one hottte and • bow qufcl:'y you get rid of 133.1 cough. At your druggist*. Sac. bottle. WINTER FOOTWEAR MUST GO For Use neat ten days we are going to clear our entire stock of felt ootwear at 20 per cent. discount. The following list contains some of the good things we have to offer Men's Felt Shoes. Men's Felt Boots. mgol+i fox„el With leather ( and 10•,•1' lei all size. (ob t .i 1: 111 11. '' n 11111'113 awd you will la• wise 1 to .ec ate :i pair. Women's Slippers. 1 Women's Pelt Shoes. tt r"Illaiutler .? nut' stsick sf 1111'x. fancy house slippery \ eiVt1't• Laocr ,t I:utte , light and nu•nt t g„ hese• goodIs,1 h ligs; heady weight. Men'. Felt Shoes. Misses' and Children's h heavy felt soles owl felt slippers suet '.burs are Just the thing to wear nteo on this. lint, and 'Include a a pair of • ovetslns•., Vit Clef 5 of iet'Oes- 1 )f lite best !make and lent he:.. V,' have• n genal so- com 'early and you will lave money on shoes that will add to your WMe Lot. Fat St. and Square SHARMAN Godench, Ont. ■ 1 II Our Gianite and Tinware are A1' ays on Top. Th teaks, too al last the cheapen worth a Rrasnsky ware that we handle is it German iranteel for five years, and although it coats e money (haul other ,,lakes it. Will 0ut- tgood! tlnttly,ti00',, (R'er; therefore it is the o the long run. Also the guaranty. is 'at deal '7,...„......: C • f 'IY Gt .e.%.-. �Ve a1'. 1101 e , on tnti with o11r granite n,,d tiu- wane blit with 11 y Thought Hangiea, Radiant Home Heaters, lieneral irdware Plumbing Heating Tin- smithing, CHAS. C. LEE THE SQUARE - . GODERiCH. (PRONOUNCED 3I=KEEN) ALL 00000373 ONE DOUR TRIAL FREE DR. T. A. ahOOUas, Walled ors king tib N. TevMsa, Oaa.y PIANOS When buying a pihtlto consider the merits of the famous Newcombe Piano ! For choice (duality of tone, durab tion and stylish cases' Winner `of medal at Paris World's Fair atoll great awards, Call on or write u) ac - gold then O. HOARE, ('math \\'11toII'sal(+ and lirlail Maedi;( r DISTRIBUTING CENTRE AT CLINTON, ONTARIO f- *TTi.W. T!nTTTTmTTTTTTo.tuT,V0.1 !