The Signal, 1906-1-18, Page 8a•
TYOUDar, Jan. lb, I%6
1 o,wludcd fna)1 [sure 1.1
County Council.
The county' eo}}uu•iI will convene
here on Tuesday of nett week •fm• the
January session. The witaleushtp,
it is generally nutlet -stood. will go to
either Rupert M(•Iarul, of ti.slerich. or
Hugh Sparkman. of Exeter. Either
would wake a worthy holder of the
office. Mut the pr)ple of this district
would very truth like to ser Mr.
\Ielwsan in the \Vaihiis chair for
Nal Fell Through.
For some days duriug the past week
e it looked its if we were going to lose
H. W. Thomson from the town, It
y g man named G. 11. !tenth -flaw,
of Lindsay, Ont.. hawing made a
p1•ulsssitiun for the 1411414* of his
drug business. • \Ir. 'lhuuIson, while
he was in no wise anxious to dispine
of his business. and, as a matter of
fact, had not sought at xtn•haser,
agreed to sell out ata suitable figure.
For several days stes'k•taking was
gone 00 with. last 31r. Henderson found
he stock ley 1 his reach by several
thousand distinct and et lnsrquent1v
decided to witnalraw from the deal.
This. of course. Mr. Thomson willingly
needed t ...the young man paying a
enlamintlid eontiderathit) f u r t h e
trouble to. which he' 'had put \It•.
Masonic Installation.
Right Ex. -cutup. 1)iek1IIs 01. grand
superintendentut Huron distIiet, as-
rtisted by Right Ex. -c iinp.usurer
and Ex. -comp. Lawson. instal 'tl the
officers of Huron I:hapter, No. a2, G.
R. 1'.. for Mkt its follows:
Right Ex:•.Conipl. E. L. Dickinson, Z.
'• Samuel Hiwai+tt. H.
•• M. li. Nicholson, .1.
Right Ex. -Comp Joseph Heck. S. Is.
ee W. F. (tallow, S. N.
•• W. A. 3ie1iui, Treas.
•• G. L. Parsons, P. S.
'• C. W. Habil, Y. S.
•• T. 11. Kneeshaw.J.S.
]blaster of •\"ails--
Cotup. J. H. Tigett. 1 V.
• .1. S. Platt, 2 V.
1'. W. Nairn, .4 V.
Right Ex. " H. Radcliffe, 4 V.
•• John Tancott, Janitor.
!Shaw, Sid Belcher and Harry Belcher.
Aftet• the proj(t•sul lunch war served I
and It short 2100' war stent in social
intercourse. The proceeds, coilsidel'•
tug the inclenettcy of the weather, were I
quite satisfactory.
L indenfeld.-C raham.
A quiet wexlding Usk place in St, •
('eters church on Wednesday of last
week )It 11:1) a.ut., when t'harles ,
A. 1.indenfeld, head '•leek with J. A.
Stewart, Exeter, was united in marri-
age 2., Miss Gertrude F.'limillion, 1
daulghtw•of Mr. and Mts. Edward Gra•
halo, of town. .'l'he bride and Riviera
were unattended. The eeulemy'wits
performed by Rev. Father Stella* in
the presence of u it I y iuuuwhate
relative's. The bride was gawnel
in a military suit of navy blue
broadcloth with lictut•o hat. At
the conclusion oft t h e c2't•euumy
a dainty. breakfast was served, after
which Mr. and Mr's. Lindeufeld
left on the 7:15 train for 1k•trolt and
other taints on It shalt honey imam
trip. On their rebus to Exeter they
will Lake up their residence on Huron
sheet.. flit' lest w'ishe's of the nutty
friends of the bride here will folt•'n•
her to her new home, •
Ashton Walters.
.laniou•y 1701 was the' occasion of a
pleasant evuot. which tusk place, at
the residence of Mr, and 11 IN. W. .1.
Withers. of Salt 10111. when' their
daughter 1t1a1'y became the bride of
Ilunr:w A. Asiatic'. 12f Strassburg.
Sask. The bride - ern erlrt1hemishit.
leaning on • the allot of herfat 'ter, to
lite s11atus of Metdtls$otut's wedding
march. played by 'Miss l'hriste•n:t
Townsend. cousin of the groom. She
was Isrr gly dressed Lt white silk
with chiffon trimmings, carrying :a
shower banquet of white rases. She
was followed by her uieer. Ila Correll.
dressed in' bine silk. c:u'rt'iug :a basket
of white 1107w:ulhe• s. rosea 101(1
ferns. Atter the ceremony, w•hiela
seri ilerfornwe.1 by Rev. AV. 11.
lir:da r. and congratulations had
been offrre•el, the (um))nny r llaite'1) to
Ithe dining -1'.(0111„ where the tables
were laden with everything desirable
to taste. The evening till the early
hours of the morning was spent in
Innate and games. 1'he bridle was the
recipient of many beautiful and useful
presents, showing the high esteem in
which -she is held. The gpvroul's
present to the bride was an opal ring
net with emeralds and to the little
ring -bearer an opal ting. Ther bride's
going -sway suit was of blue Indies
cloth with hat to match. Mr. and
Mrs. :Ashton will attend a few weeks
visiting friends before returning to
the grlwm's home in Strltsshurg.
At high 21+x)2) on Tuesday Knox
Pt'erbyterian church wits the scene of
a pretty cet'e• y when I,iahae' 1).
Adatnsaun, daughter of the late John
of New York city. because
the bride of our popular jeweller Wal-
ter Kelly. The churr•h 'was crowded.
showing that was token
ow t the interest th
h tg tt, es
in the event and the popularity of
both the young people who were the
principals in the happy event. Rev.
James A. Anderson. pastor of the
church,wtdnrtued the (-erenl(my and
the wedding march was played ly
George. Lethbridge, of `3t. Thomas,
former organist, of the church. The
bride's coetmue ryas of Hrussels lace
over French taffeta and she carried m
bouquet quet of bride's• roses and fern
fronds. She was Attended by Miss
Florence Sallowsands:Mal Ivey- A.
Kelly (sister of the groom), of Pict.n.
Mies Mallows' dress was of point
d'esprit over pink and she carries)
crimson ruses. while Miss Kelly wins,
point d'eap)iitover blue And .carried
pink roses. H. Kelly, of 'Belleville.
brother of HIP groom, supported him.
The ushers were Ih•. Maee and Dr.
Yale. After the cet•etnony the party
drove to the residence of Mts. Peter!
Adamson. (:Murch dtteet. where the
wedding dinner, was partaken uf.
followed by it reception. the festivities
lasting until it was time for the depar-
ture of the happy. couple on their
honeymoon trip. They left on the a
O'clock train for it trip of about,* fort-
night to Eastern points. Among the
guests from outride points were ihon-
ald Manson• of New York, uncle of
the ht•ide. who gave her away : :firs"
Groves, of Brooklyn, an aunt of the
bride : Mrs. • Gardiner. of Brooklyn,
sinter of the bride : Mr. and Mrs.
Charles welsh, Stratford : Mrs. John
Marmon and Peter Manson, of Stettley,
mint 1(041 cousin of the bride. The
presents, which included 14)111P of sot
glass and silver from Scotland, were
hands, a and nnnPton1. T h
groom's present to the bride wan an
appal ring and pearl pin, to the brides-
maids, pearl pl0a an(1 to the ushers
and test man pearl set 'stickpins.
The Shinn! joins in extending good
A Happy Thought.
-A most agreeable surprise mule to
the ladies of the Daughters of the Em-
pire this week. in the donation 11)!' the
Wm. Buck Stove Company. of Btpant-
fotd, through their agent, t'harle 1'.
'tee, of one of theirlargest„ :old most
complete Happy Thought surges.
hie range is known by nearly_ every
use in Goderich and the country
o and those who have used it ate
co inually singing its praises. There
c0u not have been a more suitable
don [ jou. It is through the ellergm of
Mr. Lee that the handsomeons iu
d t tr
was secured, and the letter he te-
ceiv(d front the Huck people was as
follows :
Mr. C. C. law, Ooderich.
MAR 8i$.-wsauthortze you hi our n+u.•r to
contribute a Net Il, cut tl 'Raspy Thouxht
reawith waterfront. to the Marine
which the India. of tioderlch are opening. t%e
Iran make shipu.ent whenever you adgw u. to
do so.
w irhing you every wcooss. we remain.
Your.. very truly.
T 11a v r11.1.1au Hrrs t3mvt: ('o., Md.
Per Geo. Philip Huck,•.
11•e must congratulate the ladies on
tereiving such a valuable gift. ns We'
understand that this rangeis worth
over *60,
The Marshall Sanitary Mattress 2. the bast on
the market and i. sold by Wilmer $urltb. East
tweet. ('a11 and Inspect.
V. J. Pridham for flr.t-'las. tailoring. No-
taiag but high -cies. work turned out. aatiaMed
customers sad moderate charges.
On Sunday evening next instead of
the usual ..erinon at the court hotue
Miss Brimstin, for ninny years it mis-
sionary at ('hentu, West l'hina, will
give an address. Miss Brimstin in a
gond public speaker and her long ex•
p'ri'nce in that country guarantees it
very interesting evening. The pastor.
Rev. G. N. Hazen, will preach ata
usual in the morning.
The unfavorable weather on ;Mon -
,day evening prevented many from at-
tending the social at the residence of
Mr. and Mrs. Itohert Mclw•an. Huron
toad, under the auspices of the iwdlen'
Aid of North street church, but those
who braved the eleinents enjoyed a
very pleasant evening. Many availed
themselves of the 'busses kindly
loaned by Oundry Boos., while quite
a number walked. An excellent pro-
gram was tendered. consistingof vocal
soles' by Mrs. Miller and Mrs. C. H.
Hunter, violin solos by Frank Doty,
recitations by Miss (`onion and Miss
Etta Davison. A duet. by Messrs. Bel-
cher and \wells and two selections by
the tna1)' quartette --Mens'. 'Well.,
iliNittyvit,Itit,li ilii�t,lr ti�Ihh�� 2,0110 �h�w �1, r,k rib th dh ►1, tb iiwf�
Every del in the Kern K 4421 'i line is stn good it Lel as can
he had and elicit and all are fully warranted.
The Zang life of tools Iw•at•ing the Kw•n Kut ter thole [nark is
due to the fact that nothing is spared to oink, • •
3 F
3 F
v t SIMnfU^,
KIiT 7(R
the hest. that II :15)1", tutor's and "kill can primus,.
The Keen Kitti1•r line has been the standard of America for
:it yearn• and watt awarded the Grand Privy at the \Vorld'A
St. Iwsli(s, Irving the only cotnplete line of tools Preer to receive a
lewnrd nt n great. exposition.
Tbink of what it mean.' to von to be able to hum the lest
tools' that are made. of every kind, by .imply temenitsnt'ing the
one name, Keeti Kntter.
Following are smte of the various linen of Keen K21tter !cols.
and harrlwaee we have in murk
Hammers, Hatchets, Chisels, Screw Drivers, Auger Bits,
File ,Chi Planes, Saws, Drawer Knives, Scissors,
HaiClippers, Choppers, Steel Squares, Etc., Etc.
Every tool in sold under thin mark and motto. The 4e'cnllyc-
tion of anality r•uoainn long atter the price is forgotten.
THE r►11:!JAI, • 130DNltii'tl (►N'I'A ILIO
- OF
General merchandise
The undersigned begs to announce to his
many customers and the general public that he
will offer the following goods at bargain prices.
If you are in want of goods here mentioned you
will make no mistake in coming and taking a
look at the lines he is offering and noting the
quality and prices quoted. The following will
give you some idea of the different lines he is
offering. Come early and make your selections.
Wrapperettes • a n d
Colonial Flannels
We, have a good assort-
ment of these goods; you
eau have your choice at the
following pt•ices:
Fancy wrappet•rt14s. regular
price ilk• - and 121c. per
yard Sc.
Fancy wt•app,Syi'tetter, twillt'4
finish. t•egularpt•ice 15cper
yard 11c
Faulty cul ' I tlapnels, reg-
ular price 15e, 'per yard Ile
Wool Blankets
These g•xsls were bought
lwfot•e the advance in price.
s) you' can make no mistake
in buying.
0i)x7s in. wool hlaankets,:reg•
War pt•ice '1113.2$2. Per l)4th•
Rhos) in. wool blankets, reg-
ular price $4.5s2, per pair
t10x7li in. wool blankets, reg-
ular price $5.00, per Ian -
e420e: in.'King Kdward brand,
regular price $,, pet'
pair T
Eiderdown Com-
Large and ta(1 ipit assort-
ment to $(le(•t 1' . Prices
as fellows:
Good size. regular price a1.: 4l.
each .... ...*1.15
72x72 in. size, regular price
*2.5122, each
72x72 in. rise, regular price
$2.50, each • 41.121.
These goads' are Made frau)
guest fancy chintz and will be
found reliable.
Kid Gloves
. Your choice of our full
assortment. Regular prices
*Lou and 41.25, per pair 7.5 ,
Men's grey (2xfin .1, regular
price $'5.40, each $3.75.
Men'. black cheviot, regular
price *7,30, Paell 45.10.
Men's fancy tweed, regular
price $h4l141, each $7.50
Men's black heaver cloth.,
regular price 41:t.5t, each
Tweed Suit;
\I'n'n plain tweed
price $3.Ul, Pnch....*8,43,
Ilea's plain tw(•e1, `f1olse
price $7.:152, ,aeh....,'$3,254.
\IIn's fallr•y check, lar
price 4K.222. each ,42,
\it'r?s dark grey Halifax, r
Mar price distil, each 45.1
11e11'n 1111117 ,heck, r'g111421
price *Ifi,1121, each 47.55.
flen's Pants
:217 pair. men's Halifax tweed,
reguh)r price 41.75, per pair
:ti pair men's Halifax twists!.
regular „yr$ -'.11). per Dail
pairs num'* limey '(strip•
tweed, resnlar privet *2.0n.
per pair 301.15
We will offer many other las
men's winter caps. winter foots:
shoes, lumbermen's rubbers, sots
tette raincoats, ladles' ready -to -we
on our tables at prices just as temp
reasons for making this cleann
spring goods which will soon a
over goods from one season to an
to do so ; hence our clearing sa
ing that you will avail you, self
reduced prices.
Your obedient servant
Boys' and Youths'
Suits ,
A large and vat itd assort -
Meta of boys' and youths
suits at cleating Drives.
The above went toms) clot h-
ing is made by the John-
ston Bros.- and is. noted
for its perfect -tilting and
superior qualities.
Gents' Furnishings
\1 •n'.
regatta shirts. your
rhoiree of a good aas..ort-
•ment. each - (►c
Fancy four in -hand `ices 2 for
Nancy silk tour-in-ha,id ties.
for 2214•.
Fnnry silk flowing end ties.
regular pt•ie(i :fk•, each 35e.
ran assurtulent of fancy elk -
nrckncar s from 2.7x.'
lietlts'kl l • e
Imes glut•rs, regu-
lar rive 51St•. per pair 30c.
Gents kid -lined w n r It a
gloves. regular price *1.1122,
per pair 75e
A g(xsl assortment of heavy.
Pined leather mitts at clear-
ing priers.
Fur ('foods
'Owing In the guild winter '
we halve m large stork on
hand :2nd in order to make
quick sale we are put 1 tug them
on sole itt prices that will
convince the shrewdest buyer
that we Mean what we say.
Space will not ,allow us to
rnnne'Mte them halt we can
assure you we have some
goodieliahle• goals flinging
in price frau 41,5142 to *11.311.
Dress Goods
This line is full of goods at
tempting prices.
Haskel cloth in grown, navy,
garnet and green, regular
11.2' Yak•, per ,•ctrl - 21c
Fancy tweed effects, regular
price 15c. tier yard :42c
Host cloth in plain colors,
brown and green, regular
price:fk•,.jet• yard .41c.
English rep, regular prise MMk%
per yard - 45c.
Venetian cloth, 111 in. wide,
in green, brown and navy,
regular price 73c, per
yard 55c
Fancy tweed 'check suiting.,
44 in. wide,'in brown, navy
and dark grey, regular
price 7:x•, per yard.. .55c.
Mcot•h and English snitings,
ifs in. wide,• in up-to-date
shadee and pattern., regu-
lar t price .911.2.5 and $1.44
--per yard Sic and 41.1(2.
P have other lines a:
equally gout value.
The choice of our full
Regular ilk: and 121c lines,
per y)trd ' 7lc
Embroideries and
An :ausortnent of 1,0$)(
yards to select from.
Regular )k' and hk: lines, pct
yard x .
t clearing prices. such as wool underwear,
r, such as ladles' felt shoes, men's over -
in all qualities, ladies' and men's craven -
skirts, and many other lines will be found
ng as any we have quoted. We have three
sale. tat. we want to make room for
ave. and. we do not believe in carrying
er. Last, but r. ,t least, we cannot afford
Thanking you for past favors and trnst-
this opportuninty of purchasing goods at
Terms of sal
, cash or produce.
Consume Your Own Smoke.
Dr. wan... eh.lrr.
The al nloaphe a is darkened with, he
whinpeting of nen and women )Aer
1 h non-easentiads, the trifles thautore
inevitmhly Incidentto the Marty -141y
,d the dti's routine. 'Things rnn(nt
nlwayn go yam- stray. Learn to Accept
in silence the minor )aggravations, nul-
tivate the gift of taciturnity, and eon.
.nmP your own (smoke with an extra.
draft of lined work, s) that those
steal[ you may nut Ise annoyed with,4
the trust and watt of your complaints.
t,c�;, 1llIl4 , .0
Beef, Iron & Aloe $I.N
bottle for 75c.
Cod Liner Oil $1.00 bottle
for 51:.
Compound Syrup llypopbos•
phites $I.N bottle, 51c.
Any of these medicines will
put you in genal shat1e for the
H. W. Thomson's
%Ve don't dub ourselves
"Professor" but wo know
Bowe to 'assist defective
vision if lenses will do it.
Try us-exalnination
Jeweller and Optican
As Requested.
Treasurer Noyes, of the New 2,„
sort 1V,eterw•orks. sent. out his animal
1411Is this year toy until. In rhe curne•r
of 21ar envelope yr a. the '111.1 :try re-
quest : ••Atter eve el1Ys ('torn to
New•luryp rt witerwor's. N.•wl'ury-
pert, Matas," What w•,fs his sura tee
to have AIN moan e• • talo hi. Mitre
flue days lafterwa)d and •a144 hiul an
empty envelope, with the r'tnark,
•'flee is your P p ''lops•, 11111.w11:,t you
want of ii in more than 1 4.1)2.
Be Alive to
Your Own Interests.
Downing & MacVicar
Buy Footwear where it is sold strictly on
its merits. Try the Makes wo are selling.
You'll like them. ('orrect winter styles in
shapely. perfect -fitting, comfortable good -wear-
ing shoes at the littlest prices we've ever known
for shoes of equal duality. You'll have reason
to be proud of your feet if you wear a pair of
our shoes.
\1'e mean a hair brush. chitties brush, loft brush, nail brush, tooth brush
or shaving. brush. But especially in hair brushes we have at present some
that etre particularly good nod serviceable, an(1 that were bought ane( :11.1'
marked at very reasouahle prices.' Some very nice ones in ebony, rosewood,
light woods, celluloid, etc.
Let un show them to you.
S. E. HICK - Central Drug Store
Regarding Stray Animate
An exchange gives this as the law
les ting the lemmings. of str•ey ani-
ma r� in ease the annelid it as 'horst•,
bull. tis[, cow•, Iheep, goat, pig or
other ea Ie if dentrained by a resi-
dent, Mate of delivering the satue
to the plum 'IQeI'ta•t•r, 1:2' may 1'et
said animal in hist own (a.nse•sinn
provided he make's no claim for dam -
1 notice '
ages. 1 h 11 writing must Hut n rt 1 Ie le
forthwith given t he u
rah uh t wort if
c a a not k onotice,.
kn,vn..►n11f t n ►hall'
be given within fort -ei t hou;rn to
the township clerk,-tsgetitrr with it
1 description of tete cola,, age (1)(I
natural and artificial marks . 1 said
istnitiml. If the aniutal ur anima 1e
worth (Cru or the dr..uvai •r
shall advertise the vat • f.o. torts
weeks in x ('aunty paper. One month 2
after being taker up, the desh•ainer
.shall advertise.and sell sante' annual I
three days' notkr• of sate to be Whit
given. Out of the prlrer•ds he is l
authorized to pay for'inu,
necessary call• and tlauble and for ,
f,sal for. animal. ilala11c2', if any, if
not. claimed by uwnve within thew
months, st ie paid to township
treasurer for local municipal purplseN.
C. P. R. Rumors. I 'Keep your temper. Nithody else
N'in hem Adcuclate: An oftieixl op w•a1nta it.
t`ie wan in town last week•' Try to look like at winner ati'long as
Rail in conversation with a citizen it yon ran eland up.
was intimated that the Company has
r.neluded that tonne changes will be
made in its arrangements in.\Ving-
haut. 1n the first' place, the removal
bof the station is pent of the plates
eing considered. and two rite.. are in
view --the propertyat the Marble
works, and that on the corner of Jose-
phine and Scutt streets, where the aid
rider mill .t.ands : the latter being
the t•a)ient of (access, by continuation
of the line form the salt block. The
',Mein/ referred to intimated that the.
(' patty intenders *darting from
Proton ..cation„ on the Owen Sound
branch. and building a line to Dm -
ham. Hanover, Walkerton and Luck -
now e•
th tt1«aono t o
1 tt t
Auburn (which would be it junction
point with this liuelph-Gtslerich line)
mt. ('ontinuiug to ('Muto, Seaforlh,
i s Part lturwe'il. nThis, it i.
c7:► 1 1, 'w'oild tap a rr.ntltry and
tom •' .Bates which it is desirable to
teach. In any case. s change•*
may be e• . 1491 111 11'inghant before
many mon . 's pass by.
if your 11et71i is knew as much an
you expect them to know. they would
not le your servants.
('ire tatters alter cartes --erpeei-
ally I. -dwell circtwtancet2.
t'honc No. THE HODGENS STORE Court House
The Great January Sale
Saturday, the 20th, we enter the third week of our great January
sale. it is grossing more interesting each week, for we are making it a
profitable sale for people who shop here. We are determinad on clearing
out every dollar's worth of winter stock possible, and are ma Ing prices in-
teresting in order to do it. Here are two specials for this week. They are
exceptional value.
60 pairs corsets to self Saturday
morning at :);ic that are regular 75c a
pair. ('orrect shapes, well made, perfect
fitting, a better corset than we are selling
today for 75c. Part of a clearing lot
from one of the big factories, bought
below value specially for this January
IMI pairs corsets, nett, ahope, lerivet fitting, made
fro,n strong Joann, steel 1111P11, trimmed with Tutton
lace, it corset mule to sell at. 754. and gexxl value at
that, for our January Ante 210 pairs to sell, 55c
commencing Saturday, at per pair
Pure Linen Initialed
Handkerchiefs 2 for 25c
These handkerchiefs should have
been here early in December in time for
the Christmas trade. That's when we
intended to have theni, but the maker in
Ireland did not ship them soon enough
to get here in time. There are too many
by far for us to carry over for a year, and
although we bought them to sell at 20c
and 25c each, and they are good value
for these prices, we are going to clear
them out at the low price of 2 for 25c.
, Nearly U)1adie.' pore linen hemstitched handker-
chiefn, brought divert from line of the hest makers in
Ireland, nice fine quality and neat, embroidered
initial, narrow hem. A pot we bought specially for
Christman netting, regular 2(k' and •tic, for our An-
/tiary sale they go on sal' Sllturlay at
for 25c
The Remnants
('an you use an end of dress goods ? If you can, there is many a bargain to
be had here on our remnant table. Every short end we have has been measured
up and put on the bargain table at the (lack of the store marked at just