The Signal, 1906-1-4, Page 3r' '1'►11.• k' 41'• 1`1116$.1k11.1f IL\"1•A141e1' Expectant Mothers should take "Bu -Ju" during this trying time. The extra strain, weight and undue pres- sure on the delicate organs often irritate and inflame the kidneys. This not only increases the dau- ger of childbirth, but places the health of the baby to jeopardy. Bu THE GENTLE KIDNEr PILL keeps the kidneys strong and llgorous--acts as a uuld tonic on all the female organs, and prevents constipation A " Bu Ju " pill at bedtime is the best,,protection against Kid- ney Trouble during pregnancy. At all dnlggists, or direct on receipt of price, 50c per box. THC CLArIIN CHEMICAL CO. LIMITED WIND.QI,, 00Y.. Distilled Sunshine Did you ever have a headache that mad e Sunday feel like wash- day ? Q Perhaps you have been drinking n Ifcrlor teas. Q No, 1ou don't ncc.l medi- cine - all you need is a package of Grand Mogul Tea. Q This tea combs the kinks out of the nerves. Why ? Because it is rich in theins (the flavor); essence) which 'is just concentrated sunbeams. Grown en the h table I hi lands 8of Cc Y kxl.' this tea contains the els• mens of -a -pure -curve-food. Grand Mogul Tea Q There are no otter teas „ hist as good •s Grand Mogul 25c. )0c. 40c and 50c per p•. ;ted QSold only In packages lined with air -tight paper. Premium coupons in each package. The cost of these coupons 1s not taken our of the tea -but is simply a part of der ed. waning appropriation. 1-':2friva of the Sistriet. Wort, Perrin, id et'rlx'•ter, has lwct "Igayted to trach In S. le. Obi, 13, Howie, et a salary of 141;1611, The chrome, knitting factory 'regal operations iu their new and Inure eoinut.4ll.1IIN building this yvrek. Lawr has resigned t princli ship of 'I'lwswater piddle +whnad lI cepa. that of the Newmarket delta at a salary of S7;)». M*.s Evelyn Yarling, of Exeter. lett a vrs shortly 1 r t I) fur New York, weever she will hike a cuuttw'iu nursing 111 St. • Lnke'e 11(*I4it/L4 The hI l•,acre farm belonging to 1 sale (i ill: a i4Ilrssion •11. e•y, recently 1,01.4L11 Jilt 1', (laveur, that Ioe,dityi, for the sunt of $3,1100. Misr Lizzie 1Vilcex and Frank 1, bath of Exeter. were quietly )liter at the Jetties Ktreet. pet comae. Exet on Chrhmtnl is 1)ly. 11ev. Mr. (loi performed t he eeremon d. Mrs, John Taylor, a former lr•e•sident. of Hlytii vicinity, dietilat ler 1 es in Dnnrse. Manitoba. recently. She was thirty-five years.' of.a'(s amt Laves a husband a d Hee .mall chitin•). .':rues \ Doughtier, of Turnberry, was recently married to Miss Ange- line, daughter of John Yenng, ;1.111• newly -melded couple will hake np their I•.•sfdcnZr on 1(r. I)ought-se' farm near 11'1olxelw. Nceu,Upaund by c.11upliueutar)' d ee/weir. ' • Their Golden Wedding. 144i- 31e. 44i- \1r. and \fret, W. '1'. Mlunla11, of Clinton, celebrate! .the fiftieth mita- yellowy of their marriage uu 1)t+- ha- (earner 23ld. They sero married in to Newham), hSurney.•England. and of as • f '1y of thirteen children len are still living, but only seven of thele were Mile to he present to cclrhrtc the+ happy pl Y NPNIIt. Mr. and Ere. Stinnett are both in ga44 health. Morris Wedding Bells. At high neon on \1;e(Ineoley, De- w IN CA•Il)I' 211thth . e. 1 44 Reeve andof Mrs, code, of M'o•ris, was the seen)• of at happy event, what their daughter, ill, Niels., was united in traria we to ie. Itul wet Powell, of Blyth. The eelw- er, 11.uny was lav formed by Rey. W. H. og Ilartloy, recut' of Trinity church. HIy1h, only relatives anal iiitiuutte friends hang present. After pnitak- 1n4( of a dainty limeheun the bridal party drove to Iilvi h and lett for ,a short trip to Niagara Pelle and Loudon. Brussels Nuptials, (1n Tuesday of tart week the hon," of Mrs. J,1111/ Liv ill g41111, of Hrns.ela, wars the scene of n liepp)' mat rittioital allied,',' When Rey. 1)r. Russ tied LI,.• «elatit knot 4N'ttvefen , Bertram C. Gerry, .if 1Vinghnne, and Miss Ivy \t.. the daughter of the hostess, They Wort' { IY 1 1 Int . . , KI t nld. . I 4e r. mid Nies. nM O•ere•y took the astern ton Ir1(01 for Kl 'r..100, lull .,t 11,1* e•a r) imams; f.,IIiw'er1 by many goal leiter. Mr. r.4 (iel'ry has 4.441,1 his la dwlr' Imeinr4, 1el in Wagtail' and has not et detin- id hely dulled whets* he will. hi Ater 'n A Saaforth Wedding. ^• A gniet but pretty we 1 Iiig\ wags u sol teed at the 'Untie of ler. Mee. John MrKinlet•, .Seaford'. 1, 1Vetfnes.Lt??•, December 27th. hn � e- theirilatlt{hter, Mies A.\w R. 11oKinle., e 13 A.. wee unitod in narrater- to H. H. e. Knight. 11. A,. 1) manage land ser-, a, vevor rf le Imam)), 'I'l[. ceremony 1- W 1,4 ' 4%i-(.. -m•d Iry It •v. 13 gene. M':- Klnlev, H. 1)., la -other .14 hefn•ide; r, nod Hey. A. K. Birks. 13. A.. LI. IL ,.The bride Way .117.4,14.41 11V 114. Mist.',. Miss" C. B. McKinley, H• A.. w• ale W. Mullis -en, of -Pefrt Arthur,\ sup- s pullet the *room. Mr. and '\irs. Kni.ht left on en extender) trip to 1- New limes and other eastern cities. Dzath of Hensall's First Settler. Op 'Thursday'. •1/.•.•en11.or 214 or. 't eitere'1 the death n( 11.4141.'4 Paterson et 'f him home iu 11'nea11. aged mixt veil* r. ye.u-1. Tne de•at. ccswl wein a t l%Nige 1Genrge Hainih, a geminate of the Seefos'th Collie:bate Datil toe; (INS been emiimibed hemline/der ter (inllinow,44 b'olle'giet.• Instilufl•, Mr. Hamill h member a mem•r of the ('ulliugwt.. 'teff.(,r• tweetedyearn. 1'. 1�(•nlbridee, w•hof.., f.1111't1Y1I1 V4',, Iw,•n ii gallant on the 'Thor. M.. farm, Hulletr, hes rented the spired Ibfl-sere Tenn of Oonneiller '3'1114, , the hound:u•y'. fur s teen of five yen et $.'ell per vete. Ile gets INrsee+ssi,t et the hurling. Mee. OrfilaIlsvah-ick*: of Zeri'•l passed away on the evening of 1) crnl1Kv 21t h. She welt eevigtv-bw yrnrl of mgr. Her huslslnd prep ,'Famed her .(mus yvmre oleo grown-up family of 'sons and dangl teas survives. - 1)r. N.• D. H'„hammn, irf Z,irieh. w'h Ime ere -early passed the final-rxwuin' rind of the O011etr ,d Pht'NI(•Iane 1(11 Stir pone .of 01141 rio, 414.4 decided 1141111,1111 olive in Berlin. lie Is ha Mars ,f •o fittednn whi,•h he ex *wet. toareal py Mout the Lich of` Jai The death tooke Otte. on Soman to 1 rte 0 et ening. I),centlw, Sttle of Job l3laatcllfeed, of the 2nd (•1meemollrn i t'e1Nlt•Ia in ilia fifty G•u^Ip y..0 Mr. Hlttehforl had beers i11 only aline three week.. He is survived 'Iry hi willow. twit .ltnghters, a .4Ixps.111 ar1 ate•;Nal lighter. A happy event teak place on.Decee bwr 2letat the limn.' of the I)ridee par elite, Mr. mill Mau. Cole, (nth line r Marie, when \tlMs J. •1s11' Mnndr ('cd 1'Ir•lrnr (Ile bti•ie of ",V.n. Liuoio Rent dun, (,f Frishietter, Sauk. Rev. 111 Mahe, .of 1k'tgrtvr, performed th Cell. A quiet ,wedding was e.•I..ht•ateil on a'lu•istllts Day at the re-id.•nce of \(r. and 31 re. Stephen 1\'il-on. Khneer- mite, when their daitghl••r Msmba 1 was caner',"I to Andrew F'. 11. H tie- wick, n well -to do farmer .if Kincar- dine townshi p. The ewe - Kia!e ,•- formed by the Rev. F. M. Snaith. . \I ism Arline NI(IOlmen, ofToenh'•r•1't•, .110 (4.'.114)41' Jt. R,dtkin. of 1Vinghem. " 1'44 94)14.11 %' alerried et the (lama of Uex. l'nunic, 1\'ield , on Thurs- day. Die -ember. Zest- Rev. N. S, Bur - watch per armed the (wren nonV in the pr.•w•nc.' of .1111' w fete friend.. Mr. :Ind Mire. Rankin will reside in Witig- he on . Misr' 1.. Milne, who ham been wale ing in S. S. No, 11. Keit \Yewnnash. for the mMetsix year. and a hide wee presented by the pipits with a eril•er ten-serviee end a half -.low silver MINons and sugar shell on the oeeteian of her resignation. Very e• pli- nu•nhu'y words, expressive of the esteem of the caninfinity, *vC liI- panne'the pr'w•ntnli•i 1, A quiet hat pretty wedding were solemnized on 1'4ednPsday, 1)P(•en,M•r :Aqh, at the resideIlei' of Mrs. Ellett P:tliott, London, her ,In'ghter, Iottie May. Ie"uming the bride of Charles E. Castle, of Clinton. The Cell. lllany WaSI performed by Rev. Jetties Living - elate. Mr. and MI•N, Cantle !MVP taken 114) their lr•Midellef. in Clinton. eller.- Mr. Castle is employed in the organ factor)-: r On Friday, Ihrenslter, 22nd, Mrs, Elizabeth :Agnew. relict. of 1h.• bate lamer' Agnew, died tet the reeidenee of her daughter, Mrs. John Snider. ('lin- tt in. aged severity-arca•) %'.',lr'!.. Mt•s, Agnew had been a head' tel of Clinton for w•yrtal yews, re •ing there with her husband, who died some years ego. from Lriekn,w• Of a fafnily of ten children seven survive, ints•r- ment Was made in the family plot at l.ucknow. • A quiet wedding took phew in'('lin- ton at (1e hnn)o• Of the 'bride on 1 hristinas Day, when Mrs. Lary ('ook wee In1it(s1 in liymen s bonds with John H. Oue',st. of London trlwnship, Rey. 11. M. Manning performed the ceremony. in the 411e.en(•0 of only a few intimate friends, the bride teeing given away by her uncle, David Cook. Mt'. end .Men. finest will reside in Clinton on their retinal from their houeyinestr1. .lehn 1►aig, of revilck township, 14011 Of Paul Date, Hawick, dropped deal one day recently on the adjoining farm of Itis brielier-in-law•, .101111 login. while 111 the ter of rendering esslstanee on the fartii. H1' w•a.4 in his forty-sixth year and leaves a widow and family of Nye. Mr. Dnig had al - meat (rnnpleted the lnlrrluaee of an ad- joining farm lwlonseng to Mr. ('line,. who in turn had joist bought. (stein W ilerin's fine farm in East \Yawanosh. PERFECTION 'It4 Sodas itlNaar BISCYIf d CANDY CO fTR*T?OID CANADA from the Ovens to You We bridge distance with our moisture -proof, dust -proof packagfa. Hali- fax and Vancouver are brought to the oven' dans Farms and small towns are put on the same plane with the big cities. Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas are packed in 1 fr 3 Its. sir -tette package: fresh. rasp. delicious -- and reach you in its same con- dom► no mane- where you live. AT ALL GROCERS ifyne, ynvr friends or,re'ltit'erstiffer with Fits, Epilcp.y, St. Vitus' Dance, cr Eau Sickness. write far a tial bottle and rduable treatise on each d:seascs le Tax T,rletn Co„ tee Kine Streif, W., Toronto, Canada. Ali druggists sell Or an obtain f.,r you LEII3IG'S F3TOURE Leather Mitts and Gloves We have the largest and beet stork in Gale 1'ich end at ;niece no low 1,hat yen Carnot nff.lrl to he without a Mit'. mite ite hat had resided in Hru s.4ll fairfort y- ; two Yetis, : in fare he built the first if house in what is naw' at thriving yill.tgr•. Alam[ thirty years ago he t- built the: fin.[ planing' nine there and • ever sitter until ltteey, when he was if overt )kcal by. Mirk tress, he hail 114'er1 4. 1 pal 'rely, rllyfa)41'd hi building opera. I• tions. lire. took at deep lute t•e4 in •. l martens of piddle welfare and for e I twelve yea's was a mrmlwr tel Htess ell fI srhnol hoard end :d,,, the 11,1.1041 of tis. lo, 1J, ', Besides his widow he is sur- vived by there .4rinst - and three daughters. Dath of Arthur Coach, Clinton. After a Msilonga l illness. of Bright's disease, Arthur ('ouch, of Clinton, a•vay an Friday ovening, lit•. (renllwr Shod, ate the 414(1' tet' ilft)'•H►•t• yes. les. 1 )rr.wwd Was as w•r11-ktinter] are u l highly 1,• .rmwrtwl reMidrnt of .'lin• tall for meat. years. Aleut eighteen m oath% ago he wastatted In re• tire from business, ew,ing to ill -health. ,and although everything possible was done for hila he r,tnti11ued in falling health. He is survived by hi., wife ,and two children, Mrs. \1'. J. 11os4, Toronto, and perry, Ott h , The de- . reawrl was at )member of the Sons of Eri4btnd, , Canadian Foresters and Masonic order*. In polities he was a Conservative, A Clinton Wedding. A quirt wedding took place in Mt. Peel's chnrrh, (Tinton. un - Friday nftern.ou, 1)eceni1et' 22l1, 1441e11 Lily Mae. daughter ,,f Jnam Jlhnsan, was inerrie(1 to (;hats. McKinnon, relented neater ater 14L. the Clint.* n Collegiate Insti- tute. •Rev. Mr. Dunne officiated. The groomsman was 1 Robert McKin- n.in, of Detroit, brother Of the grog), and I he hr•idestietiel was Miss M. K. C4ritnle. Th.' bride Wor' her LI•nyel-` ling suit of lnow'ti cloth. trimmed with green. Oul)• the immediate rrlativ(•s- of the cotrtractitlg.I''''ties were preemie On their return f • t heir II, IllevrtlfN)11 '41r. amid Mer, Me - K' 'II tiesd(l• on Huron street, (Tinton. The bride was at 'bestow teacher ins Clinton Collegiate Insti- tute. - Stanley PionefrPasses Away.. On December :title Mrs, Scott, rel- ict of the late Wm. H. Scott, of :With - ley, pas4ed awa•v /It 111.1. 1 in 1 Lin- ton, aged sixty -rine y1'41,1. The de- 1.1.:Is1.(I had leen 4(M well am usual up to within a few days of her drat h, when NII.' contt•arled 4 colt) which developed into pneumonia. She wets iairn 111 tient+Lir.•, Meal/tree e ing to this country in 1814 with het'l tents, who !weal yv'are Tater settled en the 7th ruticrsninn Of Stanley. in ISMS the decent:1,d was nuart•ied ti. Will. H. Med t, of H,,lforth, end for a few years lived in that town. Letter they par- chased the aid haulemend, where she confirmed t4 live until rtlsrrtt (our years ago, when the flintily motel to Clinton. Mr. Scott died in 1)4)2, hitt a finally of three sons and one daugh- ter enr'it•em. • New C. P. R. Lina. iiantilt,n, her. 20. --The C. 4i. it, Company Neve notified City M,dicul,r Mtn:Kelien that they have filed plena with the railway ermnrllissin, and ( e ro rr k d th ese'n f approval of a,ie new Nitwit k• 1111e running tram el point on the C. P. It., neer 11'.KKlstn•k, through Hrtntforl to 11•alnilton, ,mol from lt, 'Itnit 4hr,ugh (h'inlsby ts0 NIagni'* Falls. The natter )lite be (leen with by the gip nmllegion in about t we) weekThis city has Iwen Neu - tidied with a plan of the 'imposed mil - way by the enmtniasiun, showing how the line will pass through Hamilton. Melt. Lownie. Exeter North, rw- eav,rl the sail newsee I t week of the death of his son Frank, who diel in \Vinnipeg of (•.1tlsllnlplinn. freeen,rd stone among the (Stnedien contingent who took p.trt in the Month Afrie.4n war idi.nt four year,' age and while doing'hlty for his country contracted enteric fever. which w'44. the prirnnry cal41' of his death, Ile was alront twent y-)1 c1' yetr- of age end wee a young man highly esteemed for him good twenties. Appointed Manager. 1'. E. 1)owding.,neernethrlt in the Clinton brenlh of the Mnlson Blink the Inst throve pewit, haw been pr.'lrlirde(1 to the menngtrl•mhlp. tie enrreteis H. C. Brewer. who im retiring ftoml tire eerviee of the Rmnk. Pre*sntation in Turnberry. At she closing Perri -igen of M. M. No, 0, Turn1A•r't•y. the pupil, of the 'whorl' presented their teacher. T)nngln.s rewrote with a hr1arn�dmrnnr pair of gsdntlets and n , an,penee and Mrs. rradtr with it mit of ttatinllrls. lir•. miser is giving up terieleng ,f►rr twine cormeeted with No. fl mrfi,K)1 for eight years. Thu presentations were Prices from zee to jls.00 per pair Worsell's Cheap Hardware and Stove Store. Clinton New Ern ittetton, rif the WeyeMrv, )letwith en •urlr•4Jn- (ortable nrriolent (11) M:t1111(1at• ln(Nf• ing Inst. Hr tem, descending the reline steps when he slipped, end prat. up him hands to save himself. ile ',might n shelf. and p4111er1 it down on top of hinlsrlf, together with three enme•s of liquor, which carrier! hhn to the flaw, the 0.01.4 falling on his (hest. lir w'ms peeked up ornennerinu•, and a (lector Plnnlelnnrd. At first it was thought he wen hurt internally, but beyond it Revere 'shock he sus- tained no injuries. I''or'srw,t.h, brothers. 11 11,m -shin 11 heaven, and leek of fcllr,wship hs hell : f.'ltowship is I4fr. NMI Li Is of fellow. .hip ie (Le1.h 4 And the deeds that ve do Imre) the entail, it le for fellowehi1i e enke that ye, do• them). - Willian) Morris. MOURNING CUSTOMS. Orlal■ of Ir. N'IJuw'. t .a, ama arae* slee.r IewuJ.. The raiment, of wuarulug us prue• ticed In tourlpus purls of thea world seem int first might to have 1it11e rola• tion with ouch u11,e1' or with the In- ward grief which they are supposed to typify. Yet by the toren-lee of u Int• tie patlenee ; many resentblsu•'e.4 ,quay be discovered 41111011)4 1114.1,,.' The w'id- OW'a clip, fur example. dater' bate' to the day's of ancient Egypt. Egyptian men shaved the t 1• IN•U '1 1 11 a ted( IIrU I Ili a token of Iuuuruiug. The wvuueu, iu. stead of cutting oft the hulr, concealed It by u dace cup. The Romanis. who were an a race clean shaven, shaver[ the head in mourning 111111 wore a wig. The black loud on the sleeve 114 a sign of mourning comet to us front the days of clllvulry. 'Tbe lady lied a scarf' or napkin, as the hnudkereldef was cullt'g, about the urs of her kulgid. If be sus killed li battle she wore the baud in memory of 111111. Black lute so long 1N•e11 the color of grief to Anglo-Saxum countries that It mecum a part of the upside dowel civ lllzation of the emit that Japan and China wear chile. But no lunger ago than the time of E11z:t1s•th the unfor- tunate Mary of Scotland wore white on the death of Darnley. ' Ecru 110w the hearse used for cllfldrro is white, wed In Euglaud the uanlrners at fu- nerals of young thlmarrlerl persona wear hatbands and Rushee of white. A queer Ewell'sh cumtum is that of decorating the black beanie horses with, long false 14141ck tulle. Alley uprate no more 140tle 011 a street in Liverpool than do the black trete used iu tbis couutry to ewer the horses. A great ninny sensible penile protest that wearing tokens of mout'uing le a barbaric cu.4toul that should be ubul- lmhesl or greatly mu.lithel. but when loss nod grief *tertian). come into the Individual life out. dise•uvers that there Is a strange, subtle 11(111•4s 111 gloomy marts and that they :itemise to the 1 of the soul fur sllenee Ilud sepa- r1, qn. ODD DERIVATIONS. ' Carieu 111/.torp- of tee• Wod-Y•t•.- How "ItetIeale'• trot It■ Name. "Tote" . a wore) with a curious hie - tory. 'lo 1! • ItoI tan a "vomit." was a solemn prat se made t0 u deity: From the NOlenlll 1' ease Peel( the 111leiutiu)4 \of "vaunt" radually, 'weenie the i►r-u,, er or horn e N 11471 t11a1 accompa- nied the promise ud then Ally 1111 1.11:40 wixh whatever, ' far the develop - meet pra•eiele l in .utas, unit "vote" Coated Into h'hglish with the same seneeie'When lien J neon wrote of "public 'votes- to heave be.aneant nut maim meeting resolutions, but prayers, Finally. "vote" :mitered Nets present int.:tuing, tlye.forinel and empinubc ex- pression of a wish, while the old sense remains wlth`ttm double "vow." That openwork bag for shopping, called a retieul., gets its name dlroetly from the lapin "reticulum," '•little net." Popularly. however, the word Is supposed to owe Its existeuee to the fact that wheu au Englliiiwowa• visit- ed the first furl., exhibition with her little bag In her hand the Parisians cried "Itidicule:" The 1•:nglishwon u 1�1 misunderstanding the exclamation, is said to have thought It thecorrect translation of "little bag" aud turn- ed to England callhtg it a "retielHe," Philologists claim that the phrase to "sleep like a top" (•ornee from the F rete b "dormir vomme une taupe," to sleep like mole,' it is said. to,, that Cinderella's slippers were not mude,ol gloss, but of "rule,' the old- French word for ermine, which In time beeame corrupter) Into "verre," glass.. - TM* ■eaver'. Toot'. No carpenter's chisel can do more ef- fective work than I1, turnerd out with ease and neatness by the beaver's tooth. This Is the principal tool with which these patient, clever builders construct their dams. The outer sur- face of the tootle is n scale of very hard enamel, while the hotly of It Is of softer dentine. As the softer ant stance wears away in use the end of the tooth take's a chisel -like bevel, leav- ing a thin, slightly projecting edge of hard enamel as shprp an any cnrpett- ter's tool fresh from the filename. The thin settle of mantel gives keenness, the softer dentine supplies strength, and thus the combination forms n for- midable toot, whicjl actually sharpeua itself by use. ti Wenn water In which nn onion hes been isoiled wilt restore the gliding to framer. Dry gnlck1 ' with a soft, clean cloth. strep no act -mint of nal eupplles: with coat and date when DurrhnswL THU bDAV, J. 5, tan 6 3 The Permanent Style and Shape of Semi -ready Garments Everyone wants style in his clothes.r,'t hot iron: Every garment is passed Some men say they don't, but they by an expert as perfect in shape before ere mistaken, it goes to the pressers. Almost all ready-made clothing has Semi -ready fit is a certainty. Our style in Il, la. fad, 1t is .tyle that sells halfthe ordinary ready-made clothes. But there are two kinds of style - surface ►tyle mud through -Mid -through tailon•,l style. - Tlt'Ae is as touch differ - plan of physique types cover every chis of figure. Sliort stunts and tall stouts, .loping shoulders and over -erect, all variations Of figure are pruvideel for in the Sergi -ready plan. race between (Hell as there is between a ' These points give )•tau style, fit and wooden house painted to look like stile comfort -snow for wear, . and a solid stone. Lousy. - Every piece of cloth that comes into Surface -style is created principzdly in our tailorey has been .selected - at the the pressing room -put in with the hot ti ill by our cloth experts ;• before it is iron -it pleases you when you try it on, placed in stock it hs tested by the most but after a -couple , of weeks wear it severe tests,,, Some cloth tenet say we looks as if it had leen drawn through are too severe, but we think not, for a knot -hole. l ee put our reputation back of every know•ledged best clothing aleeigter in I Our styles are designed by the ac- thread of it waren we sew the Semi- ready label in a garment. America. Semi -ready styles :are right -r ' The silk -sewn seams, the carefully Selected , linings, the perfectly made Itutt'on-boles„every jittle detail is care- fully watched do as to make Semi -ready tailoring the best produced. then we tailor then) permanently. Scum -read)' style is . bililt from the foundation out. Every step in the 0u11- strudion is in the hands of expert tailors. The -shoulders are permanently 'Vou can see the style, fit•an.l fitness stitch - fnoulded into. shape (see the of a Semi -ready' garment when you illustration), nut pressed and shrunk by try it on•-thereis no guess work -and a hot iron only to sag out; of 'shape our guarantee covers any possible de - e, 'tewear. velopnlrnt. Every per€- of every -Semi -ready gar- Next time you arethinking of clothes went is stitched into permanent shape. drop in and see na-in justice to your - If the least unevenness shows it is ripped self, you should- investigate our claims. and roititcbed, not smoothed over with Semi -ready? " Tailoring GODERICH - - - Mc[EbN BROS., Agents DmasisawlSa Zh`c The Bell en Vino Chosen on it, Merits ),y THE BANDMASTER OF THE FAMED XI11, BATT. BAND OF HAMILTON who writes, "I have much pleasure in testifying to the excellence of the Bell Piano purchased from you ; the lone is full and resonant and of beautiful quality. I ran fully recommend it to intending purchasers. GEORGE. ROBINSON Write us for Free l3oo'kbt „D" containing photos of leading musical celebrities. tl Piano b. Organ Co., Limbed, Guelph, Ont. "Red Feather' '-ie ck Conspicuously a winner. "I'm Well Because of Liquozone," is a Tale Told 'Everywhere. in almost evert' hamlet -even' neigh- borhood -there errh 'y•g p m examples Ira o f what Liquosone can do. Wherever you are, you need not go far to find some one who has been helped by it. Talk to 1107110 of those cured ones; per - hep, your own friend, are among them. Ask if they advise you to try Liquozone. ()r let us buy you a bottle, end learn itn power for yourself. If you need help, please don't wait longer; don't stay sick. Let u, show to vnu-ns we have to mil- lions -what Liquosone can do. What Liquozone Is. The virtnr, of Liquosone are derived solely from gars. The formula is sent tor each user. The proems of making rec quirro large appertain, and from 8 to 1 I days' time. It is directed by chemists of the highest ('lass. The object is to so fix and eomhine the g1, r,nstocarryinto the system a powerful tonie-grrmiride. Contact with Liquozone kill, any form of diseases germ, because germ, are of vegetable nrigin. Yet to the body Liqun- •one is not only harmers,, but helpful In the extreme. That is it, main die- tinrt.iori. Common,germiridee are pressen when taken internally. Thnt i, why medicine has Isesn SO helpless in a germ dimmer.. Iiq)>nsone in exhilarating, tAliaing, purifying; yet no disease germ tan exist in it. We pwlrethaAed the Amerieen rights to Zigtpsone atter thousands of testa had been made with it. its power had been roved,) again and again, in h p It the moat dif- ficult germ disease Then we offered to supply the first bottle free in every di- sraae that required it. And over ole milli onoil d an havel > e•en spent to au- nomnee aid fulfill this offer. The result i, that 1110111,000 bottles have been used, mostly in the past two years. Todiry there are countless cured ones, weltered everywhere, to tell what i.igmosone has done. But to ninny other* need it that this offer is pmhlished 1111.11. In late year,, sci- ence bob traced scores of disrnaes to germ attacks. Old remedies do not apply to them. We wish to show those nick one; -at our cont -what Liquozone can do. Where It Applies. These are the dimities' l which Ligno- zone has been most employed. In these it hits earned its widest reputation. In all of theme troubles we supply the first IKitt lefree. And in all -no matterhow dif- firult-we offer each user a two month,' further test without the risk of it penny. A4,hmra Onley. (Inn) A 1,..wM-Allatmla (nnnrrh.a nl..t Amnrh.,I. Hay (4.,., Influenza Aland 1'n.. .on I (rlop• Row"! Tm"rNw IJornr)h.. Ouse". Patti real►rl• Y.nnlgla (.Ymrump)Inn ram 41.11nay CM, r•ghrowf4..a•r.l Rhoe,mat l•m lane.? ('.1.44'1, rrmhda esplllle l>•m•nt.n felartl.• akin )..•rias r'yerm,al• neenAruR Tob.rnnb54la norms-MillmIS s Ma • Tnmm• rear.) Throat 7reublw • Also tome forms of tmm following Kidney Troubl w !pier •r taw mtomarh'1`rvobaw VL' , , r,. 1 ,.,•1,.r111 ,oyer, I n1Yra,mul loner •-:,t wrrl, ,mpg r. or W. mow! bl.wdu,"•Il. ,,.,h,•at... (••au .1 huge. 1m I4.rs..u• .1,bn11) Nara,,,,,,. •r to me • vealfa.r, aOODmpleshl ,et rem.rkabl• re 01141, 50c. Bottle Free. if you teed Li(uQ zone, and hate never s(+ tried it, pleaPt' (iyus this coupon. \1'e will then nail you an order on it local druggist for a full-size hottl(-, and will pay the dmllrgist ourselves for it. This 14 our free gift, 'lade to,mnvinle you; to let the modiste itself chow von whet it cnn do. in justice to vonnplf. plea.. aecepl it today, for it places yore tinder no oldientione whatever. l,igmnzone cents We. and :1. CUT OUT THIS COUPON V11111 not and mal It to Th. 1141nson• Coal - many, 4114.114 webs\ Aro., 1'm„'ago. My die•zaa 1. I Aim. hover 1,14(1 Llgmm.,,., tont ,f ynu .111 -.54pp4y 1,N alas: burn. flee I .411 tole It. ............. LN 1 2 P...... nisi full settees- wru.pla1 ear. �... tow .11,• nth, *nen ,i. 1 A N. „err. nn1r. A • r r4,, s'. an n. ne.p„ al nn, yet laky 11.11.1111111011 W1hy4s ghadl7 aupptled for stew BROWN'S Celebrated Hair Grower. rhYdrinu*, Selenlf.t,, et(: have elven their uugwdiaed I(.lw to the uolY kuu%11 avutdm+. %Lech w111 al•w,lnley' du 54641* 1s dallied fur theme, awl al the .wme hilus Leall 1.1, renal Upsell a- ab4,leetr) harude.. wed eUpsellrrtivv. We dt not calla. o, Kroh' hair on a .hiWng Lulu load where (be halt. or the halt alt. demi or de - I n./sat 44,4,1 u . nuc hair left. but it I hole f- say slur 1.111- left we eon intake It Kms, N t• he, e • grown hair 1114 hrud* that have lawn bald fur' al yuan., ururn-, 44.1,1•tbrre i. nut a raw 10 1h' louud tc here it youOK'u up'Mun1s11w1h'Mhr- i leg their fiatr and hie(bu, I uK Isdd w here aur t rte. Lnard hatri row his I'eo11dit.. will fail to hero, d.4)4' a sheat Itultlthy 1,caaof hair, If used ..wording (tithe di eetlosan, To whom it may concern: . I nowt he4,-nly maul..*, the IIS• of Pros 4,lrbreelyd mot 4111,wet. 14y (a' lust 1114ri- e•nrt• I Ito,* emelt 'het it in 1104 1,r hal - Tu1lu,vholue, 11111 11 •fenlfnealb' incisor!- o -he 1 FFound, Whirls prat rub. the tut. Unwell of datblllatr, a, te.11111141 M'1,N' vical1.e•. the -call., u. [Lal Ihr hair teal nub• di.eot1111111e. la. 1.411 nal, hitt 1N•a:n. to Kroh' in 1le.a, plays* whir+ .w haus\ fly hail wan haling trey fa -1, , tad' is maim p+ -r.. Illyy' H alta lout hero tee quilts Laid. 1 '14■1 11. H. (teaser: my ',alp I. now quite fres f I d mina and-umer*t. es dense Mgross thofhair itevil- 11,1.' 1 J. w'.trs;A ' lit lent) Itepr•.era/11hr ('wuW Lu (.'urrr.puudeors l'ulh•Ks, Fbr Sale 1, S JH \ n CR, JAhlESILSON. Druggists. SHIN6LES L HER POSTS and I'hr (;.Nlerie•h IA 1Iwr t'o, ane on ha a - quantity of the tel ee 11114440'na1N llls/i 1.7111 1 -• liver to tun ties reining art Ihr, 114111 or chip h. 11, If, any quar]tily�op sheet make. The Goderich Lumber L. LIMITED, 'P•HONE 15 oR 24 ' / wxrehml+.e /1 t r, weal Wino you want 1 nod Taal, 4 1.yrd•t and) TIIKIIkvy at Dock/\Square OAL ALL K1NI'8 OF COAT` 4L W4YSi,QIN'HAND ttrAll foal wel;lwrl int the keg weeds where you art yJnl ,rw. fol a • WM. LEE. llnh•ro left a1 1', I•, I.F:F:'S Hardware Store K,t.t Ad,• manor... lir ,.m pill nt tt.ndrd to. BRICK and TILE Fn al :11141 hitt. bark. ud :lir 411 ,ern tel --Use, 1111' 1.•11,1( 1 1 1, no, hr, -I 1eje.1 411 Ihr Benmiller Brick Yards Iau-11lly 41 11,• Wad wnrk tlenuvl 0111, awl heir,' till• Correspondence req busted with p•rsont who contemplate burld,ng, • YOUR TRADE SOLICITED. MALCOLM McLARTY 114n nal 11, CEMENT BRICKS Those proposing to build 1 he r-riming( -ea.411(1 ',',411141 do well to investigate the bricks Made by ue. They are Firmly Pressed Evenly Finished Can be colored to suit Rock -faced for trim- ming The lee -feet brick for building pill - pt seen. For priore and pat setite 1. The Goderich Ccinent Brick Co., Ltd J. BROPIEY & SON 1 HI: LEADING- -- Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders carlully •ttenaA to •t ■11 hour., ,sight or day (GUNDRY }iKOS. Livery, hack 'Buss Stable ((-HIl, )IUII 11es ('A 1tII1A(11-;s PHA K7'ON8 N T I'„ A T-1- Itl:AMONATILE 1tATE4--• eise \1'eIl-,tppainteel !larks and reli- able drivers in charge of the 'Thews, whirs will alert all train . and ate ambeel• - AIL (':AT.IM ATi'ENitED TO PROM FROM IfOT1t$ AND PRIVATE 1IotMKS GUNDRY BROS. mot`r11 M'IIt F:F:T )'l(''\F: F'IF'TY