The Signal, 1903-10-1, Page 2Tet,„„0 Oct. ,1 1903.,
" '''+,••-g
tht *i!nal
liN TA EP /
P1'111.114HEIJ EVERY
- IVAN.VrTt:It IttittkitTatiN.
Telephone (..0 No. 114.
Tortes 'of Subscription
Van per 81.1111111 111 ,tale'.11111*.
lifoial h., am. ; titre*. loofahs. We. •
s.nb..criber, who fail ta"reerlve TI1K nuts ti
realdarly k. loan will confer it.fai or by 1.1.•
quaint lug u- of the foci at a. early *48*84. 41
/ Wilco eluinges•t address 8,, desired, boillit he
Ohl omit lir Ikea 8l4171....1..litoUk1 twin% en.
' Admrtising Hato*:
Legal asi.t Mit ort 4111.
t.or, t117.84 111.4•114011 :1.• 1fer,Ilite• for
4i1ient Mea.tarist 14
iinsimileil•eltiP. 414441?Une. Is, Ha alai.
Ittintin...'eani. of "ix limo. au,,t 1,114*'.. $:.
.l' evil...eaten!, 111 1.041, Fatififf,,748rei e .41 .
.11411011.• Vacant. sit nati•on.'‘Vaip.r41. 110.-.- 0,1
14.61e of' 10 184411. 1:11:111, for Kile•ur 141
for $oie. etc, tata 1,011111.4 •
each Itisertlot(': $I for ftr.t 11 4141.11,
101 e144.11 suleaspietit await 8.. lArder ad% ern,-
, 'went, 111 pniportiOn.
Loral wiles, in nonpareil type .ie per lint..
3unn4te4.le-11nm 214c.
urtliiiart refiditite one
1.911 14.1. 14 ord. NO out bit` les. than 2.ic.
Ail) .pecial notice: ilir olkierl of which 8. tile
p.1.11111411 1,1111.441 of any anlivnitial or tt,stici-
ion. to tie efin..Itlertell 41.
• he chanted arelirdingly.
Hates for di.pla) anil contract all4ertf-e-
Enent• *ill he girt* on applicat
Addre-- iiltantoioulaileat ipii. 80
VAN.%TTEE k HOHlatTstiN.
TUE nia 41. •
Tlit'RSHAV. 1, Inn.
etuatit y has been noted far its
Hoe roads. ISO there is 411
11:Ulger its' losing pilot reputa-
t ion in this respect. • The repairing Of
the etaintry roads in ninny cases' is
done in anything but 11, scientific
manner, and the I/411017 Mal money
that are expended do not yield the re-
sults which they ehmild and which
they would ifthe work o'er- directed
111 a 11114 14. intelligent and .v ,Ictisatic
manner. The method frespiently
ployekl is simply tit. p hiatis 441
Waved 1111 the. 11111(1.)11A1 14.4848' it to
i)4tssing 4 ellb.les 811 Near it g111411 III
iino a rongh and uneven roadi I.
'that,'. this process is going on (we
sii.aal traveller,: , are greatly inet
venieneed and :even endangered Ky
the condition of the Mad, 111141 to
thie:e 441111 114' il C411141111tly 11111s1
be a continual source of loss during
the weeks ot le- before the dirt
and gravel and laniblets aim. gnome'
int() - not only in
1 ithe but 144 wear and tear 8488 the
horses amtvehicles.
The 41.141 8)84. Inhor system is end
and ineMeil•nt. In many townslrips
thatougl t' the Priwinee it has,
ready heel) 11110lialletl, the toutve
\ mem for a Isetter systetri of road coirk-
ruct ion is lwetrining W41471111. Th. -
00 11111 VitVer111111.111, S grant of tti.issi.-
48111 the eiwourageinent ;nitro
-isratt4 1 am other (foliar in .4t(04_
iirll 11114 I 1).\ people, ef this efitiiity
should mak tip their minds 'whether
they 14111•*44111 to take their share of
the Pant 1144 Then. 44i 4141(1 (1.1114-
I,'3... be diffleidties ,lIi,' way f if a
Ofmilig the Mom% in an equitable.
manner among\ the rwiishilw, but
this is.a lll i l nir mist alio)) : the
main point is th th • namey 81.
there. and if the enmity is willing to
IiuItIll Atmeondit bars it may be seemed
for the bet termetitt of the road, td the
' comity. -
The 8,1W111 1.1111111.81 nI ttoderi,•11 has
...never taken atts•atitage of the imperi-
1 unity of expressing its opinion
girding 4884. seheme, although the
111att4.8. Ims been diseitssed .(1411111eil
1)1) 111011. 8111111 11111. fir14e/1.44.11. While
„urban inemicipalit les do not part iti-
phi« elitectlY in the grant. am) 811 re
(sense it iiraY seem that the it•wns
and villages are asked to make rai
expenditure from it filch they 11414%1.
no Is•nent. there, is 1) good deal to be
said 111 favor Of the s.iew that's,* he in-
- direct advantages to 8.. .seetired to a
town t litimah the iiiiimovetnent (.1 88).
mut. leading to -it are seri- consider -
1•14. and should 001 he overl,oked.
loam co eil-sht add at1 liltst fitahe
a fle •;iion in 8 hi,, 88,i and toil 1" it
• io the 1011111 y 101 With 34I1.911 he
Wh1417 11 "4 'fin is tihsv in abeyance
Can Jilin ti '((111111 3' afford te let slip
the opp •'ty teeeit Mg a grout
allots" to IN pent in a syst t it.
arid pe•risilinent tipros-nuent nI ,the.
oon thiwoughfa s ?, •
-,A write•r Tlie
re•Pesits twetitieatt eitiesilein least try
'n•Visiting liritimh fai 11111.1 111181.
!lensing the' profs's:it of it tinfoil. tilt'
tariff "II wheat. "If we lit
give y..41 1117cfere0i7 y(iiir wheat.
:rill you It.t the? farther d'art. Ili,. fill!
Itetieftt (ir will you lime' it to, an
1.71(.111.4e 14) the. titt.iff ito that the
Canadian tilantifartitree 'nay increase
him priers( ?" • This experienee
tild, 'sits) that the. manufiwteiri•rs 141.81.
('11)113' girt lite liest of it any
iirratigerne•int of • the, sort.
fe.rerett that the .prefe•remett•e
if granted ley (414,18, lint:lit" would
*lot (1t, the\ farinv •It
Kota. The. 8111 re --plaint
lit raising freight titles, live 4.1(•valelr
• -
eroorstra... liy .ntisitrit ele•vnting avid
situ -age rates. tlie Irrokt•t• Ity in-
tivasirig his tirerflts, ;teal Ilit) iiminifae-
, titter inerestaing pirices„. Might
e•aslly eat lip the wliode irre•feri•tere.."
The. writer grass ton to arctic. fermi
lloisthrit only way in ithiell tile
li•tvermetott tstulell offs. that t
iire•feri•itee werolel tlie farmer
""""woitiel Ire hy flit. "mid met ion 04 11
(hivertititent 1•ailway wir11141 err
aittethe earflap. of islieatt at lee low-
est pesthole rates. attire
'erne port bf prolilent. Intl it '
?Ea prevo•nt llie triatiobsetiteers freer'
scenting higher prkes itleane in•
creamed tat'iff itnposta, 'loft this ',Pettis
te, be the dant.- of Giese getill••••icti.
They Are Willit11( tliat thee forme.' shall
have I he ras•feisoi.a.. 01, e,tritti• 'it I hat
tlie benefits lie pawed oti to tiwin : arid I've%
88 rettint for the couression by the
mother country they ats• Tidy' GI
lll wide. a preferetice 8,, the flt•itirls.
nittentfitettirer-try the Mixing of the
dirties against foreigo, goods 8 lint
the l'ditadiawfitriner and the lint ish
otainifitetuteratre not to be WU ?Oily
81 8. hard 811 8047 what 11i' riotell eiT
the Soo could expect to gain', front
tiesitioying the Nagar( y ,w hie h elands
i IS securit y for t heir 'wages..
- Them is is report to the effect that
the Provitwial, bye-eleetann are to be
lemmata mil ..this 111•4111113. It ,irt teal a
limit too soon. The Liberal rank .18.11(1
till. is 1eet111111114 impatient at the
pusitlanimity mif thi• tiovernment.
Some well-niesiniAc. 1)111 Mistaken
Toronto people have stritek the linclik,
track, and are agitating fur the t•iii•few
bell 1)8 (11,' century before last.- -Ham-
ilton Speetator.
%Vt. had the eurtest. hell in tioderich
it few years ago : but we have passed
that stage.
Two thonsand electors of the St.
Mary's divisitai of Montreal met the
other night and pasted a 1es48luti,811
calling for the resignati tttt of 311..
Tarte. W1141 sits for the division. on
tbs. get & that he has ' 'erased to
t1 -present their views.
--;--- • .
ilon. A. 0. Blair, ex-Minimter of
88 i Away), diseli t i ttt s any responsibilit y
for the oftentimes of The St. John
Telegraph.which had been;reptesetited
as his ‘totlitt hitless-. The Tehatra ph has
pidimed a vacillating emirs. io regard
to the Iransemitinental railway 1 .,• ,.
ject, and at latest report wa, *gait' in
4110118”488,111 80 Illte scheme,
' .
-The Provincial. Ilovernownt is
blamed for assisting the Clergue in-
terests by giving land' grallts. while
the 8). '11181184)14 lb we'. ttt " t eta is len-
mired for 1101 giving them sant dem
encouragement in the way of tariff
protection. The .Opper,it bin °watts
t make part v capital out of the
"smash" se • way tri. other, t .
The Li gtolg og Free is, niellilllled
its pleeril crOiristlIS -08 the ('.88 34
mtat iv at Ottawri that it drops
th bind en 'rely /11141 sWitehi.14 Off
to th 111111)11 registrarship affair. a
matter 11 which it is 'prof dlY
ignorant. It The Free Penn would
like hi see Init The Signal,said about
the Huron a wiiiiinients we will scud
it a marked copy on yequest.
Tlw Globe says that the t•ptetit of
the service which OW Canadian Senate
performs forthe amount oftmoue.). it
(1 Psis ”Illight Well he 111341e i he .1111)4.47(
of extensive' debate. in amateur -tle;
hating si•Iiisils. II might almi be a
Ratite'. of serious di -•ms -ion in •
ealiately intim+, ha • rt.' les. The
Senate is an 1'4)011)'i 54- nuisance, and
s8em1(1184• 4.88 )441' wheeled or ended.
I- ' - •
A 14 intekilporarylholds that the pulp-
beation eif the iesseasowla roil w1,1011
lw of h greater intemeit to the
ratepayers t hap t tie • auditors' state-
ment Which evety iminieipality is re-
quired ter puldidi terhil year. It would
reveal ineepuilitfes if assessment and
would tetfd 1(8 81)4. renwdy of hiked ice -
in the asaratment Ia W. . Several 11111111
(11411111 ies are said to l1\ive adopt '.l 1141'
11 with Kesel result. ,
Sir now Lipton has '1911 1111 unii-
siernat' ming the l•ligible paling
ladies.across 1 lille by his message
to the Hay CO larlitdors' Club ein
reply to the majfica I Hatt he 814441
tweet, elected 8,8 hi Moon, eitiberArip
in the eitili. Sir Thorn's Owned
thanks for the courtesy and int • ated
that he would "etidea Via' not
Invait the primary qualifications for
membership in your assix•iiit ion."
Great Britain manages to jog, along
very nierly, in spite of the pt./Lanni/air
Warning's of short-range tlit•ristS4
Thr7-1111:11111 reVe • rpt 111114 recently
published show that the t obit &saes/4a ble
inetanie in the Ht•itish Isles in the
fiseitt ' year 184484410 was C:III8.704.(100.
I it 04047 :t was K4iii7,1107,0011 at*i in
111181-2 it had risen to 4,1110,1110,0n-,
during the latter period 1181' United
K Mad, mi had •tn eXpellaiVe /1114 dis-
tiudang War 011 her hamlet.
The Catiluiian 'lit 44111
in fairness be remnant with
sileitee regarding the questiam of pre-
ferentied tariffs. It WlIs the first to
speak. mot its art ion in giving a vol -
:18 -8- trieferellee to the tiler
etriintry is unteealled. What
more do the Clovernment's critics
Want 7, If they • will promise 10
pport 11011 greater reduction of
th 4110141 on British goods we have
little alit that the Govertinient will
meet I r views. kopek up, n•••ntle-
TIO -resod of the Committee of
's esamin ion -temperance
dr' • are int.' ing. Thr sin I ist
dr( an enormous consumption rf
I h Mee beverages. and it many of then,
Otli 811 1311(.. pereettro alrohol
it is appment that many mple pat -
bike Attlier freely of alcohol! drinks
Without be•ing (mare of it. A '41 If,
given eif )dwo such prelate:it am
cant/ ' • g from 0 per cent. to 42 pe
cent. of aleohol, and it is Moiled that
twiny% 'kirk* eidttaining n gerottar
pereentage'• of alcohol than eastinnry
wines and beers are consumed itt
rigorous total allot inettee tiniest.
A g the prepare' i tttt meter ed
are Paine.** 4 'eters- (*limp tuna, n'(th
21 lice mid.. of alcohol : Iliwrflantre
blertrian Hitters. 25 twr eent .1 leohed t
Ibiatettees ,Fite ttttt wit Hitters. 24 per
rent. Warner'," Mate Tonic Hitter'',
Alper vent yper4 Sarsaparilla, per
tent.; Hod's Staisaparilla, 14 per
rent. Company's Merl Tonic,
ZI per cent The teport suggeatm
another tlifth tiny in the V. ay of the
imforcemeitt of A prohibitory limiter
The Noble Nature.,
` le 4- not growing like.. tree
,,1.4 bulk dui la,Itiakc Alan hatter hot
fr .taiiiiiiig long an uuk. throe hundred year.
la full a lop at bast, dry. bald. and ,ore:
A lit) of a ility
I. fairer tai. 111 h111.Y.
Although it fall 41111 elle that night -
it 418-88,. plant ind flower of 1.Ight.
linkporlialls 411 J 4.4
'Anil. in .hort titea•intr. life 1444y perfect hn.
H. Jenson.
• Right bp • Day of, ISM. .
.. ' Illaunlitin Tama.
' .lit -.'r at Winnipeg on timidity
last Rev. Mr. Shearer, seeretary of the
8). ' ' lawil's Day Alliance, ntated
that thanwas not a week that lie did
414)8 receive letLera from, workingmen
on riiilways and steamers asking that
the Alliance do slimething to -Ileellre
110+1 at leant * For • of ' Manila y.
'Iliework 44 the Alliance in No far as
it seeks to give every 1111811 a fair
chance to have Sunday to hinted(
tli•serves the support of all frietids of
' Useless to Deny. ,
• Pligadelptlia Piga.
Iii one Of the bye-eleetions of the
Provinee oue
f Qbee. Canada,'n as
a bitter 'et intent over the religious
i1Ile.4111141 and attempt to stir up pre-
judice. , All Sorts of storied were _eh-
•ailaterel. Finittly, it was tomotineed
that the children of Premier daintier
had never been baptized. '
tireat•tow of this statement was be-
ing matie, to the distress of the Lils
rajas. Milady, one of the staunch
Laurier meet = telegraphed to ' his
Ilmeler : Iteptart in 4'8/41111:It ion, that
yirtir Children have never been Inge
t lard. ' Please telegraph' denial.- •
iie revel Veil that reply : ''Sorry to
say the report is corret. 1 hirve",ms
children." .
Th. Party Vets in Manitoba.
• strai fold lime. a.
Those who judge that Manitoba in
hopelessly Tory from the last Provin-
••ial vote /1117 weenie. The -vote was :
t 'misery:0 is e candidates. ;11,t14; Libe-
rals.' :3C7411 : third candidate& 2.5104.
It 'will lie seen that the Terry vote es-
t ceeded the Liberal vitt, by only 3-1834
' in 1 he entire Province. but the Itobliii
Govei•nosent had so arranged the 4.011'
8888 tie:ivies that these 3,1* votes gave
the (lover ttttt ent a majority in the
legislature of -2.2. the ironies snaffling
:11 14,i 9. Of 1..111.11nle 11 is '1111184014silill-
Wi881 1. (tt 8 t 0). representation to get
constituencies exactly according 14.!
Iiloptilation. or to have "i•ep. by pop.
tentily ('omits) ont.• lint the'plan that
ives :11 to 0 representat ives when the,
whole vote is praet wally equal is a
hold disregard of public rights. •
Honest Criticism Ratter Than "Bolting."
• liro..el. IN..t.
Noufe 14 (81,' Opposit • lie3141)/Ipe114
NO e he'll stating that Alt11011g11
1.ihelA1 IleWsplpers elitist bast 11144 Pro,
%jovial • Cabinet over the ret•ent
•Imptantittents in Hurtm counts. they
%meld continue to support Lawral
principle, isistead Of. Joining hands'
with their opponents. This is very
likely true. The calling of 011e'S 1411*7'
to time is '14 plain but di/U*14-0'1e
dot y that the Oppositi tttt doesn't
lama- notch about hy practice alai
yet this is' the WAN' 111 raise the 581411,1 -
*418. A father whip; his lehild for it
ini•sleira atria fait the., not expel 1 "
from his Inane. and SIO in polities. the
straight etiticiSto and watching out
for A11 avoidance of the error is 14
'II better line I 11834-8 1111)1811441 144iing
out on strike and like il elinIllky horse
rt•fusing 0 1114) your dot V. Got drmisenta'
often need remanding 08;0 they are
'lie servants (3( 1114. electorate and •not
their boss and if there Wen' laorr,
lione,t outspoken ef t itents on public
affairs instead of faultfinding may for
.part y sake a more manly ettanagenannt
••f public affairs would/ halve existed
behove this. . Polities are clean. but
.1111117 of the twilit ieirms are in weed Of
tsr. Prtoe's Courage. . .
/7.111111 '.3 14111181.' in The Canadian Magartor,
The quality of 41airage, which .is irt.
dispensable to the successful pi ,Ii -
8 ician. is not lacking in the 31 Mister
a t he Interior. He is. always ready
to take up a challenge. l'elhalui this
W a . be s't illustrated in the famous
duel Iwt oleo Sir Itiblwid Topper and
himself. when the foriiwr on his way
to Ottawa frion the (mast gave. out
publicly that he who'd stoat Bran-
don, and. liefiirroMr. Milton'.. own con-
ituents. charge him with eorroption.
of itself required no small degree
Of en IA 4.. and displayed ?tome of
that (11 estrian fighting Wood whirl"
ran in the 'ns of Sir Hibbert's an-
. . ton was in the south-
ern part of the • Vince. 'and had an
important prograt of meetings, to
eArleel 01hiC11 etitail considerable
risk. He at otter. how*' accepted
the challenge, 'dl the two 34.11 Ap-
peared 011 the same platform fore
an audience of HAS' persons, ft
were crowded 'into the skating rot
Probably ...half were suppot•ters
of :Mr. Siftoti 8111.. either half
opponents. • As is well knOwn, the
inee•tiiig tome(' out dittastronsly for
Sir Ilibbert 'flipper, partly because he
repeated charges which his father, Sir
Chitelt•s Turewr. had recanted in the
eeletirated Philp letter. which was
sprung 011 the audience for the first
t • that !light, and which simply pee'
alaed the enemy. It was claimed
that Mr.. Mift on's maj, wit y of oyer 11111
in the election whitM - folhaved a few
days later (load be 'accounted for by
he results fit this mead ing. as hundreds
of forme' s drove into the meeting.
nod said they would deride after the,
procemlingli were over whet hew Mr.
Hilton ware guilty of the eharges
brolight against him •or not. Mr.
Hugh John 3litedonald visa Mr. Sifton's
Opponent, and thus iti the greateat
tight of his lite he WaS battling with
wo of the historic la names in
'Canada. Ableihmald and Topper. He
encountered the prestige and pool -
lark y Macdonald and the influence
of Topper, HMI swept everything Ii*.,
1,1*'11101. (41 noose the nagnificents
iirgdifirAt ion Nhieh Mr. Sifton 1)101 (11
that election watt A factor in the re-
sult ; yet the;re. -are few men who
would willhigly go throng,' such An
.onlemil. • iintedon tram a Conservative
entistilitency and Mr. .1 (44.'))h Marlin
hatilieen defeated there when it wart
.alled Selkirk.
now the Doukhobors Are Hotting.CM.
Tomntn New..
A odiu,01 the news Nimes from the
Nord hwhet that the Ibinkluitsles have
spent818 oliiihdred 1 h. .nisanddollars on
linprovemelits 1.11 1. 'it. fonomon.1 equip-
ment. More, .Ver. they are to establish
forty 114`38' aChIPOIpl. Cif late the press
has had little to rdiy about these Spirit
Wrestlers. The little emit ttttt ent cloned
by smite fry, of the, none visionat y
Ifraiket hew died tritt. the: twopie who
held" them to be a menet* to the nom -
try are silent, for their Mrsperity 8.
malmilited. Five years Ago that photo-
graph of a teem of Doukhobor vioinen
barnacled to a phow was piddialwel in
newnpaperit all 11110T Casa& and in the
United Motes. Otrinfoins were written
about, the borbartly of tlw men who
contpelhal thefr wives and daughters. to
itet its draft beit.ts. The - or a
large section or the public believe(
every word of the stories. w lam the 1(11(1
truth wait that the photograph retire-
witted youtlitionai only one section of
ucrtipoeuwrd...u.t.wo1.11:1411 87.ihRocut.hrLy
Th., men hail (mine tt) Ca nada t ti ~ape
just such leseeensitier, ant) the newt 'ear
horses told OXell tOOk their plat•en.
sitiall election of tlie 1)ouk* alto soul
not animate to work for thrill
were looked 'upon by their coliapittriots
114 entlitisiasta, fact which
WAN Clearly by the efftirts of the
majtirity tat induct* theta to alsoition
tht•ir extreme belief. Alen who have
been in the Nebel Invest this sin ttttt er 148)'
t thiint hive
'wet tttt e amenable to 'mason and have
worked an hard 4114 181))' of them('
Slaty 83( 8844' youdiLinten have left the
C01011y g(14111. They 11/1V41 secured
employment as hind .ilitien with
fat•mers. anti will put in the winter
where they (71111 lear11 English.. e
of them 111tVe allied themselves . h
Lutheran or Presbyterian elturehes,
in which they find servitea that are
not tlissimilar to their own. The
chances are that these g fellows
will become assimilated by the Eng-
lish-spesking population. Ai't ht r
not ewort Ity fact 'that, t hey renew
any longer to wiltr the. sheepskin
(1111814-1111'd the fur Caps
which every 1118811 hall when they
struck l'anada. want Canadian
-clothes. anti they have them. Only
the (11481.1' Dien stick to the .tpuiitit
artily of Southern Russia. There is
no longer 11 Itotikhotior problem.
They desire English teachers. t'aint-
eliiin to.ot.hes, anti soon their ebildren
will lie speaking the new language.
i4lst,11/4 are the y parrs in the eVel.-
increasing French-Canadian colony in
this city.
O. T. P. Dill and Redistribution
Measure Out oftthe Road.
Sir tent. Mulock's Not tor Ms Toronto
members 11, '11114( ben Want
Representation fog That •Provinco--Ma
• Anuendmonts *c.a. T. P. -Notations
the Grand Trunk to tivo nd Trunk
it/rrAvva, Sept. 2ti. -At 1a4 • he
Grand irrtink Peu.ifie emitract and t
rettistribut ion bill have herii passed by
'384.' }loose of Ut.) t ttt ions, the 141) 11'!' be,
nig holed night, and. hot h
have been sent up to tlit. Senate.
The Tonna.) members tlIOW Well
how to have a "stand in" 348881 their
citY and tliey trieti the game of hog.
bill it olidn't work. \Viten the rellis-
tribUtioni bill came tip for its Otird
reading. E. F. Clarke umved to send it
back cotionittere 'and give TO11111to
(WO ttttt members 14111.1 tried to create
the Oppression that the Lilwral tiov-
t•rimient *as purposely clipping their
wings by making ctimparisons with
the 881144811011 '811 1402. but 31).. Hyman.
01 LontIon West
York. anti Mir VI•illiani 31 idock had
hero muting tilt with so .h baby
talk stall as Mr. Clio ke's pleas that
they cot loose and for an hour kap
iota* than 141117. tAinservative. member
wincing anti squirming in their seats.
They Field to "'mak the force of the
Poll master Gienerars arraignment by
roost ant interruptions, tnit• Sir '11'0-
liant had a 148,14w -wall impeaehment of
those responsible few all. the wrong-
(' g suffered by 1.0wrals from the
'4 illSet•Vat Ve regiiiie and was not t
be side-tracked. He sllOWell that To-
ronto was fairfy dealt with
today than 1802 : and Asked Mr.
Kemp and Mr. Clarke how it hap -
p.m d that their righteous (?) indigna-
tion had hieen 31.I1 repressed that not. a
word was heard when 10/142 Bast TO -
11(111 0 WAS given only one Member for
over 411,01111 poptilatiov, bY their nwn
twiny. whilethey haggled and whintsl
at a far less proportion They
were de•ceiving no 011e, Sir IS illiam
Saki. 1141 the country well underrates'
• • Mr..Itihnston. of Cantwell, wanted
his (-tumult tieney retained. His lain
ary; ttttt ent for it was the long list of his
illustrious pi -nieces -tors., Hemmule use
of the, fact of his 'wing,* former, find
said the Government was lopping off
all the farmer M.P.'s, He counted
seven farmers who had 'wen elecapi-
toted,' and this was laid at the door of
the (iovertiment. One 0( 1)141111, how-
ever, he envied. anti that was Mr.
Me(ingan Liberal). for whom, he
hinted, there was a recompense when
the pniper time rano..
Mr. Holmes asked if lit claimal only
one Literal wits wipd (int.
Mr. Johnst one Liberal
Mr. Henderson, to Mr. Holmes -
You're not a fanner.
Mr. Holmes -I (10 not pretend to be
a farmer, aff the mendx.r for Halton
let boa thws,
ever. the Premier •was (leaf to.
51 It; ;neadn's entreaties and the
member • Cardwell joint, the "Hifiri-
P. H. I: /11t8SNTATION.
Thing.. were ge g along pretty
nicely or, a vote by o'clock when
31r. Hackett, 0'. E. I. nit in an
antentIntent to increarw the 'elite/ten-
lotion of Prince Edward Islam o
!air Wilfrid laurier rearterittet 811
prev It a is deelarat ion hat he etma
Intim' described the methal of Allot -
1111(111 Of tilellIttera 14) each 1"rovinee,
awl Parliatuent had no (40 ion in the
matter, and in this he was supportetl
Itythe Minider of Justice. But the
swarthy eaplain from "the garden Of
Canada" was not atm vineed. or at least
satisfied. The Premier appealed to
Mr: Speaker to reject the •ndinent
as (Mt of order." Amit WAS 515 p. 111.
Aral pith hetet out. the Speaker
called 11.0 o'cl(wk and left the chair.
Dearing the dinner recess he failed tei
find /1111 adhority for him tx• aceede to
l'irentigr's request and left it for
the Idolise to devidei Then ensued A
three hours' dimenamion on the point of
order, whieli will jualtify itself 'as a
precedent for the future. A deadlock
was 1 lits•at ened, but Whip Traylor and
88. Sproule went. (nee and advised
MI'. liockett to withdraw lum
meet on the let -Mantling that Pots
liniment would paws an ad(lreea' to the
King -in -Conned asking to hare Pence
Edward Island represented in the
I)) no fewer thati mix mem-
in any future redid riled ion. Mr.
Lefurgey, the loutish looking (lee)1-
mate of Mr. Ibiekett„matie affebsownt
and forcefill preaelitation of the came
for the billiard Proviwee, Ile p.iinted
out that it war the eitiestion of repre-
sentation that glade the Province re-
made tastable of Canifederiation until
BM.' in the nmediestirms they had
alitays rontended for a mini m of
six memiteni, hilt unfortunately, al-
thaigh there strut no question of the
'VC It t eft t he redint.ritnition changed at
rlght *4148141
the IAA all per a 11141.11 11('
trrfthhallfrtriliit hetki1171:b811:, 1,Y1itileldsrantlfiltnetall:00u:
the Daninion. Mt. lofintrey then
. _
upon the table. and moved an 111111•1111-
tinbeldriuppartatujing0fahiproto7n party friends
'mint to that effeet. but did not have W
To come hock the: Wand Trunk
Pacific. There were close on to fifty
tontrudiuents to the egreement lu num
mittee offered bji the Oppomitiou and,
(ter All, it is not a bail plan, as it
pirtartieparty's attitude in black and
white int,ihe journals of the Ilona
Many of thein-wetto enipported.
Yhe elatise referring to 11)4' free itns
pirtation of supplies was laittreested
by a postscript making it Mesmer that
the Orand Trunk Patine shall not'par-
take of its advantages ; it being re-
served for the tioeet•nment only.
Another Amite of the eigriwineut
which 11404 heel) heavily hmillardad 84
that which provides that the 01t1
(Irand Trunk shall acquire the whole
,01 the 11135.0101,noll common stock of
the 0. T. P. The'Opponit ion instated
that the lirand Think l'otupany shall
pay par value for it. The tiovern-
ment contend that such ti course
would he reesentrily inteidering
with the tu'o compania by.fixing the
value of a corpora' '1411444.1..
It was apparently the idea (8?the
Govertinient to make the Incorporators
of the G. 'r. Pat•ific own and
hold none hut _stock on capital
enee snit . The Goya ait guar--
aetually ivestett --that is the prefer -
entre"( a dividend of three !we rent. 011
the preferred stock only. None but
those whose money is invested shall
partake thereof, The ('0111111 011 dock
,loes not necessarily represent a
dollar's itivemmetit, but merely 'the
minden, divitlentlek goodwill and fut-
ure proopects.' This class of stock is
generally given to lien& /11111 Other,'
for serviers rende 1. It limy he
worth par -not very likely, however,
--ow perhaps only 25 r even 10 ; ew,
on the other hand, it i 'enable for it
10 KO iwyoutl par. Ho -is t ()UV-
er 'nt to fix the value if the shares
10 he Acquired by the (4. R.. .'.ver, 11
the face value is 11I0 7 The-
Trunk by tieing c pelted . wacquire
and • hold forever the who e of the
tsonnoin stock inakt.s it 4I once a
deeply intereeted party. will
teerive divide on this sleek nly so
long as the (nand Trunk Peelle is
able to earn a simians of at least rive
per vent. and will therefore u ite(
powerful inflnrnee tit 'mike Ow
siteeess, anti the success of t
T. Pacific, and that alone. ,Will 18
tt• lirle the Vithle of the 't•
NOTE*. '
Dori the 818114.117.1Pif (if the\silleidy
o illaa note a „direct line of steam-
. p, Iwts Canaria *nil France, E.
B. ler to Ole Hii11•447 81)1(8 ,While he
was New 'ork last week he linen'
it mai that • 'attain was the stifles.*
spot (11) rill hi exploit ing." Ile WAS
prirliality 4 11e/11 tiVei the easy Way
be got 7414 1111 di ter 11)44 1)4'):. with a
fellow C.1'.14. pen 'ary, and itmight
have been his ti •e he hems),
Tlw Coldstreat band ar-
rived thisimea g t two
leeti tt s the hill in 100 8.14 the een•
teal liftwk. In the • ter non they
filled the Speaker's gone het 'om•
mons and presented a gav p ^ranee
81) their bright red 881141 gold 1 wine.
During a 1183'1.4i4 n,. when Mr. m mast
stot id up 1(1 la; counted. A It(
the redcoats . pointed their fe fi
over in his direction, with aS Thai! A
1411-Y. "Thant him." . DA •
'• "Patience." mid Unele "im a
great virile*. 11 14 man doesn't gib up his
regolar loaminess in order to tend to it.'
Wit.shingtoti Star.
. Acheson& Son
Overstocks iu
meet our necessities
as ever advertised.
a dozen departments we lure forced to
by its big bargain offerings to the public
Goods which you want now and at half
value and less for 2 days selling.
Dress Suitings
sot) yar.i. tit ti6 kWh cheviot homespun suiting's, in mid grey shades, fine
finish and pure wool, heavy weight, our hest $1.110 quality at per yard :inic
1500 yards, :42 to 381 in. wide. American divas wiappeeettes iu handsome
1 patients toed fait colon,. Regular price 12.8.' anti hic per yd., Saturday
and Monday, price
Fall Jackets
20) of toted atyle in fall (mats, faahionaby cut in every detail and hand-
onnely lined throughout. lit•golar value $0.511 to $1O.1.10, each at from
95.01.1 to fiftlii
Dress Silks
1109 ye! ix of Japan coral .drean silk, and shades, worn thim
aniann, white and plain regular 35c to 13e a yard,
'grouped all ono peke, for .2 drips, M....-. 2:w
Carpets , •
e have too many carpets. 1200 yards extra litst.vy union carpets, per..
feetly terra -allele 11,111.1 114 best volt/114 1111t1 lle+481/111.1, yalue 45c And at
per yard •
Flannelette Shirt tugs
1050 yards extra. heavy, Loen Lomond beat flannelette shirting's in a
ninge,,r regular and 1547, al i)er yard . 111c
Brussels and Axminster Carpets
DUI yards body Brussels and A x star vitivet.,27 tulles wide. H11141W1111( 11
large ranto• of colors, for quick we place at the extraordinary
price Id
Linoleums ,
moo 5.1111. Se, ifeh H114.1.41111, IleilVy 8(.14.1.4 Mid Neftimilleil. 1111,
4,8. floral pal terms, in widths 2 to t yards wide, Statorday 11/141 Molklav
price, at per mytare Yard
. -
W. Acheson & Son.
We are determined to clear
out our stock of Wall Paper
this fall, and have some
tempting prices to offer.
'hiring July and August we offered
2' per eent. off. We 43001 offer one -
t hint off, tri:rni per ee1111. What does
that mean ? Jura *ha-
25e Paper few 10 c \per roll.
20e - '• ]44.'
15c " " 10.'
" ". 7.'
e 66 13&,
de " ' 4.'
31e • "
Borders from to per yard to
15c per yen!.
OR I 1.:11Fi.
}folk, 74,i- 071
STU Y & Co.
Grocer., .Their
*sties the Public
Take Time by the
A New
Fall Buiidi Material
Overcoat ov.,,t.t4
Ina -Wm noWtkinery for
This .58 ha.. bra, 1=
4444 Ifeanalakaaly /111 418.4. M
and refitted alth
urine proweety
West Street, next door
to Bank of Montreal.
Sloth, Ibiors, Frames, Moai'tding ;Ink
Interior and Exterior Finishing of all \
kinds on hand or 11111.41e to order.
Estimatem furnished on appli
Orders solicited.
We hail the good 'fortune *. iere a line
of good ITniirrellan at a Very lo gine. If
you want to ',hare raw goad fortune 11147 to
this !attire Saturday or moratay.
Natural wood, crooked handle, with toilve
moontings,' otivreriregl enver, good value at
$1.A liedW"Price
Don't mina this chance.
Now then, do you want a bargain if,
waterproofs ? If no, come along Saturday of
Monday and get Cale for $2.25. Theme coat,
were bought front the manufacturers at 4.11.811
ing prices. These coats Armlet sell at $3.5"
('iteh. (ha earth price is 1112.Xi. 811Ws :16 to II.
15'41 have also another g(a)4 line in fawns
and greym, guaranteed waterproof. for 950)
We etinesider this the hest 988.00 waterproof cm
the market.
Now is the Gine you need II good, romfortable (tvercoat. Our stock seirtiaases by far anything liV4.1
shown in this MI 71• . NV,' have them in all prices. front 9.5.00 8., 9:10.00.
IHi). an overcoat la•fore fleeing the 211th Century Brand of flne tont-wed prormenta. Yon get the
cloth, style and finish found in contend ('lothing, imt, it dot -isn't cost nearly is. mirth. Prietio, $10,40)
Nlarie to your special order by paying 91.8111 extra.