The Signal, 1903-8-13, Page 5THE SIGNAL: GODERICH ONTARIO
Ti UI.$DAY, Aug, 13, 1903.
Along the Lake Shore
Range in Ashfield.
Abundant Signs of Prosperity Among the Descend-
ants of the Irish and Scottish Pioneers -Mr.
Shoenhals' New Mill at Port Albert -Many
Improvements in Houses and Barns -Where
Mac's Predominate -Railway Accommodation
A trip up the gravel rout on the
Inky slum. of the township of ANhfield
was indeed a revrlat' to us, and we
were Struck with the evident signs 11f
pI1,ilpwi'ity and contentment that
marked every stop of . ramble
through that ,wautiful cuunlIT. 111
begin with, the crone are magnificent
and everytoxlY was feeling good over
the pnspes,tai of an al Inst harvest,
or other of the Mac's, for t het' are a14
plentiful as the Iwo overlaid Wool.
iii k-
IM•1•rien, Least; til gh not the least,
ruulr14 our aid friend Villiluu I'uwell,.
near the 11.ltuld,u•y, who hum erected
an immense mtl•Urtlu,. LO x (M► fret with
xlabliug iwlleItil.
And no the 1.h of ivaptvvt•uu•nti
has guar steadily tot, N•hil'h goes to
show that the folks here have faith in
this Canada. of 4111.14, and that .thin (lis-
t'ict with its uiriva11441 lauds is fast
Iw4'n111ing om•.11f e It:tiling lr-
the iNt1ltnblr NiSur of which were raising section. ,,f the r ty. All
ap1Nlt1ut on evrt•y aide, The hey dud ! that is required herr 1, wmne railway
whew were all harvested and for the nee°lll1111M ilt' for Ihr• Iwopleat.' for
must IoM mft'I ' ,reiitwd in the torus, I the most port all of 'Meet. to eighteen
and the ptvnlimltlg Holds of ival•ley and mike felon Market when this is
1441144 weer lhru just waiting fur the remeoli1,1 the Ashesrld shone Will be is
binder.III till• slate tll'llilt)' of 1 p hiee to IM• reeko llld with. for It will
the lake lilt• Illnits an• of a wu pa.14iug I out then be haul heappwd as it le now,
ri,tiand ld the high and improved, • MH. Tull)4 4
hei It 1.a lel. v.
style of far g mow in .valence is in
marked ruutrast 141 that of no lunger
than tern years ago, when this port
of the township was I.Slkld UPOII as
rather a backward c try. A new
era has danwtmed upon the pw.rpht,
which p111111iae•w that IM•f,Il1• another
decade nils it 1 they will lank
am,nl g- the ►114 w1 p1',.14I er'11Y and'
wealthy farmers in the county.
The ,,fuels along this *hoot* come
from two wtinet aspire,' to which
rine tin( may le ate routed'the
marked IJitl'r •net• that axis 14 between
those living i1 he malt keen pout lulu
those living fro Kiutail n1 rthwaisI.
Thr former a•1• ti • dl w rutlul 44 of 1lie
first millers trout t e h:nuv'ah Isle. a
true 111111 win nde-44m 1 lot of 111 it who
have retained many the rhnllu•ter-
Istit•N of their ancestors nil Nhuw uq-
mistakabl.• pigswill( thei ally origin:
Atter the rough period of pioneer life
through Nhich the early mettlet,
passed. :mil after hewing out their
hoittenteau11 f11am the primeval forest;
theirconditjnu. an the retold( of sheer
hart( work timid_mu411v !trivial hunt. ham
IIIIpn/\'IY1 til what It Is today.
TilV MKS; KRI1}1 THE 111441►J.ANI4t.
Following the road npWanlia we Had
.,quite 1 different
:1 riu•r np M•alplr (room s IiJf
Mock. *4Vhrn the .i qwt• end of the
tolellmllip alas. IIpe•II48I for settlement
at what was then cane+ til.• Qin.) I'M
nosh, same mixt)' year%s a Lr
number of Hien frothe ►1igh1md4 ,,
.iseidemJd with their fanlil
there. and it is their descent,__ Passes Ara, \
t,MIity .ie.illly 1111• tI1st 14448
their parents. They :n1. of lint d•lit h ,at Fri :i•v, morning,
drw•e•nt anal for ulau)• year! %i f Angled: 1' `s:Irala *\'iHiam+,
but the luu•lir- tcingue N' 1.. alit/keltUselateArthur
I heir cud.• lug homes :hut. cru r 41f the 1111.11 di. rice. a
1, thin of th.•ir race, they to ',who' life i, ended lad a
the plodding and persevering ring thrift of ell -k m. 'n iu..i t b-144,111 Hg, 1.r ..f
I hrjr *4.•ottieh artew.luls Nnd mow their • pioones ' J '.44 of ilnnm rem.rt. sl.
d.scrnd:md14 are rnjnying the 1,ueHIN. to. olosss1 w:i44 the Nt.,11141 daut(h-
Fol i her of years they emote ter i,( the late Rowland %Vtllir'n's, a
little headway. owing in port to their pinmoient 'sinister and it men,i,.'i of
i.ot*lila iron markets. and also tar• the law ion of N%'ifli:uus & li1•ru:md,
bap'• from th.• fault that most of t1 of Sit 111. t IoW -n, .I:Iltpllra. She was
' were originally fishermen and not ...belated i Eup(land:it 111411115. w•h.Nd
44..81 tufa K. Their first holdings at 13.1fnnl t 1.'4forl.hire, her broth -
were right on the Shote of the Ink.' 1.1 Itnw1t4, 1 a the .cul.• tint t -trod•
w' here their de.,e,danls are tit this. 'big ...loyal at 'moi a village a 'the
day:•N1NJ funentlug the i1114timlt1 of 'Thames. AL Ihe''titnr of the a
their early 'life they wale 4414 •h lint ion of Mbares h', father 11.11111514
' aH,44it an ton Shun•. and would a•Iltne `111. f: 'Iyi fres .1a Mika' t., 1':muule
down (4) (il,lrrt,h in (heir limits Ynr and sett(... n1144(Intel 1.14 St. Tlln111:114.
.nppliem Nm1 to well or barter the little Spurn) tiller ruining In Oil 1111 he
they evllid I1�iSe IM their lands. ,There was appointed jnol c of he Middlesel
were no -row of, Hurd. 4 u ' anion district.. Leaving Iuglnnl Miss Wit'
with the (limit it�r turn was thoe' h an liaul, canoe to l'lu,adn :to& jottftMI her
bush.with nut hing but n Nir1•nt$ here and lecium• It`•sfaroili:u•
1 .)•n thegatherings-4.f t
m . �1 n tt
blaze on the trees' tor n guide. This 1 g
nn changed now : `their dewrndant44 sixty-Hv.• years ago round til. F Weest
1111• a tll(igton.siv •, well-editeittetl and 1'114,
remarkably shrewd rine of mem, as \!'hen Huron district was forties by
the fine eters and gooNdfile• K to Iw the I;l.tl4•t ad Arthur At•land w,
serisere al tautly testify. appointed its first judge. and Mims Wil -
.w AT M11.1AT )'(IHT A*.KVIIT. hams Wnm'114411.1•irYI to( hill( int 1441 and
Judge and Mtn. Arland rnuui to Ilv-r
in lilderich. The late Sheriff Ilvud-
t (' oil 1%4011 a ud
man was the fltist t all
invited Mrs. Arland to. 1..• his guest a1
Lunderetun with his good lad) while
the ,ledge imade his flea (•irruit, er-
ratum:inl t' by his lmlher-in-law•, Row.;
\\'illinuls, with his dashing pgir
,nf grey horses eemenllwnvl by nbt•1 hr
few t•lymniping pioneers 111 Boron.
For N peplum' of nearly fou)teen yea11
*Ire. A4•l tut used et rm'iolls fillies 10
aceomp tty her husband on his cir-
cuits, sharing to hardships of th,• load
rod.. of thine. 'sin what now forms
the 4•onnt ies of Ht lies. Perth mut-pile
of Ifrure. Thelia when changes
Were made ,)ud a Ar d was offered
le judgeship of (a•ey 1 the ret(istrar-
44 1 of hent and :weep 1 lhl• latter
in •etrtence. but was rot w.1 to till
the 4 i re at 1'hathaun only it short
time w 1.n his death lecart•14 there.
(lo the path 41, her husband kits.
Arland r. toted to (i,Slrri.h, Where
44he resioleol 4 • e111i• years, rafter N'hirh
she went to hence and later 1,
IMPRuvalagS• w os THK FAWNS. R'iat•ton. On 1 • • death o1 her niece,
\1'e (Minot Milt good-bye 14) AShfi,,J1(
9111441 It militia ' g the. Hattie of tall'
I1141 friend, 7'htl11uts O'Reilly, .(that
they speak of w, highly). 11'e saw
I ' p to his eves ill buNilles..taniking
barley, on his. 1111.• Gm•nl, 31.11 tie iep-
'eared Ihr happiest man in tin• whole
to •tNhip, 1444• friend '1'11441 i. ,114411.•
un a elide 111 his way iar'll N hal lie .:, vs
Hurries weight,,. int' he .1441, Int raped
h a land 't g1n•tunities that
Ilwt v e y .
n melt urn 1 �uul. Hi. h:uu -
t I
ap11or brG'k-Ndl•n,e is to j11.1 t4ai-
to his Ih ' t it'd' rrouoluc. loot
although he has I e• ;dud the 45.ilting
of a it t
the (argil t o un 1.r a w t
wn h
I %64 hitt 1114114 he MMT '114,1 b)•. any
means,t•n.ider that 1n•' is pest 9.110.
y . Raving 14 very r•lent4Ve mem-
ory hr Im Metes Ir 1 1•te a.
Y I u nnn5• n that
11x1• happened i11 the ;Nan 411 world
'Wye goneiby. and no the lending'
itu/stio H14 Of the (lily 1141 nlntl ram' ell -
11g1114•11 •1111 better 111a11 111•. .It is live
that 4111 a liamey trial he (may have
gone it lit le il4taly, but after, all has
not every woe toerfr,1 right to his
'opinions. 1 '•'l'u bets'" him saj• with
.'Inphasi. : 'And didn't '1 14.11 you,
WI y' IN encu to l''II%i111e anybody
that our hien( t im 1 e. e• •
t T m a great thinker 1t1 K
beanies, 1. help ,t r ,
The 441111'• Pill MOS O'Reilly
hat Ihr\' spies .1f sir highly.
I I1.
I K .
The Man chili- iv1•11 b • he creek 'r
Tl 1t k
of the FRet Judge O
too that
r wain• In tIN•
veal tie flat. 7 u
n nate( 1 ti
r til 1 e first: ' It
yetis•. long N
Huron District
in tinrare for improvements that
rnlne our IIOLI,e we mention
Hirt the new grist mill now fleeting
el.mplrlinn at Port AI►S1-t, tweeted on
the sire of the 4 d Malmffy mill which'
was destnlyr(1 fire last fall and
which is tieing re tilt by Mr. Sh.wn•
hid.. The strnrtu is of w4111erete,
tiro .atlri4N 111 high and covets nl
th1• hese a ,ntrfnce nt 741 feet by 142
w'ithunt the sheds and Nt)-1144 and
hash truly mill -like appear Me. The
power jm /H•t•iye41 hem the rt k that
runs th1vugh til/• village and t1 1wet
much iml)►'n\'WI I. the nddjt in, of a
new turbine wheel, which will hn5 • a
hand of •5)feet, eatable of I(,neratin
a pressure estimated at fin h. p. all the
y.•: 1 I1 I. Thr twee,wu•y niatehhr
er'y for turning out 1(ty INmlels of
flow per day iN 'wing installed by a
St Tat ford first. There Will also be a
chopper for grain, which when 1 -
det.d will 1w ai wt•fect boon to Ihr•
*44 rIm'r. of the neig111N11.111MN1,'w'hn are
all rngag.vl in the raising of cattle.
Passing front here we wee
tlikable 14151)41 of progress in the large
cull pawl,• of new w111' fetid•s and iron
gates that pine the t44IIMi11e", and the
general improvement in the hnuses.
Many of the old buildings have been
cased over with metal siding, giving
them the appearance of brick build-
ings, Following up the road we
to John Sullivan's barn, Hader
which a new stone basement ham Leen
built: then comes him near neighbor.
,,nils E. Sullivan, who halm knot com-
plete(' .the e,'n►rat foundation for a
new hrnlar that he is en4•tinl(. Next.
it Flnrrnee Mct'arth)•'s, witha new
venae, a hone' : then We IN nuli• 111 the
new ehurrh and .11 r, Dalt un'M 11144111
'i.'* Wine, of whirl' mention' i44 mndr
elsewhere. Anywhere the eye nestle
11",'N' in something new, but it is Haar
toil that the neon( iM broken.
First we see Duncan Mel,eiw1'01, with a
monster barn, 50 x 01), with stapling
beneath on concrete ININellent: then
Alex. McKetnie's,near the short•. with
an immense harn and mtableM to re-
place the old barn that was dell meed
)Y fire bast tall : then Murdoch `ic-
ihnald's, with a view 'amen* founds,
tion to hie hawse abet Roderick Me•
Gnat Throng Received and Ao-
claim New Pope in St. Peter's.
Ills Molasses Was Tranquil ..a Fussed
ffa••sfa eN 1allgsla1 eee.ntsalee
wit► 0r... tad Dlgalty-■eeelred M•
TN4aes1 Tailless .ad Deemed tae
Triple el/ewe v..,.•. .I.o •ielemallea•
of Me vast Multitude.
Rome, Aug. 10. -The ceremony el
the coronation of Pope Plus X. tools
place yesterday In the Basilica of .tit.
Peter's, 1A the presence of the printed
and high dignitaries of the chuseh.
dlplowat$ and ,Roman nobles, and
with all the sol•luulfy aad splendor
yeoclated with this, the most I
41$c..rite In the Roman Catholic t
At 0 a.m. the ringing bells an-
aounewd the tminlnent opening 01
doors. A gigantic crotid had welted
for` hours and the police and Italian
soldiers hada dilDcult task to male-
tatn order Are tile crushing and fa-
tlgu. had begun to tell upon the pa-
tience of the people. When the doors
opened, the Inrush was terrible, sway
of Whom started trona tho bottom
caps outside were lifted off their
feet &ad carried 1st* the cathedral.
It wee a great hurhan torrent let
se. Women fainted In compara-
tively large numbers and eve& men
were overcome by the heat, but no
air Cue accidentswere -reported.
.Inside the Vatican palace there walk
no less movement and bustle am the
Papal procession, composed of about
500 Penni*, was formed.
The. central figuretile la the long
tege was Pins X. borne in the Sedia
Oe.tatorla. Ili,. heavy white rubes
and the red nd gold mitre were
worn without a effort. Over the
PO&tiQ'• brad • amopv .was held by
eight men, while the hhturic omtrkb
feather fans with peacock tips gave it
touch of barbaric western
The Pontiff was• ex
but composed his ewutiufl
Rampon& advanced with dignity,
knelt and kissed the foot of'the Pon-
tiff. Ile thea presented In Mau
voice the wittiest end greeting$ `of the
Chapter of St: Peter: The le ntltt
answering in • tre•wbilog vt ce,-
i riarmly thanked the chapter fur til
well wishes. The. procession then r
formed •nd pro•ec•(1.4i tO the door of
the bast Ilea. Ion the appearance of
the Pontiff himself It -seemed am
though the people would Reek to car-
Fry him to their acme; ' •so great wan
their enthuslamm. Cres of "Plus, to
Pope, our father," said "Long Ilse
Pius X." were raised, ootwlthttutd-
lag the large placards posted ail ov-
er the Basilica, saying: "Acclatua-
tlons are forbidden " -
The cries were continued until the
Pu tiff Ilea compelled to rise and
til the multitude, and at the m•tne
tate he mode & sign for more rever-
ential behavior.
'fie proc-esston then proceeded, the
Pope's face meanwhile Illuminated
by • moil*. At the chapel of the
sacrament, there was another halt
and lIls II'oll.ess lett the Sidi•
tirstatorla, and prayed awhile at the
altar. On'r..-wturfng the chair, he
aIle caroled to the chapel of St DKr -
gory, where, he officiated at a mail..
From the throne P*u.'X. surround-
ed by his suite, walked to the high
altar, standingII over the cr3•Ilt.,af tit.
P,Rer, into -which meanwhile Cardi-
ardsnal lllac•cht descended to pray. Re -
ironing, from the crypt Cardinal Mac-
t,plat'el upon the shoulders cif the
ope the ponttlicial palllum and at -
int. it with ihres
pin.. .
Bass 'waw then celebrated with
great pottlp end ceremony, the voice
of the Rope.,becornitlg gradually firm
and sonerotl1,un(i1 it .was even aud-
ible In the )11o14( distant corner of the
immense church The Iluly Father.
then walked to ',the shrine of St.
Peter for the culmhlatfng rites of the
.extremely fatiguing cerehlony. The
whole sacred college gathered about
the Pope singing "Pirlestrine'• cor-
ona &urea taper caput ejua,•' 41111.
the choir burst forth into sung, gor-
ing the dramatic touch. Ce.rdisoh
Meech( thou. -recited the "Peter Ros-
otter" and offered the following pray-
"Omnipotent and ever eternal (1,od,
dignitary of the clergy and author of
sovereignty, grant thy servsnt, Plus
X. grace to fruitfully goveen thy
church so that he, who by thy eIe-
•wenry, becomes and lo crowned as
father of kings and rector of all the
faithful, through thy wise dtapbst-
tlon May govern well."
"Amen" rang out from all corners
of the Cathedral.
Cardinal Dea'un Segos then raised
the Pontiff's mitre) and Senior ('ardi-
nal Deacon Macehl`41.4 1 on•ths ven-
erable white head the triple crown.
At this moment the church was, 811.4
with the ringing of hells. the blow -
,Ing of sliver trut&pet•, the trlumph-
ant.stralne of the choir and the ac-
clamations of the multitude, which
could nn longer be reprepped,
Pope flus wan Volts overcome and
had mc•resly strength left to impart
the apostolic) benediction. Cardinals
Meechi and Segue granted a plenary
indulgehr• to all present, and the
procession then reformed and left
the Basilica to til/ Maks form Ile it
Ca/014._ __
'ugly pale,
Mrs. Patterenl. N' ('441111• to the h
of her brother, 1. Williams. hue
white she lit ed till It. • owe death 10.1
1'p/ to within 11 year a n, not wit 11
standing her Adtillived 1151•, he was of
1',1 . 441. sl •1•
the hriglt, t'Igl r 1. 414411 It 1 . Wel
knot* to her lelali%es Ant Man5
h'iell+. A few weeks sill was
clmHnld to ilei• 1111111 and (o t hl.
who e'en• with her she Hooke of rt
r g death And her going 144 be
With talose who hold p1N.141 on I'efore.
lin Monday moulting, the 101 It ins(.
tilt• funeral merely.. was held in St
OMorse's chit/,h, (1,wh•rirh, at w'hi.l
dut•ing ler reside lire hen• she was m
e0114041111 attend/Mt and a' worker in
the S Ley school. Thr pltllhr/lt.'ts
were ledge Doyle and Judge 114,1t
Sheriff Heynulds, Daniel MacDonald,
tll•1•k 1.1 the .,11'I•ng11to• rn,lrt, .1,,111
(hal, 1141441111aste1'. 111)(1 M. (%. 1'n 111et1,n
M. P. P. of 1\'rsl Room. St. George s
,heir were present I as the rent Alllm
left the church the Nuns Itineittis was
Thr interment was inatle in Col
borne cemetery, where she Alm IAid 1,,
est 144014/' A 1114- 491- niece - who
predeceased her six teats. •
e•nnan'a, with new foundation to Two of her brother+, Rehr and
1'srl), 411 cement. ales : then John Me- Roseland Williams. 44nrvive, and Dixie
KenaiP e, with A really handsome Watson, formerly of (1,wlerich, now
brick house whirh report says will be comity surrogate clerk At Region, is n
('r'rnpde.1 by a Mrs. M4K,nxie this fell : nej!hew•.
and John 1/mean's, with an it1111Ifnne' Mi*• .4,14414.1 will Innq be tetnrur
tern, with concrete foundation, that hetet] as A g1.4,41 And kind woman. and
ran he ePn for miles AWAY. 11. „my he n41W at. the Age of eighty-flve year.
its well to mention *het nearly ei•ery- , her useful life im ended Anil she hes
body to A Mac of eom. up 1 heti, gone to he with Him who said •'Cnmr
Aad all yO5I have loth% when travelling unto 1Me' all ye !Ahoy !Ahaand ant
this rtNttlV la La say to the aro, man vont heavy buten and 1 will give you test. ;
The Signal to January 1st, 1901, 33c.
t►ee•e•t, "\ ell, Misr, how ate• Y" and
you will he pretty Bute to hit some one'
, \'ER1'1'111 N(1 tbw441tl romM I„
011110• Who wail, F,Ma el 11 %% Ill
come to 5-l1 i( , 441'11 e • here,
\\'hen w1• tell you that our hulie..'
ah.en are 4.0111furlab411' alai dressy, w1•
.411• simply tolling you what • eus-
4 „1414.1•. 11.11 II.. - 4
Every LOOod Style in Hen's Shoes is -in our Store.
you ought 1.• 11.1\,• your 11.4.1 in a pufi'-right 11414•.
SICKINI' (/Id 81 41111, `' Je P. KA VA NAGH
Jv�idilII Block. -,
the Temptation' of Sheldon.
Parson Sheldon, :inflow of 'In 11s
Steps,'. end a Man Who makes Q
specialty of believing in the inherent
leml•.ly of all mankind, tells n good
Harry /ifl hine44elL, '1'i1.• other ,1sy s
poring couple Appeared at his femme to
lie nturrisel. Be per•fnt1u141 the rlhr-
moony with One .oletimifp, and con-
gratulated the in•ide. Then he "briery -
ed the grooms waorching through him
pockets and looking A bit h 'hated
and 'tithe med. •'1 am af1•hMl, pars - an,"
he olid, "that I ain't' got any tltnncy
to poly you with." Then, after n
moment of deep thought, looking tip
eheel'fully, he edited;'Rut 1 can tell
yr/1 haw you 1.4n fix vow gae meter en
it Won't tegieter.''-Kanas City
Journal. '
aap•rlssoe et as shiest. es Beard tar Pr••
eldest-Zq.1peaea .t. (4. $alp-•
Treat 114 Drllllae.
Yesterday (writes a reprementitlye
of The London News under date of
May 26) 1 took ap omnibus from
Fleet Street to til• Went India Lucks
for the purport of looking over the
new Repo' .Naval Reser%.' drill ship,
the Prealdent, Tate liunnet. I. found
her moored to the Wharf at the e11
trenho end of the South Duck. Send-
ing my card on board, 1 was court-
cutely iavlted by Lieut•. Morrison.
the ,officer in .charge.. to crus the
'gangway and have a-►ook around for
1'he new. drill ship was -hardly fit
for the reception of vlsltorll, am she
1s not yet "out '/Il Ips -hands of those
who are fitting her up for her new
duties, 'and It was thkrefure an act
of great courtesy on the part -of
IJenit. Morrlsun to allow a journal -
tat to set foot un her decals, fur your
seaman. , does not love a landsmen
near his craft wheel all is not aplrk
and span. Before I went aboard I
had a ramble along the wharf. and
this Kase me amide option oialty to
note nut only the new drill ship. but
the old ono. which was m.lured c1o3e
up. The to/tract in Blake and shape
Acs very 'great. The old ship, built
some tints In 1827, looked more like
& 'luwsy tub than a ,mart ship of
War, yet in her day mho was sup\j us-
e d to be a perfect model of allth t
warshap .should Le The new dri
Ip was built in 1879, partly
d end' n tl, p up Ir
, r v n She s
td ones al [men es a composite
t' and at the time of her
g Was sup4used to be a may -
But compared with One of
ruductat of our dockyards
e a ntttJllulare of the
the latest
she louka
deep, compa Eing batty In app•ar-
ance with the atter-dgc products of
Him Malestya l aiy. OM. might as
well compare an ancient queen Bess
nuasket with A in rn Afauser.
The new l'r.•shlen 1 she has taken
the nasi• of the ship • he supersedes)
has been fitted up wit all the latest
guns These k,ok at ngely light
and handy in contpdrisu 'with the
general clumsiness of her Ake and
shape Her armament -1a not for
bee against an enemy, but for drlll-
ng -purposes only. and the hour I
t on board platnly demonstrated
til t this la to. be nu mere hotbed
for dlsra; but a home for workers.
Seats a three -decker, .comfortably
housed. In, and upon d1 her decks
the business of her calllifg was being
carried out in a thorough and work-
manlike manner. Old salts from the
Naval Reserve, with soatny, battered
faces, were moving around with Imre
yuungstels who had only just poln-
_ed 1 stood alongside and. raw half
a doyen young fellows sign on, and
saw theta a little later come forward
wfth. thein new uniforms, but 11
takes mom. hing more than a uni-
form to ma • man-u'-war's-ttan -
On one der an o114.'er was drilling
a number of . 'art -looking. fellows In
the use. and handling of neeolvers. It
was a'trent. to 'hear hint give hie or,
dens No bullying, no browle•uting,
no bluster; yet every.. word fell from
ills lips crisp and riser. ,Hs spoke
Moe . man who knew hts blighter
and meant the others to know t•ht•frs
befot• he het done with them. . On
another deck an officer in charge ora
sound of Alen was Instruc*inti tlien4
In the use of • gun stellar\in ea•ery
detail to that used .1,y th -Naval
Brigade' at the Agricultural, 11411
during the tournament. - • spril►kitlg
of old'"salts'' mingling 'with Otho
new fetid',. Th. ship- le fitted atilt
two 4 -inch;• two \,4 7, two 5, and tw�r
6lnch guns. )Two Maxims and e:1
five -barreled Nrrrdenfeldt.' beside!! the
gun first mentioned. rides.. bayonet,.
and all the usual "Mall arms 'are nn
hand. The discipline Is perfect; the
apptilntntonta are good; and the of-
ficers arc 111eh who have for -the most
part worked tht•ir Way upward a1'
by step by sheer motet. .nudging
from the manner the young fellow.
were hanging nround the wharf
walling to get. an upportti my to
glean information from 1he'.newly
joined men, It sealed Safe to argue
that the President its In for a sue-
t -emend career, and it will Ise n pity
if this Is nut the rose, as the young
alien In the vicinity of tha *4Vest In-
dh1 Locks will groin far more In man-
ners, appearance. physig Ilk and mnr-
&IS than by .followtng 'the nasal life
of t (dace:
Jattaped. tate pater Telae. \�
Montreal Ailg. 1 1 -A determined
attempt. at \sIik'Ide sus 'nude earl'
yesterday at No. 2 lock, near the
Ogilvie mills. A young man about
2:1 years of age, rather disheveled
appearance anti .apparently til.• worse
tar liquor, deliberate•I', threw hlutelf
into the basin, Mr. .lames Evers, PM -
11111.1 ant tuperh,tendentof the canal,
who 414 it wtolig and det,•rtnined
swimmer. jumped in anti succeeds." in
bringing the wan to the hank. 'flee
bad no srxtner !ended. bodev,•r, than
the stranger Pompeii back Inrn the
I,ns1h. Mr. 1',vera twain stilt -fed to.
bring 'Min hark to dry Innrl, Imt 111e
exertlon;.was almost too, gr.•ul. and
Diver Fitrpntrick had to Ko down
to nen Out. The sltnnger
tefitie•d 11 give any 111101111111 ion en
*0 his identity Or his reasons for his
rash act. \, -
Dea'e Mneme tire ane.
The distaste for farm work which
Is often' early instilled into the
Ininds of r'ountry. Dred youths '114
more frequently attributable to the
parents • than to the boys, 1Vheu
John hears daily grutnblings abett
the herd work on the• farm, and hn44
It conetanlly dinned Into ills rare
that the fernier In a downtrodden 1p-
ltitigual. with the World yneibleed.
againet him, it in Daturar that he
should ben4"o rhe only' path to stir
caw In •adopting a d •e*I.pwe'sult.
.- m tad n�I1Css•
Too Short for His Purpose,
A report turned in it few dav4 ago
by the edgiueer of a heat Nw'it4 en-
gine that Hgurlrl in all net:WeptriV'al>
the famous •'4)11 lgltiu. 441 again. Flail-
to it,' report.
The engineer lust ru11111d of a train
of freight curs to a spurt ,41111•. I rack,
141141 t'N•n o) the corm went 441'1.1• the end
and into. 11,diteh. %V hen the wrecking
1 raw• had ttketl charge- of the derailed
ears the engineer sat dime,* t1 fill out
the Aol•ident report, blank. 111• got
along all right with 1It15�Caine to the
('nose of Accident",' gttWy. • lung
41441 hard thinking felled to slut 1 '
how hr cnuld'answer this without
involving himself. -Finally he Inst
down; s
"•1'rw•k too short "-MLr11lphisSe• •-
tar. -
1. O. F.
('out N., :,11:,, I. 1 t. 1'..
haus eumplett'4 lu•ramgelu.•nt - ,\ 11 11 t 10-
(1. T, it. to run :all 4' lit'.In11 1,
-'••-• ..e
Kroll Ilti• fele+5'111)4 I'll"es,.44H S- atur-
11ay, Anguus( 15111. 110(3. ;It the follow-
ing fares : • '
111 R TINY:
VI1t •uIKorrahu).u•n' t jxn. ranA..� \.. 1.Iam7
t :::0Ztn1n1 '••
• • 2 14:1.14Cs. mnline .1)4 t!:e4i•r.410:tNllhuhkKnl.un14344 •" 4e,
141111. 11,
7. I. 1,• -),no - - --• 11.1
11141411 • ,•4i 1111
Hr,,. , llrllt • \ 4410 •.•
1141,1.•,. :t'i
Ch,ldren Under twelve, N f Fare.
It Inruulg. 4)1•,• 141 Tluin wtll\t.•t • 4, 11114 041
7ION11.'tY, CST 17 '417 11
Alit. 1l. E. McI4,N.\W); lighhikd
and loss MARF. Af( oN.%Lle,
Ilighlalill Ikllcer, will acrunliY lily the
Exeursi4oni.1$ can take the sten ler
T:I441 1 :11111 spend Sunday and MI
day in Detloif. Th.' fine is 5/rets. n
Itirn. float will 1(1•151' in Detroit al
){,:k11'.M.Mat 11191115•. -
Everybody Come!.
on 1Itt• 11.1 grand e•xrnlsion e,( the
H. .1. )II••\IA'1'l1. ('1r1 11,i11.9'.
Ooderich - to Vancouver
1 d V11'1'1141.4. Kt S 1:% 1'T 1.1: a od•I'1
%%\s11.. 111111 10I Itfl\\11 11
Ticket on -ale daily lentil .\ogll•t 131h, uMid
n grafter until 1
stoN•r 1',lh MI.
oderich ' to Los Angeles
hI�\4,4\ 11: \\, 14/_1.. \1.12441:\I.\
Tie RlN- 00 ,,1,. 4..1144 mini Align -4 1:111,, ,Olid
rconing unlit rt,\tulw•r 1.'Ith, mol.
Tourist Re arts
Splendid seri ire far trip or toot. thtrntlfh the
*tu.koka bake.. Lake 4l,1 Ike, -ii Kanvnl hu
Lek,. Mag irlen an Iti44441 n1. In 1111 111., 1'011
110141, mid I1.1•htn1, %V111,. Matilda ns.
1Y e,•I11YI r 1,4 t he or ma
Fac• 114.140.1+ 0nrt ile..•ripl i,1. literature 11Nply
1 1, 1.,.%%VIt1:V1*•:.
1'u,cm A•r, ,.•
{ III 1,.• gnu 10.1.11 ani- on 1 afl0diin Pacific in
\L,nitnhn Nflt -„ 0141w1l3, t\. -.t Soon 11141.4 and
.ort hw, -t of 14 i1.1.11.•g ,1- (;a" :, •
un AUOUST tech from -1.1 ion. in 4 'Warn% Moan
1,014• of 10%00 T t•ti,,k. 'tomenta to $,1I',,Ia end
n11 dation. \nrl'h e•srnpd North of 1'314144,•11
.b•1. and Nortel of T001010 on Nor*** 1134
(lnn-w',y (kr eh. to 1.4Innlp•K roll) NRI la•
.r/ld, with t ern llir',e e9 l ending Ihr 1 rip. lw{,.r.
.\nend 31st, Nit! t nddllh01ml 111.1, to of het
potties in Mnnaols. and .esinlnlda N,. also e. If
pnmh1sirs engage.. farm laborer. in %Vanni
1a•g, [[,to*Mel .n, h tarn, iebtltr•r. will work not
4s.1.hen 91 Ant. n1 Ann e.ling, awl err
errtill.•mtc to that e1wcl, thri will h•4e roved
In .rlglnel -darting pointnt 1Im.•1 nn n1 in•torr,
Nm .:nth. 1111r!. •'
Tickets not good en'1lnperi1l LleHttd.•'
d illiiliiiiliWiiiiiiiliitiotbiiiiliiiliiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiilltiI iiiltitii1G
3 Jirf11. Bial W a A. M c K I M 6ukri*. , Out. C
New .Dress Goods
▪ 7..a.1.• of -the lowest of the new' Drees Gtxx1, in stork In C
• m m11um4 and hat' price, .
Fine all weed Basket Weave, black, at $1.:1,
" •• 1roiulrloth, block, at 111.25, 111.3,77, $1.:,11
English Cheviot, all wool, black. at 31k to $Lill
:� llutuespuns, black and colons, at 54) 144 $l.'3,
• •?lpeeial mixed'I'wowol elfee(4,al - .514•
• • • Slpeeial l'ilsl •ells, ,',ilt,t',. 11111 1,1.7414. at ' ' :ink'
%Owl1mc, newest desi511 and plain_........00144*1ti 7:s•
1111 IY'\5' goods tit the Gttwiem and w'ravea for early
i =
• • fill skirls and shits, • •
\!'hit, Quilts for Ilii• 4 Il O S E. -Another lot u(
\Ira's U11118114 for - 'x• those 15c black (fume (41 clear
1:ulie4i Culhus fur :ie til I(j�
Men's and 114410: Tile. ....Inc NEW PRINT!'! -Worth 120:
1Vulueu's (II.I Ilk' tad L11; for 1111. This it 8 10
\\'uuM•n's lil44cey :,v anti Ink
3 Linen Handkerchiefs for 16.• of new goods we gut At a bar
2 Linen Sissds fur:,4 gent. They am 30 to :18 in.
i N1•w• Idri S.•` i,.1111we pm-, wide end big vableat12jcand
1 Itt,.. to 1141 * .1, 411 • price, hk• I.J..(,»- - ilk
.A1.1. SUMMER' 0001 *4 MU'S'T' HE CLEARED.
Far farther parik•alar• nml 44-14,-)• mpplt to
l.earest t•sllw'a)- aarnt.
A. H. N(rl'M.414.
ArskAanl lic•ar•rm1 1'100.•11grr .1Ke•nt,-
71 Yonne Mt., Tmmoln,
'Jf&4E1'11 Klhtr,
Agent. KIIM'. !took Stns, 11..41.1 i.
our dealer you saw
MMT171111t11111t911fIflTiRf t/rtttrntrNtlfttft
Invictns Boots
at $3.50, $4.00 ,and $4.50.
Aft•t• 41•:tt1•hitlg itive•4,teg:d 44,4.1 find der 111.3 ter fur 111-
�._ 1'111.',4 111111 1be I11V1rt11N IMMO 1110411• by (ien. A. Slater. of
MM1111111.111,M1111111.111,M1111111.111, 1. u n rf t
m1•uN 11"11 11:1.1I,•, ilnd at our
t4((jee it/ *steely nut• of
thelfvpt,.x.allus. It
114 i\ 1Mw11. We feel
moles. ['Ville $3.:111, -$1.(0) and *t.51,1.Hu)' va pair and try thrid. If they Gal y, i eoule lat•k
01 • 11 • 7 new N N 44 '44 111 1'01
t l .•1 •4444 • money t l i n pair. That t1 a nes•
ud 5
K 1
den43. in the ['tektite 11011.
invent Of.
Lime04711 in design
net•feet itl Ilt and ,esti
141: 11trMs (44)1)41*a
table, add for 'rnr
th1'a.)111111ofa • i.l11
111,4,1 )'/441 r5.1•r N'.
Ti14' 11rw NII 1st
.t 41(44 a19• real
1 wait yowl• app t•a
1144.44 IF; Mr I
' m:u N'ith (il Mly,Wr
w1. •t
1, t„elct�
Wm. Sharma
('ORN ER EAs'r ST. and 14Q1fe E.
?1111 CJ
i1lUlulluiu�ll►lllli I�uuuu �lilcu��u�u
This is a question many people are asking just no
If you ale thinking of a fishing or camping expedition,
hint as to su ► I1)lies wiH -hot be out of ord r. We -have
ve thing for the Camper
IN "ilea LINE 11F PRO VISIONS "' -\
''awes! UvttN. l,ueHivl \erla I ..', (.31111141.1:1114:1.
:• ' 111491 Hiwk)1S.l'1111/111•11 Mania. Peeleles• c., Et... 1t..
&Z weep,
Cel phone No. 91.
1903 - TORONTO - 1903
Arlo. 17th to sari. 1 tin
The A6rlculturel, Manufacturing ■nd Natural resources of
Canada w111 beexhibited on a scale neverver before all
m t•d.
d etan10,. IK erA•r .4 1114 /11 A.1 I TITS x1740
of 4,4.4,14..1 .nt)er the .n,• 14..11 Victor(., rill be eshlllt.d PR*S, o win
ee, by p.r,n*l.. of 11,• I.nyr'Rer 11 n, h}.. of I,uee,ln .e, A..,
411,4 ey Fenn bison ,.r the, . „a,.......4 A hen. eon . n n•,, r..
isle r•tLl fWu, e. \1.,r1.aling Y,•r.orelr n•w •reeler„iv pr..,l..un.. M111104
dos l4.p-earl 04,-aoa .f below' nlraliy .111 be ea . scale wryer W..\ ,
eYentr.eaa 4 r 000..1 fair la Yr pe04.4 Ye 0.04
110•Imamaee M tea • ad webby bent werpNaaea. °meal rem ewes
tic as sT ea
I. O. 080,
rear W aee.ero
hili 1111111 ih tai tai Nidi ilii ilii iliiliih iliili ilii 111111 111111 iliili iif til/>,
2 =
i -
3 Steam Fitting. Heating.
3 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••♦ r
3 Fishing 'Tackle, llanlmocks, Wire Fencing, • a-
3 . .Init'ph Rogers' 'faille and/ Pocket Cutlery, • __
3' Tinware, (iraniteware, Wood Alcohol lamps, it
3 Woo(! Alcohol in lkottles, ('oal-Oil ('poking 'ft
3 and heating Stoves, Screen Moors and le'
22 Windows. ii. -
•••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••.....•N =
3 Plumbing General Hardware. II'
he Signal, (oderich tcomomotiformopterweftwtvweierequwmit
SQUARE. •molt. es. wooer, . •
GODERICH is advertisement in U T
111..• \-\