The Signal, 1903-7-23, Page 66 sniN .1,113 2 1
*********** (51 Q1******* tto OW.
iitz _OF GRASLOV--
By Ashley Towne
.0 owetot,t, cSorlea ft ErWreiptoes
_.• n/y-or her own -mat ion near
IltE FATHER AND THE toiLit or AN AIM. "in America." saki Gollon, "look
. t tinirobletahdgererpha.lrestosAgiantets%misallienisil.1. as far to the
eitnee work of the road.
Companion. secretary and.comfort. -
minty to go anywhere to build • rail -
to make It an object for' him to. bike •
his daughter with him. -
lab and supplies, with sortie goods
drawn by the puffing, screauling loco-
aud terror to the people' whose (ere -
change so reinarksble a lyuccess wait
James Gordon,•an Americau engineer,
way so 1,ung as ibr pay was suillelent
cuPieo months and involved much
old sledges or foot trains of convict* to
ti..ry they crossed! '
who had charge of much o( the ad -
the swiftly moving cars that were •
motivell, at owe a .source of delight
of railway made the. people of Eu:
entrauce Into a region of their dotualn
the crossiug of which had formed!' be -
for trade with Manchtirlii, ran from
repeals Russia gasp. .1t,ppened up inch
a prospect of trade as they bad never
dreamed of. It gave them a speedy
this, sightseers, railway constructors,
LI oseow.
For Frances Gordon was her father's
Gordon was a typical American,
The possibilities of this lunnause Ilue
Among those who had .matle this
What a change there was from tb*
_ trains (varying soldiers, con -
eastward as the Obl, -end •
w. surveying a route across New Mello:),
ill abe revolted. Her father bad
d been \brought tip byebsearritlYiria.carrsal;iwirlatesY
for a new road, fondly and longingly_
_. 'thinking, of his &tighter In ber far-
away home in New York, when, lo, the
, young lady herself. then aged nineteen,
put In an appearance mounted on a
broncho andaccompanied by a half
breed guide, to whom she spoke in so
authoritative* tone that he bon -ed be-
fore her slightest wish In abject obedi-
ence. Since that day Frames Gordon
was to -be found wherever her father
A year and a balf after they had
finished the work In Mexico they. Joni,
neyed together to Russia. where Gor-
don was to take charge of the Impor-
tant part of putting through:the rail;
way that was destined to retolutioulze
tbe trade and coMmerce of the world.
This great rallway bad progressed as
fay as the Ob'l river. In the government
of Total*, Siberia. when a meeting of
managers, engineers end government
officials was ordeied at Sloseow. Thith-
er from the Obi JoUrtleyed nines Gor-
don land Frances.
Thither also Jourtiel Nicholas Ne-
alerov, prince of the le mire and gov-
ernor of the proving. Of oolitic.
• . Prince -Neslerov was ne of the
, wealthiest nobles of,,the land, was
\ 'about thirty-five years Of, a and bad.
\ besides his etalted postttnfl.fl. 0111110r
''I4f Totnitk, eatatea In v&rloU 1 rts of
Russia. particularly a fine one, 'raw
lov, In the government of Pertn. \
It was after the conventiou,. Wilt
\pad to do with certain eoneessions a
irrangenteuts that were neressery as
th road drew near the bottler of Man-
Cbnr'ta1 tbe crossing of .certaln mouse
tilln. t1e 'bridging of certain streams,
at 3Ir. ,ordon was plespariug to re-
, ttl to the`Obl, where the western end
of s -operations was laid, the opera -
Men benaselvea reaching eastward to
Lake, ikal, in I •ntsk. .-
To b \°Otre day i he sat smoking at
\ros hoteills\110eciow e Prince Node.
HOOnd tno itir your excellency,"
sald Gordon, o had tnet he prince
at several confe neeanti n knew
him because of tit fact that the •pera-
Gone had passed tont across lifs
province. "Glad tine you. Whop
you return to Tomsk?" . "...‘
'I shall not bt long'Indyou, my
friend," replied tie pric "It Is a
fact, however, tit t upon y r answer
to a certain ql1s"tkq1 whichl hall put
to yob depends mafl of my -act In the
Immediate future. I !Gordon, y 1 are
In American."'
"So I believe; I ha v heard 'It hie
it," said- Mr. Gordon, ondering whit
was coming. ,
"And I am a RusslaIk of the Rus-
sians." • \
"That, too, 1 belleie, le a wekl an-
\ thent tented Met."
\ "I am wealthy, a gove\roor\of a
ce end shall soon be prionbted to *
better station. Since you entered the
' rude territory In the sontherd,)wirt of
my go eminent we have met ft inent-
y;-we li ve been friends."
\ "Yes," epTled Gordon, ristber
o oily, strokhtj bla chin. "
When you needed 'protection, at
pe iv protect n.".
believe you,' aid Gordon, falling
to re ember the4jhte whew he needed
the prbtection,0 Ince.
"I merelyexpreas inlf Gm tp re-
eell to 'fen My friendship." said the
priace. .t•Novr I come to the rent er-
rand that nought me here., I love
roar &Mocker." \ 1
'kW" cielalmed Gordon, Ring
tinteelf and ktiffenIng perceptibly.
.1 repeat sty, that I love youreltitt
ter. I waut her for My wife. my peas
eeas." ,
A cloud of smoke came from floe -
don's lion, lie was looking at a 'natant
rourvn 104er with eyes that saw no
chnreil s
"You seem aurprleed." itaill the primp.
"Is it a metier of surprise that a Man
shoilld love so noble and beardittil •
yoosit woman as your &Tighter!"
"No," maid Gordon slowly, ''and If It
were I would be tined In It by this
IIIIIP. You are not the first."
Ar- elight pallor appeared on the
cheeks of Nerilerov.
"Ten do not mean that slie-, your
listighter Futures -1m alreetly provide-.
"No," answered Ger4on. "I (huh
know that she In hilt I do know that
you are not tile firet who has asked for
ker. Even now you may be too late."
"Illapiati l. bats. men ay ell Id
• --we"— - •
upon this guestion of ',mien or rauk
with different eyes than you do. If a
wan stilted Franees, all the rook, titles
au& wealth lu the world would make
no difference."
. "She is different from girls In En -
tope," Said the prince, tilting bits lip.
Gordon let out a Joyous guffaw.
"I should say she wits!" he said.
"Different! Why, rhe Is • real, whole.
healthy "woman. She- doesn't smoke
"1 Ione your datIghtele."
cigarettes, gamble at cards and race
after titles and Wealth. Not wy girl,
-when. Prances has a healthy mind
a04 is di noble as sbe in good IntrkIng.
Hut It* halt a mind of her owi If it id
health and -well, the is uty 11.- 1
can tell nP."
"ToU1Lrl0 we. 1 at looro\la l�vs
n ever." ,_•
'on't do bifsof good, I tell yon.
If I thenglit you ere the fiord roan bo
earth, my wislie
Upon Frauces to ma
wake her Own.cholce,
and It will stand."
"Yon lend me to bellev
has -already been made."
"No, I did not mean that, prince.
light he so, for all I know to the con-
ry. France% 'night tote a inau and
not \yet be A.aily to tell me. although
there Is uothIng secretive about her.
Wt. ha each other's eonfidenee."
"KOH t -could not be possible that
NIIP WOIII Ire In love and you not know
it "
'It might. utl 1,will tell you why.
fibe 1.111.4 VIII. I 10 marry the man
• f r ber, finest young man, In
would not prend
you.- !The will
hen it is made,
title .ch Ice
my es! ettlou. on
"Thyln .ytiii have &trendy given your
allegtairce lover." '
"I gave..11 to the lone, hut Frances
would uot 'niarry I have no oh-
jectiou to. your knowing nto it Is. It
Is Denton, the. bridge builder. .Inek
Denton was the sou of one of My oldest
friends. Old Denton was at ohe titne
Worth • lot of money, but ,Ithd It
thrOugh tbe-ritscality of a man he Melt
ed. InclOwais a nort of gentile and ask
ime what profession to take op.
Id ititn bridge euetneering Ile is
of the best at' the business now
s only twenty-five. Ile is out near
A. The big Woo bridge we.are
roots the Obl will be big work."
faseinnting-profewion. And
tout dan ter refusetThim?" _
"Yes, ttnit Was a great' diemppoint-
went to me. dacksand ehe haws
ey first went to
big love t
to nee
him, for
friende 'wince t tool.
Ile levee her, a k Ind
thnt a father Ilk ,irl get.
lint Plie won't. hav otne rea,
S OIL -Said they cold neve .be roman-
tic lovers or audio eh' erglitnent.
Conlottet love him be use Ube had
known him all her I Thought It
as ender to love etre r, 1 tom-
e, Who mild ba booed.
d solt was brekert off?"
."rh ,nr.L.D.9.111Ing to bre k off.
They -se e never engaged. Rh sim-
ply refine lin. They are frie illy
'when they t• --coolly mo. What,eot
I dot, Site ha o hare her own way."
'"A prollinic frle dvitip Purl] as that is
not il geroue." ma the prinee. "Ilaye
permission to enter the list?" •
fy Perminsion is worthies's. Yon
sk Frances If you like. but It
) a bit of good. Yon are too
Frances has peculiar notions."
5 Nome one In whom yonr
intighter I much interested, and per-
haps yoh ha not beard. It IS my duty
to inform yol,. I myself do
not attach miti Importance to the
thing. There is Wbleekstmith"-
"Oh, the blacks it of Perm!" ex -
:Wined Cordon. Telt a slight eoldness
O Ids vohm, an though he did not relish
vlug the ivory told him loy the prinee.
n fully Aware of all flint."
"town Fran/ow-does your daughter
love that man?" ,
"flooduens. no! \She le ititeresoNl. aim
lilies him and in tding to help him."
"Through pity, I suppose, and pity'
4000 lends to love." .
„ ''Well." said Gordon. knelling, "If It
doen in this cane /Witte r )sott net I cen
prevent it 1 nm mitre, lartwever, tint.
g4r1 tit, (Ailey free, and. PR f him, he
a Jett pimple and sensible to I a npon
ir friendship es mote than or innrr.
ise met In this way: *ben the\road
w 'crossing into Tobolitii,,--1 wattled
some rieeitiler Tronithrk thine. And Pik
went *Ith me. Th.. oat ore and etrength
Hod the liambo ttttt • .fais. of the young
ironworker Plensed 114.r, end elle Mikis,
with him. She maw that be was m
magnificent apechnen of a man and et -
ted by nature to adorn A higher station.
She Is trying to assiat him In IMprov-
Mg himself."
''Yon tnite this very coolly," said the
prinee. 'But, being Bhutan, perimpe
our enabling are so diffeteht that this
free interennrse between e girl like'
your daughter and a mere ironvtorker
wen)* more tn me than to you. Then
you mature me there is nothing more
than mere friendship between thee,
.n. It Is study that doer It. At141 work.
Miluk the knowlesige,givise 111(1
deasure tilts wealth. But 01. also
we'd the wealth.'
The old man sighed.
"Yee, that Is good, that knowledge.
3nt you will grow away from us. Yon
Nut pernaps,marry that -Amertean
tad she would hot , like our shoo'.
Nays." ,
The* Antinnter lif Vlaillualr's hand
lime down. with redoubled force. .
,"‘Villat le thet you say--titir Vladimir
:alkinit of marrying?" asked the trent-
:44ms voice of Mrs. l'adlpoff. "1 value
'o may that the ineal.fla ready, add I
ind- -What do I' find?"
owl, papa ll'irulpoR ts dreaming 000
.)f. big dreams," maid Vladimir, with A
ray laugh.
"Nut la it not so, old woman?" asked
Peps Paulpeff. -Is it not quite mewl-
: -.1.. -that our N'Iadituir may marry that
• otutisowe Anierlean girl?"
"1 have seen It so," answered tbe old
womau. "It Reents that no y•ottug wont -
LII would take this interest If ohe did
Jot love"-
"Ok uonsemte!" erted Vladimir. "We
are,.. friends. She la good. I admire.
Ally-, I could situtod oornIalp her, but
0111 • piquant. She is" --
There came the sound of cursing wet -
side and the fall of • berse's hoots. A
-nest took the old moo to the door.
"Careen upon this beast!" came an
angry voice as a tuau about thirty -lye,
:lad in • neattittfing suit, entered the
room striklug his Wall boottopa with
his whip, "I have Just Wet), thrown.
In looms Mysterione. amaster my borne,
'who lever stinablim. caught his foot In
something. tore loose his %hoe and hurl-
ed tne to the ground. Tile horse is un-
lujured, but he bas loat the .shOe. 1
beard the sound of a smithy end came
to you for assistance. I must reaeh
Graslov tontglit and the dek seri-
- "It is we were re horse-
shoers," said the old man. -The rail-
road" -
"But surely you can make a shoe and
"No, I do not assure .you of anehing
of the kind.. I do not know. I think.
'though. If there wait Frances would tell.
me. rt there Is, she will have her way;
If there is not. the same."
"Hut If this bineksuilth asked her to
rry„bliu would you con.entr
11/have to."
you consider mob • thing prob-
"Priet I knew ae•little about -It as
yon do. wre‘ wen only one man -Jack
Deston-2-4 t I _wanted for a ston-ln-
law, and ab wosSt bars him. Now I
know little a nt ber plaaa. If She has
fall love with yon.
uld not prevent her
he does not fall In
not compel ber
eandor." re-
n have an
myself. I
II not In-
atty. taw. ntIgh lo
to which case I
marrying you. It
love with you, I eot
to marry you if 1 wou
"I an pleased at yo
plied thAprince. "I shall
opportnoity to speak to lie
rust that this conversation
t erupt Mir friendship"
Vonsenite: I spprecinte th
yodhai e dotte my girl But
loves yon your case is bowie'
The Prime bow...1 and too
lure, and Gordon, labghlit
the hotel.
"I'll have\to tell her,"
with a end n regal.
either. I neQd
prince. and I(
worry bar who
may canaer
As Nesierov w
IP she
his tinier'
turned into
e !aid. Then,
"No, I won't
endship of the
ws he wants to
1,Whett trouble it
igaving the hotehhe
met Prances ruing from a drive.
"I am Waxiest to mee yon, Peace
Neslerele," elk said. !Meting ber beta
"And I an alWays glad to meet Tom
Mlle. GortYdb." he replied. "Ohl you
enjoy your driver ,
"Yes. but I did not go far. I visited
'severe bazaars Where books are sold.
See, have quite a number of pur-
"You love books as well as aetton."
"I love tbern-yes. lint these are for
a frleild. a young man fitted by nature
to -adorn a higher station than the one
to whirl' \he was born. I send him
hooka, and be attunes. Yon could help
him, prince. \ With your power, your
!Willem.", you itoehl do much for him.
/I refer to Tladiniir Pattlpoff, the black-
sntith of Perm."
'Yon are rery MO to my poor conn -
hymen," said the print..., with a mile.
'To pillow you I will make it my Mot-
tle 44 to see thIS blacksetith. and If
there is any way in which I may be of
use in assisting him along the lines
yeti 'suggest I shall be pleased to dc
50.0 _
She thanked lalm and pawed ott
the hotel,
put it on. I must go forward. and I do
uot wish to lanarthis hOri444."
"certainly, we will Mole the horse."
put lu whose kind heart
could „never refuse •ny request that
44/641 renonable aud proper. "I will at-
tend to It at 0111.1.."
"But the meal Is wattling," mid the
old woman.
"The meal le but a short distance,
andAlteslov Is far," said Vladimir. "I
*III shoe the horse and permit the
prince to proceed."
"How did you know that I was a" asked the stranger. lodking
about him with a kern eye Hutt was
full of Inquiry.
"The horse Is of the herd at GrasIov,
the, seat of the Neslerovs," was the
answer. "I know the herd and .think 1
have shop title very horse before."
"Hood! That he letter thou puffin*
WM Into the hands of a etranger,",tuild
the Men "le your name Patilpott?"
"It I am Vladimir l'atuipoff. The
little father here Id Mielittel."
"Ah. I have heard of )oii. You have
guessed correctly. I am a prince. My
*toward, who has charge of my estate
while I ant away In Siberia. has told
me of the gtant who is growing rich
worklug for the rudroad. It 14 said
that you cal brut! an irou bar with
your Lends."
Vlediselr In tea nee picked up an
iron bar 'shout feu feet long and an
inch thIck`end brut t double with no
apparent efhort.
"Good Ge.4"' recta the prince.
"Are you thatspovrerful.
"We acquire muscle Itt .work,"
Vintlitnir answered, "and I\ was born
A look of wonder had sprentwet the
face of the prince. Ile sat upon rude
stool while the other two began t pre -
We shall have a fine 'hop and ten awn
employed in the work. Instead of this
hovel my father and mother ehall live
In • lino house, 111141 nty father shall
work no more., 1 5-11511 make money for
"Ah! Then I suppose you will he rt -
Wog marel..4?" •
"That is 'something I have not thought
of. I do not know,"
"tionteltudy else knows." chuckled the
dodo's papa Paulpoff. "There is an
Atuericim girl • who thlaka well of
, our" -
I "'WNW" al.144111114.41 Vladimir liana-
, Gently. "You are ',peaking of some
:one whose name must be mitered."
His face was noshed. and Nifiderov
looked at It--awareitIngly.
-"Von are very fortunate." said Neale -
rot Jokingly. "I can get no one to war-
ty sue." • • •
"You but jest. - Any one •would be
pleased to marry one of Russia's
wealthiest prince..." •
I "But such a one!" continued the in-
discreet old man. "She Is beautiful,
, alit. la rich, and she sends him hooka."
"Good! She IS educating you. She
young man, a talent that would make
h int famous if It ever got a chant*: sec-
ond, that he must have the picture of
the girl indelibly In bin mlud to paint
so true a picture from memory. And,
knowing Frituera Gordon, Nesiertiv
knew that this Luau was a most dam.
The Job finished, Mire motto's%
nothing but tu pay the Pasipeffs *tut
°quirt. The prince did thii. bade ttwie
• pleasaut farewell, nomuted ins steed
loau:1hilit3leti▪ "IiapIitveauyntiotterleety!"
I ou commanded tne never to lose it!
Wh..Thy ielivel'ellteurilehy.urte
l'a u I ff
turning svitite tinder his thick beard,
"Is that of a noble lady who was a
fitend of my family and Whom we as
children worshiped as • saint. I de
"What 1111 it throe te0114 eno.-rear Vlordinar
talking or NM rrybiu,'"
pare for Shoeing the horse... Tbe fine
animal was bronght end. he.
like him noble master. clet•1111q1 slirprked
.at Ids surroundings. '
The old woman. patient ISOW
the relinke 'of Vladimir. stood waitinl:
"This is not lunch of a .oinee for *tie
cestliii men," said Neslerov, lookinC
ammo' him.
"Ito!" clinekletil the old mart "Yon
have mune too 100011. Kee, nothing
being done. We are about tit leer,. Ibis
pines. for a eptit nearer the rysilway."
"Hominess; is not good. then?"
"Db. Is it not?" 'mid Vladimir "Wheat
one hen n powerful (Hold to 111P
Ironwork to him. It Is PIIPV 10 get along.
"But that is not all he boa done," oald
the old W,010all exultingly.
"Patient" eiclalined Papa Paulpoff.
"Ile has donwnothing else worth men-
Vladimir looked up in surprise and
caught swift look of wanting flashed
trout illehael's eyes to titot-e of hit
wife. The waruing flash was also seeo
by Neidet.ov, awl his cut 1.-sity was
"Surely this eannot be all," he said.
"Such a telent tuust have an outlet.
There must be somethiug else. Conic!
I will look at all you have anti buy
what I want."
"But not that," replied Vladimir. "I
could not sell that."
"But another of the Name facer
"No, I could not sell that fnee."
"Then let me PPO something else -
must love you," maid NesierovsontiOhlug as good as this -and I will
; "Oh. as to love, that is different. H41/... -buy it."
I acts nre kind. and I feel grateful. But "There Is another wontau's face" -
for marrying - It will require a One
te'''g'lleus,alaudallansaber:iltuiltrfuffl'a tar* lit thin.
ntan to milky -her happy.
"He will make any one happy," Pqt but a Russian," added Vladimir. "It
In the old womaii. with • glance o ' was a 'Allure. Papa Paelpoff had It.
pride at the young giant. "Any girl, I found It one day and painted ons
even though site might be • princess, from it."
would get uo better for • husband. "Show It to me," said Neslerov.
Loolrat thone arms! Can they not pro- Ills eyes were fixed on the race of
Vladimir With something like fear in
te4":Telie. Acould fell • bull!' Raid Nettle- them now. Ile glanced trout one to
rov. "How do you paesthethitee-beret another of the group.
DA son go to the nearest village or to Papa l'aulpoff showed evidelces of
Perm and play?" DerVOUP044141, but Vladimir was eager
"Not her said the old man ilaj.lng to pads/the rfnee Ile sent the old
long enough in bin work to add Ile
tribute to this son they loved iso we ,
"That young 111011 spending his time at
a village! I think not, your excellency.
With hie books he spelt& Ills nights.
e studies or he patuts." -
Where' that? l?aints!"
" Indeed yes. He is a born paint -
p .
woman for the other portrait.
She brought it and placed It In tbe
hands of the prince. At the first glance
his face went white to the very Ilps.
Ills Ilan& ',hook. His frame trembled
"Good heavens!" was breathed aulder
his nmstache. The worda were oot
heard. but the manner of tbe man did
not esicape Papa Paulpoff.
, "And shoeing horses?" "Who is this -It Is • beautiful wom-
"One gets a kopeck or two for shoe- an -but her name?" asked Neslerov,
lug. lloria. One must paint for the and his voice had turned suddenly
pleasiure otIt, nuletes one Is well known. hoarse in spite of the effort to control
It will come; tittle," staid ladimir.. himself.
"See, he le : t so simple as lie looks," "I found a small pletnre one day aft-
said Papa Pm ff, nodding hliPass
il et a party of nobles passed by," an-
itc, is tee
toward the big -i. steered Papa Paulpoff.
"Very far from mph., I should say," A swift glance of suspicion shot from
answered Neelerov. ,, . the eYes of Nesieroy to the face of Papa
"Old woman!" itheel Papa Paul- ' Panipnff. But the old inan's face was
pelf suddenly. so PU 41Pnly that she Iwilect
HIIMped in alarm. "Go get the picture. i "I wit
Lett the prince Ike the Nee of her who said the
is PO kind to Vladimir." , other, the ne you found."
The old woman OtWyed and ran out. ' "Alas. It AA lostr exclainted Papa
"Her picture! You have her picture Puldixdr. "tt
painted!" sta in nierts1 Neslerov, had yPAIrs agli
Ie "And the pie
a "Alas, yes. It
buy this. Name yonr price,"
inee. "And I will boy the
"Yin, I. and the good part
tbat she knows nothing of lI, ,
glee it to her whim site comes'agte
see ns," Pahl Vladimir.
"But I do not understand. How COU
you draw a face without hitting Rib*.
fore your asked the prince.
"Pla! It Is never from my sight. The I
most beautiful face! A fare that one
could not forget. I, drew It -I painted
It -two -three and four times from
memory, and always alike."
At title jinni -tyre fbe old woman re.
turned with a pictnre In a frame. St
lenity she henries' It to Neaten's% He
sat with It in his bandit, entitle dawn
hungrily- upon tife features he knew so
wefi. It showed two, things -first,
that there was, undeveloped in the
sres in a smell bowie we
and it burned down."
re- destroyed?"
wa•Yo pretty.4& nobk
‘ Papa l'aulpoff. ' wept like • child
woman. perhaps ii/ien • prin " ;aid
when it was lost." \
- Testy eanie lido Ilk eyes now IV".
tirmbranev of it. \
" •sWill buy this. Ho tuueh\do yon
a fSor It?" hed o
e askf "laditnIr.'
"( 'second thoughts. t Is not for
sale," Vladimir answered. \
"I do \put wonder," he eel , "It le •
beautiful face. We do not hivp tlwm
tu tide part of Minsk. la $t. Peter.'
burg. perhaps." s
Ile shot a elnace at Papa l'
• s be 'poke, but the old mau was in-nii-
Ina down putting the hot shoe on the
home's hoof.
"Who Is this -11 la us brUlltilla woman -
but her taunter
not want to lose it. That prinoe seem-
eil to know who she was, and I did not
want him to get the picture, so I lied.
Ohl woman, what about that (linnet?"
"It awaits," said Mamma Patilpoff.
"Then come. I am famished. It one
'speaks to we to disturb me eating, I
will One my foot."
Once at the table. Papa Psulpoir at-
tacked the meal with tbe rade meaner'
of the uneduested Ittutstaa, and the old
womito ant with dowacest eyes eating
her own meal.
Vladimir, though devoured by curios
ity, knew the peculiarities of the old
man aed ate In silence.
Ito 5 iovrist.e:o.)
"Vont- friend, Mr. look
111K limcb introit -eel in heelth."
We persicrwIed ber IA) try M iller'n 'one
pi I Iron Pine, with the reault you
obscrx-4.." For aide by Jise.
The Signal to new eadeseribers for
the balance of the. year for only
rsgits, including t hi. imenithr chapters
of the new storv, "The 3tystery itt
A recruit was walking prett\lte a
sentinel, w hen he wins approachest
the tritieev of the day, a WI asked to re
iteet hie imotnetione. The reply war.,
••%Valk tIsi. isost. keeping alwayrr rnt
t he alert. anti don't IPS lifIV
altle 111, 1.X4'ept vriv. -
, For Drunkenness
.TNC n
Over 300,000
K Wiley Iseusets
711fl Que.. Si. Vett
If you are "afraid of laxatives" here is one that
really will not draw you Into the laxative habit.
Little medicine tablets that cure Indigestion and
Constipation—gently, naturally, permanently.
TUE lit.ACKSICTII *No 1111 Merle.
N a road leading from the city
of Perm toward the foreet on
the notrth tbere stood a rude
cluster of bnildingn, all of
them old and in a poor state of repair.
Thin eollection of tints was the home
and Attie of the Paulpoffs, ironwork
Here 'Worked old Michael Panittoft
ansi hie son Vladimir, and it blot been
to thin uninviting place that France's
Gordon had cotue to make the Ch•OCO
acquaintattee of the yoling giant.
The hilt's and tits surrounding* were
rapidly growing PrPit lent inviting. fie
molting WWI being done new to kivp
anything in repnir.
A collection of honseholel roods, over
whieh old %lemma l'aillpoff watehed
enrefully, gave evidenee that the fam-
ily were ithorit to remove themselves
and their belongings to another Wore.
Hut still the obi man nil the yonng
0114! were at work. The blows That
VIndituir struck were tremendone. The
Iron nnder hie hemmer bent and flat-
tened as the spnrke Mhot like nrework•
to the far corners of the place. There
wen a gap Inegit on bin handsome ince
--a fare that won Almost childlike In
1(15 Minplicity end gullelemeness.
"011, that wilt be • happy day, Pepe
Pattlpoff!" the young man Raid glee.
redly. Mongine his tongs into the white
fire and Ni Itharnin hitt a bar of Iron.
"Mot will?" asked the old man,
!reeking sidewise at him son, but contin-
uing Ida Work.
"The day I eon tette you end the lit-
tle mother to a better home."
"We hev• been happy here." replied
old Papa Paulen'', looking intend at the
dingy interior,
"Yee, we hate been happy -we shall
alwayn be happy, for we aro simple
end require little. tint with greeter
(+Wort end mot* Mom*, greeter hop -
pine.% (+tight to eotne. It is fin* to feel
yoeritelf growing to he foomistiody to th• 1
gron4-4, took putt** ?MI6 In*
Tiny Tonic Tablets
Prevent Hot Weather
.\ \.
Sickness—a tonic that will build you up keep your blond pure and your
nerves quiet. Sure, gentle little "helps -to -health" that will give you
energy and vigor to withstand the enervating heat of summer.
Iron -Ox Tiny Tonic Tablets are gentle but unfailingly effective. They
will ben,:fit you, your children, everyone. who needs better digestion, purer
blood, more encrgy, more strength.
Your druggist will sell you fifty Iron -Ox Tiny Tonic Tablets, pailksillti
the neatest aluminum box you ever saw, tor twenty-flve cents.
If yna conse4 Rat thous .4 ireler
Aruitiort •, 1-1.• Iron-ww Remedy Go,
WalA•rvIll• 41•11. sosid
4.04404. prepaid. kr tft emits.