The Signal, 1903-7-16, Page 8•
8 . THuksDAT„July 16,
Big Slices
-�` Smith Bros.
Saturday, July l l th
Until eery line of .Summer roods, Garments or Fab-
rics are sold. We present today a partial list to
show the trend of prices.
Clearing Balance of Sum-
mer Muslins at reduced
Bargain waists
Splendid il''4iats, co'ored and
white, sonde were • dollar, go-
ing at -'54
')tier lots really Ices than half
price '/ „35.' and -1
Carpet Pieces
A yard .t mare i size ca
u of r
pets that were from :+(hi to $1
a yard, going at per piece.:. .
tic, 19.' 20.', 23.,
Throe are splendid ends 40 AK4
g;al carpets. ,
Lace Curtain
Men's Celluloid
Double Collars
J oat ohs thil4b (Or hot weritbei
don't wilt, save laundry, were'
25c, line going 2 for 25c
Bargain Shirts,
81ru's saulple Shirts - Nice
line colored. print Shitts,' all
Oyler. regular 75c and $1 00
goals, going at each .. •10.: and 50e
Bargains in
Men:_s Sweaters
Leas than wholelkile prices.
Bargains id
Men's Underwear
N e pi.•ke.l up a liundred sample knes
of men's tine wool Underwear at a
big discount and win offer you
, thug.. at a brig saving, away less
than wholesale prices. Curve' and
see then).
Bold sizes, from each ... 13c to 3 c Men's Ne v
• Rubber Collars
25 r off ft
tent. ca., t,dl 'em from linen, white
Trimmed rllllinery as snow, call and comfortable,
8•1mluer.lieajust started. Ura,
this oppurttinit .
new s1•apeL,
motley as they
We still gh1e the handstune •p
iums-givt�n oil tl'. 5.00, $35.00 and. $51 00,
will save you
last well, selling
25c each.
anti -lttle -premn
Save u your
Gti f3QRH001► y I; vv s,'
, L1dd nitnl 'yt•w. of the Ila i „ I ,„ I'.,, - 7.1
' 111t.t4PHNI'. -
('al'low..10tir 111.-'1'411smur r4up-
'11 met in the tawindaip 1,1111 t :111 the
mem1114'Is were its-S'ut : ruillutr. of
pr•4i.m. 014.4.1 m44 Find *11411 ,.1,411(111.
The 1o11uwi ug are. trIt 1. 14 ell. IK1 ..1.11.
4.4'..: ,1ohri MAnds. )'yoa, 441. t4 road and
ma -levy fence, $111tH* 3y '4\'hits,
vel $1.31: Peter FiL*yalier, imusying
•. lF2.I44: And14.1c li•Ntllrlt, gl•a4-
7md 154.'I* : Mary \flail*\. Kra4r1.
10 , 'honor4 ltol'•rt.un. r•1*NII work.
'h411111. Noi'',tSOIL (4:414) 444
lir, der. 54' Abner Morris. gt-av'I-
litig.*auk ; H. llaltwain.-inape. ing:
11112.7;3 ; '4Vml. hlgte, inspecting. $3. 1:
Alater Morris team .n gradle', $3.1.-.
.1.'1111 Treble. \train 4n grader an
Mploughing ten dayi4. 11: 1.
hulnering. road work. *J.'
$litelarll, 1.44111 (411 grader,
AJl4 I''4'. Halliday. 14vellimg.
lei, plaNn1'g1.•. nisi ling. :1114•.' x.
Malloy., in.lertilg, $1,2. .'4.f n
,1h/11eiy, coli,) work, ` *1.7:* : 111
Aek••u., road work. $l.7'4 W41 frr
Mew, breaking It Ilea.. 12.1)1 : (i.T.
freight. '$I.:111 ' 1'atrick Kelly, .ti
w41'k. *PUN/ :.1111111 N'iw'. r.'ul work.
$1.7,1: Itii'l41rd Fulfort wire fent*,
M1;,lsr Ashton Bros., gravelling. $25,-
211: K1(vn1l f'$IN•cling. $2.(141:
.1 tediu,. A 111.44.\ two culverts, $-I.511.p
\\illiani ellisholpi. road work. $1'1141;
MaWvet- A V:tsse four seirti1N•I•.. $31..
*sr : ,1."41411,' Allen, \' !ting bill, $34.1111 :
.1ohn. Harker. operating grader, . $21.75
John lilu•ker, drawing grader. $I.4)1 ;
.11.111 14*i'ker, tenor on grader. $3.It):
I'hatles Walter. culvert. ' $.'4.I01,.. A
resolution was pascal. hist III4(I'Il('lilI
.1osep11 !letleringion, noxious wrist
Nrrrm 4Immmmttrmmmrrrrrmrm
We have the best Canadian and
erlean makes --
ht prices.
ready to send it out.
sil OOP 11 Stret1.11 ;11 111.1•11.1111. 111
II fencing
The 214•
PPP kilt Maki, St
Ideal fencing hos pro\
imini smog.. MI
uzdtv a s
vs. IMP
1111111110 IMO 111111w
on the
111..111.4 What We 1111.1 C1111111141 -41,
t'ointnatall* onee using 1,1,•al want it again. '1%. NI n
Now is a good thin. to paint your house. • There is n4illint
twit er than Hollywood. 11'.• ginirantis• enl ire sat isfaetiiii‘‘ It
will last longer. losdi 1 ett4.r and will not cool any mine lutn
other ;mints. 111441 leas than ..e4 11111'.
Ioniser already pninfed show hat it is.
Seiss•ii .1.saL, and lawn how. vninaer•' hardware rind a
tools of all kinds in full iisatirt ment at our atom.
.1 ear of htrlimul ceriii•nt just
berms, buying.
In41Nr141•, t* carry Intl the mei in r
gaud to the cutting of noxious weeds
to _the best of his ability. Moved ley
Itulrllwin, se.4mded by .I.sier, that
bylaw No. .4Is• read 11 thin) time and
passed. 4'al•1•Itd. 1++11111.11 meets
attain on Judy 211(11, at 2 i, else.l I. u,.
F. w. Mclkrxeut4'llel•k.
- M11Nn.\v, Joh' lath.
('lues. \IncluGlsh, • of llullett'a
pioneer farmer's. who is 1II44', r•tir411
mull living at 1'li1ton, with his two
ellildtem, F:Iht and J+1w•ph, was recent IV
the guest of his boaIter-in-111 w',.14ow•lold
Ileal•v, besides sowing 401.1 friends
;Ilk lilt here.
BLUEVALE.' 14th.
31i.s Polly Ihit? is 11. • from Lis-
Miss Nabel Oliver is visiting in
:Kiss 1.11114' H.Nitg14"., 44f Ford wich, i.
1 he guest 4f Mias Hood,.
\Kiss Jean 31k•(,'Il1NI„44 IsaulAl4 is
4i.uing at Mr.-l(+ltph's.
Albert 411. 11112111. 4f ..r3fout1 I•,ii'st.
spelt* Smmdu,y at his 1'4'ere.
lass 3Iaggie 31,41)14114i1101 .41lw•n1 44
few day. with Miss Aggie 1 04414.
Mrs. 11r•4*l,'i.tu has recur e41 114)1114.
:after visiting with relatives i Rock -
-Quite a number (11,1,111 114•11• .rut, with
1he 011111).:1.1111.11 l4 the l•.•Ihheul r n at
Illy! ll.
14,'. 1,11,1 Mrs. Peter ‘41.441„ of T
w:at('. 41.1)141) Wittier and Are
Reit,. son.
14rr.•'4' Patterson and Mr.. Huffman.
of )1,M -swot -tit. spent s lay at the
4..,.111 a 1 • •. 114111,..
111, a11,1 11I -S., H.4L Stewart- re
g 1hr.rne•'
l. parent . 31r. and
111~. `dlialm Stewart.
,Thr Meih.s1i.1. intend having 44
garden Iairty on John 1'4'a0dmlpm'-. krw-rt
on \4141 4..la44Joh •N
u I.
4r. and 1+. (111n1411. of ,\ '(lit by,
10141_' l'l41111.411 1,.411)1' after 4
with theii daughter. Alts„Itt.1• 1J.
Miss Stewart :uta cbildle.. *else. -
visiting bet: ...other and other frietsi14
i1 1111. 4icimity, have returned to their
home 111 H•.illfekl(. 3114nitolw.
An itecidetrl which eau..411 ronadrr-
able lu.s of properly l4 t he owner. 1l'.
Warder. and 1111' Which Haight have
:114.411 hew. of life happened 11.9e a4k4u1
44:311 o'clock. Inst Friday morning. 'rip
engine house aril the l..iler house of
til• Ilium -ale gr t null w,1s• blown
into fragments b the exploding4f
�.• Iso
I ler.,.ar01 t4,• .00dles and the
hack. pat' 4f 4 I 'lain- itself were
4 l'IN 111111.11 ,l..., i 41.\ The ,i1 • of '
the l,,iler '.l b14w 4 u the einlv,u,k-
ment\.14.i....•4,I. lw•. h',. !Ski •'and
...1.11.3 right .ver • lion , brealki0I•
,IT lust of theelliNin y," ' explosion
;that 41141 htl•g,.. coil ill. of Intek +
and ire li1N•., who •h are ..1
s.rrrirmtlist'nee froth the wtwk that
4ue would t ink it 1 most impossible 1
that they i'1, Id 4.. lado vi, se. far. It i.
,1 11181ri-el tint( 114 .444 was injured.
S.i •' ladies Were .Ilial( on lir. 1
Leech's verandah )1111 one '/•.an see
when. the bri1kx4 and 1,1114 s of Ilijp-
feq"jf Nt-'a Shur) ..1iNG11414 T1,1,N !hent.
Part sof the foot of re verandah
under which 'they wet silting was
1444-14elll,Sev.•ral men 11:1 just 1eft t11,-
011 44 t 1 the .•xpl4.i.11 1.N.111.111.11 1t1141
W •1,' 4.,, enough ,eway ,4 1N• 411 4f
ha •111. 'I'IIe less will be a t+e•avy' 444.• t4
311• ''ruler. ,, N
who loud returned from her 'whoa! the pre'1011•
alis. IL Ile4eur ha. returned home atter a
three week.' 41.14 to her 4.lvr, Mr. It. V.
Ikrklry', 1M•IrIN1,
Mr. Alai Mr.. J. II. hell returned on •Mwduy
44. flair !tonic irl•malwrlm, IOWA. after a visit to
resat ler. hl Iuw u.
Nie• May and .I.Ier rel lin. 10 Indent.
today after a l u4l to Meir rehattr.', Mr. and
Mr. and Ml' ku'skl left on 11-ellieur a
fur a (ril•down 111e St. lalwl41111•. Thr)' 4,111
be won a ruupla 01 week4,
MIr+. lora lahnylon awl family, of Toronto
All' 111 1uw 14 fur the: 111- J*h14011 i.
I+X Iu''I111 111 A week o• tato.
444. and dfi.. 41r+N1�K11. N. 1'.. 4,4,41 Mr. m141
MN. 1'. O. 54.41re 01, `dull(, n1, and '►maid, aro
Irgl.rerll 411 the VAIL Hums.
Ihva4) Holl left um'rmera)' (04 Turrell
route fur M u.kukr. ss here ler a ill .leen.) a Boit.
... 11,' Mw•Mu'king coinage.
314.. Ta) lar. of New York. ails i. 41.11111144g at
1ho. n.lblem,v of tor. Taylor..(dill A few 44,).
ill ('Ifnton durilij the a..rk,
Ni.. M.u:iw•ir VIINCibho,* n•H1r'9d. 10 her
houa•. Tunsuo.14444'r n fortnight .'l.l( a1 the
n•.edenel• of 1t. 4*. 1t,' nukl-.
Mr.l. T. A. 11ruunnwet-retool.' to her h*ml4
111 Tonna.) 1 r.lrnbl)' atter a 11.11 411 till' red
d'ueruf .\, lkl..ill1(ih a a11e.
511.. Margaret Sketto44 r'tura1'd bed week
from. 1-.K'klwl,-N. \V: T., ttherr .hr wu. tr4011
nig, to yr4d the 481.4111.1n here.
M. u, Ihuuwwut..1n11'eorn•.p..ndent of 111
Tunwtq 114,4!14•, WA. 14/S11 1111. work Nnt 11144
up t hr crop u*tlwlk in thi..w•t tel,
11'III Po.nlorr, of IN Mau. arri4.1 in town on
Nal instal to •soil a furto n:hi'. +11.41 UM. and 1.
reeve+1110111.111) hear( hnnd.11alr.. _
Mr.. SI'stir AIM' 311+. !:will 'Ikn•hanan 4.41
1111. ming for ell 11.m11• fur Lake
.Siu/u11a• 111 .pei41 the 'outliner Iwliltui..
urs. Lyme return..I to Li.tuSrl tisk. mloening
.+err a (uw da).: 1441 iii town. Mr. Luer truly
return later to -work in the Jrgan h1•lur)'.
ML. I4e4i Arrow i. home foetal Shelburne
for .4'111,41 weeIM• 11.111.1,4 •. Heb frirnd, Mi..
McKim. of Sheila tae, i. , e.frinn with her, -
Mi.. Mar)' Slake Iota ' n•mroed hone- for a
11111' week. 11.11 (Anil Nide:ant Fall., 4lC.n111-
Icolud h) kyr- nicer. Mi•,, hail'. dlanlui..
Mr.. Merrell anal Ma.1 Paul Merrell .J
n.l.rn. in• listtillg Mn. dt.•rr•Il', parent..
r, and Mr-. John NAIk.•Id 1L1)' field nI.44..
r. and Ile, 1.) h• (JAmiltun. 0f, k,t11,' 4'reek.
Ma. 1., Air +1.41 i�yt Mn. Hamih 1•. Mother,
314. ML Fi.her, *tut Iter *Atter relit it •. in town,
111, %I ikon. fonnrrly of J. ' l4 -'o41'- droll
tun•, h un 34 4,1) .11, tale I1arge\uf k.
hurry' wore, 4'liulon„ during the Litter'. toll
4141 ".,
.\Ifred o'
k 1. 4 •Hain a o c.
hi, Inane-1..44r•{r.
K h n a, 4,,' 4n 4.
14.1 r:4e
K .144,•, .lade. hr well
relnry1 to 1 Alerich to euuewly hi. niu.Mal
M4•, Aare: 'f 1]1i11inklwl Mu'h.- left Tue.-
l.4)-inornJu4 . 11 it 111 Milebrll after.Ilr.ut-
iuK a ruul'le • u week. 41 .111' n•.eoewr of N'.
1.. IL,4aillon. dau4hter of the former
b4., ,on of Ihr iulne,. Lunt tale;aml,her
all.. LII) Si wan, of New York. are
4'ling in town.
M'*.. I'tu' dixu rly Mire McKayh of
SI*Ike\h'r. \1'p..hiiI 1uu. arm ell `in town twat
week \ t'rpt the . •r al the hum,' of her
i n t her„Yr.. N'a1A a Mali ), Quebec .1.
Mr. u1Ni1,,Mn, itis... .1. IC+. 414 and two rhfl
An•u, of I1amN(4111, were in 1wm S11t.mlW and
Ir k the
1,4 I tint! night ..
for -Illean'
IIIA' Ahem
1 I'4.
Nn. Haat all
apt ehi4lren Nil •leo.1ra h.
dlr.,d'. 11. ('elk 11n(cl4mdil•u, of lief If, re
Owned 1 •r1lur•kla) aft+ , I her
u,.l her, Iles•`-hubs•. Sabin . St 1.
1l.' 1k41ie1 b,4' t4 r h I.ton t .ttl ...fn.,- 1)141414141414 to
444 01rr Ihr 4th,
'I'It.. • Stiehl of NOW 1 n rwla.e4 .,.
11N. F, .144'4., I rlshll int• 1k41furd.
Harry smart and w(fe. u Sell h, 111., a *1.n
J.r•4 Kaest4, M1.. IIwmr14 , .4f \ ' Jrlwy, I.
i.itinX lore r,t.ln. Mi.. 4'. !hart~.
(tr. r h-Irlr+lackrn. N-illbuw, Aft aeserul
month. .ctrl)' in the I*,uling Mla alml. f tier-
u:n) 44 now vont inning hl. eour,e In V tans
fa N III alai 1111e11d' I IN• Iu.IN*N4 at Parts MI
',initial before: ret urnhof t4.4roserkla. , _
.411 the st, flat near • I hMRsin',:-M,K 81nl.
IKA14.am1,h.nghlr•r, Lnn4,N Mrs,-ttr' 1'41ron
1141 .on, I0.lrg., awl (laughter. lletnat ' the
Miaw•- iVar+wr. 1k•tnlel ; Mr.. P1wnn4rr; Will.
It.diwre, Ottawa, Mrd 4'•ha,.. I'aenaOr'.• nod
baby, St. Lour..
MN, 1;w I, Iklnahl.w,, of Mile. 1-S Mont.,
.1144* 1{1I le •.111, lie), Hamill, 141.1, Mi.. J. Ik'latd.
-Ino, of 41.4 font. are the Kn t - .1 Jou 14nrulld
.1444. Hol.., -k. Ihi. week. They Are or m►rm.
iwi Ill Ilru:+rl. by Mi.. Ik rt h1, lrrfw Ih.K, of
l'oronto, who 1141. been *biting in 4..ukrieh,
Ar.•i+al. data) nee -at Hut,-* (iu11rrk'h
n4444Mr-.J-1. +hnts,...ter mane .1. and
r4ter 1a.6op, Pup' . Il'Ntf, M.1.: Mr. Aral Mi...
1..10. ICeyNokl. and . , Iter nuod4, and Mr. It.
1., Illafr., 1,44-t.Nn, Mr.. J. F: M taln•n.
1•.. 1.11114,• dlelaurn 1141 ISM/ea. M
Itrentfunl: 1;4.4 1 , 4'114 44.1, Ilwns41*.. loo•,
J.11tn F'- McIwn•n, lira,, nnl : Mr. and Mr..
I.ro11. Ferguson awl sm. 1 of -silk, Ky.:- Mn,
Vander rune(, 311 1,4,111.' Vander
H1, 1'r•itrhanf ha. roomed to Hilary.
Joe. rale lift for New York on Monday.
U: it 3 'Kay heft on Monday for Toronto.
F. Uuw1 nK •ut.ld %VeAn.. s1+n' In 1 tido...
Stuart I.a a ha. returned fool (,n,' w.
. *4,'Ma.'Mrulkt %rill to 141)th310,,-
M Reg. Sh:. non, of Toronto, b 4b ling In
rc 19n41t ha. err ur,wl from 11W.q.
'M nihlr
Cons *e.
Maxi*. Sit
AA+tin 'It {sin'
neer )ralwl
Mi.. Afars
fur the holkl11 .
tea. honor frolu Lon
im home fi to Hklgew,
r. and Mr.. A84)0. St
IK the week.
11.14. 1 °i»''
Orr Smut
N Ile`
Mi.. ,
.IN'md he
Mr. am)'Mn. N. 1'11 n;' of 11*
are 1 i.ftenK n town. -
eh.r•nerlir*han, left .. Mdralayf
44 n 1 an .reek'\ 1 1.44,
4n 1 minor ret)
F.rlr, 101.. w1 T,tiliwlay. -
Mi+. Inlurfll of 1,1410 1.1"*Nllang Airs J. A. Fllw ,
Mr-& .4.., bnk,ter'.411111,111) m'l4fling In
!frisson l4,.• Isc•t **'rek.�
13141. 444 erwm. o1 London. spent- few days
ill liucn daring the week,`
541-- (lllby •eft 0,e Tnrd'4 to-■prm oltaay.
at AO hour. st, T11o,lm,4
Harald Howell. of 44noi44n, slit
brollies Mel* in, uverSunday.
M. 1V:' Howell I. attending' '4p�w
hi tl
1....1$111.11%41 lilt 11/11 441 1•14Wd
MN, 11..Joh,,.tnn MAI .on, '01 Manton. A
e'*444,.' their !vial It e. in low 0.
311.. 11'.nerhlan, left oil Tne.*Iay to, .pend
huIL4,U..1101. himle 4.1 Hralnr•y. • .
,10101 Hals•I, of 1 -;nowt 1{1144.1., Mich„4.•t herr./)
•.stn) after a (un night'. 1141* here.
MI.. 11°1er14nm IntoarriFe,l form 11'ind.orJe
-14.44.1 the 11011114/1. At. h4r'llloIle herr,
Hlw'k•dnne ha=ret Itrnc.1 to town old 44
.4111111 MI at 1111. 11ra1111 factor), • '
Itet . 1V. 11', Slaldurt 1,,M Mr.. St.kldart leave
talc) on their odor') In Ia•a4
Mn. Itoen returned to faratlai an s,arti tl a,
after a .1Lit to,her .).ler, MN. M1•Mi11111L
Mr'.. Van .Valkflnholh, of Norwich,'Ont., I.
t hr gated of Mn..1. 4', Martina!, 11114 week.
Mr. \,4, S. Nile. returned loToro114oM.N1daY•
after a 4 *1t al 11441 re.idri1e of 11', 1. Eliot.
31144 1.4133a 1lr3•dgr. )race. today,per King
I.:a ward, on n.visit 4o. Ile? !tail and Saginaw,
Rel Father` %Vest tell Mildmay tautening to
--11.4 en the fort) 1 N'dr\ olfun al Sratorlh,
3(4,. 31,-14u,ghlltl, Heilhnnh, road. waden
tulle i' I 'llnl,n un . 'nolo) hat all her Ingat her.
%ff.. Fanny N'el.h returned to Stratford yei,
terl4,y after 41 ci411 L) ln•r •14., 11', T. %Trish.'
Ur klrilu111ian h1,. returned l0 Tomtit.)
aft.- - •ndi1lr hulidaY. M're and At lie nndller.
1'4,??44.., I 4 .411.1 farislIj,,of lntmfl, an• oe-
1' 1* •4he of the lI 40,gr. ell 14'4PM
31 N. Ihola,n, Soahar1 . 11Anghier, MN,
Frank Waller, .14 Praia fon), apept Sunda)' In
3b. wcllworkf, of New Vnrk. 10111
at reek after n ,tion 11.11 to her 41.14y, Mow,
i iwert..
3c.hooka. I ly odd
ler' paper. $1.21 clot It.
••The Puppet Clow 11."
••(irtustllrk, .r• Isnv Behind a
"4'4'hhn Knightli lid Was in
4.N• all on.• price, paper edition,
rloth e41litio�Filk,
We are still rode agents. for the
rrh en Fruit Preserving
(her n i.iquid," -
1 bottler. ,
bottles 61.09..
Po e4.'.
tae (OoBa
4.•11 /SfAl 144 p. in.
\ Tads Nos
OHMS. • Maio tewan giver.
Macaw's, \ Xasearth• Lakes.
Muskoka Lakes, \ Thousand Island',
Eleoriglan Bay, , Quebec,
Upper. lakes, Portland, Pas .
Lake of Bays, 01d Orchard. Me
White Mountains.
The retiorIn Ilre all readmit via
the (II -111141 Thank. Excellent 04411.4.44
to Afuskokii Wharf. connecting wi
stmert, for "Royal Muskoka" TIM..
MI. Jennie Stewart and te.d. Stewart, of 11411 ler !aorta 011 M11/1k0k11 1 Ake/.1. 40-
114wilailler. ant. A kiting their .d.ler at rle`se- I NO ni Ville for porta Ion (Ake of
hisa. Hoy. formerly of the Hank of I.onatneree t
he now iif window. as sperallno tart of his
hurl ?Nor tickets. illustrated and det4erip-
Mho, b., ely Mit I, of iluir•bt N.V., 1,..pendl. 1 "1" for sr tours. apply to
nail Mrs. tray.
Ind her 1.0•01 with. her gronwlyarrni.. Mr .
Mr.. S. ( Ilthon and denahter, Mts. May. of TIMIS Ticket Agent, thslerich.
1. !mat ion Agent. finilerieh.
Mr.. A. T. Dean left twilikal 'inlay on a vhdt te
%orlon., wants 111 the whit h Tree entmlY. Mho
was acsompedneil by her ila ter, Mb...Clank .I. D. Mt iN)NALT),
The Oodcrich Hardware Store. TO NM EITJEISCRIMER.13
The Signal to)'st January, 1914, for 35c
HuAWu; 111 4. Shoup soul MI.. Ilnruiha,
1141)10.0, II,1 Mr. and Mrs. 44. F. (4*rd P.'r and
. '
el.. Oanlitier. 1'hathaw : Harry S. Hu lu,on,
1'li•Im's1l : P. 41(111en1's11 let eland A. Ilnri
atilt, N lfe and daguhler. Il't roll- Mich.
Hill: what's the mar of, tylu44 a 1111
111/ to a dog's GIiPY
Jill: 1w stare 1 don't know, 1 never
og with x Nn clip dad Tn his
tail who look/al as If he really Ilial
time 1.4 prtopeely tine It.--•Youkrr.
4it4atra111a11. -
"N4w, '4(44,'• wd hr'444ir girl,
"lu/ l( i. 111
411IIi*I stJl4.tly tiUllal-"
�1'rll," si44he41'her 4181041•• pile hitt
detrrluiue41l, •'1 gurus 1'41 11etler f4t4r
t lie auntie." _
No, (ii41agr. 1---t•1 think you land
Io•tter 'sick 1p to it." I'hihulelphi,l
Lots of Style
1'or a Low PHce
jGlf,' -' the c.ndurt Isn't w4criHcwl for the style, and
that quality is high, ryes t1 gh the price is low.
gieHere you have three r.-
*rutiab of satisfactory Foot.
Wear --
The Mystery
of Gfaslov
The were of the story Is in the
_trills of Mil*rt•ia, where )mules 0..r -
deal A civil, is eng,l�444,r in
building the great '1i1tn. .S111.•J•i1111
Fn,4ae. 1101110,1, n be Ytil girl who i.
urs 14144 4.. .e•n•tary 1., her father.
I hvNr N4•.l.•rov, a 14..14141y, powerful slid
nu•erulNd*u. It u..hul, who ia in los e with
FT.u1er• tionlun,
Jack Heagton. a'bridgg..• roginirr, al.o In
love with F'rance.(ioeetinn-
3'la.limir, w pou-er(ul young Itw«ian
h4,1•k.mleth, whom From4..u.peeted of
los Mg.
4170+1, u Itu.she rine who ha.* devoted
her life to ant p•llb the My,e*'ry of
.1 ra.lu4:
Jan.k•y, 4ueerilllvn en of pollee.
T lis delight tull ' fascinating story
will alllk•.1 i' 4,•41 ,4,',•l,, It,
T41 NF:11' SI'tks
Balance of 1903
subv raw at and get the
11,11 t.•uent of the" utter.
The story. were it published in IN
t"rn1, would probably sell at $1.'A,.
-1111 coulbinwl, 8101 at it
reasonable peke.
It coats psi nothing to come In, so call and be con-
vinced that our liners are 'lewder,. Take them, try them,
if they stilt you, buy them. N4 trouble to show goods.
Sole agency Ler
Oulverin and -Aberdeen Exhibits '
itesi.irs the Jubilee plenentw,• which
4lie King 1)/814114.4.11 grn•ously pleawd
t4 dint shall i*' exhibited at the
I 11 ' •
b- 'u
hxhl 14. n the 1 1).o wu.•
Aland u 1 •IwI + )
4f uffet•in andr
A .a tow
most, kindly consented to the exhibi-
t4411 of the presents received by her-
self and her hate . hushamd when he
14804 Uovernor-(ienertl 4t ('Ianlwla. and
again when he w'ii %'icer.y 4f India.
tri• tarsenta are in variety and
richness .41.4,101 4111y to those 41 her
late Majesty, Queen Yict4,ria, in,lud-
411g: WA they 414. 1111113' 114111• am.1 his
torieal gifts (nolo the prince). of India.
the 4'ountPla of Attester'''. has Ali,
commented t. lend num y her treAs-
Urex of Irish hu'.', 114'•.III•W4rk and
fans, tel 1s. displayed in the new
mood's 11,1 e - •.
I ohm 744 .lul'.e .
g 1,l 111
tifferinpresent* will he rxhabit wl
'c in the new M44nu?Actlr.'. And
►1 Arts building.
.f. Ne offers yam the benefit 4,1
thirty ye ' experience and the
'ern 4f 44 U.K•tlic of Opt 11.11 logy.
A Strike at Winghs ,.
'<Yinghaml, July 11 -Thr Moulders'
strike in the A%est*•rn Foundry was
drugging quiet ly along until last night,
when 'K
t 744 tr supposed
hoer, 441114 assaulted by four 4r 414,'
men near the King Street Munn' and
was Nultyair
1 up. 14 tlrnwl out
this root ' g that the_ man war it
farmer, living a few miles north of the
town, and he has laid Al 114E111141 charge
Agxi1a four of the striking m,addels
for assault. 'f'he magistrate's hearinv
is set for Friday.
For Drunkenness
wad -
.olla• t-
TME and;
eel e
,Drug using
Over v 300 ,000
Ka)My lastharte
Its Queen S. w.,.
Ladies' Duc 5
dkes' Linen S
Ladits' Pique Skierts\
Ladies' Muslin Skirts
Aii new,fiwnewo*th less than $1.25. riost of them regular $1.50
and $2:00 bases. On sale Saturday morning at your choice of the
This week we have a hig bargain in 14,144-'4' 1...m1y-to-wear mkirta. Last wek it hig
another season was willing elear these last few drama mat for leas t an at coot him to illinarileke.
tun•r offered t he ikkhillee of him KINIS110',/1„ 141.1N1 lit It big milord it 0n (Nun the prices be haAl
been melting them at all seaman. He was taking stock anil r atilt. • than carry them into `
them. It win, too big a loargain to let pai4S, and we took them. so cOms encing Saturday, July
1Stli, will elem. t hem out at pair choice of th.• i•rit ire lot for the vt•ry prier oftwoh lllll 9,5c
Every skirt is now. Each was made for this.season's trade. .The qualities and
tyles are good, and you can buy ready-to=wear wash skirt, tiss eason's style, for
ess money than the niaking alone would cost \yOu.
Ladies' wash skirim, all this season't4 styles. made front plain 1,111.• or black Ihteke trinfused
wit 11 bands and white !ditching; cream and natural linen eITIU1111, h blue 111111 white seripes:
white dairks with blue or black polka Mats : plait, linen rotshet. (Hairy N 111 reed line in
totripes and arida mut white pique, plain mid trim1,1,41. Oa retail at f trtit $1.r, to $2.00,
all mites, Uhl 11e1. Of he lot, l i llll eneing Saturday 95c
See them. in the window on Friday. The earlier you come the better will be
your choice. This is the Skirt bargain of the year. 1)o not let it pass.
Curtain Bargain
Don't forget the curtain bargains we are giving
this month. Never have we sold as good curtains
for so little money. Could'nt do it now if these
had come to us in the regular way. When they
are gone no more as cheap. Even if you do not
need them right away, you will Save money if you
buy now. We aro selling,
$1.25 Curtains for ietc.
*Lao Curtains for $1.12
$1.05 Curtains for $1.5)
$1.75 Curtains for $1.01
$2.150 Curtains for $1.00
$1.25 Curtainn for 60.00
Every pair is new and just came in this month.
They are up-to-date patterns and firat elan
Hot Weather Staffs
This is a good store for hot
weather goods. Stocks of
strictly summer stuffs will be
kept full and complete right
up to the end of the season.
New lines came in last week
amnedntwoef show today assort -
Milli and Lisle Gloves
Cotton and Lisle Gloves
New Muslin Irt WitIsts
All are reliable\ qualities
Those 25c Skirts
This week we have been selling the best silk bargains ever sold in town. There
wore nearly a thousand yards to sell. They have been going out fast and this
week should see the last of them leave the store. If yon want a waist this is your
Stripe Wash Silk 25c per yard
stripe Wash aillis, good, heavy quality.
plain and (larded stripes in plain
cream, blue and erean4, pink and eream,
green and cream, fawn land erstam, etc.
handwanepatterns and qualities, thai
are aold *If over al from 35 In 40 eta.
Plain Japan Silks 25c
Not the ordinary Ws- kind, halt one that
As worth Mc regular. Zi inch
'plain, Japan milks, suitable for wainte,
teininfhigs and fancy work, gnaranteed
, K1111111* Ralik. In white, cream hotter -
serviceable walat and will waah Well. **-- enp, blue, pink and black. At per