The Signal, 1903-5-14, Page 6There are several ways of adulterating
teas an inferior brand mixed in is the
usual way.
Blue Ribbon
Ceylon Tea
is a uniform tea of a special agerowth.
We value your continued orders too
much to adulterate in any way.
lee t, \tut•I. t'r,Lm tinea. A•k for Ited Iabel.
t ll.0 TER 7C! �\th flushes up over the sky and awakes
a world of stet and bind and nays -
It is the haao day ; and Lady Uty- tory- By and by the tuf•te will fly
wet has written oat to order her nwyy ; but now It is all shadow and
manning; ant a small *beef of Mack- wonderment, with a shining sea and
t,ged nolo* will uuuOuuoe to the a soft west wine biowiog.
world to -morrow that the baby ham The tight strikes on Uncle Ben's
that. Cp.talrr a little form her very White Wove anti on one unshuttereil
still ower a white sheet. Tue frail window, tho whaktw of tho parlor
limb* Hutt tussled and tumbled so where (limey fine met her h sitettnl.
titen aro at rest now. She 1, here now, lit the same room
The bands are all down in the where row her bceu all tagjit. And at
Louse, ane people move about softly, ties moment rhe wit• 1u ttie pule
ns' u titer lexestepr could break the dawn, heti', ;rtee spread out 0u a
infant slumber upatUtrr. newe.paper upon the table, her head
Lady Deepest, lu►vutg flnisbwl her Mkt upon h'or army, speechless, nil -
notes and tukeu a, cup of afternoon eat, with a grief beyond words or
tea under protest, as' 1.1 were, pro- teen.
camels to look for Sir Maurice, twat Died -Maurice, the infant eon of
lints Wm lo a small room e4iltd by Sir Maurice I)ermBart., 1)ruwatt-
courtesy the library, but ural by her eau Cu.aUe•
hulyshlp as lire own private sanctum Bhe wow theme words yesterday.
with u face w salt the eeeebltu, Decal, detul! Iter tittle baby, her
Ludy' Demean enterr.boftly, but is not darling; and he died In other arms
prepared t.e iuel het son robbing like than here! .U1 night she has nut
it woman, hon haulr over Mr face. creed, ueser wept one tear. And now
Ste produces n morsel of lace immeei- lot Is morning; and, With utter woe
fately and follow 5 suit, laying her 0001 In her white face, tine kook' out at
land 015 his bowed head. the tight spreading and brigbtening.
•'My dear Maurice, l bail no idea Her baby decal -her Little, soft, rmil-
y eu were so hotel of the poor little lug, ourly-haired baby ! And she, his
chill:" mothernot even to know he was
Ile thie e face, all wet with ill ,
Lentis -tsars it uteuld have broken dh, the empty, bun ry young
tiip.y'r heart to see. Mother heart, ;vocable and
"l ani not grictlog for the child;' yearning to prem.' even h child's
Le Says, brokenly. "But, oh, mother, dead face to her breast ! W h eye*
whet* he looked up at me with her full of misery, she watehee th rising
ryes -my wife, my wife )mun.and need the anvil'sea uhing
Thi( is a grief parr Lady. Dermot's e lip
rompreheslsiou; too, witha murmur h out
of s), meathy, safe teats* him. but de -
ride, even before her foot rroeserKrt.t
the threshold that her 5011 Mind. Ke
u disorce immediately and marry
flora Blake: It le quite a nice, little
eai.tle int the air. aal in thea• mean-
time She lane a l,nif-formr,I plan of
retuning to Uruntaneen Castle to
look after her .on in person,
'Come and see him; he looks like
un angel, Gladys Blake says to the
grief-stricken father some hour.'
Very reluctantly it Maurice buf-
fers Gladys to lead hint up.tnire to
look once more on his child'( face.
Night. anti day the strange. brief
look from the dyiug eyes haunts
him-the look that seemed one of
yeartl�tting reproach. the look that
sep.f5''s eyes teed to have if ever
for a moment he war vexed with
The poor little face he as marble
Sow. white and tiny, the pitiful
mortal eloped and the allky lashes
reedingreeding placidly on the white cheek:+.
How sweet he Iles, witit lite shadow•
of that last smile *till Itugering on
the cloned lips So white, No unnat-
urally white. In his draped cot he
lies, with snowdrops In him folded
hands, the rosy fingers that tipsy
1.0 paesiotmtely loeel, white and
wax -like now!
Gladys' tear• fall fast. Kir Mau-
rice looks on In silence, with a ort
'fere. Ile watcher Gladys am .he
softly cul• two or three reign of hair
from the marble brow' -the soft lit-
tle curls w re
like (;ip.yeo. See lintn
les eyes and whiaamrs:
"I will keep thorn far hie mother."
Anel then the he:bnfl.I N mouth qui-
vers. Ile turns to go; bat Gladys
come forward not takes Ina hand,
' You lmren't Mewed Idin."
"1 cannot," he mowers, In a em0-
thered voice. "1 have leveret 110 liv-
ing thing since she left."
"110 to not living,' urged fiendys,
wevpyens ODD ; "and he is yeson -and
(.ipiy loved him."
tt the selalper of his wife& name
he trembled ell over, apt then,
stooping eallenly, pules hie quivering
lips t0 the little one's ley ince.
Teen (.Indy. hears himhimgo away
and where the father's kiwi rented
Jim one bright tear. She clove not
wipe It away, but 1••t. It rest
on the tette rbeek. Perhaps some
someday daelm will meet uipey Anti tell her
how the baby diets, and that he was
buried with late father's kl•e upon
h ppm.
crimson. .She sees the tinys tvu
with a eiy oust smile, told s e oa
pray, pray, even thhik, can re
nothing. She mole know•+ that wh
stn• longed for Call never cum:' 9
l.0444. In 111 the yentas to come ah
tvili nater feet soft, warm, lit tie hand,'
Mtealing roiled her neck: never feel
thn rosy cheek rtfaminet ter oita,
nrvrr lore nnd pc: her little child
any more.
He fa dead -he 14 d.041 !" She
Mays the words aloud, and yet no
tear, came Into her eyes, •no quiver
dlHtorbs her mouth.
By and by she walks dawn to tho
shore and 1001(01 al the ora, , and
thinks, Aril thinks, and calls to mind
every feature of oho dearly hind
little facp;"nnd yet Mlle cannot weep.
Reside her a boat 11 being run
down the beach, uud the fisherman.
a fine, stalwart young fellow, Is
going ant for the day, and over
the shingle comes 111..e wife to
Mee him off. Her baby Is in
her arms, end eepey watches the
father take the child and hold him
and kions Icor, and Oho .00e how
proud and Ionil the young wife
looks. Then the boat In shoved off.
And goes dancing out to 0051 and
the mother holds up the child and
totems hint high up to F'"itn4klie'r
tan t."
Ftu*druly the woman turn, to ante
n Indy beeide her w;th a face wild
with grief.
"Let me look at your b.tby," .ho
(stye. "Let me Irak at him. for
mine la dead!"
llipsy ham a long look into the
child's fare, touches the .unburnt
little hands gently, and then turns
away and wits down as before, her
hands over her face; but the un-
conscious flingers of the fieherman'e
chill Imre toweled a chord in her
herr(, and the tears have come ret
Inst. Though the death of her child
Ms writ -nigh robbed her of u11 hope
she still believe(' tlmt her
will one day come for her.
' Surely Maurice Wel rerun to me
• • •
The cold, gray dawn of it March
morning Is breaking; .oft13 the pole
light ideate Over the lend, tender
and ..ail
"It pawed the .'hurchynrd with n
And raid not yet in quiet 1(e."
In the (sold vault of the Demote
►tern tl the poor little babe. It la
will ,v th t1 child, and he dons
not mist the loving toneh of mother-
banle, the caressing whisper of the
Ming mother -voice. And the dawn-
eklnen on the pointed steeple of the
old church that lookn an A symbol to
those below, pointing hrnvenwerti.
noel far, far away morning 14 break -
tug over the sea.
On the w11d went cone, where the
Relent, solemn sea Mhinen no .liter
in the morning light, the dnwu
n mere warted shadow; and, when
the corn 1s' rurtleg yellow la the
fields, it mud -eyed Tuttle lady tilts
upon the shore, looking. looking out
to sea. But on the lung. whlto
tocol rhe paver walk's, fur 501110
thing hue told her that Maurine
'will never come for her now.
It 1* during nue of thews walks
to the shore that she notices et
.mull crowd rouull the Ilrherwau'r
cottage, anti .et child's agouaed
screams' sound frolu withal. Through
the crowd comes Gipsy, told gots
tutu the cottage. The child bar
been walled badly, and his diet
tractod mother can do bothbag but
cry. It Is the Sumo mother and
the same little uhiW 511e watched
on tho shore.
"Geo hisu to mel" she rays, and
takes the gemming, writhing lit•
tie creature, In her cool, form chirp.
"MVO 1110 It pair of wirsorie and get
anon llour- qulek 1"
Swiftly sdw cuts off Im:s little
garment'', and flours' the scalds
well• with soft, tender hands, nod
the 1 1 erica Ctrtre and din away
to mornings. The mother watcher
while the saddacel little lady
soothes and tends the child, rend,
when the doctor comes, there is
not touch to be dote.
"I had no cotton wool;" Gliey ez
platen. "But I have ikon° my beet.
dee-tote poor little fellow is going
to sleep.'
The doctor look. well pleased. It
Is the first tomo he bus s,en her take
an i?i,rest in anything, the first
time he Jas heard her voice change
from Its tone of tintless iudifference.
Suddenly a mist of tears rushes
from lilp+ry's ryes: she trembles uu
der the child's, weight, dud habits
hlmt gently to 111. mother. while the
teare roll down her cheek..
-He is she same age ae my own,'
she wlispe
break her he
Yet tiny afte
iwreee the fisher al's child beck to
health, and the. .l: de fish 'r f.11k re-
gard her as an ant .
anal Rill's costly to
rt crying for Ie•r own
tiny she eom.w and
It ht nearly a year
e 1ueo litpny went awa
worid is green again; an
springlike, a thunderstorm
denly crashing through the
aiel a hal
and the
Mort un
mei su.l
tend, r
leaves, a perfect royal salut a from
heravell A artillery, reeling and tcho
ing ,Own 'the rocky glen of 1 m
aoer11 Castle. Sheets of rain Gall
seething and hinging, and buy thc
spring flowerer low la the hung. green
grass. Tito stream 1s a ro:tr,l.g tor
rent, and In the orchard the pink
anti whito apple bkls5uma lie like
drifts of sodden stow. upym•re•ek or the
sweet time of "ye mento in•,nth of
Sir Manr!ee sits hs the library
window. nod looks with gloomy eyes
at the storm. The lightning flashes
to Ir.w eyes, alit therein dashes ve-
hemently agnlnst the windows. He
watcher 11 all Iirtlesrly, with, hf•
grave. stern face, that -never sateen
now as It need to do In the days
when eilmor w•ns his wife.
A clatter of hoof. unser the arch
way Deal the right of a figure sweep
Om pest the teln.k1ee rouse him. In
ral.,ttier moment. the. ,tone Opens,
tel f••k)ra libak.•'d v„k•:' esetalms,
g YIy:
A benighted traveller seeking
.lm ter 1" \
till • e1000 cot explain that wizen the
sibs broke rho was nearer Rivers
tlutn irumaheen tweet. But the ex-
cuse ftir bearding Maurice In hlr cas-
tle wasetem good to 110 repotted. She
stands. With hct face flushed awe Inset
with rain, her !bug, yeblowf hair un-
bowed nu,l hanging slownilore bade
atm ler r •s rmdeng up Into bas
moody face.
No woman an orossol lits tlireet-
ull except him mother, since he loot
Gipsy ; 0n.1 6c usher now red lie cx-
toitlls Ills hall lit tardy webouate.
"It ix n fearful Germ. Mau I thlak
it won't Gast," he le with a glance
at the sty.
Tile Is not n very .romlring I.0 -
ginning, but Mss Boa is not easily
daunted. She oocepte the chair he
pushes towards her. and Is hera:•U
-with a rltnilr.
"It Ir tig.•s sbcce we hair sten yore
Yes," be answers, curtly. never
go unywhe re, you know. How a e you
all at homer -adding tho tier
pert of his 'speech quickly, as 11 r-
ill' of rine coxa me•ut on lint fleet.
"MI, quite well-ju•'t not uau314-
(;lidye doing the philanthropic moee.
anon in Loreto& aided by Mr. Ker, and
Ally doing nothing ! )hurler, 4 10 you
know you neo looking very 111,"
"Am I?' he nets, car, body, push -
lug 1:10 betel through the (Mort browlf
lecke that have. ellvcreel on the tem-
ples duhring the 11st year. "1 am get-
ting eel. Flora,' wltlt an attempt at
II ',nil:, that goes 110 (tlrihrr than 1.11
She books at him steadily.
"en, it la not ant. Maurice!" mid -
BONE [000
Soft and crooked bones mean
bad feeding. Call the disease
rickets if you leant to. The
growing child must eat the
right food for growth. Bones
must have bone food, blood
must have blood food and so
on through the list.
Scott's Emulsion is the right
treatment for soft bones in
children. Littledoses every day
give the stiffness and shape
that healthy bones should have.
Bow legs beconte'straighter,
loose joints grdw stronger and
firmness comes to the soft
Wrong food caused the
trouble. Right food will cure it.
In thousands of cases Scott's
Emulsion has proven to be the
right food for soft bones in
Send for free sample.
SCOTT tis BOWNE. Chemists.
Toronto. Ontario.
sec. and Von, all druggists
He Couldn't Play,
The *wall son of a member of ('on-
gr•ws was Invited to it party at the
house of a girl friend of hle He
said be didn't want to go.
" Why not 7 e tote! him father. "Ycu
generally lo.tve a g,xttl altar, don't
Yes," replied the eon, "het I victim
!don't care to go to tithe ono."
The father grew lufdatent. "Tell
Inc tho rens )n,' h,• .•aid. " 1 'Mould
think yeu wottkl be crazy to go."
The mon tu*ted rent turned rend
then he blubbered:
I " I nm cr:,zt to go, tut they play
nothln' but kirmIng greater, 'am! m3
Ilp.( are all tis appeol."-R'awhingtotl
eor Chicago Inter -(kation.
Word has metals, been receival
that Massey -H errla l'owo.lns. Lim-
ited. hate added atwitter laurel to
their many successes'. This time the
t ictory was scored in Australia.
The Massey -Hard, etripper•llar-
rester, su con ; etitlon with some
tete other teems, Merest a signal suc-
cess nt Smithfield. 4outli .lurtralle,
or _Bth November,\ 1002. beteg
awarded a total or 471S pot iii, dud
having oniy 470 Ilii eleaugbt. The
figurer given of the next rowie teens*
were 167e-3 calms, unit 572
lbs. draught.
The Ilii plea Harvertcr in not
used In pure:du-it id not ranted to
the conditions of the ciitnatc; but
In Australia there are more Stripy
p••rHarveeters used than there nee
This report only goes to show
that Massey-Hitrris u'achlnes lead
wherever they are. They would
001 oto w If they were not built well
and nett good matedlale.
A New Version.
ti, turla Thio..
A correspondent sends u■ the fol-
lowing, wit to an undertaking to
"make" les "AlfredDavid" that 1t
was wafted to Ids ears as he passed
the Colotust office at a late hour
fart night:
hurrah for Tarte,
do bright and smart.
Burrito' fur Uamey, too;
Alms for Prior,
Our heart's desire,
Who did Victoria "do,"
nom-!" (iipwy ways to hermit. day drnly, while her ince turns erlmson.
niter day. "Surely, now that our I ' Thin life 1s killing you -the awful
little child i, dent, he will ovine to lonell r(., Listen -nota s.tlr I^
our end take me 'to his heart ngnsn.
Through n11 the grief ,.Ile Is nlwnye
watching, watrhtng awl walking on
the road by which Menden will come;
lett iter eyes gnaw more piteous tiny
nfle'r tiny, her lebk become( more
The dnrs ieng(hr'n, nnd the even -
Ings are long end light, but he never
?OMNI : n d her heart aches with
There 1. not. The old house U no
sle•nt ne the grnvn, save for the pat-
tering rain outride.
Kir liiurtec walks to the window
and looks out. blow oflau and often
ha., he Listened to the stellne•e till he i
elmo,et fancied he heard Gipsy's light', her sweet, soft *wee calling
him! How often has Ito listened t111
n s' n water -
1 � u txea well -rel i •
1 nc m
tt•rnry lunging no tiny niter day she ' all' ! Ito knows the utter Ion linen•
rbeeu null tell( herself, "Perhaps he nail .desolation of his life well, and
will eom,' to-.Iny: nnd, When even- *11113 n time he lhlakv that her
(es' to n re. h e 1
ing mmeo .lir Magpies, Perhaps he
M I r foe s I sear a
still rom'to-morrow.'• last-whru he reword hat ; often
Poor, patient, loving, little (Jitney! 111) aroma to. sl•o, the awful book
One night ate doer not go out to horror and wonnlovl grief In the
welsh on the lung, while, dente eyes that k.ukol lute, hie fur the. Inst
road, nor the nett, nor the nest ; tt =r•
ant then one evcnhtg old Ann goes 911(( lllnkr, lying hack in tltn deep
n;•Ing for the doctor. chair, teats" him adorer for the, bpaae
tllpey Ie very 111, Weary anis broken of half n ndr,utr, nisi then ezclalma,
.one ret list. with a laugh:
When 1 nm dead, till him-tr•II my " llaur.c'•, you b::heleitabl'u crone
hnlabend-I ',teed h'm nlway., nnd 1 tore, (kmet 7(111 know It In 5 o'c!ock
bate' grunts to helve," aha any", and wet t yearn for ten 7"
then she torus her fare to the wall.
He turns hastily nal rings the 5111.
Bhp w1I1 (Ile to -night, the Ao^tor "1 beg yatr pardon."
tiny ", But the morning hunk+ rfi`11 Then the talks to him anti tells him
and gray', and An% lits". Hay all the nese one can think of, and
nhrr slay, when (ht' snmmrr let. him feel her sweet eymel►thy.
rksr., creeper over the %roril anti greet beck to the old. 01.1 days
and the ivnvee are dreg bine l>~ Iw•foro (111a,y hn.t ever come to Ilan
n.•ntlt (he midday run, (iip.:y 11ee ninfm•en t'a(tle. and lentils him on to
talk. to/n. and freta elm fe laying a
Ranlsay's paints are for beauty,
rotectiou and (durability -made
root the best oil, tuipeutinc and
The price is just right and all
good dealers have then.
Yon can't get better paints -
many get worse.
wrbe na mentioning Thi• riper nnd we 11 sea4 s
bo,,hlet ahnvelnl how mum- l.enmfnl hetne• are pointed
wldh our amino
A. RAMSAY a SON, Paint metiers. • • MON(IVIAt.
lad. ,1µa.
fondation, ns It were, for further
Old Peter(' hringM In the tea, nnd
look. rather surly at the young Indy
making herself an much ret home,
"Shall I7' Mites Blake says. meet-
ly, laying her han'l on the old Queen
Anne teapot. "Yost know men never
can pour out ten.'
pie takes a cats ahem her hand.;
nn.t robe does not know that all the
time he 1. thinking with an agony
of recollection, of another fnee and
forest preelding with ehlldlikn grnee
at the ten table. He onto down the
enp nntitet..l, nal ones more lakes
refuge to the deep, old window.
Moue. Blake Alpo her tea In ellrner,
and partaken with a aatllo of tho
thin treed and Metter. The very ele-
ments are faverttig Mee ; the eke Reto
htneker and the rain r.mee down fate
ter than ever.
tib be Continued.)
('lent• w 1.Ion.
Dorothy So Mahe! Ir engage.) to
(110113! Now, what on earth does
she gent in him 7
Margaret -Her last ehnnec, perm -
Ben us\e of Wes k Hearts
When yoihare sick your heart is
If it were ptlfnping good blood
through your system, you could nut
be sio:k in any part.
Ninety-nine out Of a hundred
have weak hearts -thy are some-
times sick.
Dr. Agnew's Me Dare
will relieve Heart Disease 1 thirty
minutes. Will with certainty
a Id
• 6
entre r cure.
t;se.GP. Crliis, Dominoes Caston$$
Office, Cornwall, Ont.. says . -
1 w'.is troubled with severe Heart com-
plaint for a long time I was under the
doctor's care. but not receiving benefit, 1
asked him about ' lis Ao,sew'e Cent cos
THE Heart.' and L used it with good
Dr. Agnew'• Ointment is rid-
ding the world of piles and skin rashes,
eruptions of all sorts. Its healing powers
are mar"elow. Prim, sec. 11
Only Ills Wife.
19,llndolpl is tress
"I1 It wasp t for my wife," grnm-
liel the first man ret the reception,
1 w•onll not 1m' here."
"Neither would f," replied the
other one. *Tate hoetnmq le a grant
irloeel of my wife's. Is ate a friend of
'No; she's my wife."
They Mum 11ahood leseke Now-
ada)r a* Well es Guest al wader.
There 1* a flew- knee of clrous girl,
Met ee there 15 a new c.hofus girl.
est thing iu chorus girls Ir
nil piquant. told 111 marked
sl lgl
ploy °outcast to the opulent,
e tas t beauty who war formerly
rent the only type adapted to
stage display
The now klnel of clreas gl• Is
sulking principally un arcouut of
her Increased comeliness. The hard -
rowed, dyed -haired rider with her ret
smile awl ghertly little euniue11iee
a thing 0f the past.
The women are nowadays fresher.
prettier tied uearly ahvayr better
dreamed than they ever were In the
part. to,uellneer seems to lie re-
garded DOW Its IDip(irtaot as' their
athletic eklll.
Ota very medio•re aerolmtt war a
W0111•11 culled "Tow Beautiful Geral-
dine," who was successful ten years
ago from one end of Europe to the
other, not because she was skilful
In her work, but on amount of her
supposedly great twenty. Yet to -day
✓ ho would not anus so much above
the average of look* at the Madison
egtutre liunlett.
Their dr -mewing Is :deo more taste-
ful In its color,, and ahp women who
this year rido 1n habits are in
leery way smarter looking than they
were In the pant. But It is her look,
treat differentiate the present-day
circus girl from her prwleeesrors. She
Is rapidly i('comiltg a thing of benuty
ate well not of muerte noel ,laring.-N.
Y. Hun.
to sent deer, to die deemed
puts by the Improved awwe: ,
Heals 511 nkat. nano toe Ye
94.01••, stops droppe In the
treat and p�oaoant curt.
Catarrh and Hay Pew bwec
hew. A1l dealers, o. Dr. A. W. Clue
M•dlew Ca. Triose es•a hello
11/lgbt be Worm. Yet.
Buffalo Lantra..
lira Homer -You can't go Howe
whole 1t I. ralniug we Stay and have
dinner with us.
Mr. VI'Itltru-Oh. no, titank you. le
lone eo bad as all that.
Hoch and Pone Alike Use Painkiller
Takeo Internally for « nmy1ee, conks and Jln.
rrohen. Applied •zterually curer eprnln•.
e w oltru m us Ie., rte. Avoid subs('tu Ira, t her.
1s' but nue •'Pulnlllkr"-Perry Davis•.
Lacking In Experience.
Pittsburg Ilutpetch.
"How wetly years sloes 1t tate a
"rowan to learn not to talk to her
Imeitand while he's whetting'!"
"I don't know. 1 ve only been mote -
r11,1 r light years."
Lifebuoy Soap-disiafwtaat--is eternity
recommended by the medical profe.suu se
• ash:gu and aguost iota Ileo diseases, •a
.Altreel A. Taylor, of Mnrgaree,
'nye: "One bottle of MINA Ri)'H
LINIMENT eared n I/welling of tale
pnmhle }.Int, rind raved a borne
worth 111.10.00."
Then. W. 1'aync, ret UUrithnnt,
envied the life of a vnlualee horses
that the let. hnd given ails with n
raw bottles of MII\AROS LINI-
%hoard lilts laaor•aear.
"Looury 1s' to jlnlg„ of human na-
ture at all.
"Why do you say that'" --
"Ile hata such sublime faith la hint -
We offer t,u. Hundred Dollars' Hewn rd ter
say rags of e'ntnrrh that cannot Let urea by
HaRi Caftan+ cure.
F. J. 11 EN ET • , ,,., 'rukdo, 0.
We, the undersigned, have lamina F. J.
Cheney for (1,o lent Ili )ears sod believe Ids
perfectly ho,orable 1.e all Immune.. ttan.-
netlua. Mad onanrinlly able to carr, ono nay
ubl1getloae mote by 1Mlr drat
neer • Ta, as, 'ehuirlal. I'rapr4ts, To-
ady, 11.
wu.Dom. RISCO( • MARVIN, Wko1e.a4
Drugglsta, Toledo, 0
11.11'. Catarrh. lure I. tetraInbar ellv,*cS-
hag directly upon the blood and mucous ear.
bores of the system. T..t,tnealie). .est new.
I'rlrO-70e per bottle. 1014 by .11 druggists.
Il all'. Family I'llls ars the 1,0.t.
TM NMara1 Hewett.
Pali%mere Amnrlran.
81tiLfiollo tdlnrourngrdlyl-i d1e
everything In my power to make
those two young potpie see that thea
were not fittest for enrlt rot her--.
Wysnrrr-.\est when Ios the weakling
tO oreurl
MIatsM's Liniment I,nmherMSS's
hltls� .
Growls N'rotu the Tiger,
Kooky ter no object ; most of -as
believe 1t N a myth.
Most girls close their eyes when
they aro keeled do you blame them?
The poor ye have always with you
-ott so dos.' that they touch you.
I'olltenrws is the salt of lite; you
hate to have It rubbed Into Sou when
you are cut up.
,1 lot of people woo *Mould (he
spa ding good Limo getting goof
money ,spend go(md money getting to
ft00d time.
It slava not make it right to do
what you ought not to do when
y ext don't 1l0 what yon ought to do.
It 141 all very well to get a good
stn rt, tont the start you get when
elan' fetid putt' Lis cold Mudd down
your reek may be too good.
-Princeton Tiger.
Resections of a Bachelor.
The no enema trick that a rail -
load can play on a girl Ir to turn
o n a light )reit before the trete goer'
through n tunnel.
Women smoke the way berm aw••a'•
-w itliout appreciating how mere
fun they could get out off it if they
knew hoe to do it.
A woman can win a man by mak-
ingfine ntrawberr Shortcake
7 to
ImAkl lmim bile hag got to know hew
to.broll steak and bake bread.
It be nn Moltmeribable instinct that
(rads n girl to put on her Beet pair
of atbckinge In the morning when
Iter skirt 1n going to get caught
on a barbed were fence In the after-
When a woman trinket an unexpect-
ed call on another it 1S n Wlgn that
.he hos board something disagree-
able mkt about her and would like
it thence to tell it to her •s a
Mewl -New York Press.
Ask for %(inard's and take no other.
Street ('ar AmeniNea In Wiehlta
Rome of the car linos in Melilla
have, no conductors, and It devolve"
upon the motorman to eollect the
fnree. .A few bays ago n man had
left the car without pitying and the
motormen hailed him. '•if yon want
your money eomn and get It," he ..'d.l.
Tho motormn,n walked to thee corner,
whereupon the man offered Lim it
ling -dollar. The driver took it and
tetl.l, "If you want your Change eomo
to tbn oar and get It." 'Ale °Heat
hesitated and asked the motorman to
bring it to him. •'i nan't wnetn'nny
morn time," se 1.-1 the motorman. `'You
will final your change at the riffle* of
the oompayer." Than he turned on his
power mad mover.
The Sunlight way of wash- ISSUE NO. 20. 1903.
ing requires little or. no -
rubbing. You should try
Sunlight Soap.
Will not injure
dainty fab-
'll'umm)'at Pra•uliarit Ire.
Chicago Trainee.
"Where du yrs keep the jam,
mum?" inquired the new hired girl,
who was tr3lug to familiarise Iter•
reit with her wurruttnd,uge.
"11'e keep it le different plaves,"
wild Mee. Tucker, "until Touugy
folds mit where 1t he and then we
don't keep It ret iIL"
It is universally conceded that to
properly appreciate a trip to New
York or Boston, ose /Duet take the
Last road. That road Is the New
York Central.
The Unetet,inwreial Ural.
Artistic folk frequently have, tug. -0
110110110 about buelueer: Soak, of
tln,w, rays t'olller's weekly, are quite
ignorant of It, others utterly Indt(-
fereut to It, stud trtlwore yet hate
the very came of .it.
Oue of tae hat unwed categoryl,
was Lint. Ile In►d returned from a
suceeiaful tour, and I'rfue:•oe Met-
ternich, the wife of the celebrated
.uate•sunan and diplomatist. war
quPrtiwnittg felon regardiug tluc eon -
eerie Its had bceu giving abroad.
'•1 hear," she said, "that yeti did
good .buslnese in Paris'!"
To which Lint gave the tart re-
ply : ''1 only played rums Diable the•*.
Itubinm•es-teat • I leave to hankers
and diplotuatlrts."
To smother lady the wurical cleric
gate a still more sarcartto *mower,
-Alt, Abbe.- i!w sighed. "what a
great fortune you would make if only;
yea could la! Ihdueed to go to
erlea► to edgy:•.
"Madame," relented Lent, "if you
stood 111 need of that fortune,
lirce me, 1 would go at once." ,
Keep Minnr,l'i Liniment in the
Gracious No!
Yonkers blsIc.u.u.
Maude -1 should ' hiuk automobile
riding would be theist roue 10 a mo-
Inion'. hair.
hlfritaut-Gracious, deer! You don't
want to wear your flair when you
go out to nn automobile.
M iard'a Liniment 1s' used by i toy-
A Itraaua our k.
1 hkego Tribune,
"There little arbors and cosy
nook's coat b0mr111g,' i' pbatnef the
pn.prletur of the .nnlmt'r hotel. "hut
we consider tient n mighty goal he
They attract people to the place,
I Mupts ae," commented the thoexte-
leae stranger.
" Olt, 1t inset so much that,' re-
turned the proprietor, "but they en-
courage love affairs, and that rte
able• u■ to save nosueth0lg ou the
pro', I.Mos,"
'• Emmen Henry."
RolNtln News.
The tencher of a city reboot re-
cently received the following note,
etplaintng the absence of one of the
pnpllo the day before; "i'Isasa et-
enown Henry for absents yeeteriny.
film and me got n chance et a rhlr
Ie, tt Ninon, 1 in it enrrlgn, an' 1 let
him *toy nt home, we. hn had never
rode In a enrrhign, an' never went
to n fnnernl, nor brut many other
pleasures So pion we etcooge"
11. New Gallery Wainer Blakes ot
unneces.ary to m -e a,
Five or six minute-„ -easy moor.
meant of the machine while .rated will
thoroughly wash .t tubfol of clothe..
n . 'al
Ball Bearings and strong p'ti
steel springs do lnOet of the work.
No process so easy en the .lollies
or the operator.
1f your dealer can-
not show you the
write us
A Job lel Nowadays.
IJppinrnit MLiaeinc.
Two women oltting oppoilte the
writer In an electric car Welted
their voices le, high that every word
of their conversation coedit he heard
by them Kittingtt tg
near them. Iata
was es Wently the suhy'et of
their rotlrerantlon, for our of them
"# ,swtlmea, I think that If 1 was
*tingle, i would not marry the Prince
of Wales himself, and thou agln, I
Yes, that le oto," replied her com-
panion. "I feel just that wny my-
self,. an' I have not goo.l a husband
nm the avert/lee, too."
"So have i -that is as men run
Wood's Plhowphotltne.
Teo anal P.yllek hoer,
s an old, well o.tb.
I.he.1 read rellnM'
preparation. 11.. tw,n
eprrose.M, crlbedIran,Acudll drag• onwl
abate In the 1)nminlon
o/ Canada sell and
recommend so twine
the only mrlletne el
Its kind that surround
gives snlv.real .athrfs,tlon, 15 Mnmptlrr end
pereaatly earns all forme et Nrr*o ,. H'era.
near, Stnl..lona, Hp.rmntorr".tin, /mpnfeary,
and all effect. of sheen or stow.. ; the exceed,*
Teal Tob en, opt. to M rns.aaents. Newlin
IM Prate Worry, ell of which lewd to Infirmity,
nsanity CooeumprIon and .n Feely Oravw
Prins $1 per prkags r IIt for 51. Onerlrl
please,.41 wilt cure. ailed prompt, nn re•
eetpt d arras• flgtA f wbap pamphlet. Address
mar. 0.t, Caaall s.
Defoe* oad After.
M,a bwaslasw.�lo,ddwi t.spt lNq �yro�-.este
sootalwhes tae o611d, *ottlas ftw TO, viii
code end M the beet nerals rr Dt:rr tZist
by mall 80 you can make from t'irr f tt,
D01.1.1 MN ♦ noT. 1•'or particulars mate
A. HANSEL, MeH.,a w Mont
Hamilton. Ont.
51st sort start swsnw sad Wain Amuse
ewe Iskd.ced. 5151 as eget. cow ,foal.
551 23 ceets far *amok ate terns to amt,
hit OSI i & ('O, DEPT. 11., TORONTO.
1t Has No Equal
Manufactured only by
For male by all le*ditul dealer.
May Excursfrls
lrae,uw,t e„ a,..,,.
tvel. 1.Iua1r-A.1.4
It •I':AM '
1 onset,, 10 !I..' real
Itlrek ee.Ne.111 I.
t :. •,
1„ lutenurdiate I"dut._ f •,1.p,
lurhnlesl. Strainer* tense rdn,. ,,.,
'rlurs.lay• to kley-llnwlttou 11 w ,'1
10 7.10 p.m. Further lutor,A., 111, ^
,gent. ur 11. 1 0*1 ES 411A 11.1.1:.
1'an0491iwr AS.ut n. • 1, , Tomut,,.
Put a variety into Sum;..•r
living - it's not the tin:•' t :
ear to live near the t i., :;, n
ra•1!-re. Libby',,
Veal Loaf
I)otte(1 Turkey
De', ikd tiara
Ox tcaauo,
quickly made ready t., , r' •r
Het4b today fir the lilt! bore -tee
" aloha l;uul Thew:
Eat," Gull of Wean on quirk, u.•-,,ts lunch serving. l.fhht',
Atlas o11 the 'Weald mailed irr< .
for 5 two -cent atampe.
Libby. McNeill R. Libby
e A
71. old. Invariable virtue 51
sateen Hie kine mike
Sprains I
Price. 25c. and 50c. ►
fNhy There are No Many cin -ams.
(-wage ehrentete,
A little girl tette what she knows
about King Solomon . In the 1.•'.
'• -
lowing essay ; ' King fesdnrron tc.
n nine who hvf•el ever no hong no!,
rind In the country In which he Iroe-
crnol 11e was the whole thing. MIR
Salomon built Solomon', U.11100'194
wee the filthier of all the afneona.
Ile 11nd 7()0 wtverl mild 201) In'17
fnerd., and that Is why there as''
00 many Malons In the world."_
It Tells in the
Show Ring
If you hope to exhibit your stork at the
Fall fairs, start now and get theta In per
feet health by using
Dick's Blood Purifier
It will )hale Tose to carry off the
lr• Ribbon.
Fifty Cents per peeksge.
!ARMING, WHIM a ("0., WiWeet, ages&.