The Signal, 1903-5-14, Page 2as. ts�as�+e
etet 4
2 TawasAy, May 14, 1903.
ht *inal
I:ul,Klttt'II. ;NT lulu.
HLISHEl) EVER 't'llU1151) 'V
V AN. \T"11.:It a It( illt:ItT611N.
'I'e lrpl • t all No. SL
Terms of Subscription
$1.11' jar unuu: a1 Aute Alit,
Six 1.11111'11'., ,k1' ; throe 111011111.. tun•.
Sul.s'rila•rs ail" fall to serf ve Tar. `mix II.
reg nbm'1) to mall will confer a fa, or b) a.'-
yuainling n. of the fact at as early a date as
%'hell a Outage of auldr4s is de.ln.l. loth the
Old read tall' 1n.•w 14hdre,'. should he in, en,
Advertising Rates
Legal l arae other similar wlurtiseini as, HI•
insertion 'I .• and :k' 41•r line for
a•r line for nn.t 1 1 1
w eat•11 .ulrsgeent i1,w•rtdun. Measured by it
110111111 roil .war. to rive thais to an inrh.
Business east -of six lines and miller. Si per
.1'14 e•rt 1.s'in•uta of laid. Fou1d. al ra)wd, Sil •
nations Vacant, Situations %V anted. 111tts.. for
Sale ,,r to Rent. Fanuc fur Sale Ur to Rent,
A rl iil.. for Side. ear., not I'%w,dtltg right
hw•.. 2r' earl. insertion : St for tied month..'II•
for e sulwwptvd nand It. larger ail ,girtI..•
111e11ls ill scan wenn••.
Lo' al a.tic.•n ill pan•il 1)111•. ' per line.Nu nit ire le.* t awn 21•.
.tmmuurrmwul, in "Minor) Irxwlingf1> Pr One
cent Icor wont. No not lee kris than 2a•.
.\ny s1awiai not•.,•. the obleet of which is the
lw'i.,,iar)' benefit of any individual or ashioei-
a•io. W ho .onsklrlwl an ad, ert isruent and
to be chem.! as,r.rdiilgl .
Mates for dWplay and .,unrw•t a.lvertise-
ma•A. wilt be given on appl.:ato1.
Adds.•. all .twiiunk'atols to
THE S111551-
lilderh•h. int.
GI)1o1':ItiCH. THCItSDAV, MAY 11. Hitt,
I. there 1111 't hi hg mutt w Ireful
in all the works of nature than the
transformation which we call spring I'
The trees which bolt a few days ago
were lifting gaunt. lane limas, to the
sky hare burnt forth Indo Irate' locality.
and in the 1/n•hard4 have suddenly ap-
parel great bouquets of white tired
pink bltlwertms which shwa abroad a
grateful fragrance. The brown
p Itches of lawn and 141,til,ytnl have
q sickened to a vivid green. flecked
h 're and thele with the emphatic yel-
1 1w' of the persistent
S'il•11I1 /11111 vine and iklwei. have all
heard the call of the smith Winlj and
have sht.ken off the inertio, of winter.
AlNing with all thaw clew -limn life hare
come the hints. which are nesting in
the shelter of the young foliage Anil
with their lightslnne song are adding
the beauty of a I t., that of Might.
tioderich was neve! tinter Iove
and in her frmit. dainty gannrnts tot
spring she again claims the title of
"the prettied town in Canada."
The ratepayers of lb.11•rich. whit last
November endonwed the electric rail-
way project by ei vote of 11$ I.. 1111.
will be considerably sut'prin d at the
a 'tion of the town council Friday
eel• g last in seeking to obstruct the
I'ongMtiv's plans. It is not likely- that
the attempt will result u) anything
more than an increase in the w.luIitul's
hill of coats Against the town and
.'tilelull• ce 141 the pre Leto of
Cie. railway. bat it is only flit that the
a 't inn /Ft the e1 it sloth( two plan.•
I 1 its Irue colot•N iefewe the paple•.
0 n.• reason alleles! its a gnome' for
.ppwsing the Ctempa.y''X application
naw before the Legislature is that
"there was lllb epres•ntatiuAl in'
the Wheelie before the electorr. Inst
f ill. ' Then' is a chola. in the bylaw
which prov'i11.w that -this agreement
shall not Iw hit)Jil,g upon the said
r'oupany Inness the bylaw which is
submitted to the township of 1'ul-
Imore, aithitizing the paid township
to lwln•baw• Iwent y-Ilve Ilit remind dol-
lars 0112.1,IN111 worth of Nt.w•k in said
1'./mpny. le rallied." It is alleged
Volt this was slats' to 1111•x11 that the
agreement wood.' not he binding upon
either the Town or the Company.
11nw this allegntIton in to lee made g.osl
We 11111111 eulnpiw iietia. 'rh.• hy'Inw
ons phuwl in hlu'k and white heftier
the ,•le•vt,es heft we the vote wits taken,
a Id there is certainly no ambiguity in
the .11015• Willett is stated to bin -c teem
misrepresented. lisr•ppresenttd. a charge w'hk•h. it is
tinnily necessary to sly, i4 giv'en an
emphatic denial un the part 1,1thepinl-
tieaerie. The i,' IS on IN li perfectly
re.saulhl• one. as n 'title reflection
will slum'. and weas tiecessury for the
unit ,'.t I, ut of the I'ougarlv's ithl.•Iestm
in view of the cute to I. taken slit lay
It tera-tads in r1111101111. township ml
tle'imposition that the township also
ahnuld take ...bock in the rnilw'ay. (hi
the tither hand. it was a tier off
l,lllgal'at. rye indifference to ibis town
Iv:tethet' the frown/hip of 14illionie
should take dock in the enterprise or
n iVhat the pet pie of Iiewlel'ich de-
siro41 wv1N 51.114$• n•as/uable hope that
t e• railway round be snreeasfnll - eon -
It scute•, nod that they. _w'rty satisfied)
4I Ihis Willi the vet' 1/f Nnven1141'r
2: 1h al hint Iv /domed.
T1e Star has been harping toil this
e ring intetinittently fur tel • months,
hurt as everyone is .,warn of its person-
a' r'►1
1pr against t tau or three of the
pre lets little attention was pail' to
it The emsm'il did nut display much
sense in taking its ulltrnhnrings at
their face value.
.\anther and nnote merlons conten-
tion is that the town is not financially
in a position to meet the payments on
the debentures for the $.11I,INt11of stock,
sold that, the statutory limitation upon
the taxing powers 1.1 the ",.flet•
wtilllti render it hnpt..ihle to satisfy
the terns of the agreement with the
C pony. (hunting that this were
we, wound it not have been more fair
slit honorable on the part of the c.nm-
ell to take the r' •any info its con-
fidence, atiel timlr to sonic nndetwttutt•
lilt in the •haute•'. than to take et
parte action wllhont any notification
to the Outnpany and wlthrnit any at. ,
tempt to reach a mutual agreement ?
'The money dolma not have to he paid
except es the rant in b uhf., attl when
the ext.r•umTlnary obligations which
owhas to inert dltrin
fM town g this pres-
ent year have leen wired nil the chi.-
ivirntes will be in mist+ beiter shape.
We have little doubt that the difficulty
Which the c 'II sees in this con-
nection eau he oven• 1m any
case. the Company is at least e.pullly
i lllmlrwtn with the WWII ill vegan' to
I his illUu.e of the 111,111er, 411141 Ilefine
the C tttttt itssk the htmlty, ill-ativivsl
Act loth of IIIXI I'llrt illg its allieitiIr 14I up -
111114e the l'umiatoy'X aplllieafion it
al Id have haul the grace to give the
pnituolers 1411 1/P11411•luuhly of present -
may he it is an improvement over the
foruwr tale under which the Ilulvu
county council was a ('11111111,)uN body
of over fifty members. 'rhe bill leaves
it optional with ally county to adopt
the proposed •lino syst•nh of 'operant -
tat inn or continue the preatont method
of el el ion by districts.
The Child in the Garden.
Ing their \' 114w'n 1/11 the 'want ill 11111.4. w'heu to the ganlrn of untroubled thought
l it The 11 he'rlllw•Iw of the cuunt'll I race d lap•, slid east the 01a•11 door.
.11,11 s Wood Sgt hit to enter. Kiel explore
'The sweet, still a ..y- w ilk stainless bloom
j in wrought.
A 1mle.ow t•M of 1n11Ut..41(V w'ithl beauty fraught,
It seemed some purer itdtw 11111e.t speak
I darot to tread tlitKanlith eelofyore.
That F:.tcn lost unmown rend found unsought.
t lelllelllhet' that the ratepayers
by a vol. of r• than four tat en
thaws' the electric railway project lilt
it concertos this town, 11114, no clatter
what their Iwramal view's may be,
their duly as 4.uu1l611one is to give aid
and ere 'a((rhient to a project fur
which their cunatitients have wl
rat 'singly expressed their goodwill.
'I'. un hm s 1114W tavern Was ( ellemd
this weekand the city is now ahead
of Hamilton ill the chatter of hotel
aer4t pat it on.
When• did the money time from ?
is nut of date. The bur ' g question
now is, Who won the League baseball
gamu•s yesterday ?
Is it not N little strange that the
secretary ry of the BIMlrl of Trude 44114111111
hip tet hifteiit optioned to the moat pro-
gressiv-e scheme that has hens plans)
before the people of this town in ninny
yearaminiely, the electric railway pro-
ject ?
Andrew Carnegie says ea 111141a will
114v'et• be able to mullets industrially
with the United States. A. the in-
dustrial conditions in the. Republic
have been &star ion' as "hell with the
lid off," we shall not worry if Canada
k.ep mit of the cauldron. Another
thing for which Canadians may thank
Heaven is that this t uuntt•y does not
raise ma lalitiutt,Itist I readies sue -h
alt Andrew Carnegie.
Reports front Ottawa give a draft
of the redistribution of the Ontario
Wats. New Ontario gets two new
member.. and Toronto wilt have en
*add hand seat. As the total repre-
s•nteti from Ontario is reduced by
six, nine seats in other parts of the
Prrlvinre t he el' ' tel. There
will still he three Hurl.,, ridings, but
Bruce county is I c to two and
Middlesex also - a lel her.
Wmillern int b exploited at the
ler of 'strikes that ate occurring
ii, Canada just now. , There is mottling
strange about it. In penlwls of rising
prices wages are tw last tiling to go
tip• and when w'u1•kiin'tu feel the prep -
sum of the int -maned el 1141 of living
they strike for the higher wages to
which they believe they are entitled
lint which employers will not pay lin-
I. a they are ...towelled to do.. -
t t
M. lin Cameron. M.1 .I .. is N man
a bottom. things. lie Inas just been
omecessfnl in phasing through the
third reading the bill granting relief
('1 the t1w'11 4f Ileslt•rit hi in 1.11111111.1 11/11
with the ern N• in nwp•1•t of the s
nN•i• indel de''enturee. liis attitude
INl piddle giewtiuns ill very different
from that of his opponent in the Iasi
Legislative campaign. who 1X I144W Ii.•-
v.ditig hie t' • and attentkm to tis
11141y1Iring to wl',rk one of the mod
ingw't1anl pre j.rts that have ever
been IN,/light before. Iia• people of
The judges conducting the Gainey -
Stratton investigation ere showing a
high sense of Iheir did to the public
in insisting upon the giving of Ivi-
d1•nc.• to them% light• if pwaible, nisi)
,11 1111e 11 lints nut ,'Ie,lyd up by either
the par keret bun 4r the defence. With
such a mews of .onttm,iilion to deal
with, their lunlships may have wren.•
difficulty in reaching •a satisfartury
runrhniun of their task, hal it is to
gratifleatii,n to the it kcow
That, a, far as the ru 'mmiunrrs are
etmeetned. an earnest effort is being
made to luring all the (Nets In light.
Til• (ilohs• says : '•)It'. Sift4n and
Mr. 1'14440 11 show a laucltbl• Assielnily
in 111411111K inler•Si in I'nntula fes n
field fear e4lligial ion. They sheuld sir
t,u it, 114/Weyer. that there are no more
14 '14111671. al14•l1pt..I, eat. of Euglish-
nN•t1, 11 1111 that un large uslw lit hal.%
ate organized. The best results will
lee s•rllr.l by letting 411411 immttiglant
reuse and w•ltle AS an individual," To
Innen• the !tatter• a little further, the
quilt' might be asked if it is 1144
• e1, inset .' e• 111 i." It as-
t Ii nUnu the p 11 y f x
sisting ' 'wanton. If people want,
to e•nnnr here, well and gond, let them
come : butt why should we spend
y to hiring then) here ?
The Stratford 'learnt' ways: •'Thewue
tot 11he Tory part) who aro banking for
sllress 11 the next election Irl) the
1e.,• tee• a of Mir 1ViHrid Iwm•ier are
dl •d to elistpptintnwnt. At a
dinner given by Hen. 1Vn1. Pieter/MAI I hirocght tlearnr by every t'l amatit•
at Ottawa on Wednesday' night last nils c,ns.'rat..l to its errsta-ier,
wanted and
the Pre• •,' lnd his friends that � t'vl•ry q y thea appm bun of
Ithlrs• w•hu by their loyalty to high
he had never felt in letter health fur' ideals and devotemenf of tare gifts
the plant tett years. atndi his app•atwnee ! bring a little nay sunshine into our
c,ptsinl). indie' te•X the fart_ N4lwith• I yn»•-e.olored liven, or make appeal to
startling the wotT•i(•s of the awnless he 1 e -"ns ie•nt-, and duty anti Inv.. Syme
day if w ill have iM4'tl ae•ro>npliahe(l,
*1)1w•ars As sprightly as at any time in and that the day of its rrietnptinn
his tate•t•, Slid is most aw.iduous in cony- tent le ne44lh•Nnly delav,wl all
attention to him public duties. The 1 the"' playa and those players that
udnist•rto d (e..l
.die rof Tle fll•arnn is pleased to give th
w.•nnital and . uenfvuumielgathrean,iIstinrti'uthe
his leadens this asaota
nee front ; Iwtwe en right and wrong mhmlhl bys
p•Iw11Iial e11w•rv'atintl, he haying Spent ,W,'t!.t unit of thle was-. 41111 i hat. geinl
le enlglle• of (ny s at the eapttal last welrk will le dune, not by ignorant or
pharisaic drnuneltinn, Mut. by the en -
week." I light•nment, the Ore/diem end the di-
rest ion has leen introduced in the r'"'tion of public opinion. That (erne,
lA gislatntw In 'emend the 1'tonlhfy 1 ere- IiiW11pallf i) ./f the Muff e1, and the
libertine will have gone, and the. stage
Councils Art in the direction .d a re- I will have costume to its own.
v'prlion to the told myat•tn of dite•t
repn.N•ntstionl of the Minot' nntniei- Bev'• 3....•prh H. Mewn•Mtlar, mor
Palitlrm In the euonty rontnril. Thr lif rmh, hiondun, died rm
t4atlnlayt rhlast Stun• an lances Of Ian
proposal is that Ihr IeeVel. of •trw'n- fir time: w',rks. 'Daring his twenty.
ship. an.l vilingl•s and the merest of mix yeah• in the mink* ryur/fhel'hlnrh
tna•nm Nhsll ronsf imus the "Andy tof l' nglend he had lawn the in• Inuit
council. There is no rhatlrt a certain tof il.•rcie, tinrle, Wingllan and
atmos• .4 dies tiefartinn with the Ing.•n«dl• Iw,Rlre gedng to
He www In his eftI tooth y(ar land
present system, lett whatever its faults k•Avlw a widow anti one mom,
Then ,loot w llhh, the gate I saw a rhIM
A etranger-ehikl. )el to no. heart most dear
Ile Iwkl ht. hands to me, and softly smiled.
11'Ith res. (hat knew no shade of sin or fear :
• I' in,- lie ,flat, "and llbp' awhile with me;
I ant the little .'bite! )vu ;sad to be-"
Hrury' Van 11)•ke. in Atlantic Monthly.
King Edward is no Bigot.
land's Advertiser.
A few noisy bigots profess U. think
Ihat King Edward struck Proteslrwt-
lieu . a blow by calling on the Pujw.
The King diel well to pay nn attention
to this silly daimon The Pt gw is the
guide of Millions of loyal
British subjects. and as such is surely
not Ientath the notice id the sneer.:
eigthof the British Empire.
Wages Regulation a Failure.
Hamilton Tines.
Australia is giv'itgptac•tii al evidence
of the fully of trying to regulate every-
thitug by statute. The latent failure
reported from that land of nulilaliam
is that of the Victorian attempt to
regulate wages. Seven yearns trial of
the a-heuw show.. it to be unworkable
and deusrelizi.g to the clannlunity.
19e ce 'ssiou that hate been investi-
gating its effects says it has resulted
IU "a marked decteaw• of industrial
eMcil•nl•y." That is the usual effect
of Mk ialiwtil v tint urea whit h Hunt
natural laws,
Pedder Should Se Checked.
Woodstock 1.:y ore..
Perhaps one reae n why there is sl
natich m'rjcry is became. there thele is s
littlerherkrupon it. t'aI4t after ease
arises in which mile set of wittle•awa
must have perjured themselves ; but
mu pnwwN•utitIn fur perjury follows.
If it is apparent that wnmrh.ely has
c, 'lied a robbery. or an assailt,
stela are taken at •e to (diastert• the
guilty party and have him punished ;
but lK•t'jitry seems t. have Ideeorne a.
eonimnnpl*c'e a matter that noleidy
thinks it worth while to take any
steps to cheek it. There is *Mane talk
of proel•utions to follow the Gamey
invest It is evident that mor
beefy has iwen lying. and lying atr ei-
owely. null the time and ttltiney spent
in plating the guilt. if it 1-•11111he
placed. would be well spent,
An Outside Opinion.
%'.stirs. British .\myricas. I !Oise..
u Th. investigation which the noval
eta 1111i1 111 iX Van, lllg ton in I)uitarlal
in the matter of the (iaiwy charges,
w•hat•ver• els• it full)' have *eel rm1 dish -
•.I, 'wenn, to have delm4nstratni tin
fact that the chief accuser is as u11-
prlll inlet' and liable as any loli-
t Winn hr has attempted to Iestnm•h.
lie is doubt less zed noW at the
twee ion in which he suds him,uel(. In
the i111111 elle. of his heart possibly h.'
thought it an easy thing to cause the.
downfall 111 it glover att. whenever
he chose to miring a • against
theism. Ile has found out, now that
the mese•-,•x ' ' g Is w'Vu t'e lone
Kt t through with him. that the whole
tangled web tot his life has been ex -
posts!, 111111 that he will have the big-
gest task of his existence before hint
to dear I ' .If of the to notation of
being tl wonlid, trtitetnals schemer,
wive*. chief /Alert aelsetl In Ile how
he 14111111 best ail vane,. the fort nn.w of
II. H. Gainey. instead of being the
pare-aatld pit tit hat ingcorrupt ion.
as he w'nllld hitt v1. titNl its believe.
The Redemption of the Stage.
T,remh. I t k,M.
it might he rd14'11114d, and ils M-
111411111 11111 would le• a bl.wsing 111 the
vet oriel. a. its degradation ham been a
tinea•. The stag,' has in it incalculable
lwasibilities tor brightness. and beauty
and inspiration former Is.h•nggl.d and
sordid life, as those Willi have fell the
p4IWIl' of a Willard in a play like
"Tin. Middle " Is'at witless , and
it ham nllrloat infinite possibilities 1.1
fl•i u'elity and tarnish And evil sngges-
tiveuess, as not a few plasgstermtestify
whose ideals of lite have 141.•11 IIINflgln'-
Id. ttllll whose hong-Math 1,.y has -e 1414.11
hung with liit•lurrw that efts twit, t' be
blotted int or furgr'tten. When line
is real genius in a real piece of
.intlmti•- art one regrets the intim all
that mals.• imitation whicb desecrates
the stage. and make/. ill1 wt.mibl.• for
t uhsirods that new) it a41divine an art
tend 11s effw'ticl' *n imermitent 4t rill-
tnn• as any tither with which the great
Creator has gilled And enriched the
rate. Tilt• stage can never be a sul-
stitiie for the pulpit, tot' for thepm•ms,
sur fur• the pet trews( N desk, sur feM
any other agent). of Ciltur•. in the
great hour• of life there ate many
mart Went. And many workmen. li•-
e•auuse life Is many-sided and reeds the
tench of many hands. , One cannot.
render another's nervier, but each in
its plate is beet. lied the stage its
hplace and re weits artists true to their
igh calling, the histrionic art would
Coale to its own, as the -ally of every
other instnnnent that makes for the
recreation. or the ennoblement, or the
elm )I t 11 offe• e e
1 tw n life. Th stage r be
1 1ge Atl
redeemed. and its reties• pima is
Grand Trunk Pacific Project Before
the Railway Committee.
Much Interest In the Great Transcontinental
Scheme Mr. Bourassa Criticises Lord
Dundonald Western Members Make Com-
plaints Against C P N Other Business
Before the House
Ottawa. May It Thr 'l'. -».t 1'etllry
ritual project was again before the
House 1/11 , cniday. This scheme ham
been taking w(
from thee IAluiniun
Trasury for the past twenty years or
s,. Inst seems to lie its far front cone
Petite' as ever. In the time of the
Conserv at.i'e liove•r lit it served as
as diversktu fur the midland! Ontario
counties at general elections, tend the
premeuit Ouvern►ment is apparently un-
willing to deprive theme 1,mlttitelciee
of their ixps•usiv, plaything. Mr.
%Pared made a speech) pointing out
the advantages of Port Hoge as the
Lake Ontario trrnintls of the canal,
in preference to Trents,n, and *several
oemlin)rn froui the cuustitueleie. ie-
terestel urged the completion of the
canal. Mr. }flair said the (:,trnunrnt
were proceeding with it as rapidly as
their prelt'ress//r1 lull done. a
On ThgnKlay Mr. R onne:ewt criticized
sures recent utterances by lair) tiin-
dunakl. general officer commanding
the Cana/limn militia, lost in/dotted that
the policy of the lk ' dun in military
matters limit 1w drt•rluirud by th.-
legwltwible Minister and not by au
officer of the imperial army who is a
servant of the INsulillhill. Sir Freder-
ick Horden disagreed, with Mr. Hlnlr-
aswis.•ritieism, *1111 while tel
that in the paint some of the genera
(officers have 1u•rsuuuil (4111 •h o!
their pasitiun he did out consider that
the present officer intended to Nay
anything of an improper chatwster.
tither menders defended Leon) Ihm-
,tionald from Mn'. Hlnrrasa's attack.
The Wtst•re lief filers occupied
several hours in calling att•nt to
the congestion of freight in the North -
weft. which was canning heavy Into to,
busines.l tura. Mr. Stott claimed that
the C. P. R. had forfeited its charter
rights by not "efficiently" uprating
the renin as required by its charter.
He Sano atggret•d 4pwnnhieli for not
povkling cars. Mr. I)av'is made
a .C'harge of discrimination against
the C. P. H. and claimed that
the railway WAS nut equipped
with proper facilities, for the
handling of cattle. Hon. Janes
Sutherland prmiwrl that the (iovern-
uhent would Cb everything in its power
tp crus• letter conditions for West-
ern freight traffic.
LABOR AND ' hl'IT.lh_
On 'Wednesday the great question
of the reInt' ietween lalaor and
capital, with special reference to the
'Iongehotemse,i s strike at Morehead.
t41cupied the attention of the Hunts•.
Sones of the members took strong
gentile' against international trades
tillitins. stating that ngitatlrs from
the I'nifect States were (mow sting
shrikes in this c try. Referring to
the Montreal strike. Sir William
MInl.s'k said thatthe Government taw ut half
unsnn'cssfu endeavored
Inv t 0
the trouble. Negotiations with the
parties were still 'wing carried on by
the Government. and at the w4rp'r
1114'tre•nt an attempt would be tntule to
bring about a Nett lenient Sir R'illiatu
ilmhsk's bill to aid in the settleulrut
of railway Minn. disputes was given a
a1'(•.nld reading.
Mr. Blair's hill for the appointment
of a railway 1•1.t11n111141111 WAS heft ie
the lit ns• on ThnrnelaV. and the ills-
ciNsiten de.monstaatrl thatthe tlieaN-
ilee will be net with etaisidernbl, op -
[monition. St ' of the members were
very sdicitois in behalf ret the t•ail-
w.ey-s that will be affected..
In discussing the Public 'ii'.rr(s
estimates Hon. Mr. Siltheritnd amide
a statement indicating that the work
of the Ih•pu•tment is not tI he divined.
as had iwe'tl n•plrtecl, by transferring
the Xllp'rint•ndl•twe of harbors to the
Ihlartment 4f Manse and Fisheries.
ttfANII TKl•NK I'.%Clait' It11.1..
One of the biggest subjects 'adore
1414.1' tut this session is the Grand
Trunk Pacific Railway scheme. The
members Iembers aro taking a 1i -rent deal of
interest in the pat usitmn, and the
ttnnlninteln,nf of the (iuvernment's
policy im eagerly booked for. The hill
for the ineorpn•atic.n of the II. T. P.
H. I't1111p111y was taken up in the
tail way c 'rte nn ThurNlxy.
Sir Charles Rivers -u iIsnn president.,
and Charles M. Ilays. general men -
ager of the 111111411ay, art'.• piel44•111 IsI
give infen'nhaliton regarding their
scheme. The met/diem polle.l n
regular sttvam of questions Ilpin the'
IwoOfficials. 111111 the dignified presi-
dent became omit -what naffed. which
did tint help 1 ' any with the com-
mittee. Mr. Hays is more used
to that sort of thing and replied
to gnestiontt as fast ns they et 'old be
fined at him. That there will be s.
nppwitinn In the project w'am evident
filen the nature• of sane of the ques-
tions asked.
The (irand'l'rllnk Pacific Railway is
intended to run from Quebec AenWN
the lhlinininn to the Paeiflc Coast.
Al. Quebec it will enne1't with the In-
tereolilnial Railway, givingctmnection
with Canadian Atlantic porta. Mt-.
Ileys staid that it was to hr an all -
Canadian line, and that preference
wank] be given to Canadian ports for
export Imminent.. the limitation in this
respect being the possibility that the
Canadian ports would not he Able to
handle all the traffic• the railway chill
bring them. Mr. Hays stated that It
wax the intention ,
nh n i p .in u build I ultimately
Mb) the Mat•itiew Provinces, lad he
would Five nn further information on
this pant. There will he an interest-
ing fight flyer this bi11.
Nt ?TES.
it is understood that Mr. Bohlen.
the ti gsallion leader, and Mr. Munk,
his Qelebec lieutenant, are making
arrangements for a tour of Ontario
tiering the ing s
W, F. %%t -lean IESNtYork) has
given 'satire tof et 1 411 to change the
name of tube ons Hay to the Comedian
Hew. "Billy's" well-known mewled y
prevents hill feint xakinp; that. rindwnn
Irnit le changed to Maclean Strait.
Milling Co.'s Elevator Destroyed Jonathan
Miller's Motet In parser.
Mtvtnrfh, (hit , May 12.- llhortly-
before tante o'clock hist night flu'
Inrrke out in the large 1•lesnt.a' of Ihi'
Senf.M.h Mi11Ing Co.. which was I•u
Ilr'ly t,,1)Nltlllael, t+gl•thP?' with. ahanit
�I,INN) INIVIs•Im elf gt-nill slid A latg,• oplNln-
tityy A/ flow remelt' for 4hipteenf.
`Viten gird noticed the flu,' had brok-
en (himigh the roof 'if the IaliMitir
end wee making lapid headway. 1►(•.
spite the hemte efcNio tin the part of
the flue brigade anti (interim, the large
st.retnrn, which wax entirely 114
to was tenon a seething mato• of
The heat was harmer nod all, the
mill a1111 the Islikling adjoining were
in great danger the lei rule were
eta -opened (u alltu(un it and d.•vut,• all
their ent•gitw 1,1 the Paving of the
mill, a targe tuur-Ntory bttiek Iwlildiug,
aunt the letiklinget in the 1 Hate
vicinity. This they were able to do
after a Italia persistent light.
Coleman's wilt works, a huge flame
building for storing staves belonging
to the millanal t•he (drip Hotel were
ninny t' ' ' ' out Clanger from
Hying t•u11w•na, And at different timtw
the (i. T. It. slrti..11 house, 1W yards
away, beet • ignited.
Fortunately the night was calm.
N'it.h a high wind nothing could have
prevented the entire neighlaa•Inuld
falling a prey to the name*.
'When the fire was at its height help
was telegraphed for to Stratford. but
before it arrived the fire was ler
The ,Milling (' pane had an in-
suraece of liI,I11) on buildings and
contents, but tatt rt from this their
lora is roughly estimated at between
$6,1Nt) aid $111,1111. Their intentions
to rebuilding are at prl'al•nt un-
Keep your
Stomach Healthy.
vWhen you get up in the
morning with a bad taste In
your mouth that the tooth
brush will not remove, a coat-
ing on your tongue, and a
general •'out of sorts" feeling,
don't blame it on what you
had to eat the night before.
A healthy stomach would be
able to look after that. It's
poor digestion that makes you
feel so badly. A teaspoonful
of Abbeys Effervescent Salt
in half a tumbler of water at
rising will make you feel better
—will cure you If you follow
directions. A b b e r' B
revltillzes every organ of the
body—It clears away ferment-
ing matter and refreshes ands.
cleanses the stomach. It pre-
vents the suffering that often
follows a pleasant evening.
Is a pleasant, palatable and
effective medicine for all
stomach Ills.
al! Paper Tall
Everybody's mind turns to
house decorating this season
of the year and the great prob-
lem is how to have it done,
that all Will be in harmony
of color. The good old styles
of our grandmothers are again
popular—and it has led to
the reproduction of the
beautiful old well papers that
adorned the walls of the
famous Colonial residences
built early in the last century.
The greatest change in our
papers this season will be
noticed to the colorings. The
combinations are taken from
the works of modern mural
paintings, like Turner, May-
nard, Walker and Alexander,
SO beautiful and pleasing.
Our papers lir. away from
the hackneyed colors and
have a freshness and harmony
of delicate shadings, so soft
and pleasing to the eye.
Kidd (St Co.
i have the largest
stock of hand made
al *11`''
Dairy Tinware in
Godernch, all made
from heavy English
Also Eavestrough-
iron Work, Metal
Ceilings, Roofings,
and Sidings, Fur-
nos and Plumb
1W ii
Sharpened lid Repaired
Hare ylnlr lawn mowers attend-
ed to early-. It is better (in keep
then) In good 1• than try
t, worry along with then as they'
are WI/ worry enlnngh.
Send c11111 nlnw'e•r to the Vje4aila
Street Machine W•els• fir del,
1111• a'sistal card and I will hax'1• it
idled for and delivered. (i.ow1
work ilI ui.wlrt•,te ,lunges..
W. Acheson& Son
Our Waal is now e FF tete with all tla newest fabric« and designs ill
linen and mercerized, i'ARISIAN WAISTIN(iti, PANAMA %Vai,y
SATiN STRIPE UELAINIt$, et•., Oft emelt, flurol and routrentinimi int.
term., at .,-...Yic,•
Exclusive High Class Muslin
Swiss \loslins, hank.lunr embroidered deseigne, in all new whales and
time, at.
16e, Zr also :l -N'.
Summer Silks
Printed Foulards, 'ruwwtre and Shantung silks, in new colon, and
natural shades, at per rant 311v anti 7e'
Japan Wash Silks
Ilene y ..Ivied, fault e4/101'44, waslt silks, IH and tilt incases wide, i11 to gre,t(
varlet a I,I' i•Idol,l scud efTerts, A very stylish and serviup ,b4 •ilk, at ie.,
)'and. '.ia•, dal
Japanese Xattings
bales of in yards each. Japanese matting. lin inches wide In (res.'s
check. and at'tintir patterns. in shales green, Nue, reds and bn1w•us,
dal value at p•r yarn •......... 121., Iii, 1St and :sl
Wool Carpets
Ii,'ayv• all 11111,' lied, yarn wide, reversible carpets. in fine range
tem,' l,et-
te1 ,' nod cOlucs, at per yard tills•, 7114', .'e
in 11:\\I ASK, of I.AI'It, of CHENILLE. The largest stock we et et hail.
The newt ..'I, -,'t, tasteful and exclusive. The lest values+ we e•se'1 had.
W. Acheson & Son.
"lo the Good Old
Summer Time"i s
you need a SWELL SUIT.
Be ahead
of the warm weather by
leaving your order now.
Every piece of goods is new
and we have a fine assort-
ment to select from.
Spring is coming
hunt out your Bicycle
If you haven't one, cal
around and we will sell you
"Berlin" Ste.
if you have a Wheel anti it needs repairs we have everything need
ful in the way of Tires, Pedals, Rims, Spokes, Saddles, Enamels,
etc. Our itermme Dermas may is in charge of a Repair man who under
stands and can make right any ill that a Wheel is heir to.
Our Musical instruments still lead.
"Dominion" Pianos -and Organs.
"Wormwith" and "Berlin" Pianos.
Guitars, Violins, Harmonicas, Mandolins, Gramophones.
10,000 sheets Music—Vocal and Instrumental.
Write for a Catalogue.
— rax Lsanttn —
Vo.m.ra\. D5rtteNort wad
Ordain esrerrllr •,traded to tif all
boar., aleft or day.
111eeb.e Invade•
Snperba Oable
l'atett te.l 1st. May, it1IN1
1,11S.l a N,'
Tell your Merchant
You saw his
Advertisement in
Scralitoll asru Coal
IN TRI taaaLVr
Al Oral w Mas abs Verbioll aealea
who•• Veda• ta0a Ihr Mr a Wu
Arden ids at Las !minium
Sl. •• psosspsly sr
Thnndrrslgeled Moine ton motored.) to
hrall), h)' .In.plr means. w r enfihrinent
nes Oral niers with ow Nt "trw 111,111 effect Inn, and
1 hal Aree,ad Al.auo CesasietlRhea, 1. *ninon. ir.
bake known In hoe fh1111Aw inItitireeelhc Miran.
of one. Tn ales Andre 11, he wilt rhea*
fully send 1tt1)e1�o.�of rtargel of the pre
yo r1 Imr neat, +Afeh they von n • n r toe
nN Awl
If sod throat mewl lung • a 14115 a1
ntRerees w•11 try has remedy. ea It Is Inc rah
These� themripstMh, g which witnl
w,ipt jya,itpr,
aBiVMAt[I1► wt.