The Signal, 1903-4-23, Page 7THE SIGNAL: (;OUERI(11 O\TAI:IO
Mayor Reports Offer for Organ Fac-
tory Debentures.
Council to be Represented at lieutsnant-
oowrnor Mowat'. funeral Ju. Robertson
appointed 10 Public Library Board St.
David's Street to be Opened to Station.
AU the councillor -it were in their
dares at the council alerting lout Fri-
til*y, the Mayor in the chair.
After the reading of the minute«
His Worship twleirtel its the 'natter of
the sale of the urgsn factory hen
delwuturrw, that he foul had an offer
of IIU low cert. from W. C. hyena. Ile
hemi tried to get lar for thorn, amd
Mr. Ihwnt's offer now was US per rout.
and the al•erotd interred, which
aulwlnte t, VW. the debentures hav-
ing Already run three months.
Mr. Lewis also gave a report of him
trip to Toronto on M lrjr as the
town's representative at the meeting
of directors if the (itsier•ich Elevator
Co. He found the affairs; of the rle-
vetur were in a eh Iwtter pillion
than he had thought. The tool anv
leo! paid mime out itauding indrittrl-
iiess, had paid (he first of the deben-
tures (amounting to $U1711.IMd) that
were Teruel b, e*nrel the $50,900 of
st.,ek the town held for revere! years,
and hoot provided for a dividend oil 11
pier cent. this year.
While in Toronto Mr. Irwin had ohm,
sewn the G. T. R. authorities with
n•feren.e t) putting Oil r parlor car
service to and from G,ttet•ich, and
with reference to improving the grad-
ing between the station anti desks.
Engineer Somerville 11x1 *giver! to
come up again shortly and "teen wh*t
was wonted.
Mr. Lewis' rxpF.IlIa«, Autounting to
ij,i, wen• ordered to be paid.
In reference to the t l.eetion of liar -
•r impn,vrmrnt«, Mr. Lewis men-
tioned that he hall tw•riyel A Ietter
from Mr. (laddie, tot Guelph. advising
1 • flat the Hotted of Thule at that\
placer had .rent A Illt•Rrtgr 1,0 the (:ov-
•-rnlment strongly urging the propwrl
inn ,n,vrmruts At Gitlertih.
A c ration from J. H. Kelly.
the town engineer, AAA went to tie
water and light conrtuitter•. Mr. Kelly
most "oiled that two filling pipe.
and velem. should he tad in. our on
each side of the Square, for filling the
street watering cert, tut am tri obviate
Ihr newm.ity of using the fire hyd-
rants, which rsiiNwl expensve repairs
end sloppy pl*ree on the .ttw•t.. H.•
abet m tended the purehaw•uf ten
new enrsswtl are humps each year, end
the Iter• ,f the old deinpe for rr•paitiug
theme',till in fur•. NClth reference t,
the proposed filling pipes, Mr. H Iwr
mentioned the imcunvenience of lav-
ing to bring the watering eart lack tit
the Sgtlarr even- time it rewired fill-
ing, but the rs dn
aatior Marie
that the hydrant. rould is lurdon the
hide etnr•t..
A letter from F. C. Hingham, mrn-
plaining of the d ping of refire in
the pane mouth of the HinghAtn
erty. and threatening en injunction if
the nuimenee were continue!. wens the
,t.*aton of a discussion of the lines -
tion of ,t (lumping gnome! for the
town. The Mey,r thougjlt the town
should ptu•ure A ntt.Iw*y to the gol-
ly at the Newer outlet and make that
the fawn d ping ground. $'Si ur
FM would ordeal)! v Ir• euf leien1 to (at-
tain sueli
letainsn,•h a IsmolWIy, end there was
nNttll at the gh fly for mutny rear,,. Ile
uenticuel thAt old ,•iong and nth,•'
refuir were being dumped over the
river tank near the station. and now
that the G. T. It. were doing their
- share in snaking the. IIt-Ality neat and
attnu•tive the town mh.s.1d provide
fw•ilititsafnr riawhing the pr,p.•rd p-
ing plate-, to that they could duel
tetpb• not to d t, e,ywhere• tier of wearing A r,Nulwav wee
left with the !oldie sot•k't ru tee,
with !lower 1., act.
A letter hour lien. .1. Moults, asking
'ermine In remove * mhtde tree op -
pi mite his property nn l'rulltria
and .' 'IAr nriui•ets from ,Ile. Farr
end Mrl'htietupherson were sent to
the p.blie works committee with pow-
er to art.
A general di,u,t.wion on the 'tatter
of Rhea.. trees unwind. end ('amciller
Rnown mentioned that he had had him
attent' •*Ibr1 10 tht• timely..nem of
.•nor c.f the ao g torr, that lone been
delivered to the town. w "f them
heving no root«. ('heirmen Thomp-
son mut inetrtietione had been given
to have any Chet ern• tameless put
J. H. Women wrote, te.ig ' g his
pomition •.n the public library board.
The Mayor• muggo«td the appointment
of it tll.rhenie as Mr. Wotwell'm Aue-
cesw,r. There were enough prof•s.ional
end lo•i',mord "nen on the Ixat.l, end His
Vorehip thought the ep t,inttnn( "t*nic would least at he
ere 10 take
a greater intermit in the library. The
library originally was a mechanic"
Mh•veral names were suggested, Ant
Jett. Roller -Mon, foremen at the onot
factory, finally t•et-civet the appoint
Wm. Arh,•t on'. req a«t. for electric
too ttutt the owner could erect a fend•.
The Mayor asked bow ouch it
would cwt to have it reuumved to the
standpipe lot anti Mr. Thum tion acid
the uutt•hine would lave to Irinked
tt pieced and the aye 'al would in-
volve considerable expense.. l' •i1 -
lot• Ri•id thought the l'ausey estate
should he notified t, have the ulst•hine
(' illus Itemiser got up and maid
he thought the comlril were a
little hasty. Hr h,ul INr•t. t,
Stratford to see Mrs. Cawley in the
matter, who hoof ti ght the wiu•hise•
was valuable as a machine. He h,ul
tried to ditutInitte her mind of that idea
and had written hew the /lay pr•ytttllm,
but loud not had A reply.
The niittter wits let with the public
works cu 'ttr• with power.
This lel on tit a discuss* of the
opt. ' g up of Mt. I)avld'a avert t, the
station. The Mayor reported that he
haul offend $1511 for the two lots, but
Mr. Hays wentrt $IJ). The Mayor
offered t, 1-tnupnnalist* at $175. lout as
this WAS nut at•t•ptrl he value to the
council for instructions. Mr. T1 p-
oem thought the Iota should Is• (ought
in any event, and the matter was left
to the Mayer to buy the luta tin as
favnrahle tenets as pussihh•,
Jam. Mit•hell's bill for expensrt to
Montreal te-Improved train twrviee,
tral9I had not Iters peered by the
4111/4111.4..14 tt.e, Chalnnan H bre
explaining that they hail no informa-
tion in the 'matter.
Mr. Mite•11.-11 went to Montreal as
the deleget• of Imdh the Hoard of Tn.ub•
And of the town, Anil as the bill only in -
eluded reit way fere one WAN the Mayor
thought it should its laid by the r•oun-
cil, est(s•,•ielly As Mr. Mit•hell would
pmtuthh' not have gnaw H Irr had out
urged hits to du mo.
Thr account was pivoted.
Mr. Ellb,tt, chairman of tht• ceme-
tery committee, mtrntion.rl a 'member
eireuulstine in connection eitli the
.emletery. The family of JA.. %Vatwrl
II/144 four tuts And heal Mille Iwo in-
t•rmumtx, but f 1 the other twit lots
W t -i -t• Alrr•iiily ,s, -t. ti.dl. They wanted
to get a rouplo• more Tot. and would Itt
willing to have the teedte, they Wu'
interred ntmutnl elsewhere where six
lids email he Kot t. eget her.
Thr• matter was referred t., heeenn•-
v to ate•, With power to *ct
Bylaw Nu. 1n, 10 amend the bylaw
Ham the electric Tight rates, w -AA 0-1141
lbrr• mem and 1114016r1.
'tIr. i. loft mentionei that tIle cenc-
t•ry tardy it tee haft had romsidersbl.-
!slam. ria
roniitting ,
Mg. rte. Cm
ares fixing thin
pial been t,--IN,xt
plated 'minting th
A e,upb• of nom
sent to the ep.iel .
4Ae (nein the Ilntet- Mine', Algoma
H. R. ('o. *eking the wowing of s
resolution to Ie• sent t, he G tvern•
meta favoring the grant in i.f a sub-
sidy. The maul is to 11111 nc ;th from
linter Mims. tat Hudstn Bay, rd six-
teen milts have *trouty been it ilt.
Thr other w/ts a ,•irloler floe the
Ltulil )4,•rnnl National Mown ant
*Oct.. Mtr•ki ng it cont tiblltiill ,-
w*nl', erecting a • it Al Queer,,
toll Heights to Mie Mlr.,rl.
Mr. IA•wir mentioned Hutt the Limn
se Mein Sr lad revel Veil I)ttdleyy Holnnmi
bill in the wrrrnd came it 11,dtlm« cm.
the town, and he hail instructed the
town rtlie•itu to tax it am rbteely a*
swi bre.
Mr. Elliott moved too refer the hill
to Hit. Meyor and elairman of the
finale, enmunittew. Mr. Hornier
Thought the whole erumitteo• et1*ld
know about the matter, .oast du not
want hs, umlch n«ia rntiMlity left with
himis•If. Mr. 1 , w-ls *greed to write
to Mr. H,im.•e to Nee what arrange-
ment they CI uld roue to.
('hairnart 11 pr rn haft het his
et tent' •oiibvl to Ihr .•1l swen.rrm of tl f
cheat nut. LIw•A in the 141111*3, by the
,aletakt•r, who ,ulvim..l renewing IN •
of them to Vittoria Park. Thr mattt•r
'144* left tithe Mayor And 1•nllllllltl,! 1.1
10,k into.
Mr. Elliott said sant of the pips•n
at this ,•emrlery were bund *rid
twirled attention. end the 4i ,Iifltflt 14t
Wad given power to act.
The ctuiteil them aaljlturned.
r At the sexton's hotpot.,
t. -shingling, le -paper -
taker Altlon., he •rid,
s t111, the gate-p',wt«
awl they rontent-
fenc •.
lull drift iitll,4 Wt•te
•tt.•. - 0n.•
Tight WAe rent to the• writer and ligh
committee, as wee it1r, 11. Ferl(Ite,n•e
tppliratiftn for t•in!teeth otl with til
wades• mainp, for hip, new be MM. nr
Elgin Aye.
T. Maloney, proprietor of the Aun ri-
ran 1 -h tremmi, wrote with r.•ference
In exlueive privilege of heving n
lenlnmule stand At the Harlot. !'ark
(hiring the 'glimmer. Him cot mmttnice-
tion wow referred tompectil,ommlittee
Accounts of Mics 147wvtce eel Mims
McKay. 1P2.:0 eu1•b, for typewriting
were ordered to be 'mid.
Thr following Account« wet. sent. to
1 he finance r• 'ttee Nal iomat
('sr►tin lin., Cleveland. Nrppli.•s, *12 ;
Kiehl k ('o., atpplie«, *I ,ern Pity
Oil ('o„ Last., nil. i1:3.)10 ; Witt. Kirk-
bride, euipplits and repairing. $0•35 :
1'mnallisn General Electric Co., illl in -
A wire, 41.-
u I - Irl. w11
lefty to end $
'll ' ) I ''P N11 1 11ieN $
N. 1 . t(. uKv t 1 i
Ami $0.40; The Signal, printing end
niv,•rtising. $11&1X3 ; 13. ('. MunningA,
shingle'. And other nu pile•' and W. irk
at the eetnrt•ry• and other repair.,
The finance committee reputed that
they heti examined the monthly stet•-
hu,•nt« of the remover and iuditnrm,
end Alm, the quarterly mtnt•ment.m of
the Rank sof Montreal and tht Huron
end Renee Loan end Investment Co.
and fiernd them) eor•rrf•t. The n t •t
tee reenmmrndtd the payment o' A
nonuser of account, the Itrg •al being
IV'"• per, $51 ; and F. H. H,Imee,
Mr. Elliott noticed if Mr. Hahne« had
pair) him l'w stats, And the Miy,r gave
the informet that he hail depwiterl
s cheque with the Mhet•iff for IMIt't, and
"hl he (the Mayor) would nndert Ike
to owe thatt.hie wax renhel before pay•
ing, Mr. Holmes' hill.
The n•port WAN Adnp(«1.
(*helmet,' Thompson of the ptthlie
work,' rtrnnitlttee Irooght hip the
•natlsr of a letter he heti received eivel ftrrnt
11. 1'. Have, wtlirilt,r for Edger R. lisle.
who hoof pttrr•hamel N emtple rtf Irl«
'moth of the Atandpipe and waned the
odd Cita'y ditching mechin.t tetllnrwet
Special Misting.
A 'medial Ille•tinll�p of the town mun-
cil WAX called on Tuesday new ttirlg to
discula the quo -potion of the reprementa-
tion of the town at the funeral of Sir
Oliver Mowat. A resolution of con-
,It.lenee wow drafted by the Mayor Anrl
Him Worship was appoint-! to Attend
the funeral es the town's n•pteNenta-
Lieutenant -Governor Mowat Called
Away on Sunday.
Quietty and Peacefully He Answered the Sum
mons at r.S4 a. m Pubis funeral Wed-
nesday afternoon Of,oal Report o, Cause
01 Death.
Toronto, April 20.-Pearefully, al-
most imperceptibly, the scmt-C°n-
eclour ' "deep in which Sir Oliver
Mowat has lain shwa Wednesday
night became at six minutes to- lm
yesterday morning the dreamless
slumber of death.
The aged statesman was surround-
ed by his family. all of whom had
remained within call since they were
summoned to his, bedside at mid-
night on Wedn.•aday, a long vigil of
eighty hours. They were Shertrt and
Mob. Mowat. Mr. Arthur and Mrs
Mowat, Mr. C. 11. W. Biggar, K.0 ,
and Mrs. Biggar. Mr. Thomas Lang
ton, K.C., and Mrs. Langton, and
Misr Mowat, Dr. Pritnrote and Dr.
Temple were also present.
Sir Oliver did not regain con-
sciousness. His vitality, the physi
rians said, was wonderful, and ids
life simply ebbed away.
flag Half -Wasted.
The first public announcement of
the death was the half -wasting of
the flag on (:uve-rnm.nt !louse, and
O WOK not long before on all public
buildings and many private °nee
flare were at half-mast and spread
the news throughout the city.
The Peaeral A ll meats,
Yesterday evening the following of-
ficial announcement regarding the fie
neral was given out:
The funeral of his honor the late
Lieutenant -Governor of Ontario,
which will be a public one, will take
place at 3 o'clock on Wednesday af-
ternoon to Mount Pleasant Cer.-
tery, previous to which a short ser-
vice will be held at Government
House. The body will Ile in tate
from 2 to L o'clock nn Tuesday and
roe 10 8O to 12.30 on Wednesday,
r the benefit of those coming from
a distance., Ily order, F. C. Law.
Co ander. R N., Official Secretary.
Tb. Nato Pas.Hl..-
Prem r Roes called at . Govern-
ment 11 air in the afternoon, and it
was after it conference with him that
the above announcement regarding
the state f, oral was made. Tho
morning t Premier will arrange
with Colonel O ter the detalle of the
ceremony. The inhere of the Leg-
falatore, City (' mil and other pub-
wM1k bodies and a o many societies
will attend. The will be a mili-
tary escort, compo d of a detach-
ment el Royal Cana 'an hrngoons.
mounted. It was not hotaght ad-
visable to parade all t city regi-
Municipal Doings.
The larks committee of the o.tmcil
ere getting Victoria !'ark fixed up. It
ham Item decidnl 40 have• several of
the chestnut trees in the S,ptat.,
where they Are growing tat closely.
remlo•et and planted intth.• new park
and wt' lermttnd it in the intention
to have the lit swelled down tigreen.
With wiiki laid out though the park,
end a Itt•gr ee•ntn• piety mottled twenty
feet in diameter flit' flowers. Opti
,•l.rmg-Tim," the tennolt that tiered.
in the Leuly:.ntith c.Mbnat• • will Ise
nate of the ornaments.
St. ihlviol't street will be npenwl to
the station right away. the Mayor
htv ing eel -need the Iota for $175 pitta
the emit of the deed, $.i.
Tis Palltroaeora
Th.. family have aaked t . t six
members of the Toronto Cal !nese
Amociatioa act aa bearer; , hey
will be: Daniel Rose, fir., past p •ei-
dertt---i)osald Irving,-treaaur.r. 1
lel Rose, vice-president; 1'. A. Ito
Jr.; Gilbert L. Sutherland, and W.
Banks, Mr., president. The members
of the society will attend the funeral
in a body.
Iww.dlate Cause of Death.
The official bulletin glvea this ex-
planation of the accident that was
the immediate cause of death
"On the 14th day of January last
his honor the Lieutenant -Governor
Was walking by himself up and down
the hull at Government House
watching his grandchildren at play.
when he tripped and fell heavily.
sustaining a fracture of the neck of
the right thigh hone\ Ho suffered •
good doral of pain and discomfort,
but he gradually recovered and was
ante to walk, with some assistance.
end to support his weight upon the
injured Ilmh. On Sunday might,
April 12, whilst he was being un-
dfiiuw•d for 4wd;-and whilst two -ef
the attendants were in the act of
lifting him from his chair, the right
thigh was broken a short distance
tabors the centre of the bone. and
snfM six inches below the previous
tweak The fracture -was set, chlne-
(food solid wear and real com-
fort in our Men's Heavy Street
All the best makes, in all shapes and sizes ;
easy to get a fit ; easy Shoes to wear, and hard to
wear out.
McK !MIS 111.1 Bartel,
Jordan Hluck.
IF Stop 1
oform being Administered for the
purpose, and the necessary splints
were applied. Rim Honor stood the
Oae Was Drawald watt Sir Thomas tiptoe lintndiate effects of the injurer• well.
wee Others Hart
1'd until Tuesday night shortly
and no alarming symptoms dev.lne-
tvrvma,th, April 1q -Fir Thoma' hr -
lore midnight. when hie heart's etc -
Lipton."' new challenger for the AM -
tion began to poll, and It soon lo
erira t
'e Cup, Shamrock lfi was die -
notated in a squall ysaterdmy, short-
ly after leaving this harbor prepara-
tory to another trial spin with
Shamrock I. lir mast, a' it fell
river the aide, carried several of the
crew and all the gear and cantos'
overboard. One man was drowned
and eevernl peranna, including Sir
Thrtmne, who wee knocked doWn R
hatchway. were bribed or otherwise
ee,000 sad ea.aoa Wnrth of Pamirs Tabs
by antiglare.
Winnipeg, April 1R The poetoffice
at Arcob', Aaaa., was entered by
but -glare Thursday night. The Win-
nipeg mail hag was cul open, and
two, Ihouaand dollars taken from
registered letter', alto other pThere
1n the value of shout *n,e00
1s no clue to the burglars ae yet.
Slaw Coloalsts Arrl"e.
Wlnnll,eg. Men . April 18 -First
train load of the Barr colonists ar-
rived at Ssakstnnn yesterday more-
ing at 11 o'clock end All Are safely
under reneas. They were received
with cheers.
IMoony young lotdien wilco wet". min-
pp•,ae.l to Ise going into decline have
bowl' reflood to health atoll vigor• by
the rose ,f M,IIrr•A (' mtuncl Iron
p'illR, For rale toy Wly jam. ibion.
cams evident that he could not re-
cover. Since that time he has been
growing grndnally weaker."
Tribute. to a1r Otlrer'a Worth.
News conies from all over the
country that flags fly at holt mast
loi honor of Sir Oliver. In very
many of the churches here veaterdny
• 'led references to
his career
were made by the mutton, and from
many public men tributes were pair)
to the deceased's memory, two of
the most noteble being those of the
Hnn. G. W. Ross, Premier of tlntnr-
lo. and Sir William Ralph Meredith.
for 1/$ wean leader of the Opposl•
tioa in the Legislature.
Wait ! Hold on ! Ihtn't,he itra hurry !
The Ontario Fence Machine
Is the gar atemt wonder of the age. It latil& two uprights while
others build ort,. It lavas tittle. 1t rave« falter. It raves
Paints, O11s, Dry Colors, White Lead
1 handl, ,,..thing but the prtr«t and hest grul.- -of Prints,
Oils. Dry Colo, -1, N bite Lead and Varnishes, and ria- stork is riuw
complete. He sine you get the best in l'aintt and (Sill. It o amts
Oil mute CO put OH gaud i'aint than it dors trrsll, and you don't
have t, put it on wt often. Rellteullwt•, my utoltt is, ••HONIJ4T
OI•VE ME A CALL. 1 ('.> N PI.'h. YOt-.
Have yottt•'Rt•INtte• ( 11.4 ks.
W. Acheson cSc Son
Nouse Furnishings for
This Week.
- fa uh+aoev, April 23, 1903,
Jordan lflcI<Ir-
This time a lot of very stylish blazes
underskirts, both in fluted and frilled,
fast color: prices are 65c, 85c, $1.00, $1.29,i`ed
lhoYt« 4f Homers, Istxes of fel berm and
Waxes ut .441.41 trialing, at it
half to A ytuirt•r'tire. 'Mere it
wince gout! piclitig in theme bolero.
'hey are old the uew•t«t glt&ls but
they Iter mule' thiol valor.
Short ends tlusllns•
Wt• bily,• it I„L of short end's. tweed
and blue merge for boys paints and
omits, twilling the moth. -t• duly there
is out it of any ant• of thou, but calces never were As g,tid_ Yrty
theme nosy be a gh for that hay Npr•al at 10t, twelve patterns' tat,
and you will Nave on the price. t•le•t from, other* at 12i, 15e tot 33e.
To cash buyers only, we have something for you which you will
,appreciate. It's not "something for nothing' but a reward for your
cash patronage. Come and see how it's done at
(' • rip to our second fi.ttr and sir• (hi- gte,d test .414t•k wf (iiI'sets
itoti l'urtain' we ever gathetdrd. Set owed bargain m•it•1•s are ruling
for this week in the•'newt useful lints. iAmok oyer l�lis li',t.
ice• Tapestry Ci(rlwt. for 55e. -
Min cards; fine tapestry carpet.
27 inches wide, it large rang...
of patterns t, sleet from. en
radon ['Hill/sal, green*. Int/Wn',
mil' fawns, regular valor Wk
special 55C
WI, !Mire wool Carpet f e-fki.--
:i0I yard* best totality 2 -ply
wool rail*•l. Alf inches wide, all
gt*tcl reversible patterns in
rich colts r binatiun*, a g,mtl
selection of patterns, special ..
'al yards new floor Oil Cloths -
In block. tilt• of floral patterns,_ -.
in 1. i(. 11t.'Laiat 2 yds. wile.
at per square poll . 25c
Silk', Special. --
WM) yard* 111 to ;II inch .heavy wash milk*, in sttiimrl
surd baud« • l herlen effer•t«,
ell this wwstn'N and ill styli .
de',irebleetdor, 'trite•were br,
k• end Ilk•, all at • price
wades-Pewetl at Ottawa.
Ottawa, April 21 .-(len. Raden-
powell Arrived in the city yoaterday
morning, and M • gltent at Govern-
ment House. 11e said he WAS in
Canada merely to renew his se-
gaMntance with lord Minto and
Lord hmndonAld 11e Salle for home
on Sunday. Ile said that he intend-
ed to return to I•enade ehnrtly and
to make an extended Atav and study
the Dominions from • millt.arr Stand-
point. al
01''e ('nnrtice, of 'Clinton, heft Shutt
week for the West, being compelled
by ill health to resign him position
with .Tre•keon tins.., Which he had
held for . -v en yearn. H,• rreeeeived an
aflame. end prettentation from the
staff before leaving.
White Goods
We have yet a lot id thorn sank,
and night gowns. the gal.,
merits are the beet you can get at a'•
1 natter tutu• simnel. They aro u `.
little 'mike!, for which there ata re-
ductions Of IS to *1(13. Will pay
you well to invtatigat•.
3M) Contain Pi4.w--- t
Si7A• It by 7, flet Ietng, ar,fo,hter1-e
w,Nsl, oral or cherry. conll.Iet-
with rings, brarkels and suds. 19C
special sale. each
t p1hldAt-,y Mitb-iialN.--
511 to :,4 inches; wide heavy ult-
holetering matte hill.. blow and
gold. blown., greens, in floral
effects, .and solid ,,luno in
centime' or gob'. special value
At per )aleft • 50c
GS dosten- sin. American ('oreet«, -
Finest colt111 straight front
t• treeto.. Mee) filled maid newemt
oriel. i11 .n7A•s In to •Lj,',purled 59c
$l.•tll Nott ing) Curtains for $1.00.
50 paint Nottingham lace ern.-
. tains, good quality. 3.1 earls
hulg, :AI itl.•itt•s Wide, ill art i -Ile
ptdt•rns, a regnl«t• $1.10 fur-
(ain. special per pair
W. Acheson & Son.
'Tis time you were thinking of your
hoC-weather diems. • We never haat
au god at range of prict« and the
The Arch Support of a
Ever since nen 1Nr-ere weary
and nolo •stenrl to them• it
has hes ii the cu.t.rm tin 1 • 1 up
a ty weak part itf the lode two the
beet preventive Neel relief for
Now the ••ihit,tthy Iktld" show
i* mule its such a'minter that it
hind', up the weak part of the foot,
which Is the arch. It 'strengthen*
Ind',Ilmtlltls the overworked to -
•les there; which stretch at rainy
- t set!a.
iha it 'beam iteell yield ! Exellri 11- a e•I1rtlothy ihtld"
after two month' hard,N•rt-ire and you Lind the shank has
local none wt its enrage. Examine any other *itis. after only
two week', and sr• ,W th,• shank hes lost its sIifflltt.. and
It•mds at elicit Melt, omitted to tilt arch there.
" And the nwult is that long walking bet • •s w•lWrl-
They Cost $3.75.
Wm. Sharman
��•-`, 11`Ha.�.�s Exclusive Sale.
Household economitLb*s l$teconle a scientific st tdy, and oneof Its
most important lessons is that the foods which enter the body
hhou'd ase the greatest purity and bent quality that is possi`3e.
For the preparation of theme whoieeoitto footle care must be exer-
cised in procuring first. -class Groceries. and it is to this branch of
the housekeeper** work that we believe we can help you. Our
stock is good and fresh and extensive, and we till all orders promp I
and carefully. (live us a trial.
SrZvR=Y az co_
K',NA'Iadrvl from toil;,• 1.1
stand •g that thin hook remains in
tact, it W111 ,,e restored to you.
Mr, oasln-it will ire put under
lock and y• I Just merely wish to
have it.
An eft ■ se Oa* Ilse\las.
kjr. r Osborn, the export on type-
writing, was 1 . recalled, but the
defence made the dmseion that ecr-
ie' No. 2 consleti, • of the unsigned
Letter of September, 1102, the letter
signed F. S. and t X, Y, Z. let-
1i•r wire all written b Sullivan nn.
the saute machine. Fur • er. it was
admitted that The Globe Interview.
the typewritten letter citclo in X.
Y. Z. letter, which was app .ntly a
speech for-Gaaw•y: atrd-thet -let -Ga-
mey lent the Premier from Gor Day
announcing his support of the .v-
ernment, were all written by 'it
same typewriter machine. Finally,
it was admitted that letters of Oct.
2. • Oct 10, Oct. 2, and Sept. 10
were all written on the 'Brie ma-
chine in Mr. Strittonla office.
impart Witbout aselaeea.
Mr. McPherson --That covers the
entire scrim' and establishes every -
'thing i could hope to establish.
Mr. Osborn -stepped down.- •
Mr. Make Bald he would proceed
with his mane to -day, and the court
adjourned at 8.50 p.ta.
Nestle t• Matt To -Day.
Toronto, April 21. -At .8 o'clock
to -day the Legt'lattire will meet. in
view of the fact that the funernl of
Sir Oliver Vowat w111 he held on
Wednesday. It is thought that the
will mewl lace on record
eta regret', extend its aympathiea t"
the family, and ad)ourn until Thurs-
day. -
t'remier HORS stated yesterday
!hat he was ready - to proceed with
the hutIneat of the House, and Mr.
Whitney says that he le ready, too:
an that a further adJourament Ili im-
probable. t _
eseeeeds the Lute Rt, 011ier Wewat aa
f 1414 Proxima*
of Oatarte,
Ottawa, April 21 --Mr W. Mort!
mer Clerk, K. C., of Toronto, hat
hewn aptiolnted Llent.-':overnor of
Ontario. Ilia commiseinn wsa made
out IAot night., and Mr. .John J. Ma-
gee. Clerk of the Privy conned, w111
carry it to Toronto and sdmiattter
aha oath of °Mee to the now 0e111.t1e
[The Popular Fence
U- of the Day
E The LONDON Fence Machine
Miller. Norm Pnw-11et..11r n
del foil nudist ne for nilrn.•nt, nt chi, -
diem. Fur tale ICJ►.1*e. Wibion.
Because is the Cheapeht e . • •1n M -loll tetdtl force if No. U Loudon ,•ot1,r1 spring stt1•1 write,
woven with Nio. I:3 soft wire, will only cant pmt 42.. when it
is completd ; it n S-latte•ral fens of n No. A floor and butt 1 enol mix NO. 12 termor), all of London
c oiled tering Ntr wine, woven with No. 3 Non wire. will rntly colt you 3„ t• per awl when it is pietist.
it a tenet• thathat. p /yen its fin•nhilify by the way it has t""l through hrac.y
i . , ahem, c
w htN N o w l tl 'I ,l 1 ill I .eye •
f n and 1 n fields.
Because .. .
Because . .
Because e e• y km• p our mtney fir y.mnit•it instead of making the atw•khrldetr of a factory
it i.
• the n
fence you .-nn loud t , hill and down hill ,Ind it in alway, even and regular. for
nplt• reason that you tends are tttr•t•htel llrmt And the weaving.1 w•
• afterAnli.
e it iN A tee you .•an build •v,A •If, Find the stoney you Mare over a woven tenet- will pay
you big ages; for your work. Money moved is -y moult..
pill e
have made Arrange•men with M,•tsnt. Wm. V,tn.tone end J. J. Mame, of liforinillee, to handle
the !Miami Fence Machines and ,otion Coiled Spring Steel Wire forme. If yon have only a few sols to
put epp thin year and w,utt t, stti.. • yourself AX 141 what the fence really IN, they will post it itp for yon at
the above mentioned prices : and n. t year when you are natialied that the fence is all that we claim fi,r• it
yl to i'7rilHRiy a machine and Ind np y ur own fence.
1 will have a ear Of No. Il London ('oiled Spring Steel Wire in this week and will anpph' yon at VA).
My complete and up-to-date stock of Ib nlware hat" just arrived nn11 1 owned yore trnole, which will
have careful attention. H you buy a pound you get is pound. i leve 111111011 to my stork a Large quantity
of Ur. Hese Mt,ek Funil. ('A41 and try a Nam* hag end get. • of his honks contwihing praeticel'm,ints
Eabout hortwat, cattle, sheep, hugs and poultry.
?1�ll til t11111�IZ11u11111111 t1111�1�1111111u1111U11111M T�